JULY 1, 2002 - JUNE 30, 2005
Ratified: Park Ridge Education Association
Park Ridge Board of Education
Article I Recognition 2
Article II Initiation of Collective Negotiations
Leading to New Contracts 3
Article III Grievance Procedure 4
Article IV Employee Rights 7
Article V Board Rights 8
Article VI Association Rights and Privileges 9
A-1 Snow Days 11
A-2 Holidays 11
A-3 Promotions, New Positions and Guide Placement 11
A-4 Fringe Benefits 12
A. Health Benefits 12
B. Dental 12
C. Optical Plan 12
D. Sick Leave 12
E. Unused Sick Leave Days 13
F. Work Day 13
G. Personal Leave 13
H. Vacations 13
I. Commitments and Transactions 14
J. Tuition Reimbursement 14
K. Evaluation Procedures 14
A-5 Salaries 15
B-1 Teaching Hours and Teaching Load 19
B-2 Class Size 22
B-3 Specialists 22
B-4 Non-teaching Duties 22
B-5 Salaries 23
B-6 Teacher Facilities 43
B-7 Teacher/Administrator Liaison 45
B-8 Sick Leave 46
B-9 Health Insurance 47
B-10 Professional Development Educational Improvement 48
B-11 School Calendar 49
Duration of this Agreement 50
WHEREAS, The Park Ridge Board of Education and the Park Ridge Education Association have reached understandings which they desire to confirm in this agreement, and in consideration of the following, mutually covenants and it is hereby agreed as follows:
The Board recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative for collective Negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for all certificated personnel whether under contract or on leave in the following classifications; classroom teachers, nurses, guidance counselors, librarians, special education personnel, department chairmen, supervisors, coordinators, secretaries, switchboard operator, payroll, computer secretary/attendance and accounts payable.
Unless otherwise indicated, the term “Employee”, when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined, and references to male employees shall include female employees.
The parties agree to enter into collective negotiation over a successor agreement in accord with NJSA 34: 13A -1 et seq. and following such negotiations to commence no later than the date specified for initiation of discussions by the Public Employees Relations Commission.
1. Grievance
A “Grievance” is a claim based upon interpretation, application, or violation of this Agreement, Board policies or administrative decisions affecting an employee or group of employees.
2. Aggrieved Employee
An “aggrieved employee” is the employee or employees making the claim.
3. Party in Interest
A “party in interest” is the aggrieved employee or employees making the claim and any employees below the Superintendent, who may be affected by the determination of the Superintendent in connection with the claim.
4. Calendar Day
All days refer to calendar days for the aggrieved employee or employees.
The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible level, equitable solutions to the problems which may from time to time arise affecting employees. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
1. Time Limits
The number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement. Day one (1), at each of the following steps, shall start the next calendar day after a discussion and/or a written communication has been received and acknowledged with a sign-off.
2. Year End Grievance
In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed
through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school
year, and, if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year,
could result in irreparable harm to a party of interest, the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced by mutual agreement of all parties so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
Step I: The aggrieved party shall first discuss the grievance orally with his/her immediate supervisor in an effort to resolve the matter informally. To be considered, the grievance must be initiated within thirty (30) days from the time when the grievant knew or should have known of its occurrence.
Step 2: If the aggrieved party is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step 1, the party shall submit the grievance in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days to his building Principal. The Principal shall review the grievance and render a decision in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days.
Step 3: If the aggrieved party is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step 2, the grievance shall be submitted in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days with the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent’s answer, in writing shall be delivered to the aggrieved person within twenty (20) calendar days of the meeting.
Step 4: If the matter is not settled, the grievance, presented in writing, shall be discussed at the meeting of the Board of Education. This meeting will occur within twenty (20) calendar days of the presentation of the grievance to the Board. Response from the Board, in writing, will be presented within thirty (30) calendar days thereafter.
Step 5: If a grievance has not been resolved at Step 4, then within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the written decision of the Board, or the expiration of the time limits for making such decision, the Association may submit to the Board a written notice to PERC requesting advisory arbitration and the appointment of an arbitrator who shall be empowered to review the grievance and render an opinion. Selection of the arbitrator shall be from a list to be supplied by the Public Employee Relations Commission, and selection is to be made by the rules and regulations of said Commission. The decision of the arbitrator shall be submitted to the Board and the Association. Cost of the arbitration shall be divided equally among the parties, and each party shall be responsible for its own legal expenses.
1. Employee and Association
Any aggrieved person may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself, or, at his option, by a representative(s) selected or approved by the Association. When an employee is not represented by the Association, the association shall have the right to be present and to state its views at all stages of the grievance procedure.
1. Group Grievance
If, in the judgment of the Association, a grievance affects a group or class of employees, the Association may submit such grievance in writing to the Superintendent directly and the processing of such grievance shall be commenced at Step 3. The association may process such a grievance through all levels of the grievance procedure even though the aggrieved person does not wish to do so.
2. Written Decisions
Decisions rendered after Step 1 of the grievance procedure shall be in writing, setting forth the decision and shall be transmitted promptly to the aggrieved employee.
3. Forms
Forms for filing grievances, serving notices, taking appeals, making reports and recommendations, and other necessary documents shall be prepared jointly by the Superintendent and the Association and given appropriate distribution so as to facilitate operation of the grievance procedure.
4. Meetings and Hearings
All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall be conducted in private and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives, heretofore referred to in this ARTICLE.
A. Pursuant to NJSA 34: 13A – 1 et seq, the Board hereby agrees that every employee of the Board shall have the right to organize, join, and support the Association and its affiliates for the purpose of engaging in collective negotiations and other concerted activities for mutual aid and protection. As a duly selected body exercising governmental power under the laws of the State of New Jersey, the board undertakes and agrees that it shall not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any employee in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by NJSA 34: 13A –1 et seq, or other laws of New Jersey or the Constitutions of New Jersey and the United States; that it shall not discriminate against any employee with respect to hours, wages, or any terms or conditions of employment by reason of his membership in the Association and its affiliates, his participation in any activities of the Association and its affiliates, collective negotiations with the Board, or his institution of any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this Agreement or otherwise with respect to any terms or conditions of employment.
B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee
such rights as he may have under New Jersey school laws. Nothing contained
herein will be construed to deny or restrict other applicable laws and regulations.
The rights granted to employees hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to
those provided elsewhere.
C. No employee shall be disciplined, reprimanded, reduced in rank or compensation
or deprived of any professional advantage without just cause. Any such action
asserted by the board, or any agent or representative thereof, shall not be made
public and shall be subject to the grievance procedure herein set forth. Any dismissal
or suspension shall be considered a disciplinary action and shall, at the option of the
employee, be subject to the grievance procedure.
D. No employee will be prevented from wearing pins or other identifications of
membership in the Organization or its affiliates as long as the identification does
not interfere with the performance of duty or the operation of the school
The Board retains and reserves unto itself, without limitations, all the powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitutions of the State of New Jersey and of the United States, by the decisions of the Courts of the United States and the State of New Jersey, the Commissioner of Education, and the State Board of Education of the State of Jew Jersey and by the Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Education of the State of New Jersey, subject to the terms of this Agreement.
A. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association in response to reasonable requests
from time to time:
1. For negotiation purposes, the total cost of the current instructional salaries.
2. Other pertinent information at a reasonable time or when available, such as:
a. Audit
b. Personnel Roster indicating salary guide step and degree
c. Tentative budget as approved by the County Superintendent
d. Agendas and approved minutes of public meetings
e. Census data related to school enrollments
f. Directory of Personnel (names and addresses)
B. As has been practice, the Association may use bulletin boards and interschool mail facilities and school mailboxes.
C. The Association will participate actively in the planning of the orientation program.
D. Whenever any representative of the Association or any employee is mutually scheduled by the parties to participate during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, conferences, or meetings, he will suffer no loss of pay.
E. Representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times, provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations.
F. The Association shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment including typewriters, duplicating equipment, calculating machines, and all types of audio-visual equipment at reasonable times when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use and pay the cost of repairing any damage to equipment caused by their negligence.
G. Whenever the Association desires to use any of the school buildings, it shall request permission for such use. The Principal shall grant the permission sought, provided that the use by the Association does not conflict with any other scheduled activity and provided further, that in connection with said use no additional costs are incurred by the Board.
H. The Board agrees to extend the assistance of the Board Office to the Association in connection with the purchase of expendable office supplies by the Association and such other materials as the Association may require from the Board’s suppliers. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed as an obligation on the part of the Board, or assurance on the part of the Board, that the suppliers will agree to sell to the Association.
I. The Association President or designated representative shall be granted no more than two days absence per school year, with pay, to attend to official Association business which cannot be accomplished during non-school hours. A statement from the Association President of the general nature of the business and that it meets this criteria shall be provided to the Superintendent through the Principal, using the “Request for Approval of Anticipated Absence” form for professional purposes.
J. The Board agrees to the establishment of a representation fee for employees who choose not to join the Park Ridge Education Association. The representation fee will be 85% of the total unified dues established by the Association for the individual school year for that employee. The Association by December 1 or each year will provide the Board a list of those employees required to pay the representation fee. The Board will deduct from the salaries of the employees referred to in this section the full amount of yearly representation fee in equal installments beginning the first paycheck in January and through the June paycheck.
All Office Staff members shall be exempt from reporting to work on days when the schools are closed because of inclement weather. The Office Staff will be dismissed within 30 minutes of the departure of students on early dismissal due to inclement weather.
The holiday schedule for office staff employees shall consist of holidays established annually in the school calendar.
During recess periods within the school year, the district offices shall be covered by a skeleton staff. This staff shall be made up of twelve-month employees each working a minimum of one day during each of these periods. Ten-month employees will be excused from this duty. However, all office staff will be on call for additional days, with advance notice, for specific work as the need requires.
A. Office Staff members shall be given the opportunity to apply for all vacant or new positions. All openings for these positions shall be posted.
1. All office personnel will be appointed with three months probationary status prior to the issuance of a regular contract. The contract will be retroactive to the first day of employment.
3. When existing staff members are promoted to a different category, e.g. from Group I to Group IV, the step placement on the guide may be adjusted vertically by one step.
The individual affected shall be notified fifteen workdays prior to transfer to permit dialog with his supervisor and Superintendent of Schools.
A. Health Benefits: Employees of the Park Ridge School District who are employed twenty-six (26) hours or more per week shall be entitled to participate in a Health Benefit Insurance Plan which is equal to or better than the State Health Benefit Insurance Plan as agreed upon in writing by the Board and Park Ridge Education Association. Any employee who was employed in the district 20 hours or more per week before July 1, 1999 shall continue to receive benefits notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary.
1. The cost of employee (and dependent) coverage will be borne by the Board of Education.
2. The Board shall request from the carrier for distribution to new members of the unit, and others on request, a description of the health-care insurance coverage provided under this Article no later than the beginning of each school year, which shall include a description of conditions and limits of coverage as defined in the master policies and contracts mentioned above.
B. Dental: Office Staff who are employed twenty-six (26) hours or more per week
shall be entitled to participate in a dental insurance plan, effective July 1, 2000. The cost of office staff (and dependent) coverage will be borne by the Board of Education. Any employee who was employed in the district twenty (20) hours or more per week before July 1, 1999 shall receive this benefit notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary.
C. Optical Plan: There will be an Optical Plan offered to office staff (and
dependents) that is the same as for certificated staff for years 2000-01 and 2001-02 of the contract, if they are employed twenty-six hours or more per week. The cost of office staff (and dependent) coverage will be borne by the Board of Education. Any employee who was employed in the district twenty (20) hours or more per week before July 1, 1999 shall receive this benefit notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary.
D. Sick Leave: All office staff will be allowed twelve sick leave days each year with pay. Of twelve days of sick leave days allowed per year the first ten are cumulative. Sick leave days, both per year and accumulated, shall be prorated for less than full-time staff.
Full salary shall be paid for absence due to illness until the current and accumulated sick leave is expended. When regular sick leave is exhausted, the Board of Education will consider individual cases, written requests for the following additional benefits. Should an illness carry over to the following school year, and the accumulated sick leave days had been fully expended the previous school year, after the use of the current sick leave day’s full salary shall be deducted.
An illness of seven (7) consecutive working days or more requires a doctor’s approval before the staff member returns to work.
E. Unused Sick Leave Days: The Board shall pay a retiring Office Staff member
partial payment for unused sick leave days. The payment shall be in a lump sum payable on retirement or the January 15th following retirement, at the retiring employee’s option. Such pay for unused sick leave days shall be determined by the following criteria:
1. To qualify, an employee must have worked in the Park Ridge Schools for at least ten years, half-time or more. Time served as an aide counts.
2. A school office employee must have accumulated a minimum of thirty (30)
days to qualify.
3. Payment will be made to a maximum of 180 days.
4. Payment for unused accumulated days will be $25 per day.
F. Work Day: The work week for all full time office staff employees shall consist
of thirty five hours per week/seven hours per day exclusive of lunch hour. During the summer months of July and August, the workweek shall be 32 ½ hours as past practice.
G. Personal Leave: Personal leaves for office staff may be granted upon
recommendation of the appropriate administrative office and approval of the Superintendent or Board Secretary, where applicable. Salary deductions will be made at a prorated daily rate.
H. Vacations: Paid summer vacation periods for office staff members shall be as
1. Twelve month employees with less than one year of service shall be entitled to one day of vacation per month of employment up to ten days. This vacation is to be taken during the immediately following July or August.
2. Twelve month employees with one to four years of service shall be entitled to two weeks vacation; five to nine years service, three weeks vacation; ten or more years of service, four weeks vacation.
3. Ten-month employees shall receive no summer vacation pay or time.
Staff members may take part of their vacation during the school year upon approval of their Supervisor and the Superintendent.
I. Commitments and Transactions: Up to two days absence with pay will be allowed annually by the Superintendent for Legal, Family, Educational, and/or Real Estate purposes. A statement that the reason fits within these categories is all that is required. Absence for other reasons may also be allowed. Commitment and transactions should be approved in advance by the Superintendent, when possible. Emergency absences should be certified in writing to the Superintendent.
J. Tuition Reimbursement: An office staff employee who voluntarily takes professional courses which will contribute to his professional development must have prior approval of the Superintendent and reimbursed under the following conditions.
1. To be eligible for reimbursement, the staff employee must furnish an explanation of how the course will contribute to his professional improvement in the Park Ridge School System.
2. The maximum reimbursement for tuition, registration fees shall be $500.
Courses will be charged to the school year in which they are completed.
3. In school year and summer courses are included.
4. Written participation/passing of course must be presented to the
Superintendent to qualify for reimbursement.
K. Evaluation Procedures: Office staff employees shall be evaluated in accordance with the Office Staff Evaluation Form by division heads and Principals.
The employee shall be given a copy of the evaluation prior to a conference with the immediate supervisor/evaluator. All copies of evaluations shall be signed by both employee and evaluator at the time of the conference.
The employee reserves the right to respond in writing and said will be attached to this evaluation.
Guide Placement
2002-03 Placement Office Staff
Group I Step 1
2 Maureen Caesar
Joyce Reubish
Mary Lou Zombory
4 Diane Long
6 Judith Polansky
Group II Step 1 Connie Kolenut (.7143)
2 Marie Lombardi
Mary Higgins
5 Patricia Idone
A-5 Salaries
2002-2003 Office Staff
Step | Group I | Group II |  |
1 | 27,500 | 28,734 |  |
 |  |  |  |
2 | 28,714 | 29,961 |  |
 |  |  |  |
3 | 29,961 | 31,488 |  |
 |  |  |  |
4 | 31,488 | 32,799 |  |
 |  |  |  |
5 | 32,799 | 34,115 |  |
 |  |  |  |
6 | 34,115 | 35,120 |  |
A-5 Salaries
2003-2004 Office Staff
Step | Group I | Group II |  |
1 | 28,589 | 29,803 |  |
 |  |  |  |
2 | 29,803 | 31,060 |  |
 |  |  |  |
3 | 31,060 | 32,577 |  |
 |  |  |  |
4 | 32,577 | 33,888 |  |
 |  |  |  |
5 | 33,888 | 35,231 |  |
 |  |  |  |
6 | 35,231 | 36,120 |  |
A-5 Salaries
2004-2005 Office Staff
Step | Group I | Group II |  |
1 | 29,755 | 30,989 |  |
 |  |  |  |
2 | 30,969 | 32,216 |  |
 |  |  |  |
3 | 32,216 | 33,743 |  |
 |  |  |  |
4 | 33,743 | 35,054 |  |
 |  |  |  |
5 | 35,054 | 36,405 |  |
 |  |  |  |
6 | 36,405 | 38,289 |  |
A. 1. As professionals, teachers are expected to devote to their assignments
the time necessary to meet their responsibilities, but they shall not be required to “clock in or clock out” by hours and minutes. Teachers shall indicate their presence for duty by placing a check mark in the appropriate column of the faculty “sign-in” roster.
2. The arrival and departure times for all teachers shall be designated by the individual schools; however, their total in-school work day shall consist of not more than seven (7) consecutive hours and zero (0) minutes beginning with designated sign-in time or the start of an assigned duty and ending with sign-out as prescribed by the Administration which shall include a duty-free lunch period.
3. The time limitation herein above set forth shall not be deemed to relieve the teachers of their responsibilities in assisting students when such help is requested or required; of parent or teacher initiated conferences about pupil progress; of assumption of detention duties and of similar professional responsibilities.
4. a. Any teacher who is required to work beyond the established
school days in any regular school year as defined in the school calendar shall be compensated at an additional 1/180 of current contractual salary for each day, or any part thereof for such work.
b. Teachers shall be required to perform one chaperoning duty per
school year without compensation. Any additional chaperoning assignment shall be voluntary and shall be compensated at $25 per assignment on school days and $35 for Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and other non-school days including the evenings of these days.
B. 1. The normal daily teaching load in the junior and senior high school shall
consist of five teaching periods, two preparation periods, and a duty period; except that Physical Education and Related Arts teachers may teach more than five periods, but not more than six. Where a teacher is asked to teach more than five periods and agrees to do so, said teacher shall be relieved of the performance of a duty period by virtue of the additional teaching assignment. The total of eight enumerated periods and lunch period shall run consecutively.
Teaching Salary Guide: High School Basic Skills Instruction – 6th period/no duty period: based on agreed percentages each year. For 2002-03 the guide will increase 5.1% based on the 2001-02 Schedule E New Positions = $4293.00; for 2003-04 the guide will increase 5.3% based on the 2002-03 established
stipend = $4521.00; and for 2004-05 the guide will increase 5.35% based on the 2003-04 established stipend = $4763.00
2. The normal weekly teaching load in the elementary schools shall not
exceed twenty-five (25) hours of pupil instruction per week.
3. While desirable that secondary teachers should not teach more than two
subject areas nor have more than three preparations both parties understand that this is not always possible. Administration shall have the right to assign additional preparations when in its judgment the additional preparations are necessary to maintain an appropriate program.
4. While desirable that secondary school teachers should not be required to
change subject area teaching stations more than two (2) times during the school day, both parties understand that this is not always possible. The Administration shall continue to use all resources necessary to make this possible.
C. 1. The normal procedure to be used for class coverage when necessary is
as follows in the order of preference:
a. Obtain substitute to cover teacher absences.
b. Use of a staff member normally assigned to supervisory duties
such as library supervision, study hall supervision, cafeteria supervision or supplemental instruction.
c. Combining classes within departments when size and program
d. Assignment of a staff member with the resultant loss of a
preparation period at a remuneration of $17 (non-emergency situations only). Preference would be given to staff members who have expressed their willingness to cover said periods from a list to be compiled at the beginning of each semester, but the administration retains the prerogative to assign class coverage to staff members not on the preference list due to particular needs of the class.
e. Combining classes across departmental lines
f. Emergency situations will not include the case where the absence
of the teacher is known one or more days ahead of time.
2. No remuneration will be required for assignment to four emergency
substitution duty periods. However, in the event that a teacher is asked to provide emergency coverage for more than four periods in a year, using periods other than a duty or regular class period, the teacher will be remunerated at the rate of $15 for each additional period assigned.
Emergency assignments are to be distributed as equitably as possible among all available teachers.
C. Teachers may leave the building without requesting permission during
their scheduled duty free lunch period.
D. 1. Building-based teachers may be required to remain after the end
of the regular workday without additional compensation for the purpose of attending faculty or other professional meetings no more than four (4) days each month. Such meetings shall begin no later than ten (10) minutes after the student dismissal time and shall run for no more than fifty (50) minutes. If additional time is needed, students shall be dismissed early. This does not preclude the possibility of meetings being scheduled before the opening of the school day if it is mutually agreed upon by the principal and faculty.
2. An Association representative may speak to the teachers at any meeting
referred to in Paragraph 1 above for at least ten (10) minutes on the request of the representative.
3. Any faculty member may submit items to be considered for inclusion in the agenda.
E. 1. Classroom teachers shall, in addition to their lunch period, have
preparation time during which they shall not be assigned to any other duties as follows at least:
a. Elementary School – five (5) periods per week
b. Secondary School – two (2) period per day
2. It is desired that High School English teachers shall have four (4) teaching assignments per day, two preparation periods per day, one duty period per day, one lunch period per day, and one conference period or writing resource room assignment per day. However, administration shall have the right to assign five teaching assignments when in its judgment the additional assignment is necessary to provide an appropriate program. In the event five teaching assignments are scheduled, the writing resource room or conference assignment would be eliminated.
The conference period may be used to consult with students in the teachers’ classes or as an additional preparation period.
3. The desired teaching load for High School Laboratory Science teachers shall consist of up to 26 periods per week. The remaining time shall be allocated as follows: lunch – 5 period per week, preparation – 10 periods per week and remainder allocated to duties/supervisions.
G. Administrators shall have the authority to make exceptions to items, A, B, C, D, E and F in emergency situations.
H. Teachers participating in extra-curricular activities listed in Schedule E shall be compensated for such participation as defined in said schedule. Compensation includes supervision of functions related to the responsibility except where special provision is made in Schedule E, such as for Class Advisors.
Every attempt within physical limitations will be made to equalize class and teacher loads in the Park Ridge School System.
As has been practice, the Board will continue to strive to adequately staff our schools with specialists.
This article falls within the realm of the discussions of the Teacher-Administration Liaison Committee. Due consideration will be given to their suggestions.
A. The Board and Association acknowledge that a teacher’s primary responsibility is to teach and that his energies should to the extent possible, be utilized to this end. Therefore, they agree as follows:
1. Elementary:
It will continue to be the policy of the Board of Education to employ lunchroom aides. In an emergency situation, teachers assigned shall be compensated at the rate established for luncheon supervision.
2. High School:
The Board further recognizes the desirability of better utilizing the professional skills of teachers at the high school and, therefore, has provided adequate funds to hire outside help to assist in the supervision of the lunchroom. Teachers relieved will be assigned to
other duties more consistent with their professional training, such as supplementary
instruction. Recognizing the special needs of supervision, the Board reserves for the high school administration the right to assign teachers to lunchroom duty in each lunch period in lieu of other supervisor or special help duty. The intent is to remove all teachers from lunchroom supervision when and for as long as it is felt wise, consistent with good supervision.
Additional teachers may be called upon for assistance under the following circumstances:
a. The inability of the Board and Administration to hire competent help.
b. The absence of the help on a given day.
c. Unusual emergency supervision needs.
Assignments to lunchroom supervision duties, if any, will be on as equitable a basis as possible, and will be in lieu of other assigned supervisory or supplemental instruction duties.
A. The salaries of all teachers covered by this agreement are set forth in Schedule A which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
The Board of Education may withhold, for inefficiency or other good cause, the employment increment, including longevity, or the adjustment increment, or both, of any member in any year by a recorded roll call majority vote of the full membership of the Board of Education. It shall be the duty of the Board of Education within ten (10) days, to give written notice of such action, together with the reasons therefore, to the member concerned. The member may appeal such action to the Commissioner under rules prescribed by him. The Commissioner shall consider such appeal and shall either affirm the action of the Board of Education or direct that the increment or increments be paid. The Commissioner may designate an Assistant Commissioner of Education to act for him in his place and with his powers on such appeals. It shall not be mandatory upon the Board of Education to pay any such denied increment in any future year as an adjustment increment. (18A:29-14)
An increment shall be granted, unless withheld for the reasons above, if the teacher has been present fulfilling his assignment for half or more of the days school is in session. If a teacher is absent more than half of the days school is in session, the increment shall not be granted.
B. Those salaries and payments which are beyond those prescribed in Section A of the Article are set forth in Schedule E which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
C. Longevity Pay Schedule Conditions Longevity pay, as specified, will be added to the final step of the educational level column of teachers who qualify under the following conditions.
1. Experience to be in teaching as recognized for salary purposes at the time of employment.
2. Longevity increases may be withheld under conditions specified in “A” above. Substitute time will not be counted.
D. Unused Sick Leave Pay for Retiring Teachers
The Board shall pay a retiring teacher partial payment for unused sick leave days. The payment shall be in a lump sum and equal to one-half (1/2) the current daily substitute pay for the year in which the teacher retires times the number of days accumulated, up to a maximum of two hundred (200) days. The teacher must have a minimum of fifteen (15) years experience in Park Ridge and a minimum of fifty (50) days accumulated. At the retiring teacher’s option, the teacher may elect to receive payment on the July 15th following retirement.
“Retiring employee” shall be defined as a teacher who, upon cessation of employment, applies for and receives a retirement allowance from the Teachers’ Pension and Annuity Fund. Teachers who leave Park Ridge without formally retiring, including those who vest their previous contributions, shall not be eligible. The Board will consider individual cases which may not specifically be covered by the above definition but meet the general criteria of retirement as defined above.
(Note: Appendix B-8 paragraph B relative to accumulated sick leave available from this benefit in the case of extended sick leave days.)
E. All salaries and stipends will be rounded to the nearest dollar. $.50 or more will be the next highest whole dollar; $.49 or less will be dropped.
B-5 SALARIES Schedule A
1 of 4 pages
Guide Placement* For District Staff employed during the 2001-2002 school year
Placement Placement
In 2001-2002 in 2002-2003
2 ---- 3
3 --- 4
4 --- 5
5 --- 6
7 --- 8
8 --- 9
9 --- 10
10 --- 11
11 --- 12
12 --- 13
13 --- 14
14 --- 15
15 --- 16
16 --- 17
17 --- 18
18 --- 19
19 --- 20
21 --- 21
22 --- 22
23 - 22
24 - 22
25 - 22
Park Ridge Teacher’s Guide 2002-2003
B-5 SALARIES Schedule A
2 of 4 pages
Placement on the 2002-03 guide advances everyone one step based on the 2001-02 guide except for those on steps 21-25. Their placement is defined on page 25.
Step BA BA+30 MA MA+30
1 34,763 35,707 37,033 40,258
2 35,063 36,007 37,333 40,558
3 35,714 36,831 38,337 42,051
4 38,177 39,173 40,572 43,788
5 39,177 40,173 41,572 45,040
6 39,818 40,925 42,421 46,387
7 40,526 41,723 43,320 47,882
8 41,267 42,569 44,375 49,461
9 42,065 43,890 45,868 51,133
10 43,591 45,543 47,512 52,918
11 45,368 47,307 49,368 54,794
12 47,483 49,227 51,307 56,640
13 49,788 51,243 53,380 58,840
14 52,604 53,537 55,544 61,060
15 55,630 56,308 58,163 63,789
16 58,635 59,278 60,996 66,676
17 61,676 62,083 63,552 69,273
18 62,676 65,530 66,794 72,617
19 63,676 67,530 71,556 76,942
20 64,394 68,325 73,451 78,946
21 65,612 69,620 74,847 80,449
22 66,830 70,915 76,243 81,952
Park Ridge Teacher’s Guide
B-5 SALARIES Schedule A
3 of 4 pages
Placement on the 2003-04 guide will advance one step from the previous year with the exception of Step 22.
Step BA BA+30 MA MA+30
1 37,419 38,363 39,689 43,207
2 37,719 38,663 39,989 43,507
3 38,019 38,963 40,289 43,807
4 39,933 40,929 42,328 45,544
5 41,133 42,129 43,528 46,796
6 42,133 43,129 44,528 48,143
7 42,774 43,881 45,377 49,638
8 43,482 44,679 46,276 51,217
9 44,223 45,646 47,624 52,889
10 45,347 47,299 49,268 54,674
11 47,124 49,063 51,124 56,550
12 49,239 50,983 53,063 58,396
13 51,544 52,999 55,136 60,596
14 54,260 55,193 57,200 62,716
15 56,986 57,664 59,519 65,145
16 59,701 60,344 62,062 67,742
17 62,542 62,949 64,418 70,139
18 63,742 66,396 67,660 73,483
19 64,742 68,396 72,422 77,808
20 66,742 70,596 75,317 80,812
21 67,978 71,986 77,213 82,815
22 69,196 73,281 78,609 84,318
Park Ridge Teacher’s Guide
B-5 SALARIES Schedule A
4 of 4 pages
Placement on the 2004-05 guide will advance one Step from the previous year with the exception of Step 22.
Step BA BA+30 MA MA+30
1 40,759 41,755 43,154 46,370
2 41,059 42,055 43,454 46,670
3 41,359 42,355 43,754 46,970
4 41,659 42,655 44,054 47,270
5 42,859 43,855 45,254 48,522
6 44,059 45,055 46,454 49,869
7 45,059 46,055 47,454 51,364
8 45,700 46,807 48,303 52,943
9 46,408 47,605 49,350 54,615
10 47,149 49,025 50,994 56,400
11 48,850 50,789 52,850 58,276
12 50,965 52,709 54,789 60,122
13 53,270 54,725 56,862 62,322
14 55,886 56,819 58,826 64,342
15 58,512 59,190 61,045 66,671
16 61,187 61,830 63,548 69,228
17 63,928 64,335 65,804 71,525
18 66,128 68,782 70,046 75,869
19 67,328 70,782 74,808 80,194
20 69,128 72,982 77,703 83,198
21 70,364 74,372 79,599 85,201
22 71,582 75,667 80,995 86,704
This guide will be determined based on an agreed upon percentage each year. The guide will increase by an across the board percentage. For the 2002-03 school year the guide will increase 5.1% based on the 2001-02 Schedule E salaries; for 2003-04 it will increase 5.3% based on the 2002-03 Schedule E salaries; and for 2004-2005 it will increase 5.35% based on the 2003-04 Schedule E salaries.
1. COACHES 2002-2003 Step III
Step I Step II Two or more yrs. experience
Director of Athletics 9,631 9,790 9,948
Football, Head 6,159 6,317 6,474
Assistant 3,948 4,106 4,263
Head 5,367 5,526 5,684
HS Boys’ Ass’t (2) 3,553 3,710 3,868
HS Girls’ Ass’t (1) “ “ “
Jr. High (2) each 2,842 3,000 3,157
Wrestling – Head 5,367 5,526 5,684
Track Coord/Head Spring 6,712 6,869 7,027
Winter Track 2,684 2,843 3,000
Track Assistants - Spring
H.S. (4) 3,394 3,552 3,710
J.H.S. (2) 2,604 2,763 2,921
Track Assistants – Winter 1,879 1,991 2,100
Baseball, Softball (H.S.)
Head 4,896 5,053 5,211
Assistant (2 each) 3,394 3,552 3,710
Bowling, Head 2,684 2,843 3,000
Assistant 1,879 1,991 2,100
Soccer, Head 4,342 4,500 4,658
Ass’t (1 Boys, 1Girls) 3,000 3,157 3,316
Jr. High(1 Boys 2,388 2,547 2,704
1 Girls)
Volleyball, Head 4,342 4,500 4,658
Assistant 3,000 3,157 3,316
Freshman $315-$473 ($53/game after school; $79/game on Saturday)
Cross Country 3,395 3,553 3,710
Tennis (Fall & Spring) 3,552 3,710 3,868
Ass’t 2,209 2,369 2,527
Head (Fall) 1,737 1,816 1,894
Head (Winter) 2,604 2,684 2,763
Assistant (Fall) 1,184 1,263 1,342
Assistant (Winter) 1,816 1,894 1,974-29-
COACHES 2003-2004
Step III
Step II Two or more
Position Step I One Yr. Exp. Years Exp.
Director of Athletics 10,141 10,309 10,475
Football, Head 6,485 6,652 6,817
Assistant 4,157 4,324 4,489
Head 5,651 5,819 5,985
HS Boys’ Ass’t (2) 3,741 3,907 4,073
HS Girls’ Ass’t (1) “ “ “
Jr. High (2) each 2,993 3,159 3,324
Wrestling - Head 5,651 5,819 5,985
Track Coord/Head Spring 7,068 7,233 7,399
Winter Track 2,826 2,994 3,159
Track Assistants - Spring
H.S. (4) 3,574 3,740 3,907
J.H.S. (2) 2,742 2,909 3,076
Track Assistants – Winter 1,979 2,097 2,211
Baseball, Softball (H.S.)
Head 5,155 5,321 5,487
Assistant (2 each) 3,574 3,740 3,907
Bowling, Head 2,826 2,994 3,159
Assistant 1,979 2,097 2,211
Soccer, Head 4,572 4,739 4,905
Ass’t (1 Boys, 1 Girls) 3,159 3,324 3,492
Jr. High(1 Boys, 1 Girls) 2,515 2,682 2,847
Volleyball, Head 4,572 4,739 4,905
Assistant 3,159 3,324 3,492
Freshman $332-$498 ($56/game after school; $83/game on Saturday)
Cross Country 3,575 3,741 3,907
Tennis (Fall & Spring) 3,740 3,907 4,073
Ass’t 2,326 2,495 2,661
Head (Fall) 1,829 1,912 1,994
Head (Winter) 2,742 2,826 2,909
Assistant (Fall) 1,247 1,330 1,413
Assistant (Winter) 1,912 1,994 2,079
COACHES 2004-2005
Step III
Step II Two or more
Position Step I One Yr. Exp. Years Exp.
Director of Athletics 10,684 10,861 11,035
Football, Head 6,832 7,008 7,182
Assistant 4,379 4,555 4,729
Head 5,953 6,130 6,305
HS Boys’ Ass’t (2) 3,941 4,116 4,291
HS Girls’ Ass’t (1) “ “ “
Jr. High (2) each 3,153 3,328 3,502
Wrestling - Head 5,953 6,130 6,305
Track Coord/Head Spring 7,446 7,620 7,795
Winter Track 2,977 3,154 3,328
Track Assistants - Spring
H.S. (4) 3,765 3,940 4,116
J.H.S. (2) 2,889 3065 3,241
Track Assistants – Winter 2,085 2,209 2,329
Baseball, Softball (H.S.)
Head 5,431 5,606 5,781
Assistant (2 each) 3,765 3,940 4,116
Bowling, Head 2,977 3,154 3,328
Assistant 2,085 2,209 2,329
Soccer, Head 4,817 4,993 5,167
Ass’t (1Boys, 1 Girls) 3,328 3,502 3,679
Jr. High (1 Boys, 1 Girls)2,650 2,825 2,999
Volleyball, Head 4,817 4,993 5,167
Assistant 3,328 3,502 3,679
Freshman $350-$525 ($59/game after school; $87/game on Saturday)
Cross Country 3,766 3,941 4,116
Tennis (Fall & Spring) 3,940 4,116 4,291
Ass’t 2,450 2,628 2,803
Head (Fall) 1,927 2,014 2,101
Head (Winter) 2,889 2,977 3,065
Assistant (Fall) 1,314 1,401 1,489
Assistant (Winter) 2,014 2,101 2,190
a. Coaches moving from Assistant to Head coach in the same sport will drop back one experience step.
b. The Board of Education, on the recommendation of the Superintendent, will determine placement on the guide of coaches with prior experience elsewhere.
c. Coaches named as coach in a different sport, but remaining at the same or a lower level of responsibility (i.e. Assistant), will drop back one experience step. Assistant coaches named as head coaches in a different sport in which he has not previously coached, will be placed on Step I.
d. The Board of Education, on the recommendation of the Superintendent,
will determine placement in individual cases where the normal conditions above do not apply.
*Advanced Placement $39 /hour (per group)
X 33 weeks
AFS Advisor 1,263
Art Advisors Student Publications:
Junior & Senior High Literary Magazines 868
And “Owl”
Art Club Honor Society Advisor 631
Brain Busters 631
Camp Bernie Coordinator 847
Chaperoning (overnight - per night) 83
Chess Club 631
Choir, Women’s 1,421
Class Advisors Senior, Junior 1,974 each
Sophomore 946
Freshman 474
Computer Club Advisors Junior & Senior High 631
Costumes / Props 557
Culture Club Advisor (Environmental) 631
District Test / Guidance Leader 5,367
Dramatics Directors High School (2) 1,974 each
Director (Jr. High) 1,027
Elementary Band Director 813
ESL Coordinator 1,449
Extended School Year Instructor (15hrs/38 per hr.) 585
Future Problem Solving Team 2,369
Gifted & Talented 4,736
* Pensionable
* Independent Study
A. In Class Session $28/hr (pro-rated-.72 hrs X average no. of wks16.5,25, or 33
B. After School, Prep Period, Lunch $39/hr (pro-rated-.72 hrs X average no. of wks 16.5, 25, or 33
Instrumental - HS State/Regional Competitions $26/hr - $1419 cap
Interact Club Advisor 1,263
Intramurals Elementary 2 ( 50 hrs/school yr) 789 each
High School (75 hrs/school yr) 1,184
Exceeding 50 hrs./pro-rate other 50) 789 each
Lighting Technician 2,716
Literary Magazine Advisors
Senior High 1,579
Junior High 1,421
Madrigals 1,421
Marching Band Director 4,500
Assistant 2,209
Band Front 1,341
Math Team Advisor 631
Math Club - Jr. High 631
Mini-Pop Director 1,974
Ass’t. Director 1,027
Miss Park Ridge Director of Music 631
Choreographer 631
Musical Director (2) 1,974 each
Assistant 1,027
Choreographer 1,027
National Honor Society 1,263
* Pensionable
OWL Advisor 2,369
PEER Advisors High School (2) 1,974 each
Middle School (2) 1,624 each
Photography Club 1,421
Popcert Director 631
Ass’t. Director 474
Public Information Coordinator 4,342
Quiz Bowl 631
ReAct (Middle School Service Club) 1,263
Renaissance Coordinator 631
SADD/Drug Task Force/Activity 3,158
Safety Patrol Advisors (2) 946 each
Science Ecology Physics Biology 631 each
Geology Chemistry
Set Construction/Design 1,115
Sound Technician 2,787
Staff Workshop Instructor (15 hr. class / $49/hour 735
Student Council Advisor High School 1,737
Junior High 1,579
Summer Band Camp Director 2,166
Ass’t. Director 1,089
Drill Writer 2,787
Band Front/Color Guard 558
Vocal – HS Regional/State Competitions $26/hr - $1419 cap
Yearbook Literary - High School 2,684
Business - High School 1,579
Junior High School 789
* Advanced Placement $41 /hour (per group)
X 33 weeks
AFS Advisor 1,330
Art Advisors Student Publications:
Junior & Senior High Literary Magazines 914
And “Owl”
Art Club Honor Society Advisor 664
Brain Busters 664
Camp Bernie Coordinator 892
Chaperoning (overnight - per night) 87
Chess Club 664
Choir, Women’s 1,496
Class Advisors Senior, Junior 2,079 each
Sophomore 996
Freshman 499
Computer Club Advisors Junior & Senior High 664
Costumes / Props 587
Culture Club Advisor (Environmental) 664
District Test / Guidance Leader 5,651
Dramatics Directors High School (2) 2,079 each
Director (Jr. High) 1,081
Elementary Band Director 856
ESL Coordinator 1,526
Extended School Year Instructor (15hrs/40 per hr.) 600
Future Problem Solving Team 2,495
Gifted & Talented 4,987
* Pensionable
* Independent Study
A. In Class Session $29/hr (pro-rated-.72 hrs X average no. of wks 16.5,25, or 33
B. After School, Prep Period, Lunch $41/hr (pro-rated-.72 hrs X average no. of wks 16.5, 25, or 33
Instrumental – HS State/Regional Competitions $27/hr - $1494 cap
Interact Club Advisor 1,330
Intramurals Elementary 2 ( 50 hrs/school yr) 831
High School (75 hrs/school yr) 1,247
Exceeding 50 hrs./pro-rate other 50) 831 each
Lighting Technician 2,860
Literary Magazine Advisors
Senior High 1,663
Junior High 1,496
Madrigals 1,496
Marching Band Director 4,739
Assistant 2,326
Band Front 1,412
Math Team Advisor 664
Math Club - Jr. High 664
Mini-Pop Director 2,079
Ass’t. Director 1,081
Miss Park Ridge Director of Music 664
Choreographer 664
Musical Director (2) 2,079
Assistant 1,081
Choreographer 1,081
National Honor Society 1,330
* Pensionable
-37- OWL Advisor 2,495
PEER Advisors High School (2) 2,079 each
Middle School (2) 1,710 each
Photography Club 1,496
Popcert Director 664
Ass’t. Director 499
Public Information Coordinator 4,572
Quiz Bowl 664
ReAct (Middle School Service Club) 1,330
Renaissance Coordinator 664
SADD/Drug Task Force/Activity 3,325
Safety Patrol Advisors (2) 996 each
Science Ecology Physics Biology 664
Geology Chemistry
Set Construction/Design 1,174
Sound Technician 2,935
Staff Workshop Instructor (15 hr. class / $52/hour) 780
Student Council Advisor High School 1,829
Junior High 1,663
Summer Band Camp Director 2,281
Ass’t. Director 1,147
Drill Writer 2,935
Band Front/Color Guard 588
Vocal – HS State/Regional Competitions $27/hr - $1494 cap
Yearbook Literary – High School 2,826
Business – High School 1,663
Junior High School 831
* Advanced Placement $43 /hour (per group)
X 33 weeks
AFS Advisor 1,401
Art Advisors Student Publications:
Junior & Senior High Literary Magazines 963
And “Owl”
Art Club Honor Society Advisor 700
Brain Busters 700
Camp Bernie Coordinator 940
Chaperoning (overnight - per night) 92
Chess Club 700
Choir, Women’s 1,576
Class Advisors Senior, Junior 2,190 each
Sophomore 1,049
Freshman 526
Computer Club Advisors Junior & Senior High 700
Costumes / Props 618
Culture Club Advisor (Environmental) 700
District Test / Guidance Leader 5,953
Dramatics Directors High School (2) 2,190 each
Director (Jr. High) 1,139
Elementary Band Director 902
ESL Coordinator 1,608
Extended School Year Instructor (15hrs/42 per hr.) 630
Future Problem Solving Team 2,628
Gifted & Talented 5,254
* Independent Study
A. In Class Session 31/hr (pro-rated-.72 hrs X average no. of wks 16.5,25, or 33
B. After School, Prep Period, Lunch 43/hr (pro-rated-.72 hrs X average no. of wks 16.5, 25, or 33
Instrumental – HS State/Regional Competitions $28/hr - $1574 cap
Interact Club Advisor 1,401
Intramurals Elementary 2 ( 50 hrs/school yr) 875
High School (75 hrs/school yr) 1,314
Exceeding 50 hrs./pro-rate other 50) 875 each
Lighting Technician 3,013
Literary Magazine Advisors
Senior High 1,752
Junior High 1,576
Madrigals 1,576
Marching Band Director 4,993
Assistant 2,450
Band Front 1,488
Math Team Advisor 700
Math Club - Jr. High 700
Mini-Pop Director 2,190
Ass’t. Director 1,139
Miss Park Ridge Director of Music 700
Choreographer 700
Musical Director (2) 2,190
Assistant 1,139
Choreographer 1,139
National Honor Society 1,401
* Pensionable-40- OWL Advisor 2,628
PEER Advisors High School 2,190 each
Middle School 1,802 each
Photography Club 1576
Popcert Director 700
Ass’t. Director 526
Public Information Coordinator 4,817
Quiz Bowl 700
ReAct (Middle School Service Club) 1,401
Renaissance Coordinator 700
SADD/Drug Task Force/Activity 3,503
Safety Patrol Advisors (2) 1,049 each
Science Ecology Physics Biology 700
Geology Chemistry
Set Construction/Design 1,237
Sound Technician 3,092
Staff Workshop Instructor (15 hr. class / $55/hour 825
Student Council Advisor High School 1,927
Junior High 1,752
Summer Band Camp Director 2,403
Ass’t. Director 1,208
Drill Writer 3,092
Band Front/Color Guard 620
Vocal – HS State/Regional Competitions $28/hr $1574 cap
Yearbook Literary - High School 2,977
Business - High School 1,752
Junior High School 875
The Superintendent will recommend in conjunction with PREA any new positions or clubs as needed and will recommend to the Board of Education a suitable level of compensation.
Class Advisors: Are expected to chaperone additional class activities beyond the normal chaperoning requirements without compensation as provided in Appendix B-1, Section A, paragraph 4b according to the following schedule: Senior Class Advisor - 2; Junior Class Advisor - 2; Sophomore Class Advisor - l; Freshman Class Advisor - 1.
1. Department Supervisors and Department Chairpersons shall receive additional remuneration above basic salary by the following percentages based on size of department, experience, educational level, and amount of responsibility.
a. Teachers in Department:
2002-2003 5.1%
0 - 7 8 - 10 11 or more
Dept. Chair. 4,870 5,275 5,683
Supervisor 6,088 6,493 6,899
2003-2004 5.3%
0 - 7 8 - 10 11 or more
Dept. Chair. 5,128 5,555 5,984
Supervisor 6,411 6,837 7,265
2004-2005 5.35%
0 - 7 8 - 10 11 or more
Dept. Chair. 5,402 5,852 6,304
Supervisor 6,754 7,203 7,654
b. Department Chairperson who has total K-12 responsibility English,
Social Studies, Fine Arts, Science, Mathematics, Physical Education and
Reading Supervision shall receive an additional $800.
c. Department chairpersons having responsibilities for additional departments
Shall receive an additional $1,500 for each additional department.
d. For the 2002-2003 school year the stipend will increase 5.1% based on the 2001-2002 stipend; for 2003-2004 it will increase 5.3% based on the 2002-2003 stipend and for 2004-2005 it will increase 5.35% based on the 2003-2004 stipend.
A. Every effort shall be made to provide the following:
1. With the limitation of the classroom, such space as may be
available for teachers to store instructional materials and
2. A teacher work area containing equipment and supplies to aid
in the preparation of instructional materials;
3. Within the limitations of existing facilities an
appropriately furnished room which shall be reserved for the
exclusive use of staff as a faculty lounge. Although
teachers shall be expected to exercise reasonable care in
maintaining the appearance and cleanliness of said lounge,
it shall be regularly cleaned by the school's custodial
4. Serviceable desks, chairs and filing cabinets shall be
available for the use of teachers;
5. A communications system permitting teachers to communicate
between the classroom and the office;
6. Properly lighted and clean teacher rest rooms, separate for
each sex and separate from the students' rest rooms;
7. Within the limitations of existing facilities, a separate,
private dining area for the exclusive use of staff members;
8. Suitable space for each teacher to store coats, overshoes,
and personal articles;
9. Copies, exclusively for each teacher's use, of all texts
used in each of the courses he is to teach;
10. Chalkboard space in every classroom;
11. A suitable dictionary in every classroom;
12. Required numbers of books, papers, and pencils, which shall
be available for distribution with discretion, chalk,
erasers, and other suitable materials required in carrying
out daily teaching responsibilities;
13. Free off-street parking within the limits of the space available will be provided staff. Diagrams (drawings) of the parking areas available at or in the immediate vicinity of each of the separate schools shall be maintained at the
school offices. The assignment of spaces at the high school, other than twenty of those at the upper level, shall be worked out mutually by the high school administration and the Park Ridge Education Association.
B. The Board shall endeavor within space limitations to furnish
appropriate rooms and other facilities for teachers who work in
more than one building so as to permit the effective discharge of
their responsibilities to their pupils. Wherever physical
facilities permit, said teachers shall also have assigned to them
a single classroom or office for their use outside of regular
teaching hours, with a desk or like facility and a place to store
materials and supplies for their personal use.
C. Upon request of the Association, vending machines shall be
installed in the Teachers Lounge and Teachers Lunchroom areas,
provided, however, that said machines can be installed without
any expense to the Board. Profits from all such machines shall be
placed in a student scholarship fund created for that purpose and
said fund shall be administered jointly by the Association and
the Board acting through the Superintendent.
D. In order to permit freedom of access both during and after
regular school hours, teachers shall be furnished with keys to
the Faculty Lounge and teacher work areas. Whenever a teacher
desires to make use of school facilities during non-school hours,
request for such use shall be made of the school principal who
shall then notify the custodians on duty to admit the teacher
requesting permission to enter the building and the teacher shall
seek admission at the location designated by the principal.
It is understood that access to school buildings by teachers
after school hours shall only be permitted when custodial help is
available in the building.
E. The Board agrees that it shall provide gym uniforms to physical
education teachers; smocks for art and home economics teachers;
shop coats for industrial arts teachers and laboratory coats for
laboratory/science teachers . The total cost of this program is
not to exceed $500. in any one school year. The uniforms shall be
the property of the Board of Education and are to be returned if
the teachers so mentioned leave the employ of the Park Ridge School System.
A. The Association shall select a liaison committee for each school
building to meet with the school principal at least three times
during the school year, said committee shall consist of not more
than one (l) member for every ten (10) teachers in the school
building, but shall in no event have less than three (3) members.
Major make-up of the committee shall consist of members of the
teaching unit of said building. Matters to be discussed shall be
related to school problems and practices.
B. Meetings shall occur at least twice during the school year
between the Association representatives and the Superintendent
and his staff to review and discuss current school problems and
practices and the administration of this Agreement. The
Association committee shall consist of no more than six (6)
C. Insurance Containment: PREA, in conjunction with the
Administration and the Board, shall select a committee to review
the current Health Benefits Plan and develop a means of cost
containment of the spiraling costs.
A. All professional employees shall be entitled to ten (10) sick days each school year as of the first official day of said school year, including part-time workers that work 5 days a week. Sick leave both per year and accumulated, shall be prorated to part-time staff that work less than 5 days a week.
B. Full salary shall be pad for absence due to illness until the current and accumulated sick leave is expended. When regular sick leave is exhausted, the Board of Education will consider in individual cases, written requests for the following additional benefits: payment of the difference between the contract salary and the actual substitute’s pay for the duration of the school year in which the accumulated sick leave is expended; except that for teachers with four years or more experience in Park Ridge, regular substitute’s pay would be deducted. Should a substitute not be required, the amount deducted would be the regular substitute’s pay. Should an illness carry over to the following school year, and the accumulated sick leave had been fully expended the previous school year, after the use of the current sick leave full salary shall be deducted.
Should extended sick leave be granted, the total days of such extended leave shall be deducted from accumulated sick leave applicable to determining payment for unused sick leave under Appendix B-5, paragraph D of this contract. Should such deduction reduce the total accumulative sick leave days below fifty (50), the teacher would become ineligible for partial payment of unused sick leave except that the minimum of fifty (50) days will be adjusted for less than full-time staff. This provision is effective July 1, 1987, and any extended sick leave granted prior to that date shall not be deducted from accumulated sick leave applicable to Appendix B-5, paragraph D.
C. An illness of seven (7) consecutive working days or more requires a doctor’s approval before the teacher returns to work.
A. Health Benefits
Employees of the Park Ridge School District who are employed twenty-three (23) hours or more per week effective July 1, 1999 shall be entitled to participate in the Health Benefit Insurance Plan or a plan which is equal to or better than the Health Benefit Insurance Plan as agreed upon in writing by the Board and Park Ridge Education Association. Any employee who was employed in the district 20 hours or more per week before July 1, 1999, shall continue to receive health benefits notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary.
1. The cost of employee (and dependent) coverage will be borne by the Board of Education.
A. As of 1997-98 new hires will be entitled to single DPP coverage only. They will be eligible for traditional dependent coverage on their first day of tenure.
2. The Board and the Association will establish a qualified cafeteria plan within the meaning of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
3. The Board shall request from the carrier for distribution to new members of
the unit, and others on request, a description of the health-care insurance
coverage provided under this Article no later than the beginning of each
school year, which shall include a description of conditions and limits of
coverage as defined in the master policies and contracts mentioned above.
B. Dental
Teachers who are employed twenty-three (23) hours or more per week shall be entitled to participate in a dental insurance plan as provided by the NJ Dental Service, or its equivalent, as agreed upon by the Board and Park Ridge Education Association. The cost of teacher (and dependent) coverage will be borne by the Board of Education. Any employee who was employed in the district for 20 hours or more per week before July 1, 1999 shall continue to receive health benefits notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary.
C. Optical Plan
There will be an Optical Plan offered to employees, as well as dependents. Any employee who was employed in the district for 20 hours or more per week before July 1, 1999 shall continue to receive health benefits notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary. The cost of teacher (and dependent) coverage will be borne by the Board of Education.
D. The Board shall assume the cost of the State Health Benefit Insurance Plan for a retiring employee and dependent(s), provided that the employee shall have had twenty-five (25) years credit in a State or locally administered retirement system or for an employee who retires on a disability pension based on fewer years of service credited in such retirement systems. This provision shall not include employees who elect deferred retirement. The benefit shall be provided to survivors of a deceased employee provided he was covered as a dependent under the Health Benefits Program immediately preceding the retirement or the death of the active or retired employee. All aspects of this benefit are to be consistent with present State law and subject to change should the law be modified during the life of this contract.
A professional employee voluntarily taking professional courses which have had the prior approval of the Superintendent shall be reimbursed under the following conditions:
A. To be eligible for reimbursement, the teacher must finish an explanation of how
the course will contribute to his professional role in the improvement of the Park Ridge School system.
B. The maximum yearly reimbursement for tuition, registration and laboratory fees only, shall be capped at $700 for the duration of this contract. Courses will be charged to the school year in which they are completed. Part time professional employees will be reimbursed on a pro-rated basis. For example, a teacher employed on a half-time basis will be reimbursed one-half of $700 or $350.
C. In-school year and summer courses are included.
D. Written evidence of earned credit at appropriate degree level, presented to the
Superintendent. Marks of “B” or better, or their equivalent, must be earned to qualify for reimbursement, except that two grades of “C” (total of six credits) per each 30 credits or degree program may be earned provided that a corresponding grade of “a” must be earned to balance each “C”. Pass (P) will be accepted if marks are given only on a Pass (P), Fail (F) basis.
E. Tenured teachers will receive reimbursement within 60 days of presenting written evidence of successful completion of course and payment of tuition, registration and laboratory fees. Non-tenured teachers will receive reimbursement during October for the previous school year (July1 to June 30) after presenting written evidence of successful completion of course and payment of tuition, registration and laboratory fees. Beginning teachers may nor receive reimbursement for courses taken prior to September 1 of their first year of employment. Teachers are not eligible for reimbursement for courses taken to meet minimum teacher certification. Should a teacher’s employment be discontinued, all monies not previously received become uncollectible. However, a tenured teacher who is not re-employed due to a reduction-in-force shall be entitled to full reimbursement under this Article.
E. Peer to Peer Review – Teachers will be responsible for obtaining and setting up videotaping equipment utilizing appropriate school personnel and videotaping one complete class lesson/year. Teachers will be responsible to coordinate the collaborative review/critique/evaluation of the class lesson with two other teachers in their department or within their level and shall participate in the collaborative review/critique/evaluation of two other teachers. Both of the above activities will be completed annually by the end of May. Each teacher shall retain the tape for the term of this agreement as a form of individual portfolio assessment.
In developing the school calendar for the following year, PREA will be given the opportunity to present its suggestions. The Board of Education retains unto itself the right and responsibility to make the final determination on the school calendar.
This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2002 and shall continue until June 30, 2005.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Park Ridge Board of Education has hereto caused its
corporate seal to be affixed hereunto and this agreement to be executed by its proper
corporate officers; and the Park Ridge Education Association has hereunto set its hand and
seal, this:
________________________ By:____________________________
Keith E. Lambregtse, President
_________________________ By:_____________________________
Marylin Barker, PREA President
I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief that the attached document(s) are true electronic copies of the executed collective negotiations agreement(s).
Name Catherine Mozak
Title Superintendent