Agreement July1, 2004 – June 30, 2007 Printed 12/14/04 ii Agreement July1, 2004 – June 30, 2007
Printed 12/14/04
July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2007
Article Page
I Recognition of the Majority Representative Unit – GEA 1
II Procedures for Meetings 1
III Association and Unit Member Rights 2
IV Management Rights 3
V No Strike Clause 3
VI Formal Grievance Procedure 3
VII Salaries 6
VIII Change of Degree and Salary Status 10
IX Health Benefits 10
X Reimbursement for Professional Courses 11
XI Equivalency Credit 13
XII Sick Leave and Absence 14
XIII Sabbatical Leave for Teaching Personnel 17
XIV Unit Members Attendance at Conventions and Meetings 18
XV Personnel Records of Unit Members 18
XVI Assignment of Certified Personnel 19
XVII Class Loads and Duties 20
XVIII Consultative Process 21
XIX Work Year 21
XX Evaluation Procedures, Personnel Records and Salary Increments for
Secretaries/Transportation Personnel 22
XXI Secretarial Seniority and Tenure 23
Article Page
XXII Secretarial/Transportation Personnel Daily Hours, Snow Days,
Office Closures and Work Year Reduction 23
XXIII Holidays for Secretaries and Transportation Personnel 25
XXIV Secretarial and Transportation Personnel Vacancies 25
XXV Attendance at Workshops and Courses 26
XXVI Salary Schedules 27
XXVII Non Instructional Personnel 27
XXVIII Vacation 28
XXIX Severance Pay For Unit Members 28
XXX Representation Fee 29
XXXI Separability Clause 31
XXXII Fully-Bargained Clause 31
Duration of Agreement 32
Schedule A – Teacher Salary Schedule – 2004-2005 33
Schedule A – Teacher Salary Schedule – 2005-2006 34
Schedule A – Teacher Salary Schedule – 2006-2007 35
Schedule B – Secretarial Salary Schedule 2004-2005 36
Schedule B – Secretarial Salary Schedule 2005-2006 37
Schedule B – Secretarial Salary Schedule 2006-2007 38
Schedule C – Transportation Department Employees – 2004-2007 39
Schedule D –– Co-Curricular Salary Guide 2004-2007 40
Schedule E – Athletic Salary Guide 2004-2007 44
Grievance Form 451
Whereas a majority of the teachers, secretaries and transportation employees in the Glassboro Public Schools have designated the Glassboro Education Association (hereinafter “GEA”) as their exclusive representative unit, now;
Therefore, be it, resolved that, pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Law 1974, the Board of Education of the Glassboro Public Schools, Glassboro, New Jersey, (hereinafter referred to as the Board), recognizes the GEA as the representative of personnel designated as unit members who are compensated on the salary guides attached to this Agreement, including teachers, library/media specialists, guidance counselors, school nurses, social workers, speech correctionists/speech-language specialists, school psychologists, learning disability teacher consultants, instructional facilitators, reading specialists, secretaries, bus drivers, mechanics, transportation aides and all other non-supervisory instructional and transportation personnel for the purpose of collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment of the employees in such unit and excluding all other employed personnel such as all positions assigned to the office of the Board of Education.
A. In recognition of Public Laws 123, enacted in 1974, which requires both the local Board of Education and the Education Association to negotiate in good faith, and in further recognition of specific dates for budget commitments set by State Statute, it is therefore agreed that the GEA will present its proposals to the Glassboro Board of Education on or before January 15th of the year of expiration of this contract. Negotiations will commence at this time. Final proposals by both parties will be submitted by March 1st. Both parties will make every effort to conclude negotiations by May 20th.
B. It is further agreed by the respective parties, during the period of negotiations, that the only publicity accorded the negotiations, by the parties will consist of discretionary releases to the Board and to the Association and a joint press release. In the event that the parties are unable to agree upon wording, the joint press release shall state that “no progress has been made.”
C. The GEA and the Board shall individually name their respective representatives for the purpose of collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment.
D. The chairpersons of the respective teams shall determine the final agenda and shall establish mutually acceptable meeting dates.
A. Information
The parties agree that any information regarding negotiations or grievance proceedings, necessary for the Association to represent unit members shall be made available to the Association after receipt of a written request from the Association to the Office of the Superintendent. The information will be provided as soon as possible, provided that it is available within the district.
B. Use of School Buildings
The GEA, in accordance with Board Policy “Use of School Facilities,” shall be entitled to the use of the school buildings for the purpose of conducting meetings.
C. Orientation
The Association shall be granted use of school facilities to conduct orientation programs. These programs shall be conducted after the general Board of Education orientation activities have concluded.
D. Exclusive Rights
The parties agree that the Association, as the duly certified representative of this unit, shall possess the rights enumerated in this Agreement and these rights will not be conferred on any organizations seeking to represent members of this unit.
E. Unit members shall immediately report to their principal or immediate supervisor, in writing, cases of assault, as defined in N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1 et seq., suffered by them in connection with their employment. Such notification shall be immediately forwarded to the Superintendent who shall comply with any reasonable request from the unit member for information in the possession of the Superintendent relating to the incident or the person involved. Such cooperation by the Superintendent shall be consistent with that permitted by law.
F. The Board shall reimburse unit members for any loss, damage, or destruction of clothing or personal property of a unit member as a result of an assault, while on duty in school, on the school premises, or in a school sponsored activity, up to a maximum of one hundred dollars ($100). Such reimbursement shall cover only those items not covered by any insurance.
G. Unit members shall not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions or to perform tasks which endanger their health or safety.
H. Pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Law of 1974, the Board hereby agrees that except as hereinafter provided, “Public employees shall have, and shall be protected in the exercise of, the right, freely and without fear of penalty or reprisals, to form, join, and assist any employee organization or to refrain from such activity.”
G. Except as hereinafter provided, the rights of unit members under New Jersey School laws or other applicable laws and regulations are neither denied nor restricted.
H. Unit members shall be entitled to full rights of citizenship, and no religious or political activities of any unit members or the lack thereof shall be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the employment of such unit members, providing said activities do not violate any local, state, or federal law.
The adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and the right to employ and assign personnel, and to determine the methods, means and personnel necessary to maintain and operate the school district, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith, by the Board shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement, and then only to the extent such specific and express terms are in conformance with the Laws and Constitution of the State of New Jersey and of the United States.
Neither the Glassboro Education Association, nor any of its individual members, nor any of its agents, nor persons acting on its behalf, shall take action, individually or in concert, which will interrupt the operations of the school system.
A. Definitions
1. A “Grievance” is a claim by a unit member or representative of a unit member based upon the interpretation, application, or violation of this Agreement.
2. A grievance, to be considered under this procedure, must be initiated by the unit member within twenty (20) days of the time the unit member knew or should reasonably have known of its occurrence.
3. A “grievant” is the person or persons making the claim.
4. A unit member or a representative of unit members may appeal the interpretation, application or violation of this Agreement, provided that such grievance procedures shall be included in this Agreement entered into between the Board and the Association.
5. The number of days indicated at each level should be considered a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified, however, may be extended by mutual agreement. All days referred to in this Article shall be business days if initiated between July 1 and August 31 and school days if initiated between September 1 and June 30.
6. The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest level, equitable solutions to the problems that may arise under the provisions of this Agreement.
B. Grievance Procedures
1. Level One:
a. An individual grievant and/or the GEA representative or chairperson of the Grievance Committee of the GEA shall first discuss the alleged grievance with the building principal/immediate supervisor of the unit member.
2. Level Two:
a. If, after consultation with the building principal/immediate supervisor, a satisfactory solution has not been reached within five (5) days, a written formal grievance, designating the grievance and all parties to the grievance may be filed with the building principal/immediate supervisor. The grievant shall state the remedy or solution sought in writing.
b. The grievant will submit the grievance on the form agreed upon by the negotiating teams. Forms may be secured from the Superintendent’s office. If such written formal grievance is not filed within eight (8) days after the initial discussion at Level One, the grievance shall be considered waived.
3. Level Three:
a. If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her written grievance at Level Two, or if no decision has been remedied within ten (10) days after presentation of the written grievance, he/she may file the grievance in writing with the Superintendent of Schools.
b. The Superintendent of Schools shall render a written decision within ten (10) days.
4. Level Four:
a. If dissatisfied with the action taken in the previous levels, the grievant may, with full knowledge of the building principal and the Superintendent of Schools, within ten (10) days after receipt of the Superintendent’s decision, request an appointment for review by the Board of Education or its designated committee. The Superintendent shall prepare a review of the grievance for the Board or designated Board committee.
b. The Board or its designated committee may, in its discretion, formally meet with the grievant to review the grievance, and the Board shall render its decision within thirty-one (31) days or may, in its discretion, waive this procedure and refer the grievance to a mutually agreed upon arbitrator.
a. If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance by the Board, he/she may, within fifteen (15) days after notification of the decision by the Board, file a demand for arbitration with the American Arbitration Association for the selection of an arbitrator and a hearing in accordance with its rules and procedures. The grievant and the Board may utilize the services of a mutually agreed upon arbitrator.
b. The arbitrator so selected will confer with the parties and hold hearings promptly and will issue his/her decision no later than twenty (20) days from the date of the close of the hearing. The arbitrator’s decision shall be in writing and will set forth his/her findings of fact, reasoning, and conclusions on the issues submitted. The arbitrator shall have no power to alter, modify, add to, or subtract from the provisions of this Agreement. His/her authority shall be limited to deciding whether a specific Article and section of this Agreement has been violated and shall be subject to, in all cases, the rights, responsibilities and authority of the parties under the New Jersey School laws or any other national, state, county, district or local laws. The arbitrator shall not usurp the functions of the Board of Education or the proper exercise of its judgment and discretion under law and this Agreement. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parties.
c. The costs for the services of the arbitrator per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, subsistence expenses and the cost of the hearing room, shall be borne equally by the Board and the individual if acting on his/her own behalf. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid for by the party incurring the same.
6. All records dealing with processing of a grievance shall be retained in a separate file in the office of the Superintendent of Schools. They shall be held in strict confidence as a protection to the individual employee and in respect to the right of privacy.
7. It shall be the general practice to process grievance procedures during time which does not interfere with assigned duties of the Association staff, provided, however, in the event it is agreed by the Board to hold proceedings during the school day, a grievant participating at any level of the procedure with any representative of the Board shall be released from assigned duties without any loss of salary.
8. An individual employee or the GEA representative during the course of the processing of a grievance shall continue to follow administrative directives and Board policy.
9. The following matters shall not be the basis of any grievance filed under the procedure outlined in this Article:
a. The termination of services of or failure to re-employ any probationary unit member.
b. Any claim or complaint for which there is another remedial procedure of form established by law or by regulation having the force of law, including any matter subject to the procedures specified in the N.J. Statutes Annotated, Title 18:A
10. “Binding arbitration” as used in this Agreement shall be used only within the procedures set forth in this Article.
A. Teachers
1. The salaries of all teachers covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule “A” which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
2. Each employee shall be placed on his/her proper step of the salary schedule. 10 month employees who work ninety-four (94) working days in a school year shall be granted one full year’s experience and shall advance to the next salary level at the beginning of the following school year. The figure of ninety-four (94) working days shall also be used to calculate longevity and maternity/paternity leave.
New 12 month employees on the job prior to January 1 shall be credited with a full year of service and shall advance to the next salary level at the beginning of the following fiscal year. This date shall also be used to calculate longevity and maternity/paternity leave.
B. Payments and Deductions
1. Unit members employed on a twelve (12) month basis shall be paid in (26) twenty-six equal installments on alternating Fridays for the 2004-2005 fiscal year, twenty-seven (27) equal installments on alternating Fridays for the 2005-2006 fiscal year, and twenty-four (24) equal installments on the 15th and 30th of each month for the 2006-2007 fiscal year. If a pay day falls on a weekend or on a district holiday, employees shall be paid the last district business day preceding the weekend or district holiday.
2. Unit members employed on a ten (10) month basis shall be paid in twenty-one (21) equal installments on alternating Fridays for the 2004-2005, twenty-two (22) equal installments on alternating Fridays for the 2005-2006 fiscal years, and twenty (20) equal installments on the 15th and 30th of each month for the 2006-2007 fiscal year. If a pay day falls on a weekend or on a district holiday, employees shall be paid the last district business day preceding the weekend or district holiday. The last payment in June will be on the last day of the teacher work year rather than the 30th.
3. All unit members who perform supplemental contracted duties during the contractual school day shall have the supplemental amount added to their base salaries, which shall be paid as stated in paragraphs B(1) and (2) above and shall be treated as salary. This shall include, but not be limited to, department chairpersons, head teachers, etc.
4. Unit members may individually elect to have ten (10) percent of their monthly salary deducted from their pay. Upon the written request of the unit member, these funds shall be paid to the unit member on the final pay day in June, or one-half (1/2) of the withheld ten (10) percent shall be paid on July 20, and the balance shall be paid on August 20.
5. Written request for pay deduction must be submitted no later than September 1st. Unit members employed after September 1st may request pay deductions at time of employment.
6. The Board agrees to allow a payroll deduction for deposit into an employee’s personal account (statement account) at the Commerce Bank or such bank as the Board may designate.
7. Written request for such payroll deduction must be submitted not later than September 1, but employees employed after September 1 may request pay deductions at the time of employment. Employees may increase or decrease the payroll deduction only once per year.
8. The Board agrees to allow automatic payroll deduction for a credit union selected by the employees of the district.
C. Guidance Counselors
1. The salary ratio shall be 1.05 for ten-month guidance counselors (teacher work year).
2. If any additional days are required of a ten-month counselor the compensation shall be pro-rated on the employee’s per diem salary.
D. Department Chairpersons
1. Department chairpersons shall be appointed by the Board upon recommendation of the Superintendent for no more than one school year. The position of Department Chairpersons shall be under supplemental contract.
2. Tenure shall not accrue to the position of Department Chairperson.
3. The Board reserves the right to eliminate, add or combine the positions of department chairpersons, or otherwise organize departments for the accomplishment of administrative objectives.
4. Academic department chairpersons’ compensation for the 2004-2005 school year shall be $1043, $1094 for the 2005-2006 school year, and $1150 for the 2006-2007 school year. An additional $34 shall be paid for each department’s members for the 2004-2005 school year, $35 for the 2005-2006 school year, and $37 for the 2006-2007 school year.
The Department Chairpersons presently are organized as follows:
English/Social Studies
Family & Consumer Science/Special Education
Physical Education
World Languages/Music/Art
Other: Coordinator of Music (K-12) $2232 (2004-2005) $2344 (2005-2006)
$2461 (2006-2007)
Audio Visual Coordinator $1080 (2004-2005) $1134 (2005-2006)
$1191 (2006-2007)
The music directors of Band, Orchestra and Choir who must supervise extra assignments off-campus, will be reimbursed at the rate of $21 per hour for 2004-2005, $22 per hour for 2005-2006, and $23 per hour for 2006-2007.
E. Head Teachers
1. In buildings that do not have an assistant principal, a teacher will be designated and appointed by the Board of Education as Head Teacher prior to the start of the school year and serve in the place and instead of the principal when he/she is not in the building. The stipend to be paid shall be $945 for 2004-2005, $992 for 2005-2006, and $1042 for 2006-2007.
2. In schools having a part-time assistant principal, a half-time Head Teacher shall be designated and appointed and shall be remunerated at the rate of half the rate of a full-time Head Teacher.
F. Bedside Instruction
The pay for bedside instruction shall be $24 per hour rate for the 2004-2005 school year, $25 per hour for the 2005-2006 school year, and $27 per hour for the 2006-2007 school year.
G. Athletics
The athletic salary schedule is set forth in Schedule ‘ E’ which is attached hereto and shall reflect an annual increase of 5% for the duration of this Agreement.
H. Co-Curricular
The co-curricular salary schedule is set forth in Schedule ‘D’ which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and will reflect an annual increase of 5% for the duration of this Agreement.
I. Secretarial Salaries and Placement
1. Secretarial Classifications:
Class A Class B
Principal’s secretaries All other association
Supervisor of Guidance at High School secretarial staff
Supervisor of Special Services
2. Secretarial salaries are set forth in schedule “B” attached hereto.
3. New unit members shall be hired for a probationary period of sixty (60) days plus an additional thirty (30) days if the employee needs an improvement plan at an hourly rate based upon the salary of the category under which they will be hired. After the probation period, and upon recommendation by the Assistant Superintendent for Business, and with the approval of the Board of Education, they shall be given non-probationary status.
4. A three hundred dollar ($300) increment may be given for each year of secretarial experience up to, but not exceeding six (6) years to a newly hired secretary for previous experience or higher education as follows:
a. Secretarial experience either in another school district or industry.
b. Previous work experience within this school district in a position where secretarial duties were required.
c. Certification or completion of education beyond high school graduation from a recognized secretarial or business training school or college.
5. Any secretary moving from Class B to Class A shall be placed on the same step he/she would have been had he/she remained in Category B.
6. In the event that the person employed for the purpose of calling substitutes becomes unavailable and it becomes necessary that a secretary, or secretaries, be used to call substitutes, they will be designated by the Assistant Superintendent for Business and the secretary(s) will receive compensatory time off or pro-rated hourly pay for this activity. This time off will be determined by the Assistant Superintendent for Business. It will be based upon the actual amount of time worked in the substitute calling function.
J. Detention Supervisor/Saturday School Supervisor
The Detention Supervisor and the Saturday School Supervisor rate of pay shall be $24 for the 2004-2005 school year, $25 per hour for the 2005-2006 school year, and $27 per hour for the 2006-2007 school year.
K. Workshop Presenter
Workshop Presenter pay shall be $26 per hour for 2004-2005, $28 per hour for 2005-2006, and $29 per hour for 2006-2007 including one (1) hour preparation time for each two (2) hours of presenting.
L. Assistant Mechanic
When, after the fifth day of absence of the Head Mechanic, the Assistant Mechanic must assume the duties of the Head mechanic, the Assistant Mechanic shall be paid at the hourly rate equal to that of the Head Mechanic, times the number of hours worked in that capacity.
A. Any certified unit member planning to advance to the next professional training level on the salary schedule should inform the Superintendent, in writing, as soon as the requirements for advancement have been met.
B. To meet requirements for advancement on the salary schedule, courses taken by a certified unit member shall be at an accredited institution and toward a degree, toward a pre-determined educational goal or courses in his/her area of assignment. All courses must be pre-approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
C. At the point of hiring, a new certified unit member may be granted approval for pre-existing academic achievements after a review of academic records by the Superintendent or his/hew designee.
D. To be eligible for the first payroll in September, on or before August 25, certified unit members must submit to the Superintendent, confirmation by transcripts and letters or forms verifying that requirements have been met. A certified unit member who has completed course work or received a degree at the end of the college Spring semester or Summer session shall be eligible for salary advancement on the first payroll in September.
E. A certified unit member who has completed course work or received a degree at the end of a college Fall semester shall be eligible for salary advancement according to the salary guides. To be eligible, on or before January 25, certified unit member must submit to the Superintendent confirmation by transcripts and letters or forms verifying that requirements have been met.
F. For new personnel contracted in the 1990-91 school year and thereafter, in order to attain advancement to the next training column, credits taken beyond the attainment of a particular degree must be attained after the degree is granted. No advancement will be given for credits attained prior to or along with the attainment of the degree.
A. The Board shall pay medical and prescription benefits coverage for all contracted unit members and their legal dependents for those employees whose contracts require them to work over twenty-five (25) hours per week.
B. The health care coverage shall consist of a commercial Quality Point of Service plan from a major healthcare provider with a $5 co-pay for in-network primary and a $5 co-pay for in-network specialist care.
C. Prescription Drug coverage will be provided utilizing a two-tier (generic/brand) structure with a co-pay structure of $5 for covered generic drugs and $15 for covered brand name drugs. There shall be no reimbursement by the district for costs of co-pay or costs in excess of co-pays.
D. The board shall pay 100% per annum per employee for employee only dental plan. Said amount may also be utilized as credit toward cost of family coverage.
E. The board shall determine the carrier for all medical, prescription and dental benefits provided that the benefits are equal to or greater than the plan for the 2004-2005 school year.
F. Disability Insurance - The Board shall contribute up to $18 per month per employee toward the premium for disability insurance provided by Prudential Insurance or the Franklin Insurance or any other Board approved disability carrier for the duration of the contract.
G. Insurance buy out will be capped at $2100 for family coverage and shall be proportionally set for two (2) party and single coverage.
A. Graduate Courses
1. Any certified unit member taking graduate professional courses at an accredited institution toward a degree, toward a pre-determined educational goal, or graduate courses in his/her area of assignment, and/or approved workshops that would be accredited to the 100 hours, upon approval by the Superintendent or his/her designee prior to enrollment, shall receive the cost of tuition/books/fees for such graduate courses as follows:
a. Up to $800 for the 2004-2005 fiscal year;
b. Up to $900 for the 2005-2006 fiscal year; and
c. Up to $1000 for the 2006-2007 fiscal year.
2. A grade of B or higher is required for reimbursement.
3. Reimbursement to all employees shall be on a first-come, first-serve basis up to a budgeted amount of $25,000 for the 2004-2005 school year, $26,250 for the 2005-2006 school year, and $27,563 for the 2006-2007 school year.
4. Certified unit members will be expected to pursue course work in their fields or closely related fields.
B. Undergraduate Courses
Any certified unit member taking undergraduate professional courses at an accredited institution toward a degree, toward a pre-determined educational goal, or undergraduate courses in his/her teaching area, and /or approved workshops that would be accredited to the 100 hours, upon pre-approval by the Superintendent, shall receive the cost of tuition/books/fees for such undergraduate courses up to $650 up to the budgeted amount for the duration of the contract. A grade of B or higher is required for reimbursement.
Any non-certified unit member taking courses at an accredited institution toward an educational goal, upon approval by the Superintendent, shall receive the cost of tuition/books/fees for such courses up to $650 up to the budgeted amount for the duration of the contract. A grade of a B or higher is required for reimbursement. The Superintendent will approve all courses and programs prior to enrollment. Applications shall be made in writing.
Non-certified unit members will be expected to pursue course work that is related to their areas of employment.
D. Application for Reimbursement
Application for reimbursement for professional courses shall be submitted to the Superintendent’s office in the following manner:
Summer courses apply by 9/15 payment by 10/31
Fall courses apply by 1/15 payment by 2/28
Spring courses apply by 6/15 payment by 7/31
Payment will be made contingent upon the receipt of official transcripts showing a grade of B or higher and upon presentation of proper receipts for tuition/books/fees, and the employees’ return to the Glassboro school system.
E. Bus Driver Compliance Expenses
After one (1) year of successful employment within the Glassboro Public Schools, bus drivers shall be paid an additional $10 per year to defray expenses associated with compliance with state laws.
F. Individual Professional Improvement Plan (PIP)
The Individual Professional Improvement Plan (PIP) is a living document. The employee shall have the right to modify the plans, goals and activities listed throughout the calendar year to meet his/her emerging needs in cooperation with the Principals.
G. Professional Development
Certified unit members shall have the right to attend Professional Development activities other than those included in the district in-service program and/or approved workshops that would be accredited to the 100 hours in order to meet the 100 hour requirement. Attendance at such programs require pre-approval by the Superintendent or his/her designee. No denial of such a request shall be arbitrary or capricious.
A. Equivalency credit recognizes that formal courses in subject matter and methodology serve as only one method for teachers to improve professionally. In granting equivalency credits, the beneficial educational value to the school system of the teacher’s activities will be of singular importance.
B. Equivalency credit applications will be reviewed in advance by the District Advisory Council. Forms will be provided for this purpose. Recommendations will be forwarded to the Superintendent. Final approval of the Board of Education is required. At the conclusion of such activity a second review will be made by the Council, the Superintendent and the Board to determine its value to the school system. The granting of equivalency credits will be determined on the basis of this evaluation.
C. Equivalency Credit Activities
1. Formalized In-service Programs include formal workshops and in-service courses that are sponsored either by the Glassboro Board of Education, other school systems or institutions and organizations that do not grant academic credit. The amount of credit approved for such programs will be dependent upon attendance requirements and outside preparation. In general, college standards are followed.
2. “Original Writing” shall be defined as ideas expressed first-hand by the writer as opposed to a compilation or interpretation of material written by others. An article of not less than one thousand words published in a current educational magazine or a published book on education may be eligible for equivalency credit. A maximum of three semester hours of credit may be earned in this area.
3. Research projects resulting in the compilation and/or publication of data of special significance to the school system are eligible. Research proposals must be approved in advance by the Superintendent. This is not intended to include work that a teacher would do as a part of his/her normal responsibilities. A maximum of three semester hours of credit may be earned in this area.
4. “Original Works” shall be defined as ideas expressed first-hand by the creator as opposed to the compilation or interpretation or materials presented by others. A maximum of three semester hours of credit may be earned in this area.
D. A maximum of nine (9) equivalency credits may be used for movement to the next step on the salary schedule and nine (9) equivalency credits in each year for the duration of the contract.
E. Only certified unit members who are permanently certified in their field are eligible to receive equivalency credit.
A. Sick Leave
1. Absence for personal illness is allowed without pay deduction as described below.
a. Each year 10 Month employees shall receive ten (10) sick days.
b. Each year 12 month employees shall be receive twelve (12) sick days.
c. Proportional sick leave time in half and full day increments will be granted to part-time unit members under contract.
d. If less than the allotted sick leave days are used during a school year/work year, the balance of unused time shall be cumulative without limit.
2. Medical verification may be required.
3. Sick leave days shall not vest for new employees until the employee completes one day of work. If an employee has taken sick leave days prior to completing one day of work, upon completing one day of work, the sick leave days will vest and the employee may retroactively apply such sick leave to the days of absence that preceded the employee’s appearance for work.
4. When a secretary is absent for a period of five (5) days or more, a substitute secretary may be hired upon recommendation of the administrator and approved by the Assistant Superintendent for Business or the Superintendent.
5. Should all accumulated sick leave of an employee be depleted in any one year, upon the presentation of a medical certificate requesting further sick leave, a leave of absence for a maximum of 30 additional consecutive school or work days shall be granted to any district employee who has been in the employ of the Board of Education for a period of four (4) years or more and such employee shall receive the difference between their salary and that paid a substitute.
NOTE: For a ten (10) month position, the daily rate shall be 1/200 of annual salary. For a twelve (12) month position, the daily rate shall be 1/240 of annual salary.
B. Other Absence
1. Family Illness
In case of critical illness of a family member requiring a member’s presence, absence shall be allowed without deduction. This is to be emergency only and not extended to personal care of members of the GEA member’s family. The period is to be from one (1) to five (5) days at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools.
Personal Leave
a. Unit members under contract shall be allowed personal leave without pay deduction for a maximum of two days during each school year.
i. Application for personal leave shall be initially made to the building principal or immediate supervisor at least five business days before such leave is to begin. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall approve all requests for personal leave.
ii. Personal leave shall not be granted on a day preceding or following any school holiday or other leave day. However, upon the presentation of extraordinary circumstances, the Superintendent or his/her designee may, in his or her sole discretion, permit the use of a personal day contiguous with a school holiday.
b. A maximum of three (3) unused personal days may be carried into the next year as personal days. Remaining unused personal days shall convert to sick days. Individuals who currently have more than two unused personal days may carry such days into the 2004-2005 and the 2005-2006 school years but cannot carry more than three (3) unused personal days into the 2006-2007 school year. Under no circumstance shall an individual be excused from work by using more than two personal days consecutively without authorization of the Superintendent or his/her designee.
c. An “emergency” personal day shall be available for personal emergencies upon notification to the district. Written explanation of the emergent nature of the absence shall be provided to the principal or immediate supervisor upon the employee’s return. Subsequent approval shall be obtained from the Superintendent or his/her designee, which authorization shall be based upon a reasonable explanation of the emergency. The “emergency” personal day shall be used only for unanticipated events and shall not carry over as sick or personal days.
d. For the protection of the employee and for proper payroll accounting and audit, personal leave days must be accounted for and reported to the Superintendent.
3. Quarantine
Absences due to quarantine not involving personal illness are allowed without deduction upon filing of certificate of quarantining officer.
4. Other Leaves
Other leaves of absence with pay may be granted by the Board of Education upon the Superintendent’s recommendation.
Maternity/Paternity Leave
a. Disability Maternity Leave
i. An employee requesting a leave of absence for disability for maternity reasons shall request such leave in writing, at least thirty (30) days prior to the date for the commencement of such leave. The request shall state the date for the commencement of the leave and the date of anticipated return. Employees shall be credited for a salary increment for salary purposes consistent with Article VII(A)(2).
ii. Disability for maternity reasons for which sick days are used will commence on the date requested by the teacher, provided that a physician’s certification of disability is submitted before commencement of the leave.
iii. Disability for maternity reasons for which sick days are used will terminate on the date requested by the employee, provided that a physician’s certification is submitted stating that the employee is physically able to work, prior to the date of termination of such leave.
iv. In the event that sick days are not available to an employee, the employee may request a leave of absence without pay for disability for maternity reasons, provided that a physician’s certification is submitted verifying the disability.
b. Parental Leave
i. Unit members under contract may be granted an extended leave of absence under this Article for the remainder of a contract year and for one additional school year.
ii. Employees must inform the Board prior to April 1, in writing, of their decision to return for the following fiscal year or school year.
iii. For teachers requesting parental leave, the return date shall be the first day of a semester.
iv. Existing State and Federal statutes shall apply to leaves of absence for maternity/paternity reasons including state and federal Family Leave Acts.
6. Days for Funeral
Absence due to death in the immediate family is allowed without deduction up to five (5) days. Immediate family is defined to mean, husband, wife, father, mother, child, siblings, grandparents, parents-in-law, step-parents, stepchildren, step-siblings or members of the household. Employees may, on a case-by-case basis, submit requests for funeral leave for a former member of the employee’s household who is not included in this list.
7. Court Order
No deduction in pay will be made, for a period not to exceed five (5) days for absence due to a required appearance in a court of law involving no moral turpitude on the part of the employee and not involving an employee’s suit against the Board, provided proof of such appearance is filed with the Board of Education.
8. Jury Duty
In the event that an employee is required to serve as a juror, he/she shall be paid his/her salary in full for that period of time in which he/she serves. The amount of money received by the employee for his/her jury service shall be submitted as a reimbursement to the Board of Education for the salary received.
A. The Board of Education shall, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and the principal concerned, grant a sabbatical leave to a full-time certified staff member who has completed seven consecutive years of service with the Glassboro Public Schools.
A full-time certified staff member who has returned from sabbatical leave shall not be eligible for leave until he/she has completed an additional seven consecutive years with the Glassboro Public Schools
B. No more than two (2) members of the certified staff may be on sabbatical leave in any school year.
C. Leave shall be granted for one (1) year at half (1/2) the salary. Award of a grant or fellowship shall not affect this stipend. No person will accept employment while on sabbatical leave unless approved by the Glassboro Board of Education.
D. Leave shall be for the purpose of study, travel-study or other activities that are determined to be directly related to professional improvement. Granting a leave shall not imply a change of position or promotion related to the sabbatical activity.
E. A person desiring sabbatical leave must place a written request with the Superintendent describing in detail the reason, plans and dates. Requests for sabbatical leave must be in the Superintendent of Schools’ office on or before May 1st of the year prior to the sabbatical. This deadline may be waived at the discretion of the Superintendent. The Board of Education will act on sabbatical leave requests at a regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting.
F. As a condition of each sabbatical leave granted by the Board, the certified staff member to whom the sabbatical is granted shall thereby become obligated to remain in the Glassboro Public Schools for a continuous period of not less than two (2) years immediately following the conclusion of the sabbatical leave.
In the event that the certified staff member fails to satisfy this condition by resignation or other voluntary departure, the teacher shall refund to the Board at the time of departure such portion of the salary paid during the sabbatical leave, as the unexpired portion of the two-year period shall bear to the entire two-year period.
A. Attendance of unit members and those assigned other responsibilities by the Board to conventions and clinics shall be handled on an individual request basis. Where the Superintendent recommends and the Board grants permission to attend, except in extreme cases, unit members shall not be away from their classes/job responsibilities more than two school days.
B. Expenses for conventions, clinics, etc., shall be paid on the following basis:
1. When the Board of Education requests that a unit member attend a meeting or convention, expenses will be paid and no deduction in salary made.
2. When a unit member requests and receives permission to attend a meeting or convention, mileage reimbursement will be paid at current State of New Jersey rate.
3. When a unit member requests, and the request is granted to attend a convention, the Board of Education will pay transportation and up to $50 per day for other expenses, meals, lodging, etc.
4. When a unit member requests and is permitted to attend a convention and is commuting, actual expenses, other than transportation itemized up to $30 per day shall be allowed.
5. Registration fees for any one convention at which attendance is authorized, shall be paid by the Board of Education.
6. When an organization to which a unit member belongs requests that the member attend a meeting or convention, no deduction will be made in salary.
7. When a unit member is requested by the Board of Education to sponsor a group of pupils on a trip or to a meeting, expenses will be paid and no deduction in salary made.
8. An itemized account, with any receipts, shall be submitted for reimbursement of expenses.
9. A professional association or organization may initiate a request for unit member attendance at a convention, through the Board, GEA, or Superintendent.
A. A unit member shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of his/her personnel file, and to receive copies at his/her own expense, of any documents contained therein, except that the teacher may not have access to privileged documents or information such as personal references and similar documents. Such review shall be at a convenient time to be determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee, and accomplished in the presence of the Superintendent or his/her designee.
B. At least once every five years (5) a unit member may indicate those documents or materials in his/her file which he/she believes to be obsolete or inappropriate to retain. Said documents shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his/her designee and, if in his/her judgment, he/she decides they are obsolete or otherwise inappropriate to retain, they shall be destroyed and the teacher so informed.
C. A unit member may submit a written explanation or answer to a document, report or other material in his/her personnel file. Such written explanation or answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his/her designee, and it shall be included in the file.
D. Any substantial complaints regarding an employee made to a member of the administrative staff that are acted upon and become a part of the personnel file of the employee and influence the evaluation of an employee shall be brought to the attention of the employee.
1. The principal or other supervisor shall meet with the employee to apprise the employee of the full nature of the complaint and they shall attempt to resolve the matter informally.
2. In the event that a substantial complaint is unresolved, the employee, principal or other supervisor may request a conference with the complainant to attempt to resolve the complaint.
3. An unresolved complaint may be pursued in accordance with the grievance procedure, except that such grievance shall not proceed beyond Step 6 of the Grievance Procedure and shall not be subject to binding arbitration.
A. Teachers shall be notified of their tentative teaching assignments by the closing day of school.
B. In the event of changes in schedules, class or subject assignments, or building assignments, any teacher affected shall be notified as soon as possible in writing.
C. In order to assure that pupils are taught by teachers working within their areas of competence, teachers shall not be assigned outside the scope of their teaching certificates and/or their major or minor fields except in cases of emergency or necessity. This shall not preclude administrators from assigning them non-teaching duties.
D. “Assignment” shall mean:
1. High School level – course assignments
2. Intermediate School level – subject and grade assignments
3. Elementary level – building level assignments
4. No later than May 15 of each school year, the Superintendent shall make known to the Association and shall have posted in all school buildings a list of the known vacancies or new positions for the following school year.
E. Teachers who desire a change in grade and/or subject assignment shall file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent not later than May 30. Such statement shall include the grade and/or subject to which the teacher desires to be assigned.
F. Teachers requesting a transfer within the school system shall be notified in writing of the results at least one month before teaching duties commence, provided that decisions have been formally approved by the Board of Education.
A. Teachers shall have at least thirty (30) minutes of duty-free lunchtime.
B. Teachers assigned to more than one school will have time allowed for travel between schools with reimbursement for mileage at the current State of New Jersey rate.
C. The Board will provide the amount of preparation time currently in effect for teachers at Bowe School, Intermediate School and the High School. At Bullock School, teachers will be provided a 40 minute preparation time daily, and at Rodgers School, teachers will be provided a 35 minute preparation period and a 35 minute lunch period.
D. Any regular classroom teacher who loses preparation time as defined in the collective negotiations agreement as well as established in grades 7-12 (one period per day) due to substituting for teachers who are absent shall, after the second (2nd) such coverage, be paid an additional sum of $24 per hour for the 2004-2005 school year, $25 per hour for the 2005-2006 school year, and $27 per hour for the 2006-2007 school year. This provision does not apply to such special area teachers as guidance counselors, librarians and gifted and talented.
E. If a seventh instructional period is assigned to any teaching member at the seventh through twelfth grade level, the teacher will be remunerated at the rate of $24 per hour for the 2004-2005 school year, $25 per hour for the 2005-2006 school year, and $27 per hour for the 2006-2007 school year. If a High School Department Chairperson is assigned a sixth instructional period he/she will be remunerated at the rate of $24 per hour for the 2004-2005 school year, $25 per hour for the 2005-2006 school year, and $27 per hour for the 2006-2007 school year.
F. A building administrator shall have the right to call one faculty meeting each month that may exceed the regular work day for staff but may not exceed one hour past the student dismissal time or precede the student arrival time by more than one hour. The start time for meetings prior to the school day shall be subject to negotiation.
G. Teachers will be expected to attend one (1) Open House per year.
H. With the exceptions noted in paragraphs F and G above, no teacher will be assigned or be expected to discharge any duties outside the in-school contractual day unless such duties are compensated at the rate of $24 per hour for the 2004-2005 school year, $25 per hour for the 2005-2006 school year, and $27 per hour for the 2006-2007 school year.
I. The Board of Education will provide that a High School teacher not teach more than three (3) blocks per semester and will receive one 85 minute preparation period per day in block format. No teacher will be required to teach more than two different preps during any semester. In the event that a teacher is required to prepare for more than two courses in a semester, they will be reimbursed in the amount of $500.
A. The Superintendent shall evolve appropriate channels for intercommunication and consultation with staff in the development of recommendations for planning educational programs and school facilities known as a District Advisory Council.
B. The District Advisory Council shall be composed of:
1. Representatives elected by teachers as follows:
Two representatives from the High School
Two representatives from the Intermediate School
Two representatives from the Thomas E. Bowe School
Two representatives from the Dorothy L. Bullock School
One representative from the J. Harvey Rodgers School
One representative from the Genesis Program
One representative from Transportation
2. One representative appointed by the GEA Executive Committee
3. The Superintendent of Schools
4. One representative from the Administrative Council
5. Such members as the Superintendent of Schools shall deem necessary.
C. Alternates may be appointed by elected members.
D. At least one of each building’s representatives shall be from the Principal’s Advisory Committee.
E. Quorum Shall be six (6) elected members or alternates
F. The Superintendent shall review and give consideration to such recommendations submitted by the District Advisory Council. He/she shall inform the Board of such recommendations when presenting recommendations or reports of administrative rules and regulations.
A. The Superintendent in consultation with the District Advisory Council will prepare, prior to February 15th of each year, a proposed school calendar for the ensuing school year.
B. The Superintendent in determining his recommendation to the Board of Education will consider the recommendations of the District Advisory Council. During the development of the proposed calendar the District Advisory Council will consult with the GEA and/or individual building faculties.
C. The parties agree that the work year for certified unit members shall be one hundred and eighty-six (186) days. The N.J.E.A. convention of no more than two (2) days duration will be included in the one hundred and eighty-six (186) day work year. New personnel employed in the district will work one (1) additional day beyond the one hundred and eighty-six (186) day regular work year. New personnel will, therefore, work a one hundred and eighty-seven (187) day work year in their first year of employment.
D. On the day before a holiday and on Fridays teachers may leave their respective school buildings fifteen minutes following the students’ departure, provided that professional responsibilities have been completed and provided that the teacher’s presence is not otherwise needed, as determined by building administrators.
A. Evaluation Procedures
Salary increments will be based upon evaluation(s) and will be based upon performance at the discretion of the evaluator(s). These evaluation(s) will be on the forms adopted by the Assistant Superintendent for Business after consultation with the GEA representative. A copy of a tentative evaluation will be provided to the employee at least one week before the evaluation conference and the employee will have the right to respond to the evaluation no later than one week after the conference has been held.
B. Personnel Records of Secretaries/Transportation Employees
1. An employee shall have the right, upon request to review the contents of his/her personnel file, and to receive copies at his/her own expense, of any documents contained therein, except that the employee may not have access to privileged documents or information such as personal references and similar documents. Such review shall be at a convenient time to be determined by the Assistant Superintendent for Business or his/her designee, and accomplished in the presence of the Assistant Superintendent for Business or his/her designee.
2. At least once every five years (5), an employee may indicate those documents or materials in his/her file which he/she believes to be obsolete or inappropriate to retain. Said documents shall be reviewed by the Assistant Superintendent for Business or his/her designee and, if in his/her judgment he/she decides they are obsolete or otherwise inappropriate to retain, they will be destroyed and the employee so informed.
3. An employee may submit a written explanation or answer to a document, report or other material in his/her personnel file. Such written explanation or answer shall be reviewed by the Assistant Superintendent for Business or his/her designee and it will be included in the file.
Salary Increment for Secretaries
1. The Assistant Superintendent for Business shall recommend to the Board of Education his/her specific recommendations on increments for each secretary. The Board of Education, at its discretion, shall determine which increments are to be granted. Any appeal of the decision of the Board of Education shall be in accordance with Title 18A.
2. An increment of $700 shall be granted to any secretary, while employed by the Glassboro Board of Education, upon completion of a two (2) year secretarial program or its equivalent, at a recognized secretarial or business training school or college. Proof of completion of the program on a successful basis must be submitted prior to consideration by the administration on the granting of the increment.
Secretaries will have seniority and tenure in their position in accordance with New Jersey School Law.
A. Secretarial Daily Hours
Secretarial daily hours for the summer season will be thirty-two and one-half (32.5) hours plus one hour for lunch and for the school year and the week immediately prior to and following it, thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours plus one hour for lunch.
B. Snow Days
On days on which the school is closed due to snow, employees working in secretarial capacities are not expected to report to work unless otherwise directed by their superiors. If their services are required, they will be remunerated in the form of compensatory time.
C. Office Closures
Offices are normally closed over the Christmas vacation, the spring vacation (if one exists) and the day after Thanksgiving, and the two days during the N.J.E.A. convention. If secretarial services are needed during any time when the offices are closed, the secretary will be notified when to report for work by his or her immediate superior and will receive compensatory time for the time worked as determined by mutual agreement between the secretary and her supervisor with the approval of the Superintendent of Schools. Compensation will be provided for all GEA secretaries for two (2) days due to Spring Break Calendar.
Work Year Reduction/Increase
1. Secretaries
The Board retains the right to reduce or increase the work year of secretaries. Should the Board so reduce or increase the work year of any secretary, notification of this will be given to the secretary by March 15. Secretaries so reduced shall be given the first preference for available work during the summer on the basis of category seniority. Payment shall be made for such summer work on a pro-rated basis. Twelve-month secretaries will be eligible for vacation if a secretary’s work year is increased from
10 /10 ½ to 12 months. Vacation days will be based upon years of experience in the District.
a. Twelve-month secretaries will work from July 1 to June 30.
b. Ten and one-half month secretaries will work from August 15 to June 30.
c. Ten-month secretaries will work from September 1 until June 30.
2. Mechanics
a. Mechanics will work twelve (12) months per year.
b. Work day shall be eight (8) hours excluding lunch but including two (2) fifteen –minute breaks.
c. Mechanics called back to work shall be guaranteed at least (2) hours compensation.
d. Time worked in any week in excess of forty (40) hours shall be compensated at time-and-a-half rate.
e. Mechanics will be provided with approved uniforms
3. Bus Drivers/Aides
a. Regular work hours shall be determined by the transportation supervisor as each set of routes is packaged.
b. Packaged routes shall be offered to Bus Drivers and Aides on the basis of seniority.
c. Time worked in any one week in excess of forty (40) hours shall be compensated at the time-and-a-half rate.
d. Any employee who is called back to work after having left for the day shall be paid a minimum of one hour at the regular rate.
Mechanics/Bus Drivers/Aides
a. In the event that reduction in force is made necessary, the principle of seniority shall apply. Such reductions shall take place with those Mechanics, Bus Drivers and Aides with the least service in their respective job classification.
b. In the event of reduction in force, transportation employees shall retain recall rights for a period of two (2) years from the lst date of employment, within the school district.
A. Holidays are defined as any day designated as a state holiday or any day designated by the Board of Education as a holiday for administrative personnel within the school district.
B. Secretaries are normally expected to be available for work on days other than holidays or vacation days. In case of emergency, the Superintendent or his/her designee may contact a secretary for work on a holiday or vacation day. Upon receiving contact, the secretary is expected to report for work at the location designated to assist in handling the emergency. Compensation for such work will be at time and one-half of the hourly rate of the employee. The Board will pay time and one-half. By mutual agreement, the secretary may elect compensatory time in lieu of salary upon approval of the supervisor and Assistant Superintendent for Business.
C. Bus Drivers/Transportation Aides
Employees hired prior to 7/1/96 will receive eleven (11) paid holidays. Anyone hired on or after the date 7/1/96 will receive ten (10) paid holidays. Anyone hired on or after 7/1/97 will receive nine (9) paid holidays.
D. Mechanics
Mechanics will receive thirteen (13) paid holidays per year.
A. Secretarial Employees
Vacancies of secretarial positions within the district shall be announced to all secretarial staff so that anyone who wishes the opportunity can apply for the open position. Applications must be filed within one (1) week of date posted. The vacancies shall be filled upon recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent for Business and final approval by the Board of Education. The decision of the Board of Education on such matters shall be final and binding.
B. Transportation Employees
1. Transportation Positions
Transportation positions shall be announced to all Bus Driver/Transportation Aides so that anyone who wishes the opportunity may apply for the position. Applications must be filed within one week of the date posted.
Positions will be awarded by seniority based upon date of hire, and any subsequent openings created by such awarding of positions will be posted in the same manner. One sign-up form shall be posted for each newly created position as such position becomes vacant.
2. Posting of Additional Work
a. Posting of additional work for Bus Drivers/Aides shall be provided by the transportation supervisor at the start of each school year. Drivers shall have the opportunity to sign up for additional work in all areas of extra assignments. One list for all extra assignments shall be maintained but not limited to the following areas:
1. P.M. activities (after-school activities after 4 PM).
2. P.M. activities (sports runs)
3. Day trips (Monday through Friday)
4. Saturday/Sunday and Holiday trips
5. Overnight and Eight-hour trips
b. The list shall be developed based upon the seniority of the drivers who indicate the desire to be considered.
c. Drivers who miss an assignment because of absence for any reason other than personal illness, or who are unable to accept an assignment on the day their name comes up in the rotation, shall remain in the regular rotation for assignment.
d. Transportation runs over 8 hours will have expenses reimbursed up to $30 with receipts.
A. Secretarial/Transportation and Mechanics
Attendance at workshops and courses which are job related is encouraged. Application to attend workshops or courses must be approved by the Assistant Superintendent for Business. Upon satisfactory completion of the workshop or course, reimbursement for tuition and books will be recommended by the Assistant Superintendent for Business to the Board of Education. Approval must be obtained prior to attendance at the workshop.
Transportation Employees and Mechanics
Bus Drivers and Transportation Aides may receive up to eight (8) hours of paid in-service per school year to be used for training programs. Prior approval must be received from the Transportation Supervisor or the Superintendent for Business. Hours and program will be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Business.
A. Secretarial
The secretarial salary schedule applicable for each year of this Agreement covering secretaries is attached as Schedule ‘B’ of this Agreement.
B. Transportation Personnel
The transportation employee salary schedule for each year of this Agreement is attached as Schedule ‘C’ and will reflect the following rate increases of 5% for each year of the contract.
C. Bus Aides
The bus aides’ salary schedule for each year of this Agreement is attached as Schedule ‘C’ and will reflect the following rate increases of 5% for each year of the contract.
D. Mechanics/Assistant Mechanic
The mechanics/assistant mechanic salary schedule for each year of this Agreement is attached as Schedule ‘C’ and will reflect the following rate of increases of 5% for each year of the contract if the employee is currently at maximum salary.
Non-certified personnel shall be compensated at the rate of time and a half in accordance with New Jersey Labor Laws.
A. Secretarial/Mechanics
1. Personnel who are employed for twelve months will continue to receive the following vacation schedule:
a. An employee with six months service in Glassboro prior to July 1st shall receive one (1) week vacation.
b. After one year of service in Glassboro – two weeks vacation.
c. After nine years of employment in Glassboro – three weeks vacation.
d. After fifteen years employment in Glassboro – four weeks vacation.
2. Personnel who are twelve-month secretaries and who are reduced by the Board of Education, at its sole discretion, to a work year of 10 ½ or 10 months, will receive a reduced vacation allowance in accordance with the schedule enumerated below until the fourth consecutive year that they are assigned to a reduced work year. In the fourth consecutive work year they shall cease to receive any vacation allowance.
a. First Year: ½ vacation allowance
b. Second Year: 1/3 vacation allowance
c. Third Year: ¼ vacation allowance
d. Fourth Year: No vacation allowance entitlement for 10 and 10 ½ month personnel.
B. Unused Vacation Days
Five (5) vacation days may be saved each year but must be used prior to July 1st of the following year. Extenuating circumstances will be determined by the Superintendent. Secretaries have the option of receiving payment of 75% of their per diem rate for up to two (2) unused vacation days in a fiscal year.
A. Certified unit members who complete fifteen (15) years in the Glassboro School district will be eligible for severance pay upon retirement from the school district as follows:
$60 per day unlimited in 2004-2005
$65 per day unlimited in 2005-2006
$70 per day unlimited in 2006-2007
Employees must be officially retired and upon retirement the total number of days left in accumulated unused sick leave will be reimbursed to the employee(s) at the rates and maximum amounts listed above.
B. Non-certified unit members who complete fifteen (15) years in the Glassboro School district will be eligible for severance pay upon retirement from the school district as follows:
$45 per day unlimited in 2004-2005
$50 per day unlimited in 2005-2006
$55 per day unlimited in 2006-2007
Employees must be officially retired and upon retirement the total number of days left in accumulated unused sick leave will be reimbursed to the employee(s) at the rate and maximum amounts listed above.
C. Approved leaves of absence without pay shall not accrue to years of service.
D. Privatization
Any employee represented by the GEA who loses his/her position as a result of privatization shall be retained in his/her proper place on the district seniority recall list. In addition, these employees shall be paid accumulated sick days in accordance with the severance payment schedule which requires 15 years or more of employment in the district.
E. Notification of retirement must be made to the board office by December 31st to receive payment of severance by July 1st of the following year. Notification after December 31st will require payment to be made in the 2nd fiscal year. Exceptions will be with the approval of the Superintendent.
F. If an employee dies while in the employ of the Board of Education before retirement, the Board will pay the dollar value of the accumulated sick and personal days, calculated in accordance with the foregoing schedule, to the estate of the deceased employee.
A. Purpose of Fee
If an employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year which is covered in whole or part by this Agreement, said employees will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the employees per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative.
For the purpose of this provision, employee means all members included in the bargaining unit who are receiving benefits.
Employees who are non-members employed by the Board after January 1 will pay 85% of one-half (1/2) the sum of regular dues, initiation fees and assessments for that membership year. Employees who are non-members who work twenty (20) hours or more will pay 85% of the entire sum of regular dues, initiation fees and assessments. Out-of-district co-curricular advisors who are not members of any bargaining unit will be assessed a fee of $50 per individual per contract year, regardless of the number of co-curricular contracts which are awarded to that individual.
B. Amount of Fees
Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board, in writing, of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the Association to its own members for that membership year. The representation fee to be paid by non-members will be equal to 85% of that amount.
C. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
1. Notification
The Association will submit to the Board a list of those employees in the bargaining unit who have not become members of the Association for the then current membership year. The Board will deduct the full amount of the representative fee (85%) from the salaries of such employees and promptly will transmit the amount so deducted to the Association.
2. Payroll Deductions
The Board will deduct the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks of the employees on the aforesaid list during the remainder of the membership year in question. The deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid within 30 days after the employee begins his or her employment in a bargaining unit position, unless the employee previously served in a bargaining unit position and continued in the employ of the Board in a non-bargaining unit position or was on layoff, in which event the deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid 15 days after the resumption of the employees employment in a bargaining unit position, whichever is later.
D. Termination of Employment
If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his or her employment with the Board during the year, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion from the last paycheck paid to said employee during the membership year in question.
E. Method of Payment
The means for the deduction or representation fees and the transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission of regular membership dues in the Association.
F. Changes
The Association will notify the Board in writing of any changes in the aforesaid list and/or the amount of the representation fee, and such changes will be reflected in any deductions made more than 30 days after the Board received said notice.
New Employees
On or about the last day of each month, beginning with the month this Agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the Association, a list of all employees who began their employment in a bargaining unit position during the preceding 30 day period. The list will include names, job titles and dates of employment for all such employees.
H. Indemnification and Save harmless Provision
The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any liability suit (except willful misconduct by the Board) at law or equity, or before a state or federal agency which may arise by reason of any action taken by the Board in complying with this Article provided that the Board cooperates fully with the Association in gathering evidence, securing witnesses and in all other aspects of said defense. Also, provided that the Board gives the Association timely notice in writing of any such claim, demand or suit of liability.
If any part, clause portion or Article of this Agreement is subsequently deemed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, such clause, portion or article shall be deleted and the remainder of the Agreement not so affected shall continue in full force and effect absent the affected clause.
The written Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the respective parties concerning the terms and conditions of employment which were the subject of collective negotiations.
This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2004 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2007.
Collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment shall commence no later than January 15, final proposals by March 1 and conclusion of bargaining by May 20 of the year of the expiration date of the Agreement. This Agreement may be extended upon the mutual agreement of the respective parties.
The respective parties agree to follow the procedures outlined in the Agreement and will use no other legal channels to resolve any questions or proposals until the procedures outlined in the Agreement are fully exhausted.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective Presidents, attested to by their respective Secretaries, and their corporate seals to be placed hereon, all on the day and year below written.
Dated this ____________ day of _________________, 2004
Board of Education of the Borough of Glassboro, County of Gloucester.
By: _________________________________ By: _______________________________
President President
By:__________________________________ By: _______________________________
Secretary Secretary
Step | BA | BA + 15 | BA + 30 | MA | MA + 15 | MA + 30 | MA + 60 |
1 | $38,152 | $39,279 | $40,406 | $42,660 | $43,787 | $44,914 | $46,605 |
2 | $39,054 | $40,180 | $41,307 | $43,562 | $44,688 | $45,816 | $47,507 |
3 | $39,955 | $41,082 | $42,209 | $44,463 | $45,590 | $46,718 | $48,408 |
4 | $40,857 | $41,984 | $43,110 | $45,365 | $46,492 | $47,619 | $49,310 |
5 | $41,758 | $42,885 | $44,013 | $46,266 | $47,394 | $48,521 | $50,211 |
6 | $42,660 | $43,787 | $44,914 | $47,168 | $48,296 | $49,422 | $51,113 |
7 | $43,731 | $44,858 | $45,984 | $48,239 | $49,367 | $50,493 | $52,184 |
8 | $44,802 | $45,929 | $47,055 | $49,310 | $50,436 | $51,564 | $53,255 |
9 | $45,872 | $47,000 | $48,126 | $50,381 | $51,507 | $52,634 | $54,326 |
10 | $46,943 | $48,069 | $49,197 | $51,452 | $52,578 | $53,705 | $55,396 |
11 | $48,239 | $49,367 | $50,493 | $52,748 | $53,874 | $55,001 | $56,692 |
12 | $49,592 | $50,718 | $51,846 | $54,100 | $55,227 | $56,354 | $58,045 |
13 | $51,057 | $52,184 | $53,311 | $55,565 | $56,692 | $57,819 | $59,510 |
14 | $52,973 | $54,100 | $55,227 | $57,481 | $58,608 | $59,735 | $61,426 |
15 | $55,058 | $56,185 | $57,312 | $59,566 | $60,694 | $61,820 | $63,511 |
16 | $57,425 | $58,552 | $59,678 | $61,933 | $63,061 | $64,187 | $65,878 |
17 | $59,905 | $61,031 | $62,158 | $64,412 | $65,540 | $66,667 | $68,357 |
18 | $63,398 | $64,525 | $65,653 | $67,906 | $69,034 | $70,161 | $71,851 |
Percent increase over 2003-04 Guide: 5%
Step Interpretation of the 2004-2005 Salary Guide
1-15 The year in which you are teaching corresponds with the Step on the guide.
16 You are in your 16th or 17th year of teaching
17 You are in your 18th year of teaching
18 You are in your 19th year or more of teaching
An $800 longevity stipend shall be granted to any teacher at the completion of 20 years of service in the Glassboro Public School System. Thereafter, an $800 longevity stipend shall be granted for each additional five (5) years of service.
Increments are not automatic, all are discretionary with the Board, in accordance with Section 18A: 29-14 of the Education Laws of the State of New Jersey.
Step | BA | BA + 15 | BA + 30 | MA | MA + 15 | MA + 30 | MA + 60 |
1 | $39,464 | $40,630 | $41,796 | $44,127 | $45,294 | $46,459 | $48,208 |
2 | $40,397 | $41,562 | $42,728 | $45,061 | $46,226 | $47,392 | $49,141 |
3 | $41,329 | $42,495 | $43,661 | $45,993 | $47,159 | $48,325 | $50,073 |
4 | $42,262 | $43,428 | $44,593 | $46,926 | $48,091 | $49,257 | $51,006 |
5 | $43,194 | $44,360 | $45,527 | $47,858 | $49,024 | $50,190 | $51,938 |
6 | $44,127 | $45,294 | $46,459 | $48,791 | $49,957 | $51,122 | $52,871 |
7 | $45,235 | $46,401 | $47,566 | $49,899 | $51,065 | $52,230 | $53,979 |
8 | $46,343 | $47,509 | $48,674 | $51,006 | $52,171 | $53,337 | $55,087 |
9 | $47,450 | $48,616 | $49,782 | $52,114 | $53,279 | $54,445 | $56,194 |
10 | $48,558 | $49,723 | $50,889 | $53,222 | $54,387 | $55,553 | $57,302 |
11 | $49,899 | $51,065 | $52,230 | $54,562 | $55,727 | $56,893 | $58,643 |
12 | $51,298 | $52,463 | $53,629 | $55,961 | $57,126 | $58,293 | $60,042 |
13 | $52,813 | $53,979 | $55,145 | $57,476 | $58,643 | $59,808 | $61,557 |
14 | $54,795 | $55,961 | $57,126 | $59,459 | $60,624 | $61,790 | $63,539 |
15 | $56,952 | $58,118 | $59,283 | $61,615 | $62,782 | $63,947 | $65,696 |
16 | $59,400 | $60,566 | $61,731 | $64,064 | $65,230 | $66,395 | $68,144 |
17 | $61,965 | $63,131 | $64,297 | $66,628 | $67,794 | $68,960 | $70,708 |
18 | $65,579 | $66,745 | $67,911 | $70,242 | $71,409 | $72,575 | $74,323 |
Percent increase over 2004-05 Guide: 5%
Step Interpretation of the 2005-2006 Salary Guide
1-16 The year in which you are teaching corresponds with the Step on the guide.
17 You are in your 17th or 18th year of teaching
18 You are in your 19th year or more of teaching
An $800 longevity stipend shall be granted to any teacher at the completion of 20 years of service in the Glassboro Public School System. Thereafter, an $800 longevity stipend shall be granted for each additional five (5) years of service.
Increments are not automatic, all are discretionary with the Board, in accordance with Section 18A: 29-14 of the Education Laws of the State of New Jersey.
Step | BA | BA + 15 | BA + 30 | MA | MA + 15 | MA + 30 | MA + 60 |
1 | $40,841 | $42,048 | $43,254 | $45,667 | $46,874 | $48,080 | $49,890 |
2 | $41,807 | $43,012 | $44,219 | $46,633 | $47,838 | $49,045 | $50,856 |
3 | $42,771 | $43,978 | $45,185 | $47,597 | $48,804 | $50,011 | $51,820 |
4 | $43,737 | $44,944 | $46,149 | $48,563 | $49,769 | $50,976 | $52,786 |
5 | $44,701 | $45,908 | $47,115 | $49,528 | $50,734 | $51,941 | $53,750 |
6 | $45,667 | $46,874 | $48,080 | $50,493 | $51,700 | $52,906 | $54,716 |
7 | $46,813 | $48,020 | $49,226 | $51,640 | $52,846 | $54,052 | $55,862 |
8 | $47,960 | $49,166 | $50,372 | $52,786 | $53,992 | $55,198 | $57,009 |
9 | $49,106 | $50,313 | $51,518 | $53,932 | $55,138 | $56,345 | $58,155 |
10 | $50,252 | $51,458 | $52,665 | $55,078 | $56,284 | $57,491 | $59,301 |
11 | $51,640 | $52,846 | $54,052 | $56,466 | $57,672 | $58,878 | $60,689 |
12 | $53,088 | $54,293 | $55,500 | $57,914 | $59,120 | $60,326 | $62,137 |
13 | $54,656 | $55,862 | $57,069 | $59,482 | $60,689 | $61,894 | $63,705 |
14 | $56,707 | $57,914 | $59,120 | $61,533 | $62,739 | $63,946 | $65,756 |
15 | $58,939 | $60,146 | $61,352 | $63,765 | $64,972 | $66,178 | $67,988 |
16 | $61,473 | $62,679 | $63,885 | $66,299 | $67,506 | $68,711 | $70,522 |
17 | $64,127 | $65,333 | $66,540 | $68,953 | $70,159 | $71,366 | $73,175 |
18 | $67,867 | $69,074 | $70,281 | $72,693 | $73,900 | $75,107 | $76,916 |
Percent increase over 2005-06 Guide: 5%
Step Interpretation of the 2006-2007 Salary Guide
1-17 The year in which you are teaching corresponds with the Step on the guide.
18 You are in your 18th year or more of teaching
An $800 longevity stipend shall be granted to any teacher at the completion of 20 years of service in the Glassboro Public School System. Thereafter, an $800 longevity stipend shall be granted for each additional five (5) years of service.
Increments are not automatic, all are discretionary with the Board, in accordance with Section 18A: 29-14 of the Education Laws of the State of New Jersey.
Step | 12 Month | 10 Month |
 | “A-12” | “B-12”“A-10”“B-10” |
1 | $24,000 | $21,818$20,000$18,655 |
2 | $24,600 | $22,364$20,500$19,437 |
3 | $26,000 | $23,636$21,667$19,697 |
4 | $27,000 | $24,545$22,500$20,455 |
5 | $28,000 | $25,455$23,333$21,212 |
6 | $29,500 | $26,818$24,583$22,348 |
7 | $31,000 | $28,182$25,833$23,485 |
8 | $32,500 | $29,545$27,083$24,621 |
9 | $34,000 | $30,909$28,333$25,758 |
10 | $35,500 | $32,273$29,583$26,894 |
11 | $36,845 | $33,929$30,704$28,265 |
12 | $40,940 | $37,388$34,117$31,157 |
1. Secretaries will receive payment for additional credit and certificates earned as follows:
9 credits $200
30 credits $350
64 credits $500
2. Increments are not automatic, but based upon the annual evaluation of secretaries as in Article XX. Categories A and B shall be designated in Article VII.
3. An $850 longevity increase shall be granted to any secretary at the completion of 20 years of service in the Glassboro Public Schools System. Thereafter, an $850 longevity increase shall be granted for each additional five years of service.
Step | 12 Month | 10 Month |
 | “A-12” | “B-12”“A-10”“B-10” |
1 | $25,000 | $22,831$20,833$19,026 |
2 | $26,562 | $24,258$22,135$20,215 |
3 | $27,500 | $25,684$23,437$21,403 |
4 | $29,686 | $27,111$24,738$22,592 |
5 | $31,248 | $28,537$26,040$23,781 |
6 | $32,810 | $29,963$27,342$24,970 |
7 | $34,372 | $31,390$28,643$26,158 |
8 | $35,934 | $32,816$29,945$27,347 |
9 | $37,496 | $34,243$31,247$28,536 |
10 | $39,058 | $35,669$32,548$29,725 |
11 | $40,620 | $37,096$33,850$30,913 |
12 | $42,182 | $38,522$35,152$32,102 |
1. Secretaries will receive payment for additional credit and certificates earned as follows:
9 credits $200
30 credits $350
64 credits $500
2. Increments are not automatic, but based upon the annual evaluation of secretaries as in Article XX. Categories A and B shall be designated in Article VII.
3. An $850 longevity increase shall be granted to any secretary at the completion of 20 years of service in the Glassboro Public Schools System. Thereafter, an $850 longevity increase shall be granted for each additional five years of service.
Step | 12 Month | 10 Month |
 | “A-12” | “B-12”“A-10”“B-10” |
1 | $26,000 | $23,744$21,667$19,787 |
2 | $27,640 | $25,242$23,033$21,035 |
3 | $29,280 | $26,740$24,400$22,283 |
4 | $30,920 | $28,237$25,767$23,531 |
5 | $32,560 | $29,735$27,133$24,779 |
6 | $34,200 | $31,233$28,500$26,027 |
7 | $35,840 | $32,731$29,867$27,275 |
8 | $37,480 | $34,228$31,233$28,524 |
9 | $39,120 | $35,726$32,600$29,772 |
10 | $40,760 | $37,224$33,967$31,020 |
11 | $42,400 | $38,721$35,333$32,268 |
12 | $44,040 | $40,219$36,700$33,516 |
1. Secretaries will receive payment for additional credit and certificates earned as follows:
9 credits $200
30 credits $350
64 credits $500
2. Increments are not automatic, but based upon the annual evaluation of secretaries as in Article XX. Categories A and B shall be designated in Article VII.
3. An $850 longevity increase shall be granted to any secretary at the completion of 20 years of service in the Glassboro Public Schools System. Thereafter, an $850 longevity increase shall be granted for each additional five years of service.46
 |  | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Bus Drivers |  |  |  |  |
 | Level 1 | $14.86 | $15.60 | $16.38 |
 | Level 2 | $16.17 | $16.98 | $17.83 |
 | Level 3 | $17.33 | $18.19 | $19.10 |
 | Level 4 | $18.38 | $19.29 | $20.26 |
 | Level 5 | $19.27 | $20.23 | $21.24 |
LEVEL 1: Entry level (contract)
LEVEL 2: Upon completion of two years service
LEVEL 3: Upon completion of four years service
LEVEL 4: Upon completion of six years service
LEVEL 5: Upon completion of eight or more years service
 | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Mechanic | $27.52 | $28.90 | $30.34 |
Mechanic’s Assistant | $22.58 | $23.70 | $24.89 |
 |  |  |  |
Transportation Aides | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Level 1 | $11.76 | $12.35 | $12.97 |
Level 2 | $12.97 | $13.62 | $14.30 |
Level 3 | $14.02 | $14.72 | $15.45 |
Level 4 | $14.70 | $15.44 | $16.21
LEVEL 1: Entry level (contract)
LEVEL 2: Upon completion of two years service
LEVEL 3: Upon completion of four years service
LEVEL 4: Upon completion of six or more years service
A $550 longevity increase shall be granted to any transportation employee at the completion of 20 years of service in the Glassboro Public School System. Thereafter, a $550 longevity increase shall be granted for each additional five years of service.
Co-Curricular | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Class Advisor |  |  |  |
Senior Class | $1,346 | $1,413 | $1,483 |
Junior Class | $1,160 | $1,218 | $1,278 |
Sophomore Class | $974 | $1,022 | $1,073 |
Freshman Class | $974 | $1,022 | $1,073 |
Senior Trip Coordinator | $861 | $904 | $949 |
Clubs |  |  |  |
Auditorium Manager | $1,290 | $1,354 | $1,422 |
Art | $1,055 | $1,108 | $1,163 |
Chess | $778 | $817 | $858 |
DECA | $778 | $817 | $858 |
Environmental | $895 | $939 | $986 |
Foreign Language(s) | $895 | $939 | $986 |
Future Business Leaders | $974 | $1,022 | $1,073 |
FYI | $739 | $776 | $815 |
Interact | $1,119 | $1,175 | $1,234 |
Leo Club | $739 | $776 | $815 |
National Art Honor Society | $820 | $861 | $905 |
National Honor Society | $820 | $861 | $905 |
OAAA | $1,104 | $1,159 | $1,217 |
Renaissance | $1,549 | $1,626 | $1,707 |
Science (Apeiron) | $893 | $938 | $985 |
S.A.D.D. | $739 | $776 | $815 |
Student Government | $1,549 | $1,626 | $1,707 |
TIGS | $739 | $776 | $815 |
Tri-M Music Honor Society | $820 | $861 | $905 |
Varsity | $1,290 | $1,354 | $1,422 |
Publications |  |  |  |
Hub | $1,250 | $1,313 | $1,378 |
Yearbook | $1,145 | $1,202 | $1,262 |
Yearbook Business Manager | $1,145 | $1,202 | $1,262 |
The above guide does not imply that the listed activities shall be continuous from year to year. The activities shall be approved annually by the Board of Education. The Board reserves the right to add to or eliminate activities. The sponsors of activities shall be appointed annually by the Board of Education upon recommendation of the Superintendent and shall be under supplemental contract. Tenure shall not accrue to sponsors of activities.
Musical Production & Drama Productions | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
 |  |  |  |
Fall Drama Costumer | $1,200 | $1,260 | $1,323 |
Fall Drama Director | $1,122 | $1,178 | $1,237 |
Fall Theatre & Scenery Advisor | $893 | $938 | $985 |
Fall Drama Producer | $1,079 | $1,133 | $1,190 |
Spring Music Costumer | $1,200 | $1,260 | $1,323 |
Spring Musical Producer | $1,200 | $1,260 | $1,323 |
Spring Drama Director | $1,200 | $1,260 | $1,323 |
Spring Musical Vocal | $1,155 | $1,212 | $1,273 |
Spring Theatre & Scenery Advisor | $975 | $1,024 | $1,075 |
Spring Musical Choreographer | $1,155 | $1,212 | $1,273 |
Pit Orchestra Director | $1,200 | $1,260 | $1,323 |
Business/Publicity Manager | $828 | $869 | $913 |
Stage Crew Manager | $1,013 | $1,063 | $1,116 |
 |  |  |  |
Music Program |  |  |  |
Pep Band Director | $2,652 | $2,785 | $2,924 |
Assistant Band Director | $1,331 | $1,398 | $1,467 |
Color Guard | $1,299 | $1,364 | $1,433 |
The above guide does not imply that the listed activities shall be continuous from year to year. The activities shall be approved annually by the Board of Education. The Board reserves the right to add to or eliminate activities. The sponsors of activities shall be appointed annually by the Board of Education upon recommendation of the Superintendent and shall be under supplemental contract. Tenure shall not accrue to sponsors of activities.
Intermediate School
 | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Class Advisor |  |  |  |
Eighth Grade | $1,078 | $1,132 | $1,189 |
Seventh Grade | $908 | $953 | $1,001 |
|  |  |  |
Clubs |  |  |  |
Creative Arts, Poetry, Puppets and Plays | $1,200 | $1,260 | $1,323 |
Hockey Club | $1,013 | $1,063 | $1,116 |
National Junior Honor Society | $817 | $858 | $901 |
Newspaper | $1,119 | $1,175 | $1,234 |
Renaissance | $1,109 | $1,164 | $1,223 |
Student Council | $1,200 | $1,260 | $1,323 |
Yearbook | $1,119 | $1,175 | $1,234 |
 |  |  |  |
Sports stipends are located in the athletic salary guide. |  |  |  |
The above guide does not imply that the listed activities shall be continuous from year to year. The activities shall be approved annually by the Board of Education. The Board reserves the right to add to or eliminate activities. The sponsors of activities shall be appointed annually by the Board of Education upon recommendation of the Superintendent and shall be under supplemental contract. Tenure shall not accrue to sponsors of activities.
Thomas E. Bowe School
 | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Clubs |  |  |  |
Beginner Band | $354 | $371 | $390 |
Advanced Band | $1,062 | $1,115 | $1,171 |
Bowe Bolt | $1,022 | $1,073 | $1,127 |
Choir | $2,125 | $2,231 | $2,342 |
Beginner Orchestra | $354 | $371 | $390 |
Advanced Orchestra | $1,062 | $1,115 | $1,171 |
Drama | $938 | $985 | $1,035 |
Renaissance | $1,549 | $1,626 | $1,707 |
Sixth Grade Camping Trip (co-advisors) | $1,094 | $1,149 | $1,206 |
Sixth Grade Camping Trip (co-advisors) | $1,094 | $1,149 | $1,206 |
Student Council | $1,109 | $1,164 | $1,222 |
Yearbook | $1,101 | $1,156 | $1,214 |
Dorothy L. Bullock School
 | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Clubs |  |  |  |
Multi-Cultural Choir | $984 | $1,033 | $1,085 |
S.T.A.R.S. | $984 | $1,033 | $1,085 |
The above guide does not imply that the listed activities shall be continuous from year to year. The activities shall be approved annually by the Board of Education. The Board reserves the right to add to or eliminate activities. The sponsors of activities shall be appointed annually by the Board of Education upon recommendation of the Superintendent and shall be under supplemental contract. Tenure shall not accrue to sponsors of activities.
The stipend for each position shall be the percentage of a base salary of $38,944 for 2004-2005, $40,892 for 2005-2006, $42,936.
Sport | Position | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
Baseball | Head Coach(1) | 8% | 9% | 10.5% | 12% |
 | Assistants(2) | 5.5% | 6.5% | 7% | 7.5% |
Basketball-Boys | Head Coach(1) | 10.5% | 11.5% | 13% | 14% |
 | Assistants(2) | 6% | 7% | 8% | 9% |
 | 7 & 8 grade | 3% | 3.5% | 4% | 4.5% |
Basketball-Girls | Head Coach(1) | 10.5% | 11.5% | 13% | 14% |
 | Assistants(2) | 6% | 7% | 8% | 9% |
 | 7 & 8 grade | 3% | 3.5% | 4% | 4.5% |
Cross Country | Head Coach(1) | 4% | 5% | 6% | 7% |
Football | Head Coach(1) | 13% | 14% | 15.5% | 16.5% |
 | Varsity Assist.(3) | 6.5% | 7.5% | 8.5% | 10% |
 | Fresh. Assist(2) | 5.5% | 6.5% | 7.5% | 8.5% |
Golf | Head Coach(1) | 4.5% | 5% | 6% | 7% |
Hockey | Head Coach(1) | 8% | 9% | 10.5% | 12% |
 | Assistants(2) | 5.5% | 6.5% | 7% | 7.5% |
 | 7 & 8 grade | 2.75% | 3.25% | 3.5% | 3.75% |
Soccer - Boys | Head Coach(1) | 8% | 9% | 10.5% | 12% |
 | Assistants(2) | 5.5% | 6.5% | 7% | 7.5% |
Soccer - Girls | Head Coach(1) | 8% | 9% | 10.5% | 12% |
 | Assistants(2) | 5.5% | 6.5% | 7% | 7.5% |
Tennis-Boys | Head Coach(1) | 4.5% | 5% | 6% | 7% |
Tennis Girls | Head Coach (1) | 4.5% | 5% | 6% | 7% |
Track-Spring | Head Girls(1) | 8% | 9% | 11% | 12% |
 | Head Boys(1) | 8% | 9% | 11% | 12% |
 | Assistants(2) | 5.5% | 6.5% | 7% | 7.5% |
Track-Winter | Head Coach(1) | 4.5% | 5% | 6% | 7% |
Weight Room | Summer, Fall or Spring | 5.0% | 5.5% | 6.5% | 7.5% |
Wrestling | Head Coach(1) | 10.5% | 11.5% | 13% | 14% |
 | Assistants(2) | 6% | 7% | 8% | 9% |
 | 7 & 8 grade | 3% | 3.5% | 4% | 4.5% |
Softball | Head Coach(1) | 8% | 9% | 10.5% | 12% |
 | Assistants(2) | 5.5% | 6.5% | 7% | 7.5% |
Cheerleading | Head Coach Football | 5% | 5.5% | 6.5% | 7.5% |
 | Head Coach Basketball | 5% | 5.5% | 6.5% | 7.5% |
The above guide does not imply that the listed activities shall be continuous from year to year. The activities shall be approved annually by the Board of Education. The Board reserves the right to add or eliminate activities.
Sponsors of activities and coaches shall be appointed annually by the Board of Education upon recommendation of the Superintendent and shall be under supplemental contract. Tenure shall not accrue to sponsors of activities or coaches.
Part of working agreement allegedly violated: Article _______________, Section __________
Nature of Grievance:
Remedy or solution sought:
Step 1
Grievance discussed with building Principal: ______________________________________
Step II
Grievance reduced to writing. Three copies filed with the building Principal and one copy forwarded to
the Superintendent of Schools: _______________________________________
Signed: ______________________________ _____________________________
Administrator Employee
The Administrator shall insert his disposition on three copies of the grievance form, sign and date same. The Administrator shall return two copies to the aggrieved employee and one copy to the Superintendent of Schools immediately.
Granted ( )
Rejected ( )
Withdrawn ( )
Adjusted ( )
Referred to Superintendent ( )
Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________ |