between the
and the
July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2010
PREAMBLE ………………………………………………….…….. 3
ARTICLE 1 RECOGNITION ……………………………….….. 4
ARTICLE VI SICK LEAVE ……………………………………….. 15
SCHEDULE A SALARY GUIDE 2007 - 2008 ……………………….. 29
SCHEDULE B SALARY GUIDE 2008 - 2009 ……………………….. 30
SCHEDULE C SALARY GUIDE 2009 – 2010 ……………………….. 31
LONGEVITY …………………………………………. 32
This AGREEMENT is entered into this ______________ day of _______________, 2007 by
and between the Board of Education of Port Republic, County of Atlantic, State of New
Jersey, herein called the “Board”, and the Port Republic Education Association,
hereinafter called the “Association”.
The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for
collective negotiation concerning grievances and terms and conditions of employment for all
certified personnel employed by the Board but excluding the Chief School Administrator, the
Board Secretary, Substitute Teachers and independent contractors.
- Definitions
- A “grievance is a claim by a teacher based upon the interpretation, application,
or violation of the agreement, policies, or administrative decisions affecting a
teacher’s or group of teacher’s terms and conditions of employment.
- An “aggrieved person” is the person or persons making the claim.
- A “party in interest” is the person or persons making the claim and any person,
including the Board, who might be required to take action, or against who action
might be taken, in order to resolve the claim.
- Purpose
- The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible level, equitable
solutions to the problems which from time to time arise affecting teachers. Both
parties agree that these proceedings be kept as informal and confidential as may be
appropriate at any level of this procedure.
- The number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum
and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified
may, however, be extended by mutual consent or agreement.
- Failure to process a grievance to the next level of the procedure within the certified
time limit should be deemed as a waiver of further appeal.
- Procedure
- Any problem shall be discussed informally first with the Chief School Administrator
within fifteen (15) school days after becoming aware of the said act, which caused
the grievance, and occurred during the current contract year. Should the C.S.A.
be unable to resolve the problem to the satisfaction of the teacher within ten (10)
school days, the matter shall be reduced to writing and re-submitted as a formal
grievance to the Chief School Administrator.
2. Level One
Within five (5) school days after receipt of the formal written grievance, the Chief
School Administrator shall render a decision in writing to the aggrieved employee.
3. Level Two
- If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at
Level One, or if no decision has been rendered within five (5) school days
after the presentation of the grievance, then the aggrieved person may within
ten (10) school days render an appeal to the Board of Education. The request
shall be submitted in writing through the Chief School Administrator, who will forward the request to the Board of Education.
- The Board shall review a grievance at the first regularly scheduled School
Board meeting following receipt of the grievance, or at the first special School Board meeting scheduled for that purpose following the receipt of the grievance, whichever meeting occurs first. The Board shall render a decision in writing within ten (10) days following the aforementioned hearing.
- Level Three
- If the Association determines the grievance is meritorious and is not
satisfied with the Board’s decision, or if no decision has been rendered,
the Association may submit the matter to binding arbitration within fifteen
(15) calendar days after the Board’s decision, or if the absence of the Board’s decision within thirty (30) calendar days of the submission of the grievance to the Board, provided that the Association notifies the Board of Education in writing of its intent to proceed to arbitration within the prescribed time lines set forth herein above.
- A request for a list of arbitrators may be made to the Public Employment
Relations Commission by either party. The parties shall be bound by the rules and procedures of PERC.
- Only matters relating to teacher’s terms and conditions of employment as set
forth in this Agreement may be submitted to arbitration. The Arbitrator shall be limited to the issue(s) submitted and shall consider nothing else. The Arbitrator can add nothing to, subtract anything from, nor modify the express terms of this agreement.
- The Arbitrator’s decision shall be submitted in writing to the Board and to
the Association, and shall be final and binding upon the parties.
- All costs of arbitration including, but not limited to, per diem expenses,
travel expenses, subsistence, and costs for the hearing area, shall be shared
equally by the Board and the Association. All other expenses shall be
paid by the party incurring such expenses.
- It is further understood that the arbitration procedure relative thereto as set
forth herein shall not apply to the following matters.
- Matters for which a method of reviews is prescribed either by law or
Regulation of the State Commissioner of Education:
- In matters where the Board is without authority to act:
- Any matter which, according to law, is exclusively within the discretion
- A complaint of a non-tenure teacher which arises by reason of his/her not
- A complaint by a teacher arising from the appointment to or lack of
appointment to, retention in or lack of retention in, any position which
tenure is either not possible or not required.
Additional Procedures
A. All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed in a separate grievance file, and shall not be kept in the personnel file
of any of the participants.
B. Forms for filing grievances, serving notices, taking appeals, making reports and
recommendations, and other necessary documents shall be prepared jointly by the
Chief School Administrator and the Association and given appropriate distribution
so as to facilitate operation of the grievance procedure. No materials or equipment
of the School Board may be used in making reports or forms without the prior consent of said School Board.
C. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public
and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected
representatives heretofore referred to in this Article.
D. If a grievance affects a group or class of teachers, the Association may submit such
grievance in writing to the Chief School Administrator directly and the processing of such grievance shall be commenced at Level Two.
E. All teachers, including the aggrieved, are required to follow administrative directive and Board policies under the direction of the Chief School Administrator and
Administration regardless of the status of any grievance until such grievance is
properly determined.
F. No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by either party against any participants in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
G. Any aggrieved person may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself or at his option, by a representative selected by the Association. When an employee is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present, and to state its views, at all stages of the grievance procedure. Such procedure concerning representation shall not apply at Level One.
- The teacher’s work year shall be a maximum of 184 days, inclusive of non student
in-service days.
B. The District further agrees to provide, on a voluntary basis, other opportunities
to the staff for such in-service after school hours and on days when school is not in
session. These days shall be in addition to the 184 maximum.
C. The District further agrees to be willing to submit other full day in-service programs
which have been determined by the Chief School Administrator to be necessary or desirable, for consideration of CEI credit, but this shall in no way obligate the district to alter such
in-service in subject or scope to comply with such CEI requirements.
- Work Day
- The work day for teachers shall consist of a maximum of seven (7) hours. The
work days for teachers will not begin before 7:30 am nor end later than 4:00 pm.
The exact reporting and dismissal times for teachers will be provided to teachers by
the Chief School Administrator when available. Teachers will report to school fifteen (15) minutes before classes begin and remain fifteen (15) minutes after classes dismiss. Two (2) assigned duty teachers will report for duty fifteen (15) minutes before classes begin and remain no later than fifteen (15) minutes after classes dismiss.
- Lunch
Teachers will have a forty (40) minute duty-free lunch on all days when school is in full
session. On one (1) day per week, a teacher’s lunch period may be reduced to thirty (30) minutes if he/she is assigned to supervise the students’ lunch room/recess.
- Duty Time
The Chief School Administrator shall make every effort to schedule each staff member
to an equal number or amount of duty periods as every other staff member.
- Preparation Time
Full time teaching staff will have one hundred and fifty (150) minutes of preparation time
per week. Part time teaching staff will have an equal percentage of preparation time in
relation to hours worked per week. For example: If an employee works a 50% schedule,
the employee is entitled to 75 minutes of preparation time per week. Such preparation periods shall not be less than twenty (20) consecutive minutes each.
- Parent Conferences
- Teachers shall attend one (1) “Back-to-School Night” per school year for 2.5
consecutive hours with early release during the day.
- Teachers shall attend two (2) evening parent conferences per school year for 2.5
consecutive hours with early release time during the day.
It is understood that the purpose of the early release time is to accommodate the full
seven (7) hour work day.
F. Meetings
1. Full time teachers may be required to remain after the end of the regular work day
without additional compensation for the purpose of attending general staff, school
faculty or other professional meetings for up to ten (10) hours per school year. No
more than three (3) meetings may be held in any one month. The Administration
shall provide teachers with a minimum of three (3) school days written notice of a
meeting except in the case of an emergency. Meetings shall commence fifteen (15)
minutes after student dismissal and shall not last longer than one (1) hour.
The minimum length of a scheduled meeting may be one-half (1/2) hour. Any
meeting which lasts for less than one-half (1/2) hour shall be counted as a thirty
minute meeting. Meetings shall not be scheduled for Fridays or the last day of school before a holiday.
- Part time staff (24.5) hours or less per week shall be required to attend staff meetings
if their workdays end at 2:30 p.m. or beyond. Meetings are optional for Part time
staff that are scheduled to leave earlier than 2:30 pm but these staff members are responsible to obtain meeting material.
G. Curricular & Co-Curricular Stipends
Extra-curricular and co-curricular activities and stipends that are scheduled outside of the
normal school day will be posted by the Board of Education by September 30th of each
school year.
H. Extra Work Assignments
Extra work assignments, including curriculum writing, may be created and posted by the
Board of Education. Teachers who perform such assignments shall be compensated at the
rate of $34.00 for 2007-2008, $36.00 for 2008-2009, and $38.00 for 2009-2010. The number
of hours for each activity shall be determined by the Chief School Administrator in consultation with the teacher prior to the start of the activity.
A. An appropriate room shall be reserved for the use of teachers as a faculty lounge.
A. Sick Leave
Full-time teaching staff will have ten (10) sick days per school year. Part-time teaching
staff will have an equal percentage of sick days in relation to hours worked per week.
Unused leave shall be accumulated year to year.
- All teachers will receive written notification of their accumulated sick leave days no later
than September 30 of each school year.
C. Payment for Accumulated Unused Sick Leave
1. Any teacher who retires according to the provisions of the T.P.A.F. in order to
receive immediate benefits as opposed to “deferred” benefits and has fifteen (15)
continuous years of teaching service in the Port Republic School District or who has
twenty (20) continuous years of teaching in the Port Republic School District and who
elects to “defer” retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of T.P.A.F. shall
be eligible for payment for unused sick leave.
2. Teachers planning to retire must notify the Chief School Administrator no later than
December 1 of the year preceding the effective date of retirement in order to receive
prompt payment. Those who fail to comply with notification procedure described
herein shall be required to wait for said payment until such time as (1) the money is
allocated in the next school budget and (2) the instant budget becomes effective.
3. To qualify for payment , a retiring teacher must have a minimum accumulation of
seventy-five (75) accumulated sick days. Upon qualifying, payment will be based on
all days accumulated and will be reimbursed as follows:
50% of the employee’s per diem rate at retirement times the number of days
accumulated. The employee’s per diem rate shall be calculated as 1/200th of
annual contractual salary. Payment shall be based upon all accumulated days.
The maximum payout for any one employee shall be ten thousand dollars
($10,000). A retiring teacher with 30 years or more of continuous employment
in the Port Republic School District shall have the maximum payout of ($20,000).
Payments shall be made in two (2) equal installments as follows:
The first payment will be made within thirty (30) days of actual
retirement or deferral pursuant to paragraph 1 above.
The second payment will be made according to the following schedule:
A. If an employee provides notice pursuant to paragraph 2 above,
and actually retires or defers by July 1 immediately following
the academic year, the second payment shall be made on
January 15th of the following calendar year.
B. If an employee does not provide notice pursuant to paragraph 2
above or does not retire or defer by July 1 immediately following the academic year, payment shall be made on July 15th
of the following calendar year.
D. Attendance Incentive
Any teacher having 100% attendance in a school year exclusive of bereavement leave and/or
professional development days as approved by the Chief School Administrator shall receive the following incentives:
0 absences ……………$450.00
1 absence ……………$400.00
2 absences ……………$350.00
3 absences ……………$300.00
Such payment shall be made to the teacher prior to June 30th of the school year for which the
incentive was earned. Teachers will not be required to “sell” or “cash out” sick days to
achieve these incentives.
A. Personal Leave
1. All teachers will have three (3) personal days leave per school year. All part time
teachers will have an equal percentage of personal days leave in relation to hours
worked per week. Prior written notification needs to be received by the Chief School Administrator or when unavailable, by his/her designee.
2. It is agreed that no more than two (2) employees will utilize personal leave on any
given day. The Chief School Administrator. has the authority, however, to waive this limitation in the event of extenuating circumstances and is further agreed that such a waiver by the Chief School Administrator shall not be withheld unreasonably without cause.
3. Unused personal leave will accumulate as sick leave.
B. All teachers shall be granted two (2) days leave with full pay per school year in the event of
illness in the employee’s immediate family as described in Paragraph C.1. of this
C. Bereavement Leave
With proper verification as requested by the Chief School Administrator, each teacher shall
be granted:
Up to five (5) days of absence in the event of a death in the teacher’s immediate family
(spouse, child, parent, brother, sister).
Up to three (3) days of absence in the event of a death of a teacher’s or spouse’s
grandparent or grandchild.
Up to three (3) days of absence in the event of a death of a teacher’s father-in-law,
mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law.
Up to one (1) day of absence in the event of a death of a teacher’s or spouse’s relative
D. Professional Leave
Employees may be granted leaves of absence for professional days at the discretion of the
Chief School Administrator.
A. Voluntary Medical Disability Leave
1. An employee may be granted an unpaid leave of absence for up to one (1) year for
medical disability substantiated by a certificate from a physician. Said leave shall
commence upon the exhaustion of paid sick leave, or at such other date as may be
requested by the employee and approved by the Board.
2. Requests for disability leave shall be submitted by the employee at least ninety (90)
calendar days in advance. However, in the event that ninety (90) days advance
notification is not possible, the employee shall request the leave as soon as the need
is known.
3. All requests for leave shall include the period of time requested and the specific date
on which the leave will terminate and the employee expects to return to active
In considering a request for a leave to commence at a time other than upon
exhaustion of sick leave, and in considering the termination date for any requested
leave, the Board may adjust the actual commencement or termination date after
consideration of the employee’s medical needs, students’ needs and administrative
factors. To the extent possible, with due consideration of the employee’s medical
needs, leaves should not commence nor end during the school year except at the end of
the second marking period.
B. Child Rearing Leave
1. Immediately following the adoption of a pre-school child or, in the event of child
birth, immediately following the end of the employee’s disability or the exhaustion
of paid sick leave, a teacher shall be entitled to an unpaid leave of absence. Such leave
may be for the balance of the school year and or the balance of the school year and the
entire following school year. Requests shall be made to the Board at least ninety (90)
calendar days in advance and all requests shall include the period of time requested and
the date on which the leave will terminate and the employee will return to active
2. Only one employee may request and be approved for a child rearing leave for the same
3. An employee who has taken a child rearing leave shall not be entitled to another child
rearing leave until he/she has returned to work for a period of time at least equal to the
amount of time of the preceding child rearing leave.
C. Other Leave
A leave of absence without pay may be granted for up to one (1) full school year. The
granting of a leave for such other purpose shall be on a case by case basis and at the sole
discretion of the Board of Education.
D. General Leave Provisions
1. The Board is under no obligation to continue the employment of a non-tenured
employee beyond the contracted period.
2. While on leave, the employee shall not be considered to be in active service and
shall not be entitled to any compensation and benefits granted to active employees.
Accumulated and unused sick leave shall, however, be restored to the employee upon
return to active employment.
3. Time absent on unpaid leave shall not be considered in determining eligibility for
tenure and no credit for a salary increment shall be granted for any year in which the
teacher does not work at least five months.
4. In the event of extenuating circumstances, leaves may be extended or renewed. Such
extension or renewal shall be on a case by case basis at the sole discretion of the
Board of Education.
A. Health Insurance
1. The Board shall provide medical insurance equivalent to NJSHB and all full time
teachers employed 25 hours or more per week and for their families, where applicable.
2. The Board shall provide a prescription drug plan equivalent to the NJSHB for all
teachers employed 25 hours or more per week and for their families, where applicable.
At this writing, NJSHB prescription plan co-pay is $3.00 generic/$10.00 name brand.
3. The Board shall provide dental insurance for all teachers employed 25 hours or more
per week and for their families where applicable (no other changes in dental).
4. The Board shall reimburse any eligible employee who chooses the opt-out program
for any or all parts of the above mentioned health plans with the following amounts per year:
A. Medical: $2,800.00
B. Prescription $1,500.00
C. Dental $ 700.00
Total for all 3 plans: $5,000.00
The Board will provide a section 125 plan.
C. Dental Insurance Plan
1. The Board agrees to provide a Dental Plan (Delta Dental Plan of NJ) for each
eligible employee, and where appropriate, coverage for dependents. Such dental plan shall provide at least the following coverages:
$1,000 maximum per family member per year.
Co-insurance: 100% for Preventative & Diagnostic
80% for Basic Services
50% for Major Services
$25 deductible per patient per calendar year (not applicable to preventative
and diagnostic services) with $75.00 family aggregate maximum per calendar
Orthodontia - $1,000 lifetime maximum (50% co-insurance).
2. In order to provide the Delta Dental Plan as described above, it is agreed that each
teacher shall contribute two hundred dollars ($200.00) per year towards the premium
cost for said plan.
A. Non-Tenured Teachers
Non-tenured teachers shall be formally evaluated at least three (3) times per year. Teachers
shall be given a written copy of the evaluation at least one (1) full day prior to the conference.
Teachers shall be given the opportunity to have a conference with the Chief School Administrator within eight (8) school days of the observation, except in extenuating circumstances. An informal conference may be held within the eight (8) day period.
B. Tenured Teachers
Tenured teachers shall be formally evaluated at least one (1) time per year. Teachers shall
be given a written copy of the evaluation at least one (1) full day prior to the conference.
Teachers shall be given the opportunity to have a conference with the Chief School Administrator within eight (8) school days of the observation, except in extenuating circumstances. An informal conference may be held within the eight (8) day period.
A. Tuition Reimbursement
The Board of Education agrees to reimburse employees for graduate educational course tuition
up to a yearly (July-June) total amount not to exceed the cost of six (6) graduate credits at the
September 1, Rowan University rate. Graduate course must have prior approval by the Chief
School Administrator, and reimbursement will be made upon successful completion of the
course as verified by an official college or university transcript.
B. Other Professional Reimbursements
The Board agrees to pay the full cost of tuition in connection with any course, workshop
seminars, conferences, in-training session, or other such sessions which a teacher is required
or requested to take by the Chief School Administrator.
C. Professional Advancement
If a teacher anticipates moving horizontally on the salary guide for the next school year, the
teacher must notify the Chief School Administrator in writing before December 1st of the
preceding school year.
A. Printing of the Agreement
The Board of Education agrees to provide each employee with a copy of the signed
negotiated Agreement and to provide ten (10) extra copies to the Association.
B. The Chief School Administrator will make every effort to have the teaching schedules and pay schedule available by August 15.
The Board of Education shall provide three (3) days annually to be used by
Representatives of the Association.
The Association President shall be granted Release time, 1 period per week,
to conduct Association business.
This AGREEMENT shall be July 1, 2007 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2010.
BY: ______________________________ BY: _____________________________
President President
BY: ______________________________ BY: ______________________________
Secretary Secretary
 |  |  | YEAR 1 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Step | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
A | 43,404 | 44,750 | 45,358 | 46,052 | 46,877 | 47,745 |
B | 43,604 | 44,956 | 45,567 | 46,264 | 47,093 | 47,965 |
C | 43,914 | 45,276 | 45,890 | 46,593 | 47,427 | 48,306 |
D | 44,224 | 45,595 | 46,214 | 46,922 | 47,762 | 48,647 |
E | 45,060 | 46,457 | 47,088 | 47,809 | 48,665 | 49,566 |
F | 45,952 | 47,377 | 48,020 | 48,755 | 49,628 | 50,547 |
G | 47,477 | 48,949 | 49,614 | 50,374 | 51,276 | 52,225 |
H | 49,062 | 50,583 | 51,269 | 52,054 | 52,987 | 53,968 |
I | 51,575 | 53,174 | 53,896 | 54,721 | 55,701 | 56,733 |
J | 55,475 | 57,195 | 57,971 | 58,859 | 59,913 | 61,023 |
K | 59,375 | 61,216 | 62,047 | 62,997 | 64,125 | 65,313 |
L | 63,275 | 65,237 | 66,122 | 67,135 | 68,337 | 69,603 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
* The salary figures above regarding educational salary increments reflect the following increase:
BA + 15 = + 3.1% of appropriate BA Level
BA + 30 = + 4.5% of appropriate BA Level
MA = + 6.1% of appropriate BA Level
*MA + 15 = + 8% of appropriate BA Level
*MA + 30 + 10% of appropriate BA Level
*Movement on the Salary Guide to this Level for additional credit shall only be for credits earned that are
educationally appropriate.
B. Assistant to the Principal
Assistant to the Principal shall receive a stipend of $2,750.00 plus three (3) compensatory
days. Any unused compensatory days shall accumulate from year to year and at a time of
retirement shall be added to the employee’s accumulated sick leave for compensation as per
Article VI, Section C. In the event of extenuating circumstances, such accumulated compensatory days or any part thereof, may be granted by the Chief School Administrator to be
used by the employee.
 |  |  | YEAR 2 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Step | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
A | 44,801 | 46,190 | 46,817 | 47,534 | 48,385 | 49,281 |
B | 45,001 | 46,396 | 47,026 | 47,746 | 48,601 | 49,501 |
C | 45,201 | 46,602 | 47,235 | 47,958 | 48,817 | 49,721 |
D | 45,520 | 46,931 | 47,569 | 48,297 | 49,162 | 50,072 |
E | 46,381 | 47,818 | 48,468 | 49,210 | 50,091 | 51,019 |
F | 47,299 | 48,765 | 49,427 | 50,184 | 51,082 | 52,028 |
G | 48,869 | 50,384 | 51,068 | 51,850 | 52,778 | 53,755 |
H | 50,499 | 52,065 | 52,772 | 53,580 | 54,539 | 55,549 |
I | 53,729 | 55,395 | 56,147 | 57,007 | 58,027 | 59,102 |
J | 57,529 | 59,312 | 60,118 | 61,038 | 62,131 | 63,282 |
K | 61,329 | 63,230 | 64,089 | 65,070 | 66,235 | 67,462 |
L | 65,129 | 67,148 | 68,060 | 69,102 | 70,339 | 71,642 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
* The salary figures above regarding educational salary increments reflect the following increase:
BA + 15 = + 3.1% of appropriate BA Level
BA + 30 = + 4.5% of appropriate BA Level
MA = + 6.1% of appropriate BA Level
*MA + 15 = + 8% of appropriate BA Level
*MA + 30 + 10% of appropriate BA Level
*Movement on the Salary Guide to this Level for additional credit shall only be for credits earned that are
educationally appropriate.
B. Assistant to the Principal
Assistant to the Principal shall receive a stipend of $2,750.00 plus three (3) compensatory
days. Any unused compensatory days shall accumulate from year to year and at a time of
retirement shall be added to the employee’s accumulated sick leave for compensation as per
Article VI, Section C. In the event of extenuating circumstances, such accumulated compensatory days or any part thereof, may be granted by the Chief School Administrator to be
used by the employee.
 |  |  | YEAR 3 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Step | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
A | 46,336 | 47,772 | 48,421 | 49,162 | 50,043 | 50,969 |
B | 46,536 | 47,978 | 48,630 | 49,374 | 50,259 | 51,189 |
C | 46,736 | 48,185 | 48,839 | 49,587 | 50,475 | 51,409 |
D | 46,936 | 48,391 | 49,048 | 49,799 | 50,691 | 51,629 |
E | 47,823 | 49,306 | 49,975 | 50,740 | 51,649 | 52,605 |
F | 48,770 | 50,281 | 50,964 | 51,745 | 52,671 | 53,647 |
G | 50,388 | 51,950 | 52,656 | 53,462 | 54,419 | 55,427 |
H | 52,355 | 53,978 | 54,711 | 55,548 | 56,543 | 57,590 |
I | 56,055 | 57,792 | 58,577 | 59,474 | 60,539 | 61,660 |
J | 59,755 | 61,607 | 62,444 | 63,400 | 64,535 | 65,730 |
K | 63,455 | 65,422 | 66,310 | 67,325 | 68,531 | 69,800 |
L | 67,155 | 69,236 | 70,177 | 71,251 | 72,527 | 73,870 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
* The salary figures above regarding educational salary increments reflect the following increase:
BA + 15 = + 3.1% of appropriate BA Level
BA + 30 = + 4.5% of appropriate BA Level
MA = + 6.1% of appropriate BA Level
*MA + 15 = + 8% of appropriate BA Level
*MA + 30 + 10% of appropriate BA Level
*Movement on the Salary Guide to this Level for additional credit shall only be for credits earned that are
educationally appropriate.
B. Assistant to the Principal
Assistant to the Principal shall receive a stipend of $2,750.00 plus three (3) compensatory
days. Any unused compensatory days shall accumulate from year to year and at a time of
retirement shall be added to the employee’s accumulated sick leave for compensation as per
Article VI, Section C. In the event of extenuating circumstances, such accumulated compensatory days or any part thereof, may be granted by the Chief School Administrator to be
used by the employee.
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2007-08 | Beginning | 63,275 | 65,237 | 66,122 | 67,135 | 68,337 | 69,603 |
2% | 15 Years | 1,266 | 1,305 | 1,322 | 1,343 | 1,367 | 1,392 |
4.8% | 20 Years | 3,037 | 3,131 | 3,174 | 3,222 | 3,280 | 3,341 |
7.64% | 25 Years | 4,834 | 4,984 | 5,052 | 5,129 | 5,221 | 5,318 |
10.52% | 30 Years | 6,657 | 6,863 | 6,956 | 7,063 | 7,189 | 7,322 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2008-09 | Beginning | 65,129 | 67,148 | 68,060 | 69,102 | 70,339 | 71,642 |
2% | 15 Years | 1,303 | 1,343 | 1,361 | 1,382 | 1,407 | 1,433 |
4.8% | 20 Years | 3,126 | 3,223 | 3,267 | 3,317 | 3,376 | 3,439 |
7.64% | 25 Years | 4,976 | 5,130 | 5,200 | 5,279 | 5,374 | 5,473 |
10.52% | 30 Years | 6,852 | 7,064 | 7,160 | 7,270 | 7,400 | 7,537 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2009-10 | Beginning | 67,155 | 69,236 | 70,177 | 71,251 | 72,527 | 73,870 |
2% | 15 Years | 1,343 | 1,385 | 1,404 | 1,425 | 1,451 | 1,477 |
4.8% | 20 Years | 3,223 | 3,323 | 3,368 | 3,420 | 3,481 | 3,546 |
7.64% | 25 Years | 5,131 | 5,290 | 5,361 | 5,444 | 5,541 | 5,644 |
10.52% | 30 Years | 7,065 | 7,284 | 7,383 | 7,496 | 7,630 | 7,771 |
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