JULY 1, 2008 – JUNE 30, 2011
THIS AGREEMENT entered into this May 2, 2008 by and between the Board of Education, the Borough of Kinnelon, State of New Jersey, hereinafter called the “Board” and the Kinnelon Education Association, Incorporated, hereinafter called the “Association”.
WHEREAS, the Board and the Association are mandated to enter into an Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employees’ employment pursuant to chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974.
- Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:13A-1 et seq., the Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative for collective negotiation concerning the terms and conditions of employment for all: classroom teachers, computer coordinators, substance awareness coordinators, librarians, nurses, child study team members, guidance counselors, lead teachers, athletic trainer, teachers employed under a replacement contract, all administrative assistants employed at Kinnelon High School, Pearl R. Miller School, Stonybrook School, Kiel School and Special Services, and also the bookkeeper and transportation administrative assistant employed in the Business Office, custodians, drivers and maintenance employees, working twenty (20) or more hours per week, including those on leave, employed by the board, but excluding central office personnel, director of special services, principals, vice principals, director of athletics, coordinators not listed above, department supervisors, substitute teachers, non-certified personnel, administrative assistants, and all others not specifically included above.
- Unless otherwise indicated the term employees (teachers, administrative assistants, or custodians, drivers and maintenance employees) when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as defined in Article 1, Section A.
The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor agreement in good faith effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of employees’ employment in accordance with the following procedure:
- The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor Agreement with the provisions of Chapter 123, Public Laws 1974.
- The Board and the Association shall meet at reasonable times and negotiate in good faith. Reasonable, relevant data requested by either party shall be supplied by the proper official upon seven (7) days notice.
- The parties agree that their representatives will be given the power to negotiate a tentative Agreement pending ratification by the majority of the Board and the Association.
- Should a mutually acceptable amendment to this Agreement be negotiated by the parties, it shall be reduced to writing and signed by said parties and become incorporated as part of this Agreement.
- Only joint or agreed upon press releases regarding negotiations will be made.
- The time of the next meeting and the agenda will be set at the end of each meeting.
- Where necessary and possible, there may be two-way communication between meetings.
- At the conclusion of each negotiating meeting, tentative agreements will be reduced to writing and signed by both parties.
I. This agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
A. Definitions
1. A “Grievance” is a complaint based upon an event or condition which adversely affects the terms and conditions of employment of an employee or group of employees who is/are adversely affected by the interpretations, meaning or application of any of the provisions of this Agreement and/or the established procedure, board policy, or administrative practice relating to all terms or conditions of employment.
2. An “aggrieved person” is the person or persons making the claim.
3. A “party of interest” is the person or persons making the claim and any person who might be required to take action or against whom action might be taken in order to resolve the claim, including the Board of Education.
4. The Term “grievance” shall not apply to any matter which the Board of Education is prohibited by statute or case law to act, or a complaint of a non-tenure teacher
which arises by reason of his not being re-employed or a complaint by any certified personnel occasioned by appointment to or lack of appointment to, retention in or lack of retention in any position for which tenure is not possible or not required.
5. A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated by the aggrieved person or Association within twenty-one (21) days from the time of its occurrence.
6. For the purposes of this procedure, all “days” shall be interpreted as “calendar days”.
B. Introduction to Procedure
Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure. Any employee having a grievance may discuss the matter informally with any appropriate member of the administration and have the grievance adjusted without intervention of the Association, provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. The association will be given the opportunity to state its views should the employee involved so desire.
C. Procedure
1. Step One
a. An employee with a grievance shall first discuss it with his immediate supervisor and/or principal, either directly or through the Association’s designated Representative, with the objective of resolving the matter informally.
b. If the matter is not resolved informally within ten (10) days, the employee shall present his complaint in writing to his immediate supervisor or building principal, whichever is applicable, on the sample form attached hereto as Appendix A.
2. Step Two
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of this grievance at Step One, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) days after presentation of the grievance, he may file the grievance in writing with the Association. The Association or the aggrieved person may then refer the grievance within ten (10) days to the Superintendent of Schools.
3. Step Three
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step Two, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) days after the grievance was delivered to the superintendent, said aggrieved person may appeal within ten (10) days to the Board or committee of the board by submitting to the Board Secretary a request in writing that the Board hear the matter at the earliest opportunity. The President of the Board shall schedule a review of an appeal at the executive session or special meeting with the proviso that the review be made no later than thirty (30) days after the date of receipt of the written request.
4. Step Four
a. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his grievance at Step Three, or, if no decision has been rendered within fourteen (14) days after it has been reviewed, if such grievance is supported by the Association, then the association shall submit such grievance to the Public Employees Relations Commission. The parties shall then be bound by the rules of the Public Employees Relations Commission.
b. The arbitrator shall have no authority or power to add to, delete, disregard or modify any provisions of this agreement.
c. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parties.
d. The cost for the services of the arbitrator, including per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, subsistence expenses, if any, shall be borne by the side which loses the grievance as determined by the arbitrator.
D. Rights to Representation
Any party of interest may be represented to all stages of the grievance procedure by himself, or at his option, by a representative selected or approved by the Association. When an employee is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present and to state its views at all stages of the grievance procedure. The Board may be represented by an attorney-at-law and any other representative of its own choosing.
E Miscellaneous
1. If, in the judgement of the Association, a grievance affects a group or class of employees in more than one building, the Association may submit such grievance in writing to the superintendent directly and the processing of such grievance shall be commenced at Step Two. When a grievance affects a group or class of employees in one building the Association may submit the grievance in writing to the Principal in accordance with Step One, subsection b.
2. Decisions rendered at Step One which are unsatisfactory to the aggrieved person and all decisions rendered at Step Two and Three of the grievance procedure shall be in writing. Such decisions shall set forth the decision and the reason therefore and shall be transmitted promptly to all parties in interest and to the Association.
3. All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed in a separate grievance file and shall not be kept in the personnel file of the participants.
4. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives, heretofore referred to in this Article.
5. In the event a grievance is filed late in the school year, the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
6. Nothing herein contained shall preclude the Board of Education from refusing to discuss any alleged grievance submitted by any aggrieved person who has not first obtained the approval or representation of the Association in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act (Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974)
7. If at any step of the grievance procedure, the aggrieved person or Association fails to follow-up the grievance to the next step within fourteen (14) days the grievance becomes null and void.
A. Any member of the KEA who retires and qualifies for pension benefits in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey Teachers Pension and Annuity Fund (service or disability retirement) will be eligible to convert accumulated sick leave days to severance benefit.
B. A teacher or administrative assistant must have completed a minimum of ten (10) years as an employee in the district. Custodians shall receive this benefit whenever they retire under the terms of PERS or TPAF pension fund.
C. The amount of severance benefits will be determined by multiplying the number of accumulated sick leave days: for teachers by $82, for administrative assistants by $44, and for custodians $34. Severance pay shall be capped at $6500 for all custodians/maintenance and administrative assistants hired after September 9, 1999 and $8500 for all teachers hired after September 9, 1999.
D. The payment will be made in a lump sum, as described in paragraphs above, on or about July 1st or January 1st, at the employee’s option, following retirement for those employees giving the Board six (6) months notification except in case of emergency when the notice requirements will be waived.
E. Any KEA Member with ten (10) or more years of service whose employment is terminated as a result of a reduction in force shall be eligible for the above benefits.
F. Any KEA Member with twenty-five (25) of more years of pensionable service, who files for early retirement, will be eligible for the above benefits.
G. Severance pay in accordance with the formula will be paid to the estate of an employee who dies while employed in the district.
- The Board of Education shall notify the Association of its intent to subcontract any custodial/maintenance or administrative assistant position not later than 120 days prior to implementation of the service. The Association may request that the Board open negotiations during the 120 day period.
- Any custodian or maintenance employee with a minimum of five (5) complete years of service, whose employment is terminated as a result of a Reduction in Force, shall be eligible for severance benefits. In the event of a reduction-in-force, employees shall be released in reverse order of their seniority as board employees. Seniority shall be defined as total employment time in the District.
- All employees employed by the Board for ten (10) months shall have ten (10) sick days each year and a twelve (12) month employee shall have twelve (12) sick days each year. Such sick leave includes the first scheduled work day of said year whether or not the employee reports for duty on that date. Employees employed for less than a full time contract, shall receive one (1) day of sick leave for each month of employment. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit. The Board reserves the right to verify any illness. All custodial/maintenance/driver staff must call the substitute answering service and their immediate supervisor prior to the starting of their shift with any absence.
- Non-cumulative sick leave benefits shall be allowed to individual employees on request at the discretion of the Board.
- Employees shall be entitled to the following temporary non-accumulative leaves of absence with full pay for each school year.
1. Three (3) personal days for teachers, administrative assistants and custodians.
a. These days will be granted without reason except that three (3) days notice will be given for days used on Monday or Friday, and/or the day before or day after a holiday. Should an emergency arise the three (3) days’ advance notice shall be waived. Approval of personal days to extend a holiday/vacation period shall be at the sole discretion of the Superintendent.
b. Unused personal days will accumulate as sick leave days for possible use as sick leave days in future years, or for possible conversion at retirement.
c. Additional days may be granted with reason by the Superintendent and/or the Board of Education.
2. Ten (10) additional days for family illness, death in the family, or paternal leave. Family is defined as: mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, wife, civil union. Up to two (2) days in this section may be used in the event of death of the following family members: mother/father/brother/sister-in-law and grandparents. Up to ten (10) days in this subsection may be used in the event of a death of a grandchild. Employees who do not utilize days under this subsection during any school year will be credited with one (1) additional day of sick leave. The Superintendent shall be the final authority in determining the nature of the family relationship. The Superintendent’s determination of family relationship shall not be grievable.
- The Superintendent reserves the right to have the use of these days verified.
- Leaves of absence with pay in case of emergency may be granted by the Business Administrator.
- If an employee exceeds any category of the ARTICLE, said employee will be informed of the excess, prior to any deduction from his/her pay by the business office.
- Leaves without pay for employees may be granted for a period of up to five (5) consecutive days during the school year. Requests must be made ten (10) working days in advance and have prior approval of the building administrator and Superintendent. Upon recommendation of the Superintendent other leaves of absence without pay for employees, may be granted, by the Board. Requests must be made ten (10) working days in advance and have prior approval of the building administrator and Superintendent.
- The Board agrees that a leave of absence without pay for up to two (2) years may be granted to any tenured teacher who joins the Peace Corps, VISTA, National Teacher Corps, or serves as an exchange teacher or overseas teacher, and is a full-time participant in either of such programs, or accepts a Fulbright Scholarship.
- A tenured teacher may be granted a leave of absence without pay for up to one (1) year to teach in an accredited college or university.
- An employee with three (3) or more years of continuous years of service shall be granted a leave of absence without pay of up to one (1) year for the purpose of caring for a sick member of the employee’s immediate family. Additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Board. This time shall run concurrent with any time an employee may be eligible for under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act and/or the NJ Family Leave Act.
- 1. Any employee seeking to use sick leave for reasons associated with pregnancy shall file a written request for such leave with the Superintendent at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date on which the leave is to commence. The request shall also specify the date on which the employee proposes to terminate the sick leave.
2. Upon request, all employees shall be granted a leave of absence without pay for childbearing or adoption of pre-school age children. Child rearing leave will commence immediately following either birth, disability leave, or adoption and continue for the remainder of the school year. Upon request by employees with three (3) or more years of continuous service, an additional child rearing leave will be granted for one (1) or two (2) full work years for employees hired on or before January 1, 2003 and one (1) full work year for employees hired after January 1, 2003 after the first birth, disability leave, or adoption while in the employ of the district. Employees with more than three (3) continuous years of service, may request, and shall have granted, an additional child rearing leave of one year for each subsequent birth or adoption. Notice of intent to return shall be given to the Board by March 1 of the preceding school year or in the case of twelve (12) month employees, notice of intent to return shall be given to the Board three (3) months in advance.
3. Any employee who is on an approved child-rearing leave of absence may have the opportunity to return to work within the district prior to the conclusion of his/her leave in the following capacities:
a. substitute employee
b. classroom aide
c. in-service instructor
d. stipend positions in schedule D and E of this contract
e. curriculum work
f. other positions approved by the Superintendent
All of the above will be compensated at the established rates.
E. 1. Upon return from leave granted pursuant to Section A or B of the article, an employee may be considered as if he/she were actively employed by the Board during the leave and shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level he/she would have achieved if he/she had not been absent, provided, however, that time spent on said leaves shall not count toward the fulfillment of the time requirements for acquiring tenure. An employee may receive increment credit for time spent on a leave granted pursuant to section C and D of the article.
- All benefits to which an employee was entitled at the time his/her leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave and credits, where applicable, toward sabbatical eligibility (teachers only), shall be restored to him/her upon his/her return, and he/she shall be assigned to the same position which he/she held at the time said leave commenced, if available, or, if not, to a substantially equivalent position.
F. All requests for leaves and approvals for extensions or renewals of leaves shall be in writing and answerable within thirty (30) days of application.
G. Upon recommendation of the Superintendent other leaves of absence without pay may be granted to tenured employees by the Board. The leave of absence shall begin September 1 and terminate on August 31. When there is/are (an) applicant(s) (or change to “When there are one or more applicants”) for leave under this section at least one leave per year shall be granted. Employees granted a leave of absence under this section will not be eligible for a leave under this section in succeeding years with the exception of teachers elected to a political or NJEA office. Employees granted a leave of absence under this section will be required to give the Superintendent written notice of intention to return or not to return to the district not later than April 30 preceding the expiration of the leave. Applications for leave under this section must be submitted to the Superintendent prior to March 30.
H. Employees granted a leave of absence under any Section of this Article will not be eligible for economic contractual benefits paid for by the Board except for those benefits that may be mandated by law.
- The Board of Education recognizes that professional upgrading and improvement are important in maintaining a sound education program within the District. To facilitate this activity and recognize service and promise to the educational program, the following provisions are made to implement a sabbatical leave policy.
B. The professional staff members may apply for a full year’s leave of absence for institutional study at seventy-five (75%) percent of the salary for the year in which the grant is applied for and fifty (50%) percent for other studies, and will not accept gainful employment without prior approval of the Board of Education.
C. Professional members who have rendered seven (7) years of service to the District prior to the time of the requested leave of absence shall be eligible for the sabbatical leave consideration.
D The sabbatical period will be used for education as outlined in detail by the applicant.
E. 1. All requests for sabbatical leave will be submitted to the Superintendent. A joint committee of the Association and the Board shall evaluate and review the applications for sabbatical leave and may recommend candidate (s) for selection after the interview to the Board of Education. This committee shall be composed of three (3) representatives selected by the Superintendent, including the Superintendent who shall chair the committee, and three representatives of the Association appointed by the president.
- Final selection of the recipient (s) of sabbatical leave is the responsibility of the Board of Education.
- The Board may determine, in any given year, that no leave shall be granted if they deem that no candidate or a program of the candidates qualify.
F. While the teacher is on sabbatical, the Board will grant and retain coverage in salary adjustments, hospitalization program, pension funds, and other welfare programs accrued by the individual staff member during the leave period.
G. The grantee will sign a legally binding commitment to return to the school district for a two-year period of service, to be secured by a promissory note for the amount of money to be advanced, unless mutually released from such an agreement, and reimbursement for the sabbatical salary is realized by the Board of Education.
H. Upon the return from sabbatical leave, the teacher will be expected to file a complete report within thirty (30) calendar days of the year’s activities and how his experience is to be utilized to benefit the Kinnelon Public School System.
The Board shall provide the full New Jersey Public School Employees Health Benefits Plan, Rider J and Major Medical or an equal or better plan.
The current “Direct Access Plan” shall remain as is.
The current “Traditional Plan” shall be changed to “Traditional Equivalent Plan” which will provide:
80/20 co-pay when out of network (same as current traditional plan)
$20 co-pay on doctor visits (currently must satisfy $100 deductible then 20% of doctor visits co-pay. Example: $100 doctor visit would cost $20 providing the $100 deductible has already been satisfied.)
Everything else same as Direct Access, including prescription at 90% reimbursement.
Those in Direct Access remain in Direct Access.
3. Effective July 1, 2010, all employees shall be in the “Direct Access Plan”.
The Board shall provide dental insurance benefits. The plan effective July 1, 1983 will be the New Jersey Dental Service Plan, Program #1 as outlined or an equal to or better plan.
The Board shall provide to each employee a description of the health-care insurance coverage provided under this ARTICLE which shall include a clear description of the procedures for obtaining coverage and conditions and limits of coverage listed above.
All new personnel will be placed under the health benefits plan in September of each year, if they are employed on or before September 1, or when accepted for coverage under the plan. A new employee employed after September 1, shall be placed under coverage beginning the first day of the month following the signing of his/her contract or when accepted for coverage under this plan. All employees shall be eligible to enroll in the Direct Access Program provided by the Board for their first three years of employment with the Board. In the event any employee is willing to pay the difference between the Direct Access Program and the traditional equivalent indemnity plan, the employee shall be entitled to receive the traditional equivalent indemnity plan offered by the Board.
The Board shall provide an incentive program for employees opting not to receive health benefits. The following schedule shall apply to employees opting not to participate:
Single $1,000
Married employee $2,500
Married employee opting single coverage $1,000
Eligible for family coverage waiving all coverage $3,000
Eligible for family coverage taking single coverage $1,000
Parent/child eligible waiving all coverage $1,000
Parent/child taking single coverage $500
Employees can opt to enter the program or leave the program during the open enrollment period, unless a qualifying event occurs which necessitates that the employee be permitted to enter the program, i.e. death of a spouse, loss of coverage from a spouse, divorce.
Payment for those employees opting to participate in the program shall be made in December and June on a pro rata basis for those periods of time an employee is entitled to health benefits.
The Board shall establish a Section 125 Plan.
Teachers on an unpaid leave of absence will not benefit from the provisions of the ARTICLE.
All employees hired before September 1, 2003 working more than twenty (20 hours) or more per week shall be eligible for the provisions of the article. Employees hired after September 1, 2003 working twenty-five (25) or more hours per week shall be eligible for the provisions of this article.
1. The Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of its employees, dues for the Kinnelon Education Association, the Morris County Education Association, the New Jersey Education Association, and the National Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize the Board to deduct. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 233 N.J. Public Laws of 1969 (NJSA 52:14-15.9e) and under rules established by the State Department of Education said monies together with current records of any corrections shall be transmitted to the Association by the 15th of each month following the monthly pay period in which deductions were made. The person designated shall disburse such monies to the appropriate Association or Associations.
2. The Associations shall certify to the Board by August 15th, in writing, the current rate of its membership dues.
3. Additional authorizations for dues deduction may be received after August 1 under rules established by the State Department of Education.
4. The filing of notice of employee’s withdrawal shall be made prior to January 1 and July 1.
B. Representation Fees
1. Purpose of Fee
If an employee filling a position represented by the Association during any membership year (i.e., from Sept 1 to the following August 31) which is covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the employee’s per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative.
2. Amount of Fee/Notification
Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board in writing the amount of the national, state, county and local membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the Association to its own members for that membership year. The representation fee to be paid by non-members will be determined by the Association in accordance with the law.
3. Deduction and Transmission of Fees
a. Notification
On or about the 15th of September of each year the Board will submit to the Association, a list of all employees in the bargaining unit. On or about December 1 of each year the Association shall notify the Board of those employees who are required to pay the representation fee.
b. Payroll Deduction Schedule
The Board will deduct the representation fee in equal installments from the paycheck of each non-member in the full amount of the yearly representation fee during the duration of the non-member’s term of employment. The deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid ten (10) days after the receipt of the aforesaid list by the Board. In lieu of payroll deductions the employee shall have the option to pay the full amount due directly to the Association.
c. Termination of Employment
If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his or her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said employee during the membership year in question.
d. Mechanics
Except as otherwise provided in this article, the mechanics for transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
e. Changes
The Association will notify the Board in writing of any changes in the list provided in paragraph 1 above and/or the amount of representation fee, and such changes will be reflected in any deductions made more than ten (10) days after the Board received said notice.
f. New Employees
On or about the last day of each month, beginning with the month this agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the Association, a list of all employees who began their employment in a bargaining unit position during the proceeding thirty (30) day period. The list will include names, social security numbers, job titles, dates of employment and places of assignment for all such employees. The Board will also notify the Association of any changes in status of an employee regarding transfer, leave of absence, return from leave, retirement, resignation, separation from employment or death.
4. Indemnification and Save Harmless Provision
a. Liability
The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any liability which may arise by reason of any action taken by the Board in complying with the provision of this Article, provided that:
1. the Board gives the Association timely notice in writing of any claim, demand, suit or other form of liability in regard to which it will seek to implement this paragraph: and
2. if the Association so requests in writing, the Board will surrender to it full responsibility for the defense of such claim, demand, suit or other form of liability and will cooperate fully with the Association in gathering evidence, securing witnesses and in all other aspects of said defense.
b. Exception
It is expressly understood that paragraph 1 above, will not apply to any claim, demand, suit or other form of liability which may arise as a result of any type of willful misconduct by the Board or the Board’s imperfect execution of the obligations imposed upon it by this Article.
- The salaries and stipends shall be as set forth in Schedules “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” “E” which are attached hereto and made a part hereof.
B. Placement on Schedule “A” will be determined by earned degrees, advanced graduate credits and teaching experience or related work experience as it applies to the teaching assignment. The determination of placement will be the responsibility of the Superintendent of Schools.PLACEMENT DEFINITIONS
- B.A. degree is an earned degree granted for four years of undergraduate work from an accredited institution.
- B.A. + 15 indicates that a B.A. degree and an additional 15 graduate credits have been earned from an accredited institution.
- B.A. + 30 indicates that a B.A. degree and an additional 30 graduate credits have been earned from an accredited institution.
- M.A. degree is an earned degree from an accredited institution.
- M.A. + 15 indicates that a M.A. degree and an additional 15 graduate credits have been earned from an accredited institution.
- M.A. + 30 indicates that a M.A. degree and an additional 30 graduate credits have been earned from an accredited institution.
- M.A. + 45 indicates that a M.A. degree and an additional 45 graduate credits have been earned from an accredited institution.
- M.A. + 60 indicates that a M.A. degree and an additional 60 graduate credits have been earned from an accredited institution.
- A Doctoral degree from an accredited institution, as recognized by the New Jersey State Department of Education or other approved national associations of colleges and universities, will be recognized for $2000 over their current step.
- All advanced degrees above the Masters degree, i.e., educational specialist, special diploma, etc., which are recognized by accredited colleges and universities and recognized by the New Jersey State Department of Education for certification shall be paid $700 above the present step on the guide, provided the teacher earned the degree prior to June 30, 1985.
- Child Study Team members, Guidance Counselors and SAC personnel also identified in Article XII A. 11. a. & b. will be compensated .1 base salary (BA Step 1) in addition to their appropriate compensation on Schedule A.
C. All teachers hired after September 1, 1996 must be enrolled in an MA program in order to get credit for BA+15 or BA+30 and must have an MA before earning credit toward MA+15, MA+30, MA+45 or MA+60. The exception involves courses required by the Board. The 1993-1996 language shall continue for current employees.
D. Undergraduate courses may be applied to the salary guide schedule for advancement above the B.A. if approved by the Superintendent
E. 1. Graduate credits which are approved by the Superintendent, which are not part of a degree program may be applied to the beyond status, when the advanced degree has been completed. This does not include any courses taken for graduate credit during the pursuit of a degree which are part of a planned program regardless of the number of credits needed to complete the degree.
2. If specific courses are required by the Superintendent for those teachers at M.A. +60 or beyond then $100 per credit will be added to the base pay. Written notification will be provided by the Superintendent to any teacher required to take a specific course.
F. Placement on schedule “D” will be determined by the work experience of the individual appointed annually by the Board as recommended by the Superintendent.
G. Placement on Schedule “E” will be determined by the individual appointed annually by the Board as recommended by the Superintendent.
H. Service credit for teachers will be given after 12 years of service in the district (which is the beginning of the 13th year) for those hired after September 9, 1999; for the administrative assistants after 6 years of service in the district (which is the beginning of the 7th year) and for the custodians after 12 years of service to the district (which is the beginning of the 13th year). The following monetary figures are stipulated for the appropriate year of this agreement:
Yrs. Service Kinnelon 2008-11
31+ $8000
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS AND CUSTODIANS, MAINTENANCE, DRIVERS Yrs. Service Kinnelon 2008-11Administrative Assistants 7-8 $ 450
9-11 $ 750
12-14 $1000
15-20 $1250
21-25 $1500
26+ $1750
Custodians, Maintenance, Drivers
13-14 $ 750
15 $ 850
25 $2750
Longevity shall be added to base pay for pension purposes. For determining a year the employee must be employed for six (6) months.
I. Teachers providing home instruction will be paid at the rate of .001 of base salary (BA step 1), and reimbursed for all mileage associated with the assignment when such assignment is outside the district.
J. A non-certified teacher will receive no salary credits or lateral advancement on the salary guide while taking certification courses.
K. 1. Teachers shall be paid .001 of the base salary (BA Step 1) per period when filling in for an absent colleague.
2. No teacher shall be permitted to leave early unless approved by the building principal or designee and arrangements are made by such teacher to have his/her classes covered without charge to the board. Teachers who leave early and are in attendance for a minimum of 3 ¼ hours will be charged for a ½ day.
3. Teachers shall not be compensated for the first two (2) class coverages of each year. Subsequent class coverage shall be paid to high school teachers who are assigned more than 18 assignments within a 24 block rotation. Teachers with less than 18 assignments within a 24 block rotation may be assigned class coverage without additional compensation. For teachers who require coverage due to additional district responsibilities, coverage will be the responsibility of the administration and such coverage will follow the reimbursement guidelines outlined in Article XI, K (1).
4. The following assignments are an integral part of the workday and will be pensionable:
Every effort will be made to avoid any high school teacher being assigned more than 15 teaching blocks within a 24 block rotation. In the event that more than 15 blocks are assigned the staff member will receive a maximum stipend (on a pro-rated basis for the school year) of $4200 in the 2008-09 school year, $4400 in the 2009-10 school year and $4500 in the 2010-11 school year. A sixth class is defined as having additional blocks of instructional contact time beyond the fifteen expected blocks within the four day rotation of twenty-four blocks. Instruction time beyond 15 blocks may include but is not limited to AP science labs, AM Physics and Calculus, multiple curricula during a single block or a sixth class. Every effort, whenever possible, will be made to limit the number of class preparations by having teachers teach multiple sessions of the same subject and grade level.
The position of Lead Teacher shall receive additional compensation in the amount of $3700 in the 2008-09 school year, $3900 in the 2009-10 school year, and $4000 in the 2010-11 school year.
The position of Team Facilitator shall receive additional compensation in the amount of $2363 in the 2008-09 school year, $2563 in the 2009-10 school year and $2663 in the 2010-11 school year.
5. Every effort will be made at P.R.M. School to release teachers with 6 teaching assignments from additional duties. If a duty needs to be assigned the first choice will be a bus or hall duty. If homerooms need to be assigned, it will be done on a rotating basis.
1. All certified staff members shall be paid 1/200 of their annual salary for each day they
are required to work in addition to the work days specified in the in-school work year
specified in ARTICLE XII.
2. Curriculum Committee work shall be paid at a rate of .001 of BA Step 1 per hour.
M. When the administration directs a part time teacher to be present beyond the teachers regularly scheduled work day for the purpose of attending faculty or professional meetings the teacher shall be paid for the time between the start/end of his/her day and the start/end of the meeting. The hourly pay rate shall be determined as follows:
Annual full-time salary = Daily Rate
Daily Rate = Hourly Rate
7.5 hrs. Or 7.16hrs.Or 6.83hrs Or 6.66 hrs.
N. All duties, travel time, preparation time and duty free lunch will be included in determining the in-school work day for part-time teachers.
O. Part-time teachers will be entitled to a preparation period after every third class.
P. Co-Curricular positions shall be posted. If no one applies the Board shall appoint an employee to fill the position. In the event no one applies for the position, in the next school year the position shall be rotated to another staff member.
- The Board shall provide for direct deposit of paychecks. The bank selected by the employee must participate in the electronic transfer system.
- The Board shall have the right to increase the Athletic Trainer salary upon notification to the Kinnelon Education Association.
- Anyone serving on the Pupil Assistance Committee (PAC) outside of the normal school day will be paid at a rate of .001 of BA Step 1 per hour.
A. TEACHERS 1. The Superintendent shall recommend a calendar for the school year to the Board for finalization after evaluation of the Association’s recommendations through a joint meeting of the Superintendent and the Association.
2. The teacher work year, whenever possible, shall not include the week referred to as "Presidents’ Week” of each year. The work year for teachers employed on a ten month basis shall be 184 days including:
One (1) Orientation Day. Such Orientation Day will occur on or after September 1st but before the opening of school for students
Three (3) In-Service days during the school year with one day reserved for a combination of close-out/professional development activities, beginning with the 2006-07 school year.
c. Additional Calendar days scheduled for inclement weather and emergencies shall be deducted from the total teaching days before the end of the school year.
3. New teachers may be required to attend an additional day prior to opening school
4. There will be three (3) single session days scheduled at Kiel and Stonybrook Schools for parent/teacher conferences. (Grades Pre K thru Grade 5 – regardless of location) Two (2) conference sessions will be in the afternoon and one session in the evening. Teachers will not be required to conduct evening conferences for more than two (2) hours. Teachers will be required to attend all conference sessions to the extent required by appointments. Teachers who do not have any appointments during a conference session will be excused by the Principal prior to the conference session. In addition, when all employee’s appointments are finished, the employee is entitled to leave.
5. There will be two (2) single session days for in-service training at Pearl R. Miller School.
6. a. There will be up to three (3) single session days in the high school for mid-year exams; teachers shall be permitted to leave fifteen minutes after the students.
b. During mid-term examination days, High School teachers with alternate building teaching assignments shall be responsible for all their alternate building teaching assignments with the following exceptions:
1. The day on which their own exam is given, coverage will be provided for their alternate building teaching assignment.
2. For all other examination days, they shall be relieved of all proctoring responsibilities at the high school.
7. Secondary school personnel (Grade 6-12) will give 2 hours one evening for the purpose of parent/community communication/liaison to be determined at each site.
8. The district wide calendar will include a single session day on the day before Thanksgiving and December vacation.
9. Faculty and/or special meetings shall be called at the discretion of the building principal and the meetings are not to exceed one (1) hour in length beyond the school day. Faculty and/or special meetings shall be limited to no more than five (5) meetings per month except in an emergency situation.
At Pearl R. Miller school two (2) faculty meetings per month will be held on a Monday. These meetings are not to exceed one (1) hour in length beyond the school day. The building principal shall have the right to call a 3rd meeting each month, if necessary. Grade 6, 7, and 8 morning team planning meetings shall be eliminated.
In grade 6, 7, and 8 there shall be two (2) common planning periods per week for team planning to be attended by the appropriate certificated staff. Attendance shall be mandatory. The teams shall determine which day their teams shall meet.
10. Classroom teachers at the High School and Middle School shall be required to remain beyond the regular in-school work day to provide extra help for students. Required extra help days shall be scheduled by the teachers on a semester basis and shall occur on the same day of the week for that teacher. Required extra help days shall be limited to one per week and shall terminate prior to the departure of the first late bus of the particular school. If there are no students present for the extra help the teacher shall be permitted to leave at the regular departure time.
11. a. The in-school work day for teachers shall not exceed the following lengths except as specified in this Article.
1. High School 430 minutes
2. Middle School 410 minutes
- 3. Elementary Schools 400 minutes
4. Psychologists, Social Workers,
LDTCs, Guidance counselors, and SAC’s 450 minutes
5. Orientation and In service days will not exceed five (5) hours in length and will begin no earlier than 8:30 AM nor run later than 3:00 PM.
b. Child study team members identified in Article XI B.11 above, Guidance and SAC personnel will work a 7.5 hour day. Their stipends will be equal and their day will include a ½ hour duty free lunch. Specific time requirements for that day will be determined by the building principal and/or program supervisor in consultation with the staff member(s).
The work day for teachers shall be distributed annually and included with this contract as an attached “Addendum A”. Effective the 2008-09 school year, twelve (12) additional minutes of instructional time was added to the High School work day and ten (10) additional minutes of instructional time was added to Pearl R. Miller work day. It is understood the times referenced in Addendum A may change but the overall number of instructional minutes will remain the same.
If dismissal time can not be accommodated by the existing schedule, a $900 annual dismissal duty stipend, prorated portion thereof if performed for less than a full year, shall be paid for an average of ten (10) minutes per day.
12. a. Any teacher employed in the district who has mutually agreed with the BOE to offer Board approved course(s) of instruction to the district’s students outside of the traditional full day teaching schedule of their building can have their report time alter to fit the needs of the agreed upon instructional situation. Music and/or speech teachers may be assigned a flex schedule which begins 30 minutes or less before the regular teacher day. A flex schedule must be contiguous.
b. At the time when the above mentioned flex-time schedule is determined, an agreement will also be made concerning attendance at administrator or Board directed meetings or workshops.
c. Article XI, section M of the KEA-BOE contract can be used as a possible solution to the pre/post schedule required meeting.
d. The total time allotted in the flex-time schedule will not extend beyond the contractually agreed total building time.
13. Multiple Building Assignments
a. Prior to initiating the assignment the principals from both buildings and the teacher must be involved in a mutual meeting to evaluate the situation and develop a class schedule.
b. Travel time must be considered and the teacher shall be provided with “adequate” time to enable him/her to arrive ten (10) minutes before the assignment.
c. Any exceptions must be mutually agreed upon by supervisor/teacher involved.
14. Notification of Change of Assignments
a. Every effort shall be made by the building administrator to inform teachers at the elementary level of a grade level change for the next school year by May 30th.
b. Every effort shall be made to inform a teacher of a change in building assignment for the next school year by May 30th. Both primary and secondary supervisors will jointly participate in the conference with the teacher.
c. If a teacher requests further information about a change in assignment, then:
1. A meeting with the building administrator and/or the Superintendent, can be requested by the affected teacher.
2. The affected teacher can have a representative accompany him/her to the requested meeting.
3. The meeting will be scheduled by the administrator within one week of the request.
d. Written administrative procedures will outline the manner in which information about reassignments shall be delivered.
The length of the workday shall be eight (8) hours which includes either a one (1) hour lunch and one (1) fifteen (15) minute morning coffee break, or one (1) forty-five minute lunch and one (1) fifteen (15) minute morning coffee break and one (1) fifteen (15) minute afternoon coffee break. Working hours shall be arranged by the building administrator and shall not exceed the length of the workday which is eight (8) hours. The ten (10) month work year shall run from September 1st to June 30th each year.
Summer hours for administrative assistants will be as follows:
Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Friday 8:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Administrative Assistants shall be granted the same school holidays as listed on the school calendar to be adopted by the Board of Education and whenever possible the work year shall not include “Presidents” Week. This shall include a single session day for Thanksgiving and December vacation (dismissal time is after the last bus returns). Should a member be required to work during a school holiday, the member will be paid at the contracted rate.
Straight time will be paid for school holidays and one and one-half time (1½) for national holidays. National holidays for twelve month contracted members shall include July 4 and Labor Day. Employees shall be paid time and one-half (1½) for weekend work (Saturday and Sunday).
When schools are closed because of inclement weather, it is recognized that essential services must be performed, therefore office personnel shall report to work at 10:00 AM and remain until 3:00 PM unless notified otherwise by the Superintendent or his designee.
Administrative Assistants completing one (1) full year of service shall receive two (2) weeks vacation, three (3) weeks after three (3) years, and four (4) weeks after five (5) years. Administrative Assistants employed for a period of less than one (1) year shall receive one (1) day of vacation for each month employed up to a maximum of ten (10) days.
Vacations for Administrative Assistants working in the Kinnelon High School, Pearl R. Miller School, Stonybrook School, Kiel School, and Special Services will be taken during a consecutive four (4) week period in July or August as determined by the Superintendent. Exceptions to this policy must be made with the approval of the Building Administrator and the Business Administrator. If a holiday, as indicated on the school calendar, occurs during a member’s vacation period, the member shall receive compensatory time. In the event an unscheduled school holiday is declared by the Board of Education or the Superintendent, all office personnel shall be included.
Office personnel may receive professional days upon application to the Business Administrator to attend professional conferences and meetings by submitting programs and other pertinent information along with the application for approval.
When a substitute calling service is temporarily unavailable, Administrative Assistants will be compensated at a rate of time and one half (1 ½) their regular hourly rate for hours worked outside their regular day.
Any work over eight (8) hours per day and/or forty (40) hours per week shall be compensated at the rate of one-and1/2 times of the employees hourly rate; paid leaves of absences and holidays are included in the forty (40) hours. Employees working overtime in excess of six (6) hours in one week will not be granted personal days the following week unless the personal day was scheduled prior to the overtime being scheduled. All work performed on Sundays and the six (6) enumerated holidays set forth in Section 6(B) shall be paid for at two (2) times the regular hourly rate. The remaining eight (8) holidays provided for in Section 6(B) shall be paid for at one and one-half (1 ½) times the regular hourly rate. Overtime shall be offered on a rotating basis among those qualified employees assigned to the work site. If an employee cannot work the first available overtime, his/her name would go to the bottom of the list. In the event no one accepts the overtime assigned, the least senior qualified employee shall work the overtime.
Personnel called in on emergencies and/or for other reasons (excluding building checks) shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours at time and one-half (1 ½) their regular hourly rate except on Sunday or holiday when the rate shall be double (2) commencing upon arrival in the district as documented by time cards.
On snow days when blizzard conditions exist (decided by Business Administrator), employee hours will be from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. This section shall also apply to other emergencies as by the Business Administrator.
Head custodians or an alternate who is approved in advance by the Business Administrator will be responsible for checking the school each day school is unattended from November 1st through March 31st. Building checks will be defined as one (1) hour overtime per building check and shall be paid at time and one half (1½) their regular hourly rate except on Sunday or holiday when the rate shall be double (2) when he/she works over 40 hours per week.
a. Two (2) weeks vacation during July or August after one year of service – one week will be used during July or August. The second week may be taken anytime during the school year. The last week of August will not be available for vacation. (The vacation period shall be approved by the head custodian, building principal and business administrator). For less than one (1) year of service, vacation shall be prorated.
b. After six (6) years of service, an employee will receive three (3) weeks vacation per year and after ten (10) years of service, four (4) weeks. All vacation is subject to the approval of the building principal and business administrator.
c. A ten-month custodian will be entitled to seven (7) days vacation pay.
d. Vacations during school vacation. No more than one custodian per building shall be granted vacation time during the vacation period. In the event more than one request is made, the vacation time shall be granted in order of seniority (rotating in following years according to seniority).
e. Any hourly employee working at least thirty (30) hours per week on a continuous basis will be granted credit for vacation purposes from the date of original employment if the individual is eventually hired on a contract basis.
a. The Board agrees to adopt a calendar prior to July 1st for the next contract year. Holidays listed below will be afforded on the day listed in the school calendar. Should the holidays listed below fall on a Sunday, the following Monday will serve as the holiday (in keeping with the practice prescribed by the State of New Jersey N.J.S.A. 36:1).
All full-time (8 hours per day) twelve (12) month personnel covered by this contract will receive fourteen (14) paid holidays per year. The fourteen (14) paid holidays shall include:
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
The remaining eight (8) holidays will be scheduled by the Board at the time the school calendar is set. These dates will be subject to change in the event of emergency school closings with a minimum of two (2) weeks notice of the change to be given to employees. The holiday schedule will be distributed to each employee the month of July.
I. Any changes recommended by any committee which impact the terms and conditions of employment will not be implemented unless they are first approved by the Board and the Association’s negotiations team and then submitted to and ratified by the Board and Association.
A standing committee of the Board, a rotating group of school administrators, and a standing committee from the Executive Council of the Association shall meet two (2) times during the school year at dates mutually agreed upon and arranged by the Superintendent. Emergency or additional meetings can be called by either party. One week prior to said meeting each party shall submit to the Superintendent an agenda in order that all items will be included in the master agenda. Two (2) days prior to the meeting, the master agenda will be distributed to the representatives of the Board, school administrators, and the Executive Committee of the Association. The meetings may be canceled by mutual agreement.
I. Initial Employee Contract
1. A copy of this agreement shall be forwarded by the Board with each original contract to all employees included in the Agreement.
2. Where guides, compensation schedules, and fringe benefits are included all employees shall be employed at the established rate.
3. The unit member shall receive an up to date Board approved job description. Should a job description be revised by the Board of Education, the unit member shall receive a revised job description within thirty (30) days.
1. Prospective Administrative Assistants with no immediate past secretarial experience will be placed on Step One of the existing salary guide in the appropriate classification.
2. All office personnel will be appointed with three months probationary status prior to the issuance of a regular contract. The contract will be retroactive to the first day of employment.
3. All Administrative Assistants designated as ten (10) month employees shall receive 91% of the appropriate step for that classification.
1. Initial salary guide placement of a custodian/maintenance person shall be determined as appropriate by the Business Administrator and recommended to the Board of Education.
2. For all new contract custodian, maintenance and drivers, there will be a ninety (90) day trial period. During the trial period, termination may occur at any time. During this trial period, custodians, maintenance, drivers personnel shall not be eligible to use any sick, vacation, or personal leave. After the trial period is complete, these ninety (90) days will count toward vacation credit
3. Employees hired after January 1, 1987 may be discharged without recourse to the grievance procedure if the employee fails to obtain a Black Seal License within one (1) year of his/her employment date.
1. Credit for Experience for Teachers
a. All military service credit shall be granted in accordance with NJSA 18A:29-11.
b. The Board shall determine the initial place on the guide for all teachers hired after
July 1, 1983.
2. Credit for Accumulated Sick Leave for Teachers
The Board may grant credit up to ten (10) days of unused sick leave accumulated in a former school district and one additional day may be granted for each year of successful teaching provided the additional days’ sick leave has been earned above the accredited ten (10) sick days in the former district.
1. A. Every effort will be made to provide the Administrative Assistant staff with materials, equipment, guidance and realistic time lines to complete assigned tasks.
B. An allowance for work clothes and work shoes shall be provided for each custodian/maintenance/driver employee at a cost not to exceed $400. For the purposes of this article work clothes may include pants, shirts, tee-shirts, all weather jackets and/or rain gear. The Board agrees to provide the clothing allowance for work clothes and shoes at the beginning of the work year, September 1. New hires shall not receive this benefit until after the completion of their trial period.
2. A. Any criticism made by a supervisor, administrator or Board Member of an employee shall be made in a confidential setting.
B. If a member of the administration or a member of the Board of Education receives a complaint or criticism of an employee, which may influence the evaluation of the employee, the complaint must be shared with the employee.
3. A. Grading and evaluation is the responsibility of the teacher. The immediate supervisor or building principal shall review and counsel the teacher on building grading procedures, regulations, and policy.
B. Any change of grade will be by mutual consent of the teacher and the principal.
C. If the teacher and the principal do not reach a mutual agreement, then the situation will be referred to the Superintendent for final review and decision.
4. The teaching staff will be advised of new educational programs prior to the implementation of the program.
5. Teachers will not be asked to assume the responsibilities of the principal. Other district administrators will be asked to fulfill these responsibilities in the absence of the building principal. This does not preclude a teacher from volunteering to fill this role if he/she so desires.
All vacancies for mentor positions shall be posted as early as the district is aware of its needs. The posting shall include the qualifications for the position. No employee shall be assigned to serve as a mentor if there are qualified volunteers available. If an employee is involuntarily assigned to a mentoring position, he/she shall not be involuntarily assigned again until all other qualified employees have been assigned. No teacher shall serve as a mentor to more than two (2) provisional teachers at a time.
The provisional teachers shall pay the Board, which will then pay the mentor teacher at the end of the program.
1. Information
A. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association in response to reasonable requests from time to time all pertinent available information concerning the educational program and the financial resources of the district.
B. Whenever an individual is hired, promoted or has had a step change the Association President shall be notified. The notification shall be in the form of the BOE agenda.
2. Use of School Buildings and Equipment
The Association and its representatives shall have the privilege of using intra-school mail, and school buildings and equipment during reasonable hours for meetings and usage upon clearing with the building principal with a standard request form for use of buildings and equipment.
3. A. The President of the Association shall be released from all non-teaching duties whenever possible; i.e., study halls, cafeteria supervision, lunch duties, etc.
B. The KEA President shall be released from regularly scheduled duties to attend to KEA responsibilities when prior approval has been obtained from the Superintendent and notification given to the building principal or program supervisor. A substitute shall be provided for the time approved.
4. The Association’s senior building representative shall be released from all non-teaching duties with the understanding that the professional staff of the building will assume these non-teaching duties.
5. Custodial Association Representatives shall be released from work in time to attend monthly Association Representative Council meetings without loss of pay. The custodian will make the lost time for the meeting up at the end of their shift.
6. The rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives as set forth in the Agreement shall be granted only to the Association as the exclusive representative of those positions listed in the Recognition Clause.
1. Notification of Vacancies
A. As soon as vacancies occur, the Superintendent shall, whenever possible, deliver to the Association President and the senior building representative, and post in all appropriate areas in the school district a list of the known vacancies at least ten (10) days prior to filling that position.
B. Vacancies in all coaching and extra curricular positions will be posted in accordance with Article XVIII.A. 1. above.
2. Filing Requests for Vacancies
1. Employees who desire a change in grade and/or subject assignment or who desire to transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the appropriate administrator and the Superintendent. Such statement shall include the grade and /or subject to which the teacher desires to be assigned and the school or schools to which he/she desires to be transferred in order of preference. Such request for transfers and reassignments shall be submitted within three (3) weeks from the date of posted vacancy.
2. The Superintendent will make the final decision on voluntary transfers and reassignments subject to Board approval.
Vacancies in all coaching and extra curricular positions will be posted in accordance with Article XVIII.A. Preference in filling extra curricula or coaching positions will be given to qualified personnel within the bargaining unit. Only when there is no qualified bargaining unit applicant for a vacant position will the Board either appoint a bargaining unit member to the position or seek applicants from outside the bargaining unit.
In the event there is a special job appointment or project for which an Administrative Assistant may be eligible, the position shall be posted throughout the district for a minimum of five (5) working days and all members given the opportunity to apply therefore. The rate of pay for evenings and weekends shall be time and one-half (1 ½).
When existing Administrative Assistant staff members are promoted to a different category, e.g. from S-I to ES-I, the step placement on the guide shall be lateral. Any Administrative Assistant who moves from a ten (10) month to a twelve (12) month position shall receive credit for all years of service for benefits and shall move laterally from the ten (10) month to the twelve (12) month salary guide
Any Administrative Assistant may request that his/her job description and guide placement be reevaluated by her immediate supervisor.
1. Cost of the printing of this Agreement shall be shared by the Board and the Association. The Agreement shall be presented to all employees now employed, hereafter employed, or considered for employment by the Board.
2. Recognizing that the professional staff is committed to furthering the cause of promoting the teaching profession and in order to encourage the best possible talent to enter the field of teaching, the Association agrees to support an effective student teaching program in the Kinnelon Public Schools.
3. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
A. Professional Development
1. Definition
Each of the following may be considered within the concepts of “professional Growth” to be completed by members of the professional staff according to individual goals specified and with prior approval of the Superintendent or designee.
a. Relevant college courses as administered by an accredited college or university
b. Study, self instruction or research related to the teacher’s professional activity
c. Participation in state, federal or private educational grants
d. Conferences, seminars, and workshops
e. In-service professional education which the Board of Education will provide
f. Other professional activities
2. In-Service Credit
a. All in-service work for salary guide credits must have prior written approval of the superintendent.
b. One in-service credit will be defined as 15 hours of classroom instruction.
B. Tuition Reimbursement
Tuition reimbursement shall be granted to all professional employees who have earned a B.A. and are professionally certified by the State of New Jersey. Hereafter the term “teacher” will be used to designate all members of the teaching staff with a standard New Jersey certificate who possess a degree.
Tuition reimbursement shall be made as follows:
1. All semester hours of credit approved prior to enrollment by the Superintendent will be reimbursed by the Board at the per-credit rate charged by the college attended. Effective in the 2006-07 school year reimbursement per teacher per school year is limited to $4471. Newly hired teachers, as of September 1, 2006, are eligible for reimbursement for (3) three credits in the first year, (3) three credits n the second year and (6) six credits in the third year of employment. Teachers will be limited to a maximum of six (6) credits per semester during the fall and spring semesters. Teachers employed under a replacement contract are not eligible for tuition reimbursement.
Article XX Professional Development and Educational Improvement will not apply to teachers taking courses, seminars, etc. designed for the purpose of satisfying a teacher’s continuing education requirements pursuant to NJAC 6:11-13 et. seq. The parties understand, however, that if a teacher takes a college course approved by the Superintendent, which also satisfies the teacher continuing education requirements, that course would be eligible for tuition reimbursement benefits.
2. In the event that a college approved program has received prior approval, all parts of the program shall be approved by the superintendent. Reimbursement will be made for a maximum of one (1) course in an approved program with the grade of “C”.
3. Reimbursement shall be granted only when the applicant has completed the course in accordance with the requirements of the college or institution giving the course, and shall have attained at least a “B” grade or equivalent with full credit for said course. In courses in which a pass/fail grading system is used, “pass” will be considered as a “B’ for reimbursement purposes. In order to be approved, a course must be recognized by the New Jersey Department of Education.
4. An official reimbursement form is to be submitted to the superintendent with either grade slips or an official transcript for proof of the successful completion of the approved course work. Late submission, because of extenuating circumstances, must be approved by the Superintendent. Tuition reimbursement checks will be issued during the months of October, February, and June for all courses completed and documented prior to these months. The teacher must be actively employed in September, January, and May in order to receive tuition reimbursement for courses previously completed.
5. If courses are taken under a grant from private, public or other funds: G.I. Bill, N.S.F., N.D.L.A., the difference between the amount granted and the actual cost for tuition will be reimbursed by the Board as limited by A.1. in this section.
6. Personnel on an unpaid leave of absence will not be eligible for tuition reimbursement.
A. Tuition reimbursement.
Tuition reimbursement shall be granted, with prior approval of the course by the Superintendent, to all members who have completed courses to improve their administrative assistant abilities.
Tuition reimbursement will be made as follows:
Reimbursement will be made for a course in an approved program with a grade of “C” or better in a degree program, or a “pass” grade. An official reimbursement form is to be submitted to the Business Administrator with either an official transcript or proof of the successful completion of the approved course work. A maximum of four (4) courses or (12) credits per year will be allowed.
There shall be established a committee of two (2) Administrative Assistant members and either one (1) or two (2) administrator (s) to organize appropriate staff development activities for members. In-service days will be provided as deemed appropriate by the Business Administrator.
A standing committee of the Board, a rotating group of school administrators, and a standing committee from the Executive Council of the Association shall meet two (2) times during the school year at dates mutually agreed upon and arranged by the Superintendent. Emergency or additional meetings can be called by either party. One week prior to said meeting each party shall submit to the Superintendent an agenda in order that all items will be included in the master agenda. Two (2) days prior to the meeting, the master agenda will be distributed to the representatives of the Board, school administrators, and the Executive Committee of the Association. The meetings may be canceled by mutual agreement.
1. Tenured Administrative Assistants shall be evaluated by their immediate supervisor at least one (1) time in each school year. Such evaluations shall be completed by June 30.
2. Non-tenured Administrative Assistants shall be evaluated by their immediate supervisor at least two (2) times in each school year. Such evaluations shall be completed by January 15 and June 30.
1. Personnel who hold a Black Seal Fireman’s License shall post the license in the boiler room.
2. Employees who do not hold a Black Seal License will be permitted to attend the required classes to obtain the license. The Board shall pay for the cost of the enrollment one time. The starting and ending time of the workday for employees on the afternoon shift will be adjusted to permit attendance at the Black Seal School without loss of pay. The employee shall work four (4) hours on Black Seal School days.
Custodians, maintenance workers and drivers shall be evaluated annually by the Board designee.
This agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2008, and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2011, subject to the Association’s right to negotiate over a successor Agreement as provided in ARTICLE II. This Agreement shall not be extended orally and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective presidents, attested by their respective secretaries, and their corporate seals to be placed hereon, all on the day and year first above written.
Absence, temporary 10-11
Absent colleague 21-24
Accumulated sick leave, value 9
Acting principal 32
Additional calendar days 23
Adequate time 25
Administrative Assistants – Work Day, Work Year 26
After School Help 24
Agency Fee 16
Aggrieved person 6-9
Alternate building assignments 25
Alternate teaching schedule 25
Assignments, meeting 17, 30
Association rights 4
Bus Duty 25
Calendar 23-24
CEU’s 38
Change of Assignments 26
Change of grade 32
Child rearing leave 12
Class Actions, grievance 8
Colleague, coverage 21, 24
College credits 18-20, 36-39
Committees 30
Common planning time 24
Compensatory time, Administrative Assistants 27
Conference sessions 23
Contrary to law 35
Courses, Beyond MA + 30 19
Health 14
Class 21, 24
Credit (for experience) Administrative Assistants 30
Criticism by supervisor 32
Curriculum Committee work, payment 22
Custodians, Maintenance, Drivers
Work Day and Work Year 27-29
Death in Family 11
Death of Teacher 9
December, single session day before vacation 24,26
Deductions from salary 16-18
Definitions, placement 18-21, 30-31, 35
Degree level 18-20
Dental Insurance 15
Dues, deductions 16-18
Duration of Agreement 39
Duties, part-time 22
Early dismissal days 23
Ed.D 19
Educational improvement 36-38
Emergency school closings
Custodians, Maintenance 28
Estate of teacher 9
Evening conferences 23
Extended Leaves of Absence 11-13
Extended Year 26
Evening sessions 23
Extra help days 24
Faculty meeting 24
Family days 10
First day of school 23
Flex-time 25
Fulbright Scholarship 11
Grading responsibility 32
Graduate Courses 18-19, 36-38
Graduate credit equivalents 36-38
Graduate Credits 18-19
Grievance procedure 6 - 9
Grievance Form Appendix A 43
Guide placement 18-20
Health Insurance 14-05
Health Insurance, incentive plan 15
Holidays 26, 29
Home Instruction 21
In-service credit 36
Inclement weather 27-28
Initial teaching contract 30
In-service days 23, 36
Lead Teacher 22
Leave without pay 11
Leaving early 21
Length of school day 24
Liaison Committee 30
Longevity 20
Maternity leave 12-13
Members 4
Mentor teacher 32
Mid-term exams 23
Multiple building assignments 25-26
National Teacher’s Corps 11
Negotiations 5
New teachers, calendar 23
Notice of absence, personal days 11
Notification of assignments 25
Notification of vacancies 34
On call, coverage 28
Orientation day 23
Part time, extra pay, classes, duties 22
Party of interest 6, 8
Paternity leave 12
Paycheck, direct deposit 22
Payroll deduction, representation fee 16-18
Payroll deduction, dues 16
Peace Corps 11
Personal Days 10, 27
Ph.D 19
Placement definitions 19
Placement on guides 19-20
Preamble 3
Prep period coverage 22
Prep period, part time teacher 22
Principal responsibilities 22
Printing of contract 35
Professional growth 36
Provisional teacher 32
Promotions 24
Pupil Assistance Committee Stipend 22
Reassignment 25, 34
Reduction in Force 10
Reimbursement, tuition 36
Representation 8, 16-17
Representation fee 16-17
Representatives, Association 13, 30, 33, 39
Rights of representation 8, 33
Sabbatical, eligibility and leave 13
Salary Guides
Schedule A 44
Schedule B 45
Schedule B, placement 30
Schedule C 46
Schedule C, placement 31
Schedule D 47
Schedule D, placement 20
Schedule E 48-49
Schedule E, placement 20
School day 24
Secondary personnel 24
Section 125 Plan 16
Service credit 20
Severance, benefits 9
Sick leave 9-11, 12-13, 31
Single session days 23-24
Six teaching assignments 21
Stipends 21, 25
Student teaching 35
Subcontracting 10
Summer Hours 26
Table of contents 2
Teacher work year 23
Teacher, defined 19
Teaching conditions 31
Team Facilitator 22
Temporary leaves of absence 10-11
Termination of employment 17, 31
Thanksgiving, single session day before 24
Training Level Changes 19
Travel time 25
Tuition reimbursement 36-38
Undergraduate courses 19
Vacancies 34
Work beyond the calendar year 26
Grievance and/or class of grievant(s)____________________ A. Date Received by Superintendent ___________
_________________________________________________ B. Disposition by Superintendent______________
Building(s)________________________________________ _________________________________________
Position__________________________________________ _________________________________________
Date Filed ________________________________________
STEP ONE Signature Date
A. Date cause of grievance occurred_________________ C. Position of Grievant and/or Association______
B. 1. Specific statement and description of grievance: _________________________________________
____________________________________________ _________________________________________
____________________________________________ _________________________________________
2. Relief sought: ______________________________ _____________________
____________________________________________ Signature Date
________________________ A. Date Submitted to Board of Education________
Signature Date B. Disposition of Board of Education___________
C. Disposition by immediate Supervisor/Principal:________ __________________________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
Signature Date
D. Position of Grievant and/or Association:______________
______________________________________________ STEP FOUR
______________________________________________ A. Date Submitted to Arbitrator:________________
Disposition and award of Arbitrator:___________________________________________________________________
________________________ ______________________________________
Signature Date ______________________________________
2008-09 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
STEP |  | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 | MA+45 | MA+60 |
1 |  | $ 46,270 | $ 48,270 | $ 50,270 | $ 52,770 | $ 54,770 | $ 56,770 | $ 58,770 | $ 60,770 |
2 |  | $ 46,770 | $ 48,770 | $ 50,770 | $ 53,270 | $ 55,270 | $ 57,270 | $ 59,270 | $ 61,270 |
3 |  | $ 47,255 | $ 49,255 | $ 51,255 | $ 53,755 | $ 55,755 | $ 57,755 | $ 59,755 | $ 61,755 |
4 |  | $ 47,755 | $ 49,755 | $ 51,755 | $ 54,255 | $ 56,255 | $ 58,255 | $ 60,255 | $ 62,255 |
5 |  | $ 48,255 | $ 50,255 | $ 52,255 | $ 55,255 | $ 57,255 | $ 59,255 | $ 61,255 | $ 63,255 |
6 |  | $ 49,255 | $ 51,255 | $ 53,255 | $ 56,255 | $ 58,255 | $ 60,255 | $ 62,255 | $ 64,255 |
7 |  | $ 50,255 | $ 52,255 | $ 54,255 | $ 57,255 | $ 59,255 | $ 61,255 | $ 63,255 | $ 65,255 |
8 |  | $ 51,755 | $ 53,755 | $ 55,755 | $ 58,755 | $ 60,755 | $ 62,755 | $ 64,755 | $ 66,755 |
9 |  | $ 54,255 | $ 56,255 | $ 58,255 | $ 61,255 | $ 63,255 | $ 65,255 | $ 67,255 | $ 69,255 |
10 |  | $ 58,720 | $ 60,720 | $ 62,720 | $ 65,720 | $ 67,720 | $ 69,720 | $ 71,720 | $ 75,720 |
11 |  | $ 63,165 | $ 65,165 | $ 67,165 | $ 70,165 | $ 72,165 | $ 74,165 | $ 77,565 | $ 81,565 |
12 |  | $ 69,150 | $ 71,150 | $ 73,150 | $ 76,550 | $ 79,350 | $ 82,350 | $ 84,750 | $ 88,950 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2009-10 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
STEP |  | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 | MA+45 | MA+60 |
1 |  | $ 46,870 | $ 48,870 | $ 50,870 | $ 53,370 | $ 55,370 | $ 57,370 | $ 59,370 | $ 61,370 |
2 |  | $ 47,370 | $ 49,370 | $ 51,370 | $ 53,870 | $ 55,870 | $ 57,870 | $ 59,870 | $ 61,870 |
3 |  | $ 47,870 | $ 49,870 | $ 51,870 | $ 54,370 | $ 56,370 | $ 58,370 | $ 60,370 | $ 62,370 |
4 |  | $ 48,370 | $ 50,370 | $ 52,370 | $ 54,870 | $ 56,870 | $ 58,870 | $ 60,870 | $ 62,870 |
5 |  | $ 48,870 | $ 50,870 | $ 52,870 | $ 55,870 | $ 57,870 | $ 59,870 | $ 61,870 | $ 63,870 |
6 |  | $ 49,370 | $ 51,370 | $ 53,370 | $ 56,870 | $ 58,870 | $ 60,870 | $ 62,870 | $ 64,870 |
7 |  | $ 50,370 | $ 52,370 | $ 54,370 | $ 57,870 | $ 59,870 | $ 61,870 | $ 63,870 | $ 65,870 |
8 |  | $ 51,870 | $ 53,870 | $ 55,870 | $ 59,370 | $ 61,370 | $ 63,370 | $ 65,370 | $ 67,370 |
9 |  | $ 54,370 | $ 56,370 | $ 58,370 | $ 61,870 | $ 63,870 | $ 65,870 | $ 67,870 | $ 69,870 |
10 |  | $ 58,380 | $ 60,380 | $ 62,380 | $ 65,880 | $ 67,880 | $ 69,880 | $ 71,880 | $ 75,380 |
11 |  | $ 64,140 | $ 66,140 | $ 68,140 | $ 71,640 | $ 73,640 | $ 75,640 | $ 78,540 | $ 82,540 |
12 |  | $ 70,900 | $ 72,900 | $ 74,900 | $ 78,400 | $ 81,100 | $ 84,100 | $ 86,500 | $ 90,700 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2010-11 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
STEP |  | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 | MA+45 | MA+60 |
1 |  | $ 48,850 | $ 50,850 | $ 52,850 | $ 56,350 | $ 59,350 | $ 62,350 | $ 64,850 | $ 68,850 |
2 |  | $ 49,050 | $ 51,050 | $ 53,050 | $ 56,550 | $ 59,550 | $ 62,550 | $ 65,050 | $ 69,050 |
3 |  | $ 49,250 | $ 51,250 | $ 53,250 | $ 56,750 | $ 59,750 | $ 62,750 | $ 65,250 | $ 69,250 |
4 |  | $ 49,450 | $ 51,450 | $ 53,450 | $ 56,950 | $ 59,950 | $ 62,950 | $ 65,450 | $ 69,450 |
5 |  | $ 49,650 | $ 51,650 | $ 53,650 | $ 57,150 | $ 60,150 | $ 63,150 | $ 65,650 | $ 69,650 |
6 |  | $ 49,850 | $ 51,850 | $ 53,850 | $ 57,350 | $ 60,350 | $ 63,350 | $ 65,850 | $ 69,850 |
7 |  | $ 50,350 | $ 52,350 | $ 54,350 | $ 57,850 | $ 60,850 | $ 63,850 | $ 66,350 | $ 70,350 |
8 |  | $ 51,850 | $ 53,850 | $ 55,850 | $ 59,350 | $ 62,350 | $ 65,350 | $ 67,850 | $ 71,850 |
9 |  | $ 56,150 | $ 58,150 | $ 60,150 | $ 63,650 | $ 66,650 | $ 69,650 | $ 72,150 | $ 76,150 |
10 |  | $ 61,150 | $ 63,150 | $ 65,150 | $ 68,650 | $ 71,650 | $ 74,650 | $ 77,150 | $ 81,150 |
11 |  | $ 66,650 | $ 68,650 | $ 70,650 | $ 74,150 | $ 77,150 | $ 80,150 | $ 82,650 | $ 86,650 |
12 |  | $ 72,650 | $ 74,650 | $ 76,650 | $ 80,150 | $ 83,150 | $ 86,150 | $ 88,650 | $ 92,650 |
 |  | STEP |  | ES I |  | ES II |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2008-09 |  | 1 |  | $38,905 |  | $41,531 |
 |  | 2 |  | $39,905 |  | $42,599 |
 |  | 3 |  | $40,905 |  | $43,666 |
 |  | 4 |  | $41,905 |  | $44,734 |
 |  | 5 |  | $42,910 |  | $45,806 |
 |  | 6 |  | $45,905 |  | $49,004 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2009-10 |  | 1 |  | $40,005 |  | $42,705 |
 |  | 2 |  | $41,005 |  | $43,773 |
 |  | 3 |  | $42,005 |  | $44,840 |
 |  | 4 |  | $43,005 |  | $45,908 |
 |  | 5 |  | $44,005 |  | $46,975 |
 |  | 6 |  | $46,935 |  | $50,103 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2010-11 |  | 1 |  | $43,585 |  | $46,527 |
 |  | 2 |  | $44,585 |  | $47,594 |
 |  | 3 |  | $45,585 |  | $48,662 |
 |  | 4 |  | $46,585 |  | $49,729 |
 |  | 5 |  | $47,585 |  | $50,797 |
 |  | 6 |  | $48,585 |  | $51,864 |
 | STEP |  | 2008-2009 |  | 2009-2010 |  | 2010-2011 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 1 |  | $ 30,450 |  | $ 31,225 |  | $ 31,540 |  |
 | 2 |  | $ 30,950 |  | $ 31,225 |  | $ 32,040 |  |
 | 3 |  | $ 30,950 |  | $ 31,725 |  | $ 32,040 |  |
 | 4 |  | $ 31,450 |  | $ 31,725 |  | $ 32,540 |  |
 | 5 |  | $ 31,450 |  | $ 32,225 |  | $ 32,540 |  |
 | 6 |  | $ 31,950 |  | $ 32,225 |  | $ 33,040 |  |
 | 7 |  | $ 32,450 |  | $ 32,725 |  | $ 33,040 |  |
 | 8 |  | $ 32,950 |  | $ 33,225 |  | $ 33,540 |  |
 | 9 |  | $ 34,515 |  | $ 34,515 |  | $ 34,735 |  |
 | 10 |  | $ 36,815 |  | $ 36,815 |  | $ 36,980 |  |
 | 11 |  | $ 39,615 |  | $ 39,615 |  | $ 39,725 |  |
 | 12 |  | $ 42,915 |  | $ 42,915 |  | $ 42,970 |  |
 | 13 |  | $ 46,715 |  | $ 46,715 |  | $ 46,715 |  |
 | 14 |  | $ 47,865 |  | $ 48,605 |  | $ 49,305 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Maintenance Stipend | $ 3,000 |  | $ 3,000 |  | $ 3,000 | (Over Custodial/Maintenance Guide) |  |  |
Head Custodian Stipend | $ 3,000 |  | $ 3,000 |  | $ 3,000 | (Over Custodial/Maintenance Guide) |  |  |
Black Seal |  |  | $ 800 |  | $ 900 |  | $ 1,000 | (Over Custodial/Maintenance Guide) |
 |  | STEP 1 |  |  |  | STEP 2 |  |  |  | STEP 3 |  |
Coaching - PRM | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 |  | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 |  | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 |
SOCCER, BOYS | $ 4,826 | $ 5,019 | $ 5,220 |  | $ 4,850 | $ 5,044 | $ 5,245 |  | $ 4,996 | $ 5,196 | $ 5,404 |
SOCCER, GIRLS | $ 4,826 | $ 5,019 | $ 5,220 |  | $ 4,850 | $ 5,044 | $ 5,245 |  | $ 4,996 | $ 5,196 | $ 5,404 |
BASKETBALL, BOYS | $ 4,826 | $ 5,019 | $ 5,220 |  | $ 4,850 | $ 5,044 | $ 5,245 |  | $ 4,996 | $ 5,196 | $ 5,404 |
BASKETBALL, GIRLS | $ 4,826 | $ 5,019 | $ 5,220 |  | $ 4,850 | $ 5,044 | $ 5,245 |  | $ 4,996 | $ 5,196 | $ 5,404 |
BASEBALL | $ 4,826 | $ 5,019 | $ 5,220 |  | $ 4,850 | $ 5,044 | $ 5,245 |  | $ 4,996 | $ 5,196 | $ 5,404 |
SOFTBALL | $ 4,826 | $ 5,049 | $ 5,220 |  | $ 4,850 | $ 5,044 | $ 5,245 |  | $ 4,996 | $ 5,196 | $ 404 |
CROSS COUNTRY | $ 4,227 | $ 4,396 | $ 4,572 |  | $ 4,254 | $ 4,424 | $ 4,601 |  | $ 4,409 | $ 4,585 | $ 4,769 |
SPRING TRACK, HEAD | $ 4,826 | $ 5,019 | $ 5,220 |  | $ 4,850 | $ 5,044 | $ 5,245 |  | $ 4,996 | $ 5,196 | $ 5,404 |
SPRING TRACK, ASST. | $ 3,746 | $ 3,895 | $ 4,051 |  | $ 3,774 | $ 3,925 | $ 4,082 |  | $ 3,922 | $ 4,079 | $ 4,242 |
VOLLEYBALL, GIRLS | $ 4,826 | $ 5,019 | $ 5,220 |  | $ 4,850 | $ 5,044 | $ 5,245 |  | $ 4,996 | $ 5,196 | $ 5,404 |
WRESTLING | $ 4,826 | $ 5,019 | $ 5,220 |  | $ 4,850 | $ 5,044 | $ 5,245 |  | $ 4,996 | $ 5,196 | $ 5,404 |
WRESTLING, ASST | $ 3,746 | $ 3,895 | $ 4,051 |  | $ 3,774 | $ 3,925 | $ 4,082 |  | $ 3,922 | $ 4,079 | $ 4,242 |
INTRAMURALS | $ 3,018 | $ 3,138 | $ 3,264 |  | $ 3,050 | $ 3,172 | $ 3,299 |  | $ 3,146 | $ 3,272 | $ 3,403 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | STEP 1 |  |  |  | STEP 2 |  |  |  | STEP 3 |  |
Coaching - HS | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 |  | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 |  | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 |
FOOTBALL, HEAD | $ 8,802 | $ 9,154 | $ 9,520 |  | $ 8,990 | $ 9,350 | $ 9,724 |  | $ 9,178 | $ 9,545 | $ 9,927 |
FOOTBALL, ASST(5) | $ 5,679 | $ 5,907 | $ 6,143 |  | $ 5,808 | $ 6,040 | $ 6,282 |  | $ 5,938 | $ 6,175 | $ 6,422 |
CROSS COUNTRY | $ 6,367 | $ 6,622 | $ 6,887 |  | $ 6,479 | $ 6,738 | $ 7,008 |  | $ 6,587 | $ 6,850 | $ 7,124 |
BASKETBALL, HEAD | $ 7,402 | $ 7,698 | $ 8,006 |  | $ 7,561 | $ 7,863 | $ 8,178 |  | $ 7,719 | $ 8,028 | $ 8,349 |
BASKETBALL, ASST.(4) | $ 5,593 | $ 5,816 | $ 6,049 |  | $ 5,750 | $ 5,981 | $ 6,220 |  | $ 5,878 | $ 6,113 | $ 6,358 |
WRESTLING, HEAD | $ 7,402 | $ 7,698 | $ 8,006 |  | $ 7,561 | $ 7,863 | $ 8,178 |  | $ 7,719 | $ 8,028 | $ 8,349 |
WRESTLING, ASST. (2) | $ 5,593 | $ 5,816 | $ 6,049 |  | $ 5,751 | $ 5,981 | $ 6,220 |  | $ 5,878 | $ 6,113 | $ 6,358 |
BASEBALL, HEAD | $ 7,402 | $ 7,698 | $ 8,006 |  | $ 7,561 | $ 7,863 | $ 8,178 |  | $ 7,719 | $ 8,028 | $ 8,349 |
BASEBALL, ASST. (2) | $ 5,593 | $ 5,816 | $ 6,049 |  | $ 5,751 | $ 5,981 | $ 6,220 |  | $ 5,878 | $ 6,113 | $ 6,358 |
WINTER TRACK, HEAD | $ 6,504 | $ 6,764 | $ 7,034 |  | $ 6,661 | $ 6,927 | $ 7,204 |  | $ 6,738 | $ 7,008 | $ 7,288 |
WINTER TRACK, ASST. | $ 4,187 | $ 4,355 | $ 4,529 |  | $ 4,344 | $ 4,518 | $ 4,699 |  | $ 4,455 | $ 4,633 | $ 4,818 |
TRACK, HEAD (2) | $ 7,165 | $ 7,451 | $ 7,749 |  | $ 7,359 | $ 7,653 | $ 7,959 |  | $ 7,473 | $ 7,772 | $ 8,083 |
TRACK, ASST. (2) | $ 4,187 | $ 4,355 | $ 4,529 |  | $ 4,344 | $ 4,518 | $ 4,699 |  | $ 4,455 | $ 4,633 | $ 4,818 |
TENNIS, HEAD (2) | $ 6,367 | $ 6,622 | $ 6,887 |  | $ 6,479 | $ 6,738 | $ 7,008 |  | $ 6,572 | $ 6,835 | $ 7,108 |
TENNIS, ASST. (2) | $ 4,029 | $ 4,190 | $ 4,357 |  | $ 4,187 | $ 4,355 | $ 4,529 |  | $ 4,304 | $ 4,477 | $ 4,656 |
SOCCER, HEAD (2) | $ 7,402 | $ 7,698 | $ 8,006 |  | $ 7,561 | $ 7,863 | $ 8,178 |  | $ 7,719 | $ 8,028 | $ 8,349 |
SOCCER, ASST. (3) | $ 5,593 | $ 5,816 | $ 6,049 |  | $ 5,751 | $ 5,981 | $ 6,220 |  | $ 5,878 | $ 6,113 | $ 6,358 |
SWIMMING, HEAD | $ 7,678 | $ 7,985 | $ 8,304 |  | $ 7,911 | $ 8,227 | $ 8,556 |  | $ 8,047 | $ 8,368 | $ 8,703 |
SWIMMMING, ASST. | $ 5,593 | $ 5,816 | $ 6,049 |  | $ 5,751 | $ 5,981 | $ 6,220 |  | $ 5,878 | $ 6,113 | $ 6,358 |
SOFTBALL, HEAD | $ 7,402 | $ 7,698 | $ 8,006 |  | $ 7,561 | $ 7,863 | $ 8,178 |  | $ 7,719 | $ 8,028 | $ 8,349 |
SOFTBALL, ASST (3) | $ 5,593 | $ 5,816 | $ 6,049 |  | $ 5,751 | $ 5,981 | $ 6,220 |  | $ 5,878 | $ 6,113 | $ 6,358 |
LACROSSE, HEAD (2) | $ 7,402 | $ 7,698 | $ 8,006 |  | $ 7,561 | $ 7,863 | $ 8,178 |  | $ 7,719 | $ 8,028 | $ 8,349 |
LACROSSE, ASST. (7) | $ 5,593 | $ 5,816 | $ 6,049 |  | $ 5,751 | $ 5,981 | $ 6,220 |  | $ 5,878 | $ 6,113 | $ 6,358 |
GIRLS VOLLEYBALL, HEAD | $ 7,402 | $ 7,698 | $ 8,006 |  | $ 7,561 | $ 7,863 | $ 8,178 |  | $ 7,719 | $ 8,028 | $ 8,349 |
GIRLS VOLLEYBALL, ASST(2) | $ 5,593 | $ 5,816 | $ 6,049 |  | $ 5,751 | $ 5,981 | $ 6,220 |  | $ 5,878 | $ 6,113 | $ 6,358 |
ICE HOCKEY, HEAD | $ 8,802 | $ 9,154 | $ 9,520 |  | $ 8,990 | $ 9,350 | $ 9,727 |  | $ 9,178 | $ 9,545 | $ 9,927 |
ICE HOCKEY, ASST | $ 5,679 | $ 5,907 | $ 6,143 |  | $ 5,808 | $ 6,040 | $ 6,282 |  | $ 5,938 | $ 6,175 | $ 6,422 |
CHEERLEADER V FALL | $ 3,317 | $ 3,450 | $ 3,588 |  | $ 3,410 | $ 3,546 | $ 3,688 |  | $ 3,502 | $ 3,642 | $ 3,788 |
CHEERLEADER JV FALL | $ 2,678 | $ 2,785 | $ 2,897 |  | $ 2,673 | $ 2,780 | $ 2,891 |  | $ 2,748 | $ 2,858 | $ 2,973 |
INTRAMURALS | $ 3,542 | $ 3,684 | $ 3,832 |  | $ 3,543 | $ 3,684 | $ 3,832 |  | $ 3,543 | $ 3,684 | $ 3,832 |
FITNESS CENTER | $ 5,542 | $ 5,764 | $ 5,994 |  | $ 5,817 | $ 5,947 | $ 6,185 |  | $ 5,894 | $ 6,130 | $ 6,375 |
COMPETITION CHEERLEADING | $ 2,348 | $ 2,442 | $ 2,540 |  | $ 2,395 | $ 2,491 | $ 2,591 |  | $ 2,513 | $ 2,614 | $ 2,718 |
GOLF | $ 6,367 | $ 6,622 | $ 6,887 |  | $ 6,479 | $ 6,738 | $ 7,008 |  | $ 6,572 | $ 6,835 | $ 7,108 |
ATHLETIC TRAINER |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | $ 3,523 | $ 3,664 | $ 3,810 |
High School |  | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010 | 2010-2011 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Academic Decathlon |  | $ 3,236 | $ 3,361 | $ 3,491 |
Art Service Club |  | $ 2,451 | $ 2,546 | $ 2,646 |
Auditorium Manager |  | $ 974 | $ 1,009 | $ 1,049 |
Broadway Club |  | $ 1,445 | $ 1,500 | $ 1,560 |
Chess Club |  | $ 1,191 | $ 1,236 | $ 1,281 |
Dramatic Director |  | $ 3,076 | $ 3,196 | $ 3,321 |
Environthon Team |  | $ 1,072 | $ 1,112 | $ 1,152 |
Feedback Advisor |  | $ 1,672 | $ 1,737 | $ 1,802 |
Finance Club |  | $ 1,072 | $ 1,112 | $ 1,152 |
French Honor Society/Club |  | $ 1,191 | $ 1,236 | $ 1,281 |
Freshman Class Advisor |  | $ 1,967 | $ 2,042 | $ 2,122 |
Golf Club |  | $ 2,785 | $ 2,895 | $ 3,010 |
Graphic Arts Club |  | $ 2,517 | $ 2,617 | $ 2,717 |
Habitat for Humanity |  | $ 1,445 | $ 1,500 | $ 1,560 |
History Club |  | $ 1,191 | $ 1,236 | $ 1,281 |
Honor Society |  | $ 1,965 | $ 2,040 | $ 2,120 |
Instrumental Music Concerts |  | $ 1,965 | $ 2,040 | $ 2,120 |
Interact |  | $ 503 | $ 523 | $ 543 |
Jazz Rock Ensemble |  | $ 1,603 | $ 1,668 | $ 1,733 |
Junior Class Advisor |  | $ 2,723 | $ 2,828 | $ 2,938 |
Latin Honor Society/Club |  | $ 1,191 | $ 1,236 | $ 1,281 |
Mock Trial |  | $ 2,617 | $ 2,717 | $ 2,822 |
Mountain Bike Club |  | $ 1,062 | $ 1,102 | $ 1,142 |
Musical Business Manager |  | $ 1,241 | $ 1,286 | $ 1,336 |
Musical Dramatics Director |  | $ 3,396 | $ 3,526 | $ 3,666 |
Musical Orchestra Director |  | $ 1,523 | $ 1,583 | $ 1,643 |
Musical Set Construction Crew |  | $ 2,036 | $ 2,116 | $ 2,196 |
Musical Technical Stage Dir |  | $ 1,059 | $ 1,099 | $ 1,139 |
Musical Vocal Director |  | $ 2,443 | $ 2,538 | $ 2,638 |
Newspaper |  | $ 1,599 | $ 1,659 | $ 1,724 |
Peer Counselor |  | $ 2,095 | $ 2,175 | $ 2,260 |
Pep Band |  | $ 1,344 | $ 1,394 | $ 1,449 |
Publications Business Manager |  | $ 1,523 | $ 1,583 | $ 1,643 |
SADD |  | $ 2,610 | $ 2,710 | $ 2,815 |
Science Club |  | $ 1,191 | $ 1,236 | $ 1,281 |
Senior Class Advisor |  | $ 3,137 | $ 3,262 | $ 3,392 |
Shakespeare |  | $ 2,610 | $ 2,710 | $ 2,815 |
Social Outreach |  | $ 1,445 | $ 1,500 | $ 1,560 |
Sophomore Class Advisor |  | $ 1,967 | $ 2,042 | $ 2,122 |
Spanish Honor Society/Club |  | $ 1,191 | $ 1,236 | $ 1,281 |
Student Council |  | $ 3,169 | $ 3,294 | $ 3,424 |
TV/Video Club |  | $ 1,556 | $ 1,616 | $ 1,676 |
Varsity Club |  | $ 2,788 | $ 2,898 | $ 3,013 |
Video |  | $ 9,400 | $ 9,775 | $ 10,105 |
Vocal Music Concerts |  | $ 2,006 | $ 2,086 | $ 2,166 |
Vocal Music Extra-Curricular |  | $ 913 | $ 948 | $ 983 |
Winter Events Manager |  | $ 3,130 | $ 3,255 | $ 3,385 |
Yearbook Advisor |  | $ 4,100 | $ 4,260 | $ 4,430 |
Yearbook Assistant |  | $ 1,888 | $ 1,963 | $ 2,038 |
 |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
PRM |  | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010 | 2010-2011 |
 |  |  |  |  |
6th grade advisor |  | $ 1,358 | $ 1,408 | $ 1,463 |
7th grade advisor |  | $ 1,599 | $ 1,659 | $ 1,724 |
8th Grade Advisor |  | $ 2,169 | $ 2,254 | $ 2,344 |
Computer Club |  | $ 2,235 | $ 2,320 | $ 2,410 |
Computer Coordinator |  | $ 3,658 | $ 3,804 | $ 3,956 |
Homework Help Program |  | $ 1,486 | $ 1,541 | $ 1,601 |
Instrumental Concerts |  | $ 1,696 | $ 1,781 | $ 1,851 |
Jazz Rock Ensemble |  | $ 1,603 | $ 1,668 | $ 1,733 |
Literary Mag/Newspaper |  | $ 1,654 | $ 1,719 | $ 1,784 |
Peer Counselor |  | $ 2,095 | $ 2,175 | $ 2,260 |
PRM Play |  | $ 2,085 | $ 2,165 | $ 2,250 |
SADD |  | $ 2,610 | $ 2,710 | $ 2,815 |
Social Outreach Club |  | $ 942 | $ 977 | $ 1,012 |
Student Council |  | $ 3,169 | $ 3,294 | $ 3,424 |
Talent Show |  | $ 1,661 | $ 1,726 | $ 1,791 |
Vocal Music Concerts |  | $ 1,831 | $ 1,901 | $ 1,976 |
Wash. Trip Chaperone |  | $ 988 | $ 1,048 | $ 1,118 |
Wash. Trip Director |  | $ 1,919 | $ 2,009 | $ 2,089 |
Yearbook |  | $ 2,091 | $ 2,171 | $ 2,256 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Elementary |  | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010 | 2010-2011 |
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Business Club |  | $ 1,500 | $ 1,560 | $ 1,622 |
Computer Coord - Kiel/Sisco |  | $ 3,171 | $ 3,298 | $ 3,430 |
Computer Coordinator - Stony |  | $ 3,171 | $ 3,298 | $ 3,430 |
Concert-Spring |  | $ 1,631 | $ 1,681 | $ 1,741 |
Concert-Winter |  | $ 1,631 | $ 1,681 | $ 1,741 |
Destination Imagination |  | $ 2,500 | $ 2,600 | $ 2,704 |
Jazz Club |  | $ 1,500 | $ 1,560 | $ 1,622 |
Kinder-Mini Days |  | $ 408 | $ 423 | $ 438 |
Kinder-New St. Orientation |  | $ 408 | $ 423 | $ 438 |
Kinder-Parent Orientation |  | $ 408 | $ 423 | $ 438 |
Nurse Coordinator |  | $ 3,000 | $ 3,120 | $ 3,244 |
PEEC Chaperone |  | $ 946 | $ 981 | $ 1,016 |
PEEC Director |  | $ 1,879 | $ 1,949 | $ 2,024 |
PEEC Fundraiser |  | $ 459 | $ 474 | $ 489 |
Student Council |  | $ 3,169 | $ 3,294 | $ 3,424 |