* * * * *
JULY 1, 2012- JUNE 30, 2015
I. RECOGNITION .........................................................................................................................7
A. The Board’s Status..........................................................................................................7
B. Association.......................................................................................................................7
C. Definition of Teacher .....................................................................................................7
II. NEGOTIATION OF SUCCESSOR AGREEMENT.................................................................7
A. Deadline Date .................................................................................................................7
B. Modification....................................................................................................................8
C. Duration ..........................................................................................................................8
III. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................8
A. Definitions, Basic Principles and Time Limits ...........................................................8
B. Grievance Procedures....................................................................................................9
C. Costs of Arbitration .....................................................................................................11
D. Group Grievances ........................................................................................................11
E. Emergency Procedure .................................................................................................11
F. Liaison Committee........................................................................................................12
G. Miscellaneous ...............................................................................................................12
IV. TEACHERS RIGHTS ...............................................................................................................12
A. Just Cause Provision.....................................................................................................12
B. Non-Discrimination......................................................................................................12
V. COMPENSATION ...................................................................................................................12
A. Salary Schedules...........................................................................................................12
B. Procedure to be followed for Receiving Credit for College Courses …...............14
C. Procedures for Advancement on Salary Guide and/or Withholding of Salary Increases.........................................................................................................................14
D. Payment Schedule........................................................................................................15
E. Voluntary Savings........................................................................................................15
F. Compensation - Guidance Counselors .....................................................................15
G. Compensation - Special Education Teachers ...........................................................15
H. Additional Compensation - Base Salary....................................................................16
I. Compensation - Part Time Teachers .........................................................................16
J. Compensation - Home Tutoring................................................................................16
K. Compensation - Chaperoning ...................................................................................16
L. Compensation - Class Coverage................................................................................16
M. Compensation - Travel................................................................................................17
N. Compensation - Coaching ..........................................................................................17
O. Compensation – Co-Curricular..................................................................................17
P. Compensation –Media Specialist, Attendance Officer, and Student Disciplinarian................................................................................................................17
Q. Compensation-Industrial Arts/Physical Education……………………………..17
R. Compensation-Mentoring Fees…………………………………………………….17S. Compensation-Department Heads………………………………………….…..…17
T. Compensation-Dual Certification………………………………………………….17
U. Compensation- Long Term Temporary Instruction……………………………..17
V. Tuition Reimbursement……………………………………………………………..18
VI. PREPARATION TIME .............................................................................................................18
A. Grades 7-12......................................................................................................................18
B. Grades K-6………...........................................................................................................18
C. Special Subject Teachers ……………………………………………………………...19
D. Self-Contained Special Education and Pre-K teachers……………………………..19
VII. TEMPORARY LEAVES OF ABSENCE.................................................................................19
A. Death in Immediate Family.........................................................................................19
B. Death of a Relative........................................................................................................19
C. Personal Leave..............................................................................................................19
VIII. SICK LEAVE..............................................................................................................................20
A. Accumulative................................................................................................................20
B. Notification of Accumulation.....................................................................................20
C. Compensation for Unused Sick Leave......................................................................20
IX. EXTENDED LEAVES ..............................................................................................................21
A. Disability Leave.............................................................................................................21
B. Maternity Leave .............................................................................................................22
C. Child Rearing Leave .....................................................................................................23
X. INSURANCE PROTECTION..................................................................................................24
A. Hospitalization Coverage ...........................................................................................24
B. Health Coverage...........................................................................................................24
C. Description Teachers...................................................................................................24
XI. PROTECTION OF TEACHERS..............................................................................................24
A. Assault ...........................................................................................................................24
B. Indemnity.......................................................................................................................25
XII. POSTING OF ALL POSITIONS..............................................................................................25
A. Date of Posting .............................................................................................................25
B. Application Procedure ................................................................................................25
C. Criteria for Notice ........................................................................................................26
D. Filling Vacancies...........................................................................................................26
XIII. ASSOCIATION DUES AND REPRESENTATION FEE.....................................................26
A. Dues Deduction............................................................................................................26
B. Representation Fee.......................................................................................................26
C. Indemnification ............................................................................................................27
XIV. TEACHER EVALUATION......................................................................................................28
A. Observation and Evaluation of Tenured and Non-Tenured Teachers..........................................................................................................................28
B. Observation and Evaluation of Tenured and Non-Tenured Teachers for 2013- 2014 and 2014 2015…………………………………………………………………………31
C. Summary Evaluation of Tenured and Non-Tenured Teachers.............................31
D. Professional Improvement Plan………………….....................................................32
E. Peer Observation .........................................................................................................33
F. General Procedures...………………………………………………………………...33
XV. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND ..............................................................................33
A. Work Year…………………………………………………………………………………33
B. Work Day …………………………………………………………………………………34
C. Monthly Meetings…………………………………………………………………………34
D. Lunch Duty………………………………………………………………………………34
E. Parent Visitation Evening…………………………………………………………………34
F. Instructional Time………………………………………………………………………34
XVII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS .........................................................................................35
A. Board Policy...................................................................................................................35
B. Savings Clause..............................................................................................................35
C. Implementation………….............................................................................................35
D. Separability…………………........................................................................................35
E. Amendment or Modification of Agreement ...........................................................35
F. Continuation of Agreement……................................................................................36
G. Printing of Agreement.................................................................................................36
H. Notice.............................................................................................................................36
I. Association President ..................................................................................................36
XVIII. DURATION OF AGREEMENT ....................................................................................37
SCHEDULE A – TEACHER SALARY GUIDE 20012-2013.....................................................38
SCHEDULE B – TEACHER SALARY GUIDE 2013-2014…………………........................39
SCHEDULE C – TEACHER SALARY GUIDE 2014-2015…………………........................40
SCHEDULE D – ATHLETIC COMPENSATION...................................................................41
SCHEDULE E – CURRICULAR COMPENSATION .............................................................42
SCHEDULE F – LONGEVITY...................................................................................................43-44
THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 30th day of June 2012, by and between the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF CLIFFSIDE PARK, NEW JERSEY, hereinafter called the “Board” and the CLIFFSIDE PARK EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, hereinafter called the “Association”.
RECOGNITION The Board’s Status
The Cliffside Park Education Association (the “Association”) recognizes the Cliffside Park Board of Education (the “Board”) as the public agency charged by the Legislature, under the mandate of the Constitution, with the management in the School District of the Borough of Cliffside Park of a thorough and efficient system of free public schools.
The Board hereby retains and reserves unto itself, without limitation, other than those expressly set forth or established by law, or by the specifications of this Agreement, or by past practice(s) relating to terms and conditions of employment all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, and of the United States.
B. Association
The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive representative for collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for all certificated personnel, full and part-time, whether under contract or on leave, but excluding substitute teachers, principals, vice principals, business administrators, high school athletic director, technology coordinator, Superintendent and/or any others with supervisory functions.
C. Definition of Teacher
Unless otherwise indicated, the term “Teacher,” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all recognized employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined. Notwithstanding the foregoing, part-time teachers shall generally receive a pro-rata portion of the benefits provided herein except that Health Insurance shall be provided only in accordance with current standards.
A. Deadline Date
The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor Agreement in accordance with N.J.S.A. 34:13 A-1 et seq. in a good-faith effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and condition of Teachers’ employment. Such negotiations shall begin not later than December 15 of the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which this Agreement expires (unless mutually agreed to by both parties hereto.) Any agreement so negotiated shall apply to all Teachers and be reduced to writing and, subject to ratification and approval by both the Association and the Board, be signed by the Board and the Association. The Board reserves the right to request that the Association certify the ratification by the membership of the Association before appending its signature to such Agreement.
B. Modification
This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
C. Duration
This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect with all attendant benefits and obligations until a successor Agreement is ratified by the Board and the Association.
A. Definitions, Basic Principles and Time Limits
1. A “Grievance” is a claim by a Teacher of the Cliffside Park District or the Association that there has been to a Teacher a personal loss, injury or inconvenience caused by a violation misinterpretation, or inequitable application of an established policy governing Teachers, or of this Agreement, which affects terms and conditions of employment, except that the term “grievance” shall not apply to (1) a complaint of a non-tenured Teacher which arose by reason of his/her not being re-employed, or (2) a complaint by any certificated personnel occasioned by appointment to or lack of appointment to, retention in or lack of retention in, any position for which tenure is either not possible or not required. A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated by the Teacher or Association within thirty (30) days of the occurrence or event or act which gave rise to the grievance.
2. Members of the professional staff or the recognized professional association may present, on appeal, through administrative channels, grievances affecting them, free from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.
3. At each step in the grievance appeal process, the responsible person in authority hearing the grievance is to apply all possible measures to address the grievance professionally and with complete fairness. Proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure and consistent with prescribed procedures.
4. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of any Teacher having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with any appropriate member of the administrative staff and having the grievance addressed without intervention of the Association.
5. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level shall be considered as a maximum and every effort shall be made to expedite the process. The time limits may, however, be extended by mutual agreement. If a grievance appeal is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all of the prescribed steps by the end of the then current school year, and if leaving said grievance unresolved until the beginning of the following school year, could result in substantial harm to a party in interest, the stipulated time limits shall be reduced so that the grievance procedures may be exhausted prior to the end of the then current school year or as soon thereafter as practical.
B. Grievance Procedures
1. Level One – Principal
If any Teacher or the Association believes there is a basis for a grievance, he/she or the Association shall first discuss the alleged grievance with the building principal. A Teacher grievant may do so either personally or accompanied by a representative of the Association. If, as a result of the informal discussion with the principal, the grievance still exists, the Teacher of the Association may invoke the formal grievance procedure and present the grievance, in writing on the prescribed grievance form, to the building principal within five (5) school days of the informal discussion. The written grievance shall set forth all relevant facts known at the time, the specific contract clause, policy, practice or statute under which the grievance has arisen, the date as of which the grievance has arisen, and the relief sought. The principal shall indicate the disposition of the grievance and shall inform the grievant of his/her decision within five (5) school days from the date the grievance filed the formal grievance.
2. Level Two – Superintendent
If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level One, or if no decision has been rendered within five (5) school days after the presentation of the grievance, the grievant may file the grievance, in writing on the prescribed form, with the Superintendent of Schools within five (5) school days of the receipt of the decision by the principal, or within five (5) school days of the date said decision should have been rendered. The Superintendent shall advise the grievant of his/her decision in writing within ten (10) school days following the date of submission of the grievance to him/her. The decision shall set forth the reason(s) for the Superintendent’s decision. The Superintendent shall consult, if necessary, with the principal and the grievant involved. If the Superintendent calls for a meeting of the parties involved, a Teacher grievant shall have the right to be represented by the Association if he/she so desires.
3. Level Three - Board of Education
If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Two, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) school days after the presentation of the grievance to the Superintendent, the grievant may request that the Board review the grievance. The grievance shall be submitted, in writing on the prescribed form, through the Superintendent of Schools within ten (10) school days of the date said decision should have been rendered. The Board shall review the grievance, conduct a hearing if requested by the grievant, and render a decision in writing setting forth the reason(s) for its decision within twenty (20) school days.
4. Level Four – Arbitration
(a) If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of a grievance filed by the Association at Level Three, or if no decision has been rendered within twenty (20) school days after the grievance was delivered to the Board or after the conclusion of any hearing conducted by the Board, the Association may, within ten (10) school days after the decision by the Board or after the conclusion of any hearing conducted by the Board, whichever is sooner, submit the grievance to arbitration.
(b) If a Teacher grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Three, or if no decision has been rendered within twenty (20) school days after the grievance was delivered to the Board or after the conclusion of any hearing conducted by the Board, the Teacher grievant may, within ten (10) school days after the decision by the Board or thirty (30) school days after the grievance was delivered to the Board or after the conclusion of any hearing conducted by the Board, whichever is sooner, request in writing that the Association submit his/her grievance to arbitration. If the Association determines that the Teacher grievance is meritorious, it may submit the grievance to arbitration within ten (10) school days after receipt of a request by the Teacher grievant.
(c) Within ten (10) school days after such written notice of submission to arbitration, the Board and the Association shall attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator and shall obtain a commitment from said arbitrator to serve. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator or to obtain such a commitment within the specified period, a request for a list of arbitrators may be made to the Public Employment Relations Commission (“P.E.R.C.”) by either party. The parties shall then be bound by the rules and procedures of P.E.R.C. in the selection of an arbitrator and during the arbitration proceedings.
(d) The arbitrator selected shall confer with the representatives of the Board and the Association and hold a hearing promptly and shall issue his/her decision no later than thirty (30) days from the date of the close of the hearing, or from the date the final statements and proofs, including briefs and legal memoranda, are submitted to the arbitrator. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding upon the parties and shall be in writing and shall set forth his findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issues submitted.
(e) The authority of the arbitrator shall be limited to the interpretation, application or the compliance with the provision of this Agreement, and the arbitrator shall have no authority to modify, add to, subtract from, or in any way alter any of the terms of this Agreement, and the arbitrator shall be bound by and decide in accordance with all applicable New Jersey and Federal Statutes, the Constitutions of the State of New Jersey and of the United States, and all decision of the Commissioner of Education, the State Board of Education, the Courts of the State of New Jersey and the Federal Courts having jurisdiction over matters arising with the State of New Jersey.
C. Costs of Arbitration
1. The Board and the Association shall each bear the total cost incurred by themselves.
2. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator are the only costs which shall be shared by the Board and the Association and such costs will be shared equally.
3. If time is lost by any Teacher due to the arbitration proceedings necessitating the retention of a substitute, the Board will pay the cost of the substitute. The time lost by the Teacher may be charged to personal business time.
D. Group Grievances
The procedures for the filing and processing of a group grievance shall be the same as the individual grievance procedures set forth herein, including the time periods specified above. A group grievance is defined as a claim, affecting a group or class of Teachers, that there has been, to them, a personal loss, injury or inconvenience caused by a violation, misinterpretation, or inequitable application of an established policy governing Teachers or of this Agreement.
E. Emergency Procedure
Recognizing that emergencies may arise, and that time may not permit the prescribed procedures to operate, the following provision is inserted:
In the event an individual, group of individuals, or the Association as a whole, has a grievance of such nature that time will not permit the prescribed time periods to be followed, the procedure may be expedited. If the individual, group of individuals, or the Association, state in writing, the nature of the grievance, together with explicit reasons why the prescribed procedures must be expedited, the grievance procedure shall be the same but each party shall be duty bound to act upon the grievance as quickly as possible.
F. Liaison Committee
The Executive Committee of the Association shall serve as a continuing liaison committee with the Board. This committee shall meet with the Board once every other month beginning with the month of October, and more frequently if necessary unless both parties mutually agree that such a meeting is unnecessary. The Board or the committee shall be free to discuss any problems of mutual concern or interest, but may not discuss any grievance currently being considered by a principal, or the Superintendent of Schools, or the Board, or an arbitrator unless all parties concerned concur.
G. Miscellaneous
Forms for filing Grievances and rendering determinations shall be in the forms annexed hereto as Exhibits “A” through “C” and shall be given the distribution set forth therein so as to facilitate the operation of this Grievance Procedure.
A. Just Cause Provision
No Teacher shall be disciplined, reprimanded, or reduced in compensation without just cause.
B. Non-Discrimination
The Board and the Association agree, for themselves and their respective officers, agents, employees and members, that in the interpretation, application, and administration of this Agreement and in every aspect of the employer-employee relationship between the Board and the Teachers, neither party shall engage in or support any practices or procedures that result in discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, domicile, sex, age or marital status.
A. Salary Schedules
The salaries of all Teachers shall be set forth in the attached salary guides for the 2012-2015 school year attached hereto and made a part hereof.
1. B.A. or B.A. Degree Level - Teachers who hold a Bachelor’s Degree shall be placed on the Bachelor’s Degree level on Schedules “A,” “B” and “C.”
2. B.A. plus 15 or B.A. Degree Level plus 15 - Teachers who hold a Bachelor’s Degree plus either 15 college credits in graduate level courses or in-service credits earned in accordance with Board Policy No. 3244 adopted on December 12, 1974 and entitled “In-Service Courses” (hereinafter “Board Policy No. 3244”) shall be placed on the B.A. Degree level plus 15 on Schedules “A,” “B” and “C.”
3. M.A. or M.A. Degree Level - Teachers who hold a Master’s Degree shall be placed on the Master’s Degree level on Schedules “A,” “B” and “C.”
4. M.A. plus 15 or M.A. Degree Level plus 15 - Teachers who hold a Master’s Degree plus either 15 college credits in graduate level courses or in-service credits earned in accordance with Board Policy No. 3244 shall be placed on the M.A. Degree level plus 15 on Schedules “A,” “B” and “C.”
5. M.A. plus 30 or M.A. Degree Level plus 30 - Teachers who hold a Master’s Degree plus either 30 college credits in graduate level courses or in-service credits earned in accordance with Board Policy No. 3244 shall be placed on the M.A. Degree level plus 30 on Schedules “A,” “B” and “C.”
6. M.A. plus 45 or M.A. Degree Level plus 45 - Teachers who hold a Master’s Degree plus 30 college credits in graduate level courses or in-service credits earned in accordance with Board Policy No. 3244 shall be placed on the M.A. Degree level plus 30 on Schedules “A,” “B” and “C.”
7. PHD - Teachers who hold a Doctoral Degree be placed on the PHD Level on Schedules “A,” “B” and “C.”
8. The criteria shall be as follows:
(a) All credits accumulated beyond M.A. Degree level under the provisions of this Subsection 8 must, in the discretion of the Superintendent, be directly related to the improvement of the current job skills of the Teacher and be within an individual Teacher’s area(s) of certification and be approved in writing in advance.
(b) A minimum of 9 such credits must be earned subsequent to July 1, 1984.
(c)Additional compensation for the doctorate level must be for actual attendance at an institution of higher learning, correspondence course and/or internet course, which must be specifically approved by the New Jersey Department of Education. Doctorate level degrees such as a Law Degree or others that are not directly related to the current position of the Teacher and the Certification utilized for said position shall not qualify for this additional compensation. (It is agreed that those teachers with a Law Degree, or already in the process of obtaining one, will be grandfathered.)
B. Procedure to be followed for Receiving Credit for College Courses
1. Teachers new to the District shall have the right, within twelve (12) months of the date of their initial employment, to request a review of any graduate credits earned prior to employment in the District. Failure to exercise this right within the prescribed time limits shall preclude consideration of such credits.
2. Courses to be applied for salary guide advancement beyond M.A. must be approved in writing by the Superintendent in advance of enrollment. A form to use in submitting courses for approval must be obtained from the building Principal, completely filled out and returned to the Superintendent via the Principal not later than September 10th of any year for fall semester courses, January 15th for spring semester courses and June 1st for summer courses. In the absence of the building Principal or his/her assignee, request for course approval may be made directly to the Superintendent. Evidence of successful completion (transcripts) must be supplied to the Superintendent when the aggregate credit value reaches 15 or 30 beyond the B.A. Degree or 15, 30 or 45 beyond the M.A. Degree. Evidence of advanced degrees must be presented in like manner. Courses taken during the summer must be submitted for evaluation before October 1st.
3. In-Service Courses will be dealt with as per Board Policy 3244. Credits can be earned from NJEA/BCEA courses in addition to an unlimited number from the Cliffside Park Staff In-Service Program.
C. Procedures for Advancement on Salary Guide and/or Withholding of Salary Increases
Progress along the pattern of increases is not automatic.
The Board expressly reserves the right to withhold, for inefficiency or other good cause, all or any part of a Salary Increase, defined as follows: (a) for any Teacher not at the maximum of any degree level of the Teacher Salary Guide, the annual increment and the negotiated salary adjustment, if any; and (b) for any Teacher at the maximum of any degree level of the Teacher Salary Guide, the negotiated salary adjustment, if any. In the event that the Board exercises its right to withhold for inefficiency or good cause any Salary Increase or portion thereof, the Board does hereby agree to employ the following procedure.
1. Once a recommendation is forwarded to a Teacher and the Superintendent, the Teacher may within ten (10) school days request in writing an opportunity to meet with the Superintendent. In the event such a meeting is requested, the Superintendent shall take no action on the recommendation until said meeting occurs.
2. Whenever the Superintendent recommends that the Board withhold a Salary Increase or portion thereof, the Teacher to be so deprived shall be given written notice of such recommendation.
3. If, following such recommendation by the Superintendent, such Teacher desires to pursue the matter further, arrangements shall be made to afford said Teacher reasonable opportunity to appear before the Board and to be accompanied by a representative of his/her own choosing. In order to have such an opportunity, such Teacher must, within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of written notice of the Superintendent’s recommendation, request in writing such a meeting with the Board. The meeting between such Teacher and the Board shall not constitute a plenary hearing.
4. The Board shall be given a reasonable opportunity, following said meeting to deliberate. If the resultant action of the Board is to withhold a Salary Increase, the Board shall, within ten (10) calendar days after said meeting, give written notice of such action, together with the reasons therefore to the Teacher concerned.
D. Payment Schedule
Teachers employed on a ten (10) month basis shall be paid in twenty (20) equal semi-monthly installments, to be received on the 15th and last day of each month. When a pay day falls on or during a school holiday, vacation or week-end, Teachers shall receive their pay checks on the last previous working day. The December pay checks may be combined and distributed to the Teachers on December 15th. Teachers shall receive their final check no later than the last working day in June, except in special circumstances.
E. Voluntary Savings
Teachers may individually elect to have ten (10%) percent of their monthly salary deducted from their pay. The funds so deducted shall be deposited by the Board in an interest-bearing account maintained by the Association and the Association shall be fully responsible for the administration of such funds.
F. Compensation - Guidance Counselors, Student Disciplinarian, Curriculum Coordinator, ESL Coordinator, After School Coordinator, Director of Special Services and Child Study Members excluding Speech.
Salaries for full-time Guidance Counselors, Student Disciplinarian, Curriculum Coordinator, ESL Coordinator, After School Coordinator, Director of Special Services and Child Study Members excluding Speech shall be the same as for a Teacher on same step and salary classification plus $3,925. This compensation reflects ten (10) additional work days per school year. Ten days shall be; Five(5) days after the last day for teaching staff, but not after June 30th, and, Five(5) days prior to teaching staff reporting at the beginning of the school year.
G. Compensation - Special Education Teachers
All Special Education Teachers, MS and HS, who are assigned six classes, shall receive an additional $5000 per year. No duty will be assigned.
H. Additional Compensation - Base Salary
Additional compensation paid in accordance with Sections F, G, P, S, and T of this Article and longevity shall be, for pension calculation purposes only, deemed a part of each Teacher’s base salary, N.J.S.A. 18A:66-2(d).
I. Compensation - Part-Time Teachers
1. A Teacher hired to teach four (4) periods five days a week shall be entitled to one preparation period per day. Any such Teacher shall be compensated at the rate of five-eights (5/8) of the salary for a Teacher on the same step and salary classification.
2. A Teacher hired to teach three (3) periods five days a week shall be entitled to one preparation period per day. Any such Teacher shall be compensated at the rate of four-eighths (4/8) of the salary for a Teacher on the same step and salary classification.
3. A Teacher hired to teach two (2) periods five days a week shall be entitled to one preparation period per day. Any such Teacher shall be compensated at the rate of three-eighths (3/8) of the salary for a Teacher on the same step and salary classification.
4. A Teacher hired to teach one (1) period five (5) days per week shall be entitled to one preparation period per day. Any such Teacher shall be compensated at the rate of two-eighths (2/8) of the salary for a Teacher on the same step and salary classification.
J. Compensation - Home Tutoring
All Teachers covered by this Agreement who tutor a student at home shall be compensated at the rate of $50.00 per hour.
K. Compensation – Chaperoning
All Teachers covered by this Agreement who chaperone activities conducted after school hours during the school year, shall be compensated at the rate of $50.00 per activity. Such assignments shall, to the extent possible, be made on an equitable rotation basis within each building. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the coaching and/or co-curricular duties described in Schedules D and E attached hereto and made a part hereof, or to a Teacher’s involvement, on a voluntary basis, with any Student Club.
A Teacher must receive prior approval from the Superintendent if he/she requests compensation for an after school Student Club activity. Therefore, a Teacher must submit a written request to the Superintendent before scheduling the activity.
L. Compensation - Class Coverage
Compensation for the loss of preparation time shall be paid only in accordance with the express provision of Article VI, entitled Preparation Time of this Agreement.
M. Compensation – Travel
The transportation mileage rate for Teachers traveling on approved school business or attending approved professional workshops or conferences will be thirty-one cents (31ข) per mile. No reimbursement will be allowed unless prior approval has been obtained from the Superintendent. Prior approval may be obtained by completing an application form obtainable from the office of the Superintendent.
N. Compensation – Coaching
Teachers accepting interscholastic coaching positions shall be compensated in accordance with Schedule “D” attached hereto and made a part hereof.
O. Compensation - Co-Curricular
Teachers accepting approved co-curricular positions shall be compensated in accordance with Schedule “E” attached hereto and made a part thereof.
In the event that two (2) or more Teachers, with the advance written approval of the Superintendent, share one (1) co-curricular position, each Teacher shall receive sixty (60%) percent of the salary listed in Schedule for the position in question.
P. Compensation – High School and Middle School Media Specialist, High School Attendance Officer, and Student Disciplinarian for an additional 45 minutes per day will be compensated $4100.
Q. Compensation - Industrial Arts and Physical Education Departments, 7-12, who are asked to teach an additional class and are in agreement, will be allowed to come in after 1st period or leave at the beginning of 9th period (except meeting days). No Duty will be assigned.
R. Compensation – Mentoring Fees
Non-tenured members of the association who pay mentoring fees will be compensated by the Board of Education after the staff member becomes tenured. Proof of payment must be presented to the Board of Education within 30 days.
S. Compensation – Department Heads
Department Heads will be compensated $4300.00.
T. Compensation – Dual Certification
Individuals holding multiple certificates and teaching in two different subject areas will receive an additional $1000.00.
U. Compensation – Long Term Temporary Instruction
Individuals who perform teaching duties in addition to the required duties in the school day are to be compensated through the current formula
N = number of days in classroom
V. Tuition Reimbursement-
1. Teachers with three or more years in district are entitled to a maximum of $2500
2. Money will be divided equally amongst the applicants who apply by September 1. In the event that additional monies become available, Members of the Association will be notified of such available funds.
3. Teachers must submit evidence of course completion in which they received a B or higher
4. The tuition pool will be as follows
a. 2012-13 $35,000
b. 2013-14 $45,000
c. 2014-15 $50,000
5. Teachers who receive tuition reimbursement must remain in district for three years after last payment or forfeit reimbursement
All classroom teachers shall have, in addition to their lunch periods, ten (10) preparation periods per full work week. Classroom teachers who have cafeteria duty shall not be assigned to perform any other duty during any prep period unless said teacher volunteers. Classroom teachers may be required, however, at the discretion of the building Principal, to perform assigned duties during their preparation periods during the school year. Any such assignments shall, to the extent possible, be distributed as equitably as possible among the classroom Teachers in said school. A classroom teacher shall be compensated at the rate of $25.00 per class for the loss of each such preparation period.
Classroom teachers in elementary schools may be required, however, at the discretion of the principal, to perform assigned duties during their preparation periods during the school year. Any such assignments shall, to the extent possible, be distributed as equitably as possible among the classroom teachers in each of said schools. In the event that any classroom Teacher in an elementary school shall be required to forego preparation periods, said Teacher shall be compensated at the rate of $25.00 per class for the loss of each such preparation period.
All classroom teachers in a school day have, in addition to their lunch period, not less than 35 minutes preparation time during the time when students are in the care of special subject teachers six (6) preparatory periods per full work week.
Special Subject Teachers
Special Subject Teachers grades 1-6 in a school day have, in addition to their lunch period, not less than 35 minutes preparation time. Additionally, teachers traveling between buildings are entitled to 15 minutes for travel to and from buildings before or after lunch.
Grades 1-6, Self Contained Special Education and Resource Room Teachers and Pre Kindergarten Teachers
All self contained special education grades 1-6, Resource room teachers grades 1-6, and Pre kindergarten teachers, in a school day have, in addition to their lunch period, not less than 35 minutes preparation time during the time when students are in the care of special subject teachers at least five preparatory periods per full work week.
A leave of absence, because of the death of a member of the immediate family, shall, in the discretion of the Teacher, be granted up to five (5) days with full pay. For the purposes of this provision, immediate family shall include: mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister, brother, husband, wife, partner, children, and grandparents.
In the event that a death occurs of an immediate family member during a vacation or period when school is not in session, leaves will be honored beginning the date of said event.
B. Death of a Relative
A leave of absence, because of the death of a relative other than in the immediate family, may, in the discretion of the Superintendent or his designee, be granted for one
(1) day with full pay.
C. Personal Leave
1. For one (1) or more of the following stated purposes, each Teacher shall be granted, with full pay, one (1) or more personal leave days of absence that total, in the aggregate and in any combination, not more than four (4) days in any school year non-cumulatively;
(a) Compulsory attendance pursuant to a court subpoena.
(b) Such personal business as cannot be handled outside of school hours.
2. Whenever a Teacher desires to use four (4) personal leave days on four (4) consecutive work days, a Teacher shall, except in an emergency, submit for approval by the Superintendent of his/her designee an application in writing for such consecutive personal leave of absence, stating the reason or reasons why such leave is necessary.
3. Whenever utilization of the leave provisions of this Subsection C will extend a holiday or vacation recess by the use of a leave day or days immediately prior to or immediately after the holiday or vacation recess, a Teacher shall, at least forty-eight hours prior to the day of leave requested (except in emergencies), submit to his/her Principal, for approval by the Superintendent, or his/her designee, an application in writing for such personal leave of absence, stating the reason or reasons why such leave is necessary.
4. In the Event that a Teacher does not use any of the four (4) personal leave days afforded by this Section C, one (1) accumulated sick day shall be added to the Teacher’s sick leave account on September 1 of the following school year.
5. Whenever a Teacher requests a personal leave day for which a reason is required to be given, the personal leave notification form setting forth the reason(s) for the request shall be sent directly to the Superintendent’s desk in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential - Personal Leave Request.” In the event that the Teacher feels the reason or reasons for which the personal leave day is being requested are “too personal” to be stated in writing, the Teacher shall request and be granted a conference with the Superintendent or his/her designee in order to state the general nature of the request.
SICK LEAVE A. Accumulative.
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:30-2, each Teacher shall be entitled to ten (10) sick leave days with full pay in each school year. Unused sick leave days shall, in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:30-3, be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
B. Notification of Accumulation
Each Teacher shall be given a written accounting of accumulated sick leave days no later than September 30th of each school year.
C. Compensation for Unused Sick Leave
1. Any Teacher who completes any school year shall receive the following compensation regarding utilization of sick days/personal days:
2. Annual attendance bonuses shall be paid to said Teacher on the 15th day of school
in September following the school year in which it was earned.
Any teacher, who, as of the end of any school year beginning with 09-10, has
either served the District at least ten (10) years and has retired under the Teachers'
Pension and Annuity Fund upon such retirement or has served the District at twenty-five
(25) years and leaves the employ of the Board for any reason, shall be paid according to the
Formula for unused sick leave:
First 100 days X $125.00/day
Second 100 days X $0.00/day
Up to next 72 days X $175.00 /day
Maximum is $25,000.00
Payment of the unused sick leave compensation shall be made in two (2) payments, one thirty (30) days after retirement or resignation from district and one during the first month of the next taxable year. In the event of the death of a Teacher prior to severance or retirement and collection of this payment, said payment shall be made to the estate of the said teacher.
A. Disability Leave
1. Any Teacher who experiences a disability arising out of, but not limited to surgery, hospital confinement, medical treatment, pregnancy, or the like, shall be entitled to paid and/or unpaid Disability Leave based upon such disability. In the event that said Teacher applies for a Disability Leave, such Disability Leave shall be chargeable to the accumulated sick leave account, if any, of said Teacher, provided, however, that if said Teacher’s accumulated sick leave account is or has been exhausted, the Disability Leave of absence shall be without pay. In the event of absence as a result of a personal injury caused by an accident arising out of and in the course of a Teacher’s employment, the provision of N.J.S.A. 18A:30-2 shall apply. All statutes, policies, practices, rules and regulations applicable to Teachers granted Sick Leave shall govern such Disability Leave.
2. All Teachers anticipating a long-term disability shall notify their Principal of the condition expected to result in disability as soon as practicable, and submit to the Principal a written statement from his/her physician verifying the condition expected to result in the long term disability and, if possible the physician’s prognosis as to the anticipated duration of such disability.
3. The Board shall have the right to require any Teacher who has been on paid
and/or unpaid Disability Leave and who desires to return to his/her duties by a fixed date following recovery from disability to produce a written statement from his/her physician stating that he/she is capable of resuming his/her duties, which opinion shall, at the option of the Board, be confirmed by the Board medical inspector.
4. Where a Disability Leave has been approved, the commencement or termination dates thereof may be further extended or reduced for medical reasons upon application by the Teacher to the Board accompanied by a written statement from the Teacher’s physician as to the advisability of such extension or reduction. Such extensions or reductions may be granted by the Board for additional reasonable periods of time. All extensions of such leaves shall in any event be subject to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:30-1 et seq. and specifically, N.J.S.A. 18A:30-6 and N.J.S.A. 18A:30-7.
5. These provisions shall not be deemed to impose upon the Board any obligation to grant or extend a Disability Leave of any non-tenured Teacher beyond the end of the work year in which such leave was originally granted, provided, however, that the provisions of this Subsection shall not in any way preclude the ability on the part of the Board, in its absolute discretion, to grant to a non-tenured Teacher a Disability Leave extending beyond the end of such work year. The period of an unpaid Disability Leave granted to a non-tenured Teacher shall not acquire tenure during such leave.
6. Where a Disability Leave is for disability related to pregnancy, the pregnant Teacher applying for such leave under the provisions of this Section may simultaneously make application for a Child Rearing Leave in accordance with the provisions of Section C of this Article.
B. Maternity Leave
1. Each Teacher requesting an unpaid Maternity Leave under this Article without regard to a claimed present state of disability shall (as soon as the pregnancy is medically confirmed) submit to the Principal a written request specifying the date on which the Teacher expects to commence said leave and the date on which the Teacher expects to return from said leave, which shall not be chargeable to said Teacher’s sick leave account.
2. Whenever, in the opinion of the Board, the date of the commencement of the unpaid Maternity Leave, and/or the date for the resumption of duties would substantially interfere with the administration of the schools and/or the education of students, the requested dates may be changed by the Board to the start of a marking period with teacher approval.
3. Where an unpaid Maternity Leave has been approved, the commencement or termination dated thereof may be extended or reduced upon application by the Teacher to the Board accompanied, where appropriate, by a written statement from the Teacher’s physician as to the advisability of such extension or reduction. Such extensions or reduction may be granted by the Board for additional reasonable periods of time.
4. These provisions shall not be deemed to impose upon the Board any obligation to grant or extend a Maternity Leave of any non-tenured Teacher beyond the end of the work year in which such leave was originally granted, provided, however, that the provisions of this Subsection shall not in any way preclude the ability on the part of the Board in its absolute discretion, to grant to a non-tenured Teacher a Maternity Leave extending beyond the end of such work year. The period of an unpaid Maternity Leave granted to a non-tenured Teacher shall not be included in the minimum period required by statute to attain tenure, and said Teacher shall not acquire tenure during such leave.
5. A Teacher applying for a Maternity Leave under the provisions of this section may simultaneously make application for a Child Rearing Leave in accordance with the provisions of Section C of this Article.
C. Child Rearing Leave
1. In the case of the birth of a child or the placement of a child under the age of five (5) for adoption, any Teacher shall have the right, upon application, to leave for the purpose of child rearing. Said Child Rearing Leave shall be without pay. In any case where both parents of such child are Teachers in the Cliffside Park Public Schools, only one (1) parent shall be entitled to such Child Rearing Leave at any one time.
2. Application for Child Rearing Leave in connection with the birth of a child shall normally be filed at least sixty (60) days prior to the anticipated birth date of the child. Application for Child Rearing Leave in connection with the placement of a child under the age of five (5) for adoption shall be filed immediately upon receipt by a Teacher of a notice of such placement.
3. In the case of a Teacher who has been granted Disability Leave under the provisions of Section A of this Article or Maternity Leave under the provisions of Section B of this Article, and who has applied for Child Rearing Leave, such Child Rearing Leave shall become effective immediately upon the termination of the aforesaid Disability Leave or Maternity Leave.
4. Child Rearing Leave shall be granted upon application made therefore, for a period ending as of the date requested by the Teacher; however, if the date of return selected by that Teacher for resumption of duties would substantially interfere with the administration of the schools or with the education of pupils, the date of return may be changed by the Board with teacher approval. Such Child Rearing Leave shall be extended, in the case of tenured Teachers only, upon the request of a tenured Teacher, for one (1) additional work year. Such request by such tenured Teacher for an additional work year shall normally be made to the Superintendent in writing no later than the March 1st preceding the expiration of the first period thereof. Such Child Rearing Leave for such tenured Teacher may be extended by the Board, upon the request by such tenured Teacher made to the Superintendent in writing no later than the March 1st preceding the expiration of the leave, for a second additional work year.
5. A Teacher may request early reinstatement, the granting of which shall be in the sole discretion of the Board.
6. These provisions shall not be deemed to impose upon the Board any obligation to grant or extend a Child Rearing Leave of any non-tenured Teacher beyond the end of the work year in which such leave was originally granted, provided, however, that the provision of this Subsection shall not in any way preclude the ability on the part of the Board, in its absolute discretion, to grant to a non-tenured Teacher a Child Rearing Leave extending beyond the end of such work year. The period of an unpaid Child Rearing Leave granted to a non-tenured Teacher shall not be included in the minimum period required by statute to attain tenure, and said Teacher shall not acquire tenure during such leave.
A. Hospitalization Coverage
The Board shall make payment of insurance premiums, in accordance with NJ Public Law Chapter 78.
B. Health Coverage
The Board shall provide coverage, in accordance with the rules of the designated carrier by the following Table:
1. Prescription Coverage - The Board shall pay no more than $890,000 for each school year over the life of this agreement.
2. Dental Coverage – Cap Eliminated
3. Optical Coverage – Cap Eliminated
C. Description to Teachers
If available from the insurance carrier, the Board shall provide to each Teacher a description of the health care benefits insurance coverage provided under this Article.
A. Assault
Any Teacher suffering or observing, or having direct knowledge for a participant or victim of, an act of violence occurring in connection with his/her employment shall immediately file a report describing the incident to his/her Principal or other immediate supervisor.
B. Indemnity
1. Should any civil action be brought against a Teacher for any act or omission arising out of an in the course of the performance of the duties of a Teacher, the Board shall defray all costs of defending such action, including reasonable counsel fees and expenses, together with costs of appeal, if any, and shall save harmless and properly protect such Teacher from any financial loss resulting there from and related thereto. N.J.S.A. 18A:16-6.
2. Should any criminal action be instituted against a Teacher for any act or omission arising out of and in the course of the performance of the duties of a Teacher, and should such proceeding be dismissed or result in a final disposition in favor of the Teacher, the Board shall reimburse him/her the cost of defending such proceeding, including reasonable counsel fees and expenses of the original hearing or trial and all appeals. N.J.S.A. 18A:16-6.1.
A. Date of Posting
1. When school is in session, a notice of all available positions shall be posted in each school as far in advance as practicable, and at least five (5) school days before the final date when applications must be submitted. A copy of said notice shall be given to the Association at the time of posting. Teachers who desire to apply for such vacancies shall submit their applications in writing to the Superintendent within the time limit specified in the notice, and the Superintendent shall acknowledge promptly in writing the receipt of all such applications.
2. When school is not in session, a notice of all available positions shall be posted on the school website and through email to all staff as far in advance as practicable, and at least five (5) school days before the final date when applications must be submitted. A copy of said notice shall be given to the Association at the time of posting. Teachers who desire to apply for such vacancies shall submit their applications in writing to the Superintendent within the time limit specified in the notice, and the Superintendent shall acknowledge promptly in writing the receipt of all such applications.
B. Application Procedure
Teachers who desire to apply for an available position, which may be filled during the summer period when school is not regularly in session, shall submit their names to the Superintendent, together with the position(s) for which they desire to apply, and an address where they can be reached during the summer. The Superintendent shall notify teachers of any vacancy in a position for which they desire to apply. Such notice shall be sent as far in advance as practicable and at least five (5) days before the final date when applications must be submitted. In addition, the Superintendent shall, within the same time period, post a list of available positions to be filled during the summer period at the administration office, in each school, and a copy of said notice shall be given to the Association.
C. Criteria for Notice
The qualifications for the position, including Certification(s) required, its duties, and the rate of compensation, if known, shall be clearly set forth. No vacancy in an available position shall be filled other than in accordance with the above procedure.
D. Filling Vacancies
All qualified Teachers shall be given adequate opportunity to make application and no position shall be filled until all submitted applications have been considered. Upon formal confirmation of the successful applicant by the Board, each unsuccessful applicant shall be notified of the final decision.
A. Dues Deduction
1. Organization Dues
The Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of the Teachers dues for Association membership as said Teachers individually and voluntarily authorize the Board to deduct. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 310, Public Laws of 1967 (N.J.S.A. 52:14-19.9c) and under rules established by the State Department of Education. Said monies, together with records of Treasurer of the Association by the 15th of each month following the monthly pay period in which deductions were made. The Association Treasurer shall disburse such monies to the appropriate association or associations.
2. Dues Certification
The Association shall certify to the Board, in writing, the current rate of its membership dues. Should the Association change the rate of its membership dues, it shall give the Board two (2) months written notice prior to the effective date of such change.
B. Representation Fee
1. Purpose of Fee
If a Teacher does not become a member of the Association during any membership year, (i.e., from September 1 to the following August 31) which is covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, said Teacher will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year to offset the costs of services rendered by the Association as majority representative.
2. Amount of Fee
Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the aggregate amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the Association to each of its own members for that membership year. The representation fee to be paid by each non-member will be equal to eighty-five (85%) percent of said aggregate amount.
3. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
The Board agrees to deduct from the salary of any Teacher who is not a member of the Association for the current membership year the full amount of the representation fee referred to in Section B above and promptly will transmit the installment so deducted to the Association. The Board agrees to deduct the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks paid to each Teacher during the remainder of the membership year in question. The deductions will begin thirty (30) days after the Teacher begins his/her employment in a bargaining unit position, unless the Association informs the Board that such Teacher has become a full dues paying member.
4. Termination of Employment
If a Teacher who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his/her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said Teacher during the membership year in question and promptly forward same to the Association.
5. Mechanics
Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the deduction of representation fees and the transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
C. Indemnification
The Association agrees to return to the Board any dues, monies or representation fees improperly, illegally or erroneously paid to it under this Agreement.
In addition, the Association agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Board for any legal costs arising out of any challenge to the Board’s payment to the Association of any representation fees under this Agreement.
A. Observation and Evaluation of Tenured and Non-Tenured Teachers for 2012-2013
The New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 6:3-1.21, Evaluation of tenured teaching staff members) will be followed by the Board in carrying out the observation and evaluation of tenured Teachers, including both those assigned to, and those not assigned for regular classroom teaching duties.
The non-tenured Teachers’ evaluation law (N.J.S.A. 18A:27-3.p et seq.) and the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 6:3-1.19, Supervision of instruction, observation and evaluation of non-tenured teaching staff members) will be followed by the Board in carrying out the observation and evaluation of non-tenured Teachers, including those assigned to, and those not assigned to, regular classroom teaching duties.
The procedures for the supervision of instruction, observations and evaluation of both tenured and non-tenured Teachers, including both those assigned to, and those not assigned to, regular classroom teaching duties, shall be as follows:
1. Observation and Evaluation of Teachers Assigned to Regular Classroom Teaching Duties.
The procedures for the supervision of instruction, observation and evaluation of tenured and non-tenured Teachers assigned to regular classroom teaching duties shall conform with N.J.A.C. 6:3-1.21 (Evaluation of tenured teaching staff member) and N.J.A.C. 6:3-1.19 (Supervision of instruction, observation and evaluation of non-tenured teaching staff members) and shall be as follows:
(a) The term “Observation,” as applied to a Teacher assigned to regular classroom teaching duties, shall mean a visitation to a classroom by a member of the administrative/supervisory staff of the District who holds an appropriate certificate for the supervision of instruction (hereinafter referred to as the “Evaluator”) for the purpose of observing the performance of the instructional process by the Teacher. Such Observation shall be conducted openly and with the full knowledge of the Teachers.
(b) The term “Evaluation,” as applied to a Teacher assigned to regular classroom teaching duties, shall mean a written evaluation report prepared by the Evaluator who visits the classroom for the purpose of observing the performance of the instructional process by the Teacher. The written evaluation report as its purpose the improvement of the quality of instruction, should be as comprehensive as possible, and should describe the lesson, commend positive aspects, identify deficiencies where appropriate and extend assistance for the correction of such deficiencies.
(c) Evaluators shall have been appointed to such positions by the Board and identified to the individual Teacher in advance of any Observation or Evaluation.
(d) Each non-tenured Teacher shall be observed and evaluated at least three (3) times during each school year but not less than once during each semester, provided that the number of required Observations and Evaluations may be reduced proportionately when an individual non-tenured Teacher’s terms of service is more than one (1) academic year.
(e) Each tenured Teacher shall be observed an evaluated at least once each school year.
(f) Observations and Evaluations shall relate only to school related activities and responsibilities. Evaluators shall have the right to determine when an Observation and Evaluation shall be made. In selecting the times for Observations and Evaluations, an Evaluator shall avoid making Observations and Evaluations at times when a fair Observation and Evaluation cannot be made.
(g) Each Observation and Evaluation shall be conducted for a minimum duration of one (1) class period in the High School and one (1) complete subject lesson in the Elementary School.
(h) Each Observation and Evaluation shall be followed within a reasonable period of time, but in no instance more than fifteen (15) school days after the Observation, by a conference between the Evaluator and the Teacher. Both parties to such conference will review and sign the Evaluation and retain a copy for his/her records, provided, however, that the Teacher’s signature shall not be deemed to signify agreement with the contents. In the event that both the Evaluator and the Teacher agree that there has been an oversight or a mistake of fact in connection with any Evaluation, such Evaluation shall be rewritten, at said conference, to correct the agreed upon oversight or mistake of fact. The Teacher shall have the right to submit a written disclaimer of such Evaluation within ten (10) school days following the conference, and such disclaimer shall be attached to each party’s copy of the Evaluation.
2. Observation and Evaluation of Teachers Not Assigned to Regular Classroom Teaching Duties.
The procedures for the supervision of instruction, observation and evaluation of tenured and non-tenured Teachers not assigned to regular classroom teaching duties (including, but not limited to, department heads, school nurses, social workers, librarians and special subject Teachers) shall conform with N.J.A.C. 6:3-1.21 (Evaluation of tenured teaching staff members) and N.J.A.C. 6:3-1-1.19 (Supervision of instruction, observation and evaluation of non-tenured teaching staff members) and shall be as follows:
(a) The term “Observation,” as applied to a Teacher not assigned to a regular classroom teaching duties, shall mean a visitation or visitations by an Evaluator for the purpose of observing the performance of duties by the Teacher, to a work station, in, or in other than, a classroom setting during but not limited to times when the Teacher is interacting with students, parents, teachers or administrators, or times when the Teacher is performing any duty related to his/her responsibilities as set forth in the job description for the position. The Observation shall be conducted openly and with the full knowledge of the Teachers.
(b) The term “Evaluation,” as applied to a Teacher not assigned to regular classroom teaching duties, shall mean a written evaluation report prepared by the Evaluator who visits work station for the purpose of observing the performance of the Teacher. The written evaluation report has as its purpose the improvement of the quality of the education program, should be as comprehensive as possible, and should describe the duties being performed, commend positive aspects, identify deficiencies where appropriate and expect assistance for the correction of such deficiencies.
(c) Evaluators shall have been appointed to such positions by the Board and identified to the individual Teacher in advance of any Observation or Evaluation.
(d) Each non-tenured Teacher shall be observed and evaluated at least three (3) times during each school year but not less than once during each semester, provided that the number of required Observations and Evaluations may be reduced proportionately when an individual non-tenured Teacher’s terms of service is more than one (1) academic year.
(e) Each tenured Teacher shall be observed and evaluated at least once each school year.
(f) Observations and Evaluations shall relate only to school related activities and responsibilities. Evaluators shall have the right to determine when an Observation and Evaluation shall be made. In selecting the times for Observations and Evaluations, an Evaluator shall avoid making Observations and Evaluations at times when a fair Observation and Evaluation cannot be made.
(g) Each visitation which constitutes a part of an Observation may, in the discretion of the Evaluator, take place for time periods of varying durations. Prior to writing the Evaluation of each Teacher not assigned to regular classroom duties, the Evaluator shall have observed the Teacher for a minimum cumulative amount of observation time which is equivalent to one (1) complete subject lesson in each Elementary School.
(h) Immediately after completion of each of the cumulative observation periods, the Evaluator shall notify the Teacher that the cumulative observation period in question has been completed.
(i) Each cumulative observation period and Evaluation shall be followed within a reasonable period of time, but in no instance more than fifteen (15) school days after notification by the Evaluator to the Teacher of the completion of the cumulative observation period in question, by a conference between the Evaluator and the Teacher. Both parties to such conference will review and sign the Evaluation and retain a copy for his/her records, provided, however, that the Teacher’s signature shall not be deemed to signify agreement with the contents. In the event that both the Evaluator and the Teacher agree that there has been an oversight or a mistake of fact in connection with any Evaluation, such Evaluation shall be rewritten, at said conference, to correct the agreed upon oversight or mistake of fact. The Teacher shall have the right to submit a written disclaimer of such Evaluation within ten (10) school days following the conference, and such disclaimer shall be attached to each party’s copy of the Evaluation.
B. Observation and Evaluation of Tenured and Non-Tenured Teachers for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.
The procedures for the supervision of instruction, observation and evaluation of tenured and non-tenured Teachers assigned to regular classroom teaching duties shall conform with A-3060 and S-1455 and shall be amended to this agreement.
C. Summary Evaluation of Tenured and Non-Tenured Teachers
In addition to the Observations and Evaluations referred to above, there shall, each year, be a written Summary Evaluation of each tenured and non-tenured Teacher’s total performance as an employee of the Board.
The procedures for Summary Evaluations of both tenured and non-tenured Teachers, including both those assigned to, and those not assigned to, regular classroom teaching duties, shall be as follows:
1. Annual Summary Evaluations
(a) The Summary Evaluations shall consist of an annual conference followed by a written Summary Evaluation report prepared by the Principal who shall assemble all evidence available concerning a Teacher’s services to the District including any relevant information from other members of the administrative staff. This data may include but is not necessarily limited to anecdotal records, work samples (Teacher/student), observations, review of personnel files, interviews/conferences, review of records (student, class, school), self-appraisal, standardized testing of students, criterion-referenced testing of students, review of unit-lesson plans, professional interactions and unsolicited comments (parent, peer, community, student).
(b) The annual conference and written report which constitute the Summary Evaluation are designed to promote professional excellence, improve job skills, assist student learning and growth, and provide a basis for the review of performance of Teachers.
(c) The conference between the Principal, Supervisor (where appropriate) and Teacher shall include (i) an analysis of the Teacher’s performance of skills, interpersonal relations and professional responsibilities as set forth in the job description for the position, (ii) a discussion of areas of strength, (iii) recommendation for improvement (where appropriate), (iv) a review of the Teacher’s progress toward any previously state professional improvement plan and (v) an analysis of pupil progress indicators.
(d) The annual conference shall be followed by the preparation in final form by the principal of the written Summary Evaluation report which shall contain the basic information discussed during the annual conference. The Principal shall sign the written Summary Evaluation report and forward the same to the Teacher. The Teacher shall have five (5) school days following the receipt of the written Summary Evaluation report within which to (i) review the written Summary Evaluation report with the Principal and (ii) sign it. In the event that both the Principal and the Teacher agree that there has been oversight or a mistake of fact in connection with the written Summary Evaluation report, such written Summary Evaluation report shall be rewritten to correct the agreed upon oversight or mistake of fact.
(e) The Teacher shall have ten (10) school days from the date of the signing within which to attach a written disclaimer. The written summary Evaluation report shall not be forwarded by the Principal to the Superintendent of Schools for his review until after the expiration of ten (10) school days from the date of signing by the Teacher.
D. Professional Improvement Plan
1. Following the completion of the Annual Summary Evaluation of a tenured Teacher, the Principal or his/her designee shall meet with the tenured Teacher for the purpose of establishing a mutually acceptable professional improvement plan.
2. The plan should focus on areas of individual professional growth. When no significant areas of weakness are identified, the plan should be used to provide general guidance for voluntary professional development.
3. Whenever possible, the plan should focus on in-service programs which use local resources in order to assure easy access to the required assistance and enhance its relevance to the needs of the Teacher.
4. The plan should provide a basis for focusing the evaluation and assistance efforts of the supervisor in the subsequent year. There should be a clear and logical link between any identified weakness and the remedy recommended.
5. Formal training away from the job is not the only approach to professional development and may not always be the best one. Self-study works better for some individuals. Demonstration and informal assistance by a supervisor or colleagues may work better for others. Direct assistance and demonstration by the supervisor should be encouraged as the primary form on in-service.
6. The plan shall spell out the specific obligation(s) of the Teacher, the specific obligation(s) of the Principal or his/her designee, if appropriate, the assistance required, if appropriate, and the time frame for completion, and shall become operative when signed by both the Teacher and the Principal or his/her designee.
E . Peer Observation – as part of the professional development requirements, all staff members will be required to complete one documented, informal, peer observation during the school year.
F. General Procedures
1. Copies of all cited statutory provisions and regulations along with criteria for observation, job description, and evaluation forms shall be distributed to all Teachers in September of each school year. Teachers hired after the beginning of the school year shall receive copies of the above cited materials upon employment.
2. Any amendment of evaluation policy and/or procedures shall be distributed to each Teacher within ten (10) school days after adoption.
3. Evaluation forms and criteria, as developed by the Board from time to time, after consultation with the Association, shall be used for all Observations and Evaluations.
4. All Teachers shall be required to sign written evaluation forms and Summary Evaluations, but the signing of such forms shall not be deemed to signify that a teacher agrees with the contents.
5. For non-tenured Teachers, the Summary Evaluation report shall serve as the basis for recommendations regarding re-employment.
The Board agrees to maintain, during the term of this Agreement, a Professional Development Fund amounting to $7,500.00 per school year to finance registration and transportation (but not food, beverage or lodging, unless food, beverage or lodging is included in the registration fee), expenses incurred by Teachers in connection with such “Professional Day” workshops, seminars, conferences, courses, visitations or in-service training sessions as are approved in advance, in writing, by the Superintendent. In the event that any portion of said $7,500 is unexpended during any of the school years of the contract, such unexpended portion shall not be carried forward from year to year.
A. Work Year-
The in-school work year, September 1 – June 30, of teachers shall not exceed one hundred and eight-four (184) days. The in-school work year shall include days when pupils are in attendance, orientation days, and any other days on which teacher attendance is required.
B. Work Day-
C. Monthly Meetings-
The two monthly faculty meetings for all teachers, and the one monthly department meeting for high school teachers, will be held on Tuesdays. These meetings will conclude when the professional goals of the meeting have been attained and realized. In addition, one Tuesday per month will be utilized for other professional meetings and conferences in the District. These meetings shall not extend beyond 3:55 p.m.
D. Lunch Duty –
Teachers, except in emergencies, will not be assigned to lunch duty more than once per full week of school. The duration of this lunch duty will be up to 10 minutes per day. There will no “A.M. or P.M.” duty at elementary schools.
Teachers whose instructional assignment is less than that normally expected of a full-time employee, will have a schedule that reflects other appropriate obligations and responsibilities, including duties.
E. Parent Visitation Evening –
Teachers, except in emergencies, who do not attend Parent Visitation Evening and attended school during the day will be charged ฝ sick day.
F. Instructional Time-
Defined as when students are in the care of a classroom instructor.
1. Pre K instructional time is not to exceed 5 hours
AM session 9:00-11:30
PM session 12:30-3:00
2. Kindergarten through 6th grade instructional time is not to exceed 6 hours, 10 minutes in which children are in the care of a classroom teacher
Grades K-6 8:35 AM-2:55 PM
3. 7-12 Instructional time is not to exceed 6 hours and 8 minutes in which children are in the care of classroom instructors
Grades 7-8 8:20-2:54
Grades 9-12 8:08-2:42
A. Board Policy
Except as this Agreement shall otherwise provide, all terms and conditions of employment as heretofore established by the written rules, regulations and/or policies or practices of the Board shall continue to be applicable during the term of this Agreement.
B. Savings Clause
Except as this Agreement shall otherwise provide, all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the effective date of this Agreement shall continue to be so applicable during the term of this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted and/or applied so as to eliminate, reduce or otherwise detract from any Teacher benefit existing prior to the effective date of this agreement.
C. Implementation
Both the Board and the Association agree, for themselves and their respective officers, agents, employees and members, to carry out the respective commitments contained herein.
D. Separability
If any provision of this Agreement, or any interpretation, application or administration thereof, shall be determined by any court having jurisdiction thereof to be contrary to law, such provision, interpretation or administration shall be deemed invalid and stricken here from to the extend required by such determination. All other provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect.
E. Amendment or Modification of Agreement
This Agreement contains the full and complete understanding between the Board and the Association and shall not be amended or modified in any way, in whole or in part, except by written agreement ratified and executed by both parties in the same manner as this Agreement.
F. Continuation of Agreement
This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect, with all attendant benefits and responsibilities to the Board and the Association, until a successor agreement is ratified by the Board and the Association.
G. Printing of Agreement
Copies of this Agreement shall be printed in booklet form, the cost of which shall be equally divided by the Board and the Association. The Agreement shall be presented to all Teachers now or hereafter employed by the Board.
H. Notice
1. Form
Whenever notice is required under the terms of this Agreement to be given by either of the parties to the other, or by any person bound by or invoking the provisions of this Agreement, it shall be in writing and shall be deemed served if delivered either personally or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the addresses hereinafter stated.
2. Persons to be served
Unless a specific article, section or paragraph of this Agreement provides otherwise, or unless the Board of the Association shall hereafter, during the term of this Agreement, serve upon the other party notice to contrary, notice to the Board shall be served upon the Board Secretary, 525 Palisade Avenue, Cliffside Park, New Jersey, and notice to the Association shall be served upon its President at the school to which the President of the Association is assigned or at such address as his/her employment records shall designate as his/her residence.
I. Association President
The Association President, if he/she is a High School Teacher shall have no study hall, cafeteria or hall duty and, if he/she is an Elementary School Teachers, no lunch duty.
This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2012 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2015. This agreement shall not be extended orally.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective Presidents, attested by their representative Secretaries and their corporate seals to be placed hereon, all on the 30th day of June 2012
Chief Negotiator
Vice President
Superintendent of Schools
12-13 | BA | BA 15 | MA | MA 15 | MA 30 | MA 45 | ED |
A | 45000 | 46265 | 49870 | 51415 | 52960 | 54505 | 56050 |
B | 46300 | 48465 | 52075 | 53615 | 55160 | 56705 | 58250 |
C | 48200 | 50365 | 53975 | 55515 | 57060 | 58605 | 60150 |
D | 50000 | 52165 | 55775 | 57315 | 58860 | 60405 | 61945 |
E | 51700 | 53700 | 57200 | 59000 | 60200 | 62000 | 64000 |
F | 53500 | 55000 | 59000 | 60800 | 62000 | 63800 | 65500 |
G | 55000 | 56500 | 60500 | 62500 | 63800 | 65200 | 67000 |
H | 56500 | 58000 | 62000 | 64000 | 65600 | 67000 | 68500 |
I | 58000 | 60000 | 63505 | 67095 | 68635 | 70355 | 71900 |
J | 62000 | 65000 | 67875 | 71465 | 73005 | 74725 | 76270 |
K | 65500 | 69835 | 73560 | 77215 | 78785 | 80585 | 82130 |
L | 68000 | 72000 | 76750 | 80000 | 82000 | 83500 | 85500 |
M | 72000 | 75000 | 80010 | 83940 | 85580 | 87460 | 89040 |
N | 76000 | 79000 | 84000 | 87940 | 89600 | 91500 | 93000 |
O | 80000 | 83000 | 88010 | 91940 | 93580 | 95460 | 97040 |
P | 84000 | 87000 | 92400 | 96000 | 98500 | 100000 | 102000 |
Q(MAX) | 91100 | 94300 | 99900 | 102100 | 104200 | 106300 | 107850 |
13-14 | BA | BA 15 | MA | MA 15 | MA 30 | MA 45 | ED |
A | 46400 | 48000 | 51000 | 51415 | 52960 | 54505 | 56050 |
B | 47300 | 49100 | 52400 | 53500 | 55000 | 56700 | 58300 |
C | 48200 | 50365 | 53975 | 55515 | 57060 | 58605 | 60150 |
D | 50000 | 52165 | 55775 | 57315 | 58860 | 60405 | 61945 |
E | 51700 | 53700 | 57200 | 59000 | 60200 | 62000 | 64000 |
F | 53500 | 55000 | 59000 | 60800 | 62000 | 63800 | 65500 |
G | 55000 | 56500 | 60500 | 62500 | 63800 | 65200 | 67000 |
H | 56500 | 58000 | 62000 | 64000 | 65600 | 67000 | 69000 |
I | 58000 | 60000 | 63500 | 67000 | 68000 | 70000 | 71000 |
J | 62000 | 65000 | 67500 | 71000 | 72500 | 74700 | 76000 |
K | 65000 | 69000 | 73000 | 76000 | 78000 | 80500 | 82000 |
L | 68000 | 72000 | 76500 | 80000 | 81500 | 83000 | 85500 |
M | 72000 | 75000 | 80000 | 83000 | 85000 | 86500 | 89000 |
N | 76000 | 79000 | 84000 | 87900 | 89000 | 91500 | 93000 |
O | 80000 | 83000 | 88000 | 91500 | 93000 | 95400 | 97000 |
P | 84000 | 87000 | 92000 | 96000 | 98000 | 100000 | 102000 |
Q(MAX) | 91600 | 94800 | 100400 | 102600 | 104700 | 106800 | 108350 |
14-15 | BA | BA 15 | MA | MA 15 | MA 30 | MA 45 | ED |
A | 47600 | 48400 | 51000 | 52500 | 53000 | 54500 | 56050 |
B | 48400 | 49200 | 52500 | 54000 | 55000 | 56700 | 58300 |
C | 49200 | 51000 | 54000 | 55500 | 57000 | 58605 | 60150 |
D | 50000 | 52165 | 55775 | 57315 | 58860 | 60405 | 61945 |
E | 51700 | 53700 | 57200 | 59000 | 60200 | 62000 | 64000 |
F | 53500 | 55000 | 59000 | 60800 | 62000 | 63800 | 65500 |
G | 55000 | 56500 | 60500 | 62000 | 63800 | 65200 | 67000 |
H | 56000 | 58000 | 62000 | 64000 | 65600 | 67000 | 68500 |
I | 58000 | 60000 | 63500 | 67000 | 68000 | 70000 | 71000 |
J | 62000 | 65000 | 67500 | 71000 | 72500 | 74700 | 76000 |
K | 65000 | 69000 | 73000 | 76000 | 78000 | 80500 | 82000 |
L | 68000 | 72000 | 76500 | 80000 | 81500 | 83000 | 85500 |
M | 72000 | 75000 | 80000 | 83000 | 85000 | 86500 | 89000 |
N | 76000 | 79000 | 84000 | 87900 | 89000 | 91500 | 93000 |
O | 80000 | 83000 | 88000 | 91500 | 93000 | 95400 | 97000 |
P | 84000 | 87000 | 92000 | 96000 | 98000 | 100000 | 102000 |
Q(MAX) | 92300 | 95500 | 101100 | 103300 | 105500 | 107500 | 109050 |
Assignments | 2012-13 | 2013-14 | 2014-15 |
Athletic Trainer
Head Football Coach | 10,000
8,550 | 10,250
8800 | 10,500
9,050 |
Asst. Football Coach | 6,000 | 6,150 | 6,300 |
Head Basketball Coach (Boys) | 8,000 | 8,250 | 8,500 |
Asst. Basketball Coach (Boys) | 6,000 | 6,150 | 6,300 |
Head Basketball Coach (Girls) | 8,000 | 8,250 | 8,500 |
Asst. Basketball Coach (Girls) | 6,000 | 6,150 | 6,300 |
Head Baseball Coach | 8,000 | 8,250 | 8,500 |
Asst. Baseball Coach | 6,000 | 6,150 | 6,300 |
Head Softball Coach | 8,000 | 8,250 | 8,500 |
Asst. Softball Coach | 6,000 | 6,150 | 6,300 |
Head Wrestling Coach | 8,000 | 8,250 | 8,500 |
Asst. Wrestling Coach | 6,000 | 6,150 | 6,300 |
Head Soccer Coach (Boys/Girls) | 8,000 | 8,250 | 8,500 |
Asst. Soccer Coach (Boys/Girls) | 6,000 | 6,150 | 6,300 |
Head Track Coach Outdoors | 8,000 | 8,250 | 8,500 |
Asst. Track Coach | 6,000 | 6,150 | 6,300 |
Head Track Coach Indoors | 6,000 | 6,150 | 6,300 |
Head Cross Country Coach | 6,000 | 6,150 | 6,300 |
Asst. Cross Country Coach | 5,150 | 5,300 | 5,450 |
Bowling Coach | 5,150 | 5,300 | 5,450 |
Girls Volleyball Coach | 8,000 | 8,250 | 8,500 |
Girls Asst. Volleyball Coach | 6,000 | 6,150 | 6,300 |
Boys Tennis Coach | 6,050 | 6,200 | 6,350 |
Girls Tennis Coach | 6,050 | 6,200 | 6,350 |
Coach, Varsity Cheerleaders (2) | 6,050 | 6,200 | 6,350 |
Golf Coach
Intramural Sports ($10 per hour) | 6,050 | 6,200 | 6,350 |
Girls Softball | 4,350 |  |  |
Cheering Advisor | 4,350 |  |  |
Boys Basketball Coach | 4,350 |  |  |
Girls Basketball Coach | 4,350 |  |  |
Girls Volleyball Coach | 4,350 |  |  |
Boys Soccer Coach
Girls Soccer Coach | 4,350
4,350 |  |  |
Boys/Girls Spring Track Coach | 4,350 |  |  |
Boys/Girls Cross Country Coach | 4,350 |  |  |
Wrestling Coach | 4,350 |  |  |
Assignments | 2012-15 |  |  |
HIGH SCHOOL |  |  |  |
Academic Decathlon | 3,800 |  |  |
Assistant Band | 4,300 |  |  |
Asst. Robotics (H.S.) | 3,500 |  |  |
Audio-Visual Coordinator | 5,300 |  |  |
Choral Director | 4,400 |  |  |
Class Advisor – Grade 9 | 4,000 |  |  |
Class Advisor – Grade 10 | 4,000 |  |  |
Class Advisor – Grade11 | 4,000 |  |  |
Class Advisor – Grade 12 | 4,500 |  |  |
Co-Curricular Coordinator | 4,500 |  |  |
Department Head | 4,300 |  |  |
Detention (Morning/Afternoon) | 5,000 |  |  |
Drama/Speech | 5,700 |  |  |
Drama/Speech Assistant | 4,500 |  |  |
ESL Coordinator (District) | 4,300 |  |  |
H.S. Band | 5,600 |  |  |
Honor Society | 3,000 |  |  |
Internal Accounts | 5,000 |  |  |
Literary Magazine | 3,100 |  |  |
Math Team | 3,200 |  |  |
Newspaper Advisor | 3,100 |  |  |
Robotics (H.S.) | 6,800 |  |  |
Saturday Detention (2) | 4,100 |  |  |
Student Council Advisor | 5,560 |  |  |
Yearbook | 5,100 |  |  |
 |  |  | |
GRADE 8 & ELEMENTARY | 2012-15 |  |  |
Elem. Music – Instrumental | 2,100 |  |  |
Elem. Music – Vocal | 2,100 |  |  |
Student Council Grades 7 & 8 | 3,100 |  |  |
Drama – Grade 8 | 2,100 |  |  |
Yearbook – Grade 8 | 2,225 |  |  |
Newspaper Advisor – Grade 8 | 2,100 |  |  |
Detention 5,000
Elementary Curriculum Coordinator 3,900
Elementary Student Government 1,200
Honor Society 2,100
Mock Trial Team 2,100
Saturday Detention (2) 4,100
AM Playground Supervision(Multiple) 1,200
SCHEDULE F – Longevity
Staff members with fifteen (15) years or more completed, but less than twenty (20) years completed, will receive a longevity amount of one-thousand and three hundred dollars ($1300.00).
Staff members with twenty (20) years or more completed, but less than twenty-five (25) years completed will receive a longevity amount of two thousand and five hundred dollars ($2500.00).
Staff members with twenty-five (25) years or more completed, but less than thirty (30) years completed will receive a longevity amount of three thousand dollars ($3000.00).
Staff members with thirty (30) years or more completed will receive a longevity amount of three thousand and five hundred dollars ($3500.00).
Staff members with fifteen (15) years or more completed, but less than twenty (20) years completed, will receive a longevity amount of two thousand dollars ($2000.00).
Staff members with twenty (20) years or more completed, but less than twenty-five (25) years completed will receive a longevity amount of three thousand and two hundred dollars ($3200.00).
Staff members with twenty-five (25) years or more completed, but less than thirty (30) years completed will receive a longevity amount of three thousand and seven hundred dollars ($3700.00).
Staff members with thirty (30) years or more completed will receive a longevity amount of four thousand and two hundred dollars ($4200.00).
Staff members with fifteen (15) years or more completed, but less than twenty (20) years completed, will receive a longevity amount of two thousand and five hundred dollars ($2500.00).
Staff members with twenty (20) years or more completed, but less than twenty-five (25) years completed will receive a longevity amount of three thousand and seven hundred dollars ($3700.00).
Staff members with twenty-five (25) years or more completed, but less than thirty (30) years completed will receive a longevity amount of four thousand and two hundred dollars ($4200.00).
Staff members with thirty (30) years or more completed will receive a longevity amount of four thousand and seven hundred dollars ($4700.00).
LEVEL ONE (Formal Building Level)
This form is to be used for grievance processing in accordance with the Agreement between the Cliffside Park Education Association and the Cliffside Park Board of Education. Where additional space is needed, addenda are to be used, attached hereto, signed and dated.
GRIEVANT ______________________________________ DATE SUBMITTED ________________________________
POSITION ______________________________________ SUBMITTED TO _________________________________ญญญญ__
SCHOOL _________________________________________________________________________________________________
LEVEL ONE INFORMAL DISCUSSION DATE _________________________________________________________________
LEVEL ONE INFORMAL DISCUSSION DATE__________________________________________________________________
DESCRIPTION OF GRIEVANCE: (Explain in narrative form all of the allegations of fact which gave rise to the grievance)
VIOLATED: (Cite the same with specificity, including the date of adoption)
Signed_____________________________________________________ Date________________________
Signed_____________________________________________________ Date________________________
All Copies of this form are to remain intact until a determination has been made, as follows:
Original – to be retained by Principal or Immediate Supervisor
One Copy – to the Superintendent
One Copy – to the Grievant
One Copy – to the CPEA PR&R Committee Chairperson
LEVEL TWO (Superintendent’s Level)
This form is to be used for grievance processing in accordance with the Agreement between the Cliffside Park Education Association and the Cliffside Park Board of Education. Where additional space is needed, addenda are to be used, attached hereto, signed and dated.
GRIEVANT _____________________________________________ DATE SUBMITTED _____________________
POSITION _____________________________________________ SUBMITTED TO ________________________
SCHOOL ______________________________________________________________________________________________
LEVEL ONE FORMAL DISCUSSION DATE_______________________________________________________________
REASON FOR APPEAL: (Explain in narrative form the reason(s) the grievant is dissatisfied with the decision at Level One)
Signed_____________________________________________ Date___________
Signed _____________________________________________ Date ___________
All Copies of this form are to remain intact until a determination has been made, as follows:
Original – to be retained by Principal or Immediate Supervisor
One Copy – to the Superintendent
One Copy – to the Grievant
One Copy – to the CPEA PR&R Committee Chairperson
LEVEL THREE (Board Level)
This form is to be used for grievance processing in accordance with the Agreement between the Cliffside Park Education Association and the Cliffside Park Board of Education. Where additional space is needed, addenda are to be used, attached hereto, signed and dated.
GRIEVANT DATE_____________________________________________ SUBMITTED ___________________________
POSITION _____________________________________________ SUBMITTED TO _______________________
SCHOOL _____________________________________________________________________________________________
REASON FOR APPEAL: (Explain in narrative form the reason(s) the grievant is dissatisfied with the decision at Level Two)
Signed _____________________________________________ Date ___________
Signed _____________________________________________ Date ___________
Copies of this form are to remain intact until a determination has been made, as follows:
Original – to be retained by Principal or Immediate Supervisor
One Copy – to the Superintendent
One Copy – to the Grievant
One Copy – to the CPEA PR&R Committee Chairperson