1 321574v3/APS
Between the
And the
Commencing: July 1, 2005
Ending: June 30, 2008
Preamble 1
1 Recognition 1
2 Negotiation Procedure 1
3 Grievance Procedure 1
4 Sick Leave 2
5 Temporary Leaves of Absence 4
6 Extended Leaves of Absence 5
7 Professional Development 7
8 Vacations and Holidays 8
9 Health Benefits 11
10 Miscellaneous Compensation 12
11 Duration and Execution of Agreement 12
Salary Guides:
This Agreement entered into this July 1, 2005, by and between the Board of Education of the Township of Cranford, in the County of Union, State of New Jersey, hereinafter called the Board, and the Cranford Administrative and Supervisory Association, hereinafter called the Association.
A. In accordance with Chapter 303, Public Laws of 1968 as amended by Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974, the Board hereby reorganizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiations only for the following: wages, fringe benefits, a grievance procedure, and the duration of this agreement. The unit shall consist of the personnel listed below under contract or on leave, now employed or who shall hereafter be employed by the Board.
Principals, Assistant Principals, Dean of Students, Supervisor of Academic Affairs, Supervisors, Director of Athletics, Director of Buildings and Grounds, and Director of Guidance.
B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term administrator when used hereinafter in this agreement, refer to all professional and non-professional employees represented by the Association. In the negotiating unit as above defined, and reference to male administrators shall include female administrators.
A. The parties agree to enter into negotiations over a successor agreement limited to and only for the subject matters provided for in the Recognition clause: wages, fringe benefits, grievance procedure, and the duration of the Agreement.
B. Such negotiations shall begin no sooner than November 15th .
A. Definitions
1. The term grievance means a complaint or claim that there has been an improper application, interpretation or violation of any term or provision of the contract, as it is constituted, or administrative decisions affecting any member of the unit.
2. All matters related to discharge or deduction in pay shall not be the subject of a grievance but shall be processed by the grievant to the Commissioner of Education as provided for under Title 18A:1 et. seq. as amended.
3. A complaint of a non-tenured employee which arises by reason of his/her not being re-employed, or a complaint by any employee occasioned by lack of appointment to, or lack of retention in any position for which tenure either is not possible or not required may not be appealed further than to the Board of Education. This clause should not be construed to interfere with a non-tenured employees statutory rights, if any.
1. A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated within thirty (30) calendar days from the time when the grievant is apprized of the occurrence constituting the grievance.
2. Failure at any step of this procedure to communicate the decision on a grievance within the specified time limits shall permit the grievant to proceed to the next step. Failure at any step of this procedure to appeal a grievance to next step within the specified time limits may be deemed to be a waiver of further appeal of the decision.
3. An employee who has a grievance shall first discuss the same with whomever the grievance is directed against. If the grievance is not resolved within fifteen (15) calendar days after presentation of the same, the grievant shall reduce the grievance to writing and submit the same to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall meet with the grievant and a representative, if the grievant chooses one, within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the written grievance. The Superintendent shall submit a written response to the grievance within fifteen (15) calendar days after the hearing.
4. If the grievant is not satisfied with the Superintendents written response he/she may present the grievance to the Board of Education within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the Superintendents written response.
5. A hearing in private will be scheduled within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the grievance between the grievant, a representative, if he/she chooses one, and the Board of Education. Following the presentation of the grievance to the Board, the Superintendent shall be given an opportunity by the Board to discuss the grievance outside of the presence of the grievant and the grievants representatives(s). The Board of Education shall deliberate and reach its final conclusion with respect to the grievance outside of the presence of the Superintendent.
6. The decision of the Board of Education shall be the final step in the grievance procedure and shall be binding upon the grievant and the Board of Education.
7. Grievance hearings shall be held after school hours.
8. The purpose of the grievance procedure is to secure at the lowest possible level, equitable solutions to those problems which may from time to time arise concerning matters constituting grievances. Both parties agree that the procedures provided for will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
A. All employees shall be entitled to sick leave days each school year as of the first official day of said school year whether or not they report for duty as hereinafter set forth. Unused sick days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
B. At least once each year the Board shall inform each employee as to the total number of accumulated sick leave days said employee has and the number of additional sick leave days said employee shall be entitled to for the ensuing year.
C. Sick leave is defined as absence on work day by an employee from his/her post or duty because of personal disability due to illness or injury.
D. 1. All ten (10) month employees shall be entitled to thirteen (13) personal sick leave days annually which days may be accumulated if not used.
2. All twelve (12) month employees shall be entitled to fifteen (15) personal sick leave days annually which days may be accumulated if not used.
Effective September 1, 1999 all employees whose first day of employment as an administrator or supervisor is on or after July 1, 1999 shall be entitled to the following sick leave:
All ten (10) month employees shall be entitled to ten (10) personal sick days annually which may be accumulated if not used.
All twelve (12) month employees shall be entitled to twelve (12) personal sick days annually which may be accumulated if not used.
E. All sick leave must be reported to the Superintendent of Schools on the Absence Allowance Form within seven calendar days following an employees return to duty. In cases of more than four consecutive days, the certificate included on the Absence Allowance Form shall be executed by the attending physician.
F. Sick leave allowance shall be prorated for employees who begin their services one month or more after the work year for their employee category has begun.
G. Summer School employees are not covered by the above policies, but shall be entitled to one (1) day of sick leave per summer session which may not be accumulated if not used.
H. Absences on work days due to personal illness shall be charged to the annual allowance .
I. Absences in excess of the annual allowance shall be charged to the employees accumulated leave, if any.
J. In cases of individual hardship, when the number of days absent exceeds the annual and accumulated sick leave benefits, an employee may request from the Board of Education, through the Superintendent of Schools, consideration for sick leave benefits.
A. Any member of CASA who retires from active employment and draws a pension from TPAF or PERS, shall be entitled to be paid for accumulated unused sick days at the rate of $80.00 per day for the term of the Agreement.
In order for payment to begin by November 1 of the fiscal year following retirement from active employment, the Association member must submit official notification of his/her retirement by December 1 of the school year in which the retirement is to be effective.
C. Regardless of the number of accumulated, unused sick days the maximum buyout shall be $18,000.
D. Payment to the retiree shall be made in two equal installments no later than November 1st of the first year and November 1st of the second year following the effective date of the retirement unless the retiree chooses a longer period.
1. The retiree may chose to have payments extend for a maximum period of five (5) years, such payments to be of equal amounts.
2. Once the term of the buyout has been chosen, it may not be changed except by written application to the Secretary of the Board of Education by December 1st of the year prior to the fiscal year in which the change is to take place. No more than one change shall be permitted in the term of the buyout, and in no case may a payment exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total buyout amount.
3. In the event of the death of the retiree during the period of buyout payment, the remaining payments shall be made to the retirees designated beneficiary.
4. Payments may be made to a Board of Education approved tax sheltered annuity at the request of the retiree and subject to applicable law and regulation.
A. Absences for Personal Reasons
1. Absences for personal reasons shall be allowed each employee without loss of salary, not to exceed three (3) days per year. Two (2) of the personal days shall be without reason, one (1) shall be with reason. Unused personal leave days shall not be carried over from one year to the next.
2. Requests for personal leave shall be made on forms provided by the administration and except for those reasons specified in Paragraph A-3 (d), (e) and (j) below, or in the case of an emergency, shall be made at least two (2) school days in advance of the proposed date of leave. If circumstances permit, administrators shall use their best efforts to provide up to five (5) school days advance notice of a requested personal leave. All requests shall be countersigned by the principal or head of office and submitted for approval by the Superintendent of Schools.
3. Personal leave days may be taken for the following reasons:
a. Religious observance.
b. Employees marriage
c. Religious ceremony or preparation for and attendance at wedding of a member of the immediate family, wedding of a relative of the employee or significant other.
d. Illness of a member of the employees immediate family, the employees household (any person who regularly resides with and functions on a continuing basis as a member of the employees family unit, regardless of the nature of legal relationship).
e. Death of a relative, friend, or close associate.
f. Graduation of the employee, the employees spouse or children, relative or significant other.
g. Legal business matters.
h. School visitation or school conference for a family member or the employee.
I. Chaperoning of a non-school sponsored field trip directly related to the curriculum of the district.
J. Car accident or emergency situation resulting from a natural disaster.
4. In addition to the foregoing three (3) personal leave days per year, additional personal leave days may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools upon written application by an individual employee.
5. Personal leave days for any regular employee whose employment begins after the midpoint of the work year for his/her category will be prorated as follows:
a. Ten (10) month employees beginning service after February 1st and twelve (12) month employees beginning service after January 1st shall be entitled to a maximum of one and one-half (1-1/2) personal leave days during the remainder of the year.
b. Employees of all categories whose employment begins after April 1st shall not be entitled to personal leave days during the remainder of that year.
6. Persons employed on a half-time annual salary basis shall be entitled to a maximum of one and one-half (1-1/2) personal leave days.
B. In addition to temporary leaves of absence for personal reasons pursuant to Section A above, employees shall be entitled to the following non-accumulative leaves of absence each year with full pay except as otherwise specifically provided.
1. Time necessary for appearance in any legal proceeding connected with the employees employment or with the school system, other than for action against the Board.
2. Time necessary for jury duty as follows:
a. All personnel who are called to serve on jury duty shall receive their full salary during the period of jury duty less the amount of compensation paid them for jury service.
C. All members of CASA shall be entitled to three (3) family illness days annually. Unused family illness days shall not be carried over from one year to the next.
A. Sabbatical Leave
1. Extended leaves for professional growth through study, and/or travel may be granted to any full-time administrator who has rendered seven (7) or more continuous years of satisfactory service in the Cranford Schools.
2. Such leaves may be for either (a) one full year at half pay or (b) one half year at full pay, to be paid in accordance with the administrators regular salary schedule and step for satisfactory service.
3. Such leaves shall be planned for the purpose of improving the future performance of the administrator in the Cranford Schools and as the needs of the school system indicate.
4. Applications for such leaves of absence shall be by written requests to the Superintendent of Schools and made at least by December 31st of the school year preceding the anticipated beginning of the leave. A detailed plan of study or educational travel to be pursued shall be submitted with the application.
5. The Board reserves the right to grant or reject any application on its individual merits. Approval or reasons for disapproval shall be communicated in writing to the applicant by the Superintendent of Schools. In no event shall the Board be obligated to grant more than one (1) such application per year.
6. Acceptance of this type of leave obligates the administrator to resume and to continue his/her service with the school system for a period at least equal to the period of leave, and in any event not less than for two (2) school years. Failing this obligation, the employee will be obligated to reimburse the Board the full amount of salary received during the leave, unless he/she has become incapacitated, has been discharged or voluntarily released from this obligation by the Board.
7. The period of leave shall count as regular service for fringe benefits, retirement and salary advancement purposes.
8. The leave shall in no way be considered as a termination or breach of the contract of continuous employment. Any and all tenure rights shall be safeguarded and maintained.
9. Upon satisfactory completion of the leave, the employee will be returned to service in the school system, and his/her salary shall be determined on the same basis as if he/she had rendered full-time satisfactory service to the school system during the period of leave.
10. During an extended leave, policies providing benefits for current sick leave, bereavement and personal leaves will not apply. Accumulated sick leave available at the beginning of the leave will be preserved.
11. Subsequent leaves for professional growth may be requested at intervals of seven (7) years of continuous Cranford service.
12. Should the program of study or travel be interrupted by illness or injury and this fact is promptly reported to the Superintendent of Schools, such interruption shall not constitute a breach of agreement.
13. Should the Superintendent of Schools become informed that the purpose and requirements of leave are not being adequately fulfilled, he/she shall so advise the Board. The Board may terminate the leave as of the date of its violation and its decision shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
B. Leave for Rest or Recuperation
1. Extended leaves for rest or recuperation without salary may be granted to any full-time employee who has rendered twelve (12) or more years of satisfactory service in the school system or twelve (12) years of school service outside of Cranford plus seven (7) years in the local school system.
2. This type of leave may be granted for a period of one-half () year or one (1) full year, or for any longer or shorter period at the discretion of the Board.
3. Application for leave shall be accompanied by a statement of need, supported by the administrators immediate supervisor and by the school physician.
4. The leave shall in no way be considered as a termination or breach of the contract of continuous employment. Any and all tenure rights shall be safeguarded and maintained.
5. During an extended leave, policies providing benefits for current sick leave, bereavement and personal leaves will not be maintained. Accumulated sick leave available at the beginning of the leave will be preserved.
6. Should the Superintendent of Schools become informed that the purpose and requirements of a leave are not being adequately fulfilled, he/she shall so advise the Board. The Board may terminate the leave as of the date of its violation, and its decision shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
7. Applications for subsequent leaves for rest or recuperation may be made at intervals of seven (7) years.
C. Other Extended Leaves of Absence
Other extended leaves without salary may be granted by the Board for good reason including (a) formal study (other than a sabbatical leave), (b) prolonged illness or incapacity, ( c) major home and family responsibilities, and (d) temporary work assignment of spouse away from locale.
D. Requests, Extensions and Renewals
All requests, extensions or renewals of leaves shall be applied for and granted or denied in writing.
E. Notification of Return from Leave
An employee on extended leave of absence shall notify the Superintendent of Schools by March 1st of the year preceding the termination of the leave of his/her intention to resume his/her duties with the Cranford School System.
A. The Board of Education and CASA support the principle of professional development for administrative/supervisory personnel, and agree as follows:
1. The Board of Education agrees to set aside eight thousand dollars ($8,000) per year for the term of the Agreement for tuition reimbursement for CASA members who pursue graduate study in courses approved by the Superintendent of Schools. If the total amount budgeted for a given year/term is not expended, the remaining amount is distributed among those who successfully completed courses based on the number of credits taken.
2. Such approval shall be granted prior to the start of the course, and reimbursement for tuition costs shall not occur unless the member has earned a B or higher in a graded course or a Pass in an ungraded, pass-fail course for which there is not a graded option.
3. Approval for proposed courses shall be on forms provided by the Office of the Superintendent. CASA members shall be limited to nine (9) credits per year for tuition reimbursement.
4. The rate of reimbursement shall be equal to the then current rate for graduate tuition at Rutgers University.
B. Participation of administrative/supervisory personnel in approved in-service activities which are designed to develop increased competency in their assignments, shall be permitted without loss of salary. In-service activities include:
1. Training in classes or workshops sponsored by the district, professional organizations, or other institutions.
2. Conferences, conventions (both state and national) or committee work including other personnel from the district, county, state, region or nation.
C. All requests for permission to be absent for in-service purposes must be made in writing and have the approval of the applicants immediate supervisor. Approval will be based on: a) the nature of the activity in relationship to the growth potential of the employee, b) time limitations and work demands, c) the number of persons involved in applying for in-service activities at a given time, and d) the relative importance in terms of the needs of the school system.
D. Approval or disapproval for permission to be absent for in-service purposes shall be communicated to the employee in writing.
Because of the unique leadership function of the administrative personnel and their responsibility for educational programs and school buildings, which must operate on the time sequence of a school year, the Board of Education agrees to the following:
A. Twelve-Month Administrators
1. Vacation time may be taken while school is in session with the expressed written consent of the Superintendent of Schools.
2. The administrator shall have Independence Day, Labor Day, and all other legal holidays observed during the pupils school calendar as paid holidays.
3. Administrators shall not be required to be on duty on all authorized general shutdown days during the school calendar when the school offices are closed. On partial shutdown days during the school calendar when school offices are open, administrators shall be on duty fifty per cent (50%) of these days.
4. The Superintendent of Schools may require any or all administrators to be on duty on unscheduled shutdown days. Unscheduled shutdown days are those that result from interrupted utility service, loss of heat, fire, flood, storm or other similar occurrences. Snow days shall not be considered unscheduled shutdown days on which the Superintendent may require administrators to be on duty unless the snow day is accompanied by one of the occurrences listed above.
5. In addition to numbers 2 and 3 above, each administrator covered by this policy shall have twenty-two (22) working days of vacation available each year. This shall be calculated from each individuals initial date of employment to the next following June 30th. Thereafter, each June 30th shall be considered each individuals anniversary date.
6. Vacation days shall be earned at the rate of twenty-two twelfths (22/12ths) for each month of service. Vacation days may be taken during any month in which they are earned with the expressed written consent of the Superintendent of Schools, but preferably should be taken when school is not in session.
7. At the conclusion of the administrators employment for administrators employed on or before June 30, 1991, the administrator shall be paid for any unused shutdown or vacation days to a maximum as indicated in the table below. The rate of compensation shall be 1/240 of his/her then current salary. The number of days for which the administrator shall be compensated following the conclusion of the administrators employment shall be limited as follows:
End of 1st year to end of 10th year 30
Beginning of 11th year to end of 15th year 40
Beginning of 16th year to end of 20th year 45
Beginning of 21st year and thereafter 55
8. At the conclusion of the administrators employment for administrators employed on or after July 1, 1991, the administrator shall be paid for any unused shutdown or vacation days to a maximum as indicated in the table below. The rate of compensation shall be 1/240 of his/her then current salary. The number of days for which the administrator shall be compensated following the conclusion of the administrators employment shall be limited as follows:
End of 1st year to end of 10th year 20
Beginning of 11th year to end of 15th year 25
Beginning of 16th year to end of 20th year 30
Beginning of 21st year and thereafter 40
9. Any member of CASA who begins employment as an administrator after July 1, 1995, may not accumulate more than twenty-two (22) vacation days at the end of a year.
Any member of CASA who begins employment as an administrator on or after September 1, 1999 may not accumulate vacation days.
11. Regardless of the date of employment the maximum buyout for unused shutdown or vacation days shall be $24,000.
12. In order for payment to begin by November 1st of the fiscal year following retirement from active employment, the Association member must submit official notification of his/her impending retirement by December 1st of the school year in which the retirement is to be effective.
13. Payment to the retiree shall be made in two equal installments no later than November 1st of the first year and November 1st of the second year following the effective date of the retirement unless the retiree chooses a longer period.
a. The retiree may chose to have payments extend for a maximum period of five (5) years, such payments to be of equal amount.
b. Once the term of the buyout has been chosen, it may not be changed except by written application to the Secretary of the Board of Education by December 1st of the year prior to the fiscal year in which the change is to take place. No more than one change shall be permitted in the term of the buyout, and in no case may a payment exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total buyout amount.
c. In the event of the death of the retiree during the period of buyout payment, the remaining payments shall be made to the retirees designated beneficiary.
d. Payments may be made to a Board of Education approved tax sheltered annuity at the request of the retiree and subject to applicable law and regulation.
14. Any exception to this article will be made only with the expressed written consent of the Superintendent of Schools. Requests for exceptions to this policy shall be made in writing to the Superintendent of Schools for his determination.
15. For the purposes of planning, each administrator shall submit to the Superintendent of Schools by May 1st, his/her tentative vacation plans for the next fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th).
16. At the beginning of each school year, the administrator shall be given a written notice as to the number of days vacation time available to him/her.
17. Any twelve month administrator moved to a ten month administrative/supervisory position shall be permitted to buyout accumulated unused shutdown vacation days as above. However, should the administrator or supervisor return to a twelve month administrative/supervisory position in the future, he/she may not accumulate unused shutdown or vacation days. All days must be used in the year following their earning.
B. Director of Buildings and Grounds
1. The Director of Buildings and Grounds shall have Independence Day, Labor Day, and all other legal holidays observed during the pupils school calendar as paid holidays.
2. The Director of Buildings and Grounds shall have fifteen working days, seventeen working days for Director of Buildings and Grounds hired subsequent to July 1, 1989, of vacation available each year. This shall be prorated from the initial date of employment to the next June 30th. After that, June 30th shall be considered the anniversary date. After the 6th year of employment, add one vacation day per year up to a maximum number of vacation days equal to the number of vacation days allowed 12-month administrators.
3. Director of Buildings and Grounds shall not be requested to be on duty on all general shutdown days during the school calendar when the school offices are closed. On partial shutdown days during the school calendar when school offices are open, Director of Buildings and Grounds shall be on duty fifty percent (50%) of these days.
4. Vacation days shall be earned at the rate of fifteen-twelfths (15/12th), seventeen-twelfths (17/12th) for Director of Buildings and Grounds hired subsequent to July 1, 1989, for each month of service. Vacation days may be taken during any month in which they are earned with the expressed written consent of the Superintendent of Schools, but preferably should be taken when school is not in session.
5. At the conclusion of a Director of Buildings and Grounds employment, Director of Buildings and Grounds employed on or before June 30, 1991, the Director of Buildings and Grounds shall be paid for any unused shutdown or vacation days at a rate of 1/240 of his/her then current salary. The number of days for which the Director of Buildings and Grounds shall be compensated following the conclusion of the engineers employment shall be based upon the table in this Article, Section A.7. Sections A.9 to A.11 shall apply as well.
6. At the conclusion of a Director of Buildings and Grounds employment for Director of Buildings and Grounds employed on or after July 1, 1991, the Director of Buildings and Grounds shall be paid for any unused shutdown or vacation days at a rate of 1/240 of his/her then current salary. The number of days for which the Director of Buildings and Grounds shall be compensated following the conclusion of the engineers employment shall be based upon the table in this Article, Section A.8. Sections A.9 to A.11 shall apply as well.
7. Any member of CASA who begins employment as a Director of Buildings and Grounds or after July 1, 1995 may not accumulate more than the equivalent of one years earned vacation days.
8. For the purposes of planning, the Director of Buildings and Grounds shall submit to the Superintendent of School by May 1st their tentative vacation plans for the next succeeding fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th).
9. Any exceptions to this article will be made only with the express written consent of the Superintendent of Schools for this determination. Requests for exceptions to this policy shall be made in writing to the Superintendent of Schools for his determination.
The Board of Education shall pay the full premium for health benefits coverage for CASA members and where appropriate for dependent coverage.
The Board of Education will continue dental insurance coverage which was in effect on June 30, 2005 and shall pay the premium for CASA employees and their dependents for the period July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2008.
The Board of Education shall put into effect a family optical plan for all personnel covered by this agreement.
Health examinations and requirements for initial and continuing employment shall be in accordance with existing rules and regulations. (Policy No. 4113)
The Board shall pay up to $300 for an annual physical for any employee who desires it. The employee must process the appropriate basic and major medical insurance forms for reimbursement. After all medical insurance reimbursements have been received, the employee may submit a request to the Board for reimbursement of the net cost of the examination in excess of the employees insurance deductible, if the deductible has not already been met for the year.
Should the Board and any of the other employees agree to changes in the current health benefits coverage provided to all employees, the Board and CASA agree to meet and reopen the issue of health benefits.
A. Ten-month supervisors who are requested by their supervisor to work beyond the school calendar and with the approval of the Superintendent of Schools, or who are employed during July and August by resolution, shall be compensated at an hourly rate based upon 1/1600 of their then current annual salary.
B. Supervisors required to supervise two departments shall be entitled to an annual stipend of $2,000.00. Portions of a year shall be prorated.
This amount shall accrue toward pension credit but shall only be earned upon the supervision of two departments.
C. Administrators or supervisors who supervise overnight student field trips shall be granted compensatory time off equal to the number of days of the field trip. Such compensatory time shall be taken with the approval of the Superintendent of Schools with the appropriate form completed seeking approval of such time. Such time shall be taken no later than November 15 of the fiscal year following the field trip.
Administrators and supervisors who earn a doctorate shall be entitled to an annual stipend of $2,000.00.
CASA members who may be required to use their own automobiles in the performance of their duties and who travel between buildings shall be reimbursed for all such travel in accordance with the existing rules and regulations at the current I.R.S. rate. The formula to determine the amount of the reimbursement shall be the current I.R.S. rate per mile times the number of miles driven per day times number of days in a work year.
A. This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2005, except where otherwise provided, and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2008, subject to the Associations right to negotiate over a successor Agreement as provided in Article 2. This Agreement shall not be extended orally, and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated.
24 321574v3/APS
 |  |  | CASA SCATTERGRAM |  |  | 1-Jul |
 |  |  | 2005-2006 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
SCALE | I | II | III | IV | V | VI |
 |  |  | ELEMENTARY PRIN K-6 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 12 MONTHS | 12 MONTHS | 12 MONTHS | 12 MONTHS | 10 MONTHS* | 12 MONTHS |
STEP |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | 120300 | 102200 | 90700 | 87000 | 71610 | 65000 |
2 | 121300 | 103200 | 91700 | 88000 | 72610 | 66000 |
3 | 122300 | 104200 | 92700 | 89000 | 74610 | 67000 |
4 | 123300 | 105200 | 93700 | 90000 | 76610 | 68000 |
5 | 124300 | 106200 | 94700 | 91000 | 78610 | 69000 |
6 | 125300 | 108200 | 95700 | 92000 | 80610 | 70620 |
7 | 126300 | 110200 | 97700 | 93000 | 81610 | 72620 |
8 | 127300 | 112400 | 99700 | 94000 | 82330 | 74620 |
9 | 128300 | 114800 | 101700 | 95300 | 84340 | 76620 |
9A | NA | NA | 103930 | 96500 | 88680 | NA |
10 | 129300 | 118800 | 113550 | 106410 | 94700 | 78620 |
10A | NA | NA | NA | NA | 98420 | NA |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  | CASA SCATTERGRAM |  |  | 1-Jul |
 |  |  | 2006-2007 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
SCALE | I | II | III | IV | V | VI |
 |  |  | ELEMENTARY PRIN K-6 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 12 MONTHS | 12 MONTHS | 12 MONTHS | 12 MONTHS | 10 MONTHS* | 12 MONTHS |
STEP |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | 125800 | 105800 | 93900 | 88000 | 73440 | 71920 |
2 | 126800 | 106800 | 94900 | 89000 | 75440 | 72920 |
3 | 127800 | 107800 | 95900 | 90000 | 76440 | 73920 |
4 | 128800 | 108800 | 96900 | 91000 | 78000 | 74920 |
5 | 129800 | 109800 | 97900 | 92000 | 79000 | 75920 |
6 | 130800 | 110800 | 98900 | 95000 | 81300 | 76920 |
7 | 131800 | 112800 | 100900 | 96000 | 82300 | 77920 |
8 | 132800 | 115000 | 102900 | 97000 | 84300 | 78920 |
9 | 133800 | 117000 | 104900 | 98000 | 86330 | 79920 |
9B | NA | NA | 107160 | 98700 | 92680 | NA |
10 | 134800 | 123700 | 118350 | 110860 | 98900 | 81920 |
10B | NA | NA | NA | NA | 102320 | NA |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  | CASA SCATTERGRAM |  |  | 1-Jul |
 |  |  | 2007-2008 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
SCALE | I | II | III | IV | V | VI |
 |  |  | ELEMENTARY PRIN K-6 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 12 MONTHS | 12 MONTHS | 12 MONTHS | 12 MONTHS | 10 MONTHS* | 12 MONTHS |
STEP |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | 131500 | 109700 | 97100 | 93200 | 77330 | 65400 |
2 | 132500 | 110700 | 98100 | 94200 | 78330 | 67400 |
3 | 133500 | 111700 | 99100 | 95200 | 79330 | 69400 |
4 | 134500 | 112700 | 100100 | 96200 | 80330 | 71400 |
5 | 135500 | 113700 | 101100 | 97200 | 81530 | 73400 |
6 | 136500 | 114700 | 102100 | 98200 | 82530 | 75400 |
7 | 137500 | 115700 | 103100 | 99200 | 84530 | 77400 |
8 | 138500 | 177700 | 105000 | 100200 | 86530 | 79400 |
9 | 139500 | 120700 | 108000 | 101200 | 88530 | 81400 |
9B | NA | NA | NA | NA | 90530 | NA |
9C | NA | 122000 | 110360 | 101300 | 96680 | 82400 |
10 | 140500 | 129000 | 123350 | 115560 | 103100 | 85400 |
10C | NA | NA | NA | NA | 106420 | NA |
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