Board Rights ……………………………………………………..…………………...4
Preamble ……………………………………………………………………...............5
Article I, Recognition ………………………………………………...........................6
Article II, Negotiation Procedure ………………………………………………….....7
Article III, Grievance Procedure …………………………………………………..…8
Article IV, Employee Rights ………………………………………………….….…12
Article V, Association Rights and Privileges …………………………………….…13
Article VI, Employee Work Year ……………………………………………….….15
Article VII, Teaching Hours and Teaching Load ………………………...…….…..17
Article VIII, Employment ………………………………………..……..………….19
Article IX, Salaries ………………………………………………………….….…..21
Article X, Employee Assignment ……………………………………………..……22
Article XI, Voluntary Transfers and Reassignments ……………………….....……23
Article XII, Involuntary Transfers and Reassignments …………………...…..……24
Article XIII, Evaluation ………………………………..……………………..…….25
Article XIV, Employee Facilities ……….………………………..…………..…….27
Article XV, Sick Leave …………………………………………………..………...28
Article XVI, Temporary Leave of Absence ………………………………….…….30
Article XVII, Extended Leaves of Absence ………………………………….….....31
Article XVIII, Substitutes ……………………………………………………….....34
Article XIX, Professional Development and Educational Improvement …….…....35
Article XX, Protection of Employees, Students and Property ……….……..….….37
Article XXI, Insurance Protection …………………………………………..….…38
Article XXII, Complaint Procedure ………………………………………....….…40
Article XXIII, Extra-Curricular Activities ………………………..…….….….….41
Article XXIV, Personal and Academic Freedom …………………….….….….…42
Article XXV, Miscellaneous Provisions ……………………….……….……..….43
Article XXVI, Duration of Agreement ……………………………….…….….…45
Teachers’ Salary Schedules……………………………………………………….46
Teacher Aide’s Salary Schedule and Secretary’s Salary Schedule……………….48
The Board of Education reserves to itself sole jurisdiction and authority over matters of policy and retains the rights delegated to it by Title 18A, Laws of New Jersey, as follows:
To direct employees of the district,
To hire, promote, transfer, assign, and to retain employees in positions within the school district, and, for just cause, to suspend,
To take such action as provided in Title 18A, Chapter 6-10,
To maintain the efficiency of the school district operations entrusted to them,
To determine the methods, means, and personnel by which such operations are to be conducted, except as otherwise provided in Chapter 123, Public Laws of New Jersey, 1975,
To take whatever actions may be necessary to carry out the mission of the school district in unusual circumstances or situations of emergency.
The Agreement entered into this 1st day of July 2008, by and between the Board of Education of Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, herein called the “Board” and the Delaware Township Education Association, herein called the “Association,” shall be binding upon both parties for a period of three years (2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011).
WHEREAS, the Board and the Association have an obligation, pursuant of Chapter 123, Public Laws 1975, to negotiate in good faith with respect to the terms and conditions of employment, and
WHEREAS, the parties have reached certain understanding which they desire to confirm in this Agreement, be it
RESOLVED, on consideration of the following mutual covenants, it is hereby agreed as follows:
The Board recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiations concerning grievances and terms and conditions of employment for all professional employees, secretaries, and paraprofessionals employed or to be employed by the Board, including:
Child Study Team Coordinator
Classroom Teachers
Guidance Counselor
Learning Disabilities Specialist
School Nurse
Social Worker
Special Education Teachers
Special Subject Teachers
Speech Therapist
Supplemental Teachers
Unit Leaders
But excluding:
Board Office Secretaries
Business Office Staff
Bus Drivers
Cafeteria Workers
Per Diem Substitutes
Transportation Coordinator
Unless otherwise indicated, the term teachers, when used hereafter in this agreement, shall refer to professional staff and employees shall refer to all staff represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined and references to males shall include females.
The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations in a good-faith effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of employment. Such negotiations will begin not later than December 3 of the year preceding the year in which the agreement expires. Any Agreement so negotiated shall apply to all employees, cited in Article l, be reduced to writing and be signed by the Board and the Association.
This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all matters which were or could have been the subject of negotiations. During the term of the Agreement neither party shall be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter whether or not covered by this Agreement and whether or not within the knowledge of contemplation of either or both parties at the time they negotiated or executed this Agreement.
The Board agrees not to negotiate concerning said employees in the negotiating unit as defined in Article I of this agreement with any organization other than the Association for the duration of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
Proposed new rules or modification of existing rules governing working conditions shall be negotiated before they are established.
A “grievance” is a claim based upon an event or condition which affects the welfare and/or terms and conditions of employment of an employee or group of employees and/or the interpretations, meaning or application of any of the provisions of this Agreement.
A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated within twenty (20) working days from the time when the grievant knew or should have known of the occurrence.
The term “grievant” shall refer to the employee or employees or the Association making the claim on behalf of the employee or group of employees or the Association on behalf of itself.
The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible level, solutions to the problems which may from time to time arise affecting the terms and conditions of employment of employees. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of any employee having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with an appropriate member of the administration, and having the grievance adjusted without intervention of the Association, provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement.
Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement.
In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year and, if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year, could result in irreparable harm to a party in interest, the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
Level One
The grievant shall first discuss the grievance with the Principal, with the objective of resolving the matter informally.
Level Two
If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level One, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) working days after presentation of the grievance, the grievant may file the grievance in writing with the Principal within ten (10) working days after the decision at Level One or fifteen (15) working days after the grievance was presented, whichever is sooner.
Level Three
If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Two, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) working days after the written grievance was delivered to the Principal, the grievant may, within ten (10) working days after receipt of the decision or the date the decision was due at Level Two, submit the grievance to the Chief School Administrator.
Whenever the Association files a grievance as a result of an alleged violation of the rights and privileges as outlined in Article V, the initial grievance shall be submitted directly to the Chief School Administrator.
Level Four
If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Three, or in no decision has been rendered within ten (10) working days after the grievance was delivered to the Chief School Administrator, the grievant may, within ten (10) working days after a decision by the Chief School Administrator or fifteen (15) working days after the grievance was delivered to the Chief School Administrator, whichever is sooner, request in writing that the Association submit the grievance to the Board. If the Association determines that the grievance is meritorious, it may submit the grievance to the Board within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of a request by the grievant.
The Board shall review the grievance at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, or within thirty (30) calendar days, whichever comes first. After said meeting, the Board shall render a decision in writing to the grievant within ten (10) working days.
Level Five
If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Four, or if no written decision has been rendered on time, the Association may submit the grievance to arbitration within fifteen (15) working days by filing a request for a list of arbitrators with the Public Employment Relations Commission, and the rules of such agent shall apply to the selections of an arbitrator.
The arbitrator so selected shall confer with the representatives of the Board and the Association and hold hearings promptly and shall issue his decision not later that twenty (20) working days from the date of the close of the hearings or if oral hearings have been waived, then from the date the final statements and proofs on the issues are submitted to him. The arbitrator’s decision shall be in writing and shall set forth his findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on only the issues submitted as they pertain to this Agreement. The arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any decision which requires the commission of an act prohibited by law or which is violative of the terms of this Agreement. The decision of the arbitrator shall be submitted to the Board and the Association and shall be final and binding on the parties.
The costs of the services of the arbitrator, including per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, subsistence expenses and the cost of the hearing room, shall be borne equally by the Board and the Association. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring the same.
Rights of Employees to Representation
Any grievant may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself, or, at his option, by or with a representative or a designee of the Association selected to assist him during the period of the grievance procedure.
No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by the Board or any member thereof, the Association or any member thereof, or by the Administration or any member thereof, against any member of the Association, any member of the Board, any member of the Administration or any other participant in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
All documents, communications, and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed in a separate grievance file and shall not be kept in the personnel file of any of the participants.
All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only the aggrieved party and his representative.
If in the judgment of the Association, a grievance affects a group or class of employees, the Association may submit such grievance in writing to the Chief School Administrator and the processing of such grievance shall commence at Level Three.
Decisions rendered at Levels Two, Three, and Four shall be in writing and shall be transmitted promptly to the grievant and the Association.
Required Meetings or Hearings
Whenever any employee is required to appear before an Administrator or his designee, Board or any committee member, representative or agent thereof, concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his office, position, or employment, or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto then he shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such a meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise him and represent him during such meeting or interview.
Association Identification
No employee shall be prevented from wearing pins or other identification of membership in the Association or its affiliates.
Just Cause
No teacher shall be disciplined, reprimanded, reduced in rank, or deprived of any professional advantage without just cause. Any such action shall be subject to binding arbitration pursuant to NJSA 34:13A-29.
Released Time for Meetings
Whenever any representative of the Association or any employee participates during working hours in mutually scheduled negotiations, grievance proceedings, conferences, or meetings, he shall suffer no loss in pay.
Use of School Buildings
The Association and its representative have the right to use school buildings during reasonable hours for meetings. This request shall be made to the Principal and this privilege shall not be denied capriciously.
Use of School Equipment
The Association shall have upon request and administrative approval the use of school facilities and equipment as long as it is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the actual cost of all materials, supplies, and damage incident to such use.
Bulletin Boards
The Association shall have the exclusive use of a bulletin board in the faculty lounge/dining room.
Mail Facilities and Mail Boxes
The Association shall have the right to use the inter-school mail boxes.
Computer/Network Use
Computers/network shall be used for legitimate Association business only. There is no implied personal confidentiality of the DTS Computer or Computer Network. The Network and Computers are property of the Board.
Office Space
The Association will be allowed to use room 211 except when needed for educational purposes. The Association shall be allowed the use of the closet and the restroom in room 211 at any time.
Teachers’ and Paraprofessionals’ Work Year
The in-school work year for all teachers employed on a ten (10) month basis (other than new personnel who may be required to attend an additional two (2) days of orientation) shall not exceed 184 days, at least two of which shall be in-service days. For paraprofessionals the number of days shall not exceed 182 days.
Secretary’s Work Year
Twelve (12) month secretaries represented by the Association
The Board will issue, no later than June 20th of each year a list of holidays for the next school year. Holidays will include:
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans’ Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve Day
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
President’s Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Floating Holiday
Holidays that fall on weekend days are to be rescheduled by the individual secretary. Days taken as floaters and rescheduled holidays are to be submitted on the appropriate form for approval by the Principal and Chief School Administrator prior to the taking of the holidays.
No overtime shall be worked without the prior approval of the Chief School Administrator and the Business Administrator. Overtime will be paid at the rate of one and one half times the regular hourly pay when approved by the Chief School Administrator and Business Administrator for time worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week.
All twelve (12) month, full-time secretaries will be granted paid vacation in accordance with the following schedule:
Years 1 to 4: Ten (10) working days per year
Years 5 to 10: Fifteen (15) working days per year
Years 10+: Twenty (20) working days per year
Vacation time is not cumulative and must be taken during the applicable year. In the event of an emergency, the Chief School Administrator may approve vacation days to be carried over into the next year.
All vacation leave requests are to be submitted on the appropriate form for approval by the Principal and Chief School Administrator prior to the taking of these days.
Secretaries will be remunerated upon retirement or resignation for unused vacation days earned that year on the following basis:
Payment at the secretary’s daily rate for each unused vacation day to a maximum of twenty (20) days.
Work Year and Work Day
When school is in session: 8AM to 4PM including a one hour lunch.
During summer break: Six (6) hour workday (as determined by the Chief School Administrator) including a one-half hour lunch.
In addition to vacation time and holidays, secretaries will not be required to report to school during school breaks when students are off.
Ten (10) month secretaries
No overtime shall be worked without the prior approval of the Chief School Administrator and the Business Administrator. Overtime will be paid at the rate of one and one half times the regular hourly pay when approved by the Chief School Administrator and Business Administrator for time worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week.
Work Year and Work Day
184 work days: Eight (8) hours per day including a one hour lunch.
Arrival and Dismissal Time
All teachers shall attend for a seven (7) hour day, which begins no later than five (5) minutes prior to the start of the student day and ends no earlier than ten (10) minutes after the end of the students’ day, including lunch. Faculty arrival and dismissal time within these guidelines will not require administrative approval. Administrative approval is required for a teacher’s day to be less than a seven (7) hour day. On Fridays, or on days preceding holidays or vacations, or in unusual circumstances at the discretion of the Chief School Administrator, the teachers’ day shall end at the close of the students’ day. The paraprofessional’s day shall start five (5) minutes before the start of the students’ day and end five (5) minutes after the end of the students’ day.
Summer Workshop
When teachers volunteer to serve on summer workshop curriculum committees, they shall be compensated at the rate of $35.50 per hour (2008-2009), $36.50 per hour (2009-2010), and $37.50 per hour (2010-2011). Teachers shall serve on a volunteer basis only.
Teachers may be required to remain after the end of the regular workday, without additional compensation, for the purpose of attending faculty or other professional meetings, four (4) days each month. Such meetings will begin no later than fifteen (15) minutes after the student dismissal time and will run for approximately sixty (60) minutes at the discretion of the Principal.
An Association representative may speak to the teachers at the end of the meeting.
The notice for any meeting shall be given to the teachers involved at least three (3) calendar days prior to the meeting except in an emergency. Teachers shall have the opportunity to suggest items for the agenda.
Teacher participation in field trips which extend beyond the teacher’s in-school workday shall be voluntary. The Board will pay $90.00 (2008-2009), $90.00 (2009-2010), and $90.00 (2010-2011) to each teacher who participates in a field trip which results in a total workday of more than twelve (12) hours. The Board will pay $180.00 (2008-2009), $180.00 (2009-2010), and $180.00 (2010-2011) to each teacher who participates in an overnight field trip. In subsequent years the field trip pay will increase by the average percent increase of the teachers’ salaries.
Teaching Load and Duty-Free Lunch Period
In both the Elementary and Middle Schools the day shall include at least a thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period.
In both the Elementary and Middle Schools the day shall include at least thirty (30) minute preparation time per day and a minimum of two hundred (200) minutes of preparation time per week. Each paraprofessional’s day shall include a fifteen (15) minute break in addition to a thirty minute lunch.
Employees may leave the building without requesting permission during their scheduled duty-free lunch period, but must notify the office.
Teachers and paraprofessionals will attend one (1) back to school night. All teachers in special areas, i.e., physical education, art, music, etc., will attend two (2) back to school nights.
Beginning with the 2006-2007 school year there will be a 10 minute increase in the student instructional time.
Students shall be scheduled for half-day sessions whenever the district schedules parent-teacher conferences for two (2) hours or less. When conferences are scheduled for more than two (2) hours, the students will have no school. Conferences may be scheduled on these days for no more than six (6) hours. A one (1) hour break will be added if the conferences run more than three and one-half (3 ½) hours. All teachers shall be assigned to attend the same number of conference days, regardless of grade assignment.
Mentor Teacher Agreement
The Board of Education will pay the state mandated mentoring fee directly to the mentor teacher at the conclusion of the mentoring experience, for both the traditional route and alternate route programs. The Board of Education will pay an annual rate of $250.00 to the district “peer advisor” for first year teachers new to the district.
Teacher mentors will be from the corresponding grade level whenever possible and be tenured.
Four visitation opportunities for both the mentor and mentee will be provided during the school year.
First time mentors will be provided a one-day orientation to the mentor process, with release time for pay at the extra-curricular rate.
The Board shall hire only properly certified teachers holding certificates issued by the New Jersey State Board of Examiners for every regular teaching assignment.
Each certified teacher, paraprofessional, and secretary shall be placed in his proper step of their respective salary schedule as of the beginning of the 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 school years.
Credit up to the maximum step of any salary level on the teacher salary schedule may be given for previous outside teaching experience in a duly accredited public school upon initial employment in accordance with the provision of the current Salary Schedule, as per Title 18A 29-6. Salary guide credit for experience in a private school may be given on a basis of one (1) year for every two (2) years of teaching. Initial guide placement shall be at the step agreed to by the Board and the employee at the time of hire. Such placement, however, shall not exceed the total years of teaching experience. Additional credit not to exceed four (4) years for military experience or alternative civilian service required by the Selective Service System shall be given upon initial employment.
Credit up to the maximum step on the secretary salary schedule may be given for previous outside secretarial experience upon initial employment in accordance with the provision of the current salary schedule. Initial guide placement shall be at the step agreed to by the Board and the employee at the time of hire. Such placement shall not exceed the total years of secretarial experience.
Credit up to the maximum step on the paraprofessionals’ salary schedule may be given for previous outside paraprofessional experience or teaching experience upon initial employment in accordance with the provision of the current salary schedule. Initial guide placement shall be at the step agreed to by the Board and the employee at the time of hire. Such placement shall not exceed the total years of experience.
Teachers shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year not later than April 30th (providing salary agreement has been reached between the Board and Association). Other employees will be notified by May 30th.
If a teacher anticipates educational upgrading during the contract year, he must notify the Board Secretary in writing on or before January 15th of the school year preceding the school year he anticipates receiving the additional credits if he wishes his salary increased the following September or February. Following proper notification and documentation, a teacher shall be put on the proper step of the guide. The president of the Association will be reminded of this provision in writing in mid November. Teachers providing an e-mail address shall be e-mailed the same notice.
Any employee who works at least 90 work, not calendar days of the school year will be given a full year’s credit on the salary guide.
The salaries of all teachers, paraprofessionals, and secretaries covered by this Agreement are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Percentage increases: Teachers 2008-2009 4.5%; 2009-2010 4.3%; 2010-2011 4.3%; Paraprofessionals & Secretaries 2008-2009 5.5%; 2009-2010 5.5%; 2010-2011 5.5%.
Ten (10) month employees shall be paid in twenty (20) equal semi-monthly installments.
Twelve (12) month employees shall be paid in twenty-four (24) semi-monthly installments.
When a payday falls on or during a school holiday, vacation, weekend, or bank holiday, employees shall receive their pay on the last previous working day.
Ten (10) month employees shall receive their final pay on the last working day of June.
Teachers employed for homebound instruction will be compensated at a rate of $35.50 per hour (2008-2009), $36.50 per hour (2009-2010), and $37.50 per hour (2010-2011).
Teachers employed for summer school instruction will be compensated at the rate of $35.50 per hour (2008-2009), $36.50 per hour (2009-2010), and $37.50 per hour (2010-2011).
All employees shall be given written notice of their class and/or subject assignments, building assignments, and room assignments for the coming year by the last day of school except in emergency circumstances. All employees shall receive class schedules and initial student lists ten days prior to the first teacher day of school.
In the event that there are changes in such schedules, class and/or subject assignments, building assignments, or room assignments, any employee affected shall be notified promptly and, upon request of the employee, the changes shall be promptly discussed between the appropriate administrator and the employee affected and, at his option, a representative of the Association.
Teachers who incur a change in their teaching assignment for the succeeding school year will be compensated at a rate of $35.50 per hour (2008-2009), $36.50 per hour (2009-2010), and $37.50 per hour (2010-2011) up to a total of 14 hours at the discretion of the Chief School Administrator.
Teachers who incur a change in their room assignment for the succeeding school year will be compensated at a rate of $35.50 per hour (2008-2009), $36.50 per hour (2009-2010), and $37.50 per hour (2010-2011) up to a total of 7 hours at the discretion of the Chief School Administrator.
Each school year all known vacancies which shall occur during the following school year will be posted by June 1st of the preceding year.
Teachers who desire a change in grade and/or subject assignment or who desire to transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the Chief School Administrator not later than April 15. Such statement shall include the grade and/or subject to which the teacher desires to be assigned and the school or schools to which he desires to be transferred in order of preference.
No one will be hired to fill a new vacancy, or the vacancy created by the termination of an employee, until the position has been posted and ten (10) working days have elapsed.
When a vacancy occurs during the summer, a notice will be mailed to the President of the DTEA. Additionally, all employees providing an e-mail address shall be e-mailed that same notice.
Notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to employees as soon as practicable and, except in cases of emergency, not later than June 1.
Meeting and Appeal
An involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be made only after a meeting between the employee involved and the Principal, at which time the employee shall be notified of the reason therefore. In the event that an employee objects to the transfer or reassignment at this meeting, upon request of the employee, the Chief School Administrator shall meet with him. The employee may, at his option, have an Association representative present at such meeting.
General Criteria
All monitoring or observation of the work performance of an employee shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the employee.
Prior to the submission of any evaluation report to the personnel file, the evaluator shall meet with the employee in regard to his performance as an employee. No such report shall be submitted to the central office, placed in the employee’s file or otherwise acted upon without prior conference with the employee. No employee shall be required to sign a blank or incomplete evaluation form.
The class visit or evaluation report shall contain strengths, any areas needing improvement, and specific recommendations for such improvement. Each written report shall indicate the time spent in observation.
Derogatory Material
No material derogatory to an employee’s conduct, service, character or personality shall be placed in his personnel file unless the employee has had an opportunity to review the material. The employee shall acknowledge that he has had the opportunity to review such material by affixing his signature to the copy to be filed with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. The employee shall also have the right to submit a written answer to such material and his answer shall be reviewed by the Chief School Administrator or his designee and attached to the file copy.
Personnel Records
An employee shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of his personnel file and to receive copies of any documents contained therein. An employee shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association accompany him during such review. At least once every year, an employee shall have the right to indicate those documents and/or other material in his file which he believes to be obsolete or otherwise inappropriate to retain. Said documents shall be reviewed by the Chief School Administrator and if in the determination of the Chief School Administrator, they are obsolete or otherwise inappropriate to retain, they shall be destroyed.
Termination of Employment
Final evaluation of an employee upon termination of employment shall be concluded and documented prior to severance; no documents or other materials pertaining to evaluation or derogatory commentary concerning said employee shall be placed in this file after severance.
Complaint Procedure
Any complaints by any parent, student, or other person, regarding an employee made to the Administration shall be promptly investigated and privately called to the attention of the employee. The employee shall be given an opportunity to respond to and/or rebut such complaint, and shall have the right to be represented by the Association at any meetings or conferences regarding such complaint. All complaints and results shall be kept confidential, except as required by law. If the complaint can be verified it can become a part of the evaluation.
An appropriately furnished room shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the employees as a faculty lounge and private dining area.
A telephone in the faculty room for use in calling parents shall be provided. The cost of all calls shall be paid for by the Board. Employees shall not be reimbursed for phone calls made outside of school.
As of September, 1980, all teachers and paraprofessionals shall be entitled to twelve (12) sick days per year. A maximum of ten (10) unused sick days per year shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
Twelve (12) month secretaries shall be entitled to twelve (12) sick days per year. Ten (10) month secretaries shall be entitled to ten (10) sick days per year. Unused sick days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
Employees shall be given a written account of accumulated sick leave days by September 30 of each year.
When absent from school for three (3) consecutive days, a physician’s certificate may be required at the discretion of the Chief School Administrator, and an additional certificate may be required after seven (7) consecutive days absence from school.
When absence exceeds annual sick leave and the accumulated sick leave, the Board may pay any such person each day’s salary less the pay of a substitute, if a substitute is employed or the estimated cost of the employment of a substitute if none is employed, for such length of time as may be determined by the Board in each individual case. Each case shall be judged on its own relative merit. A day’s salary is defined as 1/200th of the annual salary.
Accumulated Unused Sick Leave
Employees who retire and begin receiving retirement benefits in accordance with the requirements of the Employees’ Pension and Annuity Fund or the Public Employee Retirement System shall be compensated for unused accumulated sick leave on the following basis:
One (1) day for every two (2) days of unused accumulated sick leave shall be compensated at $90.00 per day to a maximum of one hundred (100) compensated days, two hundred (200) accumulated days. Employees will make every effort to provide notice of retirement to the Board not later than February 1st of the year of anticipated retirement.
After at least ten (10) years of employment in the district, and upon voluntary resignation of employment, the Board shall compensate an employee for unused accumulated sick leave on the following basis:
The employee must have accumulated a minimum of twenty (20) unused sick days at the time of voluntary resignation.
The days shall be compensated on the basis of one (1) day for every three (3) days of unused accumulated sick leave at $90.00 per day to a maximum of one hundred (100) compensated days, three hundred (300) accumulated days.
All full-time employees shall be entitled to the following temporary non-accumulative leaves of absence each school year with full pay under the conditions listed:
Personal Days
Three (3) days of leave of absence for personal, legal, business, household or family matters which require absence during school hours shall be granted by the Chief School Administrator, or in the event of the Chief School Administrator’s absence, the Principal. Request for personal leave shall be made at least five (5) days in advance of need, except in case of emergencies. No reason for requesting the leave shall be required, unless the day is one immediately preceding or following a vacation. If a personal day is requested for the day before or after a vacation, it may be granted at the discretion of the Chief School Administrator. Such leave may be granted to no more than five (5) employees for a given day, unless otherwise approved by the Chief School Administrator.
Unused personal days shall be added to the unused sick day total.
Professional Days
Professional Days may be granted at the discretion of the Chief School Administrator
Good Cause
Additional days of leave, up to five (5) at one time, may be granted at the discretion of the Chief School Administrator. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
In addition to the Personal Leaves
Additional leave time without pay may be requested of the Board. Leave without pay will result in a reduction of 1/200th of the member’s salary for each day of leave.
International and Federal Programs
A leave of absence without pay of up to two (2) years may be granted to any tenured employee who joins the Peace Corps, VISTA, National Teachers Corps, or serves as an exchange teacher or overseas teacher, and is a full-time participant in such programs, or accepts a Fulbright Scholarship.
Outside Teaching
At the discretion of the Board a teacher on tenure may be granted a leave of absence without pay for up to two (2) years to teach in an accredited college or university, to acquire additional training, or to participate in a fellowship or state-sponsored educational program.
According to New Jersey statutes, military leave without pay shall be granted to any employee who is inducted into any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States for the period of said service.
No later than (90) ninety days prior to the anticipated delivery date, the teacher shall request a leave of absence while she is disabled for which accumulated sick leave may be utilized. Said employee may request leave without pay and said leave will be granted. Said maternity leave will begin and/or terminate upon the written recommendation of the employee’s physician and the approval of the Board. Available sick time may be used during any period of actual disability, as indicated by a doctor’s note.
Child Care Leave
The Board shall grant voluntary unpaid leave of absence for the purpose of child care of a newborn infant or an adopted child in accordance with the requirements set out below.
Child care leaves are available to only tenured teachers and tenured secretaries.
Request for child care leave shall be submitted to the Chief School Administrator at least three (3) months prior to the proposed commencement of leave.
The child care leave shall be granted up to two (2) semesters following the birth or adoption of the child.
An employee requesting a child care leave will indicate the anticipated day of return, and this return must coincide with a natural break in the school year, i.e., semester break or vacation break. The employee must notify the Chief School Administrator sixty (60) days prior to the intended date of return.
In cases of miscarriage or stillbirth, child care leave will be waived.
Sabbatical Leave
A sabbatical leave of one (1) year may be granted to a teacher by the Board upon recommendation of the Chief School Administrator for valid educational purposes as determined by the Chief School Administrator. The leave is to be related to the teacher’s position in the Delaware Township School and subject to the following conditions:
The teacher must have completed at least eight (8) years of service in the district.
The sabbatical leave will be for one (1) full school year.
The Board will pay the teacher on sabbatical leave 50% of the salary he/she would have received had he/she remained teaching in the district. If the teacher on sabbatical leave is receiving 50% of his/her salary from the agency or organization providing the sabbatical leave opportunity, then the Board shall pay the amount necessary so that the teacher’s pay equals 100% of his/her salary.
Salary payments will be made in accordance with Article IX (Salaries) of this Agreement.
No more than one (1) sabbatical leave may be granted in any one school year unless otherwise approved by the Board upon the Chief School Administrator’s recommendations.
The request for sabbatical leave must be made by November 1st and the Board will vote upon the request by February 1st of the school year preceding that for which the sabbatical leave is requested. The President of the Association will be reminded of this provision in writing in mid October. Teachers providing an e-mail address shall be e-mailed the same notice.
The Board shall continue pension payments based upon the teacher’s full salary and shall continue all existing medical insurance coverage provided.
Upon return from the sabbatical leave, a teacher shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level which he/she would have received had he/she remained actively employed in the District during the period of absence.
The teacher, upon completion of such leave, shall remain as an employee of the District for a period of no less than two (2) years. If the teacher returns for less than one (1) full year, he/she shall reimburse the district 100% of the monies received in payment by the Board under the terms of this article plus interest (TPAF Rate). If the teacher returns for more than one (1) year but less than two (2) years, he/she shall reimburse the District 50% of the monies received in payment by the Board under the terms of this article plus interest (TPAF Rate). In the event that the teacher dies or becomes permanently disabled, the teacher or his/her estate shall not be liable for any salary reimbursement granted by the Board during the period of sabbatical leave. The two year requirement of returning to the District may be waived by the Board.
Other Leaves
Other Leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board for good reason.
Return From Leave
Increment credit may be given for time spent on a leave granted pursuant to Sections A, B, C, and G with Board approval; however, if granted, such time shall not count toward fulfillment of the time required for tenure purposes.
No increment or tenure credit shall be given for time spent on a leave granted pursuant to Sections Maternity (D) or Child Care Leave (E) of this Article, nor shall such time count toward the fulfillment of the time requirements for acquiring tenure.
All benefits to which an employee was entitled at the time his leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave, will be restored to him upon his return.
Extensions and Renewals
All extensions or renewals of leaves shall be applied for in writing and if granted, given in writing.
Non-tenure Leaves
Nothing in this Article shall be construed as obligating the Board to grant leaves of absence to any employees who are not on tenure, when not otherwise provided in State law.
Employees shall call as soon as possible and no later than 7:00 AM of the same day to report their unavailability.
The Board agrees to implement the following:
Teachers and Paraprofessionals
To pay the cost of tuition, books, and fees for all graduate courses taken for the purpose of professional development up to $3000 for 2008-2009, $3000 for 2009-2010, and $3000 for 2010-2011. The district annual cap will be $37,500 for 2008-2009, $37,500 for 2009-2010; $37,500 for 2010-2011. In subsequent years, caps will be increased by the average percent increase in the teachers’ salaries. Teachers and paraprofessionals will receive ½ reimbursement upon successful completion of the course. The remaining portion will be reimbursed at the end of the school year. Should reimbursement requests exceed the district annual cap, the following formula shall apply to distribution of all monies up to the capped amount. The percent of overage shall be determined. The determined percentage shall be subtracted in dollar amounts from the total claim submitted by each individual. This formula will reduce in dollars the amount in excess of the agreed upon cap. Said courses shall be approved by the Chief School Administrator prior to registration. Undergraduate courses will also be reimbursed if approved by the Chief School Administrator prior to registration. Payment shall be made upon proof of successful completion of the courses. Successful completion means that all grades must be a “B” or better, except that two “C’s” at a prorated 75% tuition reimbursement will be permitted for every 30 credits taken.
To pay the full cost of tuition and/or other reasonable expenses incurred in connection with any courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service, and training sessions, with prior approval of the Chief School Administrator.
Required Training
To pay the full cost of tuition and other reasonable expenses incurred in connection with any courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions, or other such sessions which an employee is required or requested to take by the Administration. However, the Board is not required to pay for a course, workshop, seminar, conference, in-service training, or other such session simply because it was taken to fulfill the state mandated continuing education requirement.
Mileage Reimbursement
Mileage will be reimbursed at the IRS rate for reimbursement in effect at the time of travel if the travel is approved by the Chief School Administrator.
In each year the Board will provide in-service professional development experiences that will assist the teaching staff in attaining the 100 hours on continuing education in accordance with the state guidelines.
Continuing Education Credits
Teachers will receive ½ CEU credit on the salary guide for 5 hours, 1 CEU credit for 10 hours and 1 ½ CEU credit for 15 hours etc., of attendance at an approved professional development course. 1 CEU credit equals 1 graduate school credit for the purposes of salary guide movement. (Participation in district in-service activities that are scheduled during what would normally be part of the school day is not eligible for CEU credit).
Hours from different courses may be combined.
Courses sponsored by the Hunterdon Central Regional High School District Academy or by the Delaware Township School District will be presumed to be acceptable for CEU credit. The Chief School Administrator will determine if a course may be taken for CEU credit outside of the academy or local school district.
The teacher shall obtain proof of successful completion of the professional development course and submit to the Chief School Administrator.
No more than 10 CEU credits will be recognized for movement to the B + 15, B + 20, B + 30, or B + 45/M columns. No more than 20 CEU credits will be recognized for movement to the M + 15, M + 20, M + 30, or M + 45, or M + 60 columns.
Reporting Assaults
Employees shall immediately report cases of assault suffered by them in connection with their employment to the Principal who shall comply with any reasonable request from the employee for information in the possession of the Principal relating to the incident or the persons involved, and shall act in appropriate ways as liaison between the employee and the Board for advisement and/or further action.
Dental Care Coverage
For the 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 school years, the Board shall offer dental insurance to each full-time teacher and paraprofessional in the form of plan “Program II”, 100% preventive and diagnostic and 70/30 for remaining basic services as described by the New Jersey Dental Association. Starting August 1, 2008, the dental maximum will be $2000. Orthodontic benefits will be paid at 50% up to a lifetime maximum of $2,000 ($1000 paid), following the six month group waiting period. The Board shall pay the full premium for single coverage. The teacher or paraprofessional shall pay the following monthly pretax amounts for other than single coverage:
School Year Two-Party Three-Party
2008-2009 $32.39 $53.75
2009-2010 $32.39 $53.75
2010-2011 $32.39 $53.75
The Board will pay the remaining premium.
Secretaries shall be offered the same dental insurance with full premium paid for by the Board with a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week worked.
Flex Spending Plan
For the 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011 school years, the Board shall provide a Medical Flexible Spending Account with a maximum annual pre-tax contribution of $2,000 and a Dependent Care Spending Account with a maximum annual pre-tax contribution of $5,000. The contribution amount will be decided by the employee and communicated to the Business Administrator. The Flexible Spending Account will be effective October 1, 2008. Until that date, the Prescription Reimbursement provided in contract in place on June 30, 2008 will be prorated to $50 for single employees and $75 for employees with dependents.
Description to Employees
The Board shall provide to each employee a description of the health care insurance coverage needed under this Article, no later than the beginning of the 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 school years which shall include a clear description of conditions and limits of coverage as listed above.
Procedural Requirement
Any complaints regarding an employee made to any member of the Administration by any parent, student, or other person which does or may influence evaluation of an employee shall be processed according to the procedure outlined below.
Meeting with Chief School Administrator or Principal
The Chief School Administrator or Principal shall meet with the employee to inform the employee of the full nature of the complaint and they shall attempt to resolve the matter informally.
Right to Representation
The employee shall have the right to be represented by the Association at any meetings or conferences regarding such complaint.
With prior approval of the activity by the Chief School Administrator, employees will be paid on a stipend basis for supervising and/or participating in extra-curricular activities.
The stipend will be based on a nominal number of hours per activity as determined by the Chief School Administrator after consultation with the employees involved and will be compensated at the rate of $35.50 per hour (2008-2009), $36.50 per hour (2009-2010), and $37.50 per hour (2010-2011) school years. In subsequent years, extra-curricular rates shall increase by the average percent increase of the teachers’ salaries.
Extra-curricular salary payments shall be made once per month and issued on the same day as the second monthly paycheck.
The personal life of an employee is not an appropriate concern of attention of the Board except as it may directly prevent the employee from performing properly his assigned functions during the workday.
Employees shall be entitled to full rights of citizenship, and no religious or political activities of any employee or the lack thereof shall be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the professional employment of such employee providing said activities do not violate any local, state, or federal law.
The Board and the Association agree that there shall be no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, domicile, or marital status in the hiring, training, assignment, promotion, transfer, or discipline of employees or in the application or administration of this Agreement.
Copies of this Agreement shall be reproduced in booklet form at the joint expense of the Board and the Association forthwith.
Part-time employees with at least twenty (20) hours of employment per week will receive all insurance protection in accordance with Article XXI. All part-time employees will receive sick days, and personal days on a prorated basis. In the event of a fractional day, the number will be rounded. Should rounding result in zero (0) days, zero (0) days will be changed to one (1) day.
Upon written request of an employee, the Board agrees to deduct dues and make payment to the Association Treasurer for proper disbursement to the affiliates of the local Association. Individuals who are not members of the Association will be assessed a representation fee determined by the Association, not to exceed 85% of the member dues.
In subsequent years of the Agreement, all hourly rates shall increase by the average percent increase of the teachers’ salaries.
All employees are eligible to participate in the school employees’ federal credit union and tax deferred annuities.
Children of employees may attend DTS at 75% of the out-of-district tuition rate, provided that there is no impact to the program.
Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, either party should do so in writing to the following address:
If by the Association to the Board at Delaware Township School, 501 Rosemont Ringoes Road, PO Box 1000, Sergeantsville, New Jersey 08557.
If by the Board to the Association at Delaware Township School, 501 Rosemont Ringoes Road, PO Box 1000, Sergeantsville, New Jersey 08557.
This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2008 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2011. This Agreement shall contain the entire settlement of all negotiated terms and conditions of employment for the duration of the Agreement. Any addendum deemed necessary will become part of this Agreement when mutually agreed upon and signed by both parties.
In witness thereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective presidents, attested to by their respective secretaries, all on the day and year first above written.
Delaware Township Education Association
BY __________________________________Its President
BY __________________________________Its Secretary
Delaware Township Board of Education
BY __________________________________Its President
BY __________________________________Its Secretary
Teacher Salary Schedule
Step | Years | B | B+15 | B+30 | B+45/M | M+15 | M+30 | M+45 | M+60 |
1 | 1 | 42252 | 43915 | 46053 | 48189 | 50327 | 52465 | 54601 | 56739 |
2 | 2 | 42570 | 44476 | 46615 | 48751 | 50888 | 53026 | 55162 | 57300 |
3 | 3 | 42900 | 45038 | 47176 | 49312 | 51450 | 53587 | 55723 | 57861 |
4 | 4 | 43894 | 46031 | 48169 | 50305 | 52636 | 54580 | 56716 | 58854 |
5 | 5 | 44886 | 47024 | 49161 | 51298 | 53435 | 55574 | 57710 | 59847 |
6 | 6 | 46311 | 48449 | 50587 | 52723 | 54860 | 56998 | 59135 | 61272 |
7 | 7 | 47737 | 49873 | 52011 | 54148 | 56285 | 58422 | 60560 | 62696 |
8 | 8 | 49518 | 51655 | 53792 | 55929 | 58067 | 60203 | 62340 | 64478 |
9 | 9 | 51298 | 53435 | 55574 | 57710 | 59847 | 61985 | 64121 | 66259 |
10 | 10 | 53080 | 55216 | 57353 | 59491 | 61627 | 63766 | 65903 | 68039 |
11 | 11 | 54860 | 56998 | 59135 | 61272 | 63409 | 65547 | 67683 | 69820 |
12 | 12 | 56998 | 59135 | 61272 | 63409 | 65547 | 67683 | 69820 | 71959 |
13 | 13 | 59135 | 61272 | 63409 | 65547 | 67683 | 69820 | 71959 | 74095 |
14 | 14 | 61272 | 63409 | 65547 | 67683 | 69820 | 71959 | 74095 | 76233 |
15 | 15 | 63409 | 65547 | 67963 | 70099 | 72237 | 74374 | 76511 | 78648 |
16 | 16+ | 70324 | 72116 | 76894 | 78804 | 79701 | 81492 | 82985 | 84776 |
Teacher Salary Schedule
Step | Years | B | B+15 | B+30 | B+45/M | M+15 | M+30 | M+45 | M+60 |
1 | 1 | 43080 | 44776 | 46956 | 49134 | 51313 | 53493 | 55671 | 57851 |
2 | 2 | 43404 | 45348 | 47528 | 49706 | 51885 | 54065 | 56243 | 58423 |
3 | 3 | 43741 | 45920 | 48100 | 50278 | 52458 | 54637 | 56815 | 58995 |
4 | 4 | 44754 | 46933 | 49113 | 51291 | 53667 | 55650 | 57828 | 60008 |
5 | 5 | 45766 | 47946 | 50125 | 52304 | 54483 | 56663 | 58841 | 61020 |
6 | 6 | 47219 | 49398 | 51578 | 53756 | 55935 | 58115 | 60294 | 62473 |
7 | 7 | 48672 | 50850 | 53030 | 55209 | 57388 | 59567 | 61747 | 63925 |
8 | 8 | 50488 | 52667 | 54846 | 57025 | 59205 | 61383 | 63562 | 65742 |
9 | 9 | 52304 | 54483 | 56663 | 58841 | 61020 | 63200 | 65378 | 67558 |
10 | 10 | 54120 | 56298 | 58477 | 60657 | 62835 | 65015 | 67194 | 69372 |
11 | 11 | 55935 | 58115 | 60294 | 62473 | 64652 | 66832 | 69010 | 71189 |
12 | 12 | 58115 | 60294 | 62473 | 64652 | 66832 | 69010 | 71189 | 73369 |
13 | 13 | 60294 | 62473 | 64652 | 66832 | 69010 | 71189 | 73369 | 75547 |
14 | 14 | 62473 | 64652 | 66832 | 69010 | 71189 | 73369 | 75547 | 77727 |
15 | 15 | 64652 | 66832 | 69295 | 71473 | 73653 | 75832 | 78011 | 80190 |
16 | 16+ | 72293 | 74136 | 79047 | 81011 | 81933 | 83773 | 85309 | 87150 |
Teacher’s Salary Schedule
Step | Years | B | B+15 | B+30 | B+45/M | M+15 | M+30 | M+45 | M+60 |
1 | 1 | 44180 | 45919 | 48154 | 50388 | 52622 | 54858 | 57092 | 59327 |
2 | 2 | 44512 | 46505 | 48741 | 50975 | 53209 | 55445 | 57678 | 59914 |
3 | 3 | 44858 | 47092 | 49328 | 51561 | 53797 | 56032 | 58265 | 60501 |
4 | 4 | 47262 | 48131 | 50366 | 53498 | 55037 | 57070 | 59304 | 61539 |
5 | 5 | 47572 | 49169 | 51404 | 54313 | 55873 | 58109 | 60342 | 62577 |
6 | 6 | 48424 | 50659 | 52894 | 55128 | 57362 | 59598 | 61833 | 64067 |
7 | 7 | 49915 | 52148 | 54384 | 56618 | 58853 | 61088 | 63323 | 65557 |
8 | 8 | 51777 | 54011 | 56246 | 58480 | 60716 | 62949 | 65184 | 67420 |
9 | 9 | 53639 | 55873 | 58109 | 60342 | 62577 | 64813 | 67046 | 69282 |
10 | 10 | 55502 | 57735 | 59970 | 62205 | 64439 | 66674 | 68909 | 71143 |
11 | 11 | 57362 | 59598 | 61833 | 64067 | 66302 | 68538 | 70771 | 73006 |
12 | 12 | 59598 | 61833 | 64067 | 66302 | 68538 | 70771 | 73006 | 75241 |
13 | 13 | 61833 | 64067 | 66302 | 68538 | 70771 | 73006 | 75241 | 77475 |
14 | 14 | 64067 | 66302 | 68538 | 70771 | 73006 | 75241 | 77475 | 79710 |
15 | 15 | 66302 | 68538 | 71063 | 73297 | 75533 | 77767 | 80002 | 82236 |
16 | 16+ | 74318 | 76212 | 81260 | 83279 | 84227 | 86119 | 87697 | 89590 |
Teachers on B+30 or B+45 on September 29, 1995 shall be eligible to move to the M+15 or M +20 column upon the completion of B+60
Longevity shall be $1100 for teachers in their 20th to 24th year and $2200 for teachers in their 25th year or more of total experience for those teachers hired on or before January 1, 2006. For those teachers hired after January 1, 2006, longevity will be $1100 for teachers in their 20th to 24th year and $2200 for teachers in their 25th year or more of service with Delaware Township School. In addition to years of service with Delaware Township Schools, teachers hired after January 1, 2006 shall be credited up to ten (10) years of prior certificated teaching service in a public school.
Stipends shall be for 2008-2009: $3218 for Unit Leaders and $8387 for CST Coordinator.
Stipends shall be for 2009-2010: $3356 for Unit Leaders and $8748 for CST Coordinator.
Stipends shall be for 2010-2011: $3500 for Unit Leaders and $9124 for CST Coordinator.
Stipends for Unit Leaders and CST Coordinator shall increase by the average percent of teacher salary increases each year.
Paraprofessional’s Salary Schedule
2008-2009 Step | Salary |  | 2009-2010 Step | Salary |  | 2010-2011 Step | Salary |
1 | 17800 |  | 1 | 18400 |  | 1 | 19050 |
2 | 18199 |  | 2 | 18800 |  | 2 | 19450 |
3 | 18726 |  | 3 | 19200 |  | 3 | 19850 |
4 | 19201 |  | 4 | 19756 |  | 4 | 20256 |
5 | 19518 |  | 5 | 20257 |  | 5 | 20843 |
6 | 20045 |  | 6 | 20591 |  | 6 | 21371 |
7 | 20573 |  | 7 | 21147 |  | 7 | 21723 |
8 | 21206 |  | 8 | 21704 |  | 8 | 22311 |
9 | 21839 |  | 9 | 22372 |  | 9 | 22898 |
10 | 22621 |  | 10 | 23040 |  | 10 | 23602 |
 |  |  | 11 | 23865 |  | 11 | 24307 |
 |  |  |  |  |  | 12 | 25178 |
Secretary’s Salary Schedule
2008-2009 Step | 10 month secretary | 12 month secretary |  | 2009-2010 Step | 10 month secretary | 12 month secretary |  | 2010-2011 Step | 10 month secretary | 12 month secretary |
1 | 28958 | 36807 |  | 1 | 30771 | 39052 |  | 1 | 32683 | 40620 |
2 | 29458 | 37307 |  | 2 | 31271 | 39552 |  | 2 | 33183 | 41220 |
3 | 29958 | 37807 |  | 3 | 31771 | 40052 |  | 3 | 33683 | 41820 |
4 | 30458 | 38307 |  | 4 | 32271 | 40552 |  | 4 | 34183 | 42420 |
5 | 30958 | 38807 |  | 5 | 32771 | 41052 |  | 5 | 34683 | 43020 |
6 | 31458 | 39307 |  | 6 | 33271 | 41552 |  | 6 | 35183 | 43620 |
7 | 31958 | 39807 |  | 7 | 33771 | 42052 |  | 7 | 35683 | 44220 |
8 | 32458 | 40307 |  | 8 | 34271 | 42552 |  | 8 | 36183 | 44820 |
9 | 32958 | 40807 |  | 9 | 34771 | 43052 |  | 9 | 36683 | 45420 |