Agreement Between
July 1, 2024 thru June 30, 2028
Article 1 – Recognition 2
Article 2 – Negotiation Procedure 3
Article 3 – Grievance Procedures 4 – 5
Article 4 – Rights of the Board of Education 6
Article 5 – Rights of the Association 7
Article 6– Salaries 10
Article 7 – Hours 11
Article 8 – Vacations and Holidays 12 – 13
Article 9– Temporary Leaves of Absence 14
Article 10 – Sick Leave 15
Article 11 – Terminal Leave 16
Article 12 – Insurance Protections 17 – 18
Article 13 – Miscellaneous Provisions 19
Article 14 – Duration 20
Schedule A – Salary Guides 21 – 24[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
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This Agreement entered into by and between the Board of Education of the Borough of Ridgefield, New Jersey, hereinafter called the “Board,” and the Ridgefield Education Association, hereinafter called the “Association,” encompasses the agreement reached by the parties after negotiations in accordance with Chapter 123 of the Laws of the State of New Jersey as amended. ARTICLE 1
A. Except as provided for in Article 1, Section C, the Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative for the purpose of collective negotiations with respect to the terms and conditions of employment for the following personnel; full-time secretarial and clerical personnel, regardless where in the District they are assigned who are steadily employed, or on leave, full time or part, provided they are not excluded per Article 1, Section C hereinafter referred to as [Employees] or [Secretaries].
B. Those positions covered by Section A shall be entitled to all contractual benefits on a pro rata basis, except that any insurance benefits shall be granted only to those who work twenty-four and one-half (24½) hours per week or more.
C. All other persons, positions and units not specifically defined in Section A are excluded. This exclusion includes the Executive Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools, the Office Manager/Executive Secretary to the Business Administrator, those part-time workers who work on a irregular infrequent basis and further specifically excludes any full-time or part-time secretarial or clerical person and/or position whose job duties include transportation coordination and related duties formerly performed by person or persons in this unit. The specific intent of this provision is to allow the duties of the former transportation coordinator to be performed by an employee who is not a member of the Association recognized in Article 1, Section A. ARTICLE 2
The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor agreement in accordance with Chapter 123, Public Law 1974, as amended, in a good-faith effort to reach agreement on the terms and conditions of employment. Such negotiations shall be conducted according to the time guidelines promulgated by PERC. Any agreement so negotiated shall apply to all Secretaries, be reduced to writing, be signed by the Board and the Association, and be adopted by the Board at a regular or special public meeting and ratified by the membership of the Association. ARTICLE 3
A. Definitions
1. A “grievance” is a claim based upon an event or condition which affects any of the provisions of this Agreement.
2. An “aggrieved person” is the person or persons making the claim.
3. A “party in interest” is the person or persons making the claim, and any person who might be required to take action, or against whom action may be taken in order to resolve the claim.
B. Purpose
1. The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible level, solutions to the grievance. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of any employee to discuss informally with any appropriate member of the administration situations which might lead to a grievance. The situation may be adjusted without intervention of the Association provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with terms of this agreement.
C. Procedure
1. A grievance must be filed within fifteen (15) school days of its occurrence.
2. Since it is important that a grievance be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum, and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limit specified may, however, be extended or reduced by mutual consent.
3. In general, three levels of discussion are provided in the communication channel. First, with Immediate Administrator; second, with the Superintendent of Schools; and, third, with the Board of Education.
4. Grievances at all levels stating the contractual violations shall be submitted in writing. Decisions shall be submitted in writing to the interested parties. Prior to filing any grievance, the Association shall notify, in writing, those employees who are or may be affected.
5. Level 1 – Discussions at this level will be between the Immediate Administrator and the aggrieved person. Failure to resolve questions at this level within ten (10) school days would permit the aggrieved person to take the grievance to the second level within five (5) school days.
6. Level 2 – Discussions at this level will be between the Superintendent of Schools and the aggrieved person. Failure to resolve questions at this level within ten (10) school days would permit the aggrieved party to take the grievance to the third level within five (5) school days.
7. Level 3 – Discussions at this level will be between the Board of Education or the committee of the Board, the Superintendent of Schools and the aggrieved person. The Board of Education shall render its decision within twenty (20) school days from receipt of the grievance.
8. The Ridgefield Board of Education shall be the final step in the grievance procedure.
9. If a decision has been rendered at any level, the grievance becomes null and void if the aggrieved party or his representatives do not appeal to the next higher level within the stipulated number of days.
10. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives, heretofore referred to in this Article.
11. The grievance must be hand delivered to the Board Secretary/Business Administrator. The recipient must give written acknowledgment of its delivery, with time and date duly noted.
12. Whenever a grievance is originally filed, the Superintendent of Schools shall receive a copy of the grievance immediately so that he may be fully informed of its nature. The party filing the grievance shall be responsible for a copy being delivered to the Superintendent.
D. Representation
Any party in interest may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself, or at his option, by a representative selected or approved by the Association. When an employee is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present and to state its views at all steps of the grievance procedures.
A. The Association recognizes the Board as the public agency charged by the New Jersey State Legislature under the mandate of the Constitution, with the management in the school district of the Borough of Ridgefield of a thorough and efficient system of free public schools.
B. The Board hereby and reserves unto itself, without limitations other than those expressly set forth by law and by the terms of this Agreement, all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and Constitution of the State of New Jersey. ARTICLE 5
A. The Board agrees to make available, from time to time, upon written request and reasonable notice by the Association, all available public information.
B. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to be present in buildings (i) when representing an individual or the Association for hearings and (ii) for Association business, provided in the judgment of the Building Principal such presence does not interfere with the operation of the school.
C. As to the Employees recognized in Article 1 the rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives, as set forth in this Agreement, shall be granted only to the Association as the exclusive representative of the said Employees and to no other organizations.
A. The salaries for all ten (10) and twelve (12) month employees covered by this Agreement for 2024-2028 are set forth in Schedule A attached.
B. Twelve (12) month employees shall be paid semimonthly for the term of their contracts. Ten (10) month employees shall be paid semimonthly for the terms of their contract with the first check being paid on September 15th.
C. The Board emphasizes that increments, if any, as outlined in Schedules are not automatic. Advancement on any schedule shall be subject to the approval by the Board of Education.
D. When a payday falls on or during a school holiday, vacation or weekend, secretaries shall receive their paychecks on the last previous working day.
E. Secretaries may elect to have a portion of their salaries deduced from their pay and deposited in their accounts in the Visions Credit Union.
F. The hourly pay for part-time clericals shall be:
• Year One: ((2024-2025) $17.28
• Year Two: (2025-2026) $17.93
• Year Three: (2026-2027) $18.47
• Year Four: (2027-2028) $19.05
G. Any Employee employed in the Ridgefield School District (“District”) for the period of time set forth below shall receive longevity increments above the salary guide. The longevity increments are set forth in Schedule A attached. Employees shall receive longevity as follows:
• Completion of 14 – 19 years of service in the applicable school-year in the District – Longevity 1
• Completion of 20 – 24 years of service in the applicable school-year in the District – Longevity 2
• Completion of 25 or more years of service in the applicable school-year in the District – Longevity 3
A. For twelve (12) month employees, the work year shall be from July 1st to the next June 30th.
B. For ten (10) month employees, the work year shall be scheduled by the Board of Education between the last Monday in August and June 30th, and shall not exceed one hundred ninety-three (193) working days. The Board shall determine the calendar by June 1st of the previous school year.
C. Every work day including July and August shall consist of seven (7) working hours, excluding lunch. The normal work week including July and August shall consist of five (5) days (35 work hours). On Fridays, during the months of July and August, Secretaries may work from 8:00 – 2:00 without a break for lunch.
D. Unless specifically provided for in Article 9, all twelve (12) month employees are expected to report to work every day including days when school may be closed for students and/or teaching staff. Unexcused absences shall be deducted as follows:
• 1/260 of annual pay for twelve (12) month employees
• 1/200 of annual pay for ten (10) month employees
E. School Secretaries may be required to attend Back to School Night. Any secretary attending Back to School Night, night meetings, parent conferences, or other evening meetings at the request of the secretary's Principal, shall be released at the same time as the professional staff.
F. School Secretaries may be required to attend 1 evening of parent-teacher conferences at the request of the secretary’s principal for a period not to exceed 4 consecutive hours (i.e. 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM). Said conferences will be scheduled by September 30 of each school year.
G. Provided it has no effect on the Stipend List, School Secretaries may be required to attend up to 2 (per school year) meetings and/or activities of their choice, for at least 30 minutes, involving parent programs focused on Ridgefield Public Schools students without additional compensation.
H. Secretaries shall be released at the same time as the professional teaching staff before Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I. Nothing in this Article 8 shall be construed as a guarantee of hours of work per week or per day or a guarantee of employment. ARTICLE 8
A. Ten (10) month employees shall receive no paid vacation or paid holidays.
B. 1. Vacation benefits are earned from the period of July 1st of any year to the succeeding June 30th. Vacations shall be taken the year immediately following the year in which vacation was earned. As an example, during the year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, vacation earned shall be taken during the year July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026, subject to Paragraph B.3 of this Article 9.
2. Vacations shall be provided twelve (12) month employees qualified for the same in accordance with the following schedule:
a. Employees who have been on the payroll for more than six (6) consecutive months shall be entitled to one (1) working day vacation for each full month of continuous employment.
b. Employees who have been on the payroll for a period of at least seven (7) full consecutive months to seventy-two (72) full consecutive months shall be entitled to ten (10) working days vacation.
c. Employees who have been on the payroll for a period of seven (7) completed years of continuous employment shall be entitled to fifteen (15) working days vacation.
d. Employees who currently have four (4) weeks vacation will continue to be entitled to four (4) weeks.
e. Employees who have earned three (3) weeks vacation by the end of July 30, 1995 shall be entitled to one (1) additional day per week per year to the maximum of twenty (20) working days vacation.
f. Employees who do not have three (3) weeks vacation by the end of June 30, 1995 shall be entitled to three (3) weeks vacation after the seventh year.
3. The supervising administrator should have the right to schedule the employee’s vacation. The administration shall schedule such vacations so that the same will have the least effect on the efficient operation and needs of the Board. Said vacations shall not be scheduled in an arbitrary and capricious manner.
4. In the event an employee is on the payroll for less than six (6) full consecutive months, he shall not be entitled to any accrued vacation benefits.
5. Upon retirement, an employee who has unused vacation days that were accrued in the final year of employment will be paid for those unused days.
C. Twelve (12) month employees covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to fourteen (14) holidays. The specific days will be determined by the Board. No holiday will be allowed when schools are in session. The holiday schedule will be determined by the Board prior to June 1st preceding a contract year.
1. If any work is performed on a holiday, the employee performing said work shall receive double his regular straight time calculated rate of pay for all hours worked on the holiday in addition to his holiday pay.
2. If a holiday should fall during an employee’s vacation period, the employee shall receive an equivalent day off, which day shall be scheduled by the Board.
3. An employee who is eligible to receive holiday pay shall not receive the same unless he works his full scheduled work days both preceding and following the holiday. A sick day is considered a day of work.
4. If for any reason school should remain open on any holiday, the employees will be required to work at the regular rate but will be given time off as the law requires.
5. In the event an Employee complies with the N.J.S.A. 18A:31-2 and provides the Board of Education Secretary with the required statutory proof of actual attendance at said convention within five (5) business days of said attendance, then the said Employee shall be entitled to an additional holiday day for each day in attendance at the convention not to exceed two (2) days for the school year in question.
D. In addition to the fourteen (14) holidays noted in Article 9, Section C, employees shall also be on holiday during the period known as the Christmas Recess. Additionally, all Secretaries shall be on holiday during the period known as the April Recess. ARTICLE 9
A. Death in the Immediate Family
A period not to exceed three (3) school days will be granted with full pay upon the death of a member of the immediate family of an employee; such three (3) days shall be taken consecutively. The term, “immediate family,” shall be defined as including: mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, children, grandchildren, mother-in-law, father-in law, significant other, or any other relative who is a member of the immediate household.
B. Death of Others
A period not to exceed one (1) school day will be granted with full pay upon death of a relative not included in the definition of the “immediate family.”
C. Absence for Jury Duty
Absence for jury duty shall not count in calculating absence limitations under other sections. The salary paid by the Ridgefield Public Schools during absence for jury duty shall be at the regular rate less the fee paid by the government for such jury duty.
D. Other Personal Absences
Two (2) personal days per year shall be granted to any employee who requires same without loss of pay if such request is submitted writing forty-eight (48) hours before, barring an emergency, stating in general, why such as family, legal, etc., and further provided that no such personal day can immediately precede or follow any school vacation, school holiday or weekend.
E. For other Absences
For all other absences, an employee’s regular salary shall be reduced by 1/260 for twelve (12) month employees and 1/200 for ten (10) month employees for each day of absence. ARTICLE 10
A. All ten (10) month employees shall be entitled to ten (10) sick days for each contract year. Twelve (12) month employees shall be entitled to twelve (12) sick days for each contract year. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year, with no maximum limit for use in case of illness.
B. All personnel shall be given written accounting of accumulated sick days no later than September 30 of each school year.
C. Sick Leave Bank
Employees may participate in the same sick leave bank that applies to the teachers, which shall be a district-wide sick leave bank. ARTICLE 11
A. 1. A full time employee who terminates services after ten (10) years shall be granted a terminal leave lump sum payment of the employee’s earned and unused accumulated sick days multiplied by 1/240 of the annual salary received during the last year of employment provided that no payment shall exceed $10,000.00.
2. Upon the death of an active employee who has been employed by the Ridgefield School District at least seven (7) consecutive years, terminal leave shall be paid to the estate.
B. Terminal Leave shall not be paid for discharged employees.
C. Notice of Terminal Leave must be provided in writing by October 30th of the year prior to the year in which the retirement or resignation from the district is to take place. ARTICLE 12
A. The Board shall provide health-care insurance protection for school employees. Employees will continue to contribute toward health insurance in accordance with Chapter 78, Year 4 percentages. The employee shall be entitled to any plan encompassing all provisions under the New Jersey State Health Benefit Plan, or equal or better than any other Health plan that provides like coverage. The Board medical plan shall include the State Health Plan Prescription Drug Plan. Employees hired after July 1, 2020 shall be enrolled in a Ch. 44 plan and contribute for such plans in accordance with Ch. 44.
B. It shall be the policy of the Board to continue the payment of premiums on hospitalization and major medical insurance, subject to the employee contribution set forth in Paragraph A above, for a period of time after a leave of absence for illness has been approved by the Board. The said period of time shall be the maximum time, not to exceed six (6) months, which the State rules and regulations allow. The Board shall make a written inquiry from the State to determine the maximum time period allowable. The employee must submit a doctor’s certificate to the Superintendent of Schools at the time the request for leave of absence is made.
C. It shall be the policy of the Ridgefield Board of Education to continue the payments of premiums on hospitalization and major medical insurance, subject to the employee contribution set forth in Paragraph A above, for a period of three (3) months after a leave of absence for illness has been approved by the Board. A doctor’s certificate must be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools by the employee at the time the request for a leave of absence is made.
D. The Board will provide a family dental insurance plan with the insurance protection presently being provided for under this category. The employees shall contribute $170 per year toward the dental premium.
E. Insurance benefits shall not be applicable to employees who work fewer than twenty-four and one-half (24½) hours per week.
F. The Board shall consider continuation of hospitalization and major medical insurance payments for any other leave of absence of its individual merit and make its decisions accordingly.
G. The Carrier shall provide to each employee a description of the health care insurance coverage provided under this Article no later than the beginning of the current school year, which shall include a clear description of conditions and limits of coverage as listed above.
H. The Board currently has a vision insurance plan (“Plan”) in place for the Administrators. Provided there is no additional cost to the Board and provided the Plan permits the same, any Employee may opt into the Plan at his/her sole cost and expense.
I. Any employee hired after July 1, 2017 shall be entitled to a base health care plan of NJ Direct 15 until the first open enrollment period after such employee has earned tenure. Said employee may elect to enroll in an alternate plan at higher cost provided that the employee pays the difference. After earning tenure, the employee shall be entitled to a base health care plan of NJ Direct 10.
A. Except as this Agreement shall otherwise provide, all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the effective date of this Agreement to employees covered by this Agreement shall continue to be so applicable during the term of this Agreement unless otherwise provided in this Agreement.
B. If any provisions of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement is held to be contrary to law, then such provisions or application shall not be deemed valid, or subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
C. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual covered by this Agreement heretofore or hereafter executed shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement, during its duration, shall be controlling.
D. Twenty (20) copies of this Agreement shall be supplied at the expense of the Board after agreement with the Association, on format, with thirty (30) days after the Agreement is signed.
E. There shall be no other stipend increases.
F. Whenever any notice is required to be given by either party to this Agreement, either party shall do so by telegram or registered letter at the following addresses:
• If by the Association to the Board at 555 Chestnut Street, Ridgefield, NJ 07657
• If by the Board to the Association at 555 Chestnut Street, Ridgefield, NJ 07657
G. REA members who reside in the Borough of Ridgefield or whose children attend Ridgefield Schools may continue to enroll their children in the District’s Before and After School Care Program free of charge so long as such Program is not operating at a loss. At such time as the Program begins to operate at a loss, REA members will be given one month’s written notice that the Program is operating at a loss and will then be billed at the current rate for enrollment in such Program on a prospective basis only through the balance of the school year. ARTICLE 14
This Agreement shall be in effect for the school years 2024-2025;2025-2026; 2026-2027 and 2027-2028. This Agreement will be in full force and effect until a successor agreement has been completely negotiated.
By: _________________________________________
Darla Ferdinand, President
By: _________________________________________
Vito Fabiano, Vice President
By: ________________________________________
, President
By: ________________________________________
, Business Administrator SCHEDULE A-1
2024-2025 SALARY GUIDE
Step | Salary |
1 | 42,877 |
2 | 43,877 |
3 | 45,377 |
4 | 46,877 |
5 | 48,377 |
6 | 49,877 |
7 | 51,377 |
8 | 52,877 |
9 | 54,377 |
10 | 55,877 |
11 | 57,377 |
12 | 58,827 |
13 | 60,327 |
14 | 61,827 |
15 | 63,327 |
16 | 64,832 |
17 | 66,407 |
18 | 68,207 |
19 | 70,207 |
20 | 72,207 |
21 | 74,207 |
 |  |
Longevity 1 | 700 |
Longevity 2 | 1,300 |
Longevity 3 | 1,600 |
2025-2026 SALARY GUIDE
Step | Salary |
1-2 | 45,268 |
3 | 46,268 |
4 | 47,268 |
5 | 48,768 |
6 | 50,268 |
7 | 51,768 |
8 | 53,268 |
9 | 54,768 |
10 | 56,268 |
11 | 57,768 |
12 | 59,218 |
13 | 60,668 |
14 | 62,143 |
15 | 63,643 |
16 | 65,143 |
17 | 66,718 |
18 | 68,518 |
19 | 70,518 |
20 | 72,518 |
21 | 74,518 |
 |  |
Longevity 1 | 700 |
Longevity 2 | 1,300 |
Longevity 3 | 1,600 |
2026-2027 SALARY GUIDE
Step | Salary |
1-2 | 46,867 |
3-4 | 47,867 |
5 | 49,342 |
6 | 50,817 |
7 | 52,292 |
8 | 53,767 |
9 | 55,242 |
10 | 56,717 |
11 | 58,192 |
12 | 59,642 |
13 | 61,092 |
14 | 62,567 |
15 | 64,067 |
16 | 65,567 |
17 | 67,142 |
18 | 68,917 |
19 | 70,817 |
20 | 72,767 |
21 | 74,763 |
 |  |
Longevity 1 | 700 |
Longevity 2 | 1,300 |
Longevity 3 | 1,600 |
2027-2028 SALARY GUIDE
Step | Salary |
1 | 48,031 |
2-3 | 49,031 |
4-5 | 50,031 |
6 | 51,506 |
7 | 52,981 |
8 | 54,456 |
9 | 55,931 |
10 | 57,406 |
11 | 58,881 |
12 | 60,331 |
13 | 61,781 |
14 | 63,256 |
15 | 64,756 |
16 | 66,256 |
17 | 67,831 |
18 | 69,631 |
19 | 71,431 |
20 | 73,281 |
21 | 75,139 |
 |  |
Longevity 1 | 700 |
Longevity 2 | 1,300 |
Longevity 3 | 1,600 |