Agreement Between
For the Fiscal Years
Commencing July 1, 2005
Commencing July 1, 2006
Commencing July 1, 2007
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this 1st day of JULY, 2005 by
(hereinafter called "Board") and THE RUMSON EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (hereinafter called "REA").
WHEREAS, the parties have reached certain understanding which they desire to confirm this Agreement.
All aspects of this contract shall be in effect through the 2005-2008 school year, or until a successor agreement has been agreed upon resulting from collective negotiations between the Board and the REA which shall begin no later than October 4, 2007.
A. The Rumson Board of Education (the Board) hereby recognizes the Rumson
Education Association (the REA) as the exclusive representative for collective
negotiations concerning grievances and terms and conditions of employment for
all certified professional employees including but not limited to: teachers,
librarians, nurses, learning disability teacher consultant, social worker, speech
therapist, guidance counselor, technology specialist and all secretaries employed
under contract or on Board leave, but excluding: Superintendent, Principals,
Supervisors, Director, Secretary to the Superintendent, Board Secretary/School
Business Administrator, and the Secretaries to the Board Secretary/School
Business Administrator.
B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "teacher" or professional employee shall
refer to certified, educational personnel as specified in Section A; the term
"secretary" shall refer to non-certified, clerical employees as specified in Section A.
C. Unless otherwise specified, the term "employee" shall encompass all unit members
as specified in Article I: Section A and B.
A. In accordance with Public Law 1974, Chapter 123, the Board and the REA agree to
enter into collective negotiations over a successor agreement in a good-faith effort
to obtain agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of
employment. Any agreement so negotiated shall apply to the employees cited in
Article I, Section A, be reduced to writing and submitted for ratification by the REA
and approval by the Board. If ratified and approved, it shall be signed by the parties.
B. If any provision of the Agreement or any application of this Agreement is held
contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and
subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or
applications shall continue in full force and effect.
A. The Board and the REA agree that there shall be no discrimination in the
implementation and enforcement of all policies and procedures governing the
hiring, training, assignment, promotion, transfer, and discipline of employees.
B. No employee shall be discharged or reprimanded without just cause. Any action
to discharge or reprimand an employee without just cause shall be subject to the
grievance procedure herein set forth.
C. Any rights granted to employees pursuant to this Agreement are in addition to and in
accordance with New Jersey Laws and/or other applicable regulations.
A. Definition:
A grievance is a claim based on the belief that a wrong has been suffered by an
employee, a group of employees, or the REA through unfair or inequitable
treatment or through interpretation or application of Board policies or as a result
of administrative decision or through failure to comply with the provisions of the
B. Terms:
1. Aggrieved Person
An "aggrieved person" is the employee, employees, or the REA making the
2. Party in Interest
A "party in interest" is the employee or employees making the claim and any
employee including the REA or the Board, who might be required to take
action or against whom action might be taken in order to resolve the claim.
C. Purpose:
The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible level, equitable
solutions to problems which may arise affecting employees. Both parties agree that
these proceedings will be kept confidential and include only the appropriate parties of
Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the right of any employee having a
grievance to discuss the matter informally with the appropriate member of the
administration and to have the grievance adjusted without invocation of the grievance
procedure provided that such adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of this
D. Procedure:
1. The number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum
and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits
specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement. The aggrieved
person must initiate the grievance procedure within 45 school days from the
time when the grievant knew or should have known of its occurrence. Failure at
any step of this procedure to communicate the decision on a grievance within
the specified time limits shall permit the grievant to proceed to the next step.
Failure at any step of this procedure to appeal a grievance to the next step within
the specified time limits shall be deemed to be acceptance of the decision
rendered at the step.
2. Any aggrieved person may be represented at all stages of the grievance
procedure by himself, or at his option, by the representative(s) selected or
approved by the REA. When a teacher is not represented by the REA, the REA
shall have the right to be present and to state its views at all stages of the
grievance procedure.
3. Beyond Level One, all grievance submissions and subsequent dispositions
shall be in writing and all dispositions shall set forth the decision and the
reasons thereto and shall be transmitted promptly to all parties in interest and
to the REA.
An employee with a grievance shall first discuss it with the principal, either directly or, at the employee's discretion, through the REA with the objective of resolving the matter informally. Any employee whose duties are routinely performed at both schools may initiate a grievance with the Superintendent of Schools.
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level One, or if no decision has been rendered within 5 school days after presentation of the grievance, he/she may, within 10 school days, refer to the Superintendent of Schools, who shall communicate a decision in writing to the grievant within 10 school days of receiving the grievance.
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Two, or if no decision has been rendered within 10 school days after presentation of the grievance to the Superintendent, the aggrieved person may, within 10 school days, notify the REA that the grievance is still pending. The grievant may, within 10 school days, request that the REA move the grievance to the Board. The grievant or the REA may, within 10 school days, move the grievance to the Board through the Superintendent or the Board Secretary.
The Board, or a committee thereof, shall review the grievance. The Board shall render a decision in writing within 21 school days of receipt of the grievance by the Board.
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Three, or if no decision has been rendered within 21 school days after presentation of the grievance he/she may request that the REA move the grievance to arbitration.
If the grievant is dissatisfied with the decision of the Board and only if the grievance pertains to the original claim, the grievant or the REA shall have the right to request the appointment of an arbitrator. Such request shall be made known to the Superintendent by certified mail
- return receipt requested - no later than 15 school days after the decision of the Board.
Within 10 school days after such written notice of submission to arbitration, the Board and the REA shall attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator. The following procedure will be used to secure the services of an arbitrator:
a. A request shall be made to the Public Employment Relations Commission to submit a
roster of persons qualified to function as arbitrator in question;
b. if the parties are unable to agree upon a mutually satisfactory arbitrator from the list
submitted, they will request the Public Employment Relations Commission to submit a
second list;
c. if the parties are unable to agree within 10 school days of the initial request for
arbitration upon a mutually satisfactory arbitrator from the second submitted list, the
Public Employment Relations Commission may be requested by either part to designate
an arbitrator. The arbitrator shall limit consideration to the issues submitted and shall
consider nothing else. He/she can add nothing to, nor subtract anything from, the
agreement between the parties or any policy of the Board. The decision of the
arbitrator shall be in writing and binding upon the parties.
4 E. Cost of Arbitration:
The REA and the Board shall each bear all their individual expenses incurred in the
course of any arbitration proceedings.
The fees and expenses of the arbitrator are the only costs which shall be shared by the
REA and the Board and such costs will be shared equally.
Where grievance proceedings are mutually scheduled by the parties during school
time, parties in interest shall suffer no loss of pay.
F. Protection of Grievant:
The Board recognizes that any employee has a right to file a grievance. The Board
states there shall be no act, conduct, or procedure undertaken by the Board or member
of the administrative staff which shall be in the nature of a reprisal against any
employee who files a grievance, including but not by way of limitation, any assignment
of additional duties, any adverse comment in the evaluation of the performance of the
grievant, or any action which shall be undertaken solely as a means of reprisal against
any employee filing a grievance.
A. The Board will provide and pay for a comprehensive Health Benefits Plan as provided
by Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Dental Plan as provided by Delta Dental or equivalent
for each eligible employee and the cost of such insurance for dependents of each
eligible employee. The deductible will be $200 per individual and $400 per family
for each plan year.
B. The Board shall provide a prescription plan covering eligible employees and
dependents, with a $15.00 deductible for brand name products and $10.00 for generic
products. There will be an annual cap on the prescription drug program of $3,000 per
individual or per family.
C. Waiver of Health Benefits:
1. Those employees who transfer from Indemnity to PPO shall receive a one-time
payment equal to the difference in the annual premium of the current category
in the Indemnity Plan and the category selected in the PPO Plan.
2. Employees may transfer back to Indemnity after a year in the PPO, but if they
transfer back to the Indemnity Program, they will not be eligible for the
payment set forth above in C. 1, on a subsequent transfer to the PPO.
3. Employees may waive medical benefits in any year and receive a stipend paid
at the end of the school year as follows: The stipend shall be forty percent of
the annual premium paid by the Board of Education for the insurance plans
listed below:
a. Individual coverage
b. Parent and child
c. Husband and wife
d. Family
4. Any employee who waives the benefits provided under Article V shall notify
the Board no later than June 15th, preceding the contract in which the employee
will receive a stipend in lieu of benefits. Waiver of benefits for the following
year shall not be considered automatic. Every employee shall be considered
covered unless and until such time as an employee shall affirmatively notify the
Board that the employee is continuing to waive benefits in return for the
stipend. Any employee who accepts the stipend in lieu of benefits will be
waiving all benefits under Article V, B Medical, Dental and Prescription.
D. The Board shall establish a Section 125 Plan. A copy of the Plan will be kept on file
in the Board Office.
A. Personal days are those days which may be used by employees for personal business
that cannot be conducted at another time and which is necessary for the health and
welfare of oneself or one's family. A maximum of five days may be granted by the
Superintendent in any year. These days are to be used for personal, legal business,
household, family, or religious matters which require absence during school hours.
B. Requests for personal days shall be given in writing to the Superintendent at least
three (3) days prior to the request date, stating the reason for such request, who shall
either grant the request or return in writing the reason(s) for denial of said request.
This three (3) day notice shall be waived in emergencies. The employee will use
good judgment in determining what constitutes an emergency. Two of the five days
each year will be granted without a stated reason. The days without a reason shall
not precede or follow a school holiday or vacation period. Personal days for which
reasons are given and the request is granted may precede or follow a school holiday
or vacation period.
C. Personal days are limited to five (5) per year. However, the Board, at its sole
discretion, may under exceptional circumstances, grant additional personal days.
Such days may be granted without pay, at less the substitute's rate of pay, or with
full pay. The Board reserves the right to deny the request.
D. When a personal day is refused by the Superintendent, the staff member may request
a short-term leave of absence. Such request shall state the reason for said request and
shall be for three days or less. A short-term leave of absence may be granted under
extenuating circumstances when the staff member must be absent during school hours.
If a short-term leave of absence is granted by the Superintendent, the staff member's
salary will be deducted at1/200ths for each day.
E. New employees employed after the start of the school year will be allotted personal
days on a pro-rated basis according to the following formula: .5 days per number of
months between date of employment and June 30th. New employees will be given
credit for a full month if they work any part of the month.
A. Each employee shall be granted up to 15 days paid sick leave yearly. Unused Sick
Leave will be cumulative.
B. Upon retirement, employees who have completed twenty years of service in the
Rumson School District shall be eligible for payment for unused accumulated sick
leave. The payment shall be based on a per diem rate calculated at 75% of Step 1
on the current salary guide including horizontal placement, capped at 200 days. All
monies shall be deposited into the employee's 403B account, payable over three (3)
years. Deposits shall be made on the first payday in July, in each of the three (3) years.
C. New employees employed after the start of the school year will be allotted sick days
on a pro-rated basis according to the following formula: 1.5 sick days per number of
months between date of employment and June 30th. New employees will be given
credit for a full month if they work any part of the month.
A. On approval of the Superintendent, the Board shall reimburse employees' tuition costs
for further study up to a maximum amount, per academic year, equal to the tuition
costs for six graduate credits at Rutgers, the State University. Reimbursement will be
given only for the successful (grade of "C" or better) completion of courses.
7 B. A course begun in one fiscal year and ending in the following fiscal year shall be
reimbursed with monies from both years.
C. Teachers shall not be eligible for tuition reimbursement until after the attainment of
tenure. The provision shall not apply to teachers employed prior to January 1, 2006.
D. Reimbursement shall be made as follows: 50% paid with proof of enrollment
50% paid upon completion of the course
with a "C" or better.
A. Verbatim copies of this Agreement as signed by the Board and the REA shall be
printed and distributed to each employee at the expense of the Board within thirty
(30) days after the Agreement is signed. The Board shall have the prerogative of
choosing the printer.
B. The Board shall make available to the REA a maximum of twenty additional copies
of this Agreement upon request.
The Board shall pay annual stipends to mentors that are equal to the state mentoring aid as long as reimbursement is received from the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE). The Board's obligation to pay this fee shall terminate if the NJDOE discontinues reimbursement of this fee. If the NJDOE discontinues mentoring as it presently exists, mentoring in the district will discontinue until the Board and the Association revisit the issue. The extra-curricular hourly rate shall be used to determine a suggested number of hours for mentoring.
Vacancies for mentoring positions shall be posted and the opportunity to apply for mentoring positions shall be available to all teaching staff members.
2005 - 2006
Years of Experience | Step | BA | BA+30 | MA | BA+60 | MA+30 | MA+60 |
1-2 year | 1 | 40,585 | 44,465 | 45,965 |  | 49,085 | 50,685 |
3 | 2 | 41,085 | 44,965 | 46,465 |  | 49,585 | 51,185 |
4 | 3 | 41,585 | 45,465 | 46,965 |  | 50,085 | 51,685 |
5 | 4 | 42,085 | 45,965 | 47,465 |  | 50,585 | 52,185 |
6 | 5 | 42,930 | 46,810 | 48,310 |  | 51,430 | 53,030 |
7 | 6 | 43,990 | 47,870 | 49,370 |  | 52,490 | 54,090 |
8 | 7 | 45,255 | 49,135 | 50,635 |  | 53,755 | 55,355 |
9 | 8 | 46,720 | 50,600 | 52,100 |  | 55,220 | 56,820 |
10 | 9 | 48,445 | 52,325 | 53,825 |  | 56,945 | 58,545 |
11 | 10 | 50,470 | 54,350 | 55,850 |  | 58,970 | 60,570 |
12 | 11 | 52,595 | 56,475 | 57.975 |  | 61,095 | 62,695 |
13 | 12 | 54,820 | 58,700 | 60,200 |  | 63,320 | 64,920 |
14 | 13 | 57,145 | 61,025 | 62,525 |  | 65,645 | 67,245 |
15 | 14 | 59,570 | 63,450 | 64,950 |  | 68,070 | 69,670 |
16 | 15 | 62,095 | 65,975 | 67,475 |  | 70,595 | 72,195 |
17 | 16 | 64,720 | 68,600 | 70,100 |  | 73,220 | 74,820 |
18 | 17 | 67,445 | 71,325 | 72,825 | 69,890 | 75,945 | 77,545 |
19-25 | 18 | 70,270 | 74,150 | 75,650 | 76,450 | 78,770 | 80,370 |
26 | 19 | 73,195 | 77,075 | 78,575 | 79,375 | 81,695 | 83,295 |
27+ | 20 | 76,220 | 80,100 | 81,600 | 82,400 | 84,720 | 86,320 |
* See Article XII, Paragraph I.
2006 - 2007
Years of Experience | Steps | BA | BA+30 | MA | B+60 | M+30 | M+60 |
1-2 years | 1 | 41,485 | 45,385 | 46,985 |  | 50,185 | 51,785 |
3 | 2 | 41,985 | 45,885 | 47,485 |  | 50,685 | 52,285 |
4 | 3 | 42,485 | 46,385 | 47,985 |  | 51,185 | 52,785 |
5 | 4 | 42,985 | 46,885 | 48,485 |  | 51,685 | 53,285 |
6 | 5 | 43,720 | 47,620 | 49,220 |  | 52,420 | 54,020 |
7 | 6 | 44,855 | 48,755 | 50,355 |  | 53,555 | 55,155 |
8 | 7 | 46,295 | 50,195 | 51,795 |  | 54,995 | 56,595 |
9 | 8 | 47,940 | 51,840 | 53,440 |  | 56,640 | 58,240 |
10 | 9 | 49,785 | 53,685 | 55,285 |  | 58,485 | 60,085 |
11 | 10 | 51,830 | 55,730 | 57,330 |  | 60,530 | 62,130 |
12 | 11 | 53,975 | 57,875 | 59,475 |  | 62,675 | 64,275` |
13 | 12 | 56,230 | 60,130 | 61,730 |  | 64,930 | 66,530 |
14 | 13 | 58,585 | 62,485 | 64,085 |  | 67,285 | 68,885 |
15 | 14 | 61,040 | 64,940 | 66,540 |  | 69,740 | 71,340 |
16 | 15 | 63,595 | 67,495 | 69,095 |  | 72,295 | 73,895 |
17 | 16 | 66,250 | 70,150 | 71,750 |  | 74,950 | 76,550 |
18 | 17 | 69,005 | 72,905 | 74,505 |  | 77,705 | 79,305 |
19 | 18 | 71,860 | 75,760 | 77,360 | 76,450 | 80,560 | 82,160 |
20-26 | 19 | 74,815 | 78,715 | 80,315 | 81,115 | 83,515 | 85,115 |
27+ | 20 | 77,870 | 81,770 | 83,370 | 84,170 | 86,570 | 88,170 |
* See Article XII, Paragraph I.
2007 - 2008
Years of Experience | Step | BA | BA+30 | MA | BA+60 | MA+30 | MA+60 |
1-2 yrs | 1 | 43,115 | 47,115 | 48,865 |  | 52,065 | 53,665 |
3 | 2 | 43,615 | 47,615 | 49,365 |  | 52,565 | 54,165 |
4 | 3 | 44,115 | 48,115 | 49,865 |  | 53,065 | 54,665 |
5 | 4 | 44,615 | 48,615 | 50,365 |  | 53,565 | 55,165 |
6 | 5 | 45,800 | 49,800 | 51,550 |  | 54,750 | 56,350 |
7 | 6 | 47,220 | 51,220 | 52,970 |  | 56,170 | 57,770 |
8 | 7 | 48,870 | 52,870 | 54,620 |  | 57,820 | 59,420 |
9 | 8 | 50,720 | 54,720 | 56,470 |  | 59,670 | 61,270 |
10 | 9 | 52,770 | 56,770 | 58,520 |  | 61,720 | 63,320 |
11 | 10 | 55,005 | 59,005 | 60,755 |  | 63,955 | 65,555 |
12 | 11 | 57.340 | 61,340 | 63,090 |  | 66,290 | 67,890 |
13 | 12 | 59,775 | 63,775 | 65,525 |  | 68,725 | 70,325 |
14 | 13 | 62,310 | 66,310 | 68,060 |  | 71,260 | 72,860 |
15 | 14 | 64,945 | 68,945 | 70,695 |  | 73,895 | 75,495 |
16 | 15 | 67,680 | 71,680 | 73,430 |  | 76,630 | 78,230 |
17 | 16 | 70,515 | 74,515 | 76,265 |  | 79,465 | 81,065 |
18 | 17 | 73,450 | 77,450 | 79,200 |  | 82,400 | 84,000 |
19 | 18 | 76,485 | 80,485 | 82,235 | 81,115 | 85,435 | 87,035 |
20+ | 19 | 79,620 | 83,620 | 85,370 | 86,170 | 88,570 | 90,170 |
* See Article XII, Paragraph I.
A. Teachers receiving advanced degrees will be issued a notification of salary at the new
level upon receipt of a transcript from the college/University attended. The
appropriate recommendation for advancement on the salary guide will be made at the
next Board meeting; however, adjustments will only be made in September and
February. Credits must be completed prior to September 1 in order to be eligible for
movement in September and credits must be completed prior to February 1 in order to
be eligible for movement in February. Advancement on the guide will not be made at
any other time during the school year.
B. It will be the responsibility of the teacher to inform the Superintendent of Schools
before October 15 regarding any change or contemplated change in training level for the following school year. A written statement from the teacher of such change will
be submitted to the Superintendent not later than the opening day of school in the following September, and a notification of salary issued. If such evidence is not
submitted at the prescribed time, no adjustment will be made until the next scheduled adjustment period.
C. All previous public and/or private school service shall be considered creditable for
steps on the salary guide at the discretion of the Board upon the recommendation of
the Superintendent of Schools. However, no new teacher will be placed on a step
higher than one presently employed having equal years of experience.
D. Teachers may progress to any pay scale shown above provided that earned credits
are substantiated by official transcripts and courses approved by the Superintendent.
Credits accrued prior to September 1989 will be honored for movement on guide.
E. The 2005-2006 salary guide replaces the 2004-2005 salary guide commencing July 1, 2005. The 2006-2007 salary guide replaces the 2005-2006 salary guide commencing July 1, 2006. The 2007-2008 salary guide replaces the 2006-2007 salary guide
commencing on July 1, 2007.
F. The Board may by a roll call vote of the majority of the members of the Board, withhold
for inefficiency or other good cause an employment increment (step) or an adjustment
increment, or both. Prior written notification of the reasons for the withholding and of
the date and time of the Board meeting at which such actions will be discussed will be
provided to the employee ten(10) days before the meeting. Further, the employee prior
to the Board's vote, shall have the right to address the Board on his/her behalf.
G. Funds withheld from such teachers will be earmarked for summer educational grants.
12 H. The Board agrees to compensate a teacher $2,800 per year upon receipt and
maintenance of a current National Teaching Standard Board Certification.
I. Teachers who have attained placement on the B+30 column by June 30, 2002
shall be eligible for placement on the B+60 column.
J. Any withdrawal from an employee paycheck for tax shelter annuities and/or
saving accounts shall be electronically deposited into employee accounts on the
designated payday.
A. The in-school work year for teachers shall consist of a maximum of 183 pupil-contact
days plus one professional day. If more than three emergency closings are required, the
in-school work year for teachers shall not exceed 180 pupil-contact days plus one
professional day.
B. The Board may, within its sole prerogative, include in the school calendar "early closing"
days for "in-service" programs of various natures. Advice on such "early closings" shall
be given to the REA a minimum of two weeks prior to the "early closing".
C. The inclusion of early closing in the school calendar shall not commit the Board to
including early closings in any subsequent school calendar as a working condition.
D. The Board will welcome input from the REA regarding the school calendar prior to
March 15 for the coming school year. However, the final decision as to the composition
of the school calendar is recognized to be a Board prerogative.
E. A teacher shall have the right to refuse to perform volunteer work during a holiday or
vacation period beyond the normal in-school day and in-school work year.
F. Teachers will attend one Back-to-School night each year and two nights for parent-
teacher conferences, if requested by the Superintendent. The Superintendent will give
the affected teacher(s) reasonable notice of such meetings, (whenever possible, two
weeks). The night conferences will be scheduled from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
G. The time period from 3:05 to 3:15 p.m. shall be part of the school day. Teachers shall
not be assigned to provide instruction during this time. In addition to those staff who
are regularly assigned to bus loading and other safety related areas, all staff members
shall be available to provide for the safety of students.
The Teacher Day/School Day:
1. Teacher Day/School Day shall be from 8:40 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
2. Student Day shall be from 8:40 a.m. to 3:05 p.m.
3. Homeroom shall be twelve (12) minutes in length.
H. Teachers who are assigned by the administration to cover a class and, as a result, have
no preparation period, will be compensated the extra-curricular rate named in
this agreement.
I. Professional staff members supervising overnight student activities shall be
reimbursed $100.30 for 2005-2006, $105.01 for 2006-2007, and $109.94 per night
for 2007-2008.
J. The hours of the guidance counselor may be flexible but may not be increased, and
that upon consultation with the Superintendent, appropriate compensatory time shall
be provided.
K. Teachers shall have a duty free lunch period, as provided by statute.
L. Teachers shall have five (5) duty free preparation periods per week. Conferences held
during these periods shall be arranged by mutual agreement. Said agreement shall not
be arbitrarily withheld.
M. Meeting:
1. Employees may be required to remain after the end of the regular work day,
without additional compensation for the purpose of attending meetings on
2. Such meetings shall begin no later than ten (10) minutes after the student
dismissal time and shall run for no more than forty-five (45) minutes, except
in cases of emergencies involving the health and safety of students and staff.
An Association representative shall have the option to conduct Association
meetings at the conclusion of such meetings.
Whenever possible, meetings shall be conducted by an Administrator, Supervisor
or Team Leader. In the absence of an Administrator, staff meetings shall be
conducted by a member of the staff who maintains a supervisory certification or is
a Team Leader. If the staff meeting is conducted by a staff member other than an
Administrator, Supervisor or Team Leader, that individual shall be compensated
at the extra-curricular rate.
Notice of the meetings shall be given to all involved staff members in advance
of the meeting, except in an emergency. Employees shall have the opportunity
to suggest items for the meeting.
N. New teachers shall attend 4 new teacher orientation days prior to the start of the school
year in addition to the in-school work year for teachers. These four (4) new teacher
orientation days shall be at no additional compensation.
A. All vacancies shall be posted and e-mailed at the work place simultaneously to all
members in order to give employees an opportunity to apply for the position.
B. Notices shall be posted in the administrative office, the main offices, staff lounges
and any other mutually agreed upon location.
C. Copies of notices shall be provided to the President of the Association simultaneously
with the posting. When school is not in session, notices shall be mailed to the President
of the Association.
D. Notices shall be posted simultaneously with the placement of an advertisement in any
publication, newspaper, internet, or the like.
E. Whenever possible, a notice shall be posted for ten (10) calendar days. The position
will be re-posted if the requirements change prior to filling the vacancy.
F. A notice shall include position, requirements, primary function, location, and application
G. Employees who apply and meet the qualifications shall be given consideration by the
A. Within funding restrictions, priority for extra-curricular activities will be given to
activities which result in the greatest overall educational impact to the students.
B. To the degree possible, appointments for the new school year will be approved by the
Board not less than one month prior to the commencement of a particular activity.
15 These appointments will be recommended by the administration for a period of one year. No tenure status is acquired with such appointments. All available supervisor positions will be advertised to the teaching staff for a period of at least ten (10) days before
appointments are made. Job descriptions for every extra-curricular activity leader will
be available.
C. Pay periods for activity personnel will be three times per year: November, March, and
June. Payments are to be made by separate checks at the conclusion of each activity
program. In the event a program is ineffective, a re-evaluation will be made to determine
the status of the activity. Activities or supervisors may be terminated and/or replaced
by substitutes at the discretion of the administration.
D. In the event that an activity is canceled by the administration, payment will be made on a
pro-rata basis for time actually worked. In addition, and at the discretion of the
administration, a termination allowance of up to 30 percent of the total activity
cost shall be made.
E. The salary formulas, to be determined by the administration, are computed
calculating the total student contact hours allocated for each activity and multiplying
by (Y).
Example: (D) days/week x (W) week x (H) hours/day x (Y)* = DWHY
*Y - $45.91 for the 2005-2006 school year
*Y - $48.07 for the 2006-2007 school year
*Y - $50.33 for the 2007-2008 school year
If two supervisors are required, each supervisor will receive DWHY for a total of
F. Conditions in any school year may alter the activities pursued in past school years, and
may affect all elements in the formula except the hourly remuneration rate.
G. Teacher participation in extra-curricular activities which extends beyond the regularly
scheduled in-school day shall be voluntary and shall be compensated according to the
rate established in paragraph E.
A. A teacher employed by the Board is eligible for a summer educational grant after
completing four or more consecutive years of service in the Rumson School District.
Requests for such grants shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools prior to
16 April 30th. The Superintendent will make his/her recommendations to the Board of
Education prior to the Regular May Meeting for approval or disapproval based on the
following criteria:
1. At most, two grants will be funded for any calendar year at the discretion of the
2. Each grant will be for a maximum of $5,000.
3. The candidate must submit a plan of study no later than April 30th consisting of a
minimum of nine (9) graduate credits. The plan of study must be consistent with
the district's goals as determined by the Board with advice from the
Superintendent. All courses must require class attendance by the teacher,
therefore, correspondence and/or television courses are not acceptable. The
teacher shall have the right to address the Board on his/her own behalf.
4. Prior to approving a grant, the Board shall receive from the candidates a signed
Summer Educational Grant Contract agreeing to serve one (1) additional school
year in the Rumson School District immediately following his/her return from the
summer study.
5. An oral report summarizing the experience and suggesting ways which the study
might benefit the Rumson School District shall be submitted to the Superintendent.
B. Monies for the two summer educational grants will be budgeted at the discretion of the
Board each fiscal year. The grant shall be paid in two installments; one-half to be paid on
July 15th and one-half to be paid on August 15th of the year of the summer educational
grant leave.
C. The Superintendent shall certify that the recipient of a Summer Educational Grant has
successfully completed the plan of study as approved by the Board. To so certify, the
Superintendent shall ascertain that the applicable course credits have been granted within
the time frame agreed upon.
D. If the teacher fails to successfully complete the Summer Educational Grant as approved
by the Board or fails to execute in full the terms of the Summer Educational Grant
contract, the grant shall be refunded in full to the Board within nine (9) months of the
final payment made by the Board.
2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008
A. Team Leader $1,439 $1,506 $1,577
B. Coordinator of Competitive Sports $4,216 $4,414 $4,612
C. Stokes Coordinator $2,321 $2,421 $2,535
D. Non-Student Contact Rate $20.31 $21.26 $22.26
Years of
Experience | Step | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 | 2007-2008 |
1 - 3 | A | 29,869 | 31,373 | 32,959 |
4 - 6 | B | 30,969 | 32,473 | 34,059 |
7 - 9 | C | 32,069 | 33,573 | 35,159 |
10 - 12 | D | 33,169 | 34,673 | 36,259 |
13 - 15 | E | 34,269 | 35,773 | 37,359 |
16 - 18 | F | 35,369 | 36,873 | 38,459 |
19 - 21 | G | 36,469 | 37,973 | 39,559 |
22 - 25 | H | 37,569 | 39,073 | 40,659 |
2005 - 2006
Principals' Secretaries - plus 10% over step
Secretaries - plus 6.25% over step
2006 - 2007
Principals' Secretaries - plus 10% over step
Secretaries - plus 6.25% over step
2007 - 2008
Principals' Secretaries - plus 10% over step
Secretaries - plus 6.25% over step
A. The principals' secretary shall command a 10% increase over the appropriate guide
step in each year of the agreement.
B. The guide is based on a twelve-month year and an eight-hour work day, including a
one-hour lunch period. Specific hours in a standard day and lunch period are to be
determined and scheduled by the administration. The work day on "early closing"
days prior to vacation shall terminate one hour after the dismissal of students.
C. Overtime will be paid at the rate of one and one-half times the hourly wage. Overtime
is defined as that work performed before or after a standard day. The hourly rate is
calculated as follows:
Yearly Salary
D. Holiday time will be paid at the rate of one and one-half times the hourly rate, in
addition to the actual holiday pay.
E. Overtime and Holiday time must be assigned by the Superintendent, Business
Administrator, or principal and approved by the Superintendent.
F. The Board may, by a roll call vote by a majority of the members of the Board,
withhold for inefficiency or other good cause an employment increment or an
adjustment increment, or both. Prior written notification of the reasons for the
withholding and of the date and time of the Board meeting at which such actions
will be discussed will be provided to the employee ten (10) days before the meeting.
Further, the secretary, prior to the Board's vote, shall have the right to address the
Board on his/her own behalf.
A. Vacations shall be staggered at the discretion of the administration, and will be granted
in accordance with longevity as follows:
Length of Vacation Longevity
2 weeks 1-4 years
3 weeks 5-9 years
4 weeks 10 years
19 B. In addition to these vacation periods, secretaries are permitted the following holidays:
Good Friday Thanksgiving Day
Memorial Day Day After Thanksgiving
Independence Day Christmas Vacation
Labor Day Day After School Closes in June
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Furthermore, the secretaries shall be permitted two (2) days for the Teachers'
Convention and two (2) days in addition to their vacation listed in paragraph A
to be taken during the summer at a time that is mutually agreed upon between
the secretary and their supervisor.
"Holiday time" will be paid in addition to actual holiday pay on any of these
holidays if a secretary is assigned to work on these days.
C. Secretaries are to work whenever school is in session, therefore, work days may occur
on the following legal holidays:
Columbus Day Veteran's Day
Election Day Presidents' Day
If secretaries do work on these days, no "holiday time" will be paid, but additional
compensatory time will be given in lieu of these legal holidays as follows:
1. two days off during February vacation
2. two days off during Spring vacation
3. one day of Christmas vacation will be in lieu of one legal holiday
D. Secretaries may request of the Superintendent approval to use vacation time during
school recesses in December, February and/or April.
The Board of Education shall provide a fund not to exceed $1200 annually to reimburse secretaries who successfully complete approved courses related to their job assignment pertinent to job performance and designed to increase and enhance job skills. Requests for reimbursement must be submitted to and receive the prior approval of the Superintendent and must be taken at times other than the established work day.
A. Any employee employed as of November 1, 1977, may have his/her child/children
(natural, adopted, or stepchild) attend the Rumson School District free of any tuition
charges. Teachers and staff members previously employed by the District who left he
District on maternity leave and are subsequently rehired are entitled to the same benefit.
B. Any employee employed on or after November 1, 1977, may have his/her child/children
(natural, adopted, or stepchild) attend the Rumson School District, but said employee
shall be charged a tuition fee for each child as fixed by the Board to reflect one-half of
the annualized, per capita expenditure.
C. The tuition payment shall be due in two (2) equal installments: the first shall be due prior
to the first day of school; the second shall be due prior to the first day of school in
January next. Failure to meet these payment requirements shall result in the
Superintendent's refusal to admit said student(s) to the Rumson School District until all
tuition fees have been received by the District
Should an employee choose not to become a full dues paying member of the Rumson Education Association during any membership year (September 1 through August 31) which is covered by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year.
1. The Association shall on or before November 1, deliver to the Board a written statement
containing the following:
a. A statement that the Association has determined the amount of representation fee
in accordance with the formulated requirements of NJSA 34:13A-5.4.
b. A statement that the Association has established a "demand and return system"
in accordance with the requirements of NJSA 34::13A-5.4.
c. A statement establishing the amount of yearly representation fee to be deducted
from the salary of each non-member. Such representation fee shall not exceed
eighty-five (85%) percent of the full dues amount.
d. A list of individuals covered under this contract, which have failed to arrange for
and become members of the Association and a request that the representation fee
of such non-member be deducted in accordance with the Agreement.
2. Beginning with the first full pay period in December, the Board will commence
deductions from salaries of such individuals in accordance with the procedures used
for deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
3. In the event that said representative fee payer terminates or is terminated from
employment, said employee shall be responsible for payment equal to each month
of employment prior to termination. The Board will deduct the unpaid portion of
the fees from the last paycheck paid to said employee during the membership year in
Reimbursement will be equal to the Standard Mileage Business Rate recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at the time of travel.
A. Disability Leaves
1. An employee who anticipates a disability shall notify their immediate supervisor
and concurrently the Superintendent in writing of the anticipated commencement
of the disability as soon as the employee knows of it.
a. In case of pregnancy, the employee shall inform the supervisor
concurrently the Superintendent of the anticipated delivery date.
b. No later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the anticipated delivery
date, the employee shall request a leave of absence while she is
disabled, for which accumulated sick leave time may be utilized
continuously for four (4) weeks prior to childbirth and four (4) weeks
following childbirth. In the case of Caesarian delivery, the four (4)
weeks following childbirth may be extended by a physician's
certificate attesting to the disability and the employee may utilize
accumulated sick leave during this period.
c. Maternity disability leaves will be unpaid after employees have
exhausted or have elected not to utilize their accumulated sick leave
during the period of maternity disability leave of absence.
22 B. Contractual Child Care/Family Leave
1. Any employee seeking a leave of absence for child care or family leave shall
apply to the Board by specifying in writing the date on which the leave
commences and the date on which the leave terminates.
2. The Board shall send a letter to the employee within one (1) week of that
month's Board meeting stating the following:
a. whether the leave was approved or denied
b. dates of departure and return
c. specifications to the number of sick days to be used
If the request is denied, this must be stated in writing and with a reason.
3. The Board reserves the right to approve the commencement and termination
date of anticipated leaves in order to preserve educational continuity. In the
case of a teacher completing maternity disability leave, contractual child care
leave shall become effective immediately upon the termination of the maternity
disability leave. The first twelve (12) weeks of the contractual child care shall
be with health benefits under the statutory leave (NJFLA).
4. An employee desiring an unpaid Child Care Leave for adoption shall apply no
less than sixty (60) calendar days before the custody date of the child.
5. Contractual child care leave shall terminate at the end of the school year in which
the leave was granted. Extensions of the leave are at the complete and sole
discretion of the Board.
6. Upon the completion of the maternity disability leave or in the case of adoption,
an employee who is eligible shall be placed on statutory leave (NJFLA) for the
first twelve (12) weeks of the contractual child care leave. For employees who
are eligible, these twelve (12) weeks shall be with health benefits. The balance
of the contractual leave shall be without health benefits.
7. During the period of contractual child care leave without benefits, employees may
continue benefits at their own expense in accordance with the rules of the
insurance carrier.
8. To be eligible for a salary increment a teacher must actually work at lease ninety
days in the school year of which the leave commences or terminates.
9. An employee returning after an unpaid leave need not be given the same
assignment as before but will accept any assignment for which he/she is certified.
10. All benefits to which an employee was entitled at the time of the commencement
of the leave of absence, including unused accumulated sick leave, shall be
restored upon return from the leave.
11. An employee shall not receive increment credits for time spent on leave nor
shall such time count toward the fulfillment of this time requirement for
acquiring tenure.
C. Other Leaves
1. Study, Travel, and Career Exploration: The Board of Education may grant an
unpaid leave of absence for personal reasons for employees who fulfill the basic
requirements. The Board reserves the right to specify the conditions under which
Study, Travel, and Career Exploration leaves may be granted. No request will be
disapproved arbitrarily, discriminatorily, or capriciously. The conditions upon
which an unpaid Study, Travel, or Career leave will be granted are:
a. An employee requesting the leave must have at least three full years of
service in the Rumson School District.
b. Benefits may be maintained through the District by the employee at
his/her own expense in accordance with the rules of the insurance carrier.
c. An Unpaid Study, Travel, or Career leave will be granted only during
a contractual period and in no case will go beyond June 30th in any given
d. An unpaid Study, Travel, or Career Exploration leave is to be for one
school year, and may be extended to a maximum of two at the employee's
request and the Board's discretion.
e. An employee returning after an unpaid leave need not be given the same
assignment as before but will accept any assignment for which he/she is
f. The employee will be eligible for a salary increment and credit toward
educational grants but not seniority for the period of time that the
employee is on leave for study, travel, or career exploration.
D. Extension and Renewals
1. All extensions or renewals shall be applied for in writing and, if approved by
the Board, granted in writing.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused these presents to be
executed by its duly authorized corporate officers and has caused its corporate seal to be
hereunto affixed to the aforesaid Agreement this day of , 2005.
By: By:
President President
By: By:
Board Secretary Vice President
REA / Negotiations Chair