This Agreement, made and entered into the 18th day of May, 2004, by and between RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY (hereinafter called "Rutgers") and the AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO; Council 52; and its affiliate LOCAL UNION No. 1761 (hereinafter called the "Union").
APPENDIX A - Job Titles (Alphabetical List) 35
APPENDIX B - Expanded COLT Job Families 40
APPENDIX C - COLT Job Titles by Family 45
APPENDIX D - Compensation Schedules 49
APPENDIX E – Sick Leave Certification Form 55
Rutgers and the Union have entered into this Agreement for the purpose of establishing conditions under which employees as hereinafter defined shall be employed to work for Rutgers and procedures for the presentation and resolution of grievances, and to regulate the mutual relations among themselves with the view of promoting and ensuring harmonious relations, communications, cooperation and understanding between Rutgers and its employees.
1. Rutgers recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive negotiations representative for wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment of its employees as hereby defined.
2. The terms "employee" and "employees" as used herein shall include all regular employees, both full time and part time employees* (those scheduled to work for twenty (20) hours or more per week), employed in the classifications listed under Appendix "A" attached hereto and included herein by reference and made a part of this Agreement, and for regular employees in such other classifications as the parties hereto may later agree to include; but excluding all probationary employees, confidential employees as agreed previously by Rutgers and the Union, students, casual employees and temporary employees, faculty, professional employees, supervisors, employees in the jurisdiction of other unions now recognized by Rutgers, and all other employees of Rutgers.
* Inclusion in the unit does not change the current benefits for part time employees.
3. Definitions
A. Temporary Employee - A temporary employee is defined as an individual who is hired to work on an hourly basis as an interim replacement or for any short term work. If an individual is hired to perform a job which, if it were a regularly appointed position would be included in the negotiations unit, that individual will not be retained in that job for more than twelve (12) consecutive months, with a four (4) month extension if necessary. Beginning in July 1991, when such individual has worked for twelve (12) months in such job, the University will notify the Union, and the Union will grant the four (4) month extension. If the department needs to retain the individual in this capacity beyond sixteen (16) months, the University will notify the Union prior to the expiration of the sixteen (16) months. If agreement is not reached on this further extension for this individual prior to the expiration of the sixteen (16) months, the individual will not be retained by the department.
B. Casual Employee - A casual employee is defined as an employee who is employed on an intermittent basis.
C. Regular Employee - A regular employee is defined as an employee appointed on a ten (10) or twelve (12) month continuous salaried basis with a specific or indefinite expiration date.
Rutgers agrees to deduct from the paycheck the biweekly Union dues of each employee, as defined herein, who furnishes a voluntary written authorization for such deduction, on a form acceptable to Rutgers. Each employee may cancel such written authorization giving written notice of such cancellation to Rutgers and the Union between December 15 and December 31 of any year effective January 1 of the ensuing year. The amount of Union dues to be deducted by Rutgers from the employee's paycheck shall be in such amount as may be certified to Rutgers by the Union at least thirty (30) days prior to the date on which deduction of Union dues is to be made. Deduction of Union dues made pursuant hereto shall be remitted by Rutgers to the Union every four (4) weeks together with a list of the names of employees from whose pay such deductions were made.
1. Representation Fee Deduction
The parties agree that effective approximately thirty (30) days after agreement on this contract all employees in the bargaining unit who do not become members of AFSCME Local 1761 within thirty (30) days shall have deducted from their salaries and forwarded to the Union a representation fee in a manner and in an amount as provided below.
2. Representation Fee Amount
At least thirty (30) days before the effective date of the representation fee, or any subsequent modification thereof, the Union shall notify the University of the biweekly amount to be deducted from non-members' salaries. Any change in the representation fee shall be made upon written notification to the University.
3. Representation Fee Deductions
The representation fee shall be deducted from nonmembers' salaries in equal biweekly installments. Representation fee deductions from the salaries of all nonmember employees shall commence on the payroll begin date following thirty (30) days after the expiration of a COLT eligible employee's probationary period or the tenth (10th) day following reentry into the bargaining unit for employees who previously served in bargaining unit positions and who continued in the employ of the University in a nonbargaining unit position. For the purpose of this Article, ten (10) month employees shall be considered to be in continuous employment.
If, during the course of the year, the nonmember becomes a Union member, the University shall cease deducting the representation fee and commence deducting the Union dues after written notification by the Union of the change in status. Conversely, if the Union member directs the University to cease dues deductions in a manner appropriate under the terms of the dues checkoff agreement, the University shall commence deduction of the representation fee after written notification by the Union of the change in status. After deduction, representation fees shall be transmitted to the Union in the same manner and at the same time as Union dues.
4. Indemnification
The Union hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and save harmless the University from any claim, suit or action, or judgements, including reasonable costs of defense which may be brought at law or in equity, or before any administrative agency with regard to or arising from the deduction from the salaries of any employee of any sum of money as a representation fee under the provisions of the Agreement.
1. Authorized representatives of the Union, who are not employees of Rutgers, shall be admitted to the premises of Rutgers. At the time of entering the premises of Rutgers, the Union representatives shall make their presence and destination known to the Office of Labor Relations or the Division Head, or his/her representative responsible for the area to be visited.
2. Stewards (not to exceed 41 in number throughout the University) shall be designated in specific, geographic areas. Names of the employees selected to act as Stewards and their areas of responsibility and the names of other union representatives who represent employees shall be certified in writing to Rutgers by the local Union.
3. Stewards shall be granted a reasonable amount of time during their regular working hours, without loss of pay, to interview an employee who has a grievance and to discuss the grievance with the employee's immediate supervisor. The Union President or his/her designee shall be granted a reasonable amount of time during his/her regular working hours, without loss of pay, to present, discuss and adjust grievances with Rutgers, provided such person is an employee of Rutgers. When a designee is assigned to act in a particular grievance, the Union will give Rutgers prior notice. Neither a steward, nor a Union officer nor a designee shall leave his/her work without first obtaining permission of his/her immediate supervisor, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.
4. The Union may have ten (10) members, who are in the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement, on the contract negotiating committee and six (6) members on the economic reopener. Rutgers agrees that these members shall not lose pay for time spent during their regular working hours while serving in such capacity.
5. Rutgers agrees to permit authorized representatives of the Union employed by Rutgers to take time off without loss of pay for the purpose of attending Union conventions, conferences and educational classes, provided that the total amount of such time off without loss of pay during the period of this Agreement shall not exceed one hundred seventy (170) days. Permission for such time off must be obtained from Rutgers. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Names of persons attending such activities and time to be charged shall be certified in writing to the Office of Labor Relations.
There shall be no discrimination by Rutgers or the Union against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, religion, age, marital status, national origin, disability, status as a Vietnam-era Veteran or disabled Veteran, membership or nonmembership in the Union or sexual orientation.
Rutgers may establish and issue reasonable rules and regulations concerning the work to be performed by, and the conduct of, its employees, and it shall apply and enforce such rules and regulations fairly and equitably. These rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, and Rutgers will make every reasonable effort to have prior discussion on those rules and regulations that may be of general interest or concern as provided for in Article 7. Neither party waives any rights it may have by virtue of New Jersey statutes.
A Labor/Management Conference is a meeting between the Union, the Office of Labor Relations and such other representative of Rutgers as appropriate, to consider matters of general interest and concern other than grievances. Such a meeting may be called by either party, shall take place at a mutually convenient time and place and may be attended by no more than five (5) Union Representatives employed by Rutgers who shall not lose pay for time spent during their regular working hours at such a meeting. International Representatives and/or Council Representatives may attend such meetings. The work place should be free from harassment. Any claims of harassment shall be the subject of a Labor/Management Conference. Agreements reached at Labor/ Management Conferences will be reduced to writing.
1. A grievance is defined as any claimed violation of any provision of this Agreement or of any Rutgers policy relating to wages, hours or other terms or conditions of employment of the employees. The procedure set forth herein is the sole and exclusive remedy for any and all claims pertaining to the provisions of this Agreement.
2. All grievances, regardless of the Step at which they are initiated, must specifically cite which provision of this Agreement and/or Rutgers policy is alleged to have been violated. The Union shall endeavor to set forth specific information indicating the factual nature of the grievance. This language is not intended to preclude the Union from amending its grievance.
3. Any grievance of an employee, or of the Union, shall be handled in the following manner:
Step 1
The grievance shall initially be presented within ten (10) working days after the occurrence of the event or knowledge of the event out of which the grievance arises. The grievance shall be presented in writing citing the alleged violation. The grievance normally shall be presented to the employee's immediate supervisor or the person with the authority to resolve the grievance. If the employee so requests, the steward may be present at any meeting that takes place at this level in attempting to adjust the grievance. Such meeting shall be held within two (2) working days after the grievance is submitted in writing. The first level of supervision shall give his/her answer in writing within four (4) working days after the grievance is submitted in writing.
In cases where the event giving rise to the grievance is not initiated by the employee's immediate supervisor, the grievance initially shall be presented to the first level of supervision having authority to effect a remedy.
Step 2
If the grievance is not resolved at Step 1, the employee or the Union may within five (5) working days of the written answer forward the grievance to the second level of authority with a copy to the first level of authority and to the Office of Labor Relations. If a Step 2 grievance is filed by an individual employee, the employee shall also send a copy to the Union president. This second level of authority shall within ten (10) working days of receipt of the written grievance hold a meeting. The employee shall be entitled to be accompanied by the steward and/or by either a Union officer or the president's designee. This second level of authority shall send to the employee, to the representative(s) present at the hearing, to the Union president, to the first level of authority and to the Office of Labor Relations his/her written answer within five (5) working days after the date of such meeting.
Step 3
If the Union is not satisfied with the Step 2 answer, the Union may within three (3) working days of receipt of that answer submit to the Office of Labor Relations in New Brunswick and where appropriate to the Personnel Officer in Newark the written statement of the grievance along with a written request for a Third Step Hearing.
Such hearing shall take place at a mutually agreeable time and place not later than five (5) working days after receipt of the written request for such hearing. The employee shall be entitled to be present. The steward, and/or either the Union President or his/her designee shall be present, and the Council representative may be present.
The Third Step Hearing Officer shall give his/her written decision to the employee and to the Union within five (5) working days after such hearing. These five (5) days may be extended by mutual agreement.
If the Union believes that the third step Hearing Officer has based his/her decision on material not presented or referenced at the third step, the Union may request a reconvening of the hearing to review or rebut this material.
A general grievance, one that may affect all or a group of employees, may be presented by the Union at Step 3.
Step 4
If the Union is not satisfied with the decision of the Third Step Hearing Officer, the Union may within ten (10) working days after the receipt of the written decision of the Third Step Hearing Officer submit the grievance to binding arbitration.
Rutgers and the Union agree that the arbitrator to be chosen jointly shall be selected from a panel or panels to be provided by the American Arbitration Association, except that for the life of this Agreement the arbitrator will be chosen from panel(s) provided by the Public Employment Relations Commission. The arbitrator will be selected in accordance with the rules and procedures of the agency.
The costs and expenses incurred by each party shall be paid by the party incurring the costs except that the fees of the neutral arbitrator and the administering agency shall be borne equally by Rutgers and the Union.
When documents are discovered by the University which were not presented at third step but which will be used at arbitration, the University will provide such documents to the Union four (4) days prior to the arbitration hearing, with the parties realizing that situations may necessitate shorter notice.
4. No arbitrator functioning under the provisions of the grievance procedure terminating at Step 4 in binding arbitration shall have the power to amend, modify or delete any provision of this Agreement.
5. In the case of discharge, the grievance may begin at Step 2 above.
6. In the case of grievances relating to selection of a candidate under the Promotion and Transfer Procedure, Steps 1, 2, and 4 above shall be utilized.
7. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall not be considered working days in computing the time limits provided for above. Any written decision or written answer to a grievance made at any step which is not appealed to the succeeding step within the time limits provided, or such additional period of time as may be mutually agreed upon in writing, shall be considered a final settlement and such settlement shall be binding upon Rutgers, the Union and the employee or employees involved.
8. An employee shall not lose pay for the time spent during his/her regular working hours at the foregoing steps of the grievance procedure. In the event that it is necessary to require the attendance of other employees, during regular working hours, at the Step 4 meeting of the grievance procedure, such employees shall not lose pay for such time.
9. In the event of the discharge for cause of any employee, Rutgers shall promptly give written notice of the discharge to the employee's steward and attempt to give telephone notice to the President of the Union or the Vice President of the Union responsible for the campus on which the discharged employee had been employed.
10. Rutgers and the Union agree to process a grievance over a discharge in an expeditious manner.
11. Rutgers shall provide a copy of any written reprimand which is to be made part of the employee’s central personnel file to the employee and to the President, or in Newark and Camden to the Vice President. The employee shall sign such reprimand, the signature serving only to acknowledge that he/she has read the reprimand. Any employee may file a grievance with respect to any document written to the employee which expresses dissatisfaction with his/her work performance or conduct and with which he/she does not agree.
Annually, through a joint letter from the Union and the Office of Labor Relations, employees will be informed that a document from a supervisor to an employee which expresses dissatisfaction with the employee's work performance or conduct may be grieved under this article.
When an employee's record is free from any disciplinary action for a period of one (1) year, any letters of reprimand or documents which express dissatisfaction with the employee's work performance or conduct in the employee's record shall be deemed to be removed. Disciplinary actions other than letters of reprimand shall remain part of the employee's record.
12. If an employee is being questioned about his/her work performance or conduct and if the employee has a reasonable belief that the answers to such questions will result in discipline, then the employee may request that a steward be present.
13. No employee shall be discharged, suspended or disciplined in any way except for just cause and the sole right and remedy under this Agreement of any such employee shall be to file a grievance through and in accordance with the grievance procedure.
14. If Rutgers should exceed the time limits in replying to any grievance at any step in the grievance procedure, the grievance may be advanced to the next step.
15. In addition, an employee may appeal the interpretation, or application of agreements and administrative decisions which affect terms and conditions of employment, as that concept has been defined by law, by presenting such appeal for determination to the Office of Labor Relations.
16. AFSCME Steward Trainees shall be permitted by the Step One, Step Two or Step Three hearing officer to attend such hearing, provided that the steward trainee has received permission from his/her supervisor to be in attendance at such hearing.
1. All employees shall be considered as probationary employees for the first ninety (90) calendar days of their employment. The probationary period may not be extended without concurrence of the Union. Probationary employees may be disciplined or terminated at any time for any reason whatsoever at the sole discretion of Rutgers and they shall not be entitled to utilize the provisions of Article 8 - Grievance Procedure. Upon completion of such probationary period, their seniority will be dated as of the date of commencement of their employment. In the event that two (2) employees have the same seniority date, their respective seniority shall be determined by alphabetical order of their last names.
2. Seniority for full time and part time type 1 employees for the purpose of this article shall be based upon an employee's continuous length of service in the bargaining unit, except that employees employed on grant funds shall be credited with their seniority after thirteen (13) months of continuous service in the bargaining unit. Part time employees' seniority shall be maintained on separate seniority lists for Camden, Newark and New Brunswick.
3. The Office of Labor Relations shall maintain seniority lists of employees by seniority units, copies of which shall be furnished to the Union.
Seniority units are as defined as follows:
a. Camden
b. Newark
c. New Brunswick
4. An employee's seniority shall cease and his/her employee status shall terminate for any of the following reasons
a. Resignation or retirement
b. Discharge for cause
c. Continuous layoff for a period exceeding six (6) months for employees with less than two (2) years continuous service; continuous layoff for a period exceeding one (1) year and one (1) day for employees with two (2) years or more continuous service.
d. Failure of laid off employee to report for work either (i) on date specified in written notice of recall mailed seven (7) or more calendar days prior to such date, or (ii) within three (3) working days after date specified in written notice of recall mailed less than seven (7) calendar days prior to such date, unless return to work as herein provided is excused by Rutgers. Written notice of recall to work shall be sent by Rutgers by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the employee's last known address as shown on Rutgers' personnel records.
e. Failure to report for work for a period of three (3) consecutive scheduled working days without notification to Rutgers of a justifiable excuse for such absence.
f. Failure to report back to work immediately upon expiration of vacation, leave of absence or any renewal thereof unless return to work is excused by Rutgers, and such excuse shall not unreasonably be withheld by Rutgers.
5. When Rutgers decides to reduce the number of employees in any particular job title in a particular department(s), the employee(s) so affected may displace the least senior employee in his/her job title in his/her work unit in that department, who is also less senior than the affected employee. Such displaced employee may displace the least senior employee, who is also less senior than the affected employee, in his/her particular job title in the seniority unit, provided he/she has the requisite qualifications and abilities to perform the work available.
6. If the employee(s) so affected does not have the requisite qualifications and abilities to perform the work available in order to displace the least senior employee in his/her job title, he/she may displace the least senior employee, who is also less senior than the affected employee in the next lower-rated classification in his/her expanded job family (Appendix B) in the seniority unit for which he/she has the requisite qualifications and abilities to perform the work available.
7. Any employee(s) so displaced may in turn displace the least senior employee, who is also less senior than the affected employee, in the next lower-rated classification in his/her expanded job family in the seniority unit for which he/she has the requisite qualifications and ability to perform the work available.
8. Employees hired on a 10-month basis shall not be entitled to utilize the provisions above during the off season of July and August. Such employees may apply to the Division of Personnel for casual work during this period without jeopardizing the status of their regular appointment.
9. Employees laid off during a layoff which persists for thirty (30) calendar days or less shall not be entitled to displace any other employee during this layoff period. Such temporary layoff is not subject to the notification provisions of Article 30. This paragraph 9 which is intended for extraordinary circumstances shall not be utilized to circumvent the other seniority and layoff provisions of this Article.
10. Any employee exercising his/her right to displace another employee with less seniority in any lower rated job title shall be paid at the rate of such job in accordance with regulations governing an employee being assigned to a lower rated title, but not more than the maximum of such job.
11. Employees laid off from Rutgers shall be recalled to work in their seniority unit from layoff in order of their seniority to a position in the same job title as the one vacated at time of layoff provided that they have the requisite qualifications and ability to perform the work available. Such employees may apply to the Division of Personnel for casual work without jeopardizing their rights of recall.
12. For purposes of layoff and recall, the President, three Vice Presidents, the Secretary/Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and all recognized stewards, or an alternate steward temporarily filling the role of the steward during the absence of the steward, shall be granted top seniority in their seniority units during their terms of office, provided that they have the requisite qualifications and ability to perform the work available at the time of layoff or recall. The Union will provide the University with a list of names and geographic areas of responsibility of these persons holding the positions described as being granted top seniority and will keep the list current.
13. An employee who is promoted or permanently transferred to a job or position not covered by this Agreement shall retain and accumulate seniority in the seniority unit from which he/she was promoted or transferred only for a period of one (1) year from the time of his/her promotion or transfer, during which period of time the employee may be returned to work in a position comparable to the one which he/she held at the time of his/her promotion or transfer.
14. In determining requisite qualifications and abilities to perform the work available, Rutgers will give the same consideration to employees exercising their seniority rights as they would to new employees in qualifying for the specific position.
15. If a department lays off an employee but continues to employ a casual employee (Type 4) to perform the same or similar functions as the laid off employee, the department will offer that employee that work as a Type 4, as an option to termination of employment, if the employee has the qualifications and ability to perform it. The employee will be paid at the rate the casual employee was being paid. An employee who elects to work as a casual employee will remain on the recall list in accordance with the Agreement.
16. When there is more than one vacancy in the job title of an affected employee, all of the vacancies in that title in the seniority unit will be considered the least senior.ARTICLE 10 - VACATION ELIGIBILITY AND ALLOWANCE
Regularly appointed full time employees are first eligible for vacation upon completion of the fiscal year during which they are employed, and they will accrue vacation at the rate of one (1) day for each full month employed during the period. The allowance earned in one (1) fiscal year must be used before the end of the following fiscal year or it is forfeited. However, if it is mutually agreed between the employee and his/her supervisor, then a maximum of one (1) year's vacation allowance may be carried forward into the next succeeding year. However, an employee may not expect to combine the entire vacation allowance from two (2) fiscal years unless the supervisor and employee mutually agree to such an extended vacation.
Where a University holiday falls within an approved vacation period, it is not counted as a vacation day except if the vacation allowance is being paid upon resignation or death. If an employee becomes ill during five (5) or more of his/her vacation days, he/she may request that that portion of his/her vacation during which he/she was ill be converted from vacation time to sick leave provided that:
1. He/she was hospitalized during his/her vacation period; or
2. He/she was under a doctor's care for illness other than a chronic condition during the course of his/her vacation.
In order to be eligible for such conversion of vacation to paid sick leave, the employee must submit acceptable evidence of hospitalization or of a doctor's attendance. When a death occurs in the immediate family while an employee is on vacation, bereavement time may be charged.
Any vacation allowance accrued at the time of retirement must be taken prior to the effective date of retirement. The retiring employee is entitled to any unused vacation earned in the previous fiscal year plus the amount of vacation accrued on a pro-rata basis for service in the fiscal year in which retirement occurs. The total amount may exceed the normal annual allowance. If a holiday falls within the vacation period, it is not counted as a vacation day.
Upon separation, an employee shall be entitled to payment for his/her accrued vacation allowance. Such allowance shall include any unused vacation earned in the previous fiscal year plus the amount of vacation earned in the fiscal year when separation occurs.
Payment will be made for unused vacation allowance of a deceased employee who had been a regularly appointed staff member. Such payment shall be for any unused vacation earned in the previous fiscal year, and vacation accrued on a pro-rata monthly basis for service in the fiscal year in which death occurs.
Vacation allowances are based on fiscal years of service as follows:
1. Less than one year of service: - one full working day for each full month of service.
2. One through twelve years: - fifteen working days.
3. Thirteen through twenty years: - 20 working days.
4. Over twenty years: - 25 working days.
When an employee completes twelve (12) years of service during a fiscal year, he/she will earn vacation for the remainder of the fiscal year at the rate of 1-2/3 days for each full month of service. When an employee completes twenty (20) full years of service during a fiscal year, he/she will earn vacation for the remainder of that fiscal year at the rate of two (2) days for each full month of service.
Vacations shall be taken at the convenience of the department with consideration given to employees' preferences.
In the event of any conflict, the employee with the greater seniority shall be given preference.
Vacation schedules, once decided, cannot be changed without mutual agreement by all employees affected, subject to approval by supervision.
The rate of vacation pay shall be the employee's regular straight time rate of pay.
The regular paid holidays observed by Rutgers are: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. When any of the above holidays falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is observed in lieu of the holiday. When any of the above holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be observed in lieu of the holiday.
In addition, Rutgers shall observe as holidays either one (1) full holiday or two (2) half holidays during the Christmas Season, three (3) other holidays to be annually determined by Rutgers, and two (2) holidays to be selected by the individual employee. Employees shall be eligible for the individually selected holidays after six (6) months of employment and the rules for their use will be governed by those applicable to administrative leave as provided in Article 19 of this Agreement.
An employee whose regularly scheduled day off falls on a University holiday may request a particular day off in that workweek as an Alternate Day off. If the request can be granted without interfering with the needs of the department, it will be granted. If the department determines that its needs do not permit granting that day, the department may assign another day during that workweek as the Alternate Day off. If the employee is not given an Alternate Day off during that workweek the University holiday counts as compensable hours toward overtime.
Where the nature of the work lends itself to pauses during the workday, full time employees working in such an environment are eligible, during each one-half shift, for either an aggregate of fifteen (15) minutes rest period or for one 15-minute rest period.
In those situations where the nature of the work is continuous and uninterrupted, (for example, when an employee(s) is required to remain at a definite station or machine), full time employees working in such an environment are eligible for a formally scheduled rest period of fifteen (15) minutes during each one-half shift. These provisions shall not be utilized to permanently deny an employee a rest period.
Part-time employees are eligible for either an aggregate of fifteen (15) minutes rest period, or for one fifteen (15) minute rest period, for each one half shift the employee is regularly scheduled to work.
If it is necessary to leave the work station, it is understood that there be sufficient coverage of said work station. Type of rest period and scheduling of such shall be at the discretion of the employee's supervisor. Rest period time is not cumulative.
Sick leave is defined as a necessary period of absence because of the employee’s own illness or for exposure of the employee to contagious disease.
The meaning of sick leave may be extended to include a charge to the employee’s accrued sick leave time to provide medical care to a seriously ill family member as defined in the special circumstances described below. The number of days that the employee may charge to accrued sick leave time for the special circumstances described in sections 1 and 2, below, shall not exceed a total of five (5) days per fiscal year.
Special Circumstances:
1. Emergency Attendance.
Employee’s emergency attendance on a member of the employee’s immediate family (mother, father, spouse, child, step child, foster child, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather) who is seriously ill.
2. Medically Certified Care.
Employee’s attendance upon the employee’s seriously ill spouse, parent, or child at a hospital, health care facility, or at home, or the employee’s transport of the employee’s seriously ill spouse, parent, or child, to medical treatment, when properly certified by a Health Care Provider on the form designated in Appendix E. Use of sick time will not be permitted where the employee has failed to provide the certified form.
Medically certified care does not cover such situations as illness not defined as seriously ill, matters unrelated to medical needs, baby-sitting, running errands, and/or running a business for the family member while he/she is ill.
Full-time employees hired prior to July 1, 2000 earn fifteen (15) days of sick leave in each fiscal year at the rate of 1-1/4 days per month. During the first year of employment, employees will earn sick leave at the rate of one (1) day per month of service except that employees appointed on July 1 will earn sick leave at the rate of 1-1/4 days per month.
Full-time employees hired on or after July 1, 2000 will earn sick leave at the rate of one (1) day per month of service. After twelve (12) years of service, full-time employees hired on or after July 1, 2000 will earn sick leave at the rate of one and one-quarter (1-1/4) days per month of service.
Unused sick leave is cumulative.
Employees are expected to notify their supervisor preferably by telephone as early as possible at the beginning of the work day on which sick leave is used and to keep the supervisor adequately informed should the absence extend beyond one day.
Employees who require more sick time than accumulated will have their pay adjusted accordingly except that the employee may charge such time to vacation or administrative leave. In such cases, all sick leave policies will apply. Employees may request that the supervisor make available for the employee’s review a current record of the employee’s sick leave, such request will not be unreasonably denied.
An employee who is absent from work due to death in the immediate family (mother, father, spouse, child, foster child, sister, brother, grandmother, great grandmother, grandfather, great grandfather, grandchild, or any relative of the employee residing in the employee's household) may charge up to three (3) days for such absence to attend the funeral or for mourning. Such time must be initiated within seven (7) calendar days from notice of the date of death. If such notification exceeds the date of death by more than seven (7) days, a department may require verification of notification. However, in the event that the funeral of a member of the immediate family is held at some distant location, and the employee will attend, an exception to the above may be requested by the employee to provide for up to five (5) days of absence to be charged to bereavement leave.
Employees are eligible to receive one (1) day of bereavement leave for attendance at the funeral of the employee's mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law.
If an employee requests to use available vacation time to extend the bereavement leave, it will not be unreasonably denied.
A. Pregnancy/Childbirth An employee desiring to work during pregnancy must furnish Rutgers with a physician's certificate indicating the expected date of birth and the physician's opinion as to how long the employee may continue to work. Unless the University requires an additional medical opinion, the employee will be permitted to work until the time specified by her own physician. An employee who is unable to work during pregnancy because of a disability may charge the time to vacation, administrative leave, personal holiday or sick leave to the extent it is available. For the period of disability after childbirth, she may also charge vacation, administrative leave, personal holiday or sick leave to the extent it is available. If sick leave is not available, the employee should apply for temporary disability insurance. An employee who has no earned time to charge will be given a leave of absence without pay in accordance with Article 17 and may elect to continue Rutgers benefit programs by personal contributions while on such leave.
The employee must keep the department fully advised as to due date, expected date of return, whether she will also request Family Leave to care for the child, and any complications that may keep her from returning to work on the expected date of return. She will be reinstated to her original position under most circumstances, or to a position of similar status and pay. If necessary, the department may fill the position on an interim basis with the clear understanding that this is a temporary arrangement which will be terminated at the time she returns.
An employee who wishes to work part-time for some period before childbirth should discuss this request with her supervisor to determine whether such request can be accommodated.
This policy applies to all female employees regardless of marital status.
B. Adoption An employee who wishes to take unpaid time off upon placement of a child for adoption should apply for Family Leave. Family Leave will be granted in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
C. Child Care Leave An employee who wishes to take unpaid time off for child care after the birth of a child should apply for Family Leave. Family Leave will be granted in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
The provisions of B. and C. apply to male and female employees.
1. Training
Any full-time regularly appointed employee who is a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States of America shall be entitled to a leave of absence with pay for the usual prescribed training period not to exceed fifteen (15) working days per year. Such leave shall not be charged against vacation time.
The employee must give the supervisor a two (2) week advance notice of such leave and must present to the supervisor a copy of the official governmental orders authorizing the military training.
2. Induction or Enlistment
Any full time regularly appointed employee, excluding grant and temporary employees, who initially enters active service in any branch of the armed forces of the United States of America for more than six (6) months either voluntarily or pursuant to law shall be granted a leave of absence without pay for the period of such service plus ninety (90) days immediately following separation.
Such an employee, unless dishonorably discharged, shall be entitled to reemployment by Rutgers provided application for reemployment is made prior to expiration of the leave.
In case a service-connected disability prevents the employee from returning to work within the normally prescribed time, the employee may request that the leave be extended and upon submitting to Rutgers substantiating medical evidence, a six (6) month leave extension may be granted, the total of such extensions not to exceed twelve (12) months from the date of separation.
Upon reemployment, the returning veteran employee's salary shall be adjusted to reflect any normal increments or general adjustments the employee would have received had the employee continued working for Rutgers.
Sick leave days will not accrue during the military service leave but the time will count as University service in applying vacation scales and with regard to seniority.
1. An employee may submit a written request for leave of absence without pay for consideration by Rutgers. Such request shall be granted by Rutgers only in exceptional situations.
2. An employee who is unable to perform the duties of his/her job title because of illness or injury shall be given a leave of absence without pay. Such leave of absence shall be limited to a period of three (3) months, but shall be renewable for a justifiable reason for additional three (3) month periods, not to exceed a total leave of absence of one (1) year.
3. Employees on leave of absence shall retain and accumulate seniority during such leaves of absence. Upon expiration of an employee's leave of absence, the employee shall be returned to his/her former position, if it is open, or to a position comparable to the one previously held.
4. Employees on leave without salary for one (1) month or longer do not accrue vacation or sick leave benefits. Employees on leave of absence due to injuries occurring in the course of and arising out of employment for Rutgers, will earn sick leave and vacation until workers' compensation payments cease.
Rutgers shall grant time off with full normal pay to those employees who are required to serve on jury duty during such periods as the employee is actually serving. If jury duty does not require a full day, it is expected that the employee will return to his/her duties.
If an employee whose regular work schedule is an afternoon or night shift is required to serve on jury duty during non-shift hours, the employee will be released from his/her scheduled work shift on the date(s) of jury duty for an amount of time equal to the non-shift hours spent on jury duty, not to exceed the number of hours in the employee's regularly scheduled workday.
Employees are required to submit to their supervisors the notification of jury duty upon receiving it and to submit verification of daily attendance upon return to work.
Full time employees shall be granted three (3) days administrative leave at the beginning of each fiscal year. Employees hired after the beginning of the fiscal year shall be granted a half (1/2) day administrative leave after each full calendar month of service in the first fiscal year of employment to a maximum of three (3) days.
Employees appointed on a 10-month basis shall be granted administrative leave on the same basis except the maximum shall be two and one half (2-1/2) days per year. Administrative leave for part time employees shall be prorated in accordance with the length of their work week.
Administrative Leave shall be granted by Rutgers upon request of the employee and shall be scheduled in advance provided the request can be granted without interference with the proper discharge of the work in the work unit involved. Requests for such leave shall not be unreasonably denied.
Administrative Leave may be used for personal business, including emergencies and religious observances. Administrative Leave may be taken in conjunction with other types of paid leave. Where there are more requests at one time than can be granted without interfering with the proper conduct of the work unit, priorities in granting such requests shall be: (1) emergencies; (2) religious holidays; and (3) personal matters. If there is still a conflict, the matter will be resolved on the basis of seniority within the work unit. In the case of an emergency, where advance notice and approval are not possible, requests for Administrative Leave for emergencies shall not be unreasonably denied.
Administrative Leave must be scheduled in minimum units of one (1) hour.
Such leave shall not be cumulative. Unused balances in any year shall be cancelled. An employee who leaves employment shall not be required to reimburse Rutgers for earned days already used.
1. In the case of employees paid from other than State funds, the University will endeavor to persuade funding agencies to conform in accord with the University salary structure.
2. In the event funding agencies do not conform in accord with the University salary structure, the failure to do so will be the subject of a Labor/Management Conference under Article 7.
3. Salary Program
The following salary adjustments are subject to the appropriation of and allocation to the University by the State of adequate funding for the specific purposes identified for the full period covered by this Agreement.
When it is possible to do so, salary detail as to overtime and rates will be printed on check stubs.
1. Each eligible employee will receive a normal merit increment on the appropriate anniversary date.
1. Each eligible employee will receive a normal merit increment on the appropriate anniversary date.
2. Effective July 1, 2004, the salary schedule in effect on June 30, 2004 shall be increased across the board by two and nine-tenths percent (2.9%).
3. A full-time, or part-time, 12-month employee, whose annualized base salary on June 30, 2004 was less than $31,000, who continues on the payroll through July 1, 2004 shall receive a lump sum bonus, not added to or made part of the base salary, calculated as the difference between two and nine-tenths percent (2.9%) of the employee’s annualized base salary on June 30, 2004 and two and nine-tenths percent (2.9%) of $31,000. This lump sum bonus shall be appropriately pro-rated for part-time, 12-month employees. The bonus shall be paid in July 2004 for 12-month employees.
4. A full-time, or part-time, 10-month employee, whose annualized base salary on June 30, 2004 was less than $31,000, who continues on the payroll through September 1, 2004 shall receive a lump sum bonus, not added to or made part of the base salary, calculated as the difference between two and nine-tenths percent (2.9%) of the employee’s annualized base salary on June 30, 2004 and two and nine-tenths percent (2.9%) of $31,000 and appropriately pro-rated. This bonus shall be paid in September 2004 for 10-month employees.
1. Each eligible employee will receive a normal merit increment on the appropriate anniversary date.
2. Effective July 1, 2005, the salary schedule in effect on June 30, 2005 shall be increased across the board by two percent (2.0%).
3. Effective January 1, 2006, the salary schedule in effect on December 31, 2005 shall be increased across the board by two percent (2.0%).
4. A full-time, or part-time, 12-month employee, whose annualized base salary on June 30, 2005 was less than $31,000, who continues on the payroll through July 1, 2005 shall receive a lump sum bonus, not added to or made part of the base salary, calculated as the difference between two percent (2.0%) of the employee’s annualized base salary on June 30, 2005 and two percent (2.0%) of $31,000. This lump sum bonus shall be appropriately pro-rated for part-time, 12-month employees. The bonus shall be paid in July 2005 for 12-month employees.
5. A full-time, or part-time, 12-month employee, whose annualized base salary on December 31, 2005 was less than $31,000, who continues on the payroll through January 1, 2006 shall receive a lump sum bonus, not added to or made part of the base salary, calculated as the difference between two percent (2.0%) of the employee’s annualized base salary on December 31, 2005 and two percent (2.0%) of $31,000. This lump sum bonus shall be appropriately pro-rated for part-time, 12-month employees. The bonus shall be paid in January 2006 for 12-month employees.
6. A full-time, or part-time, 10-month employee, whose annualized base salary on June 30, 2005 was less than $31,000, who continues on the payroll through September 1, 2005 shall receive a lump sum bonus, not added to or made part of the base salary, calculated as the difference between two percent (2.0%) of the employee’s annualized base salary on June 30, 2005 and two percent (2.0%) of $31,000 and appropriately pro-rated. This bonus shall be paid in September 2005 for 10-month employees.
7. A full-time, or part-time, 10-month employee, whose annualized base salary on December 31, 2005 was less than $31,000, who continues on the payroll through January 1, 2006 shall receive a lump sum bonus, not added to or made part of the base salary, calculated as the difference between two percent (2.0%) of the employee’s annualized base salary on December 31, 2005 and two percent (2.0%) of $31,000 and appropriately pro-rated. This bonus shall be paid in January 2006 for 10-month employees.
1. Each eligible employee will receive a normal merit increment on the appropriate anniversary date.
2. Effective July 1, 2006, the salary schedule in effect on June 30, 2006 shall be increased across the board by two and one-quarter percent (2.25%).
3. Effective January 1, 2007, the salary schedule in effect on December 31, 2006 shall be increased across the board by two and thirty-five one hundredths percent (2.35%).
4. A full-time, or part-time, 12-month employee, whose annualized base salary on June 30, 2006 was less than $31,000, who continues on the payroll through July 1, 2006 shall receive a lump sum bonus, not added to or made part of the base salary, calculated as the difference between two and one-quarter percent (2.25%) of the employee’s annualized base salary on June 30, 2006 and two and one-quarter percent (2.25%) of $31,000. This lump sum bonus shall be appropriately pro-rated for part-time, 12-month employees. The bonus shall be paid in July 2006 for 12-month employees.
5. A full-time, or part-time, 12-month employee, whose annualized base salary on December 31, 2006 was less than $31,000, who continues on the payroll through January 1, 2007 shall receive a lump sum bonus, not added to or made part of the base salary, calculated as the difference between two and thirty-five one hundredths percent (2.35%) of the employee’s annualized base salary on December 31, 2006 and two and thirty-five one hundredths percent (2.35%) of $31,000. This lump sum bonus shall be appropriately pro-rated for part-time, 12-month employees. The bonus shall be paid in January 2007 for 12-month employees.
6. A full-time, or part-time, 10-month employee, whose annualized base salary on June 30, 2006 was less than $31,000, who continues on the payroll through September 1, 2006 shall receive a lump sum bonus, not added to or made part of the base salary, calculated as the difference between two and one quarter percent (2.25%) of the employee’s annualized base salary on June 30, 2006 and two and one quarter percent (2.25%) of $31,000 and appropriately pro-rated. This bonus shall be paid in September 2006 for 10-month employees.
7. A full-time, or part-time, 10-month employee, whose annualized base salary on December 31, 2006 was less than $31,000, who continues on the payroll through January 1, 2007 shall receive a lump sum bonus, not added to or made part of the base salary, calculated as the difference between two and thirty-five one hundredths percent (2.35%) of the employee’s annualized base salary on December 31, 2006 and two and thirty-five one hundredths percent (2.35%) of $31,000 and appropriately pro-rated. This bonus shall be paid in January 2007 for 10-month employees.
4. Salary Schedule
Effective July 1, 2006, a ninth step will be added to the salary schedule in effect on June 30, 2006. Movement to the ninth step will not occur until an employee’s second anniversary date after movement to the preceding step.
Employees are to be paid on a bi-weekly basis.
A new employee is assigned an initial salary anniversary date based on the effective date of appointment. When the date of appointment is the first day of the calendar quarter, that date, in the next fiscal year, becomes the initial anniversary date. When the date of appointment occurs after the first day of a calendar quarter, the first day of the following calendar quarter, in the next fiscal year, becomes the initial anniversary date. An employee's anniversary date may, however, change as a result of other actions such as promotion or salary adjustments.
1. Upon promotion, an employee's salary is increased one increment in his/her present range; then, if no step in the new range is equal to this increased rate, his/her salary will be adjusted to the next higher rate.
2. In the case of employees paid from other than State funds, the University will endeavor to persuade funding agencies to conform in accord with the University salary structure.
3. In the event funding agencies do not conform in accord with the University salary structure, the failure to do so will be the subject of a Labor/Management conference under Article 7.
When Rutgers appoints by written notice an employee to temporarily work in a higher title in an acting capacity as an interim replacement for a period of fifteen (15) calendar days or more, the employee will be paid, retroactively to the first day of his/her temporary assignment, a rate of pay which would be equal to the rate the employee would receive if he/she were promoted to the higher title. It is not the intention of the University to rotate such assignments solely for the purpose of circumventing this benefit. If such assignment is not put in writing to the employee, the employee will not be held accountable for performing the higher level work.
1. Overtime hours requested and authorized by the employee's supervisor beyond forty (40) hours in the standard workweek shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half the employee's regular hourly rate. Effective July 1, 2004, hours worked beyond thirty five (35) but less than or equal to forty (40) hours in the standard workweek by employees whose regular workweek is thirty five (35) hours shall be compensated by either paying the employee's regular hourly rate, or by providing compensatory time off at a time and one-half rate at the supervisor's discretion.
2. The standard workweek to be used in computing overtime hours and pay requirements will extend from 12:01 a.m. Saturday through Midnight Friday.
3. Overtime Distribution - Rutgers will make every reasonable effort to provide for an equitable distribution of overtime work among employees in each job classification within each work unit, after taking into consideration the nature of the work to be performed during the overtime hours and the qualifications and abilities of the employees in the work unit. Employees shall be expected to work a reasonable amount of overtime upon request. Any refusal of overtime work shall be recorded as an opportunity to work overtime by the employee. The Union shall have access to the overtime record on a reasonable basis. If, because of refusals to work overtime, there are an insufficient number of employees available to perform the overtime work, Rutgers may assign the overtime work to the necessary number of the least senior employees in the work unit who have the qualifications and abilities to perform the work. Employees will be given 24 hours advance notice of scheduled overtime. When such notice has not been given, scheduled overtime will be on a voluntary basis.
4. Paid time off for vacation, sick leave, holidays, administrative leave, and jury duty is counted as hours worked in determining the number of hours an employee has worked in a given week.
5. Holiday Premium: An eligible employee who is authorized to work on an observed holiday will, in addition to his/her regular pay for the day, earn compensation at time and one half the employee’s normal rate for all hours worked.
Any employee who is called back to work after he/she has completed his/her regular shift and has left his/her place of work shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours work or compensation in lieu thereof. Such employee shall be required to work all hours, in addition to the four (4) hour minimum guarantee, which are required by his/her supervisor.
No employee will be required to use his/her car for Rutgers business unless Rutgers designates his/her job as one requiring use of the employee's car, or designates such requirement as a result of change in job content.
Neither may an employee use his/her personal car on Rutgers business unless advance approval is given by the employee's supervisor.
The employee must carry Automobile Liability Insurance with liability limits of at least 25/50/10. The cost of any physical damage to the vehicle is the sole responsibility of the owner. Any accident must be reported to the Rutgers Insurance Department.
Use of a personal car on authorized Rutgers business is reimbursable at the prevailing reimbursement rate as specified in University Regulations and Procedures.
Prior to effecting a change of one hour or more in the regular starting time of work shifts, Rutgers will give at least one week notice to affected employees and will discuss such change and the need for same with the representatives of the Union, unless circumstances, such as in emergency situations, make such notice and prior discussion impracticable.
When a vacancy occurs or a new job is created within a given job classification in a work unit having more than one shift, any employee in the same classification may elect, in accordance with seniority, to change his/her shift to that shift in which the opening occurs, provided in the judgment of supervision that the efficiency of the particular operation will not be impaired by such a change and provided that no employee shall voluntarily exercise his/her seniority rights for such purpose more than once in any year. No employee shall be considered for a change in shift unless he/she shall in writing have requested a change in shift no earlier than six (6) months and no later than two (2) weeks before any such opening occurs.
Effective July 1, 2004, a shift premium of forty-five ($0.45) cents per hour shall be paid to any full time employee who is regularly scheduled to start work on or after 9:00 p.m. and before 4:00 a.m.
Effective July 1, 2004, a shift premium of thirty-five ($0.35) cents per hour shall be paid to any full time employee who is regularly scheduled to start work on or after 3:00 p.m. and before 9:00 p.m.
Paid time off is considered to be time worked for eligibility for payment.
Employees must be employed on the date of payment in order to receive this payment.
Rutgers agrees that prior to any layoff it will, except in case of emergencies, give at least twenty (20) calendar days notice to the employees affected (except probationary employees), and in consideration therefore, the Union agrees that the employees covered by this Agreement will, except in case of emergencies, give at least fourteen (14) calendar days notice prior to resigning from employment.
The University shall have the sole right to make technological and other such major changes in its operation as it may deem advisable for its efficient operation. However, prior to the introduction of any such changes, the University shall notify the Union of such contemplated changes and of any opportunities for training. In the event the introduction of any new process or equipment results in layoff of persons, these matters shall also be discussed with the designated Union representative prior to their introduction. Any such layoffs shall be made pursuant to the layoff procedure in Article 9.
The procedure to be used by the employer to indicate a promotional opportunity or a transfer shall be called a "posting procedure." The posting procedure for clerical, office, laboratory and technical employees shall be divided into two categories: Promotional Opportunities-Vacant Positions, and Recruitment Notifications. The posting procedure shall be used in a manner consistent with the goals of the Affirmative Action Program and the provisions of the collective negotiations Agreement between Rutgers and AFSCME Local 1761.
Promotional Opportunities-Vacant Positions are defined as those positions within the COLT bargaining unit which are above the elementary level category (see Appendix C) for each job family. When vacancies occur and are to be filled for any of these job classifications, each such promotional opportunity shall be posted on an individual job by job basis in the geographic area concerned (New Brunswick, Newark or Camden) and in one location on each of the other geographic campuses for a period of five (5) work days. The posting shall be on a form entitled "Promotional Opportunity-Vacant Position" and will include the following information:
1. Title of Position
2. Salary Range
3. Geographic Location
4. Department
5. "Scope and Function" and "Requirements" paragraphs of the generic job description.
6. Date Posted
7. Workweek designation if other than 35 hours
8. Expiration Date of Posting
9. Special Conditions
10. Specific requirements such as specialized skills, specialized machine capabilities or language skills.
11. Positions awarded by listing job number, name of successful bidder, old job title, new job title and seniority date; or by listing job number and the term "new hire" whichever is applicable.
12. The heading will include "AFSCME Local 1761, AFL-CIO."
This information is to be prepared by the Personnel Office for weekly publication. Positions which are posted are not to be reposted in subsequent weeks if they have not been filled. Copies of all job postings will be provided to the Union President. Copies of all job postings will be provided to all stewards and Vice Presidents in the geographic areas concerned. Rutgers will provide to a Union designee in each seniority unit a list of applicants who were successful in the posting procedure.
At the discretion of the administration, any position vacancy in a classification other than those listed in the COLT bargaining unit, or elementary level positions, or confidential positions may be made known if such information seems appropriate for distribution. It shall be the responsibility of the appropriate Personnel Office to prepare and distribute such recruitment notices.
All permanent 12 or 10 month vacant positions of twenty (20) hours or more per week that are to be filled and are included within the COLT bargaining unit shall be posted.
Those Rutgers University employees who are considered eligible to use this posting procedure shall be defined as those employees eligible for inclusion in the COLT bargaining unit, including employees working twenty (20) hours a week or more, and having been employed by Rutgers University on a continuous basis for a period of at least six (6) months. Casual and temporary employees are not eligible to bid. Reclassification shall not be a bar to bidding. Employees holding confidential positions may also use this posting procedure.
Employees covered by this procedure who feel qualified for any posted position may apply for it. A completed bid form for each position applied for must be in the designated Personnel Office at the time specified on the posting. If any interview takes place, the employee shall request permission of his/her immediate supervisor to be absent for the time required. Permission will not be unreasonably denied.
Contents of the job requisition for a position will be shared with an employee at his/her request in accordance with specific instructions on the posting sheet.
All positions which must be posted shall be posted for five (5) consecutive work days. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays shall not be considered work days for purposes of this procedure.
Only if application is made for a posted position during this five (5) day period is there an obligation to consider that applicant for the position.
The selection of the successful candidate will be determined with primary consideration given to performance, demonstrated ability and qualifications. After these factors have been carefully considered, if two or more candidates for the vacancy are equally qualified based on the aforementioned criteria, then seniority shall be the determining factor in the selection of the successful applicant for the position. Employees covered by this Agreement will be considered for selection regarding vacant Local 888 positions after Local 888 applicants but before applicants from any other sources, provided they apply during the appropriate posting period. Non-selection will not be subject to the grievance procedure.
If a position is funded as opposed to being supported by a regular budgetary line, a notation should be made on the posting of this fact; in this manner, employees will be aware that this is a term appointment rather than an indefinite one.
There shall be no limitation on the number of times an individual who is eligible may bid on posted positions, except that after an employee has successfully bid and has been accepted, the employee must wait six (6) months before bidding on another position.
Where, because of increase in duties and responsibility or for other bona-fide reasons, a department wishes to recommend that a position be reclassified, the reclassification procedure shall be followed. This reclassification cannot be used, however, to promote an existing employee into a vacant position. In such a case, the vacant position must be posted as outlined above.
1. An employee wishing to request a position classification review will submit a completed request to the Department Head/Director and simultaneously send a copy to the appropriate personnel office on forms designed by Rutgers. The personnel office will complete such review within eight (8) weeks, with a two (2) week extension if necessary, after signoff of the forms by the Vice President/Provost, or consultation by University Human Resources with the employee’s department. Compensation for any new job classification will be effective retroactively to the payroll begin date following receipt of completed request-for-review materials at the appropriate personnel office.
2. If the employee is dissatisfied with the results of the review, he/she may appeal within six (6) weeks to the Office of Wage & Salary Administration for a second review of the classification material. Such review will be completed within six (6) weeks with a two (2) week extension if necessary.
3. If the employee and the Union are dissatisfied with the decision of this first appeal the Union may, within thirty (30) days of receipt of that decision, submit the appeal to a neutral Classification Review Officer (CRO).
The Classification Review Officer, who will be an expert in the field of salary and classification, will be selected mutually by the Union and the University and will serve for the duration of the Agreement.
The Classification Review Officer will consider each case appealed to him/her on its individual merits and any determination by the Classification Review Officer will not be applicable to other employees. The Classification Review Officer will conduct hearings in an expeditious and informal manner. The Classification Review Officer will submit his/her written recommendations to the parties within thirty (30) calendar days of the hearing date or any extension mutually agreed to by the parties.
4. The determination of the Classification Review Officer will not be denied arbitrarily by the University; the University will provide reasons in writing for any denial of a Classification Review Officer determination.
A decision by the University not to reclassify an individual position whose reclassification has been recommended by the CRO will not be made for budgetary reasons.
5. If a position classification review is requested of Wage & Salary by other than the incumbent in the position, the incumbent shall be informed by Wage & Salary that such a review has been initiated. Contents of the job description submitted and the decision of Wage & Salary will be shared by the department with the incumbent. The employee has the right to respond in writing to Wage & Salary, with a copy to his/her supervisor, concerning all data submitted to Wage & Salary.
6. Wage & Salary will inform the Union of any change in the form and the rationale for the change.
7. When an employee's position has been reclassified to a lower level, the employee may accept the downgrade; may use the layoff, bumping procedure or may appeal the downgrade through steps two and three of this procedure. If the latter option is chosen, no salary reduction will be implemented until the payroll begin date after the final decision is made.
Rutgers shall provide to the Union a job evaluation manual containing job descriptions for all jobs in the bargaining unit.
In the event that Rutgers establishes a new bargaining unit job title or changes the duties as described in the generic job description of an existing job title, the Union will be notified in writing of the new job title, the new job description and/or the changed generic job description, and the salary range assigned. If requested by the Union within fifteen (15) working days of said notification, Rutgers and the Union shall negotiate the salary range assigned subject to the Public Employment Relations Commission rules governing negotiations. Any range designation established through said negotiations will be retroactive to the date of said notification. Retroactive payment shall be applicable only to those employees who are in said title at the time of agreement on the designation.
A list of all bargaining unit employees promoted or reclassified out of the unit will be sent to the Union President on a monthly basis. Copies of the administrative job posting sheets will be sent to the Union President as produced.
Rutgers shall provide for each agreed-upon area a bulletin board, space on a bulletin board or space for a bulletin board for posting by Union representatives of notices related to official Union matters. The Union agrees that notices posted on such bulletin boards shall only contain material related to official Local 1761 business.
Rutgers and the Union agree to establish jointly a committee to discuss mutual problems concerning employee safety and health. The committee shall be a standing committee, and once constituted shall meet regularly bimonthly to discuss long range, overall safety and health problems of employees. Video Display Terminals and their operation will be discussed at such safety committee meetings. Immediate safety problems should be reported to the supervisor or to the Department of Radiation and Environmental Health and Safety. The Union may appoint two (2) employees who shall not lose pay for the time spent at committee meetings. A representative of AFSCME may attend committee meetings.
Rutgers and the Union agree that employees shall be entitled to enjoy, and shall be subject to, all terms and conditions of employment applicable to the bargaining unit provided for in the University Regulations, Procedures, and Forms Usage Manual and not provided for herein. During the life of the Agreement, any change in the University Regulations, Procedures, and Forms Usage Manual affecting terms and conditions of employment of members of the bargaining unit shall be negotiated.
Appointed employees shall be eligible for participation in the Public Employees Retirement System consistent with its rules and regulations. Should there be changes made in this plan by legislation during the term of this Agreement, all such changes appropriate to members of this negotiating unit shall be made and effected in accordance with the provisions of such legislation.
Administrative rules are established by the Division of Pensions and Rutgers.
Members of the bargaining unit who are eligible for health insurance benefits coverage and who are hired on or after March 17, 2004 shall not be eligible for enrollment in the Traditional Plan.
All employees represented by the Union who are eligible for health insurance benefits coverage under P.L. 1961 c.49 (N.J.S.A. 52:14-17.25 et seq) shall pay premium or periodic charges therefore on the same basis and to the same extent as the State establishes for State AFSCME employees. This provision will become effective July 1, 2000.
Full time employees appointed on a regular 10-month basis (those employed for the standard academic year beginning September 1 and ending June 30) generally receive benefits on a pro-rata basis except for holiday pay which will be granted for those holidays that fall during the academic year only.
Only authorized personnel shall have access to employee personnel files.
All employees shall have access to their central personnel files to review their employee records. The request for review of such records shall be made in writing in advance to the Division of Personnel and such review shall be during regular office hours. An employee may respond in writing to any document in the file. Such response shall become a part of the file.
In addition, upon a specific written request by an employee, the Union, through a designated steward or Union officer, shall have the right to review that employee's file. Such request for review shall state the reason for the request and shall be scheduled in advance with the Division of Personnel and shall take place during regular business hours. Grievances and Classification Review records shall not be a part of the employee's personnel file. When any such documents are found in the personnel file, they shall be removed.
1. This Agreement supersedes any individual agreement between an individual employee and Rutgers.
2. Rutgers and the Union recognize the commitment of the University to its students to provide part time employment. Rutgers will not use students to undermine the bargaining unit.
3. Employees may be given permission to attend classes during the workday, provided the attendance at such classes does not interfere with the normal operation of the work unit, where such classes are related to the employee's job or career improvement and arrangements are made to make up the lost time. Any such arrangement shall be subject to approval by Rutgers.
4. The annual motor vehicle registration fee for employees wishing to register their vehicles for the use of surface campus parking facilities shall be 1/10th of 1% of the employee's annual salary for employees earning less than $25,000. Thereafter, beginning January 1993, for salaries from $25,000 to $29,999 the rate shall be 11/100th of one percent (.0011). For salaries from $30,000 to $34,999, the rate shall be 12/100th of one percent (.0012). For salaries from $35,000 to $39,999 the rate shall be 14/100th of one percent (.0014). For salaries from $40,000 to $44,999 the rate shall be 16/100th of one percent (.0016). For salaries from $45,000 to $49,999 the rate shall be 18/100th of one percent (.0018). Thereafter, the rate shall increase 2/100th of one percent (.0002) for each additional $10,000 of salary or portion thereof, the new rate to be applied to the entire salary.
The fee shall be based on the employee's annual salary at the time of billing.
To the extent permitted by law, effective with the registration next following January 1, 2000, employees who pay the motor vehicle registration fee for the use of campus parking facilities by way of payroll deduction shall be given the option of paying said fee by way of a pretax payroll deduction.
5. Rutgers and the Union will establish a committee to study the concept and feasibility of a career ladder program. This committee shall be a standing committee consisting of three (3) Union and three (3) University members. Rutgers and the Union agree that the committee shall first discuss opportunities for technical training in the computer and word processing fields.
6. Rutgers agrees to have raingear available for those postal employees who regularly pick up and deliver mail and in kiosks on the New Brunswick campus for the use of bus dispatchers.
Rutgers agrees to have two (2) smocks or aprons available for employees in reprographics.
7. Meal Allowance. Employees who are required to work for twelve (12) consecutive hours or more shall be entitled to one meal allowance of $5.50 effective July 1, 2004; $5.75 effective July 1, 2005; and $6.00 effective July 1, 2006.
8. Dispatcher (University Police) and those employees assigned to the Post Office who are issued uniforms shall receive a uniform maintenance allowance of $85 effective July 1, 2004; $90 effective July 1, 2005; and $95 effective July 1, 2006. Rutgers agrees to explore problems in this area if any develop.
9. At the request of an employee, access to his/her medical records which are maintained by the University will be granted. The request must be in writing and signed by the employee. The request must be made to the medical office where the records are maintained at least two (2) working days prior to the time the employee wishes to have access to such records. The original medical records may not leave the medical office where they are maintained and any inspection of the records must be completed in the presence of a member of the medical office staff during regular working hours. The employee may purchase copies of such medical records for his/her use at a cost of $.10 per page.
10. If the University cannot hire a successful applicant unless a salary higher than step 1 of the appropriate salary range is offered, the University will immediately notify the Union that it intends to offer or has offered the applicant such a salary, within that salary range, and will provide the Union with information about the position at issue. If the Union so wishes to negotiate particular future salary adjustments for that individual, the Union shall request such negotiations.
11. As soon as practicable following the execution of this Agreement, Rutgers University will post this Agreement on the Office of Labor Relations’ website, and shall list on the website the name, address, telephone number and website of Local 1761.
12. To the extent permitted by law, upon the effective date of this Agreement, the University will carry without charge by University campus mail up to three times per semester the Local 1761 newsletter to its bargaining unit members. Local 1761 will not send, and the University will not carry, by campus mail any other matter except upon payment of appropriate United States Postal charges.
For the sole purpose of determining administrative leave, personal holidays, holidays, vacation and sick leave as set forth in this Agreement, a workday for employees who work a thirty-five (35) hour workweek will be seven (7) consecutive hours and a workday for employees who work a forty (40) hour workweek will be eight (8) consecutive hours.
A full-time employee who operates a Video Display Terminal full time who is pregnant and is experiencing significant discomfort at her work station may request reassignment to other work. Such request shall be granted in full or in part when there is comparable work available, and in accordance with the needs of the employee's department. When it is not feasible to accommodate the employee, she shall be entitled to a leave without pay upon a doctor's certification that such leave is necessary. Under most circumstances, she will be returned to the same or similar position. Grievances concerning leaves of absence will be arbitrable; grievances concerning assignment will be processed exclusively under Article 8, Section 15.
Full-time employees who operate VDTs on a full time basis shall be eligible for the cost of eyeglasses each year should there be a change in vision requiring new glasses. The rate at which the employee will be reimbursed is as described in Article 39.
Rutgers and the Union understand and agree that all provisions of this Agreement are subject to law. In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be rendered illegal or invalid under any applicable law, such illegality or invalidity shall affect only the particular provision which shall be deemed of no force and effect, but it shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Agreement.
Upon request of either party, the parties agree to meet and renegotiate the provision so affected.
Rutgers shall be responsible for reproducing this Agreement and will furnish a sufficient number of copies to the Union for distribution to employees in the unit. The printing cost shall be shared equally between Rutgers and the Union.
This Agreement shall be effective from July 1, 2003 until 12:00 midnight on June 30, 2007.
Dated: May 18, 2004
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Harry M. Agnostak Jeff Maschi
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Jennifer E. Walker Mark Rozewski
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Robert L. Harris Patricia Kelly
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Patricia S. Stevenson Patricia Brancato
Rita Mac Indoe
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Richard Gollin Arthur C. Delo, Jr.
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Charlesetta Bynes Betty McCoy-Carter
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Maria Kreger Permelia Toney-Boss
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Leona Pellot Shelby Miller
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Rhonda Crouch Dolores Wardrop
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Gwen Brogsdale Georgette Adamcik
Title | Range |
Accounting Clerk | 7 |
Assistant Equipment Manager – Athletics | 12 |
Assistant Instrument Maker/Repairer | 18 |
Assistant Lab Mechanic | 7 |
Assistant Museum Installer/Preparator | 11 |
Audio-Visual Technician | 8 |
Budget Clerk | 9 |
Business Aide | 13 |
Carpenter/Scenery Painter | 14 |
Classroom Assistant I | 10 |
Classroom Assistant II | 9 |
Clerk Bookkeeper | 8 |
Clerk Stenographer | 7 |
Clerk Transcriber | 7 |
Clerk Transcriber – Languages | 8 |
Clerk Typist | 8 |
Clerk Typist – Languages | 9 |
Clinic Assistant | 12 |
Computer Aided Design Technician | 18 |
Computer Design Technician | 19 |
Computer Operator I | 17 |
Computer Operator II | 14 |
Computer Operator III | 11 |
Computer Operator/Librarian | 13 |
Contract Post Office Clerk | 13 |
Contract Post Office Head Clerk | 15 |
Copier Operator I | 13 |
Copier Operator II | 9 |
Courier | 10 |
Crew Rigger | 16 |
Crime Analysis Technician | 15 |
Curatorial Assistant | 13 |
Customer Services Representative | 15 |
Data Control Coordinator I | 17 |
Data Control Coordinator II | 15 |
Data Entry Machine Operator | 8 |
Data Processing Machine Operator I | 13 |
Data Processing Machine Operator II | 9 |
Data Processing Machine Operator III | 7 |
Title | Range |
Digital Electronics Service Technician | 19 |
Dispatcher (Buses) | 11 |
Dispatcher | 14 |
Dispatcher 9-1-1 | 15 |
Drafting Technician | 10 |
Drafting Technician – Electronics | 13 |
EDC Assistant - PBP | 14 |
Electronics Technician | 14 |
Engineering Aide | 9 |
Equipment Manager Athletics | 16 |
Equipment Manager (N) | 14 |
Events Coordinator | 15 |
Financial Aid Clerk | 9 |
Financial Aid Technician | 17 |
Finishing Clerk I | 11 |
Finishing Clerk II | 8 |
General Clerk | 8 |
Graphics Coordinator | 15 |
Graphics Technician | 13 |
Head Accounting Clerk | 15 |
Head Audio Visual Technician | 16 |
Head Clerk | 15 |
Head Clerk Bookkeeper | 15 |
Head Data Entry Machine Operator | 15 |
Head Dispatcher (Buses) | 14 |
Head Drafting Technician | 18 |
Head Offset Machine Operator | 17 |
Head PBP Clerk | 15 |
Head Photocopy/Repro Tech | 15 |
Head Postal Clerk | 12 |
Head Registrations Clerk | 17 |
Head Stock Clerk | 15 |
Head Telephone Operator | 12 |
Health & Safety Technician | 16 |
Health Technician I | 18 |
Health Technician II | 15 |
Health Technician III | 13 |
Housing Access Coordinator | 15 |
Instrument Maker/Repairer | 20 |
Insurance Clerk | 12 |
Keypunch Operator | 7 |
Laboratory Animal Care Tech | 10 |
Laboratory Animal Care Tech - Nwk | 12 |
Laboratory Assistant | 8 |
Laboratory Mechanic | 14 |
Laboratory Services Assistant (RC) | 13 |
Title | Range |
Laboratory Technician | 13 |
Language Laboratory Assistant | 13 |
Lead Copier Operator | 18 |
Lead Finishing Clerk | 15 |
Lead Library Utility Worker | 13 |
Lead Offset Print Operator | 20 |
Library Assistant II | 13 |
Library Assistant III | 10 |
Library Assistant IV | 8 |
Library Utility Worker | 9 |
Lighting Specialist | 14 |
Machinist | 16 |
Marketing Assistant | 15 |
Medical Technician | 15 |
Museum Installer/Preparator | 14 |
Network Installation Assistant | 14 |
Network Installation Technician | 19 |
Office Machine Clerk | 7 |
Offset Press Operator I | 14 |
Offset Press Operator II | 11 |
Operations Coordinator | 13 |
PBP Clerk | 8 |
Pharmacy Technician | 13 |
Photocopy/Reprographic Technician | 13 |
Photographer | 14 |
Photographic Communications Coordinator | 17 |
Photographic Technician – Publications | 11 |
Postal Clerk | 10 |
Postal Clerk/Telephone Operator (C) | 9 |
Principal Accounting Clerk | 13 |
Principal Audio-Visual Technician | 13 |
Principal Clerk | 11 |
Principal Clerk Bookkeeper | 12 |
Principal Clerk Typist | 12 |
Principal Data Entry Machine Operator | 13 |
Principal Drafting Technician | 14 |
Principal Engineering Aide | 16 |
Principal Keypunch Operator | 13 |
Principal Laboratory Animal Care Tech – Nwk | 17 |
Principal Laboratory Animal Care Tech | 15 |
Principal Laboratory Assistant | 11 |
Principal Laboratory Technician | 18 |
Principal Office Machine Clerk | 11 |
Principal Offset Machine Operator | 13 |
Principal PBP Clerk | 13 |
Principal Secretary | 13 |
Title | Range |
Principal Secretary – Languages | 14 |
Principal Secretary – Technician | 14 |
Principal Statistical Clerk | 11 |
Principal Stock Clerk | 13 |
Printing Operations Clerk | 8 |
Printing Operator I | 15 |
Printing Operator II | 13 |
Printing Operator III | 11 |
Production Assistant (SCPA) | 13 |
Production Control Clerk | 8 |
Program Assistant | 13 |
Promotional Assistant (University Press) | 7 |
Property & Supply Worker | 12 |
Publications Assistant | 15 |
Publications Clerk | 11 |
Publications Compositor | 11 |
Radiologic Technician | 19 |
Receptionist | 8 |
Registration/Records Clerk | 11 |
Research Aide | 13 |
Sales Clerk | 8 |
Scanner/Measurer – Physics | 8 |
Secretarial Assistant I | 19 |
Secretarial Assistant II | 17 |
Secretarial Assistant III | 15 |
Secretarial Assistant – Languages | 16 |
Secretarial Assistant – Technical | 16 |
Secretary | 10 |
Secretary – Languages | 11 |
Secretary – Technical | 11 |
Secretary – Word Processing | 11 |
Senior Accounting Clerk | 10 |
Senior Architectural Drafting Technician | 12 |
Senior Audio-Visual Technician | 10 |
Senior Classroom Assistant | 11 |
Senior Clerk | 8 |
Senior Clerk Bookkeeper | 9 |
Senior Clerk Typist | 9 |
Senior Clerk Typist – Languages | 10 |
Senior Data Entry Machine Operator | 10 |
Senior Drafting Technician | 12 |
Senior Electronics Technician | 16 |
Senior Engineering Aide | 14 |
Senior Financial Aid Clerk | 13 |
Senior Keypunch Operator | 9 |
Senior Laboratory Animal Care Tech – Nwk | 15 |
Title | Range |
Senior Laboratory Animal Care Tech | 13 |
Senior Laboratory Assistant | 8 |
Senior Laboratory Mechanic | 16 |
Senior Laboratory Technician | 16 |
Senior Office Machine Clerk | 8 |
Senior Office Machine Operator | 10 |
Senior PBP Clerk | 10 |
Senior Registration/Records Clerk | 13 |
Senior Sales Clerk | 9 |
Senior Scanner/Measurer (Physics) | 11 |
Senior Statistical Clerk | 7 |
Senior Stock Clerk | 10 |
Senior Tandem Accelerator Technician | 19 |
Senior Television Technician | 16 |
Senior Teller | 9 |
Senior Teller (SAR) | 11 |
Stage Hand/Electrician | 14 |
Stage Manager | 12 |
Statistical Assistant (Institutional Research) | 13 |
Statistical Clerk | 5 |
Stock Clerk | 8 |
Studio Technician | 14 |
Surplus Property Clerk | 11 |
Tandem Accelerator Technician | 15 |
Telephone Operator | 11 |
Television Technician | 14 |
Teller | 7 |
Teller (SAR) | 9 |
Theater Technician | 14 |
Ticket Sales Assistant – Athletics | 13 |
Typist – Technical | 10 |
Unit Coordinator | 13 |
Word Processing Machine Operator I | 14 |
Word Processing Machine Operator II | 11 |
Word Processing Machine Operator III | 9 |
Secretarial | Range |
Sec Asst I | 19 |
Health Tech I | 18 |
Sec Asst II | 17 |
Sec Asst-Lang | 16 |
Sec Asst-Tech | 16 |
Sec Asst-III | 15 |
Health Tech II | 15 |
Prin Secretary-Lang | 14 |
Prin Secretary-Tech | 14 |
Word Process Mach Oper I | 14 |
Prin Secretary | 13 |
Health Tech III | 13 |
Prin Clk Typist | 12 |
Secretary-Lang | 11 |
Secretary-Tech | 11 |
Sec-Word Processing | 11 |
Word Process Mach Oper II | 11 |
Secretary | 10 |
Sr Clk Typist-Lang | 10 |
Typist-Technical | 10 |
Clerk Typist-Lang | 9 |
Sr Clk Typist | 9 |
Word Process Mach Oper III | 9 |
Clk Trans-Lang | 8 |
Clk Typist | 8 |
Clk Steno | 7 |
Clk Transcriber | 7 |
Laboratory | Range |
Inst Maker/Repairer | 20 |
Radiologic Tech | 19 |
Sr Tandem Acc Tech | 19 |
Asst Inst Maker/Repairer | 18 |
Prin Lab Tech | 18 |
Prin Animal Care Tech-Nwk | 17 |
Crew Rigger | 16 |
Electro/Mechanical Tech | 16 |
Health & Safety Tech | 16 |
Machinist | 16 |
Sr Electronics Tech | 16 |
Sr Lab Mechanic | 16 |
Sr Lab Tech | 16 |
Medical Tech | 15 |
Sr Lab Animal Care Tech-Nwk | 15 |
Prin Lab Animal Care Tech | 15 |
Lab Mechanic | 14 |
Lab Services Asst (RC) | 13 |
Lab Technician | 13 |
Sr Lab Animal Care Tech | 13 |
Clinic Asst | 12 |
Prin Lab Asst | 11 |
Sr Scanner/Measurer | 11 |
Lab Animal Care Tech | 10 |
Lab Asst | 8 |
Scanner/Measurer | 8 |
Sr Lab Asst | 8 |
Asst Lab Mechanic | 7 |
Drafts/Engineering | Range |
Head Drafting Tech | 18 |
Prin Engineering Aide | 16 |
Prin Drafting Tech | 14 |
Sr Engineering Aide | 14 |
Drafting Tech-Electronics | 13 |
Sr Architect Draft Tech | 12 |
Sr Drafting Tech | 12 |
Drafting Tech | 10 |
Engineering Aide | 9 |
Office Clerks | Range |
Financial Aid Technician | 17 |
Head Registration Clerk | 17 |
Dispatcher 9-1-1 | 15 |
Events Coordinator | 15 |
Head Accounting Clerk | 15 |
Head Clerk | 15 |
Head Clerk Bookkeeper | 15 |
Head PBP Clerk | 15 |
Housing Access Coord | 15 |
Marketing Asst | 15 |
Publications Asst | 15 |
Dispatcher | 14 |
Head Dispatcher (Buses) | 14 |
Business Aide | 13 |
Curatorial Asst | 13 |
Language Lab Asst | 13 |
Lead Lib Utility Worker | 13 |
Library Asst II | 13 |
Operations Coord | 13 |
Pharmacy Technician | 13 |
Photocopy/Reprographic Tech | 13 |
Prin Accounting Clerk | 13 |
Prin PBP Clerk | 13 |
Production Asst (SCPA) | 13 |
Program Asst | 13 |
Research Aide | 13 |
Sr Financial Aid Clerk | 13 |
Sr Registration/Records Clerk | 13 |
Statistical Asst (Inst Res) | 13 |
Ticket Sales Asst | 13 |
Unit Coord | 13 |
Head Telephone Oper | 12 |
Insurance Clerk | 12 |
Prin Clerk Bookkeeper | 12 |
Dispatcher (Buses) | 11 |
Prin Clerk | 11 |
Prin Statistical Clerk | 11 |
Publications Clerk | 11 |
Registration/Records Clerk | 11 |
Sr Teller (SAR) | 11 |
Senior Classroom Assistant | 11 |
Telephone Operator | 11 |
Library Asst III | 10 |
Sr Accounting Clerk | 10 |
Sr PBP Clerk | 10 |
Budget Clerk | 9 |
Financial Aid Clerk | 9 |
Library Utility Worker | 9 |
Sr Clerk Bookkeeper | 9 |
Sr Sales Clerk | 9 |
Sr Teller | 9 |
Teller (SAR) | 9 |
Classroom Assistant | 9 |
Clerk Bookkeeper | 8 |
General Clerk | 8 |
Library Asst IV | 8 |
PBP Clerk | 8 |
Production Control Clerk | 8 |
Receptionist | 8 |
Sales Clerk | 8 |
Sr Clerk | 8 |
Accounting Clerk | 7 |
Promotional Asst (UP) | 7 |
Sr Statistical Clerk | 7 |
Teller | 7 |
Stores & Mail Clerk | Range |
Equipment Manager Athletics | 16 |
Contract Post Office Hd Clk | 15 |
Crime Analysis Technician | 15 |
Head Stock Clerk | 15 |
Equipment Manager (N) | 14 |
Prin Stock Clerk | 13 |
Contract Post Office Clk | 13 |
Property & Supply Worker | 12 |
Asst Equip Mgr - Athletics | 12 |
Head Postal Clerk | 12 |
Surplus Property Clerk | 11 |
Sr Stock Clerk | 10 |
Courier | 9 |
Postal Clerk | 9 |
Postal Clerk/Tele Oper (C) | 9 |
Stock Clerk | 8 |
Machine Operators | Range |
Lead Offset Press Operator | 20 |
Lead Copier Operator | 18 |
Head Offset Machine Oper | 17 |
Customer Services Rep | 15 |
Head Photo/Repro Tech | 15 |
Lead Finishing Clerk | 15 |
Printing Operator I | 15 |
Offset Press Operator I | 14 |
Copier Operator I | 13 |
Prin Offset Mach Oper | 13 |
Printing Operator II | 13 |
Finishing Clerk I | 11 |
Offset Press Operator II | 11 |
Prin Office Machine Clerk | 11 |
Printing Operator III | 11 |
Publications Compositor | 11 |
Photocopy/Reprographic Tech | 10 |
Sr Offset Mach Oper | 10 |
Copier Operator II | 9 |
Finishing Clerk II | 8 |
Printing Operations Clerk | 8 |
Sr Office Machine Clerk | 8 |
Office Machine Clerk | 7 |
Comp-DP Keypunch | Range |
Computer Design Tech | 19 |
Digital Electronics Svc Tech | 19 |
Network Installation Tech | 19 |
Computer Aided Design Tech | 18 |
Computer Operator I | 17 |
Data Control Coordinator I | 17 |
Data Control Coordinator II | 15 |
Head Data Entry Mach Oper | 15 |
Computer Operator II | 14 |
Network Installation Asst | 14 |
Computer Operator/Librarian | 13 |
Data Processing Mach Oper I | 13 |
Prin Data Entry Mach Oper | 13 |
Prin Keypunch Operator | 13 |
Computer Operator III | 11 |
Sr Data Entry Mach Oper | 10 |
Data Processing Mach Oper II | 9 |
Sr Keypunch Oper | 9 |
Data Entry Mach Oper | 8 |
Keypunch Operator | 7 |
Data Processing Mach Oper III | 7 |
Audio-Visual | Range |
Photo Communications Coord | 17 |
Head Audio-Visual Tech | 16 |
Sr Television Tech | 16 |
Graphics Coord | 15 |
Carpenter/Scenery Painter | 14 |
Lighting Specialist | 14 |
Museum Installer/Preparator | 14 |
Photographer | 14 |
Stage Hand/Electrician | 14 |
Studio Technician | 14 |
Television Technician | 14 |
Theater Technician | 13 |
Graphics Technician | 13 |
Prin Audio-Visual Tech | 13 |
Stage Manager | 12 |
Asst Museum Install/Preparator | 11 |
Photographic Tech – Pub | 11 |
Sr Audio-Visual Tech | 10 |
Audio Visual Tech | 8 |
Account Clerk | Compositor |
Head Accounting Clerk | Publications Compositor |
Principal Accounting Clerk |  |
Senior Account Clerk | Computer Operator |
Accounting Clerk | Computer Operator I |
 | Computer Operator II |
Animal Caretaker - IAB Laboratory | Computer Operator/Librarian |
Prin Lab Animal Care Tech - Nwk | Computer Operator III |
Sr Lab Animal Care Tech - Nwk |  |
Lab Animal Care Tech - Nwk | Computer Technician |
 | Computer Design Tech |
Animal Caretaker - Laboratory | Computer Aided Design Tech |
Prin Lab Animal Care Tech | Digital Electronics Service Tech |
Sr Lab Animal Care Tech |  |
Lab Animal Care Tech | Copier Operator |
 | Lead Copier Operator |
Audio Visual-Technician | Copier Operator I |
Head Audio-Visual Technician | Copier Operator II |
Principal Audio-Visual Technician |  |
Senior Audio-Visual Technician | Data Control Coordinator |
Audio-visual Technician | Data Control Coordinator I |
 | Data Control Coordinator II |
Clerk |  |
Head Clerk | Data Entry Machine Operator |
Principal Clerk | Head Data Entry Machine Oper |
Senior Clerk | Principal Data Entry Machine Oper |
General Clerk | Senior Data Entry Machine Oper |
 | Data Entry Machine Oper |
 |  |
Clerk Bookkeeper | Data Processing Machine Operator |
Head Clerk Bookkeeper | Data Processing Machine Oper I |
Principal Clerk Bookkeeper | Data Processing Machine Oper II |
Senior Clerk Bookkeeper | Data Processing Machine Oper III |
Clerk Bookkeeper |  |
 | Dispatcher - Buses |
Clerk Typist | Head Dispatcher - Buses |
Principal Clerk Typist | Dispatcher - Buses |
Senior Clerk Typist - Lang |  |
Senior Clerk Typist |  |
Typist - Technical |  |
Clerk Typist - Lang |  |
Clerk Typist |  |
 |  |
 |  |
Drafting Technician | Laboratory Assistant |
Head Drafting Technician | Principal Lab Assistant |
Principal Drafting Technician | Senior Lab Assistant |
Drafting Technician - Electronics | Lab Assistant |
Senior Architectural Drafting Tech |  |
Senior Drafting Technician | Laboratory Mechanic |
Drafting Technician | Instrument Maker Repairer |
 | Asst Instrument Maker/Repairer |
Electronics Technician | Senior Lab Mechanic |
Senior Electronics Technician | Lab Mechanic |
Electronics Technician | Assistant Lab Mechanic |
 |  |
Engineering Aide | Laboratory Technician |
Principal Engineering Aide | Principal Lab Technician |
Senior Engineering Aide | Senior Lab Technician |
Engineering Aide | Lab Technician |
 |  |
Equipment Manager | Library Assistant |
Equipment Manager Athletics | Library Assistant II |
Equipment Manager (N) | Library Assistant III |
Assistant Equip Mgr Athletics | Library Assistant IV |
 |  |
Financial Aid | Library Utility Worker |
Financial Aid Technician | Lead Library Utility Worker |
Senior Financial Aid Clerk | Library Utility Worker |
Financial Aid Clerk |  |
 | Miscellaneous |
Finishing Clerk | Budget Clerk |
Lead Finishing Clerk | Business Aide |
Finishing Clerk I | Carpenter/Scenery Painter |
Finishing Clerk II | Classroom Assistant |
 | Clinic Assistant |
Graphics | Crime Analysis Technician |
Graphics Coordinator | Crew Rigger |
Graphics Technician | Customer Services Representative |
 | Dispatcher (University Police) |
Health Technicians | Electro/Mechanical Technician |
Health Technician I | Events Coordinator |
Health Technician II | Health & Safety Technician |
Health Technician III | Housing Access Coordinator |
 | Insurance Clerk |
Keypunch Operator | Lab Services Assistant (RC) |
Principal Keypunch Operator | Language Lab Assistant |
Senior Keypunch Operator | Lighting Specialist |
Keypunch Operator | Machinist |
 | Marketing Assistant |
 | Medical Technician |
Miscellaneous (cont’d) | PBP Clerk |
Operations Coordinator | Head PBP Clerk |
Pharmacy Technician | Principal PBP Clerk |
Production Assistant (SCPA) | Senior PBP Clerk |
Production Control Clerk | PBP Clerk |
Program Assistant |  |
Promotional Assistant (UP) | Photocopy/Reprographics |
Publications Assistant | Head Photocopy/Reprographics Tech |
Publications Clerk | Photocopy/Reprographics Tech |
Radiologic Technician |  |
Receptionist | Photography |
Research Aide | Photographic Communications Coord |
Senior Classroom Assistant | Photographer |
Stage Hand/Electrician | Photographer Technician |
Stage Manager |  |
Studio Technician | Postal Clerk |
Theater Technician | Contract Post Office Head Clerk |
Ticket Sales Assistant | Contract Post Office Clerk |
Unit Coordinator | Head Postal Clerk |
 | Postal Clerk |
Museum | Postal Clerk/Telephone Operator |
Curatorial Assistant |  |
Museum Installer/Preparator | Printing Operator |
Asst Museum Installer/Preparator | Printing Operator I |
 | Printing Operator II |
Network Installation | Printing Operator III |
Network Installation Technician | Printing Operations Clerk |
Network Installation Assistant |  |
 | Registration Clerk |
Office Machine Clerk | Head Registration Clerk |
Principal Office Machine Clerk | Senior Registration/Records Clerk |
Senior Office Machine Clerk | Registration/Records Clerk |
Office Machine Clerk |  |
 | Sales Clerk |
Office Machine Operator | Senior Sales Clerk |
Head Offset Machine Operator | Sales Clerk |
Principal Offset Machine Operator |  |
Senior Offset Machine Operator | Scanner/Measurer |
 | Senior Scanner/Measurer - Physics |
Offset Press Operator | Scanner Measurer - Physics |
Lead Offset Press Operator |  |
Offset Press Operator I |  |
Offset Press Operator II |  |
 |  |
 |  |
 |  |
 |  |
Secretarial | TV Technician |
Secretarial Assistant I | Senior Television Technician |
Secretarial Assistant II | Television Technician |
Secretarial Assistant - Tech |  |
Secretarial Assistant - Lang | Word Processing |
Secretarial Assistant III | Word Processing Machine Oper I |
Principal Secretary - Lang | Word Processing Machine Oper II |
Principal Secretary - Tech | Word Processing Machine Oper III |
Principal Secretary |  |
Secretary - Lang |  |
Secretary - Tech |  |
Secretary - Word Processing |  |
Secretary |  |
Clerk Transcriber - Lang |  |
Clerk Transcriber |  |
Clerk Stenographer |  |
 |  |
Statistical Clerk |  |
Statistical Assistant |  |
Principal Statistical Clerk |  |
Senior Statistical Clerk |  |
Statistical Clerk |  |
 |  |
Stock Clerk |  |
Head Stock Clerk |  |
Property & Supply Worker |  |
Surplus Property Clerk |  |
Senior Stock Clerk |  |
Courier |  |
Stock Clerk |  |
 |  |
Tandem Accelerator Technician |  |
Senior Tandem Accelerator Technician |  |
Tandem Accelerator Technician |  |
 |  |
Telephone Operator |  |
Head Telephone Operator |  |
Telephone Operator |  |
 |  |
Teller |  |
Senior Teller (SAR) |  |
Teller (SAR) |  |
Senior Teller |  |
Teller |  |
RANGE STEP: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
05 ANNL 20137 20967 21795 22612 23440 24265 25086 26051
BIWK 768.59 800.27 831.88 863.06 894.66 926.15 957.49 994.32
06 ANNL 20975 21844 22713 23577 24445 25310 26179 27193
BIWK 800.58 833.75 866.91 899.89 933.02 966.04 999.20 1037.91
07 ANNL 21860 22769 23676 24591 25495 26408 27319 28385
BIWK 834.36 869.05 903.67 938.59 973.10 1007.94 1042.71 1083.40
08 ANNL 22785 23741 24700 25653 26614 27568 28526 29643
BIWK 869.66 906.15 942.75 979.13 1015.81 1052.22 1088.78 1131.42
09 ANNL 23755 24761 25760 26768 27769 28770 29777 30939
BIWK 906.68 945.08 983.21 1021.68 1059.89 1098.10 1136.53 1180.88
10 ANNL 24774 25825 26879 27934 28986 30035 31083 32319
BIWK 945.58 985.69 1025.92 1066.19 1106.34 1146.38 1186.38 1233.55
11 ANNL 25847 26949 28054 29157 30261 31365 32463 33754
BIWK 986.53 1028.59 1070.77 1112.87 1155.00 1197.14 1239.05 1288.33
12 ANNL 26967 28126 29282 30444 31600 32758 33909 35262
BIWK 1029.28 1073.52 1117.64 1161.99 1206.11 1250.31 1294.24 1345.88
13 ANNL 28145 29359 30579 31798 33017 34233 35454 36878
BIWK 1074.24 1120.58 1167.14 1213.67 1260.20 1306.61 1353.21 1407.56
14 ANNL 29382 30659 31939 33216 34496 35774 37056 38541
BIWK 1121.46 1170.20 1219.05 1267.79 1316.65 1365.42 1414.36 1471.04
15 ANNL 30680 32019 33359 34707 36043 37388 38735 40291
BIWK 1171.00 1222.10 1273.25 1324.70 1375.69 1427.03 1478.44 1537.83
16 ANNL 32044 33457 34873 36281 37696 39108 40515 42167
BIWK 1223.06 1276.99 1331.04 1384.78 1438.78 1492.68 1546.38 1609.43
17 ANNL 33478 34964 36448 37928 39410 40893 42378 44108
BIWK 1277.79 1334.51 1391.15 1447.64 1504.20 1560.81 1617.49 1683.52
18 ANNL 34988 36540 38095 39655 41205 42758 44317 46125
BIWK 1335.42 1394.66 1454.01 1513.55 1572.71 1631.99 1691.49 1760.50
19 ANNL 36569 38197 39831 41467 43099 44726 46359 48265
BIWK 1395.77 1457.91 1520.27 1582.71 1645.00 1707.10 1769.43 1842.18
20 ANNL 38225 39944 41659 43375 45089 46802 48522 50521 BIWK 1458.97 1524.59 1590.04 1655.54 1720.96 1786.34 1851.99 1928.29
RANGE STEP: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
05 ANNL 20721 21575 22427 23268 24120 24969 25813 26806
BIWK 793.91 826.63 859.28 891.50 924.14 956.67 989.01 1027.05
06 ANNL 21583 22477 23372 24261 25154 26044 26938 27982
BIWK 826.94 861.19 895.48 929.55 963.76 997.86 1032.11 1072.11
07 ANNL 22494 23429 24363 25304 26234 27174 28111 29208
BIWK 861.84 897.67 933.45 969.51 1005.14 1041.15 1077.05 1119.09
08 ANNL 23446 24429 25416 26397 27386 28367 29353 30503
BIWK 898.32 935.98 973.80 1011.38 1049.28 1086.86 1124.64 1168.70
09 ANNL 24444 25479 26507 27544 28574 29604 30641 31836
BIWK 936.56 976.21 1015.60 1055.33 1094.79 1134.26 1173.99 1219.78
10 ANNL 25492 26574 27658 28744 29827 30906 31984 33256
BIWK 976.71 1018.17 1059.70 1101.31 1142.80 1184.14 1225.45 1274.18
11 ANNL 26597 27731 28868 30003 31139 32275 33404 34733
BIWK 1019.05 1062.50 1106.06 1149.55 1193.07 1236.60 1279.85 1330.77
12 ANNL 27749 28942 30131 31327 32516 33708 34892 36285
BIWK 1063.19 1108.89 1154.45 1200.27 1245.83 1291.50 1336.86 1390.23
13 ANNL 28961 30210 31466 32720 33974 35226 36482 37947
BIWK 1109.62 1157.48 1205.60 1253.64 1301.69 1349.66 1397.78 1453.91
14 ANNL 30234 31548 32865 34179 35496 36811 38131 39659
BIWK 1158.40 1208.74 1259.20 1309.55 1360.00 1410.39 1460.96 1519.51
15 ANNL 31570 32948 34326 35714 37088 38472 39858 41459
BIWK 1209.58 1262.38 1315.18 1368.36 1421.00 1474.03 1527.13 1588.47
16 ANNL 32973 34427 35884 37333 38789 40242 41690 43390
BIWK 1263.34 1319.05 1374.87 1430.39 1486.17 1541.84 1597.32 1662.46
17 ANNL 34449 35978 37505 39028 40553 42079 43607 45387
BIWK 1319.89 1378.47 1436.98 1495.33 1553.76 1612.23 1670.77 1738.97
18 ANNL 36003 37600 39200 40805 42400 43998 45602 47463
BIWK 1379.43 1440.62 1501.92 1563.41 1624.53 1685.75 1747.21 1818.51
19 ANNL 37630 39305 40986 42670 44349 46023 47703 49665
BIWK 1441.77 1505.94 1570.35 1634.87 1699.20 1763.34 1827.71 1902.88
20 ANNL 39334 41102 42867 44633 46397 48159 49929 51986
BIWK 1507.05 1574.79 1642.42 1710.08 1777.67 1845.18 1912.99 1991.81
RANGE STEP: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
05 ANNL 21135 22007 22876 23733 24602 25468 26329 27342
BIWK 809.78 843.19 876.48 909.32 942.61 975.79 1008.78 1047.59
06 ANNL 22015 22927 23839 24746 25657 26565 27477 28542
BIWK 843.49 878.43 913.38 948.13 983.03 1017.82 1052.76 1093.57
07 ANNL 22944 23898 24850 25810 26759 27717 28673 29792
BIWK 879.09 915.64 952.11 988.89 1025.25 1061.96 1098.59 1141.46
08 ANNL 23915 24918 25924 26925 27934 28934 29940 31113
BIWK 916.29 954.72 993.26 1031.61 1070.27 1108.59 1147.13 1192.07
09 ANNL 24933 25989 27037 28095 29145 30196 31254 32473
BIWK 955.29 995.75 1035.91 1076.44 1116.67 1156.94 1197.48 1244.18
10 ANNL 26002 27105 28211 29319 30424 31524 32624 33921
BIWK 996.25 1038.51 1080.89 1123.34 1165.68 1207.82 1249.97 1299.66
11 ANNL 27129 28286 29445 30603 31762 32921 34072 35428
BIWK 1039.43 1083.76 1128.17 1172.53 1216.94 1261.35 1305.45 1357.40
12 ANNL 28304 29521 30734 31954 33166 34382 35590 37011
BIWK 1084.45 1131.08 1177.55 1224.30 1270.73 1317.32 1363.61 1418.05
13 ANNL 29540 30814 32095 33374 34653 35931 37212 38706
BIWK 1131.81 1180.62 1229.70 1278.70 1327.71 1376.67 1425.75 1482.99
14 ANNL 30839 32179 33522 34863 36206 37547 38894 40452
BIWK 1181.58 1232.92 1284.37 1335.75 1387.21 1438.59 1490.20 1549.89
15 ANNL 32201 33607 35013 36428 37830 39241 40655 42288
BIWK 1233.76 1287.63 1341.50 1395.71 1449.43 1503.49 1557.67 1620.23
16 ANNL 33632 35116 36602 38080 39565 41047 42524 44258
BIWK 1288.59 1345.45 1402.38 1459.01 1515.91 1572.69 1629.28 1695.71
17 ANNL 35138 36698 38255 39809 41364 42921 44479 46295
BIWK 1346.29 1406.06 1465.71 1525.25 1584.83 1644.49 1704.18 1773.76
18 ANNL 36723 38352 39984 41621 43248 44878 46514 48412
BIWK 1407.02 1469.43 1531.96 1594.68 1657.02 1719.47 1782.15 1854.87
19 ANNL 38383 40091 41806 43523 45236 46943 48657 50658
BIWK 1470.62 1536.06 1601.77 1667.55 1733.19 1798.59 1864.26 1940.92
20 ANNL 40121 41924 43724 45526 47325 49122 50928 53026
BIWK 1537.21 1606.29 1675.25 1744.30 1813.22 1882.07 1951.27 2031.65
RANGE STEP: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
05 ANNL 21558 22447 23334 24208 25094 25977 26856 27889
BIWK 825.98 860.04 894.03 927.51 961.46 995.29 1028.97 1068.55
06 ANNL 22455 23386 24316 25241 26170 27096 28027 29113
BIWK 860.35 896.02 931.65 967.09 1002.69 1038.17 1073.84 1115.45
07 ANNL 23403 24376 25347 26326 27294 28271 29246 30388
BIWK 896.67 933.95 971.15 1008.66 1045.75 1083.19 1120.54 1164.30
08 ANNL 24393 25416 26442 27464 28493 29513 30539 31735
BIWK 934.60 973.80 1013.11 1052.27 1091.69 1130.77 1170.08 1215.91
09 ANNL 25432 26509 27578 28657 29728 30800 31879 33122
BIWK 974.41 1015.68 1056.63 1097.97 1139.01 1180.08 1221.42 1269.05
10 ANNL 26522 27647 28775 29905 31032 32154 33276 34599
BIWK 1016.17 1059.28 1102.50 1145.79 1188.97 1231.96 1274.95 1325.64
11 ANNL 27672 28852 30034 31215 32397 33579 34753 36137
BIWK 1060.23 1105.45 1150.73 1195.98 1241.27 1286.56 1331.54 1384.56
12 ANNL 28870 30111 31349 32593 33829 35070 36302 37751
BIWK 1106.14 1153.68 1201.12 1248.78 1296.14 1343.68 1390.89 1446.40
13 ANNL 30131 31430 32737 34041 35346 36650 37956 39480
BIWK 1154.45 1204.22 1254.30 1304.26 1354.26 1404.22 1454.26 1512.65
14 ANNL 31456 32823 34192 35560 36930 38298 39672 41261
BIWK 1205.22 1257.59 1310.04 1362.46 1414.95 1467.36 1520.00 1580.89
15 ANNL 32845 34279 35713 37157 38587 40026 41468 43134
BIWK 1258.43 1313.38 1368.32 1423.64 1478.43 1533.57 1588.82 1652.65
16 ANNL 34305 35818 37334 38842 40356 41868 43374 45143
BIWK 1314.37 1372.34 1430.43 1488.20 1546.21 1604.14 1661.84 1729.62
17 ANNL 35841 37432 39020 40605 42191 43779 45369 47221
BIWK 1373.22 1434.18 1495.02 1555.75 1616.52 1677.36 1738.28 1809.24
18 ANNL 37457 39119 40784 42453 44113 45776 47444 49380
BIWK 1435.14 1498.82 1562.61 1626.56 1690.16 1753.87 1817.78 1891.96
19 ANNL 39151 40893 42642 44393 46141 47882 49630 51671
BIWK 1500.04 1566.79 1633.80 1700.89 1767.86 1834.56 1901.54 1979.74
20 ANNL 40923 42762 44598 46437 48272 50104 51947 54087
BIWK 1567.94 1638.40 1708.74 1779.20 1849.51 1919.70 1990.31 2072.30
RANGE STEP: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
05 ANNL 22043 22952 23859 24753 25659 26561 27460 28517 29429
BIWK 847.81 882.77 917.66 952.04 986.89 1021.58 1056.16 1096.81 1131.89
06 ANNL 22960 23912 24863 25809 26759 27706 28658 29768 30713
BIWK 883.08 919.70 956.27 992.66 1029.20 1065.62 1102.24 1144.93 1181.27
07 ANNL 23930 24924 25917 26918 27908 28907 29904 31072 32069
BIWK 920.39 958.62 996.81 1035.31 1073.39 1111.81 1150.16 1195.08 1233.43
08 ANNL 24942 25988 27037 28082 29134 30177 31226 32449 33496
BIWK 959.31 999.54 1039.89 1080.08 1120.54 1160.66 1201.00 1248.04 1288.31
09 ANNL 26004 27105 28199 29302 30397 31493 32596 33867 34967
BIWK 1000.16 1042.50 1084.58 1127.00 1169.12 1211.27 1253.70 1302.58 1344.89
10 ANNL 27119 28269 29422 30578 31730 32877 34025 35377 36528
BIWK 1043.04 1087.27 1131.62 1176.08 1220.39 1264.50 1308.66 1360.66 1404.93
11 ANNL 28295 29501 30710 31917 33126 34335 35535 36950 38156
BIWK 1088.27 1134.66 1181.16 1227.58 1274.08 1320.58 1366.74 1421.16 1467.54
12 ANNL 29520 30788 32054 33326 34590 35859 37119 38600 39867
BIWK 1135.39 1184.16 1232.85 1281.77 1330.39 1379.20 1427.66 1484.62 1533.35
13 ANNL 30809 32137 33474 34807 36141 37475 38810 40368 41699
BIWK 1184.97 1236.04 1287.47 1338.74 1390.04 1441.35 1492.70 1552.62 1603.81
14 ANNL 32164 33562 34961 36360 37761 39160 40565 42189 43596
BIWK 1237.08 1290.85 1344.66 1398.47 1452.35 1506.16 1560.20 1622.66 1676.77
15 ANNL 33584 35050 36517 37993 39455 40927 42401 44105 45573
BIWK 1291.70 1348.08 1404.50 1461.27 1517.50 1574.12 1630.81 1696.35 1752.81
16 ANNL 35077 36624 38174 39716 41264 42810 44350 46159 47706
BIWK 1349.12 1408.62 1468.24 1527.54 1587.08 1646.54 1705.77 1775.35 1834.85
17 ANNL 36647 38274 39898 41519 43140 44764 46390 48283 49908
BIWK 1409.50 1472.08 1534.54 1596.89 1659.24 1721.70 1784.24 1857.04 1919.54
18 ANNL 38300 39999 41702 43408 45106 46806 48511 50491 52194
BIWK 1473.08 1538.43 1603.93 1669.54 1734.85 1800.24 1865.81 1941.97 2007.47
19 ANNL 40032 41813 43601 45392 47179 48959 50747 52834 54617
BIWK 1539.70 1608.20 1676.97 1745.85 1814.58 1883.04 1951.81 2032.08 2100.66
20 ANNL 41844 43724 45601 47482 49358 51231 53116 55304 57180
BIWK 1609.39 1681.70 1753.89 1826.24 1898.39 1970.43 2042.93 2127.08 2199.24
RANGE STEP: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
05 ANNL 22561 23491 24420 25335 26262 27185 28105 29187 30121
BIWK 867.74 903.50 939.24 974.43 1010.08 1045.58 1080.97 1122.58 1158.50
06 ANNL 23500 24474 25447 26416 27388 28357 29331 30468 31435
BIWK 903.85 941.31 978.74 1016.00 1053.39 1090.66 1128.12 1171.85 1209.04
07 ANNL 24492 25510 26526 27551 28564 29586 30607 31802 32823
BIWK 942.00 981.16 1020.24 1059.66 1098.62 1137.93 1177.20 1223.16 1262.43
08 ANNL 25528 26599 27672 28742 29819 30886 31960 33212 34283
BIWK 981.85 1023.04 1064.31 1105.47 1146.89 1187.93 1229.24 1277.39 1318.58
09 ANNL 26615 27742 28862 29991 31111 32233 33362 34663 35789
BIWK 1023.66 1067.00 1110.08 1153.50 1196.58 1239.74 1283.16 1333.20 1376.50
10 ANNL 27756 28933 30113 31297 32476 33650 34825 36208 37386
BIWK 1067.54 1112.81 1158.20 1203.74 1249.08 1294.24 1339.43 1392.62 1437.93
11 ANNL 28960 30194 31432 32667 33904 35142 36370 37818 39053
BIWK 1113.85 1161.31 1208.93 1256.43 1304.00 1351.62 1398.85 1454.54 1502.04
12 ANNL 30214 31512 32807 34109 35403 36702 37991 39507 40804
BIWK 1162.08 1212.00 1261.81 1311.89 1361.66 1411.62 1461.20 1519.50 1569.39
13 ANNL 31533 32892 34261 35625 36990 38356 39722 41317 42679
BIWK 1212.81 1265.08 1317.74 1370.20 1422.70 1475.24 1527.77 1589.12 1641.50
14 ANNL 32920 34351 35783 37214 38648 40080 41518 43180 44621
BIWK 1266.16 1321.20 1376.27 1431.31 1486.47 1541.54 1596.85 1660.77 1716.20
15 ANNL 34373 35874 37375 38886 40382 41889 43397 45141 46644
BIWK 1322.04 1379.77 1437.50 1495.62 1553.16 1611.12 1669.12 1736.20 1794.00
16 ANNL 35901 37485 39071 40649 42234 43816 45392 47244 48827
BIWK 1380.81 1441.74 1502.74 1563.43 1624.39 1685.24 1745.85 1817.08 1877.97
17 ANNL 37508 39173 40836 42495 44154 45816 47480 49418 51081
BIWK 1442.62 1506.66 1570.62 1634.43 1698.24 1762.16 1826.16 1900.70 1964.66
18 ANNL 39200 40939 42682 44428 46166 47906 49651 51678 53421
BIWK 1507.70 1574.58 1641.62 1708.77 1775.62 1842.54 1909.66 1987.62 2054.66
19 ANNL 40973 42796 44626 46459 48288 50110 51940 54076 55900
BIWK 1575.89 1646.00 1716.39 1786.89 1857.24 1927.31 1997.70 2079.85 2150.00
20 ANNL 42827 44752 46673 48598 50518 52435 54364 56604 58524
BIWK 1647.20 1721.24 1795.12 1869.16 1943.00 2016.74 2090.93 2177.08 2250.93
The following Side Bar Agreements are included as addenda, but are not part of, the July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2007 collective agreement.
1. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and AFSCME Local #1761 hereby establish a Joint Committee on Compensation (JCC).
2. The JCC shall be composed of three (3) representatives from AFSCME Local #1761 and three (3) representatives from Rutgers.
3. The JCC shall meet no less than once per semester beginning in Fall 2000. The JCC agrees to jointly collect data/information which may be accomplished through the establishment of sub-groups.
4. The JCC shall discuss various/alternate forms of compensation systems possible for different job titles in the unit with a view towards better informing the parties. For example, parties may gather information regarding:
___ Job rate systems
___ Seniority based compensation systems
___ Performance based compensation systems
___ Variable based compensation systems
___ Peer based evaluation systems
___ Incentive compensation systems
5. The information may be used by the parties to formulate positions on salary and compensation during the next round of negotiations but shall, in no way, be binding on either party.
6. Both parties agree that these discussions shall not be construed as tacit approval of any matter discussed.
Office of Labor Relations · Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
60 College Avenue · New Brunswick · New Jersey 08901-8541
(732) 932-7162 · FAX: (732) 932-0018
April 20, 2004
Rich Gollin
AFSCME Council 52, Director
516 Johnston Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07304
Re: AFSCME Local 1761 Brochure
and New Employee Orientation
Dear Mr. Gollin:
Pursuant to an agreement reached on March 3, 2004, the University agrees to display a brochure, prepared and provided by, and relevant to, membership in Local 1761 at New Employee Orientation sessions.
Very truly yours,
Harry M. Agnostak
Director, Office of Labor Relations
Cc: S. Russell
T. Torok
Office of Labor Relations · Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
60 College Avenue · New Brunswick · New Jersey 08901-8541
(732) 932-7162 · FAX: (732) 932-0018
April 20, 2004
Rich Gollin
AFSCME Council 52, Director
516 Johnston Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07304
Re: One Range Upgrade for the Position of Postal Clerk and Courier
Dear Mr. Gollin:
Pursuant to an agreement reached on March 3, 2004, effective July 1, 2004, the positions of Postal Clerk and Courier will each be upgraded one salary range from range 9 to range 10. Revised job descriptions will be issued to reflect these changes.
Very truly yours,
Harry M. Agnostak
Director, Office of Labor Relations
Cc: S. Russell
P. Kelly
Office of Labor Relations · Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
60 College Avenue · New Brunswick · New Jersey 08901-8541
(732) 932-7162 · FAX: (732) 932-0018
April 20, 2004
Rich Gollin
AFSCME Council 52, Director
516 Johnston Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07304
Re: Release time for Local 1761 President
Dear Mr. Gollin:
This correspondence reflects an agreement reached on March 3, 2004, regarding union release time for Local 1761 President Charlesetta Bynes. Pursuant to our discussions, Ms. Bynes shall be released from work twice per week, from 1:00 to 4:30pm with the days being mutually agreed upon. Ms. Bynes will continue to work in her position as a Senior Laboratory Technician for her other regularly scheduled hours.
Should any matter, such as an arbitration hearings or meetings, which Ms. Bynes attends or participates in extend beyond 4:30pm on any day of the week, Ms Bynes will not make any claim for benefits or compensation under any provision of the collective negotiations agreement based on additional time spent beyond 4:30pm. In addition, Ms. Bynes shall receive such release time only as long as she remains in the title of AFSCME Local 1761 President.
Very truly yours,
Harry M. Agnostak Director, Office of Labor Relations
Cc: Dr. D. Fugman
J. Schrumiii
alternate day off, 12
automobile liability insurance, 23
acting capacity, 21
administrative leave, 12, 14, 15, 17, 22, 32
adoption, 15
anniversary date, 18, 19, 20, 21
arbitration, 6
auto allowance, 23
bereavement leave, 14
bi-weekly pay, 21
bulletin board, 28
bumping, 9, 28
call back pay, 22
casual employee, 1, 10
council representatives, 4
change in workshift, 23
child birth, 15
child care leave, 15
class attendance, 30
classification review officer, 27
definitions, 1
demotion, 28
discharge, 6, 7
discipline, 7
dues deduction, 3
family leave, 15
general provisions, 30
grievance procedure, 4
harassment, 4
health benefits, 29
holidays, 12, 17, 30
job descriptions, 28
job evaluation manual, 28
job posting procedure, 24
jury duty, 17
layoff, 24
leave of absence, 9, 15, 16
life insurance benefits, 29
labor/management conference, 4, 18
meal allowance, 31
medical records, 31
military leave, 15
motor vehicle registration, 30
nondiscrimination, 4
overtime, 12, 18, 22
parking, 30, 31
personnel files, 30
position classification review, 27
posting procedure, 24
part-time employees, 13
pregnancy, 15
printing of agreement, 33
probationary employees, 1, 8, 24
procedures manual, 29
promotion compensation, 21
promotional opportunity, 24
purpose, 1
raingear, 31
recognition, 1
recruitment, 25
regular employee, 1
representation fee, 2
reprimand, 7
resignation, 24
rest periods, 13
retirement, 11, 29
reclassification, 25
safety committee, 29
salary, 18
selection, 26
seniority, 8, 12, 16, 17, 23, 25, 26
severability, 32
shift preference, 23
sick leave, 13
sick time, 14
stewards, 3, 8
student employees, 30
super seniority, 10
technological change, 24
temporary employees, 1, 16, 25
ten month employee, 1, 2, 17, 30
term of contract, 34
uniform maintenance allowance, 31
union representative, 3
union security, 2
university procedures, 29
vacant position, 10, 24
vacation, 11
VDT operator, 32
withdrawal from union, 3
work shifts, 23
workday, 32
workweek, 22 |