Article I Recognition 3
Article II Negotiation Procedure 3
Article III Work Year/Work Day/Work Hours 4
Article IV Meetings 4
Article V Bus Duty 5
Article VI Temporary Leave 5-8
Sick Leave 5
Personal Days 5
Training 5
Professional Days 6
Restrictions 6
Disability Leave/Pregnancy 6
Teachers-Child Rearing 6-7
Teachers-Return from Leave 7
Teachers-Emergency Leave 7
Death Leave 7
Teachers-Sabbatical Leave 8
Article VII Insurance 8-10
Article VIII Additional Compensation 10
Article IX Members Rights 10-11
Discrimination 10
Just Cause 10
Representation 11
Vacancies 11
Teacher Suspension 11
Report Card Time Lines 11
Article X Association Rights and Privileges 11
Article XI Representation Fee 11
Article XII Credit Union 12
Article XIII Grievance Procedure 12-14
Article XIV Administrative/ Member Council 14
Article XV Salary Adjustments 14-15
Timelines 14
Direct Deposit 14
Professional Development-Asst. 14
Salary Base 14
Night Shift Differential 15
Article XVI Rights of the Board of Education 15
Article XVII Sick Leave Reimbursement 15
Article XVIII Chaperoning duties 15-16
Article XIX Student Tuition 16
Article XX Tuition Reimbursement 16-17
Article XXI Pilot Scheduling Committee 17
Article XXII Duration of Agreement 17
The Board of Education recognizes the Springfield Township Education Association as the exclusive and sole representatives for employment for certificated staff: all regularly employed classroom teachers, specialists, librarians, nurses, social workers; and support staff employees: teacher assistants, custodians, cafeteria workers, van drivers and secretaries. These categories of employees shall be referred to as bargaining unit members. Excluded from the unit are all managerial executives, psychologists and learning disability director, confidential employees and supervisors within the meaning of the PERC Law; craft employees, professional employees, police employees, casual employees, secretary to the Superintendent, secretary to the Board Secretary/Business Administrator, and all other employees employed by the Springfield Board of Education.
The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor Agreement in accordance with chapter 123, Public Law 1974. Any agreement so negotiated shall be submitted to the Board and the Association for ratification and, if ratified, be signed and adopted by both parties.
1) Representatives of the Board and the Association’s Negotiating Committee shall meet at the discretion of either party. All meetings between the parties shall be scheduled at the convenience of both parties.
2) Should a mutually acceptable amendment to this Agreement be negotiated by the parties, it must be adopted by the Board and the Association.
During negotiations, the Board and the Association shall present relevant data, exchange points of view and make proposals and counter-proposals. The Board shall make available to the Association for inspection all public records of the Springfield Township School District.
Neither party in any negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party. The parties mutually pledge that their representatives shall be clothed with all necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals, and make counter-proposals in the course of negotiations. The parties agree to bring no more than five (5) representatives to the negotiations table at any one session.
The Board agrees not to negotiate concerning said employees, in the negotiating unit as defined in Article I of this Agreement, with any organization other than the Association for the duration of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
Work Year/Work Day/Work Hours
A. The work year shall be defined as 181 days for 10 month support staff employees. An additional ½ paid orientation day will be added for new assistants.
B. Full-time employment for custodians/maintenance shall consist of eight (8) hours per day. Full time employment for teacher assistants shall consist of six and three-quarter (6.75) hours per day.
C. Full time custodian/maintenance employees shall have two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute duty free lunch. Food service personnel shall have a 30 minute duty free
lunch. Teacher assistants shall have a 45 minute duty free lunch.
D. Twelve month employees shall receive twelve (12) paid holidays per year, to be determined by the Superintendent when the student calendar is being developed.
E. Twelve month employees shall receive vacation as follows:
1-5 years 2 weeks
6-14 years 3 weeks
15+ years 4 weeks
Teaching Hours
All professional staff will be guarantied a minimum of 150 minutes of prep time per week. A minimum of thirty (30) minutes per day whenever possible.
Teachers total in school work day shall consist of six and ¾ (6-3/4) hours inclusive of forty-five minute duty-free lunch period.
Teachers shall have a duty-free lunch of forty-five (45) minutes duration unless students have less than forty-five (45) minutes during an emergency situation.
When inclement weather, or some other unavoidable condition prohibits the practicality of duty-free period, the staff shall supervise students in their homeroom.
Teachers may leave at student dismissal time when unable to have a full forty-five (45) minutes duty-free lunch.
The Board will attempt to maintain the current level of Special Area Teachers within its ability to budget sufficient funds. When Special Area Teachers are absent due to illness, personal days, professional days or field trips, a substitute will be obtained whenever one is available. If a teacher misses a special which cannot be made up later in the week, s/he may leave school at student dismissal time on a day, except faculty meeting days, of her/his choice within five (5) working days.
Teachers’ attendance at Home and School Association Meeting is required at Back to School Night and one (1) additional meeting per year.
Teachers will attend one (1) or two (2) evening conferences in the fall (based on a parent survey) and one (1) evening conference in the spring. In both cases, early school closing will occur on conference days. Evening conferences will not be scheduled on consecutive nights unless agreed to by the Association.
Teachers shall not be required to perform bus duty; however, in an emergency, bus duty will be assigned for child safety.
Ten month employees shall receive ten (10) days sick leave per year. Twelve month employees shall receive twelve sick leave days per year. Unused sick days shall carry over to the following year. Each bargaining unit member shall receive yearly written notification of his/her available sick leave. Any bargaining unit member who does not utilize any sick leave during a school year shall receive a letter of commendation from the Superintendent and the Board. Additionally, the bargaining unit member shall receive a fifty dollar ($50.00) award, or will be reimbursed up to fifty dollars ($50.00) for a restaurant dinner upon submission of a receipt to the Board of Education.
1. Bargaining unit members shall receive three (3) personal leave days per year.
2. These personal days shall be converted to accumulated sick leave if not utilized.
3. Written notification of the use of personal leave shall be provided to the Superintendent at least one week in advance.
Support Staff
A maximum of two (2) bargaining unit members may take personal leave at any one time.
2. One of the three personal days may be used as an emergency day.
Certified Staff
1. Teachers shall be required to notify the Superintendent of School in writing at least one (1) week in advance of their selected Personal Day.
2. Personal days at the beginning and end of any extended school calendar vacation (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc.) will be permitted (in cases of unusual circumstances) with advance permission of the Superintendent. Personal days will not be granted on Parent-Teacher conference days, or on Friday and Monday of the same weekend.
3. One (1) of three (3) existing personal days to be defined a personal/emergency day which can be used once the pool of (11) days has been exhausted, if unused, personal days will convert to sick days. A maximum of (3) teachers will be allowed off at any one time.
Training will be provided during the workday with compensation when bargaining unit members are required or requested by the Superintendent to attend. If training is provided on weekends or beyond the contractual days (181 days for 10 month employees and 240 days for 12 month employees) training hours will be compensated as if they were work hours.
Each teacher shall have the prerogative of one (1) Professional Day a year. A pool of ten (10) extra professional days will be made available for staff members who have already utilized their one (1) allotted professional day.
Written notice of date and location of the Professional Day shall be given to the Superintendent of Schools at least one (1) week in advance.
To be considered a bonafide Professional Day, any activity relating to the enlightenment of good education practice, in the judgment of the teacher involved, shall be acceptable.
This privilege shall not be abused.
No more than one teacher will be granted either a Personal or Professional Day on the same day. This restriction may be waived by the Superintendent based on the advance availability of appropriate substitutes.
1. Leaves for disability due to pregnancy shall be covered as any other sickness or illness under sick leave. The Board of Education shall be in compliance with the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA)
2. A bargaining unit member who anticipates the need for a disability leave (other than due to pregnancy) shall notify the Superintendent in writing of the anticipated commencement date of the disability leave, as soon as the employee knows of his/her disability.
3. In the case of disability leave due to pregnancy, the bargaining unit member shall inform the Superintendent in writing, no later than sixty days prior to the anticipated delivery date, of her request for which accumulated sick leave may be utilized.
4. The Board of Education reserves the right to regulate the termination dates of anticipated leaves in order to preserve educational continuity. The Board of Education may require, as a condition of the employee’s return to work, a certificate from a physician that the employee is medically able to resume teaching duties.
1. Any employee seeking an unpaid leave of absence for reasons associated with child rearing shall file a written request for such a leave with the Superintendent, at least sixty (60) days in advance of the date when said leave is to commence; or, as notification of an impending adoption. Such request shall specify when the employee proposes to return.
2. A leave of absence for child rearing for a tenured employee shall be for the remainder of the school year in which it is requested. Said leave may be extended for one additional year if requested in writing by April 1st to the Superintendent.
3. Such leave for a non-tenured employee shall not extend beyond the end of the school year in which the leave is to commence.
4. An employee may request, in writing to the Board, an extension or reduction in the
previously approved child rearing leave of absence at least sixty (60) days prior to the
expected termination date. Such requests shall specify when the employee proposes to return.
1. Incremental movement on the salary guide will occur only if the employee on leave has
worked more than ninety (90) days in the school year in which the leave commences or
2. All contractual benefits to which an employee was entitled, at the time the leave of absence commenced including accumulated sick leave, shall be restored to him/her upon his/her return in accordance with the current negotiated agreement. He/she shall be assigned to the same position which he/she held, at the time of said leave, if available; or if not, to an equivalent position.
1. A pool of eleven (11) emergency days will be made available for staff members.
2. An emergency is defined as a circumstance of an unforeseen nature that impacts on the
immediate family of the employee. Flood or fire in the home or automobile emergency or
illness of father, mother, brothers, sisters, spouse or children are the only legitimate reasons
for an emergency day.
3. Any staff member who uses an emergency day from the pool of eleven (11), will take any
succeeding emergency day without pay. At the end of the school year the staff member will be reimbursed from any days left in the pool. If there are days remaining in the pool but not enough to cover the number of people requesting the extra days, the days will be shared equally.
4. The Superintendent of Schools shall determine the validity of the circumstances. If the
decision is negative, the decision can be appealed to the Administrative-Teacher Council,
whose decision is final.
5. All teachers will be allowed up to five (5) days off at half pay for serious illness in the
immediate family (spouse, child, mother, father) upon approval of the superintendent.
Policy 4151.3 Death In Immediate Family
Immediate family is hereby defined as follows: own children (natural or adopted), spouse, parents, grandparents, mother or father-in-law, brother, sister, brother or sister-in-law, aunt or uncle.
A bargaining unit member will be paid for a period of:
1. Up to five (5) days for death of parents, own children, (natural or adopted) or spouse.
2. Up to three (3) days for death of mother or father-in-law, brother, sister, brother or sister-in-law or grandparent.
3. One (1) day for aunt or uncle.
Sabbatical Leave will be granted by the Board of Education for a period not exceeding one year under the following conditions:
1. The teacher must have completed seven (7) consecutive years in the district.
2. The request of sabbatical leave is received by the Board of Education prior to the January
Board Meeting of the current school year.
3. The sabbatical leave must run concurrently with the school year September to June.
4. A suitable substitute can be found.
5. The sabbatical leave time will not count for placement on the current salary guide.
6. Sabbatical leave will be granted for the purpose of attendance at a university or college that offers course work relating to elementary education.
7. The teacher must notify the Board of Education by March 1 of the following year of his/her desire to return to the district.
8. No more than one (1) sabbatical leave will be granted per year.
A. The Board of Education will pay the full health premium for any Board approved plan except that bargaining unit members selecting the traditional indemnity plan will contribute twenty dollars ($20.00) per month toward the premium cost. New members may select the traditional indemnity insurance plan in their second year of employment with the Springfield Township Board of Education.
B. The PPO plan will include an eye care plan equal to or better than the current HMO eye care plan. The HMO plan will no longer be an insurance option.
C. In the event that the premium for any Board of Education approved health plan would exceed the cost of the traditional indemnity plan employees will pay the difference in cost between the plan in which they are enrolled and the traditional indemnity plan.
D. The Board of Education will pay the premium for a 21/1 prescription drug plan with co-pay amounts of $10.00 brand name/$0.00 generic/$0.00 mail.
F. 1. Support Staff Employees working twenty-seven (27) hours per week or more
shall be eligible for single health benefits during their first twelve (12) months of employment (ten (10) months for (10) month employees).
2. Support Staff Employees shall be eligible to elect couple, parent child or family
health coverage after their first 12 months (for 12 month
employees) or 10 months (for 10 month employees) of employment.
(employees employed prior to March 1, 2000 who worked fewer than
twenty-seven hours per week and received health insurance shall
continue to receive health insurance, unless their hours should decrease
to less than twenty (20) hours per week, at which time they would be
ineligible for insurance.)
G. The insurance outlined in this article, except employee-only dental, will cover all teachers (and their families according to individual notification) as follows:
1. Employment prior to 1995-1996
Teachers with less than 0.6 teaching schedule will be eligible for single coverage, only
teachers with 0.6 or greater teaching schedule will be eligible for family coverage.
2. Employment after 1995-1996
Employment after 1996 with .59 or less teaching schedule (less than 20 hours per week) will not be eligible for any health coverage.3. Teachers with a 0.6 or greater teaching schedule, will be eligible to receive employee-only
health/prescription/dental coverage until tenure is obtained; except that, a non-tenured teacher employed during or after this date who had at least five (5) or more years of previous teaching experience on the salary guide will be eligible for family health/prescription/dental coverage after their first year of employment.
An employee entitled to family coverage may elect to accept a payment
of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) in lieu of medical coverage and/or
a payment of three hundred dollars ($300.00) in lieu of prescription
coverage. An employee entitled to single coverage may elect to receive
a payment of eight hundred forty dollars ($840.00) in lieu of medical
coverage or a payment of one hundred thirty dollars ($130.00) in lieu of
prescription coverage.
Support Staff
1. The Board will pay the full premium for family dental for eligible bargaining unit members employed full time. There will be a fifty dollar ($50.00) per person deductible with a family aggregate of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00)
2. Employees shall be eligible for single coverage during their first twelve (12) months of employment (ten (10) months for ten (10) month employees).
3. Coverage for new employees will be effective the first of the month following sixty (60) calendar days of employment.
4. Bargaining unit members eligible for single coverage(s), may at their option, elect couple, parent-child or family coverage with the difference in premium to be paid by the bargaining unit member.
5. The Board of Education will pay the full cost of dental insurance, capped at the premiums in effect on June 30, 2004.
Certified Staff
1. The Board will pay the full premium, for an employee or family, $50.00 deductible, dental plan.
2. Coverage for new employees will be effective the first of the month following sixty (60)
calendar days of employment.
3. The Board of Education will pay the full premium, capped at the 2000-01 premium.
The Board agrees to provide the following additional compensation upon presentation of a receipt to the Board office.
1. $250.00 clothing and shoe allowance (for items to be worn on the job) for all full time custodial/maintenance and food service employees.
$150.00 clothing and shoe allowance (for items to be worn on the job) for all part-time custodial/maintenance and food service employees.
The Board of Education agrees to provide additional compensation to teachers who have obtained graduate credits beyond a Bachelor’s Degree in an accredited Master Degree Program in Education as per the included salary guide. The Board of Education shall pay the above additional compensation based upon the number of graduate credits and/or Master’s Degree obtained in education by the first day of September and the first day of February.
Certified staff, who work beyond the school day and/or the school year, will be compensated at the rate of $30.00 per hour.
The Board agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee with respect to hours, wages or any term or condition of employment by reason of his/her membership in the association.
No bargaining unit member shall be disciplined, reprimanded, reduced in rank or compensation or deprived of any professional advantage without just cause. Any such action asserted by the Board, or any agent or representative thereof, shall be subject to the grievance procedure herein set forth.
Whenever any bargaining unit member is required to appear before the Superintendent of Schools, Board or any committee or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that bargaining unit member in his/her office, position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then he/she shall be given prior oral or written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise him/her and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. Any suspension of a bargaining unit member pending charges shall be without pay.
1. Vacancies will be posted in a place that will be consistent and known to employees. Posting will be for a minimum of five (5) school days during the school year. During the school year, a substitute may be hired during the advertising, interviewing and hiring period, but this process must begin and end in a reasonable period of time with the full intention of hiring a replacement.
2. During the summer, vacancies will be posted for ten (10) business days.
An interview will be granted to all applicants who are bargaining unit members.
Teachers shall be given four (4) school days beyond the end of the marking period to complete report cards at the completion of each marking period.
Whenever any representatives of the Association or any bargaining unit member is mutually scheduled by the parties to participate during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, conferences or meetings, he/she shall suffer no loss in pay.
The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use the inter-school facilities and school mail boxes with the approval of the Superintendent of Schools.
Association meetings may be held twice per month providing advance notice be given to the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent may grant additional meetings as needed.
The Association shall have, in each school building, the exclusive use of a bulletin board in each faculty lounge and teachers’ dining room.
The Board of Education agrees to collect and forward to the Association a representation fee pursuant to NJSA 34:13A-5.5.
The Board agrees to deduct from the employees’ salaries money for the ABCO Public Employees Federal Credit Union programs as said bargaining unit members individually and voluntarily authorize Board to deduct and to transmit the monies promptly to the Credit Union. The employee may change the amount of deductions to be effective January 1, April 1, July 1 and/or September 1 by submitting written notice to the Secretary of the Board sixty (60) days in advance of the prementioned dates. A new employee may elect to enroll at the time of initial employment.
1. A “grievance” is a claim based upon an event or condition which affects the welfare and/or terms and conditions of employment of a bargaining unit member and/or the interpretation, meaning or application of any of the provisions of this Agreement.
2. ( Support Staff only--It does not include the failure or refusal of the Board to renew a contract of a non-tenured employee.)
3. An “aggrieved person” is the person making the claim.
4. A “party in interest” is the person or persons making the claim and any person who might be required to take action or against whom action might be taken in order to resolve the claim.
1. The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible level, equitable solutions to the problems which may from time to time arise affecting the welfare and/or terms and condition of teachers. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of any bargaining unit member having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with any appropriate member of the administration, and having the grievance adjusted intervention of the Association, provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of the Agreement and that the Association has been given the opportunity to be present as such adjustments and to state its views.
1. Since it is important that grievance be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified, however, may be extended by mutual agreement.
2. In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year and, if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year, could result in irreparable harm to a party in interest, the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as its practicable.
3. Level One: An aggrieved person shall discuss a grievance with his/her superior within thirty (30) school days after the occurrence. A bargaining unit member with a grievance shall first discuss it with his/her principal or immediate superior with the objective of resolving the matter informally. The aggrieved shall have the right to have the Association’s designated representative present.
4. Level Two: If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level One, or if no decision has been rendered within five (5) school days after presentation of the grievance, he/she may file the grievance in writing with the Association for review with a duplicate copy to the Superintendent of Schools within five (5) school days after the decision at Level One to ten (10) school days after the grievance was presented, which ever is sooner. Within five (5) school days after receiving the written grievance, the Association Committee may refer it to the Superintendent of Schools for resolution.
5. Level Three.
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level Two, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) school days after the grievance was delivered to the Superintendent of Schools he/she may within five (5) school days after a decision by the Superintendent of Schools or fifteen (15) school days after the grievance was delivered to the Superintendent of Schools, whichever is sooner, request in writing that the Association submit his/her grievance to the Board of Education. The Association may submit the grievance to the Board of Education within fifteen (15) school days after receipt of a request by the aggrieved person.
b. If the Board and representatives of the bargaining unit member’s organization are unable to agree, they may, at the request of either party and with concurrence of both parties, submit the matter to advisory arbitration within fifteen (15) school days after the request is made and concurred with.
c. The advisory arbitrator will be selected from a panel submitted by the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration must be restricted to a decision based upon the facts submitted to him/her and be restricted from expanding the agreement, i.e. “cannot add to or subtract from…”
d. The costs for the services of the arbitrator, including per diem expenses, if any, and actually and necessary travel, subsistence expenses and the cost of the hearing room shall be borne equally by the Board and the Association. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring the same.
1. No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by the Board or by any members of the administration against any party in interest, any member of the Association Committee or any other participant in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
2. If, in the judgment of the Association Committee, a grievance affects a group or class of bargaining unit members, the Association Committee, may submit such grievance at level One. The Association Committee may process such a grievance at all levels of the grievance procedure even though the aggrieved person does not wish to do so.
3. All decisions shall be in writing setting forth the decision and the reasons therefore and shall be transmitted promptly to all parties in interest and to the Chairman of the Association Committee.
4. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives, heretofore referred to in this ARTICLE.
An Administrative/Bargaining Unit Member Council shall be established and shall meet at the discretion of either party. The purpose of the Council shall be to strengthen the educational program through discussions. The council may consider but not be limited to curriculum improvements, instructional organization, extra curricular programs, inservice training, and other related matters regarding the effective operation of the Springfield Township School District.
The Council shall consist of four (4) members; the Superintendent of Schools and another member selected by him/her and two (2) members selected by the Association President.
The Council shall meet at least once per month unless mutually agreeable to meet more or less. The meeting shall be held at a mutually agreeable time and shall not last more than an hour unless mutually agreeable.
A. Employees whose employment began prior to February 1 will be compensated on the next step of the adopted salary guide for the following school year.
B. Employees whose employment began February 1 or after will be compensated on the same step of the adopted salary guide for the following school year.
C. Bargaining unit members may elect to have their paychecks directly deposited into a bank of their choice.
D. Professional Development for Assistants-$400.00 per year (as of July 1, 2005) for 30 college credits and $800.00 per year (as of July 1, 2005) for 60 college credits or Associates Degree. The college credits must provide a benefit to the school district or
satisfy the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, subject to the approval of the Chief School Administrator.
For certified staff the salary base for 2003-2004 shall be increased by 5.00% for 2004-2005 and again by 5.00% for 2005-2006 (compounded) and again by 5.00% for 2006-2007 (compounded). These increases are inclusive of increment.
For support staff the salary base for 2003-2004 shall be increased by 5.00% for 2004-2005 and again by 5.5% for 2005-2006 (compounded) and again by 5.5% for 2006-2007 (compounded). These increases are inclusive of increment.
The new money each year shall be distributed by first moving people up on the guide (paying the increment) and then distributing the remaining money as equal money (per hourly rate both on guide and off-guide for support staff).
F. Full-time custodial night differential shall be increased to $.40 an hour.
A. In recognition of the fact that the laws of the state vast responsibility in the Board for the quality of education in and the efficient and economical operation of the school district, it is herein agreed that except as specifically and directly modified by express language in a specific provision of this contract, the Board retains all rights and powers that it has, or may hereafter be granted by law.
Any suspension of a teacher pending charges shall be without pay.
Support Staff
The Board will pay retiring bargaining unit members for accumulated sick leave as follows:
1. After 10 – 15 years of employment the Board will pay twenty ($25.00) dollars per day (as of July 1, 2005) to a maximum of 100 days.
2. After 16 – 20 years of employment the Board will pay twenty ($25.00) dollars per day (as of July 1, 2005) to a maximum of 150 days.
3. After more than 20 years of employment the Board will pay twenty ($25.00) dollars per day (as of July 1, 2005) to a maximum of 200 days.For the purposes of this article, retirement will mean that an employee, 55 years of age or older, will be leaving the employment of Springfield Township Schools and will not be employed elsewhere in the same capacity.
Certificated Staff
Upon retirement, teachers with ten (10) years or more of consecutive service in the district will receive $50.00 per day (as of July 1, 2005) to a maximum of 200 days.
1. Number of days paid shall be at this rate once a minimum of 30 days has been accumulated. If a minimum of 30 days has not been accumulated, a rate of $10 per day shall be paid for the number actually accumulated.
2. Estate of deceased teacher receives reimbursement only if employee has declared intention to retire.3. In order to be eligible for this sick leave reimbursement, the employee must notify the Board of Education by January 31st of the year prior to the anticipated retirement. Sick leave reimbursement shall be paid on July 1st. of the preceding school year. Failure to provide this notification will result in a one (1) year delay in payment.
Chaperoning duties for school events that are scheduled beyond the contractual day for bargaining unit members shall be voluntary. In the event there are not adequate volunteers to provide for the safety of the students, the administration may assign additional bargaining unit members to chaperoning duties. Such assignments shall be as equitable as possible. (Bargaining unit members shall be paid at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per event.)
Bargaining unit members who live outside of Springfield Township and wish to have their children attend Springfield Township School will pay seventy-five percent (75%) of the regular established tuition rate.
The Board reserves the right (based on enrollment patterns) to decide whether or not a child can be accepted into a particular grade.
Tuition reimbursement shall be provided as follows:
Support Staff
1. Maximum of nine (9) credits per fiscal year by any one bargaining unit member, measured by the fiscal year in which the class ends.
2. Maximum of $100.00 per credit or an annual total of $900.00 for credit and non-credit classes.
3. Maximum expense to the Board of Education of $3,000.00 (as of July 1, 2005) per fiscal year. All reimbursements shall be made in June. If more credits have been taken than can be reimbursed under the $2,000.00 maximum, reimbursement shall be proportional per credit.
4. Courses shall be taken at an accredited college, and shall be submitted to the Superintendent for prior approval prior to registration. Non-credit courses or workshops may be approved at the discretion of the Superintendent. The costs shall come out of the $2,000.00 pool set forth above.
To be reimbursed, an employee will provide proof of passing or completion of a graded or non-graded course and proof of payment to the Board Office.
Certificated Staff
Nine (9) credits at $240. A cap of $6000.00 (as of July 1, 2005), to be divided equally among the staff in any year up to a maximum of nine (9) credits per year. Payment will be made upon completion of the course and the submission of transcript or grades.
All courses to be considered for reimbursement shall have prior approval of the Board. A grade of “B” must be obtained for reimbursement purposes.
Teachers who wish to be eligible for increased compensation as a result of additional graduate credits shall notify the Superintendent of their intention, in writing, by January 31st of the preceding year.
Graduate credit which can be applied to salary movement will be granted for workshops attended as an employee of the Springfield Township Board of Education as follows:
Workshops of 2 or 3 days duration = 1 credit.
Workshops of 4 or more days duration = 2 credits.
All such workshops shall have advance approval of the Superintendent who will verify that they are relevant to the teacher’s assignment.
There shall be a pilot committee to meet before the beginning of school to work on the schedule. The results of this pilot will be reviewed at the next negotiations session. This shall begin in August, 2005.
A. This Agreement and all its provisions shall be effective as of July 1, 2004 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2007. This Agreement shall not be extended orally and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date above indicated.
B. In witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective presidents and attested by their respective secretaries.
_______________________ __________________________
President President
_______________________ __________________________
Secretary Secretary
Certificated Staff Salary Guides
BASE YEAR |  |  |  |  |
2003-04 | SPRINGFIELD |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
Salary Guide |  |  |  |  |
Step | BA | BA+9 | BA+18 | BA+27MA |
1 | 37,149 | 37,824 | 38,723 | 39,398 40,073 |
2 | 37,711 | 38,386 | 39,286 | 39,961 40,636 |
3 | 38,273 | 38,948 | 39,848 | 40,523 41,198 |
4 | 38,836 | 39,511 | 40,411 | 41,086 41,761 |
5 | 39,398 | 40,073 | 40,973 | 41,648 42,323 |
6 | 39,961 | 40,636 | 41,536 | 42,211 42,885 |
7 | 40,636 | 41,311 | 42,211 | 42,885 43,560 |
8 | 41,198 | 41,873 | 42,773 | 43,448 44,123 |
9 | 41,986 | 42,660 | 43,560 | 44,235 44,910 |
10 | 43,223 | 43,898 | 44,798 | 45,473 46,148 |
11 | 44,460 | 45,135 | 46,035 | 46,710 47,385 |
12 | 45,810 | 46,485 | 47,385 | 48,060 48,735 |
13 | 47,019 | 47,694 | 48,594 | 49,269 49,944 |
14 | 48,369 | 49,044 | 49,944 | 50,619 51,294 |
15 | 50,731 | 51,406 | 52,306 | 52,981 53,656 |
16 | 53,290 | 53,965 | 54,865 | 55,540 56,215 |
17 | 56,468 | 57,143 | 58,043 | 58,718 59,393 |
18 | 60,883 | 61,558 | 62,458 | 63,133 63,808 |
19 | 65,352 | 66,027 | 66,927 | 67,602 68,277 |
YEAR 1 |  |  |  |  |  |
2004-05 | SPRINGFIELD |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Salary Guide |  |  |  |  |  |
Step | BA | BA+9 | BA+18 | BA+27 | MA |
1 | 38,908 | 39,609 | 40,542 | 41,243 | 41,943 |
2 | 39,308 | 40,009 | 40,942 | 41,643 | 42,343 |
3 | 39,708 | 40,409 | 41,342 | 42,043 | 42,743 |
4 | 40,292 | 40,993 | 41,926 | 42,627 | 43,327 |
5 | 40,875 | 41,576 | 42,509 | 43,210 | 43,910 |
6 | 41,460 | 42,160 | 43,094 | 43,794 | 44,493 |
7 | 42,160 | 42,860 | 43,794 | 44,493 | 45,194 |
8 | 42,743 | 43,443 | 44,377 | 45,077 | 45,778 |
9 | 43,560 | 44,260 | 45,194 | 45,894 | 46,594 |
10 | 44,844 | 45,544 | 46,478 | 47,178 | 47,879 |
11 | 46,127 | 46,828 | 47,761 | 48,462 | 49,162 |
12 | 47,528 | 48,228 | 49,162 | 49,862 | 50,563 |
13 | 48,782 | 49,483 | 50,416 | 51,117 | 51,817 |
14 | 50,183 | 50,883 | 51,817 | 52,517 | 53,218 |
15 | 52,633 | 53,334 | 54,267 | 54,968 | 55,668 |
16 | 55,288 | 55,989 | 56,922 | 57,623 | 58,323 |
17 | 58,586 | 59,286 | 60,220 | 60,920 | 61,620 |
18 | 63,166 | 63,866 | 64,800 | 65,500 | 66,201 |
19 | 67,803 | 68,503 | 69,437 | 70,137 | 70,837 |
Certificated Staff Salary Guides
YEAR 2 |  |  |  |  |  |
2005-06 | SPRINGFIELD |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Salary Guide |  |  |  |  |  |
Step | BA | BA+9 | BA+18 | BA+27 | MA |
1 | 40,535 | 41,260 | 42,227 | 42,953 | 43,678 |
2 | 40,935 | 41,660 | 42,627 | 43,353 | 44,078 |
3 | 41,335 | 42,060 | 43,027 | 43,753 | 44,478 |
4 | 41,735 | 42,460 | 43,427 | 44,153 | 44,878 |
5 | 42,339 | 43,064 | 44,031 | 44,757 | 45,482 |
6 | 42,944 | 43,669 | 44,636 | 45,362 | 46,086 |
7 | 43,669 | 44,395 | 45,362 | 46,086 | 46,811 |
8 | 44,273 | 44,999 | 45,966 | 46,691 | 47,416 |
9 | 45,120 | 45,844 | 46,811 | 47,537 | 48,262 |
10 | 46,449 | 47,175 | 48,142 | 48,867 | 49,593 |
11 | 47,779 | 48,504 | 49,471 | 50,197 | 50,922 |
12 | 49,229 | 49,955 | 50,922 | 51,647 | 52,373 |
13 | 50,529 | 51,254 | 52,221 | 52,947 | 53,672 |
14 | 51,979 | 52,705 | 53,672 | 54,397 | 55,123 |
15 | 54,518 | 55,243 | 56,210 | 56,936 | 57,661 |
16 | 57,268 | 57,993 | 58,960 | 59,686 | 60,411 |
17 | 60,683 | 61,408 | 62,375 | 63,101 | 63,826 |
18 | 65,427 | 66,153 | 67,120 | 67,845 | 68,571 |
19 | 70,230 | 70,955 | 71,923 | 72,648 | 73,373 |
YEAR 3 |  |  |  |  |  |
2006-07 | SPRINGFIELD |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Salary Guide |  |  |  |  |  |
Step | BA | BA+9 | BA+18 | BA+27 | MA |
1 | 42,365 | 43,118 | 44,122 | 44,875 | 45,629 |
2 | 42,765 | 43,518 | 44,522 | 45,275 | 46,029 |
3 | 43,165 | 43,918 | 44,922 | 45,675 | 46,429 |
4 | 43,565 | 44,318 | 45,322 | 46,075 | 46,829 |
5 | 43,965 | 44,718 | 45,722 | 46,475 | 47,229 |
6 | 44,593 | 45,346 | 46,350 | 47,104 | 47,856 |
7 | 45,346 | 46,099 | 47,104 | 47,856 | 48,609 |
8 | 45,973 | 46,726 | 47,731 | 48,484 | 49,237 |
9 | 46,853 | 47,605 | 48,609 | 49,362 | 50,115 |
10 | 48,233 | 48,986 | 49,990 | 50,744 | 51,497 |
11 | 49,613 | 50,367 | 51,371 | 52,124 | 52,877 |
12 | 51,120 | 51,873 | 52,877 | 53,631 | 54,384 |
13 | 52,469 | 53,222 | 54,226 | 54,980 | 55,733 |
14 | 53,975 | 54,729 | 55,733 | 56,486 | 57,239 |
15 | 56,611 | 57,364 | 58,369 | 59,122 | 59,875 |
16 | 59,467 | 60,220 | 61,224 | 61,978 | 62,731 |
17 | 63,013 | 63,766 | 64,771 | 65,524 | 66,277 |
18 | 67,940 | 68,693 | 69,697 | 70,451 | 71,204 |
19 | 72,927 | 73,680 | 74,684 | 75,438 | 76,191 |
Support Staff Salary Guides