Blue Collar
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539073" ARTICLE 1 – PREAMBLE PAGEREF _Toc135539073 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539074" ARTICLE 2 – RECOGNITION PAGEREF _Toc135539074 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539076" ARTICLE 4 – MANAGEMENT RIGHTS PAGEREF _Toc135539076 \h 4
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539077" ARTICLE 5 – NO STRIKE PLEDGE PAGEREF _Toc135539077 \h 4
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539078" ARTICLE 6 – NON-DISCRIMINATION PAGEREF _Toc135539078 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539079" ARTICLE 7 – SENIORITY PAGEREF _Toc135539079 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539081" ARTICLE 9 – CALL BACK PAY PAGEREF _Toc135539081 \h 7
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539082" ARTICLE 10 – OVERTIME PAGEREF _Toc135539082 \h 8
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539083" ARTICLE 11 – HOLIDAYS PAGEREF _Toc135539083 \h 10
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539084" ARTICLE 12 – VACATIONS PAGEREF _Toc135539084 \h 11
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539085" ARTICLE 13 – REST PERIODS PAGEREF _Toc135539085 \h 12
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539086" ARTICLE 14- SICK LEAVE PAGEREF _Toc135539086 \h 12
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539088" ARTICLE 16 – EXTENDED SICK LEAVE PAGEREF _Toc135539088 \h 14
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539089" ARTICLE 17 – MATERNITY LEAVE PAGEREF _Toc135539089 \h 16
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539090" ARTICLE 18 – BEREAVEMENT LEAVE PAGEREF _Toc135539090 \h 17
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539091" ARTICLE 19 – JURY LEAVE PAGEREF _Toc135539091 \h 18
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539092" ARTICLE 20 – MILITARY LEAVE PAGEREF _Toc135539092 \h 18
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539093" ARTICLE 21 – CONVENTION LEAVES PAGEREF _Toc135539093 \h 18
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539094" ARTICLE 22 – NON-PAID LEAVES OF ABSENCE PAGEREF _Toc135539094 \h 19
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539095" ARTICLE 23 – UNION REPRESENTATIVES PAGEREF _Toc135539095 \h 19
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539096" ARTICLE 24 – BULLETIN BOARDS PAGEREF _Toc135539096 \h 20
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539097" ARTICLE 25 – HEALTH & WELFARE BENEFITS PAGEREF _Toc135539097 \h 20
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539098" ARTICLE 26 – RULES AND REGULATIONS PAGEREF _Toc135539098 \h 24
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539100" ARTICLE 28 – SAVINGS CLAUSE PAGEREF _Toc135539100 \h 25
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539102" ARTICLE 30 – DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE PAGEREF _Toc135539102 \h 26
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539103" ARTICLE 31 – JOB POSTING PAGEREF _Toc135539103 \h 26
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539104" ARTICLE 32 – WORK OUT OF TITLE PAGEREF _Toc135539104 \h 27
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539105" ARTICLE 33 – SAFETY AND HEALTH PAGEREF _Toc135539105 \h 27
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539108" ARTICLE 36 – SALARIES PAGEREF _Toc135539108 \h 28
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539109" ARTICLE 37 – TERMINATION PAGEREF _Toc135539109 \h 30
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539110" ARTICLE 38 – WORK UNIFORM PROGRAM PAGEREF _Toc135539110 \h 30
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539111" ARTICLE 39 – LONGEVITY PAGEREF _Toc135539111 \h 30
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539112" ARTICLE 40 – GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE PAGEREF _Toc135539112 \h 31
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539113" ARTICLE 41 – ARBITRATION PAGEREF _Toc135539113 \h 32
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539114" ARTICLE 42 – PART TIME EMPLOYEES PAGEREF _Toc135539114 \h 33
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539115" ARTICLE 43 – EDUCATION BENEFITS PAGEREF _Toc135539115 \h 34
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539117" ARTICLE 45 – DURATION OF AGREEMENT PAGEREF _Toc135539117 \h 34
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135539118" Appendix A PAGEREF _Toc135539118 \h 36
This Agreement entered into this 1st day of January 2008, between the Township of Monroe (hereinafter referred to as the Township) and the United Service Workers Union, Local 255, IUJAT, 138-50 Queens Blvd., Briarwood, NY 11435 (hereinafter referred to as the Union). This Agreement shall be in effect from January 1, 2008 up to and including December 31, 2010.
The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining agent with regard to rates of pay, hours of work and other conditions of employment for all blue collar employees employed by the Employer in the Department of Public Works, including Streets & Roads, Parks, and Buildings and Property and excluding all clerical employees, supervisors, Managerial Executives and Confidential employees, and for such additional or deleted classifications as the parties may later agree to add or delete.
a. The Township agrees to deduct Union dues from the salaries of employees subject to the terms of this Agreement. Such deduction shall be made in compliance with N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.9(3), as amended. Said monies, together with records of any correction, shall be transmitted to the Union office within fifteen (15) calendar days following the payroll period in which the deductions were made.
b. If there shall be any change in the rate of membership dues during the life of this Agreement, the Union shall furnish to the Township written notice prior to the effective date of such change.
c. The Union shall provide the necessary check-off authorization forms and the Union will secure the signatures of its members on the forms and deliver the signed forms to the designated Township officials, as provided in N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.9(e) as amended. The Union shall indemnify, defend, and save the Township harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits of other forms of liability that may arise out of or by reason of action taken by the Township in reliance upon the salary deduction authorization cards submitted by the Union to the Township.
d. Any employee in the bargaining unit on the effective date of this Agreement who does not join the Union within thirty (30) days thereafter, any new employee who does not join within thirty (30) days of initial employment within the unit, and any employee previously employed within the unit who does not join, within ten (10) days of reentry into employment within the unit shall, as a condition of employment, pay a representation fee to the Union by automatic payroll deduction. The Representation Fee shall be an amount up to eighty five percent (85%) of the regular Union membership dues, fees, and assessments as certified to the Employer by the Union. The Union may revise its certification of the amount of the Representation Fee at any time to reflect changes in the regular Union membership dues, fees and assessments. The Union’s entitlement to the Representation fee shall continue beyond the termination date of this Agreement so long as the Union remains the majority representative of the employees in the Unit, provided that no modification is made in this provision by a successor agreement between the Union and the Employer. For the purpose of this provision, employees employed on a ten (10) month basis or who are reappointed from year to year shall be considered to be in continuous employment.
e. United Service Workers Union, IUJAT, Local 255 shall establish and maintain at all times a demand and return system as provided by NJSA 34:13a-5.5(c) and 5.6, and membership in United Service Workers Union, IUJAT, Local 255 shall be available to all employees in the unit on an equal basis at all times. In the event United Service Workers Union, IUJAT, Local 255 fails to maintain such a system, or if membership is not so available, the Employer shall immediately cease making said deductions.
The United Service Workers Union, IUJAT, Local 255, recognizes the administration of rights, duties and authority to manage and control the employees of the administration pursuant to the authority conferred on it by the State of New Jersey, and all applicable local, State and Federal Laws. The administration retains and reserves all rights of management and control of the employees of the administration except those as specifically modified by the terms of this agreement.
a) The Union covenants and agrees that during the terms of this Agreement, neither the Union nor any person acting on its behalf, will cause, authorize and support or condone, nor will any of its members take part in any (i.e. the concerted failure to report for duty, or willful absence of any employee from his position or stoppage of work or abstinence in whole or in part from the full, faithful and proper performance of the employee’s duties of employment), work stoppage, slowdown, walkout or other job action against the Township. The Union agrees that such action would constitute a material breach of this Agreement. The Township agrees not to lock out any employees.
b) The Union will actively discourage and will take whatever affirmative steps are necessary to prevent or terminate any strike, work stoppage, slowdown, walkout or other job action against the Township.
a) There shall be no discrimination by the Township or the Union against any employee on account of race, color, creed, age, sex, national origin, or politician affiliation.
b) There shall be no discrimination interference, or restraint or coercion by the Township or any of its representatives against any of the employees covered under this Agreement because of their membership or non-membership in the Union, or because of any lawful activities by such employee on behalf of the Union. The Union, its members and agents, shall not discriminate against, interfere with, restrain or coerce any employees covered under this Agreement, who are not members of the local Union.
a) Seniority shall be defined as an employee’s length of service with the Township administration beginning with the employee’s date of hire after successful completion of his six month probationary period.
b) An employee shall be considered to have job classification seniority with the Department in which he or she is working upon successful completion of the six month probationary period for that job. Job classification seniority shall accumulate until there is a break in service.
c) A break in continuous job classification service occurs when an employee resigns, is discharged for cause, or retires. Seniority in a new job classification status shall not accrue following promotion until the individual has successfully completed a sixty (60) calendar day probationary period in the new job classification. Promoted employees shall continue to accrue seniority in their previous job classification during the sixty (60) calendar day probationary period in the new job classification. Upon completion of the probationary period the employee shall receive seniority from the original date of assignment.
d) Absence without approved leave for three (3) work days or failure to return from any leave of absence shall be considered a resignation.
e) An employee who is reinstated after a period of layoff shall continue to accumulate seniority exclusive of the period of layoff.
f) When an employee is promoted but does not successfully complete a sixty (60) day probationary period, the employee may return to the previous job classification.
g) Existing or anticipated job vacancies will be posted on bulletin boards in accordance with Article 31 – JOB POSTING of this contract. Where a situation exists in which an existing Township employee applies for a given position and has qualifications equal to the application of a non-Township employee or another Township employee, seniority shall be the determining factor in the selection of the applicant. All current employees shall have the right to apply for any vacant or new positions. The senior most qualified applicant shall be hired or promoted to fill vacancies.
h) No new employee shall be hired at a rate of pay more than the lowest paid employee in the same or similar classifications.
a) A newly appointed permanent employee shall be considered probationary for a period of six months.
b) The purpose of said period of PROVISIONAL/PROBATIONARY EMPLOYMENT is to enable the Township to evaluate the employee’s work performance and conduct in order to determine whether the employee merits permanent employment status and also for the opportunity for the Township to review its needs for the staffing and to review its final situation. If, at any time during or at the end of the PROVISIONAL/PROBATIONARY EMPLOYMENT period, the conduct and/or performance of the employee is found to be unsatisfactory by the Township, or the Township deems it does not need or can not afford the position, the Township may terminate the employee. The decision of the Township regarding the termination of the employee shall not be subject to the Grievance Procedure.
Any full time employee who is called back to work after completing the regular shift and has left his place of work shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours work at time and one half. The employee may opt to waive his four (4) hour compensation at time and one half if he elects to leave work at the completion of the specific task he was called in for as opposed to staying and completing additional tasks to fill the four (4) hour period. Supervisors shall have the opportunity to request that employees invoking the four (4) hour minimum compensation at time and one half stay and perform services within their job classification for that four (4) hour period.
Employees shall be required to work all hours in addition to the four (4) hour minimum guarantee, which are required by the employee’s supervisor.
When an employee is required to work more than three (3) hours past the normal work day, the employee shall be entitled to one half (1/2) hours dinner period at no loss of pay.
If an employee is recalled to work during his/her vacation, employee shall receive his hourly rate at time and one half. In addition the employee shall have the entire vacation day credited to his/her available vacation time for the applicable year. Employees should review the vacation clause of this contract as it pertains to time frames during which vacations must be taken.
a) A work week is defined as forty (40) hours per week, eight (8) hours per day, Monday through Friday
The work week definition for non-supervisory Parks Department employees, will be 37.5 hours per week, 7.5 hours per day, Monday through Friday.
b) Any work performed over eight (8) hours in any given day shall be paid at one and one half (1 ½) times the employee’s regular rate of pay.
b.1.) Any work performed on Saturday shall automatically be paid at one and one half (1 ½) times the employee’s regular rate of pay.
b.2.) Any work performed on Sunday shall automatically be paid at two (2x) times the employee’s regular rate of pay.
b.3) Snow Removal/Flood Control – In order to receive one and one half (1 ½) times pay rate for regular scheduled work day you must work a continuous four (4) hours prior to your regular schedule starting time, and only pertaining to actual time worked. After completing an employee’s regular shift he/she shall be paid one and one half (1 ½) times pay rate. After twelve (12) continuous hours an employee shall be paid two (2) times the employee’s regular rate of pay.
b.4) Any employee who works overtime after their regular shift and is released from duty with less than six (6) hours off before the start of their regular shift shall be entitled to eight hours off before reporting for duty without loss of pay. The employee shall report for duty for the remainder of their shift at straight time. Any employee remaining on the job shall continue to receive double time.
b.5) Any employee reporting for duty prior to four hours before the start of their regular shift shall remain on time and one-half for the remainder of their regular shift.
If an employee works more than twenty-four (24) hours and the snow/weather event ends, the employee will be released and paid for their next succeeding shift.
c) Overtime and Lunch Money
2008-$12 2009-$12.25 2010-$12.50
An employee who works his regular shift and then must go on overtime shall be entitled to one half (1/2) hour lunch period with no loss of pay, plus the meal allowance. Every four (4) hours thereafter, he shall be entitled to another one half (1/2) hour lunch period, plus the meal allowance spelled out above, payable by Municipal Voucher through the Requisition process. There shall be no retroactive compensation for items covered in this paragraph. All employees including those that work a schedule less than those hours specified above shall be compensated at time and one half (1 ½) for work performed on Saturday.
Employees will be paid double time (2x) for Sunday of any work week, except that an employee having a no-pay day during the regular work week shall only be paid time and one-half for that Sunday.
d) Any employee required to work on a holiday shall be paid at three (3) times the employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours worked on a holiday which shall include the holiday pay. Employees shall receive three times his/her rate for all hours including those worked other than his regularly scheduled shifts.
e) The approval of the Superintendent of Public Works, or his designee, must be obtained prior to working overtime.
f) Overtime in the Road Department shall be rotated to insure that both senior, middle range and new employees share equally in available overtime hours in keeping with their qualifications to perform the assigned task. The Supervisor of Roads shall maintain a list of employees by seniority. Initial distribution of available overtime hours shall begin with the most senior personnel qualified to perform the assigned task and shall be rotated down the list for all subsequent assignments. The Supervisor of Roads shall also maintain a log of his overtime assignments including the employees he has requested to work overtime and their refusal of same, if that is the case. The intent of rotation of overtime assignments is to insure that all employees, regardless of seniority, have ample opportunity to benefit from available overtime income.
A. The Township will designate fourteen (14) paid holidays as follows:
New Year’s Day Labor Day
Martin Luther King Day Columbus Day
Lincolns Birthday General Election Day
Veteran’s Day Washington’s Birthday
Good Friday Thanksgiving Day
Memorial Day Day after Thanksgiving
Fourth of July Christmas Day
Day after Christmas (when it falls on Thursday)
In addition to the above listed paid holidays, employees will receive an additional “Floating Holiday” to be used at the Employee’s discretion, for religious holiday, employee’s birthday, vacation etc.
B.1. Effective January 1, 2007, Lincoln’s Birthday and Washington’s Birthday shall be combined and replaced with Presidents Day. In exchange for the above, employees shall be eligible for an additional floating holiday (2 total).
2. Employees may choose to have the day referenced in B.1. above off with regular pay, or work a regularly scheduled day at premium pay. For example, if an employee chooses February 14th as their Floating Holiday and works that day they shall be entitled to holiday premium pay for that day. The floating holiday shall be utilized at the employee’s discretion. However, the selection of the day off is subject to the approval of the DPW Superintendent with at least 48 hours notice. Approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Months and year of service Number of days
Based on Actual starting date Vacation/year
0 to end of first (1st) year 12 days
2 to end of second (2nd) year 14 days
3 to end of fifth (5th) year 16 days
6 to end of ninth (9th) year 20 days
10 to end of fourteenth (14th) year 23 days
15 to end of twentieth (20th) year 26 days
21 years or more 28 days
a) Vacations shall be scheduled by the Supervisor in keeping with considerations related to seniority, work load and good staffing practices to insure efficient operation of their offices and shall be taken between April 1 and December 1 of subject year. Employees shall have the right to carry one years worth of vacation over from one year to the next year and must use it in the second year.
b) New employees shall not be eligible to take vacation or personal days during the first sixty (60) calendar days of their employment.
c) Vacation leave may be taken in one hour increments.
a) Employees within this bargaining unit may take a rest period of not more than fifteen (15) minutes for each half day at a time scheduled by the supervisor. A rest period may not be used to cover an employee’s late arrival to work or early departure, nor may it be regarded a cumulative if not taken. During snow removal operations, Road Department personnel shall be entitled to a twenty (20) minute rest period for each half day of work.
b) Rest periods must be taken by the employee and provided by the employer during the course of the periods specified by the employee’s supervisor in the morning and afternoon of the work day.
c) After twelve (12) hours of consecutive work in an emergency employees shall be entitled one hour sleep time in addition to the above twenty (20) minute rest periods.
a) Township employees are entitled to thirteen (13) sick days per year. New employees will accrue sick leave time in accordance with the contract formula but will not be entitled to sick leave benefits during their initial sixty (60) days of provisional employment. There is no limit on the number of sick days which may be accumulated from one year to the next.
b) “Sick Leave” means paid leave that may be granted to each full time Township employee who, through bona fide sick ness or injury becomes incapacitated to a degree that makes it impossible for him to perform the duties of his position or who is quarantined by a physician because he has been exposed to a contagious disease. Part-time, permanent employees are eligible for sick leave on a pro-rated basis. Part-time, temporary employees are not eligible for sick leave.
c) Part-time employee is one who works less than thirty (30) hours per week. Temporary employee is one who fills a vacancy for which the termination date is part of the employment agreement.
d) A certificate from a physician designated by the Township, or the employee’s own physician, may be required as sufficient proof of the need for sick leave. Failure of the employee to provide such proof, when required, shall result in no payment for his absence from work. Any employee who is on sick leave for three (3) or more days must present to the Administrator, a certificate from his physician, or one designated by the Township, substantiating the employee’s claim for said sick time.
d.1.) Part timers see page 19, Article 42.
e) Full time employees shall accumulate sick leave on the basis of thirteen (13) days of sick leave per year for the period of this contract. New employees will accrue sick leave time on the basis of one point zero eight (1.08) day per month of actual service based on actual starting dates but will not be entitled to sick leave benefits during their initial sixty (60) calendar days of provisional employment. There is no limit on the number of sick days which may be carried forward from one year to the next.
f) Sick days may be taken when necessary for illness - illness herein includes employee’s immediate family, living with employees who required his care at home. In the event of sickness being a member of employee’s immediate family, the physician’s certification provision of this Article shall apply as if the illness were that of the Township employee.
g) Sick leave may be taken in one hour increments.
h) An employee may donate his/her unused banked sick days from one employee to another.
At retirement, an employee will be paid fifty percent (50%) of his/her accumulated sick leave up to a maximum of $15,000. Payment will be made at the rate of pay during the year in which the employee retired. . Any benefits conferred under the provision of this paragraph apply prospectively only, and accrue as of January 1, 1977. In order to reap the benefits of this paragraph, an employee must provide his employer with one year’s prior notice of his intention to retire. The rules and regulations regarding retirement shall be consistent with those established by the Public Employee Retirement System.
a) At the start of the employee’s fifth (5th) year of employment the employee will become eligible for extended sick leave. In the event of a debilitating sickness and/or injury on or off the job, the Township will provide a program which will guarantee an employee (his or her net pay for a period of ninety (90) calendar days, limited to one leave in a 12 month period.
b) At the start of an employee’s 9th year there will be no limit on the number of leaves in a 12 month period.
c) 1.Effective 1/1/09 in order to be eligible for Extended Sick Leave, the employee must have a minimum of 5 days in the accumulated sick leave bank. After 1-1-09, if an employee lacks the minimum requirement stipulated above, there will be a 4 week waiting period without pay before becoming eligible for extended sick leave benefits.
2.Sick Leave Exception- If an employee utilizes their sick leave bank and returns to work, they shall be eligible for extended sick leave pursuant to Article 16, Par. B, if they require another long term absence for another extraordinary event (ie. An illness meeting the requirements of Paragraph D.)
c) If eligible, in accordance with “a” and “b” above, after 90 calendar days an employee may request through Administration representation to Council, up to an additional 90 days of extended sick leave. During the period that an individual is out on sick leave, that person will accumulate sick days in accordance with the contract formula of one day per month. Prior to using the extended sick leave provision of this contract, an employee must give all of his or her previously accumulated sick time and any sick time acquired to date under the contract formula of one day per month in the subject year.
d) Extended sick leave benefits under this Article will commence upon presentation to the appropriate Municipal Official of certification from his or her physician of the debilitation. Further, the employee shall render himself available for examination by a physician selected by the Township. Both physicians must certify the employee’s inability to return to work. In the event that it is determined that an employee would not be able to return to work on a permanent basis, the extended sick leave provisions herein will not apply.
e) It shall be the responsibility of any employee receiving consideration under the extended sick leave benefits of this contract to explore and determine whether he is entitled to any compensation related to disability, worker’s compensation or social security benefits in connection with his injury and/or sickness. If the employee is entitled to these benefits, he shall pursue them accordingly. Any benefits or awards received for the period that the employee is under the extended sick leave portion of this contract, shall be returned to the Township Treasurer to the extend employee has received extended sick leave payments from the Township.
a) Granted to full time employees.
b) Not later than the fourth month, the staff member shall notify the Coordinator of Personnel in writing of the condition of pregnancy. Upon notifying the Coordinator of Personnel, the employee shall let it be known as to plans of continuing employment or taking leave of absence not to exceed ninety days unless prevented from so doing for medical reasons. Notification of pregnancy shall be required from her physician giving the date and her ability to continue her normal duties. She shall give the Coordinator of Personnel a certificate from her physician monthly certifying her ability to continue working.
c.1. Paid Leave – Ninety days to include before and after delivery as determined by the employee (For example: If an employee desires to take leave from one month before expected delivery until 2 months after delivery.)
c.2. It will not be required for employees to use their sick time first when on maternity leave, providing they have been employed per Article 16 above.. While on maternity leave employees shall accumulate sick days in accordance with contract of one (1) day per month.
d) Job to be held open for 6 months.
The individual shall be placed at the same position on the salary schedule that she would have attained had she been employed by the Township during such period.
e) Reimbursement up to $700.00 for medical expenses not covered by employees or spouses medical plan.
a) In the event of death in the employee’s immediate family, the employee shall be granted time off without loss of pay from the day of death or the day of the funeral, but in no event shall said leave exceed five (5) consecutive working days, one of which shall be the day of death or day of the funeral. Bereavement time shall be exclusive of scheduled days off and holidays.
b) The “immediate family” shall include only husband, wife, parents, stepparents, brother, sister, grandparents, grandchildren, child, father and mother-in-law, domestic partner and children of domestic partner or any relative living in the household.
c) Reasonable verification of the event may be required by the Township.
d) Such bereavement leave is not in addition to any holiday, day off, vacation leave or compensatory time off falling within the time of bereavement.
e) An employee may make a request of the Department Head or his designated representative for time off to attend a funeral separate and distinct from bereavement leave. Such request, if granted by the Department Head or his designated representative shall be charged, at the option of the employee, either as a personal day or a vacation day.
f) In the event of the death of any employee’s brother-in-law, sister-in law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, niece, nephew, grandfather and grandmother-in-law the employee shall be granted time off without loss of pay from the day of the death or the day of the funeral, but in no event shall such leave exceed three (3) calendar days.
g) In the event of death of employee’s aunt, uncle, or first cousin the employee shall receive one days leave.
Any employee covered by this agreement who is required to serve on a jury, shall be granted a leave of absence with pay to serve on said jury. During the time that he is serving on said jury, the employee shall receive his full pay from the Township.
a) Any full time employee covered by this agreement that is a member of the United States Reserves, or a State National Guard, or any division of the armed services, and is required to engage in annual active duty training, shall be granted a leave of absence in accordance with applicable State Law. The employee shall be entitled to be paid the difference between his regular Township salary and his military pay if the military pay is less than his regular gross Township pay for the period of military leave.
Taking of military leave shall not reduce any other leave earned by the employee. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to any employee who volunteers for service in the Armed Services of the United States and resigns their job.
bThe Township shall pay the employee his full salary during such military leave and the employee shall deliver his pay to the Township upon being paid by the Military Service in which he is serving.
c) An employee’s family shall continue to be covered under the Township’s medical plan while the employee is on approved military leave.
a) An employee of the Township who is a duly authorized delegate of the Local Union may apply for a leave of absence to attend the International Convention, conferences and educational classes. Said leave of absence shall not exceed five (5) days for any employee in any calendar year, nor shall the number of people so authorized exceed two (2) in number. The employee receiving leave of absence to attend Union conferences as above described, shall be entitled to be paid his or her wages during said leave, except that he shall not be paid for more than five (5) days per year.
b) The Township shall approve the application for leave of absence submitted by the duly authorized delegate, so long as the efficient operation of the Township permits.
c) The total number of working days to be used shall not exceed ten (10) in any calendar year.
a) The Township will grant non-paid leaves of absence to two (2) employees, not more than one (1) from any department, and for period not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days, to accept full-time Union employment. Sixty (60) days notice shall be given to the Township by any employee requesting such leave.
b) All other leaves of absence without pay shall be at the discretion of the Township.
c) Employees returning from authorized leaves of absence as set forth will be restored to their original classification at the then appropriate rate of pay, with no loss of seniority, or other employee rights, privileges, or benefits, provided however, that sick leave and vacation leave and longevity credits shall not accrue with exception of those on military leave.
a) The Township recognizes and shall deal with the accredited Union Shop Steward or Assistant Shop Steward in all matters relating to grievances and interpretation of this agreement.
b) A written list of Shop Steward and Assistant Shop Steward shall be furnished to the employer immediately after their designation and the Union shall notify the employer promptly of any changes of such union stewards.
c) The Township agrees to recognize a maximum of one (1) Shop Steward and one (1) Assistant Shop Steward selected by the Union. These individuals shall be granted a reasonable amount of time during regular working hours, without loss of pay, to present, discuss, and adjust grievances with the Township. Neither a Steward nor an Assistant Shop Steward shall leave their work without first obtaining the permission of their division head, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.
A section of each bulletin board shall be provided by the Township Administration for union information. Nothing shall be posted on the bulletin board without prior approval of the Business Administrator and the union agrees that it will not post anything of a derogatory nature to the employer or information which would incite or provoke job action.
a) The Township agrees to carry hospitalization, medical and major medical insurance for the employee and dependents (inclusive of domestic partners and children of domestic partners, provided a valid NJ Certificate of Domestic Partnership is presented), as follows:-
1: Township of Monroe Medical Group New Jersey Expanded Service Plan H, Coverage Code 655 including a $4.00 co-pay prescription plan effective January 1, 1990 or equivalent in place effective January 1, 2008 with the following prescription co-pays: $5 generic, $15 name brand. Mail order co pays shall be $10 generic, $30 name brand. Retail supply shall be 30 days or 100 units whichever is greater, while mail order supply shall be for 90 days.2: Township of Monroe Dental Service Plan as agreed to is based upon the usual customary and reasonable fee concept.
Benefits: Preventive & Diagnostic 100%
Remaining Basic Benefits 80/20
Crowns & Gold Restoration 50/50
Prosthodontic Services 50/50
The maximum amount payable by Delta for the above dental services provided an eligible patient in any calendar year is $1500.
Fifty ($50) dollar deductible per patient per calendar year, (which is not applicable to the Preventive and Diagnostic benefits.)
One hundred fifty ($150) Family Maximum Aggregate Deductible, (which is not applicable to Preventive and Diagnostic benefit).
Orthodontic co-payment 50/50
Orthodontic Max $1000.00
3: The vision plan in effect on 1/1/08 shall remain in force. The parties agree to review the union vision benefit for possible implementation. The initial cost of twenty dollars ($20.00) will be the deductible per person. The Township shall replace prescription lenses if damaged on the job.
4: The Township shall have the right to change insurance carriers so long as substantially similar benefits are provided. The Township shall provide the Shop Steward and the Union thirty (30) days written notice of such proposed change. A copy of such proposed policy shall be provided to the Union by the Insurance Carrier.
5: Health benefits as they apply to Prescription Drug and or accomplished by other recognized bargaining units under the direct jurisdiction of the Municipal Government during the term of this contract shall automatically be provided to employees covered by this contract.
6: Effective January 1, 1993, retirees with twenty five (25) years or more of service (and spouse and dependent children thru age 23) will be covered by hospitalization/prescription, also employees (and spouse and dependent children thru age 23) who must retire on disability. Effective 1/1/08, the terms of paragraph A shall be applied prospectively for active employees. Future retirees shall be maintained at the coverage levels and benefits in effect at the time of retirement.
7: SURVIVOR BENEFITS – Effective January 1, 1990, retirees with twenty five (25) years or more of service (and spouse and dependent children thru age 23) will be covered by Hospitalization/Prescription, also employees (and spouse and dependent children thru age 23) who must retire on disability. Upon demise of covered participant, the surviving spouse is covered for the duration of their lifetime.
b) The Employer shall pay for and/or provide all employees with a lyme disease test.
8. Any employee opting out of the Employer’s Major Medical, Chiroparctic, Dental and/or Vision plans shall receive the “opt out payment”, in leiu of benefits, no later than the second payroll in November. Effective 1/1/08 the opt out payment calculation shall be capped at 50% of the 2007 premium amounts.
The Township shall establish a POLICY PROCEDURES MANUAL which shall be equitably applied and enforced. Copies of the POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL shall be distributed to all employees covered by this Agreement and to the Union. In the event, any changes made in the POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL conflict with matters affecting this Agreement the terms of this agreement shall prevail.
a) An employee shall within three (3) working days of a written request to the Personnel Department, during the term of this agreement, have an opportunity to review his personnel file, in the presence of an appropriate official of the Personnel Department, to examine any criticism, commendation or evaluation of his work performance or conduct prepared by the Township. He shall be allowed to place in such file a response of reasonable length to anything contained therein.
b) Each regular written evaluation of work performance shall be reviewed with the employees and evidence of this review shall be the required signature of the employee on the evaluation form. Such signature shall not be construed to mean agreement with the content of the evaluation unless such agreement is stated thereon.
c) Management and supervisory personnel shall not use the prospect of issuing a poor evaluation to intimidate an employee during the course of his daily job performance. This paragraph shall not be construed to mean that a manager or supervisor cannot complete a poor evaluation for an employee whose performance is found less than satisfactory.
The Administration and the Union recognize and agree that all provisions of this agreement are subject to law. In the event that any provision of the agreement is rendered illegal or invalid under any applicable law or state or federal regulations, such illegality or invalidity shall affect only the particular provision which shall be deemed invalid and inoperative, but all other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in effect. The parties agree to immediately negotiate a substitute provision for the invalidated portion thereof.
1. Personal Days
a) Employees covered by the provisions of this agreement shall be entitled to four (4) days with pay for personal business. Said leave shall not be taken unless 48 hours notice thereof has been given to the employee’s supervisor. In the event that less than 48 hours is given, said leave may be taken only upon authorization by said supervisor. Employees shall be entitled to one (1) no notice, no reason, personal day.
b) The Township reserves the right to deny requests for personal days as conditions warrant, but authorization shall not be unreasonably withheld.
c) Personal leave may be taken in one (1) hour increments
2. Compensatory Time (CTO)
a) In lieu of being paid overtime, employees shall be allowed to accumulate 12 hours (the equivalent of 8 hours overtime at time and one-half) of compensatory time in any one month period, subject to the following rules:
1. Compensatory time must be used in the 30 day period of the month after which it is earned.
2. CTO must be scheduled for use by the end of the month in which it is earned.
3. At least two employees shall be allowed to use CTO on any one day.
4. CTO may not be banked or cashed out. It must be taken in the month after which it is earned.
5. CTO may only be earned on time worked over 40 hours in any one work week which would otherwise have paid time and one-half to the employee. No CTO can be earned when performing premium construction work during regular working hours or when performing overtime work at 2X or 3X regular pay.
a) An employee may be disciplined, suspended or discharged only for a just cause.
b) An employee who loses their CDL license and is unable to perform their job shall receive a 17% reduction in their rate of pay for the period of time their license is revoked. In addition, those employees will have no driving privileges.
b) Discharge cases may be processed at the third step of the Grievance Procedure.
c) Any verbal reprimand more than twelve (12) months old shall be removed from an employee’s personal file provided no similar violations have occurred within the same 12 month period.
a) Existing or planned job vacancies will be posted for 14 days on the bulletin boards. The posting will include:
1: a description of the job
2: qualifications required
3: location of the vacancy
4: procedures to be followed by employees interested in making
b) Jobs vacated in an Union position shall be posted and filled within thirty (30) days and shall be filled from bargaining unit employees when qualified applicants apply.
Employees temporarily assigned to higher titles will receive the pay for the higher title for all days so assigned when such assignment takes place. Assignments to a higher title can only be made through the approval of the Supervisor. This provision shall not be invoked when such coverage is required to provide staffing and services required to accommodate vacation periods.
The Employer and the Union shall each designate a Safety Committee member. It shall be their joint responsibility to investigate and correct unsafe and unhealthful conditions. They shall meet periodically as necessary to review conditions in general and to make recommendation to either or both parties when appropriate. The Safety Committee member representing the Union shall be permitted reasonable opportunity to visit work locations throughout the Employer’s facilities for the purpose of investigating safety and health conditions during working hours with no loss of pay.
The Employer and the Union have recognized that cooperation between management and labor is indispensable to the accomplishment of sound and harmonious labor relations, shall jointly maintain and support a Labor-Management Committee.
The parties agree that they have fully bargained and agreed upon all terms and conditions of employment and that this agreement represents and incorporates the complete and final understanding and settlement by the parties of all bargainable issues which were or could have been the subject of negotiations.
a) The salaries to be paid to employees in various job classifications covered by this agreement shall be increased by the following amounts:
2008- 4.25%
2010- 4.25%
The pay scales for all job titles is attached hereto as Appendix A.
b) Road Paving
1. Effective January 1, 2002 Road Paving shall be amended to include all curb work, sidewalks, drains,catch basin repair. .
2. Equipment operators, black top machine driver, left and right operators and roller operator shall be compensated as follows:
At the rate of mason or welder rates during the hours of black topping.
All other members of paving crew shall be compensated at time and one half (1 ½) their normal hourly rate.
3, Set up pay-General Foremen only -will receive two (2) hours straight time pay.
4, Effective 1/1/08, Road Department Foremen shall be eligible for the premium pay for the actual time performing the job
For the purposes of clarification, employees when doing paving or plumbing or carpentry shall be paid at the following schedule:
Skilled: At mason/welder/carpentry & plumbing rate
Laborers: Shall receive time and one-half
c) Mechanics
Mechanics and mechanics helper shall continue to receive compensation for the use of their tools as follows:
Mechanic 2008- $775.00 2009- $800.00
Mechanic’s Helper $500.00 per year
Effective January 1, 2006 the CDL adjustment in effect at the time was rolled into the base pay.
e) Employees shall receive their regular step increases on their respective anniversary dates unless otherwise stipulated in Appendix A.
a) This Agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 2008 and shall remain in full force and effective until December 31, 2010.
The Union shall submit, in writing, its demand for collective negotiations with the Township no later than September 1st of the calendar year proceeding the expiration period of the existing Agreement. The parties agree to commence negotiations at reasonable times thereafter to negotiate in accordance with Chapter 303 Public Laws of 1968 and its successors.
No member of the union bargaining committee shall suffer any loss in pay to attend negotiating sessions.
a) The Township will provide an annual uniform/clothing allowance of $800 in 2008, $825 in 2009, and $850 in 2010. There shall be no change in the clothing currently provided by the Township as per the uniform memorandum which shall be attached to this Agreement, except that in 2008 employees must purchase raingear.
a) The Township will provide longevity compensation as follows:
b) Beginning of 5 yrs 5.0%
10 yrs 6.0%
15 yrs 7.0%
20 yrs 8%
25 yrs 11%
Upon the signing of this agreement, each covered employee with ten (10) or more years of service with the Township of Monroe may, at his discretion, opt to have his longevity included into his annual base salary. Those employees wishing to exercise this option, must submit a written request to the Treasurer no later than the first week in December prior to January 1st of the year for which the request is written.
If no request for change of longevity status is received by the Treasurer, your longevity will be paid to you in the same manner as the preceding year. Those employees not interested or eligible to have their longevity incorporated into their base salaries will continue to receive their annual longevity paid in one check in the second week of November for the subject year of service.
b) For computation purposes, beginning of service shall be considered as January 1 of the subject year for all employees beginning service between January 1 of the subject year for all employees beginning service between July 1 of the subject year and December 31 of that year.
Definition – Any grievance or dispute which may arise between the parties involving the application, meaning or interpretation of this agreement.
Step 1: Informal Division Head
Within five (5) days of the time a grievance arises or within five (5) days of the date when the grievant shall know of its occurrence, the employee either directly or accompanied by a steward will present the grievance in writing to the Division Head. Within three (3) working days after presentation of the grievance, the Division Head will render a written decision to the employee and the Steward.
Step 2: Formal Department Head
Within five (5) days of written answer from the Division Head, if the grievance is not resolved, the employee shall file a written grievance to the Department Head outlining the employee’s exceptions to the Division Head’s decision. The Department Head will arrange a meeting with the employee and the Local Union Shop Steward not later than five (5) working days towards the end of attempting to resolve the grievance. The Department Head shall give written answer to the employee and Shop Steward not later than five (5) working days.
Step 3: Formal Business Administrator
Within ten (10) days of the written answer, if the grievance is not resolved, it shall be filed with the Business Administrator noting all exceptions to previous decisions. The Business Administrator will arrange a meeting at a mutually agreeable time and place not later than ten (10) working days after receipt of a written grievance.
The aggrieved party, the Shop Steward, and the Union’s Business Representative shall be entitled to be present at the meeting. The Business Administrator shall give a written answer to the grievance of the employee and the union within ten (10) working days after the meeting, or within such additional period of time that may be mutually agreed upon.
A group grievance, one that may affect a group of employees, may be presented by the Union at Step 3. Any grievance not processed to the next Step in Grievance Procedure within the time limits provided for such proceeding shall be deemed to have been waived and abandoned by the moving party.
If the grievance procedure set forth in Article 40 does not result in a satisfactory determination, arbitration may be requested upon completion of the procedures set forth under Article 40.
The request for arbitration shall be by written notice to the New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) within twenty (20) days of the denial of the grievance. The arbitrator shall be selected by the Employer and the Union from a list of arbitrators supplied by PERC according to established rules and procedures. The Employer and the Union shall agree to comply with the rules and regulations of PERC.
The decision of the arbitrator shall be binding on the parties, and the arbitrator shall be requested to issue his decision within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of testimony and argument. Expenses for the arbitrator’s services and the proceedings shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, provided it pays for the record and makes copies available, without charge, to the other party and to the arbitrator.
The arbitrator’s function is to interpret the provision of the Agreement and to decide cases of alleged violation of such provisions. The arbitrator shall not supplement, enlarge, or alter the scope or meaning of the Agreement or any provision therein, not entertain jurisdiction of any subject matter not covered by the Agreement.
Less than 30 hours/week Less than 20 hours/week
excluded from: excluded from:
Health Benefits Health Benefits
Life Insurance Life Insurance
Personal Days Personal Days
Longevity Longevity
And any other benefits
20 to 29 hours/week entitled to:
Pro-rated Sick Leave
Pro-rated Holidays
Pro-rated Vacation
a) The Township encourages the exploration of relevant training programs and will consider payment of reasonable cost for enrollment in seminars and training courses related to an employee’s area of services to the Township. Consideration of payment by the Township will require that the employee explore available courses to be offered and discuss these programs and costs with their supervisor to insure that the appropriate budget considerations are made to allow for these expenses. No employee shall be entitled to consideration of payment for course cost unless they have received the written consent of their Division and Department Head.
b) The Employer and the Union will create a Union Management Committee to establish a scholarship committee to award on a random basis four (4) five ($500.00) hundred dollar scholarships per year to replace the Local 911 Educational Fund.
Should the Mayor and Council declare a weather emergency or holiday and, as a result, the employees in the Town Hall are sent home, then the employees in the Road Department shall start to be paid premium overtime pay at double time (2X) their regular rate of pay for the rest of the hours they are scheduled to work on that day.
This agreement shall become effective January 1, 2008 and shall continue in full force and effect until December 31, 2010. This agreement shall automatically renew itself from year to year thereafter, unless either of the parties is given notice in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date to change, modify, or terminate this agreement. In such cases the

Rates above reflect the inclusion of the CDL A and/or B stipend into the base wage. Therefore the contract language regarding CDL stipends will be deleted from the agreement.
A step advancement upon attaining new CDL classification shall be effective the next payroll following the Department Head’s receipt of proof of license.
Roads Equipment Operator– all existing Light at Step 2 and all existing Heavy at Step 3. Advancement to Step 4 requires CDL A, Tanker Endorsement A.
Jurgelsky will be re-titled to Master Equipment Operator Step 4. Job description to reflect proficiency on all machines and ability to train others. All future Master EO shall require the same specifications as Equipment Operators.
Laborers must have CDL Class B before advancing to Step 2, and will advance through all four steps and demonstrate proficiency in all vehicles requiring Class B before advancing to Truck Driver Step 1.
Truck Driver – . The advancement to Step 4 is contingent upon having a Class A license and demonstrated proficiency in all Class A and B vehicles including roll-off.
Any building maintenance workers with five (5) years of service shall move to Step 1 Sr. Building Maintenance Workers.
BLUE COLLAR WORKER SALARY AND WAGES | | | |  | | | | | | | | |
| 2008 | 2008 | 2008 | 2008 | 2009 | 2009 | 2009 | 2009 | 2010 | 2010 | 2010 | 2010 |
POSITION | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Asst. General Forman | $60,074 | $63,633 | $67,402 | $71,401 | $62,627 | $66,337 | $70,267 | $74,436 | $65,289 | $69,156 | $73,253 | $77,600 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Bldg. & Grounds Forman | $40,574 | $43,472 | $45,606 | $47,847 | $42,298 | $45,320 | $47,544 | $49,880 | $44,096 | $47,246 | $49,565 | $52,000 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Bldg. Maintenance Worker | $31,717 | $33,267 | $34,881 | $36,588 | $33,065 | $34,681 | $36,363 | $38,143 | $34,470 | $36,155 | $37,908 | $39,764 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Master Equipment Operator | $53,160 | $56,341 | $58,528 | $59,716 | $55,419 | $58,735 | $61,015 | $62,254 | $57,774 | $61,231 | $63,608 | $64,900 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Road Equipment Operator | $40,905 | $42,531 | $47,146 | $49,690 | $42,643 | $44,339 | $49,150 | $51,802 | $44,455 | $46,223 | $51,239 | $54,004 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Parks Equipment Operator | $35,484 | $38,736 | $40,905 | $42,531 | $36,992 | $40,382 | $42,643 | $44,339 | $38,564 | $42,098 | $44,455 | $46,223 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
DPW Clerk Dispatcher | $32,000 | $34,000 | $36,000 | $38,000 | $33,360 | $35,445 | $37,530 | $39,615 | $34,778 | $36,951 | $39,125 | $41,299 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sign Technician/Info Tech | $39,000 | $41,000 | $43,000 | $47,000 | $40,658 | $42,743 | $44,828 | $48,998 | $42,386 | $44,560 | $46,733 | $51,080 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
General Forman | $63,962 | $67,006 | $70,992 | $75,202 | $66,680 | $69,854 | $74,009 | $78,398 | $69,514 | $72,823 | $77,154 | $81,730 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Truck Driver | $36,852 | $38,696 | $40,629 | $42,878 | $38,418 | $40,341 | $42,356 | $44,700 | $40,051 | $42,055 | $44,156 | $46,600 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Truck Driver/Parks | $33,527 | $35,164 | $36,883 | $38,687 | $34,952 | $36,658 | $38,451 | $40,331 | $36,437 | $38,216 | $40,085 | $42,045 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Laborer | $31,717 | $33,527 | $34,881 | $36,588 | $33,065 | $34,952 | $36,363 | $38,143 | $34,470 | $36,437 | $37,908 | $39,764 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Mechanic | $44,540 | $46,659 | $48,902 | $51,244 | $46,433 | $48,642 | $50,980 | $53,422 | $48,406 | $50,709 | $53,147 | $55,692 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Mechanic's Helper | $31,717 | $33,267 | $34,881 | $36,588 | $33,065 | $34,681 | $36,363 | $38,143 | $34,470 | $36,155 | $37,908 | $39,764 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Welder | $43,540 | $45,659 | $47,902 | $50,244 | $45,390 | $47,600 | $49,938 | $52,379 | $47,319 | $49,623 | $52,060 | $54,605 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Road Dept. Forman | $54,160 | $57,341 | $59,528 | $60,716 | $56,462 | $59,778 | $62,058 | $63,296 | $58,862 | $62,319 | $64,695 | $65,986 |
BLUE COLLAR WORKER SALARY AND WAGES | | | |  | | | | | | | | |
| 2008 | 2008 | 2008 | 2008 | 2009 | 2009 | 2009 | 2009 | 2010 | 2010 | 2010 | 2010 |
POSITION | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Sr. Bldg. Maintenance Worker | $39,097 | $41,037 | $42,976 | $45,061 | $40,759 | $42,781 | $44,802 | $46,976 | $42,491 | $44,599 | $46,706 | $48,972 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sign Technician | $39,097 | $41,037 | $42,976 | $45,061 | $40,759 | $42,781 | $44,802 | $46,976 | $42,491 | $44,599 | $46,706 | $48,972 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sr. Mechanic | $53,831 | $55,999 | $58,168 | $60,942 | $56,119 | $58,379 | $60,640 | $63,532 | $58,504 | $60,860 | $63,217 | $66,232 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Skilled Worker: | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Mason, Welder or Paver | $34.67 | $35.45 | $35.45 | $38.76 | $36.14 | $36.96 | $36.96 | $40.41 | $37.68 | $38.53 | $38.53 | $42.13 |
Carpenter, Plumber | | | | | | | | | | | | |