Agreement Between
Board of Education of Rutherford
and the
Rutherford Education Association
Article 1. Recognition 3
Article 2. Negotiations Procedure 3
Article 3. Representation Fee 4
Article 4. Grievance Procedure 5
Article 5. Association Rights and Privileges 9
Article 6. Health Benefits 10
Article 7. Leaves 11
Article 8. Vacation 14
Article 9. Travel Expenses 15
Article 10. Longevity Compensations 15
Article 11. Tuition Reimbursement 16
Article 12. Payroll and Retirement Plans 17
Direct deposit
Section 125 plan
Voluntary investment plans
Article 13. School Calendar 17
Article 14. Teacher Assignments 17
Article 15. Teaching Hours and Teaching Load 18
Article 16. Teacher-Administration Liaison 20
Article 17. Teacher Evaluations 21
Article 18. Promotions and Vacancies 23
Article 19. Transfers and Reassignments 24
Article 20. Guidance and Child Study Team 24
Article 21. Secretaries 24
Article 22. Bus Drivers 26
Article 23. Custodians and Maintenance Personnel 27
Article 24. Clerical Assistants/Bus Assistants 30
Article 25. Teacher Assistants 30
Article 26. Other Rates 30
Article 27. Non-Certificated Staff Evaluation 31
This Agreement entered into on July 1, 2007, effective from the 1st day of July, 2007 by and between the Board of Education of Rutherford, the Borough of Rutherford, New Jersey, hereinafter called the "Board", and the Rutherford Education Association, hereinafter called the "Association".
A. The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiation concerning the terms and conditions of employment for all regularly employed personnel including:
All teachers in any category provided however, that the predominant duties of such teachers are not supervisory in nature. This shall include nurses, librarians, guidance counselors, learning disability teacher-consultants, , school social workers, SAC (Student Assistance Counselors), and the school psychologists. In addition to the foregoing, the Association is also recognized as the representative for custodians, maintenance personnel, school secretaries, secretaries in the Board of Education Office, electricians, plumbers, bus drivers, utility people, delivery personnel, clerical assistants, teacher assistants, and bus assistants, but excluding:
Principals, Vice-Principals, Administrative Assistants to the Principal, Supervisors, Confidential Secretary to the Superintendent, Confidential Secretary to the Business Administrator, Confidential Administrative Secretary, Confidential Payroll-Bookkeeper, Computer Technicians, and any other regularly employed personnel exercising supervisory functions.
A. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations pursuant
to the provisions of Chapter 303, Public Laws of 1968 and Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974, in a good faith effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of all employees for whom the Rutherford Education Association is authorized to negotiate. Such negotiations shall begin not later than the date established by P.E.R.C. (Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974). Subject to ratification by a majority vote of the full Board of Education and the Rutherford Education Association, any agreement so negotiated shall apply to all personnel for whom the Rutherford Education Association is authorized to negotiate, be reduced to writing, be signed by the Board and approved by the membership of the Rutherford Education Association.
B. Whenever tentative agreement is reached upon any provision to become
incorporated in a contract, the parties shall endeavor to have said tentative
agreement reduced to writing.
A. Purpose of Fee
If an employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year (i.e., from September 1 to the following August 31) which is covered in whole or in part by this agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year to offset the costs of services rendered by the Association as majority representative.
B. Amount of Fee
Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the Association to its own members for that membership year. The representation fee to be paid by nonmembers will be equal to the maximum allowed by law.
C. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
1. The Board agrees to deduct from the salary of any employee who is not a member of the Association for the current membership year the full amount of the representation fee set forth in Section B above and promptly will transmit the amount so deducted to the Association.
2. The Board agrees to deduct the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks paid to each employee during the remainder of the membership year in question. The deductions will begin 30 days after the employee begins his or her employment in a bargaining unit position.
D. Termination of Employment
If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his or her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said employee during the membership year in question and promptly forward same to the Association. The employee shall give sixty (60) days written notice to both the Board and Association.
E. Mechanics
Except as otherwise provided in this article, the mechanics for the deduction of representation fees and the transmission of such fee to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
F. Indemnification Clause
The Association shall indemnify and hold the employer harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses, that may arise out of, or by reason of, any action taken or not taken by the employer in conformance with this provision.
G. Certification
The Association will certify to the Board prior to the start of each membership year that the amount of the representation fee to be assessed does not exceed 85% of dues, fees and assessments and does not include any amount of dues, fees and assessments that are expended (1) for partisan, political or ideological activities or causes that are only incidently related to terms and conditions of employment or (2) applied toward the cost of benefits available only to members of the majority representative.
1. A grievance shall be defined as, and limited to an interpretation, application or violation of policies or agreements affecting an employee or a group of employees or by the Rutherford Education Association on their behalf.
In cases involving the withholding of increments pursuant to the provisions of R.S. 18A: 29-14, an individual affected by such action shall have the right to invoke the grievance procedure through the hearing before the Board. From the final determination by the Board the method of review shall be that set forth in R.S. 18A: 29-14.
2. The term "employee" shall mean any individual or group of employees covered by this master contract.
3. The term "representative" shall include any organization, agency, or person authorized or designated by any employee, or any group of employees, or by a public employees association or by the Board to act on its or their behalf and to represent it or them.
4. The term "immediate" superior shall mean the person to whom the aggrieved employee is directly responsible under the Table of Organization (available from building principal) prevailing in this School District.
5. The term "party" means an aggrieved employee, his immediate superior, the school principal, or any staff member below the Superintendent in connection with the procedure herein established.
6. The term "day" shall mean a calendar day.
1. The aggrieved employee shall institute action under the provisions hereof within fourteen (14) days of the occurrence complained of, or within fourteen (14) days after he/she would reasonably be expected to know of its occurrence. Failure to act within said fourteen (14) day period, shall be deemed to constitute an abandonment of the grievance.
2. The employee processing a grievance, shall be assured freedom from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.
3. In the presentation of a grievance, the employee shall have the right to present his/her own appeal or to designate a representative to appear with him/her at any step in his/her appeal.
4. Whenever the employee appears with a representative, the Board shall have the right to designate a representative to participate at any stage of the grievance procedure.
5. To initiate the grievance procedure, an employee shall file a request to discuss his/her grievance with his/her immediate supervisor within the time period set forth in section 1. Where the immediate superior is below the rank of principal, the principal shall be notified and shall have the right to be present at and to participate in said hearing. The hearing shall be conducted within fourteen (14) days of the filing of the request. A written decision shall be rendered within five (5) days of said hearing.
6. If the grievance is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction, within five (5) days from the determination referred to in Paragraph 5 above, the employee shall submit his/her grievance to the Superintendent of Schools in writing, specifying:
(a) The nature of the grievance;
(b) The results of the previous discussion;
(c) The basis of his/her dissatisfaction with the
(d) The remedy being sought must be stated.
7. A copy of the writing called for in Paragraph 6 above, shall be furnished to the school principal and to the immediate superior of the aggrieved employee.
8. Within ten (10) days from the receipt of the written grievance (unless a different period is mutually agreed upon), the Superintendent shall hold a hearing at which all parties in interest shall have the right to be heard.
9. Within ten (10) days of said hearing (unless a different period is mutually agreed upon), the Superintendent shall, in writing, advise the employee and his/her representative, if there be one, of the superintendent’s determination and shall forward a copy of said determination to the school principal and to the immediate superior of the aggrieved employee.
10. In the event of the failure of the Superintendent to act in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs 8 and 9, or, in the event a determination by him/her in accordance with the provisions thereof, is deemed unsatisfactory by either party - the dissatisfied party, within ten (10) days of the failure of the Superintendent to act or within ten (10) days of the determination by him/her, may appeal to the Board of Education.
11. Where an appeal is taken to the Board, there shall be submitted by the appellant:
(a) The writing set forth in Paragraphs 6 and 9, and a further statement in writing setting forth the appellant's dissatisfaction with the Superintendent's action. A copy of said statement shall be furnished to the Superintendent and to the aggrieved party.
12. The appellant in his/her appeal to the Board shall have the right to appear unless he/she notifies the Board within seven (7) days that he/she does not so desire, in which event the Board may consider the appeal on the written record submitted to it, or the Board may on its own conduct a hearing; or it may request the submission of additional written material. Where additional written materials are requested by the Board, copies thereof, shall be served upon the aggrieved parties who shall have the right to reply thereto. Where the appellant requests in writing a hearing before the Board, a hearing shall be held.
13. The Board shall make a determination within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the grievance and shall in writing notify the employee, his/her representative if there be one, the principal, and the Superintendent of its determination. This time period may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties.
14. a. If not settled at the Board stage, the grievance may, within fifteen (15) days thereafter be submitted by the Rutherford Education Association, to final and binding arbitration before an arbitrator experienced in school matters to be selected by mutual agreement of the parties. In the event such selection is not promptly agreed upon, the rules of the Public Employment Relations Commission shall apply with regard to the selection of an arbitrator and the conduct of the arbitration proceeding.
b. The arbitrator's decision shall be in writing and shall set forth his/her findings, reasoning and conclusion(s) on the issue(s) submitted.
c. The arbitrator shall not have the authority to add to, modify or change any of the provisions of the written agreement.
d. The arbitrator shall not make any decision or award which would be contrary to law or which limits or interferes with the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Board of Education under applicable laws or rules and regulations having the effect of law, unless such powers, duties and responsibilities are limited under this Agreement.
e. The costs for the services of the arbitrator, including
expenses, if any, shall be borne equally by the Association and the Board.
15. Failure at any step of this procedure to appeal a grievance to the next step within the specified time limits shall be deemed to be waiver of further appeal of the decision.
16. In the event a grievance shall be filed by an employee who is not subject to the jurisdiction of any principal or who may be answerable to more than one principal, he/she shall discuss his/her grievance initially with the Superintendent and if dissatisfied, with the determination, may appeal to the Board in accordance with the provisions herein set forth.
17. a. In any case, where a grievance is based upon the direct
order, ruling or determination of the Superintendent, the aggrieved employee may appeal directly to the Board within ten (10) days of the issuance of said order, ruling or directive, or within ten (10) days of the time when same have been brought to the employee's attention by filing with the Secretary of the Board, a writing setting forth,
(1) The order, ruling or determination complained of;
(2) The basis of the complaint;
(3) A request for a hearing if a hearing is desired.
b. A copy of the writings set forth above shall be served upon the Superintendent who shall have the right to reply in writing thereto. A copy of such reply shall be served upon the aggrieved employee.
18. Upon receipt of a grievance filed under the provisions of Paragraph 17, the procedure shall be as set forth in Paragraphs 12 and 13.
19. Forms for filing grievances, serving notices, taking appeals, making reports and recommendations, and other necessary documents shall be prepared jointly by the Superintendent and the Association.
20. All meetings and hearings under the procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives, heretofore referred to in this ARTICLE.
21. All employees shall be entitled to resort to the full procedure hereinabove set forth.
22. Whenever any teaching staff member is required to appear before the Board of Education or any committee or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that teaching staff member in his/her office, position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then he/she shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a person of his/her own choosing present to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. (Chapter 451, Laws of 1968)
In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year, and, if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year, could result in irreparable harm to a party in interest, then the time limits set forth herein, could be reduced, upon mutual agreement of all parties, so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
A. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association in response to reasonable requests from time to time pertinent information concerning the financial resources of the school district. This is to include one copy of the annual audit and current school budget. At the beginning of each school year, the Association shall be supplied with the names and addresses of all unit members.
B. Whenever any representative of the Association or any employee under this contract participates during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, conferences, or meetings called by the Board and/or its representative, he/she shall suffer no loss of pay.
C. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at all reasonable hours for meetings when school is not in session and facilities are available. The requests for said use shall be approved by the Superintendent. The Association shall have the right to call at least six meetings per year at 3:30 p.m., giving advance notice to the Superintendent.
D. The Association shall have in each school building a bulletin board in each faculty lounge.
E. The Board of Education and the REA will establish a liaison committee which will consist of the officers of the Board of Education and the Rutherford Education Association. Said committees will meet twice during each school year. This committee is not intended to replace the grievance procedure.
F. An Association representative may speak to teachers at any building faculty meeting for a period of up to 10 minutes on request of the representative.
A. Health Care Benefits
1. All personnel shall be entitled to full coverage under the Horizon Blue Cross Health Plan Options with the Board assuming the cost. In addition, the Board shall pay the entire cost of the family plan if the individual so elects. All new staff members and their families will be covered by the Horizon POS plan. At the conclusion of the third year of employment, the employee can choose to change coverage to the PPO plan that is offered to other district employees. For full coverage details see Addendum 1 - Health Plan Options.
2. Current and new staff shall have the option of declining coverage from the Board. The employee shall receive payment at the following rate:
a. $4,000 decline Family and keep Member Only
b. $3,000 decline Member & Spouse and keep Member Only
c. $1,500 decline Member & Child and keep Member Only
d. $1,000 decline Member Only
If a staff member declines all coverage, he/she would receive both the amount designated in a., b., or c., plus d.
Payment shall be bi-monthly and will be added to the payroll check. The employee shall, however, not be entitled to payment until the effective date of the enrollment change.
Individuals who elect to decline coverage will have the right to re-enroll for coverage, should their family circumstances change such that they lose the coverage. These family circumstances include: death, divorce, loss of job, or other event that results in the loss of insurance. Re-enrollment for any other reason can only occur during the open enrollment period. Re-enrollment is subject to the carrier's requirements. The effective date of coverage is subject to the carrier's requirements as well. Employees shall provide proof of alternate coverage to the Board.
1. The Board will pay up to $40.00 per month per employee in the PPO for one party coverage. The Board will pay the full premium for one party coverage for employees in the POS health plan.
2. Dependent coverage (2 party or family) will remain available at a cost to the employee of the balance over and above the single coverage expense. Should the single coverage expense be less than $30, the Board will contribute the difference (up to $30) towards the dependent coverage.
3. The Board will pay one (1) additional month's premium on the health and three (3) additional months' premiums on the dental plans for each retiree, with the medical plan exception for those TPAF or PERS employees who have 25 years or more of service. (For coverage details see Addendum 1.)
4. For retiring employees wishing to continue applicable benefits, the Board of Education shall provide those benefits by complying with the current provisions of COBRA.
All categories of personnel covered by this contract shall be eligible for the following days of leave:
A. Sick Leave
1. All persons holding any office, position, or employment in this school district who are steadily employed by the Board of Education shall be allowed sick leave with pay for a minimum of ten school days in any school year for ten month employees; eleven school days for eleven month employees; and twelve school days for twelve month employees. All unused sick leave days are cumulative for future use. Sick leave is prorated to actual hours worked.
2. Extended Sick Leave
In the event an employee has used up his/her sick leave and has been out ill for more than ten (10) days, at the request of the employee or the Association, the Superintendent of Schools shall bring such cases to the Board of Education for a decision on whether the Board shall grant extended sick leave. Each case shall be based on the past record of the individual and each case shall be reviewed on its own merits.
In the case of an employee who is out ill for an extended period and is rapidly approaching depletion of his/her accumulated sick days, the Superintendent can bring this to the attention of the Board for possible immediate extension of time for said illness by Board granted sick days and/or side bar agreement.
3. Unused Sick Leave
Only upon retirement, payment for unused sick days shall be paid according to the following schedule (for the duration of the contract):
1-100 days at the per diem rate of: $30.00
101-200 days at the per diem rate of: 35.00
201-300 days at the per diem rate of: 40.00
maximum limit: $10,500.00
Whenever the Board of Education shall grant additional sick leave to any employee above and beyond that mandated by Statute (18A:30-2), said days granted shall be deducted from the total payment due for unused sick leave prior to payment.
B. Bereavement
1. All employees are entitled to up to four (4) bereavement days, following a death in their immediate family.
2. “Immediate family” is defined as the employee’s husband, wife, legal domestic partner, children, parents, grandchildren, grandparents, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law of either the employee or his/her spouse/legal domestic partner, and any other person who resides in the employee’s household.
3. A fifth (5th) bereavement day may be requested for any of the following circumstances:
Funeral travel exceeding 200 miles round trip
Delay of funeral due to extenuating circumstances
Established religious customs
1. All employees shall be eligible for up to three (3) personal days per year without loss of pay. Circumstances which may be approved by the Superintendent are noted below in number 3.
a. Personal days are not cumulative except as described in Section D (Family Illness/Personal Leave Bank).
b. Personal days are not eligible for payment at retirement.
2. An “Application for Personal Day” shall be submitted to the Superintendent at least five (5) days prior to the day requested. If due to an emergency an advance application is not possible, the employee’s school shall be notified immediately by telephone and the application will be filed as promptly as possible afterwards.
3. Circumstances which may be approved are listed below and on the Application for Personal Day. The superintendent reserves the right to verify reasons offered for personal day requests.
Legal business which cannot be conducted outside of school hours
Funeral (other than immediate family)
Graduation in the immediate family
Illness of someone in the immediate family or immediate household
Observance of a religious holiday
Home emergency
Personal Day (1)(no reason necessary)
Other (explanation necessary)
4. One (1) of the three (3) personal days may be requested without specifying the reason except as here noted.
a. Personal day without reason may not be used for Monday/Friday absences, or to extend school holidays/vacations.
Unused personal leave days can be accrued in a Personal Leave Bank to be used in subsequent years according to these guidelines:
1. Up to 10 personal days from prior years may be accrued in this bank.
2. Application for use of banked days follows the procedures prescribed above for annual personal days. The Superintendent reserves the right to verify reasons offered for banked day requests.
3. Banked days may be used only for:
a. Attending to health/medical needs of immediate family that cannot be taken care of outside of regular work hours.
b. Religious observance day if the employee’s traditional religious observance days fall on school days. Such observance days should appear on the list of state recognized religious observance days, which can be found on the district’s web site.
4. Personal Leave Bank days are not eligible for payment at retirement.
E. Perfect Attendance Bonus
There will be a perfect attendance bonus of $250 to be paid to any employee who uses no sick, personal and/or Family Illness days in a single contract year.
All maintenance, custodial, and secretarial personnel shall earn vacation as follows:
1. Vacation time shall be scheduled at a time approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
2. Vacation time must be taken in the fiscal year following the fiscal year that the vacation time was earned.
3. Vacation time shall not be carried over to a subsequent year unless permission is granted by the Superintendent.
4. No vacation time shall accrue during the first two months of employment.
5. Anyone retiring may have the opportunity to either receive the accrued vacation in cash or to take the time during the thirty (30) days prior to the retirement date.
Twelve Month Contract
Year Vacation Earned Vacation Taken
Year 1 10* 0
Years 2,3,4 10 10
Year 5 15 10
Years 6,7,8,9,10,11 15 15
Year 12 16 15
Year 13 16 16
Year 14 17 16
Year 15 20 17
Year 16+ 20 20
Eleven Month Contract
Year Vacation Earned Vacation Taken
Year 1 9* 0
Years 2,3,4 9 9
Year 5 14 9
Years 6,7,8,9,10,11 14 14
Year 12 15 14
Year 13 15 15
Year 14 16 15
Year 15 19 16
Year 16+ 19 19
Ten Month Contract
Year Vacation Earned Vacation Taken
Year 1 8* 0
Years 2,3,4 8 8
Year 5 13 8
Years 6,7,8,9,10,11 13 13
Year 12 14 13
Year 13 14 14
Year 14 15 14
Year 15 15 15
Year 16+ 18 18
* May be pro-rated based upon hire date
A mileage rate comparable to the current federal rate per mile shall be paid to any employee using his/her private automobile on approved school business.
Longevity will be paid to the following:
A. Longevity for certificated employees:
Service in
After 18 years $1,250
After 20 years $1,500
After 25 years $2,000
After 30 years $2,500
B. Longevity for Custodians, Secretaries, Maintenance and Messenger:
Service in
After 15 years $1,000
After 20 years $1,500
After 25 years $2,000
After 30 years $2,500
C. Longevity shall also be paid to Teachers’ Assistants, Clerical Assistants/Bus Assistants and Bus Drivers:
For service in
After 20 years - $400
D. Longevity is not cumulative and shall be pro-rated to the individual's anniversary date.
A. Teachers
The Board will pay a maximum of $1,000 per person per school year for tuition of graduate courses approved by the Superintendent to a maximum of $26,000 per year. Only course work approved by the superintendent of schools shall be eligible for educational level and step advancement. Tuition will not include cost of books, meals, etc. This policy applies to tenured employees only. Payment will be made upon completion of the course and presentation of a report card, transcript, or letter stating such. The college bill will be submitted to the business office for reimbursement. The school year is July 1 through June 30. All recipients must maintain a minimum of a "B" average.
B. Non-Certificated Employees
The Board will establish a pool of $4,000 per year to be used by non-certificated employees for tuition for courses related to their work. Employees must have their courses approved in advance by the Superintendent or Business Administrator, as appropriate. The decisions of the Superintendent and Business Administrator shall not be grievable.
C. Reimbursement for All Employees
All requests for reimbursement must be submitted by June 1st to the business office. If the cap is exceeded, the distribution will be done on a pro-rata basis.
This new disbursement process will be evaluated at the end of each Contract Year.
A. Section 125 Plan
The Board will institute a Section 125 Plan for all unit members at no cost to the employee.
B. Direct Deposit
The employee has the option of having his/her payroll deposited directly into the individual employee’s bank of choice, up to two accounts.
C. Voluntary Investment Plans
The district will offer employees participation in the following investment plans:
a. Roth 403b
b. TSA 403b
A. In determining the school calendar the Board, through the Superintendent, will hold discussions and seek suggestions from the Association. Final approval of the school calendar rests with the Board.
B. The Board agrees to grant half-day sessions on the days before Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations.
C. In the event that there are one or more unused emergency school closing days available, the school will close the Friday before Memorial Day weekend for all employees.
A. All teachers shall be given written notice of the teaching schedules. Tentative schedules and assignments shall be posted in each school when available with proper notification if any change occurs.
B. The Superintendent shall assign all newly-appointed personnel to their specific positions within their subject area for which the Board has appointed the teacher.
C. The final authority to determine assignments is the Board of Education acting through the Superintendent.
A. Teachers shall indicate their presence or absence in the building in the appropriate manner as set forth by the building principal.
B. The teacher workday shall be as follows:
1. Grades K-5. The total work day for teachers will be seven (7) hours.
2. Grades 6-8. The total day will be seven (7) hours and twelve (12) minutes.
3. Grades 9-12. The total day will be seven (7) hours and twelve (12) minutes.
4. For the purposes of this agreement, a study shall be considered a teaching period.
C. Lunch
1. Teachers volunteering and assigned to lunch supervision during their duty free lunch will be paid $19.00 per hour.
2. All teachers shall have a duty free lunch equal in length to an instructional period. (Elementary grades K-5 will be 45 minutes.) Teacher lunch period may not, however, be the same time as students. Lunch supervision may be an assigned duty.
D. Whenever an emergency arises necessitating the coverage of classes, the principal may ask for this coverage among the faculty.
E. 1. Certified personnel shall return to their home school for one back-to-school night each year.
2. Participation in co-curricular activities and other school sponsored events within one’s home school are considered a part of the certified staff member’s professional obligations, including when such activities occur outside of the normal school day. In the event that a school activity is not adequately chaperoned by faculty volunteers, the administration may assign coverage from among faculty on a fair, equitable and rotating basis. In the event that a staff member is unable to fulfill the assignment upon request due to a personal commitment, he/she may ask to substitute it for a future event.
If departure of past practice regarding the number of events, chaperone coverage required or timing of events occurs, the Administration and the REA will discuss in advance of events.
F. 1. Teachers shall be expected to remain one day per week, preferably Monday, beyond the normal school day in order to attend administrative, departmental, or R.E.A. meetings. As has been the custom, meetings may be called for curriculum or in-service training. These meetings may extend beyond the normal school day.
2. Teachers will be expected to remain, an appropriate amount of time, after the end of the normal school day on Tuesdays through Thursdays for extra help when requested by the students.
3. The notice of an agenda for any faculty building meetings shall be given to the teachers prior to meetings, except in an emergency. The teachers shall have the opportunity to suggest items for the agenda at such meetings.
4. Teachers may leave the buildings without requesting permission during their scheduled duty-free lunch periods. Teachers shall sign out when leaving and sign in upon return.
5. Teachers may leave at student dismissal on Fridays and any other day beginning a holiday.
G. Calendar
The work year shall be 188 days (186 pupil days and 2 teacher only days). The Board may replace a teacher/student day with a teacher only day. The last three days of the school year shall be the legal minimum days for students and full days for teachers.
H. K-5 Parent Conference Days
1. There will be one evening conference.
2. On the day the evening conference is held, the K-5 classroom teachers and students shall have a legal minimum day. The K-5 classroom teachers shall leave with the students and return for the evening conference.
3. The manner by which the conferences are administered will be reassessed each year. However, items 1. and 2. of the agreement concerning Parent Conference Days remain in effect.
I. Teaching Load:
1. The grade 6-12 day schedule is a nine (9) period day for students.
2. Teachers in grades 6-12 shall teach no more than six (6) periods, or have five (5) teaching periods and one (1) duty period.
3. The ninth period created at the grade 6-12 level shall be an administrative period, not a teaching period nor a duty period. Teachers will not be required to grade student work, assign grades or prepare lessons. The administrative period will not include covering classes except for a bona fide emergency, which shall not mean class coverage for a teacher who is absent for a full day.
4. In grades 1 and 2, one library period per month will be allowed as an administrative period. In grades 3 through 5, Spanish time will be considered an administrative period for the regular classroom teacher. In kindergarten grades, all prep time exceeding 210 minutes is considered an administrative period.
To the extent possible, special education teachers will be allowed comparable administrative time as their grade level counterparts.
J. Teacher Preparation Time
1. Elementary school teachers will be guaranteed 210 minutes prep time per normal school week.
2. All sixth through twelfth grades classroom teachers will be guaranteed one period per day of preparation time. The definition of classroom teacher will exclude those positions listed in the Administrative Code under Educational Services License Requirements as of 1/9/2003, with the exception of reading specialist. A copy of the code citation for Educational Services Licenses NJAC 6A:9-13 for 1/9/2003 is included as an addendum to this contract.
3. The Superintendent of Schools shall make every effort to secure substitutes for specialists, handling entire classes, when they are out of school so that elementary school teachers are not deprived of their preparation period(s) and/or administrative period(s).
4. Teachers will not be paid for lost preparation periods.
K. Course Preparation Load
To the extent possible, the 6th - 12th grade teachers’ schedule will not require more than four course preparations at any given time.
The faculty in each school shall elect a liaison committee if either teachers or principal so request. The committee shall meet with the principal at least once a month. They will review and discuss local school problems and practices, revision or development of building policies, and suggested areas for curriculum improvement. This committee shall be limited to these aforementioned areas. This Committee shall not supplant the grievance procedure.
A. 1. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a teacher shall be conducted openly, with full knowledge of the teacher, by a duly certificated person.
2. A teacher shall be given a copy of any evaluation report prepared by his/her evaluators at least one (1) day before any conference to discuss it. No such report shall be submitted to the central office, placed in the teacher's file, or otherwise acted upon, without prior conference with the teacher. No teacher shall be required to sign a blank or incomplete evaluation form.
3. Signature on the written evaluation report does not necessarily imply agreement with its content.
Board Policy #4116 related to Evaluations can be found on the District website.
B. A teacher shall have the right upon request to review the contents of any evaluation. A teacher shall be entitled to have a representative accompany him/her during such review.
C. Prior to any annual evaluation report, the immediate supervisor of a non-tenure teacher shall have had (written) communication, including but not limited to all steps in Section 2 below, with said teacher regarding his/her performance as a teacher.
D. Increment Withholding
1. The Superintendent shall have the power to recommend to the Board of Education the withholding of any salary increment and/or adjustment for inefficiency as determined by at least two successive evaluations indicating unsatisfactory performance or effectiveness or other good cause which may have an adverse effect on the performance or effectiveness of the teacher. Said successive evaluations must be at least six (6) weeks apart so that an individual has an opportunity for correction. All unsatisfactory performance observations must be accompanied by written corrective measures by the administrative observer.
2. Whenever the withholding of an increment is proposed by the Superintendent, the individual concerned shall be given a written statement of reasons setting forth the particulars constituting the basis of said withholding. No such recommendation which is based on classroom performance shall be made by the Superintendent that is based on observation not conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher; and, where appropriate, neither shall any such recommendation, whether related to classroom performance or for other just cause, be made without notification to the teacher that a deficiency exists which may call for a recommendation for the withholding of an increment unless said deficiency is corrected immediately or within a time period prescribed by the administration.
3. Whenever the withholding of an increment is proposed, the individual involved shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Education and, upon filing in writing of a Notice of Appeal, setting forth the reasons why it is alleged that such action should not be taken, a hearing will be afforded by the Board to the aggrieved individual.
4. At such hearing the aggrieved individual shall have the right to be represented by counsel of his/her own choosing or by his/her duly designated representative.
5. From any adverse determination of the Board, the aggrieved shall have the right to appeal to the Commissioner of Education. The aggrieved party shall not have the right to request arbitration from any adverse determination of an evaluation indicating unsatisfactory performance or effectiveness or from any adverse determination of this Board to the Commissioner of Education.
6. The term "increment" is intended to mean the next step on the salary guide where the aggrieved individual would be placed. Where an increment is withheld, the individual shall remain at the same step on the salary guide even though the dollar amount may be higher than the previous year.
7. It shall not be mandatory upon the Board of Education to pay any such denied increment in any future year as an adjustment increment.
a. Any evaluation made of a non-tenure teacher shall not
be subject to the Grievance Procedure and the willingness of the Board to permit discussion with reference to any such evaluation procedure shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of the Board of its prerogatives relative to the employment and/or continued employment of such personnel.
b. Such supervisory reports are to be provided for non-
tenure teachers at least four times each year.
c. Tenure teachers are to be evaluated with the adopted tenure teacher evaluation regulations, N.J.A.C. 6:3-4.3.
A. Promotional positions are defined as follows:
1. Positions paying a salary differential and/or positions on the administrator-supervisory levels of responsibility.
2. All vacancies, including promotional positions, shall be adequately publicized by the Superintendent in accordance with the following procedure:
a. When school is in session, a notice shall be posted in each school as far in advance as practicable. A copy of the said notice shall be given to the Association at the time of posting. Teachers who desire to apply for such vacancies shall submit their applications in writing to the Superintendent within the time limit specified in the notice, and the Superintendent shall acknowledge the receipt of all such applications.
b. Whenever a vacancy or promotion becomes available during the summer months a copy of the notice shall be given to the Association and shall be posted on the bulletin board outside the superintendent’s office. In addition, the superintendent will notify individual staff members, who have previously indicated general interest in such a vacancy. Interest must be expressed in written form and submitted to the superintendent’s office with appropriate contact information by March 1st of each year.
B. In both situations set forth in Section A above, the qualifications for the position, its duties, and the rate of compensation, shall be clearly set forth.
C. A list of appointments shall be given to the Association indicating which positions have been filled and by whom.
D. In no event shall anyone seeking consideration to fill a promotional vacancy be considered if the vacancy in question requires a specific certificate and the applicant does not possess such a certificate.
E. The Board is willing to consider applications from the staff for any vacancies in promotional positions. The willingness of the Board to consider applications by the staff shall not be deemed to limit the absolute right of the Board to make the final determination as to who shall be promoted and, if in the sole and unlimited discretion of the Board the position in question can best be filled by an individual outside of the system, the Board shall have the right to fill such position with such individual and the action of the Board in such a determination shall not be subject to review under Grievance Procedure.
A. Involuntary Transfers and Reassignments
1. Notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to teachers as soon as practicable and shall be made subject to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 34:13A-25.
2. An involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be made only after a meeting between the teacher involved and the immediate superior, at which time the teacher shall be notified of the reason therefore. In the event that a teacher objects to the transfer or reassignment at this meeting, upon the request of the teacher, the Superintendent shall meet with him/her. The teacher may, at his/her option, have an Association representative at such meeting.
3. Regardless of any meeting which may occur relative to an involuntary transfer or reassignment, the decision of the Board acting through the Superintendent shall in all cases be final and binding so long as the transfer or reassignment is to a position which the teacher in question is certified to teach.
B. Voluntary Transfers and Reassignments
1. The Association shall formally submit to the Superintendent by the end of December a list of teachers interested in transfers, including type of position desired.
2. In the determination of request for voluntary reassignment and/or transfer, the wishes of the individual teacher shall be considered.
The Child Study Team and high school guidance counselors are obligated to work a maximum of two weeks during summer months. This two-week period is at the discretion of the Superintendent. Remuneration for this time shall be paid at the rate of 5% of the upcoming year's salary. The remuneration paid during the summer months shall be incorporated into the guidance counselors' and CST members' pensionable salaries.
1. Secretaries who achieve the Professional Development Program Certificate will receive:
1st Certificate - Stipend of $400
2nd Certificate - Stipend of $500
3rd Certificate - Stipend of $600
Stipends are not cumulative - rather they are paid as per certificate. Stipends are to be paid when certificates are received. Prior notification of receipt of certificate must be given to the Superintendent of Schools.
The Board will compensate secretaries who receive additional certification from the Professional Standards Program as follows:
Level I - $300
Level II - $500
The stipends are not cumulative - rather they are paid as per certificate. Stipends are to be paid when the certificate is received. Prior notification of receipt of certificate must be given to the Superintendent of Schools.
2. The Board and the REA agree that 11-month secretaries, prior to June 30, will have the right to voluntarily move their position to a 12-month secretarial position if they wish. The 11-month secretaries will be able to make this choice annually, but not during the course of a school year. The Board reserves the right to post vacant 11-month positions as 12-month positions.
A. Bus Drivers who are steadily employed will be granted one sick day (to a maximum of ten) per each month worked during any given school year. Said leave is pro-rated to actual hours worked per day and is accumulative.
B. Bus Drivers will be compensated for five holidays, namely Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day, Presidents’ Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving. Payment will be made at the hourly rate and the number of hours worked per day. This benefit will begin in the third year of the individual's employment.
C. The Board shall pay the Bus Drivers for a full day for snow\excessive heat days and any unscheduled half day. The employee gets paid for the hours worked on scheduled half days.
D. The Board shall pay bus drivers at time and a half for hours worked on State holidays, provided that the Rutherford Schools are closed on that day.
E. The Board shall provide bus drivers with a meal allowance of $9.00 upon submission of receipt) when working extended days - 5 or more consecutive hours at one event.
F. Bus Drivers responsible for transporting students on day-long trips on weekends for which students are dropped off and then picked up at the end of the event shall be paid two (2) hours for drop off and two (2) hours for pick up. They shall also receive $55 as compensation for remaining on-call should the students need to return before the scheduled event. No meal allowance shall be paid.
G. Bus drivers will be compensated for two (2) hours call time if he/she is notified of a cancellation less than 24 hours before the scheduled event.
H. All new bus drivers will be provided a new jacket after six months of employment.
The Board shall provide the bus drivers with new jackets every 4 years, upon their anniversary date. The cap for the jacket shall be raised to $75.
I. In the event that summer drivers are needed for students, current full time drivers will be given priority to accept this position.
All new full time bus drivers hired will be on a ten-month contract.
A. Qualifications shall be the primary prerequisite for all job openings. Notification of openings shall be forwarded to the President of the REA.
B. Notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to staff as soon as practicable, and subject to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 34:13A-25.
C. An involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be made only after a meeting between the staff person involved and the immediate superior, at which time the staff person shall be notified of the reason therefore. In the event that a staff person objects to the transfer or reassignment at this meeting, upon the request of the staff person, the Superintendent shall meet with him/her. The staff person may, at his/her option, have an Association representative at such meeting.
D. Regardless of any meeting which may occur relative to an involuntary transfer or reassignment, the decision of the Board acting through the Superintendent shall in all cases be final and binding as long as the transfer or reassignment is to be a position which the staff person in question is qualified.
E. Custodians and maintenance personnel will be supplied with four uniforms per year. The employee will be responsible for the laundering of the uniforms. Safety shoes must be worn during working hours. The Board will reimburse employees up to $115 per year for shoe allowance with receipts. The Board will not assume any responsibility for injury unless he/she is wearing his/her safety shoes. All full time maintenance and/or custodial personnel will be provided a new jacket after 6 months employment. New jackets shall be provided every four (4) years, upon their anniversary date. Jackets rendered unusable by on-the-job accidents will be replaced. Anyone leaving our employment must return said jacket.
F. The Board shall provide rain gear for all custodial/maintenance employees as needed for use in the performance of his/her duties.
G. The Board will pay for the boiler licenses of custodians and maintenance personnel.
H. 1. An employee recalled for emergencies from his/her home to work at the school after completing his/her regular shift or prior to the commencement of his/her regular shift shall be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hours at time and one-half, except when an employee is recalled in on Sunday and recognized holidays, he/she shall be compensated for a minimum of two hours at double time.
2. Custodians who conduct scheduled building inspections on weekends and holidays shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times regular pay for one (1) hour at the elementary schools and two (2) hours at the high school regardless of how long the inspection takes to complete. If the inspection is not resolved in the aforementioned timeframe, the employee will be compensated at the one and one-half (1.5) times regular pay for the actual time worked.
I. The regular work week will be 40 hours per week.
J. The work week shall begin at 12:01 a.m. Monday, and shall end on the next succeeding Sunday at Midnight.
K. Time and one-half the regular straight time rate will be paid in the following cases for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week and for all cases of scheduled overtime, except those occurring on Sunday. On Sunday, the overtime rate will be two times the regular straight time rate. Any overtime must be authorized by a person so designated by the Superintendent of Schools.
1. The regular work day for custodians will be from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (1 hour for lunch, 30 min. for coffee break). Any shift that starts prior to or at 7:00 a.m. will be considered the first shift.
2. Second shift shall be from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (1 hour for lunch, 30 min. for coffee break) - 6% differential.
3. Third shift shall be from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (1/2 hour for lunch, no coffee break) - 8% differential.
4. The shift differential shall be paid only for hours worked on that shift.
L. Snow Days - On days when schools are closed because of snow, both full-time and part-time custodians, regardless of regular shift assignment, will report to his/her building on the day shift schedule for snow removal. Any part-time custodian who has another full-time day job is exempt from this requirement. All maintenance personnel will report to Pierrepont School at their regular starting time.
M. Discipline of custodial and maintenance personnel shall be subject to Board policy #4217.5. Adherence to this policy shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
N. Whenever possible, non-certificated employees will receive notice of re-employment by 5/15.
O. If the entire custodial or maintenance operation of the district is to be subcontracted, the Board will give the affected staff members ninety (90) days notice of termination from the day the contract with the contractor is approved by the Board. This provision shall not apply in cases of emergency or attrition or if the entire custodial or maintenance staff is not replaced simultaneously.
P. The Board shall provide vacation checks to custodial/maintenance personnel before their vacations, providing that 30 days notice is given, and that the request for delivery of the check will not occur prior to the eighth of the month.
Q. Stipends will be paid as follows for the duration of the contract:
Head Custodian - High School $3,700
Head Evening Custodian - High School $1,000
Head Custodian - Union School $2,400
Head Custodian - Pierrepont School $2,400
Head Custodian - Washington School $2,400
Head Custodian - Lincoln School $2,400ARTICLE 24
Clerical Assistants will be granted one sick day per each month worked during any given school year. Said leave is pro-rated to actual hours worked and is accumulative.
Clerical Assistants will be compensated for three holidays, namely Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. Payment will be made at the hourly rate and the number of hours worked per day. This benefit will begin in the third year of employment.
The Board shall pay the Clerical Assistants for a full day for snow\excessive heat days and any unscheduled half day. The employee gets paid for the hours worked on scheduled half days.
The Board shall provide by June 1st of each year a promise of employment letter to the Clerical Assistants stating the individuals step/level and salary for the coming year.
Teacher Assistants will be granted one sick day per each month worked during any given school year. Said leave is pro-rated to actual hours worked and is accumulative.
Teacher Assistants will be compensated for five holidays, namely Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day, Presidents’ Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving. Payment will be made at the hourly rate and the number of hours worked per day. This benefit will begin in the third year of employment.
The Board shall pay the Teacher Assistants for a full day for snow\excessive heat days and any unscheduled half day. The employee gets paid for the hours worked on scheduled half days.
The Board shall provide by June 1st of each year a promise of employment letter to the Teacher Assistants stating the individuals step/level and salary for the coming year.
A. Parent Education Coordinator: Annual Stipend $2,000.
B. Web Master: Annual Stipend $4,000
C. Transportation Coordinator: Annual Stipend $7,200
All observations of the work performances of personnel shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the observed. The employee shall be given a copy of any evaluation report at least one (1) day before any conference to discuss it. The employee who has performed in an unsatisfactory manner will be advised promptly and given a verbal warning. Second and further offenses will be discussed with employee and his representative and a written report issued and filed. Disciplinary action may be taken at any time if necessary.RUTHERFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS
 | 1 |  | 41,400 |  | 42,600 |  | 44,600 |  | 46,400 |  | 48,700 |  | 50,600 |
 | 2 |  | 42,385 |  | 43,585 |  | 45,585 |  | 47,385 |  | 49,685 |  | 51,585 |
 | 3 |  | 43,455 |  | 44,655 |  | 46,655 |  | 48,455 |  | 50,755 |  | 52,655 |
 | 4 |  | 44,522 |  | 45,722 |  | 47,722 |  | 49,522 |  | 51,822 |  | 53,722 |
 | 5 |  | 45,615 |  | 46,915 |  | 48,915 |  | 50,715 |  | 53,015 |  | 54,915 |
 | 6 |  | 46,735 |  | 48,235 |  | 50,235 |  | 52,035 |  | 54,335 |  | 56,235 |
 | 7 |  | 47,915 |  | 49,715 |  | 51,715 |  | 53,515 |  | 55,815 |  | 57,715 |
 | 8 |  | 49,658 |  | 51,658 |  | 53,658 |  | 55,558 |  | 58,008 |  | 59,908 |
 | 9 |  | 51,515 |  | 53,615 |  | 55,715 |  | 57,715 |  | 60,415 |  | 62,315 |
 | 10 |  | 53,797 |  | 55,997 |  | 58,197 |  | 60,397 |  | 63,197 |  | 65,097 |
 | 11 |  | 56,182 |  | 58,482 |  | 60,782 |  | 63,182 |  | 66,082 |  | 67,982 |
 | 12 |  | 58,757 |  | 61,157 |  | 63,557 |  | 66,157 |  | 69,157 |  | 71,057 |
 | 13 |  | 62,003 |  | 64,503 |  | 67,003 |  | 69,703 |  | 73,003 |  | 74,903 |
 | 14 |  | 65,430 |  | 68,130 |  | 70,830 |  | 73,630 |  | 76,980 |  | 78,880 |
 | 15 |  | 69,724 |  | 72,816 |  | 75,716 |  | 78,616 |  | 82,416 |  | 84,316 |
 | 16 |  |  |  |  |  | 80,218 |  | 83,321 |  | 89,000 |  | 90,900 |
After September 1, 1975, no faculty can move beyond the BA+15 level without a Master’s Degree.
Movement from the B.A. level to the M.A. level must be by graduate credits earned after receiving the B.A. degree. Movement from the M.A. level on must be by graduate credits earned after receiving the M.A. degree.
Salary increments are granted upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.RUTHERFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS
 | 1 |  | 43,244 |  | 45,244 |  | 47,644 |  | 50,144 |  | 52,944 |  | 54,944 |
 | 2 |  | 44,229 |  | 46,229 |  | 48,629 |  | 51,129 |  | 53,929 |  | 55,929 |
 | 3 |  | 45,299 |  | 47,299 |  | 49,699 |  | 52,199 |  | 54,999 |  | 56,999 |
 | 4 |  | 46,366 |  | 48,366 |  | 50,766 |  | 53,266 |  | 56,066 |  | 58,066 |
 | 5 |  | 47,459 |  | 49,459 |  | 51,859 |  | 54,359 |  | 57,159 |  | 59,159 |
 | 6 |  | 48,579 |  | 50,579 |  | 52,979 |  | 55,479 |  | 58,279 |  | 60,279 |
 | 7 |  | 49,759 |  | 51,759 |  | 54,159 |  | 56,659 |  | 59,459 |  | 61,459 |
 | 8 |  | 51,502 |  | 53,502 |  | 56,002 |  | 58,502 |  | 61,302 |  | 63,302 |
 | 9 |  | 53,359 |  | 55,459 |  | 57,959 |  | 60,459 |  | 63,259 |  | 65,259 |
 | 10 |  | 55,641 |  | 57,841 |  | 60,341 |  | 62,841 |  | 65,641 |  | 67,641 |
 | 11 |  | 58,026 |  | 60,326 |  | 62,826 |  | 65,326 |  | 68,126 |  | 70,126 |
 | 12 |  | 60,601 |  | 63,001 |  | 65,501 |  | 68,101 |  | 71,101 |  | 73,101 |
 | 13 |  | 63,847 |  | 66,347 |  | 68,847 |  | 71,547 |  | 74,847 |  | 76,847 |
 | 14 |  | 67,274 |  | 69,974 |  | 72,474 |  | 75,274 |  | 78,774 |  | 80,774 |
 | 15 |  | 71,224 |  | 74,316 |  | 76,816 |  | 79,716 |  | 83,516 |  | 85,516 |
 | 16 |  |  |  |  |  | 81,718 |  | 84,821 |  | 90,500 |  | 92,500 |
After September 1, 1975, no faculty can move beyond the BA+15 level without a Master’s Degree.
Movement from the B.A. level to the M.A. level must be by graduate credits earned after receiving the B.A. degree. Movement from the M.A. level on must be by graduate credits earned after receiving the M.A. degree.
Salary increments are granted upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
 | 1 |  | 45,113 |  | 47,413 |  | 50,313 |  | 53,313 |  | 57,513 |  | 59,713 |
 | 2 |  | 45,913 |  | 48,213 |  | 51,113 |  | 54,113 |  | 58,313 |  | 60,513 |
 | 3 |  | 46,813 |  | 49,113 |  | 52,013 |  | 55,013 |  | 59,213 |  | 61,413 |
 | 4 |  | 47,813 |  | 50,113 |  | 53,013 |  | 56,013 |  | 60,213 |  | 62,413 |
 | 5 |  | 48,913 |  | 51,213 |  | 54,113 |  | 57,113 |  | 61,313 |  | 63,513 |
 | 6 |  | 50,013 |  | 52,313 |  | 55,213 |  | 58,213 |  | 62,413 |  | 64,613 |
 | 7 |  | 51,242 |  | 53,542 |  | 56,442 |  | 59,442 |  | 63,642 |  | 65,842 |
 | 8 |  | 53,000 |  | 55,300 |  | 58,200 |  | 61,200 |  | 65,400 |  | 67,600 |
 | 9 |  | 54,857 |  | 57,157 |  | 60,057 |  | 63,057 |  | 67,257 |  | 69,457 |
 | 10 |  | 57,139 |  | 59,539 |  | 62,439 |  | 65,439 |  | 69,639 |  | 71,839 |
 | 11 |  | 59,524 |  | 61,924 |  | 64,824 |  | 67,824 |  | 72,024 |  | 74,224 |
 | 12 |  | 62,299 |  | 64,699 |  | 67,699 |  | 70,699 |  | 75,099 |  | 77,299 |
 | 13 |  | 65,546 |  | 68,046 |  | 71,146 |  | 74,146 |  | 78,546 |  | 80,746 |
 | 14 |  | 69,027 |  | 71,827 |  | 75,027 |  | 78,027 |  | 82,727 |  | 84,927 |
 | 15 |  | 72,692 |  | 75,784 |  | 79,084 |  | 82,084 |  | 87,484 |  | 89,684 |
 | 16 |  |  |  |  |  | 83,186 |  | 86,389 |  | 92,600 |  | 94,800 |
After September 1, 1975, no faculty can move beyond the BA+15 level without a Master’s Degree.
Movement from the B.A. level to the M.A. level must be by graduate credits earned after receiving the B.A. degree. Movement from the M.A. level on must be by graduate credits earned after receiving the M.A. degree.
Salary increments are granted upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
STEP 10-Month 11-Month 12-Month Administrative
 | 1 |  | 24,236 |  | 26,660 |  | 29,083 |  | 34,900 |
 | 2 |  | 24,774 |  | 27,251 |  | 29,729 |  | 35,675 |
 | 3 |  | 25,326 |  | 27,859 |  | 30,391 |  | 36,469 |
 | 4 |  | 25,890 |  | 28,479 |  | 31,068 |  | 37,282 |
 | 5 |  | 26,468 |  | 29,115 |  | 31,762 |  | 38,114 |
 | 6 |  | 27,652 |  | 30,417 |  | 33,182 |  | 39,819 |
 | 7 |  | 28,892 |  | 31,781 |  | 34,670 |  | 41,604 |
 | 8 |  | 30,192 |  | 33,211 |  | 36,230 |  | 43,476 |
 | 9 |  | 31,555 |  | 34,711 |  | 37,866 |  | 45,439 |
 | 1 10 |  | 32,982 |  | 36,280 |  | 39,578 |  | 47,494 |
 | 1 11 |  | 34,791 |  | 38,270 |  | 41,749 |  |  |
 | 1 12 |  | 36,738 |  | 40,412 |  | 44,086 |  |  |
Salary increments are granted upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
STEP 10-Month 11-Month 12-Month Administrative
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 1 |  | 25,036 |  | 27,540 |  | 30,043 |  | 36,052 |
 | 2 |  | 25,574 |  | 28,131 |  | 30,689 |  | 36,827 |
 | 3 |  | 26,126 |  | 28,739 |  | 31,351 |  | 37,621 |
 | 4 |  | 26,690 |  | 29,359 |  | 32,028 |  | 38,434 |
 | 5 |  | 27,268 |  | 29,995 |  | 32,722 |  | 39,266 |
 | 6 |  | 28,452 |  | 31,297 |  | 34,142 |  | 40,971 |
 | 7 |  | 29,692 |  | 32,661 |  | 35,630 |  | 42,756 |
 | 8 |  | 30,992 |  | 34,091 |  | 37,190 |  | 44,628 |
 | 9 |  | 32,355 |  | 35,591 |  | 38,826 |  | 46,591 |
 | 10 |  | 33,702 |  | 37,072 |  | 40,442 |  | 48,531 |
 | 11 |  | 35,536 |  | 39,090 |  | 42,643 |  |  |
 | 12 |  | 37,538 |  | 41,292 |  | 45,046 |  |  |
Salary increments are granted upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
STEP 10-Month 11-Month 12-Month Administrative
 | 1 |  | 25,976 |  | 28,574 |  | 31,171 |  | 37,405 |
 | 2 |  | 26,514 |  | 29,165 |  | 31,817 |  | 38,180 |
 | 3 |  | 27,066 |  | 29,773 |  | 32,479 |  | 38,975 |
 | 4 |  | 27,630 |  | 30,393 |  | 33,156 |  | 39,787 |
 | 5 |  | 28,208 |  | 31,029 |  | 33,850 |  | 40,620 |
 | 6 |  | 29,392 |  | 32,331 |  | 35,270 |  | 42,324 |
 | 7 |  | 30,632 |  | 33,695 |  | 36,758 |  | 44,110 |
 | 8 |  | 31,932 |  | 35,125 |  | 38,318 |  | 45,982 |
 | 9 |  | 33,295 |  | 36,625 |  | 39,954 |  | 47,945 |
 | 10 |  | 34,642 |  | 38,106 |  | 41,570 |  | 49,884 |
 | 11 |  | 36,476 |  | 40,124 |  | 43,771 |  |  |
 | 12 |  | 38,478 |  | 42,326 |  | 46,174 |  |  |
Salary increments are granted upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
Maintenance Maintenance
Step Custodian Class B Class A
 | 1 |  | 29,698 |  | 32,816 |  | 35,770 |
 | 2 |  | 30,394 |  | 33,585 |  | 36,608 |
 | 3 |  | 31,108 |  | 34,374 |  | 37,468 |
 | 4 |  | 31,840 |  | 35,183 |  | 38,350 |
 | 5 |  | 32,590 |  | 36,012 |  | 39,253 |
 | 6 |  | 34,128 |  | 37,711 |  | 41,105 |
 | 7 |  | 35,742 |  | 39,495 |  | 43,049 |
 | 8 |  | 37,606 |  | 41,555 |  | 45,295 |
 | 9 |  | 39,574 |  | 43,729 |  | 47,665 |
 | 10 |  | 41,649 |  | 46,022 |  | 50,164 |
Salary increments are granted upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
Maintenance Maintenance
Step Custodian Class B Class A
 | 1 |  | 30,737 |  | 33,964 |  | 37,021 |
 | 2 |  | 31,433 |  | 34,733 |  | 37,859 |
 | 3 |  | 32,147 |  | 35,522 |  | 38,719 |
 | 4 |  | 32,879 |  | 36,331 |  | 39,601 |
 | 5 |  | 33,629 |  | 37,160 |  | 40,504 |
 | 6 |  | 35,167 |  | 38,860 |  | 42,357 |
 | 7 |  | 36,781 |  | 40,643 |  | 44,301 |
 | 8 |  | 38,645 |  | 42,703 |  | 46,546 |
 | 9 |  | 40,613 |  | 44,877 |  | 48,916 |
 | 10 |  | 42,688 |  | 47,170 |  | 51,416 |
 | 11 |  | 46,069 |  | 50,906 |  | 55,488 |
Salary increments are granted upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
Step Custodian Class B Class A
 | 1 |  | 31,835 |  | 35,178 |  | 38,344 |
 | 2 |  | 32,531 |  | 35,947 |  | 39,182 |
 | 3 |  | 33,245 |  | 36,736 |  | 40,042 |
 | 4 |  | 33,977 |  | 37,545 |  | 40,924 |
 | 5 |  | 34,727 |  | 38,373 |  | 41,827 |
 | 6 |  | 36,265 |  | 40,073 |  | 43,679 |
 | 7 |  | 37,879 |  | 41,856 |  | 45,623 |
 | 8 |  | 39,743 |  | 43,916 |  | 47,868 |
 | 9 |  | 41,711 |  | 46,091 |  | 50,239 |
 | 10 |  | 43,786 |  | 48,384 |  | 52,738 |
 | 11 |  | 47,167 |  | 52,120 |  | 56,810 |
Salary increments are granted upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
Step 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
 | 1 |  | 16.10 |  | 16.72 |  | 17.44 |
 | 2 |  | 16.58 |  | 17.22 |  | 17.97 |
 | 3 |  | 17.08 |  | 17.74 |  | 18.51 |
 | 4 |  | 17.58 |  | 18.26 |  | 19.05 |
Step 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
 | 1 |  | 15.42 |  | 15.98 |  | 16.64 |
 | 2 |  | 15.94 |  | 16.51 |  | 17.20 |
 | 3 |  | 16.48 |  | 17.07 |  | 17.78 |
 | 4 |  | 17.02 |  | 17.63 |  | 18.37 |
Step 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
 | 1 |  | 20.18 |  | 21.11 |  | 22.08 |
 | 2 |  | 20.86 |  | 21.82 |  | 22.82 |
 | 3 |  | 21.53 |  | 22.52 |  | 23.56 |
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Tier A
Football Head 8216 8316 8416
Assistant (5) 5610 5710 5810
Assistant 70% of Tier A Head Coach
Tier B
Boys Basketball Head 6954 7054 7154
Assistant (2) 4808 4908 5008
Girls Basketball Head 6954 7054 7154
Assistant (2) 4808 4908 5008
Wrestling Head 6954 7054 7154
Assistant (2) 4808 4908 5008
Head 85% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier B Head Coach
Tier C
Baseball Head 6112 6212 6312
Assistant (2) 4218 4318 4418
Girls Softball Head 6112 6212 6312
Assistant (2) 4218 4318 4418
Boys Soccer Head 6112 6212 6312
Assistant (2) 4218 4318 4418
Girls Soccer Head 6112 6212 6312
Assistant (1) 4218 4318 4418
Boys Spring Track Head 6112 6212 6312
Assistant (2) 4218 4318 4418
Girls Spring Track Head 6112 6212 6312
Assistant (1) 4218 4318 4418
Swimming Head/Boys/Girls 6112 6212 6312
Assistant (1) 4218 4318 4418
Head 75% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier C Head Coach
Tier D
Boys Indoor Track Head 5691 5791 5891
Assistant (1) 3956 4056 4156
Girls Indoor Track Head 5691 5791 5891
Cross Country Boys 5691 5791 5891
Cross Country Girls 5691 5791 5891
Volleyball Head 5691 5791 5891
Assistant (2) 3956 4056 4156
Boys Tennis Head 5691 5791 5891
Assistant (1) 3956 4056 4156
Girls Tennis Head 5691 5791 5891
Assistant (1) 3956 4056 4156
Head 70% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier D Head Coach
Tier E
Bowling 4008 4108 4208
Cheerleader Coaches:
Fall Head Coach 4008 4108 4208
Assistant (1) 3291 3417 3473
Winter Head Coach 4008 4108 4208
Assistant (1) 3291 3417 3473
Strength Coach (4) seasons 4008 4108 4208
Head 50% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier E Head Coach
The Board agrees to allow vertical in-service credit to coaches for attendance at workshops and/or clinics in their area. Said approval is contingent upon prior approval of the Superintendent and not attended at Board expense or on Board time.
Coaches who serve in the district for a lengthy period will be recognized by rewarding stipends as follows:
After 7 years - $150.00 will be paid in years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
After 12 years - $300.00 will be paid in year 13 and each year thereafter
Stipends are not cumulative.
Coaching does not have to be in the same sport.
Payment is for the number of years as a coach - not the number of seasons. If a person coaches more than one sport during a year, he/she does not receive payment for each sport.
The 7 and/or 12 years must be consecutive with the following exceptions: medical, maternity/paternity leave. These cases will be treated individually. Payment can be made with the Superintendent's approval.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Tier A
Football Head 8553 8653 8753
Assistant (5) 5927 6027 6127
Assistant 70% of Tier A Head Coach
Tier B
Boys Basketball Head 7240 7340 7440
Assistant (2) 5008 5108 5208
Girls Basketball Head 7240 7340 7440
Assistant (2) 5008 5108 5208
Wrestling Head 7240 7340 7440
Assistant (2) 5008 5108 5208
Head 85% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier B Head Coach
Tier C
Baseball Head 6365 6465 6565
Assistant (2) 4395 4495 4595
Girls Softball Head 6365 6465 6565
Assistant (2) 4395 4495 4595
Boys Soccer Head 6365 6465 6565
Assistant (2) 4395 4495 4595
Girls Soccer Head 6365 6465 6565
Assistant (1) 4395 4495 4595
Boys Spring Track Head 6365 6465 6565
Assistant (2) 4395 4495 4595
Girls Spring Track Head 6365 6465 6565
Assistant (1) 4395 4495 4595
Swimming Head/Boys/Girls 6365 6465 6565
Assistant (1) 4395 4495 4595
Head 75% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier C Head Coach
Tier D
Boys Indoor Track Head 5927 6027 6127
Assistant (1) 4089 4189 4289
Girls Indoor Track Head 5927 6027 6127
Cross Country Boys 5927 6027 6127
Cross Country Girls 5927 6027 6127
Volleyball Head 5927 6027 6127
Assistant (2) 4089 4189 4289
Boys Tennis Head 5927 6027 6127
Assistant (1) 4089 4189 4289
Girls Tennis Head 5927 6027 6127
Assistant (1) 4089 4189 4289
Head 70% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier D Head Coach
Tier E
Bowling 4180 4280 4380
Cheerleader Coaches:
Fall Head Coach 4180 4280 4380
Assistant (1) 3291 3417 3473
Winter Head Coach 4180 4280 4380
Assistant (1) 3291 3417 3473
Strength Coach (4) seasons 4180 4280 4380
Head 50% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier E Head Coach
The Board agrees to allow vertical in-service credit to coaches for attendance at workshops and/or clinics in their area. Said approval is contingent upon prior approval of the Superintendent and not attended at Board expense or on Board time.
Coaches who serve in the district for a lengthy period will be recognized by rewarding stipends as follows:
After 7 years - $150.00 will be paid in years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
After 12 years - $300.00 will be paid in year 13 and each year thereafter
Stipends are not cumulative.
1. Coaching does not have to be in the same sport.
2. Payment is for the number of years as a coach - not the number of seasons. If a person coaches more than one sport during a year, he/she does not receive payment for each sport.
3. The 7 and/or 12 years must be consecutive with the following exceptions: medical, maternity/paternity leave. These cases will be treated individually. Payment can be made with the Superintendent's approval.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Tier A
Football Head 8912 9012 9112
Assistant (5) 6178 6278 6378
Assistant 70% of Tier A Head Coach
Tier B
Boys Basketball Head 7545 7645 7745
Assistant (2) 5222 5322 5422
Girls Basketball Head 7545 7645 7745
Assistant (2) 5222 5322 5422
Wrestling Head 7545 7645 7745
Assistant (2) 5222 5322 5422
Head 85% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier B Head Coach
Tier C
Baseball Head 6634 6734 6834
Assistant (2) 4584 4684 4784
Girls Softball Head 6634 6734 6834
Assistant (2) 4584 4684 4784
Boys Soccer Head 6634 6734 6834
Assistant (2) 4584 4684 4784
Girls Soccer Head 6634 6734 6834
Assistant (1) 4584 4684 4784
Boys Spring Track Head 6634 6734 6834
Assistant (2) 4584 4684 4784
Girls Spring Track Head 6634 6734 6834
Assistant (1) 4584 4684 4784
Swimming Head/Boys/Girls 6634 6734 6834
Assistant (1) 4584 4684 4784
Head 75% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier C Head Coach
Tier D
Boys Indoor Track Head 6178 6278 6378
Assistant (1) 4265 4365 4465
Girls Indoor Track Head 6178 6278 6378
Cross Country Boys 6178 6278 6378
Cross Country Girls 6178 6278 6378
Volleyball Head 6178 6278 6378
Assistant (2) 4265 4365 4465
Boys Tennis Head 6178 6278 6378
Assistant (1) 4265 4365 4465
Girls Tennis Head 6178 6278 6378
Assistant (1) 4265 4365 4465
Head 70% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier D Head Coach
Tier E
Bowling 4360 4460 4560
Cheerleader Coaches:
Fall Head Coach 4360 4460 4560
Assistant (1) 3291 3417 3473
Winter Head Coach 4360 4460 4560
Assistant (1) 3291 3417 3473
Strength Coach (4) seasons 4360 4460 4560
Head 50% of Head Football
Assistant 70% of Tier E Head Coach
The Board agrees to allow vertical in-service credit to coaches for attendance at workshops and/or clinics in their area. Said approval is contingent upon prior approval of the Superintendent and not attended at Board expense or on Board time.
Coaches who serve in the district for a lengthy period will be recognized by rewarding stipends as follows:
After 7 years - $150.00 will be paid in years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
After 12 years - $300.00 will be paid in year 13 and each year thereafter
Stipends are not cumulative.
1. Coaching does not have to be in the same sport.
2. Payment is for the number of years as a coach - not the number of seasons. If a person coaches more than one sport during a year, he/she does not receive payment for each sport.
3. The 7 and/or 12 years must be consecutive with the following exceptions: medical, maternity/paternity leave. These cases will be treated individually. Payment can be made with the Superintendent's approval.
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
2 Class Sponsors-12th @ 1550 - 1604 - 1665 3100 3208 3330
2 Class Sponsors-11th @ 1325 - 1380 - 1441 2650 2760 2882
2 Class Sponsors-10th @ 1125 - 1180 - 1240 2250 2360 2480
1 Class Sponsor-9th 1100 1155 1210
6 Intramurals @ 1800 - 1854 - 1924 10800 11124 11544
Decathlon 3150 3205 3260
All School Play Director 2250 2310 2365
Senior Play Director 2250 2310 2365
Senior Play Music Director (if musical) 2250 2310 2365
Senior Play Choreographer 1150 1240 1300
Stage Crew Director(s) 3100 3160 3220
Vocal Ensemble (Special Chorus) 1200 1250 1310
Pit Band Director 1150 1240 1300
Jazz/Brass Ensemble 1200 1255 1310
Audio-Visual 1500 1560 1620
Yearbook - Art & Literary 3645 3700 3750
Yearbook - Business 2125 2180 2230
Newspaper 2100 2155 2220
G. O. Collector 3025 3080 3130
Student Council 3150 3205 3260
Band Director 4160 4215 4270
Band Front Director 1620 1675 1730
Percussion Instructor, Band 1630 1685 1740
Drill Instructor, Band 2230 2285 2340
National Honor Society 1100 1155 1210
E.R.A.S.E. Advisor 1200 1255 1305
FBLA 1200 1255 1305
FCCLA 1200 1255 1305
Math Team Advisor 1200 1255 1305
Interact 1200 1255 1305
Mock Trial 1200 1255 1305
Scribe 1200 1255 1305
Heroes and Cool Kids 1200 1255 1305
SALARY GUIDES 2007-2010 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
Computers - Union 3050 3100 3151
Computers - Pierrepont 3050 3100 3151
Elementary Band - Union 1924 1960 2002
Elementary Band - Pierrepont 1924 1960 2002
Odyssey of the Mind - Union 1810 1850 1901
Odyssey of the Mind - Pierrepont 1810 1850 1901
Intramurals - Union 1500 1550 1604
Intramurals - Pierrepont 1500 1550 1604
Drama Director - Pierrepont 1500 1550 1601
Drama Director - Union 1500 1550 1601
Choral Director - Union 1250 1300 1400
Choral Director - Pierrepont 1250 1300 1400
Yearbook - Union 730 770 801
Yearbook - Pierrepont 730 770 801
Student Council - Union 730 770 801
Student Council - Pierrepont 730 770 801
Class Advisor - 8th - Union 730 770 801
Class Advisor - 8th - Pierrepont 730 770 801
Safety Patrol Advisor - Union 730 770 801
Safety Patrol Advisor - Pierrepont 730 770 801
Newspaper/Literary Journal - Pierrepont 610 645 702
School Store - Union 530 570 602
School Store - Pierrepont 530 570 602
Homework Club – Union 530 570 602
Homework Club – Pierrepont 530 570 602
Service Club – Pierrepont 530 570 602
Service Club – Union 530 570 602
Music Director - Union 530 570 602
Music Director - Pierrepont 530 570 602
Elementary Language – Union 310 350 401
Elementary Language - Pierrepont 310 350 401
Poetry Book - Union 530 570 602
Poetry Book Typist - Union 250 269 301 RUTHERFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
Tier A
Art Club 320 372 423
Biology Club 320 372 423
Chemistry Club 320 372 423
French Club 320 372 423
Spanish Club 320 372 423
Latin Club 320 372 423
Tier B
Computer Club 420 472 525
Drama Club 420 472 525
Foreign Language Honor Society 420 472 525
Health Career Club 420 472 525
Photography Club 420 472 525
Physics/Astronomy Club 420 472 525
Psychology Club 420 472 525
Tier C
Chess Club 500 552 625
Pep Club 500 552 625
Ski Club 500 552 625
Varsity Club 500 552 625
Amnesty International Club 500 552 625
Golf Club 500 552 625
Except as this Agreement shall hereinafter or otherwise provide, all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the effective date of this Agreement to employees covered by this Agreement as established by the rules, regulations and/or policies of the Board in force on said date, shall continue to be so applicable during the terms of this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted and/or applied so as to eliminate, reduce nor otherwise detract from any employee benefit existing prior to its effective date.
This Agreement shall become effective as of July 1, 2007 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2010.
_______________________________ _________________________________
Carol Adubato Brown, Co-President Thom Casadonte, President
Rutherford Education Association Rutherford Board of Education
_______________________________ _________________________________
Patricia Beggs, Secretary Robert R. Brown, Board Secretary
Rutherford Education Association Rutherford Board of Education
_______________________________ _________________________________
Date of Approval Date of Approval
If any provision of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.