349983_1 2
Agreement Between
July 1, 2024 thru June 30, 2028
Preamble 5
Article 1 – Recognition 6
Article 2 – Negotiation Procedure 7
Article 3 – Grievance Procedures 8
Article 4 – Right of the Board of Education 10
Article 5 – Rights of the Association 11
Article 6 – School Calendar 12
Article 7 – Teaching Hours and Teaching Load 13
Article 8 – Early Retirement 15
Article 9 – Non-Teaching Assignments 16
Article 10 – Teacher Employment 17
Article 11 – Salaries 18
Article 12 – Teacher Assignments 20
Article 13 – Promotions 21
Article 14 – Teacher Evaluations 22
Article 15 – Fair Dismissal 24
Article 16 – Teacher/Administrator Liaison 25
Article 17 – Sick Leave 26
Article 18 – Temporary Leave of Absence 31
Article 19 – Extended Leave of Absence 32
Article 20 – Educational Assistance 33
Article 21 – Sabbatical Leave 34
Article 22 – Insurance Protection 36
Article 23 – Substitutes 37
Article 24 – Dress Code 38
Article 25 – Miscellaneous Provisions 39
Article 26 – Duration of Agreement 41
Schedule A – Teachers 10 Month Salary Guides
Schedule B – Salaries of Special Services Personnel
Schedule C – Substitute’s Pay
Schedule D – Extra Service Positions Guide
Schedule E – Additional Compensation
Schedule F – After Workday, Weekend, and Overnight Trips
Schedule G – Summer Course of Study
Schedule H – Special Education Bus Duty Stipend
Schedule I – Teachers 12 Month Salary Guide
This Agreement entered into by and between the Board of Education of the Borough of Ridgefield, New Jersey, hereinafter called the “Board”, and the Ridgefield Education Association, hereinafter called the “Association”, encompasses the agreement reached by the parties after negotiations in accordance with Chapter 123 of the Laws of the State of New Jersey as amended.
The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiation concerning grievances and terms and conditions of employment for the following personnel under contract and on an annual basis:
A. All certificated full-time and regular part-time teaching staff members, including non-certificated Licensed Practicing Nurses (LPN), excluding supervisors and administrators.
B. All other persons, positions and units not specifically defined above are excluded.
C. Under this Contract, the term “teachers” as used throughout shall refer to all teaching staff.
The parties agree to enter into collective negotiation over a successor agreement in accordance with Chapter 123, Public Laws 1974, in good-faith effort to reach agreement on terms and conditions of teacher employment. Such negotiations shall be conducted according to the time guidelines promulgated by P.E.R.C. Any agreement or amendment to the Agreement so negotiated shall apply to all teachers, be reduced to writing, and signed by the Board and the Association. No agreement is binding until ratified by the Association and approved by the Board at a regular convened public meeting.
A. A “grievance” is a claim based upon an event or condition which affects terms and conditions of employment of a teacher or group of teachers, and/or the interpretation, meaning, or application of any of the provisions of the Agreement.
B. An “aggrieved person” is the person or persons making the claim.
C. A “party in interest” is the person or persons making the claim, and any person who might be required to take action, or against whom action may be taken in order to resolve the claim.
A. The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible level, solutions to the problems which may from time to time arise affecting the terms and conditions of employment of teachers. Both parties agree these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of procedure.
B. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of any teacher to discuss informally with any appropriate member of the administration situations which may lead to a grievance. The situation may be adjusted without intervention of the Association provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with terms of this Agreement.
A. A grievance must be filed within fifteen (15) school days of its occurrence. Past related incidents may be presented to support the initiated grievance.
B. Since it is important that a grievance be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum, and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limit specified may, however, be extended or reduced by mutual consent.
C. In general, three levels of discussion are provided in the communication channel. First, with specific School Principal; second, with the Superintendent of Schools; and third, with the Board.
D. Grievances at all levels stating the contractual violations and/or the specific terms and conditions of employment which affected the grievant shall be submitted in writing to the interested parties. Prior to filing any grievance, the Association shall notify in writing those employees who are or may be affected.
E. Level 1: Discussions at this level will be between the individual School Principal and the staff member, or the Professional Committee of the Association representing the individual or group. Failure to resolve questions at this level within ten (10) school days would permit the aggrieved party to take the grievance to the second level within five (5) school days.
F. Level 2: Discussions at this level will be between the Superintendent of Schools and the staff member, or the Professional Committee of the Association representing the individual or group. Failure to resolve questions at this level within ten (10) school days would permit the aggrieved party to take the grievance to the third level within five (5) school days.
G. Level 3: Discussions at this level will be between the Board, the Superintendent of Schools and the staff member, or Professional Committee of the Association representing the individual or group. The Board shall render its decision within twenty (20) school days from the receipt of the grievance.
H. Advisory arbitration shall be the final step in the grievance procedure and the parties shall petition P.E.R.C. for an advisory arbitrator. There shall be a maximum of three (3) such arbitrations per contract year. Excluded from advisory arbitration are the following:
1. Issues in dispute listed under NJSA 34:13A-29
2. Any educational matters excluded by law from arbitration
I. Any step may be bypassed by mutual consent of the parties involved. If at any step, authority is lacking to satisfy the grievance, that step shall be automatically bypassed. However, parties at all steps will be notified that a grievance is being filed.
J. If a decision has been rendered at any level, the grievance becomes null and void if the aggrieved party or his representatives do not appeal to the next higher level within the stipulated number of days.
K. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated selected representatives, heretofore referred to in this Article.
L. The grievance must be hand delivered to the Principal, Superintendent, or Business Administrator in proper order. The receipt must be written acknowledgment of its delivery, with time and date duly noted.
M. Whenever a grievance is originally filed, the Superintendent of Schools shall receive a copy of the grievance immediately so that he may be fully informed of its nature. The one filing the grievance shall be responsible for a copy being delivered to the Superintendent.
Any party in interest may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself, and/or at his/her option, by a representative selected or approved by the Association. When a teacher is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present and to state its views at all steps of the grievance procedures unless the aggrieved party objects.
A. The Association recognizes the Board as the public agency charged by the New Jersey State Legislature under the mandate of the Constitution, with the management in the school district of the Borough of Ridgefield of a thorough and efficient system of free public schools.
B. The Board hereby retains and reserves unto itself, without limitations other than those expressly set forth by law and by the terms of this Agreement, all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and Constitution of the State of New Jersey.
A. The Board agrees to make available, from time to time, upon written request and reasonable notice by the Association, all available public information.
B. Whenever any representative of the Association or any teacher participates during work hours in negotiation, grievance procedures, conferences or meetings requested by the Board or mutually convened, he shall suffer no loss in pay.
C. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings, subject to the approval of the building principal.
D. The rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives, as set forth in this Agreement, shall be granted only to the Association as the exclusive representative of the teachers, and to no other teacher organizations.
A. The Board recognizes the desirability of discussions on the matter of the school calendar between the Association and the administration. All suggestions will receive consideration, but the Board retains the right of final approval of the school calendar.
B. The normal in-school work year shall be completed between September 1 and June 30. The work year shall include 185 days with pupils in attendance, plus one day for workshops, plus two days prior to the opening of school. In the event that schools are closed for emergency days, these days shall not be made up, except as made necessary to meet state mandates.
C. All single sessions at the close of the school year shall be granted on a system-wide basis.
D. On Back to School Night there shall be a delayed opening on the day following Back to School Night. All teachers shall be required to attend Back to School Night at each school where the teacher has an assignment. If a teacher has multiple schools they shall attend Back to School night at each school. This is limited to two (2) nights for Back to School Night during each school year of the contract. These teachers who attend more then one Back to School Night shall receive one half (½) day off for each Back to School Night attended.
A. As professionals, teachers are expected to devote to their assignments the time necessary to meet their responsibilities. Teachers shall be required to sign in and shall be required to sign out if leaving the building prior to the end of the regular day. All such sign in and out procedures shall be in the main office.
B. Every effort will be made to keep teaching loads within reasonable limits, and to minimize the changing of teaching stations.
C. 1. Teachers shall have a duty free lunch period of at least the same length as the students.
2. Teachers in buildings having closed lunch periods shall notify the office before leaving the building.
D. 1. Teachers may be required to remain at the end of the regular workday without additional compensation for the purpose of attending faculty or other professional meetings. Such meetings shall begin as soon as possible after the student dismissal time, preferably within ten minutes. The administrative staff member convening the meeting is expected to use good judgment in the number of meetings called and the length of such meetings.
2. In addition to Article 6.D and provided it has no effect on the Stipend List, Teachers may be required to attend up to 2 (per school year) meetings and/or activities, of their choice, for at least 30 minutes, involving parent programs focused on Ridgefield Public Schools students without additional compensation.
3. Teachers in Grades K-12 may be required to attend 1 evening of parent-teacher conferences for a period not to exceed 4 consecutive hours (i.e., 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM). Said conferences will be scheduled by September 30 of each school year.
E. Classroom teachers shall, in addition to their lunch period, have daily preparation time during which they shall not be assigned any other duties. This preparation time shall be as follows:
1. Elementary K-8 – 180 minutes per week, which shall be both a minimum and a maximum. In the event there are no special teachers, the teachers are still entitled to 180 minutes per week.
2. High School 9-12 – Two periods per day.
3. All 7th and 8th grade teachers receive a 43 minute prep. daily.
4. Teachers in grades 3-6 shall have one 43-minute lunch duty per week or morning duty three days per week.
5. Except for the teachers currently teaching 7th and 8th grade – these teachers shall not have the same duties currently existing for K-6 for as long as the teach 7th and 8th grade.
6. During the term of this Contract, new hires for 7th and 8th grade grades shall have the same duty assignment as K-6 teachers.
7. Teachers’ preparation (prep) time is to be used at the professional discretion of the teacher. The only exception to this shall be for the sole purpose of no more than five (5) IEP or 504 meetings per school year. Any loss of prep time thereafter for any reason shall be compensated in accordance with scheduled C: Substitute’s Pay.
F. Exceptions to Sections “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E” above may be made only in cases where there is an immediate vacancy or something outside of the control of administration. The Association shall be notified in each such instance.
G. Teacher participation in field trips, which extend beyond the teacher’s in-school workday, and overnight or weekend trips, and trips beyond the in-school workday shall be voluntary. Those teachers participating in overnight field trips shall be compensated according to Schedule F. Those teachers participating in field trips that extend beyond the length of the normal school day shall be compensated according to Schedule F.
H. Except as otherwise provided for in Article 7 D, all teachers shall be at their assigned building or room at least 10 minutes before the start of the student day and shall remain at least 10 minutes after the student day.
A. Personnel covered by this Contract who retire will be entitled to compensation for unused sick leave and personal leave pursuant to the following procedure and schedule:
1. If the retirement is to be during the duration of this Contract, the personnel involved must have completed twenty-five (25) years of service in the Ridgefield School District by the end of the school year in which the retirement from the District is to take place.
2. In order to receive the compensation for this Article (8), the personnel seeking compensation must give written notification of one’s intention to retire from the District to the Superintendent of Schools by January 31 in the school year prior to the school year in which the retirement from the District is to take effect. For example, if retirement is effective July 1, 2020 intention to retire must be submitted by January 31, 2020. Or, if retirement is effective January 1, 2021 intention to retire must be submitted by January 31, 2020.
3. Compensation shall be as follows:
a. The rate of one half (½) of the personnel’s per diem base salary during the individual’s final year (computed at 1/200 of the annual base salary for a 10-month employee, and 1/240 of annual salary for 12-month employees) times the number accumulated sick days and personal days to the personnel’s credit on October 30 pursuant to A-2.
b. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Article (8), no personnel who retires from the District shall be entitled to receive under the Article more than Fifteen Thousand ($15,000) nor shall the District’s total financial obligation hereunder exceed One-Hundred Thousand ($100,000) in any one fiscal year (July - June). In the event that under this Article (8) the District’s liability, if not for the One -Hundred Thousand Dollars($100,000) maximum cap, would exceed One-Hundred Thousand dollars ($100,000) each personnel retirement shall be proportionally reduced so that the District liability does not exceed One-Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000)
c. Eligible early retirees retiring July 1st will be paid by September 1st of the same year. All others will be paid the following school-year. For example, if retirement is effective July 1, 2020 payment will be made by September 1, 2020. Or, if retirement is effective January 1, 2021 payment will be made by September 1, 2021.
A. Whenever possible, based on the recommendations of the administration, clerical duties shall not be assigned to the teachers.
B. All homeroom teachers of grades K through 12 shall be required to submit daily attendance through the District’s student database system.
C. A teacher shall be assigned to the disciplinary supervision of children outside of the classroom as part of a duty assignment. For example detention hall, lunch duty, etc. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Contract including Article 9-C, two (2) high school teachers shall be assigned to supervisory duties after school for up to 45 minutes following the end of the last student class period on every day that school is in session. Assignments shall be made by the Principal on an equitable and rotating basis.
D. All teachers shall keep a daily plan book. Teachers will turn in their plan books to the Superintendent or his designee on a regularly scheduled basis. These plans shall be written one week in advance (completed by Friday for the following week). These plans shall include:
1. Statement of the unit topic.
2. Instructional objective(s) that include(s) student outcome(s).
3. Each instructional objective must be related to the cumulative progress indicators of New Jersey’s approved state standards.
4. Procedures, activities, and/or techniques to be used to meet the instructional objectives.
5. Instructional materials to be used including pages in the text, which the lesson covers.
6. Means of assessing the achievement of the objective(s).
7. Homework assignments, if appropriate.
E. The District will provide copies of or electronic access to the approved state standards.
F. Teachers will have the discretion to modify the time and delivery of any lesson plan to reflect individual circumstances.
G. Each teacher shall be responsible for providing specific plans for a substitute so that a meaningful program can be followed.
H. Course of Study Work, under the jurisdiction of the Superintendent and/or his designee, done by teachers during the summer vacation shall be paid at the rate in Schedule G.
A. The Board agrees to hire for every regular teaching assignment only certified teachers holding certificates issued by the New Jersey Board of Examiners.
B. Each person presently employed shall be placed on the proper step of the salary schedule at the beginning of this contract year. The entrance level salary is to be negotiated between the job applicant and the Superintendent of Schools. Submittals for column movement effective September 1st must be made by September 15th, and for February 1st by February 1st with the Superintendent’s office.
C. A maximum credit of four years may be granted for military service or alternative civilian service required by the Selective Service System.
D. Previously accumulated unused sick leave days shall be restored to all returning teachers who return to the district within two (2) calendar years from the date of leaving the Board. In the event a teacher leaves the Board in June of any year in order to obtain the credits in this sub-paragraph, the said teacher must return to the employ of the Board by the first school day in September following the second consecutive June measured from the June when said teacher left the employ of the Board.
E. If a salary agreement has been reached for the ensuing years, teachers shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year in accordance with the date established by NJ State Statutes, provided said teachers have been employed since the beginning of the school year.
F. Teachers shall give sixty (60) days notice of intent to leave the school system.
A. The salaries of all teachers covered by the Agreement are set forth in Schedules “A-1" (2020-2021), “A-2" (2021-2022), “A-3" (2022-2023), “A-4” (2023-2024), "I-1" (2020-2021), "I-2" (2021-2022), "I-3" (2022-2023) and “I-4” (2023-2024) which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Teacher Salary Guides shall be increased as follows and shall be inclusive of increment:
2024-2025: 3.5% + $20,000.00 for salary guide improvements
2025-2026: 3.5% + $20,000.00 for salary guide improvements
2025-2026: 3.5%
2026-2027: 3.5%
B. The salaries of all teachers and coaches for extra service positions covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule D which is attached hereto and made part hereof.
C. Teachers may elect to have a portion of their salaries deducted from their pay and deposited to accounts in the Visions Federal Credit Union and/or tax sheltered annuity plan in effect at the time of the signing of the Contract.
D. All teachers shall be paid semi-monthly for the term of their contracts.
E. Teachers will receive the first paycheck following the summer recess on the fifteenth of September or on the last working day before September 15th if the latter falls on a weekend or holiday.
F. The Board emphasizes that increments as outlined in this guide are not automatic. Advancements on the schedule will be subject to the Principal’s recommendation and the approval of the Superintendent and the Board.
G. Teachers shall have the option to participate in a summer savings plan pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:29-3.
H. Any teacher employed in the Ridgefield Public School District ("District") for the period of time set forth below shall receive longevity increments above the salary guide as follows:
• Completion of 15-19 years of service in the applicable school year in the District – $1,300
• Completion of 20-24 years of service in the applicable school year in the District – $1,600
• Completion of 25 or more years of service in the applicable school year in the District – $2,600
I. The starting salary for Licensed Practicing Nurses will be $31,765, to increase commensurate with yearly settlement percentages.
J. All current 10-month teachers, who have never worked the Extended School Year (“ESY”) program in the past, and all new hires, are ineligible for placement on the current 12-month teacher salary guide for those teachers involved in the Extended School Year (“ESY”) program. All current 10-month teachers, who have never worked the ESY program in the past, and all new hires who teach in the ESY program will receive an annual stipend of seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00). All current 12-month teachers on the 12-month teacher salary guide can only voluntarily opt out for two (2) ESY programs to remain on the 12-month teacher salary guide. If a current 12-month teacher voluntarily opts out for more than two (2) ESY programs, he/she will be moved to the same salary step on the 10-month teacher salary guide. ARTICLE 12
A. 1. All teachers shall be given written notice of their salary schedules, class and /or subject assignment for the forthcoming year no later than the end of the school year.
2. The Superintendent shall give notice of assignments to new teachers as soon as practicable and, except in emergency, no later then August 1.
3. In the event that changes in such schedules, class and/or subject assignments are proposed after the end of the school year, the Principal shall explain such changes to the teacher and the Association, and give notice as soon as practicable.
B. Schedules of teachers who are assigned to more than one school shall be arranged so that no such teachers shall be required to engage in an unreasonable amount of interschool travel. Such teachers shall be informed of any changes in their schedules as soon as practicable and will be given no less than 15 minutes for travel time and assigned parking at each school.
A. A promotional position is one involving additional responsibility and compensation.
B. Notice of vacancies for promotions, extra service positions and/or newly created positions shall be posted in various schools at the direction of the Superintendent. These posted notices shall include a deadline date, not less than five (5) work days from the date of posting, for the receipt of applications for such positions.
C. No position shall be filled until all appropriately submitted applications have been considered.
A. 1. All monitoring or observations of work performances of the teacher shall be conducted openly and with the full knowledge of the teacher.
2. Teachers shall be evaluated only by persons appointed by the Superintendent and certified by the New Jersey Board of Examiners to supervise instruction.
B. 1. The term “evaluation” shall be construed to mean a written evaluation prepared by the administrator of a teaching staff member’s total performance, including but not limited to the staff member’s observed performance during the instructional process.
2. The term “observation” shall be construed to mean a visitation to a classroom by an administrator or staff member who holds an appropriate certificate for the supervision of instruction, for the purpose of observing a teaching staff member’s performance of the instructional process.
3 When an observation is constructed, the teacher shall provide the observer with the lesson plan in his/her plan book at the time of the observation that is directly related to the lesson being observed.
4. Each observation shall be followed within a reasonable period of time by a conference between the administrative or supervisory staff member and the teaching staff member, and will be completed through the NJDOE approved framework approved by the Board. It is further agreed that both parties to such a conference will sign the written observation report and retain a copy for his/her records.
5. Any teacher who wishes to respond in writing to his/her evaluation or observation shall have ten (10) school days in which to do so. Such response shall be attached to the observation and made part of the teacher’s personnel file.
6. A teacher shall have the right, upon written request, to review the contents of his/her personnel file, and to be able to copy the contents.
7. a. No material derogatory to a teacher’s conduct, service, character, or personality shall be place in his/her personnel file unless the teacher has had an opportunity to review such material.
b. The teacher shall have the right to submit a written answer to such material, and his/her answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent, or his/her designee, and attached to the file copy.
8. Although the Board agrees to protect the confidentiality of personnel references, academic credentials, and other similar documents, it shall not establish any separate personnel file, which is not available for the teacher’s inspection.
C. Any complaints regarding a teacher made to any member of the administration by any parent, student, or other person that can be used in any manner in evaluating a teacher, shall be promptly investigated and called to the attention of the teacher. The teacher shall be given an opportunity to respond to and/or refute such complaint. The teacher shall have the right to be represented by the Association or anyone designated to be a representative at any meetings or conferences regarding such complaint unless such meeting or conferences are before the Board or committee consisting of the Board members.
Non-tenured teachers shall be notified in accordance with NJ State Statutes when their contracts are not to be renewed.
A. The Association’s representative shall meet with the Superintendent and his representatives at least five (5) times during the school year to review and discuss current school problems and practices in the administration of this Agreement. With reference to the five meetings, they shall include at least one meeting per semester in the evening at which a member or members of the Board shall be present.
B. The Superintendent and the Association President shall meet before September 30 of each year to set dates for the five meetings.
C. 1. Prior to each meeting the participants jointly shall prepare an agenda that will be given to each member of the Board.
2. At the meeting the Secretary will take notes of the proceedings. The notes will be shared with the participants and once agreed to will be distributed to each member of the Board and to the participants.
D. The agenda shall include a topic to communicate to parents, students, and citizens the positive developments of the Ridgefield School system including but not limited to support for the school budget and of the magnet school program and its importance to the District and the school budget.
A. All teachers employed shall be entitled to ten (10) sick leave days each school year as of the first official school day of the said year whether or not they report for duty on that day. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
B. Sick Leave Bank
1. Purpose
As established in Title 18A:30-10, the purpose of the Sick Leave Bank ("Bank") shall be to enable eligible members, as defined herein ("Teachers" or "Employees") who are entitled to sick leave to draw needed days of sick leave in addition to any days to which they are otherwise entitled. The sick leave days available to a Teacher from the Bank shall be leave days previously donated to the Bank by Teachers for the purpose of covering Employees with catastrophic or debilitating injuries or illness after they have exhausted all of their accumulated leave. It is not the purpose of the Bank to provide for an illness of a brief nature. The Bank is a cooperative program whose implementation and maintenance is dependent on Teacher support.
2. The Committee
The Bank will be administered by a six person committee ("Committee"). The
Committee will consist of three (3) members selected by the Board of Education's
designee, the Superintendent, and three (3) members selected by the REA. In the
event of a split decision, the Superintendent will cast the deciding vote. The
Committee members will:
a. sign an agreement of confidentiality;
b. recuse themselves from voting if that Committee member, or family member of Committee member, is requesting days from the Bank;
c. be appointed annually for each school year; and
d. conduct a year-end review of the program and propose any necessary changes.
3. Member Eligibility
a. All employees covered under Article 1 Recognition of the Teacher's Contract - Agreement between the Board of Education and Ridgefield Education Association representing teaching staff members- shall be eligible to enroll during the open enrollment period. Only active members of the Bank are eligible to participate. Active membership shall be defined as donating one day per year, except in years wherein the Bank has 700 days or more remaining on September 1st, after the initial donation of one day during the initial open enrollment period. This one day shall be automatically deducted from the Employee's bank each year in September unless the Employee notifies the Committee in writing that they wish to withdraw from the Bank. This notification must be received by October 1st. Members who cease to contribute on an annual basis, except in years when the Bank has 700 or more days remaining on September 1st and donations are not required except for new enrollees, are no longer participants and are subject to re-enrollment to the Bank during a subsequent enrollment period. In years when a donation is not required from an existing participant as a result of the Bank containing 700 or more days remaining on September 1st, any active participant in the prior year shall be deemed an active member such years.
b. Annually, on or before October 1st, eligible Teachers who wish to join the Bank must sign an agreement to join. All Teachers shall be eligible for participation in the Bank when first hired or during an open enrollment period. The open enrollment period shall be September 1 to October 1 of each school year.
c. Long term substitutes are ineligible.
d. Members who are on a board approved unpaid leave or Worker’s Compensation are ineligible to draw from the Bank. To remain an active member of the Bank, members on paid or unpaid leave of absence must donate a minimum of one day per year following the year of initial enrollment by October 1st. This one day will be automatically deducted from the Employee's bank in September. If the Employee does not have any sick days in his/her bank, the day will be deducted from the pro-rated allotment he/she receives upon their return during that school year. If the Employee does not return to work during the school year and he/she does not have a sick day to donate for that year, he/she is no longer a participant and is subject to re-enrollment to the Bank and will be required to contribute a minimum of three days upon re-enrollment during the next open enrollment period.
e. Bank leaves are only approved for the member’s own catastrophic/debilitating injury or illness.
4. Bank Administration Guidelines
a. The Committee may approve sick leaves for up to 30 days at one time. Consideration by the Committee will be given based on the number of days available within the Bank. Days may be requested to be taken consecutively, intermittently or both. The Committee will indicate the number of days approved and how they may be taken.
b. The year is defined as July 1 through June 30. Days granted but not used must be returned to the Bank immediately. If unused days are needed after returning to work for the same application, the Committee will reassemble and may grant the days up to the maximum amount they were approved for on the application.
c. In the event the Bank has 700 days or more remaining on September 1st, no additional days will be added to the Bank, except for new enrollments, until the number drops below 300 days.
d. All sick days that are donated to the Bank will not be returned to the donor.
e. The cost of a daily substitute shall be deducted from each sick day granted from the Bank. A day's salary is defined as 1/200th of the Teacher's annual salary.
f. In the event a Teacher uses all of his or her sick days and there are no days available from the Bank, the Board of Education shall have the sole power to decide, based upon the merits of the case, whether or not any assistance in the form of extension of sick day benefits will be granted in accordance with state statute.
g. In the event that the Board of Education and Association agree to dissolve the Bank for whatever reason, all days left in the Bank will be divided equally between contributing members, past and present. However, no Employee will receive more days than he or she has contributed to the Bank.
5. Applying for Sick Leave Bank Days
a. Before Bank days can be requested or granted from the Bank, all sick leave days available to that Employee must both be used and exhausted. Available leave days for the applicant will be verified by the Superintendent's office upon receipt of the application.
b. An Employee (or his/her designee, if not able) will submit a sick day donation application (doctor's verification required) to the Committee for additional days from the Bank four weeks (whenever possible) prior to his/her personally accrued sick days depletion. In the event circumstances prevent a timely application, the Employee's pay shall cease upon the exhaustion of their individual sick days. Health benefits shall continue until a decision is made. If the application is not approved, the benefits will cease and the Employee will need to pay for COBRA to maintain benefits. If the application is approved, the salary will be paid retroactive to the first day of the approved leave.
c. In order for the Committee to consider whether or not to grant Bank time to an Employee, the Employee must first provide the following written information:
• A doctor's note or statement attesting to the Employee's catastrophic/debilitating and protracted health condition or injury which disallows the Employee from returning to work or that the Employee is required to be absent from work due to a hospital confinement.
• An applicant must forward the Superintendent's office a completed "Application for Use of Sick Bank Days" form and all supporting medical documentation. The information will be logged and organized for consideration by the Committee.
d. Members will notify the Committee in advance of the request for days, except in cases of emergency. The member's pay will cease after their individual sick days and other paid time off are exhausted. Health benefits continue until a decision is made. If the application is not approved, the benefits will cease and the Employee will need to pay for COBRA to maintain benefits. If the application is approved, the salary will be paid retroactive to the first day of the approved leave.
e. Federal Family Medical Leave will not run concurrently with any sick leave bank days that are granted.
f. Out of respect, the identity of the Employee member making the request will NOT be shared by the Committee.
g. In the event of a need for additional days beyond that originally granted, the Employee must reapply to the Committee with a new doctor's certificate.
6. Parameters of Use
Any Employee of the Ridgefield BOE, who has depleted his/her accrued sick
days, may submit, to the Committee, an application requesting additional sick
days from the sick day donation program. Certain parameters will apply for
a. The request shall not be used to replenish personal sick day banks.
b. The request is to be linked to a catastrophic or debilitating injury, illness or condition, such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, etc.
c. The request should not be linked to elective surgery.
d. The request should not overlap granted days under workmen's comp or family leave.
e. Days that are used will follow the contract of the Employee (10-month and 12-month Employees.)
7. Committee Review of Application
a. The Committee must meet to discuss any request to grant Bank days. All information will be reviewed and considered by the Committee. If the Committee needs additional information from the doctor, the Committee will request that specific information in writing. The Employee shall supply the Committee with that requested additional information in writing as soon as possible.
b. The Committee reserves to itself, the rights to have a second medical opinion of the Employee making the claim for Bank use. The cost for such examination shall be paid for by the Employee and the doctor used will be of the Committee's choice within the Employee's provider network.
c. If a third medical opinion is deemed necessary by the Committee, a doctor mutually acceptable to the Bank and the Employee will be selected. The cost of this examination shall be divided equally between the Board and the Employee.
d. The following factors shall be considered by the Committee when reviewing the application due to a catastrophic or debilitating injury or illness (additional factors may also be considered):
• Attendance history;
• Previous requests and awards from the Bank;
• Seriousness of illness/injury;
• Estimated length of illness;
• Reason why the request should be granted;
• Total number of days in the Bank for all members; and
• Any other meaningful factor for the Committee to make a determination.
e. A recorded majority vote will determine the outcome of the request. In the event of a tie vote of the Committee, the Superintendent will cast the deciding vote. The decisions of the Committee are final and not subject to the grievance procedure and arbitration. Once the Committee meets and decides on an application, the applicant will be notified within three school days. Additionally, a record of attendance, determination and recorded vote of the Committee will be provided to the Superintendent's Office within three school days.
8. Miscellaneous
1. The Board reserves the right to include additional bargaining units in the Bank.
Absence for reasons other than personal illness:
A. Death in the immediate family:
A period not to exceed four (4) school days will be granted with full pay upon the death of a member of the immediate family of an employee; such four days shall be taken consecutively. The term “immediate family” shall be defined as including: mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, children, mother-in-law, father-in-law or any other relative who is a member of the immediate household.
B. Death of Others:
A period not to exceed one (1) school day will be granted with full pay upon the death of a relative not included in the definition of the “immediate family”.
C. Absence Because of Quarantine:
1. Employee absence because of exclusion from work for reasons of contagious disease within the household shall be treated the same as those designated under the article entitled: “Sick Leave”.
2. Absence because of exclusion from work for reasons of contagious disease within the school shall be paid in full with regular pay without deduction. Such absence shall not be deducted from the school days allowed for personal illness per year or the accumulated sick leave.
D. Absence for Jury Duty:
Absence for jury duty shall not count in calculating absence limitations under other sections. The salary paid by the Ridgefield Public Schools during absence for jury duty shall be at the regular rate less the fee paid by the government for such jury duty.
E. Other Personal Absences:
1. An employee shall be granted compensation for two (2) days for personal absence that is beyond the control of the employee. NOTE: There shall not be additional, personal days granted whatsoever without loss of pay.
2. Personal days must be requested at least five (5) days in advance and decisions regarding the granting of compensation must be rendered three (3) days prior to the personal absence. In cases of emergency the Superintendent of Schools in his sole discretion, upon the employee furnishing the proper documentation, may waive or shorten the notice requirements of this section.
3. Personal absence days may not be used on the day before or after a scheduled extended school closing of one day or more.
4. All unused personal days acquired under this contract shall be accumulated in a separate personal leave account from year to year.
F. All Other Absences:
For all other absences, an employee’s regular salary shall be reduced by 1/200th of the annual salary for 10-month employees and 1/240th of the annual salary for 12-month employees for each day of absence. NOTE: Employees who are absent must input his or her absence into the District’s attendance management system.
A. The Board will grant a full school year leave of absence without salary to a teacher under tenure who wishes to pursue graduate study.
B. Upon completion of disability leave for pregnancy related reasons in accordance with State law, a teacher may apply for child rearing leave. A child rearing leave shall be applied for simultaneously with disability leave at the time that the pregnancy is medically confirmed. In order not to disturb the continuity of the educational process, all returns from discretionary child rearing leave shall be in September at the commencement of the new school year, or the following September if a renewal has been requested.
C. Any teacher adopting an infant child shall receive similar leave which shall commence upon receiving de facto custody of said infant, or earlier if necessary, to fulfill the requirements for the adoption.
D. No teacher on maternity leave shall, on the basis of said leave, be denied the opportunity to substitute in the Ridgefield School District in the area of his/her certification or competence.
E. A leave of absence without pay for up to one year shall be granted for the purpose of caring for a sick member of the teacher’s immediate family. Additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Board. In all cases a medical certificate shall be required.
F. 1. Upon return from a leave granted under Section A of this Article, a teacher shall be considered as if he/she were actively employed by the Board during the leave and shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level he/she would have achieved if he/she had not been absent. A teacher shall not receive increment credit for time spent on leave granted to pursuant to Sections “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” or “E” of this Article.
2. All benefits to which a teacher was entitled at the time the leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave and previous credits toward sabbatical eligibility, shall be restored upon return, and shall be assigned to the same teaching position which he/she held at the time said leave commenced if available or if not, to a substantially equivalent position.
G. All original leaves (where applicable), extensions, renewals, or stated intention to return from leave shall be provided in writing prior to April 1st of the leave year and shall be answered in writing by April 30th of that year. Extensions or renewals of any discretionary leave provided for this Article shall be only for a full school year and the employee must return in September at the commencement of the next school year.
A. The Board shall provide a pool of $35,000 for each year of this contract to be divided once annually amongst qualified tenured personnel.
B. An applicant's reimbursement shall not exceed the cost of the graduate course.
C. The maximum reimbursement per course will be the cost of a graduate course at Montclair State University for that year.
D. Reimbursement shall be given once per school year and shall be divided equally among all applicants (subject to the provisions of B and C above). A school year commences on July 1 and ends on June 30.
E. Any unused funds will revert back to the Board of Education.
F. The REA and Superintendent shall meet annually to agree upon the disbursement method and details and the REA will provide a disbursement report to the Superintendent of Schools.
A. The summer sabbatical leave shall no longer be available once those currently participating shall finish their term.
B. Sabbatical leave of absence may be granted to teachers of the Ridgefield Public Schools. Sabbatical leave is a plan designed to help maintain instructional service at the highest level of quality and efficiency. While satisfactory service is a prerequisite, it is a privilege granted to employees for their professional advancement so that they may better render educational services. Such improvement may be achieved by formal study, research, or travel.
C. Administrative Procedures Pertaining to Sabbatical Leave
1. Applicants must have seven (7) consecutive years of satisfactory service as full time teachers in the Ridgefield School District.
2. A sabbatical leave may be granted for a period of one (1) academic year.
3. No more than two (2) teachers may be granted sabbatical leave during one school year.
D. Application for Leave
1. A request for sabbatical leave must be made in writing no later than November 1 with action taken prior to December 1 of the year preceding the school year for which the sabbatical is requested.
2. The candidate and/or candidates to be recommended to the Board shall be selected by a committee composed of two professional staff members selected by the Association, two administrators and the Superintendent of Schools. When the committee does not approve an application for sabbatical leave, the applicant will be notified immediately in writing of the reasons for the rejection of his/her application.
3. The Board reserves the right to reject any requests for sabbatical leaves of absence. If an application is rejected by the Board, the applicant will be informed immediately in writing of the reasons for the rejection of his/her application.
4. As a condition of receiving approval of a sabbatical leave, the applicant shall file with the Secretary of the Board a written agreement stipulating that he/she will remain in the service of Ridgefield School District for at least two (2) years after the expiration of said leave.
E. Forfeiture of Leave
1. An employee on sabbatical leave shall furnish as many reports as the Superintendent deems necessary or reasonable to determine that the employee is fulfilling the agreement in regard to the requirements of the leave. If the Superintendent is convinced that a teacher on sabbatical leave is not fulfilling the purpose for which the leave was granted, he shall report this fact to the committee. The Board may terminate the sabbatical leave upon recommendation of the committee after giving the teacher an opportunity to be heard.
2. A sabbatical leave, once granted, may not be terminated before the date of expiration except as provided herein or as otherwise agreed upon by the Superintendent, the Board and the teacher on sabbatical leave.
F. Illness or Accident
Should the program of study or research being pursued by a teacher on sabbatical leave be interrupted by a serious accident or illness during such leave, this fact shall not constitute a breach of conditions of such leave, nor prejudice the teacher against receiving all rights and benefits provided for under the terms of sabbatical leave, providing the Superintendent is notified of such accident or illness by registered letter within fifteen (15) days of its occurrence.
G. Reinstatement
1. At the expiration of sabbatical leave, the teacher shall be reinstated in the position held by such teacher at the time such leave was granted unless he/she shall agree otherwise.
2. Presentation of written report to the Superintendent of Schools which states the activities engaged in while on sabbatical leave and the subsequent benefits expected there from is required within thirty (30) days after the expiration of the leave.
H. Salary
1. The compensation for the teacher on a full year of sabbatical leave shall be one half (½) of the salary he/she would receive if on active status for the year in which the leave is effective.
2. Payment of salary to a staff member on sabbatical leave shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Board for payment of salary to other members of the professional staff. Any teacher on summer sabbatical leave will be paid the proper amount at the beginning of the summer session.
3. During the period of sabbatical leave, all benefits enjoyed during regular service (increments, pensions, withdrawals, etc.) shall be continued with the exception of payments normally made under extra-service contracts.
4. In the event a person who has received sabbatical leave does not return to the District and remain in the District for two (2) years, the person so affected shall repay the District the compensation received by the person during the period of the sabbatical. The personnel’s liability to the Board of such repayment shall be reduced by one-twentieth (1/20) for each month the person works for the District after returning from the sabbatical leave.
A. The Board shall provide health-care insurance protection for school employees. The employee shall be entitled to any plan encompassing all provisions under the New Jersey State Health Benefit Plan, or equal or better than any other Health plan that provides like coverage. The Board medical plan shall include the State Health Plan Prescription Drug Plan. Employees shall continue to contribute to his/her health benefits in accordance with the rates set forth in Ch. 78, P.L. 2011, unless modified by a future law. Employees hired after July 1, 2020 shall be enrolled in a Ch. 44 plan and contribute for such plans in accordance with Ch. 44.
B. It shall be the policy of the Board to continue the payment of premiums on hospitalization and major medical insurance for a period of time after a leave of absence for illness has been approved by the Board. The said period of time shall be the maximum time, not to exceed six (6) months, which the State rules and regulations allow. The Board shall make a written inquiry from the State to determine the maximum time period allowable. The employee must submit a doctor’s certificate to the Superintendent of Schools at the time the request for leave of absence is made.
C. The Board shall consider continuation of hospitalization and major medical insurance payments for any other leave of absence on its individual merits and make a decision accordingly.
D. The above policy shall not apply to requests for leaves of absence for maternity purposes. Payments will not be continued in maternity cases after the employee ceases to work.
E. The latest available office copy of the heath care insurance coverage provided under this Article which shall include a description of conditions and limits of coverages listed above shall be provided upon request to each teacher no later than November 1 of each new school year.
F. The Board shall be solely responsible for determining the carrier for health insurance providing the carrier shall have the health benefits as agreed to between the Board and the Association.
G. The Board will provide a family dental insurance plan with the insurance protection presently being provided for under this category. For each year of the Agreement, the employees shall contribute $170 per year toward the dental premium.
H. The Board currently has a vision insurance plan ("Plan") in place for administrators. Provided there is no additional cost to the Board and provided the Plan permits the same, any teacher may opt into the Plan at his/her sole cost and expense.
I. Any employee hired after July 1, 2017 shall be entitled to a base health care plan of NJ Direct 15 until the first open enrollment period after such employee has earned tenure. Said employee may elect to enroll in an alternate plan at a higher cost provided that the employee pays the difference. After earning tenure, the employee shall be entitled to a base health care plan of NJ Direct 10.
A. All teachers must report unavailability for the workday by logging into the district attendance system and entering that absence by 7:00 a.m. It shall not be the responsibility of the unavailable teacher to arrange for a substitute.
B. In those cases where regular substitutes are not available, regular teachers who volunteer may be used as substitutes during their non-teaching time. In the absence of volunteers, a teacher may be assigned to serve as a substitute. Volunteer and assigned teachers shall be paid for each substituting period at a rate agreed upon in this Contract.
In order to create an atmosphere of respect for faculty and staff and an environment conducive to discipline and learning, the following rules are hereby established for the dress of faculty and staff members in the performance of their professional duties:
A. Female teaching staff members - dresses, skirt or pant suits, or skirts or pants (no blue jeans or leggings without skirts or dresses) with blouses or sweaters with the exception of the last day of the workweek, when blue jeans may be worn as part of an approved ensemble or with school spirit wear.
B. Male teaching staff members - suits or slacks (no blue jeans) with or without jackets; male teaching staff members must wear a collared shirt, or sweater with jacket with the exception of the last day of the workweek, when blue jeans may be worn as part of an approved ensemble or with school spirit wear.
C. The clothing and appearance of all teaching staff members shall be neat and clean.
D. No clothing may be worn that constitutes a danger to health or safety to the wearer or to others, and no clothing may be worn that interferes with the instructional program.
E. Physical education teachers may wear uniforms that are conducive to their subject area: dress shorts, sweat pants, jogging pants or warm up type pants (no tights or yoga pants) and a collared shirt.
F. The superintendent or designee may grant a waiver of this dress code for the performance of particular duties; such waivers may be granted on a temporary basis with additional consideration given to weather and school spirit events.
G. The Superintendent may grant a waiver of this dress code for documented medical reasons.
H. During the term of this Agreement, the Building Principal or the teaching staff member's supervisor, as appropriate, shall determine whether a violation of the dress code has occurred and shall discuss the violation with the teaching staff member concerned. During the term of this contract, where a single violation so warrants or violations reoccur, the following disciplinary measures shall be undertaken by the Building Principal or supervisor:
• First Offense - Written Warning
• Second Offense - Letter of Reprimand
• Third and Subsequent Offenses - Docked One Day's Pay
• NOTE: Teaching faculty and staff members may be sent home for egregious offenses as determined by the Administration.
I. Board Policy 3216 Dress and Grooming shall be amended by the Board to be in accord with this Agreement.
A. This Agreement constitutes Board policy for the term of said Agreement, and the Board will carry out the commitments contained herein and give them full force and effect as Board policy. The Association agrees that it will also abide by this Agreement and will carry out its commitments.
B. Unless otherwise provided by this Agreement, all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the effective date of this Agreement to employees covered by this Agreement shall continue to be applicable during the term of this Agreement.
C. If any provisions of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid, or subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
D. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual teacher heretofore or hereinafter executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement during this duration shall be controlling.
E. Notwithstanding anything in this contract to the contrary, the parties agree as follows:
1. This Article 25, Section E, applies to all certificated employees providing education and/or professional services during an extended school year (ESY) in accordance with FAPE.
2. The ESY will take place between July 1 and August 15 and not exceed 30 days.
3. 12 month employees will work the full ESY, not to exceed 30 days, between July 1 and August 15 and receive a salary.
4. ESY employees will abide by and receive all rights and privileges of the current Agreement with the following exceptions:
a. In exception to Article 11, Section A, 12 month employees will receive a salary in accordance to Schedule H which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
b. All other ESY employees will receive a stipend in accordance to Schedule I which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
c. In exception to Article 11, Section F, the ESY employee will receive their 1st paycheck on July 15 or the last working day before July 15.
d. In exception to Article 17, Section A, the ESY employee working 3 weeks or more will receive one additional sick day for a total of 11 days.
F. Two (2) copies of this Agreement shall be supplied at the expense of the Board after agreement with the Association on format within thirty (30) days after the Agreement is signed.
G. Whenever any notice is required to be given by either party to this Agreement, either party shall do so by registered letter at the following addresses:
If by the Association to the Board at 555 Chestnut St., Ridgefield, NJ 07657
If by the Board to the Association at 555 Chestnut St., Ridgefield, NJ 07657
H. REA members who reside in the Borough of Ridgefield or whose children attend Ridgefield Schools may continue to enroll their in the District’s Before and After School Care Program free of charge so long as such Program is not operating at a loss. At such time as the Program begins to operate at a loss, REA members will be given one-month’s written notice that the Program is operating at a loss and will then be billed at the current rate for enrollment in such Program on a prospective basis only through the balance of the school year.
This Agreement shall be in effect for the school years 2024-2025,2025-2026, 2026-2027, and 2027-2028. Pay schedules will be detailed in Schedules A through I. This Agreement will be in full force and effect until a successor agreement has been completely negotiated.
It is understood by all parties that under the rulings of the Court of New Jersey and the State Commissioner of Education, the Board is forbidden to waive any rights or powers granted it by Law.
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their corporate seals to be placed hereon, all on the day and year first above written.
Darla Ferdinand, President
Vito Fabiano, Vice President
, President
, Business Administrator SCHEDULE A-1
Step | BA | BA+15 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
1-2 | 57,182 | 58,804 | 59,425 | 61,616 | 64,650 |
3-4 | 58,182 | 59,804 | 60,452 | 62,786 | 65,991 |
5-6 | 59,182 | 60,804 | 61,479 | 63,957 | 67,334 |
7 | 60,182 | 61,804 | 62,581 | 65,201 | 68,750 |
8 | 61,182 | 62,804 | 63,947 | 66,711 | 70,431 |
9 | 62,182 | 63,804 | 65,119 | 68,026 | 71,918 |
10 | 63,182 | 64,804 | 66,290 | 69,340 | 73,404 |
11 | 64,182 | 65,804 | 68,205 | 71,210 | 75,790 |
12 | 65,182 | 66,804 | 69,749 | 72,697 | 77,791 |
13 | 66,182 | 68,088 | 71,208 | 74,098 | 79,707 |
14 | 67,182 | 69,543 | 72,302 | 75,192 | 81,234 |
15 | 68,182 | 71,193 | 73,749 | 77,145 | 82,562 |
16 | 69,182 | 72,993 | 75,369 | 79,330 | 84,040 |
17 | 71,122 | 75,844 | 77,791 | 81,388 | 86,319 |
18 | 75,822 | 80,744 | 81,262 | 84,495 | 89,647 |
19 | 80,722 | 85,844 | 87,221 | 89,995 | 94,847 |
20 | 86,022 | 91,344 | 92,691 | 95,895 | 100,447 |
21 | 91,822 | 97,917 | 98,551 | 101,809 | 106,061 |
22 |  |  | 105,367 | 109,106 | 113,522 |
Step | BA | BA+15 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
1 | 60,000 | 61,000 | 62,000 | 63,247 | 66,281 |
2-3 | 61,000 | 62,000 | 63,000 | 64,417 | 67,622 |
4-5 | 62,000 | 63,000 | 64,000 | 65,588 | 68,965 |
6-7 | 63,000 | 64,000 | 65,000 | 66,832 | 70,381 |
8 | 64,000 | 65,000 | 66,000 | 68,342 | 72,062 |
9 | 65,000 | 66,000 | 67,000 | 69,657 | 73,549 |
10 | 66,000 | 67,000 | 68,000 | 70,971 | 75,035 |
11 | 67,000 | 68,000 | 69,836 | 72,841 | 77,421 |
12 | 68,000 | 69,000 | 71,380 | 74,328 | 79,422 |
13 | 69,000 | 70,000 | 72,839 | 75,729 | 81,338 |
14 | 70,000 | 71,174 | 73,933 | 76,823 | 82,865 |
15 | 71,000 | 72,824 | 75,380 | 78,776 | 84,193 |
16 | 72,000 | 74,624 | 77,000 | 80,961 | 85,671 |
17 | 73,000 | 77,475 | 79,422 | 83,019 | 87,950 |
18 | 77,453 | 82,375 | 82,893 | 86,126 | 91,278 |
19 | 82,353 | 87,475 | 88,852 | 91,626 | 96,478 |
20 | 87,653 | 92,975 | 94,322 | 97,526 | 102,078 |
21 | 93,453 | 99,548 | 100,182 | 103,440 | 107,692 |
22 |  |  | 106,998 | 110,737 | 115,153 |
Step | BA | BA+15 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
1-2 | 63,276 | 64,276 | 65,276 | 66,693 | 69,898 |
3-4 | 64,276 | 65,276 | 66,276 | 67,864 | 71,241 |
5-6 | 65,276 | 66,276 | 67,276 | 69,108 | 72,657 |
7-8 | 66,276 | 67,276 | 68,276 | 70,618 | 74,338 |
9 | 67,276 | 68,276 | 69,276 | 71,933 | 75,825 |
10 | 68,276 | 69,276 | 70,276 | 73,247 | 77,311 |
11 | 69,276 | 70,276 | 72,112 | 75,117 | 79,697 |
12 | 70,276 | 71,276 | 73,656 | 76,604 | 81,698 |
13 | 71,276 | 72,276 | 75,115 | 78,005 | 83,614 |
14 | 72,276 | 73,450 | 76,209 | 79,099 | 85,141 |
15 | 73,276 | 75,100 | 77,656 | 81,052 | 86,469 |
16 | 74,276 | 76,900 | 79,276 | 83,237 | 87,947 |
17 | 75,276 | 79,751 | 81,698 | 85,295 | 90,226 |
18 | 79,729 | 84,651 | 85,169 | 88,402 | 93,554 |
19 | 84,629 | 89,751 | 91,128 | 93,902 | 98,754 |
20 | 89,929 | 95,251 | 96,598 | 99,802 | 104,354 |
21 | 95,729 | 101,824 | 102,458 | 105,716 | 109,968 |
22 |  |  | 109,274 | 113,013 | 117,429 |
Step | BA | BA+15 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
1 | 65,641 | 66,641 | 67,641 | 69,058 | 72,263 |
2-3 | 66,641 | 67,641 | 68,641 | 70,229 | 73,606 |
4-5 | 67,641 | 68,641 | 69,641 | 71,473 | 75,022 |
6-7 | 68,641 | 69,641 | 70,641 | 72,983 | 76,703 |
8-9 | 69,641 | 70,641 | 71,641 | 74,298 | 78,190 |
10 | 70,641 | 71,641 | 72,641 | 75,612 | 79,676 |
11 | 71,641 | 72,641 | 74,477 | 77,482 | 82,062 |
12 | 72,641 | 73,641 | 76,021 | 78,969 | 84,063 |
13 | 73,641 | 74,641 | 77,480 | 80,370 | 85,979 |
14 | 74,641 | 75,815 | 78,574 | 81,464 | 87,506 |
15 | 75,641 | 77,465 | 80,021 | 83,417 | 88,834 |
16 | 76,641 | 79,265 | 81,641 | 85,602 | 90,312 |
17 | 77,641 | 82,116 | 84,063 | 87,660 | 92,591 |
18 | 82,094 | 87,016 | 87,534 | 90,767 | 95,919 |
19 | 86,994 | 92,116 | 93,493 | 96,267 | 101,119 |
20 | 92,294 | 97,616 | 98,963 | 102,167 | 106,719 |
21 | 98,094 | 104,189 | 104,823 | 108,081 | 112,333 |
22 |  |  | 111,639 | 115,378 | 120,308 |
Guidance Counselors shall be placed on a ten (10) month Teacher Contract and shall be required to work one (1) week before and one (1) week after the regular teacher’s work year. Compensation shall be in accordance with the Counselor’s per diem rate as shown below. Guidance Counsellors shall be required to work ten (10) mutually agreed upon days as decided on by the individual counselor and the counselor’s direct supervisor or designee (i.e. 1 week before and 1 week after the regular work year OR 10 days spread out over the summer.) Compensation shall be in accordance with the Counselor’s per diem rate according to schedule B of the Agreement.
Period of Work Stipend
1 Week .025 X appropriate value on Schedule A
2 Weeks .050 X appropriate value on Schedule A
3 Weeks .075 X appropriate value on Schedule A
4 Weeks .100 X appropriate value on Schedule A
5 Weeks .125 X appropriate value on Schedule A
Degree and certificated teaching nurses shall be placed on their appropriate step of the teacher’s salary guide.
A. High school and upper elementary teachers who are assigned an extra period as substitutes: $40.00.
B. Teachers in self-contained classrooms who are assigned to cover their class when special education teachers are absent: $40.00.
2024-2025 |
Academic Decathlon Head Coach | $4,909 | $6,016 | $6,552 |
Audio Visual – Elementary | $1,468 | $2,013 | $2,168 |
Audio Visual – HS | $2,779 | $3,039 | $3,280 |
Band – Advisor #1 | $3,668 | $4,040 | $4,403 |
Band – Advisor #2 | $3,668 | $4,040 | $4,403 |
Band – Assistant Director | $3,852 | $4,644 | $4,976 |
Band – Director | $5,976 | $7,091 | $7,663 |
Bloodborne Pathogen | $1,549 | $1,796 | $2,021 |
Cheerleader – Winter | $2,634 | $3,221 | $3,502 |
Class Advisor – Grade 11 | $2,243 | $2,408 | $2,584 |
Class Advisor – Grade 12 | $2,243 | $2,408 | $2,584 |
Class Advisor – Grade 7 | $1,948 | $2,116 | $2,289 |
Class Advisor – Grade 8 | $2,243 | $2,408 | $2,584 |
Color Guard – Advisor | $3,852 | $4,644 | $4,976 |
DECA Club Advisor – RMHS | $2,243 |  |  |
Drama Club – SS | $1,956 | $2,174 | $2,391 |
Girls Who Code Club - RMHS | $518 |  |  |
Literacy Magazine | $3,637 | $3,870 | $4,117 |
Math League Director | $1,479 | $1,834 | $2,189 |
National Honor Society | $1,905 | $2,246 | $2,585 |
Newspaper Advisor HS #1 | $3,654 | $3,887 | $4,137 |
Robotics Club – Advisor – HS | $3,804 | $3,804 | $3,804 |
Robotics Club – Assistant Advisor – HS | $2,277 | $2,277 | $2,277 |
Robotics Club – Advisor – SS | $3,804 | $3,804 | $3,804 |
Robotics Club – Assistant Advisor – SS | $2,277 |  |  |
Senior Play – Choreographer Director | $3,221 | $3,517 | $3,799 |
Senior Play – Director | $4,365 | $4,848 | $5,237 |
Senior Play – Orchestra Director | $3,195 | $3,517 | $3,799 |
Slocum Literary Magazine – SS | $518 |  |  |
Student Council Advisor #1 – SS | $1,723 | $1,917 | $2,075 |
Student Council Advisor #2 – SS | $1,723 | $1,917 | $2,075 |
Student Council Advisor – HS | $2,408 | $2,680 | $2,891 |
Treasurer of School Activities | $6,557 | $7,339 | $7,398 |
Variety Show – Director | $2,474 | $2,807 | $3,146 |
Vocal – Musical – Elementary (Grades 7 and 8) | $1,982 | $2,490 | $2,690 |
Vocal – Musical – HS | $1,982 | $2,490 | $2,690 |
World Language Honor Society | $1,868 | $2,202 | $2,536 |
Yearbook Advisor – Elementary School | $3,461 | $3,738 | $4,034 |
Yearbook – Business Advisor | $3,620 | $3,910 | $4,220 |
Yearbook – Layout Advisor | $3,620 | $3,910 | $4,220 |
Yearbook – Literacy Advisor | $3,620 | $3,910 | $4,220 |
Yoga Club – RMHS | $518 |  |  |
2025-2026 |
Academic Decathlon Head Coach | $5,081 | $6,227 | $6,781 |
Audio Visual – Elementary | $1,519 | $2,084 | $2,244 |
Audio Visual – HS | $2,876 | $3,145 | $3,395 |
Band – Advisor #1 | $3,796 | $4,181 | $4,557 |
Band – Advisor #2 | $3,796 | $4,181 | $4,557 |
Band – Assistant Director | $3,987 | $4,807 | $5,150 |
Band – Director | $6,185 | $7,339 | $7,931 |
Bloodborne Pathogen | $1,604 | $1,859 | $2,092 |
Cheerleader – Winter | $2,726 | $3,334 | $3,625 |
Class Advisor – Grade 11 | $2,321 | $2,493 | $2,675 |
Class Advisor – Grade 12 | $2,321 | $2,493 | $2,675 |
Class Advisor – Grade 7 | $2,016 | $2,190 | $2,370 |
Class Advisor – Grade 8 | $2,321 | $2,493 | $2,675 |
Color Guard – Advisor | $3,987 | $4,807 | $5,150 |
DECA Club Advisor – RMHS | $2,321 |  |  |
Drama Club – SS | $2,025 | $2,250 | $2,475 |
Girls Who Code Club - RMHS | $536 |  |  |
Literacy Magazine | $3,764 | $4,005 | $4,261 |
Math League Director | $1,531 | $1,898 | $2,266 |
National Honor Society | $1,972 | $2,325 | $2,676 |
Newspaper Advisor HS #1 | $3,781 | $4,024 | $4,282 |
Robotics Club – Advisor – HS | $3,937 | $3,937 | $3,937 |
Robotics Club – Assistant Advisor – HS | $2,357 | $2,357 | $2,357 |
Robotics Club – Advisor – SS | $3,937 | $3,937 | $3,937 |
Robotics Club – Assistant Advisor – SS | $2,357 |  |  |
Senior Play – Choreographer Director | $3,334 | $3,640 | $3,932 |
Senior Play – Director | $4,517 | $5,018 | $5,420 |
Senior Play – Orchestra Director | $3,307 | $3,640 | $3,932 |
Slocum Literary Magazine – SS | $536 |  |  |
Student Council Advisor #1 – SS | $1,784 | $1,984 | $2,148 |
Student Council Advisor #2 – SS | $1,784 | $1,984 | $2,148 |
Student Council Advisor – HS | $2,493 | $2,773 | $2,992 |
Treasurer of School Activities | $6,786 | $7,596 | $7,657 |
Variety Show – Director | $2,560 | $2,905 | $3,257 |
Vocal – Musical – Elementary (Grades 7 and 8) | $2,051 | $2,577 | $2,784 |
Vocal – Musical – HS | $2,051 | $2,577 | $2,784 |
World Language Honor Society | $1,934 | $2,280 | $2,625 |
Yearbook Advisor – Elementary School | $3,582 | $3,869 | $4,176 |
Yearbook – Business Advisor | $3,747 | $4,047 | $4,367 |
Yearbook – Layout Advisor | $3,747 | $4,047 | $4,367 |
Yearbook – Literacy Advisor | $3,747 | $4,047 | $4,367 |
Yoga Club – RMHS | $536 |  |  |
2026-2027 |
Academic Decathlon Head Coach | $5,259 | $6,445 | $7,018 |
Audio Visual – Elementary | $1,572 | $2,156 | $2,323 |
Audio Visual – HS | $2,977 | $3,255 | $3,514 |
Band – Advisor #1 | $3,929 | $4,327 | $4,716 |
Band – Advisor #2 | $3,929 | $4,327 | $4,716 |
Band – Assistant Director | $4,127 | $4,975 | $5,331 |
Band – Director | $6,402 | $7,596 | $8,209 |
Bloodborne Pathogen | $1,660 | $1,924 | $2,165 |
Cheerleader – Winter | $2,822 | $3,450 | $3,752 |
Class Advisor – Grade 11 | $2,403 | $2,580 | $2,768 |
Class Advisor – Grade 12 | $2,403 | $2,580 | $2,768 |
Class Advisor – Grade 7 | $2,087 | $2,266 | $2,452 |
Class Advisor – Grade 8 | $2,403 | $2,580 | $2,768 |
Color Guard – Advisor | $4,127 | $4,975 | $5,331 |
DECA Club Advisor – RMHS | $2,403 |  |  |
Drama Club – SS | $2,095 | $2,328 | $2,561 |
Girls Who Code Club - RMHS | $554 |  |  |
Literacy Magazine | $3,896 | $4,145 | $4,410 |
Math League Director | $1,584 | $1,965 | $2,345 |
National Honor Society | $2,041 | $2,406 | $2,770 |
Newspaper Advisor HS #1 | $3,914 | $4,164 | $4,432 |
Robotics Club – Advisor – HS | $4,075 | $4,075 | $4,075 |
Robotics Club – Assistant Advisor – HS | $2,439 | $2,439 | $2,439 |
Robotics Club – Advisor – SS | $4,075 | $4,075 | $4,075 |
Robotics Club – Assistant Advisor – SS | $2,439 |  |  |
Senior Play – Choreographer Director | $3,450 | $3,767 | $4,070 |
Senior Play – Director | $4,675 | $5,193 | $5,610 |
Senior Play – Orchestra Director | $3,423 | $3,767 | $4,070 |
Slocum Literary Magazine – SS | $554 |  |  |
Student Council Advisor #1 – SS | $1,846 | $2,053 | $2,223 |
Student Council Advisor #2 – SS | $1,846 | $2,053 | $2,223 |
Student Council Advisor – HS | $2,580 | $2,870 | $3,097 |
Treasurer of School Activities | $7,024 | $7,862 | $7,925 |
Variety Show – Director | $2,650 | $3,007 | $3,371 |
Vocal – Musical – Elementary (Grades 7 and 8) | $2,123 | $2,668 | $2,882 |
Vocal – Musical – HS | $2,123 | $2,668 | $2,882 |
World Language Honor Society | $2,001 | $2,359 | $2,716 |
Yearbook Advisor – Elementary School | $3,708 | $4,005 | $4,322 |
Yearbook – Business Advisor | $3,878 | $4,189 | $4,520 |
Yearbook – Layout Advisor | $3,878 | $4,189 | $4,520 |
Yearbook – Literacy Advisor | $3,878 | $4,189 | $4,520 |
Yoga Club – RMHS | $554 |  |  |
2027-2028 |
Academic Decathlon Head Coach | $5,443 | $6,671 | $7,264 |
Audio Visual – Elementary | $1,627 | $2,232 | $2,404 |
Audio Visual – HS | $3,081 | $3,369 | $3,637 |
Band – Advisor #1 | $4,067 | $4,479 | $4,882 |
Band – Advisor #2 | $4,067 | $4,479 | $4,882 |
Band – Assistant Director | $4,271 | $5,149 | $5,517 |
Band – Director | $6,626 | $7,862 | $8,496 |
Bloodborne Pathogen | $1,718 | $1,991 | $2,241 |
Cheerleader – Winter | $2,920 | $3,571 | $3,883 |
Class Advisor – Grade 11 | $2,487 | $2,670 | $2,865 |
Class Advisor – Grade 12 | $2,487 | $2,670 | $2,865 |
Class Advisor – Grade 7 | $2,160 | $2,346 | $2,538 |
Class Advisor – Grade 8 | $2,487 | $2,670 | $2,865 |
Color Guard – Advisor | $4,271 | $5,149 | $5,517 |
DECA Club Advisor – RMHS | $2,487 |  |  |
Drama Club – SS | $2,169 | $2,410 | $2,651 |
Girls Who Code Club - RMHS | $574 |  |  |
Literacy Magazine | $4,032 | $4,291 | $4,565 |
Math League Director | $1,640 | $2,033 | $2,427 |
National Honor Society | $2,113 | $2,490 | $2,867 |
Newspaper Advisor HS #1 | $4,051 | $4,310 | $4,587 |
Robotics Club – Advisor – HS | $4,217 | $4,217 | $4,217 |
Robotics Club – Assistant Advisor – HS | $2,525 | $2,525 | $2,525 |
Robotics Club – Advisor – SS | $4,217 | $4,217 | $4,217 |
Robotics Club – Assistant Advisor – SS | $2,525 |  |  |
Senior Play – Choreographer Director | $3,571 | $3,899 | $4,213 |
Senior Play – Director | $4,839 | $5,375 | $5,806 |
Senior Play – Orchestra Director | $3,542 | $3,899 | $4,213 |
Slocum Literary Magazine – SS | $574 |  |  |
Student Council Advisor #1 – SS | $1,911 | $2,125 | $2,301 |
Student Council Advisor #2 – SS | $1,911 | $2,125 | $2,301 |
Student Council Advisor – HS | $2,670 | $2,971 | $3,205 |
Treasurer of School Activities | $7,270 | $8,137 | $8,202 |
Variety Show – Director | $2,743 | $3,112 | $3,488 |
Vocal – Musical – Elementary (Grades 7 and 8) | $2,198 | $2,761 | $2,982 |
Vocal – Musical – HS | $2,198 | $2,761 | $2,982 |
World Language Honor Society | $2,071 | $2,442 | $2,811 |
Yearbook Advisor – Elementary School | $3,837 | $4,145 | $4,473 |
Yearbook – Business Advisor | $4,014 | $4,335 | $4,678 |
Yearbook – Layout Advisor | $4,014 | $4,335 | $4,678 |
Yearbook – Literacy Advisor | $4,014 | $4,335 | $4,678 |
Yoga Club – RMHS | $574 |  |  |
* New clubs proposed by staff or students are subject to approval of the Superintendent of Schools and if approved will be compensated at one-year pilot rate of $500. If approved by the Superintendent of Schools for a second year, the club would be incorporated into the steps on the guide for comparable positions.
2024-2025 |
Department Chair – Business/Fine Arts * | $2,492 | $2,946 | $3,307 |
Department Chair – District-wide Child Study Team * | $6,697 | $7,282 | $7,862 |
Department Chair – K-12 STEM* | $6,697 | $7,282 | $7,862 |
Department Chair – K-12 Liberal Arts* | $6,697 | $7,282 | $7,862 |
Department Chair – K-12 Fine Arts and Performing Arts* | $6,697 | $7,282 | $7,862 |
2025-2026 |
Department Chair – Business/Fine Arts * | $2,580 | $3,049 | $3,423 |
Department Chair – District-wide Child Study Team * | $6,932 | $7,537 | $8,137 |
Department Chair – K-12 STEM* | $6,932 | $7,537 | $8,137 |
Department Chair – K-12 Liberal Arts* | $6,932 | $7,537 | $8,137 |
Department Chair – K-12 Fine Arts and Performing Arts* | $6,932 | $7,537 | $8,137 |
2026-2027 |
Department Chair – Business/Fine Arts * | $2,670 | $3,155 | $3,542 |
Department Chair – District-wide Child Study Team * | $7,175 | $7,801 | $8,422 |
Department Chair – K-12 STEM* | $7,175 | $7,801 | $8,422 |
Department Chair – K-12 Liberal Arts* | $7,175 | $7,801 | $8,422 |
Department Chair – K-12 Fine Arts and Performing Arts* | $7,175 | $7,801 | $8,422 |
2027-2028 |
Department Chair – Business/Fine Arts * | $2,763 | $3,266 | $3,666 |
Department Chair – District-wide Child Study Team * | $7,426 | $8,074 | $8,717 |
Department Chair – K-12 STEM* | $7,426 | $8,074 | $8,717 |
Department Chair – K-12 Liberal Arts* | $7,426 | $8,074 | $8,717 |
Department Chair – K-12 Fine Arts and Performing Arts* | $7,426 | $8,074 | $8,717 |
* Department Chair salaries will be paid in equal installments over the 10 month school year as per Article 11.
If agreed upon between the Superintendent and the Association, additional chair positions can be added based on the Department Chairs guide.
2024-2025 |
HIB Building Leader – HS | $3,105 | $3,105 | $3,105 |
HIB Building Leader – BB | $1,035 | $1,035 | $1,035 |
HIB Building Leader – SA | $1,035 | $1,035 | $1,035 |
HIB Building Leader – SS | $3,105 | $3,105 | $3,105 |
OT/PT Billing Coordinator | $3,397 | $3,397 | $3,397 |
Sat. Happening Billing | $5,680 | $5,680 | $5,680 |
Sat. Happening Director (10 month) | $11,786 | $11,786 | $11,786 |
Sat. Happening Registrar (per session, total of 3 sessions) | $592 | $592 | $592 |
Substance Abuse Coordinator | $11,834 | $11,834 | $11,834 |
2025-2026 |
HIB Building Leader – HS | $3,214 | $3,214 | $3,214 |
HIB Building Leader – BB | $1,071 | $1,071 | $1,071 |
HIB Building Leader – SA | $1,071 | $1,071 | $1,071 |
HIB Building Leader – SS | $3,214 | $3,214 | $3,214 |
OT/PT Billing Coordinator | $3,516 | $3,516 | $3,516 |
Sat. Happening Billing | $5,879 | $5,879 | $5,879 |
Sat. Happening Director (10 month) | $12,198 | $12,198 | $12,198 |
Sat. Happening Registrar (per session, total of 3 sessions) | $613 | $613 | $613 |
Substance Abuse Coordinator | $12,248 | $12,248 | $12,248 |
2026-2027 |
HIB Building Leader – HS | $3,326 | $3,326 | $3,326 |
HIB Building Leader – BB | $1,109 | $1,109 | $1,109 |
HIB Building Leader – SA | $1,109 | $1,109 | $1,109 |
HIB Building Leader – SS | $3,326 | $3,326 | $3,326 |
OT/PT Billing Coordinator | $3,639 | $3,639 | $3,639 |
Sat. Happening Billing | $6,085 | $6,085 | $6,085 |
Sat. Happening Director (10 month) | $12,625 | $12,625 | $12,625 |
Sat. Happening Registrar (per session, total of 3 sessions) | $634 | $634 | $634 |
Substance Abuse Coordinator | $12,677 | $12,677 | $12,677 |
2027-2028 |
HIB Building Leader – HS | $3,443 | $3,443 | $3,443 |
HIB Building Leader – BB | $1,148 | $1,148 | $1,148 |
HIB Building Leader – SA | $1,148 | $1,148 | $1,148 |
HIB Building Leader – SS | $3,443 | $3,443 | $3,443 |
OT/PT Billing Coordinator | $3,766 | $3,766 | $3,766 |
Sat. Happening Billing | $6,298 | $6,298 | $6,298 |
Sat. Happening Director (10 month) | $13,067 | $13,067 | $13,067 |
Sat. Happening Registrar (per session, total of 3 sessions) | $656 | $656 | $656 |
Substance Abuse Coordinator | $13,121 | $13,121 | $13,121 |
2024-2025 |
Baseball – Head Varsity | $5,640 | $6,781 | $7,349 |
Baseball – Assistant #1 | $3,702 | $4,351 | $4,674 |
Baseball – Assistant #2 | $3,702 | $4,351 | $4,674 |
Basketball – Head Varsity (Girls) | $5,806 | $6,921 | $7,492 |
Basketball – Assistant #1 (Girls) | $3,757 | $4,552 | $4,888 |
Basketball – Head Varsity (Boys) | $5,806 | $6,921 | $7,492 |
Basketball – Assistant #1 (Boys) | $3,757 | $4,552 | $4,888 |
Basketball – Assistant #2 (Boys) | $3,757 | $4,552 | $4,888 |
Basketball – Freshman (Boys) | $3,757 | $4,552 | $4,888 |
Basketball – Freshman (Girls) | $3,757 | $4,552 | $4,888 |
Basketball – Junior School (Girls) | $1,926 | $2,322 | $2,488 |
Basketball – Junior School (Boys) | $1,926 | $2,322 | $2,488 |
Bowling – Coach | $3,432 | $3,787 | $4,260 |
Cross Country – Head Coach | $6,049 | $6,720 | $7,253 |
2025-2026 |
Baseball – Head Varsity | $5,837 | $7,019 | $7,606 |
Baseball – Assistant #1 | $3,832 | $4,503 | $4,838 |
Baseball – Assistant #2 | $3,832 | $4,503 | $4,838 |
Basketball – Head Varsity (Girls) | $6,010 | $7,163 | $7,755 |
Basketball – Assistant #1 (Girls) | $3,889 | $4,711 | $5,059 |
Basketball – Head Varsity (Boys) | $6,010 | $7,163 | $7,755 |
Basketball – Assistant #1 (Boys) | $3,889 | $4,711 | $5,059 |
Basketball – Assistant #2 (Boys) | $3,889 | $4,711 | $5,059 |
Basketball – Freshman (Boys) | $3,889 | $4,711 | $5,059 |
Basketball – Freshman (Girls) | $3,889 | $4,711 | $5,059 |
Basketball – Junior School (Girls) | $1,994 | $2,403 | $2,575 |
Basketball – Junior School (Boys) | $1,994 | $2,403 | $2,575 |
Bowling – Coach | $3,552 | $3,920 | $4,409 |
Cross Country – Head Coach | $6,260 | $6,955 | $7,507 |
2026-2027 |
Baseball – Head Varsity | $6,041 | $7,264 | $7,872 |
Baseball – Assistant #1 | $3,966 | $4,661 | $5,007 |
Baseball – Assistant #2 | $3,966 | $4,661 | $5,007 |
Basketball – Head Varsity (Girls) | $6,220 | $7,414 | $8,026 |
Basketball – Assistant #1 (Girls) | $4,025 | $4,876 | $5,236 |
Basketball – Head Varsity (Boys) | $6,220 | $7,414 | $8,026 |
Basketball – Assistant #1 (Boys) | $4,025 | $4,876 | $5,236 |
Basketball – Assistant #2 (Boys) | $4,025 | $4,876 | $5,236 |
Basketball – Freshman (Boys) | $4,025 | $4,876 | $5,236 |
Basketball – Freshman (Girls) | $4,025 | $4,876 | $5,236 |
Basketball – Junior School (Girls) | $2,063 | $2,487 | $2,665 |
Basketball – Junior School (Boys) | $2,063 | $2,487 | $2,665 |
Bowling – Coach | $3,677 | $4,057 | $4,563 |
Cross Country – Head Coach | $6,479 | $7,199 | $7,770 |
2027-2028 |
Baseball – Head Varsity | $6,253 | $7,519 | $8,147 |
Baseball – Assistant #1 | $4,105 | $4,824 | $5,182 |
Baseball – Assistant #2 | $4,105 | $4,824 | $5,182 |
Basketball – Head Varsity (Girls) | $6,438 | $7,673 | $8,307 |
Basketball – Assistant #1 (Girls) | $4,166 | $5,047 | $5,420 |
Basketball – Head Varsity (Boys) | $6,438 | $7,673 | $8,307 |
Basketball – Assistant #1 (Boys) | $4,166 | $5,047 | $5,420 |
Basketball – Assistant #2 (Boys) | $4,166 | $5,047 | $5,420 |
Basketball – Freshman (Boys) | $4,166 | $5,047 | $5,420 |
Basketball – Freshman (Girls) | $4,166 | $5,047 | $5,420 |
Basketball – Junior School (Girls) | $2,136 | $2,574 | $2,759 |
Basketball – Junior School (Boys) | $2,136 | $2,574 | $2,759 |
Bowling – Coach | $3,805 | $4,199 | $4,723 |
Cross Country – Head Coach | $6,706 | $7,451 | $8,042 |
2024-2025 |
Cross Country – Assistant Coach | $3,616 | $4,223 | $4,673 |
Football – Head Coach | $6,661 | $7,727 | $8,353 |
Football – Assistant #1 | $4,515 | $5,014 | $5,244 |
Football – Assistant #2 | $4,515 | $5,014 | $5,244 |
Football – Assistant #3 | $4,515 | $5,014 | $5,244 |
Football – Assistant #4 | $4,515 | $5,014 | $5,244 |
Football – Assistant #5 | $4,515 | $5,014 | $5,244 |
Football – Assistant #6 | $4,515 | $5,014 | $5,244 |
Golf – Coach | $3,432 | $3,787 | $4,260 |
Soccer – Head Varsity (Girls) | $6,049 | $6,720 | $7,253 |
Soccer – Assistant (Girls) | $3,630 | $4,423 | $4,809 |
Soccer – Head Varsity (Boys) | $6,049 | $6,720 | $7,253 |
Soccer – Assistant (Boys) | $3,630 | $4,526 | $4,809 |
Softball – Head Varsity | $5,640 | $6,781 | $7,349 |
Softball – Assistant #1 | $3,702 | $4,351 | $4,674 |
Softball – Assistant #2 | $3,702 | $4,351 | $4,674 |
Tennis – Head Varsity (Boys) | $4,198 | $4,562 | $4,916 |
Tennis – Assistant (Boys) | $2,767 | $3,057 | $3,348 |
Tennis – Head Varsity (Girls) | $4,198 | $4,562 | $4,916 |
Track – Head Varsity (Boys) | $5,640 | $6,781 | $7,349 |
Track – Head Varsity (Girls) | $5,640 | $6,781 | $7,349 |
Track – Assistant #1 | $3,702 | $4,351 | $4,675 |
Track – Assistant #2 | $3,702 | $4,351 | $4,675 |
Track – Assistant #3 | $3,702 | $4,351 | $4,675 |
Track – Winter | $2,634 | $3,221 | $3,446 |
Track – Winter Assistant | $2,370 | $2,755 | $3,137 |
Volleyball – Head Varsity | $6,049 | $6,720 | $7,253 |
Volleyball – Assistant #1 | $4,179 | $4,466 | $4,809 |
Volleyball – Junior School | $2,409 | $2,680 | $2,947 |
Wrestling – Head Varsity | $5,806 | $6,921 | $7,492 |
Wrestling – Assistant | $3,738 | $4,531 | $4,863 |
2025-2026 |
Cross Country – Assistant Coach | $3,743 | $4,371 | $4,837 |
Football – Head Coach | $6,894 | $7,998 | $8,646 |
Football – Assistant #1 | $4,673 | $5,189 | $5,428 |
Football – Assistant #2 | $4,673 | $5,189 | $5,428 |
Football – Assistant #3 | $4,673 | $5,189 | $5,428 |
Football – Assistant #4 | $4,673 | $5,189 | $5,428 |
Football – Assistant #5 | $4,673 | $5,189 | $5,428 |
Football – Assistant #6 | $4,673 | $5,189 | $5,428 |
Golf – Coach | $3,552 | $3,920 | $4,409 |
Soccer – Head Varsity (Girls) | $6,260 | $6,955 | $7,507 |
Soccer – Assistant (Girls) | $3,757 | $4,577 | $4,977 |
Soccer – Head Varsity (Boys) | $6,260 | $6,955 | $7,507 |
Soccer – Assistant (Boys) | $3,757 | $4,684 | $4,977 |
Softball – Head Varsity | $5,837 | $7,019 | $7,606 |
Softball – Assistant #1 | $3,832 | $4,503 | $4,838 |
Softball – Assistant #2 | $3,832 | $4,503 | $4,838 |
Tennis – Head Varsity (Boys) | $4,345 | $4,722 | $5,088 |
Tennis – Assistant (Boys) | $2,863 | $3,164 | $3,465 |
Tennis – Head Varsity (Girls) | $4,345 | $4,722 | $5,088 |
Track – Head Varsity (Boys) | $5,837 | $7,019 | $7,606 |
Track – Head Varsity (Girls) | $5,837 | $7,019 | $7,606 |
Track – Assistant #1 | $3,832 | $4,503 | $4,839 |
Track – Assistant #2 | $3,832 | $4,503 | $4,839 |
Track – Assistant #3 | $3,832 | $4,503 | $4,839 |
Track – Winter | $2,726 | $3,334 | $3,566 |
Track – Winter Assistant | $2,453 | $2,852 | $3,247 |
Volleyball – Head Varsity | $6,260 | $6,955 | $7,507 |
Volleyball – Assistant #1 | $4,326 | $4,622 | $4,977 |
Volleyball – Junior School | $2,494 | $2,773 | $3,050 |
Wrestling – Head Varsity | $6,010 | $7,163 | $7,755 |
Wrestling – Assistant | $3,869 | $4,690 | $5,034 |
2026-2027 |
Cross Country – Assistant Coach | $3,874 | $4,524 | $5,006 |
Football – Head Coach | $7,136 | $8,278 | $8,948 |
Football – Assistant #1 | $4,836 | $5,371 | $5,618 |
Football – Assistant #2 | $4,836 | $5,371 | $5,618 |
Football – Assistant #3 | $4,836 | $5,371 | $5,618 |
Football – Assistant #4 | $4,836 | $5,371 | $5,618 |
Football – Assistant #5 | $4,836 | $5,371 | $5,618 |
Football – Assistant #6 | $4,836 | $5,371 | $5,618 |
Golf – Coach | $3,677 | $4,057 | $4,563 |
Soccer – Head Varsity (Girls) | $6,479 | $7,199 | $7,770 |
Soccer – Assistant (Girls) | $3,888 | $4,738 | $5,151 |
Soccer – Head Varsity (Boys) | $6,479 | $7,199 | $7,770 |
Soccer – Assistant (Boys) | $3,888 | $4,848 | $5,151 |
Softball – Head Varsity | $6,041 | $7,264 | $7,872 |
Softball – Assistant #1 | $3,966 | $4,661 | $5,007 |
Softball – Assistant #2 | $3,966 | $4,661 | $5,007 |
Tennis – Head Varsity (Boys) | $4,497 | $4,887 | $5,266 |
Tennis – Assistant (Boys) | $2,964 | $3,275 | $3,587 |
Tennis – Head Varsity (Girls) | $4,497 | $4,887 | $5,266 |
Track – Head Varsity (Boys) | $6,041 | $7,264 | $7,872 |
Track – Head Varsity (Girls) | $6,041 | $7,264 | $7,872 |
Track – Assistant #1 | $3,966 | $4,661 | $5,008 |
Track – Assistant #2 | $3,966 | $4,661 | $5,008 |
Track – Assistant #3 | $3,966 | $4,661 | $5,008 |
Track – Winter | $2,822 | $3,450 | $3,691 |
Track – Winter Assistant | $2,539 | $2,951 | $3,361 |
Volleyball – Head Varsity | $6,479 | $7,199 | $7,770 |
Volleyball – Assistant #1 | $4,477 | $4,784 | $5,151 |
Volleyball – Junior School | $2,581 | $2,870 | $3,157 |
Wrestling – Head Varsity | $6,220 | $7,414 | $8,026 |
Wrestling – Assistant | $4,005 | $4,854 | $5,210 |
2027-2028 |
Cross Country – Assistant Coach | $4,009 | $4,682 | $5,181 |
Football – Head Coach | $7,385 | $8,567 | $9,262 |
Football – Assistant #1 | $5,005 | $5,559 | $5,814 |
Football – Assistant #2 | $5,005 | $5,559 | $5,814 |
Football – Assistant #3 | $5,005 | $5,559 | $5,814 |
Football – Assistant #4 | $5,005 | $5,559 | $5,814 |
Football – Assistant #5 | $5,005 | $5,559 | $5,814 |
Football – Assistant #6 | $5,005 | $5,559 | $5,814 |
Golf – Coach | $3,805 | $4,199 | $4,723 |
Soccer – Head Varsity (Girls) | $6,706 | $7,451 | $8,042 |
Soccer – Assistant (Girls) | $4,024 | $4,903 | $5,331 |
Soccer – Head Varsity (Boys) | $6,706 | $7,451 | $8,042 |
Soccer – Assistant (Boys) | $4,024 | $5,018 | $5,331 |
Softball – Head Varsity | $6,253 | $7,519 | $8,147 |
Softball – Assistant #1 | $4,105 | $4,824 | $5,182 |
Softball – Assistant #2 | $4,105 | $4,824 | $5,182 |
Tennis – Head Varsity (Boys) | $4,654 | $5,058 | $5,451 |
Tennis – Assistant (Boys) | $3,067 | $3,390 | $3,712 |
Tennis – Head Varsity (Girls) | $4,654 | $5,058 | $5,451 |
Track – Head Varsity (Boys) | $6,253 | $7,519 | $8,147 |
Track – Head Varsity (Girls) | $6,253 | $7,519 | $8,147 |
Track – Assistant #1 | $4,105 | $4,824 | $5,183 |
Track – Assistant #2 | $4,105 | $4,824 | $5,183 |
Track – Assistant #3 | $4,105 | $4,824 | $5,183 |
Track – Winter | $2,920 | $3,571 | $3,820 |
Track – Winter Assistant | $2,628 | $3,055 | $3,478 |
Volleyball – Head Varsity | $6,706 | $7,451 | $8,042 |
Volleyball – Assistant #1 | $4,634 | $4,952 | $5,331 |
Volleyball – Junior School | $2,671 | $2,971 | $3,267 |
Wrestling – Head Varsity | $6,438 | $7,673 | $8,307 |
Wrestling – Assistant | $4,145 | $5,024 | $5,392 |
A. HOME INSTRUCTION: Hourly rate $40.00
B. SATURDAY DETENTION: Hourly rate $40.00
C. EVENT WORKERS: Hourly rate $40.00
D. CROWD CONTROL: $55/Single Game; $75/Double-Header
Staff members who accompany students on overnight trips: $125.00/day.
Staff members (who are not receiving an extra service stipend associated with the field trip) who accompany student on trips that extend past the end of the normal workday: $25.00/hour, not to exceed $125.00.
Nurses who accompany students on field trips: $150.00.
Hourly rate: $45.00.
1. At the end of the student instructional day in the High School, which is currently 2:45 P.M., all special education students being bused will be brought to the auditorium by teacher volunteers at the end of the high school staff work day, which is currently 2:55 P.M. With the high school staff dismissal currently at 2:55 P.M. this will result in no more than an additional 20 minutes per day.
2. The District will post the need for up to six (6) volunteer teachers to act as chaperones for these special education students until they board their bus home.
3. An additional list of volunteer teachers to act as substitutes will be maintained in the event that one or more of the six (6) volunteer teachers is absent. These substitutes will be paid on a pro-rated amount of the annual stipend each time they act as a substitute.
4. No teacher will be assigned to perform this additional work.
5. Each volunteer will be paid an annual stipend of $2,100 which will be paid in two (2) installments consistent with other contractual stipends.
6. At no time will a staff member be required to remain after 3:15 P.M. The School District administration will take over the supervision of any special education student who had not boarded his/her bus home by 3:15 P.M. and all volunteer teachers will be released at 3:15 P.M.
7. In the event of an absolute emergency where there is no School District administrator to take over bus duty at 3:15 P.M., the period coverage rate of $19.65 per Schedule C, Paragraph A of the Agreement would be paid to the teacher for the time past 3:15 P.M. SCHEDULE I-1
Step | BA | BA+15 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
1-2 | - | - | - | - | - |
3-4 | - | - | - | - | - |
5-6 | - | - | - | - | - |
7 | - | - | - | - | - |
8 | - | - | - | - | - |
9 | 69,182 | 70,804 | 72,119 | 75,026 | 78,918 |
10 | 70,182 | 71,804 | 73,290 | 76,340 | 80,404 |
11 | 71,182 | 72,804 | 75,205 | 78,210 | 82,790 |
12 | 72,182 | 73,804 | 76,749 | 79,697 | 84,791 |
13 | 73,182 | 75,088 | 78,208 | 81,098 | 86,707 |
14 | 74,182 | 76,543 | 79,302 | 82,192 | 88,234 |
15 | 75,182 | 78,193 | 80,749 | 84,145 | 89,562 |
16 | 76,182 | 80,574 | 83,283 | 87,798 | 93,168 |
17 | 79,329 | 84,712 | 86,932 | 91,032 | 96,047 |
18 | 83,729 | 89,568 | 91,299 | 94,377 | 100,251 |
19 | 90,906 | 96,258 | 97,910 | 99,800 | 105,445 |
20 | 96,788 | 102,232 | 103,635 | 105,734 | 111,122 |
21 | 103,774 | 110,783 | 110,684 | 114,327 | 119,549 |
22 |  |  | 119,351 | 123,651 | 128,729 |
Step | BA | BA+15 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
1 | - | - | - | - | - |
2-3 | - | - | - | - | - |
4-5 | - | - | - | - | - |
6-7 | - | - | - | - | - |
8 | - | - | - | - | - |
9 | - | - | - | - | - |
10 | 73,000 | 74,000 | 75,000 | 77,971 | 82,035 |
11 | 74,000 | 75,000 | 76,836 | 79,841 | 84,421 |
12 | 75,000 | 76,000 | 78,380 | 81,328 | 86,422 |
13 | 76,000 | 77,000 | 79,839 | 82,729 | 88,338 |
14 | 77,000 | 78,174 | 80,933 | 83,823 | 89,865 |
15 | 78,000 | 79,824 | 82,380 | 85,776 | 91,193 |
16 | 79,000 | 82,205 | 84,914 | 89,429 | 94,799 |
17 | 80,000 | 86,343 | 88,563 | 92,663 | 97,678 |
18 | 85,360 | 91,199 | 92,930 | 96,008 | 101,882 |
19 | 92,537 | 97,889 | 99,541 | 101,431 | 107,076 |
20 | 98,419 | 103,863 | 105,266 | 107,365 | 112,753 |
21 | 104,374 | 111,383 | 111,284 | 114,927 | 120,149 |
22 |  |  | 119,951 | 124,251 | 129,329 |
Step | BA | BA+15 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
1-2 | - | - | - | - | - |
3-4 | - | - | - | - | - |
5-6 | - | - | - | - | - |
7-8 | - | - | - | - | - |
9 | - | - | - | - | - |
10 | - | - | - | - | - |
11 | 76,276 | 77,276 | 79,112 | 82,117 | 86,697 |
12 | 77,276 | 78,276 | 80,656 | 83,604 | 88,698 |
13 | 78,276 | 79,276 | 82,115 | 85,005 | 90,614 |
14 | 79,276 | 80,450 | 83,209 | 86,099 | 92,141 |
15 | 80,276 | 82,100 | 84,656 | 88,052 | 93,469 |
16 | 81,276 | 84,481 | 87,190 | 91,705 | 97,075 |
17 | 82,276 | 88,619 | 90,839 | 94,939 | 99,954 |
18 | 87,636 | 93,475 | 95,206 | 98,284 | 104,158 |
19 | 94,813 | 100,165 | 101,817 | 103,707 | 109,352 |
20 | 100,695 | 106,139 | 107,542 | 109,641 | 115,029 |
21 | 105,074 | 112,083 | 111,984 | 115,627 | 120,849 |
22 |  |  | 120,651 | 124,951 | 130,029 |
Step | BA | BA+15 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
1 | - | - | - | - | - |
2-3 | - | - | - | - | - |
4-5 | - | - | - | - | - |
6-7 | - | - | - | - | - |
8-9 | - | - | - | - | - |
10 | - | - | - | - | - |
11 | - | - | - | - | - |
12 | 79,641 | 80,641 | 83,021 | 85,969 | 91,063 |
13 | 80,641 | 81,641 | 84,480 | 87,370 | 92,979 |
14 | 81,641 | 82,815 | 85,574 | 88,464 | 94,506 |
15 | 82,641 | 84,465 | 87,021 | 90,417 | 95,834 |
16 | 83,641 | 86,846 | 89,555 | 94,070 | 99,440 |
17 | 84,641 | 90,984 | 93,204 | 97,304 | 102,319 |
18 | 90,001 | 95,840 | 97,571 | 100,649 | 106,523 |
19 | 97,178 | 102,530 | 104,182 | 106,072 | 111,717 |
20 | 103,060 | 108,504 | 109,907 | 112,006 | 117,394 |
21 | 107,439 | 114,448 | 113,884 | 117,427 | 121,649 |
22 |  |  | 121,451 | 125,751 | 130,829 |