between the
and the
2009 – 2012
Table of Contents
ARTICLE I – Recognition 2
ARTICLE II - Negotiation Procedure 3
ARTICLE III - Grievance Procedure 4-6
Preamble 4
Definition 4
Procedure 4-6
ARTICLE IV - Employee Rights 7
ARTICLE V - Association Rights 8
ARTICLE VI - Employee Work Year 9-11
ARTICLE VII - Employee Hours 12-16
Preamble 12
Arrival and Departure Time 12
Daily Hours 12-13
Lunch Periods 13
Other Duties 13-14
Field Trips 14-15
Mentoring 15
ARTICLE VIII - Protection of Employees 16-17
ARTICLE IX - Leaves of Absence 18-23
Types of Leaves 18
Sick Leave 18-19
Compassionate Leave 20
Personal Leave 20-21
Involuntary Leave 21
Maternity Leave 21
Professional Leave 22
Sabbatical Leave 22-23
ARTICLE X - Reimbursement for Professional Courses 24-26
Preamble 24
Tuition Costs 24-25
Procedure 25-26
ARTICLE XI - Insurance Protection 27-28
Health Care Insurance 27
Group Income Protection Plan 28
Prescription Drug Insurance 28
Dental Insurance 28
ARTICLE XII - Deduction from Salary 29-30
Deductions: Dues 29-30
Elective Monthly Basis 30
ARTICLE XIII - Salary Guides 31-38
Salary Guides 31-35
Recognitory Levels 35-36
Special Activities Positions 36
Withholding of Employment or Adjustment Increment 36-37
Mileage Reimbursement 37
Hourly Salary Adjustment 37
Discrete Trial Differential 37
Child Study Team Evaluations 37
ARTICLE XIV – Duration 38
This agreement made this 21st day of April 2010, between the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MANTUA, in the County of Gloucester, party of the first part, hereinafter called the BOARD OF EDUCATION, and the MANTUA TOWNSHIP EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, party of the second part, hereinafter called the ASSOCIATION.
The parties hereto for the purpose of promoting relationships which are conducive to the maintenance of a sound school system, each for the benefit of the other, their mutual benefit and each in consideration of the execution of this AGREEMENT by the other, do covenant and agree with each other as follows:
1.1 The BOARD OF EDUCATION hereby recognizes the ASSOCIATION as the exclusive and sole representative for the collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment of all personnel under contract or on authorized leave of absence. These positions shall be defined as the following: certified teacher, nurse, social worker, learning disabilities teacher/consultant, psychologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech/language pathologist, non-confidential secretaries, paraprofessionals and basic skills teaching assistants regardless of source of funding.
1.2 Unless indicated, the term TEACHERS when used in this AGREEMENT shall refer to all certified employees represented by the ASSOCIATION in the negotiated unit as defined above in 1.1.
1.3 Unless indicated, the term EMPLOYEE when used in this AGREEMENT shall refer to all employees represented by the ASSOCIATION in the negotiated unit as defined above in 1.1.
2.1 The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor agreement in accordance with existing State laws in a good effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of employment of all employees covered by this Agreement. Proposals of the ASSOCIATION are to be submitted to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary in accordance with the timelines as outlined in PERC rules and regulations. Before September 30th of the year immediately preceding the expiration year of the current contract, the Business Administrator/Board Secretary will meet with the appropriate MTEA representative to establish the dates in which proposals will be exchanged and meetings will be scheduled. Any Agreements negotiated shall apply to all Association members covered by this agreement, be reduced to writing, be signed by the BOARD OF EDUCATION and the ASSOCIATION and adopted by the parties. It is further agreed that this Agreement may not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties and attached hereto.
2.2 During negotiations, the BOARD OF EDUCATION and the ASSOCIATION or their designated representatives shall present relevant data, exchange points of view and make written proposals and counter proposals.
2.3 Upon agreement by the parties in negotiations, these parties shall make recommendations for agreement to their respective constituents for consideration or ratification. Neither party in negotiations shall control the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party.
2.4 The provisions of this Agreement shall constitute the entire understanding between the parties; and no changes, revisions, alterations, or amendments shall be effected during the term of this Agreement.
2.5 The BOARD OF EDUCATION will provide the ASSOCIATION with its proposal for negotiations at the first scheduled meeting for negotiations. By September 30th of the new negotiating year, the BOARD OF EDUCATION will provide the ASSOCIATION with a scattergram to be used for determining the base salary amount.
3.1 Preamble
The BOARD OF EDUCATION and the ASSOCIATION endeavor to promote relationships that are conducive to building a sound school system. In line with this attitude, they believe that all employees are entitled to have their grievances investigated and resolved through established channels. Satisfactory settlement of grievances contributes to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the employee, to the advantage of the students and the school system.
It is essential that definite procedures be established and followed for the presentation and solution of grievances. The Superintendent of Schools shall develop these procedures by:
a. Making provision for the employees to direct communication with the person responsible for the alleged grievance.
b. Assuring that the channels of communication are open without fear of reprisal.
c. Providing for the use of representation by the employee in the procedure.
3.2 Definition
a. A grievance is an appeal of the interpretation, application, or violation of policies, agreements and administrative decisions affecting an employee or group of employees as it concerns terms and conditions of employment.
b. Any grievance based on administrative decision or Board policy and affecting terms and conditions of employment shall be appealable no further than the BOARD OF EDUCATION. Only a grievance based on the language of this contract as it affects terms and conditions of employment shall be appealable to arbitration.
3.3 Procedure
a. All grievances are to be filed at the lowest appropriate level. For the purpose of this Agreement, the lowest appropriate level shall be the level at which the grievance was created or the level that has the authority to resolve the grievance. If Level Two is deemed to be the lowest appropriate level, a photocopy of the grievance shall be given to the building principal, if the grievance is filed on the behalf of a single grievant, or to all district administrators, if the grievance is filed on behalf of the employee(s).
b. LEVEL ONE: Should Level One be deemed to be the lowest appropriate level, the formal grievance shall be submitted to the building principal. The building principal shall render a decision and return the grievance to the Association Chairperson for the Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee, with a courtesy photocopy to the Association President and the Superintendent within ten (10) calendar days, excluding school holidays, of receipt of the grievance.
c. LEVEL TWO: Should Level Two be deemed to be the lowest appropriate level, the formal grievance shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools; or, if the grievance has passed through Level One and has not been resolved to the grievant’s satisfaction, it shall be presented to the Superintendent within ten (10) calendar days, excluding school holidays, of being returned to the ASSOCIATION. In either case, the Superintendent shall render his decision and return the grievance to the Association Chairperson of the Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee, with a courtesy photocopy to the Association President within ten (10) calendar days, excluding school holidays.
d. LEVEL THREE: If the aggrieved is not satisfied with the Superintendent’s decision, the aggrieved and his representative may file through the Superintendent’s Office, within ten (10) school days after receiving the Superintendent’s decision, an appeal, in writing to the BOARD OF EDUCATION. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to notify the BOARD OF EDUCATION of the receipt of such a written appeal. The BOARD OF EDUCATION shall meet with the parties of interest within twenty five (25) calendar days of receiving the written appeal at a mutually acceptable time and place in Executive Session, in order to hear the merits of the case. The aggrieved party has the right to the merits of the case. The aggrieved party has the right to counsel, representation, and witnesses on their behalf. The decision made by the BOARD OF EDUCATION shall be communicated to the respective parties in writing within forty (40) calendar days of the hearing.
The grievant must notify the BOARD OF EDUCATION within twenty (20) calendar days, excluding school holidays, of receiving the BOARD OF EDUCATION’S decision of its intention to appeal said decision to arbitration. If the grievant does not do so within twenty (20) calendar days, excluding school holidays, the grievance is considered automatically resolved based on the decision rendered by the BOARD OF EDUCATION.
e. If a resolution of the grievance is not achieved at the BOARD OF EDUCATION level, an arbitrator may be selected from a list supplied by the New Jersey Public Employees Relations Commission. The cost of such an arbitrator shall be shared by both parties. The decision handed down by such arbitrator for teachers shall be binding and for paraprofessionals and secretaries shall be advisory for 2010-11 and binding on both parties thereafter.
It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Schools and the ASSOCIATION to maintain a complete file of written grievances. Such file shall not become a part of the aggrieved’s personnel file.
4.1 Pursuant to existing laws, the BOARD OF EDUCATION agrees that employees shall have the right to organize and support the ASSOCIATION and its designated affiliates. The BOARD OF EDUCATION further agrees that it shall not deprive or coerce any employee in the enjoyment of any rights confirmed by the existing laws of the State of New Jersey and the BOARD OF EDUCATION also agrees that it shall not discriminate against any employee because of membership in the ASSOCIATION. No employee shall be disciplined, reprimanded, or reduced in rank or compensation without just cause.
4.2 Whenever an employee is required to appear before the BOARD OF EDUCATION or agent thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her office, position, employment or salary, or any increments pertaining thereto, then s/he shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the ASSOCIATION present to advise him/her and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.
4.3 The BOARD OF EDUCATION agrees that no employee shall be prevented from wearing pins or other identification of membership in the ASSOCIATION or its affiliates.
4.4 No employee is to be disciplined or reprimanded in front of students, parents, or staff members.
4.5 When a complaint is filed, the employee has the right to address concerns according to Board policy and administrative procedures.
5.1 The ASSOCIATION shall have the right to use the interschool mail facilities, E-mail, and school mailboxes with the prior knowledge of the building principal of the dissemination of appropriate material.
6.1 The BOARD OF EDUCATION agrees to establish a school calendar of 185 days. This number shall be inclusive of days when students are required to be in attendance, orientation days for returning teachers, in-service days and, further, shall include half-day sessions for students the first two (2) days and last two (2) days of school.
One half of the first in-service day for a new school year shall be utilized for the purpose of room preparation.
Members of the Child Study Team will work five (5) days in addition to those listed above and will be compensated at a rate equal to their per diem rate of pay. The scheduling of these days will be mutually agreed upon between the staff member and the Supervisor of Child Study Team.
6.2 Those teachers who are directed by their supervisor or appropriate school administrator to report for assigned duties prior to the start of the school calendar shall be compensated at their regular hourly and/or per diem rate of pay.
Teachers who are responsible for preparing their classrooms for orientation programs will be permitted to be released for one of the half-day teacher in-service sessions prior to the start of the school year.
6.3 All newly employed teachers must report to scheduled orientation sessions before the start of the regular school calendar. One day is required without additional compensation and a second day, if needed, would be compensated at the current hourly rate for curriculum development, as set forth in Article XIII.
6.4 All teacher assistants and paraprofessionals will work each day that schools are open for students (180).
6.5 The work year for all secretarial staff will be based on one of the following:
- 10 Months
- 10 ½ Months
- 12 Months
6.6 All 10-month secretaries will work each day that the district and school offices are open from September 1st through June 30th.
6.7 All 12-month secretaries will work each day that the district and school offices are open from July 1st through June 30th.
6.8 All 10½-month secretaries will work each day that the district and school offices are open from August 16th through June 30th.
6.9 All 10, 12 and 10½ month secretaries will work one of the two days designated for the NJEA convention.
6.10 All 10, 12 and 10½ month secretaries will work two of the days that the school offices are open during the winter and spring recesses (two days during spring recess only applies if there are four or more days off from school). Secretaries will have the option of taking leave without pay for the one NJEA Convention day and/or two days during Christmas Break.
6.11 Holidays
Employees contracted for a 12 month basis will be entitled to the following holidays and will not be required to report to work.
New Year’s Day Fourth of July
Martin Luther King Day Labor Day
President’s Day Thanksgiving Day
Good Friday Christmas Day
Memorial Day
6.12 Secretaries will not be required to report to work on days when schools are closed due to inclement weather.
6.13 Vacation
Twelve month employees shall accrue vacation time as outlined below. The number of years represents the number of years in which the employee was contracted for employment.
1 – 5 years 10 days vacation
6 – 10 years 14 days vacation
11-15 years 16 days vacation
16 – 19 years 17 days vacation
20+ years 20 days vacation
All accrued vacation time will become available for request on July 1st for the following school year. In order to receive credit for one year’s employment, the staff member must have worked at least six (6) months. A month is defined as working 50% or more. For those staff members hired during the course of the school year, the number of vacation days available will be prorated based on the number of months worked.
All 12-month employees must use their allotted vacation time each year as outlined above. At least one week of vacation must be taken as continuous days.
Unused vacation days which result in an employee exceeding the allowable number of banked days on June 30th of any given year will be forfeited.
Part-time 12-month employees who become full time shall have vacation time converted to their full time equivalency on a direct prorated basis.
When an employee’s status moves from a 10-month to 12-month position, accrued vacation will be determined according to the total number of months worked divided by twelve. This will be converted to years of service and the employee will then be eligible for that number of vacation days at the start of the first year of their contract as a 12-month employee.
7.1 Preamble
As professionals, teachers are expected to devote to their assignments the time necessary to meet their responsibilities. They shall log in and log out, but are not required to designate hours and minutes.
7.2 Arrival and Departure Time
a. The arrival and departure times for all classroom teachers shall be designated in Subsection B. However, their total in-school work day shall consist of not more than seven (7) hours and fifteen (15) minutes, which shall include a duty-free lunch period as set forth under Section 4 of this Article.
b. No teacher shall be required to report for duty earlier than thirty (30) minutes before the opening of the pupils’ school day.
c. Days before holidays which exceed one (1) day (Thanksgiving, Winter Break and Spring Break) shall be early dismissal days. Teachers may leave after the close of the pupils’ day providing that their students are safely out of their classroom.
d. On Fridays or days when teachers return in the evening for school functions, teachers may leave after the close of the pupils’ day providing that their students are safely out of their classroom
7.3 Daily Hours
a. The daily teaching hours in the elementary schools shall not exceed five (5) hours, forty-five (45) minutes of pupil contact.
b. Section 7.3-a does in no way impinge upon or prohibit an individual from volunteering or accepting any other activities connected with or concerning pupil contact within the school system which exceeds the daily teaching hours.
c. The BOARD OF EDUCATION agrees to provide all teachers with a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) minutes of release time during a normal work week, unless an emergency related to the shortage of instructional personnel or a situation which would adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of students should occur which requires the presence of the teacher scheduled for release time. It shall be the building principal’s responsibility to make such a determination. A normal workweek is defined as any week consisting of five (5) full session days in addition to a guaranteed lunch period.
d. Release time will be provided for Special Education staff. Special Education teachers who have five to nine complete IEP’s will be provided ½ day of release time. Special Education teachers who have ten or more IEP’s will be provided one full day of release time. Writing of 2 partial IEP’s equals one complete IEP.
These requests will be presented to the appropriate building principal who will make arrangements for the agreed upon release time.
7.4 Lunch Periods
a. Teachers who teach more than four and three quarter (4¾) hours per school day shall have a duty-free lunch period of at least thirty (30) minutes.
b. Teachers may leave the building during their scheduled duty-free lunch period without requesting permission, but must notify the building principal’s office upon leaving and returning.
c. Teachers who are assigned to more than one building per day shall be granted a thirty (30) minute period of time between teaching assignments for the purpose of travel and classroom preparations. This time is in addition to a duty-free lunch period.
d. Paraprofessionals who work more than 4¾ hours per school day shall have a thirty (30) minute duty free lunch break each day.
e. Full-time secretaries will be provided a forty-five (45) minute duty free lunch and a fifteen (15) minute break either in the morning or in the afternoon as determined by the appropriate supervisor.
7.5. Other Duties
a. All reasonable efforts will be made by the administration and the BOARD OF EDUCATION to relieve teachers of before-school, lunchtime, after-school playground duties and bus loading duties.
b. On half-day sessions, teachers of art, music, physical education and multimedia who travel will continue to do so provided they do not have more than seven (7) class assignments on the affected days. On these half-days, classes will meet for twenty-five (25) minute sessions with sufficient travel time included in the schedule. Should any of these specialists have more than seven (7) assignments on half-days, they will alternate schools.
c. All teachers will be required to attend two (2) faculty meetings per month after school until 4:00 p.m. All teachers shall attend up to nine (9) meetings per year after school which shall be extended to 4:15 p.m. One additional meeting per month may be extended until 4:15 p.m., at the discretion of the administration.
Five (5) school days notice shall be provided for any meeting expected to extend beyond 3:30 p.m. In the case of regularly scheduled building faculty meetings, notice setting meeting dates may be published once at the start of the school year. Advance notification of 48 hours minimum for rescheduling of the meeting shall be provided. Attendance at rescheduled meetings may be excused with approval of supervisor.
d. A teacher shall be reimbursed for required supervision of students approved by Board action beyond the school day. The rate shall be $33. per hour for the duration of the contract. Reimbursement for extra time will be made in 15 minute increments.
e. Teachers shall attend the one (1) annual Back-to-School Night at the appropriate building. Required attendance at additional Back-to-School Nights, shall be paid at the rate set forth in Article VII-d above.
f. Staff members may be required to make one (1) professional presentation to the Board per year without pay. Any subsequent presentation during the same school year will be paid at the rate of $33. per hour for the duration of the contract.
g. The BOARD OF EDUCATION agrees to pay $25. per hour for required room changes necessitating such work outside of regular contractual day and/or calendar year as outlined for sixteen (16) hours if the move is between buildings or eight (8) hours if within the same building. There must be a prior request made to the appropriate administrator and approval given before such work commences.
h. The Board of Education agrees to pay $20.00 per hour to teachers who attend evening meetings of the District Advisory Committee and/or School-Based Planning Teams.
During the week of parent/teacher conferences teachers shall return on one evening for the purpose of meeting with parents. Teachers with scheduled evening conferences are permitted to leave at the end of the pupil day. In the event that a teacher chooses to schedule evening conferences beyond the two hours allotted by the district, they shall be compensated for one additional hour at the contractual rate of pay.
In the event a teacher receives no requests for evening conferences, the teacher shall not be required to return for evening conferences and shall leave at the end of the normal contractual day.
7.6 Field Trips
All teachers who supervise approved field trips that extend beyond the regular contractual school day shall be compensated at the rate of $33. per hour for the duration of the contract.
Teachers who supervise approved overnight field trips shall be compensated $175. per night for the duration of the contract. Nurses will be compensated at a rate equal to their per diem rate of pay.
The BOARD OF EDUCATION and the MTEA hereby agree to the payment schedule below for teachers who serve as mentors to first year teachers.
Mentor teachers shall be paid at the rate set forth in Article XIII, 13.3, for fifteen (15) hours of service to the beginning provisional teacher.
Mentor teachers shall be paid an additional $550 for the period of intense mentoring that is required for all alternate route teachers (if required).
For the beginning provisional teacher being mentored, a payroll deduction will be established equal to the amount needed to reimburse the mentor, with an additional $150. being deducted to cover the cost of related expenses (release time, training, workshops and related supplies). If payment is received from the state to cover the partial or total cost of the mentor, and/or related expenses, this amount will be reimbursed to the beginning provisional teacher. Any monies not used for related expenses will also be returned to the beginning provisional teacher.
7.8 Full time secretaries will be defined as those secretaries who work an eight (8) hour day. The starting and ending times will be determined by the Board of Education. All full-time secretarial staff will be provided ten (10) days notice of any changes in working hours.
Part-time secretaries will be defined as those secretaries who work less than an eight (8) hour day. The starting and ending times will be determined by the Board of Education. All part-time secretarial staff will be provided ten (10) days notice of any changes in working hours.
Part-time secretaries who work less than 4¾ hours will be provided a fifteen (15) minute break at a time determined by the appropriate supervisor.
The work day for all Teacher Assistants and Paraprofessionals will be determined by the Board of Education.
Teacher Assistants who work more than 4¾ hours per school day shall have a lunch period of at least thirty (30) minutes.
Paraprofessionals who work more than 4¾ hours per school day shall have one thirty (30) minute lunch break each day. This break will be scheduled by the appropriate supervisor.
8.1 Employees shall not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions or to perform tasks that endanger their health, safety, or well-being. Hazardous environmental conditions will be determined according to PEOSHA standards.
8.2 An employee may, within the scope of his/her employment, use and apply such amount of force as is reasonable and necessary; to quell a disturbance threatening physical injury to others; to obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects upon the person or with the control of the pupil; for the purpose of self defense; and for the protection of others.
8.3 Whenever any action is brought against an employee before the BOARD OF EDUCATION or before the Commissioner of Education of the State of New Jersey which may affect his/her employment or salary status, the BOARD OF EDUCATION shall reimburse him/her for the cost of his/her defense if the action is dismissed or results in a final decision in favor of the employee.
8.4 Pursuant to the statutes of the State of New Jersey, whenever any civil action has been or shall be brought against any person holding any office, position or employment under the jurisdiction of any Board of Education, including any student teacher, for any act or omission arising out of and in the course of the performance of the duties of such office, position, employment or student teaching, the BOARD OF EDUCATION shall defray all costs of defending such action, including reasonable counsel fees and expenses, together with costs of appeal, if any, and shall save harmless and protect such persons from any financial loss resulting therefrom; and said BOARD OF EDUCATION may arrange for and maintain appropriate insurance to cover all damages, losses and expenses.
8.5 Pursuant to the statutes of the State of New Jersey, should any criminal action be instituted against any employee for any such act or omission and should such proceeding be dismissed or result in a final disposition favorable to such person, the BOARD OF EDUCATION shall reimburse him/her for the cost of defending such proceeding, including reasonable counsel fees and expenses of the original hearing or trial and all appeals.
8.6 Employees shall immediately report cases of assault suffered by them in connection with their employment to their principal or immediate supervisor.
Employees shall immediately report to their immediate supervisor cases of assault upon pupils.
Such notification shall be immediately forwarded to the Superintendent by the building principal or immediate supervisor who shall comply with any reasonable request from the employee for any information in the possession of the Superintendent relating to the incident or the persons involved and shall act in appropriate ways as liaison between the employee, the police and the courts.
9.1 Types of Leaves
For the purpose of this Article, the following types of leaves shall be recognized:
Sick Leave Compassionate Leave
Personal Leave Involuntary Leave
Maternity Leave Professional Leave
Sabbatical Leave
9.2 Sick Leave
a. All teachers employed shall be entitled to eleven (11) sick leave days, with pay, each school year as of the first official day of said school year, whether or not they report for duty on that day. Sick leave for all teachers who are not contracted for the total number of days will be prorated as follows:
Contracted Days per Week Sick Days per Year
4 9
3 6.5
2 4.5
1 2
All other employees shall be entitled to twelve (12) sick leave days per year. Employees who are contracted for less than five (5) days per week will be entitled to the number of sick leave days as outlined below:
Contracted Days per Week Sick Days per Year
4 9.5
3 7
2 5
1 2.5
All employees who begin employment after September 30th will be entitled to sick leave on a prorated basis.
Unused sick leave shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit. Sick leave shall be defined by New Jersey Statutes with the following permissive change:
All employees who are absent from their duties for three (3) or more consecutive work days will be required to submit to the Secretary of the BOARD OF EDUCATION a certificate from a physician stating the reason of such absence.
Convalescence must be a continuity of the illness.
Catastrophic leave will be available in accordance with the provisions of 18A:30-6 when sick leave is exhausted and shall be administered on an individual basis, i.e., 1/200th of annual salary minus the cost of the substitute. The Board of Education reserves the right to determine if catastrophic leave will be granted and if so, the length of time to be approved.
b. The BOARD OF EDUCATION shall reimburse retiring teachers for unused sick leave at the rate of $60. per day up to a maximum $7,200. (120 days) for the duration of the contract. Sick leave reimbursement for secretaries, paraprofessionals and basic skills teaching assistants will be $40. per day up to a maximum of $4,800. (120 days) for the duration of the contract. In order to be eligible for reimbursement, the retiring employee must possess a minimum of fifty (50) days accumulated sick leave at the end of the academic year in which the retirement is executed. Notice of said retirement must be given by December 1st in order to receive payment in the following year.
Any employee employed after July 1, 1988 must attain ten (10) consecutive years of service in the District in order to be eligible for any retirement reimbursement.
Should the employee die before retirement, after having given formal retirement notification, the accrued entitlement will be paid to the beneficiary or to the employee’s estate, as appropriate.
c. Whenever an employee is absent due to illness, injury, or other disability requiring an extended period of absence and an anticipated date for returning to work cannot be estimated, the individual must notify the Superintendent thirty (30) days in advance of the anticipated date of return or as soon as it has been projected by the attending physician. Once this has been established, the employee must then notify the Superintendent five (5) work days in advance of the actual return date to confirm the return.
In such cases, reassignment will be subject to available positions in the area of certification and/or experience based upon the Superintendent’s recommendation. Should an appropriate position not be available, the returning employee shall serve as a substitute until the Superintendent can make an appropriate recommendation.
9.3 Compassionate Leave
Leaves of absence shall be granted by the Superintendent, with pay, to an employee for a death in the immediate family. The number of days per year shall not be defined, but the maximum number of days per any one crisis shall not exceed five (5).
The immediate family shall be considered as: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, spouse, child, brother, sister, grandchild, stepparent, stepchild and domestic partner.
A leave of three (3) days shall be granted with the same stipulations as above in the event of a death of a mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, grandparent-in-law or any other person with assumed comparable roles.
One (1) day leave shall be granted with the same stipulations as above in the event of a death of any other relative or any other person domiciled in the teacher’s household. There shall be no deduction of pay or sick leave.
9.4 Personal Leave
a. A teacher shall receive a maximum of four (4) personal leave days with pay. No more than six (6) teachers in the entire district shall be eligible for personal leave on any given day. Requests shall be honored on a “first come, first served” basis.
All other employees will receive a maximum of three (3) personal leave days with pay.
All requests for personal day leave must be made in writing on prescribed forms, submitted forty-eight (48) hours in advance, and be processed by both the building principal and Superintendent. In the event that an emergency prevents such advance notification time, the proper forms must be completed retroactively.
b. For those staff members who have sufficient unused personal days remaining at the end of each school year, all remaining unused personal days shall be converted to accumulated sick leave annually.
c. Teachers requesting personal leave which is taken on a work day before or a day after a holiday (Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day and Thanksgiving) or any scheduled extended school recess (NJEA Convention, Winter and Spring break) will be counted as double.
d. All other employees requesting to take more than two (2) consecutive working days as personal leave must have those days approved by the superintendent. Additionally, all requests for a personal day leave which is to occur on a day before or a day after a holiday or extended school recess must state the reason for such request and be approved by the superintendent. Approval shall be granted only for the purpose of conducting business which could not be conducted at any other time. Such matters shall include, but not be limited to, legal proceedings, weddings involving the immediate family, attendance at a graduation for oneself or immediate family, real estate settlements and bona fide emergencies. Travel on a day before or after a holiday break is not a permitted personal leave reason.
e. Requests from teachers for personal day leave will be limited to three (3) consecutive days.
9.5 Involuntary Leave
Involuntary leave may be requested only after other appropriate accumulated leave has been exhausted. All requests for involuntary leave must be in writing on prescribed forms, submitted seventy-two (72) hours in advance to the building principal and be approved by the Superintendent. Involuntary leave shall be limited to use for a court subpoena or family/household emergency.
Any involuntary leave expected to be longer than five (5) days must be approved by the BOARD OF EDUCATION. No compensation shall be granted for leaves in excess of five (5) days. In such cases, the leave shall be without pay in all instances.
9.6 Maternity Leave
a. The BOARD OF EDUCATION shall grant maternity leave in accordance with Board policy and the laws of the State of New Jersey.
b. Upon return, the employee will be placed on the same step and guide in effect when her leave commences and with all benefits previously accrued. If the employee serves half of her contracted days prior to and/or after her leave option, she will be placed on the next higher step upon returning at the start of or during the following school year.
c. The BOARD OF EDUCATION agrees to provide six (6) months of child rearing leave without pay for adoption of an infant. All rights and privileges granted in 9.6-A & 9.6-B shall also apply to child-rearing leave. In addition, both male and female employees shall be eligible. In the event that both parents are employed by the MANTUA TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION, only one (1) parent shall be eligible for child-rearing leave.
d. The Board of Education agrees to provide one (1) day of paternity leave.
9.7 Professional Leave
a. For the purpose of instructional and program improvement the BOARD OF EDUCATION shall provide each teacher with two (2) professional days annually. Such days must be requested in writing on prescribed forms, submitted five (5) days in advance and be approved by both the building principal and Superintendent.
b. The BOARD OF EDUCATION shall reimburse teachers for the cost of attending a total of two (2) professional workshops, seminars or other similarly approved functions, up to a maximum of $250. This shall apply to a non-graduate course at an approved institution when included in the individual’s Professional Development Plan (PDP). One professional day may be used for this purpose. Teachers will be entitled to the full amount listed above. How these monies are utilized will be at the teacher’s discretion.
9.8 Sabbatical Leave
a. Purpose
A sabbatical leave shall be granted to a teacher by the BOARD OF EDUCATION for study, including study in another area of specialization, for travel, or for other reasons of value to the school system.
b. Conditions
Sabbatical leave shall be granted, subject to the following conditions:
(1) If there are sufficient qualified applicants, sabbatical may be granted to a maximum of two (2) teachers in any academic year.
(2) Requests for sabbatical leave must be received by the Superintendent in writing in such form as may be mutually agreed on by the ASSOCIATION and the Superintendent no later than January 1 and action must be taken on all such requests no later than April 1 of the school year preceding the academic year for which the sabbatical leave is requested.
(3) The teacher in order to qualify for sabbatical leave must have completed at least seven (7) full school years of service in the Mantua Township School District.
(4) The teacher on sabbatical leave shall be paid fifty percent (50%) of his/her contract salary for the year in which the sabbatical is requested.
(5) Upon return from the sabbatical leave, the teacher shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level which s/he would have achieved had s/he remained actively employed in the system during the period of his/her absence. A recipient of a sabbatical shall agree to return to his/her duties within the school district for a period of not less than two (2) years. Should a sabbatical recipient fail to return to the service of the Mantua Township Schools for a period of two (2) years immediately following the sabbatical, the recipient shall repay the BOARD OF EDUCATION the full amount received while on sabbatical leave of absence.
(6) A sabbatical leave shall be granted for no more or no less than one (1) academic year. All sabbatical leaves shall be effective from the opening day of school and last until the closing day of school during the same academic year.
(7) A sabbatical leave shall be granted to a teacher not more than once during his/her entire employment in Mantua Township Schools.
(8) A teacher on sabbatical leave shall be entitled to any and all fringe benefits which are extended to all teachers and for which the recipient is eligible, at personal expense.
10.1 Preamble
Recognizing the desire and responsibility of the professional staff to increase professional skills, acquire greater knowledge, and achieve professional advancement through formal education, the BOARD OF EDUCATION and the ASSOCIATION agree to the following Article.
10.2 Tuition Costs
The Mantua Township BOARD OF EDUCATION agrees to pay tuition costs for teachers in accordance with the provisions outlined below:
a. Eligibility
All teachers who hold a Baccalaureate Degree from an accredited college will be eligible.
The BOARD OF EDUCATION will establish a pool of money for the purpose of reimbursing teachers for approved graduate course work. This amount will be $37,000 for the first year of the contract and $39,000 for the second and third years of the contract. These amounts will be distributed as follows:
- 50% for courses which end between July 1st and December 31st
- 50% for courses which end between January 1st and June 30th (any monies left from the above amount will be added to this amount)
Eligibility for these allotments will be based on matriculation in a graduate program or approved professional certification that is directly related to the employee’s responsibilities as per their job description. Those individuals who qualify will be reimbursed 100% of the costs for tuition, matriculation and registration (additional expenses for books, parking fees, late fees, etc. must be assumed by the individual) as long as the total requests do not exceed the available pool as stated above. In the event that the requests do exceed the available pool, matriculated individuals will be reimbursed on an equal basis. An “equal basis” is hereby defined as each teacher getting 100% of the cost of each credit until the funds are depleted. In the event that the amount being requested exceeds the available pool of monies, the following procedure will be used to determine the amount to be distributed to each teacher:
The total number of credits being requested for reimbursement will be divided into the available pool.
This per credit amount will then be multiplied by the credits being requested by each individual teacher to determine how much the staff member will receive.
Teachers who are not matriculated will be eligible for reimbursement if money is available after matriculated individuals have been reimbursed. These funds will be distributed on an equal basis as outlined above.
Teachers wishing to be eligible for reimbursement must have coursework included in their Professional Development Plan for the current year.
The maximum amount to be reimbursed to the teacher shall not exceed the cost of nine (9) graduate credits based on the cost of credits for New Jersey state colleges for the academic year in which the approved course work was taken. The maximum amount eligible for reimbursement will be approved by the Board annually at its July meeting. Should this amount be increased during the school year, the BOARD OF EDUCATION will adjust its reimbursement amount accordingly.
Course approval requests for courses which conclude between July 1 and December 31 must be submitted to the Superintendent through the building principal no later than June 1 of the year the course is being taken. Within thirty (30) days of the above date the Superintendent will return the course approval request indicating whether the course has been approved and the amount available for reimbursement.
Course approval requests for courses which conclude between January 1 and June 30 must be submitted to the Superintendent through the building principal no later than December 1 of the year the course is being taken. Within thirty (30) days of the above date the Superintendent will return the course approval request indicating whether the course has been approved and the amount available for reimbursement.
All courses must be approved by the Superintendent in order to be reimbursed. The BOARD OF EDUCATION shall reimburse only those courses that are related to the instructional process at the elementary level. These courses shall include, but not be limited to, the fields of guidance and supervision.
b. Upon completion of the Request for Course Reimbursement form, proof of payment and a transcript or grade card shall be submitted to the Superintendent as evidence of successful completion of the course(s). Reimbursement shall be made only to applicants who present evidence (course mark as shown on official transcripts) of having received a grade of “B” or better.
The reimbursement periods shall take place thirty (30) days after the BOARD OF EDUCATION received notification of successful completion.
10.4 Reimbursement for All Other Employees
All other employees desiring to take courses related to training or the enhancement of their job performance must submit a written request to the Board of Education. Approval of such courses will be at the board’s discretion.
11.1 Health Care Insurance
The BOARD OF EDUCATION shall pay the full premium cost of AmeriHealth Public Sector 5 (or a plan of equal or greater benefits) for each eligible teacher and employee and eligible dependents. All employees eligible for medical coverage will be provided the opportunity to pay the differential for AmeriHealth Public Sector 10 (or plan of equal or greater benefits).
In order to be eligible for health care insurance a teacher must be employed on a full time basis. Full time will be defined as being contracted for the full amount of time as outlined in Article VII, 7.2, A. Teachers who are contracted for 80% of the time as outlined in Article VII, 7.2, A, will be entitled to receive health care insurance, but the board will only pay 80% of the cost; the employee must pay the remaining 20% in order to receive this benefit. Teachers contracted for less than 80% will not be entitled to health care insurance.
In order for all other employees to be eligible for health care insurance, the employee must be contracted for more than thirty-five (35) hours per week.
Upon entering their third consecutive year of employment in the district, employees eligible for health care insurance will receive dependent coverage at Board of Education expense.
All employees who receive medical health benefits will contribute 0.5% of their contracted salary towards the cost of their health insurance during the third year (2011-12) of the contract.
Employees eligible for Health Care Insurance shall be offered the following in lieu of coverage payment:
Family $2,500.
Husband/Wife $2,250.
Parent/Child $2,000.
Single $1,750.
- Payment will be made in two installments, December and June.
- In the event of documented loss of coverage, the teacher will have the opportunity to re-enroll in the Health Insurance Plan and they will receive a prorated share of the above payment.
- New employees hired during a plan year who elect to waive medical coverage will receive compensation on a prorated basis beginning with the date of eligibility for health coverage.
11.2 Group Income Protection Plan
The Board of Education agrees to provide each employee eligible for health care insurance a contribution towards accident/sickness disability coverage through the Prudential Insurance Company of America equal to one of the following two plans:
Plan #4568 Accident/Sickness (formerly Washington National) with a maximum monthly benefit amount of $510.00. This plan is only available to those staff members who are enrolled in this plan as of July 1, 2006.
Pru-Protect 14-day elimination period with a maximum monthly benefit amount of $1,000.00.
This contribution can be used towards the cost of any accident/sickness plan through Prudential selected by the employee with the employee paying any cost over the board contribution amount.
Eligibility for income protection insurance will be based on the same conditions as defined in 11.1 above.
11.3 Prescription Drug Insurance
The BOARD OF EDUCATION shall pay the full premium cost for prescription drug insurance coverage for each employee eligible for health care insurance and eligible dependents, based on the following co-pays:
2009/10 & 2010/11 2011/12
Generic Preferred $10. $10.
Brand Preferred $15. $20.
Non-Preferred $25. $30.
Eligibility for prescription drug insurance will be based on the same conditions as defined in 11.1 above.
11.4 Dental Insurance
The BOARD OF EDUCATION shall pay the full premium cost for employee only dental insurance for each employee eligible for health care insurance. Family coverage will be available at the employee’s expense.
Eligibility for dental insurance will be based on the same conditions as defined in 11.1 above.
12.1 Deductions: Dues
The BOARD OF EDUCATION agrees to deduct from the salaries of all employees (at the option of the employee) dues for the Mantua Township Education Association, the Gloucester County Education Association, and New Jersey Education Association or the National Education Association, or any one or any combination of such associations as said employee individually and voluntarily authorize the BOARD OF EDUCATION to deduct. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 310 Public Laws of 1967 (NJSA 51:14-15.9e) and under rules established by the State Department of Education.
The Board of Education shall transmit to the appropriate office of the NJEA all dues deducted on behalf of said employees. The amount transmitted will be based on the invoice received from NJEA along with any necessary adjustments. This check will be forwarded by the Board of Education by the 15th of the following month.
Any employee who is represented by MTEA during the term of this Agreement and who does not become a member of the Association shall be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for the purpose of offsetting the employee’s per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as a majority representative. Representation fees for non-members shall be deducted prospectively only, beginning September 1 of each contract year.
Unless otherwise specified in this article, the maximum representation fee for non-members, notification of procedures available to non-members for appeal and the establishment of return system, etc. shall comply with 34:13A-5.4, et. seq., in effect at the time of the execution of this contract.
On or about November 1 of each year the Association will submit to the Board the names of those employees who have not become members of the Association for that year. The Board will deduct the total amount of representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, in each pay period for the remainder of the year.
On or about the last day of each month beginning in November of each year, the Board will notify the Association of employees newly employed during the month. The Association will notify the Board within thirty (30) days if any newly employed employee does not become a member of the Association.
Any employee having a representation fee deducted and who terminates employment prior to January 1 of any contract year will have the representation fee deducted for January 1 of that contract year from his/her final pay, provided the employee has filed the appropriate notification with the Association and the Board.
Any employee having a representation fee deducted and who terminates employment after January 1 of any contract year, will have the total representation fee for that contract year deducted from his/her final pay.
Procedures for the transmission of representation fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used to the transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
The Association shall indemnify, defend and save harmless the Board of Education against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses that may rise out of, or by reason of, suits challenging the legality of this provision.
12.2 Elective Monthly Basis
a. Employees employed on a ten (10) month basis shall be paid in twenty (20) equal semi-monthly installments. Employees may elect to have salary direct deposited to their account by contacting the Board Office for necessary paperwork. The BOARD OF EDUCATION will provide, at the beginning of each school year, a check distribution guide outlining the actual paydays for the course of the school year.
b. (1) Employees may individually elect to have any amount of their monthly salary deducted from their pay for deposit in individual accounts with the ABCO Credit Union. The interest accrued will be applied to their individual accounts by the Credit Union. Withdrawal of funds is subject to the rules of the Credit Union.
(2) Employees must submit written forms, which will be prepared by the Board Office, in order to have payroll deductions made. The amount of deductions authorized by the Employee at the beginning of the school year may not be changed. Deductions will be discontinued only if the Board Office is notified by the 15th of the month prior to the date of discontinuance.
c. When a payday falls on or during a school holiday, vacation, or weekend, Employees shall receive their paychecks on the last previous working day.
SALARY GUIDES 13.1 Salary Guides
2009/10 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Salary Step | BA |  | MA |  | MA+15 | MA+30 | Phd |
1 | 46,360 | 47,760 |  | 48,460 |  | 49,160 | 49,860 |
2 | 46,560 | 47,960 |  | 48,660 |  | 49,360 | 50,060 |
3 | 46,860 | 48,260 |  | 48,960 |  | 49,660 | 50,360 |
4 | 47,617 | 49,052 |  | 49,769 |  | 50,487 | 51,204 |
5 | 48,129 | 49,564 |  | 50,282 |  | 50,999 | 51,716 |
6 | 48,642 | 50,077 |  | 50,794 |  | 51,511 | 52,229 |
7 | 49,154 | 50,589 |  | 51,306 |  | 52,024 | 52,741 |
8 | 50,179 | 51,614 |  | 52,331 |  | 53,049 | 53,766 |
9 | 51,716 | 53,151 |  | 53,869 |  | 54,586 | 55,304 |
10 | 53,766 | 55,201 |  | 55,919 |  | 56,636 | 57,353 |
11 | 56,841 | 58,276 |  | 58,993 |  | 59,711 | 60,428 |
12 | 60,428 | 61,863 |  | 62,580 |  | 63,298 | 64,015 |
13 | 64,528 | 65,963 |  | 66,680 |  | 67,397 | 68,115 |
14 | 68,895 | 70,330 |  | 71,047 |  | 71,765 | 72,482 |
2010/11 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Salary Step | BA |  | MA |  | MA+15 | MA+30 | Phd |
1 | 46,360 | 47,760 |  | 48,460 |  | 49,160 | 49,860 |
2 | 46,560 | 47,960 |  | 48,660 |  | 49,360 | 50,060 |
3 | 46,860 | 48,260 |  | 48,960 |  | 49,660 | 50,360 |
4 | 47,617 | 49,052 |  | 49,769 |  | 50,487 | 51,204 |
5 | 48,129 | 49,564 |  | 50,282 |  | 50,999 | 51,716 |
6 | 48,642 | 50,077 |  | 50,794 |  | 51,511 | 52,229 |
7 | 49,154 | 50,589 |  | 51,306 |  | 52,024 | 52,741 |
8 | 50,179 | 51,614 |  | 52,331 |  | 53,049 | 53,766 |
9 | 51,716 | 53,151 |  | 53,869 |  | 54,586 | 55,304 |
10 | 53,766 | 55,201 |  | 55,919 |  | 56,636 | 57,353 |
11 | 56,841 | 58,276 |  | 58,993 |  | 59,711 | 60,428 |
12 | 60,428 | 61,863 |  | 62,580 |  | 63,298 | 64,015 |
13 | 64,528 | 65,963 |  | 66,680 |  | 67,397 | 68,115 |
14 | 68,895 | 70,330 |  | 71,047 |  | 71,765 | 72,482 |
2011/12 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Salary Step | BA |  | MA |  | MA+15 | MA+30 | Phd |
1 | 46,540 | 47,942 |  | 48,643 |  | 49,344 | 50,046 |
2 | 46,740 | 48,142 |  | 48,843 |  | 49,544 | 50,246 |
3 | 46,940 | 48,342 |  | 49,043 |  | 49,744 | 50,446 |
4 | 47,698 | 49,135 |  | 49,854 |  | 50,572 | 51,291 |
5 | 48,211 | 49,648 |  | 50,367 |  | 51,086 | 51,804 |
6 | 48,724 | 50,162 |  | 50,880 |  | 51,599 | 52,318 |
7 | 49,238 | 50,675 |  | 51,394 |  | 52,112 | 52,831 |
8 | 50,264 | 51,702 |  | 52,420 |  | 53,139 | 53,858 |
9 | 51,804 | 53,242 |  | 53,960 |  | 54,679 | 55,398 |
10 | 53,858 | 55,295 |  | 56,014 |  | 56,732 | 57,451 |
11 | 56,938 | 58,375 |  | 59,094 |  | 59,812 | 60,531 |
12 | 60,531 | 61,968 |  | 62,687 |  | 63,405 | 64,124 |
13 | 64,637 | 66,075 |  | 66,793 |  | 67,512 | 68,231 |
14 | 69,702 | 71,154 |  | 71,880 |  | 72,605 | 73,331 |
2009/10 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Salary Step | 12 Months |  | 10 Months |  | 10.5 Months | 215 Days | 195 Days |
1 | 27,921 | 23,267 |  | 24,430 |  | 25,012 | 22,685 |
2 | 28,350 | 23,624 |  | 24,806 |  | 25,396 | 23,034 |
3 | 29,146 | 24,287 |  | 25,501 |  | 26,109 | 23,680 |
4 | 30,144 | 25,119 |  | 26,375 |  | 27,003 | 24,491 |
5 | 30,896 | 25,745 |  | 27,033 |  | 27,676 | 25,102 |
6 | 31,722 | 26,434 |  | 27,755 |  | 28,416 | 25,773 |
7 | 32,550 | 27,124 |  | 28,480 |  | 29,158 | 26,445 |
8 | 33,306 | 27,754 |  | 29,141 |  | 29,835 | 27,060 |
9 | 34,073 | 28,393 |  | 29,813 |  | 30,523 | 27,683 |
10 | 34,846 | 29,037 |  | 30,489 |  | 31,215 | 28,311 |
11 | 35,578 | 29,647 |  | 31,129 |  | 31,870 | 28,906 |
12 | 36,324 | 30,268 |  | 31,782 |  | 32,539 | 29,512 |
13 | 37,090 | 30,907 |  | 32,452 |  | 33,225 | 30,134 |
14 | 38,074 | 31,727 |  | 33,313 |  | 34,106 | 30,934 |
15 | 39,060 | 32,548 |  | 34,176 |  | 34,989 | 31,735 |
16 | 39,977 | 33,313 |  | 34,978 |  | 35,811 | 32,480 |
17 | 41,301 | 34,416 |  | 36,137 |  | 36,997 | 33,555 |
2010/11 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Salary Step | 12 Months |  | 10 Months |  | 10.5 Months | 215 Days | 195 Days |
1 | 27,921 | 23,267 |  | 24,430 |  | 25,012 | 22,685 |
2 | 28,350 | 23,624 |  | 24,806 |  | 25,396 | 23,034 |
3 | 29,146 | 24,287 |  | 25,501 |  | 26,109 | 23,680 |
4 | 30,144 | 25,119 |  | 26,375 |  | 27,003 | 24,491 |
5 | 30,896 | 25,745 |  | 27,033 |  | 27,676 | 25,102 |
6 | 31,722 | 26,434 |  | 27,755 |  | 28,416 | 25,773 |
7 | 32,550 | 27,124 |  | 28,480 |  | 29,158 | 26,445 |
8 | 33,306 | 27,754 |  | 29,141 |  | 29,835 | 27,060 |
9 | 34,073 | 28,393 |  | 29,813 |  | 30,523 | 27,683 |
10 | 34,846 | 29,037 |  | 30,489 |  | 31,215 | 28,311 |
11 | 35,578 | 29,647 |  | 31,129 |  | 31,870 | 28,906 |
12 | 36,324 | 30,268 |  | 31,782 |  | 32,539 | 29,512 |
13 | 37,090 | 30,907 |  | 32,452 |  | 33,225 | 30,134 |
14 | 38,074 | 31,727 |  | 33,313 |  | 34,106 | 30,934 |
15 | 39,060 | 32,548 |  | 34,176 |  | 34,989 | 31,735 |
16 | 39,977 | 33,313 |  | 34,978 |  | 35,811 | 32,480 |
17 | 41,301 | 34,416 |  | 36,137 |  | 36,997 | 33,555 |
2011/12 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Salary Step | 12 Months |  | 10 Months |  | 10.5 Months | 215 Days | 195 Days |
1 | 27,938 | 23,281 |  | 24,445 |  | 25,027 | 22,699 |
2 | 28,367 | 23,639 |  | 24,820 |  | 25,411 | 23,048 |
3 | 29,163 | 24,302 |  | 25,517 |  | 26,124 | 23,694 |
4 | 30,162 | 25,134 |  | 26,390 |  | 27,019 | 24,505 |
5 | 30,914 | 25,761 |  | 27,049 |  | 27,693 | 25,117 |
6 | 31,741 | 26,450 |  | 27,772 |  | 28,433 | 25,788 |
7 | 32,569 | 27,140 |  | 28,497 |  | 29,175 | 26,461 |
8 | 33,326 | 27,770 |  | 29,159 |  | 29,853 | 27,076 |
9 | 34,094 | 28,410 |  | 29,831 |  | 30,541 | 27,700 |
10 | 34,867 | 29,055 |  | 30,507 |  | 31,234 | 28,328 |
11 | 35,599 | 29,665 |  | 31,148 |  | 31,889 | 28,923 |
12 | 36,345 | 30,287 |  | 31,801 |  | 32,558 | 29,529 |
13 | 37,112 | 30,926 |  | 32,472 |  | 33,245 | 30,153 |
14 | 38,097 | 31,746 |  | 33,333 |  | 34,127 | 30,952 |
15 | 39,083 | 32,568 |  | 34,196 |  | 35,010 | 31,754 |
16 | 40,001 | 33,333 |  | 34,999 |  | 35,832 | 32,499 |
17 | 41,325 | 34,436 |  | 36,158 |  | 37,019 | 33,575 |
Salary Step | 2009/10 Hourly Rate | 2010/11 Hourly Rate | 2011/12 Hourly Rate |
1 | 12.00 | 12.00 | 12.05 |
2 | 12.26 | 12.26 | 12.31 |
3 | 12.67 | 12.67 | 12.72 |
4 | 12.98 | 12.98 | 13.04 |
5 | 13.63 | 13.63 | 13.68 |
6 | 13.98 | 13.98 | 14.04 |
7 | 14.31 | 14.31 | 14.37 |
8 | 14.67 | 14.67 | 14.74 |
9 | 15.04 | 15.04 | 15.10 |
10 | 15.40 | 15.40 | 15.46 |
11 | 15.75 | 15.75 | 15.82 |
12 | 16.10 | 16.10 | 16.17 |
13 | 16.48 | 16.48 | 16.55 |
14 | 16.83 | 16.83 | 16.90 |
15 | 17.18 | 17.18 | 17.25 |
16 | 17.53 | 17.53 | 17.61 |
17 | 17.90 | 17.90 | 17.98 |
18 | 18.30 | 18.30 | 18.37 |
19 | 18.63 | 18.63 | 18.71 |
20 | 19.65 | 19.65 | 19.73 |
Basic Skills Teaching Assistants
2009/10 |  |  |
Salary Step | 7.25 Hours | 6.75 Hours |
1 | 19,787 | 18,414 |
2 | 20,287 | 18,914 |
3 | 20,287 | 18,914 |
4 | 20,287 | 18,914 |
5 | 20,287 | 18,914 |
6 | 20,287 | 18,914 |
2010/11 |  |  |
Salary Step | 7.25 Hours | 6.75 Hours |
1 | 19,787 | 18,414 |
2 | 20,287 | 18,914 |
3 | 20,287 | 18,914 |
4 | 20,287 | 18,914 |
5 | 20,287 | 18,914 |
6 | 20,287 | 18,914 |
2011/12 |  |  |
Salary Step | 7.25 Hours | 6.75 Hours |
1 | 20,186 | 18,813 |
2 | 20,686 | 19,313 |
3 | 20,686 | 19,313 |
4 | 20,686 | 19,313 |
5 | 20,686 | 19,313 |
6 | 20,686 | 19,313 |
13.2 Recognitory Levels
a. Teachers who have reached their twentieth (20th) year of service in Mantua Township shall receive for the twentieth (20th) and each continuing year of service in Mantua Township a recognitory increment of $1,175. during the term of the contract.
b. Teachers who have reached their fifteenth (15th) year of service in Mantua Township shall receive for the fifteenth (15th) through the nineteenth (19th) year of service in Mantua Township a recognitory increment of $975. during the term of the contract.
c. Teachers who have earned and been awarded a Master’s Degree in Education or in an allied field shall receive $1,400. in addition to their rightful places on the Bachelor’s Degree salary guide. In addition, recognition shall be given for a Master’s Degree plus fifteen (15) credits earned, a Master’s Degree plus thirty (30) credits, and for a Doctorate degree at $700. at each level.
Documentation of said change in degree status must be provided within three (3) months of the completion of course work for the change to be retroactive to the first day of the month following the change in degree status. Documentation received after this time will become effective on the date it is approved by the BOARD OF EDUCATION.
All other employees will receive a longevity payment as follows:
10-14 years of service $250.00
15-19 years of service $350.00
20+ years of service $500.00
The above payment will be made in one lump sum on July 15th for all 12 month employees and on September 15th for all 10 month employees.
13.3 Special Activities Positions
5th and 6th Grade Band Director $ 1,303
New Players Band Director $ 710
Jazz Band Director $ 710
5th and 6th Grade Chorus Director $ 1,303
4th Grade Chorus Director $ 710
Drama Coach $ 752
Assistant Drama Coach $ 492
Talent Show Coordinator–5th and 6th grade (2) $ 463 each
Safety Patrol Advisor $ 868
Student Council Advisor $ 1,158
Art Coordinator (2) $ 926 each
Physical Education Coordinator $ 868
Career Education Coordinator $ 839
Curriculum Fair Coordinator (3) $ 579 each
Head Teacher (3) $ 926 each
Summer Library * $ 1,360
Summer Instrumental ** $ 1,360
Summer school instruction and/or curriculum work $33.00/hour
A minimum of fifty (50) students must pre-register in order to establish a Summer Library program. If 100 or more students attend the program each week, a bonus of $200. will be added.
A minimum of twenty (20) students must pre-register in order to establish a Summer Instrumental program. If forty (40) or more students pre-register and attend 80% of the lessons, a bonus of $200. will be added.
13.4 Withholding of Employment or Adjustment Increment
Employment or adjustment increment may be withheld in whole or in part for inefficiency or other just cause only in accordance with the following:
At least ninety (90) days prior to transmitting any such recommendation to withhold an employee’s increment to the BOARD OF EDUCATION, the Superintendent shall give written notice to the teacher against whom the recommendation shall be made, specifying the alleged causes for the recommendation, with such particulars as to furnish the employee with an opportunity to correct and overcome the same. Within ten (10) days after such a recommendation is forwarded to the BOARD OF EDUCATION, the involved teacher may file a grievance in accordance with Article III, starting at the Board level.
13.5 Mileage Reimbursement
Employees who are required to use their own automobiles in the performance of their duties and responsibilities and employees who are assigned to more than one building per day shall be reimbursed for all such travel at the rate established by the OMB Circular or, if such rate does not exist, the IRS rate. The rate applicable in September shall remain in effect for the duration of the school year.
13.6 Hourly Salary Adjustment
On early dismissal days when personnel are required to stay beyond the contractual time in order to fulfill State Law, their pay shall be prorated, based on their annual salary.
13.7 Discrete Trial Differential
Paraprofessionals who provide discrete trial services will receive a differential over and above their regular hourly rate of pay in the amount of $5.00. Paraprofessionals who hold a valid New Jersey substitute certificate will receive a differential over and above their regular hourly rate of pay in the amount of $6.00.
13.8 Child Study Team Evaluations
Child Study Team Evaluations as defined as psychological evaluations, learning evaluations, occupational evaluations, speech/language evaluations, and social histories shall be paid using the following schedule:
Evaluations & Reports $220.00
Eligibility Conference $ 70.00
Case Manager $ 70.00
Functional Behavioral Assessments $520.00
14.1 Term
The term of this Agreement shall be for three (3) years. This Agreement shall commence and be effective on July 1, 2009 and continue in full force and effect to June 30, 2012.
14.2 Witness of Signatures
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed by its President, attested by its Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, pursuant to a Resolution of its Board Members, and the party of the second part has caused these presents to be signed by its President, attested by its Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, pursuant to a Resolution of its members, the day and year first above written.
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