ALL EMPLOYEES 2003 through 2007
I Salary 1
II Holidays 2
III Vacations 3
IV Personal Days 4
V Sick Days 5
VI Longevity 6
VII Compensatory Time 7
VIII Bereavement Leave 8
IX Medical Coverage 9
X Dental Insurance 10
XI Worker's Compensation 10
XII Insurance 10
XIII Uniforms 11
XIV Terms and Ratification 12 SALARY
Salaries 2003 (Effective January 1, 2003)
3% $37,504
3% $24.921
3% $41,129
3% $27,335
3% $44,863
3% $29,821
Fire Chief
Fire Official
Board Administrator
Secretary – Bureau of Fire Prevention
(Effective January 1, 2004)
Fire Chief
Fire Official
Board Administrator
Secretary – Bureau of Fire Prevention
(Effective January 1, 2005)
Fire Chief
Fire Official
Board Administrator
Secretary – Bureau of Fire Prevention
3% 3% 3% 3% | Salaries 2006
$79,568 $63,652 $46,209 $30,716
(Effective January 1, 2006)
3% 3% 3% 3%Salaries 2007$81,955 $65,561 $47,595 $31,673(Effective January 1, 2007)
Fire Chief
Fire Official
Board Administrator
Secretary - Bureau of Fire Prevention
A. The following holidays shall be recognized;
1. New Years Day
2. Reverend Martin Luther King Day (date of national holiday)
3. Washington's Birthday (3rd Monday in February)
4. Good Friday
5. Memorial Day
6. Independence Day
7. Labor Day
8. Columbus Day
9. Veterans' Day
10. Thanksgiving Day
11. Friday after Thanksgiving Day
12. Christmas Eve (1/2 day)
13. Christmas Day
B. Holidays which fall on Saturday will be celebrated on the preceding Friday. Holidays which fall on Sunday will be celebrated on the following Monday.
C. Independence Day
When Independence Day falls on a Tuesday, the preceding Monday will be a holiday. When Independence Day falls on a Thursday, the following Friday will be a holiday. VACATIONS A. Employees covered under this agreement shall be entitled to earn vacation, with pay, in accordance with the following schedule:
1 to 5 years of service 10 days
5 to 15 years of service 15 days
15 to 25 years of service 20 days
B. Effective January 1, 2001 employees shall be entitled to earn vacation, with pay, in accordance with the following schedule:
During the first year
2 to 7 years of service 8 to 12 years of service 13 to 18 years of service 19 years and thereafter
12 days 15 days 18 days 21 days 25 days
C. An employee may not accumulate to his or her credit more than two (2) years accumulated vacation leave. Any accumulation in excess of this amount will be lost.
D. Upon retirement of an employee in good standing, unused vacation Time will be paid at the employee's current rate.
E. Vacation time off shall be coordinated to ensure the office is staffed by at least one employee.
A. Each employee shall receive three (3) personal days a year, subject to the following procedures.
1. Personal days off shall be coordinated to ensure the office is staffed by at least one person.
2. Personal days must be used during the current year and cannot be carried into the following year.
A. Employees shall accumulate fifteen (15) sick days per year. If an employee is sick for three (3) consecutive days, a doctor's note may be required by the Board of Fire Commissioners.
B. When an employee with twenty-five (25) years of service with Fire District #2 Retires he or she will be paid for up to thirty (30) days of unused sick leave at the current hourly rate.
C. Effective January 1, 2002, an employee with twenty-five (25) years of service with Fire District #2 who retires in good standing will be paid for up to forty-five (45) days of unused sick leave at the current hourly rate. LONGEVITY
A. Effective January 1, 2000 longevity payments based upon years of Continuous service with the fire district shall be as follows:
After year 5 to 10th year
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B. Longevity for the year will be paid during the last week of December.
C. Longevity will be based on completed years of service for full-time employees as of January 1 of each year.
An employee who works overtime shall be entitled to compensatory time off equal to the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the number of hours worked. Compensatory time can be accumulated. Any employee who retires, resigns, or is discharged shall forfeit all compensatory time, and shall not be eligible for compensation of any unused compensatory time.
1. Compensatory time earned shall be reported monthly on an employee attendance form.
2. An explanation for the hours worked shall be hand written on the back of the attendance form.
3. When this time is taken as time off, the hours used shall be noted on the front of the attendance form.
1. Compensatory time can be used for doctor's visits, personal business, or as an extension to sick leave once all accumulated sick leave has been used.
2. This time cannot be used in conjunction with vacation time.
3. Only one employee can use an eight-hour block of time for a day off on any given day.
4. An employee can use no more than two compensatory days in one week. Only four compensatory days may be used by an employee in one calendar month, unless used in conjunction with sick leave.
5. Compensatory time off must be scheduled and approved in advance.
A. Employees will be granted up to five (5) consecutive days of bereavement with pay for a death in the employee's immediate family.
B. Immediate family in this agreement shall include the employee's spouse, child, mother, father, grandparents, grandparent's in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister, brother or grandchildren.
C. An employee may use one sick day for all other bereavement leave.
A. The Board will provide medical coverage equal to or better than the coverage in effect as of January 1, 1999,
B. In the event of a duty injury, medical coverage for the employee and family will remain in effect at no cost to the employee until the return to duty, or the determination of permanent disability is made per Workmen's Compensation regulations.
C. Should a disability occur off duty that requires an extended leave of absence, the employee may continue the above coverage per the rules of deductible of these plans at the current group rate. This extended coverage will commence after all disability (short-term), sick, vacation, personal and compensatory time has been used.
D. Effective January 1, 2002 the board will provide 100% of the medical and prescription coverage to an eligible retiring employee in good standing and his family. This coverage will continue up to Medicare age, at which time it will be replaced with supplemental coverage. An employee must have served the Board for at least twenty-five (25) years. Lesser years of service could result in coverage on a pro-rated basis. These cases will be reviewed by the Board case by case.
E. To be eligible for the retirement coverage, an employee must certify in writing, yearly, that they have no other medical coverage. Once an employee opts for coverage outside the Board's plan, they may not return to the Board's plan.
A. Dental coverage is available at no cost to the employee and family subject to the rules and deductible of the current plan.
A. Worker's compensation coverage is provided by the fire district in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.
A. Life insurance in the amount of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the Annual salary of the employee is provided through the Public Employee's Retirement System (PERS) for the employees enrolled. Eligible employees may contribute to the life insurance and receive additional insurance at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times their annual salary. For all PERS members, contributory insurance is required during the first year of enrollment.
B. Any member enrolled in the Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS) will be governed by the rules of this system for any benefits, contributions, and insurance provided by PIERS.
3 short sleeve shirts
3 long-sleeve shirts
3 pairs of pants
1 pair of shoes
1 coat
1 set of badges (1 coat, I uniform) 1 1 belt
3 short sleeve shirts
3 long sleeve shirts
3 pairs of pants
1 pair of shoes
1 coat
1 set of badges (1 coat, 1 uniform) 1 1 belt
3 short sleeve shirts 3 long sleeve shirts 3 pairs of pants
1 pair of shoes
1 coat
This agreement shall be in full force and effect as of January 1, 2003 and shall be in effect to and including December 31, 2007.
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands on this 6th day of November, 2002.
Board of Fire Commissioners Fire District #2
Township of Moorestown Burlington County, New Jersey
Representative for the District Employees