Last Revised
3/9/05 4:29 PM
July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2004
SCHEDULE A-1 2001-2002 30
SCHEDULE A-1 2002-2003 31
SCHEDULE A-1 2003-2004 32
SCHEDULE A-2 2001-2002 33
SCHEDULE A-2 2002-2003 37
SCHEDULE A-2 2003-2004 42
This Agreement entered into this 28th day of August, 2001, by and between the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE MATAWAN-ABERDEEN REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, Monmouth County, New Jersey, hereinafter called the "Board", and the MATAWAN REGIONAL TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, hereinafter called the "Association."
Whereas, the Board has an obligation, pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Laws, 1974 to negotiate with the Association as the representatives of employees hereinafter designated with respect to the terms and conditions of employment, and
Whereas, the parties have reached certain understanding which they desire to confirm in this Agreement,
In consideration of the following mutual covenants, it is hereby agreed as follows:
A. The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiation con-cerning the terms and conditions of employment for all certified personnel whether under contract, on leave, on a per diem basis, employed or to be employed by the Board, including:
classroom teachers, nurses, librarians, guidance counselors, department chairmen, social workers, learning disability specialists, resource teachers, and remedial teachers;
but excluding:
administrative positions, department supervisors, clerical and custodial workers, and substitutes.
B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "teachers", when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all professional employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined, and reference to male teachers shall include female teachers.
A. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor agreement, provided the Association still represents a majority of the employees in the bargaining unit, in accordance with Chapter 123, Public Laws, 1974. These negotiations shall be in a good-faith effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of teachers' employment. Such negotiations shall begin not later than October 1 of the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which this Agreement expires. Any agreement so negotiated shall apply to all teachers in the bargaining unit, shall be reduced to writing, and shall be signed by the Board and by the Association.
B. During the negotiations, the Board, through its negotiating committee, and the Association, through its negotiating committee, shall present relevant data and exchange points of view.
C. Neither party in any negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party. Either side may invite one or more consultants or spokesmen to attend and participate in any negotiating session.
D. The Board agrees not to negotiate concerning any employee in the negotiating unit as defined in Article I of this Agreement, in violation of Chapter 123 of the Public Laws of 1974 or any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
Grievance - A "grievance" shall mean a complaint based upon a wrong believed by an employee in the negotiating unit to have been suffered by him as a result of a violation, misinterpretation or inequitable application of any provision of this Agreement, or through an act or condition which is contrary to established Board policy or Board and/or administrative practice governing or affecting employees except that the term "grievance" shall not apply to:
(1) Any rule or regulation of the State Department of Education having the force and effect of law.
(2) Any rule or regulation of the State Commissioner of Education having the force and effect of law.
(3) Any matter which, according to law, is beyond the scope of Board authority.
(4) Any matter which, according to law, is exclusively within the discretion of the Board.
Grievant - Grievant shall mean an employee believing to have been or to be aggrieved.
Employee - An employee shall mean an employee within the negotiating unit.
Immediate Superior - The principal or such person acting as the principal in the latter's
(1) A grievance to be considered under this procedure shall be presented by the grievant or his representative not later than twenty (20) calendar days following its occurrence or the time when he should have known about it. The number of days allotted at each step of the grievance procedure is to be considered as a maximum time limit. Every attempt should be made to resolve grievances as quickly as possible. A grievance which occurs near the end of the school year shall be presented on or before June 30th of the school year in which it occurred.
(2) A grievant may present and process his grievance personally or through an appropriate representative. Should a grievant want to process his grievance personally or through an appropriate representative of his own choosing, he may do so, however the majority unit shall be so notified and shall have the right to have its own representative present.
(3) No reprisals shall be taken by the Board or Administration against any employee because he utilizes the grievance procedure.
(4) Should a grievance result from action taken by the Superintendent or the Board, a grievant may present his grievance initially at the third step of the grievance procedure.
(5) Forms developed jointly by the Board and the Association will be used for the filing of grievances.
(a) A grievant may initially discuss the matter identified as a grievance with the immediate superior in an attempt to settle the grievance informally. This is not intended to extend the time limitation as set forth in Section B, sub-section 1.
(a) A grievant shall file his grievance in writing by presenting the written grievance to the immediate superior and forwarding copies to the Superintendent and the Association.
(b) The grievant and the immediate superior shall meet in an attempt to resolve the grievance not later than seven (7) calendar days following the date on which it is filed.
(c) The immediate superior shall communicate his decision in writing to the grievant not later than seven (7) calendar days following the hearing. A copy of the decision shall also be forwarded, at the same time, to the Superintendent and the Association.
(a) If the grievance has not been resolved at step two of the procedure, the grievant may request a hearing of his grievance by the Superintendent or his designated representative. This shall be done not later than seven (7) calendar days following the principal's decision.
(b) The grievant and Superintendent or his designated representative shall meet in an attempt to resolve the grievance not later than seven (7) calendar days following the date on which the hearing was requested.
(c) The Superintendent or his designated representative shall communicate his decision in writing to the grievant not later than thirty (30) calendar days following the hearing. A copy of the decision shall also be forwarded, at the same time, to the Association.
(a) In the event the grievant is dissatisfied with the determination of the Superintendent aforesaid, and in the further event that the grievance involves the interpretation or application of this contract, the matter may be submitted to binding arbitration. The grievant shall request in writing that the Association submit his grievance to arbitration. If the Association decides the grievance is meritorious, it may submit the grievance to arbitration. A request for arbitration shall be made in writing no later than fifteen (15) days following the determination of the Superintendent. Failure to request arbitration within said period of time shall constitute an absolute bar to such arbitration unless the Superintendent and the Association shall mutually agree upon a longer time period within which to assert such a demand.
(b) The Superintendent may also request arbitration concerning any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this Agreement. The time limits applicable to the Association are also applicable to the Superintendent.
(c) The arbitrator shall have no power or authority to add to, subtract from, change or modify any of the terms of this Agreement.
(d) Within fourteen (14) calendar days after the Association shall have delivered the written request for arbitration, the Superintendent and the Association shall attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator and shall obtain a commitment from said arbitrator to serve. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator or to obtain such a commitment within the specified time period, a request for a list of arbitrators shall be made from the Public Employment Relations Commission. The parties shall then be bound by the rules and procedures of the Public Employment Relations Commission in the selection of an arbitrator.
(e) The arbitrator so selected shall confer with the Superintendent and the Association and hold hearings promptly, and he shall issue his decision not later than twenty (20) calendar days from the close of hearings, or if oral hearings have been waived, then from the date that the final statements and proof are submitted to him. The arbitrator's decision shall be in writing and shall set forth his findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issue submitted. The decision of the arbitrator shall be submitted to the Superintendent and the Association and shall be final and binding on the parties.
(f) The costs for the services of the arbitrator including per diem expenses, if any, and the cost of the hearing room, if any, shall be borne equally. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring such expense.
A. Pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Laws 1974, the Board hereby agrees that every employee of the Board shall have the right to freely organize, join, and support the Association and its affiliates for the purpose of engaging in collective negotiations. The Board undertakes and agrees that it shall not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any teacher in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by Chapter 123, Public Laws, 1974, or other laws of New Jersey or the Constitutions of New Jersey and the United States; that it shall not discriminate against any teacher with respect to terms and conditions of employment by reason of his membership in the Association and its affiliates, his participation in any activities of the Association and its affiliates, his participation in collective negotiations with the Board, or his institution of any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this Agreement.
B. The Association agrees that teachers have professional and statutory obligations. The Association will undertake during the life of this Agreement that the Association will not condone violation of any such obligation by an employee in the bargaining unit.
C. Whenever any teacher is required to appear before the Superintendent, the Board, or any committee or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that teacher in his office, position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then he shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise him and represent him during such meeting or interview.
D. No teacher shall be prevented from wearing regular membership pins or other identification of membership in the Association or its affiliates of the size normally used as tie tacks, lapel pins, or charms on bracelets.
E. No employee shall be disciplined, reprimanded, reduced in rank or compensation without just cause. Any such action asserted by the Board, or any agent or representative thereof, shall be subject to the grievance procedure, provided however, that no disciplinary action for which a statutory form of relief is provided, including, but not limited to tenure charges, increment withholdings, and non-renewal of non-tenured teachers, shall be subject to these provisions.
A. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at all reasonable hours for meetings. The business administrator shall be notified in advance of the time and place of all such meetings. If the room requested is occupied, other arrangements must be made. No approval shall be required.
B. The Association shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment, including typewriters, mimeograph machines, other duplicating equipment, calculating machines, and all types of audio-visual equipment at reasonable times, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use.
C. The Association shall have, in each school building, the exclusive use of a bulletin board in each faculty lounge and teachers' dining room. The Association shall also be assigned adequate space on the bulletin board in the central office for Association notices. Copies of all materials to be posted on such bulletin boards shall be given to the building principal, but no approval shall be required.
D. The Association shall have the right to use the inter-school mail facilities and school mail boxes as it deems necessary and without the approval of building principals or other members of the administration.
E. The Association shall be granted permission to speak at all orientation programs for new teachers.
F. The Association president shall be released from two teaching periods per day to attend to Association affairs. In the event the president of the Association is an elementary school teacher for whom no free period is scheduled, the president shall designate an alternate secondary teacher to be released on the same basis as above.
G. (1) All officers and building representatives of the Association shall be relieved of all non-teaching duties. Any increase in the duty cycle for other members of the bargaining unit resulting from this provision is permissible.
(2) The number of building representatives shall not be increased beyond the present level which is as follows:
High School 2 Lloyd Road 1
Matawan Avenue 2 Cliffwood 1
Cambridge Park 1 Strathmore 1
Ravine Drive 1
A. Scheduling within the work day shall be at the discretion of the Board provided that in no case shall the amount of preparation and lunch time be diminished as set forth in this contract.
(1) Elementary School Teachers
(a) The in-school work day for elementary school teachers shall be six (6) hours and forty-five (45) minutes. It is further provided that no teacher shall be scheduled to report for duty less than ten (10) minutes prior to the pupils’ school day, nor will teachers be dismissed earlier than ten (10) minutes after the pupils’ school day, which is included in the six (6) hour and forty-five (45) minutes. Furthermore, fifteen (15) minutes of this day shall be placed as a block of instruction time at the beginning or end of the student day.
(b) Elementary school teachers shall have five forty-five minute preparation periods per week.
(c) Elementary school teachers shall be provided a daily duty free lunch period of forty-five (45) minutes.
(d) Elementary school teachers shall be assigned two fifteen minute duty periods per week. However, Specialty/Resource Room/Basic Skills elementary school teachers shall perform up to one (1) hour of duty per week in addition to their two fifteen minute duty periods per week. This duty assignment shall be implemented uniformly throughout the district.
(e) The elementary school teacher instructional workday may consist of a traditional or block schedule, and shall be established by the Board in each year of this Agreement. Effective July 1, 2002, teachers shall approve flex scheduling annually prior to flex scheduling being implemented. Changes in terms and conditions of employment shall be negotiated with the Association prior to implementing any change in the current schedule.
(2) Middle School Teachers
(a) The in-school work day for middle school teachers shall be six (6) hours and fifty-four (54) minutes. It is further provided that no teacher shall be scheduled to report for duty less than ten (10) minutes prior to the pupils’ school day, nor will teachers be dismissed earlier than ten (10) minutes after the pupils’ school day, which is included in the six (6) hour and fifty-four (54) minutes.
(b) The middle school teacher workday shall consist of either eight (8) periods of forty-three (43) minutes each, consisting of five (5) instructional periods, one (1) duty free lunch period, one (1) preparation period and one (1) duty period OR four (4) seventy-five (75) minute blocks which consists of a maximum of three (3) instructional blocks, one (1) preparation/planning block and a thirty-six (36) minute duty free lunch period. The remaining time in the workday shall consist of passing time, a twenty-six (26) minute non-instructional advisory block and non-contact time to be utilized before and after the pupils’ school day. Teachers will be permitted to schedule non-instructional breaks within the seventy-five (75) minute instructional blocks if such a schedule is implemented in any year. Effective July 1, 2002, teachers shall approve flex scheduling annually prior to flex scheduling being implemented. Changes in terms and conditions of employment shall be negotiated with the Association prior to implementing any change in the current schedule.
(c) Teachers shall have a responsibility to help insure the safety of students during passing time.
(3) High School Teachers
(a) The in-school workday for high school teachers shall be seven (7) hours and three (3) minutes. It is further provided that no teacher shall be scheduled to report for duty less than ten (10) minutes prior to the pupils’ school day, nor will teachers be dismissed earlier than four (4) minutes after the pupils’ school day, which is included in the seven (7) hours and three (3) minutes.
(b) The high school teacher workday shall consist of eight periods of forty-seven (47) minutes each, consisting of five (5) instructional periods, one/half (½) period of duty per day, one duty free lunch period and one and one half (1 ½) preparation periods. The remaining time in the workday consists of passing time, a five (5) minute homeroom period, and non-contact time to be utilized before and after the pupils’ school day. Teachers will be permitted to schedule non-instructional breaks within instructional blocks if such a schedule is implemented in any year. Effective July 1, 2002, teachers shall approve flex scheduling annually prior to flex scheduling being implemented. Changes in terms and conditions of employment shall be negotiated with the Association prior to implementing any change in the current schedule.
(c) Teachers shall have a responsibility to help insure the safety of students during passing time.
(4) In addition to the teachers’ normal workday, teachers may be required to attend professional meetings beyond the workday up to a maximum of thirty (30) hours per school year. Whenever possible, except in cases of emergency, teachers will be given forty-eight (48) hours notice of meetings along with an agenda covering the purpose of such meetings. The hours for such professional meetings shall be no more than eighteen (18) in each semester.
B. The Board agrees that it should establish reasonable hours and loads in each level of the school system and shall endeavor to do so with the understanding that the administration will have the right in emergencies to go beyond the limits it established and will notify the Association of the reasons therefor.
C. (1) The teacher work year shall consist of 187 days.
(2) Make-up days due to schools closing on account of inclement weather shall be scheduled as full school days before June 1. Make-up days shall be scheduled as half-days after June 1. In years when a February vacation is included in the calendar, the first three (3) make-up days shall be scheduled during the February vacation. The next two (2) make-up days, if needed, shall be scheduled in June. Any additional make-up days which may be needed shall be scheduled before June.
D. At the discretion of the Board, the non-teaching duty period may be used as an alternate instructional period, but shall not be used as a regularly scheduled classroom period, or for compensatory education purposes, and shall not be solely used to reduce the number of teaching positions within the District. This period shall be subject to the supervision and direction of the Administration.
E. At the discretion of the Board, two (2) parent teacher conferences may be scheduled in the evening during the normal school year for a duration of not more than three (3) hours per evening. On the days of such evening conferences, afternoon schedules will be suspended after four (4) hours of work.
F. Teachers will be compensated for lost prep/lunch periods due to attendance at IEP/evaluation meetings after the first three (3) meetings per year. (a) Teachers will be compensated for lost prep/lunch time, in the amount of $10 for meetings lasting up to fifteen (15) minutes: $20 for meetings lasting more than fifteen (15) minutes and up to thirty (30) minutes; and $30 for meetings up to forty-five (45) minutes.
(b) Individual teachers shall have a choice for compensation in cash or compensatory time to be decided at the beginning of the year and continue throughout the year.
(c) Before/after school meetings shall not apply to this provision, but shall apply to Article VI.A (4).
(d) Article VI.F shall expire June 30, 2004.
A. An air conditioning unit will be installed in each faculty room.
A. The Board recognizes that the teaching loads of specialist teachers should be educationally optimal and will endeavor to meet this obligation within the limits of its available resources.
A. Teachers shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year no later than April 30th.
B. Teachers shall be entitled automatically to a written statement of reasons for termination and receive a hearing upon request.
C. If the Board subcontracts the services of members of the Child Study Team during the life of the Agreement, each member who loses his/her job shall be compensated in the amount of six (6) months salary. If the Board decides to subcontract the services of members of the Child Study Team at the end of this Agreement, the Board shall give at least ninety (90) days notice, in writing, to the Association and each member. Article IX.C shall expire June 30, 2004.
A. (1) The salaries of all teachers and nurses covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule A-1 which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
(2) Salary guide column changes, based upon newly earned degrees or credits shall be effective on February 1 of each calendar year, where full documentation is submitted to the administration by January 15th of the same year. This shall in no way affect the practice of granting column change credit for September 15th payrolls which are fully documented by September 1 of each year.
Compensation for extra-curricular activities shall be made in a check separate from the regular payroll checks. Compensation rates and schedules shall be listed as Schedule A-2.
C. The mileage allowance paid to employees will be as noted below and will be paid in accordance with Board policy. The mileage rate to be paid to employees will be in accordance with the rate established by the Internal Revenue Service for that year.
A. All teachers shall be given written notice of their salary schedules, class and/or subject assignments, building assignments and room assignments for the forthcoming year not later than the day before the last day of school. In case of emergency when a change in that assignment is necessary, the administration shall immediately notify the teacher and the Association in writing of the change and the reasons for that change.
B. When a new teacher is hired with the same certification and for the same position as a previously-hired “replacement teacher,” the new teacher will be considered the replacement teacher and the previously-hired teacher is now considered non-replacement.
A. (1) All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a teacher shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher. The use of eavesdropping, public address, audio systems, and similar surveillance devices shall be permitted provided an operative beeper is used.
(2) A teacher shall be given a copy of any class visit or evaluation report prepared by his evaluators no later than ten (10) days following the class visit and at least one (1) day before any conference to discuss it. No such report shall be submitted to the central office, placed in the teacher's file or otherwise acted upon without prior conference with the teacher. No teacher shall be required to sign a blank or incomplete evaluation form. In the event a teacher wishes to attach any comments to the evaluation form, such comments must be prepared and attached no later than ten (10) days following the conference.
B. (1) Except for recommendations which shall be sealed, a teacher has the right to examine his or her file at reasonable times and to attach comments as a part of the permanent record to any item with which he disagrees. Any comments with respect to a class visit or evaluation report will be made in accordance with Section A.2 of this Article. The principal or his representative shall be present at all such examinations of files.
(2) Copies of all items to be included in a teacher's file, except for recommendations, shall be given to the teacher. All items to be included in a teacher's file, except for recommendations, must be dated and initialed by both the principal and the teacher. The teacher's initials do not necessarily signify agreement with the contents of the documents.
C. (1) Any complaints regarding a teacher made to any member of the administration by any parent, student, or other person and of which a notation is placed in the file shall be promptly called to the attention of the teacher. The teacher shall be given an opportunity to respond to and/or rebut such complaint, and shall have the right to be represented by the Association at any other meetings or conferences regarding such complaint at which disciplinary action may be contemplated.
All employee benefits presently existing and unchanged by this Agreement shall remain in effect for the life of the Agreement.
A. Teachers shall not be required to substitute in periods in which they would otherwise be free except in emergencies, when they shall be paid at the rate of $35 per hour.
B. Teachers with long-term overloads shall be compensated at the rate equal to one-fifth (1/5) of that teacher's daily pay per period taught during the 2001-2002 school year. Effective September 1, 2002, long-term overloads shall be compensated at the rate equal to one-sixth (1/6) of that teacher's daily pay per period taught. Teachers with long-term overloads shall receive compensation even when absent as long as said teachers continue to submit lesson plans, grade tests and perform other related classroom responsibilities. Therefore these teachers will not be required to submit monthly vouchers.
A. A Professional Relations Committee shall be established composed of equal numbers of representatives of the Administration and the Association which may discuss any question of a professional nature which either party wishes to raise; whose decisions, when reached, shall be nonbinding but may give rise to recommendations to the Board or other appropriate bodies. In the event that a question remains unsettled after discussion, either party may inform the Board of the disagreement, its views and reasons, so long as the other party receives a copy of such communication. Members shall be selected by each party without veto by the other. A sub-committee of appropriate size shall be established for each school.
A. (1) A definition of the duties and responsibilities of all administrators, coordinators, supervisors and other personnel pertaining to student discipline shall be reduced to writing by the Superintendent and presented to each teacher at the start of each school year.
B. (1) An appropriate student disciplinary procedure shall be developed for each school building by its Faculty Advisory Board. Said procedure shall be submitted to the building faculty for approval and then to the building principal. The procedure shall be subject to the approval of the building principal and the Superintendent prior to its implementation.
(2) In the event the building principal and/or the Superintendent rejects the proposed procedure, the same will be returned to the Faculty Advisory Board which shall then resubmit the procedure along with any changes in the manner noted in B.1. above. The decision of the Superintendent on the resubmitted procedure shall be final.
A. (1) The Board will continue to pay all premiums for full family coverage under the present plan which consists of New Jersey Blue Cross-Blue Shield-Select/Blue Card coverages. The Board shall establish a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service. Employees who submit proof to the Board and Matawan Regional Teachers Association of substitute coverage shall be permitted to waive medical insurance coverage in return for a $2,000 payment for husband/wife coverage or $2,500 for family coverage each year. Submission of proof and request to waive coverage must be completed on or before May 1, in the school year prior to the waiver. Payments for waiver shall be made in two equal installments in January and June of the school year for which coverage was waived. Employees will have the right to opt in/out of the section 125 Cafeteria Plan each year by following the established procedure.
(2) The co-pay for Horizon Blue Cross-Blue Shield shall increase from either $10 to $20 or from $5 to $10.
B. The Board will continue to pay all premiums to provide to each employee for the duration of this Agreement the New Jersey Dental Service Plan (known as the Delta Incentive Plan) family coverage. The maximum accumulated benefit shall increase from $1,000 per year to $2,000 per year for Premier coverage and at least $2,000 per year for Preferred coverage. The dental cap shall be fixed at the rates in effect on June 30, 2004, which shall reflect the full actual costs to the Board of the benefit for each employee.
C. (1) The Board will pay up to the sum of $150.00 per employee per annum for direct optical reimbursement for employees and their dependents.
(2) The Board will pay all premiums for full family coverage for a prescription card with required co-payments of $4.00 for generic drugs and $8.00 for brand-name drugs.
D. Any employee on an authorized unpaid sick leave of absence shall continue to have his/her health benefits (medical, dental, prescription, and optical plans) premiums paid for by the Board while on such an authorized sick leave.
A. (1) The Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of its teachers, dues for the Matawan Regional Teachers Association, the Monmouth County Education Association, the New Jersey Education Association, and the National Education Association, or any one or any combinations of such Associations as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize the Board to deduct. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 310, Public Laws of 1967 (N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.9e) and under rules established by the State Department of Education. Said monies, together with records of any corrections, shall be transmitted to the treasurer of the Matawan Regional Teachers Association by the fifteenth (15th) of each month following the monthly pay period in which deductions were made. The Association treasurer shall disburse such monies to the appropriate association or associations. Teacher authorizations shall be in writing in the form set following:
Name____________________________________Social Security No._____________
School Building_________________________District______________________ __
To: Disbursing Officer-Matawan Aberdeen Regional Board of Education
I hereby request and authorize the above named disbursing officer to deduct from my earnings an amount sufficient to provide for the payment of those yearly membership dues as certified by the organizations indicated in equal monthly payments for all or part of the current school year and for succeeding school years. I understand that the disbursing officer will discontinue such deductions only if I file such notice of withdrawal as of the January 1st next succeeding the date on which notice of withdrawal is filed. I also agree that upon termination of employment, the disbursing officer shall deduct any remaining amount due for that current school year. I hereby waive all right and claims for said monies so deducted and transmitted in accordance with this authorization, and relieve the governing board and all its officers from any liability therefor.
I designate the Matawan Regional Teachers Association to receive dues and distribute according to the organization(s) indicated:
Matawan Regional Teachers Association____________________
Monmouth County Education Association___________________
New Jersey Education Association_________________________
National Education Association____________________________
(2) Each of the associations named above shall certify to the Board, in writing, the current rate of its membership dues. Any association which shall change the rate of its membership dues shall give the Board written notice prior to the effective date of such change.
(3) Additional authorizations for dues deduction may be received after August 1 under rules established by the State Department of Education.
(4) A. The filing of notice of a teacher's withdrawal shall be prior to December 1 and become effective to halt deductions as of January 1 next succeeding the date on which notice of withdrawal is filed.
B. Teachers shall have the right to have deductions made from their salaries upon written authorization for deposit in their account in the Monmouth-Ocean County Credit Union. This supersedes the previous summer payment plan.
C. Payroll deductions for Tax Sheltered Annuity Programs shall be provided for those teachers expressing an interest in participating in such a program. No more than one (1) change may be made in this selection per school year. This deduction is in addition to the deduction permissible for participation in the Supplemental Annuity Plan of the T.P.A.F.
A. This Agreement constitutes Board policy for the term of said Agreement, and the Board shall carry out the commitments contained herein and give them full force and effect as Board policy.
B. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provisions or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
C. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual teacher, heretofore or hereafter executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement, during its duration, shall be controlling.
D. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association, in response to reasonable requests from time to time, all publicly available information concerning the financial resources of the District, including but not limited to: annual financial reports and audits, register of certificated personnel, tentative budgets when adopted, agendas and minutes of all Board meetings, school census data when available, and names and addresses of all teachers. It is understood that this paragraph does not require the Board or any of its representatives to deliver any document in the nature of a working paper.
E. Representatives of the Association, the New Jersey Education Association, the National Education Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times, provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations.
F. The rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives, as set forth in this Agreement, shall be granted only to the Association for the life of the contract and for so long as it is the majority representative and to no other organization.
G. Copies of this Agreement shall be printed at the expense of the Board within thirty (30) days after this Agreement is signed and presented to all teachers now employed, hereafter employed, or considered for employment by the Board.
H. Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties to this Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provision(s) of this Agreement, either party shall do so by telegram or registered letter at the following addresses:
(1) If by Association, to Board at Crest Way, Aberdeen, NJ 07747.
(2) If by Board, to Association at Aberdeen Townsquare Shopping Center, 1075 B Highway 34, Aberdeen, NJ 07747.
I. Employees shall be permitted to submit claims to the Board for damage to personal property as a result of actions taken by others on school grounds against the employee’s property. The Board agrees to review the employee’s claim for such losses; and subject to the employee’s verification as to the cause of the damage, the Board shall determine the appropriate level of reimbursement.
A. Terminal leave shall be granted to all teachers retiring after ten (10) years of continuous service in the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District in an amount equivalent to one (1) month's salary providing that said teachers meet the following conditions:
(1) That they are members of a New Jersey State Plan that provides a pension based on their school district employment.
(2) That they have applied for and received approval for retirement benefits from said plan.
B. The payment for unused sick leave earned in the district shall be granted to all teachers retiring after ten (10) years of continuous service in the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District in the amount of fifty-five ($55.00) dollars per day.
C. In the event an employee with at least ten (10) years of continuous service in the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District dies while employed by the Board, his/her estate shall receive a) terminal leave payments in an amount equivalent to one (1) month's salary in accordance with the provisions of Section A of this Article and b) payment for unused sick leave in accordance with the provisions of Section B of this Article. ARTICLE XXI
A member of the teaching staff who has been absent from school during the previous school year, whether such absence has been excused or not, shall be given credit on the guide for the year in question in accordance with the following schedule:
(1) Absences up to and including sixty (60) days - full credit.
(2) Absences between sixty one (61) days and one hundred twenty
(120) days - half step credit.
(3) Absences in excess of one hundred twenty (120) days - no credit.
Teachers shall attend their duties faithfully and shall not be absent therefrom except for personal illness or for other good and sufficient reasons authorized by these Board rules and regulations, or approved by the Superintendent or the Board. Teachers absent from school duty shall forfeit full per diem salary during such absence except as hereinafter provided.
(1) Sick leave is hereby defined to mean the absence from his or her post of duty, of any person covered by N.J.S.A. 18A:30-2 because of personal disability due to illness or injury or because he or she has been excluded from school by the school district's medical authorities on account of a contagious disease or of being quarantined for such a disease in his or her immediate household (N.J.S.A. 18A:30-1).
(2) A. teacher absent from school because of personal illness shall suffer no deduction of pay for each of the first ten (10) days of absence in any school year.
(3) If any teacher requires less than ten (10) days of sick leave in any school year, the number of days not utilized that year shall be accumulated to be used for additional sick leave if needed in subsequent years.
(4) Teachers shall be given a written accounting of their accumulated sick leave days no later than September 15th of each school year.
(1) Whenever any full time employee of the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District is absent from his post of duty as a result of personal injury caused by an accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, such employee shall receive his full salary or wages for the period of such absence for up to one (1) calendar year without having such absence charged to the annual sick leave or the accumulated sick leave.
(2) Any amount of salary or wages paid or payable to the employee pursuant to this policy shall be reduced by the amount of any worker's compensation award made for temporary disability. Salary or wage payments provided by the section shall be made for absence during the waiting period and during the period the employee received or was eligible to receive a temporary disability benefit under Chapter 15 of Title 34 of the Revised Statute.
In case of the death of a parent, stepparent, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, husband, wife, child, stepchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchild or a relative who is a member of the immediate household of a teacher, the teacher shall be excused, without loss of pay provided the absence does not exceed seven (7) consecutive calendar days.
In case of the death of a relative not included in the above section, a teacher shall be excused for the day of the funeral without loss of pay. The definition of relative in this section shall include the following: grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, and cousin. If any of the above happen to be members of the immediate household of the teacher, the provision allowing seven (7) days absence applies.
A teacher absent from school by reason of quarantine by the Board of Health, or in compliance with the requirements of a subpoena shall not suffer deductions in pay for such absence. THE ASSOCIATION AGREES THAT THIS RULE DOES NOT APPLY TO SUBPOENAS FOR ATTENDANCE AT ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS. Effective July 1, 1988, any employee absent because of a subpoena to appear at a legal proceeding shall suffer no deductions in pay except where the relevant employee is himself/herself a person in interest, either directly or on behalf of another person or organization representing the subpoenaed person in an action against the Board.
No pay shall be deducted for absence for appearance before military or selective service officials concerning draft or enlistment. Such leave will be in addition to sick leave. One (1) day only is to be allowed.
In case of absence because of illness of a parent, brother, sister, husband, wife, child, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or a relative who is a member of the immediate household of the teacher, the teacher may be excused without loss of pay, provided the absences do not exceed three (3) days in any school year.
Teachers shall enjoy two undesignated personal days per year. They shall suffer no loss of pay and no approval shall be required. These days shall be non-accumulative as personal days.
Teachers shall give their principal at least one (1) day's notice. The building principal, in his discretion, may waive the notice requirement in the event of an emergency.
No more than five (5) teachers in an elementary or middle school or ten (10) teachers in the high school may be out on any one day without the prior approval of the principal and the Superintendent.
Any unused undesignated personal days shall be added on to the individual's accumulated sick leave.
A teacher who is absent from duty because of personal illness, death in the family, quarantine, appearance before military or selective service officials, or in compliance with the requirements of a court, shall notify the principal as early as possible, and notification shall be given in advance where possible. A teacher who is absent from duty for any other reason shall first secure permission from the Superintendent through the principal. The teacher shall, in reporting absence for personal illness, communicate to the principal the probable duration of the illness.
A teacher who has been absent for two (2) days or more shall, before the end of the school day prior to the return, notify the principal of his expected return.
The school physician shall examine all cases of absence for personal illness upon the request of the Superintendent or the Board unless the teacher prefers to arrange for an examination by the teacher's personal physician. If the absence because of personal illness exceeds ten (10) days in a calendar month, certification of such illness by the school physician or by the teacher's personal physician may be required.
Leaves of absence shall be granted only for the following reasons:
(1) Personal illness including on-the-job injury.
(2) Death in the immediate family as defined in Article XXI, Section E.
(3) Death of relative as defined in Article XXI, Section F.
(4) Quarantine or court subpoena.
(5) Maternity.
(6) Personal business.
Leave of absence for personal illness may be granted a teacher by the Board. A leave of absence shall not be granted because of personal illness unless the applicant submits the form prescribed by the Board, signed by a regularly licensed Doctor of Medicine, which in all cases shall give such information as will satisfy the Board that the absence is necessary. In case of mouth ailments, the certificate may be signed by a Doctor of Dental Science or Doctor of Dental Surgery.
(1) The Board shall grant leaves of absence for medical reasons associated with pregnancy and birth to pregnant teachers on the same terms and conditions governing leaves of absence for other illness or medical disabilities as set forth in N.J.S.A. 18A:30-1 et seq. and the rules, regulations and policy statements and this Agreement.
(2) It is recognized that a teacher's maternity leave application involves both a disability phase and a child care phase. The disability phase is that period of time, both pre-natal and post-natal, during which a physician certifies inability to work. The child care phase is that period of time selected by the teacher which follows the disability phase during which time the teacher voluntarily suspends her teaching career to care for the new-born child. The child care leave shall also be available to an adoptive parent or the father of a newborn infant.
(a) DISABILITY PHASE: Any tenured or non-tenured teacher seeking a leave of absence on the basis of medical reasons associated with pregnancy or birth shall apply to the Board. At the time of application, which shall be made upon sixty (60) days' notice to the Board, the teacher shall specify in writing, the date on which she wishes to commence leave and the date on which she wishes to return to work after the birth. The Board shall require any teacher to produce a certificate from a physician in support of the requested leave dates. Where medical opinion is supportive of the leave dates requested, such request shall be granted by the Board. It is understood that the disability period as certified jointly by the teacher's and the Board's physicians may be treated as compensable sick leave time at the option of the teacher.
(b) CHILD CARE PHASE: Where the requested leave dates are beyond the period of disability associated with pregnancy and is for child care purposes as defined above, the tenured teacher shall be granted, at his/her discretion, a leave for (1) the balance of the school year in which the birth or adoption occurred, or (2) the balance of the school year in which the birth or adoption occurred and the entire following school year. Any further extensions of child care leave shall be discretionary with the Board.
The Board need not grant or extend the leave of absence of any non-tenured teacher beyond the end of the contract school year in which the leave is obtained.
(3) A teacher returning from pregnancy leave of absence shall be entitled to all benefits to which teachers returning from other types of sick or disability leave would be entitled. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to require the Board to grant tenure to any non-tenured employee who would not otherwise have been granted tenure or to offer a new contract for a new school year to any non-tenured employee who would not have been otherwise offered such a contract.
(4) No tenured or non-tenured teacher shall be barred from returning to work after the birth of her child solely on the ground that there has not been a stated or prescribed lapse of time between that birth and her desired date of return except as is provided herein. Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to preclude the Board from requiring any teacher, after birth of her child, to produce a certificate from her physician showing that she is physically capable of resuming her duties.
Leave of absence with pay will be granted only for reasons specifically mentioned in this Agreement. A leave of absence with full loss of pay shall be granted for any other emergency or urgent reason upon written application to the building principal. For the protection of the employee and for proper payroll accounting and audit, every absence must be accounted for in writing.
Leave of absence shall be granted for entry into military or naval service in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:6-33.
A. Sabbatical leave for a full year shall be granted to a maximum of 1% of the membership of the bargaining unit or three (3) teachers, whichever is greater. The number of people in the bargaining unit shall be determined as of January 1st of the year preceding the year for which the leave is requested. In the event that such computation yields a fraction, it is expressly understood that 0 to .49 does not qualify as an additional person; whereas .50 or more does qualify as an additional person.
B. A teacher, in order to be eligible for a sabbatical leave, shall have been employed in the school district for a minimum of seven (7) years at the time the requested leave is to commence.
C. A sabbatical leave shall be granted only for the pursuit of full time graduate study and/or foreign or domestic travel. Effective July 1, 1999, no more than two (2) sabbaticals shall be granted pursuant to this criteria. The third sabbatical shall be granted only for the pursuit of full time graduate study related to the field of education.
D. A teacher on sabbatical leave shall receive one-half of the salary which the teacher would have received had he remained in the district.
E. The teacher will submit an application in writing on forms provided. The application shall be filed with the Superintendent on or before March 15th of the school year preceding the school year in which the sabbatical leave is to commence. In the event the number of eligible applicants exceeds 1% of the bargaining unit as defined above or three (3) teachers, whichever is greater, the sabbatical leaves shall be granted on the basis of seniority in the school district. A staff member shall be precluded from taking a second sabbatical leave if another applicant has not previously been granted such a leave.
F. Subject to limitations provided by law, pension and insurance payments will be deducted from the salary of the teacher while he is on leave, based on one hundred (100%) percent of his contractual salary; and health benefits for the year will be paid as if the teacher were not on leave.
G. Salary payments will be made on the same basis as the regular staff. Payments will not be made in advance.
H. Sick leave shall not accrue while on leave.
I. In the event of serious and/or lengthy illness which prevents the start or completion of the sabbatical program, the teacher will apply for normal sick leave, and/or other leave, if necessary, at which time the Board's sabbatical salary contribution shall cease.
J. A teacher who is granted a sabbatical leave shall, upon completion of the sabbatical, either return to the district or shall reimburse the Board for all salary received while on leave.
K. Credit on the salary guide shall be earned by the teacher while on sabbatical leave.
A. Teachers will be reimbursed for job or certificate related graduate courses taken and successfully completed to a maximum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars per year per person.
B. In order to avoid a duplication of benefits from public funds, those courses taken under the Veterans Benefit Act, National Science Foundation Grants, NDEA grants or other public scholarship and aids shall not apply.
C. Actual reimbursement will follow within sixty (60) days of submission of official transcript and tuition payment receipts, provided a grade of B or better is attained. In the case of a pass-fail grading system, pass is acceptable.
A. The Board, on its own behalf and on the behalf of the electors of the District, hereby retains and reserves unto itself, without limitation, all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, and of the United States, including but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right:
(1) To the executive management and administrative control of the school system and its properties and facilities, and the activities of its employees while said employees are engaged in the performance of their duties.
(2) To hire all employees and subject to the provisions of the law, to determine their qualifications, and the conditions for their continued employment, or their dismissal or demotion; and to promote, and transfer all such employees, to relieve employees from duty because of lack of work or other legitimate reasons. Where the Board has adopted procedures in the above areas, the Board will follow said procedures.
(a) Teachers, with certification in areas where there is a shortage of these teachers, may be given up to seven (7) additional steps on the salary guide. However, no teacher shall be placed above the eleventh (11th) step of the guide. This language shall not alter the existing hiring practices.
(b)Article XXV.A (2)(a) shall expire June 30, 2004. All other provisions of this Article shall remain in effect.
(3) To establish grades and courses of instruction, including special programs, and to provide for athletic, recreational, and social events for students, all as deemed necessary or advisable by the Board.
(4) To decide upon the means and methods of instruction, the selection of textbooks and other teaching materials, and the use of teaching aids of every kind and nature. Where the Board has adopted procedures in the above areas, the Board will follow said procedures.
(5) To determine class schedules, the hours of instruction, and the duties, responsibilities, and assignments of teachers and other employees with respect thereto.
(6) To take whatever action may be necessary to carry out the mission of the school district in situations of emergency.
B. The exercise of the foregoing powers, right, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith shall be limited only by the specific and expressed terms of this Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and expressed terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of New Jersey, and the Constitution and laws of the United States.
C. Nothing contained herein shall be considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities, and authority under the New Jersey School Laws or any other national, state, county, district, or local laws or regulations as they pertain to education.
A. The Board and the Association mutually agree that there shall be no reprisals of any kind by either party against any member of the Board, administrator, teacher, parent, student, substitute teacher, or any other employee of the Board or other persons as a result of any action taken by any party or individual during the course of the strike. This includes any teacher bringing any action for "make-up days" or an extension of their work year as a result of time lost during the strike.
A. This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2001 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2004.
B. The terms of this Agreement are retroactive to July 1, 2001, except as specified otherwise.
C. This Agreement shall not be extended orally and it is expressly understood that it shall expire at midnight on June 30, 2004.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective Presidents, attested by their respective Secretaries, and their corporate seals to be placed hereon, all on the day and year first above written.
________________________________ By:_______________________________
_________________________________ By:________________________________
B.A. B.A.+30 MA MA+30 DOCT.
1 | 34,330 | 37,590 | 39,330 | 40,970 | 45,940 |
2 | 34,430 | 37,690 | 39,430 | 41,070 | 46,040 |
3 | 35,230 | 38,190 | 40,320 | 41,570 | 46,540 |
4 | 36,080 | 39,190 | 41,210 | 42,470 | 47,440 |
5 | 37,030 | 40,200 | 42,210 | 43,370 | 48,340 |
6 | 38,060 | 41,400 | 43,210 | 44,270 | 49,240 |
7 | 39,200 | 42,100 | 43,910 | 45,270 | 49,940 |
8 | 39,970 | 42,800 | 44,610 | 46,070 | 50,840 |
9 | 40,680 | 43,500 | 45,310 | 46,770 | 51,540 |
10 | 42,730 | 46,400 | 48,310 | 50,070 | 54,840 |
11 | 45,970 | 50,000 | 51,910 | 53,670 | 58,440 |
12 | 50,470 | 54,500 | 56,410 | 58,170 | 62,940 |
13 | 55,470 | 59,500 | 61,600 | 63,800 | 68,440 |
14 | 60,470 | 65,000 | 67,100 | 69,300 | 73,440 |
15 | 66,000 | 70,610 | 72,610 | 74,810 | 78,940 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Longevity: Upon the completion of twenty years of service to the district a teacher shall receive a longevity differential of $400 per year. Upon the completion of twenty-five years of service to the district a teacher shall receive a longevity differential of $750 per year.
(a) The Board may withhold, for inefficiency or other good cause, any increment provided for in these guides by a recorded roll call majority vote of the full membership of the Board. It shall be the duty of the Board, within ten (10) days of the adoption of said action, to give written notice of said action, together with the reasons therefor to the Commissioner of Education in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:29-14. The denial of an increment shall not be otherwise grievable or arbitrable.
(b) In-Service Credits: Teachers who participate in the in-service program shall be given two (2) credits for each in-service course completed.
B.A. B.A.+30 MA MA+30 DOCT.
1 | 35,740 | 39,090 | 40,960 | 42,910 | 46,840 |
2 | 35,840 | 39,190 | 41,060 | 43,010 | 46,940 |
3 | 35,940 | 39,290 | 41,160 | 43,110 | 47,040 |
4 | 36,740 | 40,000 | 42,060 | 44,000 | 47,940 |
5 | 37,740 | 41,000 | 43,060 | 45,110 | 49,020 |
6 | 38,740 | 42,000 | 44,130 | 46,220 | 50,100 |
7 | 39,740 | 43,200 | 45,130 | 47,330 | 51,180 |
8 | 40,770 | 44,300 | 45,840 | 48,560 | 52,330 |
9 | 41,840 | 45,650 | 46,840 | 49,910 | 53,480 |
10 | 44,140 | 48,150 | 48,380 | 51,210 | 55,280 |
11 | 47,110 | 51,490 | 52,950 | 54,510 | 59,480 |
12 | 52,170 | 56,350 | 57,950 | 59,670 | 64,780 |
13 | 57,250 | 61,700 | 63,450 | 65,400 | 69,760 |
14 | 62,600 | 67,100 | 69,050 | 71,230 | 75,240 |
15 | 68,000 | 72,600 | 74,640 | 76,860 | 81,040 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Longevity: Upon the completion of twenty years of service to the district a teacher shall receive a longevity differential of $400 per year. Upon the completion of twenty-five years of service to the district a teacher shall receive a longevity differential of $750 per year.
(a) The Board may withhold, for inefficiency or other good cause, any increment provided for in these guides by a recorded roll call majority vote of the full membership of the Board. It shall be the duty of the Board, within ten (10) days of the adoption of said action, to give written notice of said action, together with the reasons therefor to the Commissioner of Education in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:29-14. The denial of an increment shall not be otherwise grievable or arbitrable.
(b) In-Service Credits: Teachers who participate in the in-service program shall be given two (2) credits for each in-service course completed.
B.A. B.A.+30 MA MA+30 DOCT.
1 | 37,350 | 40,800 | 42,260 | 44,550 | 48,540 |
2 | 37,450 | 40,900 | 42,360 | 44,650 | 48,640 |
3 | 37,550 | 41,000 | 42,460 | 44,750 | 48,740 |
4 | 37,650 | 41,100 | 42,560 | 44,850 | 48,840 |
5 | 38,600 | 41,940 | 43,530 | 45,720 | 49,720 |
6 | 39,650 | 43,140 | 44,770 | 46,940 | 50,940 |
7 | 40,720 | 44,360 | 46,050 | 48,190 | 52,190 |
8 | 41,830 | 45,650 | 47,350 | 49,600 | 53,600 |
9 | 43,240 | 46,940 | 49,040 | 51,340 | 55,190 |
10 | 44,700 | 48,490 | 50,700 | 53,100 | 57,460 |
11 | 47,930 | 52,690 | 54,700 | 57,100 | 61,500 |
12 | 53,300 | 58,000 | 60,000 | 62,320 | 66,690 |
13 | 58,800 | 63,500 | 65,500 | 67,820 | 72,110 |
14 | 64,300 | 69,000 | 71,090 | 73,320 | 77,610 |
15 | 69,900 | 74,600 | 76,690 | 78,920 | 83,210 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Longevity: Upon the completion of twenty years of service to the district a teacher shall receive a longevity differential of $400 per year. Upon the completion of twenty-five years of service to the district a teacher shall receive a longevity differential of $750 per year.
(a) The Board may withhold, for inefficiency or other good cause, any increment provided for in these guides by a recorded roll call majority vote of the full membership of the Board. It shall be the duty of the Board, within ten (10) days of the adoption of said action, to give written notice of said action, together with the reasons therefor to the Commissioner of Education in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:29-14. The denial of an increment shall not be otherwise grievable or arbitrable.
(b) In-Service Credits: Teachers who participate in the in-service program shall be given two (2) credits for each in-service course completed.
Director of Athletics | 9,680 | 10,500 | 11,300 |
Assistant Director of Athletics1 | 7,460 | 8,200 | 8,770 |
Associate Director of Athletics2 | 7,310 | 8,000 | 8,680 |
Faculty Manager | 5,690 | 6,510 | 7,260 |
Equipment Manager | 4,400 | 4,880 | 5,380 |
Athletic Trainer | 10,090 | 11,060 | 11,740 |
 |  |  |  |
Group I Sports |  |  |  |
A. Football, Basketball, |  |  |  |
Girls' Basketball | 7,600 | 8,090 | 8,330 |
Assistants | 5,100 | 5,540 | 6,000 |
 |  |  |  |
B. Baseball, Track, Girls' Track, |  |  |  |
Softball, Wrestling, Soccer, |  |  |  |
Girls' Field Hockey, | 5,580 | 6,310 | 7,000 |
Cheerleaders (per season) | 2,790 | 3,155 | 3,500 |
Assistants | 4,080 | 4,500 | 5,120 |
Cheerleaders (per season) | 2,040 | 2,250 | 2,560 |
 |  |  |  |
Group II Sports |  |  |  |
Boys' Cross Country, |  |  |  |
Girls' Cross Country | | | |
Winter Track (Boys/Girls), | 4,590 | 5,050 | 5,620 |
Assistants | 3,780 | 4,220 | 4,850 |
 |  |  |  |
Group III Sports |  |  |  |
Bowling (Boys/Girls), Golf, |  |  |  |
Boys' Tennis, Girls' Tennis, |  |  |  |
Gymnastics | 4,190 | 4,470 | 4,950 |
Assistants | 3,690 | 4,010 | 4,500 |
 |  |  |  |
1 Three release periods.
2 One release period.
Where paid ticket sellers are used, ticket sellers at all athletic events shall be paid at the rate of $60.00 per game. Volunteers may be used at the discretion of the Board of Education.
Bowling Club 800 each
Two Hand Touch (2) 800 each
Softball (2) 800 each
Winter Intramurals (4) 800 each
Fall Intramurals (2) 800 each
Spring Intramurals 800 each
Special Olympics
Fall 800 each
Winter 800 each
Spring 800 each
Director Of Music 1,340
Computer Equipment Manager 4,140
Adult High School Coordinator 11,090
Local Professional Development Committee 1,000
*Mentoring teachers – Alternate Route 800 – 1,000
– Traditional Route 500 – 750
* In the event state funding either increases or decreases for mentoring, the stipend will be adjusted proportionately, but no more than a maximum of $750 for traditional route or $1,000 for alternate route.
Guard Instructor 3,080
Drill Instructor 3,080
Assistant Guard 3,080
Percussion 3,080
Band Director 5,800
Marching Band 1,500
Assistant Band Director 2,390
Jazz Band Director 2,390
Chamber Choir 3,640
Student Council 3,930
Yearbook and Business Manager 4,270
MRHS News 4,270
Audio Visual Department 2,590
Student Accounts 1,080
Senior Class Advisor (2) 1,680
or (1) @ full $ value
Junior Class Advisor (2) 1,340
or (1) @ full $ value
Sophomore Class Advisor 1,080
Freshmen Class Advisor 1,020
Drama Coach 2,600
Library Club 1,080
Forensics 2,980
Honor Society 1,080
For. Lang. Honor Soc. 1,000
Honors Math Club 1,000
Academic Challenge 1,080
Chess Club 1,080
Literary Journal 1,570
History & Govt. Club (3) 1,990
or (1) @ full $ value
Radio Club 1,000
Telecommunications Club 1,000
Peer Leadership 3,550
Assistants 2,020
TV Studio 4,430
Calculus Club 1,000
Physics Club 1,000
SADD 1,080
Afro-American Student Union 1,000
Environmental Club 1,080
Work Study 3,630
Key Club 1,150
Interact Club 1,000
Junior Statesman of America 1,000
Mock Trial 1,000
Pep Club 1,000
Ski Club 0
Winter Guard Director 1,250
Winter Guard Assistant Director 1,250
D.E.C.A. 0
F.B.L.A. 0
H.O.S.A. 0
V.I.C.A. 0
Fall Drama
Producer/Director 3,870
Production Design/Construction 2.640
Production Assistant 1,050
Spring Musical
Producer/Director 5,240
Musical Director 2,640
Vocal Director 2,640
Production Design/ Construction 3,160
Choreographer 2,320
Technical Director 2,010
Production Assistant 1,050
Consultant 1,050
Summer Production
Director/Coordinator 5,240
Director 4,740
Vocal Director 2,640
Musical Director 2,640
Production Design/Construction 3,160
Choreographer (2) 2,320
Technical Director 2,010
Production Assistant 1,050
Substance Awareness Coordinator 4,510 *
Coordinator of Student Personnel Services 10,200
Coordinator of Student Services 11,100 1
1 Three release periods
* Add’l compensation per negotiated agreement
Department Chairpersons:
(Mathematics, Science, Social Studies,
Physical Ed./Health, English, Foreign Language,
Business, Industrial and Vocational Arts, Fine
Arts, Special Education, EOC, Adult High School
1 - 5 in Department 4,100
Each Additional Person 300
Summer work 35/hr
Physical Education Facilitator 2,170
Vocal Chorus 1,570
Band 2,600
Ass’t Band Director 1,320
Student Organization 1,570
8th Grade Class Advisor 1,000
7th Grade Class Advisor 1,000
Academic Bowl Advisor 1,000
Audio Visual Department 1,570
Yearbook Advisor 3,210
Cheerleaders 1,000
School Newspaper 1,570
Builders Club 1,080
Business Club 0
Library Club 1,080
Ski Club 0
Environmental Club 1,080
Afro-American Student Union 1,000
Coordinator of Student Services 11,100 1
Peer Leadership Assistant 2,020
Multi-Cultural Club 1,000
Literary/Art Magazine 1,570
Math Club 1,000
Science Club 880
Technology Club
Literary Club 1,000
Unit Leaders
1-7 in unit 4,100
each additional person 300
Summer work 35/hr
1 Three release periods
Theater Arts
Director 4,740
Vocal Director 2,440
Musical Director 2,440
Choreographer 2,290
Production Design/Construction 2,340
Technical Director 2,010
Consultant 1,050
Production Assistant 1,050
Safety Patrol (One per building) 710
Clubs 820
Director of Athletics | 9,970 | 10,840 | 11,700 |
Assistant Director of Athletics1 | 7,690 | 8,460 | 9,070 |
Associate Director of Athletics2 | 7,530 | 8,240 | 8,980 |
Faculty Manager | 5,860 | 6,710 | 7,510 |
Equipment Manager | 4,530 | 5,030 | 5,580 |
Athletic Trainer | 10,390 | 11,400 | 12,040 |
 |  |  |  |
Group I Sports |  |  |  |
A. Football, Basketball, |  |  |  |
Girls' Basketball | 7,830 | 8,340 | 8,530 |
Assistants | 5,320 | 5,790 | 6,170 |
 |  |  |  |
B. Baseball, Track, Girls' Track, |  |  |  |
Softball, Wrestling, Soccer, |  |  |  |
Girls' Field Hockey, | 5,750 | 6,510 | 7,170 |
Cheerleaders (per season) | 2,875 | 3,255 | 3,585 |
Assistants | 4,300 | 4,700 | 5,270 |
Cheerleaders (per season) | 2,150 | 2,350 | 2,635 |
 |  |  |  |
Group II Sports |  |  |  |
Boys' Cross Country, |  |  |  |
Girls' Cross Country | | | |
Winter Track (Boys/Girls), | 4,730 | 5,210 | 5,780 |
Assistants | 3,950 | 4,380 | 5,000 |
 |  |  |  |
Group III Sports |  |  |  |
Bowling (Boys/Girls), Golf, |  |  |  |
Boys' Tennis, Girls' Tennis, |  |  |  |
Gymnastics | 4,320 | 4,610 | 5,110 |
Assistants | 3,840 | 4,150 | 4,650 |
 |  |  |  |
1 Three release periods.
2 One release period.
Where paid ticket sellers are used, ticket sellers at all athletic events shall be paid at the rate of $60.00 per game. Volunteers may be used at the discretion of the Board of Education.
Bowling Club 830 each
Two Hand Touch (2) 830 each
Softball (2) 830 each
Winter Intramurals (4) 830 each
Fall Intramurals (2) 830 each
Spring Intramurals 830 each
Special Olympics
Fall 830 each
Winter 830 each
Spring 830 each
Director Of Music 1,400
Computer Equipment Manager 4,310
Adult High School Coordinator 11,550
Local Professional Development Committee 1,040
Educational Technology Support 9,700
*Mentoring teachers – Alternate Route 800 – 1,000
– Traditional Route 500 – 750
* In the event state funding either increases or decreases for mentoring, the stipend will be adjusted proportionately, but no more than a maximum of $750 for traditional route or $1,000 for alternate route.
Guard Instructor 3,200
Drill Instructor 3,200
Assistant Guard 3,200
Percussion 3,200
Band Director 5,960
Marching Band 1,560
Assistant Band Director 2,490
Jazz Band Director 2,490
Chamber Choir 3,780
Student Council 4,080
Yearbook and Business Manager 4,420
MRHS News 4,420
Audio Visual Department 2,700
Student Accounts 1,130
Senior Class Advisor (2) 1,750
or (1) @ full $ value
Junior Class Advisor (2) 1,400
or (1) @ full $ value
Sophomore Class Advisor 1,130
Freshmen Class Advisor 1,070
Drama Coach 2,710
Library Club 1,130
Forensics 3,100
Honor Society 1,130
For. Lang. Honor Soc. 1,040
Honors Math Club 1,040
Academic Challenge 1,130
Chess Club 1,130
Literary Journal 1,640
History & Govt. Club (3) 2,070
or (1) @ full $ value
Radio Club 1,040
Telecommunications Club 1,040
Peer Leadership 3,690
Assistants 2,100
TV Studio 4,580
Calculus Club 1,040
Physics Club 1,040
SADD 1,130
Afro-American Student Union 1,040
Environmental Club 1,130
Work Study 3,770
Key Club 1,200
Interact Club 1,040
Junior Statesman of America 1,040
Mock Trial 1,040
Pep Club 1,040
Ski Club 0
Winter Guard Director 1,300
Winter Guard Assistant Director 1,300
D.E.C.A. 0
F.B.L.A. 0
H.O.S.A. 0
V.I.C.A. 0
Fall Drama
Producer/Director 4,040
Production Design/Construction 2.750
Production Assistant 1,090
Spring Musical
Producer/Director 5,400
Musical Director 2,750
Vocal Director 2,750
Production Design/ Construction 3,290
Choreographer 2,420
Technical Director 2,100
Production Assistant 1,090
Consultant 1,090
Summer Production
Director/Coordinator 5,400
Director 4,900
Vocal Director 2,750
Musical Director 2,750
Production Design/Construction 3,290
Choreographer (2) 2,420
Technical Director 2,100
Production Assistant 1,090
Substance Awareness Coordinator 4,660 *
Coordinator of Student Personnel Services 10,620
Coordinator of Student Services 11,550 1
1 Three release periods
* Add’l compensation per negotiated agreement
Department Chairpersons:
(Mathematics, Science, Social Studies,
Physical Ed./Health, English, Foreign Language,
Business, Industrial and Vocational Arts, Fine
Arts, Special Education, EOC, Adult High School
1 - 5 in Department 4,140
Each Additional Person 300
Summer work 35/hr
Physical Education Facilitator 2,260
Vocal Chorus 1,640
Band Director 2,700
Ass’t Band Director 1,390
Student Organization 1,640
8th Grade Class Advisor 1,040
7th Grade Class Advisor 1,040
Academic Bowl Advisor 1,040
Audio Visual Department 1,640
Yearbook Advisor 3,340
Cheerleaders 1,040
School Newspaper 1,640
Builders Club 1,130
Business Club 0
Library Club 1,130
Ski Club 0
Environmental Club 1,130
Afro-American Student Union 1,040
Coordinator of Student Services 11,550 1
Peer Leadership Assistant 2,100
Multi-Cultural Club 1,640
Math Club 1,040
Science Club 930
Technology Club
Literary Club 1,040
Unit Leaders
1-7 in unit 4,140
each additional person 300
Summer work 35/hr
1 Three release periods
Theater Arts
Director 4,940
Vocal Director 2,540
Musical Director 2,540
Choreographer 2,390
Production Design/Construction 2,420
Technical Director 2,100
Consultant 1,090
Production Assistant 1,090
Safety Patrol (One per building) 740
Clubs 860
Director of Athletics | 10,390 | 11,290 | 12,190 |
Assistant Director of Athletics1 | 8,010 | 8,810 | 9,450 |
Associate Director of Athletics2 | 7,850 | 8,590 | 9,360 |
Faculty Manager | 6,110 | 6,990 | 7,830 |
Equipment Manager | 4,720 | 5,240 | 5,810 |
Athletic Trainer | 10,740 | 11,880 | 12,410 |
 |  |  |  |
Group I Sports |  |  |  |
A. Football, Basketball, |  |  |  |
Girls' Basketball | 8,100 | 8,690 | 8,790 |
Assistants | 5,500 | 6,030 | 6,360 |
 |  |  |  |
B. Baseball, Track, Girls' Track, |  |  |  |
Softball, Wrestling, Soccer, |  |  |  |
Girls' Field Hockey, | 5,950 | 6,780 | 7,390 |
Cheerleaders (per season) | 2,975 | 3,390 | 3,695 |
Assistants | 4,450 | 4,900 | 5,430 |
Cheerleaders (per season) | 2,225 | 2,450 | 2,715 |
 |  |  |  |
Group II Sports |  |  |  |
Boys' Cross Country, |  |  |  |
Girls' Cross Country |  |  |  |
Winter Track (Boys/Girls), | 4,890 | 5,430 | 5,960 |
Assistants | 4,090 | 4,560 | 5,150 |
 |  |  |  |
Group III Sports |  |  |  |
Bowling (Boys/Girls), Golf, |  |  |  |
Boys' Tennis, Girls' Tennis, |  |  |  |
Gymnastics | 4,470 | 4,800 | 5,270 |
Assistants | 3,970 | 4,320 | 4,800 |
 |  |  |  |
1 Three release periods.
2 One release period.
Where paid ticket sellers are used, ticket sellers at all athletic events shall be paid at the rate of $60.00 per game. Volunteers may be used at the discretion of the Board of Education.
Bowling Club 870 each
Two Hand Touch (2) 870 each
Softball (2) 870 each
Winter Intramurals (4) 870 each
Fall Intramurals (2) 870 each
Spring Intramurals 870 each
Special Olympics
Fall 870 each
Winter 870 each
Spring 870 each
Director Of Music 1,460
Computer Equipment Manager 4,490
Adult High School Coordinator 12,030
Local Professional Development Committee 1,090
Educational Technology Support 10,200
*Mentoring teachers – Alternate Route 800 – 1,000 – Traditional Route 500 – 750
*In the event state funding either increases or decreases for mentoring, the stipend will be adjusted proportionately, but no more than a maximum of $750 for traditional route or $1,000 for alternate route.
Guard Instructor 3,330
Drill Instructor 3,330
Assistant Guard 3,330
Percussion 3,330
Band Director 6,210
Marching Band 1,630
Assistant Band Director 2,590
Jazz Band Director 2,590
Chamber Choir 3,950
Student Council 4,250
Yearbook and Business Manager 4,610
MRHS News 4,610
Audio Visual Department 2,810
Student Accounts 1,180
Senior Class Advisor (2) 1,830
or (1) @ full $ value
Junior Class Advisor (2) 1,460
or (1) @ full $ value
Sophomore Class Advisor 1,180
Freshmen Class Advisor 1,120
Drama Coach 2,820
Library Club 1,180
Forensics 3,230
Honor Society 1,180
For. Lang. Honor Soc. 1,090
Honors Math Club 1,090
Academic Challenge 1,180
Chess Club 1,180
Literary Journal 1,710
History & Govt. Club (3) 2,160
or (1) @ full $ value
Radio Club 1,090
Telecommunications Club 1,090
Peer Leadership 3,850
Assistants 2,190
TV Studio 4,760
Calculus Club 1,090
Physics Club 1,090
SADD 1,180
Afro-American Student Union 1,090
Environmental Club 1,180
Work Study 3,930
Key Club 1,250
Interact Club 1,090
Junior Statesman of America 1,090
Mock Trial 1,090
Pep Club 1,090
Ski Club 0
Winter Guard Director 1,350
Winter Guard Assistant Director 1,350
D.E.C.A. 0
F.B.L.A. 0
H.O.S.A. 0
V.I.C.A. 0
Fall Drama
Producer/Director 4,220
Production Design/Construction 2.870
Production Assistant 1,140
Spring Musical
Producer/Director 5,630
Musical Director 2,870
Vocal Director 2,870
Production Design/ Construction 3,430
Choreographer 2,530
Technical Director 2,190
Production Assistant 1,140
Consultant 1,140
Summer Production
Director/Coordinator 5,630
Director 5,110
Vocal Director 2,870
Musical Director 2,870
Production Design/Construction 3,430
Choreographer (2) 2,530
Technical Director 2,190
Production Assistant 1,140
Substance Awareness Coordinator 4,850 *
Coordinator of Student Personnel Services 11,070
Coordinator of Student Services 12,030 1
1 Three release periods
* Add’l compensation per negotiated agreement
Department Chairpersons:
(Mathematics, Science, Social Studies,
Physical Ed./Health, English, Foreign Language,
Business, Industrial and Vocational Arts, Fine
Arts, Special Education, EOC, Adult High School
1 - 5 in Department 4,220
Each Additional Person 310
Summer work 35/hr
Physical Education Facilitator 2,360
Vocal Chorus 1,710
Band Director 2,810
Ass’t Band Director 1,460
Student Organization 1,710
8th Grade Class Advisor 1,090
7th Grade Class Advisor 1,090
Academic Bowl Advisor 1,090
Audio Visual Department 1,710
Yearbook Advisor 3,470
Cheerleaders 1,090
School Newspaper 1,710
Builders Club 1,180
Business Club 0
Library Club 1,180
Ski Club 0
Environmental Club 1,180
Afro-American Student Union 1,090
Coordinator of Student Services 12,030 1
Peer Leadership Assistant 2,190
Multi-Cultural Club 1,090
Literary/Art Magazine 1,710
Math Club 1,090
Science Club 1,030
Technology Club
Literary Club 1,090
Unit Leaders
1-7 in unit 4,220
each additional person 310
Summer work 35/hr
1 Three release periods
Theater Arts
Director 5,200
Vocal Director 2,670
Musical Director 2,670
Choreographer 2,500
Production Design/Construction 2,550
Technical Director 2,190
Consultant 1,140
Production Assistant 1,140
Safety Patrol (One per building) 800
Clubs 920 |