- 13
and the
This Employment Contract is made and entered into this 1st day of July 2006, by and between the Monroe Township Board of Education with offices located at 75 E. Academy Street, Maple Grove Administration Building, Williamstown, New Jersey, 08094 (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”), and Vincent Tarantino, whose address is 1732 Red Oak Road, Williamstown, New Jersey, 08094, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, and Elizabeth A. Rennebaum, whose address is 26 Radix Road, Williamstown, New Jersey, 08094, Business Administrator/Board Secretary (hereinafter referred to as “Central Administrators”).
WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, THE Board desires to provide Central Administrators with a written Employment Contract in order to enhance administrative stability and continuity within the schools, which the Board believes generally improves the quality of its overall educational program; and
WHEREAS, the Board and the Central Administrators believe that a written Employment Contract is necessary to describe specifically their relationship and to serve as the basis of effective communication between them as they fulfill their governance and administrative functions in the operation of the educational program of the schools;
NOW, THEREFORE, the Board and the Central Administrators, for the consideration herein specified, agree as follows:
RECOGNITION WHEREAS, the Assistant Superintendent, Vincent Tarantino, and the Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Elizabeth A. Rennebaum, in the positions designated in the unit described below in the Monroe Township School District have designated the Monroe Township Central Administrators as their representative for the purpose of collective negotiations; and
WHEREAS, the Assistant Superintendent, Vincent Tarantino, and Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Elizabeth A. Rennebaum, constitute an appropriate unit for collective negotiations;
NOW, THEREFORE, by the Monroe Township Board of Education, that pursuant to Chapter 123, P.L. Laws of 1974, the Board of Education of Monroe Township, Williamstown, New Jersey, 08094, recognizes the Monroe Township Central Administrators as the exclusive representative for collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment of all having tenure and/or contract in the unit described below:
The Assistant Superintendent, Vincent Tarantino, and Business Administrator/ Board Secretary, Elizabeth A. Rennebaum.
NEGOTIATION PROCEDURE The parties agree to commence negotiations in accordance with the requirements of N.J.S.A., Title 34, Chapter 123, P.L. 1974. When an agreement is reached on the terms and conditions of employment, it shall be embodied in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the Board and the Central Administrators. Representatives of the Central Administrators shall be entitled to act for and to negotiate agreements covering all members of the Central Administrators’ membership. Proposed new rules or modifications of existing rules governing working conditions shall be negotiated with said representatives before they are established. In addition, representatives of the Central Administrators and designated representatives of the Board shall meet at reasonable times to negotiate in good faith with respect to grievance and terms and conditions of employment.
SALARY POLICY The salary guide will be incremented 2.00% per year for each year of this contract. Each Central Administrator shall receive an increase in pay equal to 4.25% of the previous year’s salary. The entry level salary for a new Central Administrator shall be at or about the mid-point of the salary range for the year based on prior experience and at the discretion of the Board.
Business Administrator/Board Secretary |  |
 | MinMidMax |
2006-2007 | $ 84,000$ 105,000$ 126,000 |
2007-2008 | 85,680107,100128,520 |
2008-2009 | 87,394109,242131,090 |
2009-2010 | 89,141111,427133,712 |
Assistant Superintendent |  |
 | MinMidMax |
2006-2007 | $ 100,000$ 125,000$ 150,000 |
2007-2008 | 102,000127,500153,000 |
2008-2009 | 104,040130,050156,060 |
2009-2010 | 106,121132,651159,181 |
HEALTH BENEFITS The Board also agrees to pay the full cost for family coverage for all full-time employees for PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) or POS (Point of Service) for the term of this contract. A summary of the benefits is attached as Schedule B.
The Board will pay full cost for a $10.00/$15.00/1X co-pay prescription plan for employee and family. Oral contraceptives will be included effective January 1, 2006.
The Board will pay the full family dental premium for 2006-2010. Such premium costs will be capped at the premium in effect at the end of the contract. The maximum annual benefit will be $1,500 per insured effective January 1, 2006.
The Board of Education will make payments to the Unum Insurance Company for Disability and Long-Term Health Care for Vincent Tarantino and Elizabeth A. Rennebaum. To receive this benefit, the Central Administrator must be employed a minimum of fifteen (15) years by the Monroe Township Public Schools as a Central Office Administrator. Any Central Administrator eligible for disability insurance and a long-term care plan through Unum upon retirement will have the option for payment of the premium directly to Unum or personally receive payment for the Unum premium. If a Central Administrator opts to receive payment, he/she must submit the canceled check to verify continuation of the policy. (Please refer to Addendum A)
Health Benefits Coverage Upon Retirement
Central Administrators retiring from service in Monroe Township Public Schools will have health benefits and disability/long-term care coverage continued at the employer’s expense for life. To be eligible, a Central Administrator must complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) years in an educational capacity in the Monroe Township Public School District and must retire from services from this district. Health benefits and disability/long-term care coverage provided by the employer at the time of retirement will include those programs in existence and shall be available to the retiring Central Administrator and spouse where applicable.
Should the Central Administrator predecease a spouse, the benefits shall continue for the surviving spouse as long as survival status does not change. If a spouse predeceases a Central Administrator, the benefits will continue for the retired Central Administrator only and cannot be expanded for any change in marital status. While the coverage to be provided is “husband-wife,” a retiring Central Administrator may request family coverage, if eligible; however, additional costs for such extended coverage will be paid by the retiring Central Administrator.
Contributory Insurance
The Board will provide to administrators full repayment toward Contributory Pension Insurance.
Retirement – Sick Leave Benefit
Upon retirement from the district, a Central Administrator will be reimbursed for unused sick leave. Payment shall be based on 72% for 2006-2007; 72% for 2007-2008; 72% for 2008-2009 and 72% for 2009-2010 of the per diem. Any Central Administrator hired after July 1, 2006, would not be eligible for sick time per diem buyout to exceed 50%. The per diem rate shall be calculated on a twelve (12)-month basis or two hundred forty (240) days per year. Reimbursement will be made over a period of three (3) to six (6) years at the discretion of the Central Administrator. This decision must be made at the time of retirement. In the event of the death of the employee, the remaining amount will be made to the employee’s beneficiary. Beneficiary will be named at retirement.
Sick Leave Buy-Out
Each Central Administrator having a minimum of twenty (20) years employment with fifteen (15) of these years as an administrator in Monroe Township may apply accumulated sick leave not to exceed fifty (50) days per year for payment. This payment will be calculated at the current contract year “payment schedule for unused sick leave at retirement.” One hundred (100) sick days, however, must remain as a minimum in each administrator’s accumulated sick leave total.
A Central Administrator requesting this stipend must submit this request in writing by November so that payment can be issued in July of the following year. All particulars concerning this procedure are the full responsibility of the requesting administrator.
Each Central Administrator may sell back a maximum of ten (10) sick days per year at his/her per diem rate. To be eligible, the Central Administrator must have either thirty (30) years service in Monroe Township Public Schools or twenty (20) years as a Central Office Administrator in the Monroe Township Public Schools.
Any Central Administrator contracted after July 1, 2006, will have his/her teacher-accumulated sick leave calculated identically to the formula for teaching staff.
Payment for administrative sick time accrued in Monroe Township shall be based on the administrative contract language, “Retirement – Sick Leave Benefit.”
VACATION All Central Administrators shall receive twenty-two (22) days vacation after completion of one (1) year service as a full-time Central Administrator in the district.
Any Central Administrator requesting payment for a maximum of fifteen (15) days of accrued vacation time may do so annually at his/her per diem rate.
Central Administrators have accrued vacation days as of July 1, 1999. The accrual of vacation days from this date forward shall be prohibited unless approved by the Superintendent and the Board of Education. At the time of resignation or retirement, a Central Administrator having unused vacation time accumulated shall be entitled to payment at the per diem rate for those days.
INCLEMENT WEATHER When schools are closed because of inclement weather or emergency school closing, the Superintendent shall determine whether the Central Administrators’ attendance during the day of closing or any portion thereof is necessary.
TRAVEL EXPENSES When Central Administrators must use their own automobiles for school district business, they will be paid the prevailing IRS rate per mile.
TEMPORARY LEAVE OF ABSENCE Professional days shall be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent. There shall be three (3) personal days granted at the discretion of the Superintendent. Personal days are to be used only for such personal business matters as appearance in court, settlement of purchase and sale of real estate, call by IRS for review of tax returns, religious holidays, physical examination for the armed forces, graduation when receiving a degree, and such other personal business matters that are not possible to transact during out-of-school hours. Up to three (3) personal days per year, if unused, may be applied to accumulated sick leave.
Death in Family
In the event of death in the immediate family, Central Administrators shall be granted with pay for attending the deathbed, funeral, or to make funeral arrangements as hereinafter stated:
a. An allowance of five (5) days shall be granted in the case of death
in any of the following:
1. Employee’s parents, spouse, children, brothers, sisters,
parents of the employee’s spouse, and other persons
residing as members of the household of the employee.
2. Legally adopted members of the family and step-
relationships as outlined in a-1.
b. An allowance of three (3) days shall be granted to attend the
funeral of any of the following:
1. Uncles, aunts, grandparents, and grandchildren of the
2. Brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, and daughters-
in-law of the employee.
ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEES Central Administrators and all parties to this contract should be notified of their contract and salary for the ensuing year no later than May 30, and the employee must return the contract indicating his/her desire for the ensuing year in a timely fashion.ARTICLE X
EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT Any Central Administrator or other employee who is a party to this contract and takes a course or courses to better his/her professional knowledge in his/her field shall be reimbursed up to the rate confirmed in the MTOAS contract.
FRINGE BENEFITS All fringe benefits now being provided shall be continued. The Board of Education will provide membership in one (1) professional organization for each Central Administrator selected at the option of the Central Administrator with the approval of the Superintendent.
CONTRACT MEMORANDUM The Board agrees to a contract memorandum to read as follows:
 | “The Board will notify the Central Administrator of the identity of an individual selected for an administrative position within sixty (60) calendar days of the last day for application, or if that position has not been filled within that period of time, notification of the reason(s) for the delay.” |  |
Should any Central Administrator feel aggrieved regarding his/her position responsibilities, he/she should attempt to resolve his/her complaint(s) with his/her immediate supervisor. All grievances should be filed within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of the specific problem. The Superintendent will present his/her concern directly to the Board of Education.
Level 2
Should the Central Administrator feel that his/her grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved, he/she should submit, in writing, a statement of the grievance and his/her expected resolution to the Board of Education of schools, within five (5) workings days of his/her meeting with his/her immediate supervisor. The Board of Education will hold a hearing within fifteen (15) working days of the written request and will respond to the Central Administrator, in writing, within ten (1) working days following the hearing.
1. Central Administrators are entitled to representation at any level.
2. Position retention is not subject to grievance.
3. Every attempt should be made to resolve grievances at the first
DURATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall take effect immediately on July 1, 2006, and expires June 30, 2010, and shall be renegotiated. This Agreement was approved specifically for Vincent Tarantino, Assistant Superintendent, and Elizabeth A. Rennebaum, Business Administrator/Board Secretary.
Board of Education
| Date |  | Asst. Superintendent
of Schools | Date |
Negotiations Chairperson
Board of Education | Date |  | Business Administrator/
Board Secretary | Date |
The Board of Education agrees to increase the already negotiated settlement for contributions to Unum Disability/Long-Term Health Care by an additional $1,750 per year for life for a total not to exceed $4,750.00 per year.