Article Page
Article Page
Article Page
THIS AGREEMENT entered into the 17th day of
November, 2011 BETWEEN
COUNTY COLLEGE OF MORRIS, in the County of Morris,
New Jersey; (hereinafter called the "College"); and
(hereinafter called the "Association").
A. The College recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive representative of those employees in the bargaining unit for the purpose of collective negotiations concerning wages, hours of work and other terms and conditions of employment.
B. Included titles covered under this Agreement are all full-time permanent employees of the College enumerated in PERC Docket Nos. RO-814 and RO-823, dated September 27, 1974; and those additional staff titles which the parties have since agreed are within the bargaining unit as enumerated in grade and classification schedules Exhibits A and B.
C. Excluded from coverage under this Agreement are all other employees of the College not included within this unit; and any full-time unit positions that are fully funded by grants received by the College during the implementation of such grants.
D. New Positions
1. Nothing in this agreement shall limit the authority of the Board to create new job titles.
2. In the event the Board authorizes the creation of a new position, and such position is not within any of the job titles in Exhibit A, the College shall, within thirty (30) calendar days of this action, advise CCMSA, in writing, of the title, proposed grade level, and a brief description of the proposed duties of the position.
Article I continued:
3. Within ten (10) calendar days after delivery of such notification, CCMSA may deliver to the President of the College a written request that the proposed new position be included in the bargaining unit covered by this agreement. Within ten (10) calendar days after delivery of the request, the College and CCMSA shall meet in an effort to reach agreement as to whether the position shall be included in the bargaining unit.
4. If the parties are unable to reach such agreement, either party may file a petition with the Public Employment Relations Commission, seeking a determination of such dispute. The parties agree that the Public Employment Relations Commission shall have exclusive jurisdiction and determination of inclusion of an additional title in the bargaining unit, and such dispute shall not be subject to the grievance procedure set forth in this agreement.
5. In the event the parties agree, or it is otherwise determined a new position shall be included in the bargaining unit, any employee who is employed in such a position shall be covered by the terms of this agreement retroactive to his/her date of hiring in the stated position.
6. Failure of CCMSA to request inclusion in the bargaining unit of a new title within the ten day period specified above shall be conclusively deemed an acceptance that such title should be properly excluded from the bargaining unit.
A. The College and the Association agree to abide by the negotiating time requirements established by the rules and regulations of the Public Employment Relations Commission.
B. Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled by the parties or the Public Employment Relations Commission to participate during working hours in conferences, meetings or negotiations concerning the administration or negotiations of this Agreement, those employees will suffer no loss in regular straight time pay.
C. Employees so scheduled shall advise their immediate supervisors in advance in writing of the time during which they will be involved in such activities.
A. Purpose
The purpose of the dispute resolution procedures set forth in this Article is to secure, at the lowest level possible, equitable solutions to dispute of employees. Nothing contained in this Article shall preclude an employee or his/her supervisor from discussing matters with each other, and each shall be free to do so without recourse to a dispute resolution procedure. The parties involved in dispute proceedings shall keep such proceedings as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at each level of such procedure.
B. Informal Dispute Conference
Within fifteen (15) calendar days after the occurrence of a job-related dispute, an employee may simultaneously submit to his/her supervisor and the Association a written request that an informal conference be scheduled with the appropriate supervisor to discuss resolution of the dispute. The supervisor shall schedule an informal conference within ten (10) calendar days of the written receipt of the employee's request. The objective of the informal conference shall be to discuss and resolve the dispute informally with the employee and the Association. If within fifteen (15) calendar days from submission of the request for an informal conference, the employee does not feel that a satisfactory resolution has been reached, he/she may initiate the appropriate grievance procedure.
Article III continued:
C. General Grievance Procedures
1. Failure of an individual to proceed to the next level within the time limits set forth shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the decision previously rendered and shall bar further processing of the particular grievance.
2. Failure of the College or its representatives to respond at any step of a grievance procedure shall be deemed to be a negative response and, if the applicable grievance procedure so provides, the grievance may continue within the time limit specified to the next step.
3. The time limits set forth may be mutually extended in writing.
4. It shall be the practice of all parties to process grievances during times when they do not interfere with assigned duties of employees.
5. Days as referred to in this Article shall be calendar days.
6. Any aggrieved person may be represented at all stages of a grievance procedure by himself/herself, or, at his/her option, by a representative selected or approved by the Association. When an employee is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present and to state its views at all stages of a grievance procedure.
7. All conferences and hearings conducted under any grievance procedure shall be conducted in private and shall be limited to the parties in interest, their representatives, and a witness, during the course of his/her testimony.
Article III continued:
8. Whether a grievance has been presented under the correct grievance procedure shall be determined by the grievance definition set forth in each procedure, which definition shall govern and limit the scope of contractual, non-contractual and statutory-regulatory grievances.
D. Group Grievance
If in the judgment of the Association a grievance affects a group or class of employees and members of that group or class have requested that the Association process the grievance, the Association may submit a group grievance under one of the procedures set forth in this Article providing the grievance is within the scope and definition of the grievance procedure initiated. Such group grievance shall be filed within the time limits and processed in the same manner hereinafter set forth in the applicable grievance procedure.
E. Contractual Grievances
1. Definition
A contractual grievance is an alleged misinterpretation, misapplication, or violation of the express terms of this Agreement but shall not include:
(a) Those matters which under the law or terms of this Agreement are not grievable; or
(b) Those matters which fall within the definition of "non-contractual or statutory-regulatory grievances" in Section F (1) of this Article.
Article III continued:
2. Step One
If within fifteen (15) days from the date of the informal conference, the dispute has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the employee, he/she may formally submit to the Director, Human Resources, a "statement of contractual grievance" in the form attached to this Agreement (Exhibit C). Within fifteen (15) days after receiving the statement of contractual grievance, the Director, Human Resources, shall render a written report of the disposition of the contractual grievance to the grievant.
3. Step Two
(a) In the event the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the contractual grievance at Step One, he/she may, within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the report and disposition at Step One, file with the President of the College, the appeal form attached.
(b) The President, or his designee, shall conduct a closed hearing on the contractual grievance appeal. The hearing shall not be limited by strict rules of evidence. All documents submitted shall be marked in evidence. The hearing shall be concluded and the President of the College shall render his report and decision on the contractual grievance appeal within thirty (30) days from his receipt of the Statement of Appeal on the form provided. Copies of the President's decision shall be given to the grievant and the Association.
Article III continued:
4. Step Three
(a) If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her contractual grievance by the President, he/she may request in writing that the Association submit his/her contractual grievance to binding arbitration. If the Association desires to submit the contractual grievance to arbitration, it must do so within twenty (20) days after receipt by the Association of the Step Two decision of the President of the College.
(b) The Association shall request a list of arbitrators from the Public Employee Relations Commission (PERC) and the matter shall proceed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Public Employee Relations Commission in the selection of an arbitrator.
(c) The arbitrator's decision shall be in writing and shall set forth his findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issues submitted. The arbitrator shall be without power or authority to add to, alter, amend or modify the terms of this Agreement and without authority to make any decision which requires the commission of an act prohibited by law. The arbitrator shall also be bound by the laws of the State of New Jersey and of the United States and regulations of the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education.
(d) The costs for services of the arbitrator, including per diem expense, if any, and actual and necessary travel subsistence expenses and the cost of hearing room shall be borne equally by the College and the Association. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring same.
Article III continued:
F. Non-Contractual and Statutory-Regulatory Grievances
1. Definitions
(a) A non-contractual grievance is an alleged misinterpretation, misapplication or violation of the policies or administrative decisions of the College which affect the terms and conditions of the grievant's employment, except that non-contractual grievances shall not include matters which under law are inherent managerial prerogatives or matters which under the terms of this agreement are not grievable.
(b) A statutory-regulatory grievance is an alleged misinterpretation, misapplication or violation of any New Jersey statute, or of any administrative rule, regulation or order of the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education, or other state or federal administrative agency affecting the terms and conditions of employment; including specifically any statute or administrative rule or regulation expressly or impliedly incorporated in this Agreement.
2. Step-One
If within fifteen (15) days following the informal conference, the dispute has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the employee, he/she may formally submit to the Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations a signed written statement of grievance outlining the pertinent facts and argument, including any relevant statute, rule, regulation or order, and the relief requested of the College to rectify the situation. The Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations or his designee will review the facts as presented and make any further inquiry deemed necessary before making a decision concerning the grievance. The
Article III continued:
Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations shall render a written disposition of the non-contractual or statutory-regulatory grievance to the grievant, within twenty (20) days from receipt of the grievance.
3. Step Two
In the event the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the non-contractual or statutory-regulatory grievance at Step One, he/she may within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the disposition at Step One, file a written appeal with the President of the College, requesting him to review the decision of the Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations. Upon receipt of the appeal, the President or his designee shall make such further inquiry as he/she deems necessary, and the President shall deliver a copy of his decision on such appeal to the grievant and the Association, within twenty (20) days from receipt of this grievance.
4. Step Three
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance by the President of the College, the grievant may request that the Association submit his/her grievance to advisory arbitration, providing that no other proceeding, petition or appeal has been initiated by the grievant or the Association, arising out of the same factual circumstances or seeking similar relief. If the Association desires to submit the grievance to arbitration it must, within twenty (20) days after receipt by the Association of the Step Two decision of the President of the College, submit such grievance to the PERC in accordance with the rules and regulations of such organization. The arbitrator's decision shall be advisory and
Article III continued:
shall not be binding on either party. The arbitrator's decision shall be in writing and shall set forth his findings of fact, reasoning and conclusion of the issue submitted. The costs of arbitration, including per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel and subsistence expenses, and the cost of a hearing room shall be borne equally by the College and the Association. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring same.
G. Election of Remedies
1. The filing of a non-contractual or statutory-regulatory grievance with the Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations shall be deemed an acknowledgement by the grievant that the subject matter appealed is beyond the definition of "contractual grievance" as set forth in Section E (1) of this Article.
2. If the grievant or Association initiates a proceeding or appeal arising out of the same factual circumstances or seeking similar relief before any administrative agency or judicial authority to which jurisdiction of the subject matter has been conferred by law, the pending contractual, non-contractual, or statutory-regulatory grievance proceeding shall be stayed until such administrative agency or judicial authority renders a final determination or remands the matter for continuation of the grievance proceeding. Nothing contained herein shall limit the right of the grievant or the Association to take a judicial appeal or initiate administrative proceedings after the grievance proceeding has been concluded.
A. There shall be a joint committee of no more than three (3) members from the Association and three (3) from the College. This committee shall meet not less than once every three (3) months for the purpose of reviewing mutual problems; questions arising concerning contract provisions; and personnel problems. Should it become necessary for a meeting to be held at any other time, said meeting may be called by mutual agreement.
B. The committee created pursuant to this Article shall have no power to alter, modify, or amend the provisions of this Agreement, nor shall this Article be deemed to be an authorization to conduct negotiations during the course of this Agreement or a waiver of any other rights of the parties pursuant to this Agreement.
A. The College agrees to furnish to the Association in response to reasonable requests made by the Association from time to time, available public information concerning the College which the Association may require in connection with negotiations. Nothing herein contained shall impose any obligation on the part of the College to disclose any information which may be classified as privileged and/or confidential.
B. No person covered under this Agreement shall engage in Association activities during the time the employee is assigned to duty. Representatives of the Association employed by the College shall be permitted to transact official Association business on College property at reasonable times outside of their normal working hours, provided they shall not interfere with or interrupt normal College operations or work responsibilities of other employees.
C. When the Association wishes to utilize any College facilities, the Association shall obtain permission from the Vice President for Business and Finance or his designee in accordance with College policy.
D. The Association shall have the right, with the permission of the Vice President for Business and Finance or his designee to use College equipment on campus (typewriters, copy machines, calculating machines, personal computers, personal computer
printers, fax machines and audiovisual equipment) at reasonable times, when such equipment is not otherwise required for College operations. The Association shall bear the cost of the
Article V continued:
telephone charges associated with the use of the fax machine. The Association may also use a photocopy machine during non-working hours of the employee involved, provided the Association furnishes its own paper for the photocopier. Permission will be granted for the use of such equipment provided a person trained and experienced in the use and operation of such equipment is in attendance. The Association shall provide all materials and supplies incidental to such use. The Association shall be responsible for any damage resulting from misuse or abuse of any equipment by the Association or its representatives. The College shall not be responsible for the safe operation of the equipment which shall remain the sole responsibility of the individual and/or the Association.
E. The Association shall be responsible for acquainting its members with the provisions of this Agreement and shall insofar as legally possible be responsible for the adherence to the provisions of this Agreement by its members during the life of this Agreement.
F. Upon request, the President of the Association and one person designated by him/her shall annually each be entitled to five (5) days leave with pay for the purpose of conducting Association business. Any such request must be made in writing to the Director,
Human Resources, five (5) days in advance and the College may require evidence to substantiate such leave.
Article V continued:
G. The Association will be notified at least thirty (30) days prior to subcontracting work performed by members of this unit. Upon written request by the Association, representatives of the College will meet and discuss with representatives of the Association at least fifteen (15) days prior to such subcontracting.
H. The College shall assign an area for Association files for the official and exclusive use of the Association. The Association may install filing cabinets and other filing furniture at its own expense, provided same are not hazardous and do not cause damage to College personnel or facilities. The Association will adhere to the College rules and regulations pertaining to the use of building space including access for maintenance, safety and security.
A. Hours of Work
1. The normal workday for those employees working a thirty-five (35) hour week shall be seven (7) hours, exclusive of any unpaid lunch period of either thirty (30) or sixty (60) minutes as approved or determined by the immediate supervisor.
2. The normal workday for those employees working a forty (40) hour week shall be eight (8) hours, exclusive of any unpaid lunch period.
3. Coffee Break
a. Employees who work a forty (40) hour week will be permitted to take one (1) fifteen (15) minute coffee break during the first four (4) hours of employment and one (1) ten (10) minute coffee break during the last four (4) hours of employment provided such coffee breaks do not interfere with the normal operations of the department and have been approved by the employee's immediate supervisor.
b. Employees who work a thirty-five (35) hour week will be permitted to take one (1) fifteen (15) minute coffee break during the first four (4) hours of employment provided such coffee break does not interfere with the normal operations of the department and have been approved by the employee's immediate supervisor.
Article VI continued:
B. Summer Hours
1. Effective the first Monday in June and continuing through the Friday before the Labor Day holiday or the Friday before the first scheduled day of classes for the fall semester, whichever occurs first, those employees scheduled for a one (1) hour unpaid lunch period will take a one-half hour unpaid lunch period. This will permit them to leave the College one-half (1/2) hour earlier during this summer period.
C. Compensatory Time
1. After the accumulation of 35 hours of compensatory time, the employee shall have the option of either continuing to accumulate the compensatory time until the mandatory pay-off date of June 30 or electing to be paid for such time at straight time rates which shall be paid with the pay check for the pay period following the period in which the time was earned.
2. Thirty-five (35) hour employees have the option of carrying over accumulated compensatory time of up to 35 hours beyond the mandatory payoff date of June 30. Forty-hour (40) employees have the option of carrying over accumulated compensatory time of up to 40 hours beyond the mandatory payoff date of June 30. Employees who wish to take
advantage of this option must make a written request to their supervisor. Employees with at least ten years of continual full-time service may request to carry over more than this allotted amount as long as the hours carried over in excess of this amount is scheduled as paid leave during the months of July and August of the same year. Employees with ten or more years of service who wish to take advantage of this option must make a written request to their supervisor outlining the actual dates when the compensatory leave will be taken during July and August.
Article VI continued:
Supervisors approving the leave schedule will forward a copy of the approved leave schedule to the Human Resources Department signifying that compensatory time can be carried over beyond June 30 for use during that summer only.
D. Reporting Absences
Whenever an employee has just cause for reporting late or absenting himself from work, employee shall give notice as far in advance as possible to his/her supervisor or other person designated to receive such notice.
E. Change of Work Schedule
An employee shall be given 14 days notice prior to a permanent change to his/her work schedule.
A. Notification
1. Each new employee will be given a copy of this Agreement with his/her Benefits Orientation with Human Resources.
2. The Association will receive written notice of the name, hire date, department, job title, and annual salary of each newly hired employee. The Association will be advised in writing when a unit member terminates employment with the College.
B. Resignation
1. An employee who is resigning from his/her position shall give ten (10) workdays notice to his/her immediate supervisor in writing.
2. Earned vacation shall be paid according to the proportion of months worked to the total contract year provided proper notice has been given. Earned vacation pay shall be forfeited if the employee fails to return college equipment or property, or if the employee fails to give proper resignation notice unless the College agrees in writing to a shorter notice period.
A. Overtime
Employees shall be required to work a reasonable amount of overtime when requested to do so by the College. Accordingly, employees shall make arrangements for backup coverage for personal scheduling commitments so that the employee is available for overtime assignments. Employees shall be responsible for notifying their supervisor on the first day of the work week of any times during that work week that the employee cannot be available for overtime assignment because of the temporary unavailability of backup coverage for personal scheduling commitments. Department supervisors shall schedule overtime assignments based upon the need of the department. Each department supervisor shall have the option to determine how to distribute overtime so that it is scheduled equitably (e.g., rotating seniority basis) among employees.
1. Overtime at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay (annual pay converted to an hourly equivalent) shall be paid for hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours in a work day or forty (40) hours in a payroll week. Thirty-five (35) hour a week employees earn one hour of compensatory time per day for additional time worked up to eight (8) hours in a work day.
2. If the overtime requested is related to campus events scheduled by the College in advance, three days advance notice of the overtime request shall be given to the employee.
Article VIII continued:
3. If the overtime requested is related to events which the College has not scheduled in advance, notice of the overtime request shall be given at least three (3) hours prior to quitting time of the day such overtime is required. If three (3) hours notice is not reasonably possible because of an emergent situation, the College will provide as much notice as possible. An emergent situation is one when there is an unscheduled work assignment that must be addressed within the next twenty-four (24) hours.
4. Overtime work may only be performed with the prior approval of the immediate supervisor. Any time worked without such approval may subject the employee to disciplinary action.
5. Payment of overtime will be computed as follows:
a. Zero (0) to fifteen (15) minutes - 0
b. Sixteen (16) to thirty (30) minutes - thirty (30) minutes
- Thirty-one (31) minutes through sixty (60) minutes - sixty (60)
d. Additional overtime beyond one (1) hour will be computed on the same basis.
Article VIII continued:
B. All hours for which compensation is paid but during which no work is performed because of illness (sick leave) shall not be counted for purpose of determining overtime pay entitlement. All other types of paid leave and holidays declared and recognized by the College shall be counted for purpose of computing overtime entitlement.
C. Call In and Call Back Time
1. An employee called in to his/her place of employment on his/her day off shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours of straight time pay.
2. An employee called back after having completed his/her regularly scheduled workday and having left the premises shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours at time and a half (1½) of the hourly rate.
3. The provision of Section C of this Article shall not apply to hours which are contiguous to the workday.
D. All overtime shall be assigned on a fair and equitable basis within each department.
E. College Emergency Closings
1. Employees in the Plant and Maintenance Department that are assigned to the snow removal crew or otherwise required to maintain the facility and the Public Safety Department are normally required to report to work when the College has both canceled classes and excused other employees because of adverse weather or emergency conditions.
Article VIII continued:
2. The chief officer of each major college division/area (Academic Affairs, College Advancement and Planning, Business and Finance, Student Development and Enrollment Management, Information Systems) shall have the right to require an employee in a department other than those stated in Section E.1 of this Article to report to work when the College has both canceled classes and excused other employees because of adverse weather or emergency conditions to handle essential functions that must be addressed. An essential job task is one that satisfies one or more of the following criteria:
a. A task that has an established deadline that must be met.
b. A task that left unattended will cause irreversible damage to students, employees, or other customers.
c. A task that left unattended will create a safety problem.
d. A task required by law or regulation that must be performed during the period when other employees are excused from work.
3. Employees who are required to report to work when the College has canceled classes and excused other employees because of adverse weather or emergency conditions shall receive, in addition to regular salary, one hour of compensatory time for each hour worked. The compensatory time shall be scheduled with approval of the supervisor so as not to affect necessary college operations.
4. When an employee is entitled to a pre-approved compensatory leave, personal leave, floating holiday, or vacation leave day scheduled off with pay and an emergency
Article VIII continued:
closing of the College occurs, the employee shall not be charged for leave time scheduled during the emergency closing provided that no other leave time has been taken on the work day immediately preceding or following the period of the emergency closing. The amount of leave time restored shall be limited to the amount of time of the emergency closing. An employee will be charged for a pre-approved compensatory leave, personal leave, floating holiday, or vacation day if the employee has scheduled another leave day on the work day immediately preceding or following the period of the emergency closing.
F. Premium Time
1. Premium rate as used in this Article means compensation at the rate of two (2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay (annual pay converted to an hourly equivalent).
2. An employee shall be eligible for the premium rate for hours actually worked on the seventh (7th) day (counting from the first day of the employee’s regular work week) providing that such employee during the preceding work week has worked, as defined by Section F3 of this article, a minimum of forty (40) hours. If an employee has met the forty (40) hour threshold prior to the seventh (7th) day, such employee shall be entitled to the premium rate for each hour worked on the seventh (7th) day.
3. Work week means at least seven (7) hours worked per day on five succeeding calendar days (counted without regard to the end of the month) without intervening days off or leave time of any type, except that for the purposes of determining work week,
Article VIII continued:
College recognized holidays, scheduled leave time (vacation, personal, and compensatory time) requested by the employee at least one week in advance by the employee, and College closings shall be considered days worked.
4. Premium time worked must have the prior approval of the member's supervisor. Employees eligible for premium rate earned shall request payment for premium rate in the manner prescribed by the College.
5. Payment of premium rate shall not be duplicated for the same day and the maximum rate of compensation shall not exceed two (2) times regular hourly rates. Any such seventh (7th) day worked shall not be counted toward overtime or premium pay in any subsequent time period.
A. An employee shall have a formal evaluation with his/her immediate supervisor at least once in each year. If during the period between annual evaluations and employee's performance is not considered satisfactory, the College reserves the right whereby the supervisor may counsel the employee on any aspects of unsatisfactory performance and, when necessary, institute a progressive disciplinary process.
B. A written evaluation report shall be prepared and shared with the employee at least two (2) calendar days in advance of the formal evaluation conference between the employee and the evaluating supervisor. If the employee prepares a written self-appraisal, the employee shall share a copy of the self-appraisal at least two days in advance of the formal evaluation conference between the employee and the evaluating supervisor. Either the evaluated employee or the evaluating supervisor has the right to three (3) additional days notice, upon request, prior to the evaluation conference.
C. The evaluation report will provide space for employee comments, if any. Employees will be required to sign each evaluation report. The signature of the employee shall not constitute agreement with the contents of the evaluation report, the employee's signature shall indicate that they have read same and reviewed its contents with their immediate supervisor. Thereafter, the report will become a part of the employee's personnel file.
D. Upon reasonable request, an employee will have an opportunity to review his/her personnel file.
Article IX continued:
E. An employee will be advised of any derogatory material concerning conduct or service which has been placed in the employee's personnel file. Upon reasonable request, the employee will have an opportunity to review such material and shall acknowledge that he/she has reviewed the material by fixing his/her signature to the copy which has been filed. The employee will also have the opportunity to submit a written answer to such material and such answer shall be included with the file copy.
A. The first six months of an employee's employment shall be considered a probationary period, during which such employee may be discharged for any reason and such discharge shall not be grievable.
B. Employees discharged after the completion of their probationary period will, upon request, be furnished the reason or reasons for such discharge.
C. The cause for which employees may be discharged shall include, but not be limited to violation of rules, regulations and policies of the College.
D. A probationary employee will be paid only for the time actually worked; for holidays for which the employee is eligible under the provisions of Article XVI, Holidays; for jury duty when applicable as set forth in Article XIV, Leaves of Absence; and after three months of employment, for personal leave and sick leave as set forth in Article XIV, Leaves of Absence.
E. Benefits entitled to under this agreement shall commence when the employee successfully completes the probationary period unless this agreement, governing regulation, or insurance contract specifically states otherwise.
F. Employees shall be employed for a contract term of not less than ten months and not more than twelve months. The Board of Trustees reserves the prerogative and discretion not to reappoint an employee. The decision of the Board of Trustees not to reappoint an employee
shall not constitute a discharge and shall not be grievable. Any employee who receives written
Article X continued:
notification from the College of non-reappointment for the succeeding fiscal year, may within fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of such notification, deliver to the Office of the President of the College a written request for a statement of reasons for the non-reappointment. The President will provide such employee with a written statement of reasons within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the request for the statement of reasons. The reason for the non-reappointment shall not be grievable.
A. The College agrees to deduct from the salaries of its employees dues which said employees individually and voluntarily authorize the College to deduct. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 233, New Jersey Public Laws of 1969, N.J.S.A. (R.S.) 52:14-15.9e. Said monies, together with records of any collections, shall be transmitted to the Treasurer of the Association. Employee authorizations shall be in writing and such authorizations shall continue in accordance with law until a notice of withdrawal is filed by the employee.
B. If during the life of this Agreement there shall be any change in the rate of membership dues, the Association shall furnish to the College written notice sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of such change. It is understood that the only obligation of the College shall be to remit to the Association the total deductions.
C. The Association will provide the initial necessary "check-off authorization" form and the Association will secure the signatures of its members on the forms and deliver the signed forms to the President, or his designee. Upon the College compliance with the provisions of Chapter 233, the Association shall indemnify, defend and save the College harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of action taken by the College in reliance upon salary deduction authorization cards submitted by the Association to the College.
A. Non-Discrimination
1. Pursuant to the New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act, the College and the Association hereby agree that every employee of the College covered by this Agreement shall have the right to freely organize, join and support the Association or to refrain from doing so. The College and the Association agree that they shall not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any employee covered under this Agreement in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by the New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act, and that they shall not discriminate against any such employee by reason of his/her membership or non-membership in the Association, or his/her participation or non-participation in any activities of the Association.
2. Neither the College nor the Association shall discriminate against any employee because of protected classification under federal and state law.
B. Any individual employment agreement between the College and an individual employee will be consistent with the terms of this Agreement.
C. Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties of this Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, either party shall serve notice personally, or by regular mail to the following:
Article XII continued:
1. If by the Association, to the Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations.
2. If by the College, to the President of the Association.
D. Bookstore
Staff employees shall be able to purchase, for their own use, merchandise and/or one copy of a book at the College Bookstore at a 15 percent discount on all non-sale items provided a 15 percent mark-up exists, and provided the total purchase exceeds three ($3) dollars.
Family members who qualify for Tuition Waiver (Article XXIV) are also eligible for the discount when the family member presents a valid student ID at the time of purchase.
E. Meal Allowance
An employee required to work three (3) or more hours in excess of his/her regular work day shall be entitled to receive a meal allowance of $8.50 in the following paycheck. F. Printing
The College, at its expense, shall print such number of copies of the agreement so that each employee may be provided with one copy and 50 additional copies shall be provided to the Association.
Article XII continued:
G. Transporting Students
Employees shall not be required to transport students or other employees in the employee’s vehicle in connection with College activities.
H. Travel Expense
When an employee is requested to use his/her own vehicle for approved college related business, he/she will be compensated at the prevailing IRS mileage rate, but not less than $.36 per mile.
Retiree Privileges
Retired employees who served the College for twenty-five (25) years or longer
shall be permitted to use the College library facilities, recreation facilities and employee parking facilities. Upon request, these retirees will be provided a parking sticker. Retired employees may request to retain College email privileges.
A. Job Openings
1. Open Staff Positions will be publicized on the College employment website at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the position being filled.
2. If an employee applies for an open staff position and meets all qualifications, the College shall give first consideration to the applicant before filling the vacancy.
B. Layoff and Seniority
Employees who are laid off will be notified of Open Staff Positions within their job classification for a twelve (12) month period after such layoff. Notice of recall to work shall be addressed by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the employee’s last address appearing in the records of the College.
2. The Association will be notified as soon as practical prior to implementation of a layoff, at least thirty (30) days in advance. Upon written request by the Association, representatives of the College will meet and discuss with representatives of the Association at least fifteen (15) days prior to such implementation.
3. Seniority shall be defined as the total continuous years of service spent as a full-time employee at the College.
4. For the purpose of determining eligibility for salary increases, service bonuses, and fringe benefits, the employee's total continuous length of service with the College shall be utilized.
5. In the event of a layoff, a more senior employee shall have the right to bump the least senior employee within the same job title, provided the senior employee is qualified for the job into which he/she bumps.
6. Employees who have held a lower grade position within two (2) years of the implementation date of a layoff which results in the elimination of their current position, shall have the ability to bump the least senior employee in the lower grade position if they are deemed qualified for the lower grade position by the College.
7. Seniority shall not be accumulated during the layoff period. Upon recall, an employee shall have his/her accumulated seniority to the date of layoff restored.
8. An employee who accepts an employment offer of recall must actually commence such employment within forty-five (45) days from the date of his/her acceptance of the job offer. Failure to accept any job offer made under this paragraph shall be deemed a waiver of any future rights of recall.
9. For any employee who faces layoff, the College will consider them for other non-faculty openings at the College that may exist at the time of the layoff, provided that in the opinion of the College President, they have the qualifications for the position. A decision not to offer an employee another position outside of his/her bumping rights, shall not be grievable.
Staff employees shall be eligible for personal days with pay to observe religious holidays, to take care of personal or family emergencies or responsibilities that cannot be scheduled at a time which does not conflict with performance of employment duties.
1. Employees shall be eligible for three personal leave days with pay during the College fiscal year. Upon completion of three months of employment, each newly hired employee will be eligible for a prorated amount of personal days for the remaining period of the contract year.
2. Whenever possible, any employees planning to use a personal leave day shall request permission in writing from his/her supervisor five (5) days in advance of the requested leave. Whenever an emergency arises which precludes providing the required five days advance notice, the employee shall provide sufficient information to enable the supervisor to determine whether the reason for the leave complies with the purpose of personal leave, as
Article XIV continued:
defined in Section A above, and enables the supervisor to determine that the need for the leave could not have been anticipated five days in advance. The supervisor shall respond to a request for personal leave, in a timely manner, normally within three business days.
3. Personal leave may not be taken in a unit of less than one hour.
4. a) Employees whose employment with the College terminates during the course of the fiscal year, shall have a prorated amount of their personal days reduced and returned to the College based upon the following schedule:
Termination Date Personal Days
July 1 to October 30 2 days
November 1 to February 28/29 1 day
March 1 to June 30 0 days
b) If an employee has utilized all of their personal leave at the date of termination, their final paycheck shall be reduced to account for any personal days which must be reduced and returned to the College.
Article XIV continued:
B. Sick Leave
1. An employee shall be allowed sick leave as limited below when he/she is unable to perform his/her work due to personal illness or injury.
2. Days available for sick leave with pay shall accrue to each full-time employee on the basis of one (1) day for each month of employment. Sick leave shall accrue during the first three months of employment but shall not be eligible for use until after the employee has completed three months of employment. Accrued days for sick leave not used in the College year (July 1 through June 30) shall accumulate and be available for use during subsequent College employment. Sick leave shall not be recognized in a unit of less than one hour. If an employee has utilized all accrued sick leave, he/she shall cease receiving pay but shall continue to be eligible to receive any insurance benefits applicable to such employee at the employee’s own expense as allowed under the state and federal Family Leave laws, and while the employee is on an approved medical leave of absence.
3. A doctor's certificate may be required for approved sick leave, or to verify satisfactory recovery following sick leave after the employee has been absent three consecutive days or when the College has reason to believe that the employee may be abusing his/her sick leave privilege. All such notices are to be provided to Human Resources prior to returning to work, whenever possible, or as soon as practicable.
4. An employee may utilize sick leave to be present during a period of medical care by a physician for the employee's spouse, child over the age of twelve, parent, brother or sister, or corresponding in-laws. The College may require certification from a physician for approval of such absence. An employee may also utilize sick leave to care for a
Article XIV continued:
child under the age of thirteen who is: i) ill and unable to attend school or day care; or ii) is not currently enrolled in school or day care. The College may require certification from the school or day care center indicating that the child was absent due to illness.
C. Bereavement Leave
Probationary employees may be granted upon request up to two (2) days of bereavement leave and non-probationary employees may be granted upon request up to five (5) days of bereavement leave at one time in the event of death of the employee's immediate family member. For purposes of this section, immediate family member shall be defined as a spouse, child, parent, brother or sister, grandparent, grandchild, corresponding in-laws, or a person residing in the household of the employee where the employee is the primary care giver. A similar request may be made in the event of the death of a member of the immediate family residing in the employee's household. Proof of death may be required by the College.
D. Military Leave
An employee inducted or called for active military duty, or who enlists for one (1) enlistment period in any branch of the United States Armed Forces, shall be granted military leave without pay.
The College will abide by all applicable regulations of State and Federal Law regarding military leave.
Article XIV continued:
E. Jury Duty
An employee called for jury duty shall be granted leave for such purpose and will be paid the difference between his/her per diem salary during such jury duty and the amount of payment certified to have been made for such jury duty. An employee on jury duty is expected to report to work when he/she is not actively serving as a juror, provided he/she has been excused by the Judge or other duly authorized court official.
F. Maternity Leave
1. Upon written request filed at least ninety (90) days in advance with the Human Resources Department, a pregnant employee shall be granted leave of absence for the period of anticipated maternity disability as set forth by such employee in the leave request, but such leave request shall not exceed a period of one-hundred eighty (180) days. A request for maternity leave shall include a statement from a physician confirming the pregnancy and anticipated date of birth.
2. Such maternity leave of absence shall be without pay or fringe benefits, except for the use of accumulated sick leave, but such employee shall be eligible for all benefits associated with temporary disability including medical benefits.
3. A statement from the employee's physician certifying that the employee is physically able to return to duty shall be furnished to the College before an employee is permitted to return from maternity leave. The date of return may be adjusted in consideration of either medical evidence or administrative feasibility.
Article XIV continued:
4. Except as provided above, no employee shall be barred from returning to employment after the birth of her child solely on the ground that there has not been a time lapse between the birth and her desired date of return.
5. In the event the leave exceeds six (6) months, then the employee shall not qualify for a salary increment that year.
6. No employee shall be removed from her duties during pregnancy except upon one of the following:
a. The College has found her work performance has substantially declined from the time immediately prior to her pregnancy.
b. Her physical condition or capacity is such that her health would be impaired if she were to continue working and which physical capacity shall be deemed to exist if:
(1) The pregnant employee fails to produce a certification from her physician that she is medically able to continue working, or
(2) The College's physician and the employee's physician agree that she cannot continue working, or
(3) Following any difference of medical opinion between the College's physician and the employee's physician, a physician
selected jointly by the College and the employee shall render a binding opinion on the physical capacity to continue working. The
Article XIV continued:
expense of any examination by an impartial third physician under this paragraph shall be shared equally by the employee and the College.
G. Family Illness
Upon a request submitted to the Human Resources Department, through the employee’s supervisor, leave with pay, according to the schedule defined below, may be granted in each contract year to an employee for their eligible family member’s treatment, provided in a hospital, medical center, patient care facility or other approved medical facility by a physician or a licensed practitioner. This benefit may also include the convalescence of the employee’s family member following such hospitalization or treatment as specified above. Covered family members include: an employee’s spouse, child, parent, brother or sister, grandparent, grandchild, corresponding in-laws, or person residing in the household of the employee where the employee is the primary caregiver. For approval of such request, the College may require certification from the physician or treatment provider providing such treatment. In the event of extenuating circumstances, consideration will be given by the College to an extension of such leave with or without pay at the sole discretion of the College.
Years of Full-Time
Service Completed on Total Family Illness
Date(s) of Req. Leave Leave Per Contract Year
Four or More Years 4 Days
Three but less than Four Yrs. 3 Days
Two but less than Three Years 2 Days
One but less than Two Years 1 Day
Less than One Year 0 Days
Article XIV continued:
H. Special Purpose Leave
Leaves of absence without pay for special purposes may be granted by the College upon written application of the employee submitted to the Human Resources Department through his/her immediate supervisor. Insofar as possible, within ten (10) days after receipt of such request, the employee shall be notified of the disposition of his/her request. Decisions of the
College with regard to special purpose leave requests shall not be arbitrable. Rights to seniority or increments, or other fringe benefits, shall not accrue for any special purpose leave which extends beyond six months.
I. If an employee is eligible for leave time pursuant to the federal Family and Medical Leave Act and/or the New Jersey Family Leave Act ("Statutory Leave"), any paid sick leave, vacation, family illness, personal leave or workers compensation leave permitted and taken under the provisions of this contract shall be substituted for and credited against the Statutory Leave entitlement.ARTICLE XV VACATION
A. 1. Employees are eligible to earn vacation leave. Vacation leave is earned according to the following schedule:
Years of Full-Time Completed Service Vacation Leave Earned
Date of hire to less than 5 5.84 vacation hours per month for 35-hour
consecutive years of service positions. 6.67 hours per month for 40-hour
positions (up to a maximum of 10 vacation
days in a fiscal year).
5.0 to less than 6 consecutive years of 8.75 vacation hours per month for 35-hour
service positions. 10.00 hours per month for 40-hour positions (up to a maximum of 15 vacation days in a fiscal year).
6.0 to less than 7 consecutive years of 9.33 vacation hours per month for 35-hour
service positions. 10.67 hours per month for 40-hour positions (up to a maximum of 16 vacation days in a fiscal year).
7.0 to less than 8 consecutive years of 9.95 vacation hours per month for 35-hour
service positions. 11.37 hours per month for 40-hour positions (up to a maximum of 17 vacation days in a fiscal year).
8.0 to less than 9 consecutive years of 10.50 vacation hours per month for 35-hour
service. positions. 12.00 hours per month for 40-hour
positions (up to a maximum of 18 vacation
days in a fiscal year).
Article XV continued:
Years of Full-Time Completed Service Vacation Leave Earned
9.0 to less than 10 consecutive years of 11.08 vacation hours per month for 35-hour
service positions. 12.66 hours per month for 40-hour
positions (up to a maximum of 19 vacation
days per fiscal year).
10.0 to less than 21 consecutive years of 11.67 vacation hours per month for 35-hour
service positions. 13.33 hours per month for 40-hour
positions (up to a maximum of 20 vacation
days in a fiscal year).
21 years of consecutive service and beyond 12.25 vacation hours per month for 35-hour
positions. 14.00 hours per month for 40-hour
positions (up to a maximum of 21 vacation
days in a fiscal year).
2. One vacation day shall equal seven (7) hours for a 35-hour per week position and eight (8) hours for a 40-hour per week position.
B. Computing Vacation Credits
1. If the date of employment is from the first thru the fifteenth day of any month, it shall be considered a full month of employment.
2. If the date of employment is the sixteenth day or later of any month, it shall not be considered for the purpose of vacation eligibility.
C. Vacation Scheduling
1. New employees shall earn vacation leave during their probationary period (first six months of employment), but shall not be eligible to utilize accumulated vacation leave until after they have successfully completed their probationary period.
2. Vacations will, so far as practical, be granted at times most desired by employees. However, the final right to schedule vacation periods and to change such schedules is exclusively reserved to the College in order to ensure its orderly operation. The supervisor shall respond to a request for vacation leave in a timely manner, normally within three business days.
D. On June 30 of each year, employees will be allowed to accumulate up to a maximum of one full year vacation accrual. Where an employee has had sufficient opportunity to utilize his/her vacation, accruals in excess of one year vacation accumulation on June 30 shall be forfeited by the employee. When an employee has not had sufficient opportunity to utilize his/her vacation time, the employee may make a request through his/her supervisor to the head of the division to grant up to a six (6) month extension to utilize the over accrued vacation time. An employee may not receive an extension for two consecutive years. Request for extensions shall not be arbitrarily denied.
E. Upon separation from employment from the College for reasons other than good cause termination or termination during an employee’s probationary period, an employee shall be compensated, at the employee's then current per diem rate of pay, for his/her accumulated unused vacation not to exceed the following payment limitations:
Years of Full-Time Service Maximum Unused
Completed on Date of Separation Vacation Days Payment
Through 4th year Ten (10) days
5th year Fifteen (15) days
6th year Sixteen (16) days
7th year Seventeen (17) days
8th year Eighteen (18) days
9th year Nineteen (19) days
10th through 20th year Twenty (20) days
21st year and above Twenty-one (21) days
A. The following holidays shall be provided to the membership with pay:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King's Birthday
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day following Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
All other weekdays (defined as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday) between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day
B. In order to be eligible for holiday pay, an employee must be on the active payroll of the College, and must have worked his/her regularly scheduled workday before and after the holiday, unless such absence is authorized by the College. Holiday pay will not be paid if preceded or followed by an unpaid day.
C. Eligible employees who are required to work on a day observed as a College holiday will be compensated at the rate of one and one-half times their regular hourly rate for all hours actually worked in addition to their pay for the holidays.
D. In the event that one of the holidays listed in Section A of this Article falls on a Saturday, it shall be celebrated on Friday. In the event that it falls on a Sunday, it shall be celebrated on Monday. If a regularly scheduled day off falls on a holiday, the employee will receive comp time for that day.
Article XVI continued
E. Floating Holidays
1. Unless otherwise stated below, employees are eligible for two floating holidays which may be scheduled with the approval of their supervisor so as not to affect necessary college operations. Employees not taking a floating holiday for reasons other than
inability to have their supervisor approve a date, shall not be entitled to accumulate such day after June 30 of each fiscal year, nor to be compensated for unused floating holidays on termination of employment. Employees with less than three months of full-time service are not eligible for floating holidays. Upon completion of three months of full-time service, each employee will be eligible for a prorated amount of the floating holidays for the remaining period of the fiscal year.
2. a. Employees whose employment with the College terminates during the course of the fiscal year shall have a prorated amount of their floating holiday days reduced and returned to the College based upon the following schedule:
Termination Date Floating Holidays
July 1 to Dec. 31 1 day
Jan. 1 to June 30 0 days
b. If the employee has utilized all of their floating holidays at the date of termination, their final paycheck shall be reduced to account for any floating holidays which must be reduced and returned to the College.
A. The College hereby retains and reserves unto itself, without limitation, all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it prior to the signing of this Agreement or which may hereafter be conferred upon and vested in it by the Laws and Constitution of the State of New Jersey and of the United States.
B. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties or responsibilities of the College, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith, shall be limited only by the terms of this Agreement and then only to the extent such terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and the Laws of New Jersey and of the United States.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict the College of its rights, responsibilities and authority under National, State, County, or local laws.
D. Payroll Method: Pay will be delivered by automatic direct deposit. Payroll stubs will be accessible via online access only on regularly scheduled pay dates.
A. It is recognized that the need for continued and uninterrupted operation of the College is of paramount importance and that there should be no interference with such operation.
B. The Association agrees that neither the Association nor any person acting in its behalf will cause, authorize, engage in, sanction, nor will any of its members take part in, a strike against the County College of Morris, or the concerted failure to report for duty, or willful absence of an employee from his/her position, or refusal to perform his/her duties of an employment as defined in this Agreement.
C. The Association further agrees that it will not cause, engage in, encourage or assist in any strike or similar action or conduct on the part of the students of the College.
D. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to restrict or limit the College in its right to seek and obtain such judicial relief as it may be entitled to have under law.
A. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held invalid by operation of law or by a Court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be inoperative, but all other provisions shall not be affected thereby and shall continue in full force and effect.
A. This Agreement represents and incorporates the complete and final understanding and settlement by the parties of all issues for the term of this Agreement. During the terms of this Agreement, neither party will be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter, whether or not covered by this Agreement, and whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or signed this Agreement.
B. By mutual consent only, the parties may enter into negotiations during the term of this Agreement for the purpose of amending same. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part except by mutual agreement of the parties. Mutually acceptable amendments shall be reduced to writing and submitted for ratification by the Board of Trustees and the Association.
A. The College shall provide legal assistance in connection with any assault upon any employee while acting in the discharge of his/her duties. Absences arising out of, or from such assault or injury will not be deducted from the employee's sick leave or personal leave for a period of up to a maximum of Workmen's Compensation.
B. In the event criminal or civil proceedings are brought against an employee alleging that he/she has committed an assault in connection with his/her employment, such employee may request the College to furnish legal counsel to defend him/her in such proceeding. If the College does not provide such counsel and the employee prevails in the proceedings, the College shall reimburse the employee for reasonable counsel fees incurred by him/her in his/her own defense.
C. In the interest of keeping a safe and secure campus, the administration will immediately notify the local police authorities whenever it is aware of a threat to harm an employee or a threat against the life of an employee.
A. Health
1. As long as the college remains in the State Employee Health Benefit Plan (“SEHBP "), eligible employees may enroll in the SEHBP in accordance with established procedures. The College and the employee shall bear the cost of premiums for the employee and his/her dependents for coverage under either the SEHBP or under any substitute health insurance plan selected by the College according to statutory requirements. If the College elects to withdraw from the SEHBP, the substitute health insurance plan will provide (i) benefit levels that, in the aggregate, are equal to or more beneficial to the covered employees than the two medical plans having the greatest enrollment of CCM employees at the time of withdrawal from the SEHBP, and (ii) an appeal process by which employees may appeal to the insurance carrier denials of coverage or benefits. The College will provide the Staff Association with a copy of the master contract for the new plan ninety (90) days before implementing the new plan.
2. Should the College decide to substitute another insurance plan for the SEHBP, the College will provide affected employees with forty-five (45) days written notice of the effective date of the change in health plans. Affected employees shall be furnished with a description of the substitute health plan. During the forty-five (45) day period, employees shall have the option of electing any benefit options that may be offered by the substitute health insurance plan.
3. If the College ceases to participate in the SEHBP, the College Department of Human Resources will continue to provide on-campus administration of health benefits and will distribute to affected employees notification of changes in the level of benefits. The Department of Human Resources will assist the employee in obtaining an expeditious determination by the insurance carrier of any appeal of a denial of coverage or benefits.
4. All questions and disputes arising under the terms of any health insurance plan substituted for the SEHBP shall be determined under the appeal process established by the insurance carrier and not under the grievance procedure set forth in Article III. A decision of the College to withdraw from the SEHBP and the selection of the health insurance plan providing substitute coverage are prerogatives of management and are not grievable. However, the Staff Association shall have the right within forty-five (45) days after its receipt of the master contract for the new plan, within which to advise the College in writing of its position that the substitute health insurance plan does not provide benefit levels that, in the aggregate, are equal to or more beneficial to the covered employees than the two medical plans having the greatest enrollment of CCM employees at the time of withdrawal from the SEHBP ("Notice of Dispute"). Within ten (10) days from the College's receipt of the Notice of Dispute, the College and the Staff Association will agree upon the appointment of an independent employee benefit specialist firm or individual. Should any other collective bargaining unit(s) at the County College of Morris file a Notice of Dispute with the College, the Staff Association agrees to jointly propose the appointment of an independent benefit specialist with the other bargaining unit(s). The independent specialist shall
Article XXII continued:
only determine whether the substitute health benefit plan does or does not provide benefit levels that, in the aggregate, are equal to or more beneficial to the covered employees than the two medical plans having the greatest enrollment of CCM employees at the time of withdrawal from the SEHBP. The independent specialist must have offices in the State of New Jersey and shall not then be providing services or consultation to county colleges in New Jersey or to the New Jersey Education Association or any of its affiliates. If an independent specialist has not been mutually agreed upon and appointed within the ten (10) day period, either party may apply to the Superior Court Assignment Judge, Morris County, to appoint an independent health benefit specialist to determine the dispute. The determination of the independent health benefit specialist shall be binding on the parties and shall not be grievable. The costs of the services of the independent health benefit specialist will be shared equally by the College and Staff Association and any other bargaining unit(s) who have filed a Notice of Dispute. If a Notice of Dispute as permitted in this Section A.4 is timely served upon the College, the substitute health insurance plan shall not become effective unless the parties agree in writing otherwise, or the independent specialist determines that the new benefit levels, in the aggregate, are equal to or more beneficial to the covered employees than the two medical plans having the greatest enrollment of CCM employees at the time of withdrawal from the SEHBP.
B. Pension
All employees must enroll in the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) in accordance with the established procedures of the System. Continued participation in PERS is subject to terms and conditions determined by the State of New Jersey.
Article XXII continued:
C. Dental Plan
The College shall provide a dental program providing individual coverage to all members of the bargaining unit by a dental care insurance policy. The College shall have the right to substitute a comparable dental policy for the Delta Dental Plan. After the expiration of this Agreement, the College shall not be obligated to pay any dental premium increase beyond the individual premium in effect during the last year of this Agreement. In addition, the College shall offer a voluntary dental program for the spouses and eligible children of all bargaining unit members with premiums fully paid by the employees who elect this coverage. The overall level of benefits will be equivalent to those dental benefits provided to employees. The availability of this dependent coverage on an annual basis will be subject to minimum participation limitations established by the insurance provider.
- Long Term Disability
The College agrees to pay the premium for a group policy which shall provide
coverage during the terms of this agreement.
- Salary Continuation Plan
The College agrees to provide a salary continuation plan with a purpose of
protecting against income loss after the elimination period, due to an employee's inability to work because of personal illness or injury, except that this plan shall not apply to illness, injury or other disability absence arising out of employment and covered by workers compensation law. It is the employee’s responsibility to complete a written request for leave.
- Elimination Period
Benefits payable under this plan shall begin on the first regularly scheduled work
day following the date when an employee employed in a job title in the bargaining unit exhausts all of his or her accrued sick leave payable by the College, or after (30) calendar days have elapsed since the onset of the employee's inability to work, whichever date shall occur later.
- Benefit Period
Subject to the below listed fund limitations, the College shall pay the employee
the following percentage of his/her base salary for the period of absence from work in excess of the elimination period:
Years of Service 1st 30 days next 60 days next 60 days
6 months to up to 2 years 30% 25% 20%
2 years to up to 6 years 50% 45% 40%
6 years to up to 10 years 65% 60% 55%
10 years and over 80% 75% 70%
Article XXIII continued:
This benefit does not extend to employees who have not completed their new hire probationary period as stated in Article X, Section A. The benefit period shall continue until the earliest of the following dates:
- One hundred eighty (180) calendar days have elapsed following the onset
of the employee's inability to work due to a disability covered by this plan; or
- The employee has been paid benefits under this plan equal to one-third of
the employee's annual base salary; or
- The employee returns to work.
Benefits payable under this plan shall be paid only for days during the employee's inability to work when the employee would normally be scheduled to work, and shall not be paid for days scheduled as holidays or any other form of leave prescribed elsewhere in this agreement, or for days for which the employee would not normally be eligible to receive salary.
- Recurrence of Disability
If an employee who is receiving benefits under this plan returns to work and
subsequently becomes disabled because of personal illness or injury, that employee shall be eligible for an additional benefit period under this plan as described above, provided that the employee has worked at least six months upon return to work. The period of absence prior to the return to work and the subsequent absence shall be treated as one disability with both absences counted towards the maximum benefits described above. If an unrelated or recurrent disability arises before completion of six months, such illness shall not require an additional elimination period.
Article XXIII continued:
- Other Benefits
The period of absences during the elimination period shall be counted as regular
full-time service for purposes of promotion, increases in salary, seniority, accrual of leave, length of service, retirement or any other ancillary or fringe benefits, except as may be provided by applicable law.
- Coordination of Benefits
Benefits payable to an employee under this plan shall be reduced by any amount
payable to the employee under any other disability payment plan provided under the laws of any state or federal law of the United States, any insurance or other employee benefit plan which pays for loss of time on account of disability due to sickness or injury for which an employer has paid all or any portion of its costs, and any insurance which pays benefits for loss of time on account of injury suffered in an automobile accident. Benefits under this plan shall not be payable to any employee for any period during which an employee may be receiving benefits provided under a workers compensation law.
- Certification of Disability
An employee claiming benefits under this plan shall submit to the College a
written certification by a physician attesting to his or her inability to work, including a projected date to return to work, and shall submit subsequent certification by a physician of his or her continued inability to work if requested by the College. The College shall have the right as a
Article XXIII continued:
condition to payment of benefits, to require the employee to provide relevant medical records and to submit to an examination by a physician designated and paid for by the College. If the physician selected and paid for by the College declines to certify to the employee's inability to work, the Association shall have the right within twenty days from the notification of declined benefit eligibility to elect, by written notice to the College, to submit the eligibility determination to a third physician. If the Association requests submission to a third physician, the College physician and the employee's treating physician shall select a qualified physician to determine the matter. If the College and the employee's physician are unable to agree upon the selection of a third physician, such third physician shall be designated by the President of the Morris County Medical Society. The determination of the physician so selected, as to whether the employee is unable to work because of a disability covered under this plan, shall be binding upon the College, the Association and the employee. The cost of the services of the third physician shall be equally paid by the College and Association, and shall not be subject to further grievance.
- Limits of Benefits
No benefits shall be payable for any periods of disability which did not commence
while the employee was employed by the College, for any period of disability due to willfully or intentionally self-inflicted injury, or for any period during which the employee performs any work for remuneration or profit.
Article XXIII continued:
- Limit of Liability
The Board shall not be liable for any benefits under the Association Salary
Continuation Plan in excess of the current fiscal year limit payable during any one fiscal year. In the event that claims for benefits to the entire Association bargaining unit exceed that amount, the College will reduce the accrual of one day of sick leave by each employee in the bargaining unit, which shall be accounted according to the hourly rate of each employee that may be in effect at the time, and such additional amount of money shall be made available to pay additional claims for benefits. If this additional funding is also exhausted, the bargaining unit may opt to contribute an additional sick day (s). Any unused money generated by sick days contributed from the bargaining unit shall be rolled over to the next fiscal year. This amount shall not reduce the College’s contribution up to the current fiscal year amount. The College’s contribution shall always be spent first, and the sick day reserve will only be spent after the College’s contribution is exhausted.
The $30,000 limit shall increase to $33,500 in year 2 (effective 7/1/12) of this agreement and to $35,000 (effective 7/1/13) in year 3 of this agreement.
A. Tuition Waiver for Courses at the County College of Morris
1. Credit Courses
The College shall waive tuition charges for employees covered by this agreement who have completed their probationary period and their spouses who meet the College's admission standards for a combined total of no more than eighteen (18) credits per fiscal year. Employees shall only be eligible to enroll in up to six credits per semester on a tuition waiver basis. Dependent children or stepchildren of employees covered by this agreement who are 23 years old or younger shall be permitted to enroll on a tuition free basis for a maximum of thirty (30) credits per fiscal year, provided they meet the College's admissions standards. Dependant children/stepchildren are eligible through the end of the calendar year in which they turn 23 years of age. Other fees and charges incidental to the courses enrolled shall be paid by the employee or registrant. Those employees who leave the employment of the College shall only be eligible for a prorated amount of tuition waiver credits based upon the total amount of time that they were employed during the fiscal year. (e.g. An employee who worked four months during the fiscal year would be eligible for six tuition waiver credits for him/herself.) All courses must commence while the employee is an active employee on the College payroll.
2. Noncredit Courses
The College shall waive tuition charges for employees covered by this agreement who have completed their probationary period or spouses, dependent children or stepchildren,
Article XXIV continued:
who enroll for no more than four (4) noncredit courses per fiscal year, providing there are sufficient paid enrollments to justify offering the courses; and that the courses are not provided by an agency under contract to the College, in which case tuition cannot be waived. Other fees and charges incidental to the courses shall be paid by the employee or spouse.
3. Scheduling
When an employee wishes to take a course or program offered at the County College of Morris which conflicts with his/her work schedule, he/she may request: 1) To utilize vacation, compensatory, or personal leave for the time that he/she is away from his/her work station; or 2) A modification in his/her work schedule. Use of leave time or changes in the schedule of the employee shall be at the total discretion of the supervisor and are not subject to the grievance provisions of this agreement.
4. Probationary Employees
If an employee, spouse, dependent child or stepchild has enrolled for credit courses and paid the applicable tuition during the employee's probationary period, the employee may apply to the Director, Human Resources, for tuition waiver. When the employee successfully completes the probationary period and the employee or enrollee completes the course, the waiver will become effective. Refund of the tuition will then be granted.
B. Tuition Reimbursement
1. Courses beyond an Associate Degree
The College agrees to reimburse employees, who have been employed in a full-time capacity at least one year, for the tuition costs of academic courses, beyond those required
Article XXIV continued:
for an associate degree, taken at an accredited institution of higher education. Such reimbursement will be limited to six (6) academic credits per year at the maximum in-state per credit undergraduate tuition rate of Rutgers, the State University. The total reimbursement to Staff Association employees for tuition costs may not exceed $5,125 in each contract year. All applications for tuition reimbursement must be submitted by the employee, through their direct supervisor, to the appropriate head of the major College division/area (Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of Business and Finance, Vice President of Student Development and Enrollment Services, Executive Director of College Advancement and Planning, and Executive Director of Information Systems) for approval based upon the following timetable:
October 1 for Fall courses
February 1 for Spring courses
June 1 for Summer courses
2. Reimbursement Procedures
In order to be eligible for payment of tuition reimbursement for approved courses, no later than June 30, the employee must submit an itemized claim to the Director of Human Resources together with an official transcript or notification indicating satisfactory completion of
the course(s) by the course instructor. Failure to present the claim and official transcript before June 30 shall exclude the employee from eligibility for tuition reimbursement even though prior approval was obtained. If the total eligible claims for courses received by June 30 exceeds the applicable fund specified in subparagraph 1 of this provision, the actual amount of
Article XXIV continued:
reimbursement per eligible course credit hour shall be determined by dividing the number of eligible credits (subject to the six credit limitation) into the total fund set aside for tuition reimbursement. The resulting per credit amount shall be no more than the maximum instate per credit undergraduate tuition rate of Rutgers, the State University. Reimbursement payments for approved courses shall be made to eligible employees on or before August 15.
A. Grade Classification Schedule
Annexed to this contract as Exhibit A is the new grade and classification schedule for each 35-hour staff title. Annexed to this contract as Exhibit B is the new grade and classification schedule for each 40-hour staff title.
B. Minimum and Maximum Salary Ranges
The minimum and maximum salary ranges for 35-hour employees and for 40-hour employees for the period July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2014, is attached to this contract as Exhibit C. Minimum and maximum salary ranges for employees who are employed for less than a twelve-month contract shall be prorated according to the term of their contract.
C. Salary Increase Effective July 1, 2011, July 1, 2012, and July 1, 2013
There shall be no base salary increase for the 2011-2012 contract year, except as provided in XXV F (Service Bonus). Employees who began full-time employment with the College on or before December 31, 2011, shall have their base salary increased by 1.75% effective July 1, 2012 and 1.75% effective July 1, 2013. If the new annual salary exceeds the maximum salary range for the employee’s respective grade level, then the annual base salary shall be the maximum salary as set forth in Exhibit C. Those employees who commence full-time employment after December 31, 2011, shall continue at their current annual base salary without any increase through June 30, 2013. Those employees who commence full-time employment after December 31, 2012 shall continue at their current annual base salary without any increase through June 30, 2014.
Article XXV continued:
D. Promotional Increment
The promotional increment will be $800 for all 35-hour positions and $900 for all 40-hour positions. If an employee moves two or more job levels in either group, the promotional
increment will be the minimum rate of the new position or $1200, whichever is greater. At management’s sole discretion, it may extend an offer for a promotional increment greater than the amount provided above within the framework of the position’s salary structure. The decision by the Human Resources office to offer a greater amount, or not to offer a greater amount, shall not be grievable. The Association will be notified of any promotional increment offered in excess of the above specified amount. Any 35-hour employee who voluntarily transfers to a lower position will receive a salary reduction of $800 for a one grade reduction, $1,200 for a reduction of more than one grade or will forfeit any promotion increment earned within the same fiscal year. The reduction for a 40-hour employee who voluntarily transfers to a lower classification will be $900 for one grade, $1,200 for more than one grade, or forfeiture of any promotional increment earned within the same fiscal year.
Promotional Increment – Temporary Assignment to a Higher Grade
If an employee has been assigned to do the work of another employee at a higher grade, the individual performing the work will be eligible to receive the following compensation after 30 days for continuing to do that work:
For 35 hour employees working one grade level higher: $800/year pro-rated based on the number of months performing that work.
For 40 hour employees working one grade level higher: $900/year pro-rated based on the number of months performing that work.
For employees working two grade levels higher, whether a 35 hour or 40 hour employee: $1,200/year pro-rated based on the number of months performing that work.
F. Service Bonus
An employee who earns a service bonus as indicated in the chart below in a given fiscal year shall have that service bonus folded into base pay, effective July 1 of that fiscal year.
Years of Service Completed Service Bonus
Eight (8) years but less than
twelve (12) years $325
Twelve (12) years but less than
sixteen (16) years $375
Sixteen (16) years but less than
twenty (20) years $525
Twenty (20) years or more $625
G. Payout of Accumulated Sick Leave
Any employee who is employed with the College continuously until the date of his/her eligibility for retirement benefits under the Public Employee Retirement System established by the State of New Jersey (or age 65 for any employee not in PERS), shall upon retirement, be entitled to receive from the College payment for fifty (50%) of unused sick days accumulated over the continuous period of employment immediately preceding retirement, but not to exceed the maximum benefit limitation set forth below. Such sick leave payment shall be computed at such employee's hourly rate of compensation as of the date of retirement. Any employee whose employment is terminated for any reason (except unlawful acts), after completion of fifteen continuous years of employment with the College, but prior to eligibility for retirement under the Public Employees Retirement System of the State of New Jersey, shall upon such termination of employment be vested with twenty-five percent (25%) of unused sick leave accumulated during such continuous period of employment, but not to exceed the maximum benefit limitation set forth below. Such sick leave payment shall be computed at such employee's hourly rate of compensation as of the date of termination of employment. Payment of the twenty-five percent (25%) accumulated unused sick leave shall be made in equal annual installments, without interest, over a period not to exceed five years, the first such installment to be paid thirty days after termination of employment. Each installment shall be in an amount not
less than the equivalent of ten sick days or the remaining balance of the vested benefit. In the event of the death of an employee eligible for the payout of accumulated sick leave, the estate of this employee shall be eligible to receive the sick leave payment otherwise specified in this paragraph. Under no circumstances shall the College's obligation under this paragraph exceed the sum of $2,500 to one individual.
H. Shift Differential
1. If the majority of an employee's actual work hours within the employee's work day fall between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m., such employee shall be paid a shift differential at the rate of $.75 per hour for such day.
2. If the majority of an employee's actual work hours within the employee's work day fall between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., such employee shall be paid a shift differential at the rate of $1.00 per hour for such day.
3. Shift differential shall not extend to paid leave time or when the majority of the employee's actual work hours fall between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
4. Shift differential shall not be added to the employee's base salary.
A. Shoe Allowance
The College shall provide employees, in the titles listed below, a one-hundred dollar ($100) annual shoe allowance to purchase the footwear which meets the College's safety standards. Employees who are provided the annual shoe allowance shall be responsible for purchasing footwear which meets the College's safety standards and shall be required to wear this footwear when they are performing their job duties. The following positions shall be eligible for the footwear reimbursement:
Automotive Mechanic
Custodian I, II, III
Electrical Specialist
Groundskeeper I and II
HVAC Maintenance Mechanic
HVAC Specialist
Maintenance Mechanic
Offset Operator and Specialist
Receiving and Distribution Assistant I
Receiving and Distribution Assistant II
Security Dispatcher
Security Officer
Security Sergeant
Senior Bookstore Clerk
Senior Custodian
Senior Groundskeeper
Senior Maintenance Mechanic
Senior Security Coordinator
Senior Security Dispatcher
Senior Security Officer
Article XXVI continued:
The College shall initially provide full-time employees in the below listed titles
with (3) long and (3) short sleeve uniform shirts, (3) pants, (1) winter jacket, (1) raincoat, (1) fitted sweater and (1) turtleneck sweater. These uniforms will remain the property of the College. Replacement clothing will be provided based upon need. Upon termination of employment, it is the responsibility of the employee to return all clothing provided or paid for by the College. The following positions shall be eligible for these uniforms:
Security Officer
Security Dispatcher
Security Sergeant
Senior Security Coordinator
Senior Security Dispatcher
Senior Security Officer
C. Snow Gear
The College will have a supply of ten sets of coverall outerwear for use of employees assigned snow removal detail.
A. This agreement shall be in full force and effect as of July 1, 2011, and shall continue in effect through June 30, 2014, without any reopening date. This agreement shall continue in full force and effect from year to year thereafter, unless one party or the other gives notice, in writing, no later than April 1 of the year in which the Agreement expires of a desire to change, modify or terminate this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be signed by their proper officers on the date first above written:
Campus Life Assistant III
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  | EXHIBIT C |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012 |  | Fiscal Year 2012 - 2013 |  | Fiscal Year 2013 - 2014 |  |  |  |
Grade |  | 7/1/2011 Minimum | 7/1/2011 Maximum |  | 7/1/2012 Minimum | 7/1/2012 Maximum |  | 7/1/2013 Minimum | 7/1/2013 Maximum |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Grade A-35 |  | $24,132 | $42,546 |  | $24,554 | $43,291 |  | $24,984 | $44,049 |
Grade B-35 |  | $25,648 | $44,754 |  | $26,097 | $45,538 |  | $26,553 | $46,335 |
Grade C-35 |  | $26,861 | $47,913 |  | $27,331 | $48,752 |  | $27,809 | $49,605 |
Grade D-35 |  | $28,073 | $50,122 |  | $28,564 | $50,999 |  | $29,064 | $51,892 |
Grade E-35 |  | $29,283 | $52,649 |  | $29,796 | $53,570 |  | $30,317 | $54,508 |
Grade F-35 |  | $33,222 | $58,015 |  | $33,804 | $59,030 |  | $34,395 | $60,063 |
Grade G-35 |  | $37,157 | $64,331 |  | $37,807 | $65,457 |  | $38,469 | $66,602 |
Grade A-40 |  | $26,853 | $46,965 |  | $27,323 | $47,787 |  | $27,802 | $48,623 |
Grade B-40 |  | $29,889 | $51,700 |  | $30,412 | $52,605 |  | $30,944 | $53,525 |
Grade C-40 |  | $31,404 | $54,859 |  | $31,954 | $55,819 |  | $32,513 | $56,796 |
Grade D-40 |  | $32,915 | $58,335 |  | $33,492 | $59,356 |  | $34,078 | $60,394 |
Grade E-40 |  | $34,735 | $61,174 |  | $35,343 | $62,244 |  | $35,961 | $63,333 |
Grade F-40 |  | $37,763 | $65,908 |  | $38,423 | $67,062 |  | $39,096 | $68,235 |
Grade G-40 |  | $40,796 | $70,647 |  | $41,510 | $71,884 |  | $42,236 | $73,142 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
LEVEL II GRIEVANT(s) Please Identify
LEVEL III Individual
Statement of Grievance
Reference Contract Provision(s)
Number of Witnesses to be called (approx. number)
Relief Requested
College Response(s)
Level II
Level III
Association Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities ………………...14
Bereavement Leave ………………...40
Bookstore – Discount ………………...33
Change of Work Schedule …………….......19
Coffee Break ………………...17
College Rights and Responsibilities ………………...50
Compensatory Time ………………...18
Deduction From Salary ………………...31
Dental Insurance ………………...58
Disability Insurance ………………...59
Discharge ………………...29
Discrimination ………………...32
Dispute Resolution Procedure …………………5
a) Purpose …………………5
b) Informal Dispute Conference …………………5
c) General Grievance Procedure …………………6
d) Group Grievance …………………7
e) Contractual Grievances …………………7
f) Non-Contractual & Statutory-Regulation Grievance ………………..10
g) Election of Remedies ………………..12
Employment Procedures ………………..20
Employee Evaluation & Personnel File ………………..27
Family Illness ………………..43
Fully Bargained Provisions ………………..53
Health Insurance ………………..55
Holidays ………………..48
Job Openings, Layoff, & Seniority ………………..35
Association Administration Joint Committee ………………..13
Jury Duty ………………..41
Leaves - a) Personal ………………..37
b) Sick Leave ………………..39
c) Bereavement ………………..40
d) Military ………………..40
e) Jury Duty ………………..41
f) Maternity Leave ………………..41
g) Hospitalization or Post Hospitalization ………………..43
h) Special Purpose ………………..44
Lay-Off ………………..35
Maternity Leave ………………..41
Meal Allowances ………………..33
Membership in Association ………………..32
Military Leave ………………..40
Negotiations - Meetings ………………... 4
Overtime, Call In, Call Back, Premium Pay ………………...21
a) Overtime ………………...21
b) Events - Notice Time ………………...21
c) Call In - Call Back ………………...23
d) Distribution of OT ………………...21
e) College Closing ………………..23
f) Premium Time ………………..25
Payroll Deductions - Dues ………………..31
Pension ………………..57
Personal Leave ………………..37
Printing ………………..33
Probationary Period, Discharge & Non-Reappointment ………………..29
Professional Development ………………..64
Promotional Increment ………………..69
Protection of Employees ………………..54
Recognition ………………... 2
Reporting Absences ………………..19
Resignation ………………..20
Retiree Privileges ………………..34
Salary ………………..68
Separability & Savings ………………..52
Seniority ………………..35
Service Bonus ………………..70
Shift Differential ………………..71
Shoe Reimbursement ………………..72
Sick Leave ………………..39
Sick Leave Pay-Out ………………..70
Special Purpose Leave ………………..44
Strike Restriction ………………..51
Sub-Contracting by College ………………..16
Summer Hours ………………..18
Transporting Students ………………..34
Travel Expenses ………………..34
Tuition Waiver ………………..64
Tuition Reimbursement ………………..65
Utilizing College Facilities ………………..14
Vacation ………………..45
Work Year & Hours of Work ………………..17
a) Ten-month Employees ………………..17
b) Hours of Work ………………..17
c) Summer Hours ………………..18
d) Compensatory Time ………………..18
e) Reporting Absences ………………..19