JULY 1, 2002 JUNE 30, 2005
1. Recognition.............................................................................................. 3
2. Scope of Bargaining Unit......................................................................... 3
3. Maintenance of Membership.................................................................... 3
4. Probationary Period.................................................................................. 3
5. Dues Checkoff.......................................................................................... 4
6. Shop Stewards........................................................................................... 4
7. Visitation Rights........................................................................................ 5
8. Bulletin Boards.......................................................................................... 5
9. Non Bargaining Unit................................................................................. 5
10. Contracting Out......................................................................................... 6
11. Non-Discrimination................................................................................... 6
12. Polygraph Test........................................................................................... 6
13. Separability................................................................................................ 6
14. Military Leave............................................................................................ 6
15. Notification to the Union............................................................................ 6
16. Seniority.................................................................................................. .. 7
17. Post and Bid Procedure............................................................................... 7
18. Sick Days and Sick Leave........................................................................... 7
19. Leave of Absence...................................................................................... . 8
20. Supplemental Leaves of Absence................................................................ 8
21. Personal Days and Jury Duty...................................................................... 9
22. Extended Leave of Absence........................................................................ 9
23. Bereavement Days....................................................................................... 11
24. Pension and Annuity Funds....................................................................... 12
25. Health Care Insurance Protection............................................................... 12
26. Discharge and Discipline........................................................................... 15
27. Grievance and Arbitration Procedure.......................................................... 15
28. Rates of Pay................................................................................................ 16
29. Hours of Work........................................................................................... 17
30. Premium Pay.............................................................................................. 18
31. Holidays..................................................................................................... 19
32. Vacations................................................................................................... 19
33. Layoff and Recall....................................................................................... 20
34. Terminal Leave Pay................................................................................... 20
35. Uniforms................................................................................................... 20
36. Longevity.................................................................................................. 21
37. Physicals.................................................................................................... 21
38. Maintenance of Standards.......................................................................... 21
39. Work Rules................................................................................................ 22
40. Professional Development………………………………………………....22
41. Other Conditions........................................................................................ 22
42. Term of Agreement.................................................................................... 23
Exhibit "1" Salary Rate Chart........................................................................... 25
Agreement made this 15th day of October, 2002 by and between BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE BOROUGH OF SAYREVILLE, NJ, hereinafter referred to as the "BOARD" and Local 866, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, hereinafter referred to as the "UNION.
WHEREAS, the parties hereto have resolved their differences as raised in their negotiations.
The Board and the Union agree as follows:
The BOARD recognizes LOCAL UNION 866, I.B.T. as the sole and exclusive bargaining agency for all employees covered by the Agreement in all matters pertaining to rates of pay, wage, hours of work, benefits, other terms and conditions of employment.
A. All Custodial Personnel employed as Leadperson, Custodians/ Truck Driver, Stock Clerk Custodians, Maintenance Worker and Custodian/Worker Variably Assigned.
Excluded are Office Clerical, Mini Bus Drivers, Regular Bus Drivers, Bus Mechanic, Cafeteria Personnel, Supervisory, Professional, Teachers, Administrative, Executive, Managerial, Guards, and Crafts Employees.
The UNION shall furnish the Board with a complete list of all employees who are members in good standing of the UNION as of the date of the Agreement. The UNION hereby agrees to indemnify the BOARD against any award or judgment arising out of any legal claim made against the BOARD by any employee because of his unlawful discharge by the BOARD at the request of the UNION pursuant to the provisions of this Article. In addition, should any such discharge be finally adjudicated as unlawful, the UNION will reimburse the Board for any reasonable legal expenses incurred.
The first ninety (90) working days of employment shall be a probationary period and the BOARD shall have the right to discharge a probationary employee without assigning any reason for the discharge and shall not have recourse under the grievance procedure.
Easter, Christmas, and summer recess, where applicable, will not count toward the completion of the ninety (90) days probationary period.
A. The BOARD agrees that it will, on the first payroll in each month, deduct the UNION dues from the pay of each employee and transmit the same with a list of such employees to the Secretary-Treasurer of Local 866 I.B.T. within ten (10) days after the dues are deducted.
B. The UNION agrees to furnish written authorization, in accordance with the law, from each employee authorizing these deductions.
C. The UNION will furnish to the BOARD a written statement of the dues to be
D. The UNION agrees to indemnify and hold the BOARD harmless from
and against any and all claims arising under this provision.
E. Agency Shop clause for employees who elect not to be members of the union to be deducted from their pay a representation fee up to 85% in lieu of dues. Cap to be in conformance with other employee groups.
A. The BOARD recognizes the right of the UNION to designate shop stewards and alternates.
B. The authority of shop stewards and alternates so designated by the UNION shall be limited to, and shall not exceed the following duties and activities:
1. The investigation and presentation of grievances.
2. The collection of monies when authorized by appropriate local UNION action.
3. The transmission of such messages and information which shall originate with, and are authorized by the Local UNION or its officers.
C. Shop Stewards and Alternates have no authority to take strike action, or any other action interrupting the BOARD's business. The BOARD recognizes these limitations upon the authority of such individual shop stewards and their alternates, and shall not hold the UNION liable for any such individual's unauthorized acts.
D. Shop Stewards and Alternates shall be permitted to investigate present, and process grievances without loss of time and pay. Such time spent in handling grievances shall be considered working hours, in computing daily and/or weekly overtime.
E. There shall be one (1) chief shop steward. There shall be in addition to the chief steward three (3) area stewards in the Custodial Unit. The chief steward shall enjoy super seniority for job protection.
A. A representative or representatives of the UNION shall have access during working hours to all facilities, buildings, grounds, and other places in which employees covered by this Agreement work for the purpose of adjusting grievances, negotiating the settlement of disputes, investigating working conditions and generally for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions and aims of this Agreement.
B. Visitors will be limited to accredited representatives of the LOCAL UNION.
C. Visitors will make known their presence prior to carrying on the purposes of the visit to the following for each representative unit of employees:
Custodial Principal
Maintenance Asst. Board Secretary
or his/her designee
A. The Board agrees to provide a suitable UNION bulletin board in each place of work for the posting of official notices relating to UNION meetings and other UNION affairs.
A. Supervisors and other non-bargaining unit personnel shall not be permitted to perform work normally performed by employees covered by this Agreement except as provided for herein:
a. To replace an employee who is not qualified to continue the assignment.
b. Temporary extra help may be employed during the summer to permit scheduling of vacations and at any time to assist with major clean-up assignments and/or emergencies.
B. Substitutes will be used to fill temporary vacancies caused by absences. "It is understood, however, that the BOARD will not fill such vacancies exclusively with substitutes but allow coverage with overtime whenever it is practicable to do so."
C. The Board agrees that this provision is not intended to in any way deny employees the opportunity to earn wages.
A. The BOARD agrees that it will not contract out any Custodial Unit/ Maintenance work if such work can be done by the existing employees within the time such work is required to be completed.
B. During any period of time when an independent contractor is performing work of a type customarily performed by covered employees in a particular unit, the BOARD may not lay-off any employees of the BOARD, from such unit.
A. Neither the BOARD nor the UNION will discriminate against any employees or those seeking employment because of race, creed, color, sex, age, or national origin, nor because of membership or on-membership in any church, society, maternity or union.
The BOARD shall not require, request or suggest that an employee or applicant for employment take a polygraph or any other form of lie detector test.
A. In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall at any time be declared invalid by any court or competent jurisdiction or through Government regulations or decree, this entire Agreement shall not thereby be invalidated, but the effect thereof shall be limited to the provisions thus affected.
A. An employee enlisting or entering the Military or Naval Service of the United States, pursuant to the provisions of the Universal military Training and Service Act and amendments thereof, shall be granted all rights and privileges by the Act.
A. The BOARD will notifiy the Shop Steward and the Secretary-Treasurer in writing of all promotions, demotions, transfers, suspension and discharges.
B. The BOARD will notify the UNION in writing prior to a layoff. The UNION will be notified verbally of an intended discharge.
C. The BOARD will make available to the UNION an updated list of covered employees showing name, address, classification, rate of pay, date of hire, date of entry in classification, and Social Security number.
D. The BOARD will notify the UNION of additions and deletions as they occur.
A. Seniority is defined to mean preference in employment based on the length of continuous service with the BOARD from the date of initial hire providing such service has not been terminated by:
1. Quitting
2. Discharge
3 . Expiration of recall rights
B. If a new employee is retained by the BOARD beyond the probationary period, his seniority will be retroactive to date of employment.
C. Seniority shall prevail in matters of layoff, recall, transfer, demotion, vacation selection and any other matter where a preference may be established, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement.
A. It is the intention of the BOARD to fill job vacancies from within each specific bargaining unit before hiring new employees.
B. The BOARD shall post all permanent vacancies. The BOARD shall prepare a
notice stating the name of the job classification, location of assignment and requirements. In addition, the statement shall invite bids. This notice shall be posted on all bulletin boards for eleven (11) working days. In addition, the BOARD agrees to publish a notice for bid to each employee even when absent.
C. The vacancy shall be awarded to the senior most qualified employee who submits a bid unless the employee is ineligible as provided hereafter. Individuals’ qualifications for all promotions shall be kept on file.
D. A successful bidder will be granted a trial period of ninety (90) calendar days on the new assignment. During his trial period, the successful bidder will be compensated at the rate of pay for the new classification. Easter, Christmas, and summer recesses, where applicable, will not count toward the completion of the ninety (90) calendar days trial period. The UNION and the employee will be kept advised of the bidder's progress in learning the new assignment and be given every reasonable assistance to successfully meet the requirements of the job. If the bidder fails to successfully meet these requirements within the ninety (90) calendar day trial period, such person may be returned to the classification last held and such person shall assume seniority and pay as though such old classification had never been left.
E. When a move is made to another job within the same classification there shall be no probation period.
A. Employees shall be entitled to sick days at the beginning of each contract year without loss of pay in accordance with the following schedule:
Twelve (12) month employee Twelve (12) days
Unused sick days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
A. Employees with less than six (6) years' of employment may receive the difference between their salary and wages paid to a substitute for thirty (30) days after their cumulative sick days have been exhausted only once for same occurrence upon petition to the Board.
B. Employees with more than six (6) years' of employment may receive the
difference between their salary and the wages paid to a substitute for ninety (90) days after their cumulative sick days have been exhausted for each occurrence upon petition to the Board, provided there is a break of at least thirty (30) calendar days.
C. No sick leave entitlement is to accrue to employees while on leave of absence.
D. An employee who exhausts sick leave in 2A. and 2B. shall be granted a
leave without pay not to exceed a two (2) year period..
E. Employees on sick leave will continue to accrue seniority.
F. Employees shall be provided with an annual accounting of accumulated sick leave
by September 30th upon request.
G. Custodial Unit employees on day shift who are reporting out sick will call the
Switchboard Operator or the absentee tape by the following times:
DAY SHIFTS: 6:00 a.m. NIGHT SHIFTS: 12:00 p.m.
H. Employees taking a sick day before or after a holiday will be required to
provide a doctor’s note certifying the reason for the sick day.
A. Any recognized official of the UNION will be granted a leave of absence without pay of up to seven (7) days per year for the purpose of attending to UNION business outside the premises of the BOARD. Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the BOARD for good reason.
A. Supplemental leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Superintendent of Schools provided that the needs of the service permit and also provided that overtime coverage is not required by the granting of the leave of absence without pay. Request must be made at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the start of such leave, except in cases of emergency.
B. Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the BOARD for good reasons.
A. All Employees will be granted personal days with pay in accordance with the following schedule:
Less than one year Prorate one (1) day for each four (4) months
of completed employment
One year but less than Three (3) days.
five years
Five years or more Four (4) days
B. Employees requesting a personal day must submit and receive approval
from the Superintendent or his/her designee three (3) days before taking such leave. In the event an employee desires to use a personal day in an emergency situation, the employee shall report his/her intent to be absent in the normal manner. On the first day the employee returns to work, the employee shall submit a personal day request, with the emergency reason stated to the Superintendent, or his/her designee for approval/disapproval.
C. Unused entitlement of personal days with pay shall be added to such individual employee's accumulated sick leave entitlement.
D. The Superintendent will consider granting a personal leave day either on the scheduled work day prior to or following Independence Day and prior to Labor Day.
A. Any employee who is called to Jury Duty shall immediately notify the employer.
B. An employee who is excused from Jury Duty Service on any day shall report for work on such day.
C. An employee shall not be required to report back to work on any day he is in attendance at court for Jury Duty Service regardless of the employee's shift.
D. The employer agrees to pay the employee a full day's pay for each day of Jury Duty Service in addition to whatever compensation such employee may receive as Jury Duty Service fees from the court.
A. Anticipated Disability Leaves
1. Any employee who anticipates undergoing a state of disability such as but not
limited to surgery, hospital confinement, medical treatment or pregnancy may
apply for a leave of absence based upon said anticipated disability in
accordance with provisions hereinafter set forth.
2. Employees requiring time off for reasons of disability are required to request
such leave of the Board on the form included in this contract, through the
Superintendent, as soon as the condition which may result in disability if
3. Any employee who desires to continue in the performance of his or her duties-
during a period prior to a state of disability shall be permitted to do so
provided said employee produces a statement from his or her physician stating
that said employee is physically capable of continuing to perform his or her
duties and further stating up to what date in the opinion of said physician the
employee is capable of performing said duties.
4. The employee requesting a leave under the provisions of Section A. shall
specify in writing on the form included in this contract the date on which the
disability is anticipated to commence and terminate.
5. The employee requesting leave under Section A. must produce a statement of
his or her physician stating that the employee is or will be disabled pursuant to
Section A.l. The statement must include anticipated commencement and
termination dates for said disability.
6. The Board retains the right to set the start date and/or return date for said leave
in order to avoid interference with the administration of the schools or with
the education of its students. Should the Board choose to accelerate a starting
date for an anticipated disability leave under this provision, the date will be set
no earlier than the first day of the month in which the employee
anticipates leaving. The employee shall not lose any insurance benefits if
his/her starting date is accelerated under this provision.
7. The Board shall have the right to require any employee who has been on a disability leave and who desires to return to his or her duties by a fixed date following recovery from disability to produce a certificate from his or her physician stating that he or she is capable of resuming his or her duties.
8. During the period of actual disability an employee granted an unpaid leave of absence may use accumulated sick leave pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:30-1 et seq.
9. The provisions of Section A. shall not be deemed to impose on the Board any obligation to grant or extend a leave of absence of any employee beyond the end of the contract school year in which the leave is obtained.
1. In the case of a birth of a child, any employee shall have the right to apply for a
leave without pay for child-rearing purposes.
2. Applications for child-rearing leave shall be made by the employee to the
Superintendent at least sixty (60) days prior to the anticipated birth of the
child. Employees shall utilize the form included in this contract for this
3. Child-rearing leave shall be granted to all employees for a period of up to the
end of the work year in which the birth of the child occurs. Such leave shall,
upon the request of the employee, be extended for one (1) additional work year,
providing application is made no later than March 15 of the prior work year.
Except in the case when the child is born after March 15, the application shall
be made no later than July 1.
4. Any employee adopting a child shall be granted a child-rearing leave which
shall commence upon receiving de facto custody of said infant, or earlier if
necessary, to fulfill the requirements for the adoption. The employee shall
notify the Superintendent as soon as the employee knows of the date of custody.
5. An employee may request to terminate an unpaid leave of absence under
Sections B.3. and B.4. prior to the termination date adopted by the Board.
The Board may deny such a request based upon its determination that the
earlier leave termination date would interfere with the administration of the
schools or its students.
6. An employee returning from an unpaid leave of absence under B.3. and B.4.
above shall be placed in a position comparable to that which they held prior to
the leave.
7. The provisions of Section B. shall not be deemed to impose on the Board any obligation to grant or extend a leave of absence to any employee beyond the termination date of his or her contract.
C. Other leaves of absence may be granted by the Board for good reason.
1. Employees leaving for pregnancy disability purposes shall have extended insurance coverage until the termination of the work year in which the pregnancy disability occurs.
2. All benefits to which an employee was entitled at the time his or her sick leave commenced under this Article including unused accumulated sick leave shall be restored to him upon his return.
3. All applications for extensions or renewals of leaves shall be made in writing.
D. Employees on a leave of absence pursuant to the provisions of this Article shall submit to the Superintendent written notice of their intent to return to work no later than April 1 of the school year preceding the year in which they intend to return. Failure to submit this notification will be considered as a resignation.
A. An allowance of five (5) bereavement days will be granted for a spouse, child, mother, father, step-parents, step-children, siblings, or "significant other" without deduction in pay in case of death provided the leave can be taken within ten (10) days.will be granted without deduction in pay in case of death provided the leave can be taken within ten (10) days. Significant other shall be defined as two adults living in the same household as domestic partners in an established relationship, acknowledged by the parties, with co-mingled financial obligations.
B. Three (3) bereavement days will be granted for mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, and grandchildren, provided these can be taken within seven (7) days.
C. In the event of a death of an employee's brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, an allowance of (1) work day will be granted without deduction in pay provided that this can be taken within seven (7) work days of the aforementioned death.
D. An allowance of one (1) school day for attendance at delayed funeral services for relatives in the above-mentioned categories under extenuating circumstances according to the discretion of the Superintendent.
A. The BOARD agrees to make available to all employees covered by this
Agreement all the benefits provided for in the Teacher's Pension and Annuity Fund or the Public Employee's Retirement System, whichever is applicable.
B. Pension shall be based on regular straight time wages and other compensation entitlements such as Firemen compensation, Leadman compensation, and Longevity pay.
A. Health Benefits
Effective July 1, 2002, the Board shall provide the healthcare insurance designated below:
-Blue Card PPO Plan will be offered to all eligible employees (and
their dependents). Using 2001-2002 as a base for the premium dollars, twenty percent (20%) of any premium rate increase from the Insurance Company will be paid by the employees in subsequent years. The Board will pay the remainder of the premium. An outline of the PPO Plan is shown in Exhibit A.
- Blue Card Point of Service (POS) Plan will continue to be offered to all
eligible employees as an alternative to the PPO Plan. If in any subsequent year,
the Blue Card POS rates exceed the 2001-2002 PPO rates, employees will be
required to pay 20% of the premium that exceeds the 2001-2002 PPO rates.
-The existing Aetna/US Healtchare HMO will continue to be offered. These HMOs
are: Aetna/US Healthcare and Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO/POS Plan
If at any time there are less than 5 employees enrolled in any of these
Plans, the Board will have the right to cancel that Plan as of the
following July 1st.
Employees will be required to pay the difference in premium (if any)
between the PPO Plan and the HMO in which they are enrolled.
The Pre-Admission Certification Review maximum penalty is $400.00 per incident.
Benefit Period-Calendar Year | In Network | Out of Network |
 |  |  |
Deductible (Total combined per year)
Professional/Supplemental | None | $200 single $400 family |
 |  |  |
Supplemental | 100%
80% (R&C) | 80% (R&C)
80% (R&C) |
 |  |  |
Catastrophic Limit (Svcs. reimbursed
at 100% after limit is reached) | None | $2,000 per individual/
two individuals per
family. |
 |  |  |
Benefit period/Lifetime | Unlimited | Unlimited |
 |  |  |
Out-of-pocket Protection | 100% | 80% after ded. of
Single $400
Family $800 |
 |  |  |
Room & Board (Semi-Private) | 100% | 80% after ded. |
 |  |  |
Intensive Care & Other Hospital
Services (therapy/diagnostic services,
blood administration, general nursing,
operating room, etc.) | 100% | 80% after ded. |
 |  |  |
Maternity Benefits | 100% after
$10 copay | 80% after ded. |
 |  |  |
Organ Transplant (includes ABMT) | 100% | 80% after ded. |
Outpatient Services
Routine Medical Care | 100%
$10 copay | 80% after ded.
(R & C) |
 |  |  |
Hosptial Services (Operating room,
gen. nursing, therapy/diagnostic, etc.) | 100% | 80% after ded. |
 |  |  |
Blood Administration | 80% after ded. |  |
 |  |  |
Pre-Admission Testing | 100% | 80% after ded. |
 |  |  |
Medical Emergency/Accidental
Injury | 100% after
$25 copay | 80% after ded. |
 |  |  |
Surgical Center | 100% | 80% after ded. |
B. Dental Plan
Effective July 1, 2002, each employee shall receive dental coverage from Blue
Cross/Blue Shield Direct Dental Network, which includes Dental
Maintenance Organization Plan. The Board has the right to change dental
carriers at any time so long as the new carrier provides the same or better
coverage than the Traditional portion of the plan only. The dental plan will
continue for the term of the agreement expiring June 30, 2005.
C. Prescription Plan
The Prescription Drug co-payments will be as follows: Brand $ 10,
Generic $ 5, Mail Order $5. Employee contributions for the Prescription
Drug Plan will continue as follows: 40% of the annual cost that exceeds
the following amounts per covered employee: $ 535.00 in 2002-2003,
$ 600.00 in 2003-2004 and $ 600.00 in 2004-2005.
Prescription Drug Benefits will only be provided if the employee elects the
Prescription Drug Card and pays the required employee contributions.
The July 1, 2002 premium rates for Blue Card (PPO), Point of Service
(POS) and Prescription Drug Card are annexed as Exhibit B.
Blue Card Blue Card
(PPO) Copay (POS) Copay
12 Mos. 10 mos. 12 mos. 10 mos.
2001-02/2002-03 2002-2003 2001-02/2002-03 2002-2003
Single $273.02/$339.34 $15.92 $273.02/$284.29 $2.70
Parent &
Child(ren) $398.38/$495.15 $23.22 $398.39/$419.81 $5.14
Husband &
Wife $595.57/$740.23 $34.72 $595.57/$632.76 $8.93
Family $696.18/$865.28 $40.58 $696.18/$736.21 $9.61
Rate Change from prior year:
23%/22.5% 23%/22.5%
12 mos. 10 mos.
PRESCRIPTION DRUG CARD – 2001-02/ 2002-03 2002-2003
Single $ 136.42/ $ 167.11 $58.81
Parent & Child(ren) $ 136.42/ $ 167.11 $58.81
Husband & Wife $ 136.42/ $ 167.11 $58.81
Family $ 136.42/ $ 167.11 $58.81
Rate change from prior year 26%/ 22.5%
D. The Board reserves the right to change insurance carriers at any time,
provided that the coverage provided by the new insurance carrier is equal
to or better than the PPO plan.
E. The Board shall reserve the right to consider other plans.
F. Rates and costs to employees are available anytime in the Board of
Education office.
A. The Board shall not discharge or discipline or suspend an employee without just cause.
B. Before any employee shall be disciplined or suspended or discharged, there shall be a conference held between the UNION and BOARD or its representatives within (72) hours. Unless an urgent or emergency situation requires otherwise, employees will be given a one (1) day written notice in advance of any such meeting. Employees shall be entitled to have union representation present. An employee may be subject to an immediate suspension prior to a hearing, if the employee's action is a danger to people's safety or involves illegal activity.
C. All warnings must be given in writing, and a copy of such warning shall be given to the employee and the Shop Steward and the Secretary Treasurer.
A. A grievance within the meaning of the Agreement shall be any difference of opinion, controversy or dispute arising between the parties hereto relating to any matter involving interpretation or application of any provisions of this Agreement.
B. An aggrieved employee shall present his grievance in writing within ten (10) work days of its occurrence or such grievance will be deemed waived.
C. In the event of such grievance, the steps hereinafter set forth shall be followed:
Step 1: The employee and the steward or the employee individually but in the presence of a steward shall take up the complaint with the immediate supervisor. In the event the complaint is not satisfactorily settled within two (2) working days the employee or the steward shall forward the grievance to the next step in the procedure.
Step 2: The chief steward will discuss the grievance with the head of the department involved. In the event the grievance is not satisfactorily adjusted within two (2) working days, the grievance will be heard at the next step.
Step 3: The UNION representative and the BOARD or the BOARD representative, shall meet to discuss the grievance within three (3) working days at the completion of the previous step. In the event of failure to reach a satisfactory adjustment of the grievance within five (5) working days, the grievance may be taken to arbitration by either party upon notice to the other party.
D. If, in any of the foregoing steps, either party fails to carry out the procedures
involved in these steps, the other party may take the dispute to arbitration.
E. Time limits may be extended by mutual consent of the parties.
F. ARBITRATION: Either party may apply to the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) for the appointment of an arbitrator.
1. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto and the arbitrator's fees shall be borne equally by the parties.
2. It shall be the intention of the parties to settle all differences between the BOARD and the UNION through the grievance and arbitration provisions of this Agreement. Therefore, the Board agrees that it will not lock out its employees and the UNION agrees that it will not sanction a strike, slow down, or work stoppages during the life of this Agreement.
3. The Arbitrators shall not have the right to in any way change, add to, or delete from the terms of this Agreement.
A. Employees will be classified in accordance with skills used and shall be paid not less than the minimum for such classification in accordance with the table of Job Classifications and Rates of Pay in Schedule "A", which is attached hereto and made part of this Agreement.
B. Any position not covered by Schedule 1 or any positions which may be established during the life of this Agreement shall be subject to negotiations between the BOARD and the UNION. Such positions shall not be established and put into operation until such time as agreement is reached between the parties as to the classification and rate of pay for the position. In the event that the parties are unable to agree as to the classification and rate of pay for the job in question, such dispute shall be submitted to the grievance procedure and arbitration machinery contained in this Agreement, and provided the positions created will not in any way erode or combine present classifications.
C. The BOARD agrees to pay salaries semi-monthly. Wages for overtime hours worked will be included in the pay coverage wages for the subsequent period.
A. Custodian, Custodian /Worker Variably Assigned, Worker Variable Assigned, Leadperson, Maintenance Worker, Truck Driver, Stock Room Person.
1. The work week for all current employees shall consist of eight (8) hours
per day for five (5) consecutive days, Monday through Friday. The work
week for newly added positions after July 1, 2002 will consist of eight (8)
hours a day for five (5) days. This will cover all members of the unit
covered by this contract.
2. The specific hours of work are stipulated in Schedule 1 below.
First Shift 7:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
Second Shift 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.
Third Shift 3:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m.
Fourth Shift 7:00 p.m. 3:00 a.m.
Fifth Shift 11:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.
A $ .50 per hour differential will be paid to Fifth Shift workers.
NOTE: The changes in building use at the High School and Middle School necessitates that for the Monday-Friday schedule, one custodian work from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and one custodian work from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The leadperson in each school would maintain his/her schedule listed below. The Second Shift of 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. will allow for a more equitable work load for these two schools with the elementary schools. With additional anticipated community use of all existing schools and the new U.E.S., the Fifth Shift has also been added.
Leadperson (Middle School) 6:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m.
Leadperson (High School) 5:45 a.m. 1:45 p.m.
Stockroom 8:00 a.m 4:00 p.m.
Truck Driver 7:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m Maintenance 7:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
3. Generally, summer hours shall be 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Hours may be
modified at the Middle School and High School at the discretion of the
principal to accommodate building needs and activities.
4. At its discretion, the Board may schedule new hires for a shift that runs from
Tuesday to Saturday. This shift will be available to current employees
through the bid process.
5. The Board will be adding a new position of Custodian/Worker Variably
assigned with the following schedule:
Tuesday-Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
This person will be assigned to any building or duty as needed from
Tuesday-Friday. On Saturday, this person will most likely be assigned to
the High School which has the greatest degree of Saturday acitivity, but
may be assigned to any building at the discretion of the Supervisor. This
position will be offered to current members of the unit through the bid
process before seeking new applicants.
6. At its discretion, the Board may offer an option whereby an employee can
elect one day off from Monday through Friday and work either Saturday
or Sunday as part of the employee’s forty hour work week without over-
7. If there is less than a two (2) hour break between shifts, the worker will
be allowed to work the shifts consecutively and leave early, provided the
hours of work are equal to the two original shifts.
A. The Board agrees to pay one and one half (1 ½) times the straight time hourly rate for
work performed.
1. In excess of eight (8) hours in a calendar day.
2. In excess for forty (40) hours in a work week.
3. On any Saturday and/or Sunday which is not part of the employee’s regular
forty-hour work week.
4. On any observed holiday; in addition to holiday pay entitlement, if any.
B. Double time pay for overtime after 12 hours continuous work.
C. Requests to work overtime shall not be cancelled once the overtime assignment is made.
D. Employee(s) called-in shall be guaranteed four (4) hours work or pay in lieu thereof
whenever applicable, premium pay rules shall apply. The four (4) hour minimum shall also
apply to scheduled work on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.
E. The BOARD will pay towards an overtime meal when an employee is required to work ten
(10) hours or more and for each succeeding four (4) hours of work according to the
following schedule:
2002-2003 - $ 9.00
2003-2004 - $ 9.00
2004-2005 - $ 9.00
F. Overtime will be equalized to the fullest extent practicable within each work group.
G. The BOARD shall not substitute compensatory time off in place of wages earned.
A. The holiday calendar shall be established annually by mutual agreement no later than March 15. The calendar shall include 17 holidays and be distributed by the Board in writing to all members.
B. Holidays for subsequent contract years will be stipulated in a special memorandum to all concerned.
C. The BOARD reserves the right to reschedule one or more holidays during the year without 30 day notification to the UNION if the school calendar has been revised. The rescheduled holiday will be agreed upon mutually.
A. Employees will be entitled to vacation with pay in accordance with the following employment schedule:
6 months but less than 1 year 1
1 year but less than 5 years 2
5 years but less than 10 years 3
10 years but less than 20 years 4
20 years but less than 25 years 5
25 years or more 6
Employees hired on or after July 1, 1993 shall be entitled to a maximum of four (4) weeks vacation as outlined above.
B. Vacation entitlement shall be computed in accordance with the number of years
of employment the employee will complete by December 31 of the current year, e.g.,
status on December 31, 2002 determines entitlement for the 2002-2003 school year.
1. Provision does not apply to first six (6) months entitlement.
C. In the event a holiday named in this Agreement falls during an employee's vacation period, such employee shall receive an additional day's vacation pay. Snow days are not included for the purpose of this provision, no extension of vacation may be taken because of snow days during vacation.
D. Vacation shall be selected and scheduled by April 15 of each year.
E. Senior employees shall be given preference in the selection of vacation period. Vacations shall be scheduled July lst through June 30th provided operation permits.
F. Vacation period may be changed provided no conflict is encountered.
A. The BOARD may reduce the working force only due to lack of work. In such event, the following procedure shall be adopted:
1. The employee with the least amount of seniority regardless of classification will be the first laid off.
2. Notice of such layoffs shall be given at least one (1) week before the scheduled layoff.
3. Any employee laid off shall be placed on the recall list for a period of two (2)
4. The BOARD, upon rehiring shall do so in the inverse order of seniority. The BOARD shall rehire the last employee laid off providing, however, that such employee has the qualification for the position for which he is rehired. Under no circumstances shall the BOARD hire from the open market until employees on the recall-list are qualified to perform the duties of the vacant position are ready, willing and able to be re-employed.
5. Any notice of re-employment to an employee who has been laid off shall be made by registered mail to the last known address of such employee.
6. The employee must notify the BOARD within ten (10) working days of intent
to return to work.
7. The employees shall give notice of intent to return within ten (10) working days of receipt of reemployment notices and actually return to work within thirty (30) calendar days.
8. In the instance of recall when individuals have been hired on the same date, call backs, effective September 1, 1986 will be based on the date of application.
Immediately prior to retirement, an employee will be granted a number of days off with full pay equal to one half (1/2) of unused sick days, or the employee may elect to work until his retirement day and receive an additional pay equal to one half (1/2) of unused sick days with a maximum of ninety-five (95) days.
All members of the unit are required to report to work in a clean and presentable uniform consisting of a laundered, unwrinkled shirt and pants. Safety shoes are part of the worker’s uniform and must be worn daily. Any change in the required uniform or safety shoes must be authorized by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds and/or required by a doctor’s certification. The color, style and manufacturer of the uniform’s component parts will be mutually agreed upon by a Teamster’s committee and the Board of Education.
A. Each year, the Board will provide each member of the unit with seven (7) long sleeve
shirts, seven (7) short sleeve shirts, and seven (7) pairs of pants. These items will be
maintained by the worker.
B. Each year, the Board will provide all members of the unit with a pair of safety shoes
not to exceed a cost of $ 150.00. A receipt and certification statement must be signed by the employee attesting to compliance with OSHA standards for his/her job description in order to receive reimbursement for shoes.
C. Maintenance workers and truck drivers will be provided with one (1) coverall each
D. Every three (3) years, foul weather gear will be supplied to every employee covered
by this agreement.
E. New employees hired prior to December 31st of the current year will receive a full
complement of shirts, pants and shoes. Anyone hired after December 31st will receive his/her full complement of shirts, pants and shoes on the date of hire but not be issued another set on July 1st of that year.
A. Employees will be entitled to longevity pay in accordance with the following schedule:
TO DECEMBER 31 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
5 years $ 560.00 $ 560.00 $ 560.00
10 years 720.00 720.00 720.00
15 years 1025.00 1025.00 1025.00
20 years 1080.00 1080.00 1080.00
25 years 1135.00 1135.00 1135.00
30 years 1300.00 1300.00 1300.00
35 years 1400.00 1400.00 1400.00
40 years 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00
All physicals required by the BOARD or by law shall be paid for by the BOARD except when verification of illness is requested by the Administration.
A. Protection of Conditions - The BOARD agrees that all conditions of employment relating to wages, hours of work, overtime differentials and general working conditions shall be maintained at not less than the standards in effect at the time of signing of this Agreement and the conditions of-employment shall be improved wherever specific provisions for improvement are made elsewhere in this Agreement. It is agreed that provisions of this agreement shall not apply to inadvertent or bona fide error made by the BOARD or UNION in applying the terms and conditions of this Agreement if such error is corrected within ninety (90) days from the date of error.
The provision does not give the board the right to impose or continue wages, hours and working conditions less than those contained in this Agreement.
The BOARD may establish general work rules for its employees provided such rules are not in conflict with the agreement, and are neither arbitrary or unreasonable. The application of this provision shall in no way be used to reduce the benefits, terms or working conditions of the employees. The BOARD agrees to present in writing to the UNION an intended rule at least thirty (30) days prior to its effective date. Upon request of the UNION, a discussion will take place within the thirty (30) day period.
In cases where the BOARD needs to assign employees to different title jobs, the BOARD shall provide 24 hour notice to the employee affected except in cases of emergency. Every effort shall be made to determine the length of position change. When an employee is moved from one job site to another to cover a vacancy, the Board shall make every effort to fill the vacancy as expeditiously as possible and in no case shall an employee be mandated to leave his bidded position for more than ninety (90) workdays. This may be extended for an additional thirty (30) days upon the mutual agreement of the employee and the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.
40. Professional Development
The Board recognizes the need for employees to engage in continuing education and training to meet the needs of changing technology in the workplace and to enhance job performance. The Board will reimburse an employee up to $ 280.00 per year for courses and/or training which are directly related to the employee’s current assignment.
To qualify for this reimbursement, the employee must:
A. Submit a request for course/training reimbursement to the
Superintendent before registration is made.
B. Receive written approval of course reimbursement eligibility
from the Superintendent before registration is made.
C. Provide written evidence from the course/training provider that
the previously approved course/training was taken and successfully completed.
The BOARD shall pay the State fee for the grant or renewal of any special licenses which the employee is required by State law to have in the performance of the duties and responsibilities covered by the employee job classifications, except license to operate motor vehicles.
This agreement shall become effective on July 1, 2002 and shall be in full force through and including June 30, 2005 and thereafter for one (1) year periods as respect the BOARD or the UNION unless notice is given in writing by the BOARD or the UNION not later than sixty (60) days prior to any such termination.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this
day of October 15, 2002.
FOR THE UNION LOCAL 866, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America.
__________________ ___________________
Michael Broderick Randy Litz
___________________ ___________________
Joseph Coyle Robert Grobelny
___________________ ___________________
James Kolmansperger James Sarg
FOR THE BOARD, Board of Education, Borough of Sayreville, New Jersey.
__________________ _________________
Curtis Clark Al Cox
___________________ __________________
Peter Barone Michael Poll
Carla Sutherland
1. When employees work as a Leadperson or Stock Clerk or any higher classification as a result of an absence they shall be additionally compensated for that period at the rate of fifty (50) cents per hour.
2. All increments are effective July lst of any given year. To be eligible for the initial increments a person must be in the employ of the Board prior to December 31 of that year.
3. Each employee who holds a Black Seal Fireman's License shall have added to their annual salary three hundred ($300) dollars. Any employee hired on or after July 1, 1996 must obtain a "Black Seal" license within eighteen (18) months of date of hire or be discharged without recourse to Article 27.
4. Compensation of Leadpersons is as follows which shall be added to the annual salary of eligible employees:
(1) Elementary School $500. per year
(2) Middle School $750. per year
(3) High School $750. per year
5. Compensation for Firemen's License, Leadman and Longevity pay shall be considered
as base pay for paid absences, pension and overtime.
6. To convert salary to hourly rate for the purpose of computing overtime, total straight
time annual wages are divided by 2080 hours.
7. Mileage to be paid in accordance with IRS maximum, plus $250.00 annual allowance
for wear, tear and depreciation of private vehicles. Annual private vehicle allowance
is payable only if the maintenance employee actually worked for the year claimed.
In the instance of absences in excess of 15 days, the annual allowance will be
pro-rated on actual time worked.
8. Variably assigned worker will be upgraded daily as follows: $8.00 for maintenance;
$4.00 for grounds, stock clerk and truck driver.
 |  |  |
1 | $21,114 | $22,552 |
2 | $21,765 | $23,176 |
3 | $22,471 | $23,907 |
4 | $23.229 | $24,612 |
5 | $23,989 | $25,372 |
6 | $24,911 | $26,294 |
7 | $26,430 | $27,922 |
OFFGUIDE | $1,250 | $1,250 |
 |  |  |
1 | $21,765 | $23,176 |
2 | $22,714 | $24,152 |
3 | $23,365 | $24,803 |
4 | $24,071 | $25,454 |
5 | $24,829 | $26,212 |
6 | $25,589 | $26,972 |
7 | $26,511 | $28,003 |
Salary Increases for Offguide Personnel in 2002-2003
1) If the 2001-2002 salary was less than $ 30,000, the salary increase = $ 1,600
2) If the 2001-2002 salary was more than $ 30,000, the salary increase = 4%
 |  |  |
1 | $22,416 | $23,827 |
2 | $23,122 | $24,533 |
3 | $23,914 | $25,352 |
4 | $24,565 | $25,976 |
5 | $25,271 | $26,682 |
6 | $26,029 | $27,412 |
7 | $26,789 | $28,130 |
Salary Increases for Offguide Personnel 2003-2004
1) If the 2002-2003 salary was less than $ 30,000, the salary increase = $ 1,200
2) If the 2002-2003 salary was more than $ 30,000, the salary increase = 4%
 |  |  |
1 | $23,076 | $24,487 |
2 | $23,773 | $25,184 |
3 | $24,379 | $25,790 |
4 | $24,914 | $26,352 |
5 | $25,565 | $26,976 |
6 | $26,271 | $27,682 |
7 | $27,029 | $28,412 |
Salary Increases for Offguide Personnel in 2004-20051) If the 2003-2004 salary was less than $ 30,000, the salary increase = $ 1,000
2) If the 2003-2004 salary was more than $ 30,000, the salary increase = 4%
1. Set-up and breakdown the cafeteria tables for any need designated by the principal
or Supervisor of Custodians and Maintenance (hereinafter referred to as
2. Raise and lower the flag daily.
3. Deliver supplies to teachers as designated by the principal or supervisor.
4. Deliver audio visual equipment to teachers upon request (elementary schools only).
5. Deliver milk to the kindergarten (elementary schools only).
6. Shovel snow when it occurs and request help from the supervisor when the
snow is very heavy.
7. Perform routine maintenance as required, such as, but not limited to, replacing
light bulbs in classrooms, replacing pencil sharpeners, fixing maps, hanging
pictures, fixing doorstops, light painting and patching, etc. It should be noted
these repairs should not be done while children are present in the classroom.
(Tools are provided by the Board)
8. Tend to boilers, if licensed.
9. Keep inventory and coordinate ordering of all janitorial supplies with lead-
person and/or supervisor.
10. Clean all assigned rooms and lavatories daily.
11. Arrange schedule for cleaning filters in heating and ventilating units for each
classroom. These filters should be cleaned per manufacturer's specifications, the
schedule should be filed with the lead custodian and the supervisor.
12 .Operate equipment, such as trucks, lawn-mowing equipment, etc. NOTE: this
work will not be assigned without proper training and upon the approval of the
1. The lead custodian is directly responsible to the building principal, supervisor, and
the superintendent.
2. Outline, direct and inspect the work of all custodians in his/her building as well as
perform his/her own regular custodial duties. On a regular basis, report to the supervisor on custodial performance.
3. Prepare written requisitions for custodial supplies and equipment and turn in to the
supervisor on a regular basis.
4. Report to the principal and supervisor all requests for repairs so that proper work
order procedures can be followed. In cases of emergency, the request is to be reported
to the supervisor and Superintendent's Office immediately.
5. Keep an accurate inventory of all custodial supplies and equipment.
6. Receive and check all supplies and materials delivered to his/her school and have
them delivered as directed by the building principal or supervisor.
7. Submit vacation schedules to the supervisor for approval.
8. Check the boiler daily to see that it is operating properly. Any problems must be
reported immediately to the supervisor.
9. Be responsible for all snow removal around all exits and sidewalks.
10. Cooperate fully with all the requests of the school building principal and supervisor
so that his/her school will be kept clean and neat at all times.
11. See that the school grounds are in satisfactory condition at all times, including the
lawn and hedge areas. Problems with keeping the grounds clean should be
reported to the supervisor.
12. Inspect the grounds and the entrance of the building each morning and evening.
13. Open and check entire building each morning and evening for safety, heat and
14. Operate the fire alarm system for fire drills.
1. Shall work directly under the supervisor who will schedule the work to be performed
through the distribution of work orders at the various locations throughout the school
system. Work to be performed shall consist of carpentry, plumbing, electrical,
painting, masonry, boiler repair preparations and various types of repairs to equipment
and buildings.
2. Must be able to operate standard power tools such as drills, saws, saber saw, bench saw,
sander, and other various powre tools. NOTE - employees are responsible for tools
assigned to them.
3. Submit daily report of work orders completed to the supervisor.
4. Submit monthly requests for reimbursement for all mileage required and assigned by
the supervisor in the performance of maintenance work.
5. Be responsible for securing all necessary material of a small nature in order to
complete assigned tasks properly. The supervisor and the board secretary must approve
all expensive material.
6. Complete routine maintenance of maintenance department equipment, e.g.,
vehicles, lawn mowers, lining machine, tools.
7. Ensure the work areas are clean and neat after assignments are completed.
1. Shall be assigned to various work tasks as determined by the supervisor.
2. May be assigned to the custodial unit for short and long term assignments during
which time he/she shall perform customary custodial tasks as previously described
and assigned by the supervisor.
3. May be assigned to the maintenance unit for short and long-term assignment during
which time he/she shall perform customary custodial tasks as previously described
and assigned by the supervisor.
4. May be assigned to the stockroom for short and long-term assignments during
which he/shall perform tasks assigned by the supervisor.
5. May be assigned to check runs and mail runs, as needed.
6. Performs other duties, which may be assigned from time to time by supervisor.
1. Responsible for keeping inventory of all supplies. Take an annual inventory
of all stockroom supplies noting starting inventory, quantity purchased,
quantity used and balance on hand.
2. Receive and check all deliveries of supplies and equipment to central stock
room against purchase orders and packing slips before signing. Report any
problems to the Business Administrator and Supervisor immediately.
3. Will work directly under the Supervisor and Board Secretary.
4. Loading and unloading the deliveries.
5. Preparing items to be shipped to the buildings in the district.
6. Maintain an inventory of all special, office and general supplies and revise
and prepare supply lists for each succeeding year.
7. Maintain an accurate record of all non-public textbooks, technology supplies,
etc. purchase orders and arranges deliveries to the various schools.
8. Work with Supervisor to maintain proper record of all janitorial supplies
and equipment and furnish annual request forms to all schools.
9. Must have a valid New Jersey driver's license. Will be called upon to fill in
for the district Truck Driver.
10. Perform other duties as assigned by the Board Secretary/Business Administrator,
Chief School Administrator, or Supervisor.
11. Twelve (12) month position with normal working hours from 8:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. with one half hour for lunch.
1. Must possess a valid New Jersey driver's license.
2. Must be capable of operating stock room delivery truck along with snowplow
3. Will work directly under the supervision of the Supervisor and Board Secretary.
4. Pick up and deliver state commodities to all schools on a monthly basis.
5. Load and deliver (with the assistance of the stock room person) to all schools or
departments school supplies and equipment as needed on a monthly or quarterly
basis or on a regular schedule developed by the Supervisor.
6. Assist Stockroom Person with their duties. Handle complete operation of the
stockroom when stockroom person is absent.
7. Maintain the delivery truck(s) in proper operating condition at all times.
8. Perform other duties assigned by the Board Secretary or Chief School
9. Twelve month position with normal working hours from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Sayreville School District
P.O. Box 997
Sayreville, NJ 08872
Date ____________
I, _______________________, employed by Sayreville as a ____________________
Name Job Title
in __________________________ School do anticipate that I shall be unable to perform
my work duties from _______________________ to __________________________.
I shall submit a statement from my physician confirming my disability* and detailing
the dates requested. The need for this request is _______________________________
_______ _______________________
_______ _______________________
*If basis of disability is pregnancy, set forth anticipated delivery date: _____________.
If the date of disability is geater than 30 calendar days from anticipated delivery date,
physician’s statement should detail reasons that explain the abnormality.