Morris County, New Jersey
Teachers Guide
2004-05 43
2005-06 44
2006-07 45
Secretaries Guide
2004-05 46
2005-06 47
2006-07 48
2004-05 49
2005-06 50
2006-07 51
Activities Salary Guide 52
2004-2007 53
THIS AGREEMENT entered into this ______________________ by and between THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EAST HANOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, hereinafter called the “Board” and the EAST HANOVER EDUCATION ASSOCIATION hereinafter called the “Association”. WITNESSED THAT:
In consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed as follows:
A. The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative for collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment as permitted by law of the full-time and part-time employees of the Board, employed twenty (20) hours or more per week, specifically including:
School Nurses
Basic Skills Instructors
Social Workers
Specials Teachers
School Psychologist
Non Certificated
*Safety Patrol Coordinator (if reinstated)
Excluded from such representation are all other employees of the Board, specifically excluding:
Supervisors of Buildings and Grounds
Secretary to Board Secretary
Teacher Aides
Bus Drivers
Secretary to Superintendent
Instructional Aides
Bus Aides
Director of Special Education
Cafeteria Personnel/Playground Aides
B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “employee” when used hereinafter in
this Agreement shall refer to regularly employed personnel represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined, and reference to male employees shall also include female employees.
A. This Agreement shall take effect July 1, 2004, shall continue in full force
and effect without change until June 30, 2007, with the exception of any mutually agreed upon amendments, which shall be in writing and signed by all parties.
B. The parties agree to enter collective negotiations over a successor agreement according to the timetable established by the Public Employment Relations Commission.
The parties to this Agreement hereby adopt in full legislated law entitled N.J.S.A. 34:13A-5.5 et seq.
Said adoption pertains solely to the unit represented by the East Hanover Education. The Board agrees to implement payroll deductions as is presently operative in the School District and will include the collection and transmittal of this fee pursuant to the present procedure.
The Association agrees to notify the Board of the amount of the representation fee to be collected for each listed nonmember of the Association. Said fee shall be no more than the maximum permitted by law.
The provisions for collection and transmittal of this fee shall be governed by N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.9e. Board compliance with this procedure shall release the Board from any further liabilities and the Board shall not be a party to any litigation resulting from individual challenge to this Agreement.
A. 1. The applicable salary schedules shall be set forth, annexed hereto
and made a part hereof as follows:
Schedule “A”
Full-time teachers, special teachers, nurses, librarians, basic skills instructors, social workers, and school psychologists.
Nurses must be fully certified prior to proper placement on the guide.
Schedule “B”
Schedule “C”
Custodial/Maintenance Personnel
Part-time personnel shall be paid on a pro rata basis.
Schedule “D”
After School Activities
2. Employees shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the coming year no later than May 15. The notice to the non-tenured teaching staff shall be issued pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:27-10. If, in a given year, the Commissioner of Education is empowered to revise the notification date contained in N.J.S.A. 18A:27-10, it is understood that the revised notification date will be applicable for all tenured and non-tenured employees of the District.
3. An employee hired prior to February 1 of any school year shall be given full credit for one year of service toward the next increment step for the following year.
4. All advancement on the guide, including annual increments and raises as set forth in the salary guide now in effect, and as the same may be adopted from time to time by the Board, shall not be considered automatic; advancement on any such guide shall require favorable evaluation reports by the Superintendent of Schools and those charged with supervisory responsibility based on Board policy covering the professional competence, the performance of duties assigned, and record of attendance of each employee, and approval by the Board.
5. Evening custodial employees shall receive a salary differential consisting of an additional five hundred dollars ($500) added to the pay, as determined by reference to the salary guide.
6. Minimum pay of four (4) hours for custodial/maintenance employees called into work on their day off for any period of work less than three (3) hours. If said employee works more than three (3) hours, the employee will receive time and one-half (l-l/2) for all the time worked.
B. 1. Additional compensation shall be paid to teachers who participate
in approved activities, which are set forth in Schedule “D” annexed
hereto and made a part hereof.
2. In cases where remuneration is not stipulated for teachers participating in student activities, consideration shall be given in scheduled assignments. The teacher will be assigned to such position by the Board on a yearly basis, and this assignment will be on a rotating basis, and each teacher must accept the assignment at the time the position is assigned and for the full year.
3. The Board shall have the right to fill the positions of Sports Coordinator and Student Council advisor with an individual who is not a member of the bargaining unit. If the position is filled by an individual who is not a member of the bargaining unit, the Board shall decide the amount of compensation, if any, to be paid for each position.
In the event the position is staffed with a member of the bargaining unit, compensation shall be set forth in Schedule “D” of this Agreement.
A. The Board agrees to pay one hundred percent (100%) of the group rate costs for providing Hospital-Medical-Surgical, extended Rider coverage, and Major Medical benefits for individual employees and their dependents under the New Jersey State Plan.
B. Effective July 1, 2004 a deductible of $25/$75 shall be implemented. The deductible is waived for diagnostic and preventative care.
C. All members of the Association who participate in the dental plan shall contribute $100.00 towards the plan through the payroll deduction plan.
D. Effective July 1, 2006, the Board will agree to cap the dental plan at the rates for single; subscriber and spouse; family; employee and children in effect as of July 1, 2006. An increase in these rates after June 30, 2007 shall be paid by the employees through a payroll deduction equivalent to the increase.
E. The increased premium shall be per category, not if an employee needs to change status or coverage.
F. Effective July 1, 2004 the Board shall provide prescription coverage through the State Health Benefits Prescription Plan. Employees shall pay a maximum employee co-pay of $5.00 for generic and $10.00 for name brand for both pharmacy and mail order.
G. If total membership in either the dental or prescription plan drops below the number of one hundred (100) members and this causes an increase in premium costs, the Association will be solely responsible for the increase in costs through the payroll deduction plan.
1. A “grievance” shall mean a complaint in writing by an employee or group of employees that there has been misinterpretation, misapplication, or a violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement, or of any policy or administrative decision of the Board.
A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated by the employee within fifteen (15) working days of the time that the employee knows or should know of its occurrence; otherwise, the same shall be deemed to have been abandoned. The term grievance shall not include the following:
a. Matters where a method of review is prescribed by law or by
any rule or regulation of the State Commissioner of Education or by the State Board of Education.
b. Matters which according to law are beyond the scope of
Board authority or which are limited to unilateral action by the Board alone.
c. Any matter, the determination of which would require an act
by the Board, which it is without legal authority to perform.
d. The failure or refusal of the Board to renew a contract of a
non-tenured employee, or a probationary custodial /maintenance employee.
e. A complaint by any employee occasioned by appointment to,
lack of appointment to, retention in, or lack of retention in any position for which tenure is neither possible nor required, subject to review for dismissal from employment only through Level Four.
2. An “aggrieved party” is a person or persons claiming the grievance.
1. It is agreed by both parties that the proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level.
2. Failure at any step of this procedure to communicate the decision on grievance within the specified time limits shall permit the aggrieved employee to proceed to the next step. Failure at any step of the procedure to appeal a grievance to the next step within the specified time limits shall be deemed to be a waiver of the grievance.
3. It is understood that employees shall, during and notwithstanding the pendency of any grievance, continue to observe all assignments and applicable rules and regulations of the Board until such grievance and any effect thereof shall have been fully determined.
4. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level shall be considered as a maximum, and every effort shall be made to expedite the process. All time periods contained in this grievance procedure may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties in writing.
5. Any aggrieved party may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself/herself and/or a representative.
6. Procedure to be followed:
a. Level One – Informal (Immediate Supervisor or Superintendent)
Any employee who has a grievance shall discuss it first with the immediate supervisor or, if it is a matter that arises at the Superintendent’s level, with the Superintendent, in an attempt to resolve the matter informally. If the Superintendent believes that the grievance is inappropriately placed at the Superintendent’s level, then the Superintendent shall, within fifteen (15) working days, notify the grievant in writing that the grievance be directed to the appropriate level. The grievant shall then discuss the grievance informally with the immediate supervisor at the lowest appropriate level. The supervisor shall have up to fifteen (15) working days to offer a resolution or to advise the grievant that the matter cannot be resolved informally.
If the matter is not resolved at Level One, the grievant shall have fifteen
(15) working days to file a formal written grievance.
If the informal discussion was with the immediate supervisor, the formal grievance shall begin at Level Two. If the informal discussion was with the Superintendent, the formal grievance shall begin at Level Three.
b. Level Two – Formal (Immediate Supervisor)
Upon receipt of the formal grievance, the immediate supervisor shall have fifteen (15) working days in which to respond in writing. The written response shall provide reasons for the decision.
If the grievant is dissatisfied with the response at Level Two, he/she shall have fifteen (15) working days in which to appeal the decision to the Superintendent of Schools. The appeal to the Superintendent must include the formal written grievance, the immediate supervisor’s written response, and the reasons for the grievant’s dissatisfaction with the decision at Level Two. A copy of the appeal shall be sent to the immediate supervisor.
c. Level Three – Superintendent
The Superintendent shall have fifteen (15) working days from receipt of the formal written grievance in which to resolve the matter. The Superintendent’s decision shall be communicated in writing to the employee and, if the grievance was processed through Level Two, to the immediate supervisor.
d. Level Four – Board of Education
If the grievance is not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction, the employee may, not later than fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the decision from the Superintendent of Schools, request a review and hearing by the Board. The request shall be submitted in writing with complete documentation to the Board, in care of the Board Secretary, with a copy to the Superintendent of Schools. The Board may consider the appeal on the written record submitted to it, or the Board may, at its own discretion, conduct a hearing. The Board may request the submission of additional written materials. Where additional written materials are requested by the Board, copies thereof shall be served upon the adverse parties, who shall have the right to reply thereto.
If the Board elects to conduct a hearing, it shall be held within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the receipt of the grievance appeal. The Board shall make a determination within twenty (20) working days from the receipt of the grievance appeal or from the receipt of the requested additional materials, or from the date of the hearing, whichever is latest, and shall in writing notify all interested parties through the Superintendent of Schools of its determination. No claim shall be processed beyond Level Four if such claim pertains in whole or in part to dismissal or non-renewal of contract of a non-tenured employee.
e. Level Five – Binding Arbitration
(1) The Association, dissatisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Four, and the claim does not pertain in whole or in part to dismissal or non-renewal of the contract of a non-tenured employee, may within fifteen (15) working days after the decision by the Board, request in writing that the grievance be submitted to arbitration. The request must be accompanied by written recommendation for such action by the Association.
(2) Within fifteen (15) working days after such written notice of request for submission to arbitration, the Board and the Association shall attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator, and shall obtain a commitment from said arbitrator to serve. Having agreed to arbitrate, if the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator or to obtain such a commitment within the specified period, a request for a list of arbitrators may be made to the American Arbitration Association by either party. The parties shall then be bound by the rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association in the selection of an arbitrator.
The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding only on misinterpretations or misapplication of the terms of the contract. In all other matters, including but not limited to policy or administrative decisions or past practices which affect any and all terms and conditions of employment, the decision of the arbitrator shall be advisory only.
(3) The rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association shall be followed by the arbitrator. The decision of the arbitrator shall be in writing and shall set forth findings of fact, reasoning, and conclusions on the issue(s) submitted. The arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any decision which requires the commission of an act prohibited by or in violation of any law (including the School Laws as embodied in N.J.S.A. 18A), or which is in violation of the terms of this Agreement, and shall have no power to add to or subtract from or modify any of the terms of the Agreement, nor shall in any case have power to rule on any issue or dispute excepted from the grievance procedure by any other provision of this Agreement, including any decision made at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools or the Board.
7. Forms pertaining to the filing and processing of a grievance shall
conform to Schedule “S” annexed hereto, and shall be given appropriate distribution by the Association.
8. Each party shall bear the total costs incurred by itself, and the fees
and expenses of the arbitrator are the only costs which will be shared by the parties, and they will be shared equally.
9. Secretaries/Custodial/Maintenance Personnel
Members of the Board, and those administrators and supervisors determined by the Board to be involved in or affected by the action complained of, shall be deemed persons having a direct interest in the arbitration for the purpose of attendance at any hearing held under this grievance procedure.
A. The Board and the Association agree that academic freedom is essential to the fulfillment of the purposes of the school system.
B. Teachers as individuals will be responsible for determining when and how to deal with controversial issues according to the maturity and needs of the students and the policies of the Board.
C. Teachers shall consult with the Administration before instituting any planned controversial issues.
The work year shall be as follows:
Ten-month employees shall be employed from September 1 through June 30. Twelve-month employees shall be employed from July 1 through June 30.
Effective with the 2005-2006 school year, December 23, will be an early dismissal day. If it falls on a weekend, the early dismissal day will be scheduled for the prior Friday.
1. As professionals, teachers are expected to devote to their assignments the time necessary to meet their responsibilities. Teachers shall indicate their presence for duty by placing their initials in the appropriate column of the faculty “sign-in” roster not later than the required starting time, and they shall similarly indicate their departure not earlier than the recognized departure time.
2. The weekly instructional load in the district shall be scheduled on an equitable basis, taking into consideration the variables that enter into teacher assignments. These variables may include, but are not limited to, the following: number of classes the teacher meets each day, homeroom assignments, study hall assignments, assignments requiring release from teaching, number of classes and subjects in which grades are given, number of students taught, and the number of preparations.
3. Teachers at the Middle School shall have a daily schedule that includes:
a) One 30 minute lunch period
b) One 41 minute preparation period to be scheduled during the student day.
c) Five 41 minute academic periods
d) The 90 minute middle of the day schedule shall include the
• 30 minute duty-free lunch
• 60 minutes of assigned duties, for example, but not
limited to:
o 30 minute academic*
o lunch duty
o planning room coverage
o independent study
o others at the discretion of the principal
*Teachers shall not be expected to test students or provide grades for classes scheduled during academic periods. This period shall be for the purpose of review, reinforcement, and
enrichment of curricular topics and for GEPA preparation.
There shall also be three (3) team planning/grade level meeting/preparations and two (2) additional supervisory periods per week.
4. Effective July 1, 2004, the Frank J. Smith School Teachers’ work
day shall be defined as follows:
Lunch period – 45 minutes
Preparation period – no less than 200 minutes per week; no less
than 35 minutes per day. All prep time shall be consecutive minutes and scheduled during the student day
Teacher day – 7 hours
Student day – 6 hours, 30 minutes
It is not the Board’s intention to reconfigure the 25 minutes of unassigned time for teachers prior to the start of the student day at Frank J. Smith School. However, if the Board deems it an educational necessity to do so, the entire District will be closed on December 23, or the Friday before, for the years in which the block of time is reconfigured, and the student-teacher contact days shall be 180 and the teacher work year shall be 183. If the Board returns the 25-minute block of unassigned time in the morning, an early closing on December 23, or the prior Friday, shall be returned to the calendar and the student-teacher contact days shall return to 181 and the teacher work year to 184.
5. Effective July 1, 2004, the Central School Teachers’ work day shall be defined as follows:
Lunch period – 45 minutes
Preparation period – no less than 200 minutes per week; no less
than 35 minutes per day. All prep time shall be consecutive minutes and scheduled during the student day.
Teacher day - 7 hours
Student day – 6 hours, 35 minutes
6. The Administration may require teachers to remain at the end of the
work day without additional compensation for the purpose of attending up to 20 hours of faculty or other professional meetings a year. Ten (10) of the meetings shall not exceed an hour in length nor be scheduled more than one per month or ten per school year. Five (5) of the meetings shall not exceed two hours in length. The Administration shall make every effort to schedule these meetings on Mondays. However, when a Monday meeting is not possible, the Administration shall provide at least one week advance notice of the change.
The five (5) two-hour meetings shall be dedicated to curriculum development or other professional needs. These meetings shall be added to each teacher’s PIP and shall count toward his/her professional continuing education requirement. Curriculum development is defined as:
a. the development of district wide assessment instruments;
b. the development of new courses of study;
c. the revision of district curriculum guides;
d. the revision or expansion of curriculum activity guide books; and
e. the review and/or new selection of textbooks or computer software/hardware and the implementation of new technology.
In the event that teaching staff have assigned duties during the time
that the above faculty/professional meetings are scheduled, they shall be excused and shall not be required to make up the meeting.
In case all faculty members are required to attend meetings for special presentations of considerable length, due consideration must be given to a shorter teaching day.
7. The Board of Education shall provide an opportunity for teachers to
achieve at least 20 hours per year of continuing education which shall be added to their PIP and credited to their professional development obligation. Only in case of an emergency may the Board cancel a professional development opportunity scheduled during one of the in-service days in Article V A.12 or during one of the two-hour curriculum meetings in Article V A.7. If this occurs, the Board will make every effort to have the new program also accredited. If this is impossible, the Board shall reschedule the program so as not to increase the work day or work year for teachers, nor to result in lost preparation time.
8. The practice of using a specialist as a homeroom teacher is
considered undesirable. It is agreed that should such a situation arise, consideration will be given by the administration to a reduced instructional load.
9. The practice of using a regular teacher as a substitute, thereby depriving the teacher of a preparation period, should be discouraged.
10. Effective July 1, 2004, if at any time Administration assigns a teacher to cover a class or a duty and it causes the teacher to lose a prep, the teacher shall be compensated at the rate of $25.00 per hour or any portion thereof.
11. Attendance at Back-to-School Night by all teachers is mandatory, without additional compensation and without a shortened teaching day.
12. There shall be three (3) in-service days per school year. The first day shall be on the first workday for teachers and shall be a 4-hour day. It need not be used for professional development. On each of the two (2) full days of in-service, the district shall provide a program that will meet the requirements for six (6) hours per day of continuing education. These programs shall be added to each teacher’s PIP and shall be credited to his/her professional development obligation.
This shall result in 181 student-teacher contact days and three (3) in-service days (the first of which is a four (4) hour day).
13. On district scheduled conference days and evenings, teachers may arrange their appointments within the given time frame and with administrative approval. Certified staff members may leave ten (10) minutes after the students, if they do not have afternoon conferences. Teachers may leave at the conclusion of their conferences. Parents/guardians will be advised in writing that they may request an appointment with any staff member working with their child(ren) and of the designated conference periods. Evening conferences shall be limited to two (2) hours in duration and two (2) evenings per school year. Day and evening conferences shall be scheduled on the same day(s). The Board of Education will provide one additional day of afternoon conferences at the middle school following a shortened day for students at that school.
14. The day prior to Thanksgiving shall be a half-day schedule for staff and students.
15. There shall be a “roster” established for afternoon bus duty on a rotating basis. Students shall be dismissed from their classrooms at the end of the student day to the teacher(s) assigned to bus duty. Compensation is at the rate of $23.00 per hour or a portion thereof beginning at the end of the teacher day.
16. Teachers’ schedules should be worked out to allow sufficient time between classes where preparation of materials and travel is required, and to provide relief from continuous teaching assignments.
17. Any teacher who has a complaint as to the instructional load or scheduling may bring the same before the principal. If the teacher is not satisfied with the result at that level, the complaint may be referred to the Superintendent of Schools for final determination.
The work day shall consist of eight (8) hours, including a one (1) hour
lunch period.
1. Summer Work Hours
Immediately upon closing of school in June, i.e., beginning on the
last day for students, until school opens in September, the work day shall consist of seven and one-half (7-1/2) hours, including a one (1) hour lunch period.
2. Inclement Weather
When schools are closed for inclement weather, office personnel shall not report to work.
3. Absences Requiring a Substitute
Secretaries shall call their absences in to the substitute service.
The Board agrees to establish a substitute list for this purpose.
Secretaries shall be eligible for vacations on the following basis:
a. Ten-month Secretaries
All school closings, except for the periods after the close of schools
in June and before the opening of schools in September.
b. Twelve-month Secretaries
All 12-month secretaries will be given a half-time vacation period during the periods of school recess, except for the periods after the close of schools in June and before the opening of schools in September, and such vacation may not be carried beyond the period of the recess. All vacation time shall be scheduled with the immediate supervisor.
(1) Employees hired before September 8, 1986 are entitled to the
following vacation schedule:
Twenty-four (24) working days, which may not be carried beyond the end of the calendar year in which they were earned. All vacation time shall be scheduled with the immediate supervisor.
(2) All twelve-month employees hired on or after September 8, 1986, are entitled to the following vacation schedule:
(a) During the first school year of employment, .9167 working days of vacation shall be earned for each full month of service in such school year, up to a maximum of eleven (11) working days.
(b) For the first full school year of service through the fifth full
school year of service, the annual vacation shall be eleven
(11) working days.
(c) For the sixth full school year of service through the twelfth
full school year of service, the annual vacation shall be sixteen (16) working days.
(d) For the thirteenth full school year of service and thereafter
the annual vacation shall be twenty-one (21) working days.
*Secretaries shall not be required to provide proof of attendance at NJEA Convention.
Custodial/Maintenance employees shall be entitled to the following annual vacations after working the period specified:
a. During the first school year of employment, .83 working days of vacation shall be earned for each full month of service in such school year, up to a maximum of ten (10) working days.
b. For the first full school year of service through the fifth full school year of service, the annual vacation shall be ten (10) working days.
c. For the sixth full school year of service through the twelfth full school year of service, the annual vacation shall be fifteen (15) working days.
d. For the thirteenth full school year of service and thereafter, the annual vacation shall be twenty (20) working days.
A custodial/maintenance employee may take some vacation time during the periods schools are closed, provided said employee gives notice of this intention four (4) weeks prior to the Superintendent of Schools. All other vacation time must be requested two weeks in advance. No vacations may be taken during the one week period prior to Labor Day.
This vacation time shall be limited to two (2) maintenance employees and three (3) custodians. In the event more than this number apply, the employee with seniority in the East Hanover School District shall be given preference.
B. HOLIDAYS (Secretaries and Custodial/Maintenance)
The following paid holidays will be observed:
New Year’s Day Labor Day
President’s Day Columbus Day
Good Friday Veterans Day*
Memorial Day The day prior to Thanksgiving
Fourth of July Thanksgiving Day and Day After
Christmas Christmas Eve whenever Christmas
Eve occurs on a Monday through
Yom Kippur (only if schools are closed for that day)
*Veterans’ Day – Secretaries, including clerk-typists and bookkeepers,
shall receive Veterans’ Day as a paid holiday only when it does not fall on
NJEA convention days or a weekend.
In addition to the foregoing, custodial/maintenance staff shall have the Monday or Friday immediately preceding or following Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, or Fourth of July, when any such holiday falls on a Tuesday or a Thursday, as a paid holiday.
This Article is intended to cover absences and leaves of absences for matters not directly concerned with school business. In the latter case, such things as observation of other school system, attendance at meetings, surveys of practices, etc., done at the direction of the Superintendent of Schools and for the specific purposes of the school system are outside of the purview of this Article. This Article concerns employees whose work week shall consist of twenty (20) hours or more and who are under contract with the Board.
Recognizing that absence and leave are provided for the protection and interest of employees for specific needs, the Association will encourage all employees to abide by the intent and purposes of the Article. Rights under the New Jersey Family Leave Act and the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act shall be granted pursuant to law to all eligible teachers who apply for such leave(s), in addition to any other rights provided within this Agreement.
Personal illness shall be interpreted to cover illness of the employee. The Superintendent of Schools may, at his discretion, require proof of illness.
a. The teachers of the East Hanover Township Schools shall
be allowed the following sick days per year with full pay based upon these criteria.
(1) 1-3 years experience in the East Hanover Schools,
ten (10) days, all of which are accumulative.
(2) Upon obtaining tenure in the District, twelve (12) days
annually, ten (10) of which are accumulative.
(3) At the beginning of 11 years experience in the East
Hanover Schools, fifteen (15) days, any twelve (12) of which are accumulative.
b. A teacher who has taught in the East Hanover School District for at least ten (10) years, and who has vested rights in the pension plan, and who retires from the profession, shall be eligible for payment for unused accumulated sick leave. Upon retirement, the retiring teacher shall be compensated for accumulated sick leave as follows:
(1) First 200 days at $50.00/day = $10,000.00
(2) Subsequent 100 days at $35.00/day = $3,500.00
Maximum days = 300
Maximum payout = $13,500.00
a. Secretaries of the East Hanover Township School shall be
allowed the following sick days per year with full pay, based
upon these criteria:
(1) Twelve (12) days cumulative personal illness leave
per year for twelve-month employees; and
(2) Ten (10) days cumulative personal illness leave per
year for ten-month employees.
b. Secretaries employed in the East Hanover School District
for at least ten (10) years, and having vested rights in the pension plan, who retire, shall be eligible for payment for unused accumulated sick leave. Upon retirement, the retiring employee shall be compensated as follows:
(1) First 200 days at $30.00/day = $6,000.00
(2) Subsequent 100 days at $20.00/day = $2,000.00
Maximum days = 300
Maximum payout = $8,000.00
a. Custodial/maintenance employees shall be allowed twelve (12) cumulative sick days per year with full pay.
b. Custodial/maintenance personnel employed in the East Hanover School District for at least ten (10) years, and having vested rights in the pension plan, who retire, shall be eligible for payment for unused accumulated sick leave. Upon retirement, the retiring employee shall be compensated as follows:
(1) First 200 days at $30.00/day = $6,000.00
(2) Subsequent 100 days at $20.00/day = $2,000.00
Maximum days = 300
Maximum payout = $8,000.00
All temporary leave days provided for herein are for the sole purpose of arranging and attending funeral services and providing for a reasonable
mourning period.
1. Death in Immediate Family of Household:
a. Up to maximum of five (5) consecutive working days per
occurrence shall be granted during the period from the date
of death to the employee’s first work day after the day of the
b. “Immediate Family” includes mother, father, mother-in-law,
father-in-law, sister, brother, wife, husband, son, daughter or
grandchild of employee.
A member of the household includes anyone who resides
within the same family unit as the employee and who is regarded, generally speaking, as a member of the family.
2. Other Family
Up to a maximum of three (3) consecutive working days per occurrence shall be granted during the period from the date of death to the employee’s first work day after the funeral for the death of a brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or grandparent.
3. Bereavement for a Relative Other than Immediate Family
Time off may be allowed as required to attend the funeral, up to a maximum of one (1) full day.
An employee who is quarantined may be entitled to an excused absence
when the appropriate medical report of quarantine is submitted.
1. Where personal responsibility or interest is not involved, time may
be granted to an employee who is required to appear in court subject to prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools.
2. Those who serve on jury duty will be allowed the necessary days,
but an employee excused from jury duty early enough to return to work should do so.
E. Maternity Leave
Maternity leave shall be granted by the Board of Education in accordance with the following procedure:
a. Application of Leave. All initial applications for maternity leave and
for extensions or reductions of such leave shall be made in writing to the Superintendent.
b. Maternity Disability. A pregnant teacher is entitled to use accumulated sick leave for one month prior to the anticipated delivery date and for one month following delivery unless the teacher’s physician shall certify that a further period of recuperation is required.
c. New Jersey Family Leave Act and Federal Family Leave and Medical Leave Act shall be granted pursuant to law to all eligible teachers who apply for such leave(s).
d. Child Rearing Leave. Upon the completion of leave pursuant to sections b. and c. above, additional leave, if requested, shall be granted for a period up to the end of the academic school year in which the child is born.
e. Extension of Child Rearing Leave. Upon the request of the teacher and approval of the Board, child rearing leave may be extended for an additional academic year beyond that in second d. above. Request for an extension of child rearing leave must be made at least three (3) months prior to the commencement of such extended leave period and, in any event, no later than March 1. In the event unforeseen circumstances occur within such application period which necessitates a late application by a teacher for extension of a child rearing leave, the specified application period shall be waived provided the teacher makes application for such extension immediately upon learning of the unforeseen occurrence.
The Board may set reasonable conditions for the granting of an extension of the child rearing leave in section d., including a requirement that the teacher receiving such an extension not accept full time employment or any employment during all or part of the period of the extension of child rearing leave which would interfere with the purpose of such leave.
f. Return from Child Rearing Leave. Any teacher who has received child rearing leave pursuant to sections d. and e. above may apply for permission to return to employment during the academic school year for which such leave was granted and such leave may thereupon be terminated by the Board in its sole discretion.
g. Nontenured Teachers. Any child rearing leave granted to a nontenured teacher shall not extend beyond the end of the academic school year for which the maternity/disability leave is granted.
(prolonged illness beyond sick leave provisions)
Leave of absence with or without pay may be granted by the Board depending upon the experience of the employee within the system. Such leave of absence shall not exceed one (1) year and shall be without benefit of experience increment credit. The Board may request a certificate from a physician for illness of four (4) or more days. After a long illness, a thorough checkup by the school physician may be required.
1. All members of the Association may have two (2) personal leave
days without reason in a school year, none of which are accumulative. No personal leave days shall be taken by an employee on a day before or a day after holidays and vacations,
except for good cause and with the approval of the Superintendent
of Schools, whose decision shall be final and not subject to the grievance procedure.
2. All employees may have three (3) personal leave days without reason in a school year, none of which are accumulative. When the three (3) personal leave days without reason have been utilized, and employee may request, and shall be granted, up to two (2) additional personal leave days without reason and with pay minus the cost of the district approved substitute rate for the employee’s classification. The pay minus substitute pay will be in effect even if a substitute is not employed.
3. All personal days shall require a minimum of two school days
written notice except in emergencies. In emergency situations, the two (2) day requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Superintendent provided the absent employee completes the district approved personal day request form not later than the second day he/she returns to work. The reason for the emergency must be stated on the form.
4. No personal leave days shall be taken by an employee on the day
before or the day after or on school and/or legal holidays and vacations, except for good cause and with the approval of the Superintendent, whose decision shall be final and not subject to the grievance procedure.
H. Previously accumulated unused sick leave days will be credited to all returning teachers and secretaries who have had approved leaves of absence; however, no sick leave days shall accrue to such employees during that period of time.
I. Absence of employees for reasons other than those listed above, or of greater duration than accumulated sick leave, will be reviewed by the Superintendent of Schools and the Board.
J. Attendance Bonus. All employees shall be eligible for an attendance bonus as follows:
1. Perfect attendance (no use of sick or personal days)= $300.00
2. With one (1) sick or personal day absence this bonus will decrease to $150.00.
3. With two (2) sick or personal day absences (or one of each) this bonus will decrease to $75.00.
In addition to the Attendance Bonus described above, each of five existing personal days, if unused, will be paid at $50.00 each. The maximum bonus for unused personal days =$250.00.
The combined maximum bonus an employee can receive is $550.00. Bonus money will be payable in a separate check on June 30. Employees must be hired prior to February 1 in any school year to be eligible.
Example: An employee who uses two sick days and zero personal days will receive $75.00 for the attendance bonus and $250 for five unused personal days, for a total bonus of $325.00.
The purpose of sabbatical leave is to give qualified certified personnel who have been in the school system for a number of years the opportunity to acquire increased knowledge and insights through advance study and independent research that will broaden and enrich their backgrounds, thereby enabling them to fulfill their professional responsibilities in a more enriched manner.
“Study” shall mean full-time study involving course work of at lease twelve (12) credit hours per semester or nine (9) credits per trimester at the graduate level. Comparable programs of study authorized by scholarly foundations, completing doctoral programs at an accredited university, or government grant programs shall be considered as study within this sabbatical leave policy. If an undergraduate course is very closely related to the curriculum, and also fills an obvious gap in the employee’s background, this may be included up to a maximum of six (6) credits per semester. Under the conditions of a study program, evidence of successful completion of the program must be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools. In the event of failure to successfully complete all or any part of the program, it will be incumbent on the employee to complete the same or equivalent courses on his own time and at his own expense within two (2) years. If failure to complete the program results from long-term illness, the employee will not be required to complete the program. In the event that the employee can no longer carry out the sabbatical leave program as approved, he will promptly advise the Superintendent of Schools and will be eligible for appropriate reassignment for the remaining leave period.
Application for sabbatical leave shall be made to the Superintendent of Schools on a form furnished by the Board, as attached hereto.
Application shall be made by November 15 of the year preceding that for which leave is requested.
The applicant shall describe a program to be followed during the sabbatical leave. Such a program will normally be limited to a field of study in the area in which the teacher is presently assigned; however, the Board, within its sole discretion, where benefit to the school system can be demonstrated, may approve a program which is outside of the teacher’s present area of assignment.
In these regulations “certified personnel” is defined as including unit members who are represented by the Association as defined in the Preamble. The professional employee will be eligible for a sabbatical leave after completion of seven (7) years of full-time, continuous, satisfactory service. A subsequent second one (1) year sabbatical for study at half pay may be requested for approval by the Board to follow the initial leave after at least seven (7) more years of full-time, continuous, satisfactory service.
In granting such sabbatical leaves, due consideration shall be given to the reasonable and equitable distribution of the applicants among the different schools and departments.
If two (2) or more applicants have equal qualifications and purposes, then preference shall be given on a basis of length of service in East Hanover Public Schools.
Sabbatical leave may be granted to one (1) employee in any one (1) school year.
As a condition prerequisite to the granting of a sabbatical leave, the
employee shall agree to continue in the service of the East Hanover
Public Schools for a period of at least two (2) consecutive years after the
expiration of the sabbatical leave.
If the recipient fails to continue in the service of the East Hanover Public Schools, he/she shall repay to the Board the full salary received while on sabbatical leave, unless the Board agrees to a waiver of this obligation for good cause. If there should occur any physical incapacity during this time, the Board will relieve the employee of such obligation.
An employee on sabbatical leave must not engage in any gainful employment which would interfere with the proper use of the sabbatical.
Employees on such leave may not receive compensation from any person, persons, or organization during the school year, unless the Board and Superintendent of Schools approve such compensation as beneficial to the school system and only then upon conditions prescribed by them.
Employees on such leave shall make regular written reports to the Superintendent of Schools as the Superintendent may require.
Certified employees who have requested a sabbatical leave for study and received a grant must show evidence of this to the Superintendent of Schools.
The Board guarantees to the recipients of sabbatical leave that all rights under salary guide provisions, accumulated sick leave, tenure, retirement, and other benefits will be protected during their absence on leave and will continue in full force and effect upon their return. The employee shall retain all previously accrued benefits.
Upon return from sabbatical leave, an employee’s salary shall be adjusted to reflect:
1. A level change due to newly attained credits and/or degrees acquired as a result of the sabbatical leave.
2. The step the employee would have achieved had the individual remained actively employed in the system during the period of absence.
The salary granted to an employee on sabbatical leave for study shall be seventy percent (70%) of the salary to which the employee would be entitled if not on leave. From such salary shall be deducted monthly the regular deductions for the Teachers’ Pension and Annuity Fund. Salary payments shall be made in accordance with the general time schedule for payment of salaries in the school system.
If a combined grant and seventy percent (70%) of the contractual salary for the period of leave exceed one hundred (100%) of the contractual salary, the actual salary to be paid by the Board will be reduced by the amount of the excess.
The Board will notify applicants for sabbatical leaves of its decision by March 1 of the year preceding the requested sabbatical leave.
Teachers must hold or be eligible for a New Jersey certificate to teach.
1. Each teacher shall be placed on the proper step of the salary schedule as of the beginning of the school year based on the following:
a. Credit up to the maximum step of any salary level on the teacher salary schedule may be given for previous outside teaching experience in a duly accredited school upon initial employment in accordance with the provisions of the salary schedule and paragraph 4 below.
b. In addition, all years for military experience required by the Selective Service System shall be accepted as experience.
2. Teachers with previous teaching experience in the East Hanover
School District shall, upon returning to the system, receive full credit on the salary schedule for public school teaching experience, or military experience required by the Selective Service System, up to the maximum set forth in Section b. above.
Teachers who have not been engaged in other teaching or other activities indicated above shall upon returning to the system, be restored to the next step on the salary schedule.
3. Previously accumulated unused leave days will be restored to all returning teachers who have had approved leaves of absence.
The Board of Education, in consultation with the Superintendent,
shall be entitled to place new employees on the Salary Guide, where, in the Board’s discretion, such employee’s experience and qualifications merit. The Board, in making such determination, shall consider the candidate’s prior public school experience and shall not place new hires on a step exceeding their credited public school experience, nor place such new employee higher than existing staff possessing commensurate experience as of June 30 of the preceding academic year and based upon the table below:
2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10 10 10
11 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 12 12
13 13 13 13 13 13
14 14-15 14 14 14 14
15 16-17 15 15-16 15 15
16 18-19 16 17-18 16 16-17
17 20 17 19-20 17 18-19
18 21 18 21 18 20-21
19 22 19 22 19 22
20 23-+ 20 23-+ 20 23-+
1. All personnel to be employed for positions in the unit shall be hired on a probationary or trial basis not to exceed one (1) year. Any such probationary or trial employee may be dismissed with or without cause, and for any stated reason or without any reason being stated, and such dismissal shall not be subject to review directly or indirectly under the grievance procedure.
2. All non-probationary or non-trial employees may be dismissed for just cause.
3. After five years of employment in the district, the non-renewal of a custodial/maintenance employee shall be arbitrable under the contract. The only exception to arbitration shall be in the case of a reduction in force, in which case the non-renewal shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article IX C.
This section shall apply only to custodial/maintenance employees with at least five (5) years of employment in the district. It shall not apply to custodial/maintenance employees with less than five years of employment in the district, and it shall not apply to any other category of employee.
Nothing in this agreement shall be held to limit the right of the Board of Education to reduce the number of support staff employees, whenever, in the judgment of the Board, it is advisable to abolish any such positions for reasons of economy or because of reduction in the number of pupils or of change in the administrative or supervisory organization of the district or for any other reason that falls within its managerial prerogative. Such rights shall be limited only to the extent hereinafter delineated;
a. Should a reduction of support staff occur, such a reduction shall occur in inverse order of seniority of employees in each of the following categories:
1. Custodians
2. Maintenance personnel
3. Secretaries
4. Clerk typist
5. Bookkeeper/receptionist
b. The following procedures shall be applied to any reduction in force of support staff in the categories described in section (a) 1 through (a) 5 above;
1. “Bumping” rights shall be restricted to individual categories of employees, except as noted herein. (For example: Custodians may only “bump” other Custodians).
2. In the discretion of the Board of Education, seniority bumping rights shall not apply if a less senior maintenance employee has a job related skill that the more senior maintenance employee does not have. In that case only the more senior maintenance employee shall have the right to bump the least senior custodian, provided that the maintenance employee is more senior than the least senior custodian.
3. Seniority rights and credits shall accrue only in each individual category of employment. Where an employee has held employment in more than one category, such time shall not be accumulative, except for the positions of clerk/typist and secretary which may be added together for purposes of seniority such that an employee who has officially held a position in both categories shall be entitled to bump into either one.
A. On or before the date established each year by the Commissioner of Education, the Board shall give to each non-tenured teacher and secretary continuously employed since the preceding September 30, either:
1. A written offer of a contract for employment for the next succeeding year, providing for at least the same terms and conditions of employment, but with such increases in salary and benefits as may be required by law or agreement between the Board and the Association; or
2. A written notice that such employment shall not be offered.
B. The notice to the non-tenured teaching staff shall be issued pursuant to
A. Teachers
1. Posting
a. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the school district, notice shall be posted for at least ten (10) school days on bulletin boards in all schools, as well as in the Board Office, and sent to the Association. Such notice shall state the date by which applications are to be made.
b. Announcement of vacancies concerning positions that provide remuneration beyond that provided by the teachers’ salary guide shall be posted in all local schools before vacancies are filled. The deadlines for applying for such vacancies shall be posted, but in no case shall the deadline be earlier than twelve (12) school days after posting.
c. Posting shall include a job description and a statement of qualifications necessary for filling the position as approved by the Superintendent of Schools or designated representative.
d. Vacancies covered by this policy which occur after the fifteenth day before closing school will be posted in all schools, as well as in the Board Office, and made known by copy of the posting to the President and First Vice President of the East Hanover Education Association.
2. Assignments
All teachers shall be given written notice of their schedule, class
and/or subject assignments, and building assignments for the forthcoming year not later than June 15.
3. Transfers
a. Voluntary Transfers
A teacher who would like a transfer should discuss the matter with the immediate superior and formally request such transfer in writing to the Superintendent of Schools within the designated application cut-off date. Such requests for transfer and reassignments for the following year shall be submitted not later than March 30. The decision of the Superintendent of Schools shall be final.
b. Involuntary Transfers
When a teacher is involuntarily transferred, the employee shall receive written notice as soon as the Board has taken formal action. If an employee requests a statement of reasons for the transfer, a written request must be made to the Superintendent of Schools within ten (10) days of the notice. The Superintendent of Schools shall furnish to the teacher a statement of reasons for the transfer within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the request. The decision of the Superintendent of Schools shall be final.
B. Secretaries
1. Voluntary Transfers and Reassignments
As vacancies occur and as soon as practicable, the Superintendent
of Schools shall deliver to the Association, and post in all school buildings, a list of vacancies. Secretaries who desire to transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent of Schools. Such request for transfers and reassignments for the following year shall be submitted not later than March 30. The Superintendent of Schools decision shall be final.
2. Involuntary Transfers and Reassignments
When an involuntary transfer or reassignment is necessary, an employee’s area of competence, length of service in the East Hanover School District, length of service in the particular school building, and other relevant factors (including among other things, State and/or Federal laws, rules, regulations or administrative directives), shall be considered in determining which employees shall be transferred or reassigned. The decision of the Superintendent of Schools or Board shall be final.
C. Custodians
1. Voluntary Transfers and Reassignments
a. As vacancies occur and as soon as practicable, the Superintendent of Schools shall deliver to the Association, and post in all school buildings, a list of vacancies.
b. Employees who desire to transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent of Schools. Such requests for transfers and reassignments for the following year shall be submitted not later than March 30. The Superintendent of Schools’ decision shall be final.
A. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association such information that shall assist the Association in developing constructive programs on behalf of the teachers and their students.
B. The Association and its representatives shall be permitted to use school buildings at reasonable hours for meetings, provided that permission has been secured in advance from the building principal.
C. The Board agrees to grant to the Association and its representatives the privilege of using facilities and equipment, as has been extended in the past.
D. Release time without loss of pay may be granted by the Superintendent of Schools to the President of the Association or his/her representative; when necessary to carry on the business of the Association. Release time will be approved upon advance notice of two (2) working days. When advance notice is not possible because of an unexpected need or because the Superintendent is unavailable, this notice requirement of two (2) days shall be waived.
E. The Board agrees to grant to the secretaries release time no more than two (2) times a year, and custodians no more than three (3) times a year, between the hours of 3:00 and 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of attending meetings of the Association.
A. Reimbursement by the Board to professional staff members pursuing graduate credit will be made under the following conditions and provisions:
1. For graduate courses in applicant’s area of certification. Other courses outside the area of certification may be requested and approved for reimbursement with the final consent of the Superintendent of Schools and the Board.
2. Limited to courses for which a final passing grade and/or graduate school requirements for continued matriculation have been earned, as determined by an official transcript.
3. All courses to be taken at an accredited college or university, as recognized by the New Jersey State Department of Education.
4. In order to receive reimbursement, applicant must be in the employ of the school at the time the claim is made and must present a receipt of payment from the college or university, together with an official transcript and claim form. An applicant who wishes to be reimbursed for graduate credits taken during the spring or summer term of any given year must have been granted and accepted an employment contract for the following year. Reimbursement will be subject to the following limitations:
a. The Board will reimburse the professional member for up to one hundred percent (100%) of his/her hour credit charges up to a maximum of nine (9) credits per person annually. Such reimbursement, however, shall not exceed the per hour graduate credit charge in effect at Rutgers University.
b. Any teacher who has matriculated in a Board approved graduate degree program prior to July 1, 1992, will be reimbursed seventy-five percent (75%) of the credit charges until the course work for the program is completed or the studies terminated. It is understood that no payment will be made for any related fees.
5. All employees receiving reimbursement in accordance with this article are required to return to the East Hanover Public School District in the school year following completion of courses that were reimbursed. In the event that such an employee does not return to the district following the completion of courses as set forth above, the employee shall pay to the Board the pro-rata share of said tuition costs, unless the teacher leaves the district as a result of a reduction in force, non-renewal except for cause, or medical disability.
B. Applicant must have served two (2) full years of employment in the East Hanover Township School District to be eligible.
C. This policy does not apply during the term of any sabbatical leave granted to a professional employee.
D. Applications and requests are to be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools for recommendation to the Board and must be approved before enrolling for course work. The following dates apply:
Application Deadlines:
June 15th for summer courses
September 15th for fall semester courses
January 15th for spring semester courses
December 15th for inter-session courses
E. Tuition reimbursement will be subject to an aggregate cap of $40,000. This tuition reimbursement cap shall initially be dedicated to a baseline of 100 teaching staff members (excluding supervisory personnel). Should the number of non-supervisory teaching staff members employed by the School Board increase, the baseline reimbursement cap shall correspondingly increase in the amount of $400. For each decrease in non supervisory teaching staff members, the reimbursement cap shall decrease by $400, but in no case shall the reimbursement cap decrease below $40,000.
F. All applications for reimbursement shall be submitted by the agreed upon dates. After the application period has closed, the Superintendent shall make his decisions as to approval by seniority until all who have applied have been approved or the aggregate cap is reached.
G. No tuition reimbursement shall be granted unless a grade of B or better is earned.
A. The Board agrees, upon individual and voluntary authorization of each employee, to deduct and withhold any amount of each monthly base salary for the contract year beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
B. Said monthly deduction monies shall be transmitted in two (2) checks each month to the employee’s bank (direct deposit). Each monthly payment shall be transmitted by the 14th and 28th of the same month.
C. Employee authorization shall be in writing. A complete listing of employees with their authorizations, will be supplied to the Board Secretary.
D. Any employee may have such deductions discontinued or changed at any time upon sixty (60) days’ written notice to the Board Secretary. Only one change shall be made during each contract year.
A study committee of six (6) representatives of the East Hanover Education Association, one (1) representative for the Administration, and up to three (3) Board members will be established to consider ways in which the cooperative involvement of all staff members and the Board may be sustained and strengthened so that the educational programs of our schools may be constantly improved and kept current.
The committee shall hold at least two (2) meetings per year, but not more than four (4), and reports shall be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools, the Association, and the Board.
It is clearly understood and agreed to by the Association that the Board does not consider any and all matters discussed at these meetings as negotiable, but only discussible through the Teacher-Administration Liaison Committee, and the inclusion of this provision in this contract shall not make these items negotiable. However, this does not preclude the Association from negotiating these matters during the course of regular negotiation sessions, provided the matters are negotiable.
A. The Association recognizes that the Board may not, by agreement, delegate authority and responsibility which by law are imposed upon and lodged with the Board.
B. It is understood by all parties that under the rulings of the Courts of New Jersey and the State Commissioner of Education, the Board is forbidden to waive any rights or powers granted it by law.
C. The Board, subject only to the express provisions of this Agreement, reserves to itself all rights of management of the school district, and full jurisdiction and authority over matters of policy, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, and reserves, without limitation, all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the Constitution and Laws of the State of New Jersey and of the United States.
D. By way of illustration and not by way of limitation of the rights reserved to the Board, are the rights:
1. To direct employees of the school district.
2. To hire, assign, promote, transfer, and retain employees covered by this Agreement within the school district, or to suspend, and for just cause to demote, discharge, or take other disciplinary action against employees.
3. To relieve employees from duties because of lack of work or other legitimate reasons.
4. To maintain the thoroughness and efficiency of the school district operations entrusted to it.
5. To determine the methods, means, and personnel by which such operations are to be conducted, and to subcontract for goods and services.
6. To take whatever other actions may be necessary to accomplish the mission of the school district in any situation (subject to Paragraph C.).
A. No employee shall be disciplined without just cause. The provisions of this article shall not be construed to supplant any statute or regulation relating to tenure.
B. Board shall have the right to take disciplinary action for just cause. Disciplinary action may include but is not limited to the following:
1. verbal reprimand;
2. written reprimand;
3. suspension;
4. fine;
5. demotion;
6. withholding of increment where taken for disciplinary reasons rather than educational proficiency reasons;
7. termination where permitted by law.
Disciplinary action will not include the non-renewal of a non-tenure teacher.
C. The Board agrees to utilize the concept of progressive discipline in its application of this Article, consistent with the circumstances surrounding the infraction and the disciplinary history of the employee.
A. This Agreement constitutes Board policy for the term of said Agreement, and the Board shall carry out the commitments contained herein and give them full force and effect as Board policy.
B. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law; but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
C. Within sixty (60) days after the date the Agreement is signed by both the Association and the Board, copies of the Agreement shall be given to the Association for distribution to its members. The cost of making copies of the Agreement shall be equally shared by the Association and the Board.
D. The Board agrees to make available cellular phones, or similar equipment which will provide access to emergency services for use by coaches and staff while outside of the school building.
E. Mileage reimbursement shall be at the IRS rate.
F. Custodians will receive $75.00 per year for work boots.
This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all issues
covered and provided for herein, and during the term of this Agreement neither
party shall be required to renegotiate concerning said issues for the period
covered herein.
For the Board: For the Association:
____________________________ __________________________
Secretary Negotiations Chairperson
____________________________ __________________________
President Co-President
I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief that the attached document(s) are true electronic copies of the executed collective negotiations agreement(s).
NAME Mark J. Kwiatkoski
TITLE SBA/Board Secretary
Teachers Guide
Step | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | 42,860 | 43,670 | 44,740 | 45,750 | 47,180 | 48,680 |
2 | 43,110 | 43,920 | 44,990 | 46,000 | 47,430 | 48,930 |
3 | 43,360 | 44,170 | 45,240 | 46,250 | 47,680 | 49,180 |
4 | 43,610 | 44,420 | 45,490 | 46,500 | 47,930 | 49,430 |
5 | 44,280 | 45,090 | 46,160 | 47,170 | 48,600 | 50,100 |
6 | 44,950 | 45,760 | 46,830 | 47,840 | 49,270 | 50,770 |
7 | 45,620 | 46,430 | 47,500 | 48,510 | 49,940 | 51,440 |
8 | 46,290 | 47,100 | 48,170 | 49,180 | 50,610 | 52,110 |
9 | 46,960 | 47,770 | 48,840 | 49,850 | 51,280 | 52,780 |
10 | 47,635 | 48,445 | 49,515 | 50,525 | 51,955 | 53,455 |
11 | 48,310 | 49,120 | 50,190 | 51,200 | 52,630 | 54,130 |
12 | 48,985 | 49,795 | 50,865 | 51,875 | 53,305 | 54,805 |
13 | 49,660 | 50,470 | 51,540 | 52,550 | 53,980 | 55,480 |
14 | 50,700 | 51,510 | 52,580 | 53,590 | 55,020 | 56,520 |
15 | 53,400 | 54,210 | 55,280 | 56,290 | 57,720 | 59,220 |
16 | 56,680 | 57,490 | 58,560 | 59,570 | 61,000 | 62,500 |
17 | 59,890 | 60,700 | 61,770 | 62,780 | 64,210 | 65,710 |
18 | 64,530 | 65,340 | 66,410 | 67,420 | 68,850 | 70,350 |
19 | 69,370 | 70,180 | 71,250 | 72,260 | 73,690 | 75,190 |
20 | 74,410 | 75,220 | 76,290 | 77,300 | 78,730 | 80,230
Longevity Experience in East Hanover
Completion of the 10th year $100
Beginning of the 15th year $475
20th year $600
25th year $750
This salary guide has been designed to place maximum emphasis upon
additional study and teacher improvement. By emphasizing salary increments
that will result from teachers undertaking approved study and work programs, Board of Education receives greater assurance that salary increments will be based more realistically upon improved quality teaching.
Teachers Guide
Step | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | 44,645 | 45,455 | 46,525 | 47,535 | 48,965 | 50,465 |
2 | 44,895 | 45,705 | 46,775 | 47,785 | 49,215 | 50,715 |
3 | 45,145 | 45,955 | 47,025 | 48,035 | 49,465 | 50,965 |
4 | 45,395 | 46,205 | 47,275 | 48,285 | 49,715 | 51,215 |
5 | 46,065 | 46,875 | 47,945 | 48,955 | 50,385 | 51,885 |
6 | 46,735 | 47,545 | 48,615 | 49,625 | 51,055 | 52,555 |
7 | 47,405 | 48,215 | 49,285 | 50,295 | 51,725 | 53,225 |
8 | 48,075 | 48,885 | 49,955 | 50,965 | 52,395 | 53,895 |
9 | 48,745 | 49,555 | 50,625 | 51,635 | 53,065 | 54,565 |
10 | 49,420 | 50,230 | 51,300 | 52,310 | 53,740 | 55,240 |
11 | 50,095 | 50,905 | 51,975 | 52,985 | 54,415 | 55,915 |
12 | 50,770 | 51,580 | 52,650 | 53,660 | 55,090 | 56,590 |
13 | 51,445 | 52,255 | 53,325 | 54,335 | 55,765 | 57,265 |
14 | 52,485 | 53,295 | 54,365 | 55,375 | 56,805 | 58,305 |
15 | 55,185 | 55,995 | 57,065 | 58,075 | 59,505 | 61,005 |
16 | 58,465 | 59,275 | 60,345 | 61,355 | 62,785 | 64,285 |
17 | 62,215 | 63,025 | 64,095 | 65,105 | 66,535 | 68,035 |
18 | 66,905 | 67,715 | 68,785 | 69,795 | 71,225 | 72,725 |
19 | 71,770 | 72,580 | 73,650 | 74,660 | 76,090 | 77,590 |
20 | 76,810 | 77,620 | 78,690 | 79,700 | 81,130 | 82,630 |
Longevity Experience in East Hanover
Completion of the 10th year $100
Beginning of the 15th year $475
20th year $600
25th year $750
This salary guide has been designed to place maximum emphasis upon additional study and teacher improvement. By emphasizing salary increments that will result from teachers undertaking approved study and work programs, the Board of Education receives greater assurance that salary increments will be based more realistically upon improved quality teaching.
Teachers Guide
Step | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | 47,000 | 47,810 | 48,880 | 49,890 | 51,320 | 52,820 |
2 | 47,250 | 48,060 | 49,130 | 50,140 | 51,570 | 53,070 |
3 | 47,500 | 48,310 | 49,380 | 50,390 | 51,820 | 53,320 |
4 | 47,750 | 48,560 | 49,630 | 50,640 | 52,070 | 53,570 |
5 | 48,000 | 48,810 | 49,880 | 50,890 | 52,320 | 53,820 |
6 | 48,670 | 49,480 | 50,550 | 51,560 | 52,990 | 54,490 |
7 | 49,340 | 50,150 | 51,220 | 52,230 | 53,660 | 55,160 |
8 | 50,010 | 50,820 | 51,890 | 52,900 | 54,330 | 55,830 |
9 | 50,680 | 51,490 | 52,560 | 53,570 | 55,000 | 56,500 |
10 | 51,405 | 52,215 | 53,285 | 54,295 | 55,725 | 57,225 |
11 | 52,130 | 52,940 | 54,010 | 55,020 | 56,450 | 57,950 |
12 | 52,855 | 53,665 | 54,735 | 55,745 | 57,175 | 58,675 |
13 | 53,585 | 54,395 | 55,465 | 56,475 | 57,905 | 59,405 |
14 | 54,885 | 55,695 | 56,765 | 57,775 | 59,205 | 60,705 |
15 | 57,585 | 58,395 | 59,465 | 60,475 | 61,905 | 63,405 |
16 | 60,865 | 61,675 | 62,745 | 63,755 | 65,185 | 66,685 |
17 | 64,615 | 65,425 | 66,495 | 67,505 | 68,935 | 70,435 |
18 | 69,305 | 70,115 | 71,185 | 72,195 | 73,625 | 75,125 |
19 | 74,170 | 74,980 | 76,050 | 77,060 | 78,490 | 79,990 |
20 | 79,210 | 80,020 | 81,090 | 82,100 | 83,530 | 85,030 |
Longevity Experience in East Hanover
Completion of the 10th year $100
Beginning of the 15th year $475
20th year $600
25th year $750
This salary guide has been designed to place maximum emphasis upon additional study and teacher improvement. By emphasizing salary increments that will result from teachers undertaking approved study and work programs, the Board of Education receives greater assurance that salary increments will be based more realistically upon improved quality teaching.
Secretaries Guide
Step | Clerk/Typist | Bookkeeper | Secretary |
 |  |  |  |
1 | 21,460 | 27,387 | 28,845 |
2 | 21,760 | 27,687 | 29,145 |
3 | 22,060 | 27,987 | 29,445 |
4 | 22,360 | 28,287 | 29,745 |
5 | 22,660 | 28,587 | 30,045 |
6 | 22,960 | 28,887 | 30,345 |
7 | 23,260 | 29,187 | 30,645 |
8 | 23,560 | 29,487 | 30,945 |
9 | 25,260 | 31,187 | 32,645 |
10 | 27,310 | 33,237 | 34,695 |
11 | 29,360 | 35,287 | 36,745 |
12 | 31,410 | 37,337 | 38,795 |
13 | 34,440 | 40,367 | 41,825 |
Longevity Experience in East Hanover
Completion of the 10th year $100
Beginning of the 15th year $475
20th year $600
25th year $750
Secretaries Guide
Step | Clerk/Typist | Bookkeeper | Secretary | 10 Mth Sec |
 |  |  |  |  |
1-2 | 22,085 | 27,922 | 30,760 | 25,633 |
3 | 22,335 | 28,172 | 31,010 | 25,842 |
4 | 22,585 | 28,422 | 31,260 | 26,050 |
5 | 22,835 | 28,672 | 31,510 | 26,258 |
6 | 23,085 | 28,922 | 31,760 | 26,467 |
7 | 23,335 | 29,212 | 31,810 | 26,675 |
8 | 23,585 | 29,512 | 31,860 | 26,550 |
9 | 25,340 | 31,277 | 34,015 | 28,346 |
10 | 27,370 | 33,307 | 36,045 | 30,037 |
11 | 29,630 | 35,467 | 38,305 | 31,921 |
12 | 31,620 | 37,457 | 40,295 | 33,579 |
13 | 33,250 | 39,087 | 41,825 | 34,854 |
14 | 34,530 | 40,367 | 43,205 | 36,004 |
Longevity Experience in East Hanover
Completion of the 10th year $100
Beginning of the 15th year $475
20th year $600
25th year $750
Secretaries Guide
Step | Clerk/Typist | Bookkeeper | Secretary | 10 Mth Sec |
 |  |  |  |  |
1 | 24,185 | 30,012 | 32,945 | 27,454 |
2-3 | 24,435 | 30,262 | 33,195 | 27,662 |
4 | 24,685 | 30,512 | 33,445 | 27,871 |
5 | 24,935 | 30,762 | 33,695 | 28,079 |
6 | 25,185 | 31,012 | 33,945 | 28,287 |
7 | 25,435 | 31,262 | 34,195 | 28,496 |
8 | 25,685 | 31,512 | 34,445 | 28,704 |
9 | 25,935 | 31,762 | 34,695 | 28,912 |
10 | 27,785 | 33,612 | 36,545 | 30,454 |
11 | 29,685 | 35,512 | 38,445 | 32,037 |
12 | 31,625 | 37,452 | 40,385 | 33,654 |
13 | 33,605 | 39,432 | 42,365 | 35,304 |
14 | 35,635 | 40,367 | 44,395 | 36,996 |
Longevity Experience in East Hanover
Completion of the 10th year $100
Beginning of the 15th year $475
20th year $600
25th year $750
Step | Custodians | Maintenance |
 |  |  |
1 | 26,640 | 27,840 |
2 | 26,940 | 28,140 |
3 | 27,440 | 28,640 |
4 | 28,435 | 29,635 |
5 | 29,025 | 30,225 |
6 | 29,710 | 30,910 |
7 | 30,415 | 31,615 |
8 | 31,105 | 32,305 |
9 | 32,880 | 34,080 |
10 | 35,970 | 37,170 |
11 | 39,795 | 40,995 |
12 | 43,620 | 44,820 |
Longevity Experience in East Hanover
Completion of the 10th year $100
Beginning of the 15th year $475
20th year $600
25th year $750
Step | Custodians | Maintenance |
 |  |  |
1 | 29,095 | 30,345 |
2 | 29,195 | 30,445 |
3 | 29,395 | 30,645 |
4 | 29,695 | 30,945 |
5 | 30,095 | 31,345 |
6 | 30,595 | 31,845 |
7 | 31,295 | 32,545 |
8 | 31,995 | 33,245 |
9 | 33,770 | 35,020 |
10 | 36,860 | 38,110 |
11 | 40,530 | 41,780 |
12 | 44,200 | 45,450 |
Longevity Experience in East Hanover
Completion of the 10th year $100
Beginning of the 15th year $475
20th year $600
25th year $750
Step | Custodians | Maintenance |
 |  |  |
1 | 30,290 | 31,590 |
2 | 30,390 | 31,690 |
3 | 30,590 | 31,890 |
4 | 30,890 | 32,190 |
5 | 31,290 | 32,590 |
6 | 31,790 | 33,090 |
7 | 32,490 | 33,790 |
8 | 33,190 | 34,490 |
9 | 34,965 | 36,265 |
10 | 38,055 | 39,355 |
11 | 41,525 | 42,825 |
12 | 45,000 | 46,300 |
Longevity Experience in East Hanover
Completion of the 10th year $100
Beginning of the 15th year $475
20th year $600
25th year $750
Activities Salary Guide*
Additional compensation shall also be paid to teachers placed within the following assignments as follows:
a. Grade Level Chair at elementary schools: $522
b. Teacher in Charge at elementary schools: $261
c. Stokes teachers: $391
d. Stokes Coordinator: $522
e. Literary Magazine Editor $1,565
Literary Magazine Production $800
f. WEHMS Radio $1,252
g. Homework Club $25.00 per hour
h. I&RS Coordinator** $1,565
i. Team Leader $1,565
j. Drama Coach $1,500
k. Drama Coach (assistant) $1,000
l. Grade Level Team Leaders $1,565
m. Music Director for School Play $500
* Positions filed at the discretion of the Board. Successful applicants will be notified in writing.
** Position to be recognized effective September 2004.
Activities Salary Guide*
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Band Advisor $1,498 $1,567 $1,640 $1,714
Baseball, Boys $2,366 $2,475 $2,590 $2,707
Basketball, Boys $2,366 $2,475 $2,590 $2,707
Basketball, Girls $2,366 $2,475 $2,590 $2,707
Cheerleading $2,366 $2,475 $2,590 $2,707
Cross Country $2,366 $2,475 $2,590 $2,707
Soccer, Boys $2,366 $2,475 $2,590 $2,707
Soccer, Girls $2,366 $2,475 $2,590 $2,707
Softball, Girls $2,366 $2,475 $2,590 $2,707
Sports Coordinator $2,680 $2,805 $2,935 $3,067
Student Council $1,645 $1,721 $1,801 $1,864
Volleyball $2,366 $2,475 $2,590 $2,707
2nd Volleyball (if needed) $2,366 $2,475 $2,590 $2,707
Yearbook Advisor (financial) $1,841 $1,926 $2,016 $2,107
Yearbook Advisor(production) $1,841 $1,926 $2,016 $2,107
Wrestling $2,366 $2,475 $2,590 $2,707
Positions filled at the discretion of the Board.
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