June 3, 2004
June 17, 2004
August 17, 2004
November 9, 2004
December 13, 2004
February 23, 2005
JULY 1, 2004 – JUNE 30, 2007
Preamble Recognition 1
I Attendance Hours Required of Teachers 1
II Teacher Assignment 3
III Textbooks and Curriculum Determination 4
IV Assignment of Non-Teaching Duties 4
V Teacher Evaluation 5
VI Leaves of Absence 7
VII Grievance Procedure 13
VIII Teacher Employment 15
IX Teacher-Administration Liaison 16
X Compensation 16
XI Terms of Agreement 26
Appendix A—2004-2005 Teacher Salary 27
Appendix B—2005-2006 Teacher Salary 28
Appendix C—2006-2007 Teacher Salary 29
Appendix D—Salary Progression--Teachers 30
Appendix E—2004-2007 Custodial/Maintenance Salary 31
Appendix F—2004-2007 Teachers’ Aide Salary 32
Appendix F—2004-2007 Instructional Aides’ Salary 32
Appendix G—Salary Progression—Teacher/Instructional Aides 33
Appendix H—2002-2007 Interscholastic Athletic Salary 34
- Unit
The Tewksbury Township Board of Education (the Board) recognizes the Tewksbury Education Association, Incorporated (the Association) as the exclusive and sole representative for collective bargaining concerning grievances and terms and conditions of employment for all personnel whether under contract or on leave, employed by the Board including: all teachers, teacher aides, librarians, library aides, custodians, maintenance personnel (hereinafter collectively referred to as Members), but excluding administrators, Superintendent’s secretary, Assistant Board Secretary, psychologist, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, substitutes, and all other secretaries.
- Definition of Teacher
The term teacher herein shall refer to all employees in positions which require them to hold appropriate certificates issued by the New Jersey Board of Examiners.
- Definition of Administration
Anyone employed by the Board under the certificate and job title of Superintendent, Principal, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Assistant Board Secretary, Supervisor of Child Study Team, or Supervisor of Elementary Education.
- School Day
As professionals, the teachers are expected to devote to their assignments the time necessary to meet their responsibilities, but they shall not be required to “clock in” or “clock out” by hours and minutes. The teachers’ normal workday shall be 430 minutes (7 hours, 10 minutes). The teachers’ normal work schedule shall not begin prior to seven thirty (7:30 a.m.) nor end later than three fifty (3:50 p.m.). Each teacher will be assigned to the hours of one building. If an administrator or a teacher identifies a need to differ from this schedule, it may be done if mutually agreeable. In such event, the Administrator and teacher shall mutually agree to a starting and ending time for the workday. Teachers will be available to report early or stay beyond their assigned hours in order to attend (parent-initiated) parent-teacher conferences which are scheduled outside of their normal work hours. No teacher will be required to report more than 15 minutes before nor to stay more than 30 minutes beyond the scheduled work period. No teacher will be required to make such an accommodation more than ten times per school year. The workday includes a duty-free lunch period of not less than thirty (30) minutes. Early departure for professional or personal reasons may be granted at the discretion of the Administration.
Unless scheduling prohibits, preparation time for full-time teachers will be assigned in the form of five (5) class periods per week, but in no event will be less than two hundred (200) minutes per week. When necessary to meet the two hundred (200) minute minimum, the period from 8:15 and 8:50 a.m. may be considered preparation time provided a teacher is not assigned a homeroom or any other duty. A preparation period shall not be less than thirty (30) continuous minutes. Preparation time for part-time teachers will be prorated based on the percentage of time employed. Preparation time is to be used for professional improvement, preparation of lesson plans, or conferencing with parents. During this time they will not be assigned to other duties except in emergencies.
In addition, release time may be scheduled by the administration in order to carry out other duties, including, but not limited to, training and meetings required by committee work. This release time is separate from the preparation time as described above.
- Included in the normal workday are regularly scheduled faculty meetings and the Parent-Teacher conferences. The Board may schedule up to two (2) evening conferences. Parent-Teacher conference days will be early dismissal days. Teachers will be permitted to leave at early dismissal time and return for evening conferences. Evening conferences shall not be scheduled the day before a holiday. The evening conferences shall be completed no later than 9:00 p.m. Staff that work in more than one building shall attend conferences in one building per day. Over the Parent-Teacher conference days the teacher’s average workday shall not exceed seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes. The teacher will schedule the hours per day.
b. Included in the normal workday are Back-to-School night and one other evening activity. The other evening activity shall not be more than two (2) hours in duration and related to the teacher’s grade or subject area. The evening activity will be for student supervision/chaperone duty related to the teacher’s grade or subject area.
- School Year
The in-school work year of the teachers employed on a ten-month basis, other than new personnel who may be required to attend an additional day of orientation, shall not exceed 187 days. A total of 2 such workdays may be fulfilled in the following manner when pre-approved by the Superintendent. (This approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.)
- Floating workdays which may include workshop and/or professional meetings outside the regular school day.
- Student supervisory duties that are not compensated by contractual agreement.
- Professional experience including, but not limited to, Board and Parent presentations, science fairs, and gym shows.
- Curriculum development/articulation during non-school days which are not reimbursed.
Credit for each workday must equal a 7 hour aggregate.
The school calendar for the next year will be shared with the Association 10 days prior to the Board adoption at which time the suggestions of the Association may be considered.
- Meetings
A day shall be set aside for weekly staff meetings starting about ten (10) minutes after student dismissal time. The Association and the Administration shall confer periodically on a mutually agreeable day which shall be followed except in emergencies. Teachers normally shall be notified of changes in meeting schedule at least four (4) days in advance. The Administration shall provide the teachers with a proposed meeting agenda at least one (1) school day prior to the meeting, except in emergency. The teachers shall have the opportunity to suggest items for the agenda through their liaison representative. Efforts shall be made to limit meeting time to one (1) hour. One of the periods reserved for such staff meetings within each two-month period may be made available for an Association meeting.
Teachers shall be given written notice of their anticipated or major class, subject assignments, and proposed textbooks for the coming year by June 1st of the immediately preceding school year except if the Administration shall, in good faith, otherwise notify.
- Curriculum Activities
The Board, the Administration and the Association may agree to establish Curriculum Committees and arrange in-service courses, workshops, conferences and programs designed to improve quality of instruction. The final determination about such educational policy matters rest solely with the Administration/Board.
- Professional Improvement
Professional improvement activities may be initiated at the request of the teachers or the Administration. The Request for Absence Authorization and Reimbursement form with accompanying reasons must be submitted at least five (5) days prior to the proposed session. Curriculum sessions shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent.
The Board and the Association acknowledge that the teachers’ primary responsibility is to teach and that his/her energies should be utilized for this purpose. Therefore:
- Collection of money shall not be required of the teachers except for student insurance, student pictures, and other monies as requested by the teachers and with the consent of the Administration;
- Unless otherwise agreed upon, teachers shall not be required to perform non-teaching duties including, but not limited to, keeping registers, typing, duplication of instructional materials, and scoring standardized achievement and intelligence tests;
- The Board and the Association recognize that lunchroom supervision is essential to an orderly and safe environment for students. Therefore, to achieve this goal, a teacher may be assigned cafeteria duty on a rotating basis with support from a cafeteria aide. To assure fairness and equity, a duty schedule will be established by the building principal, in cooperation with representatives of the Association, to distribute this duty as infrequently as building scheduling will allow.
To ensure that the quality of instruction will not be diminished, the Administration will make every effort:
- To provide a respite between the conclusion of the assigned duty and the commencement of teaching responsibilities;
- To assure that classroom instructional time, including art, music, physical education, and library, will not be reduced in order to accommodate the duty schedule;
- The teacher on duty will have a thirty minute uninterrupted lunch period but may forfeit his/her preparation time in order to supervise the cafeteria and be paid honoraria for such services.
- Members shall not be required to drive students to activities away from the school building, but members with a valid bus driver’s license may do so, voluntarily, with advance approval of the Administration.
- Use of personal vehicle for attendance at workshops, in-service activities outside of the district, or business related errands, as approved by the Superintendent, shall be reimbursed at the standard mileage rate permitted by the I.R.S. Mileage shall be calculated from home or school, based on whichever is the shorter distance. Travel for attendance at conventions and for the purpose of attending college shall not be reimbursed.
- In the event a teacher is required to travel from one school to another within the district on a regular and recurring basis in connection with his or her responsibilities, the Board shall provide a reserved parking space for use by said teacher(s) at the school to which the teacher is required to travel.
The primary aim of evaluation shall be the improvement of instruction.
- Notification
Early in the year, the Administration shall inform the teachers of its evaluation policy and procedures as stated in N.J.A.C. 6:3-1.21. A teacher whose contract renewal is in jeopardy shall be informed thereof by winter vacation. Failure to so inform shall not preclude implementation of the sixty (60) day termination clause of the individual’s contract.
- Non-Tenured Personnel
The evaluation of non-tenured teachers shall be in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A: 27-3.1 and 3.3 and N.J.A.C. 18A:27-3.1 and 3.3 and N.J.A.C. 6:3-1.19 and N.J.A.C. 6:4.1.
- Tenured Personnel
The evaluation of tenured teachers shall be in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6:3-1.21 and N.J.A.C. 6:3-4.3.
Review of the performance of the teaching staff members shall be based upon the job description.
- Frequency
Teachers shall be observed through classroom visitation by a certified supervisor at least, but not limited to, three (3) times for non-tenured and once (1) for tenured teachers in each school year, to be followed by a conference and a written observation report by the supervisor. Each observation shall consist of at least a full period or a daily complete lesson.
- Open Evaluation
All monitoring or observation of the work place shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher. The use of eavesdropping, public address, cameras, audio systems, and similar surveillance devices shall be strictly prohibited. Cameras and audio systems may be used with the teacher’s consent for the purpose of identifying areas of presentation that may require strengthening only when teacher initiated. Camera and audio systems may not be used as a punitive tool.
- Copies of Observation Reports
A teacher shall be given a copy of any class visit observation report prepared by his or her supervisor only after a conference between the supervisor and the teacher has been conducted. Teachers shall be provided the opportunity to discuss the observation before a final report is written. No teacher shall be required to sign a blank or incomplete observation form. Final observation reports must be signed and returned to the supervisor within two (2) school days. The signature of the teacher shall not necessarily represent agreement with the report, but shall constitute an acknowledgement that he or she has read its contents. The teacher shall also be permitted to include his/her comments as per statute.
- Observation Conference
An observation conference shall occur within five (5) school days of the observation depending upon the availability of both parties but shall not extend beyond ten (10) days. No subsequent observation can occur prior to the observation conference.
- Parental Complaints
Any complaints regarding a staff Member made to the Administration by any parent, student, or other person, which are used in any manner in evaluation of a staff Member, shall be promptly investigated and called to the attention of the Member. The Member shall be given the opportunity to respond verbally or in writing to such a complaint and shall have the right to be represented by the Association at any meeting or conference regarding such complaint.
It is agreed by all parties that this section provides for leaves for specific purposes and that all parties abide by the spirit of this policy.
- Sick Leave
- Members under ten (10) month contracts shall be entitled to ten (10) sick days each school year, and Members under twelve (12) month contracts shall be entitled to twelve (12) sick days each school year, as of the first official day of their contract year, whether or not they report for duty on that day. Unused sick leave shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit. Two (2) of these days may be used for caretaking of members of the immediate family, including members living in the home. Family members include spouse, children, parents, parents of employee’s spouse, grandparents, brothers, sisters, or any relative living in the same household as the employee. Should the employee require more time-off for care of a family members, these two (2) days would be counted towards the 14 day/2 week maximum allowed under the Family Leave Acts. Extensions may be granted by Administration on a case-by-case basis. Extensions may not exceed the annual allotment of sick days.
- On a case-by-case basis, the Board may elect to provide additional sick days in accordance with 18A:30-6, when all accumulated sick leave has been used.
- A doctor’s certificate shall be furnished to the Administration, upon request, at no cost to the Board, for each consecutive period of sick leave according to Board policy.
- Emergency and Personal Business Leave
Members shall be entitled to the following temporary leave of absence with full pay:
- Two (2) days leave of absence for personal business. Written notice of such leave shall be given to the Administration at least one (1) week before taking such leave, (except in case of emergency). Lacking such notice, the absence will be considered unauthorized and the teacher’s pay will be deducted at the daily rate of 1/200 the annual salary.
Up to two (2) days of unused personal leave from the previous year may be used in the following year. No more than four (4) days leave may be taken under this section in any year.
- Each request for personal leave shall list as a reason, “Business which cannot be conducted other than during school hours.”
- Personal leave with pay will not be permitted before or after a holiday or scheduled school closing to extend a vacation. However, under extenuating circumstances, the Superintendent may approve a request for leave on such days.
- Personal leave shall not be used in consecutive days unless approved by the Superintendent.
- If a teacher is involved in an emergency, he/she need not request personal leave in accordance with Paragraph B.1. above, but will attempt to notify the Administration by 7:00 a.m. on the day the teacher must be absent and will inform the Administrator of the nature of the emergency. For the purpose of this subsection, an emergency will be a matter of serious nature such as, but not limited to the following: family illness, legal matter or death in the member’s family.
- The equivalent of five (5) total school days per school year may be used by the Association President or his/her designee for Association business with the concurrence of the Superintendent or his designee.
- An employee who is required to be absent for one day or more because of a death in the employee’s immediate family, shall, with the concurrence of the Superintendent, be excused for such day or days. Paid time off shall be provided to attend the funeral, plus reasonable travel time to and from the funeral location. In no case, however, shall the time off with pay exceed five (5) days. Immediate family means: spouse, children, parents, parents of the employee’s spouse, grandparents, brothers, sisters, or any relative living in the same household with the employee.
- In the event of the death of an employee’s family member other than those defined above, up to two (2) days (less the cost of a substitute) may be granted by the Superintendent after the employee’s personal days, as defined in Paragraph 1, have been exhausted.
- Leaves Without Pay
Leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board upon the recommendation of the Administration as follows:
- Leaves for extreme family emergency may be granted by the Board. Such leaves may be extended by the Board based on the Superintendent’s recommendation. Leaves granted pursuant to this section shall be in accordance with the New Jersey Family Leave Act or the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act.
- In order to provide for continuity of instruction and to assure that adequate planning time is provided, an employee who anticipates the need for a leave of absence due to a condition which will render the employee unable to perform his/her duties, shall notify the Superintendent in writing of the anticipated disability as soon as the employee knows of it. The employee may request, no later than sixty (60) days prior to the anticipated date of disability, a disability leave of absence, specifying the dates on which the employee wishes the leave to begin and end.
- Disability leave can be used for the time that an employee is unable to work because of a temporary disability, including a maternity related disability.
- In the case of maternity related disability, an employee will be presumed disabled four (4) weeks before childbirth and four (4) weeks after. Additional periods of disability may be established by a physician’s statement. Employees shall be permitted to work up to the date of actual disability. The Board will not arbitrarily or unreasonably deny the requested leave.
- When an employee requests a leave for disability which can be anticipated, such as maternity related disability, the Board shall honor the leave dates so requested if the same will not substantially interfere with the effective administration to the educational program to which the employee was assigned.
- To be eligible for a salary increment and credit toward longevity payments and sabbaticals, an employee must be paid for at least ninety (90) school days in each school year, including the school year that the leave commences or terminated.
- An employee on a voluntary unpaid leave of absence shall not be eligible to either receive or accrue benefits except as statutorily required. The Board shall however, continue the teacher’s coverage in the district’s group health plan for a period of twelve (12) weeks, after which the employee may continue coverage at his/her own expense, in accordance with the rules of the insurance carrier. The Board shall continue to provide medical insurance coverage to employees on paid sick leave.
- Child Care leave is available to eligible employees who desire an unpaid leave of absence to care of a newborn or newly adopted infant.
- An employee desiring an unpaid leave shall apply no less than ninety (90) days before the anticipated delivery date or adoption date of the infant.
- The maximum duration of a child care leave for tenured employees is two (2) school years. If a leave commences during a school year (September 1 to June 30), the maximum duration of the leave shall be to the end of the school year following the school year in which the leave commenced. Child care leave for non-tenured employees shall not extend beyond June 30 of the year in which the leave is granted.
- An employee returning from leave must notify the Superintendent by april 1st of his/her intent to return by September 1st.
- Contractual unpaid care leave is available to employees who fulfill the requirements set out above. The Board will not arbitrarily or unreasonably deny the requested leave.
- To be eligible for a salary increment and credit toward longevity payments and sabbaticals, an employee must work at least ninety (90) school days in each school year, including the school year that the leave commences or terminates.
- An employee on a voluntary unpaid leave of absence shall not be eligible to either receive or accrue benefits except as statutorily required. The Board shall however, continue the teacher’s coverage in the district’s group health plan for a period of twelve (12) weeks, after which the employee may continue coverage at his/her own expense, in accordance with the rules of the insurance carrier. The Board shall continue to provide medical insurance coverage to employees on paid sick leave.
- To be eligible for a new child care leave, an employee must have been actively employed in the district for the full academic year prior to the requested leave.
- Leaves for Study Purposes
- Eligible to tenured teachers, with the concurrence of the Administration and approval of the Board.
- Only one teacher shall be granted such leave at a time, except in an emergency and when approved by the Administration and so granted by the Board.
- The Board and Association agree that leaves for more than one (1) year are not advisable.
- Sabbatical Leaves
- Award of Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical leaves for approved courses of study, for either one-half (1/2) the school year or a full year, may be granted by the Board to a teacher whose application has been recommended by the Administration and a Committee of Teachers.
Requests for sabbatical leave will be considered for teachers who have at least seven (7) years of continuous service in the district.
Requests must be received by the Administration no later than January 15 of the year prior to the requested leave. The request shall be forwarded to the Board within thirty (30) days.
- Salary and Other Benefits
The teacher on sabbatical leave shall accumulate experience credit on the guide.
The teacher on sabbatical leave shall be entitled to tuition refund in accordance with Chapter X, Section A.6. of the contract.
The teacher on sabbatical leave shall be entitled to all employee benefits as provided by the contract.
The teacher shall be paid one-half (1/2) of the annual salary for that school year. Salary would be paid in accordance with the payroll schedule, beginning in September.
The teacher on half-year sabbatical leave shall be paid the normal salary for that school year, but while on sabbatical leave the teacher will be paid one-half (1/2) of the remaining balance of the annual salary. Salary would be paid in accordance with the payroll schedule.
Full year sabbatical leave shall commence on September 1st and end June 30th. Half-year sabbatical leave shall be granted for either the Fall or Spring semester. Normally, an employee on a half-year leave for the Fall semester shall return on or about February 1st. An employee on a half-year leave for the Spring semester shall return in September of the following school year.
- Number of Teachers on Leave
One teacher may be on sabbatical leave at any time.
While on sabbatical leave, the teacher shall report to the Superintendent in writing by January 1st for the Fall Semester and June 30th for the Spring Semester. The report shall include a summary of experiences and conclusions relevant to Tewksbury Township Schools.
- As a condition for granting this sabbatical, it is understood that the teacher shall continue in service for a period of two (2) years after the expiration of the sabbatical. Upon failure to continue in service for two (2) years, the Board may require the teacher to repay a pro-rated share of the sabbatical salary. Exceptions to this rule are subject to approval by the Board of Education.
- Definition
A grievance is a claim based upon an event or condition which affects the terms and conditions of employment of a Member or Members and/or its interpretation, meaning and application of any of the provisions of this Agreement.
- Philosophy
The purpose of this procedure is to resolve differences regarding terms and conditions of employment at lowest levels of the grievance procedure and to promptly reach resolution to such grievances.
- Procedure
- Since it is important that grievances be processed as soon as possible, the number of days indicated at each level is a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement.
- If either party fails to follow the time limit, the grievance shall be waived or moved to the next step, depending upon which party fails to follow the procedure agreed upon.
- In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year, and, if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year, harm could result to a party in interest then the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year, or as soon thereafter as practicable.
- The meetings and hearings shall be conducted in private.
- Levels of Procedure
A Member with a grievance may discuss it with his immediate supervisor, through the Association’s designated representative if desired, with the objective of resolving the matter informally. Any grievance must be brought to Level One not later than one (1) calendar month of the occurrence which gave rise to the grievance. The grievance must be responded to verbally within five (5) business days.
If the aggrieved Member is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level One, he/she shall notify the Association within five (5) business days after the decision at Level One or within ten (10) business days after the grievance was presented, whichever is sooner.
Within five (5) business days after such notification, the Association shall submit the grievance in writing to the immediate supervisor by use of a grievance form. Such form shall state the nature of the grievance, the date of the incident giving rise to the grievance, the specific provisions of the contract, law, and Board policy allegedly violated and/or Administrative decision(s) being grieved and the remedy being sought.
The immediate supervisor, upon receipt of the written grievance, shall attempt to resolve the matter as quickly as possible and shall meet with the grievant and/or his representative within five (5) business days of receipt of such grievance.
The immediate supervisor shall respond within five (5) business days of meeting or within ten (10) business days of receipt of the grievance whichever is sooner.
Decisions rendered at Level Two and all subsequent levels of the grievance procedures shall be in writing, setting forth the decisions and reasons therefore, and shall be transmitted to and be signed by all involved parties.
Timelines designated in the grievance procedures shall exclude school holidays.
If the aggrieved Member is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level Two, he/she may submit it in writing to the next higher level of supervision within five (5) business days after the decision at Level Two, or within ten (10) business days after the grievance was presented at Level Two, if no decision was reached, whichever is sooner. The parties shall attempt to resolve the matter at that next higher level of supervision as quickly as possible, and for that purpose, a meeting shall be held within five (5) business days of submission to that next higher level of supervision (designated school holidays excepted), unless that next higher level of supervision is the Board, in which event the grievance shall immediately proceed to Level Four.
If the aggrieved Member is not satisfied with the disposition at the preceding levels, or if no decision has been rendered by the appropriate supervisor at Level Three, he/she may, within five (5) business days, request the Association Executive Committee to submit his/her grievance in writing to the Board through the Personnel Committee. The Board and the aggrieved Member shall attempt to reach agreement. If no agreement is reached within one (1) calendar month of presentation to Level Four, the Board and/or the aggrieved Member may request the services of a mediator, who shall be selected by mutual agreement of the parties, to mediate and advise. The mediator shall set forth in writing his findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issues submitted. The cost of mediation shall be shared equally by the parties. The parties will give due consideration to the mediator’s findings, reasoning and conclusions, but they shall be advisory only and not be binding on the Board or the Association.
FOOTNOTE: Business day refers to scheduled work day of employment which may differ between teachers and custodial staff.
- The Board agrees to hire only properly certified teachers holding or working toward standard certificates issued by the New Jersey Board of Examiners for every regular teaching assignment. The Board reserves the right to hire non-degree teachers in case of emergency, but may require them to continue working toward a degree.
- Credit not exceed four (4) years for military service or alternative civilian service required by Selective Service, shall be given upon initial employment. At the discretion of the Board, credit may be given on the same basis for Peace Corps, Vista, National Teacher Corps, or Fulbright Scholarship time.
- At the time of initial employment, a teacher shall be placed on a step of the salary guide according to mutual agreement between the teacher and the Board of Education. Thereafter the teacher shall advance one (1) step of the guide per year of teaching in the District until they reach the maximum step except as increments may be withheld by the Board acting in accordance with the District policy and State law.
- The Administration shall post vacancies within ten (10) school days after such vacancies become established as a consequence of formal Board action during the normal school year, or if established during summer recess, known vacancies shall be distributed to Members through the mail.
- Members who desire a change in their assignment for the following school year, may file a written request with the Superintendent by April 1st of the preceding school year. Such request shall include the grade and/or subject to which the Member desires to be assigned and the school.
- Teacher Contracts
- Teachers shall be given their letter of intent as required by State law. If the Board and the Association have not reached a contract settlement for the year in question, the employment agreement shall be based upon the existing contract. Upon settlement, the Members will be re-issued contracts reflecting the new agreement and shall be retroactive to September 1st of the new contract year.
- Employment agreements shall be returned by non-tenured teachers to the Board Secretary within thirty (30) days of receipt or as required by State law N.J.A.C. 18A:27-12.
The Association shall select an individual for each school building who may meet with the Administration twice monthly to discuss local school problems and practices, and to play an active role in the revision or development of building policies. Also, this representation may suggest items to be placed on the agenda for teachers’ meetings. Members having suggestions or requests may forward them to the liaison representative. Meetings between the Administration and the representative shall be set up at the request of either party.
- Teachers
- Salary Guide for 2004-05—Appendix A
- Salary Guide for 2005-06—Appendix B
- Salary Guide for 2006-2007—Appendix C
- Lateral Moves Across Guide
- A teacher who anticipates a lateral move across the guide (e.g. moving from BA to BA+15) must notify the Superintendent by January 30th of the fiscal year prior to the anticipated move by filing form T-175. Further, it is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that official transcripts, which shall serve as the primary basis for consideration, shall be forwarded to the Superintendent within sixty (60) days of the completion of the courses. The official transcripts shall be used by the Administration to certify to the Board that the teacher has fulfilled the necessary requirements for the lateral move.
Lateral moves will become effective retroactively to the course completion date if transcripts are submitted within sixty (60) days of course completion. If delinquent in submitting transcripts, the lateral move would become effective on the first day of the following month after receipt of transcripts by the Board office. Under extenuating circumstances, the Superintendent has the authority to approve retroactive lateral moves.
- The Master of Arts/Science degrees must be earned in the field of education or discipline of required teacher certificate (e.g., science, mathematics).
- The number of after school sessions/hours must be approved in writing by the Administration.
- At the beginning of each year, notices shall be posted that these opportunities exist. Interested Members must notify the Administration in writing within five (5) school days of the day the notices are posted. Selection of the advisors for these jobs shall be at the discretion of the Administration and with Board approval. The chosen advisors for these jobs may be relieved of these with Board approval when it becomes apparent that such extra duties in any way interfere with performance of their primary duties.
The following Honoraria rates shall apply for the life of the contract:
a. Interscholastic Athletics—See Appendix H
b. Intramural and Officials
Sessions will last a minimum of one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minutes.
Intramural $ 32.00/session
Official Fees to be established by the North Hunterdon Articulation
Interscholastic Group
Official Fees to be established by the North Hunterdon Articulation
Tournament Group
- Non-Athletic Curricular Guide
PAC Committee/IRNS Rates will be the same as for Curriculum Development.
Overnight Activities
Teachers who participate in overnight activities will have the option of being reimbursed according the following:
Option 1—Teacher will work contractual hours and return home. Mileage will be paid at the standard mileage rate permitted by the I.R.S.
Option 2—Teacher will stay until the students go to bed (approximately 10:45 p.m.) and then drive home. Teacher will receive $105/day (2004-2005) $110/day (2005-2006) $115/day (2006-2007) plus mileage will be paid at the above rate..
Option 3—Teacher will stay overnight with the students and receive $210/day (2004-2005) $220/day (2005-2006) $230/day (2006-2007).
Development: $32.00/hr.
(On non-school time, at the written request of the Administration.)
8th Grade
Magazine $32.00/session
(incl. Yearbook) $32.00/session
Test Scoring: $32.00/hr
(Diagnostic and Criterion Referenced test on non-school time, with written consent of the Administration.)
Student Supervision $32.00/hr
(Teachers specifically assigned in writing by the Administration to supervise students at special activities during non-school hours, such as, but not necessarily limited to dances, concerts, programs, tournaments, indoor athletic events.)
Teachers involved in aforementioned supervision shall submit a voucher to the Board Secretary within five (5) school days of the day their services were rendered.
Class Coverage
The Administration will make every possible effort to arrange certified substitutes for an absent teacher. When that is not possible, currently contracted teachers may be assigned to cover classes. If a teacher must cover a class more than three times per year, they will be reimbursed at the supervision rate of $32.00/hr., prorated, per class beginning with the fourth (4th) class covered. Teachers having more than two hundred (200) minutes per week of preparation time that also have more than one (1) preparation period in a given day, may be asked to cover a class without compensation. In no case will a teacher have less than five (5) preparation periods a week unless covered under the “three (3) time” rule above.
Mentorship for provisional teachers shall be conducted in compliance with NJAC 6:11-3.1 through 5.4. Compensation will be the minimum as specified by code. (The Board reserves the right to determine if the candidate or the Board will pay the fee.)
- Professional Development and Education Improvement
- The Board shall reimburse teachers for courses taken for professional improvement. A maximum of eighteen (18) credit hours per school year (July 1—June 30) are eligible for reimbursement. The rate of reimbursement shall be 100% of the tuition cost up to a maximum of $250.00/credit for the length of the contract.
- Credit hours eligible for reimbursement must be pre-approved by the Superintendent and must be from an accredited school of education or applicable to a New Jersey teaching certificate. Approval will be granted for courses that are:
- within a planned program of study leading to an advanced degree
- approved by a teacher’s immediate supervisor as part of an approved PIP
- taken to enhance classroom management
- taken to enhance a certificate or area specialty
- taken for advancement in school curriculum
- taken for new trends in education.
Professional Improvement Plans may be revised during the year to include courses which are mutually agreed to by Supervisor and teacher as beneficial to the professional growth of the teacher. Other credit hours may be approved by the Superintendent at his/her discretion.
- A minimum grade of B or its equivalent or a Pass (if graded Pass/Fail) is required in all cases of tuition reimbursement.
- No teacher shall be required to take courses in order to be eligible for salary increments.
- The Board shall pay up to sixty dollars ($60.00) per course for textbooks and/or lab fees.
- The Board and the Association encourage teachers to attend the annual N.J.E.A. Convention in order to avail themselves of valuable information leading to improved teaching. Teachers shall be reimbursed: Fifty dollars ($50.00) per diem or seventy dollars ($70.00) for overnight stay to a maximum of two (2) consecutive days/nights. All reimbursements will be made through the voucher system. Convention nights eligible for reimbursement are Wednesday, Thursday and/or Friday. Staff members applying for overnight reimbursement must submit room bill with the voucher.
- Each unit member serving on the Local Professional Development Committee will receive release time for committee business conducted during the school day. Meetings will be held at a time mutually agreed to by unit members serving on the committee and the Administration. Unit members serving on the committee will be compensated at the Curriculum Development rate of $32.00/hr. for meetings and activities held outside of the normal work day during the school year or outside of the in-school work year for teachers.
- Special Training Expenditure Reimbursement
In the event the Board incurs the expense of providing special training/instruction, which training is intended to provide a special certification required of a teacher by the district and which benefits the teacher (ex. Reading Recover Specialist), the benefiting employee shall continue in the employ of the district for at least two (2) years. If the teacher leaves the district through no fault of the employee or after two (2) years of receiving the special training, no reimbursement for the cost of the training will be required. The employee will reimburse the district 100% of the cost of the special training if the teacher leaves the district during the first year after receiving the special training and 50% of the cost if the employee leaves during the second year.
- Health and Accident Benefits
This shall apply to all Members who are eligible for Teachers’ Pension and Annuity Fund and New Jersey Public Employees Retirement Fund except employees that work less than 28.5 hours per week.
The Board of Education will provide Health Care Insurance, Dental Coverage and a Prescription Plan equal in benefits to the coverage in effect as of June 30, 1997, to employees and their eligible dependents as follows:
All employees who are presently covered under contract at the time of ratification and who are presently eligible for benefits, will continue to receive full benefits, premiums to be fully paid by the Board of Education for the duration of this contract. All current employees eligible to receive benefits will be grandfathered.
All new hires, effective July 1, 1997, shall receive Managed Care coverage only, fully paid by the Board of Education. If the employee chooses to carry husband and wife, parent and child, or full family Managed Care coverage it shall be at a cost of 25% of the difference in premium between single and the coverage chosen. The Board shall pay 75% of that premium difference. At tenure, the new hire shall receive full family Managed Care at no cost to the employee. New hires (not eligible for tenure, e.g. aides and custodians) if eligible, shall receive full family Managed Care at the beginning of their 4th year of employment at no cost to the employee. Should any new hire choose to enroll in the Indemnity Plan, the employee shall pay the difference between the Managed Care premium rate and the Indemnity premium rate.
In the event that it becomes necessary to enroll in the State Health Benefits program, the above paragraph will become null and void. If legislation is passed permitting co-pay for State Health Benefits plan, the paragraph would remain in force.
Dental coverage will be provided to eligible employees and their eligible dependents with coverage equal in benefits to the current plan in effect during the 1997-98 school year.
The prescription co-pay for all eligible employees shall be $0—mail order; $5.00—generic; and $10.00—brand name.
Upon ratification, employees providing proof of alternate coverage will have the option to waive health benefit coverage as follows:
- If three (3) or less employees exercise the option, the employee shall receive 40% of the total premium saved;
- If more than three (3) employees exercise the option, the employee shall receive 50% of the total premium saved;
- There shall be no penalty nor restriction should the employee need to re-enter the Health Benefits Program
The Board will pay for the plan as provided by the New Jersey Employee Assistance Network on July 1, 1997.
- The Board of Education shall have a 125 plan in place. Payment shall be made bi-weekly through the payroll.
A service bonus of three thousand dollars ($3000) will be given to teachers upon retirement after fifteen (15) or more years of continuous satisfactory service within the Tewksbury Township School District. Approved maternity leave, sabbatical leave, and personal leave without pay shall be excluded in calculating the fifteen (15) years of service. Further, these conditions shall not be considered as interrupting continuous service. The bonus will be awarded by separate check on the effective date of retirement if notice is received in writing, prior to January 1st of the fiscal year preceding the retirement. If notification, in writing, is received after January 1st, payment to the teacher or his/her beneficiary will be made July 1st of the next fiscal year.
- Voluntary Payroll Deductions
- Members will have the option to have a portion of their pay deducted monthly, and to have the monthly deduction deposited with the County Educators Federal Credit Union or other institution designated by the Association annually on or before June 15th.
- The Board shall mail Credit Union monies by the fifth (5th) day of each month. If the Board fails to forward said monies by the fifth (5th), and subsequent penalties are imposed, the Board shall assume liability for the penalties for the period the monies were not received up to the date that they were received by the Credit Union. In the event penalties are assessed, the individual teacher must substantiate any claims.
- In the case of Credit Union deductions, the Board is not responsible for any bookkeeping other than the monthly deposits. All correspondence for individual accounts with the Credit Union is the responsibility of the Individual Credit Union Member.
- Teachers who retire from the District will be reimbursed for unused sick days at the rate of 50% of the current per diem pay for substitutes. If written notification of intention to retire is received prior to January 1st of the fiscal year preceding the retirement, payment will be made by separate check on the effective date of retirement. If notification is received after January 1st payment to the teacher or his/her beneficiary will be made July 1st of the next fiscal year.
- Supplemental Teachers
- Supplemental teachers shall be paid a proportionate salary commensurate with the percentage of contracted time and step one of the appropriate year and education.
- Custodial/Maintenance Staff
- Salary Guide for Custodial and Maintenance—See Appendix E
- 6 days after one (1) fiscal year of employment
- 10 days after two (2) fiscal years of employment
- 15 days after five (5) fiscal years of employment
- 20 days after fifteen (15) fiscal years of employment.
For the employee beginning work prior to July 1, vacation days will be earned at a rate of one-half (1/2) working day for each month employed.
The Board shall provide five (5) work pants, five (5) short sleeve and five (5) long sleeve work shirts for each custodial/maintenance employee during the first year of employment. Uniforms will be issued to newly hired employees after three (3) months of employment. In the second year of employment the employee will be issued three (3) work pants, three (3) long sleeve and three (3) short sleeve work shirts. Thereafter, two (2) pants and four (4) shirts will be issued annually.
The Board will provide annually up to one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) for safety shoes for each custodial/maintenance employee. The administration shall verify and approve such purchases before authorizing reimbursement.
The employee will wear these uniforms and safety shoes during all working hours.
Ripped or torn uniforms will be replaced as needed.
Authorized overtime shall be paid at a rate of one and a half (1-1/2) times the hourly rate, after forty (40) hours weekly. Extra duty will be offered on an equitable basis to all qualified custodial employees.
All twelve (12) month custodial or maintenance employees who are required to work on any of the following holidays shall be entitled to a compensatory day of vacation in lieu of any financial remuneration. Any unused compensatory time within the contractual year shall be converted to payment at the rate of twice the employee’s normal rate of pay, provided the employee seeks to schedule the compensatory time within the contract year. It shall be the obligation of the custodian to request to schedule his or her compensatory time. In the event the custodian’s request is denied in the first instance, he or she can request a mutually agreed upon alternative date. Should the parties not agree upon a mutual alternate date to schedule the requested compensatory time, then the custodian shall receive pay in lieu of compensatory time at the above rate. In no event shall compensatory time carry over or accrue beyond a contract year.
January 1 (New Year’s Day)
Martin Luther King Day
Lincoln’s Birthday
Washington’s Birthday
Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
July 4 (Independence Day)
Labor Day (First Monday in September)
November 11 (Veteran’s Day)
Thanksgiving (Fourth Thursday in November)
Friday after Thanksgiving
December 25 (Christmas)
Two floating days that cannot be used when the schools are open for students and/or teachers.
All requests shall be reviewed by the Superintendent and granted in accordance with the best interests of the District.
Upon settlement, the Members will be reissued contracts reflecting the new agreement and shall be retroactive to July 1st of the new contract year.
All Custodians must possess a Black Seal License. Upon ratification of the Agreement all custodians must take the first available test for a Black Seal License.
If a custodial employee does not pass the test, he/she must take the next available test.
If the custodial employee fails two (2) tests, that employee shall be terminated. The termination is not subject to the grievance procedure.
Any custodian who has a Black Seal License shall receive a yearly stipend of $400 for the duration of the Agreement.
D. Teachers Aide
1. Salary Guide—See Appendix F.
E. Instructional Aide
- Salary Guide—See Appendix F.
F. Other
1. Reimbursement For School Related Licensing Fees
The Board of Education shall pay for licensing renewals required yearly by the State, including, but not limited to all boiler licenses and school bus driver licenses.
2. Enrollment Of Teaching Staff’s Children
At the recommendation of the Superintendent, children of teaching staff members may be enrolled on a tuition basis. Tuition for children of staff members will be $750.00 per school year per child. Recommendation may be withheld when the program maintained for the children of this District is inadequate to meet the needs of the applicant, or when upon entry to the school system, class size limitations would be exceeded. Continued enrollment of any non-resident pupil is contingent upon the maintenance of good standards of citizenship and discipline.
The Board of Education shall not be responsible for the transportation to or from school of any non-resident pupil.
- The provisions of this Agreement shall be effective as of ratification by both parties and remain in force and in effect until June 30, 2007.
- This Agreement is made and entered into this eighth day of April, 2004, by and between the Tewksbury Township Education Association, Inc. and the Tewksbury Township Board of Education.
- This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all matters which were or could have been the subject of negotiations. During the term of this Agreement neither party shall be required to negotiate with respect to any matter whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both parties at the time they negotiated or executed this Agreement.
- If any provision of this Agreement or the application therefore to any party, Member or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement and its application to any party, other Members or circumstances shall not be affected thereby, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared severable.
- This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
President Co-President
Chief Negotiator Co-President
Secretary Chief Negotiator
Date Date
STEP | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1-4 | 40,130 | 41,130 | 42,130 | 44,130 | 45,130 | 46,130 |
5 | 41,030 | 42,030 | 43,030 | 45,030 | 46,030 | 47,030 |
6 | 42,105 | 43,105 | 44,105 | 46,105 | 47,105 | 48,105 |
7 | 43,405 | 44,405 | 45,406 | 47,405 | 48,405 | 49,405 |
8 | 44,855 | 45,855 | 46,855 | 48,855 | 49,855 | 50,855 |
9 | 46,355 | 47,355 | 48,355 | 50,355 | 51,355 | 52,355 |
10 | 47,905 | 48,905 | 49,905 | 51,905 | 52,905 | 53,905 |
11 | 49,555 | 50,555 | 51,555 | 53,555 | 54,555 | 55,555 |
12 | 51,555 | 52,555 | 53,555 | 55,555 | 56,555 | 57,555 |
13 | 54,055 | 55,055 | 56,055 | 58,055 | 59,055 | 60,055 |
14 | 56,555 | 57,555 | 58,555 | 60,555 | 61,555 | 62,555 |
15 | 59,055 | 60,055 | 61,055 | 63,055 | 64,055 | 65,055 |
16 | 61,555 | 62,555 | 63,555 | 65,555 | 66,555 | 67,555 |
17 | 64,055 | 65,055 | 66,055 | 68,055 | 69,055 | 70,055 |
18 | 66,555 | 67,555 | 68,555 | 70,555 | 71,555 | 72,555 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Teachers who have completed 10 years in the District and have taught at least 20 years will be paid an additional $500.
Teachers who have completed 20 through 24 years of service as a teacher in the District will be paid an additional $1000 over and above their step on the salary guide.
Teachers who have completed 25 years in the District will be paid an additional $1,500.
No sabbatical, maternity, or other leaves of absence shall count toward the 10 or 20 years of in-district service.APPENDIX B
STEP | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1-5 | 42,775 | 43,825 | 44,875 | 46,925 | 47,975 | 49,025 |
6 | 43,850 | 44,900 | 45,950 | 48,000 | 49,050 | 50,100 |
7 | 45,150 | 46,200 | 47,250 | 49,300 | 50,350 | 51,400 |
8 | 46,600 | 47,650 | 48,700 | 50,750 | 51,800 | 52,850 |
9 | 48,100 | 49,150 | 50,200 | 52,250 | 53,300 | 54,350 |
10 | 49,650 | 50,700 | 51,750 | 53,800 | 54,850 | 55,900 |
11 | 51,300 | 52,350 | 53,400 | 55,450 | 56,500 | 57,550 |
12 | 53,300 | 54,350 | 55,400 | 57,450 | 58,500 | 59,550 |
13 | 55,745 | 56,795 | 57,845 | 59,895 | 60,945 | 61,995 |
14 | 58,215 | 59,265 | 60,315 | 62,365 | 63,415 | 64,465 |
15 | 60,710 | 61,750 | 62,810 | 64,850 | 65,910 | 66,960 |
16 | 63,205 | 64,255 | 65,305 | 67,355 | 68,405 | 69,455 |
17 | 65,700 | 66,750 | 67,800 | 69,850 | 70,900 | 71,950 |
18 | 68,200 | 69,250 | 70,300 | 72,350 | 73,400 | 74,450 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Teachers who have completed 10 years in the District and have taught at least 20 years will be paid an additional $500.
Teachers who have completed 20 through 24 years of service as a teacher in the District will be paid an additional $1000 over and above their step on the salary guide.
Teachers who have completed 25 years in the District will be paid an additional $1,500.
No sabbatical, maternity, or other leaves of absence shall count toward the 10 or 20 years of in-district service.APPENDIX C
STEP | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 |
1 | 44,545 | 45,645 | 46,745 | 48,954 | 50,045 | 51,145 |
2-6 | 45,845 | 46,945 | 48,045 | 50,245 | 51,345 | 52,445 |
7 | 47,145 | 48,245 | 49,345 | 51,545 | 52,645 | 53,745 |
8 | 48,595 | 49,695 | 50,795 | 52,995 | 54,095 | 55,195 |
9 | 50,095 | 51,195 | 52,295 | 54,495 | 55,595 | 56,695 |
10 | 51,645 | 52,745 | 53,845 | 56,045 | 57,145 | 58,245 |
11 | 53,295 | 54,395 | 55,495 | 57,695 | 68,795 | 59,895 |
12 | 55,295 | 56,395 | 57,495 | 59,695 | 60,795 | 61,895 |
13 | 57,650 | 58,750 | 59,850 | 62,050 | 63,150 | 64,250 |
14 | 60,030 | 61,130 | 62,230 | 64,430 | 65,530 | 66,630 |
15 | 62.435 | 63,535 | 64,635 | 66,835 | 67,935 | 69,035 |
16 | 64,865 | 66,965 | 67,065 | 69,265 | 70,365 | 71,465 |
17 | 67,320 | 68,420 | 69,520 | 71,720 | 72,820 | 73,920 |
18 | 69,800 | 70,900 | 72,000 | 74,200 | 75,300 | 76,400 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Teachers who have completed 10 years in the District and have taught at least 20 years will be paid an additional $500.
Teachers who have completed 20 through 24 years of service as a teacher in the District will be paid an additional $1000 over and above their step on the salary guide.
Teachers who have completed 25 years in the District will be paid an additional $1,500.
No sabbatical, maternity, or other leaves of absence shall count toward the 10 or 20 years of in-district service.APPENDIX D
Step/Experience | Step/Experience | Step/Experience | Step/Experience | Step/Experience |
02-03 | 03-04 | 04-05 | 05-06 | 06-07 * |
 |  |  |  | 1 (1) |
0 | 0-1 | 1-4 (1-3) | 1-5 (1-4) | 2-6 (2-5) |
1 | 2 | 1-4 (4) | 1-5 (5) | 2-6 (6) |
2 | 3 | 1-4 (5) | 1-5 (6) | 2-6 (7) |
3 | 4 | 5 (6) | 6 (7) | 7 (8) |
4 | 5 | 6 (7) | 7 (8) | 8 (9) |
5 | 6 | 7 (8) | 8 (9) | 9 (10) |
6 | 7 | 8 (9( | 9 (10) | 10 (11) |
7 | 8 | 9 (10) | 10 (11) | 11 (12) |
8 | 9 | 10 (11) | 11 (12) | 12 (13) |
9 | 10 | 11 (12) | 12 (13) | 13 (14) |
10 | 11 | 12 (13) | 13 (14) | 14 (15) |
11 | 12 | 13 (14) | 14 (15) | 15 (16) |
12 | 13 | 14 (15) | 15 (16) | 16 (17) |
13 | 14 | 15 (16) | 16 (17) | 17(18) |
14 | 15 | 16 (17) | 17 (18) | 18 (19+) |
15 | 16 | 17 (18) | 18 (19+) | 19+ |
Max 01 | 17 | 18 (19+) | 19+ | 19+ |
Max 00 | 18 | 18 (19+) | 19+ | 19+ |
Max 99 | 18 | 18 (19+) | 19+ | 19+ |
* Experience determines step placement from 05-06 to 06-07.
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 26,000 | 27,000 | 27,500 |
2 | 26,850 | 27,700 | 28,200 |
3 | 28,650 | 28,550 | 29,200 |
4 | 30,425 | 30,000 | 30,350 |
5 | 31,000 | 32,175 | 32,000 |
6 | 31,775 | 32,875 | 34,075 |
7 | 32,500 | 33,675 | 34,900 |
8 | 33,700 | 34,700 | 35,700 |
9 | 34,900 | 35,850 | 36,800 |
10 | 41,160 | 37,100 | 38,050 |
11 | 41,900 | 42,600 | 39,500 |
12 | 42,800 | 43,000 | 44,100 |
 |  |  |  |
OFF-GUIDE | 53,700 | 54,925 | 56,200 |
Custodians who have completed 20 years of service in the District will be paid an additional $500 over and above their step on the salary guide.
STEP | 2004-2005 | STEP | 2005-2006 | STEP | 2006-2007 |
1 | 10.75 | 1-2 | 11.25 | 1 | 11.75 |
2 | 11.00 |  |  | 2-3 | 12.00 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
3 | 11.45 | 3 | 11.60 |  |  |
4 | 11.90 | 4 | 12.20 | 4 | 12.20 |
5 | 12.60 | 5 | 12.90 | 5 | 13.00 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
6 | 13.50 | 6 | 13.60 | 6 | 13.90 |
7 | 14.50 | 7 | 14.40 | 7 | 14.85 |
8 | 14.75 | 8 | 15.20 | 8 | 15.80 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
OG 1 | 17.85 |  | 18.80 |  | 19.25 |
OG 2 | 18.35 |  |  |  |  |
STEP | 2004-2005 | STEP | 2005-2006 | STEP | 2006-2007 |
1 | 11.60 | 1-2 | 12.25 | 1-3 | 13.00 |
2 | 12.00 | 3 | 12.62 | 4 | 13.27 |
3 | 12.60 | 4 | 13.20 | 5 | 13.90 |
4 | 13.20 | 5 | 13.85 | 6 | 14.55 |
5 | 13.95 | 6 | 14.60 | 7 | 15.55 |
6 | 14.35 | 7 | 15.10 | 8 | 15.90 |
7 | 14.86 | 8 | 15.68 | 9 | 16.60 |
8 | 15.25 | 9 | 16.15 |  |  |
9 | 15.70 |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
02-03 | 03-04 | 04-05 | 05-06 | 06-07 |
 |  |  |  | 1 |
 |  | 1 | 1-2 | 2-3 |
6 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
7 | 9 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
8 | 9 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
9 | 10 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
10 | 11 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
11 | 12 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
12 | 13-4 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
13 | 13-14 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
14 | 15 | 7 | 8 | 8 |
15 | 16 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
16 | 17 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
17 | 17 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
OG1 | OG1 | OG1 | OG1 | OG1 |
OG2 | OG2 | OG2 | OG1 | OG1 |
OG3 | OG3 | OG2 | OG1 | OG1 |
02-03 | 03-04 | 04-05 | 05-06 | 06-07 |
A | D | 1 | 1-2 | 1-3 |
B | D | 1 | 1-2 | 1-3 |
C | D | 1 | 1-2 | 1-3 |
D | E | 2 | 3 | 4 |
E | F-G | 2 | 4 | 5 |
F | F-G | 2 | 4 | 5 |
G | H | 3 | 4 | 5 |
H | I | 4 | 5 | 6 |
I | J | 5 | 6 | 7 |
J | K | 6 | 7 | 8 |
K | L | 7 | 8 | 9 |
L | M | 8 | 9 | 9 |
M | N | 9 | 9 | 9 |
N | O | 9 | 9 | 9 |
O | O | 9 | 9 | 9 |
P | O | 9 | 9 | 9 |
 | 2002-2003 | 2003-2004 | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2006 |
Experience | Head |  |  |  |  |
1-2 | 1866 | 1952 | 2045 | 2143 | 2247 |
3-4 | 2450 | 2563 | 2684 | 2813 | 2950 |
5+ | 3033 | 3173 | 3323 | 3483 | 3652 |
 | Assistant |  |  |  |  |
1-2 | 1516 | 1586 | 1661 | 1741 | 1825 |
3-4 | 2100 | 2197 | 2301 | 2411 | 2528 |
5+ | 2566 | 2684 | 2812 | 2948 | 3089 |
 | 2002-2003 | 2003-2004 | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2006 |
Experience | Head |  |  |  |  |
1-2 | 2450 | 2563 | 2684 | 2813 | 2950 |
3-4 | 3033 | 3173 | 3323 | 3483 | 3652 |
5+ | 3616 | 3782 | 3962 | 4152 | 4354 |
 | Assistant |  |  |  |  |
1-2 | 2100 | 2197 | 2301 | 2411 | 2528 |
3-4 | 2683 | 2806 | 2940 | 3081 | 3230 |
5+ | 3267 | 3417 | 3580 | 3751 | 3933 |
Fall/Spring Sports include field hockey, soccer, softball and baseball.
Winter Sports include cheerleading, wrestling, boys and girls basketball.
Shared Title: When two coaches share a title the salaries for the head and assistant coaches shall be added together and divided evenly between the coaches based on the experience level of each coach.
Shared Assignment: When two coaches share the coaching responsibility evenly, the head coach salary shall be shared evenly based on the experience level of each coach. |