#2016668 (084001.179)
Between the
and the
July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2010
Article Page
1 Recognition………………………………………………………………………………..……………………… 5
2 Negotiation Procedure……………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
3 Grievance Procedure……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
4 Employee Rights…………………………………………………………………………………………………...11
5 Association Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities……………………………………………………………….13
6 School Calendar (Workdays, Vacations, Holidays)………………………………………………………………..15
7 Work Day (Hours, Class Coverage, Delayed Opening, Conferences, Planning Period, Traveling Teachers)……19
8 Coach/Advisors (Seasons, Pay Periods, Scouting, Prof. Development, Protections)…………………………. ….24
9 Non-Teaching Duties and Overtime (Chaperones, Transportation of Students, Presentations, Overtime)………..29
10 Teacher Employment (Guide Placement, Reappointment, Professional Responsibilities)……………………..…30
11 Salaries (Deductions, Paydays, Direct Deposit, Increments, Degree Adjustment, Attendance Incentive,
Terminal Leave, Premium Pay, Meal Allowance………………………………………………………………….31
12 Employee Assignment (Traveling Teachers, Transportation Reimbursement…………………………………….34
13 Employee Facilities (Supplies, Uniforms)…………………………………………………………………………34
14 Educational Council…………………………………………………………………………………………….….35
16 Teacher Promotion………………………………………………………………………………………………... 36
17 Seniority, Post & Bid Procedures, Layoff & Recall, Secretarial/Clerical Employees and Cafeteria Workers……37
18 Evaluation………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 40
19 Sick Leave (Sick Days, Extended Sick Leave, Perfect Attendance Incentive)……………………………………41
20 Personal Absence (Personal Days, Unused Personal Days, Bereavement Days, Jury Duty)…………..…………. 43
21 Extended Leaves of Absence (Disability Leave, Child Rearing Leave) …………………………………..……… 46
22 Sabbatical Leaves…. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….49
23 Replacement of Teachers……………………………………………………………………………………..…… 49
24 Professional Development and Educational Improvement (Course Reimbursement, Professional Days)…………50
25 Adult School………………………………………………………………………………………………………..51
26 Insurance Protection (Health Benefits, Dental Plan, Prescription Plan)……………………………………………...51
27 Deductions from Salary (Agency Fee, TPAF, PERS)………………………………………………………………. 53
28 Mentor and Provisional Teachers……………………………………………………………………………………. 55
29 Transportation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………56
30 Miscellaneous …………………………………………………………………………………………………..……59
31 Board Rights…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 59
32 Duration of Agreement…………………………………………………………………………………….……….… 60
Schedule A –
No. 1 Teachers’ Salary Guides………………………………………………………………….……………….61
No. 2 Teachers’ Longevity Guide………….………………………………………………………………….. .62
No. 3 Guidance Counselors…………………………………………………….………………………………..62
No. 4 Special Services Personnel………….…………………………………………………………………….62
No. 5 Athletic Trainer…………………………….……………………………………………………………..63
No. 6 Extra-Curricular Coaches/Advisors Stipends ……………………………………………………………64
No. 7 School Social Worker, LDS, Psychologist……………………………………………………………….69
No. 8 Summer Personnel………………………………………………………………………………………..69
No. 9 Rates of Pay…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 70
No. 10 Cafeteria Workers’ Salary Guides ……………………………………………………………………….71
No. 11 Cafeteria Workers’ Hourly Salary Guide….…………………………………………………………..… 72
No. 12 Cafeteria Manager’s Salary Guides ………………………………………………………………………72
No. 13 Cafeteria Workers’ and Manager’s Longevity Guide……………………………………………………. 72
No. 14 Secretarial (12 month, 10 month and Part-time) Salary Guides………..…………………………………. 73
No. 15 Secretarial/Clerical Classifications….…………………………………………………………………….. 75
No. 16 Secretarial/Clerical Longevity Guide….………………………………………………………………….. 76
No. 17 Paraprofessionals’ Salary Guides ……………………………………………………………………… 77
No. 18 Paraprofessionals’ Longevity Guides……………………………………………………………………78
No. 19 Transportation Workers’ Salary Guides…………………………………………………………………79
No. 20 Mechanic and Bus Mechanic Salary Guide............................................................................................79
No. 21 Transportation Workers’ Longevity Guides……………………………………………………………..79
No. 22 Bus Aides’ Salary Guides………………………………………………………………………………..79
No. 23 Registered Nurse Salary Guide………………………………………………………………………...80
No. 24 Campus Monitors Salary Guide……………………………………………………………………….80
Schedule B Contract for Coaches……………………………………………………………………………………..81
Schedule C Contract for Advisors…………………………………………………………………………………… 82
Sidebar Agreements……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 83
Disability Leave Form…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 84
Childrearing Leave Form…………………………………………………………………………………………….... 85
This Agreement entered into this 1st day of July, 2007, by and between the Board of Education of Sayreville, the borough of Sayreville, New Jersey, hereinafter called the “Board,” and the Sayreville Education Association, hereinafter called the “Association.”
A. The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the majority representative for collective negotiation for the personnel listed below:
1. Classroom Teachers
2. Nurses
3. Athletic Trainer
4. Guidance Counselors
5. Librarians
6. Social Workers
7. Academic Support Instruction (ASI) Teachers
8. Learning Disability Teacher Consultants
9. Speech/Language Specialists
10. Occupational Therapists
11. Physical Therapists
12. Special Education Teachers
13. Extra-Curricular Advisors and Coaches
14. Replacement Teachers
15. School Psychologists
16. Home Instruction Teachers
17. Summer School Teachers
18. District Satellite Cafeteria Manager
19. Cafeteria Workers
20. Cafeteria Workers – Hourly
21. Financial Bookkeeper
22. Secretary to Building Principals
23. Payroll Specialist
24. Payroll Processor
25. Secretary to Transportation Coordinator
26. Secretary to the Director of Special Services
27. Part-time Secretaries
28. Accounts Payable Clerk
29. General Bookkeeper
30. Secretary to H.S. Guidance Dept.
31. Clerk-Typist
32. Switchboard Operator/Receptionist
33. Paraprofessionals
34. Bus Aides
B. Unless otherwise indicted, the term “EMPLOYEES” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined.
C. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “TEACHERS,” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to job titles listed in A.1 through 17.
D. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “CAFETERIA EMPLOYEES,” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all job titles listed in A.18 and 19.
E. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “CAFETERIA WORKERS – HOURLY,” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to the job title listed in A.20. Said workers shall be employed as needed in the discretion of the Board.
F. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “SECRETARIAL/CLERICAL EMPLOYEES,” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to job titles listed in A.21 through 32 above.
G. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “PARAPROFESSIONALS,” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to the job title listed in A.33.
H. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “TRANSPORTATION EMPLOYEES” when used hereinafter, shall refer to the job titles listed in A.34-A.36.
I. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “BUS MECHANICS” when used hereinafter, shall refer to the job titles listed in Article 7, 4-b.
J. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “REGISTERED NURSE” when used hereinafter, shall refer to the job titles listed in Article 7, 5-A.
K. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “CAMPUS MONITORS” when used hereinafter, shall refer to the job titles listed in Article 7, 6-A.
L. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “PART-TIME EMPLOYEES” when used hereinafter, shall refer to the job titles listed in Article 7, 7-A.
M. Any one of the personnel in A.1 through A.17, above who terminates a full-time teaching contract automatically forfeits his rights under other contracts with the Board of Education as listed in this agreement.
A. This agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
B. During negotiations the Board and the Association shall exchange points of view and make proposals and counterproposals. The Board shall make available to the Association for inspection all public records. The Board shall make available to the Association tentative budget proposals for the next fiscal year when available to the Board Secretary’s Office.
C. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor Agreement in accordance with N.J. Public Employer-Employee Relations Law in a good-faith effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of employment.
D. Protection of Conditions – Cafeteria Employees, Cafeteria Workers – Hourly, Secretarial/Clerical Employees and Paraprofessionals, Transportation Employees, the Registered Nurse, Campus Monitors and Part-Time Employees - The Board agrees that all conditions of employment relating to wages, hours or work, overtime differentials and general working conditions, shall be maintained at not less than the standards in effect at the time of the signing of this Agreement, except wherever specific provisions for changes are made elsewhere in this Agreement. It is agreed that provisions of this section shall not apply to inadvertent or bona fide errors made by the Board or Association in applying the terms and conditions of this Agreement if such error is corrected within ninety (90) days from the date of error.
A. Definitions
1. A “grievance” is a claim based upon an event or condition which affects the terms and conditions of employment of an employee and/or the interpretation, meaning, or application of any of the provisions of this Agreement.
2. An aggrieved person is the person, persons, or Association making the claim who will sign the grievance forms. In the event of Association or group grievances, the class of aggrieved persons shall be identified. The Association must first receive the grievance and then rule on its efficacy before it can go further. Should a member decide to file a grievance not supported by the Association, he/she is entitled to process the grievance on his/her behalf only up to the Board level (Level III).
3. A “party in interest” is the person or persons making the claim and any person who might be required to take action or against whom action might be taken in order to resolve the claim.
4. “Binding arbitration,” Level Four, shall refer only to those items concerning dispute on the meaning, interpretation and application of this Agreement.
B. Purpose
1. The purpose of this procedure is to secure at the lowest possible level, proper solutions to problems which may from time to time arise under this Agreement and as set forth in paragraph A. above. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of any employee having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with any appropriate member of the administration, and having the grievance adjusted without intervention of the Association, provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement and that the Association has been given the opportunity to be present at such adjustment and to state its views.
C. Procedure
1. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days at each level is the maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement in writing.
2. In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year, and if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year could result in irreparable harm to a party in interest, the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as it practicable.
3. Grievances, in order to be considered timely, must be filed at Level Two within thirty (30) work days of the event giving rise to the grievance. When this period extends beyond the last working day of the school year, the time limit shall be ten (10) work days from the first day of school.
If the grievance is timely within the terms of C.3, above, the Association may file a written grievance. The Association shall set forth the grievance in writing specifying:
a. The nature of the grievance, including the specific event, condition or contract section being grieved;
b. The nature and extent of the injury, loss or inconvenience;
c. The date of the occurrence;
d. The remedy sought.
Level One grievances shall be filed with the following individuals: Secretarial/Clerical employees in the Board office and the Superintendent’s office shall file their grievances with the Superintendent. Transportation employees shall file their grievances with the Transportation Coordinator. Cafeteria employees shall file their grievances with the Director of Food Services. All others shall file their grievances with the building principal. Within five (5) workdays after receiving the grievance, the supervisory employee who received it shall hold a hearing, unless mutually agreed otherwise and, within two (2) workdays of the hearing, communicate his/her answer in writing to the aggrieved person. Board and Superintendent Office Secretarial/Clerical employees shall move from Level One to Level Three.
If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level One, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) workdays of the presentation of the grievance, the Association may file its grievance in writing with the Superintendent within ten (10) work days.
If the Association chooses to seek arbitration, it shall submit the grievance to binding arbitration with the Public Employees Relations Commission within 30 calendar days of the Board’s decision or lack thereof.
The arbitrator so selected shall confer with the representatives of the Board and the Association and hold hearings promptly and shall issue his/her decision at his/her discretion. The arbitrator’s decision shall be in writing and shall set forth his/her findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issues submitted. The arbitrator, in his/her decision, shall be without the power of authorization to amend, modify, nullify, subtract from or add to the provisions of this Agreement. His/Her authority will be strictly limited to the issue or issues presented. The decision of the arbitrator shall be submitted in writing to the Board and the Association.
c. The costs for the services of the arbitrator, including per diem expenses, if any, and actual necessary travel, subsistence expenses and the cost of the hearing room shall be borne equally by the Board and the Association. Any other expenses shall be paid by the party incurring same.
D. Rights of Employees to Representation
1. Any aggrieved person shall be represented at all levels of the grievance procedure by a representative selected or approved by the Association.
2. Any individual employee of the district shall be assured freedom from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal in presenting his appeal.
E. Miscellaneous
1. Decisions rendered at Levels One, Two, and Three shall be in writing setting forth the decision and the reasons therefore and shall be transmitted promptly to parties in interest and to the Association.
2. All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of the grievance shall be filed with the Board, Association, aggrieved person, the affected principal and the Superintendent. These documents, communications and records shall be filed in a separate grievance file and shall not be kept in the personnel file of any of the participants.
3. Forms for filing grievances, making reports and recommendations, and other necessary documents to process a grievance shall be prepared by the Association and approved by the Superintendent and given appropriate distribution so as to facilitate operation of the grievance procedure. The cost of these documents shall be shared equally by the parties.
4. Grievances shall be initiated at the lowest possible level where relief may be granted.
5. During the processing of any grievance, the aggrieved person shall continue his normal duties until said grievance has had a proper solution.
6. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives, heretofore referred to in this Article.
7. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall be held at a time mutually agreeable to all parties concerned exclusive of class time.
8. Specifically excluded from this grievance procedure is the right of a nontenured Teacher to grieve failure of reemployment.
A. Pursuant to Chapter 123 of the Laws of 1974, the Board and the Association hereby agree
that all employees covered by this Agreement shall have the right freely to organize, join and support the Association and its affiliates for the purpose of engaging in collective negotiations to the extent permitted by law, or to refrain from doing so.
B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as he may have under New Jersey School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to employees hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided above.
C. The Board respects the rights of all employees guaranteed to them under the laws and constitutions of New Jersey and the United States of America. The Board also recognizes that employees have the right to freedom from discrimination in all areas cited in New Jersey and Federal statutes.
D. Upon request, the Superintendent shall make arrangements with each employee to review his personnel file at a convenient time.
E. Under no circumstances shall any employee be requested to submit to a polygraph test or any other form of lie detector test.
F. No employee shall be prevented from wearing pins of membership in the Association.
G. Members of the teaching profession may advise in the formulation of policies and programs designed to improve educational standards.
H. Whenever any employee is required to appear before the Board or any committee or member thereof concerning their job performance which could adversely affect the continuation of that person in employment, or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, she/he may request a written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise her/him and represent her/him during such meeting or interview, if she/he so desires.
I. No Cafeteria Employee, Cafeteria Worker-Hourly, Secretarial/Clerical Employee or Paraprofessional, other than probationary, shall be disciplined or discharged or reprimanded without just cause, except that nothing in this provision shall preclude the Board from terminating Cafeteria Worker-Hourly employees without just cause.
J. Military Leave: Employees enlisting or entering the Military Service of the United States, pursuant to the provisions of the Universal Military Training and Service Act and amendments thereof, shall be granted all rights and privileges by the Act.
K. None of the (full-time bus drivers) Transportation Employees shall be required to drive a Board owned vehicle in violation of the State Board of Education for Pupil Transportation Laws and Regulations.
L. Transportation Employees:
1. The Board shall not discharge or discipline or suspend an employee without just cause.
2. Before any employee shall be disciplined or suspended or discharged, there shall be a conference held between the Association and the Board or its representatives within seventy-two (72) hours
3. All warnings must be given in writing, and a copy of such warning shall be given to the employee, the A/R and the Association.
A. The Board recognizes the rights, duties and responsibilities of the Association towards all unit employees in protecting their terms and conditions of employment.
B. Representatives of the Association, the Middlesex County Education Association, the New Jersey Education Association, and the National Education Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times. The Association and its representatives shall be permitted to use school buildings at all reasonable hours for meetings. Any such use of school buildings shall be without interference with or interruption in normal school operations and with advance approval by the Superintendent. The Association shall reimburse the Board any extra custodial labor cost required for such use.
C. Upon approval of the Building Principal and/or the Superintendent, the Association shall be permitted to use school equipment, including typewriters, photocopying equipment, computers, calculating machines, and all types of audiovisual equipment at times approved by the Building Principal. The Association shall supply all materials and supplies incident to such use.
D. The Association shall have, in each school building, the use of a bulletin board in each faculty lounge and employees’ dining room. Copies of all materials to be posted on such bulletin boards must be approved by the Association and given to the Building Principal and Superintendent.
The Association shall have the right to use of the school mail boxes within each school building
as it deems necessary, consistent with applicable law, and without the approval of building
Principals or other members of the administration. The Association building representatives
shall be responsible for the distribution. A copy of all general distributions made by the
Association shall be simultaneously provided to the building principal.
F. The President of the Association, or designees, shall be granted a total of ten (10) Association days subject to the personal day policy contained in Article 20.
G. 1. When the President of the Association is a high school or middle school teacher, the
President will have back-to-back teaching periods and a planning period during the
first three periods of the school day.
Should any other professional staff member (other than a high school or middle school teacher) or support staff employee, become President of the Association, negotiations shall be re-opened between the Association and the Board as to the issue of scheduling such President’s workday to accommodate Association activities. These negotiations shall begin as soon as possible following notification from the Association of the new President’s name and position.
In addition to the provisions above, if the Association President is a secondary Teacher, he/she shall be assigned no homeroom duties. If the Association President is an elementary Teacher, he/she shall be assigned no morning bus duties. In either case, the President shall report to his/her assigned school at the normal reporting time.
H. Teachers are expected to comply with the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Education and its representatives.
I. Transportation Employees Work Rules:
The Board may establish general work rules for its employees provided such rules are not in conflict with the Agreement, and are neither arbitrary or unreasonable. The application of this provision shall in no way be used to reduce the benefits, terms of working conditions to the employee. The Board agrees to present in writing to the Association an intended rule at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to its effective date. Upon request of the Association, a discussion will take place within thirty (30) calendar day period.
J. The Association shall use its best efforts to maintain proper professionalism on the part of its members.
K. We regard the employment agreement as a solemn pledge to be executed both in spirit and in fact in a manner consistent with the highest ideals of professional service. Sound professional personnel relationships with governing boards are built upon personal integrity, dignity and mutual respect.
L. The board agrees to furnish to the Association one (1) copy of the names and addresses of all Board employees.
M. The official minutes of each public Board meeting shall be sent by inter-school mail and/or email to the Association after each meeting or mailed when school is not in session.
N. 1. The Board will notify the Association in writing prior to a layoff. The Association will be notified verbally and in writing of all promotions, demotions, transfers, suspensions and of an intended discharges.
2. The Board shall provide a copy of the seniority list(s) which is developed prior to a reduction-in-force. Said list(s) shall be forwarded to the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to the reduction-in-force notification to affected employees.
O. The Board agrees that should it decide to subcontract or privatize, cafeteria workers, secretarial/clerical services, paraprofessionals, or Transportation Employees, the Association shall receive ninety (90) calendar days notice prior to such action taking place.
P. Whenever any representative of the Association or any employee is scheduled by both the parties to participate during working hours in meetings or conferences, which directly involve negotiations or grievances, he/she will suffer no loss in pay. Meetings which continue after the regular workday or commence after the regular workday shall be attended without compensation.
Q. Any elected or appointed representative of the Association may request a leave of absence without pay for the purpose of attending to Association business outside the premises of the Board. Other leaves of absence may be granted by the Board for good reason.
A. The school calendar shall be prepared by the Superintendent who shall elicit the participation of the Association prior to the final adoption of said calendar by the Board.
B. The Teacher in-school work year shall include one hundred eighty-two (182) teacher-pupil contact days and four (4) additional days, of which two (2) of the days will be prior to the students arrival in September.
C. All ten (10) month Secretarial/Clerical Employees shall begin work in September, report the same day as Teachers, not more than (3) working days prior to the children attending school and end three (3) working days after the Teacher’s last working day in June.
D. All ten (10) month Cafeteria Managers shall begin work in September. They shall report
the same day as Teachers, not more than three (3) working days prior to the children
attending school and end three (3) working days after the Teacher’s last working day in
June. If work is completed within three (3) days then they will be released accordingly.
All ten (10) month Cafeteria Employees shall begin work in September and report
the same day as Teachers, not more than three (3) working days prior to the children
attending school.
2. All transportation employees will report to work on the same day as students in
All paraprofessionals shall work the Teachers’ calendar.
E. Secretaries/Clerks, and Cafeteria Employees shall not be required to report during holidays
and recesses as shown in the school calendar, and shall suffer no loss in pay. Employees
not required to report to work on days when school is closed for purposes of emergency or
inclement weather shall suffer no loss in pay.
F Twelve (12) month employees shall not be required to report to work on the Fourth of July
holiday observance, and shall suffer no loss in pay.
G. Vacations
1. Twelve month certificated personnel shall have twenty (20) vacation days per year.
2. Office Personnel
a. Twelve (12) month employees hired after January 1 of any year, shall be entitled to one (1) vacation day with pay for every month of employment prior to July 1 of that calendar year, with the exception that this accrued vacation time shall not exceed one (1) week. A twelve (12) month employee who is employed more than fifteen (15) work days in any month shall have met the requirement for a full month’s employment for the purposes of vacation day accrual only.
b. Twelve (12) month employees hired after January 1, shall take their vacation entitlement during their initial year of employment between July 1 and August 31 of that calendar year. This vacation period shall be selected and scheduled by April 15 if possible. Elementary and middle school secretaries may not schedule vacation days during the month of June.
c. A twelve (12) month employee hired prior to January 1 shall accrue credit
for one year’s employment on the succeeding July 1 for the purpose of
computing vacation entitlement only.
d. The following schedule shall be employed to compute vacation pay for
twelve (12) month employees:
Period Employed | Entitlement
Vacation Weeks |
1 yr. - less than 5 yrs. | 2 |
5 yrs. - less than 10 yrs. | 3 |
10 yrs. - less than 20 yrs. | 4 |
20 yrs. - less than 25 yrs. | 5 |
25 yrs. or more | 6 |
All secretarial/clerical employees hired before June 30, 1995 shall have vacation at the levels articulated above except for the four (4) principals’ secretaries and the middle school guidance secretary who became twelve (12) month secretaries on September 1, 2001. |  |
All secretarial/clerical employees hired on or after July 1, 1995, as well as the 12 month principals’ secretaries and the middle school guidance secretary moved from ten month to twelve month positions as of September 1, 2001 shall have vacation at the levels articulated directly below: |  |
Period Employed | Entitlement
Vacation Weeks |
1 yr. - less than 5 yrs. | 2 |
5 yrs. - less than 15 yrs. | 3 |
15 yrs. or more | 4 |
e. It is the intention of the Board of Education to establish an elementary
school schedule that ensures school offices are open the maximum number
of days during the months of July and August. The Superintendent
reserves the right to disapprove vacation days that coincide with that of the
building principal.
f. Vacation entitlement shall be computed in accordance with the number of
years of employment the employee will complete prior to July 1 of any year.
1. In the event a holiday named in this Agreement falls during an employee’s vacation period, such employee shall receive an additional day’s vacation.
2. Single vacation days taken on a day when school is closed for purposes of emergency or inclement weather will be restored.
3. If vacation time is lost due to school closing and these days are made up during Easter recess, appropriate vacation time will be granted.
g. Vacation shall be selected and scheduled by April 15th of each year.
h. Senior employees shall be given preference in the selection of vacation period. Vacations shall be scheduled July 1st through June 30th provided operation permits.
i. Vacation period may be changed provided no conflict is encountered.
Any employees transferring from a twelve (12) month job to a ten (10) month job
shall be entitled to vacation pay if they worked twelve (12) months.
A ten (10) month employees who changes to a twelve (12) month position shall
receive full credit for the number of years worked for the purposes of computing
vacation entitlement.
3. Mechanics
Period Employed | Entitlement
Vacation Weeks |
6 mo. - less than 1 yr. | 1 |
1 yr. - less than 5 yrs. | 2 |
5 yrs. - less than 10 yrs. | 3 |
10 yrs. - less than 20 yrs. | 4 |
20 yrs. - less than 25 yrs. | 5 |
25 yrs. Or more | 6 |
 |  |
Any mechanic hired after January 1, 2004 shall have vacation at the levels articulated below: Period Employed Entitlement Vacation Weeks
1 yr. – less than 5 yrs. 2
5 yrs. – less than 15 yrs. 3
15 yrs or more 4
Twelve (12) month employees hired after January 1 of any year, shall be entitled to one (1) vacation day with pay for every month of employment prior to July 1 of that calendar year, with the exception that this accrued vacation time shall not exceed one (1) week. 1) A twelve (12) month employee who is employed more than fifteen (15) work days in any month shall have met the requirement for a full month’s employment for the purpose of vacation day accrual only.
H. Holidays
1. Full-time bus drivers shall be paid for the Christmas and Easter recesses and for the Friday after Thanksgiving based on the number of hours daily in the individual’s run on the average.
2. Holidays eligible under the premium pay provisions are as follows: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Birthday (1), Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Yom Kippur, Veterans Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. Holidays are to be agreed upon at the beginning of the school year.
3. Mechanic’s Holidays: July Fourth, Labor Day, Yom Kippur, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day/Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day/Day after, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Birthday (Monday), Good Friday, Easter Monday, Memorial Day.
A. All employees are required to sign-in when they arrive and sign-out when they leave in accordance with building procedures. The actual time of arrival and departure must be recorded by the employee. The work day shall include the time required as follows:
a. Teachers will commence work fifteen (15) minutes prior to the time for pupil attendance. The distribution and nature of the teacher’s fifteen (15) minute pre-pupil attendance time work shall be as determined at the sole discretion of the Superintendent of Schools and may be use in whole or in part for pupil instruction.
The Teacher’s Workday will be:
Elementary and UES 6 hours 45 minutes
Middle School 7 hours 04 minutes
High School 7 hours 15 minutes
b. The teacher work day shall include post-pupil attendance time of fifteen (15) minutes to allow smooth and supervised pupil arrival and dismissal, except on early dismissal days when teachers may be required to remain until normal departure time. Teachers will not be required to remain until the normal departure time when early dismissal days occur immediately preceding a holiday or for inclement weather.
c. Teachers may leave the building during their schedule duty-free lunch periods, provided they sign in and out. However, the total number allowed to leave during any lunch period shall not exceed the number of building staff divided by the number of building lunch periods.
1. A teacher who gives up a planning period or a lunch period to cover a
class when a substitute teacher cannot be hired for a teacher who is absent
will receive payment per class period as indicated in SCHEDULE A – NO. 9.
2. A teacher who volunteers to give up a planning period or a lunch period for an extended period of time, for a teacher who is absent and is doing the
class planning, grading and all responsibilities of the regular teacher, shall
be paid 1/6 (one-sixth) of their daily rate of pay beginning on the twenty-
first workday.
The regular work week for all full-time Secretarial/Clerical Employees
shall consist of five (5) consecutive days, Monday through Friday, six and three-quarters (6-3/4) hours each day. Twelve month secretaries will work a six and one-half (6-1/2) hour day beginning on the day after the last scheduled day for students in June, through the months of July and August, and until the first day students are in attendance in September. This will commence January 1, 2002.
The lunch period shall be thirty (30) minutes during the school year. An additional fifteen (15) minutes will be granted for lunch during the summer months when the school cafeteria is closed to students and staff.
Position | Work Day | Lunch |
District Satellite Cafeteria Manager | 8 hours | 30 minutes |
Manager - Cook | 7 hours | 30 minutes |
Worker - Cook | 6 hours | 30 minutes |
a. Full-time Bus Drivers
During the regular school year for drivers who operate regular school buses, the work week will be from Monday through Friday, inclusive. The Board will provide a guaranteed minimum payment of four and one-half (4-1/2) hours or guarantee scheduled hours of work or guarantee pay to agree with the length of the assigned run. Interruption in work schedules of one (1) hour or less shall be counted and paid as time worked.
2. All bus runs will be coordinated and finalized by October 15th at which time the drivers have the right to rebid the run. All changes to the runs after October 15th must be rebid.
3. There will be a rebid after October 15th on an emergency basis only. The emergency must be validated by the Transportation Coordinator.
4. Summer runs will be bid on in June for bus drivers.
b. Bus Mechanics
1. The regular work week for the senior Bus Mechanic shall consist of five (5) consecutive work days, Monday through Friday.
2. The senior mechanic shall have a choice of the following work schedules: 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. which includes a 30 minute paid lunch OR 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
3. The second mechanic shall work the alternate shift which includes five consecutive work days, Monday through Friday, which includes a 30 minute paid lunch.
c. All Transportation Employees
Inclement Weather/Emergency Closings: Notice of school closings for emergencies or inclement weather is defined as (a) radio announcement on WCTC (AM) not later than 6:15 a.m. or (b) telephone notification to the employee leaving home for work. Where timely notice of school closing is not given, employees reporting to work shall be paid for the actual time worked on such days or for two (2) hours, whichever is greater.
d. Full-time Bus Aides
A job description for a full-time bus aide has been agreed upon and will be kept on file in the Superintendent’s office.
Full-time bus aides will be guaranteed a minimum of three (3) hours work, regardless of an early dismissal or a delayed opening.
Full-time bus aides will be guaranteed a maximum layover time of one-half (1/2) hour.
Full-time bus aides will be provided with health benefits consistent with state law.
Summer runs will be bid on in June for full-time bus aides.
a. Is a ten (10) month full-time employee.
b. Works five (5) consecutive days. Monday through Friday
for the same hours as teachers in the building where he/she is assigned.
His/her lunch period will be included during that time
and will be as long as that of a teacher assigned to that building
c. Shall work the school calendar of 186 days.
d. Is entitled to ten (10) sick days a year.
e. Is entitled to personal days, bereavement days, leaves
of absence and extended sick leave in accordance with
the provisions in Article 19, 20 and 21 as they relate to
non-certificated SEA staff.
f. Shall receive the same health, dental and prescription
benefits as other full-time non-certificated members.
g. Shall be allowed to attend conferences upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent and in accordance
with the guidelines in Article 24 related to professional
development for non-certificated support staff.
h. Shall wear appropriate nurse’s attire at all times.
a. Are ten (10) month full-time employees.
b. Work five (5) consecutive days. Monday through Friday
for 8-1/2 hours each day including lunch.
c. Shall work the school calendar of 186 days.
d. Are entitled to ten (10) sick days a year.
e. Are entitled to personal days, bereavement days, leaves
of absence and extended sick leave in accordance with
the provisions in Article 19, 20 and 21 as they relate to
non-certificated SEA staff.
f. Shall receive the same health, dental and prescription
benefits as other full-time non-certificated members.
g. Shall be allowed to attend conferences upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent and in accordance
with the guidelines in Article 24 related to professional
development for non-certificated support staff.
h. Shall wear the approved Sayreville Board of Education
uniforms at all times.
7. PART-TIME EMPLOYEES (Cafeteria Workers, Bus Aides, Secretaries)
a. Are ten (10) month employees.
b. Work a maximum of 19.75 hours per week. They are hired for a set number of hours that may be changed but may not reach 20 hours per week. With the mutual consent of the BOE and the SEA, part-time secretaries may cover for full-time secretaries for short terms not to exceed 30 days. However, part-time secretaries will not be entitled to benefits, regardless of the number of hours worked.
c. Are entitled to ten (10) sick days a year or one (1) per month.
d. Are entitled to bereavement days according to the language in Article 20.
e. Part-time positions are not subject to the Post and Bid process in Article 17.
On days when there is a delayed opening, full time employees will report 90 minutes later than their regular starting time. Part time employees will report the same time as students or at the time when their services are required, if it is after the start of school on a delayed opening schedule. Each principal will determine the delayed opening for his/her building’s part-time employees.
C. Teachers will be required to attend all parent conferences, back-to-school nights and
faculty/department meetings called by their respective building principals and depart-
ment heads.
1. The notice of an agenda for any meetings shall be given to Teachers involved at least three (3) days prior to the meetings, except in an emergency. Teachers shall have the opportunity to suggest items for the agenda.
2. Such meetings shall not be held on a day immediately preceding a school holiday, on a Friday, or on any other day upon which Teacher attendance is not required at school.
3. Two (2) evening conferences and one (1) back-to-school night will be held. On Parent Conference evenings, teachers will have an early dismissal. On back-to-school night teachers will receive their early dismissal on the following Friday.
D. Classroom Teachers shall, in addition to their lunch periods, have preparation time during which they shall not be assigned to any other duties as follows whenever school is in session on a full school day:
1. Middle School - 1 period daily.
2. Senior High School - 1 period daily.
3. Full-time elementary school Teachers (grades K-5) shall have one preparation period each day as assigned by the Superintendent or his/her representative. If half-day kindergarten is reinstated, the prior practice of no guaranteed preparation time for kindergarten teachers shall be restored.
4. A teaching staff member carrying out the duties of Athletic Trainer shall receive five (5) planning periods during each five (5) full-day week. The employee shall receive no more than two (2) planning periods in one day.
E. Teacher participation in field trips that extend beyond the teacher’s in-school workday
and overnight or weekend trips shall be voluntary. If no volunteers are forthcoming,
assignment will be made by the Building Principal.
F. Effective September 1, 2003, the Middle School calendar shall be modified as follows:
1. The workday for upper middle school teachers will be increased by 32 minutes,
consistent with the proposed nine (9) period schedule that provides a full lunch period.
2. No certificated staff will be required to teach seven (7) classes.
G. The Building Administration shall attempt to concentrate the teaching stations of teachers whose schedules require them to have multiple locations.
H. 1. Employees traveling (those driving from one building to another in one day to perform the assigned tasks) shall be given mileage at the IRS rate.
2. Employees dividing their time between buildings or levels will be assigned to one building or level to determine the length of time for planning and lunch periods and any other items that may be determined by length of school day or assignments.
3. Employees dividing their time between buildings will not be assigned either a homeroom and/or pre and post duties, or both, at the Superintendent’s discretion. If an employee is assigned a homeroom or pre-school duty he/she will only be assigned such duty at the building in which he/she has first period. If an employee is assigned post-school duties he/she will only be assigned such duty at the building in which he/she has last period. The assignment of pre and/or post duties will not extend the employees’ work day, nor shall it interfere with any extra-curricular positions.
A. The Board agrees that the term coach, when used in this Agreement, shall refer to the following
positions as listed in Schedule A-6, Co-curricular Coaches’ Salary Guide.
B. Rights of Coaches
1. The Board agrees to make available to all coaches all necessary information to comply with the rules and regulations of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association, a copy of the rules and regulations of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association, school record cards, names and addresses, and school medical records of all team members.
2. The coaches and their team members shall have the right to use school facilities at all reasonable hours, for meetings, for practice, exhibition and scheduled game sessions, with the approval of the Superintendent.
C. Seasons of Coaches
Seasons of Coaches will be pursuant to the N.J.S.I.A.A. Constitution and By-Laws.
D. Non-Coaching Duties
(c) supervise detention halls.
E. Coaches’ Employment
1. Coaches shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year no later than May 1st for fall and winter sports and June 30th for spring sports.
2. The individual contracts to be issued for each coaching position shall be set forth in Schedule B of the Agreement. Each contract shall include the dates of the coaching season, salary, and the dates on which each coach shall receive his installments.
3. The Board agrees to officially adopt each contract and notify each coach of such official action by presenting a copy of the contract no later than May 15th for fall and winter sports and June 30 for spring sports of the school year previous to the school year in which the individual contract is operative. Coaches shall sign and return the contract within fifteen (15) days of receipt and failure to return the contract within this period shall be considered resignation.
F. Coaches’ Salaries
1. The salaries of all coaches shall be set forth in Schedule A. No. 6
2. Coaches shall be paid according to the following schedule:
Coaches in season shall be paid in two equal payments during season:
Fall Sports: October 15th and November 30th
Winter Sports: January 15th and March 15th
Spring Sports: April 15th and June 15th
3. Coaching salary shall be paid by separate check.
G. Coaches’ Assignment
1. No coach shall be precluded from accepting or applying for more than one (1) coaching assignment.
2. Any coach applying for a coaching position in which he has no experience, must receive a vote of confidence from the Athletic Director and the head coach of that sport, subject to the approval of the Superintendent.
H. Position Openings for Coaches
1. No later than April 1st of each school year, the Board shall deliver to the Sayreville Education Association and post in each school building a list of known coaching vacancies which shall occur during the following year.
2. Such posting shall include the title of the coaching position being vacated, the contracted salary offered, and the qualifications necessary. Such posting shall be in accordance with all provisions of the Agreement.
3. Any coach holding a current coaching position who is not being re-hired for the position, will be notified in writing by the Athletic Director prior to the posting of said position.
I. Coaching Facilities
1. Coaches shall be provided with:
a. adequate team equipment and supplies;
b. a separate private locker room for the exclusive use of coaches;
c. a complete copy of the rules and regulations of NJSIAA.
Each coach shall be reimbursed the amount of money specified in SCHEDULE A –
NO. 9 to be used for scouting as the need arises, with the approval of the Athletic
Director and the Superintendent.
J. Leaves
No coach shall be required to attend a practice, exhibition or officially scheduled game session if he was excused from school that same day because of sick leave or a temporary leave of absence as cited in this Agreement.
K. Coaching Development and Improvement
to attend two clinics of his/her choice not in addition to the two (2) days listed in
ARTICLE 20. Each coach will be allowed one (1) additional day to attend clinics,
meetings or conferences other than those listed in ARTICLE 20. The daily amount
of reimbursement shall not exceed the Professional Day allocation in SCHEDULE A – NO. 9.
L. Coaches’ Protection
1. The Board agrees to protect and save harmless every coach from any financial loss resulting from an act or omission arising out of and in the course of the performance of his coaching duties.
2. No coach shall be required to drive students to activities which take place away from the school building. A coach may do so voluntarily, however, with the advance approval of the Superintendent. He/she shall be compensated at the highest current IRS allowable rate.
3. Coaches contract shall be set forth in Schedule B.
A. The Board agrees that the term advisor when used in this Agreement shall refer to the following positions as listed in Schedule A-6, Extra-Curricular Advisors’ Salary Guide.
B. 1. The Board agrees to make available to all advisors all necessary information needed to complete their duties including any rule and regulations required to complete such duties, school duties, school records cards, names and addresses of all activity members.
2. Advisors and their activity members shall have the right to use school facilities at all reasonable hours, for meetings, rehearsals, exhibitions activities and scheduled performances, with the approval of the Superintendent.
C. 1. Advisors shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year by May 1st or as soon thereafter as practical.
2. The individual contracts to be issued for each advisor position shall be set forth in Schedule C of the Agreement. Each advisor contract shall include the school year of advisorship, salary and the dates on which each advisor shall receive payment.
D. 1. The salaries of all advisors shall be set forth in the Extra-Curricular Salary Guide – Schedule A-6.
2. Advisors shall be paid in two equal payments during the school year:
E. Position openings for Advisors:
1. No later than April 1st of each school year, the Board shall deliver to the Sayreville Education Association and post in each school building a list of known advisorship vacancies that shall occur during the following year.
2. Such posting shall include the title of the positions vacated, the contracted salary offered, and the qualifications necessary. Such posting shall be in accordance with all provisions of the Agreement.
3. Any Advisor holding a current advisorship position who is not being re-hired for the position, shall be notified in writing by the Principal prior to the posting of said position.
F. Leaves
1. No advisor shall be required to attend a rehearsal, exhibition or official scheduled session if he/she was excused from school that same day because of sick leave or temporary leave of absence as cited in this Agreement.
G. Advisor Protection
1. The Board agrees to protect and save harmless every advisor from any financial loss resulting from an act of omission arising out of and in the course of the performance of his/her advisor duties.
2. No advisor shall be required to drive students to activities that take place away from the school building. An advisor may do so voluntarily, however, with the advance approval of the Superintendent. He/She shall be compensated at the highest current IRS allowable rate.
3. Advisors’ contracts shall be set forth in Schedule C.
A. The Board recognizes the desirability of employing cafeteria aides in each elementary school to assist the supervision of cafeterias and playgrounds when school is in session. However, the decision of hiring and stipulating assignments rests with the Board. The Board will hire such aides when, in its judgment, it is practical to do so.
B. Teachers shall not be required to chaperone any school dances during holidays and extended weekends. This shall be on a voluntary basis.
C. Teachers shall not be required to drive students to activities which take place away from the school building. A Teacher may do so voluntarily, however, with the advance approval of the Board of Education. He/She shall be compensated at the highest current IRS allowable rate.
D. The Board shall arrange for and maintain a reasonable amount of insurance to cover damages incurred by a Teacher against whom any action shall be brought for any action or omission arising out of the authorized use of his own automobile in the performance of school duties.
E. Pupils returning insurance and picture money to school shall do so in sealed envelopes and said envelopes shall be turned in to the principal’s office. Teachers are not required to count and/or tally monies for the above-mentioned items.
F. The employee participation in out-of-district presentations/programs shall be compensated for mileage at the allowable IRS rate and approved expenses. These presentations and/or programs shall not be considered as professional days as defined in this contract.
G. Presentations done for the Board of Education or on behalf of the Board of Education by employees shall be done on a voluntary basis. These employees will be compensated with a meal allowance of $ 10.00 or mileage at the allowable IRS rate.
H. Overtime
1. Secretaries, Cafeteria Employees, Paraprofessionals and Transportation employees shall be given advance notice of work required to be performed on an overtime basis whenever it is practicable to do so.
2. Cafeteria Workers’ overtime shall be distributed as equitably as possible. Overtime shall first be offered to the employee possessing the most seniority, on a rotation basis, within the school they are working. Title jobs excluded.
3. Overtime shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the normal
4. Any employee not desiring to accept overtime will not be disciplined in any
A. No Teachers shall be employed unless they are the holders of a valid certificate or has approval under the Provisional Teacher Program.
B. 1. Each Teacher may be placed on his proper step of the salary schedule as follows:
At the discretion of the Superintendent and the approval of the Board, credit may be given for previous outside teaching experience in a duly accredited school upon initial employment. In addition, credit may also be given for military experience to the maximum permitted by law. Credit may also be given for alternative civilian service required by the Selective Service System and/or the Peace Corps., VISTA or National Teachers Corps, work and/or time spent on a Fulbright Scholarship.
2. In the event of a recall, any riffed teacher who wishes to return, but is under contract to another school district and is unable to obtain a release from that contract, shall be given a grace period of up to sixty (60) days to begin employment, in order to fulfill his/her other contractual obligations.
C. 1. To procure Teachers of special qualifications, and/or in areas of short supply, unlimited prior service, based on school or nonschool experience may be allowed by the Superintendent with the approval of the Board.
2. Teachers entering the Armed Forces of the United States from the Sayreville Public Schools will, when reemployed, be given a salary equal to that which they were receiving at the time they entered the Armed Forces, plus all increments received by the Teachers of the district during the period of service in the Armed Forces.
D. Teachers who are not to be rehired will be notified in writing according to state statute.
E. Teachers recognize their responsibilities as professionals. In recognition thereof, they agree to:
1. maintain high professional standards;
2. report for duty at designated times;
3. prepare appropriate lesson plans, as requested by administration;
4. attend faculty meetings as described in Article 7, B.
A. The salaries of all employees covered by the Agreement are set forth in Schedule A.1 through A.22.
1. Employees employed on a ten (10) month basis shall be paid in twenty (20) equal semi-monthly installments. Employees employed on a twelve (12) month basis shall be paid in twenty-four (24) equal semi-monthly installments.
2. The Board agrees to deduct from an employee’s salary money for the Teachers’ Credit Union in Middlesex County in the denominations requested by the employee and according to the guidelines of the credit union. Said deposits shall be made twice per month to the Credit Union when paychecks are distributed. However, an employee may make only one alteration in the deduction denomination per year. The year is defined as September 1 through August 31.
3. When a pay day falls on or during a school holiday, bank holiday, vacation or weekend, employees shall receive their pay checks on the last previous working day, except in an emergency.
4. Ten (10) month employees shall receive their final pay checks no later than June 30, provided the building principal certifies that they have completed duties for which they are responsible.
5. Payment for Extra-Curricular shall be paid by separate check.
6. All employees will have the option of direct deposit of paychecks into their respective bank accounts.
B. Increments
An employee is eligible to advance a step in the salary guide in the new school year if he/she satisfies the following requirements:
1. The employee is reappointed for the new school year.
2. The employee worked and received compensation for more than half (1/2) of the
preceding year as follows:
a. Ten month employees must have worked more than five (5) months during
the preceding school year; and
b. Twelve month employees must have worked more than (6) months during
the preceding school year.
The employee’s increment has not been withheld by the Board of Education.
C. Adjustment
D. Attendance Incentive
Upon retirement, as retirement is defined by the T.P.A.F., a teacher with fifteen (15) years of service in the Sayreville School System and with a good attendance record, shall receive an attendance incentive of 1.40% of his/her salary for every three (3) years of service. A teacher with an exceptional attendance record shall receive an attendance incentive of 1.55% of his/her salary for every three (3) years of service. A good attendance record shall be defined to mean a teacher who is able to maintain an average of sixty percent (60%) of his/her accumulated leave days per year for the last fifteen (15) years of service. An exceptional attendance record shall be defined to mean a teacher who is able to maintain an average of eighty percent (80%) of his/her accumulated leave days per year for the last fifteen (15) years of service. In extreme circumstances, where a teacher, upon retirement, has not met the definition of good attendance due to catastrophic illness or other extenuating circumstances, the Board may, in its discretion, confer upon the teacher a good service bonus of up to $1,000.00. Timely notice of intent to apply for the attendance incentive must be given to the Board no later than November 1 prior to the year of the officially requested retirement date. For example, a person planning to retire in June 2006, would have to officially notify the Board by November 1, 2005 and would be paid the attendance incentive in July 2006. If a person plans to retire in June 2006 but officially notifies the Board on November 2, 2005 or later, he/she will be paid the attendance incentive in July 2007. If timely notice is not given, the Board may delay the attendance incentive until the following school year. All retiring employees shall receive their retirement bonus as a contribution to a 403(b) Plan paid by the Board of Education.
E. Terminal Leave Pay – Full-Time Secretaries, Cafeteria Employees, Bus Drivers, Mechanics, Full-Time Paraprofessionals, Full-Time Bus Aides and Full-Time Campus Monitors.
Through June 30, 2005, immediately prior to retirement an employee will be granted a number of days off with full pay equal to one-half (1/2) of his/her unused sick days with a maximum of seventy-five (75) days for terminal leave pay, OR the employee may elect to work until his/her retirement date and receive terminal leave pay equal to one-half (1/2) of unused sick days with a maximum of seventy-five (75) days.
Beginning July 1, 2005, upon retirement an employee’s terminal leave pay will be equal to one-half (1/2) of unused sick days with a maximum of ninety (90) days.
All retiring employees may receive their terminal leave pay as a contribution to a 403 (b) plan paid by the Board of Education.
F. Premium Pay - Transportation Employees
1. The Board agrees to pay one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time hourly rate for work performed.
a. In excess of eight (8) hours in a calendar day.
b. In excess of forty (40) hours in a work week.
c. On any Saturday (this provision shall not apply to hourly bus drivers).
d. On any Sunday.
e. On any observed holiday, in addition to holiday pay entitlement, if any.
2. Requests to work overtime shall not be canceled once the overtime assignment is made. Should a trip requiring overtime be canceled after it is assigned, the affected employee shall receive the next unassigned trip.
3. Employee(s) called in shall be guaranteed four (4) hours work or pay in lieu thereof. Whenever applicable, premium pay rules shall apply.
a. Full-time bus drivers who are assigned a trip following the four (4) hour guarantee which is of less than one (1) hour duration and is either preceded or followed by work with a waiting period of less than one (1) hour shall be guaranteed one (1) hour’s pay.
4. Breaks of less than one (1) hour for full-time bus drivers and one-half (1/2) hour for full-time bus aides will count as hours worked.
5. The Board will pay towards an overtime meal when an employee is required to work
ten (10) hours or more and for each succeeding four (4) hours of work . The Board
will also pay towards an overtime meal when an employee works six (6) hours if said
assignment extends beyond 7:00 p.m. Their respective amounts can be found in
6. Overtime will be equalized to the fullest extent practicable within each work group.
a. Full-time bus drivers’ field trips and athletic trips shall be offered in the order of seniority. There shall be a separate rotation list for field trips as well and for athletic trips.
7. The Board shall not substitute compensatory time off in place of wages earned.
A. 1. a. All Teachers shall be given written notice of their tentative class and/or subject
assignments and building assignments for the forthcoming year not later than June 1, whenever possible.
b. Non-teaching staff members shall be given written notice of changes in their work
and/or building assignments for the forthcoming year. This notice shall be given to twelve (12) month Secretarial/Clerical Employees, and Cafeteria Employees by
August 1. Every effort will be made to notify the Paraprofessionals of changes as
soon as possible.
2. The Superintendent shall assign all newly appointed personnel to their tentative positions within that subject area and/or grade level for which the Board has tentatively appointed the Teacher. The Superintendent shall give notice of assignments to new Teachers as soon as practicable.
3. In the event that changes in such schedules, class and/or subject assignments, work assignments, or building assignments, are proposed after the dates set forth in 1.a. and b. above, the employee affected shall be notified in writing as soon as possible.
B. 1. Employees who may be required to use their own automobile in the performance of their duties shall be reimbursed for all such travel at the highest current IRS allowable rate.
2. Teachers who are assigned to more than one (1) school building shall be given adequate travel time between schools.
3. Employees dividing their time between buildings or levels will be assigned to one building or level as per Article 7, at the discretion of the Superintendent.
4. Employees dividing their time between buildings during the school day, shall be providing parking spaces as close as possible to a building entrance.
5. All employee transfers (full or part-time) will be made public in the
Superintendent’s report, at all Board of Education meetings.
A. Each school shall have the following facilities:
1. Space in each classroom in which Teachers may store instructional materials and supplies.
2. A desk, chair, and filing cabinet for each classroom.
3. A separate dining area for the use of the employees, wherever possible.
4. Space for each employee to store coats, overshoes, and personal articles.
5. Chalkboard space in every classroom.
6. A dictionary in every classroom and secretarial work station.
7. Books, paper, pencils, pens, chalk and erasers, as appropriate, shall be provided in every classroom and secretarial work station.
B. Uniform Allowance
1. The Board shall provide each Cafeteria Employees with five (5) shirts, five (5) pants, and five (5) smocks and up to a $ 55.00 allowance for shoes annually. The type of such uniform will jointly be determined by the supervisor and an SEA committee.
2. Each year, the Board will provide the mechanics with seven (7) long sleeve shirts, seven (7) short sleeve shirts, and seven (7) pairs of pants. These items will be maintained by the worker. Each year the board will provide the mechanics with a pair of safety shoes not to exceed a cost of $150.00. A receipt and certification statement must be signed by the employee attesting to compliance with OSHA standards for his/her job description in order to receive reimbursement for shoes. Every three (3) years, foul weather gear will be provided for the mechanics. New mechanics hired prior to December 31st of the current year will receive his/her full complement of shirts, pants and shoes. Anyone hired after December 31st will receive his/her full complement of shirts, pants and shoes the date of hire but not be issued another set on July 1st of that year.
3. The Board shall provide each Bus Driver and Bus Aide with five (5) uniform shirts and one (1) winter jacket as needed. An SEA committee and the Board of Education
will mutually agree upon the color, style and manufacturer of the uniform shirt and
A. A joint Educational Council shall be established and it shall consist of up to three (3) Board members, the Superintendent of Schools, two (2) designees appointed by the Board and up to five (5) Sayreville Teachers appointed by the Association. The Council shall meet at least three (3) times a year and advise the Board of Education on matters of mutual concern dealing with the day-to-day operation of the system and the advancement of the educational goals of the district. Prior to September 30 each school year, meeting dates for the school year shall be set jointly. Teacher participation in the Educational Council is voluntary and without additional compensation.
B. The function of the Educational Council is to recommend for Board of Education consideration the establishment of policies and practices pertinent to the items in paragraph A. The Council, in preparing their recommendations for the Board of Education consideration, shall at all times avail itself of the most up-to-date research pertinent to such recommendations. In addition, it shall provide for majority reports and minority reports, if any, pertaining to its recommendations.
C. All reports and recommendations outlined above in paragraph B. shall be in writing.
D. Meetings shall generally be held during evening hours, at a mutually agreeable time.
A. Request for a voluntary transfer shall be given due consideration by the Superintendent of Schools on the basis of the needs of the District.
B. Notice of any involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to Teachers as soon as practicable and, except in cases of emergency, not later than June 15.
C. An involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be effective only after a meeting between the Teacher involved, and the principal, at which time the Teacher shall be notified of the reason, if requested by the Teacher. The Teacher may, at his option, have an Association representative present at such meeting.
D. Teachers shall be given a signed copy of their notice of transfer, if possible, no later than
June 15 of the year preceding said transfer.
A. Promotional positions are defined as “positions on the administrator-supervisory levels of responsibility.” Extra work and/or extra pay assignments do not constitute a promotion.
B. For all promotional positions:
1. A notice shall be posted in each school and Administrative Building as far in advance as practicable. A copy shall be sent to the Association President. Teachers who desire to apply for such vacancies shall submit their applications in writing to the Superintendent within the time limits specified in the notice.
2. Applicants who meet the qualifications for a vacancy shall be interviewed by
the Superintendent or his/her designee, and/or the Board of Education.
1. General
a. “Seniority” is defined to mean preference in employment based upon the length of continuous service with the Board from the date of initial hire provided such service has not been terminated by:
b. If a new employee is retained by the Board beyond the probationary period, his/her seniority will be retroactive to the date of employment.
c. Seniority shall prevail in matters of layoff, recall, and vacation selection except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. To break ties in seniority, the lowest number on the application will prevail.
Employees on paid sick leave will continue to accrue seniority.
2. Specific
a. Secretarial/Clerical Employees
Vacancies in the Superintendent’s Office shall be filled by managerial prerogative. Seniority will not be a controlling factor in the filling of these vacancies.
b. District Satellite Cafeteria Manager
1. In case of a school closing or a reorganization, the Manager with the
least seniority in this category, will move back into the Cafeteria
Worker category at the most junior six (6) hour position, retaining all
seniority rights for future bidding positions.
2. Probationary Period - The first 90 calendar days of employment,
excluding July and August, shall be a probationary period and the Board shall
have the right to discharge a probationary employee without assigning any
reason for the discharge and shall not have recourse under the grievance
3. No seniority will be lost or gained by a leave of absence approved by the
Board unless the person fails to report to work on the agreed workday.
B. Post and Bid Procedure
1. It is the intention of the Board to fill job vacancies from within each unit sub-group (Secretarial/Clerical, Cafeteria Manager, Cafeteria Workers, Paraprofessional) before hiring new employees.
2. The Board shall post all vacancies for permanent positions. The Board shall prepare a notice stating the name of the job classification, location of the assignment and requirements. In addition, the statement shall invite bids. This notice shall be posted on all bulletin boards for five (5) working days. In addition, the Board agrees to publish a notice for bid to each employee on the email system. All such vacancies will be posted on the district’s website.
A successful bidder will be granted a trial period of thirty (30) renewable working
days not to exceed ninety (90) working days on the new assignment. During this trial period, the successful bidder will be compensated at the rate of pay of the new classification. Easter, Christmas and summer recesses, where applicable, will not count toward the completion of the ninety (90) working days’ trial period. The Association and the employee will be kept advised of the bidders’ progress in learning of the new assignment and be given every reasonable assistance to successfully meet the requirements of the job. If the bidder does not wish to stay in the lateral/upgrade position, the bidder may return to his/her previous position within twenty (20) days of the new appointment. If the bidder fails to successfully meet the requirements of the job within the ninety (90) working day trial period, or expresses his/her desire to return to his/her previous position within twenty (20) days of the new appointment, such person shall assume seniority and pay as though such old classification had never been left.
a. Transportation Employees. A successful bidder will be granted a trial period of ninety (90) calendar days, excluding July and August, on the new assignment. During his/her trial period, the successful bidder will be compensated at the rate of pay for the new classification. The Association and the employee will be kept advised of the bidder’s progress in learning the new assignment and be given every reasonable assistance to successfully meet the requirements of the job. If the bidder fails to successfully meet these requirements within ninety (90) calendar day trial period, such person shall assume seniority and pay as though such old classification had never been left.
4. Once a Cafeteria Worker, District Satellite Cafeteria manager or Secretarial/Clerical
employee successfully bids for a new job, he/she will be restricted from bidding for
one (1) year after the date of the last move unless a posting is for a higher-rated job.
C. Layoff and Recall
1. General Provisions
The Board may reduce the working force only due to a lack of work. In such event, the following procedures shall be followed:
a. Any employee laid-off shall be placed on the recall list in the unit sub-group (see B.1.) for a period of two (2) years.
b. Any notice of re-employment to an employee who has been laid off shall be made by registered mail to the last known address of such employee.
c. The employee must notify the Board within ten (10) working days of intent to return to work.
d. The employee shall give notice of intent to return within ten (10) working days of receipt of a reemployment notice and actually return to work within thirty (30) calendar days.
e. Notice of the layoffs of Cafeteria Employees, and Secretarial/Clerical Employees shall be given at least thirty (30) days before the scheduled layoffs. Paraprofessionals and Transportation Employees shall be given at least ten (10) working days notice before the scheduled layoffs.
f. The employee with the least amount of seniority in a unit sub-group (see B.1. above), regardless of classification within the unit sub-group will be the first laid off.
g. The Board, upon rehiring, shall do so in order of seniority. The Board shall rehire the last employee laid-off in a unit sub-group providing that such employee has the qualifications for the position for which he is rehired.
h. Under no circumstances shall the Board hire Secretarial/Clerical Employees from the open market while Secretarial/Clerical Employees on the recall list who are qualified to perform the duties of the vacant position are ready, willing and able to be re-employed.
i. Any non-professional employee who maintains his/her employment within the district and bids for a job previously held by that employee will be placed on the same step of the salary guide that he/she would have been on had they never left the position.
2. Secretarial/Clerical Reduction-in-Work Year
If a reduction in the Secretarial/Clerical work force involves changing a position from twelve (12) months to ten (10) months, the following rules will apply:
a. Employee in the reduced position may elect to remain in the position or displace the
most junior of these twelve (12) month employees with less seniority providing:
(1) the employee is qualified for that position
(2) the position is not restricted under A.2.a. above.
b. The junior twelve (12) month employee displaced from a twelve (12) month position
will be placed in the open ten (10) month position.
A. Teacher Evaluation
Each non-tenured Teacher shall be evaluated at least three (3) times each year by his/her immediate supervisor.
A Teacher shall be given a copy of any class visit or evaluation report prepared by his/her evaluators not more than five (5) working days following the evaluations.
3. Each observation cycle (observation, written report and conference) shall be completed
before another cycle begins. However, the teacher must notify the evaluator if a cycle is
incomplete before the observation commences.
B. All Employees
1. Any employee shall have the right to have his written comment, regarding the evaluation, included in his personnel file.
2. The Teacher shall be given a copy of the Annual Performance Report after the Teacher has signed said report. When any report on performance goes into a nonteaching employee’s personnel file, a copy shall be provided to the employee.
3. No observation or evaluation report shall be submitted to any central office, placed in the employee’s file or otherwise acted upon without prior conference with the employee. No employee shall be required to sign a blank or incomplete evaluation or observation form.
4. When any report on performance goes into a non-teaching employee’s personnel file, a copy shall be provided to the employee.
5. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of an employee shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the employee. The use of eavesdropping, public address, cameras, audio systems, and similar surveillance devices shall be strictly prohibited.
A. All employees employed by September 1st who are protected by tenure or are steadily employed, shall be entitled to ten (10) sick leave days each school year and all twelve (12) months employees shall be entitled to twelve (12) sick leave days each school year. All newly-hired employees employed after September 1st, on a contractual basis, will be entitled to a prorate number of sick days equal to one (1) day for each full month of employment. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit. However, no employee shall be allowed to increase his total accumulation by more than fifteen (15) days in any one year, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18-A:30-7.
All cafeteria workers-hourly shall be entitled to one sick leave day per moth. A sick leave day shall be defined as the number of hour per day normally worked by the worker taking sick leave. Any day not used may accumulate but cannot be used for a determination of terminal leave pay under Article 11E unless the worker becomes full time in a position in the district. Should a worker become full time, that number of sick leave hours that the worker has accumulated shall be retained.
All contractual employees re-hired after September 1, will be entitled to one (1) sick day for the month they are re-hired, provided they begin working on or before the first work day after the tenth of the month.
B. Extended Sick Leave
Extended sick leave benefits will be governed by N.J.S.A. 18A:30-6 as outlined below:
When absence, under the circumstances described in section 18A:30-1 of this Article, extends the annual sick leave and the accumulated sick leave, the Board of Education may pay any such person each day’s salary less the pay of a substitute, if a substitute is employed or the estimated cost of the employment of a substitute if non is employed, for such length of time as may be determined by the Board of Education in each individual case. A day’s salary is defined as 1/200 of the annual salary for ten (10) month employees and 1/240 of the annual salary for twelve (12) month employees.
C. Tenured Teachers, Secretarial/Clerical Employees, Cafeteria Employees, Paraprofessionals and Transportation Employees must be granted a sick leave without pay, up to two (2) years, unless the Board of Education acts otherwise in a specific case.
D. No sick leave entitlement is to accrue to employees while on an unpaid leave of absence.
E. Every effort shall be made to provide all employees an annual accounting of accumulated sick leave by September 30.
F. Paraprofessionals on a paid sick leave will continue to accrue seniority.
G. Transportation Employees
1. Employees entitled to sick days with pay shall be paid for the scheduled hours of run, inclusive of late runs.
2. Employees with less than six (6) years of employment may receive the difference between their salary and the wages paid to a substitute for thirty (30) days after their cumulative sick days have been exhausted only once for same occurrence. The Board retains case by case discretion in granting any additional leave.
3. Employees with more than six (6) years of employment may receive the difference between their salary and wages paid to a substitute for ninety (90) days after their cumulative sick days have been exhausted for each occurrence, provided there is a break of at least thirty (30) calendar days. The Board retains case by case discretion in granting any additional leave.
4. No sick leave entitlement is to accrue to employees while on leave of absence.
5. Employees on sick leave will continue to accrue seniority.
H. Perfect Attendance Incentive
A perfect attendance incentive will be given to staff members who have perfect attendance in any given school year. Perfect attendance shall be defined as “not having used any sick days or personal days or deduct days.” The incentive shall be indicated in SCHEDULE A – NO. 9.
A. Teachers shall be entitled to the following personal leaves of absence with full pay each school year:
1. Days for personal business that require absence during school hours. The applicant need not be required to state the reason for taking such leave other than that he is taking it under this section. The applicant must submit and receive approval from the Superintendent or his designee three (3) days before taking such leave. Teachers shall not request personal days immediately before and after a holiday. Regulations in this paragraph may be waived in case of an emergency and/or at the discretion of the Superintendent.
a. Teachers with less than nine (9) years of service in the District - three (3) days.
b. Teachers with nine (9) years or more service in the District - four (4) days.
c. Teachers employed after December 1st shall receive a prorated number of personal days according to the following schedule:
d In the event a Teacher desires to use a personal day in an emergency
situation, the Teacher shall report his/her intent to be absent in the normal
manner. On the first day the Teacher returns to work, the Teacher shall
submit a personal leave day request, with the emergency reason stated, to
the Superintendent, or his/her designee for approval/disapproval.
e. A maximum of one (1) personal day each school year may be taken as two (2) half-day personal days.
f. Employees may be granted three (3) consecutive personal days with the approval of the building principal as long as they do not coincide with the following:
1. The day before or after a holiday or school recess/vacation.
2. The day(s) of any state tests, achievement tests and/or mid-term/final exams.
3. The day(s) planned for district/school staff development activities.
Any three consecutive personal days which involve 1 through 3 above will require the approval of the Superintendent of Schools and will be granted under limited conditions.
Bus aides, part-time cafeteria employees and part-time secretaries will be granted
one (1) paid personal day per year. Full-time secretarial/clerical employees, cafeteria
employees, full-time paraprofessionals, full-time bus drivers, and Mechanics will be granted personal days with pay in accordance with the following schedule:
Years of Employment as of June 30th | Number of Personal Days with Pay |
Less than one (1) year | Prorate one (1) day for each four (4) months of completed employment |
One (1) year but less than five (5) years | Three (3) days |
Five (5) years or more | Four (4) days |
An employee must submit and receive approval from the Superintendent or his/her designee three (3) days before taking such leave. In the event an employee desires to use a personal day in an emergency situation, the employee shall report his/her intent to be absent in the normal manner. On the first day the employee returns to work, the employee shall submit a personal leave day request, with the emergency reason stated, to the Superintendent, or his/her designee for approval/disapproval.
The Board will consider granting a personal leave day either on the scheduled workday prior to or following Independence Day and prior to Labor Day.
Personal days will be reimbursed for Hourly drivers based on scheduled hours of work, inclusive of late runs.
4. Employees may be granted three (3) consecutive personal days with the approval of the building principal as long as they do not coincide with the following:
a. The day before or after a holiday or school recess/vacation.
b. The day(s) of any state tests, achievement tests and/or mid-term/final exams.
c. The day(s) planned for district/school staff development activities.
Any three consecutive personal days which involve “a” through “c” above
will require the approval of the Superintendent of Schools and will be granted
under limited circumstances.
C. Unused entitlement of personal days under A. and B. above with pay shall be added to such individual employee’s accumulated sick leave entitlement.
D. See Article 24 for Professional Development Days
E. 1. An allowance of five (5) bereavement days will be granted for a spouse, “significant other”
“civil union” partner as defined by the state, child, mother, father, step-parents, step-
children, or siblings, without deduction in pay in case of death provided the leave can be
taken within ten (10) days. “Significant other” shall be defined as one of two adults
living in the same household as domestic partners in an established relationship,
acknowledged by the parties and with co-mingled financial obligations.
2. Three (3) bereavement days will be granted for mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, and grandchildren, provided these can be taken within seven (7) days.
F. In the event of a death of an employee’s brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law, an allowance of (1) workday will be granted without deduction in pay provided that this can be taken within seven (7) workdays of the aforementioned death.
G. An allowance of one (1) school day for attendance at delayed funeral services for relatives in the above-mentioned categories under extenuating circumstances according to the discretion of the Superintendent.
H. In the event of the death of a student or staff member, the building principal will allow a suitable number of staff members to leave the building at attend the funeral.
I. Ten-month employees absenting themselves and failing to comply with the procedures delineated above will be deducted one two-hundredth (1/200) of the annual salary for such day’s absence. Twelve-month employees absenting themselves and failing to comply with the procedures delineated above will have one-two hundredth and fortieth (1/240) of the annual salary deducted for such day’s absence.
J. Jury Duty Service - Teachers, Secretarial/Clerical Employees, Cafeteria Employees, Paraprofessionals and Transportation Employees.
1. Any such employee who is called to jury duty shall immediately notify the employer.
2. Said employee who is excused from jury duty service on any day shall report for work on such day.
3. Said employee shall not be required to report back to work on any day he is in attendance at court for jury duty service, regardless of the employee’s shift.
4. The employer agrees to pay said employee a full day’s pay for each day of jury duty service in addition to whatever compensation such employee may receive as jury duty services fees from the court. Full-Time Bus Drivers shall not be paid less than four and one half (4-1/2) hours or scheduled hours not including late runs.
A. Anticipated Disability Leaves
1. Any employee who anticipates undergoing a state of disability such as but not limited to surgery, hospital confinement, medical treatment or pregnancy may apply for a leave of absence based upon said anticipated disability in accordance with provisions hereinafter set forth.
2. Employees requiring time off for reasons of disability are required to request such leave of the Board on the form included in this contract, through the Superintendent, as soon as the condition which may result in disability is known.
3. Any employee who desires to continue in the performance of his or her duties during a period prior to a state of disability shall be permitted to do so provided said employee produces a statement from his or her physician stating that said employee is physically capable of continuing to perform his or her duties and further stating up to what date is the opinion of said physician the employee is capable of performing said duties.
4. The employee requesting a leave under the provisions of Section A. shall specify in writing on the form included in this contract the date on which the disability is anticipated to commence and terminate.
5. The employee requesting leave under Section A. must produce a statement of his or her physician stating that the employee is or will be disabled pursuant to Section A.1. The statement must include anticipated commencement and termination dates for said disability.
6. The Board retains the right to set the start date and/or return date for said leave in order to avoid interference with the administration of the schools or with the education of its students. Should the Board choose to accelerate a stating date for an anticipated disability leave under this provision, the date will be set no earlier than the first day of the marking period in which the employee anticipates leaving. The employee shall not lose any insurance benefits if his/her starting date is accelerated under this provision. Return from a disability, family and/or child rearing leave shall occur at the beginning of a marking period. Prior written notice must be given. Any deviation from this policy for extraordinary circumstances shall be at the discretion of the Superintendent and the Board.
7. The Board shall have the right to require any employee who has been on a disability leave and who desires to return to his or her duties by a fixed date following recovery from disability to produce a certificate from his or her physician stating that he or she is capable of resuming their duties.
8. During the period of actual disability an employee granted an unpaid leave or absence may use accumulated sick leave pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:30-1 et seq.
9. The provisions of Section A. shall not be deemed to impose on the Board any obligation to grant or extend a leave of absence of any non-tenured employee beyond the end of the contract school year in which the leave is obtained.
B. Child-Rearing Leave
1. In the case of a birth of a child, any employee shall have the right to apply for a leave without pay for child-rearing purposes.
2. Applications for child-rearing leave shall be made by the employee to the Superintendent at least sixty (60) days prior to the anticipated birth of the child. Employees shall utilize the form included in this contract for this purpose.
3. Child-rearing leave shall be granted to all employees for a period of up to the end of the work year in which the birth of the child occurs. In the case of a tenured employee, such leave shall, upon the request of the employee, be extended for one (1) additional work year, providing application is made no later than March 15 of the prior work year. Exception the case when the child is born after March 15, the application shall be made no later than July 1.
4. Any employee adopting a child shall be granted a child-rearing leave which shall commence upon receiving de facto custody of said infant, or earlier if necessary, to fulfil the requirements for the adoption. The employee shall notify the Superintendent as soon as the employee knows of the date of custody.
5. An employee may request to terminate an unpaid leave of absence under Sections B.3. and B.4. prior to the termination date adopted by the Board. The Board may deny such a request based upon its determination that the earlier leave termination date would interfere with the administration of the schools or its students.
6. A Teacher returning from an unpaid leave of absence under B.3. and B.4. above shall be placed in a position within the certification of such Teacher.
7. The provisions of Section B. shall not be deemed to impose on the Board any obligation to grant or extend a leave of absence to any non-tenured employee beyond the termination date of his or her contract.
C. Other leaves of absence may be granted by the Board for good reason.
D. 1. Employees leaving for pregnancy disability purposes shall have extended insurance coverage until the termination of the work year in which the pregnancy disability occurs.
E. Employees on a leave of absence pursuant to the provisions of this Article shall submit to the Superintendent written notice of their intent to return to work no later than April 1 of the school year preceding the year in which they intend to return. Failure to submit this notification will be considered a resignation.
F. Supplemental Leaves - Transportation Employees
A. A sabbatical leave may be granted to a Teacher by the Board for educational purposes. To be eligible, one must show proof of matriculation for a Doctorate degree program subject to the following conditions:
1. If there are sufficient qualified applicants, sabbatical leaves shall be limited to three (3) Teachers at any one time.
2. Requests for sabbatical leave must be received by the Superintendent in writing no later than February 1st and action must be taken on all such requests no later than May 1st, of the school year preceding the school year for which the sabbatical leave is requested.
3. Tenured Teachers who have completed at least seven (7) full school years of service in the Sayreville School District are eligible.
4. A Teacher on sabbatical leave for a full school year shall be paid by the Board at fifty percent (50%) of the salary rate which he would have received if he had remained on active duty.
5. Upon return from sabbatical leave, a Teacher shall retain salary, seniority, retirement and tenure rights as if they were in regular employment.
6. The recipients of sabbatical leaves shall agree, in writing, to return to the Sayreville School District for a period of at least two (2) years after the leave. Failure to comply with this section will require reimbursement of salary received during said leave.
7. Final selection of recipients shall be made by the Superintendent of Schools and require approval by the Board of Education.
8. The recipients of sabbatical leaves shall prepare and submit written reports for evaluation work or research undertaken during the leave. Number and frequency of written reports submitted by the candidates to the Board of Education will be determined by the Superintendent and will depend on the course of study being pursued by the candidate.
9. Should the recipient not receive his Doctorate within two (2) years after returning to the Sayreville School District, he is to reimburse the Board fifty percent (50%) of the pay he received while on sabbatical.
A. A properly qualified Teacher holding an appropriate certificate, who replaced a regular teacher during an extended absence, carrying out regular teaching procedures and preparing and formulating lesson plans, shall be paid at the minimum salary for his/her classification on the guide or at a level approved by the Superintendent and the Board.
B. The Teacher shall receive prorated sick leave and personal days in accordance with ARTICLES
19 and 20.
C. Health benefits shall be provided to the extent required by law. The teacher shall also receive any other dental and prescription benefits to thee same extent as any other employee who is employed for sixty (60) or more days..
D. The Teacher shall be granted professional days at the discretion of the Principal/Superintendent as per ARTICLE 24. If the replacement teacher works for the full year, he/she will have the same number of professional days as a regular teacher.
This language shall not apply to vacancies created by resignation, retirement or death except for those vacancies which occur after April 30 in any year. Vacancies which occur after April 30 may be filled under the substitute procedures and shall not be covered under A. above.
A. Course Reimbursement: The agreement provides for tuition reimbursement to be made for up to nine (9) credits per year for courses taken during a school year. Each credit shall be reimbursed up to the Rutgers, the State University graduate rate. Such courses must be in the teacher’s specific field or the areas of either educational administration or educational technology. Any exception to these three areas are at the sole discretion of the Superintendent. Courses required for teacher certification are not eligible for reimbursement.
Applications for course reimbursement must be approved by the Superintendent before course registration is made. Reimbursement shall be provided when evidence that the approved course was taken and successfully completed is submitted to the Superintendent of Schools.
Any teacher who was reimbursed by the district for course credits will be subject to a two (2) year commitment to the district. If the teacher resigns, he/she will be obligated to pay the full amount of the reimbursement back to the district. Exceptions to this article will be made in the event of extenuating circumstances. These circumstances will include, but not be limited to, family or medical emergencies and spousal transfers.
B. In-Service programs offered by the district shall be offered on an in-district credit basis for employees. The district and the Association shall agree on the credit value prior to the start of the program. This credit will be used for advancement in levels within the salary schedule and will have the equivalent of graduate weighting.
C. When guidelines related to the new professional development programs are promulgated from the State of New Jersey, the parties will work to implement the recommendations and negotiate over the terms and conditions related to those changes if necessary. A committee involving the Superintendent of Schools and administrators of his/her choosing and members of the Association selected by the president shall review these guidelines and make recommendations to the Board for future actions.
D. Professional Days: Up to two (2) days per year will be granted to Teachers for the purposes of attending meetings or conferences of an educational nature upon approval of the Superintendent. In order to be considered for such leave, the Teacher shall apply for such leave in writing and in accordance with current state regulations. An individually prepared report will be submitted to the Superintendent’s office within seven (7) days of attendance at such an activity. Expenses for such approved professional days will be reimbursed according to the amounts in SCHEDULE A – NO. 9.
Coaches shall be allowed to take an additional professional day as per Article 8 of this contract. In addition, support staff employees may apply to attend meetings or conferences of an educational nature upon approval of the Superintendent. There shall be an aggregate cap of $2,000.00 in expenses for such conferences for support staff. No more than two (2) support staff employees within the district will be allowed to attend any one conference and no support staff employee will attend more than one (1) conference in the year. Expenses for such approved conferences will be reimbursed according to the Professional Day rate in SCHEDULE A – NO. 9. Transportation employees: two (2) employees will be allowed to attend an NJEA sponsored conference on non-school days. Reimbursed expenses for such conferences are indicated in SCHEDULE A – NO. 9. The Superintendent may approve additional professional days at his/her discretion.
Employees under contract to the Sayreville Board of Education may enroll in the Sayreville Adult School tuition-free under the same provisions, except those relating to age and residency, and exceptions as senior citizens. Seminars offered through the Adult School are excluded form this provision.
A. Health Benefits
Effective July 1, 2007 the Board shall provide the Healthcare Insurance designated below:
-- A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plan will be offered to all eligible employees and their dependents for the July 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999 year. Thereafter, 20% of any premium rate increase from the Insurance Company will be paid by the employees. The Board will pay the remainder of the premium until June 30, 2010. The PPO Plan office visit copay will remain at $ 15.00. As of July 1, 2007, the new employee contribution schedule will be based on 20% of the difference between the July 1, 2004 PPO PLAN Base Rates and the July 1, 2007 policy period rates. The employee contributions will be frozen until June 30, 2010. Effective June 30, 2010 contributions will be 20% of the difference between the July 1, 2007 policy period rates and the July 1, 2010 policy period renewal rates
-- A Point of Service (POS) Plan will continue to be offered to all eligible employees as an alternative to the PPO Plan above at no extra cost to the employee. If in any subsequent year, the POS Plan rates exceed the 1998-99 PPO Plan rates, employees will be required to pay 20% of the premium that exceeds the 1998-99 PPO rates. Effective July 1, 2005, the POS Plan employee contributions will be eliminated and the POS Plan will be provided free to employees, as long as the average cost of the POS Plan remains below the average cost of the HMO Plan. The average cost of both the POS and HMO Plans will be calculated as follows: Add all four (4) monthly rate tiers (i.e. Single, Parent/Child[en], Employee/Spouse, Family) and divide by four to determine the average monthly plan cost of each Plan separately. If at any time the POS Plan average monthly cost exceeds the HMO Plan, employees will be required to pay 20% of the difference for their enrollment tier.
-- The existing Aetna, Inc. HMO will continue to be offered at no cost to the employee. If at any time there are less than five (5) employees enrolled in this plan, the Board will have the right to cancel the Plan as of the following July 1st. The employee will be required to pay the difference in the premium, if any, between the PPO Plan and the Aetna, Inc. HMO.
-- The Pre-Admission Certification Review maximum penalty if 400.00 per incident
B. Dental Plan
Effective July 1, 2007, each employee shall receive dental coverage from Horizon Healthcare Dental Services, which includes a Dental Maintenance Organization Plan. The Board has the right to change dental carriers at any time so long as the new carrier provides the same or better coverage than the Traditional portion of the Dental Plan only. The dental plan will continue for the term of the agreement expiring July 1, 2010.
C. Prescription Plan
Prescription Drug Benefits will only be provided if the employee elects to enroll in the Prescription Drug Plan and pays the required employee contributions.
As of June 30, 2007, employee contributions for the Prescription Drug Plan will be required as follows: 40% of the annual cost that exceeds $ 900 per covered employee. The Prescription Drug co-payments will increase to Brand $ 20, Generic $ 10, Mail Order $ 5.
D. The Board reserves the right to change insurance carriers at any time, provided that he coverage provided by the new insurance carrier is equal to or better than the PPO plan.
E. The Board shall reserve the right to consider other plans, subject to Article 2 of this Agreement.
Any changes to insurance plans require supporting documentation.
G. Employees who waive their right to receive health insurance (whether PPO, POS or HMO
coverage) and prescription benefits will receive an annual payment in lieu thereof as follows:
$ 3,000.00 for waiver of family coverage
$ 2,500.00 for waiver of parent/child or husband/wife coverage
$ 2,000.00 for waiver of single coverage
Employees electing to waive such coverage and benefits must first provide the Board’s Business Administrator/Board Secretary with proof of other health insurance coverage for the employee and the employee’s dependents. If an employee loses his/her out-of-district medical and prescription coverage, he/she shall have the option of enrolling in the district’s
medical plan.
A. The Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of its employees, dues from the Sayreville Education Association, a unified Association with its affiliates, as said employees individually and voluntarily authorize the Board to deduct. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 310, Public Laws of 1967 (N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.9c) and under Rules established by the State Department of Education. Said monies, together with records of any corrections, shall be transmitted to the treasurer of the Sayreville Education Association by the 15th of each month following the monthly pay period in which deductions were made. The Association treasurer shall disburse monies to the appropriate Association or Associations. Employee authorizations shall be in writing as set forth in ADP forms.
B. The Board agrees to deduct from an employee’s salary, money for the tax-sheltered annuities and to transmit the monies to the SEA designee provided, however, that such monies shall only be invested in companies financial or insurance, who are properly licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey and who shall agree to furnish the Board with indemnification protection as to such funds transmitted to said SEA designee. Said deposits shall be made twice per month when paychecks are distributed. However, an employee may make only one alteration in the deduction denomination per year. The year is defined as September 1 through August 31.
C. The Board agrees to deduct from an employee’s salary money for the United States Government Bonds in the denominations requested by the employee.
D. Agency Fee
1. Determination of Fee
Prior to the beginning of each academic year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the Association to its own members for the academic year. The agency fee to be paid by non-members will be determined by the Association in accordance with the law.
2. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
a. Notification
Once during each academic year the Association will submit to the Board a list of those employees who have not become members of the Association for ht then current academic year. The Board will deduct from the salaries of such employees, in accordance with b. below.
b. Payroll Deduction Schedule
The Board will deduct the agency fee from the paychecks paid to each employee on the aforesaid list during the remainder of the academic year in question.
c. Termination of Employment
If an employee terminates his or her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the agency fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said employee during the academic year in question.
d. Employees who leave during the work year whether they voluntarily pay
dues or are agency fee payers shall be treated identically with regard to the
payment of dues/fees. Upon termination of employment, the disbursing
officer shall deduct any remaining amount owed under the terms of statute
for the current work year.
e. Mechanics
The mechanics for the deduction of a transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
f. New Employees
Representatives of the Association shall receive, upon request, a written list of names, job titles and dates of employment of any new employees.
3. Indemnification
The Association shall indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability that may arise out of, or by reason of any action taken or not taken by the Board in conformance with this provision.
E. The Board agrees to deduct from an employee’s salary the employee’s contribution to all monthly insurance payments for the coverage chosen by the employee.
F. 1. The Board agrees to make available to all employees covered by this Agreement all benefits provided for in the Teacher’s Pension and Annuity Fund or the Public Employee’s Retirement System, whichever is applicable.
The Board of Education shall accept all responsibilities of the Provisional Teacher Program in following the guidelines as per the New Jersey State Department of Education.
The Provisional Teacher shall be included in the Recognition clause of Article I and A.B.1., B. and C.
A. Mentor Teachers
1. Teachers hired as First Year Mentor Teachers shall be fully certified, experienced teachers currently employed by the Sayreville School District. Qualifications for First Year Mentors must also meet Department of Education requirements.
2. Teachers shall volunteer to be First Year Mentor Teachers. The positions for First Year Mentor Teachers shall be posted in the appropriate school with specifications as to but not limited to a job description, salary, workday and year, etc.
3. Any training mandated for the First Year Mentor Teachers shall be provided
according to Department of Education regulations and guidelines. Stipends for
mentor teachers will be determined by the NJ Department of Education. When
state funding combines monies for stipends and professional development, the
minimum stipend will be 60% of the funded allocation with the remaining 40%
allocated for professional development activities for the training of Mentors
and/or Provisional Teachers.
B. Provisional Teachers
1. Provisional Teachers shall meet with the First Year Mentor Teacher and the Certified Support Team at the times prescribed in the NJ Department of Education guidelines. All involved shall be given copies of all regulations, procedures and contract language that will be followed during the year no later than the first day of school for the Provisional Teacher.
2. Provisional Teachers shall be paid on the salary guide Schedule A - No. 1 and Article 11.
3. Provisional Teachers shall pay the Mentor Teacher whatever the state mandates as to the cost. The Board of Education will deduct the payment, if necessary, from the Provisional Teachers check in 20 equal installments. First Year Mentor Teachers will be paid according to NJ Department of Education guidelines.
C. Evaluation
1. Observation and evaluation of Provisional Teachers shall be in compliance with the Administrative Code governing the Mentor Process and Article 18 of the Agreement.
2. Mentor Teachers shall not participate in any formal evaluations that might have a bearing on the employment or certification of Provisional Teachers. They shall not be asked to evaluate the performance of the Provisional Teacher.
3. The Mentor Teachers’ Annual Evaluations shall not be impacted in any way based upon their participation in the mentoring process.
D. Work Day
The Administration will make all arrangements to fulfill the requirements of the
Provisional Teacher/Mentor Regulations.
During the first 60 calendar days, the First Year Mentors and Provisional
Teachers shall not be assigned AM or PM bus duty and/or supervision duties.
If a First Year Mentor does not have a duty period, he/she will be paid the
contracted amount for one period of substitute coverage to use his/her
planning/lunch period to work with the Provisional Teacher. The days of
entitlement will be the actual number of school days from September 1st through
October 31st , regardless of when the Provisional Teacher begins his/her contract.
First Year Mentors and Provisional Teachers will both sign invoices for these
A. All Units Covered Under This Article
1. The Board shall pay the State fee for the grant or renewal of any special licenses which the employee is required by State law to have in the performance of their duties and responsibilities covered by the employee job classification, except license to operate motor vehicles.
2. All physicals required by the Board or by law shall be provided by the Board’s appointed physician(s) and paid for by the Board except when verification of illness is requested by the Administration. Physicals should be required annually on anniversary date of license, even if license is not due.
B. Full-Time Bus Drivers
1. Physical examinations for full-time and hourly bus drivers shall be provided by the Board’s appointed physician and paid for directly by the Board.
2. Outside cleanliness of buses shall not be the responsibility of the bus drivers, except for the following: rear windows, windshields (with the auto windshield squirter provided), headlights, tail and brake lights, which shall be cleaned as needed as part of the bus drivers walk around inspection.
3. It shall be the responsibility of the driver to clean the inside of the bus unless the Board does not provide the necessary tools and equipment to do so.
4. Mechanical assistance will be provided during the regular pickup and delivery times in A.M. and P.M. and until all buses are parked for the night.
5. All directives shall be in writing.
6. The Board shall make available all safety and defense driving courses required by law at no cost to the employee.
7. During the summer, drivers shall be given at least one (1) day’s notice in taking their buses to inspection.
8. Employees shall not be required to advance money for tolls at the beginning of a trip. Receipts and remaining cash shall be turned in at the end of the day.
9. Drivers will not be required to check oil and water levels before starting out of the compound each morning.
10. No driver shall be required to confront a parent over a discipline problem without the Building Administrator or Transportation Coordinator being present.
11. New employees will be reimbursed after working for the Board six (6) months for all physicals and any monies needed to obtain a Bus Driver’s license for hourly drivers.
12. Prior to the start of the school calendar, the Board shall conduct a sufficient number of workshops to explain the procedures to be utilized in carrying out the rules and regulations to the District. Attendance at said workshop(s) is required. Employees will be compensated at a maximum of two (2) hours pay.
The Board will reimburse drivers for their Commercial Drivers License (CDL)
when they pass the test. If the driver leaves the District prior to the end of the
school year, the cost of the reimbursement will be withheld from the driver’s
last paycheck..
14. The Board will make safe driving awards to drivers who are not at fault in an accident or in receipt of a traffic ticket as follows:
1 year = pin
3 years = $50.00 U.S. Savings Bond at the end of three (3) years
The bond shall be purchased in June and the employees shall be recognized at the first public portion of the regular September Board meeting.
15. Supervisory Personnel and Other Employees
c. The Board agrees that this provision is not intended in any way to deny
employees the opportunity to earn wages.
C. Bus Mechanics
4. Uniforms and shoes will be provided by the Board as per Article 13.
5. If diesel buses are purchased the Board will provide training for the mechanic.
A. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of the Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid or subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
B. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual employee, heretofore or hereafter executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement, during its duration shall be controlling.
C. One thousand (1,000) copies of this Agreement shall be reproduced at the expense of the Board and the Association within reasonable time after the Agreement is signed and then presented to the Sayreville Education Association.
D. Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties to this Agreement to
other, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, either party shall do so by telegram
or registered letter at the following addresses:
1. If by Association, to Board at:
P.O. Box 997, Sayreville, NJ 08872
2. If by Board, to Association at:
P.O. Box 70, Parlin, NJ 08859
E. Nothing herein contained shall be interpreted or construed as an abrogation or waiver of any of the rights, privileges or responsibilities granted by the State Legislature to a Board of Education in Title 18A of the New Jersey Revised Statutes, and anything contained in this contract inconsistent with the law of the State shall be null and void.
A. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement or otherwise specifically agreed to in writing between the parties to this Agreement, the determination of education policy, the operation and management of the schools, and the supervision and direction of all certificated and non-certificated staff are vested exclusively with the Sayreville Board of Education to the extent that such determination, operation, management, supervision and direction is in accordance with all applicable laws.
B. It is understood by all parties that he Board of Education is forbidden to waive any rights or powers granted it by law.
A. The Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2007 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2010 subject to the Association’s right to negotiate over a successor Agreement provided in Article 2 above. This Agreement shall not be extended orally and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated.
B. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective presidents, attested by their respective secretaries, and their corporate seals to be placed hereon.
Michael Macagnone, President
Emidio D’Andrea , Business Administrator
Lucy Bloom, President
Susan Jaysnovitch, Recording Secretary
Step* | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PhD |
1 | 40,600 | 41,600 | 42,600 | 43,600 | 45,600 |
2 | 41,100 | 42,100 | 43,100 | 44,100 | 46,100 |
3 | 41,600 | 42,600 | 43,600 | 44,600 | 46,600 |
4 | 43,000 | 44,000 | 45,000 | 46,000 | 48,000 |
5 | 44,000 | 45,000 | 46,000 | 47,000 | 49,000 |
6 | 46,000 | 47,000 | 48,000 | 49,000 | 51,000 |
7 | 48,250 | 49,250 | 50,250 | 51,250 | 53,250 |
8 | 50,900 | 51,900 | 52,900 | 53,900 | 55,900 |
9 | 55,000 | 56,000 | 57,000 | 58,000 | 60,000 |
10 | 59,500 | 60,500 | 61,500 | 62,500 | 64,500 |
11 | 65,500 | 66,500 | 67,500 | 68,500 | 70,500 |
12 | 74,225 | 75,225 | 76,225 | 77,225 | 79,225 |
Step* | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PhD |
1 | 41,400 | 42,400 | 43,400 | 44,400 | 46,400 |
2 | 41,900 | 42,900 | 43,900 | 44,900 | 46,900 |
3 | 42,200 | 43,200 | 44,200 | 45,200 | 47,200 |
4 | 43,600 | 44,600 | 45,600 | 46,600 | 48,600 |
5 | 44,600 | 45,600 | 46,600 | 47,600 | 49,600 |
6 | 46,600 | 47,600 | 48,600 | 49,600 | 51,600 |
7 | 48,750 | 49,750 | 50,750 | 51,750 | 53,750 |
8 | 51,400 | 52,400 | 53,400 | 54,400 | 56,400 |
9 | 55,500 | 56,500 | 57,500 | 58,500 | 60,500 |
10 | 60,400 | 61,400 | 62,400 | 63,400 | 65,400 |
11 | 66,850 | 67,850 | 68,850 | 69,850 | 71,850 |
12 | 75,500 | 76,500 | 77,500 | 78,500 | 80,500 |
Step* | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PhD |
1 | 41,500 | 42,500 | 43,500 | 44,500 | 46,500 |
2 | 42,000 | 43,000 | 44,000 | 45,000 | 47,000 |
3 | 43,000 | 44,000 | 45,000 | 46,000 | 48,000 |
4 | 43,600 | 44,600 | 45,600 | 46,600 | 48,600 |
5 | 44,600 | 45,600 | 46,600 | 47,600 | 49,600 |
6 | 46,600 | 47,600 | 48,600 | 49,600 | 51,600 |
7 | 48,750 | 49,750 | 50,750 | 51,750 | 53,750 |
8 | 51,400 | 52,400 | 53,400 | 54,400 | 56,400 |
9 | 55,500 | 56,500 | 57,500 | 58,500 | 60,500 |
10 | 60,400 | 61,400 | 62,400 | 63,400 | 65,400 |
11 | 66,850 | 67,850 | 68,850 | 69,850 | 71,850 |
12 | 72,800 | 73,800 | 74,800 | 75,800 | 77,800 |
13 | 77,000 | 78,000 | 79,000 | 80,000 | 82,000 |
Longevity increments will be paid each year as per the following guide based on service in the Sayreville school system. Employees shall receive longevity, when applicable, if the employee has maintained continuous service (in pay stubs or on an approved leave of absence). Employees who are riffed and return do not undergo a break in service for the purposes of this section. The period during which the riffed employee is on layoff does not count toward the requisite number of years to qualify for payment. Longevity begins on the first day the employee works during the following years of continuous service:
16-20 1500
21-25 1600
26-30 1700
31-35 1800
36-40 1900
41-45 2000
For all individuals hired after June 30, 2004, the term “years” refers to years of completed employment prior to January 31st for a 10 month employee and prior to December 31st for a twelve month employee. If the years of employment are completed after January 31st for
ten month employees and after December 31st for 12 month employees, the stipend shall be payable on July 1st of the following year. All individuals hired prior to June 30, 2004 are excluded from this qualifying language and calculations will be determined by their hiring date.
The salary for guidance counselors shall be salary guide plus $125.00.
Special service personnel (i.e. Special Education teachers, CST members, Speech/Language Specialists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists) shall receive salaries on guide plus $125.00.
Any teaching staff member who carries out athletic trainer duties shall be paid on the teacher salary guide. In addition, the employee shall receive a season stipend as per co-curricular guide. There are three (3) seasons per work year. Any non-teaching staff member who carries out the duties of athletic trainer will be paid on the teaching salary guide.
 | Title | 2007-08 | 2008-09 | 2009-10 |
 | GROUP #1 BASE | $ 9,422 | $ 9,775 | $ 10,142 |
 | Football |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach – HS | 9,422 | 9,775 | 10,142 |
 | #1 Asst. Varsity | 7,139 | 7,407 | 7,685 |
 | Frosh Coach | 7,139 | 7,407 | 7,685 |
 | #2 Assistant | 6,594 | 6,841 | 7,098 |
 | #3 Assistant | 6,594 | 6,841 | 7,098 |
 | #4 Assistant | 6,594 | 6,841 | 7,098 |
 | #5 Assistant | 6,594 | 6,841 | 7,098 |
 | #6 Assistant | 6,594 | 6,841 | 7,098 |
 | #7 Assistant | 6,594 | 6,841 | 7,098 |
 |  |  |  |  |
 | GROUP #2 BASE | $ 7,802 | 8,095 | 8,398 |
 | Basketball – Boys |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach – HS | 7,802 | 8,095 | 8,398 |
 | JV Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Frosh Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | MS Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Basketball – Girls |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 7,802 | 8,095 | 8,398 |
 | JV Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Frosh Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | MS Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Baseball |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach – HS | 7,802 | 8,095 | 8,398 |
 | JV Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Varsity Assistant | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Frosh Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | MS Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Softball |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 7,802 | 8,095 | 8,398 |
 | Varsity Assistant | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | JV Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | MS Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Spring Track – Boys |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 7,802 | 8,095 | 8,393 |
 | #1 Assistant | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | #2 Assistant | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | #3 Assistant | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Spring Track – Girls |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 7,802 | 8,095 | 8,393 |
 | #1 Assistant | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | #2 Assistant | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | #3 Assistant | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Wrestling |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 7,802 | 8,095 | 8,398 |
 | JV Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Frosh Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | MS Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Soccer – Boys |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 7,802 | 8,095 | 8,398 |
 | JV Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Frosh Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | MS Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Soccer – Girls |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 7,802 | 8,095 | 8,398 |
 | JV Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Frosh Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | MS Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | Field Hockey |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 7,802 | 8,095 | 8,398 |
 | JV Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 | MS Coach | 5,461 | 5,666 | 5,878 |
 |  |  |  |  |
 | GROUP #3 BASE | $ 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 | Winter Track – Boys & Girls |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 | #1 Assistant | 4,656 | 4,831 | 5,012 |
 | #2 Assistant | 4,656 | 4,831 | 5,012 |
 | Gymnastics – Boys |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 | Gymnastics – Girls |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 | Cross-Country – Boys |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 | Cross-Country – Girls |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 | MS Cross-Country – Boys & Girls | 4,656 | 4,831 | 5,012 |
 | Tennis – Boys |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 | Tennis – Girls |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 | Golf |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 | Swimming – Boys & Girls |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 | Assistant | 4,656 | 4,831 | 5,012 |
 | Cheerleading – HS (2 seasons) |  |  |  |
 | Head Varsity Coach | 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 | Assistant | 4,656 | 4,831 | 5,012 |
 | MS Cheerleading | 4,656 | 4,831 | 5,012 |
 | Bowling – HS Boys & Girls | 6,652 | 6,902 | 7,161 |
 |  |  |  |  |
 | GROUP #4 BASE | 4,488 | 4,657 | 4,831 |
 | Strength & Conditioning | |  |  |
 | Summer | 4,488 | 4,657 | 4,831 |
 | Fall | 4,488 | 4,657 | 4,831 |
 | Winter | 4,488 | 4,657 | 4,831 |
 | Spring | 4,488 | 4,657 | 4,831 |
 | Athletic Trainer |  |  |  |
 | Fall | 4,488 | 4,657 | 4,831 |
 | Winter | 4,488 | 4,657 | 4,831 |
 | Spring | 4,488 | 4,657 | 4,831 |
 |  |  |  |  |
 | GROUP #5 BASE | 3,743 | 3,884 | 4,029 |
 |  |  |  |  |
 | GROUP #6 BASE | 1,331 | 1,381 | 1,433 |
 | Athletic Aide |  |  |  |
 | Fall | 1,331 | 1,381 | 1,433 |
 | Winter | 1,331 | 1,381 | 1,433 |
 | Spring | 1,331 | 1,381 | 1,433 |
 | Add’l. Stipend for
Winter Athletic Aide | 440 | 456 | 474 |
Coaching positions will be organized into six (6) groupings.
All Assistants and Middle School coaches will receive 70% of the High School Head Varsity Coach’s stipend, except for the First Assistant Football and Head Freshman Football Coaches who will receive 75%.
 | Title | 2007-08 | 2008-09 | 2009-10 |
 | GROUP #1 BASE | $ 8,034 | 8,336 | 8,648 |
 | Band Director | 8,034 | 8,336 | 8,648 |
 | #1 MS Assistant | 5,624 | 5,835 | 6,054 |
 | #2 Assistant (70% of #1 Assistant) | 3,937 | 4,085 | 4,238 |
 |  |  |  |  |
 | GROUP #2 BASE | 4,817 | 4,998 | 5,185 |
 | Musical Director | 4,817 | 4,998 | 5,185 |
 | Musical Asst. – Business Manager | 3,371 | 3,497 | 3,628 |
 | District Technical Director | 4,817 | 4,998 | 5,185 |
 | Yearbook – HS | 4,817 | 4,998 | 5,185 |
 | Intramurals Director | 4,817 | 4,998 | 5,185 |
 | Custodian of School Funds – HS | 4,817 | 4,998 | 5,185 |
 | Custodian of School Funds – MS | 3,371 | 3,497 | 3,628 |
 | Winter Color Guard | 4,817 | 4,998 | 5,185 |
 | Winter Color Guard Assistant | 3,371 | 3,497 | 3,628 |
 |  |  |  |  |
 | GROUP #3 BASE | 3,219 | 3,340 | 3,465 |
 | Drama Director | 3,219 | 3,340 | 3,465 |
 | Student Council – HS | 3,219 | 3,340 | 3,465 |
 | Student Council Asst. – HS | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | Student Council – MS | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | Newspaper – HS | 3,219 | 3,340 | 3,465 |
 | Newspaper – MS | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | Odyssey of the Mind – HS | 3,219 | 3,340 | 3,465 |
 | Odyssey of the Mind – MS | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | Head Class Advisor – Grade 12 | 3,219 | 3,340 | 3,465 |
 | #1 Asst. Advisor – Grade 12 | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | #2 Asst. Advisor – Grade 12 | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | #3 Asst. Advisor – Grade 12 | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | Head Class Advisor – Grade 11 | 3,219 | 3,340 | 3,465 |
 | #1 Asst. Advisor – Grade 11 | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | #2 Asst. Advisor – Grade 11 | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | #3 Asst. Advisor – Grade 11 | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,525 |
 | Literary Magazine – HS | 3,219 | 3,340 | 3,465 |
 | Literary Magazine – MS | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | TIGS – HS | 3,219 | 3,340 | 3,465 |
 | Willow Tree – MS | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | Choral Director – HS | 3,219 | 3,340 | 3,465 |
 | Choral Director – MS | 2,252 | 2,337 | 2,425 |
 | Stage Production – Art | 3,219 | 3,340 | 3,465 |
 |  |  |  |  |
 | GROUP #4 BASE | 1,851 | 1,920 | 1,992 |
 | Academic Team – HS | 1,851 | 1,920 | 1,992 |
 | Stage Production – Shop | 1,851 | 1,920 | 1,992 |
 | Stage Production – Make-Up/Hair Styling | 1,851 | 1,920 | 1,992 |
 | Stage Production – Costume | 1,851 | 1,920 | 1,992 |
 | Stage Production – Technical | 1,851 | 1,920 | 1,992 |
 | National Honor Society | 1,851 | 1,920 | 1,992 |
 | International Society | 1,851 | 1,920 | 1,992 |
 | Head Class Advisor – Grade 10 | 1,851 | 1,920 | 1,992 |
 | #1 Asst. Class Advisor – Grade 10 | 1,295 | 1,343 | 1,394 |
 | #2 Asst. Class Advisor – Grade 10 | 1,295 | 1,343 | 1,394 |
 | #3 Asst. Class Advisor – Grade 10 | 1,295 | 1,343 | 1,394 |
 | Head Class Advisor – Grade 9 | 1,851 | 1,920 | 1,992 |
 | #1 Asst. Class Advisor – Grade 9 | 1,295 | 1,343 | 1,394 |
 | #2 Asst. Class Advisor – Grade 9 | 1,295 | 1,343 | 1,394 |
 | #3 Asst. Class Advisor – Grade 9 | 1,295 | 1,343 | 1,394 |
 | High School Step Team | 1,851 | 1,920 | 1,992 |
 |  |  |  |  |
 | GROUP #5 BASE | 1,153 | 1,196 | 1,241 |
 | Pianist | 1,153 | 1,196 | 1,241 |
 | MS Concert Band - Beginner | 1,153 | 1,196 | 1,241 |
 | MS Concert Band - Advanced | 1,153 | 1,196 | 1,241 |
 | MS Chorus – Grade 6 | 1,153 | 1,196 | 1,241 |
 | SPECIAL PROGRAMS |  |  |  |
 | TIGS Summer Program | 1,113 | 1,155 | 1,198 |
 | Willow Tree Institute | 1,113 | 1,155 | 1,198 |
 | Intramurals Supervisor (Hourly Rate) | 33 | 34 | 36 |
Co-curricular positions will be organized into five (5) groupings. All Assistants and Middle School Advisors will receive 70% of High School advisor’s stipend.
A. School Social Worker – Teacher Salary Guide
B. Learning Disability Teacher Consultant – Teacher Salary Guide
C. Any Child Study Team member who works 12 months will be paid on the proper step of the Teachers’ Salary Guide, plus 14% paid over a 12 month period. He/she will receive 2 additional sick days and have vacation according to the following schedule:
0-9 years in district = 20 vacation days
10+ years in district = 24 vacation days
A. All summer/remedial school personnel shall receive the following:
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
Single Session $ 2,560 $ 2,682 $ 2,789
Double Session $ 5,122 $ 5,366 $ 5,580
Remedial Program will base its hourly rate on the Single/Double Session hourly rate.
B. Marketing Education Teacher/Coordinator and Cooperate Business Teacher/Coordinator
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
10 days $ 2,560 $ 2,682 $ 2,789
20 days $ 5,122 $ 5,366 $ 5,580
C. ASI – The per diem rate of summer ASI work is:
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 $ 239 $ 250 $ 260
D. Summer Nurses and Summer Athletic Trainer hourly rate:
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
$ 39 $ 41 $ 42
E. Training – The per diem rate for summer is:
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
$ 210 $ 217 $ 226
F. Guidance Counselors 2.5% of weekly rate
G. Extended School Year Professional Hourly rate of pay
H. Extended School Year Paraprofessional Hourly rate of pay
I. Extended School Year Nurse hourly rate:
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
$ 39 $ 41 $ 42
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
A. Class Coverage $ 27.00 $ 28.00 $ 29.00
B. Coaches scouting $ 27.00 $ 28.00 $ 29.00
C. Home Instruction (hourly) $ 49.00 $ 51.00 $ 53.00
D. Saturday Suspension (hourly) $ 58.00 $ 61.00 $ 63.00
E. School Website Assistant $ 1,401.00 $ 1,453.00 $ 1,508.00
One (1) Asst. per school
F. Video Assistant $ 28.00/2 hr. $ 29.00/2 hr. $ 30.00/2 hr.
G. Perfect Attendance $ 450.00 $ 450.00 $ 450.00
H. Professional Days
Registration Fees $ 150.00 $ 150.00 $ 150.00
Mileage IRS rate IRS rate IRS rate
I. Presentation by Professionals
for BOE:
Meals $ 10.00 $ 11.00 $ 11.00
Mileage IRS rate IRS rate IRS rate
J. Transportation Dept. Employees
Meals $ 10.00 $ 11.00 $ 11.00
Mileage IRS rate IRS rate IRS rate
STEP | 2007-2008 | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010 |
1 | 25,000 | 25,250 | 26,000 |
2 | 25,650 | 26,000 | 26,550 |
3 | 26,650 | 26,850 | 27,040 |
4 | 27,152 * | 27,716 | 27,743 |
5 | 28,000 | 28,238 * | 28,824 |
6 | 29,000 | 29,120 | 29,297 * |
7 | 30,000 | 30,160 | 30,285 |
PROMOTIONS An employee promoted to a position in a higher salary level shall be placed on the first step within the new level which shall result in at least a five (5) percent increase in salary over the employee’s current salary.
SUBSTITUTIONS Any Cafeteria Worker who performs work in a higher rate category shall receive the higher rated compensation on a per diem basis:
From To 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Worker Asst. Cook $ 17.16 $ 17.84 $ 18.51
Worker Cook 23.45 24.39 25.31
Worker Elem. Mgr. 34.29 35.66 36.99
Asst. Cook Cook 21.42 22.30 23.14
HOURLY-SALARY GUIDES 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
$ 18.70/hr. $ 19.45/hr. $ 20.18/hr.
STEP | 2007-2008 | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010 |
1 | 33,000 | 33,320 | 33,640 |
2 | 34,000 | 34,320 | 34,652 |
3 | 35,123 * | 35,360 | 35,593 |
4 | 36,000 | 36,528 * | 36,774 |
5 | 37,000 | 37,440 | 37,898 * |
6 | 38,000 | 38,480 | 38,938 |
7 | 39,000 | 39,520 | 40,019 |
Longevity begins on the first day the employee works during the following years of continuous service.
2007-2010 Years* Longevity Payment
5 $ 560
6 650
10 720
15 1025
20 1080
25 1135
30 1300
35 1400
40 1500
For all individuals hired after June 30, 2004, the term “years” refers to years of completed employment prior to January 31st for a 10 month employee and prior to December 31st for a twelve month employee. If the years of employment are completed after January 31st for ten month employees and after December 31st for 12 month employees, the stipend shall be payable on July 1st of the following year. All individuals hired prior to June 30, 2004 are excluded from this qualifying language and calculations will be determined by their hiring date.
Step | Principals’ Secretaries | Administrative
Secretaries | Support
Secretaries |
1 | 33,205 | 30,299 | 26,500 |
2 | 34,655 | 33,412 | 27,500 |
3 | 36,105 | 35,301 | 28,500 |
4 | 37,555 | 35,537 | 30,299 |
5 | 38,555 | 37,555 | 31,049 |
6 | 40,005 | 39,051 | 32,000 |
7 | 41,455 | 39,975 | 33,412 |
8 | 42,905 | 40,301 | 34,357 |
9 | 44,355 | 42,101 | 35,757 |
10 | 45,805 | 43,500 | 37,157 |
11 | 47,255 | 45,000 | 38,557 |
12 | 48,665 | 45,844 | 39,906 |
*OFF GUIDE (1) |  | 48,768 |  |
Step | Principals’ Secretaries | Administrative
Secretaries | Support
Secretaries |
1 | 33,205 | 30,299 | 27,000 |
2 | 34,655 | 31,807 | 28,000 |
3 | 36,105 | 35,195 | 29,000 |
4 | 37,555 | 37,443 | 30,299 |
5 | 40,500 | 38,942 | 31,807 |
6 | 40,520 | 40,500 | 32,781 |
7 | 41,455 | 40,700 | 33,412 |
8 | 42,905 | 40,950 | 35,195 |
9 | 44,355 | 42,228 | 36,404 |
10 | 45,805 | 43,428 | 37,157 |
11 | 47,255 | 45,000 | 38,557 |
12 | 49,996 | 47,000 | 40,975 |
*OFF GUIDE (1) |  | 49,958 |  |
Step | Principals’ Secretaries | Administrative
Secretaries | Support
Secretaries |
1 | 34,000 | 31,000 | 28,000 |
2 | 36,700 | 32,400 | 29,000 |
3 | 38,000 | 33,682 | 30,000 |
4 | 39,300 | 37,404 | 31,000 |
5 | 40,600 | 38,561 | 32,000 |
6 | 41,900 | 41,541 | 33,682 |
7 | 42,576 | 41,900 | 34,084 |
8 | 44,680 | 42,000 | 35,700 |
9 | 46,130 | 42,075 | 37,404 |
10 | 47,580 | 43,863 | 38,424 |
11 | 49,230 | 44,463 | 40,800 |
12 | 51,482 | 48,508 | 42,227 |
*OFF GUIDE (1) |  | 51,330 |  |
*Step only exists for the current Payroll Processor
SALARY GUIDE 2007-2010
Step | 2007-2008 | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010 |
1 | 22,083 | 22,500 | 23,333 |
2 | 22,917 | 23,333 | 24,167 |
3 | 25,216 | 24,167 | 25,000 |
4 | 25,249 | 25,652 | 25,833 |
5 | 25,874 | 26,506 | 26,548 |
6 | 26,667 | 27,318 | 28,068 |
7 | 27,843 | 27,843 | 28,403 |
8 | 28,631 | 29,329 | 29,750 |
9 | 29,798 | 30,337 | 31,170 |
10 | 30,964 | 30,964 | 32,020 |
11 | 32,131 | 32,131 | 34,000 |
12 | 33,141 | 34,092 | 34,990 |
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
$ 13.83 $ 14.38 $14.92
Administrative Secretaries: Those that report to the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent,
Business Administrator, Directors or Supervisors. This group
includes the following individuals: Superintendent’s/Assistant
Superintendent’s Secretaries, Accounts Payable Secretary, Payroll Processor, Junior Bookkeeper, Attendance Secretary at the High School, Attendance Secretary at the Middle School, Switchboard Operator/Receptionist, Secretary to the Director of Special Education, Middle School and High School Secretary to the Director of Guidance, as well as the Secretary to the Director of Transportation, Secretary to the Director of Technology and the Supervisors’ Secretary.
Principals’ Secretaries: Those that serve as a Principal’s Lead Secretary.
Support Secretaries: Those that support Administrative Secretaries and Principals’
Lead Secretaries in all offices and schools.
2007-2008 | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010 |
52,313 | 53,589 | 55,062 |
2007-2008 | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010 |
52,313 | 53,589 | 55,062 |
Promotions An employee promoted to a position in a higher salary level shall be placed on the first step within the new level which shall result in at least a 5.0% increase per level in salary over the employee's current salary.
10-MONTH and 12-MONTH
Longevity increments will be paid each year as per the following guide based on service
in the Sayreville School District. Employees shall receive longevity, when applicable, if
the employee has maintained continuous service (in pay stubs or on an approved leave
of absence) in a secretarial/clerical position. Longevity begins on the first day the employee
works during the following years of continuous service.
2007-2010 Years* Longevity Payment
5 $ 560
6 650
10 720
16-20 1,500
21-25 1,600
26-30 1,700
31-35 1,800
36-40 1,900
41-45 2,000
For all individuals hired after June 30, 2004, the term “years” refers to years of completed employment prior to January 31st for a 10 month employee and prior to December 31st for a twelve month employee. If the years of employment are completed after January 31st for ten month employees and after December 31st for 12 month employees, the stipend shall be payable on July 1st of the following year. All individuals hired prior to June 30, 2004 are excluded from this qualifying language and calculations will be determined by their hiring date.
Any Secretarial/Clerical Employee assigned to perform the work of a higher paid position for a full day shall receive the following per diem rate:
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
One level higher than
current assignment $20.25 $21.06 $21.85
Two or more levels
higher than current
assignment $28.38 $29.51 $30.62
Any secretarial/clerical employee who assumes additional responsibilities in a non-instructional
area for which he/she is qualified shall receive an additional per diem rate of:
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
$52.38 $54.47 $56.51
The Paraprofessional salary guide for all new employees hired after July 1, 2007 will be based on hourly rates determined by educational qualifications listed below. All 67 existing paraprofessionals on July 1, 2007 are grandfathered and placed on the salary guide below, unless the state passes new regulations, mandates and/or requirements.
Level III Paraprofessionals with 60 or more college credits who may work a minimum of 6.25 hours per day and are placed on the salary guide.
Level II Those who have passed the ParaPro, cannot exceed 24 hours of work per week and are paid $ 11.00/hour.
Level I Those who have no college credits, cannot exceed 24 hours of work per week and are paid $ 9.00/hour.
Step | 6-1/4 Hr.* | 6-1/2 Hr.* | 6-3/4-Hr.* | 7-Hr.* |
1 | 19,625 | 20,410 | 21,195 | 21,973 |
2 | 19,882 | 20,677 | 21,472 | 22,260 |
3 | 20,137 | 20,943 | 21,749 | 22,547 |
4 | 20,355 | 21,169 | 21,983 | 22,793 |
Step | 6-1/4 Hr.* | 6-1/2 Hr.* | 6-3/4-Hr.* | 7-Hr.* |
1 | 20,357 | 21,171 | 21,986 | 22,793 |
2 | 20,624 | 21,448 | 22,273 | 22,090 |
3 | 20,888 | 21,724 | 22,560 | 23,388 |
4 | 21,114 | 21,959 | 22,803 | 23,643 |
Step | 6-1/4 Hr.* | 6-1/2 Hr.* | 6-3/4-Hr.* | 7-Hr.* |
1 | 21,095 | 21.939 | 22,783 | 23,618 |
2 | 21,371 | 22,226 | 23,080 | 23,927 |
3 | 21,645 | 22,511 | 23,377 | 24,235 |
4 | 21,879 | 22,754 | 23,629 | 24,500 |
*Annual: Based on the Teacher’s calendar
Longevity begins on the first day the employee works during the following years of continuous service.
2007-2010 Years* Longevity Payment
5 $ 560
6 650
10 720
15 1,025
20 1,080
25 1,135
30 1,300
35 1,400
40 1,500
For all individuals hired after June 30, 2004, the term “years” refers to years of completed employment prior to January 31st for a 10 month employee and prior to December 31st for a twelve month employee. If the years of employment are completed after January 31st for ten month employees and after December 31st for 12 month employees, the stipend shall be payable on July 1st of the following year. All individuals hired prior to June 30, 2004 are excluded from this qualifying language and calculations will be determined by their hiring date.
STEP | 2007-2008 | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010 |
1 | 20.46 | 21.28 | 22.07 |
2 | 21.67 | 22.54 | 23.39 |
3 | 22.88 | 23.79 | 24.68 |
4 | 24.09 | 25.06 | 26.00 |
2007-2010 |  | BUS MECH.
2007-2010 |
1 | 42,000 |  | 35,500 |
2 | 46,000 |  | 36,663 ** |
3 | 50,000 |  | 38,129 ** |
4 | 54,000 |  | 39,559 ** |
5 | 57,500 |  | 40,945 |
6 | 59,184 * |  | 42,583 |
7 | 61,551 * |  | 44,286 |
8 | 63,859 * |  | 46,057 |
Longevity begins on the first day the employee works during the following years of continuous service.
Years* Reg. Drivers Mechanics
5 655 735
6 710 0
10 945 895
15 1125 1200
20 1180 1255
25 1235 1310
30 1290 1475
35 0 1575
40 0 1675
For all individuals hired after June 30, 2004, the term “years” refers to years of completed employment prior to January 31st for a 10 month employee and prior to December 31st for a twelve month employee. If the years of employment are completed after January 31st for ten month employees and after December 31st for 12 month employees, the stipend shall be payable on July 1st of the following year. All individuals hired prior to June 30, 2004 are excluded from this qualifying language and calculations will be determined by their hiring date.
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 $ 12.68/hr. $ 13.18/hr. $ 13.68/hr.
Bus Aides who are steadily employed, whether full or part time, shall be entitled to sick leave in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:30-1 et seq., prorated as applicable.
STEP | 2007-2008 | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010 |
1 | 30,605 | 31,000 | 31,250 |
2 | 31,570 | 32,000 | 32,250 |
3 | 32,500 | 33,000 | 33,500 |
4 | 33,650 | 34,000 | 34,500 |
5 | 34,775 | 35,000 | 37,000 |
6 | 36,500 | 36,750 | 38,750 |
7 | 37,710 * | 38,500 | 39,500 |
8 | 39,000 | 39,219 * | 40,689 |
9 | 40,000 | 40,250 | 41,500 * |
10 | 41,000 | 41,250 | 42,500 |
11 | 42,000 | 42,250 | 43,500 |
12 | 43,000 | 43,250 | 43,500 |
Step | 2007-2008 | 2008-2009 | 2009-2010 |
1 | 28,250 | 28,500 | 28,750 |
2 | 29,300 * | 29,500 | 30,000 |
3 | 30,250 | 30,472 * | 31,000 |
4 | 31,200 | 31,400 | 31,615 * |
5 | 32,250 | 32,500 | 33,000 |
6 | 33,520 ** | 33,770 | 34,000 |
7 | 34,568 *** | 34,861 ** | 35,000 |
8 | 35,500 | 35,950 *** | 36,168 ** |
9 | 36,500 | 36,750 | 37,298 *** |
10 | 37,500 | 37,750 | 38,000 |
11 | 38,250 | 38,500 | 39,000 |
12 | 39,250 | 39,500 | 39,750 |
The Board of Education of Sayreville hereby employs ___________________________
for the position of __________________________ coach from _________________________
coaching assignment season
for the ___________________ payable in two equal installments on ________________ and
_________________________________ _________________________________
Board Secretary
_________ I accept the above coaching assignment.
_________ I reject the above coaching assignment.
Coach’s Signature
*Two copies of the above contract should be issued. One to be signed and returned to the Superintendent and one to be kept by the coach.
The Board of Education of Sayreville hereby employs ___________________________ for the position of __________________________ advisor for the __________ school year. The salary to be paid ___________ and be payable in two equal payments on January 15, 200__ and June 15, 200__.
_________________________________ _________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
_________ I accept the above advisor assignment.
_________ I reject the above advisor assignment.
Advisor’s Signature
*Two copies of the above contract should be issued. One to be signed and returned to the Superintendent and one to be kept by the coach.
Sayreville School District
P.O. Box 997
Sayreville, New Jersey 08872
I, ___________________________, employed by Sayreville as a
Name Job Title
in ___________________________ school do anticipate that I shall be unable to perform my work duties from ______________________ to ______________________ . I shall submit a statement from my physician confirming my disability* and detailing the dates requested. The need for this request is
* If basis of disability is pregnancy, set forth anticipated delivery date: .
If date of disability is greater than 30 calendar days from anticipated delivery date, physician’s statement should detail reasons that explain the abnormality.CHILDREARING LEAVE FORM
Sayreville School District
P.O. Box 997
Sayreville, New Jersey 08872
I, ___________________________, hereby apply for a childrearing leave to commence upon the
termination of my present disability. The leave will continue through the balance of this school year. It is understood that I shall notify the district of my return for the following school year by the agreed contractual date.
Sayreville School District
P.O. Box 997
Sayreville, New Jersey 08872
I, ___________________________, hereby apply for an extension to a childrearing leave to
cover the __________ school year. If I do not intend to return to my position at the end of this leave, I shall notify the district as quickly as possible but no later than the agreed contractual date.
P.O. Box 70
Parlin, New Jersey 08859
(732) 727-0350
Fax (732) 727-0386
Lucille Bloom, President
Timothy Desmond, 1st Vice President
Mary Ann Gordon, 2nd Vice President
Sue Jaysnovitch, Recording Secretary
Karen Rubio, Corresponding Secretary
Gineen Morosco, Treasurer
Timothy Desmond, Chairperson & Vice President
Lucille Bloom, President
Christa DeLucia
Christine Meyer
Richard Nemshick
Larry Wallace
Richard Petersen, NJEA Uniserv Representative
Sandra Estrada
Marleen Lewandowski
Patricia Lieberman
Terri Morosco
JULY 1, 2007 TO JUNE 30, 2010
Michael Macagnone.
Board of Education President
Lucille Bloom
Sayreville Education Association President
Date of Board of Education Approval: ______________________ |