200625 - 2/APS
Agreement 2006-2010
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2006
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2007
Agreement 2006-2010
363115v5Contents Page
Preamble 1
Article 1. Recognition 1
2. Successor Agreement: Interpretation of Within Agreement 2
3. Grievance and Arbitration Procedure 2
3:1 Definition of Grievance 2
3:2 Representation in Grievance Procedure 2
3:3 Purpose of Grievance Procedure 2
3:4 Responsibilities During Grievance Procedure 3
3:5 Grievance Procedure 3
3:6 Level Four - Arbitration Procedure 3
3:7 Cost of Arbitration 4
3:8 Grievance Forms (See Appendix C-1) 5
3:9 Protection of Grievant 5
4. No-Strike Clause 5
5. Retention of Board Rights - “Management Rights” 5
6. Pledge of Non-Discrimination 6
7. Employee Evaluation: Employee Rights 6
8. Sick Leave 8
9. Personal Leave 9
10. Leaves of Absence 10
11. Professional Improvement 11
12. Co-curricular Activities 12
13. Salary Schedule: Operation and Administration of the Salary Schedule 12
14. Medical, Hospital, Vision, and Dental Benefits 14
15. Employee’s Children Attendance at RFH 16
16. Payroll Deductions 16
17. Notification of Employment and Reduction in Force 16
18. Tenure for Custodians 16
19. Custodian Vacation 17
20. Paid Holidays for Custodians 17
21. Work Week/Work Day for Certificated Members 17
21:1 Work Week 17
21:2 Student Day and Work Day Defined 18
21:3 Lunch Time Sign-out 18
21:4 Sign-in Requirement 18
21:5 Departmental/Faculty Meetings 18
21:6 Professional Growth Days 18
22. Miscellaneous Working Conditions 19
22:1 Normal Work Hours 19
22:2 Uniforms 19
22:3 Restroom Facilities for Cafeteria 19
22:4 Morning Break for Cafeteria 19
22:5 Banquet Work for Cafeteria 19
22:6 Change in Cafeteria Calendar 19
22:7 Black Seal License for Custodians 19
22.8 Emergency Building Check for Custodians 20
23. Secretaries Working Conditions 20
23:1 Hours of Work 20
23:2 Overtime 20
23:3 Break 20
23:4 Holidays 20
23:5 Work Days 20
23:6 Snow/Emergency Closing Days 20
23:7 Christmas/Winter/Spring Recess 21
23:8 Vacation 21
23:9 Sick Leave 21
23:10 Professional Improvement 21
23:11 Substitute Pay 21
24. Volunteer Clubs 21
25. Association/Administration Liaison Council 22
26. Furnishing Copies of Agreement 22
27. Notices 22
28. Duration of Agreement 23
29. Entire Agreement 23
30. Signature Page 24
Appendix A
A-1 Teacher Salary Guide 25
A-2 Custodian Salary Guide 27
A-3 Cafeteria Worker Salary Guide 30
A-4 Secretary Salary Guide 31
Appendix B
B-1 Head and Assistant Coaching Stipends 33
B-2 Non-coaching Stipends 38
B-3 Non-coaches Stipends/Other Non-Coaches Stipends 39
Appendix C
C-1 Grievance Form 42
C-2 Certificated Staff Observation Form (1/20/04) 45
C-3 Mid-year Report for Non-Tenured Faculty Member Form (1/20/04) 47
C-4 Timetable for Development and Distribution of Summary 49
Evaluation Reports with Specific Assistance Plans
C-5 Certificated Staff Annual Evaluation 50
C-6 Custodial/Maintenance/Cafeteria Performance Evaluation (1/20/04) 53
C-7 Secretary Evaluation Report (1/20/04) 56
C-8 Secretary Payroll Voucher—Overtime 58
C-9 Coach Evaluation Form (1/20/04) 59
C-10 Extracurricular Advisor Evaluation Form (1/20/04) 64
Agreement 2003-06
This document consists of two Agreements, by and between the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional Board of Education (hereinafter the “Board”) and the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional School Employees Association (hereinafter the “Association”) the first Agreement entered into the first day of July 2006 and the second Agreement entered into the first day of July 2007;
WHEREAS, the Board has an obligation, pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Law 1974 to negotiate with the Association as the representative of employees hereinafter designated with respect to the terms and conditions of employment, and
WHEREAS, the parties have reached a complete understanding which they desire to confirm in this Agreement, be it
RESOLVED, in consideration of the following mutual covenants, it is hereby agreed as follows:
Article 1. Recognition
1:1 Pursuant to Chapter 123, Laws of 1974, State of New Jersey, known as “New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act,” The Rumson-Fair Haven Regional Board of Education recognizes the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional School Employees’ Association (hereinafter called the Association) as the exclusive representative for the purpose of collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those employees in the unit composed solely of the following classifications:
(a) Certificated Classroom Teachers: Full-time and part-time Guidance Counselors, Librarian, School Nurse, Psychologist, Learning Disabilities Specialist, Social Worker, and Coordinator of Educational Technology.
The above will be referenced as “teachers” throughout the contract, where applicable.
(b) Secretaries (accept the administrative assistant to the Chief School Administrator and administrative assistant to the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary.
(c) Cafeteria workers and custodial workers.
The above will be referenced as “custodial and cafeteria personnel” and “secretaries” throughout the contract, where applicable, but excluding the following from (a), (b), and (c) hereinabove:
Chief School Administrator, Principal, Vice Principal, Director of Instruction and Curriculum, Board Secretary/School Business Administrator, Supervisor, Athletic Director/Trainer, Supervisor of Building and Grounds, Cafeteria Manager, Teacher Aides, Substitute Teachers (Temporary) and Data Processing Coordinator and all other employees of the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional Public Schools not enumerated in the unit described in the inclusion set forth above.
1:2 The term “employee” when used shall apply to all employees identified in (a), (b), (c) of Article 1:1, unless such term is used in an Article applying to just one of the above three categories. Reference to employees shall be deemed to include both the male and female, except when the context clearly limits the intent to one sex, and words used in the singular shall include words in the plural as the text so requires.
Article 2. Successor Agreement; Interpretation of Within Agreement
2:1 This document consists of two Agreements, the first Agreement is for a term of one year effective July 1, 2006 terminating on June 30, 2007 and the second Agreement is for a term of three years effective July 1, 2007 and terminating on June 30, 2010. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations with respect to a successor Agreement in accordance with Chapter 123 Public Law 1974 in a good-faith effort to reach agreement on matters concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those in the bargaining unit. Such negotiations shall begin no later than December 15, 2009 for a successor Agreement. The Association and the Board shall furnish to each other at the first meeting all of their proposals in written form, subject to such changes in the law as shall occur during negotiations.
2:2 Any agreement so negotiated shall be submitted for ratification by the Association and approval by the Board. If ratified and approved, it shall be signed by the parties.
2:3 The Board agrees that representatives designated or selected by public employees for the purpose of collective negotiation by the majority of the employees in a unit appropriate for such purposes, or by the majority of the employees voting in an election conducted by the Commission as authorized by Chapter 123, shall be the exclusive representatives for collective negotiation concerning the terms and conditions of employment of the employees in such unit. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any official from meeting with an employee organization for the purpose of hearing views and requests of its members so long as (a) the majority representative is informed of the meeting; (b) any changes covered by the agreement or modification in terms and conditions of employment are made only through negotiations with the majority representative and (c) a minority organization shall not present or process grievances.
2:4 This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
Article 3. Grievance and Arbitration Procedure
3:1 A “grievance” shall mean a complaint by a member or a group of members of the Association having the same grievance that there has been a personal loss, or injury because of a violation, misinterpretation or inequitable application of Board policy, this agreement or an administrative decision affecting the members of the Association, that there has been a loss or injury sustained by the Association or an individual therein because of a violation, misinterpretation, breach or inequitable application of any right specifically granted to the Association under the terms and provisions of the Agreement. A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated by a member, group of members or the Association (hereinafter “grievant”) within twenty (20) school days from the time when such grievant knew or should have known its occurrence. The parties should make every effort to resolve the matter informally at the appropriate level during this period of time.
3:2 The Association has the right to process grievances on behalf of individual members and to attend hearings. In addition, grievants have the right to be represented by anyone of their own choosing in all steps of the grievance procedure. There shall be, however, only one spokesperson for the grievants at any stage. All parties concerned shall have copies of formal grievances which are filed.
3:3 The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible level, equitable solutions to grievances. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
3:4 Responsibilities During Grievance Procedure
3:4.1 Failure at any step of this procedure to communicate the decision on a grievance within the specified time limits shall permit the grievant to proceed to the next step. Failure at any step of this procedure to appeal a grievance to the next step within the specified time limits shall be deemed to be acceptance of the decision rendered at that step.
3:4.2 It is understood that all members of the Association shall, during and notwithstanding the pendency of any grievance, continue to observe all assignments and applicable rules and regulations of the Board until such grievance and any effect thereof shall have been fully determined.
3:4.3 Where evidence of hardship would result from compliance with the time regulations set forth in the above levels, a written request for an extension of time at any one of the levels in this Grievance Procedure shall be recognized. The period of extension of time shall be limited to a reasonable length of time mutually agreed upon.
3:5 Grievance Procedure
3:5.1 PRIOR TO LEVEL ONE: The grievant and/or the grievant’s representative shall have an informal discussion with the appropriate Administrator for the purpose of resolving the grievance. Discussion shall be a mandatory prerequisite to the formal grievance procedure.
3:5.2 LEVEL ONE: If, as the result of any informal discussions, the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant, the grievant shall set forth the grievance in writing to his principal or such person as shall be designated by the Chief School Administrator specifying the nature of the grievance and the resolution sought. A hearing is desirable and may be requested by either party. The immediate superior or such other person as shall be designated by the Chief School Administrator shall communicate his decision in writing to the grievant within five (5) school days of receipt of the written grievance.
3:5.3 LEVEL TWO: The grievant, no later than five (5) school days after receipt of the decision, may appeal the decision to the Chief School Administrator. The appeal to the Chief School Administrator must be made in writing, reciting the matter submitted to the grievant’s immediate superior with the decision previously rendered. The Chief School Administrator shall attempt to resolve the matter as quickly as possible, but within a period not to exceed ten (10) school days. A hearing is desirable and may be requested by either party. The Chief School Administrator shall communicate his decision in writing to the grievant and the immediate superior.
3:5.4 LEVEL THREE: If the grievance is not resolved to the grievant’s satisfaction, the grievant, no later than five (5) school days after receipt of the Chief School Administrator’s decision may request a review by the Board. The request shall be submitted in writing through the Chief School Administrator who shall attach all related papers and forward the request to the Board within five (5) school days after the receipt by the Chief School Administrator of such request. The Board, or a committee thereof, shall review the grievance and shall hold a hearing with the grievant at the request of either party. The Board shall render a decision in writing within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of the grievance.
3:6 LEVEL FOUR: Arbitration Procedure
3:6.1 A grievant’s claim shall constitute a grievable matter and be the proper subject of arbitration beyond Level Three in accordance with the procedure hereinafter provided in 3:6.2, etc., provided, however, that no claim shall be arbitrable if it pertains to:
(a) any matter which according to law is beyond the scope of Board authority;
(b) any matter which according to law is limited to action of the Board alone;
(c) any matter for which the sole method of review is prescribed by any rule or regulation of the State Commissioner of Education;
(d) any matter for which the only method of review is one prescribed by law;
(e) the dismissal or failure to renew the contract of a non-tenure teacher; and
(f) a complaint by certificated personnel occasioned by appointment to or lack of appointment to, retention in or lack of retention in, any position for which the tenure is either not possible or not required.
3:6.2 If the grievant is dissatisfied with the decision of the Board and only if the grievance pertains to an alleged violation of this agreement between the Board and the Association, the grievant shall have the right to request the appointment of an arbitrator. Such request shall be made known to the Chief School Administrator by certified mail, receipt returnable, no later than fifteen (15) days after the decision, in writing, of the Board.
3:6.3 A grievant must have a request to process a grievance to binding arbitration accompanied by the written recommendation of the Association for such action. A grievant may be represented by either the Association or by legal counsel of his own choosing; however, there shall be only one spokesperson on the grievance.
A request for a grievance to proceed to binding arbitration shall also be accompanied by a written waiver by the grievant and by the Association of any and all rights to submit the dispute to any other administrative or judicial tribunal. Notwithstanding such written waiver, the grievant shall retain the right to seek judicial enforcement of any arbitrator’s award.
3:6.4 Within ten (10) days after such written notice of submission to arbitration, the Board and the Association shall attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator. The following procedure will be used to secure the services of an arbitrator:
(a) a joint request shall be made to the Public Employment Relations Commission, to submit a roster of persons qualified to function as arbitrator in the dispute in question.
(b) if the parties are unable to agree upon a mutually satisfactory arbitrator from the list submitted, they will request the Public Employment Relations Commission to submit a second list.
(c) if the parties are unable to agree within ten (10) school days of the initial request for arbitration upon a mutually satisfactory arbitrator from the second submitted list, the Public Employment Relations Commission may be requested by either party to designate an arbitrator. The arbitrator shall limit himself to the issues submitted to him and shall consider nothing else. He can add nothing to, nor subtract anything from, the agreement between the parties or any policy of the Board. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties.
3:7 Cost of Arbitration
3:7.1 Each party shall bear all of his, her, or its expenses incurred in the course of any arbitration proceeding.
3:7.2 The fees and expenses of the arbitrator are the only costs which shall be shared by the two parties and such costs will be shared equally.
3:7.3 Where grievance proceedings are mutually scheduled by the parties during school time, persons proper to be present shall suffer no loss in pay.
3:8 Grievances shall be submitted on the form attached herewith and shall minimally state: name of grievant, date, time, and location of alleged grievance, nature of grievance and relief sought.
3:9 The Board recognizes that an aggrieved member of the Association has a right to file a grievance. The Board states that there shall be no act, conduct, or procedure undertaken by the Board or any member of the administration which shall be in the nature of a reprisal against any member of the bargaining unit who files a grievance, including but not by way of limitation, any assignment of additional duties, any adverse comment in the evaluation of the performance of the grievant or any other action which shall be taken solely as a means of a reprisal. The purpose of the within provision is to express Board policy that a member of the bargaining unit has a right to file a grievance and that no retaliatory action will be permitted against anyone filing a grievance simply because such grievant has exercised the right to grieve.
Article 4. No-Strike Clause
4:1 Both parties recognize the desirability of continuous and uninterrupted operation of the instructional program during the normal school year, and the avoidance of disputes which threaten to interfere with such operation. Since the parties are establishing a comprehensive grievance procedure under which unresolved disputes may be settled, the parties have removed the basic cause of work interruptions during the period of this Agreement. The Association accordingly agrees, during the period of this Agreement, that it will not, nor will any person acting on its behalf cause, authorize, or support, nor will any of its members take part in any strike (i.e., the concerted failure to report for duty, or willful absence from his position, or stoppage of work or abstinence in whole or in part, from the full, faithful and proper performance of the employee’s duties of employment) for any purpose whatsoever.
4:2 Further the Association may be held liable in damages for “wild cat” strikes, unless the Association in writing immediately disavows the strike and notifies the strikers to return to work. In addition, the Board retains all legal rights in remedying strike situation.
4:3 Any strike is a breach of contract and permits the Board to discipline employees taking part in that breach of contract.
Article 5. Retention of Board Rights -- “Management Rights”
5:1 The Board, on its own behalf and on behalf of the taxpayers of the district hereby retains and reserves unto itself, without limitations, all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitutions of the State of New Jersey and of the United States, including but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right:
(a) to exercise executive management and administration control of the school system and its properties and facilities, and the activities of its employees.
(b) to hire all employees and subject to the provisions of the law, to determine their qualifications, and the conditions for their continued employment, or their dismissal or demotions; and to promote, and transfer all such employees;
(c) to establish grades and courses of instruction, including special programs, and to provide for athletic, recreational and social events for students, all as deemed necessary or advisable by the Board.
(d) to decide upon the organization of the instructional program, the selection of textbooks and other teaching materials, and the use of teaching aids of every kind and nature with consideration given to the recommendations of teacher.
5:2 The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith shall be limited only by the specific and expressed terms of this Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and expressed terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of New Jersey, and the Constitution and laws of the United States.
5:3 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict the Board in the exercise of its rights, responsibilities, and authority under the New Jersey School Laws or any other national, state, county, district, or local laws or regulations.
5:4 If any provision of the Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or groups of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provisions or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
5:5 Nothing in this Agreement which changes pre-existing Board policy, rules or regulations shall operate retroactively unless expressly so stated. The parties agree that members of the Association shall continue to serve under the direction of the Chief School Administrator and in accordance with Board and administrative policies, rules and regulations, provided that the provisions of this Agreement shall supersede and prevail over any conflicting provisions.
5:6 It is understood that, under the rulings of the courts of New Jersey and the State Commissioner of Education, the Board is forbidden to waive any rights or powers granted it by law. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, nothing contained in any section, paragraph or subsection of this Agreement shall be interpreted in any manner or be so construed as to indicate that the Board has waived rights which are expressly required by the courts to be retained by the Board.
Article 6. Pledge of Non-Discrimination
6:1 The Board and the Association agree that there shall be no discrimination and that all practices, procedures, and policies of the school system shall clearly exemplify that there is no discrimination in the hiring, training, assignment, promotion, transfer, or discipline of employees or in the application or administration of this Agreement on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, domicile, handicap or marital status.
Article 7. Employee Evaluation: Employee Rights
7:1 Teaching staff members shall be evaluated annually as prescribed by statute and code. Each evaluation shall be preceded by a pre-evaluation conference per code. The pre-evaluation conference shall discuss the general purpose, goals and objectives of the evaluation. The evaluation shall be scheduled within five (5) school days of the conference. Each evaluation shall be followed by a post-evaluation conference per code.
There must be four (4) formal evaluations annually, two per semester, for non-tenured teaching staff members. There shall be a mid-year written review and conference which shall become part of the annual evaluation. The annual final evaluation for non-tenured teaching staff members shall contain, if appropriate, a specific assistance plan which shall reinforce strengths and provide assistance for weaknesses in performance. The specific assistance plan will be mutually agreed between the teaching staff member and the supervisor.
There must be three (3) formal evaluations annually for tenured teaching staff members. The annual final evaluation for tenured teaching staff members shall contain, if appropriate, a specific assistance plan which shall reinforce strengths and provide assistance for weakness in performance. The specific assistance plan will be mutually agreed between teaching staff member and the supervisor.
The timeline that is attached to APPENDIX C will be in effect for the process of development and distribution of summary evaluation reports with specific assistance plans, with each date being the latest that is acceptable.
Evaluations will be recorded and provided to each teaching staff member.
Informal classroom visits will occur from time to time and, if recorded, will be provided to each teaching staff member.
Non-teaching staff members shall be observed and evaluated annually. Evaluations will be recorded and a copy provided to the non-teaching staff member.
7:2 A program of differentiated supervision activities as mutually agreed by the Board and Association may substitute for classroom evaluations of tenured certificated staff members.
A tenured certificated staff member shall have at least one opportunity to engage in differentiated supervision activities during the term of this contract.
7:3 An employee shall be given a copy of any class-visit evaluation report prepared by an evaluator at least one (1) day before any conference to discuss it. No such report shall be submitted to the central office, placed in the employee’s file or otherwise acted upon without prior conference with the employee. No employee shall be required to sign a blank or incomplete evaluation form.
7:4 Any complaint regarding an employee made to any member of the administration by any parent, student, or any other person of which notation is placed in the file shall be promptly called to the attention of the employee. The employee shall be given an opportunity to respond to and/or rebut such complaint and shall have the right to be represented by the Association at any other meetings or conferences regarding such complaint at which disciplinary action may be contemplated by the administration.
7:5 An employee shall have the right, upon reasonable request, to review the contents of his personnel file and to receive copies therein except for items deemed confidential by the Chief School Administrator.
No material derogatory to an employee’s conduct, service, character or personality shall be placed in his personnel file unless the employee has had an opportunity to review the material.
However, should an employee refuse to sign material referred to in this Article, the Chief School Administrator shall invite the President of the Association to witness the fact and the opportunity to affix his signature acknowledging that the opportunity was presented; and said President shall sign to indicate his/her knowledge of the circumstances.
7:6 The Board agrees that it will negotiate in good faith with the Association the evaluation procedure for tenured and non-tenured teachers which said evaluation procedure shall not be inconsistent with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education.
Copies of the evaluation forms used to evaluate employee performance of all employees are attached to this Contract. Set forth in Appendix C hereto.
7:7 No employee shall be disciplined without just cause.
7:8 Employees shall be entitled to full rights of citizenship.
7:9 Upon submitting a request to and obtaining the prior consent of the School Business Administrator, the Association shall be accorded reasonable access to school facilities for meeting, and for use of typewriters, duplication equipment and calculators, subject to the right of the School Business Administrator to assess the Association for any expenses arising out of extraordinary use of such facilities and/or equipment. In addition, the Association shall be permitted to make use of the designated bulletin boards in the teacher’s lunch room, faculty lounges and custodian/cafeteria workers’ locker area for notices pertaining to business of the Association. The use of such facilities and bulletin boards shall be confined to the activities of the Association as they relate directly to the members of the Association.
Article 8. Sick Leave
8:1 Ten-month employees will be granted annual sick leave of ten (10) days; twelve-month employees will be granted annual sick leave of twelve (12) days. Unused sick leave will accumulate. New employees will be given credit during the first year of employment for a maximum of thirty (30) days of sick leave acquired in another school district in New Jersey. Teachers who transferred into the District prior to September 1, 1970 shall, upon written request to the Chief School Administrator have an opportunity to transfer such leave accumulated in other New Jersey school districts predating the transferability of such accumulated sick leave, pending certification of such accumulation from districts of former employment.
8:2 Each employee may establish a family sick leave bank through the accumulation of unused personal days to a maximum of seven (7) days. At the end of each school year, the employee may transfer, at his/her discretion, up to three (3) unused personal days into the family illness bank, to create a maximum of seven (7) available days for the next school year. Unused personal illness days when transferred to create a family illness bank shall transfer at the rate of two (2) family illness days for each unused personal day. Any unused personal days that are not transferred to the family illness bank will accumulate as unused sick leave. The maximum number of days that may be included in the available family illness leave bank is seven (7). Staff will receive two (2) family illness days in their first year of employment which, if not used, will not be carried over to the next year.
8:3 Upon retirement from professional service and after a minimum of fifteen (15) consecutive years of employment in the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School, teachers, secretaries, custodians, and cafeteria workers shall be compensated, within the limitations set forth below, for accumulated, unused sick days. The purpose of such compensation shall be the recognition of regular attendance.
The following provisions shall be used by the Board to determine the amount of individual compensation.
(a) Compensation shall be at the following rates for teachers to a maximum of 250 days:
Accumulated days 0-100 paid at $35 per day
Accumulated days 101-150 paid at $40 per day
Accumulated days 151-200 paid at $45 per day
Accumulated days 201-250 paid at $50 per day
(b) Compensation shall be at the following rates for custodians, cafeteria workers and secretaries to a maximum of 250 days:
Accumulated days 0-100 paid at $20 per day
Accumulated days 101-150 paid at $25 per day
Accumulated days 151-200 paid at $30 per day
Accumulated days 201-250 paid at $35 per day
(c) Approved compensation shall be subject to prevailing withholding and social security taxes.
8:3.1 Association members planning retirement who qualify for compensation for unused sick leave accumulation shall notify the Chief School Administrator in writing not later than one hundred-eighty (180) calendar days preceding the effective date of retirement, except that the minimum notice may be waived at the discretion of the Board. Compensation shall be paid no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following the effective date of retirement.
8:3.2 Provided that such procedure is not in violation of any federal or state law or regulation and does not impose any greater liability on the District, members may elect not to receive such compensation in one lump payment, but rather may authorize the District to retain such amount in such account as the District deems appropriate; from such account, the District shall be authorized to make payments on behalf of the retired members for the maintenance of the benefits provided for under Article 14.2 and 14.3. In no event shall the District be obligated to make such payments in a total amount greater than the lump payment at the time of retirement. The notice of election hereunder shall be given to the School Business Administrator not less than sixty (60) days prior to the anticipated date of retirement. The amount of the lump sum payment less any payments for benefits hereunder may be received by the members during retirement upon written notice of the teacher to the School Business Administrator; the District shall make payment to the member of the unpaid balance within forty-five (45) days after receipt of such notice.
Article 9. Personal Leave
9:1 Employees will be granted three (3) personal days without explanation during each school year. One of the three days may not be taken on a sensitive day (those days which fall before or after a holiday or vacation). Requests for such leave must be made in writing at least one (1) week in advance of the intended day. Where possible, responses shall be provided within three (3) school days of the request. In case of emergency, an employee may use his/her personal days without required notification. No more than (6) employees shall be on personal leave on a given day.
Unused personal days may be converted to family illness days consistent with Article 8:2. Any unused personal days that are not transferred to the family illness bank, as set forth in Article 8:2 will accumulate as unused sick leave.
Upon the exhaustion of contracted personal leave entitlement, additional time may be granted for good cause and at the discretion of the Chief School Administrator.
Personal leave days shall be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Personal leave for bereavement will be granted at the discretion of the Chief School Administrator.
9:2 Other than for reasons of illness, maternity, child adoption, and child care as hereinafter provided in article 10 (Leaves of Absence), request for personal leave shall be submitted in writing to the Chief School Administrator who has the authority to permit such personal leave with full salary deduction with such employee bearing as well the cost of such medical, hospital and dental benefits as hereinafter provided.
9:3 Custodians shall be awarded one (1) day of leave on the days during which school is closed for the annual NJEA Convention. Leave on those days shall be limited to five (5) custodians per day with priority given on a seniority basis. Other leave may be restricted on these days in order to provide for adequate custodial services.
Article 10. Leaves of Absence
10:1 Any member may petition the Board for an extended leave of absence if his accumulated sick leave has expired, but his illness continues. Each case will be considered and acted upon by the Board on the basis of the merits of each case. No decision by the Board to grant or deny such leave shall be deemed a precedent in the consideration of any subsequent petitions. The Board reserves the right to grant such petitions on such terms and conditions as it, in its sole discretion, shall deem appropriate.
10:2 Members who become pregnant may request a leave of absence without pay. The employee, with the advice of her treating physician, will determine the date on which the leave becomes effective. The maximum amount of time granted for maternity leave will be two (2) years. Such leave shall be granted with full salary deduction and with the employee bearing the full expense of the medical, hospital, prescription, and dental benefits hereinafter provided during such leave of absence. Accumulated, unused sick days may be used by an employee during a leave of absence by reason of pregnancy until such days have expired.
10:3 Upon request of a member, the Board may grant to such member a leave of absence for the purpose of child adoption. Such request for a leave of absence shall be submitted in writing as soon as possible but not less than ten (10) school days before the intended effective date for such leave. The maximum leave of absence shall be for the remainder of the school year in which the adoption occurs and for one (1) full school year thereafter. Such leave shall be granted with full salary deduction and with the member bearing the full expense of the medical, hospital, prescription, and dental benefits hereinafter provided during such leave of absence.
10:4 Any member may petition the Board for leave of absence for the purpose of caring for the employee’s newly-born child or for the illness of a child which requires the presence of an adult. The leave of absence shall be granted for a maximum period of one (1) school year (ten months when school is in session) with full salary deduction and with the employee bearing the full expense of the medical, hospital, prescription, and dental benefits hereinafter provided.
Article 11. Professional Improvement
11:1 Any member may petition the Board for a leave of absence with or without pay, for a period of time not to exceed one (1) year for the purpose of educational improvement that would benefit the school. The Board shall have the absolute discretion to grant or deny such petition and shall be under no obligation to set forth any explanations or reasons for such granting or denial. The granting or denial of such petition as aforesaid shall not be subject to the grievance and/or arbitration provisions of this agreement.
11:2 The Board will provide tuition reimbursement for up to twelve (12) credits in each of the contract years, at a maximum rate of $400 per credit reimbursement at an accredited college or university provided:
(a) Non-tenured teachers who have already received the approval of the Superintendent and who were enrolled in a Masters Program prior to June 30, 2006 will be grand-parented and allowed to be reimbursed for courses included in the Masters Program. After July 1, 2006, for the first three (3) years of employment, non-tenured teacher’s coursework must be those in his/her subject matter area of teaching or closely related to it, as determined from the course description. Tenured teacher’s coursework must be those leading to a degree or certification in education, including guidance or administration, or in subject matter courses in the teacher’s area of teaching or closely related to it, as determined from the course description.
(b) Twelve (12) credits may be taken at any time during the contract year.
(c) There shall be a maximum Board budget of $45,000 in each year of the contract. Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis and submitted and approved or disapproved according to the following schedule: Summer Session course work requests will be approved or disapproved during the period of February 16th through May 31st; Fall Semester course work requests shall be approved or disapproved during the period of June 1st through September 30th; and Spring Semester course work requests will be approved or disapproved during the period of October 1st through February 15th.
Verification that course criteria have been met must be obtained from the Chief School Administrator or his/her designee prior to course registration.
Transcripts must be submitted showing a grade of “B” or better as proof of course completion.
Employees must remain in the District for one (1) year after successfully completing coursework or shall be required to reimburse the District for all funds received during the last twelve (12) months of course reimbursement. An employee whose contract is not renewed will not be responsible to reimburse the District for completed coursework.
11:3 The Board, with the prior approval of the Chief School Administrator, shall reimburse members for the cost of registration and travel expense for attendance by employees at professional workshops and conventions. The Board with the prior approval of the Chief School Administrator may request employee attendance at such professional meetings as part of the employee’s Professional Growth Plan. When attendance at professional meetings is requested by the Chief School Administrator on days other than school calendar days, the employee will be compensated for his time at a rate equal to the salary rate per diem for the current year.
11:4 Any member receiving a grant from the federal or state government, foundation, or university for summer study may be paid a stipend by the Board, which stipend, when combined with the grant, will provide compensation equal to the member’s per diem salary for the next succeeding school year (based upon the number of days of contracted employment) plus reasonable living and travel expenses for every day of participation in the grant program.
11:5 The Board shall subscribe to professional journals requested by the Association at a cost not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000 per year), which journals shall be maintained in a professional library provided by the Board.
11:6 The Board shall reimburse members in an amount not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the cost of membership fees in professional education associations, except NEA, NJEA and their affiliates and unions, and limited to one membership per member. The total cost to the Board shall not exceed Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) per annum. Reimbursement shall be prorated among members at an equal percentage of reimbursement if the total reimbursement requested exceeds Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000). All requests for such reimbursement must be submitted to the Board in writing by the Association not later than September 30 of each year.
11:7 The Board may approve up to two (2) summer educational grants for teachers. Requests must be submitted to the Chief School Administrator prior to April 30. A grant will not exceed Two Thousand One-Hundred Dollars ($2,100). Summer educational grants funded but unused in one year may be granted in subsequent years. The primary criteria for grants will be that the course or courses of study are in keeping with district goals.
Article 12. Co-curricular Activities
12:1 Co-curricular activities play a vital role in the education of students. It is important, that to the extent possible, members enjoy participating in the various programs. Therefore, the administration will consider the wishes of members when assigning advisors to co-curricular activities. Wherever possible, vacancies shall be filled by district staff members. Vacancies must be advertised to the entire staff in sufficient time to allow for applications to be submitted by interested members. If vacancies are not filled by members, the Board shall seek qualified applicants who are not employees of the district. The evaluation of the performance of any co-curricular advisor shall in no way affect the evaluation of that person as a teacher and placement of that person on the Teachers’ Salary Guide.
12:2 The salary schedule for co-curricular activities is set forth on Appendix B hereto.
Article 13. Salary Schedule; Operation and Administration of the Salary Schedule
13:1 Members shall be compensated in accordance with the salary schedule set forth in Appendix A hereto. Any and all salary guides in existence prior to the effective date of this Agreement are hereby repealed.
13:2 All increases on all guides will be based on meritorious service. Favorable reports by the Chief School Administrator and those charged with supervisory responsibility and approval by the Board are prerequisites to the granting of all increases in salary.
13:3 Four years of training shall be evidenced by a Bachelor’s Degree. Five years of training shall be evidenced by a Master’s Degree or 32 semester hours of approved graduate work beyond a Bachelor’s Degree in an educational institution approved for the granting of advanced degrees. Six years of training shall be evidenced by 32 semester hours of approved graduate work beyond a Master’s Degree or Fifth year level in an institution approved for the granting of advanced degrees.
13:4 If a tenured teacher is rated unsatisfactory through established evaluation procedures, the individual’s Professional Growth Plan shall define specific activities for professional self-improvement. These activities may include utilization of any resource available within the district, including demonstration lessons by supervisors. The plan shall not include requirements inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement.
13:5 It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to inform the Chief School Administrator before November 1 regarding any change or contemplated change in training level for the following school year. Evidence of such change shall be submitted to the Chief School Administrator no later than the opening day of school in the following September, and a new contract issued. If such evidence is not submitted at the prescribed time, no adjustment will be made for the year.
13:6 Placement on the salary guide shall be determined by degree/credit level and the number of years credited for prior teaching, military, or education-related experience as specified by the Chief School Administrator and approved by the Board. The number of credited years of prior experience shall be provided to the Association upon request.
13:7 Summer employment for guidance counselors, child study team, student assistance coordinator, nurse and librarian (certified non-teaching professionals) will be reimbursed at the rate of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per hour. Professional summer employment involving the writing of curriculum (which includes examining textbooks and identifying instructional materials) shall be compensated at the rate of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per hour.
Curriculum written during the school year after the close of the school day shall be compensated at the rate of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per hour.
13:8 Compensation for court appearances on behalf of the district as assigned by the Chief School Administrator on days other than school calendar days shall be at the employee’s current daily rate of pay. Should this assignment occur during the months of July and August, the rate of pay will be determined by the preceding year’s contract.
13:9 Members employed for non-professional jobs shall be compensated at the rate of Nine Dollars ($9.00) per hour except for the carpenter who will be paid at Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per hour.
13:10 Teachers assigned a sixth teaching period on an annual basis shall receive a stipend calculated at twenty (20%) percent of the Level 1 salary of the teachers’ guide at the appropriate degree level. Teachers assigned a sixth teaching period for less than a full year shall receive a prorated stipend.
13:11 The Coordinator of Educational Technology shall receive 12/10 of the annual ten (10) month salary on the appropriate level of the degree column of the teachers’ salary guide in order to provide a twelve (12) month flexible work schedule.
The work year of the Coordinator of Education Technology shall include the following non-work days:
Labor Day Martin Luther King Day
Rosh Hashanah or Either the Winter Recess or
Yom Kippur the Spring Recess
NJEA Convention Days Good Friday
Thanksgiving Memorial Day
Day after Thanksgiving Independence Day
Christmas Recess 22 Vacation Days
Article 14. Medical, Hospital, Vision and Dental Benefits
14:1 As additional compensation to full-time employees of the bargaining unit, the Board shall bear the cost of the Delta Dental Program II ($1500 maximum and orthodontic maximum of $750), New Jersey State Health Benefit Program (or benefits comparable to the Delta Dental and New Jersey State Health Benefit Program) and a twenty-dollar ($20.00) non-generic and a ten-dollar ($10.00) generic co-pay and a zero ($0.00) mail-order co-pay prescription plan. For the prescription plan, the cap of $1,754 set in 1998-99 for single coverage and $2,337 for family coverage shall be adjusted in each year of the contract on July 1 by the average CPI (Consumer Price Index July 1 through June 30 of the preceding year). The Board agrees to provide an optical program at a cost not to exceed $150.00 per year per family.
Effective July 1, 2006 employees will pay $40 per month (cap of ten months) toward dental, vision, and prescription plans. Employees eligible for benefits earning less than $25,000 will not be required to pay the $40 per month contribution for dental, vision, and prescription plans.
Employees working less than 20 hours per week are not eligible for benefits. In order to be eligible for benefits, classroom teachers who are not full-time employees but teach a minimum of three periods per day will be assigned two duty periods/learning centers.
14:2 Members who plan retirement and who wish to maintain group membership for medical, hospital, prescription, and dental benefits must apply to the Business Administrator not less than sixty (60) days prior to the anticipated date of retirement.
14:3 Only retired members employed prior to June 30, 1984 shall be eligible to maintain medical, hospital, and dental benefits through the school district.
14:4 Effective July 1, 2006, the Board in cooperation with the Board’s health benefit provider, will provide a program whereby an employee may, at the employee’s option, receive a stipend in lieu of health benefits. The program guidelines are as follows:
(a) Employees may waive components or all of their health benefits programs (medical, dental, prescription and vision) on an annual basis.
(b) Employees who waive medical insurance must provide proof of existing medical coverage.
(c) Waiver payments of prescription drug plan does not allow for claims of prescription on medical plan.
(d) A waiver shall be effective for one year and must be renewed annually.
(e) An employee can only re-enroll at open enrollment, or in the event of a life event as identified by the New Jersey Department of Insurance (loss of job, divorce, death). Waiver amount will be prorated for months waived.
(f) Employees opting for the benefit waiver shall receive a monthly reduction in their benefits contribution as set forth in Article 14:1 ($40 per month for 10 months) on an agreed upon basis depending upon the plans waived. The deduction shall be based upon the following formula: Prescription - 66% of $40 or a $26.40 reduction in the monthly contribution towards benefits; Dental - 32% of $40 or a $12.80 reduction in the monthly contribution towards benefits; and Vision – 2% of $40 or a $.80 reduction in the monthly contribution towards benefits. Employees earning less than the $25,000 contribution threshold as set forth in Article 14:1 would have no reduction since there is no contribution being paid.
(g) Employees must elect the waiver option by December 31 prior budget year. New employees must elect the waiver within 30 days of their first date of employment.
(h) The deadline for notification of a waiver for 2006-07 will be extended to June 30, 2006.
(i) Payment for waiver will be issued to employees no later than June 30.
(j) Waivers will be prorated for employees leaving the district prior to June 30 and paid within 30 days of termination.
(k) The Waiver of Health Benefits Program is contingent on insurance carrier regulations and confirmation from the insurance carrier that the Program will not increase the premium for the coverage.
(l) The Board agrees to establish a Section 125 Plan for contribution towards prescription, dental and vision plans and compensation for waiver of health plans. Medical is not included in employee contribution.
(m) Waiver amount will remain a constant throughout the contract.
Type of Coverage | Medical | Prescription | Dental | Vision | Total Package |
Family | 2299 | 841 | 405 | 33 | $3578 |
Husband/Wife | 1976 | 841 | 227 | 33 | $3077 |
Parent/Child | 1311 | 841 | 227 | 33 | $2412 |
Single | n/a | 421 | 128 | 33 | $582 |
Article 15. Employee’s Children Attendance at RFH
15:1 Children of staff who are not residents of Rumson or Fair Haven shall be able to attend the high school tuition free.
Article 16. Payroll Deductions
16:1 The Board agrees that it will undertake the necessary steps, upon receipt of written authorization from any member desiring such deductions, to deduct from such member’s payroll the following: Uniserve dues, Washington National Life, Monoc Savings, United States Savings Bonds, and tax shelter annuities.
16:2 If an eligible employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year which is covered, in whole or in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The representation fee will be equal to eighty-five (85%) percent of the amount paid by an Association member to the unified teaching professional organizations. The payroll deductions for such representation fees will be made in equal installments on the same basis as payroll deductions for members of the Association. The Association will provide the Board with a list of eligible non-members by October 1 of each school year.
The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any liability which may arise by reason of any action taken by the Board in complying with the provisions of this Article.
Article 17. Notification of Employment and Reduction in Force
17:1 Each non-tenured teaching employee will be given annual notification of employment by April 30. Failure to give notification to the non-tenured teacher by that date shall constitute a notification of employment for the following year. The notification shall contain the salary, if known, to be paid and number of days notification required for termination by either party. Nothing in the notification shall in any way supersede or conflict with this collective agreement between the Board and the Association.
17:2 In case of reduction in force, the tenured employee to be laid off will receive sixty (60) days notice. All reduction in force or recall of force will be done on a seniority basis among those who have achieved tenure.
Notification of employment and salary status shall be given to all tenured bargaining unit members by May 31.
17:3 All non-certificated members of the bargaining unit shall be advised of their employment status no later than April 30.
Article 18. Tenure for Custodians
18:1 Pursuant to New Jersey Statutes, a custodian shall become tenured on the first day of the fourth year of continuous employment by the Board in the position of custodian.
Article 19. Custodian Vacation
19:1 Custodian employees will be allocated paid vacation on the following basis:
(a) vacation shall be earned during the first year of employment at the rate of 5/6days per month. No vacation is to be taken during the first year of employment until July 1.
(b) after one (1) year and through nine (9) years of employment, two (2) weeks of vacation.
(c) after nine (9) years and through fourteen (14) years of employment, three (3) weeks of vacation.
(d) after fourteen (14) years of employment, four (4) weeks of vacation.
Custodial members who have earned more than two (2) weeks of annual vacation will be required to take a minimum of two (2) weeks of vacation during the summer and the balance at other times when the school is not in session and at a time mutually acceptable to the employee and his immediate supervisor, unless an exception to this rule has been approved by the Business Administrator.
Article 20. Paid Holidays for Custodians
20:1 Custodians shall be granted the following paid holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Martin Luther King’s Birthday, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.
In addition, a custodian shall receive two additional paid holidays during the Christmas recess and shall also receive as additional paid holidays the Fridays of the winter and spring school recesses.
Article 21. Work Week/Work Day for Certificated Members.
21:1 The work week for all certificated members of the unit shall consist of five (5) work days per week Monday through Friday, seven (7) hours per day, and the following: faculty and departmental meetings, “back-to-school” night, and the graduation ceremony. Guidance counselors may be required to attend school at night for a maximum of six (6) sessions per year. Child Study Team members may be required to attend school at night for a maximum of three (3) sessions per year.
In addition to the work day as described in this Article, teachers shall be available for ninety (90) minutes each week for student assistance. These sessions shall be scheduled either before or after the end of the school day at the teacher’s discretion. These sessions shall be scheduled in no less than thirty (30) minutes blocks of time and no more than sixty (60) minutes blocks of time. Teachers shall post the schedule in their plan books. Teachers shall also make the schedule available to the students by posting the schedule in the classroom at the end of the school day every Thursday for the following week. The ninety (90) minutes each week will be reduced by thirty (30) minutes when it is not a five day school week.
21:2 The school day for certificated staff shall be seven (7) hours, 7:40 a.m. - 2:40 p.m. except the Board may, with proper notice, begin the day 10 minutes earlier and/or finish the day 10 minutes later except these changes will be within the timetable of the agreed upon seven (7) hours. The student day and the work day for certificated members shall be seven (7) hours and shall be scheduled by the Board, at its discretion, including, but not limited to classroom teaching, non-teaching assignments, classroom preparation time, and lunch provided, however, that the teachers shall be allowed a minimum of forty (40) minutes for lunch and forty (40 ) minutes for class preparation per work day. No teacher shall be required to teach more than five (5) classes per day, except in the case of teachers conducting science laboratory classes. No teacher will be scheduled for a 6th teaching period unless both the Board of Education and the S.E.A. mutually consent by way of a signed sidebar agreement.
The Board and the Association agree that a nine-period day may be scheduled. However, a teacher’s schedule shall be required to include no more than five teaching assignments, a non-instructional supervisory assignment, and a learning center assignment or, absent one learning center assignment, a second non-instructional supervisory assignment.
Science teachers may be assigned to their individual lab periods in lieu of a designated learning center and an non-instructional supervisory assignment on days when lab is scheduled and will be paid $400 per each lab period assigned based on full-year lab assignment. Non-academic teachers may be assigned to their individual lab/workshops in lieu of a designated learning center and will not receive additional compensation.
Teachers assigned to learning centers or labs/workshops are not undertaking additional instructional period. They will be available to consult with and to provide assistance to students who either voluntarily attends or who are assigned to these centers for periods of time.
The parties recognize that it is not in the best interest of the school for a teacher to have two identical non-instructional duty assignments. Every effort will be made to avoid this occurrence.
21:3 Teachers shall be permitted to leave the school during the scheduled lunch period provided they sign the designated sign-out log in the main administrative office as to the period of time they will be away from school.
21:4 Teachers shall be required to sign in at the main administrative office before the start of the work day and shall commence teaching activities at the start of the work day.
21:5 Teachers shall be required to attend a maximum of twenty departmental/faculty meetings per year as designated by the Chief School Administrator. These meetings shall commence ten (10) minutes after the end of the school day. Attendance at twenty (20) meetings shall be mandatory for not more than forty (40) minutes per meeting.
21:6 The teacher work year shall include:
(a) Four (4) full days of professional growth. Activities on these four (4) days will be scheduled to begin at 7:40 a.m. and to conclude at 2:40 p.m. with 30 minutes for lunch. Each of these days will provide six and one-half (6 ½) hours of professional growth credit.
(b) Two half-days of professional growth will be scheduled near the end of each semester. On those days the student day will begin at the regular time of 7:40 a.m. and will conclude at 12:07 p.m. The professional growth activities will be scheduled to begin at 12:15 p.m. and to conclude at 2:45 p.m. No special lunch time will be provided because each participant will have had a lunch period of 27 minutes scheduled during the shortened student day. Each of these days will provide two and one-half hours of professional growth credit.
(c) The four (4) full days and two half-days of professional growth will be scheduled in addition to the twenty days for meetings that are permitted by Article 21:5 of this Agreement.
Article 22. Miscellaneous Working Conditions
22:1 The normal work hours for custodian employees are seven (7) hours per day for a total of thirty-five (35) hours per week. The normal work hours for cafeteria employees shall range from two (2) to eight (8) hours per day depending upon the tasks assigned by the cafeteria manager. Custodian employees shall be employed for twelve (12) months annually; cafeteria employees for ten (10) months annually.
Custodian and cafeteria workers shall be paid over-time on half hours of time worked with payment of time and one-half after 40 hours of work per week.
22:2 Three work uniforms of good quality shall be provided to custodian and cafeteria employees, and the uniforms must be worn. At the employee’s option, an allowance of $45 annually will be provided to purchase these uniforms. It is not mandatory that cafeteria employees wear white shoes.
22:3 Cafeteria employees will be provided with clean, adequate, well-supplied restroom facilities for their exclusive use.
22:4 Cafeteria employees will be provided a twenty (20) minute break prior to the first student lunch period.
22:5 Cafeteria employees shall be paid at the rate of $13 per hour for all banquet work. Assignments to this work shall be on a voluntary basis. However, in the event there are not sufficient numbers of volunteers, the Board shall have the right to assign employees to such duty on an inverse seniority basis.
The assistant cook/cafeteria worker substituting for the cafeteria manager during an after school banquet shall receive a stipend of $25 per banquet.
22:6 The Board agrees to adopt and present to the Association a cafeteria calendar each spring projecting the number of days to be worked in the following year. The Board agrees to provide one week notice to cafeteria employees when the cafeteria calendar is changed except if schedule change is due to a job action.
22:7 New custodian employees shall be required to acquire a Black Seal License within one (1) year of employment. Two Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($275) will be added to a custodian’s annual salary when the license is obtained.
22:8 Custodians called back to work for emergency building checks shall be guaranteed a two hour minimum. If a custodian is called back to work for an emergency building check more than one time within the same twenty-four hour period, the emergency building checks after the first check shall be paid at the appropriate hourly rate for the time worked.
Article 23. Secretaries Working Conditions
23:1 Hours of work will be 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with one hour for lunch. Variations to the hours may be authorized by the employee’s immediate supervisor and/or the Chief School Administrator. For ten (10) month secretaries, the work year extends from September 1 to June 30. Secretaries will be paid time and one-half for overtime beyond 35 hours per week during both the normal work year as well as during summer hours. When summer hours go into effect, secretaries may opt for a summer flex time schedule as agreed by the chief school administrator after review of the complete schedule of all proposed vacation and flex time days, under the terms of which:
(a) One office staff member will be on duty during all days, except the holiday of July 4th, in the principal’s office, the guidance office and the special education services office;
(b) Office staff members regularly will work 7.5 hours per day during 4 days, such time being scheduled over an 8-hour or 8.5-hour period as mutually agreed between the individual staff member and her supervisor, the additional 30 or 60 minutes being provided for lunch; and
(c) Office staff members will create a summer schedule that provides daily office coverage in the Main Office, the Special Education Services Office and the Guidance Office. This may require a secretary to work a five (5) day week (6 hours of work plus either a 30 minute or 60 minute luch break) in order to achieve this coverage.
23:2 Secretaries shall not be unreasonably requested to work overtime. When summer hours are in effect, twelve month secretaries shall not be required to work beyond thirty (30) hours except in cases of emergencies.
23:3 Secretaries will be provided a twenty (20) minute break daily prior to the first student lunch period. Breaks may not be taken prior to 9:00 a.m. daily.
23:4 Secretaries will be granted the following paid holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day. Twelve-month secretaries will be granted Independence Day in addition to those previously mentioned for ten-month secretaries.
Secretaries shall be entitled to attendance at the NJEA Convention without loss of compensation.
23:5 All other days not enumerated herein or not approved for vacation, personal, or professional leave, are work days.
23:6 When school is closed because of snow or other emergency conditions, the hours of work for secretaries shall be 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. unless changed by the Chief School Administrator. When a secretary believes that snow or other emergency conditions prevent reporting to work, the employee will notify the Chief School Administrator or his designee and will request approval not to report for duty without loss of pay or benefits. Reasonable judgment shall be exercised in considering the request.
23:7 The Christmas recess declared by the Board as part of the annual calendar will be non-work days for all secretaries. Secretarial staff shall be permitted to have five (5) continuous days of vacation in either February (calendar winter break) or April (calendar spring break). When the school calendar does not provide a full week’s vacation in February, it is understood that secretarial staff members opting for a winter vacation shall have five (5) continuous work days off that include the days the high school is closed to students. It is agreed that the secretaries will create a schedule that provides daily coverage in both the Main Office and the Guidance Office during the vacation weeks. Should Good Friday be included in the spring break, secretaries on vacation during that week shall be granted one additional day to be scheduled by mutual agreement with the staff member’s immediate supervisor.
23:8 Vacation schedule for twelve-month secretaries is as follows:
1-10 years of employment 2 weeks
11-14 years of employment 3 weeks
15-up years of employment 4 weeks
Vacation shall be earned during the first year of employment at the rate of 5/6 days per month.
No vacation is to be taken during the first year of employment until July 1.
Approval of vacation or any other leave (except sick leave) must be obtained from the Chief School Administrator or his designee. Twelve-month secretaries are urged to request all or part of earned vacation during the last two weeks of July. Secretaries who request vacation leave shall receive notification of approval/disapproval of their request within five (5) work days of submission of request.
23:9 Secretaries are eligible for sick leave at the rate of one day per month of service.
23:10 Up to three secretarial and/or technical courses (which may be taken at a college) shall be reimbursed annually by the Board provided that:
(1) Prior approval is granted by the Chief School Administrator. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
(2) A grade of satisfactory or better is received.
23:11 Secretaries employed in the summer (exclusive of twelve month secretaries) and temporary (substitute) secretaries employed during the school year shall be reimbursed at the rate of fourteen ($14.00) dollars per hour.
Article 24. Volunteer Clubs
24:1 Volunteer clubs or activities shall be considered for approval in accordance with the following procedure:
1. A staff member with Association approval shall apply to the Superintendent for consideration and recommendation to the Board for approval of the volunteer club.
2. In the absence of an application by a staff member, the Superintendent may consider and recommend a Volunteer Club to the Board for approval. The advisor’s position shall be posted.
3. After the Volunteer Club has continued for two years, the Superintendent shall review and make a recommendation to the Board as to whether the Club shall become a paid position.
Article 25. Association/Administration Liaison Council
25:1 In order to provide a safe, secure and educationally sound teaching and learning environment at the Rumson-Fair Haven High School, the Association and the Board agree to develop an Association/ Administration Liaison Council. The purpose of the Council shall be to discuss issues of mutual concern.
The Council shall convene at least three times a year. The Superintendent and Association President shall mutually develop an agenda prior to each meeting.
The Council shall consist of six members. The Superintendent shall appoint three and the Association President shall appoint three. Individual members of the Council may be substituted depending upon the issue.
1. The Council shall encourage input from the school community.
2. The Council may establish study committees for specific projects which shall report their findings to the Council.
3. The Council shall present its recommendations to the Superintendent for consideration and possible action.
4. The council shall submit written reports to the Board periodically.
5. The Board retains the final right of approval or rejection of any recommendations
Article 26. Furnishing Copies of Agreement
26:1 The Agreement shall be available by printed copy and on the district staff website. The expense of printing shall be shared equally by the Board and the Association. Notification of availability on the website and printed copies shall be distributed by the Association to its members promptly upon execution.
Article 27: Notices.
27:1 Notices under this Agreement shall be given by either party to the other by registered letter as follows:
(a) to the Board at: Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School
74 Ridge Road
Rumson, NJ 07760
(b) to the Association at: Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School
74 Ridge Road
Rumson, NJ 07760
Article 28. Duration of Agreement
28:1 This document consists of two Agreements, the first Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2006 and shall continue in effect until midnight, June 30, 2007, and the second Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2007 and shall continue in effect until midnight, June 30, 2010, each Agreement shall be subject to the Association’s right to negotiate over a successor agreement as provided in Article 2. These Agreements shall not be extended orally, and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated.
Article 29. Entire Agreement
29:1 Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 34:13A-5:3, the parties have negotiated in good faith with respect to grievances and terms and conditions of employment and have reached within agreement as the result of such negotiations.
In the event that the Board, during the term of this Agreement, seeks to establish and/or implement any changes on any items which have been held by PERC or the Courts under Chapter 123 of the Laws of the State of New Jersey to be the subject of mandatory negotiation, the Board agrees to negotiate in good faith with the Association on all such items of change.
This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all matters which were or could have been subject of negotiations up to the execution date of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereto caused this Agreement to be duly executed and attested on behalf of the respective parties, the day and year first above written.
Terms of the Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2006 and terminate June 30, 2007.
By ______________________________ By______________________________
Nancy vandeSande, President Ann Rossbach, President
By ______________________________ By ______________________________
Judi Menni, Secretary Margaret Neathery, Secretary
Terms of the Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2007 and terminate June 30, 2010.
By ______________________________ By______________________________
Nancy vandeSande, President Ann Rossbach, President
By ______________________________ By ______________________________
Judi Menni, Secretary Margaret Neathery, Secretary
2006-07 |
144000453204664013610006232063640 |
245000463204764014627506407065390 |
346000473204864015645006582067140 |
447000483204964016662506757068890 |
548000493205064017681126943270752 |
649500508205214018706147193473254 |
751000523205364019735007482076140 |
852500538205514020761147743478754 |
954000553205664021790008032081640 |
1055750570705839022817508307084390 |
1157500588206014023851418646187781 |
12592506057061890 |
2007-2008 |
145350466704799013624146373765054 |
246350476704899014642576557766897 |
347403487235004315661016742168741 |
448456497765109616679446926470584 |
549510508305215017697887110872428 |
650563518835320318717577307774397 |
752143534635478319743927571277032 |
853723550435636320772897860979929 |
955304566245794421801868150682826 |
1056884582045952422832198453985859 |
1158727600476136723871418846189781 |
12605716189163211 |
NOTE: Teachers move up one step in each year of the contract. Teachers on step 23 remain on step 23.
2008-09 | 2009-10 |
1 | 4674048060493801481284944850768 |
2 | 4774049060503802491285044851768 |
3 | 4879250112514323501795149952819 |
4 | 4990151221525414512865260653926 |
5 | 5101052330536505524515377155091 |
6 | 5211953439547596536175493756257 |
7 | 5322854548558687547825610257422 |
8 | 5489156211575318559485726858588 |
9 | 5655557875591959576965901660336 |
10 | 58218595386085810594456076562085 |
11 | 59881612016252111611936251363833 |
12 | 61822631426446212629416426165581 |
13 | 63763650836640313649816630167621 |
14 | 65703670236834314670216834169661 |
15 | 67644689647028415690617038171701 |
16 | 69584709047222416711007242073740 |
17 | 71525728457416517731407446075780 |
18 | 73466 74786 76106 1875180 76500 77820 |
19 | 75545 76865 78185 1977220 78540 79860 |
20 | 78320 79640 80960 2079411 80731 82051 |
21 | 81369 82689 84009 2182262 8358284902 |
22 | 84419 85739 87059 2285534 86854 88174 |
23 | 89141904619178123911419246193781 |
NOTE: Teachers move up one step on the guide in each year of the contract. Teachers on step 23 remain on step 23.
STEP | 2006-07 | STEP | 2006-07 | STEP | 2006-07 |
1 | 30,354 | 14 | 41,386 | 27 | 49,493 |
2 | 30,854 | 15 | 42,433 | 28 | 49,857 |
3 | 32,514 | 16 | 43,510 | 29 | 50,221 |
4 | 34,018 | 17 | 44,587 | 30 | 50,585 |
5 | 35,375 | 18 | 45,664 | OFF | 52,935 |
6 | 36,375 | 19 | 46,745 |  |  |
7 | 36,725 | 20 | 47,075 |  |  |
8 | 37,075 | 21 | 47,405 |  |  |
9 | 37,425 | 22 | 47,745 |  |  |
10 | 37,775 | 23 | 48,085 |  |  |
11 | 38,125 | 24 | 48,425 |  |  |
12 | 39,202 | 25 | 48,765 |  |  |
13 | 40,279 | 26 | 49,129 |  |  |
Step equals years earned as of July 1, plus year of current contract. Employee contracts will note years of service. |  |  |  |  |  |  |
STEP | 2007-08 | STEP | 2008-09 | STEP | 2009-10 |
 |  |  |  | 1 | 35,816 |
 |  | 1 | 33,914 | 2 | 36,316 |
1 | 32,094 | 2 | 34,414 | 3 | 36,816 |
2 | 32,594 | 3 | 34,914 | 4 | 37,316 |
3 | 33,094 | 4 | 35,414 | 5 | 37,816 |
4 | 34,754 | 5 | 37,074 | 6 | 39,476 |
5 | 36,258 | 6 | 38,578 | 7 | 40,980 |
6 | 37,615 | 7 | 39,935 | 8 | 42,337 |
7 | 38,615 | 8 | 40,935 | 9 | 43,337 |
8 | 38,965 | 9 | 41,285 | 10 | 43,687 |
9 | 39,315 | 10 | 41,635 | 11 | 44,037 |
10 | 39,665 | 11 | 41,985 | 12 | 44,387 |
11 | 40,015 | 12 | 42,335 | 13 | 44,737 |
12 | 40,365 | 13 | 42,685 | 14 | 45,087 |
13 | 41,442 | 14 | 43,762 | 15 | 46,164 |
14 | 42,519 | 15 | 44,839 | 16 | 47,241 |
15 | 43,626 | 16 | 45,946 | 17 | 48,348 |
16 | 44,673 | 17 | 46,993 | 18 | 49,395 |
17 | 45,750 | 18 | 48,070 | 19 | 50,472 |
18 | 46,827 | 19 | 49,147 | 20 | 51,549 |
19 | 47,904 | 20 | 50,224 | 21 | 52,626 |
20 | 48,985 | 21 | 51,305 | 22 | 53,707 |
21 | 49,315 | 22 | 51,635 | 23 | 54,037 |
22 | 49,645 | 23 | 51,965 | 24 | 54,367 |
23 | 49,985 | 24 | 52,305 | 25 | 54,707 |
24 | 50,325 | 25 | 52,645 | 26 | 55,047 |
25 | 50,665 | 26 | 52,985 | 27 | 55,387 |
26 | 51,005 | 27 | 53,325 | 28 | 55,727 |
27 | 51,369 | 28 | 53,689 | 29 | 56,091 |
28 | 51,733 | 29 | 54,053 | 30 | 56,455 |
29 | 52,097 | 30 | 54,417 | 31 | 56,819 |
30 | 52,461 | 31 | 54,781 | 32 | 57,183 |
OFF | 55,175 | OFF | 57,495 | OFF | 59,897 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Step equals years earned as of July 1, plus year of current contract. Employee contracts will note years of service.
APPENDIX A-2 (Continued)
1. In 2007-08 custodians salaries shall be increased by $2,239 per custodian inclusive of increment over the previous year’s base. In 2008-09 custodians salaries shall be increased by $2,320 per custodian inclusive of increment over the previous year’s base. In 2009-10 custodians salaries shall be increased by $2,402 per custodian inclusive of increment over the previous year’s base.
2. Custodians shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half their hourly rates after forty (40) hours. The hours between thirty-five (35) and forty (40) shall be at straight time. On any given day if a custodian works over nine (9) hours, he/she shall be paid time and one half for any additional time worked that day. Overtime shall be paid on half hours of time worked. Any special pre-school work by custodial workers (e.g., clearing snow) shall be considered overtime except when school is closed for the day.
3. If a custodian works on a contractual holiday, he/she shall be paid double time.
4. The custodial black seal license stipend shall be $275 in each year of the contract.
5. A custodian serving in the maintenance position shall receive an annual stipend of $1,900 for each of the contract years.
6. A custodian serving in the groundskeeper/maintenance position shall receive an annual stipend of $1,900 for each of the contract years.
 | 2006-07 |  | 2007-08 |  | 2008-09 |  | 2009-10 |
17 | 17.81 | 18 | 17.91 | 19 | 18.01 | 20 | 18.11 |
1. Cafeteria worker’s hourly rate shall be increased in 2006-07 by $0.10 per hour inclusive of increment over the previous year’s base.
2. In the thirteenth (13th) year of continuous service, a premium of $0.20 per hour will be added to the hourly rate of pay. In the twentieth (20th) year of continuous service, a premium of $0.10 per hour will be added to the hourly rate of the employee.
3. The hourly rates of the assistant cook/cafeteria worker will be $20.90 in 2006-07 which amount does not include longevity to which the employee may otherwise be entitled.
4. A cafeteria worker substituting for the assistant cook/cafeteria worker will receive the same hourly wage as the assistant cook/cafeteria worker for the entire day.
6. Cafeteria workers shall be paid over-time on half hours of time worked with payment of time and one half after 40 hours of work per week.2007-2010
1. Cafeteria worker’s hourly rate shall be increased in 2007-08 by $0.10 per hour inclusive of increment over the previous year’s base, in 2008-09 by $0.10 per hour inclusive of increment over the previous year’s base and in 2009-10 by $0.10 per hour inclusive of increment over the previous year’s base.
2. In the thirteenth (13th) year of continuous service, a premium of $0.20 per hour will be added to the hourly rate of pay. In the twentieth (20th) year of continuous service, a premium of $0.10 per hour will be added to the hourly rate of the employee.
3. The hourly rates of the assistant cook/cafeteria worker will be $21.00 per hour in 2007-08, $21.10 in 2008-09, and $21.20 in 2009-2010 which amount does not include longevity to which the employee may otherwise be entitled.
4. A cafeteria worker substituting for the assistant cook/cafeteria worker will receive the same hourly wage as the assistant cook/cafeteria worker for the entire day.
5. Cafeteria workers shall be paid over-time on half hours of time worked with payment of time and one half after 40 hours of work per week.
 |  |
STEP | 2006-072006-07 |
 | 10 mos.12 mos. |
1 | 22,25927,241 |
2 | 22,75927,741 |
3 | 23,80628,788 |
4 | 24,91529,898 |
5 | 26,09231,309 |
6 | 27,33932,806 |
7 | 29,31835,181 |
8 | 31,05237,262 |
9 | 33,07839,692 |
10 | 34,99941,996 |
11 | 36,72044,061 |
12 | 39,01346,813 |
13 | 41,25549,502 |
14 | 41,54249,850 |
15 | 41,85950,228 |
16 | 42,31150,772 |
17 | 43,11251,733 |
18 | 43,910 52,689 |
19 | 44,71253,649 |
20 | 45,62054,740 |
21 | 55,610 |
1. Ten-month and twelve-month secretary salaries shall be increased by 4.7% in year 2006-07 inclusive of increment over the previous year’s base. Secretaries shall move up one step on the guide in each year of the contract.
STEP | 2007-08 | 2007-08 | STEP | 2008-09 | 2008-09 | STEP | 2009-10 | 2009-10 |
 | 10 mos. | 12 mos. |  | 10 mos. | 12 mos. |  | 10 mos. | 12 mos. |
1 | 22,805 | 28,022 | 1 | 23,365 | 28,825 | 1 | 23,940 | 29,651 |
2 | 23,305 | 28,522 | 2 | 23,865 | 29,325 | 2 | 24,440 | 30,151 |
3 | 23,828 | 29,045 | 3 | 24,388 | 29,848 | 3 | 24,963 | 30,674 |
4 | 24,925 | 30,141 | 4 | 24,936 | 30,396 | 4 | 25,510 | 31,221 |
5 | 26,086 | 31,303 | 5 | 26,083 | 31,543 | 5 | 26,083 | 31,794 |
6 | 27,319 | 32,781 | 6 | 27,300 | 32,759 | 6 | 27,283 | 32,994 |
7 | 28,624 | 34,348 | 7 | 28,589 | 34,305 | 7 | 28,555 | 34,266 |
8 | 30,696 | 36,835 | 8 | 29,955 | 35,945 | 8 | 29,904 | 35,883 |
9 | 32,511 | 39,013 | 9 | 32,123 | 38,548 | 9 | 31,333 | 37,598 |
10 | 34,633 | 41,557 | 10 | 34,023 | 40,827 | 10 | 33,601 | 40,321 |
11 | 36,644 | 43,970 | 11 | 36,243 | 43,490 | 11 | 35,588 | 42,705 |
12 | 38,446 | 46,132 | 12 | 38,348 | 46,015 | 12 | 37,910 | 45,490 |
13 | 40,847 | 49,014 | 13 | 40,234 | 48,277 | 13 | 40,112 | 48,131 |
14 | 43,194 | 51,829 | 14 | 42,746 | 51,293 | 14 | 42,085 | 50,494 |
15 | 43,494 | 52,193 | 15 | 45,202 | 54,239 | 15 | 44,713 | 53,652 |
16 | 43,826 | 52,588 | 16 | 45,517 | 54,620 | 16 | 47,282 | 56,734 |
17 | 44,300 | 53,158 | 17 | 45,864 | 55,034 | 17 | 47,611 | 57,132 |
18 | 45,139 | 54,165 | 18 | 46,360 | 55,630 | 18 | 47,974 | 57,565 |
19 | 45,974 | 55,166 | 19 | 47,238 | 56,683 | 19 | 48,493 | 58,189 |
20 | 46,814 | 56,171 | 20 | 48,112 | 57,731 | 20 | 4940 49,410 | 59,291 |
21 |  | 57,313 | 21 |  | 58,783 | 21 | | 60,386 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1. Ten-month and twelve-month secretary salaries shall be increased by 4.7% in year 2007-08, 4.65% in year 2008-09, and 4.6% in year 2009-10 inclusive of increment over the previous year’s base. Secretaries will move up one step on the guide in each year of the contract.
(GOLF) |
| 4717 | 1-2 | 4085 | 1-2 | 36671-225721-22050 |
3 | 4877 | 3 | 4245 | 3 | 38283273232211 |
4 | 5032 | 4 | 4400 | 4 | 39824288742365 |
5 | 5271 | 5 | 4645 | 5 | 41755313252610 |
6 | 5897 | 6 | 5166 | 6 | 46456339362871 |
7 | 6366 | 7 | 5636 | 7 | 51147365473132 |
8 | 6836 | 8 | 6105 | 8 | 55848391483484 |
9 | 7305 | 9 | 6575 | 9 | 605394257 |
10 | 7707 | 10 | 6986 | 10 | 6471 |
(GOLF) |
1-3 | 4921 | 1-3 | 4261 | 1-3 | 38261-326831-32139 |
4 | 5088 | 4 | 4429 | 4 | 39934285142306 |
5 | 5249 | 5 | 4590 | 5 | 41555301252467 |
6 | 5499 | 6 | 4846 | 6 | 43566326762723 |
7 | 6152 | 7 | 5390 | 7 | 48467354072995 |
8 | 6642 | 8 | 5880 | 8 | 53358381283267 |
9 | 7131 | 9 | 6369 | 9 | 58259408493589 |
10 | 7621 | 10 | 6859 | 10 | 6315104385 |
11 | 7939 | 11 | 7196 | 11 | 6666 |
(GOLF) |
1-4 | 5133 | 1-4 | 4445 | 1-4 | 39911-427991-42231 |
5 | 5308 | 5 | 4620 | 5 | 41665297452406 |
6 | 5476 | 6 | 4788 | 6 | 43346314262574 |
7 | 5736 | 7 | 5055 | 7 | 45447340972841 |
8 | 6418 | 8 | 5623 | 8 | 50558369283125 |
9 | 6928 | 9 | 6134 | 9 | 55669397693409 |
10 | 7439 | 10 | 6645 | 10 | 6077104260103697 |
11 | 7950 | 11 | 7156 | 11 | 6588114516 |
12 | 8177 | 12 | 7412 | 12 | 6866 |
(GOLF) |
1-5 | 5355 | 1-5 | 4637 | 1-5 | 41631-529191-52327 |
6 | 5537 | 6 | 4819 | 6 | 43456310262510 |
7 | 5712 | 7 | 4995 | 7 | 45217327772685 |
8 | 5983 | 8 | 5273 | 8 | 47408355682963 |
9 | 6694 | 9 | 5865 | 9 | 52739385293259 |
10 | 7227 | 10 | 6398 | 10 | 5806104148103556 |
11 | 7760 | 11 | 6931 | 11 | 6339114444113808 |
12 | 8293 | 12 | 7364 | 12 | 6872124652 |
13 | 8422 | 13 | 7734 | 13 | 7072 |
1-2 | 3328 | 1-2 | 3104 | 1-227291-21906 |
3 | 3489 | 3 | 3265 | 3289032067 |
4 | 3643 | 4 | 3419 | 4304442221 |
5 | 3768 | 5 | 3544 | 5319552429 |
6 | 4185 | 6 | 3935 | 6355962601 |
7 | 4497 | 7 | 4247 | 7387272773 |
8 | 4810 | 8 | 4560 | 8418582945 |
9 | 5122 | 9 | 4872 | 9449793182 |
10 | 5403 | 10 | 5157 | 104785 |
1-3 | 3467 | 1-3 | 3234 | 1-328431-31986 |
4 | 3634 | 4 | 3401 | 4301042153 |
5 | 3795 | 5 | 3561 | 5317152314 |
6 | 3925 | 6 | 3692 | 6332862531 |
7 | 4359 | 7 | 4099 | 7370872710 |
8 | 4685 | 8 | 4424 | 8403382889 |
9 | 5010 | 9 | 4750 | 9435993068 |
10 | 5336 | 10 | 5075 | 104685103277 |
11 | 5565 | 11 | 5312 | 114929 |
1-4 | 3612 | 1-4 | 3369 | 1-429621-42069 |
5 | 3786 | 5 | 3543 | 5313652243 |
6 | 3953 | 6 | 3710 | 6330362410 |
7 | 4089 | 7 | 3846 | 7346772636 |
8 | 4541 | 8 | 4269 | 8386382823 |
9 | 4880 | 9 | 4609 | 9420293009 |
10 | 5219 | 10 | 4948 | 104541103196 |
11 | 5558 | 11 | 5287 | 114880113375 |
12 | 5732 | 12 | 5471 | 125077 |
1-5 | 3762 | 1-5 | 3509 | 1-530851-52155 |
6 | 3944 | 6 | 3690 | 6326662336 |
7 | 4118 | 7 | 3865 | 7344172510 |
8 | 4259 | 8 | 4006 | 8361182746 |
9 | 4730 | 9 | 4448 | 9402492940 |
10 | 5083 | 10 | 4801 | 104377103135 |
11 | 5437 | 11 | 5154 | 114730113329 |
12 | 5790 | 12 | 5507 | 125083123477 |
13 | 5904 | 13 | 5635 | 135229 |  |
Head and assistant coaches move one step in each year of the Agreement. Regardless of the number or type of coaching positions held, movement on the salary guides shall be limited to one step over the previous year and shall only occur at the beginning of each contract year. Coaches moving from an assistant coaching position to a head coaching position, or vice versa, will be credited for experience laterally on the salary guides. Upon reaching the 20th year of in-district coaching in a given sport, a coach will receive a $300 longevity stipend.
Credit for coaching experience outside of the district will be at the discretion of the Chief School Administrator as recommended by the Athletic Director.
Position Stipend
2006 - 2010
Asst. to Supervisor of Athletics $9,000
Football Photographer $638
Intramural Coordinator $378
Intramural Coach $352
Weight Room Supervisor $1024
(Summer $12.00 per hour, cap of 100 hours)
Home Game Coordinator $68 per game
Timer-Basketball $28 per game
Timer-Wrestling $42 per evening
Timer – Volleyball $28 per evening
Announcer-Football $28 per game
Crowd Control $27 per night
Ticket Takers $29 per game
Ticket Sellers $32 per game
Equipment Manager $4494
Assistant Athletic Trainer $24 per hour (150 hour cap)
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
GROUP I $4,033 $4,033 $4,114 $4,114
Class Coordinator-Senior
Class Coordinator-Junior
School Musical Director
Yearbook Advisor
Band Advisor
SGA Advisor
Technical Theater Director
Tower Players Director
GROUP II $2,749 $2,749 $2,804 $2,804
AVA Coordinator
Newspaper Advisor
Class Coordinator-Sophomore
Class Coordinator-Freshman
Cheerleader Advisor-Fall
Color Guard Advisor
GROUP III $2,033 $2,033 $2,074 $2,074
School Musical Assistant Director
National History Day Advisor
Cheerleader Advisor – Winter
Key Club Advisor
Fed Challenge Advisor
2006-2010 (Continued)
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
GROUP IV $1,382 $1,382 $1,410 $1,410
Jazz Ensemble Advisor
Math League Advisor
National Honor Society Advisor
Model UN Advisor
Science Club Advisor
Environmental Club Advisor
Health Club Advisor
Spanish Honor Society Advisor
French Honor Society Advisor
Chess Club Advisor
Play Production Coordinator
International Club Advisor
Web Master
Storytelling Club Advisor
Character Education Advisor
National Art Honor Society n/a $1,382 $1,410 $1,410
FBLA Advisor n/a $1,382 $1,410 $1,410
Caller of Substitutes $3,000
Academic Passport Advisor(s) $7,707
(Humanities, Behavior Science, Science)
Academic Passport Coordinator will receive 5%
deducted from total of Academic
Passport Advisor stipend.
Secretary Academic Passport (per hour) $14.00
Mentor Program Coordinator at a stipend of $5390 each with a reduction in teaching assignment to three (3) classes/day or .6 equivalents of teaching schedule, with a teacher schedule expressed in terms of equivalents to full time assignments of five (5) classes per teacher.
2006-2010 (Continued)
Per Hour
After-School In-service Instructor $30
Homework Lab Instructor $30
After School Tutoring $30
SAT Instructor $30
Home Instructor $30
Freshman Orientation $25
After School Detention $25
Saturday Morning Detention $25
Compensation for court appearances on behalf of the district as assigned by the Chief School Administrator on days other than school calendar days shall be at the employee’s current daily rate of pay. Should this assignment occur during the months of July and August, the rate of pay will be determined by the preceding year’s contract.
Assessment of student’s proficiency in core curriculum content standards in physical education – hourly rate $30.
Teachers assigned to serve as mentors shall receive a stipend of $750 for a mentor of an alternate route novice teacher and $350 for a mentor of a traditional route teacher conditioned upon:
- the continued funding at the levels provided in the July 20, 2001 memo from Commissioner Vito Gagliardi to Chief School Administrators;
- the continued mandatory requirement that all first year teachers be mentored; and
- the cost of mentoring be required to be paid by the Board of Education.
Grievance Number: __________________
Name of Grievant: ____________________________________________
Position, Title and/or Department: _________________________________________________
Statement: This grievance is being filed and processed pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of the Agreement between the Board of Education and the Education Association.
Date case of grievance occurred: __________________________________________
Filed within twenty (20) days of when grievant knew or should have known of grievance
Statement of grievant:
(Cite specific contract or policy provisions, or statutory basis for grievance; if additional space is needed, attach additional sheet)
Relief sought:
Grievance dated: ____________________ Signature of Grievant: ________________________
Level One - Grievance Procedure (Art. 3:5.1)
A) Date received by Principal or person designated by Superintendent: __________________
B) Decision of Principal or person designated by Superintendent: (mark one)
[ ] Grievance denied
[ ] Grievance granted, relief
Decision dated: __________ ___________________________________
Signature of Principal/Designee
Level Two - Grievance Procedure (Art. 3:5.2)
If grievant wishes to take an appeal from the above decision, such appeal must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent within five (5) school days after grievant’s receipt of the above decision.
Grievant herewith appeals: ________________________ __________________
Signature Date
If appealed, grievant must state hereon grievant’s dissatisfaction with the decision:
A) Date received by Superintendent: ______________________________
Decision by Superintendent must issue within ten (10) school days of receipt of appeal.
B) Decision of Superintendent: (mark one)
[ ] Grievance denied
[ ] Grievance granted, relief
Level Three - Grievance Procedure (Art. 3:5.3)
If grievant wishes to take further appeal from the above decision to the Board of Education, such a request for review must be filed no later than five (5) school days after receipt of the above decision.
Grievant herewith appeals: ______________________________ __________________
Signature Date
A) Date of receipt of request for review by Board of Education: _________________
B) Decision of Board of Education: (mark one)
[ ] Grievance denied
[ ] Grievance granted, relief
Decision dated: ____________________ By:__________________________________
Board of Education
Level Four - Arbitration Procedure (Art. 3:6)
Request for Arbitration:
If the grievant is dissatisfied with the decision of the Board of Education and only if the grievance pertains to an alleged violation of this agreement between the Board and the Association, the grievant shall have the right to request the appointment of an arbitrator. Such request shall be make known to the Superintendent by certified mail, receipt returnable no later than fifteen (15) days after the decision, in writing, of the Board. This request must be accompanied by a written recommendation for such action by the Association. This request shall be honored only if the grievant and the Association waive the right, if any, hereon to submit the underlying dispute to any other administrative or judicial tribunal except for the purpose of enforcing the arbitrator’s award; the execution of this request, accompanied by the written recommendation by the Association, shall constitute written confirmation of the waiver of such right.
Statement of grievant and/or Association of issue(s) to be arbitrated:
(Cite facts supporting alleged violation of agreement with specific references to provisions of agreement violated).
Date of execution of request: ________________ ________________________________
Signature of Grievant
The Association herewith recommends that this request for arbitration be pursued.
By: _____________________________ RUMSON-FAIR HAVEN REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL
________________________________ ________________________
________________________________ __________________________
________________________________ __________________________
________________________ __________________________________
I have read this observation and _____ shall _____ shall not attach an additional statement. (Lesson plans or related materials may also be attached.)
__________________________ _______________________________ DATE TEACHER’S SIGNATURERUMSON-FAIR HAVEN REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL
In advance of the post-observation conference the faculty member and supervisor will complete this form and will bring it to the conference. The answers of both parties to the questions will be the focus of part or all of the conference. Following the conference the supervisor will prepare a written report of the observation. The report may include other topics as well as those identified by the questions. The supervisor will include the faculty member’s input in the final report. By mutual consent at the pre-observation conference, the faculty member and supervisor may substitute one or two questions which they devise for one or two of the questions listed below.
As I reflect on the lesson, to what extent were students productively engaged?
Did the students learn what I had intended? Were my instructional goals met? How do I know, or how and when will I know?
If I diverged from my lesson plan, what was the reason?
If I had the opportunity to teach this lesson again to this same group of students, what would I do differently?
What would I want to share with other faculty as being most effective from this lesson?
Substitute question for number _______ above.
Substitute question for number _______ above.
It would be helpful if you could answer the question, “How helpful is my website in keeping students and parents informed regarding work in class?”
Mid-Year Report for Non-Tenured Faculty Member
Name_______________________________ School Year_________
This mid-year review assesses performance during the first semester of the current school year. It incorporates information obtained from numerous sources, including, but not limited to, the following: formal observations on _____________ and ____________, informal worksite visits, memos exchanged between the faculty member and supervisors, individual conferences, reviews of plans for job performance, reviews of reports regarding students, department meetings, faculty meetings, and records of participation in extra-curricular activities.
Assessment of Proficiency
Assessment of performance in each category of professional proficiency is indicated in comments below.
1.0 Advance preparation of the activity is thorough
2.0 Strategies employed by the faculty member effectively advance the activities for which the faculty member is responsible and produce students’ learning and development
3.0 Use of resources supports students’ learning and development
4.0 The classroom or jobsite atmosphere invites participants to enter and to become engaged
5.0 Management of job tasks, including management of student behavior, supports accomplishment of responsibilities
6.0 Accommodation of varying needs of students supports access to programs by all students and contributes to students’ success
7.0 Communications with students and parents are clear, display sensitivity, are concise, and are comprehensive
8.0 Professional development enhances knowledge and skills
9.0 Interaction with professional colleagues promotes positive results
Other noteworthy information regarding overall performance
Recommendations for Improved Performance
General Rating
(Check one)
___ Progress to date meets expectations
___ Progress to date does not meet expectations
Report prepared by ______________________________ Date ___________
Signature below acknowledges receipt of the report and participation in a conference with the administrator or supervisor.
Signature ______________________________ Date ___________
(Faculty Member)
Timetable for Development and Distribution of Summary Evaluation Reports
With Specific Assistance Plans
Tenured Professional Staff
Notification of any staff member involved of a decision to 04/15
develop a specific assistance plan.
Conclusion of process to develop specific assistance 05/06
Final summaries and specific assistance plans distributed 05/31
Last day for staff members to sign and submit final summaries 5 work days after
and specific assistance plans, or to submit them unsigned, at receipt of final
which time the Superintendent of Schools will sign to show summaries and
that reasonable and sufficient effort has been made to specific assistance plan
collaboratively develop the specific assistance plan and the
President of the SEA will sign to show that the staff member
has received a copy of the summary and the plan.
Non-tenured Professional Staff
Notification of any staff member involved of a decision to 03/04
develop a specific assistance plan.
Conclusion of process to develop specific assistance 03/25
Final summaries and specific assistance plans distributed 04/08
Last day for staff members to sign and submit final summaries 04/15
and specific assistance plans, or to submit them unsigned, at
which time the Superintendent of Schools will sign to show
that reasonable and sufficient effort has been made to
collaboratively develop the specific assistance plan and the
President of the SEA will sign to show that the staff member
has received a copy of the summary and the plan.
Board action to re-employ non-tenured professional staff 04/30
_________________________ __________ ____________________
Teacher’s Name Date Evaluator
Performance on each of the proficiencies listed below is rated SATISFACTORY (S) or UNSATISFACTORY (U). Comments and recommendations follow each proficiency. Recommendations are required when (U) is circled.
1.0 Advance preparation of the instructional activity is thorough. S U
Knowledge of content
Knowledge of students’ skills, experiences, and approaches
Integration of technology
Alignment of lesson with unit objectives, assessments, standards
Comments and recommendations:
Instructional strategies effectively advance the lesson and
produce learning. S U
Introduction and conclusion of lesson
Quality of group work, questions
Monitoring of comprehension, in-class practice, assignment of
Comments and recommendations:
3.0 Use of resources supports students’ learning. S U
Combination of internal and external resources
Selection of effective resources
Comments and recommendations:
4.0 The classroom atmosphere invites participants to enter and
to become engaged. S U
Protection of safety and promotion of health
Procedures and atmosphere that optimize learning conditions
Encouragement of student feedback about the class
Projection of warm, friendly attitude
Comments and recommendations:
5.0 Classroom management supports the learning environment. S U
Completion of non-instructional responsibilities
Maximization of instructional time
Encouragement of positive student behavior
Comments and recommendations:
Accommodation of varying needs of students supports access to
programs by all students and contributes to students’ success. S U
Environmental adaptations
Instructional adaptations
Behavioral adaptations
Comments and recommendations:
Communications with students and parents are clear, display
sensitivity, are concise, and are comprehensive. S U
Provision of feedback, positive reinforcement
Utilization of many forms of communication
Inclusion of annual activities and special events
Compliance with district requirements
Comments and recommendations:
8.0 Professional development enhances knowledge and skills. S U
Attention to individual needs
Application in purposeful ways
Sharing with other staff members
Comments and recommendations:
9.0 Interaction with professional colleagues promotes positive results. S U
Development of in-district and out-of-district interaction
Production of increased knowledge and improved skills
Promotion of teamwork
Impact on job responsibilities
Comments and recommendations:
Number of absences:
Sick ______ Family illness ______ Personal ______ Professional ______
Accomplishment of Professional Growth Plan:
Staff Member Comments:
Signatures acknowledge completion of the evaluation, not necessarily agreement.
Evaluator ______________________ Date of Report _________________
Teacher _______________________ Date of Conference _____________
Name: Date of Evaluation:
Date Hired: Evaluating Supervisor:
Job Title:
Time in Present Position:
The purpose of this summative evaluation is to:
- Set Goals. The supervisor and the employee establish mutually agreed upon goals for future progress and development.
- Inform. The supervisor and the employee communicate openly and honestly about performance.
- Develop. The supervisor and employee identify actions the employee can take to enhance his or her development at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School.
- Evaluate. The supervisor and the employee evaluate results based on pre-established goals and performance measures.
- POSTION OBJECTIVES AND MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES. Summarize specific responsibilities of the job.
- ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND/OR IMPROVEMENTS: What specific accomplishments and/or improvements has this individual made since the last review? What progress has been made toward meeting established performance goals?
Please consider the employee’s demonstrated performance and mark the circle which most clearly describes that performance.
EXCEPTIONAL: Performance consistently far exceeds expectations.
VERY GOOD: Performance consistently exceeds normal expectations and job requirements.
ACCEPTABLE: Performance usually meets expectations and minimum requirements for the job.
UNACCEPTABLE: Performance is below the minimum acceptable level.
WORK QUALITY: The reliability, accuracy, and neatness of work produced.
Exceptional Very Good Good Acceptable Unacceptable
WORK QUANTITY: The amount of volume of work turned out.
Exceptional Very Good Good Acceptable Unacceptable
JUDGMENT: The ability to make well-reasoned, sound decisions that affect work performance.
Exceptional Very Good Good Acceptable Unacceptable
INITIATIVE: The combination of job interest, dedication, and willingness to extend oneself to complete assigned tasks.
Exceptional Very Good Good Acceptable Unacceptable
TEAMWORK: The working relationship established with fellow employees in the working environment.
Exceptional Very Good Good Acceptable Unacceptable
DEPENDABILITY: The reliance that can be placed on an employee to persevere and carry through to completion any task assigned. This also applies to attendance and punctuality.
Exceptional Very Good Good Acceptable Unacceptable
SAFETY: Adherence to sound safety practices, including use of safety equipment provided by the district.
Exceptional Very Good Good Acceptable Unacceptable
APPEARANCE: Proper care and wearing of uniform and personal grooming
Exceptional Very Good Good Acceptable Unacceptable
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Courtesy and attitude in public contacts.
Exceptional Very Good Good Acceptable Unacceptable
Number of absences to date:
____Illness ____Injury ____Personal ____Professional ____Other
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Date of Report Signature of Supervisor
- DEVELOPMENT PLAN. What specific action can you suggest to help the employee improve his or her performance? How can you, as supervisor, help?
IV. NEXT YEAR’S GOAL STATEMENTS. Establish with your supervisor goals that may include new and better ways to carry out job responsibilities, as well as plans for personal development. Stated goals should be included as basis for next formal performance evaluation.
- EMPLOYEE COMMENTS: Each individual evaluated is encouraged to add any comments to this review. If additional space is needed, attach a separate sheet.
I am signing this evaluation to indicate that my supervisor and I have had a discussion of the above comments.
_____________________________ ______________________________
Date Employee Signature
INTERIM _____ FINAL______
__________________________ ___________________________
Secretary’s Name Position
__________________________ ___________________________
Evaluator Date of Observation
I. Professional techniques:
A. Applies skills relative to job description.
B. Uses work day efficiently.
C. Demonstrates adequate production skills.
D. Works independently.
E. Uses sound decision and judgment techniques.
II. Professional performance:
A. Demonstrates professional attitudes when dealing with the public.
B. Shows concern and respect for co-workers.
C. Demonstrates conscientious attitudes toward the work place.
D. Shows interest in professional growth and development.
Number of absences to date:
____Personal Illness ____Personal ____Professional ____Other
Additional comments and recommendations:
Evaluator’s Signature
Secretary’s comments: (optional)
Secretary’s Signature
Date of post-conference
The following procedure shall be utilized to authorize and verify overtime.
1. Prior to the actual working of overtime, the appropriate supervisor/administrator shall authorize, in writing, the hours to be worked.
2. Subsequent to the actual performance of overtime hours, the secretary involved shall submit the completed overtime payroll voucher to the appropriate supervisor/administrator for verification of overtime payments due. The appropriate supervisor/administrator shall sign the overtime voucher verifying that such work has been performed.
3. The employee may retain a copy of the authorized form, the original form must be submitted to the Business Office for processing payment.
Pre-approval of overtime:
Supervisor/Administrator: _______________________________________
Statement of hours to be worked: ______________________________________________
Signature of Supervisor/Administrator: _________________________________________
Employee: ___________________________________ SS# ________________________
Pay Period: _______________________________ Position Code: ______________________
Account Code: ____________________________
Week of: ______________________ |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total |
Week of: ______________________ |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total |
Week of: ______________________ |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total |
Week of: ______________________ |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total |
Week of: ______________________ |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total |
Total Hours: ______________________
Overtime verified and approved: ______________________________________ Signature of Supervisor
RUMSON, NEW JERSEY Copies to: Coach
Name: _________________________ Date:____________________
Sport/Season____________________ Position:__________________
Rating Scale: EF-Effective NI-Needs Improvement UN-Unsatisfactory N/A-Not Applicable
III. | Professional Qualities |  |  |  |  |
1. | Presents a professional image |  |  |  |  |
2. | Is punctual |  |  |  |  |
3. | Shows concern for athlete’s academic
performances and progress |  |  |  |  |
4. | Demonstrates high standards of
professional ethics |  |  |  |  |
IV. | Leadership Qualities |  |  |  |  |
1. | Maintains control / poise |  |  |  |  |
2. | Deals consistently with disciplinary problems |  |  |  |  |
3. | Develops and utilizes coaching staff |  |  |  |  |
V. | Coaching Skills |  |  |  |  |
1. | Communicates with colleges concerning student-athletes admission / participation |  |  |  |  |
2. | Demonstrates appropriate teaching
/coaching behavior and techniques |  |  |  |  |
3. | Demonstrates knowledge of contest
strategies |  |  |  |  |
VII | Organizational and Administrative |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
1. | Abides by the Athletic Attendance Policy
for both practice and game participation |  |  |  |  |
2. | Completes injury reports appropriately
and in a timely fashion |  |  |  |  |
3. | Distributes, collects and keeps records of all
supplies and equipment for the sport |  |  |  |  |
4. | Maintains an accurate log and scorebook |  |  |  |  |
5. | Completes all obligations within department
structure in a timely fashion |  |  |  |  |
6. | Maintains consistent communications with
Athletic Department by checking mailbox,
phone messages and with personal
visits to the Athletic Director’s office |  |  |  |  |
- Number of Absences to Date
- Recommendations and Commendations
- Overall Evaluation of Program
- Performance in this Assignment
Satisfactory Probationary Unsatisfactory
Meets RFH standards May be rehired Will NOT be rehired
with plan for
________________________________ ___________________________________
Evaluator’s Signature Date Coach’s Signature Date
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School Principal’s Signature DateRUMSON-FAIR HAVEN REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL
Advisor ________________________________ Date_____________________
Extracurricular Activity _____________________________________________________
3 – Superior (exceeds expectations)
2 – Proficient (meets expectations)
1 – Limited Proficiency (fails to meet expectations)
Fulfills the requirements of the job description.
| __________ |
 |  |
Communicates effectively with the supervisor and other district
| __________ |
 |  |
Upholds all district policies while serving in the advisory position
| __________ |
 |  |
Exemplifies standards of conduct promulgated by the school, including
among others: assurance of the safety and welfare of the participants,
maintenance of confidentiality, upholding the purposes and standards
of the school’s program to promote nondiscrimination/affirmative
| __________ |
 |  |
Maintains a positive rapport with students based on fairness, mutual
respect, and objectivity
| __________ |
 |  |
Ensures appropriate decorum, maintains student discipline, resolves
situational conflicts, and provides proper supervision in all
activity-related contexts
| __________ |
 |  |
Submits a comprehensive budget to the supervisor in a timely manner
and follows district procedures for the purchase of activity-related
equipment and materials
| __________ |
 |  |
Oversees the proper distribution and storage of all equipment and
materials associates with the advisory position
| __________ |
Additional comments:
I have read this evaluation and shall _____shall not _____ attach additional comments.
________________________________ _________________________________
Signature of Advisor Date Signature of Supervisor Date