between the
Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School
Supervisors’ Association
and the
Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District
Board of Education

July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2014
Article Number | Title |  |
 |  |  |
 | Preamble | 1 |
1 | Recognition | 1 |
2 | Negotiation Procedure | 1 |
3 | Grievance Procedure | 2 |
4 | Employee Rights | 5 |
5 | Liaison Committee | 6 |
6 | Salaries | 6 |
7 | Leaves of Absence | 7 |
8 | Length of Work Year | 12 |
9 | Administrative Vacancies | 12 |
10 | School Calendar | 13 |
11 | Transfer of Personnel | 13 |
12 | Professional Development | 13 |
13 | Insurance Protection | 15 |
14 | Miscellaneous Provisions | 17 |
15 | Duration of Agreement | 18 |
Appendix A | Supervisors’ Salary Schedule 2011/12 | 19 |
Appendix B | Supervisors’ Salary Schedule 2012/13 | 20 |
Appendix C | Supervisors’ Salary Schedule 2013/14 | 21 |
This Agreement entered into this first day of July, 2011, by and between the Board of Education of the Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District, hereinafter called the "Board" and the Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School Supervisors' Association, hereinafter called the "Association."
A. The Board recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for grievance and collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for certified Supervisors employed by the Board whether under contract or Board approved leave excluding Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Board Secretary/Business Administrator, Supervisor of Special Projects, Supervisor of Special Services and Administrative Association members.
B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "Association employee” when used hereinafter in this Agreement shall refer to certified Supervisors.
A. On or before December 1 prior to the expiration of this Agreement, the Association shall meet with the Board in formal session to present all demands and to establish procedural ground-rules for negotiations.
B. Representatives of the Board and the Association shall begin negotiations prior to or during the second week of December.
C. During negotiations, the Board and the Association shall present relevant data, exchange points of view and make proposals and counter-proposals. The Board shall make available to the Association upon reasonable request, all information which is in the public domain.
D. Neither party in any negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party.
E. The Board agrees not to negotiate concerning said Association employees in the negotiating unit as defined in Article I of this Agreement, with any organization other than the Association for the duration of this Agreement.
F. This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all matters which were or could have been the subject of negotiation. During the term of this Agreement neither party shall be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter whether or not covered by this Agreement, and whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or executed this Agreement.
G. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
A. A grievance shall be defined as a misinterpretation, application or violation of policies, agreements and administrative decisions affecting the supervisors, except that the term "grievance" shall not apply to any matter for which a method of review is prescribed by law.
B. Procedure
1. Failure at any step of this procedure to communicate the decision on a grievance within the specified time limits shall permit the aggrieved employee to proceed to the next step. Failure at any step of this procedure to appeal a grievance to the next step within the specified time limit shall be deemed to be acceptance of the decision rendered at that step.
2. In the event that a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year and if left unresolved until the beginning of the school year could result in harm to a party in interest, the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as is practical.
3. Level One – Vice Principal
A Supervisor with a grievance shall first discuss it with his/her vice principal. If the person is not satisfied with the decision he/she may proceed to discuss the grievance with his/her principal.
4. Level Two – Principal
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level One, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) school days after presentation of the grievance, he/she may file the grievance in writing with his/her principal.
5. Level Three – Superintendent
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level Two, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) school days after presentation of the grievance at this step, he/she may file the grievance within five (5) school days after receipt of the disposition of the grievance by the principal, with the Superintendent of Schools.
Level Four - Board of Education
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level Three, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) school days after presentation of the grievance at this step, he/she may file the grievance, within five (5) school days after receipt of the disposition of the grievance by the Superintendent for transmittal to the Board of Education.
7. Level Five – Decision of Board Final
The Board, or a committee thereof, shall review the grievance and shall hold a hearing with the Supervisor and render a decision in writing within fifteen (15) school days after receipt of the grievance by the Superintendent for transmittal. In all cases the decision of the Board will be final.
8. If a grievance affects a group or class of Supervisors (two (2) or more) the individuals may submit such grievance, in writing, to the Superintendent directly, and the processing of such a grievance shall commence at Level Three. Grievances based upon a principal’s decision shall commence at Level 2.
9. Rights to Representation
Rights of Association employees to representation shall be as follows:
Any grievant may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by him/herself, or, at his/her option, by a representative of the Association.
When a grievant is not represented by the Association in the processing of a grievance, the Association shall be notified, at the time of submission of the grievance to the Superintendent, or at any later level, that the grievance is in process. The Association shall have the right to be present and present its position in writing at all hearing sessions held concerning the grievance, and shall receive a copy of all decisions rendered.
The Board and the Association shall assure the individual freedom from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal in presenting his/her appeal with respect to his/her personal grievances.
10. Separate Grievance File
All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed in a separate grievance file and shall not be kept in the personnel file of any of the participants.
11. Meetings and Hearings
No meeting or hearing conducted under this procedure shall be public. The only parties in attendance shall be the parties in interest and the designated or selected representatives contemplated in this article.
A. Pursuant to Chapter 303, Public Laws, 1968, the Board hereby agrees that every Association employee of the Board shall have, and shall be protected in the exercise of, the right, freely and without fear of penalty or reprisal, to form, join and assist any Association employee organization or to refrain from any such activity.
B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as he/she may have under New Jersey School or other applicable laws and regulations.
C. No employee shall be disciplined or reprimanded without just cause. The Board retains the right to discipline or discharge an employee during the term of his/her employment contract when the employee's performance and/or attendance negatively affect his/her ability to perform his/her assigned tasks. Discipline may include oral and/or written reprimands, increment withholdings, fines or suspensions without pay if consistent with law, and mid-contract discharges consistent with individual contracts, but shall not include the non-renewal of a nontenured unit member for performance-related reasons.
All disciplinary acts shall be subject to the grievance procedure. Any discipline to be imposed shall be determined on a case-by-case basis and shall take into account the nature of the offense, the length of service and general employment record of the employee, the number of previous offenses, any other mitigating circumstances, and previous discipline administered to others in similar situations. Discipline shall be applied in a nondiscriminatory fashion.
D. The Association shall have permission to use school equipment and shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incidental to such use.
E. The Association shall have the right to use the interschool mail facilities and school mail boxes.
F. The rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives as set forth in this agreement shall be granted only to the Association as the exclusive representative of Association employees as noted in Article 1, A., and to no other organization.
G. The Supervisors shall be encouraged to place in the Association employee's personnel file, his/her outstanding achievements in the educational field.
An Association employee will be permitted to read and initial any letter of a negative or disciplinary nature which may be used to evaluate him/her, prior to placing same in his/her personnel file. This signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. An Association employee may write a statement, not to exceed one type-written page, expressing his/her point of view in regards to the above negative or disciplinary action, provided this statement is written and filed with the Superintendent within twenty-five (25) school days after the Association employee was permitted to read and initial the original letter(s) of a negative or disciplinary nature.
The Board shall establish only one official personnel file for each employee.
A. The purpose of the Liaison Committee is to raise and discuss unit members' concerns about school practices and problems with the Superintendent of Schools. The Association may appoint four members as its representatives.
B. Meetings of the Committee shall be held at the request of either party within seven (7) days of the request. Meetings shall not exceed one (1) per month, except with the mutual consent of the parties. Meetings shall be held after student dismissal unless another time is mutually scheduled by the parties.
A. The salaries of all Association employees covered by the Agreement are set forth in the Appendices which is attached hereto and made a part thereof. All new to the district and entry level Supervisors shall be placed on the entry level salary guide as provided in the Appendices on the appropriate step as determined by the Superintendent. However, in the case of an in-district employee promoted to a Supervisory position as defined by this agreement, the starting salary shall be determined by the entry level salary guide or the individuals salary as a teacher, whichever is greater.
B. For purposes of calculating deductions for uncompensated leave days and for calculating proper placement in separation situations, a day's salary is defined as 1/240th of the 12 month Association employee’s annual professional salary; 1/220th of the 11 month Association employee’s annual professional salary; and 1/200th of the 10 month Association employee’s annual professional salary.
C. Non-tenured supervisors’ contracts shall contain a standard 60 day notification clause for termination of contract.
The Board will add a payroll deduction option for a Flexible Spending account under the rules and regulations of the IRS. The district’s current Section 125 plan used for the voluntary health incentive waiver plan will be expanded to permit these flexible spending accounts.
E. The Board will add a Fitness Club payroll deduction option for employees for one Fitness Club chosen by the GEHREA.
F. There will be a semi-monthly pay plan. Employees shall be paid in twenty-four (24) equal semi-monthly installments. They will receive their checks on the 15th and 30th of each month from July through June.
G. All employees must use direct deposit.
A. Sick Leave
All full-time 11-month association members shall be entitled to 11 days of sick leave per year. Unused days of sick leave shall be accumulated from year-to-year.
2. Retirement Or Termination of Employment
The parties agree that there shall be payment for accumulated sick leave upon retirement under the following provisions:
"Retirement" is defined as applying to and qualifying for payment under T.P.A.F.
b. Sick leave days credited to an employee upon initial hire and earned in other school districts shall be deducted from the total accumulated sick leave days available for payment.
c. In order to be eligible for said payment, the employee must advise the Business Administrator in writing of his/her intention to retire at least six (6) months prior to said retirement. In the case of June 30 retirements, this written notice shall be given in advance of January 1st, prior to the retirement date. An employee who fails to give the required notice of intention to retire, shall receive said payment on the July 1st of the year following the retirement. A supervisor who retires on a disability retirement under T.P.A.F. will not be required to provide this written notice.
d. Payment shall be at the following rates:
Accumulated For the first 100 days $45.00
For days 101 through 200 $55.00
For days over 200 $65.00
e. In the event of the death of a supervisor who at the time of death, could have retired under the provisions of A. 2., payment due for accumulated sick leave shall be made to the estate of the deceased supervisor.
f. The maximum payment for accumulated unused sick leave shall not exceed $15,000.00 for any employee hired after May 21, 2010 as per Title 18A:30-3.6.
B. Temporary Leaves of Absence
All Association employees shall be entitled to the following leaves of absence during the contractual years.
1. Death in the Immediate Family
With approval of the Superintendent, an employee may be granted days of absence, without loss of salary due to death in the staff member's immediate family.
The number of days absence granted shall be determined by individual circumstances, and shall not be deductible from the four (4) days of personal leave as defined in B.2. below. "Immediate Family" shall be defined as the employee's:
(1) Husband or wife
(2) Children
(3) Father or mother
(4) Brother or sister
(5) Father or mother-in-law
(6) Grandparents or Grandparents of spouse
Brother or Sister-In-Law
Supervisors shall be entitled to the following temporary non- accumulative/accumulative leave of absence with full pay each school year.
a. Two days leave of absence for personal, legal, business, household, religious or family matters which cannot be handled outside of the workday.
b. Each Supervisor shall be entitled to two days of personal leave for which he/she need not state any reason other than that he/she is taking the personal day under this provision.
c. Application to the Superintendent for personal leave shall be made at least five (5) school days before taking such leave (except in the case of emergencies where direct notification to the administration is acceptable).
d. Approval for personal leave will not be granted on the days preceding or following a vacation period except with the approval of the Superintendent.
e. Any personal leave days under a. and b. above which are not taken by the supervisor shall be added as additional accumulative sick leave days.
f. Any supervisor who begins initial employment after Feb. 1 shall be entitled to one-half the personal leave specified in a. and b. above.
In case of required jury duty an Association employee shall be allowed time off for jury service. He/she shall be paid the difference between his/her regular pay and jury pay.
C. Extended Leaves of Absence
a. Pregnant unit members who are medically disabled are entitled to sick leave utilization in accordance with Title 18A:30-1 et seq.
b. A unit member with a child less than three (3) months old may apply for and will be granted Child Rearing Leave of Absence without pay provided application is made at least sixty (60) days prior to commencement of such leave.
c. A unit member who is granted Child Rearing Leave shall return to work at the start of the second semester or at the start of an academic year, provided written notice of such intent is given to the Board at least sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of the second semester, or by April 1 of the prior school year if return is to commence at the beginning of the subsequent school year.
d. Child Rearing Leave shall not exceed eighteen (18) calendar months, without the approval of the Board.
e. A non-tenured unit member shall be granted Child Rearing Leave in accordance with the above except that such leave shall be granted only to the end of the current work year in which the leave commences.
f. Any unit member granted a Child Rearing Leave, upon return, will be afforded an administrative position equal to the one vacated at the time of the Child Rearing Leave.
The Board shall grant adoption leave without pay to any unit member upon request, subject to the following stipulations and limitations:
a. Any unit member adopting an infant child shall receive leave similar to Child Rearing Leave which shall commence upon receiving de facto custody of said infant, or earlier if necessary to fulfill the requirements for the adoption.
b. No unit member shall be prevented from returning to work after adoption solely on the grounds that there has not been a time lapse between adoption and the desired date of return provided the Superintendent has been notified in writing sixty (60) days in advance of return date.
c. Adoption Leave shall not exceed twenty-four (24) calendar months, without the approval of the Board.
3. Miscellaneous Provisions: Child Rearing and Adoption Leaves
a. Salary shall not be paid to the employee during leave under 1. or 2. above.
b. Leave time under 1. and 2. above shall not be considered as experience time for salary purposes and the employee shall return to the district's employ on the salary guide in effect at the time of return with unit members having the same experience and training.
Other leaves of absence with or without pay may be granted by the Board for good reason. The Board's decision shall not be subject to arbitration.
5. Continuation of Benefits While on Leave
Unit members on a leave without pay may invoke their COBRA rights with regard to purchase of insurance.
Upon return from a paid leave granted by the Board, an employee shall be considered as if he/she were actively employed by the Board for salary purposes.
Upon return from a Board-approved leave of absence, the employee shall be placed in a position consistent with his/her certification, tenure and seniority rights. Time spent on an unpaid or paid leave of absence does not act to break service for any contractual benefit dependent upon time worked in the District. Time spent on a paid leave of absence counts toward service time necessary for any contractual benefit dependent upon time worked in the District.
A. Supervisors shall be required to work two (2) days, exclusive of weekends, immediately following the official closing of school for students and four (4) days, exclusive of weekends or holidays, preceding the official opening of school for students.
B. In addition to the work year set forth in A. above, guidance supervisors will work a maximum of ten (10) additional days in June and twenty (20) additional days during July/August each year.
All Supervisors (with the exception of Guidance Supervisors) in addition to A. above, will work an additional 18 days during July/August each year.
A. Notice
A notice of vacancy in an administrative position shall be posted and a copy sent to the Association ten (10) days before the final date when applications must be submitted. The notice of vacancy shall set forth the position, its qualifications, its duties, and the rate of compensation. The rate of compensation is a determination of the Board and shall be based upon an existing schedule or will be negotiable with the Board.
B. Implementation
Any Association employee holding proper certification for such vacancies shall be extended the courtesy of an administrative interview.
Input to the school calendar shall be solicited from representatives of this Association prior to its being adopted by the Board of Education.
A. Involuntary Transfer of Personnel
When transfer of Association employees is being considered by the Board, every effort shall be made to provide for a smooth transition and guarantee that all aspects of a thorough and efficient management procedure shall be safeguarded.
A. Professional Dues
The Board shall pay membership dues for all Association members belonging to the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association and National Association of Secondary School Principals.
B. Professional Conferences
1. Each Association employee may request the opportunity to attend National and State professional conferences or meetings upon approval of the Superintendent. Expenses incurred by members as a result of their attendance and participation in these meetings shall be paid by the school district when recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board.
2. Each Association employee may request the opportunity to attend professional workshops upon approval of the Superintendent. The Board shall pay for expenses incurred. The Supervisor will be reimbursed for incurred expenses at any such approved workshop.
C. Course Reimbursement
1. Unit members shall be reimbursed for tuition for courses applicable toward a doctorate and for certain graduate courses (see 2.b. below).
2. There shall be a maximum reimbursement by the Board under 1 above of three (3) graduate credits per unit member per year at the Rutgers State rate for education graduate courses.
a. be matriculated in a doctoral degree-granting program at an accredited institution; or
b. be enrolled in a graduate course, which is directly related to the administration of the District and has received the prior written approval of the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s discretion in this regard is not challengeable through the grievance procedure.
c. must inform the Superintendent of his/her intention to enroll in a course(s) prior to that enrollment.
d. The course must be successfully completed. A transcript from the institution shall constitute proof of successful completion.
Payment will be made in late June after proof of matriculation, receipt of transcript and of receipts showing tuition and fees. If claims exceed the annual unit cap of $11,000.00, reimbursement will be prorated.
4. If the annual unit cap is not expended, any amount remaining for that
year will be available for reimbursement for additional graduate
credits per unit member up to the unit cap.
A. Description
The Board shall provide to each Association employee at the beginning of each school year a description of the health care coverage provided under this Article. The description shall include an overview of the conditions and limits of coverage.
B. Coverages
All Supervisors shall, by payroll deduction, contribute to the cost of the coverages referred to in paragraphs B.1 and B.2 below at the levels of contribution set forth in Chapter 78, Laws of 2011, enacted June 28, 2011.
1. Health and Hospitalization Coverage
This coverage shall be pursuant to the New Jersey School Employees Health Benefits Plan.
This coverage shall be pursuant to the New Jersey School Employees Health Benefits Plan ("NJSEHBP".) All plan options offered through the NJSEHBP as of the date of this agreement shall remain available to Supervisors, without limitation, throughout the duration of this agreement, provided that if the NJSEHBP is amended, and the offered plan options and/or the rules governing offered plan options change, the district will make available to Supervisors the maximum number of plan options permitted under the amended NJSEHBP.
This coverage shall be pursuant to the prescription plan provided by
the District (currently Bollinger Care Mark Plan).
There shall be a prescription drug plan for a Supervisor and his/her dependents. The employee co-payments shall be: $15.00 (name brand); $7.50 (generic) and $15.00 (mail-order). The dosage limits per co-payment shall be: 1.) up to a 30 day supply at retail; and, 2.) 90 days for mail order.
3. Dental Coverage
The annual Board contribution for a Supervisor for dental coverage shall be the actual premium in effect for each year of this Agreement. The 2013-14 premium at each enrollment level shall set the maximum Board contribution for future years, unless and until changes by the parties in writing.
4. Health Plan Options at Retirement
Supervisors retiring from the District under the Teachers' Pension and Annuity Fund shall be eligible to enroll in Items 2. and 3. above, (Prescription Coverage and/or Dental Coverage) in the District Sub-Group Retirees’ Plan. Enrollment in either plan shall be the responsibility of the retiree, payment of the cost of coverage elected shall be the responsibility of the retiree and shall be remitted directly to the appropriate carriers of the specific coverage.
5. Voluntary Health Incentive Waiver Plan
The waiver provisions shall be as provided by the New Jersey School Employees Health Benefits Plan.
An employer other than the State participating in the NJSHBP or NJSEHBP may allow an employee who is covered as a dependent under a spouse’s or partner’s employer provided health benefits coverage, to waive NJSHBP or NJSEHBP health benefits coverage and be reimbursed up to 25 percent of the amount saved by the employer or $5,000, whichever is less. Coverage may be resumed immediately if the spouse’s or partner’s dependent coverage is no longer in effect. The decision of an employer to allow its employees to waive coverage and the amount of consideration to be paid are not subject to collective bargaining.
In order, to protect all employees from Federal taxation of existing benefits when this plan is in effect, the District will comply with all Federal paperwork (a Section 125 account).
A. Use of Automobiles
It is understood that the unit member's auto insurance policy is the primary insurance in the event of an accident. However, the Board’s liability policy will cover any costs that exceed the members' policy coverage.
B. The Board will establish a fund of $2,500 for each of the school years covered by this contract to pay for valid claims of an employee for damage to a vehicle of the employee due to vandalism while parked at the school during the time the employee is on school business and/or attending a school sponsored or school related function or activity held at the school or at another location such as field trips, extra-curricular activity, etc. Upon presentation of a claim and appropriate validation of such claim by an employee to the Board of Education, the Board will reimburse to the employee the deductible amount paid by the employee under comprehensive insurance coverage to a maximum of the employee's deductible up to $500.
C. Printing and Distribution
The School District will, at its own expense, print sufficient copies of this Agreement for present and new Association employees.
D. Each Supervisor shall work to effectively and efficiently support district programs, both academic and administrative, to aid in the effective operation of the district, and provide school level support for Board decisions, promotions and initiatives.
E. The parties recognize that all unit members are role models both for students and staff. To that end, the Association understands the efficacious nature of a reasonable dress code that is understandable to all. The Association has reviewed the proposed Administrative Regulation and does not oppose its adoption.
This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2011, and continue in effect through June 30, 2014.
In witness thereof, the Association has caused this Agreement to be signed by its President, attested by its Secretary and its corporate seal to be placed hereon.
Greater Egg Harbor Regional Greater Egg Harbor Regional
High School Supervisors’ High School District Board of Education:
____________________________ _____________________________
President President
____________________________ _____________________________
Secretary Secretary
Date: ________________________ Date: _________________________
Credits/ Base Base Salary
Employee Experience Salary With Credits
And Stipend
Bennett, Dave MA-00 $ 79,735 $ 81,735
Blair, Donna MA+60 $ 86,261 $ 88,761
Brown, Jason MA-00 $79,735 $79,735
Callaghan, Brenda MA-00 $79,735 $79,735
Cavalieri, Karen MA-00 $79,735 $82,235
Cocuzza, John MA+30 $99,858 $103,858
Culleny, Stacey MA-00 $79,735 $79,735
Fortis, Steve MA+30 $ 79,735 $ 83,235
Furgione, Dave MA+30 $114,933 $116,433
Gawalis, Meg MA+30 $ 86,929 $ 88,429
Jacquelin, Noelle MA+60 $ 84,235 $ 86,735
Quinn, Robert MA+45 $115,988 $120,488
Steinacker, Mary Ed.D $ 92,248 $ 94,748
Vogel, Marc MA+30 $79,735 $81,235
MA+15 Add $1,000 to Base Salary
MA+30 Add $1,500 to Base Salary
MA+45 Add $2,000 to Base Salary
MA+60/Ed.D./Ph.D. Add $2,500 to Base Salary
Guidance Directors Add $2,500 to Base Salary
Athletic Directors Add $2,000 to Base Salary
Credits/ Base Base Salary
Employee Experience Salary With Credits
And Stipend
Bennett, Dave MA-00 $ 81,504 $ 83,504
Blair, Donna MA+60 $ 88,030 $ 90,530
Brown, Jason MA-00 $81,504 $81,504
Callaghan, Brenda MA-00 $81,504 $81,504
Cavalieri, Karen MA-00 $81,504 $84,004
Cocuzza, John MA+30 $101,627 $105,627
Culleny, Stacey MA-00 $81,504 $81,504
Fortis, Steve MA+30 $ 81,504 $ 85,004
Furgione, Dave MA+30 $116,702 $118,202
Gawalis, Meg MA+30 $ 88,698 $ 90,198
Jacquelin, Noelle MA+60 $ 86,004 $ 88,504
Quinn, Robert MA+45 $117,757 $122,257
Steinacker, Mary Ed.D $94,017 $ 96,517
Vogel, Marc MA+30 $81,504 $83,004
MA+15 Add $1,000 to Base Salary
MA+30 Add $1,500 to Base Salary
MA+45 Add $2,000 to Base Salary
MA+60/Ed.D./Ph.D. Add $2,500 to Base Salary
Guidance Directors Add $2,500 to Base Salary
Athletic Directors Add $2,000 to Base Salary
Minimum Starting Salary for Supervisor for 2012-13 is $80,000
Credits/ Base Base Salary
Employee Experience Salary With Credits
And Stipend
Bennett, Dave MA-00 $ 83,309 $ 85,309
Blair, Donna MA+60 $ 89,835 $ 92,335
Brown, Jason MA-00 $83,309 $83,309
Callaghan, Brenda MA-00 $83,309 $83,309
Cavalieri, Karen MA-00 $83,309 $85,809
Cocuzza, John MA+30 $103,432 $107,432
Culleny, Stacey MA-00 $83,309 $83,309
Fortis, Steve MA+30 $83,309 $86,809
Furgione, Dave MA+30 $118,507 $120,007
Gawalis, Meg MA+30 $ 90,503 $ 92,003
Jacquelin, Noelle MA+60 $ 87,809 $ 90,309
Quinn, Robert MA+45 $119,562 $124,062
Steinacker, Mary Ed.D $ 95,822 $ 98,322
Vogel, Marc MA+30 $83,309 $84,809
MA+15 Add $1,000 to Base Salary
MA+30 Add $1,500 to Base Salary
MA+45 Add $2,000 to Base Salary
MA+60/Ed.D./Ph.D. Add $2,500 to Base Salary
Guidance Directors Add $2,500 to Base Salary
Athletic Directors Add $2,000 to Base Salary
Minimum Starting Salary for Supervisor for 2013-14 is $81,000 |