2011 - 2014
Succasunna, New Jersey
The terms and conditions of employment provided in this Agreement shall remain in effect from July 1, 2011 and end June 30, 2014.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties have caused these presents to be signed by their proper officers and caused their proper seals to be hereunto affixed this ___ day of .
Attest By:_______________________________________
Chairperson, Negotiations
Attest By:_______________________________________
Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Chairperson, Negotiations
- In accordance with the New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act, N.J.S.A.34:13A-1, et seq. the Roxbury Education Association is recognized as the exclusive majority representative of the following personnel employed by the Roxbury Township Board of Education.
Basic Skills Teachers Classroom Teachers
English as a Second Language Teachers
Enrichment Specialists Guidance Counselors
Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultants
Media Specialists
Microcomputer Teachers Occupational Therapists School Nurses
School Psychologists Social Workers
Speech Correctionists/Speech Language Specialists
Supplemental Teachers Teachers of the Handicapped
Paraprofessionals, (Includes: All Educational and Clerical Aides)
Extracurricular Advisors But will exclude:
Subject Department Supervisors
Coordinators Administrative Assistants
Confidential Secretaries to:
Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Assistant Superintendent
Head Payroll
- To retain such official recognition, the Association agrees to submit a certified membership list no later than October 15 of each year during the period in which this Agreement is in effect.
- The terms “teacher(s) or employee(s)” when used in this Agreement shall refer to all employees represented by the Association as defined above. Any references to male employees shall include
A. Areas for Discussion and Agreement.
The Association and the Board have agreed to negotiate, in good faith, matters related to terms and conditions of employment.
B. Negotiating Teams
Designated representative(s) of the Board will meet with representative(s) designated by the Association for the purpose of negotiating terms and conditions of employment under N.J.S.A. 34:13A-1, et. seq.
Neither party in any negotiations shall have control over the selection of negotiating representatives of the other, and each party may select its representatives from within or outside the school district. The parties mutually pledge that their representatives be empowered with all the necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals and reach compromises in the course of negotiations.
C. Opening Negotiations
The parties shall meet no later than October 15th of the last year of the current contract to commence negotiations unless postponed by mutual consent. At the first negotiations session, the parties shall agree to “ground rules” which shall include setting a date after which no new proposals may be exchanged, and a procedure by which future meetings shall be scheduled.
D. Negotiating Procedures
Designated representative(s) of the Board shall meet at such mutually agreed upon places and times with representatives of the Association for the purpose of effecting a free exchange of facts, opinions, proposals and counter proposals in an effort to reach mutual understanding and agreement. If an impasse is reached, the procedures outlined in the law Chapter 123, Public Law of 1975, will be utilized.
E. Exchange of Information
Both parties and/or the superintendent shall furnish information pertinent to the issues under consideration as long as such information is within the public domain.
F. Consultants
In the event consultants are called upon during the negotiating sessions, the expenses will be borne by the party requesting the assistance.
3 A. Reaching Agreement
When consensus is reached covering all the areas under negotiation, the proposed total Agreement shall be reduced to writing by representatives of the negotiating parties and a copy submitted to each. After the recommendations have been approved by a majority of the Board and of the Association, the Board of Education and the Association will take such actions as are necessary to make them official.
A. Duration
The terms and conditions of employment provided in this Agreement shall remain in effect. The terms and conditions of employment provided in this Agreement shall remain in effect from July 1, 2011 and end June 30, 2014.
A. All articles or portions of articles of the current agreement that are not modified herein shall remain unchanged in the successor agreement.
1. A grievance shall mean a complaint by an employee or a group of employees that there has been to him or them a personal loss, injury or inconvenience because of a violation, misinterpretation or inequitable application of Board policy, the Agreement or an administrative decision affecting employees.
2. A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated by the employee through an informal meeting with building principal or if appropriate, the designated supervisor, within thirty (30) school days from the time when the employee knew of its occurrence.
B. Procedure
1.a. Failure at any step of this procedure to communicate the decision on a grievance within the specified time limits shall permit the aggrieved employee to proceed to the next step. Failure at any step of this procedure to appeal a grievance to the next step within the specified time limits shall be deemed to be acceptance of the decision rendered at that step.
1.b. It is understood that employees and the Board shall, notwithstanding the pendency of any grievance, continue to observe all assignments and applicable rules and regulations of the Board until such grievance and any effect thereof shall have been fully determined.
1. The Association may submit any grievance and may continue it through all levels of the grievance procedure. If it is limited in effect to one school, the grievance shall be submitted to the building principal. Otherwise, it shall be submitted to the chief school administrator or designee.
2. The grievant(s) shall discuss it first with the building principal or if appropriate, the designated supervisors. If, as a result of the decision of this discussion, the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant(s) within ten (10) school days, the grievant(s) may then meet with the Superintendent, or designee, in an attempt to resolve the matter informally at this level.
4.a. If, as a result of the discussion, the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant(s) within ten (10) school days after the presentation of the grievance, he shall set forth his grievance in writing to the Superintendent specifying:
The name of the grievant(s)
(2) The specific contract section or provision, or Board policy or administrative decision alleged to have been violated;
(3) The nature and extent of the injury, loss, or inconvenience;
(4) The result of the previous discussion;
(5) The reason for dissatisfaction with the previous decisions; and
(6) The precise remedy sought.
4.b. The superintendent shall, within ten (10) school days after the receipt of the grievance, conduct a hearing with the grievant and the interested parties and shall communicate his decision, in writing, within (10) school days following the conclusion of said hearing.
- If the grievance is not resolved to the grievant(‘s) satisfaction, he, no later than ten (10) school days after receipt of the superintendent’s decision, may request a review by the Board of Education. The request shall be submitted in writing through the superintendent who shall attach all related papers and forward the request to the Board of Education. The Board, or a committee thereof, shall review the grievance and shall hold a hearing with the aggrieved present, and shall render a decision, in writing, within twenty-eight (28) calendar days of receipt of the grievance by the Board.
- If the decision of the Board does not resolve the grievance to the satisfaction of the aggrieved, and the grievant(s) in conjunction with the Association wishes a review by a third party, the Association shall so notify the Board through the superintendent within ten (10) school days of receipt of the Board’s decision, except in the case of a grievance involving any of the following points:
A complaint of a non-tenured employee, which arises by reason of his not being re-employed.
b. A complaint by any personnel occasioned by appointment to or lack of appointment to, retention in or lack of retention in any position for which tenure is either not possible or not required.
- The procedure as prescribed by law (N.J.S.A. 19:12-5.1 et seq.) will be used to secure the services of an arbitrator, or an arbitrator may also be obtained from the Public Employment Relations Commission.
- The arbitrator shall limit himself to the issues submitted to him and shall consider nothing else. He can add nothing to, nor subtract anything from the Agreement between the parties or any policy of the Board of Education. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon both parties. Only the Board and the aggrieved and his representatives shall be given copies of the arbitrator’s award. This shall be accomplished within thirty (30) days of the completion of the arbitrator’s hearings.
- The parties shall be responsible for all costs incurred by each and only the fee and expenses, if any, of the arbitrator shall be shared, each party paying one-half (1/2).
- All documents, communications and records relating to the processing of a grievance shall be maintained in a separate grievance file and shall not be kept in the personnel file of any of the participants.
C. Rights of Employees to Representation:
- Any aggrieved person may be represented at all steps of the grievance procedure by himself, provided the grievant notifies the Association in writing and releases the Association accordingly, or, at his option, by a representative selected or approved by the Association.
- When a grievant(s) is not represented by the Association in the processing of a grievance, the Association shall, at the time of submission of the grievance to the superintendent, or any later level, be notified by the superintendent that the grievance is in process, have the right to be present and present its position in writing at all hearing sessions held concerning the grievance and shall receive a copy of all decisions rendered. A copy of the superintendent’s written decision made in response to a written grievance shall be given to the Association immediately.
- The Board and the Association shall assure the grievant freedom from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal in presenting his appeal with respect to his personal grievance.
D. Meetings and Hearings:
1. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum and every effort, particularly at the end of the school year, should be made to expedite the process.
2. All grievance meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives, heretofore referred to in this Article.
- The Board hereby agrees that every employee of the Board shall have the rights conferred by law to organize, join and support the Association and its affiliates for the purpose of engaging in collective negotiations and for mutual aid and protection.
- No employee shall be disciplined or reprimanded without just cause. Any such action brought by the Board or any agent or representative thereof shall not be made public, be subject to the grievance procedure stated herein, and shall be consistent with current case law.
- As to any meeting which may result in an employee’s office, position, employment, salary, or increment being harmed, supervisors shall be required to give the employee sufficient notice to secure Association representation. Should such notice be given, the employee shall have the right to Association representation and shall be able to confer with their representative prior to any meeting.
- If prior notification has not been given and during the course of a meeting the employee feels the outcome may be harmful to their employment they may request the meeting be postponed for a maximum of two (2) work days or a mutually agreed upon time in order that they may obtain representation.
- Observations and the initial yearly summative evaluation conferences shall not be included as a part of this Article.
A. Evaluation of Students:
The teacher shall maintain the responsibility to determine grades and other evaluations of students within the grading policies of the Roxbury School/District based upon his professional judgment of available criteria pertinent to any given subject area or activity to which he is responsible. No grade or evaluation shall be changed without consultation with the teacher. The person making the change shall assume the responsibility for the change.
B. Criticism of and by Employees:
- Any question or criticism by a supervisor, administrator, or Board member of a teacher and/or his instructional methodology of any unit employee, shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, or other public gatherings.
- No employee shall question or criticize a supervisor, administrator, or Board member in the presence of students, parents, or other public gatherings.
- The Board agrees to provide the Association available information concerning the financial resources of the school district and such other information which may be necessary for the Association to process any grievance or complaints, as long as such information is furnished in accordance with the provisions of the right-to-know law.
- Representatives of the Roxbury Education Association, Inc., of the M.C.C.E.A., or N.J.E.A., of the N.E.A., shall have the right, subject to the approval of the building principal, to meet with employees during their lunch periods or after school to carry out appropriate Association business. The approval by the building principal/supervisor of this request may not be capriciously denied. In the absence of the principal, approval may be secured from the vice principal or the superintendent’s office.
- The Association shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment with permission, in accordance with the same policy that holds for other organizations or groups in the community, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the cost of all materials and supplies that are used. The Association shall have the privilege of using school mailboxes as it deems necessary with the prior approval of the superintendent’s office.
- The Board will provide the Association with a copy of the agenda for each official Board meeting, at the same time it is presented to the Board members, as well as one copy of the official minutes of the Board meetings.
- The maximum of twenty-one (21) employee days shall be allowed the Association for conducting business affairs that affect the welfare of its members. The use of more than one (1) consecutive school day would be subject to review and approval of the superintendent or his designee. The Association will pay for the cost of substitutes and the time will not be deducted from the representative’s personal leave bank.
- The Board agrees to release the president of the Association for no more than three (3) days per month, ten (10) days per year, to conduct Association business with the approval of the Superintendent. The Association will pay for the cost of the substitutes and the time will not be deducted from the president’s leave bank.
- Whenever the Board or Superintendent requests and the Association agrees to participate during the working day in negotiations or grievance proceedings, the Association representatives shall suffer no loss of pay for which they would otherwise be eligible. Association representatives shall be limited to three (3) for a grievance, and four (4) for negotiations.
- The Board shall provide the Association with a seniority list if there is a reduction in force. This list shall include pertinent certification information utilized in said RIF.
- The Board shall provide the Association with a list of unit members who are being considered for a change of employment due to a RIF after the employee has been notified and prior to Board action.
J. The Board shall provide the Association with a list of unit members and/or positions which are part-time in nature. The Board shall also provide the Association with the salary determined for each part-time position. The Board shall comply with the above prior to May 30th, to the extent known, and subject to modification.
1. Teachers
- It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to arrive at school twenty (20) minutes before the pupil instructional day begins, and to leave no sooner than twenty-five (25) minutes after the close of the pupil instructional day providing there is no necessity for after school meetings or if unforeseen emergencies do not require teacher supervision of pupils beyond the stipulated time. After school meetings include departmental, curriculum and committee meetings in addition to regular faculty meetings. Split or double sessions will require time schedules that will be determined by the building principal, but the arrival and departure times shall remain as above.
- On Fridays or on days preceding holidays or vacations, the teacher’s day shall end after the departure of the school buses unless an emergency requires their retention to supervise pupils.
- The Association President or designee and the Superintendent or his designee shall meet before the school year ends in June to select a day for faculty or other meetings for the next school year. Each building will have a day of the week designated for administrative meetings and this day shall remain the same throughout the school year. Such meetings shall begin no later than ten (10) minutes after student dismissal
and shall run no more than sixty (60) minutes unless an emergency requires more time. Staff will not be required to attend more than one (1) meeting per week. Staff will be excused from faculty meetings to attend in-district classes/staff development. If there is a conflict between the faculty meeting and the in-district staff development activities, there will be no discipline. Also, in case of emergencies, additional meetings will be held.
- The instructional time for teachers grades 6-12 shall be no more than 240 minutes per day. In addition, teachers may have no more than one (1) assigned duty period if they are teaching 240 minutes.
- Every effort will be made to schedule pupil contact time with reasonable personal needs breaks.
- Parent/Teacher Conferences (K-6)
- Two (2) Parent/Teacher Conference weeks may be held during the school year. Four (4) single sessions of school shall be scheduled during each Conference Week.
- Afternoon conferences and evening conference sessions may be scheduled at the discretion of the Administration in consultation with the staff prior to each Conference Week. No more than four (4) conference sessions shall be scheduled in each Conference Week.
- In the event no evening conference sessions are scheduled during a given Conference Week, no more than four (4) afternoon sessions shall be scheduled during said Conference Week.
- Parent/Teacher Conferences (7 & 8):
- Parent/Teacher Conferences for seventh and eighth grades shall be held once during a school year.
- Five (5) single sessions of school shall be scheduled during this Conference Week.
- Afternoon conferences and evening conference sessions may be scheduled at the discretion of the Administration in consultation with the staff prior to the Conference Week. No more than two (2) consecutive evening conference sessions shall be scheduled into a maximum of five (5) conference sessions during this Conference Week.
- In the event no evening conference sessions are scheduled during the Conference Week, no more than five (5) afternoon sessions shall be scheduled during said Conference Week.
h. Special Help for Students:
Teachers shall set aside some free time for the purpose of aiding students who are in need of special help.
2. Secretaries:
a. The workday shall be seven and one-half (7 ½) hours in length, including one (1)
15-minute break and at least a 30-minute lunch, or the same lunch as the teaching
staff in the building (whichever is greater). The central office secretaries will use
the high school schedule to determine their lunch.
Secretaries shall be compensated at one and one-half (1 ½) times the basic hourly rate or one and one-half (1 ½) hour compensatory time for every one (1) hour worked whenever they are required to work more than 37 ½ hours per week.
c. Emergency Days:
(1) All 10 and 12 month secretaries are required to work the days according to the school calendar. The school calendar shall be defined as the most current calendar adopted by the Board of Education at any time throughout the year. When school is closed for an emergency day, secretaries will not be required to report to work.
(2) In the event of severe emergency, secretaries may be absent from work without use of a personal emergency day, compensatory time, vacation day or a deduct day under the following conditions:
- A declared or suggested emergency by the governor;
- A decision by the Superintendent or his designee.
(3) Secretaries may be permitted to leave early at the discretion of the building administrator with the approval of the Superintendent’s office, whenever a school building(s) or district schools are closed early to students and teachers due to emergency conditions.
(4) If a secretary does not have sufficient compensatory time already accumulated, she will be allowed to make up the required time within six (6) months.
3. Paraprofessionals:
Paraprofessionals will work as contracted. The paraprofessional work year will be 182 days inclusive of two (2) days of professional development.
B. Work Year
1. Secretaries:
- Twelve-month secretaries shall work the school calendar plus July and August. Ten-month secretaries shall work September 1 through June 30.
- Vacations
- After completion of the first fiscal year within the Roxbury School District, 12-month secretaries shall receive two (2) weeks paid vacation; the first year to be prorated based on date of employment. Vacations will be prorated for 10-month secretaries. Up to three (3) vacation days may be carried over to the next year and these days shall not accumulate.
- Any 10-month secretary hired after July 1, 1990 shall not be eligible for vacation time.
- Twelve month secretaries, after completion of:
2nd through 4th year: 2 weeks vacation
5th through 10th year: 3 weeks vacation
11th through 14th year: 3 weeks vacation plus
one additional day per year 15th and succeeding years: 4 weeks vacation
- Holidays and Recesses
- All secretarial personnel shall be awarded with pay all school holidays and recesses stipulated in the school calendar adopted by the Board.
- Twelve-month secretaries shall also be awarded the Fourth of July and Labor Day with pay. Ten month secretaries shall be awarded Labor Day with pay.
- The days during recesses may be worked by the secretarial staff if requested by the building principal or the superintendent. Those people requested to work will be compensated at the straight time rate for the number of days worked. This shall not apply to make-up days due to emergency school closings.
C. All Employees
On Fridays or on days preceding holidays, vacations or emergency closings, the employee’s day shall end after the departure of the school buses.
- The Board agrees to continue its efforts to achieve proper class size, taking into consideration the financial resources to the district, and that which is administratively feasible.
- Duty Free Lunch – As prescribed by law, every teacher shall have a duty free lunch period each day or an equivalent amount of time.
A. No teacher shall be required to accept a class assignment outside his area of certification.
- Preparations Period – All full-time teachers shall, in addition to their duty free lunch period, have at least one period each day for preparation and planning. Elementary teachers shall have a daily planning period of no less than 30 minutes or a period length whichever is longer. This period would be subject to emergency use by the Administration.
- Two (2) representatives of the REA will be appointed to act in advisory capacity to the Administration to draw up a school calendar. This proposed calendar shall be presented to the Board for consideration. Any modification to the proposed calendar by the Board shall be shared, by the Superintendent, with the members of the committee.
- The student academic year shall be 180 days, the length of the teacher work year shall be 185 days inclusive of two (2) professional development days separate and apart from the two (2) days at the beginning of the work year and the one (1) at the end of the work year (i.e. without students).
- During the last week of school, teachers will be allowed time without students being present to accomplish work necessary for the completion of student records and other closing activities. The last two (2) days of school for students shall be scheduled as the state minimum for pupil instruction on each day. The last day of school for teachers will be without students and will be used to complete end of year close out activities and work in their classrooms. There will not be any staff development training on this last day of school for teachers. All teachers are to be present full time on these days.
- Unit employees who elect, and are authorized in writing by an administrator, to transport students for any purpose in their personal vehicles, will do so in accordance with Board policy.
- All standardized tests which can be scored by machine will be scored by this method when and if economically feasible.
C. Unit employees whose work assignment requires regular work stations at more than one school site within a given work day shall be compensated at the rate as per Article XXXIII for the use of their personal vehicle.
A. Teachers
- The Board agrees to hire only certified teachers possessing a certificate from the New Jersey State Board of Examiners, except as provided by Article XX.
- Credit may be given for previous out of district teaching experience in a duly accredited school upon initial employment in accordance with the following schedule or on a higher step according to the discretion of the Board:
- Teachers who are hired in accordance with the schedule will be placed on their proper step of the guide prior to or when going on their tenure year. The procedure is to be at the discretion of the Board.
- Teachers will receive credit on the salary guide for active military duty, Peace Corps, Vista, and National Teacher’s Corps, not to exceed four (4) years.
- Previously accumulated unused leave days will be restored to all teachers returning from a Board approved leave of absence.
- Teachers shall be notified in writing of their contract and salary status for the coming year no later than May 15th unless contract negotiations or other emergencies prevent the meeting of this deadline.
- Any teacher employed prior to February 1st of any school year shall be given full credit for one (1) year of service towards the next increment step for the following year.
- Each teacher participating in the outdoor Environmental Education Program shall receive a stipend of
per night for each overnight trip spent supervising students.
- If called to work during a Holiday or Vacation recess (excluding weekends) a teacher shall be reimbursed at the teacher’s regular pay rate for time worked. This shall not apply to make up days due to emergency school closings.
- For the 7th through 12th grades, effective with the 1993-94 school year and thereafter, part-time teachers shall be defined as teachers who are assigned to teach up to four periods per day. The workday shall be one hour for each class period taught. Part-time teachers shall be paid on a rate prorated to a 35 hour work week at the same placement on the salary guide that the teacher would have been on if the teacher were employed full time. Part-time teachers employed for three or more hours per day must be given one period for lunch/prep within that time. Travel time between schools is to be considered part of assigned teacher duty time.
- Part-time teachers in grades K-6 will be paid under the following formula:
Pupil Contact (in minutes x 1.25 = % (Rounded to the nearest whole number
1,850 (minutes) using rounding rules)
Percentage x Placement on the Salary Guide = salary
Pupil contact is actual time spent with students. The 1,850 in minutes represents pupil contact time of a full-time classroom teacher. Teachers will be expected to be in the building and utilize the additional time (.2 5) as lunch and/or prep. A 30 minute segment will be added to the numerator of the formula (after the 1.25 is taken) for each day of travel.
- If a part-time teacher works in the elementary, middle school and/or high school building, the percentage of time worked in each level will be determined according to the contract. The sum of these percentages will then be multiplied by the Placement on the Salary Guide.
- Lead teachers shall receive a stipend of $2,024. The Board will compensate lead teachers at the middle school for four (4) days in July and four (4) days in August for a total of eight (8) days summer work at their per diem rate. High school lead teachers will be compensated for no more than four days of summer work at their per diem rate. High School lead teachers will teach four periods per day instead of five. Lead teachers in high school English, Math, Social Studies, Science, Industrial Arts – Technology/Family & Consumer Science, and Business & Marketing will be responsible for 9-12 grade coordination. Lead teachers of Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education, and World Languages will be responsible for 7-12 grade coordination.
- Ten Month Positions:
Ten-month secretaries shall enjoy all benefits awarded to 12-month secretaries on a prorated basis with the exception of insurance benefits which shall be equivalent to the benefits awarded to 12-month secretaries.
- Secretaries shall be notified in writing of their contract renewal and salary for the coming year no later than June 1 unless contract negotiations or other emergencies prevent the meeting of this deadline.
- A secretary who is resigning from her position shall give thirty (30) days notice.
- Any secretary employed prior to January 1 of any school year shall be given credit for one (1) year of service.
- Credit may be given for previous secretarial experience upon initial employment at the discretion of the Board. In no case will a new employee be placed on a step higher than an employee presently on guide with an equal number of years of experience.
- Unit employees employed on a twelve (12) month basis shall be paid in twenty-four (24) semi-monthly installments.
- Unit employees employed on a ten (10) month basis shall be paid in twenty (20) semi-monthly installments.
- All salary checks shall be made available to the employees prior to dismissal from their regular classroom duties.
- Unit employees shall be paid twice monthly, on the 15th and 30th day of the month. When a holiday or weekend falls on the above dates, the employees shall receive their checks on the workday prior. When either of the above dates occurs during an extended vacation period during the school year, whenever possible, the employees shall receive their checks on the last day of school prior to the vacation period.
- The Board agrees to make the following payroll deductions and consider other deductions on the basis of feasibility:
TPAF Arrears
TPAF Contributory Insurance
TPAF Back Pension
PERS Supplemental Annuity
PERS Contributory Insurance
PERS Loans
PERS Back Pension TPAF Loans
Approved Tax Shelter Annuity Plans
Credit Union (Tri-County Federal Credit Union)
TPAF Pension
PERS Pension
PERS Arrears
Employee organization dues and representation fees
TPAF Supplemental Annuity
NJEA Sponsored/Board Approved Disability Insurance
Any approved HMO
- Tax shelter annuity deposits shall be transferred by the Board within twenty-four (24) hours. The Board has no responsibility for any delay caused by the private tax-shelter annuity provider.
- Employees may individually elect to have a designated portion of their monthly salary deducted from their paychecks for savings purposes and deposited with the TRI-CO Federal Teacher’s Credit Union of Morristown, NJ. Every effort shall be made to insure that deposits are made within five (5) days of payment of each paycheck.
- Any change in deductions authorized by an employee should be reported in writing to the Board office by June to effect such a change in salary deductions the following September.
A. Teachers
1. Voluntary transfers and assignments:
- A vacancy is any position that requires a certified member of the professional staff.
- A list of vacancies within the school system shall be posted in each building periodically on the basis of resignations or Board approval of hiring additional personnel. Such vacancies shall be posted expeditiously to afford staff a reasonable opportunity to apply
for said vacancies. All teachers making application shall have the receipt and perusal of their application acknowledged by a form letter or card from the superintendent. When vacancies occur during the summer the president of the Association (or the president’s designee) shall be notified. Consideration shall be given to qualified employees already employed by the Board.
c. Teachers who desire a change in grade level and/or subject assignment or who desire to transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the superintendent before February 1. Such statement shall include the grade level and/or subject to which the teacher desires to be assigned and the school or schools to which he desires to be transferred in order of preference. All teachers shall be notified in writing by the superintendent of the status of their request for transfer or reassignment prior to May 30th to the extent known.
2. Involuntary transfers:
- The Roxbury Education Association recognizes the fact that the right to transfer a teacher to any assignment within the district is an administrative decision. When such a transfer is made, consideration will be given to such things as length of service in the position and teacher competency. Consideration will be give first to the possibility of utilizing a qualified volunteer.
- An involuntary transfer shall not occur without the teacher first having an opportunity to meet and discuss it with the superintendent on a one-to-one basis.
- Date of posting – Whenever a vacancy occurs, a notice shall be posted for five (5) days and remain posted in each school until the position is filled. A copy of said notice shall be given to the Association at the time of posting. Secretaries or paraprofessionals who desire to apply for such vacancies shall submit their applications in writing to the superintendent within the time limit specified in the notice.
- Criteria for notice – The qualifications for the position, its duties, and the rate of compensation, shall be clearly set forth.
- Procedure – All qualified employees shall be given adequate opportunity to make application and no position shall be filled until all properly submitted applications have been considered. The Board agrees to give due consideration to the background and attainments of all applicants and other relevant factors. In filling such vacancies, preference shall be given to qualified employees already employed by the Board.
B. Paraprofessionals
- Paraprofessionals shall be notified in writing of their contract renewal and salary for the coming year no later than June 1 unless contract negotiations or other emergencies prevent the meeting of this deadline.
- Any paraprofessional employed prior to February 1 of any school year shall be given credit for one (1) year of service towards the next increment step for the following year.
All Employees
All personnel under Recognition (Article I) of this Agreement shall be notified of a change in program, schedule or assignment prior to May 30 to the extent known.
A. Teachers
- For purposes of definition, promotional positions are those paying a salary differential and/or positions on the administrative/supervisory levels of responsibility, excluding extracurricular assignments.
- Vacancies in such promotional positions shall be posted in each school building at least ten (10) schools days before the final date when applications must be submitted.
- Teachers shall submit their application in writing to the superintendent within the time limit specified in the notice, and the superintendent shall acknowledge in writing the receipt of all such applications.
- All publicity and notice of such vacancies shall clearly set forth the title of the position, qualifications and duties of the position, and compensation when feasible. Qualifications set forth for a particular position shall not be changed when such future vacancies occur unless the president of the Association has been notified.
A. Sick Leave
All unit employees employed on a ten (10) month basis shall be entitled to ten (10) days sick leave per year with pay. After fifteen (15) years of service, all employees employed on a ten (10) month basis will receive thirteen (13) sick days per year. Employees employed for more than ten (10) months shall be compensated one (1) day for each additional month. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
B. Temporary Leave of Absence With Pay
Personal Days: All unit employees shall be entitled to five (5) days leave per year with pay without reason.
No more than 20% of REA members per building will be approved for a personal day on the day immediately before a school holiday or vacation period. No more than 20% of REA members per building will be approved for a personal day on the day immediately after a school holiday or vacation period.
- In addition, three (3) days leave shall be available for each death in the immediate family or immediate household.
- Employees are permitted to transfer a maximum of three (3) unused personal emergency days to their sick leave bank yearly. Unused death in the family days are not eligible for transfer.
- Professional Days: Upon their request, employees, with the approval of the principal/supervisor, shall be granted a minimum of one (1) day per year for the purpose of visiting other schools or attending meetings or conferences of an educational nature providing same is pertinent to their position with the school system.
- Work-related Legal: Employees shall be granted necessary time for appearance in any legal proceeding connected with their employment or with the school system providing the Board is furnishing legal counsel as provided by law.
- Military: Any employee who is required to undergo military field training or to attend service school for a period of two (2) weeks or less shall be granted leave of absence with full pay, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 38A:4-4. Whenever such military field training or attendance at service school requires that the employee remain for a period longer than the prescribed two (2) weeks, the employee shall receive the difference between his pay and his military pay for the remainder of such time, provided that such additional time of training or service school attendance is not in excess of one (1) month during any school year and providing that it is with the approval of the superintendent.
A. Extended Leave of Absence
- Peace Corps: A leave of absence without pay of up two (2) years shall be granted with the approval of the superintendent, to any employee who joins the Peace Corps, Vista, or National Teacher’s Corps.
- Military: Military leave without pay shall be granted to any employee who is inducted or enlists in any branch of the armed forces of the United States for a period of said induction or initial enlistment.
D. Disability/Child Rearing Leave
1. Natural Birth
Pregnancy Disability Leave – Any employee may apply to the Board for a disability leave. Such leave shall be granted in conformance with the following procedures:
- Such request shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent and accompanied by a physician’s written confirmation of the anticipated date of disability and the anticipated date of delivery. This confirmation shall be sent to the Board no later than ninety (90) days prior to the anticipated date of delivery.
- The employee may use her accumulated sick days, and the Board shall grant such use under the same terms and conditions governing leave of absence for other illness or medical disabilities.
- The period of disability leave for pregnancy shall be determined by the employee’s physician subject to confirmation by the Board’s physician, if required.
Differences of opinion will be resolved in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph (2)(c) of this Article.
- In addition to the medical certificate of disability referred to in “a” above, all employees shall be required to produce an additional medical certificate within fourteen (14) calendar days following the date of the delivery. This certificate shall state the specific period and termination date of the postpartum disability period. In the event that normal conditions do not prevail for postpartum, the employee’s physician may submit an additional certificate.
- The Board may remove any pregnant employee from her duties on any one of the following basis:
- Performance – Her work performance has declined because of disability from the time immediately prior to her pregnancy.
- Physical Incapacity – Her physical condition or capacity is such that her health would be impaired if she were to continue or resume working, and which physical incapacity shall be deemed to exist only if:
the pregnant employee fails to produce a certification from her physician that she is medically able to continue work following a request by the Board for such certification;
the Board’s physician and the employee’s physician agree that she cannot continue working; or
following any difference of medical opinion between the Board’s physician and the employee’s physician, the Board requests expert consultation in which case the Morris County Medical Society shall appoint an impartial third physician who shall examine employee and whose medical opinion shall be conclusive and binding on the issue of medical capacity to continue working or to remain on disability leave occasioned by pregnancy. The expense of any examination by an impartial third physician under this paragraph shall be paid by the Board.
f. An employee may return to work immediately following the medically certified disability period upon notice to the Board which must be given at the same time as the initial notice of pregnancy request for disability leave is presented to the Board referred to in section D- 1, paragraph “g” below.
- In the event that normal conditions attendant upon pregnancy and birth do not prevail, the employee may apply to the Board in writing to return to her position prior to the termination of the disability period for which leave had been requested initially. Such return shall be effective no later than ninety (90) calendar days from the date of application by the employee seeking early return from disability leave.
- The Board shall not maintain or enforce any policy or practice for removal of any tenured or non-tenured employee from her duties based on pregnancy or term of pregnancy but shall consider and treat each employee on an individual basis.
- Adoption
Employees adopting a child may apply to the Board for an unpaid leave to receive custody of the child. Such request shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent and be accompanied by written confirmation of the employee receiving notice of qualification for adoption. Said request shall be submitted within fifteen (15) days of said notification. This leave shall include round trip travel time to receive custody of the child.
- Child Rearing Leave
- In the case of the birth or adoption of a child, any tenured employee shall have the right to apply for a leave without pay for child rearing purposes. In cases where both husband and wife are employees in this school system, only one of said persons may be entitled to such leave at any one time.
- A child rearing leave shall be granted to a tenured employee for not more than one (1) full year and the remainder of the school year in which the leave began.
- Application for a child rearing leave must be filed at least ninety (90) days before the anticipated birth of the child. Applications shall specify the intended period of leave requested by the employee. Application deadlines may be waived in cases of sudden emergency.
- Child rearing leave for employees on pregnancy disability leave shall begin immediately upon the termination of the pregnancy disability as certified by the employee’s physician subject to Paragraph “e” above.
- Notification by the employee of either (a) intent to return, (b) request for an extension, or (c) shortening of time for a previously approved child rearing leave, shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent no later than March 1.
- A child rearing leave may be granted to a nontenured employee but shall not be extended beyond the end of the contract year in which the leave began.
- An employee returning from disability and/or child rearing leave is entitled to all benefits to which employees returning from other leaves would be entitled.
A. Political
The Board shall grant a leave of absence without pay to any employee to campaign and/or serve in public office.
B. Professional
The Board shall grant a leave of absence without pay to any employee(s) elected to a professional association (MCCEA, NJEA, NEA) office or position.
C. Sabbatical
Sabbatical Leave as defined in Article XXVIII.
D. Other
Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board.
E. Benefits
All benefits to which an employee was entitled at the time of his leave of absence commenced shall be restored upon return from a leave granted pursuant to this Article.
A. Extensions
All extensions or renewals of leaves shall be applied for in writing and the response shall be given in writing.
A. Good Cause – Secretaries/Paraprofessionals
Leaves of absence without pay for medical or nonmedical reasons may be granted by the Board for good reasons for one (1) year with re-application for a second year.
B. Benefits – Secretaries/Paraprofessionals
All benefits to which a secretary/paraprofessional was entitled at the time a leave of absence commences, including unused accumulated sick leave, shall be restored to that person upon return
from the leave. The same position shall be restored to that person which was held at the time the said leave commenced, if available, or, if not, to a substantially equivalent position, as soon as possible.
Upon resignation after fifteen (15) years of retirement after ten (10) years of continuous service in the teaching profession in Roxbury Schools, the teacher shall receive a lump sum payment as reflected below for each unused day accumulated in the sick leave bank as a teacher in Roxbury Schools before or after the effective date of this Agreement. In the event the teacher who meets the criteria should die while in service to Roxbury Schools, this money shall be paid to the estate of the teacher. The cap shall be $12,500. These rates will apply for the remainder of the agreement.
The reimbursement rate shall be as follows:
Effective October 1, 2008, the reimbursement rate shall be as follows:
Accumulated Days
Tier: 0-100 $35
A. Secretaries
Upon resignation or retirement after ten (10) years of continuous service in the Roxbury Schools, the secretary shall receive a lump sum payment as reflected below for each unused day accumulated in the sick leave bank as a secretary in Roxbury Schools before or after the effective date of this Agreement. In the event the secretary who meets the criteria should die while in service to Roxbury Schools, this money shall be paid to the estate of the secretary. The cap shall be set at $5,500. These rates will remain for the remainder of the agreement.
Accumulated Days | 0-100 | $23 |
 | 101-200 | $25 |
 | 201 + | $30 |
B. Paraprofessionals
Upon resignation or retirement after ten (10) years of continuous service in the Roxbury Schools, the paraprofessional shall receive a lump sum payment as reflected below (prorated dependent on number hours worked per week – 30 hours) for each unused day accumulated in the sick leave bank as a paraprofessional in Roxbury Schools before or after the effective date of this Agreement. In the event the paraprofessional who meets the criteria should die while in service to Roxbury Schools, this money shall be paid to the estate of the paraprofessional. The cap shall be set at $5,500. These rates will remain for the remainder of the agreement.
Accumulated Days | 0-100 | $23 |
 | 101-200 | $25 |
 | 201 + | $30 |
D. Request for payment must be made by January 10 of the calendar year of retirement. Payment will be made upon retirement in one lump sum or apportioned at the request of the employee. In the event that the employee dies prior to full payment, then any outstanding payment will be made to the estate. In the event the deadline is missed, then payment shall be made in the following calendar year.
A. Building Liaison Committee
The senior faculty representative in each building shall conduct an election for the purpose of electing a liaison committee.
The purpose of the Building Liaison Committee is to review and discuss building problems and practices of concern to the staff and/or Administration. This committee is responsible for submitting appropriate agenda items to the building principal no fewer than five (5) days prior to the scheduled monthly meeting date. If no agenda items are received five (5) days prior to the meeting, the meeting shall be cancelled.
Said committees shall be constituted as follows:
Elementary/Middle Schools
One representative from each team/grade level One representative from special education One representative from cycles/specials One representative from secretaries One representative from paraprofessionals
High School
One representative for each 10 faculty members, not to exceed a total of 10 representatives
Secretaries and paraprofessionals may be a member of building liaison committee. At the high school level, secretaries and paraprofessionals shall have one (1) representative.
B. School System Liaison Committee
Each building liaison committee shall elect a representative and alternate from its committee to serve on the school system liaison committee which will meet once a month with an administrative group selected by the Superintendent. The purpose of this committee is to review and discuss district problems and practices of concern to the staff and/or Administration. Building representatives shall submit appropriate agenda items to the superintendent’s office no fewer than five (5) days prior to the scheduled meeting date. If no agenda items are received five (5) days prior to the meeting, the meeting shall be cancelled.
A. Secretarial Liaison Committee
The secretaries shall elect representatives for a liaison committee. Said committee shall be constituted as follows:
One (1) representative each from Elementary Schools, Middle School, Special Education and Transportation, Board Office and Curriculum, Cafeteria, Maintenance and Data Processing.
Two (2) representatives from: High School
The purpose of the Liaison Committee is to review and discuss problems and practices of concern to the staff and/or administration. This committee is responsible for submitting appropriate agenda items to the Superintendent no fewer than five (5) days prior to the scheduled meeting date. If no agenda items are received five (5) days prior to the meeting, the meeting shall be cancelled.
- Shared Decision Making (SDM) – is a process by which the Building Liaison Committee explores and considers issues, reaches a consensus regarding those issues, and implements the recommendations.
- Decisions made by the committee shall not violate any language in this Agreement.
- When interest is expressed through liaison and/or administration in the SDM process, that building will vote to decide if it wants to take part. An 80% affirmative vote of all REA members within the building is needed before that building will participate. This vote will be conducted by REA officers and cannot occur more than one time in a two-year period.
- Two-year time limit: at the end of this time building must vote to continue the process.
B. Elementary Voluntary Advisory Scheduling Committee
Each elementary building will establish a voluntary advisory committee whose purpose is to assist the building administration and any Shared Decision Making committee in developing schedules. A representative from each special subject area and at least one classroom teacher will be included in the committee. The committee should meet in the spring of each year to advise for the following year’s schedule.
1. Tuition Payment Policy
- The Board will give assistance in the payment of tuition fees for graduate courses for classes in the area of certification or reasonably related to one’s subject area or teaching assignment as determined and approved by the Superintendent and for which a passing grade has been received. This assistance will be 100% for an “A”, “B” and “Pass”. This “pass” option is restricted to those courses for which no other grades are offered and the Teachers are required to provide proof that “pass/fail” is mandatory.
- The rate of reimbursement will be based on the current per credit rate of the College of New Jersey (Trenton State College). This rate shall not apply to any employee currently matriculated in a graduate/certificated program before June 30, 1996.
- The maximum tuition assistance available to a teacher shall be $2,500 per year. The Board’s maximum liability for tuition reimbursement for teachers shall be $101,169.
- Money will be divided into three equal portions to coincide with summer, fall, and spring semesters. All pre-approved applicants will receive a portion of the class costs not to exceed 100% based on the number of applicants for that semester. The cutoff dates for pre-approval are as follows:
Summer: May 1 Fall: August 1 Spring: December 1
- If an applicant misses a deadline, the application will automatically carry over to the next semester’s funds.
- Any remaining funds in a semester will carry over to the next semester.
- At the end of the year, any unspent funds will be divided equally among applicants. All transcripts regardless of the semester must be received at the Personnel Office by the end of business on the fifth working day in June.
- Reimbursement of funds will be distributed upon receipt of the course transcript.
- Teachers shall remain in the employ of the Board one additional year for each year of tuition reimbursement. A teacher who does not remain in the employ of the Board shall repay to the Board the amount of tuition reimbursement received in the last year of employment.
2. Graduate Study Incentive Policy
Beginning in the 1996/1997 school year, new salary guide columns of BA+15 and MA+15 will be added. Training levels will be redefined to correspond to the new guide columns.
- Current employees will continue to receive their 20% differential for each 6 credits beyond the specified training levels as defined in the 1995/1996 contract (number 3 below).
- Beginning in the 1996/1997 school year horizontal movement on the salary guide for all employees will occur only when sufficient credits have been earned to reach one of the redefined training levels. The redefined training levels are as follows: BA, BA+15, BA+30, MA, MA+15, MA+30, Doctorate level.
- Payment for movement across the guide will be made effective in September of each year. Credits will be accumulated from July 1 to June 30 of the year prior to granting of payment (i.e., September 1, 1997 salary will reflect credits accumulated from July 1, 1996 to June 30, 1997). All completed paperwork for movement on the guide must be submitted to the Superintendent’s office by January 10, of the year of the anticipated movement.
- Courses to be credited under this policy include:
- those required for a university-approved advanced degree program and related to the area of employment.
- those reasonably related to one’s subject or teaching assignment and approved by the Superintendent prior to registration. The decision for reimbursement for classes will be based on each individual course, and not the degree program a teacher is enrolled in. Classes will qualify for reimbursement as long as the title of the course does not include the word Supervisor or Administration.
- courses taken at the request of the Administration.
- approved courses taken during the summer by teachers hired in the spring or summer or fall employment.
- Nurses, speech-language correctionists/specialists, and ESL teachers shall receive graduate incentive credit and tuition reimbursement for Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) as approved by the Superintendent prior to registration. Ten (10) CEU’s shall equal one (1) graduate credit. For purposes of computing increments between salary guides, no more than six (6) graduate credits can be earned through CEU equivalents.
- A maximum of six (6) semester hours per fall or spring semester may be credited under this policy. Credit may be received for courses taken during the summer up to a total of 18 hours per calendar year.
3. Training Levels are Defined as:
- Four-year training level – A Bachelor’s Degree from an institution accredited or approved by the State of New Jersey.
- Five-year training level – A Master’s Degree from an institution accredited or approved by the State of New Jersey, or a Bachelor’s Degree from an institution accredited or approved by the State of New Jersey plus 30 credits as described in items “d” and “e” of the Graduate Study Incentive Policy.
- Six-year training level – A Master’s Degree from an institution accredited or approved by the State of New Jersey plus 30 credits from an institution accredited or approved by the State of New Jersey as described in items “d” and “e” of the Graduate Study Incentive Policy.
- Doctoral level – An earned Doctorate Degree from an institution accredited or approved by the State of New Jersey.
A. In-service Training
- A maximum of six (6) hours of non-college credit may be accomplished each year. Studies may be taken within the Roxbury schools or out of the district. Such studies shall deal directly and specifically with the improvement of curriculum and instruction in the Roxbury schools. These studies shall be equivalent in requirement and quality to other accredited graduate studies, and have the prior approval of the Superintendent and the Board. Teachers participating in such in-service course or workshop in district will receive credit on the basis of one (1) credit for a course or workshop meeting for fifteen hours.
- The teachers who elect to participate in out-of-district in-service courses or workshops must obtain the recommendation of the Superintendent and prior approval of the Board. The Board must approve both the reimbursement of the cost of the training program, if any, and the decision to grant credit.
B. Secretaries and Paraprofessionals
- The Board will give assistance in payment of tuition of course fees for courses reasonably related to one’s area of employment as determined and approved by the Superintendent. This assistance will be 100% of the per credit rate for the College of NJ with a maximum of three (3) credit hours per semester (fall, spring, summer) may be credited under this policy.
- Prior approval forms are to be submitted to the superintendent’s office by September 20 for fall semester courses, by January 2 for spring semester courses, and by June 30 for summer session courses.
3. The Board’s maximum liability for tuition reimbursement for secretaries and paraprofessionals shall be $9,161 for the term of this agreement.
- The Board agrees to consult with staff members in planning employee facilities, in the construction of any new school building or in the construction of additions to existing school buildings.
A. Every effort shall be made to provide all unit employees with a mailbox.
A. Teachers
- Positions which are vacant because teachers are temporarily absent or on leave shall be filled by personnel who hold at least a county superintendent’s certificate.
- The use of regular teachers as substitutes should be discouraged. However, in an emergency, regular teachers may volunteer their non-teaching period. The scale for paying teachers who are asked to substitute during preparation and lunch periods shall be as follows:
$33 per period
- Teachers shall be compensated at the following rates for bedside instruction:
$35 per hour
Mileage incurred shall be compensated at the rate as per Article XXXIII. Payment will be based on mileage to and from school where the teacher is assigned.
- Refer to teachers’ manual for information and instruction.
Substitutes may be obtained whenever any secretary is absent, at the discretion of the building administrator, superintendent or designee.
Employees will be covered under Title 1 8A: 16-6 and 1 8A: 16-6.1. ASSAULT ON AN EMPLOYEE
When absence arises out of or from a work-related assault or injury to the employee, the employee shall be entitled to full salary less any reimbursement which may be derived from Workmen’s Compensation Insurance. The employee shall be entitled to all other benefits for the period of such absence and shall not forfeit any sick leave or personal leave for such absence.
The Board shall provide the health care insurance protection designated below:
1. The Board will continue to pay 100% single, parent/child, husband/wife or family coverage for those currently participating in the Roxbury School District group plans. The designated program will provide a level of benefits equal to or better than the State Health Benefits Plan as of December 15, 1995, subject to the following modifications. Effective July 1, 2005 all new hires shall receive POS as their base plan and fully paid by the B.O.E. for single and full family coverage. If the employee wants to purchase Direct Access, the cost will be the difference between the POS and the level of coverage for Direct Access. Effective March 1, 2009, after ratification, the following changes will apply to the medical insurance:
- All members enrolled in the “Traditional Plan” will be enrolled in the “Direct Access Plan” at no cost to the employee. The “Traditional Plan” will cease to exist as of March 1, 2009.
- All members enrolled in the “POS” will remain in the “POS”.
- Employees enrolled in POS who wish to move to Direct Access shall be responsible for the difference in premium between the two plans.
- Direct Access shall not have a stand alone prescription plan.
- There is no change in the current POS plan.
- Effective upon ratification, the deductibles for the Direct Access Plan shall be $200 single and $400 family, per year.
- Effective upon ratification, the out-of-pocket deductibles shall be $1,000 for single and $2,000 for family. (Deductibles for stop/loss)
- Effective upon ratification, office visit shall be a co-pay of $10.00.
- Effective upon ratification, prescription co-pay shall be $15.00 for brand name; $10 for generic and rates apply to both retail and mail-order.
- Effective upon ratification, all current employees enrolled in the POS shall purchase the difference between POS and Direct Access should they to choose to elect Direct Access coverage.
- Under our present insurance policy, if an employee is granted a leave of absence without pay, he may continue coverage under the health benefits program for a period of three (3) months following the end of the month when his name was removed from the payroll. In order to continue this coverage the employee, by personal check, must pay the employer the TOTAL premiums that are required, which includes the single contract cost plus dependent premiums, if any.
- Participating members will be required to pay 50% of the increased payment charged for dental coverage, effective 1983/1984 school year. New Jersey Dental Service Plan – Plan 11-B Super composite with Ortho 1 – effective April 1, 1983.
- If an employee elects to opt out of medical coverage, the Board of Education shall pay employees the following rates: Single $2,000; Employee/Spouse $2,700; Parent/Child $2,300; Family $3,000. The Board agrees to set up an Optional S 125 Plan.
- Should the Board require a physical examination of an employee, the Board shall assume the cost of said physical examination. The physical examination shall be performed by the school physician or his designee.
- Part-Time Employees
Current employees who work more than 19 ½ hours shall be eligible for full insurance benefits. New employees hired on or before July 1, 1996 who work 25 or more hours per week shall be eligible for full insurance benefits. A break in service of one (1) year or less due to a RIF shall still be considered as a current employee for the purpose of this provision.
8. Out of State Employees:
The parties hereby acknowledge and agree that the Board has the right to maintain the medical plans currently being offered and that the employees must therefore select a medical plan from those presently available.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board and Association agree that in order to increase the availability of Pennsylvania physicians in the managed care program for those employees residing in Pennsylvania, that the Board shall make available to said employees a Preferred Provider Network from Blue Cross/Blue Shield subject to the following:
- Only those employees residing in Pennsylvania shall be eligible for the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Preferred Provider Network.
- The Preferred Provider Network shall only be offered on the express condition that the per employee cost does not exceed the per employee cost of the managed care program (Horizon POS program).
- In the event that Blue Cross/Blue Shield ceases offering the Preferred Provider Network for the Board’s Pennsylvania Employees, the Board’s obligation to offer such an alterative managed care program to Pennsylvania employees shall cease, and said employees shall elect to enroll in one of the existing plans being offered by the Board.
- Any and all employees electing to enroll in the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Preferred Provider Network shall be subject to all of the conditions and provisions of the Contract between the Board and the Association, including, but not limited to, Article XXII (Insurance Protection).
- This Agreement does not represent an “enhancement” of medical insurance options for the purpose of determining “equal to or greater benefits” options.
- This agreement does not establish a past practice and is not precedent setting. It cannot be used or relied upon with respect to any other issue between the parties.
- It is recognized that democratic values can best be transmitted in an atmosphere which is free from censorship and artificial restraints upon free inquiry and learning, and in which academic freedom for teacher and student is encouraged.
- The philosophy, underlying principles, and objectives of Board Policy shall be adhered to in the presentation and content of the courses of study adopted by the Board of Education.
- Coaching personnel, if reinstated, will receive their contracts for the coming year no later than April 30; except that in the event of spring sports the coaching contracts will be distributed upon completion of the sport.
- When a coach agrees to change to another level or to coach another sport, either during the course of the school year or during the summer vacation, a new contract is to be issued.
- The head varsity coach, whenever possible, in each competitive sport, shall be given an opportunity by the Superintendent’s designee to interview and evaluate the prospective candidates in the selection and employment of assistant varsity, junior varsity and freshman coaches.
- An attempt will be made to have immediate medical supervision available at all athletic competition and practice sessions at all levels of competition.
- Personnel will be compensated at the rate as per Article XXXIII for the use of personally owned vehicles when school vehicles are not available in the process of carrying out scouting assignments. Such assignments must be approved by the Superintendent’s designee. Payment will be based on mileage to and from the school.
- Any teacher who may be hired as head coach and/or assistant coach will be placed on his/her appropriate step of the respective coaches’ salary guide according to experience in that position; except that an assistant coach who has attained the top step of the assistant coaches’ salary guide shall be placed on the second step of the head coaches’ salary guide when appointed to a head position.
- Persons new to a position will start on the lowest step. The Board retains the right to fill the position listed or to refrain from filling any position listed as it may deem appropriate. Progression to the next step of the guide is not considered automatic, but will be based on satisfactory performance as determined by the Administration. Appointments to these positions listed on the guide are on a yearly basis and do not in any way imply tenure to the position.
- In instances where the number of games per season differs from equivalent types of boys’ and girls’ sports, the sport having the higher number of games will serve as the basis for determining full compensation as stipulated in the guide. The coach of the sport with the lesser number of games per season shall receive the greater amount of either the salary prorated in accordance with the full salary for the higher number games per season of the equivalent sport, or two-third (2/3) of the whole salary.
A. Mechanism for starting new clubs/sports:
1. Club: (a) There will be a two (2) year trial period for new clubs. The salary will be negotiated with the REA and the Board.
(b) Prior to the first club meeting, written application will be made to the district through the building principal.
- After Board approval of the application for the two (2) year trial, the club will begin meeting.
- No later than two (2) years after approving the application for trial basis,
the Board will render a decision to continue or terminate the club.
- At the end of the trial period, if the club continues (with Board approval),
the member will begin receiving the negotiated salary.
- If the club does not receive Board approval for funding/salary, the club will cease to exist.
- Sport: The same procedure as contained in Section I, 1 above will be utilized to start a new sport, with the exception that the trial will be for a period of three (3) years.
- The club/sport must meet Board rationale in policy.
- If funding is rejected, employees shall not be directed to continue working beyond the trial period.
- Nothing in Section I will prevent the Board from providing the funding for the salary for a club or sport in less than the trial period.
If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees or to the Board is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
A. All Employees
- Employees will be evaluated under the Evaluation Procedure. At the end of the each school year, evaluation committees will study the procedures for possible revisions. These committees will be selected by the Superintendent. In addition, two (2) Association representatives, selected by the Association, shall be on each committee. A copy of the evaluation procedures will appear in the Faculty Handbook.
- Any employee shall have the right for good cause, after request for an appointment, to review the contents of his personnel file except for confidential personal references received prior to employment. This review shall be made in the presence of a designee of the Superintendent. The employee shall acknowledge that he has had the opportunity to review
his file by signing a checkout form and affixing his signature to the material he has reviewed. The employee shall have the right to submit comments, in writing, concerning material he may deem derogatory and his comments shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his designee and attached to the file copy. Copies of any documents contained therein, except for those of a confidential nature listed above, shall be available to the employee. Cost of reproduction shall be paid by the employee.
- The Board agrees to protect the confidentiality of personal references, academic credentials and other similar documents.
- Advancement on the salary guide is considered automatic and will be based on evidence of satisfactory performance of duties as determined by evaluative procedures in use in the District.
- Upon evidence of satisfactory performance as determined by the Administration, an employee who has been denied an increment can be recommended for advancement and placement on the appropriate step of the guide.
B. Teacher Evaluation
1. Teacher evaluation procedure shall be:
- An instructional lesson is observed.
- A conference is held to discuss the lesson within three (3) school days.
- An Observation Conference Report reflects both the lesson observed and conference discussion is completed and given to the person being evaluated within five (5) school days of the conference.
- Within three (3) school days of receipt of the Observation Conference Report, the person being evaluated signs and returns it to the evaluator at which time the person evaluated
may request a second conference. In the event the person being evaluated does not request a second conference, he still has the option to submit, within ten (10) days, a teacher comment sheet to be attached to the Observation Conference Report.
- Summative teacher evaluation procedures shall be as follows:
- The teacher will be asked to supply data of the year’s activities to the supervisor prior to the drafting of the summative evaluation report.
- The supervisor will prepare and present a draft of the summative evaluation report and present it to the teacher prior to the evaluation conference.
- A conference will be held to discuss the contents of the draft of the summative evaluation report and to outline possible areas for the development of the Professional Development Plan (PDP).
- The supervisor shall present the finalized summative evaluation report to the teacher within five (5) school days of the evaluation conference.
- The teacher shall return the required number of signed copies of the final summative evaluation report to the supervisor within three (3) school days after it is signed.
- The teacher will have the option to submit, within ten (10) days, a teacher comment sheet to be attached to the summative evaluation report.
- Both tenured and non-tenured teachers shall be evaluated according to New Jersey Statutes, Title 1 8A.
A. Secretarial Evaluation
Secretaries shall be evaluated in accord with established district procedures. Each secretary shall receive a copy of these procedures annually no later than October 1.
B. Paraprofessional Evaluation
Paraprofessionals shall be evaluated in accord with established district procedures. Each paraprofessional shall receive a copy of these procedures annually no later than October 1.
- A sabbatical leave may be granted to teachers for study in their area of specialization or for reasons of value to the school system as determined by the Administration with final approval by the Board.
- Teachers may apply for a sabbatical leave upon completion of at least seven (7) years of service in the Roxbury Township School District.
- Request for such leave shall be made before November 1 prior to the year for which such absence is requested. Such application shall be made upon a form, furnished by the Board and shall be accompanied with a detailed proposal for study or research to be accomplished during the leave. Action on all such requests will be taken no later than February 1 of the school year prior to the year for which the leave is requested. When a teacher is requested to appear at any meeting pertaining to the application for and granting of a sabbatical leave, the teacher may, at his option, have a resource person relative to the area of study accompany him.
- A teacher on sabbatical leave for one (1) year shall receive one-half (½) of his full salary at the step he would have attained had he remained in his position. A teacher granted a half-year leave shall receive full salary for the half year at the step he would have attained had he remained in his position. Salary payments shall be made semimonthly in accordance with the schedule for the school system. All shall receive full fringe benefits.
A. Teachers shall receive credit on the salary schedule for the sabbatical leave.
B. Not more than two (2) teachers shall be granted sabbatical leave for the same year.
- The teacher is expected to return to the Roxbury Township School System for a minimum of two (2) years following the sabbatical leave. If he terminates his employment before the end of this two-year period he must repay a proportionate amount of the salary received while on leave.
- When referring to length of employment or service in this Article, such employment is meant to be continuous, uninterrupted service within the Roxbury School System and not meant to imply “bridged” or cumulative service computed by adding years employment separated by termination of employment due to resignation. An approved leave of absence is not considered an interruption in service but shall not be considered as an active year of employment.
- Such leave of absence may be rescinded by the Board at its discretion at any time during the year for which it is granted when in the judgment of the Board the conditions under which it was granted are not being met.
The expense for printing copies of this Agreement shall be shared equally by the Association and the Board. The printed format shall be decided upon mutual agreement. Sufficient copies of the Agreement shall be printed for presentation to all unit employees now employed, and to be employed by the Board for the school year. The final quantity shall be determined by mutual agreement.
This contract shall constitute a mutual agreement between both parties and may be altered, changed, added to, deleted from or modified only through the voluntary or mutual consent of the parties in a written and signed amendment to this Agreement. The provisions of this Agreement shall be considered part of the established policies of the Board.
A. Savings
Except as this Agreement shall specifically provide, all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the signing date of this Agreement and established by the rules, regulations and/or policies of the Board in force on said date shall continue to be so applicable during the term of this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted and/or applied so as to eliminate, reduce, nor otherwise detract from any employee benefit existing prior to its effective date.
Nothing in this Agreement shall annul or modify and statute or statutes of the State of New Jersey and its is the intention of the Board not to contract away the rights that it may have pursuant to the laws of the State of New Jersey.
A. Complete and Final Agreement
This Agreement represents and incorporates the complete and final understanding and settlement of the parties of all bargainable issues which were or could have been the subject of negotiations. During the terms of this Agreement, neither party will be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter, whether or not covered by this Agreement, and whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or signed this Agreement.
In accordance with New Jersey Statutes and the Constitution of the United States:
A. The Roxbury Township Board of Education on its own behalf and on behalf of the electors of the district, hereby retain and reserves unto itself, without limitation, all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, and of the United States, including but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right:
- To exercise executive management and administrative control over the school system and its properties and facilities.
- To hire all employees subject to the provisions of the law and subject to the limitations of this Agreement.
- To establish grade levels and courses of instruction, including special programs, and to provide for athletic, recreational and social events for students all as deemed necessary and/or advisable by the Board.
- To control the means and methods of instruction, the selection of textbooks and other teaching materials, aids and equipment.
- The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibility by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith shall be limited only by specific and express terms of this Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and express terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of New Jersey, and the Constitution and laws of the United States.
- The Board shall be permitted to petition the Executive Board of the Association to meet with them on issues of concern.
All authorized mileage expenditures shall be required at the U.S. Government rate per mile beginning on the date that rate becomes effective.
A. Purpose of Fee
If any unit employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year which is covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the employee’s per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative.
B. Amount of Fee
Notification – Prior to the beginning of each membership year the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues charged by the Association to its own members for that membership year. The representation fee, up to 85%, to be paid by nonmembers will be determined by the Association in accordance with the law.
2. Legal Maximum – In order to adequately offset the per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative, the representation fee should be equal in amount to the regular membership dues charged by the Association to its own members, and the representation fee may be set up to 85% of that amount as the maximum presently allowed by law.
C. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
- Notification – Once during each membership year covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, the Association will submit to the Board a list of those employees who have not become members of the Association for the then current membership year. The Board will deduct from the salaries of such employees, in accordance with paragraph (2) below, the full amount of the representation fee and promptly transmit the amount so deducted to the Association.
- Payroll Deduction Schedule – The Board will deduct the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks paid to each employee on the aforesaid list during the remainder of the membership year in question. The declarations will begin with the first paycheck paid:
- Thirty (30) days after receipt of the aforesaid list by the Board.
- Sixty (60) days after the employee begins his employment in a bargaining unit position and continued in the employ of the Board in a non-bargaining unit position or was on layoff, in which event the deduction will begin with the first paycheck paid thirty (30) days after the resumption of the employee’s employment in a bargaining unit position, whichever is later.
- Termination of Employment – If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his employment with the Board by January 30, that employee’s obligation to the REA shall be considered fulfilled. If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his employment after January 30, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said employee.
- Mechanics – Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the deduction of representation fees and the transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
- Changes – The Association will notify the Board in writing of any changes in the list provided for in paragraph 1, above, and/or in any deduction made more than thirty (30) days after the Board received said notice.
- The Board will forward a copy of its minutes to the REA Membership Chairperson at the same time it releases minutes to its members.
D. Indemnification and Save Harmless Provision
The Roxbury Education Association shall indemnify and hold the employer harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses that may arise out of, or by reason of any action taken or not taken by the employer in conformance with this provision.
- The Board agrees to first seek appropriate volunteers to act as mentor teachers, but retains the right to assign teachers to this role where it deems necessary. These assignments shall be made on a rotating basis, if at all possible.
- A mentor teacher shall receive the State mandated compensation, which will be deducted from the provisional staff member’s salary.
- Mentor teachers much be tenured and fully certified. They shall not evaluate or supervise a provisional teacher.
A. The Board and the Association agree to abide by the State guidelines for mentoring.
A. Additional Training: Through workshops and staff development will be provided to the staff for:
- Inclusion and mainstreaming of special needs students
- Computer technology
The Board will provide reimbursement for outside workshops as follows:
$79 per staff member
Any teacher presently employed with eleven (11) or more years of service as of September 1, 1984, shall be eligible for the following additional service increments:
$200 after 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 years.
A. Child Study Team Compensation
Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultants employed as of the 1979/1980 school year will continue to receive a differential of $160 as long as they continue in the employ of the Roxbury school system.
A. Nurse Coordinator Salary
A. Payment for curriculum writing shall be as follows:
$46 per hour A. Secretarial Grade Placement
Grade I:
Grade II: Assistant Attendance, RHS, Board Office Secretary (part-time) School Secretary/Jefferson; Special Ed Secretary.
Grade III: Assistant Principal Secretary-Athletics, RHS; Assistant Principal Secretary-Attendance, RHS; Assistant Principal Secretary, RHS; Assistant Principal Secretary, EMS; Assistant Principal Secretary, L/R; Main Office Secretary, RHS; Child Study Team Secretary; Guidance Secretary, RHS, EMS; Special Services Secretary; AV Secretary, RHS; Media Secretary, RHS.
Grade IV: Assistant Payroll Secretary, CO; Health and Benefits Secretary, CO; Bookkeeper, CO; Director of Buildings/Grounds Secretary, RHS; Director of Food Services Secretary; Director of Special Services Secretary; Director of Transportation Secretary; Head Guidance Secretary; Principal Secretary, Data Processing Secretary, RHS, EMS, Franklin, Jefferson, Kennedy, L/R, Nixon; Community School Secretary.
Grade V: Head Data Processing Secretary, RHS; Accounts Payable Secretary, CO.
H. Family Education
$551 per 5 week session
BSI Before and After School Instruction
$35 per hour + 1 hour prep paid per 3 days taught
2011-12 Salary Teacher’s Guide |  |  |  |  |  |
Step BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 PHD |
| 48,162 | 50,562 | 51,737 | 52,912 | 55,23757,56259,887 |
| 48,657 | 51,057 | 52,232 | 53,407 | 55,73258,05760,382 |
| 49,157 | 51,557 | 52,732 | 53,907 | 56,23258,55760,882 |
7 | 49,662 | 52,062 | 53,237 | 54,412 | 56,73759,06261,387 |
8 | 50,377 | 52,777 | 53,976 | 55,127 | 57,45259,77762,102 |
| 51,377 | 53,777 | 55,077 | 56,127 | 58,45260,77763,102 |
| 52,377 | 54,777 | 56,477 | 57,127 | 59,45261,77764,102 |
| 53,877 | 56,277 | 58,057 | 58,727 | 60,95263,27765,602 |
| 56,487 | 58,887 | 60,176 | 61,237 | 63,56265,88768,212 |
| 59,387 | 61,787 | 63,726 | 64,137 | 66,46268,78771,112 |
| 62,537 | 64,937 | 67,026 | 67,287 | 69,61271,937 74,287 |
| 65,937 | 68,337 | 71,076 | 71,177 | 73,13775,33777,936 |
| 69,587 | 72,537 | 76,087 | 76,198 | 77,29378,98783,087 |
| 73,487 | 76,737 | 79,637 | 80,086 | 81,88783,88786,037 |
| 77,637 | 80,437 | 83,437 | 83,837 | 85,68787,33789,906 |
| 82,037 | 85,505 | 89,037 | 89,787 | 91,58793,43796,137 |
2012-13 Salary Teacher’s Guide |  |  |  |  |
Step BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15MA+30 PHD |
| 50,022 | 52,472 | 53,647 | 54,82257,17259,52261,822 |
| 50,422 | 52,872 | 54,047 | 55,22257,57259,92262,222 |
| 50,922 | 53,372 | 54,547 | 55,72258,07260,42262,722 |
| 51,422 | 53,872 | 55,047 | 56,22258,57260,92263,222 |
| 52,022 | 54,472 | 55,647 | 56,82259,17261,52263,822 |
| 52,967 | 55,417 | 56,667 | 57,76760,11762,46764,767 |
| 53,967 | 56,417 | 58,067 | 58,76761,11763,46765,767 |
| 55,467 | 57,917 | 59,647 | 60,31762,61764,96767,267 |
| 58,007 | 60,457 | 61,696 | 62,80765,15767,50769,807 |
| 60,847 | 63,297 | 65,186 | 65,64767,99770,34772,647 |
| 63,937 | 66,387 | 68,426 | 68,73771,08773,43775,737 |
| 67,277 | 69,727 | 72,416 | 72,51774,47776,77779,276 |
| 70,867 | 73,817 | 77,367 | 77,47878,57380,36784,367 |
| 74,707 | 77,957 | 80,857 | 81,30683,10785,10787,257 |
| 78,797 | 81,597 | 84,597 | 84,99786,84788,49791,066 |
| 83,137 | 86,605 | 90,137 | 90,88792,68794,53797,237 |
2013-14 Salary Teacher’s Guide |  |  |  |  |
Step BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+1 5MA+30PHD |
 |  |  |  |  |
| 50,802 | 53,302 | 54,502 | 55,70258,10260,50262,902 |
2-4 | 51,127 | 53,627 | 54,827 | 56,02758,42760,82763,227 |
5-6 | 51,492 | 53,992 | 55,192 | 56,39258,79261,19263,592 |
7-8 | 52,092 | 54,592 | 55,792 | 56,99259,39261,79264,192 |
9 | 52,992 | 55,492 | 56,692 | 57,89260,29262,69265,092 |
10 | 53,992 | 56,492 | 57,692 | 58,89261,29263,69266,092 |
11 | 54,997 | 57,497 | 58,697 | 59,89762,29764,69767,097 |
12 | 56,007 | 58,507 | 60,107 | 60,90763,30765,70768,107 |
13 | 57,507 | 60,007 | 61,687 | 62,40764,80767,20769,607 |
14 | 59,737 | 62,237 | 63,437 | 64,63767,03769,43771,837 |
15 | 62,487 | 64,987 | 66,826 | 67,38769,78772,18774,587 |
16 | 65,487 | 67,987 | 69,976 | 70,38772,78775,18777,587 |
17 | 68,737 | 71,237 | 73,876 | 73,97776,03778,43780,837 |
18 | 72,237 | 75,187 | 78,737 | 78,84879,94381,93785,737 |
19 | 75,987 | 79,237 | 82,137 | 82,58684,38786,38788,537 |
20 | 79,987 | 82,787 | 85,787 | 86,18788,03789,68792,256 |
21 | 84,237 | 87,705 | 91,237 | 91,98793,78795,63798,337 |
2011-12 Secretary Salary Guide |  |  |
Step | I |
| 35,525 | 36,85038,17539,50042,150 |
| 36,025 | 37,35038,67540,00042,650 |
| 36,552 | 37,87739,20240,52743,177 |
| 37,023 | 38,34839,67340,99843,648 |
| 37,945 | 39,27040,59541,92044,570 |
| 42,074 | 43,39944,72446,04948,699 |
|  | 46,319 |
|  | 44,88146,203 |
|  | 46,082 |
2012-13 Secretary Salary Guide |  |
| 35,75437,07938,40439,72942,379 |
| 36,25437,57938,90440,22942,879 |
| 37,00438,32939,65440,97943,629 |
| 38,55439,87941,20442,52945,179 |
| 40,50441,82943,15444,47947,129 |
| 42,85444,17945,50446,82949,479 |
| 47,099 |
| 45,66146,983 |
| 46,862 |
2013-14 Secretary Salary Guide |  |
| 36,85438,20439,55440,90443,604 |
| 37,60438,95440,30441,65444,354 |
| 38,60439,95441,30442,65445,354 |
| 39,85441,20442,55443,90446,604 |
| 41,65443,00444,35445,70448,404 |
| 43,65445,00446,35447,70450,404 |
| 47,974 |
| 46,51147,858 |
| 47,737 |
2011-12 | Special Ed Aide
Salary |  | 2012-13 Special Ed Aide
Step Salary |
Step |  |  |  |
0 |
|  |
1 | 13.59 |  |
2 | 14.21 |  | 2 14.68 |
3 | 14.83 |  | 3 15.30 |
4 | 15.45 |  | 4 15.92 |
5 | 16.07 |  | 5 16.55 |
6 | 16.72 |  | 6 17.20 |
7 | 17 37 |  | 7 17.85 |
8 | 18.04 |  | 8 18.52 |
9 | 20.44 |  | 9 20.64 |
2013-14 Special Ed Aide
Step | Salary |
0 | 13.95 |
1 | 14.55 |
2 | 15.16 |
3 | 15.78 |
4 | 16.41 |
5 | 17.04 |
6 | 17.69 |
7 | 18.34 |
8 | 19.01 |
8a | 19.93 |
9 | 20.84 |
RHS Head Coaches |  |  |  |
Football | 9,633 |  |  |
Basketball/Wrestling/Ice Hockey | 8,277 |  |  |
Baseball/Softball/Soccer | 7,376 |  |  |
Field Hockey/Volleyball/Lacrosse | 7,376 |  |  |
Indoor Track/Outdoor Track/Golf | 7,131 |  |  |
Cross Country/Swimming/Tennis | 7,131 |  |  |
Equipment Manager/Weight Room | 5,557 |  |  |
Cheering | 4,393 |  |  |
Athletic Trainer Fall/Winter/Spring | 7,083 |  |  |
RHS Assistant Coaches |  |  |  |
Football | 6,416 |  |  |
Basketball/Wrestling/Ice Hockey | 5,627 |  |  |
Baseball/Softball/Soccer | 5,147 |  |  |
Field Hockey/Volleyball/Lacrosse | 5,147 |  |  |
Indoor Track/Outdoor Track/Golf | 4,879 |  |  |
Cross Country/Swimming/Tennis | 4,879 |  |  |
Equipment Manager/Weight Room | 4,030 |  |  |
Cheering | 3,931 |  |  |
EMS Head Coaches |  |  |  |
Basketball/Wrestling/Field Hockey | 5,083 |  |  |
Track/Cross Country | 5,083 |  |  |
Cheering Fall/Spring | 3,796 |  |  |
EMS Assistant Coaches |  |
Basketball/Wrestling/Field Hockey | 4,323 |
Track/Cross Country | 4,323 |
At five years and EVERY year after, the HEAD COACH will receive an additional $100 per year. The Freshman/Assistant Coaches will receive an additional $50 per year. To be eligible for the LONGEVITY STIPEND, the coach must have continuous years of service (NO BREAKS IN DISTRICT) in the same sport/season.
Extracurricular Salary Guide
Roxbury High School |  |
Academic Decathlon | 3,113 |
Band Assistant | 5,058 |
Band Front | 3,670 |
Percussion | 3,670 |
Class Advisor, Freshman | 1,366 |
Class Advisor, Sophomore | 1,521 |
Class Advisor, Junior | 1,648 |
Class Advisor, Senior | 1,892 |
Concert Band | 4,778 |
Debate | 2,742 |
DECA | 2,160 |
Drama Advisor | 3,880 |
Drama Assistant | 2,216 |
Environmental Club | 2,150 |
FBLA | 2,160 |
Jazz Band | 3,189 |
Lighthouse Bible Club | 1,744 |
Literary Magazine | 2,433 |
Marching Band Director | 7,068 |
Math League | 1,744 |
National Art Honor Society | 2,370 |
National Honor Society | 2,370 |
Newspaper | 3,011 |
Peer Leadership | 1,920 |
Prime Time Director | 3,657 |
Science League | 1,744 |
Student Council | 3,560 |
Varsity R | 1,744 |
Vocal Music Advisor | 4,496 |
Vocal Music Advisor Assistant | 2,402 |
Yearbook Advisor | 4,187 |
Yearbook Assistant | 3,598 |
Interact | 1,919 |
Key Club | 2,767 |
Best Buddies | 1,550 |
Multicultural Club | 1,550 |
S.E.A.S. | 1,550 |
Extracurricular Salary Guide
Eisenhower Middle School |  |
Academic Team | 2,025 |
Art Club | 2,025 |
Builder’s Club | 2,087 |
Chess Club | 2,025 |
Choral Director | 3,216 |
Drama | 3,216 |
Forensics | 2,025 |
Intramural Advisor | 3,216 |
Jazz Band Ensemble | 3,216 |
Math League | 2,025 |
News/Literary Magazine | 2,369 |
Student Council | 2,087 |
EMS Yearbook | 2,285 |
Lincoln/Roosevelt School |  |
Art | 1,525 |
Computers | 1,525 |
Forensics | 1,525 |
Student Council | 1,525 |
K-Kids | 1,500 |
Roxbury High School |  |
Musical Play Positions |  |
Director | 3,250 |
Music Director | 2,750 |
Choreographer | 2,750 |
Pit Band | 2,250 |
Vocal Director | 2,000 |
Tech Crew Director | 1,400 |
Set Design | 1,200 |
Painting/Visual | 1,000 |
Costume | 800 |