Successor Agreement
July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2007
Florence Township Board of Education
Florence Township Education Association
Florence Township School Board
Bruce M. Benedetti, Board Secretary
201 Cedar Street
Florence NJ 08518-1599 | Florence Township Education Association
Susan M. Bassett, President
Post Office Box # 202
Roebling NJ 08554-0202 |
Preamble 4
Article I Recognition 4
Article II Negotiation Procedure 6
Article III Grievance Procedure 7
Article IV Unit Member Rights 10
Article V Association Rights and Privileges 12
Article VI Certified and Non-Certified School Calendars 13
Article VII Teaching Hours and Teaching Load, Hours of Work 14
Article VIII Class Size 18
Article IX Staffing 18
Article X Certified Unit Member Employment 18
Article XI Salaries 19
Article XII Additional Compensation/Costs Incurred 20
Article XIII Certified/Non-Certified Unit Member Assignments 21
Article XIV Voluntary Transfers and Reassignments 22
Article XV Involuntary Transfers and Reassignments 22
Article XVI Promotions 22
Article XVII Selection Procedure for Advisors and Coaches 23
Article XVIII Additional Teaching Programs 24
Article XIX Unit Member Evaluation 25
Article XX Certified Unit Member Facilities 26
Article XXI Unit Member - Administration Liaison 27
Article XXII Sick Leave 27
Article XXIII Vacation 31
Article XXIV Temporary Leave of Absence 32
Article XXV Extended Leave of Absence 33
Article XXVI Certified Substitutes 35
Article XXVII Sabbatical Leaves 35
Article XXVIII Professional Development and Educational Improvement 36
Article XXIX Protection of Unit Members 37
Article XXX Student Control and Discipline 38
Article XXXI Insurance Protection 38
Article XXXII Personal and Academic Freedom 40
Article XXXIII Association Payroll Dues and Representation Fee 40
Article XXXIV Seniority and Job Description 41
Article XXXV Miscellaneous Provisions 41
Article XXXVI Duration of Agreement 42
Schedule A1-A3 Certified Unit Member Salary Guide 43
Schedule B1-B6 Extra-Curricular Activities Stipend Guide 46
Schedule C1-C12 Non-Certified Unit Member Salary Guide 49
Schedule D1-D2 Non-Certified Unit Member Hourly Rate Guide 55
Schedule E1-E22 Coaching Salary Guide 56
Schedule F Extra-Curricular Activities Compensation Schedule 68
Schedule G1-G3 Longevity Schedule 68
Schedule H Non-Certified Unit Member Stipend/Rate Schedule 69
Schedule I Certified Unit Member Schedule - Additional Compensation 69
Schedule J Non-Certified Unit Member Stipend/Rate Schedule - Accumulated Sick Leave 70
Schedule K Certified Unit Member Stipend/Rate Schedule - Accumulated Sick Leave 70
Schedule L Certified Unit Member Stipend/Rate Schedule - Perfect Attendance 70
Schedule M Non-Certified Unit Member Stipend/Rate Schedule - Perfect Attendance 70
Schedule N Certified Unit Member Schedule - Tuition Reimbursement Pool Maximum 70
Schedule O Medical Coverage Co-Pay Deductible/Co-Insurance Limits
Liberty 71
Patriot V 72
Patriot X 73
Schedule P Prescription Coverage Co-Pay Deductible/Co-Insurance Limits 74
Schedule Q Accumulated Sick Leave Retirement Notice Dates 74
Schedule R Staff Advancement Chart - Teaching Unit Members 75
Schedule S Credited Teaching Experience Chart - Teaching Unit Members 76
Schedule T Staff Advancement Chart - Custodians 77
Schedule U Staff Advancement Chart - Instructional Assistants 77
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This Agreement entered into this first day of July 2004, between the Board of Education of Florence Township, County of Burlington, State of New Jersey (hereinafter the “Board”) and the Florence Township Education Association (hereinafter the “Association”); and
Whereas, the members of the Association desire to advise on the formulation of policies and programs designed to improve educational standards, and to negotiate with the Association as the representative of unit members hereinafter designated with respect to the terms and conditions of employment; and
Whereas, the parties have reached certain understandings which they desire to confirm in this Agreement;
Be It Resolved, in consideration of the following mutual covenants, it is hereby agreed as follows:
ARTICLE I Recognition
The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the representative for collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for all certificated and non-certified personnel under contract employed by the Board, including the following:
Affirmative Action Officer - Extra Curricular Activity
Assistant Coach - Interscholastic Sports
Assistant to the District Homeless Liaison
Assistant to the Principal
Bus/Van Driver
Campus Monitor
Class Advisor (9th Grade) - Extra Curricular Activity
Class Advisor (10th Grade) - Extra Curricular Activity
Class Advisor (11th Grade) - Extra Curricular Activity
Class Advisor (12th Grade) - Extra Curricular Activity
Classroom Teacher
Educational Secretary
Elementary Cafeteria Monitor
Elementary School Audio Visual Aids Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
Elementary School Cadet Band Director - Extra Curricular Activity
Elementary School Newspaper Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
Elementary School Safety Patrol - Extra Curricular Activity
Elementary School Team Leader - Extra Curricular Activity
Elementary School Yearbook Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
Freshman Coach - Interscholastic Sports
Grounds Worker - Operations/Maintenance
Head Coach - Interscholastic Sports
High School Athletic Association Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Audio Visual Aids Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Choreography Advisor for Musical - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Concert Band Director - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Makeup/Costume Advisor for Drama - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Makeup/Costume Advisor for Musical - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Creative Writing Club Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Drama Coach for Musical - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Environmental Club Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Fall Play Director - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Forensic Club Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Future Business Leaders/National Business Honor Society Advisor
- Extra Curricular Activity
High School Future Teachers Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Instrumental Music Coach for Musical - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Instrumental Music Director - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Jazz Band Director - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Marching/Pep Band Assistant Director - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Marching/Pep Band Director - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Marching/Pep Band Front Line Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Mathematics Club Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Music Association Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School National Honor Society Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Newspaper Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Peer Coaching Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Program Advisor for Drama - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Program Advisor for Musical - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Renaissance Club Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Science Club Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Sound/Lighting Advisor for Drama - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Sound/Lighting Advisor for Musical - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Spanish Club Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Stage Craft Advisor for Drama - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Stage Craft Advisor for Musical - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Stage Design Advisor for Drama - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Stage Design Advisor for Musical - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Student Council Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School TV & Film Club Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Vocal Music Coach for Musical - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Weight Training Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High School Yearbook Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
High/Middle School Department Liaison - Extra Curricular Activity
Homeless Liaison Assistant
Inclusion Coordinator
Instructional Assistant
Instructional Assistant - Medical
Intramural Coach
Learning Disability Teacher-Consultant
Literary Magazine Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
Maintenance Worker - Operations/Maintenance
Medicaid Speech Advisor
Middle School Concert Band Director - Extra Curricular Activity
Middle School Coach - Interscholastic Sports
Middle School Grant Funded Play Director - Extra Curricular Activity
Middle School Newspaper Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
Middle School Grant Funded Play Director - Extra Curricular Activity
Middle School Show Choir Director - Extra Curricular Activity
Middle School Yearbook Advisor - Extra Curricular Activity
School Custodian - Operations/Maintenance
School Guidance Counselor
School Librarian/Media Specialist
School Nurse
School Psychologist
Secondary Cafeteria Monitor
School Social Worker
Substance Abuse Coordinator
Ticket Sellers (Varsity) - Extra Curricular Activity
Ticket Sellers (Junior Varsity) - Extra Curricular Activity
Time Sellers (Middle School) - Extra Curricular Activity
Timekeeper (Varsity) - Extra Curricular Activity
Timekeeper (Junior Varsity) - Extra Curricular Activity
Timekeeper (Middle School) - Extra Curricular Activity
Transportation Aide
Utility Worker - Operations/Maintenance
but excluding the following:
Administrative Aide
Adult School/Evening Instructor
Assistant Director of Security
Assistant Principal
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Athletic Trainer
Business Administrator/Secretary to the Board
Director of Child Study Team
Director of Security
District Computer Coordinator
Substitute Teachers
Superintendent of Schools
Educational Facilities Manager
Supervisor of Curriculum
Supervisor of Transportation
ARTICLE II Negotiation Procedure
Section A The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations in accordance with Chapter 123, Public Law 1974, in a good faith effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of unit members employment. Any agreement so negotiated shall apply to all unit members, be reduced in writing, and be signed by the Board and the Association.
Section B During negotiations, one (1) spokesman at a time for the Board and one (1) for the Association shall present relevant data, exchange points of view and make proposals and counter proposals. The Board shall make available, upon written request, to the Association for inspection all pertinent records, data, and information that is a matter of public record of the District. All copies of requested records, data, and information shall be at no cost to the Association.
Section C 1. Representatives of the Board and the Association negotiating committees shall meet as needed for the purpose of reviewing the administration of this Agreement, and to resolve the problems that may arise. The meetings are not intended to bypass the grievance procedure.
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a. Each party shall submit to the other, at least three (3) days prior to the meeting, an agenda covering matters they wish to discuss.
b. All meetings between the parties shall be regularly scheduled, whenever possible, to take place when the unit members involved are free from assigned instructional responsibilities unless otherwise agreed.
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2. Should a mutually acceptable amendment to this Agreement be negotiated by the parties, it shall be reduced to writing and shall be signed by the Board and the Association.
Section D Except as this Agreement shall hereinafter otherwise provide all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the effective date of this Agreement as established by the rules, regulations and/or policies of the Board in force on said date, shall continue to be applicable during the term of this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, nothing contained hereto shall be interpreted and/or applied so as to eliminate, reduce or otherwise detract from any unit member benefit existing prior to its effective date.
Section E The Board agrees not to negotiate concerning unit members, as defined in Article I of this Agreement, with any organization other than the Association for the duration of this Agreement.
Section F This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all matters which were or could have been the subject of negotiations. During the term of this Agreement, neither party shall be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter whether or not covered by this Agreement and whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or executed this Agreement.
Section G This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument duly executed by both parties.
Section H Copies of this Agreement shall be duplicated with the expense shared equally by the Board and the Association. This shall be completed within thirty (30) days after the Agreement is signed and presented to all unit members now employed, hereafter employed, or considered for employment by the Board.
Article III Grievance Procedure
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Section A Definitions
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1. “Grievance” is a claim affecting a unit member, a group of unit members, or the Association based upon the application, interpretation, or violation of this Agreement, policies or administrative decisions. However, the non-renewal of the employment contract of a non-tenured unit member shall be not subject to this grievance procedure, including the arbitration provisions hereafter. Should the obligation to include the above procedure be reversed by court decision, said provision is null and void.
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2. An “aggrieved person” is the person or persons or the Association instituting the claim.
3. A “party of interest” is the person or persons making the claim and any person including the Association or the Board, who might be required to take action, or against whom action might be taken in order to resolve the claim.
Section B Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible level, equitable solutions to the problems which may, from time to time, arise concerning the welfare or terms and conditions of employment of unit members. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
Section C Procedure
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1. The number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified may, however, be altered by mutual agreement.
2. In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year, and if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year, could result in irreparable harm to a party in interest the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced, by mutual agreement, so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as is practical.
3. Level # 1 - Informal Discussion
Within ten (10) school days a unit member with a grievance shall first discuss it with his/her principal or supervisor (CST/C&I) with the objective of resolving the matter informally. The unit member and/or principal/supervisor may or may not elect to have an Association representative make arrangements and be present for the informal meeting.
4. Level # 2 - Principal/Supervisor
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level # 1, or if no decision has been rendered within five (5) school days after an informal meeting with the building principal or the supervisor, he/she may file the a grievance, in writing with the Association within five (5) school days after the decision at Level # 1 or ten (10) school days after the grievance was presented, whichever is sooner. Within five (5) school days after receiving the written grievance, and if it has merit, the Association shall refer it to the principal or the supervisor.
5. Level # 3 - Superintendent
If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level # 2, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) school days after the grievance was delivered to the principal or supervisor, he/she may, within five (5) school days after a decision by the principal or supervisor or fifteen (15) school days after the grievance was delivered to the principal or supervisor, whichever is sooner, request in writing that the Association submit its grievance to the Superintendent. If the Association determines that the grievance is meritorious, subsequent to Level # 2, it may submit the grievance in writing to the Superintendent within fifteen (15) school days after receipt of a request by the aggrieved person.
The Superintendent shall request a report on the grievance from the principal or supervisor and shall confer with the employee and principal or supervisor separately.
The Superintendent shall attempt to resolve the matter as quickly as possible but within a period of time not to exceed ten (10) school days. He/she shall communicate his/her decision in writing along with the supporting reasons to the employee, the principal or supervisor and the Association.
6. Level # 4 - Personnel Committee of the Board
If not satisfactorily resolved at Level # 3, the grievance may be submitted to the Personnel Committee of the Board by the Association within ten (10) days after receipt of the Superintendent’s response or after the response was due. The Personnel Committee of the Board will meet with the employee and principal/supervisor within twenty-five (25) school days and make a determination within five (5) school days notifying in writing the employee, superintendent, principal, supervisor and Association of its decision.
7. Level # 5 - Arbitration
In the event a grievance has not been resolved at Level # 4, either the Association or the Board may seek binding arbitration without the other’s consent.
When binding arbitration is intended to be used in the remediation of a grievance, the following conditions must exist:
a. The topics for arbitration will be limited only to the “express terms of the written Agreement”.
b. The arbitrator shall be limited to the issues submitted and shall consider nothing else. The arbitrator can neither add to nor subtract anything from the Agreement between the parties.
c. Grievances that are related to Board policies and/or administrative decision and practices shall not be topics for arbitration.
d. A written request for arbitration must be submitted to the Public Employment Relations Commission (hereinafter “PERC”) and simultaneously served on the other party within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the Personnel Committee of the Board’s response at Level #4 or after the Personnel Committee of the Board’s response was due.
e. The arbitrator’s decision shall be in writing and submitted to the Board and the Association.
f. All costs of the arbitrator, including per diem and travel, shall be borne equally by the parties. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring same.
g. The list of arbitrators shall be procured from PERC.
Section D Rights of Unit Members to Representation
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2. It is understood that any aggrieved person may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by a unit member, or at the unit member’s option by a representative selected or approved by the Association, also at Level # 1, if mutually agreeable. When a unit member is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present and to state its views at all stages of the grievance procedure. However, the aggrieved person must be present at all times.
3. No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by the Board or by any member of the Administration against any party in interest, any representative, any member of the Association, or any other participants in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
Section E Miscellaneous
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1. If, in the judgment of the Association, a grievance affecting a group or class of unit members has merit, the Association may submit such grievance in writing to the principal directly and the processing of such grievance shall be commenced at Level # 2. The Association may process a grievance through all levels of the grievance procedure even though the aggrieved person does not wish to do so.
2. Forms for filing grievance, serving notices, taking appeals, making reports and recommendations, and other necessary documents shall be prepared jointly by the Superintendent and the Association and given appropriate distribution so as to facilitate operation of the grievance procedure.
3. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives, previously, referred to in this Article.
4. All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed in a separate grievance file, and shall not be kept in the personnel file of the unit member(s).
5. Any unit member who may have a grievance pending shall not have the right to refuse an administrative directive or a Board policy on grounds that the unit member has instituted a grievance. The unit member must continue under the direction of the Superintendent and administrators regardless of the pending grievance until such grievance is properly resolved.
ARTICLE IV Unit Member Rights
Section A 1. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any unit member such rights as the unit member may have under all applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to unit members hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.
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2. Any individual contract between the Board and individual unit members shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If any individual contract contains language inconsistent with this Agreement, the Agreement shall be controlling.
Section B The Board shall have the right to discipline, discharge, reprimand, reduce in rank or change compensation. Board action should be taken only for just cause. However, this provision shall not apply to Board action to non-renewal of the contract of a non-tenured unit member. Any criticism of a unit member by a supervisor or Board member shall be made in confidence and not in public.
Section C Whenever any unit member is required to appear before the Superintendent or his/her designee, Board or any committee concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of the unit member’s employment or the salary and any increments pertaining thereto, the unit member shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise and/or represent the unit member.
Section D Certified teaching unit members of record shall maintain the right and responsibility to determine grades within the grading policy of the District based upon the certified teaching unit member of record’s professional judgment of available criteria pertinent to any subject area activity for which the certified teaching unit member of record is responsible. Each certified teaching unit member of record shall submit criteria for grade determination in writing to the building principal no later than September 30 of each school year. A grade is considered submitted when it is submitted by the certified teaching unit member of record and posted to the student records system. Grades are understood to be all submissions to the student records system including progress report grades. No grades shall be changed without a prior written “Notice of an Intent to Change a Grade” by the building principal/supervisor provided to the certified teaching unit member of record. The “Notice of an Intent to Change a Grade” form shall be developed and distributed by the Superintendent . The written “Notice of Intent to Change a Grade” must contain a statement of reasons and justification for the change. The certified teaching unit member of record shall sign for the receipt of the “Notice of Intent to Change a Grade”. The certified teaching unit member of record shall provide a written reply within three (3) working days of receipt of the “Notice of Intent to Change a Grade” from the building principal/supervisor. The building principal shall arrange a consultation with the subject teacher certified teaching unit member of record within two (2) working days of the receipt of the written reply from the certified teaching unit member of record. The final determination for any grade change shall be made by the Superintendent who will take into consideration written recommendations, including the “Notice of an Intent to Change a Grade” form, made by the certified teaching unit member and the principal/supervisor. A meeting between the certified teaching unit member and the building principal/supervisor shall be held at the discretion of the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s authorization for the change of a submitted grade shall be made in writing to the principal/supervisor with a copy to the certified teaching unit member.
Section E All unit members will assist in situations of an emergency nature to ensure proper conduct within the schools and maintain the health and safety of the student body.
Section F Unit members may wear lapel pins or other similar type of identification as members of the Association.
Section G 1. All certified unit members are required to attend the following evening conferences in each school year:
a. One (1) back to school night
b. Two (2) afternoon/evening session parent conferences
c. Specialists who are shared between buildings are encouraged to attend the second back to school night. Specialists will be compensated at the back to school night rate of pay in accordance with Schedule I.
2. A teaching unit member will be excused from an evening parent conference or back to school night for reason of personal illness., provided as much advance notice as possible is given.
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3. A certified unit member may be excused from an evening parent conference or back to school night for reason of emergency. Approval of the Superintendent, principal or other designee must be sought as far in advance as possible. The principal or other designee, after consultation with the Superintendent, may require acceptable proof of the emergency.
4. In compensation for the requirement of attending one (1) back to school night and two (2) evening parent conferences, the parties will confer and agree, during calendar preparation in the preceding year, on two (2) additional single session days (with release of certified unit members at the time of student dismissal) for the following year. Furthermore, the Superintendent agrees to schedule not more than one (1) faculty or professional meeting in the month containing back to school night.
5. Dates for back to school night and the evening parent conferences will be scheduled during calendar preparation time in the preceding year.
Section H The parties agree that there shall be no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, national origin, sex or marital status in:
1. Hiring, training, assignment, promotion, transfer or discipline; or
2. The application or administration of this Agreement
The parties further agree that a grievance arising under paragraph 1(a) may not be submitted to binding arbitration.
Section I The Board shall arrange for and maintain liability insurance to cover all damages incurred by a certified unit member over and above the state mandated limits of $10,000/$20,000 for any act or omission arising out of the authorized use of his own automobile in the performance of the school duties. It is the certified unit member’s responsibility to maintain the above stated minimum insurance.
Section J Operations/maintenance unit members may leave on days of inclement weather when the snow removal has been completed subject to the approval of the supervisor.
Section K Operations/maintenance unit members are entitled to two (2) fifteen (15) minute breaks during the course of their normal work day only when emergency situations do not exist and as long as it does not interfere with job responsibilities.
Section L Operations/maintenance unit members are entitled to a thirty (30) minute lunch which may be subject to unavoidable interruptions. Lunches will be scheduled by the supervisor.
Article V Association Rights and Privileges
Section A The Board agrees to make available, in the Business Office, minutes of the regular and special meetings, a copy of the yearly audit, salary information for unit members and a copy of all policies of the Board. All the above listed materials must remain in the Business Office.
Section B Whenever any representative of the Association is mutually scheduled by the parties to participate during working hours in negotiation or grievance proceedings, the representative shall suffer no loss in pay.
Section C The Association and its representatives shall have the privilege to use school buildings for meetings. The Association shall file, on the appropriate form, with the Business Office a request for facilities use so that no scheduling conflicts occur.
Section D The Association shall have the privilege to use the following school owned equipment: typewriters, copier machines, computers, calculating machines and other types of equipment at the discretion of the Superintendent. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials incident to such use.
Section E The Association shall have the privilege to purchase expendable office supplies and other materials from the Board at the price paid by the Board.
Section F The Association shall have, in each building, the exclusive use of a bulletin board in each faculty lounge. Copies of all materials to be posted on the bulletin board shall be given to the building principal but no approval shall be required.
Section G With the prior permission of the Superintendent, the President of the Association, either the Vice-President or chief negotiator, or the BCEA representative may be granted leave to attend the county or State meetings for Association business not in excess of two (2) days. Each aforementioned delegate will be granted a personal-business day and one (1) “grace” day. (i.e. one day not charged to personal-business days). Leaves of this nature must be so stated on the Notification of Absence Form. Additional days may be added at the discretion of the Superintendent and they will be charged to personal-business days of the individual.
Section H The President of the Association shall receive one (1) duty-free, release time period, or the equivalent if not a classroom staff member, each week to conduct Association business. The President of the Association shall ensure that the building principal or immediate supervisor has knowledge of the release period/time.
Article VI Certified and Non-Certified School Calendars
Section A The establishment of certified and non-certified school calendars shall be at the discretion of the Board and will be subject to such changes as may be necessitated by emergencies.
Section B The proposed certified and non-certified school calendars will be presented to the Association, at least twenty (20) calendar days prior to the public meeting where the calendar(s) is/are scheduled for adoption, for discussion and recommendation prior to adoption by the Board.
Section C Proposals for consideration of changes in the certified and non-certified school calendars will be forwarded by the Association to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall discuss the Association’s proposals for change with the Board prior to the adoption of the certified and non-certified school calendars.
Section D A maximum of one hundred eighty (180) teaching days will constitute an academic year with the provision for one (1) extra day for orientation, two (2) extra days for in-service, and one (1) extra day for school closing. These two (2) in-service days shall not be scheduled on the orientation day or school closing day.
Section E The compensation for an extended school year unit member employment contract shall be calculated by combining the ten (10) month base salary plus a per diem amount for each additional day worked during the extended school year. The per diem amount shall be calculated by dividing the ten (10) month base salary by a factor of two hundred (200) days.
An extended school year unit member shall be paid on the twenty four (24) pay period cycle in equal payments.
Article VII Teaching Hours and Teaching Load, Hours of Work
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Section A 1. All unit members shall indicate their presence for duty each day by indicating their time of arrival and departure in the office.
2. Hours of Work
The work assignment for members of the unit are as follows:
Bus/Van Driver 4 hours/day or per route requirement
Campus Monitor 7 hours/day
Certified Staff 7 hours/day
Custodian 8 hours/day
Elementary Cafeteria Monitor 2.5 hours/day
Grounds Personnel 8 hours/day
Instructional Assistant 7 hours/day
Maintenance Personnel 8 hours/day
Secondary Cafeteria Monitor 3 hours/day
Secretaries 6.5 hours/day (see Section N)
Sign Language Interpreter 7 hours/day
Transportation Aide 4 hours/day or per route requirement
Utility Personnel 8 hours/day
3. No certified and/or non-certified unit member assigned to instruction will be required to report to work earlier than twenty (20) minutes prior to the opening of the student school day. Unit members shall be permitted to leave at the expiration of the workday as defined in paragraph A2.
4. The Administration may request a certified unit member remain after the student day as defined above for the purpose of meeting with a student or parent. The conference will begin at the close of the student school day.
Section B 1. The daily teaching load shall be no more than six (6) teaching periods. In grades six through twelve teaching periods shall not exceed forty-five (45) minutes unless jointly agreed upon by the Association and Board. Assignments to a supervised study period, cafeteria or library shall be considered teaching periods. Each teacher shall be responsible for a daily home room period of ten (10) minutes maximum.
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2. The planning period is a professional time provided for unit members to engage in activities related to their responsibilities, such as planning, conferring with pupils, administrators or other staff members. No one is to leave the building during the unassigned time without administrative approval.
3. Team Leaders and Department Liaisons will serve in the capacity of a liaison between the grade level teams/faculty and administration and will be compensated in accordance with Schedules B4 and B5.
4. Every certified teaching unit member shall submit lesson plans on the dates or days established by the building principal. Lesson plan format will be devised by the Superintendent after consultation with the Association. No revisions will be made without prior consultation and sharing ideas in writing with the Association.
5. The Administration will make a reasonable effort to develop a program of studies that will not require certified teaching unit members in grades six through twelve to teach more than two (2) subject areas nor more than a total of three (3) teaching preparations.
6. The Administration will make a reasonable effort to develop a schedule in grades six through twelve that will be arranged in such a way that certified teaching unit members shall not be required to teach continuously for more than three (3) periods nor two (2) where double periods are used. If the certified teaching unit member’s schedule does not conform to the aforementioned schedule, the certified teaching unit member may request an adjustment which will be made if reasonably possible. Elementary certified teaching unit members (kindergarten through fifth grade) may meet with or give written input concerning schedules to principals by July 15.
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Section C 1. Unit members shall have a daily duty-free lunch period that is at least equal to the period of time allowed the students.
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2. Unit members may leave the building without requesting permission during their scheduled duty-free lunch period. It will be the unit member’s responsibility to indicate departure and return.
Section D 1. Unit members may be required to remain after the end of the regular school day, without additional compensation, for the purpose of attending faculty or other professional meetings, a maximum of two (2) days each month. Such meeting shall begin as soon as possible after the student dismissal time and shall run no more than forty-five (45) minutes. In the event of a pending evaluation by the New Jersey State Department of Education or the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, the above limitations will have to be waived.
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2. An Association representative may speak to the unit members at any meeting for fifteen (15) minutes on the prior request of the Association. This shall be in addition to and at the end of the forty-five (45) minute faculty meeting.
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3. The notice of faculty meetings and the agenda shall be given to the unit members involved three (3) days prior to the meeting except in emergencies when notice shall be given as soon as practical. Unit members shall have the right to suggest items for the agenda and there will be provision in each meeting for the introduction of new business.
4. Prior permission for absence from the meeting must be obtained from the principal , and arrangements shall be made by the unit member to review the pertinent portions of the meeting.
Section E Unit members shall have a minimum of one (1) preparation period per day during which time they shall not be assigned to any other duties.
Section F The Association shall be notified in each instance where an emergency necessitates an exception to paragraph E.
Section G The right to increase or decrease the work schedule shall remain a unilateral prerogative of the Board. Work hours will not be changed without prior consultation with the Association.
Section H All non-certified unit members shall serve an initial ninety (90) day probationary period. which shall be counted toward tenure status after three (3) consecutive years of service together with the Board’s tenure appointment at the beginning of the next succeeding year.
Section I Work Week/Overtime Compensation
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1. An operations/maintenance unit member work week consists of an eight (8) hour working day from Monday through Friday totaling a work week of forty (40) hours. Operations/maintenance unit members hired after July 1, 1993, the work week will consist of an eight (8) hour working day and their scheduled work week may include Saturday or Sunday, but not both, totaling a work week of forty (40) hours. Days off must be two (2) consecutive days. If a scheduled holiday falls on a day an operations/maintenance unit member is not scheduled to work, the operations/maintenance unit member will be granted the next scheduled work day off.
2. Hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours/week will be paid at the rate of one and one half (1½) times their regular hourly rate of pay.
When a bus/van driver transports a field trip that falls on a Sunday, the bus driver/van shall be compensated at one and one half (1½) times the normal rate for the hours worked.
3. A work week for overtime purposes would include holidays, sick leave days, personal/business days that cover bereavement, jury duty and personal business days approved by the Superintendent.
4. Employees, hired before July 1, 1992, working on Saturday will be paid at the rate of one and one half (1½) times their regular hourly rate of pay and all employees working on Sunday will be paid at the rate of two (2) times their regular hourly rate of pay with the exception of bus/van drivers who will be paid their trip rate.
5. All support staff non-certified unit members working on a holiday will receive two (2) times their regular pay.
Section J An employee called back to work at a time not contiguous to the regular work schedule shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours compensation. The Board shall have the right to require the employee to work the full two (2) hours.
Section K The Board has the right to schedule overtime work. In a school, scheduled overtime work shall be divided as equally as practical in a continuous cycle beginning with the appropriately licensed employee with the highest seniority. Should there be no volunteers, qualified employees will be scheduled to work mandatory overtime in a continuous in-school cycle by least seniority.
Section L All instructional assistants will be required to work only when students are present in school. The Superintendent may require up to two (2) additional staff training days for which classroom instructional assistants shall be compensated at an individual per diem rate.
When an instructional assistant chaperones after normal school hours, compensation will be in accordance with Schedule H.
Section M When the Administration so indicates, elementary and secondary cafeteria monitors will not be required to take classes outdoors due to temperature conditions.
Hours of Work/Secretarial Unit Members
Section N 1. The work day shall consist of seven and one-half (7 ½ )hours including a sixty (60) minute, uninterrupted lunch hour.
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2. Educational Secretarial Unit Member Overtime
Overtime is defined to mean any time spent at one’s regular or assigned duties either before or after the regular work hours or on days other than those in the regular work week. Overtime work will not be compulsory and must be authorized in writing by the immediate supervisor and approved by the Superintendent of Schools prior to its inception. In the event of an emergency situation, an employee may be required to work a reasonable amount of overtime. In this instance the necessity for the Superintendent’s approval will be precluded. Overtime compensation will be paid at the rate of the employee’s hourly rate.
3. Educational Secretarial Unit Member Summer Work Hours
A. The days following the day that the certified teaching unit members have completed their responsibilities and have signed out in June until the Monday of the week before the certified teaching unit members return to school in September shall constitute summer work hours.
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B. Summer work hours will total five and one-half hours (5 ½ ) per day from 8:00a.m. - 1:30p.m. eliminating the lunch hour. Educational secretarial unit members shall arrange a schedule so that the District’s telephones are covered to 2:30p.m. daily during summer.
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C. Recommended opening and closing hours of work for each building shall be submitted by the building supervisor to the Superintendent of Schools for his consideration and approval.
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4. Educational Secretarial Unit Member Rest Period
Educational secretarial unit members shall be entitled to one (1) uninterrupted rest period of thirty (30) minutes during the morning.
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5. Educational Secretarial Unit Member Office Coverage
Lunch and break schedules will be staggered so that offices are covered at all times.
Section O. Holidays
Any unit member working on a holiday shall receive two (2) times their regular rate of pay. A holiday is defined as the following days:
New Year’s Eve Day Labor Day
New Year’s Day Columbus Day
Martin Luther King Day Thanksgiving Day
President’s Day Day After Thanksgiving Day
Good Friday Christmas Eve Day
Easter Monday Christmas Day
Memorial Day Day After Christmas Day
In the event Easter Monday is used as a make-up snow day, the non-certified unit member shall receive a compensatory day.
Article VIII Class Size
Class size remains a subject of concern to the Board in the interest of maintaining quality education. Class size is not subject to the grievance procedure.
Article IX Staffing
The Administration will continue a review of all assignments and equalization of the teaching load where possible.
Article X Certified Unit Member Employment
Section A 1. Certified unit members who are new to the District shall be employed at their degree position on the appropriate step of the salary guide. The salary guide shall contain a chart which reflects initial placement in a manner consistent with that utilized for presently employed certified unit members. Upon initial employment, credit may be given for prior teaching experience in a duly accredited school.
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2. Additional credit not to exceed four (4) years shall be given for military experience.
3. Certified unit members employed on a part-time basis shall be entitled to step movement on the salary schedule upon the completion of the equivalent of a year of full time service.
Section B Certified unit members shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year no later than April 30. If no agreement has been reached, salary status will be provided upon ratification of the Agreement.
Section C The Board shall give to each non-tenured certified unit member continuously employed since the preceding September 30 either:
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1. A written offer of a contract for employment for the next succeeding year providing for at least the same terms and conditions of employment but with such increases in salary and benefits as may be required by law or agreed between the Board and the Association.
2. A written notice no later than April 30 such employment shall not be offered.
Article XI Salaries
Section A The salaries of all certified unit members covered by this Agreement will be set forth in Schedule A1 - A3 and the salaries of all non-certified unit members covered by this Agreement will be set forth in Schedule C1 - C23.
Section B Pay Periods
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1. Unit members shall be paid on the fifteenth (15th) and thirtieth (30th) of each month. If either of these days fall on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday holiday, payment will be made on the preceding Friday. If the fifteenth (15th) or thirtieth (30th) falls during an extended school holiday, payment shall be made on the last working day before the start of the holiday or when all other employees are paid.
2. Unit members assigned to the night shift may receive their paychecks the day prior to the regularly scheduled payday provided that the check is picked up at the Business Office between 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Section C Activities listed in Schedule B2 will be compensated by a separate check for each activity upon completion of each activity, provided that all obligations have been fulfilled and proper notification has been given to the Business Office by the appropriate administrator. Year long activities listed in Schedule B1 shall be compensated by two (2) separate checks; one issued in December and one in June as part of the regular pay cycle or the option to have the money equally distributed with every pay period.
Section D Activities listed in Schedule E1 - E22 will be compensated by two (2) separate checks halfway through the season and upon completion of the season, provided that all obligations have been fulfilled and proper notification has been given to the Business Office by the appropriate administrator.
Section E A ten (10) month unit member must have at least five (5) months of service to be considered for advancement to the following year’s salary schedule. Those with less than five (5) months will remain at the same step for the following year.
A twelve (12) month unit member must have at least six (6) months of service to be considered for advancement to the following year’s salary schedule. Those with less than six (6) months will remain at the same step for the following year.
Section F When moving from one (1) job category to another, the unit member will be placed on the next step above the unit member’s old compensation level on the new salary guide.
Section G Annual salary increases shall be in addition to longevity pay.
Section H All unit members hired after July 1, 2004 shall be paid by direct deposit. All unit members hired before July 1, 2004 shall be paid by direct deposit by the expiration of this successor Agreement. The direct deposit shall be made to a single account designated by the unit member.
Section I All movements on the salary schedule for earned credits shall be approved by the Board. The salary adjustment for the movements shall be approved at the regular monthly meetings in September, January, March and July provided that the unit member has submitted the official transcript by the 15th day of the month of the above stated monthly meetings. The salary increase shall be effective the first pay period following the Board meeting where said movement is approved.
Article XII Additional Compensation / Costs Incurred
Section A Unit members shall not be required to use personal vehicles to drive students to activities which take place away from the school building. A unit member may do so voluntarily, however, with advance written approval of the unit member’s principal. Unit members shall be compensated, upon submission of the appropriate payment voucher containing odometer readings at the start and conclusion of the trip, at the allowable Internal Revenue Service rate per mile for the use of the unit member’s automobile. The payment voucher shall be submitted within sixty (60) days of the trip or the payment shall not be made.
Section B The unit members who are assigned to accompany classes on trips, such as bus drivers, will receive petty cash to pay for tolls. Non-certified unit members will be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses (as mutually agreed upon) incurred on the trip. Non-certified unit members who must pay an admission while accompanying classes on a trip will be given the same reimbursement as that of the certified unit member who is also accompanying the class on the trip.
Section C Unit member participation in extra-curricular activities shall be compensated according to negotiated pay schedules.
Section D Unit members who participate in field trips which extend beyond the unit member’s in-school workday, overnight or on weekends shall be voluntary.
Section E Any unit member who is required to appear in court as a result of the performance of their duties as a unit member of the District, will be compensated at their regular hourly rate for each hour so spent.
Section F The Board agrees to pay for the cost of the Commercial Drivers License (hereinafter a “CDL”) retest for each bus/van driver.
Section G Uniforms and Clothing Allowance
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1. The Board agrees to provide all operations/maintenance unit members with five (5) sets of work uniforms comprised of five (5) pants, five (5) long sleeve shirts, three (3) tee shirts and five (5) short sleeve shirts, and one (1) winter coat or one (1) insulated overalls. Winter coats or insulated coveralls lost or damaged not during working hours shall be replaced at the expense of the operations/maintenance. Tee shirts shall be worn during summer recess. The operations/maintenance unit members shall be required to report to work in the work uniforms and said work uniforms shall be maintained by the Board to ensure that the work uniform is clean and in proper repair. The Educational Facilities Manager (hereinafter the “Facilities Manager”) shall ensure that each operations/maintenance unit member reports to work with the work uniform in the above specified condition. The Board will repair or replace work uniforms damaged during hours of work. Work uniforms damaged at times other than work hours shall be repaired or replaced by, and at the expense of, the unit member.
2. The Board shall issue a full set of work uniforms to new hires after one (1) full month of service. If a new hire leaves the operations/maintenance unit member’s position before one (1) full year of service, the Board shall deduct seventy-five (75%) of the cost of the work uniform set from the final pay of operations/maintenance unit member.
3. The Board agrees to pay a clothing allowance to all bus/van drivers and a shoe allowance, which shall be paid annually, to all operations/maintenance unit members in accordance with Schedule H.
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4. A work shoe shall have a safety tip and be approved by the Facilities Manager from a Board and Association mutually agreed to vendor list. An operations/ maintenance unit member shall be required to report to work in the work shoes and said work shoes shall be maintained by the operations/maintenance unit member to ensure that each pair of work shoes are clean and in proper repair. The Facilities Manager shall ensure that each operations/maintenance unit member reports to work with the work shoe in the above specified condition.
Article XIII Certified/Non-Certified Unit Member Assignments
Section A 1. Instructional assistants will be notified of their employment (job placement, , starting date and starting time) for the next school year by the end of the current school year.
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2. All certified unit members will be given written notices of their class or subject assignments, building assignments, and room assignments for the forthcoming year not later than July 31.
3. In the event of any changes in such schedules, class or subject assignments after the opening day, the Association and the certified unit member affected shall be notified promptly, and upon the request of the certified unit member, the changes will be reviewed with the principal and the certified unit member affected or, at his/her option, a representative of the Association.
Section B 1. Schedules of certified unit members who are assigned to more than one (1) school shall be arranged so that no such certified unit member shall be required to engage in an unreasonable amount of inter-school travel. Such certified unit members will be notified of any changes in their schedules as soon as practical.
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2. Certified unit members who may be required to use their automobiles in the performance of their duties and certified unit members who are assigned to more than one school per day shall be compensated, based on a standard mileage chart issued by the Board and verified by the Association, at the allowable Internal Revenue Service rate per mile for the use of the unit member’s automobile. The payment voucher shall be submitted within sixty (60) days of the trip or the payment shall not be made.
3. The Board shall pay up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the deductible amount that applies to the comprehensive or collision coverage of a vehicle being used by a unit member which is involved in a loss provided that (1) the use of the vehicle is approved by the Board for either transportation of students or travel between assignments, including attendance at workshops and training; (2) the vehicle has valid and collectible comprehensive or collision insurance for the loss; (3) the automobile is not leased, rented or owned wholly or in part by the Board; (4) the driver of the vehicle must be the unit member and the unit member must have a valid driver’s license; (5) a police report is submitted with the request for deductible payment. This provision is subject to the coverage by the Board’s approved insurance carrier. The Board shall not request removal of this coverage by the approved insurance carrier
Article XIV Voluntary Transfers and Reassignments
Section A 1. The Superintendent shall post in each building a list of known vacancies as they occur during the school year.
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2. Unit members who desire a change in grade or subject assignment or who desire to transfer to another building may file a written request to that effect with the Superintendent not later than May 1. The request will be in effect for one (1) year from the date it is submitted.
3. In the event a vacancy occurs that will be filled during the summer, the Superintendent shall inform all employees who have indicated an interest on their summer address form of the vacancy by direct mail to their summer address. The employee shall have fourteen (14) calendar days from the postmark date to apply for each opening unless the Superintendent designates a greater period of time for applications.
4. All voluntary transfers and reassignments shall be approved by the Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent.
Article XV Involuntary Transfers and Reassignments
Section A Notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to the certified unit member as soon as practical and, except in the case of an emergency, not later than June 1.
For all other unit members, notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given as soon as practical, and except in cases of extreme emergency, with not less than sixty (60) days notice.
Section B Notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be made only after a meeting between the unit member involved and the principal, at which time the unit member shall be notified of the reason therefore. In the event that a unit member objects to the transfer or reassignment at this meeting, upon the request of the unit member, the Superintendent shall meet the unit member. The unit member may, at the option of the unit member, have an Association representative present at such meeting.
Article XVI Promotions
Section A Vacancies
1. When an existing promotional position becomes vacant or when a new promotional position is created, notice of said vacancy shall be posted in every District building with the closing date, of not less than ten (10) calendar days included in the posting. Said notice of vacancy shall clearly set forth the qualifications for the position. A copy of each positing shall be sent to the President of the Association.
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2. Positions on the administrator-supervisor levels of responsibility including, but not limited to positions such as superintendent, principal, assistant principal, assistant to principal and supervisor shall be considered promotions.
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3. All vacancies in promotional positions shall be adequately publicized by the Superintendent after the vacancy has been reviewed with the Board and a job description of the position formulated. A copy of each posting shall be sent to the President of the Association. Qualifications for the position shall be included with the posted notices.
Section B Process
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1. Unit members who desire to apply for such vacancies shall file a letter of interest with the Superintendent within the time limits specified in the notice.
2. Unit members who desire to apply for such vacancies shall submit their applications in writing to the Superintendent within the time limit specified in the notice. The notice shall be posted at least fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of the closing date for receipt of applications.
3. In the event a promotional opportunity occurs that will be filled during the summer, the Superintendent shall inform all unit members who have indicated an interest on their summer address form of the vacancy by direct mail to their summer address. The unit member shall have fourteen (14) calendar days from the postmark date to apply for each opening unless the Superintendent designates a greater period of time for applications.
4. When a position is not filled, notice to that effect will be posted and the position re-advertised.
Article XVII Selection Procedure for Advisors and Coaches
Section A The following guidelines will be applied in the selection of advisors and coaches of interscholastic and intra-school curricular activities from among existing District personnel. The positions included herein are listed on Schedules C.
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1. By April 15 the supervisor of interscholastic sports will poll existing interscholastic coaches and building principals will poll all remaining advisors listed in Schedules E1 - E22 & B1 - B5 to determine their desire to be considered for reappointment in the subsequent school year. Those coaches/sponsors/advisors not recommended by the Superintendent for reappointment will receive written notification by April 30. In the case of spring sports notification of non-renewal will be made by May 30.
2. Known vacancies shall be posted by the Superintendent in all schools by May 1 with the exception of spring sports which shall be posted June 1. Vacancies shall be posted for a period of not less than ten (10) calendar days. The Superintendent will give by June 15 to each coach/advisor/sponsor recommended for reappointment a written notice of appointment which the Board shall ratify at a public meeting.
3. If circumstances cause a vacancy to occur prior to the polling date and the vacancy requires a replacement prior to the subsequent year, the Superintendent shall post the position in each building. The position shall remain posted for not less than ten (10) calendar days and a qualified candidate sought.
4. In the event a vacancy occurs that will be filled during the summer, the Superintendent shall inform all unit members who have indicated an interest on their summer address form of the vacancy by direct mail to the summer address. The unit member shall have fourteen (14) calendar days from the postmark date to apply for each opening unless the Superintendent designates a greater period of time for applications.
5. Qualifications that are desirable would include experience as a former player or coach or experience as an advisor/sponsor. This may be waived for a unit member who has performed successfully as a coach in another sport or has demonstrated personal traits that would make the unit member an apt pupil of the sport, or for candidates who possess the ability to impart the skills for the sport and be able to establish a respectful rapport and enthusiastic response from the student-athletes.
Applicants who are within the building where the activity takes place and have some experience in coaching/advising/sponsoring such an activity will be given due consideration. Enthusiasm, skill potential and the ability to relate to students will also be considered.
6. When no response is forthcoming from within the District, the Board will seek a qualified candidate outside the District.
7. The final selection and recommendation to the Board rests with the Superintendent in consultation with the principal and the supervisor of interscholastic sports.
Article XVIII Additional Teaching Programs
Section A 1. All openings for positions in the additional teaching programs shall be posted, for not less than ten (10) calendar days, by the Superintendent prior to the start of the activity. Home instruction teaching openings shall be posted, for not less than ten (10) calendar days, by the building principal as they occur.
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2. Certified teaching unit members will be compensated in accordance with Schedule I.
3. Certified teaching unit members will be compensated for all curriculum development work in accordance with Schedule I.
4. Certified unit members shall be compensated for all after school and Saturday morning detention in accordance with Schedule I. Compensation shall be made on one half (½) hour increments with the start of the hour up to thirty (30) minutes being compensated at fifty percent (50 %) of the hourly rate and from thirty (30) minutes to the full one (1) hour will be compensated at the full hourly rate.
Section B A certified unit member may be required on a rotating lowest seniority basis to chaperone after normal school hours student dances, student performances or interscholastic athletic events. Certified unit members who volunteer to be chaperones will be removed from the assignment list until a complete cycle is reached. A certified unit member who assists in the above chaperoning will be compensated, by separate check, in accordance with Schedule I unless the certified unit member is the advisor of the particular event.
Section C Certified unit members who chaperone a field trip which extends beyond the length of the regular school day will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses. If the field trip is planned for and actually takes more than twelve (12) hours, the certified unit member shall also be paid in accordance with Schedule I. Payment will be made upon the submission of the appropriate payment voucher. A coach or advisor of the particular event/trip shall receive reasonable expenses but not receive the per diem stipend.
Article XIX Unit Member Evaluation
Section A Performance Evaluations
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1. The performance evaluation of all unit members covered by this Agreement shall be completed by the supervisor specified within the job description. All performance evaluations shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the unit member.
2. Before any written performance evaluation report is finalized, submitted to the Superintendent for placement in the personnel file, such report shall be discussed with the unit member within ten (10) days of the evaluation. The unit member will be given a copy of the written evaluation report at least one (1) day before any conference is held to discuss it. The unit member shall have the right to submit a written response to any material within the evaluation report within fifteen (15) days of the conference. This response will be reviewed by the evaluator and will be attached to copies of the report in all file locations.
3. Every evaluation report shall be signed by both the evaluator and the unit member evaluated. The unit member’s signature, however, shall not be interpreted as an assent to the contents signed. In no event shall anyone be asked to sign an incomplete evaluation.
4. Copies of the signed evaluation reports will be issued to the unit member, the supervisor, and the Superintendent. A copy of the evaluation report will be filed in the unit member’s personnel file.
5. The non-certified unit member’s twelve (12) month evaluations may occur any time after July 1, however one (1) evaluation must have been provided no later than February 1.
6. All monitoring and observation of teaching staff performance shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the unit member. Each observation shall consist of at least a full period in grades six through twelve or a complete lesson in the elementary schools.
7. Evaluation reports shall be authored by professionals whose respective certificates authorize supervision.
8. Evaluative reports will be issued in the name of the supervisor who performed the observation and addressed to the certified unit member. Copies will be forwarded to the Superintendent and kept by the supervisor. Such reports will conform to the requirements of N.J.A.C. 6:3, which currently requires inclusion of the following:
a. Areas of performance strength of the certified staff member
b. Areas in need of improvement based upon the job description
c. An individual professional improvement plan (hereinafter the “IPIP”) developed by the supervisor and certified unit member
9. The supervisory evaluations of certified unit members may occur any time after school commences in September; however, one (1) evaluation of non-tenured unit members must have been provided no later than December 1. The annual evaluation of tenured unit members must be completed by April 30.
10. The annual summary conference may be held at any time after April 1 and prior to the conclusion of the school year.
Section B Personnel File
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1. Each unit member shall have a personnel file established and maintained by the Superintendent.
2. Each unit member shall have the opportunity once each year to review the contents of the unit member’s personnel file. The request for review must be in writing. A unit member shall be entitled to have an authorized representative of the Association accompany the unit member during such review.
3. No material derogatory to a unit member’s conduct, service, character or personality shall be placed in the unit member’s personnel file unless the unit member has had an opportunity to review the material. The unit member shall place a signature and date on the material prior to placement in the unit member’s personnel file. The signature shall be understood by the parties to be an acknowledgment of the placement of the material and does not constitute acceptance of the material content. The unit members shall also have the right to submit a written answer which shall be reviewed by the Superintendent and attached to the file copy.
4. All materials contained in the personnel file are confidential; however, a unit member shall be permitted to reproduce or circulate any material in the unit member’s file.
Article XX Unit Member Facilities
Section A Each school shall have the following facilities:
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1. Space will be provided in each classroom where certified unit members may store instructional materials and supplies.
2. An appropriately furnished room reserved for the use of certified unit members as a faculty lounge will be provided. Certified unit members will be expected to exercise reasonable care in maintaining the cleanliness and appearance of the room and it shall be cleaned by the custodial staff.
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3. A work area, which may be in the faculty lounge, will be provided for use by the certified unit members in the preparation of instructional materials. The work areas will have air conditioning.
4 A serviceable desk, chair and filing cabinet for the use of each certified unit member shall be provided.
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5. An adequately lighted and clean certified unit member’s rest room will be provided which is separate from the student rest rooms.
6. Two (2) working personal computers and one (1) with printer shall be provided for the use of the unit members.
7. A telephone will be made available to provide privacy specifically for calls to parents and for school related business.
Article XXI Unit Member - Administration Liaison
Section A The Association shall select a Liaison Committee for each building which may meet with the building principal once a month during the school year to review and discuss local school problems and practices and to play an active role in the revision or development of building policies. Areas for consideration shall include but not be limited to such matters as curriculum, textbooks, distribution of materials and supplies, discipline and parent visitation. Said committee shall consist of not more than three (3) unit members from each building.
Section B The Association’s representative may request meetings with the Superintendent during the school year to review and discuss current school problems and practices and the administration of this Agreement. The Superintendent welcomes input on all aspects of District operations.
Article XXII Sick Leave
Section A Annual Allotment
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1. All ten (10) month unit members shall receive ten (10) sick leave days with pay per year. Unused sick leave is accumulative.
An eleven (11) month certified unit member shall be granted one (1) additional sick leave day in the eleven (11) month contract year.
2. All twelve (12) month unit members shall receive twelve (12) sick leave days with pay per year. Unused sick leave is accumulative.
3. For new unit members sick leave shall be prorated at one (1) day per month of employment.
4. All certified unit members employed under a full-time contract shall be entitled to ten (10) days each school year as of the first official date of the school year whether or not they report for duty on that day.
5. Those full-time certified unit members with twelve (12) or more years of service in the District shall be entitled to an additional two (2) days of sick leave which is accumulative.
6. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit. The repetitive absence can be cause for requesting a physician’s note.
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7. Sick Leave for Secretaries
All full-time secretaries shall be entitled to paid sick leave in each work year as follows:
Twelve (12) sick leave days per year for one (1) to fifteen (15) years of service
Thirteen (13) sick leave days per year for sixteen (16) to twenty (20) years of service
Fourteen (14) sick leave days per year for twenty-one ( 21) or more years of service
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8. Holidays for Secretaries
All secretaries shall be entitled to paid holidays coinciding with the days during the school year upon which the schools of the Florence Township School District are closed for the purpose of observing the holidays pursuant to the “school calendar” adopted by the Board. In addition, employees shall be entitled to one (1) paid holiday during the summer break for Independence Day (July 4).
Section B Accumulated Leave Compensation
Upon retirement of a non-certified unit member, under the Public Employment Retirement System (hereinafter “PERS”), the Board will compensate for accumulated sick leave under one (1) of the following options:
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1. Non-Certified Unit Member
b. Under the first option would be compensated for accumulated sick leave/personal days in accordance with Schedule J.
c. Under the second option, any non-certified unit member who retires effective the first year of retirement shall receive one hundred and ten percent (1.10 % ) per diem of the non certified unit member’s yearly salary [base/240 for twelve (12) month non-certified unit members and base/200 for ten (10) month non-certified unit members] up to one hundred (100) sick days and twenty-five dollars ($25) per day for sick days above hundred (100) days to be paid over a five (5) year period commencing July 1 of the year of retirement. Payments shall be made on a monthly basis.
d. Any non-certified unit member who retires effective the second year of retirement eligibility shall receive eighty-five percent (85 % ) per diem of the non-certified unit member’s yearly salary [base/240 for twelve (12) month non-certified unit members and base/200 for ten (10) month non-certified unit members] up to one hundred (100) sick days and twenty five dollars ($25) per day for sick days above one hundred (100) days to be paid over a five (5) year period commencing July 1 of the year of retirement. Payments shall be made on a monthly basis.
e. Any non-certified unit member who retires effective their third year of retirement eligibility shall receive fifty percent (50 % ) per diem of the non-certified unit member’s yearly salary [base/240 for twelve (12) month non-certified unit members and base/200 for ten (10) month non-certified unit members] up to one hundred (100) sick days and twenty-five dollars ($25) per day for sick days above one hundred (100) days to be paid over a five (5) year period commencing July 1 of the year of retirement. Payments shall be made on a monthly basis.
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e. Secretaries retiring at the end of a school year should notify the Superintendent on or before February 1. Secretaries retiring during the school year are asked to give 90 days written notice. Such written notice may be waived by the Superintendent under extraordinary circumstances.
f. Payments under the accumulated sick leave provision shall be made in accordance with the following notification/payment table with the understanding than any non-certified unit member who has reached or surpassed their first year of retirement eligibility prior to the signing of this Agreement shall be entitled to participate in the accumulated leave payment program in accordance with Schedule Q.
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g. A non-certified unit member who has at least twenty-five (25) years of credited service in the PERS but has not reached the age of fifty-five (55) may take advantage of this provision. The non-certified unit member shall be penalized by a reduction in the total accumulated leave compensation amount equal to the reduction factor issued by the PERS for early retirement.
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h. Any non-certified unit member who has attained at least twenty-five (25) years of credited service in the PERS but has not reached the age of fifty-five (55) may take advantage of this provision provided they are willing to accept the penalty imposed by the PERS.
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2. Certified Unit Member
a. Upon retirement from the District as verified by the Teachers’ Pension and Annuity (hereinafter the “TPAF”) fund, a certified unit member shall be eligible for payment of unused sick leave accumulated while employed in the District.
b. Certified unit members retiring at the end of a school year should notify the Superintendent on or before February 1. Certified unit members retiring during the school year are asked to give ninety (90) days written notice. Such written notice may be waived by the Superintendent under extraordinary circumstances.
c. Any certified unit member who retires during the first year of eligibility shall receive (1.10 % ) per diem of certified unit member’s yearly salary (Base/200) up to one hundred (100) sick days and forty-five dollars ($45) per day for sick days above one hundred (100) days to be paid over a five (5) year period commencing July 1 of the year of retirement. Payments shall be made on a monthly basis. (If a certified unit member retires effective December, 2001 or June, 2001 payments would begin July 1, 2001.)
d. Any certified unit member who retires during the second year of eligibility shall receive eighty-five (85 % ) per diem of certified unit member’s yearly salary (Base /200) up to one hundred (100) sick days and forty-five dollars ($45) per day for sick days above one hundred (100) days to be paid over a five (5) year period commencing July 1 of the year of retirement. Payments shall be made on a monthly basis.
e. Any certified unit member who delays their retirement until their third year of eligibility shall receive fifty percent (50 % ) per diem of certified unit member’s yearly salary (Base/200) up to one hundred (100) sick days and fifty-five dollars ($45) per day for sick days above one hundred (100) to be paid over a five (5) year period commencing July 1 of the year of retirement. Payments shall be made on a monthly basis.
f. Any current certified unit member who has reached or surpassed their first year of eligibility prior to the signing of this Agreement shall be entitled to sick leave pay as outlined in the first paragraph of this section.
g. Retirement is defined as the term as used by the TPAF and does not mean the mere termination of employment with the District. One would have to have twenty-five (25) years of credited service in the TPAF and be at least fifty-five (55) years of age or attained at least sixty (60) years of age with at least ten (10) years of credited service in the TPAF.
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i. A certified unit member who has at least twenty-five (25) years of credited service in the TPAF but has not reached the age of fifty-five (55) may take advantage of this provision. The certified unit member shall be penalized by a reduction in the total accumulated leave compensation amount equal to the reduction factor issued by the TPAF for early retirement.
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j. Certified unit members who do not qualify for compensation under Article XXII, sections B.2c, B.2d or B.2e shall be compensated for accumulated sick leave in accordance with Schedule K.
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k. Payment for unused sick days shall be made upon retirement or, at the certified unit member’s request, on January 30 of the calendar year following retirement. For those retirees who do not give notice as specified in paragraph above, payment shall be made thirty (30) days subsequent to the actual date of retirement.
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l. Any certified unit member who comes under tenure as a result of serving the equivalent of more than three (3) academic years within a period of four (4) consecutive academic years shall have all accumulated sick leave balances, existing at the last break in service prior to the contract year in which tenure is granted, reinstated in full. This provision is limited only to this Article and shall not apply to other service criteria of this Agreement.
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3. Death Benefits
In the event of the death of a unit member, payment due for accumulated sick leave shall be made to the estate of the deceased unit member.
4. Perfect Attendance
1. Certified Unit Member
Full time certified unit members shall be compensated for perfect attendance in accordance with Schedule L. Perfect attendance is the use of no personal or sick leave except personal days used for religious holidays as listed in N.J.S.A. 18A:36 14-16 and N.J.A.C. 6:20 1.3(K). Part-time certified unit members are eligible for a pro-rated share of the honorarium if they are regularly scheduled certified unit members with defined working hours in excess of eighty percent (80 % ) of a certified unit member’s regular work week.
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b. Ten (10) Month Non-Certified Unit Member
Ten (10) month non-certified unit members, who are under contract for at least twenty (20) hours per week, shall be compensated for perfect attendance in accordance with Schedule M.
c. Perfect attendance is the use of no personal or sick leave.
Article XXIII Vacations
This Article of the Agreement refers to the non-certified unit members who are employed on a twelve (12) month basis.
Section A Unit members with less than one (1) full year of service shall receive one (1) day for each month of service not to exceed ten (10) working days. A full year of service shall mean continuous employment from July 1 through June 30 for at least six (6) full months.
Section B Unit members with one (1) full year of service through ten (10) full years of service shall receive thirteen (13) working days of vacation.
Section C Unit members with eleven (11) through fifteen (15) years of service shall receive twenty (20) working days of vacation.
Section D Unit members with sixteen (16) years of service and up shall receive twenty two (22) working days of vacation.
Section E All vacation schedules are subject to approval of the Superintendent.
Section F Secretaries with less than one (1) full year of service shall receive one (1) day per each month not to exceed five (5) working days.
Section G Secretaries with one (1) full year of service through five (5) years of service shall receive ten (10) working days of vacation.
Section H Secretaries with six (6) through ten (10) years of service shall receive fifteen (15) working days of vacation.
Section I Secretaries with eleven (11) through fifteen (15) years of service shall receive twenty (20) working days of vacation.
Section J Secretaries with sixteen (16) years of service and up shall receive one (1) additional vacation day for each anniversary year of service, not to exceed ten (10) days.
Section K Secretaries who have earned four (4) weeks vacation may request permission to take one during the school year.
Section L In the case of two secretaries in the same office requesting the same vacation time, seniority in that office shall prevail.
Section M No secretarial vacation may be taken the first full week prior to the Labor Day Holiday.
Article XXIV Temporary Leave of Absence
Section A Certified unit members shall be entitled to the following temporary non-accumulative leaves of absences with full pay each school year:
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1. Four (4) days of leave of absence shall be granted to full-time unit members by the Superintendent for personal business. Unit members who are employed at less than full-time status shall be entitled to a pro-rated portion of leave of absence days offered to full-time unit members. Application for such leaves shall be at least four (4) days before taking such leave, except in case of emergency; however, the Superintendent may accept less than four (4) days notice.
No personal days will be granted for a day immediately preceding or following a day when school is closed. In the case of emergency, the Superintendent may waive this provision.
2. Unused personal days can be accumulated each year for payment upon retirement. The method of payment will be consistent with the payment of accumulated sick leave in Article XXII, Section A. No more than four (4) personal days may be used per year.
Section B Non-certified unit members shall be entitled to the following leaves of absence with full pay each year.
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1. Non-certified unit members are entitled to four (4) personal-business days per year. No more than four (4) personal-business days may be used per year and a reason must be stated for the use of this privilege.
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2. Unused personal-business days can be accumulated and upon retirement, under PERS, these days will be compensated at the same rate as sick days, outlined in Article XXII, Section B, provided that the unit member is regularly employed at a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week.
Section C 1. All unit members shall be entitled to bereavement leave of up to five (5) days in the event of the death of a unit member’s spouse, child or parent. Bereavement leave of up to three (3) days will be granted in the event of the death of a unit member’s brother or sister, grandparent, grandchild, son/daughter-in-law, father/mother-in-law, brother/sister-in-law, aunt, uncle or any other member of the immediate household residing with the unit member. A copy of the death notice, newspaper obituary notice or funeral memorial card shall be attached to the absence form for bereavement leave if requested by the Superintendent.
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2. In the event of the death of a unit member or student in the District, the Superintendent shall grant to an appropriate number of unit members sufficient time off to attend the funeral. The time and number shall be at the discretion of the Superintendent. When any unit member dies, a moment of silence will be held in all school buildings in honor of the unit member.
3. Time necessary for unit members called into temporary active duty by any unit of the United States Reserves or the National Guard, provided such obligations cannot be fulfilled on days when school is not in session, shall be granted. A unit member shall be paid the unit member’s regular pay during the temporary active duty.
4. Other leaves of absence with pay may be granted by the Board for good reasons. The Board’s decision to grant a leave of absence not subject to the grievance procedure.
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5. For non-certified unit members, up to two (2) non-certified unit members per year shall be granted two (2) professional improvement days to attend the New Jersey Education Association convention. A certificate of attendance must be obtained by said non-certified unit member.
Article XXV Extended Leave of Absence
Section A A leave of absence without pay for up to two (2) years shall be granted to any unit member who joins the Peace Corps, VISTA, National Teacher Corps or serves as an exchange teacher or overseas teacher and is a full time participant in either of such programs or accepts a Fulbright Scholarship.
Section B Upon written request, military leave without pay shall be granted to any unit member who is inducted into any branch of the United States armed forces for the period of conscription stipulated by law.
Section C A leave of absence without pay for up to one (1) year may be granted for the purpose of caring for a sick member of the unit member’s family or immediate household. Additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Board.
Section D Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board for a good reason.
Section E Time spent on said leaves shall not count toward the fulfillment of the time requirements for acquiring tenure. A unit member shall not receive increment credit for time spent on leave unless granted under Section A and B.
Section F All benefits to which unit members were entitled at the time of the unit member’s leave of absence shall be preserved during the absence for a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) days from the effective date of the commencement of the extended leave.
Section G All extensions or renewals of leaves shall be applied for in writing to the Superintendent and approved by the Board.
Section H Disability Leave
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1. Any unit member seeking a leave of absence on the basis of medical reasons may apply for disability leave in writing to the Board. The application may be for leave with pay, or partial pay, if the unit member has accumulated sick leave available and is otherwise eligible to use sick leave, otherwise the leave shall be without pay. For purposes of a disability for reasons of maternity, the period of time from four (4) weeks prior to childbirth to four (4) weeks following childbirth shall be presumed as a period of time eligible for sick leave use, and may be extended upon presentation of a physician’s statement attesting to the additional period of disability.
2. When disability leave associated with pregnancy can be anticipated, the unit member will make written application sixty (60) days prior to commencement of such leave.
3. All requests for disability leave shall be submitted along with a physician’s certificate. At the time of the application, the unit member shall specify in writing the date on which the unit member wishes to commence leave and the date on which the unit member wishes to return to work.
4. The Board may remove any pregnant unit member from her duties on any one of the following basis:
b. Performance - Her performance has substantially declined from the time immediately prior to her pregnancy.
c. Physical Incapacity - Her physical condition or capacity is such that her health would be impaired if she were to continue working and which physical incapacity shall be deemed to exist only if:
1. The pregnant unit member fails to produce a certification from her physician that she is medically able to continue working, or
2. The Board’s physician and the unit member’s physician agree that she cannot continue working, or
3. following any differing of medical opinion between the Board physician and the unit member’s physician the Board may request expert consultation in which case the Burlington County Medical Society shall appoint an impartial physician who shall examine the unit member and whose medical opinion shall be conclusive and binding on the issues of medical capacity to continue working. The expense of any examination by an impartial third physician under this paragraph shall be shared equally by the unit member and the Board.
c. Just Cause - Any other “just cause” as defined in N.J.S.A. Title 18A.
Section I Child Care Leave
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1. Tenured unit members may request unpaid child care leave effective immediately upon termination of medical disability associated with pregnancy by written application to the Board sixty (60) days prior to the date of commencement of child care leave. The date of requested commencement and return by the unit member may be adjusted by the Board to a natural break in the school calendar to ensure continuity of instruction. Suggestions are the end of the first marking period, the end of winter recess, the end of semester or the end of third marking period.
2. In the event a unit member requests and receive a leave related to child care to begin prior to a period of disability, accrued sick leave may not be used for the period of actual disability; however, should the Board require that a leave related to child care commence prior to the disability period for reasons of continuity of instruction, accrued sick leave may be used during the period of actual disability.
3. Non-tenured unit members are entitled to apply for child care leave effective immediately upon termination of medical disability associated with the pregnancy for a reasonable time period within the school year when birth occurred. Approval of child care leave for non-tenured unit members shall be at the discretion of the Board.
Article XXVI Certified Substitutes
Section A The Board agrees, to the best of its ability, at all times, to maintain an adequate list of substitute teachers. In the event that substitute teachers are not available, and teachers are requested to fill the need, said teacher shall be compensated for a per pupil contact period of forty-five (45) minutes in accordance with Schedule I. to be paid at end of pay period Compensation shall be by separate check upon submission of the appropriate payroll voucher. A certified teaching unit member shall be paid fifty percent (50 % ) of the compensation rate for all class coverage less than one half (½) of the period and one hundred percent (100 % ) of the compensation rate for all class coverage of one half (½) or more of the period. The regular morning home room period ten (10) minutes is not considered a contact period under terms of this provision.
Section B In case of emergencies, teachers will substitute during their preparation period and be compensated subject to terms of this Agreement. To ensure equal distribution of such assignments, a posted master schedule will be developed by each principal indicating which teachers are available at various periods during the day, and assignments will be made on a rotating basis. When classes are divided between teachers to cover an absence by the regular teacher, reimbursement will also be shared on the basis of terms of this Agreement. Partial coverage of a class will also be paid on the basis of the terms of this Agreement. It will be the responsibility of the covering teacher(s) to complete a reimbursement form, available in the principal’s office, not later than the day following the assignment.
Article XXVII Sabbatical Leaves
Section A A sabbatical leave shall be granted to a full-time unit member by the Board for study directly related to their area of specialization or study in other areas pertaining to education.
Section B All sabbatical leaves shall be granted, subject to the following conditions:
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1. There will not be more than one sabbatical leave in any one (1) year.
2. If there are sufficient qualified applicants, sabbatical leaves shall be granted to a maximum of one (1) teacher at a time.
3. The unit member has completed at least seven (7) years of full time service in the District.
4. Request for sabbatical leave must be received by the Superintendent in writing in such form as may be mutually agreed upon by the Association and the Superintendent, no later than February 1, and action must be taken on all such requests no later than the March meeting of the Board.
5. Criteria will be developed between the Association and the Superintendent to assist in the evaluation of applications. Selection of the successful applicant will be at the discretion of the Board.
6. Upon return from a sabbatical leave, the unit member shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level the unit member had achieved at the time when the sabbatical leave commenced.
7. All sabbatical leaves shall be without pay.
Article XXVIII Professional Development and Educational Improvement
Section A 1. The Board and the Association support the principle of continuing training of certified unit members and the improvement of instruction.
The Board and the Association also agree that all non-certified unit members should be encouraged to broaden their skills and thus increase their productivity to the District. To this end, the Board agrees to pay the full cost of all courses and/or workshops taken by non-certified unit members. All such course and/or workshops must be job related and must be approved in advance by the Superintendent.
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2. The Board will provide a minimum of seven (7) in-service hours each school year. In-service hours shall be credited toward the unit member’s minimum continuing education requirement provided that activity is incorporated as part of the unit member’s professional improvement plan.
Section B To work toward the end stated above, the Board agrees:
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1. To reimburse full time certified unit staff members for approved courses taken up to a maximum of eight (8) credits per fiscal year reimbursement per credit up to a credit maximum in accordance with Schedule N. The maximum reimbursement per credit will be at the rate for an in-state graduate course in education at the College of New Jersey. Any per credit cost less than the maximum will be reimbursed as the actual per credit tuition paid. Tuition is understood to be only course registration costs and it does not include administrative or supplemental fees. If the credit cost of the institution being attended is less than the College of New Jersey rate, additional credits may be taken up to a maximum of twelve (12) credits per year as long as the total tuition cost does not exceed eight (8) credits at the College of New Jersey rate. Part time certified unit members are entitled to a pro-rated portion of tuition reimbursement. The certified unit member must confer with their immediate supervisor and submit to the Superintendent a purchase order for the courses to be considered for tuition reimbursement.
Purchase orders may be issued up to April 1st of the fiscal year so long as the total number of approved purchase orders does not exceed the credit maximum in accordance with Schedule N. The last unit member requesting approval shall receive reimbursement up to the amount remaining in the annual pool. A unit member may take up to twelve (12) credits as long as the total tuition cost does not exceed eight (8) credits at the College of New Jersey rate.
The executed purchase order will serve as authorization to participate in the tuition reimbursement program. Attached to the purchase order shall be a course description and the tuition fee schedule for the institution to be attended.
For certified unit members only grades of “A”, “B”, or “pass” in a pass/fail system will qualify for reimbursement.
For certified unit members payment will be made upon satisfactory completion of the course(s). An official transcript will serve as proof of satisfactory completion.
All courses taken for tuition reimbursement must be in the certified unit member’s area of teaching responsibility and/or specialist field. All courses shall be graduate level courses. The courses must be listed under the course requirements for a matriculated degree in the certified unit member’s area of teaching responsibility or specialist field.
The only undergraduate level courses to be approved for tuition reimbursement must be required to expand certification to meet a District teaching assignment or to expand an area of knowledge beneficial to the District.
For non-certified unit members, payment will be made upon satisfactory completion or attendance and proof of payment of tuition and/or registration fees.
3. To pay the full cost and other reasonable expenses incurred in connection with any workshop, seminar, conference, in-service training session or other such sessions which a unit member is required and/or requested by the Administration to participate.
4. If a member of the secretary staff is requested by the Board to attend any workshop, seminar, conference, in-service training session, the Board agrees to pay for registration fees, lodging, transportation and any other reasonable expense.
5. To pay the reasonable expenses, including fees, meals, lodging and/or transportation, incurred by unit members who attend such sessions with the approval of the Superintendent in consultation with the unit member’s immediate supervisor.
6. To cooperate with the Association in arranging in-service courses, workshops, conferences, and programs designed to improve the quality of instruction.
Section C In-service programs shall be conducted, when possible, during the in-school unit member workday. In-service programs should be developed through the cooperative efforts of the Association and the Administration. The Superintendent shall have final approval of all in-services programs.
Section D The Association and Superintendent will each appoint four (4) members to a Professional Development Committee, one (1) of whom shall be designated by the Superintendent as Chairperson. Association membership on the Committee shall consist of four (4) members selected from the schools of the District provided that no school shall have two (2) members before a school has at least one (1). The Superintendent shall be a member with voting rights. Committee members may be replaced periodically by notifying the Chairperson. Association members of the Committee shall be compensated by the Board at the additional teaching programs rate for all hours that the Committee formally meets up to a maximum of twelve (12) hours for each school year. Payment shall be made by payroll voucher during the June 15 payroll period. The Association shall compensate Association members on the Committee for any and all other time not spent in formal Committee meetings as the Association deems appropriate.
Article XXIX Protection of Unit Members
Section A The Board shall provide legal assistance for any assault upon the unit member while acting in the discharge of his duties.
Section B When absence arises out of or from such assault or injury, the unit member shall not forfeit any sick leave or personal leave.
Section C Unit members shall immediately report cases of assault suffered by them in connection with their employment to their principal/supervisor.
Section D Such notification shall be immediately forwarded to the Superintendent who shall act in appropriate ways as liaison between the unit member, the police and the courts.
Section E Unit member protection shall be as per statutory requirements.
Article XXX Student Control and Discipline
Section A When, in the judgment of a unit member, a student requires attention of the principal, assistant principal, counselor, psychologist, physician or other specialist, the unit member shall so inform the unit member’s principal or immediate supervisor. The principal or supervisor shall arrange as soon as possible for a conference between the principal/supervisor, the unit member and an appropriate specialist to discuss the problem and to decide upon appropriate steps for its resolution.
Section B When, in the judgment of a unit member, a student’s behavior seriously disrupts the instructional program to the detriment of others, the unit member will, after having dealt with the disruption, prepare and maintain anecdotal records to be used when contacting the parent or guardian to discuss the inappropriate behavior. A copy of such records shall be made available to the Administration. If immediate action is required, the unit member will call the office to request assistance of an administrator. Appropriate forms shall be developed by the Superintendent in consultation with the Association.
Section C Recommendations of the specialist shall be accepted and a copy of the report made available for review to the unit member in the principal’s office.
Article XXXI Insurance Protection
Provisions under this article shall only apply to unit members who are issued a contract by the Board for the full school contract year of at least twenty (20) hours per week.
Section A The Board shall provide single health care insurance protection as below designed. The Board shall pay the premium for each individual unit member who remains in the employ of the Board for the full school year. The Board shall make payment of insurance premiums to provide insurance coverage for the full twelve (12) month period commencing July 1 and ending June 30.
Section B The Board shall provide for each unit member a description of the health care insurance coverage which shall include the conditions and limits of coverage as listed below:
1. Aetna Health, Inc. Quality Point-Of-Service Program
New Jersey Patriot X / QPOS Custom Plan
2. Aetna Health, Inc. Quality Point-Of-Service Program
New Jersey Patriot V / QPOS Custom Plan
3. Citizen / HMO Flex
4. Any health care coverage plan selected by the Board as long as such plan is at least equal to or better than the coverages provided by the above described plans, including the administration of said plans. The Board shall give reasonable advance notice to the Association prior to implementation.
Section C In addition to the single health care insurance protection described above, the Board will pay one hundred percent (100% ) of the dependent insurance.
Section D There will be a full Family Prescription Plan at Board expense for the premium and with the following unit member co-pays: $15 (brand), $10 (generic), $5 (mail) for the duration of this contract. The cost of the premium for this will be borne solely by the Board.
Section E Retired unit members may elect to continue prescription and dental coverage at group rates - an annual surcharge of one hundred and ten percent (110%). Premiums will be paid to the Board by check three (3) months in advance. Any payments not received within fifteen (15) calendar days of the due date shall be assessed an administrative penalty of fifty dollars ($50). Failure to pay the penalty shall result in cancellation of coverage.
Section F The Board of Education agrees that the secretaries of this unit may remain as group members of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Insurance Plan upon retirement, with the provision that the current carrier agrees to this. Further, it is understood that the premium will be paid to the Board by the retiree.
Section G The Board will pay full premium for all single and double coverages of any dental plan for the duration of this contract, not including co-pay requirements for the unit member, up to a maximum of one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250). Any dental coverage premium in excess of double coverage or the maximum amount will be assumed by the unit member through payroll deduction.
Section H A unit member, eligible for medical, prescription and dental coverage, may elect to not enroll for such coverage and may participate in an in lieu payment program. The in lieu payment shall be equal to forty percent (40 % ) of the base premium. Base premium shall be determined at the coverage level in which the unit member was enrolled immediately prior to the election to participate in the in lieu payment program or to the lesser coverage if a change was made in the year prior to the participation year. Any unit member not enrolled immediately prior to the election to participate in the in lieu payment program shall be permitted to participate at the coverage level they would have been eligible to select if directly enrolling in the program.
Unit members who elect to participate in the in lieu payment program may re-enroll for medical, prescription and/or dental coverage during open enrollment periods. If a unit member wishes to re-enroll in a prescription or dental plan prior to an open enrollment period due to a demonstrated loss of alternate coverage, the unit member shall pay a re-enrollment charge equal to one hundred and ten percent (110 % ) of any pro-rated payment made under the in lieu payment program for the participation year.
In lieu payments shall be issued in the first pay period of September.
If a unit member participating in the in lieu payment program dies between July 1 and October 30 of the participation year, a pro-rated payment based on the time worked during the participation year shall be made to the estate of the unit member. If a unit member dies during the participation year after in lieu payment is made a payroll withholding shall be made for the pro-rated amount paid but not worked during the participation year.
The Board shall adopt, by resolution, A Section 125 plan as provided by the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, which shall conform to all relevant United States and New Jersey regulations.
Article XXXII Personal and Academic Freedom
Unit members shall be entitled to full rights of citizenship and no religious or political activities of any unit member or the lack thereof shall be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the professional employment of such unit member, providing said activities are kept removed from the work place.
Article XXXIII Association Payroll Dues and Representation Fee
Section A The Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of its unit members dues for the Florence Township Education Association (hereinafter the “FTEA”), the BCEA and the NJEA as said unit members individually and voluntarily authorize the Board to deduct. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 233, New Jersey Public Laws 1969 (N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.93) and under rules as established by the New Jersey Department of Education by the fifteenth (15th) of each month following the monthly pay period which deductions were made. The person designated shall disburse such monies to the appropriate association or associations.
Section B Any association named above shall certify to the Board, in writing, the current rate of its membership dues. Any association which shall change the rate of its membership dues shall give the Board written notice prior to the effective date of such change.
Section C Representative Fee
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1. If a unit member does not become a member of the Association during any membership year beginning September 1 and concluding on June 30 and covered by this Agreement, the unit member will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the unit member’s per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative. The fee will not be collected to pay for administration activities that are partisan, political or for ideological positions only incidentally related to terms and conditions of employment, and all benefits available only to members of the majority representative.
2. The representation fee to be paid by non-members will be certified annually in writing by the Association as a percentage, which shall not exceed eighty five percent (85%) of the regular membership dues for the membership year. The Association will certify to the Board in writing, prior to the start of each membership year that the amount of representation fee to be assessed does not exceed eighty five percent (85% ) of dues, fees and assessments, and that the representation fee does not include any amount of dues, fees and assessments that are expended - (1) for partisan, political or ideological activities or causes that are only incidentally related to terms and conditions of employment or (2) applied toward the cost of benefits available only to the members of the majority representatives.
3. Once during each membership year (September 1-June 30) covered by this Agreement, the Association will submit to the Board a list of those employees who have not become members of the Association for the current year. The Board will deduct from the salaries of such employees the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks paid to these employees during the remainder of the membership year. The deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid ten (10) days after receipt of the list by the Board.
4. The Association shall indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses, that may arise out of, or by reason of any action taken or not taken by the Board in conformance with this provision.
Article XXXIV Seniority and Job Description
Section A District seniority is defined as service by appointed unit members in the District in the collective bargaining unit covered by this Agreement. An appointed unit member shall lose all accumulated District seniority if unit member resigns or is discharged for cause.
Section B Reduction In Force
1. In the event of a reduction in force (hereinafter a “RIF”), including reductions caused by the discontinuance of a facility or its relocation, the unit member shall be laid off in the inverse order of seniority of the unit members in the category involved in the layoff. In the event of any RIF, District-wide seniority in the category shall apply.
2. In the event of a RIF, all non-tenured unit members shall be recalled, in the inverse order of layoff, for a period of one (1) year. A unit member shall be offered any position for which the unit member holds the required qualifications by job category. Unit members shall remain on the recall list for one (1) year regardless of the decision not to accept an offered position during the one (1) year period.
Section C The Board will notify the Association in advance of the planned RIF and upon request shall discuss the matter with the Association prior to the implementation of such RIF.
Section D For all certified unit members, all code and regulations pertaining to seniority situations shall prevail.
Section E Upon employment, the unit members shall be given a general description of the duties that are expected to be performed.
Section F At no time shall any non-certified unit member be requested or required to cover a class assigned to a duly certified professional employee, except in the case of an emergency.
Article XXXV Miscellaneous Provisions
Section A If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any unit member or group of unit members is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
Article XXXVI Duration of Agreement
This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2004 and continue in effect until June 30, 2007.
All contractual items will be opened for renegotiation during the 2006-2007 school year in preparation for a new contract, that will be effective on July 1, 2007 or upon the date thereafter when an amicable conclusion has been reached.
In witness thereof the Association has caused this Agreement to be signed by its president and secretary and the Board has caused this Agreement to be signed by its president, attested by its secretary and its corporate seal to be placed hereon.
STEP | BA | BA10 | BA20 | BA30 | MA | MA10 | MA20 | MA30 |
1 | 40522 | 41197 | 41872 | 42522 | 44322 | 44997 | 45672 | 46347 |
2-3 | 41049 | 41724 | 42399 | 43049 | 44849 | 45524 | 46199 | 46874 |
4 | 41584 | 42259 | 42934 | 43584 | 45384 | 46059 | 46734 | 47409 |
5 | 42284 | 42959 | 43634 | 44284 | 46084 | 46759 | 47434 | 48109 |
6 | 42984 | 43659 | 44334 | 44984 | 46784 | 47459 | 48134 | 48809 |
7 | 43684 | 44359 | 45034 | 45684 | 47484 | 48159 | 48834 | 49509 |
8 | 44384 | 45059 | 45734 | 46384 | 48184 | 48859 | 49534 | 50209 |
9 | 46122 | 46797 | 47472 | 48122 | 49922 | 50597 | 51272 | 51947 |
10 | 48057 | 48732 | 49407 | 50057 | 51857 | 52532 | 53207 | 53882 |
11 | 50075 | 50750 | 51425 | 52075 | 53875 | 54550 | 55225 | 55900 |
12 | 52181 | 52856 | 53531 | 54181 | 55981 | 56656 | 57331 | 58006 |
13 | 54510 | 55185 | 55860 | 56510 | 58310 | 58985 | 59660 | 60335 |
14 | 56946 | 57921 | 58296 | 58946 | 60746 | 61421 | 62096 | 62771 |
15 | 59494 | 60169 | 60844 | 61494 | 63294 | 63969 | 64644 | 65319 |
16 | 62660 | 63335 | 64010 | 64660 | 66460 | 67135 | 67810 | 68485 |
STEP | BA | BA10 | BA20 | BA30 | MA | MA10 | MA20 | MA30 |
1 | 42000 | 42675 | 43350 | 44000 | 45800 | 46475 | 47150 | 47825 |
2 | 42840 | 43515 | 44190 | 44840 | 46640 | 47135 | 47990 | 48665 |
3-4 | 43697 | 44372 | 45047 | 45697 | 47497 | 48172 | 48847 | 49522 |
5 | 44571 | 45246 | 45921 | 46571 | 48371 | 49046 | 49721 | 50396 |
6 | 45462 | 46137 | 46812 | 47462 | 49262 | 49937 | 50612 | 51287 |
7 | 46371 | 47046 | 47721 | 48371 | 50171 | 50846 | 51521 | 52196 |
8 | 47229 | 47974 | 48649 | 49299 | 51099 | 51774 | 52449 | 53124 |
9 | 48245 | 48920 | 49595 | 50245 | 52045 | 52720 | 53395 | 54070 |
10 | 49969 | 50644 | 51319 | 51969 | 53769 | 54444 | 55119 | 55794 |
11 | 51987 | 52662 | 53337 | 53987 | 55787 | 56462 | 57137 | 57812 |
12 | 54093 | 54768 | 55443 | 56093 | 57893 | 58568 | 59243 | 59918 |
13 | 56422 | 57097 | 57772 | 58422 | 60222 | 60897 | 61572 | 62247 |
14 | 58858 | 59533 | 60208 | 60858 | 62658 | 63333 | 64008 | 64683 |
15 | 61586 | 62261 | 62936 | 63586 | 65386 | 66061 | 66736 | 67411 |
16 | 64460 | 65135 | 65810 | 66460 | 68260 | 68935 | 69610 | 70285 |
STEP | BA | BA10 | BA20 | BA30 | MA | MA10 | MA20 | MA30 |
1-2 | 1 | 44551 | 45226 | 45901 | 46551 | 48351 | 49026 | 49701 | 50376 |
3 | 2 | 45580 | 46255 | 46930 | 47580 | 49380 | 50055 | 50730 | 51405 |
4-5 | 3 | 46638 | 47313 | 47988 | 48638 | 50438 | 51113 | 51788 | 52463 |
6 | 4 | 47710 | 48385 | 49060 | 49710 | 51510 | 52185 | 52860 | 53535 |
7 | 5 | 48812 | 49487 | 50162 | 50812 | 52612 | 53287 | 53962 | 54637 |
8 | 6 | 49939 | 50614 | 51289 | 51939 | 53739 | 54414 | 55089 | 55764 |
9 | 7 | 51437 | 52112 | 52787 | 53437 | 55237 | 55912 | 56587 | 57262 |
10 | 8 | 52980 | 53655 | 54330 | 54980 | 56780 | 57455 | 58130 | 58805 |
11 | 9 | 54570 | 55245 | 55920 | 56570 | 58370 | 59045 | 59720 | 60395 |
12 | 10 | 56316 | 56991 | 57666 | 58316 | 60116 | 60791 | 61466 | 62141 |
13 | 11 | 58118 | 58793 | 59468 | 60118 | 61918 | 62593 | 63268 | 63943 |
14 | 12 | 59978 | 60653 | 61328 | 61978 | 63778 | 64453 | 65128 | 65803 |
15 | 13 | 61897 | 62572 | 63247 | 63897 | 65697 | 66372 | 67047 | 67722 |
16 | 14 | 64064 | 64739 | 65414 | 66064 | 67864 | 68539 | 69214 | 68889 |
17 | 15 | 66460 | 67135 | 67810 | 68460 | 70260 | 70935 | 71610 | 72285 |
POSITION | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
9th Grade Class Advisor | 1565 | 1646 | 1733 |
10th Grade Class Advisor | 1989 | 2093 | 2203 |
11th Grade Class Advisor | 2336 | 2457 | 2586 |
12th Grade Class Advisor | 2694 | 2834 | 2983 |
Athletic Association Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Audio Visual Aids Advisor | 1956 | 2057 | 2165 |
Concert Band Director | 654 | 688 | 724 |
Creative Writing Club Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Forensic Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Future Business Leaders/Nat Bus Honor Society Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Future Teachers Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Instrumental Music Director | 2548 | 2680 | 2821 |
Jazz Band Director | 2186 | 2300 | 2421 |
Marching/Pep Band Assistant Director | 2032 | 2138 | 2250 |
Marching/Pep Band Director | 7737 | 8139 | 8566 |
Marching/Pep Band Front Line Advisor | 1832 | 1927 | 2029 |
Mathematics Club Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Music Association Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
National Honor Society Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Newspaper Advisor | 2220 | 2335 | 2458 |
Peer Coaching Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Renaissance Club Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Science Club Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Show Choir Advisor | 654 | 688 | 724 |
Spanish Club Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Student Council Advisor | 2694 | 2834 | 2983 |
TV & Film Club Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Yearbook Advisor | 3668 | 3859 | 4062 |
POSITION | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Musical Choreography Advisor | 527 | 554 | 583 |
Musical Makeup/Costume Advisor | 576 | 606 | 638 |
Musical Drama Coach | 1825 | 1920 | 2020 |
Musical Instrumental Music Advisor | 1825 | 1920 | 2020 |
Musical Program Advisor | 677 | 712 | 749 |
Musical Sound/Lighting Advisor | 517 | 544 | 573 |
Musical Stage Craft Advisor | 677 | 712 | 749 |
Musical Stage Design Advisor | 677 | 712 | 749 |
Musical Vocal Music Advisor | 1825 | 1920 | 2020 |
POSITION | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Concert Band Director | 1433 | 1507 | 1587 |
Newspaper Advisor | 1376 | 1448 | 1524 |
Grant Funded Play Director | 871 | 916 | 964 |
Show Choir Advisor | 1492 | 1569 | 1652 |
Student Council Advisor | 1487 | 1565 | 1647 |
Yearbook Advisor | 1487 | 1565 | 1647 |
POSITION | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Audio Visual Aids Advisor | 1664 | 1751 | 1843 |
Cadet Band Director | 1433 | 1507 | 1587 |
Newspaper Advisor | 1376 | 1448 | 1524 |
Safety Patrol Advisor | 1487 | 1565 | 1647 |
Team Leader | 3012 | 3168 | 3334 |
Yearbook Advisor | 1487 | 1565 | 1647 |
POSITION | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Affirmative Action Officer | 2573 | 2706 | 2849 |
Department Liaison | 4445 | 4676 | 4921 |
Homeless Liaison Assistant | 2724 | 2865 | 3016 |
Inclusion Coordinator | 2875 | 3025 | 3184 |
Literary Magazine Advisor | 1376 | 1448 | 1524 |
Medicaid Speech Advisor | 1286 | 1353 | 1424 |
Substitute Caller | 5400 | 5600 | 5800 |
Strength & Conditioning Advisor | 1676 | 1763 | 1856 |
Webmaster | 2119 | 2229 | 2346 |
POSITION | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Timekeeper - Middle School | 20.98 | 22.07 | 23.23 |
Timekeeper - Junior Varsity | 27.97 | 29.42 | 30.97 |
Timekeeper - Varsity | 30.89 | 32.50 | 34.20 |
Ticket Seller (Event) | 50 | 55 | 60 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 9723 | 10079 | 10459 |
2 | 10032 | 10400 | 10792 |
3 | 10341 | 10720 | 11125 |
4 | 10650 | 11041 | 11457 |
5 | 11166 | 11575 | 12012 |
6 | 11681 | 12110 | 12566 |
7 | 12196 | 12644 | 13121 |
8 | 12712 | 13178 | 13675 |
9 | 13227 | 13713 | 14230 |
10 | 13743 | 14247 | 14784 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 12101 | 12730 | 13398 |
2 | 12738 | 13400 | 14104 |
3 | 13269 | 13959 | 14692 |
4 | 13822 | 14541 | 15304 |
5 | 14398 | 15147 | 15942 |
6 | 14998 | 15778 | 16606 |
7 | 15623 | 16435 | 17298 |
8 | 16273 | 17120 | 18018 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 24930 | 25845 | 26819 |
2 | 25701 | 26644 | 27649 |
3 | 26497 | 27469 | 28505 |
4 | 27315 | 28318 | 29385 |
5 | 28160 | 29194 | 30295 |
6 | 29140 | 30209 | 31348 |
7 | 30170 | 31278 | 32457 |
8 | 31238 | 32384 | 33605 |
9 | 32342 | 33529 | 34793 |
10 | 33486 | 34715 | 36024 |
11 | 34670 | 35943 | 37298 |
12 | 35897 | 37214 | 38617 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 4147 | 4299 | 4461 |
2 | 4224 | 4379 | 4544 |
3 | 4302 | 4459 | 4628 |
4 | 4379 | 4540 | 4711 |
5 | 4514 | 4680 | 4856 |
6 | 4621 | 4791 | 4971 |
7 | 4745 | 4919 | 5104 |
8 | 4851 | 5029 | 5219 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1-2 | 12464 | 13131 | 13800 |
3 | 12690 | 13369 | 14100 |
4 | 12915 | 13606 | 14400 |
5 | 13427 | 14145 | 14939 |
6 | 13960 | 14707 | 15501 |
7 | 14516 | 15292 | 16086 |
8 | 15096 | 15904 | 16698 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1-2 | 28697 | 30233 | 31027 |
3 | 29845 | 31442 | 32236 |
4 | 31039 | 32700 | 33494 |
5 | 32281 | 34008 | 34802 |
6 | 33572 | 35368 | 36162 |
7 | 34915 | 36783 | 37577 |
8 | 36311 | 38254 | 39048 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 41934 | 43473 | 45112 |
2 | 42772 | 44342 | 46013 |
3 | 43628 | 45229 | 46934 |
4 | 44500 | 46133 | 47872 |
5 | 45530 | 47201 | 48981 |
6 | 47077 | 48804 | 50644 |
7 | 48623 | 50407 | 52308 |
8 | 50169 | 52010 | 53971 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | STEP | 2005-2006 | STEP | 2006-2007 |
1-2 | 24497 | 1 | 25396 | 1-2 | 26830 |
3 | 24940 | 2-3 | 25856 | 3-4 | 27307 |
4 | 25383 | 4 | 26315 | 5 | 28416 |
5 | 26414 | 5 | 27384 | 6 | 29837 |
6 | 27960 | 6 | 28753 | 7 | 31329 |
7 | 29507 | 7 | 30190 | 8 | 32895 |
8 | 31248 | 8 | 31700 | 9 | 34540 |
9 | 33091 | 9 | 33285 | 10 | 36267 |
10 | 35044 | 10 | 34949 | 11 | 38080 |
11 | 37247 | 11 | 36697 | 12 | 40070 |
 |  | 12 | 38614 |  |  |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 4899 | 5079 | 5271 |
2 | 4992 | 5175 | 5370 |
3 | 5084 | 5270 | 5469 |
4 | 5177 | 5367 | 5569 |
5 | 5339 | 5534 | 5743 |
6 | 5467 | 5668 | 5882 |
7 | 5616 | 5822 | 6041 |
8 | 5743 | 5953 | 6178 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 9079 | 9551 | 10052 |
2 | 9266 | 9748 | 10260 |
3 | 9451 | 9942 | 10464 |
4 | 9641 | 10143 | 10675 |
5 | 9833 | 10344 | 10887 |
6 | 10031 | 10552 | 11106 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 35455 | 36757 | 38142 |
2 | 35987 | 37308 | 38715 |
3 | 36549 | 37890 | 39319 |
4 | 37112 | 38474 | 39924 |
5 | 37674 | 39056 | 40529 |
6 | 38235 | 39639 | 41133 |
7 | 38798 | 40222 | 41739 |
8 | 39360 | 40805 | 42343 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 46073 | 48469 | 51014 |
2 | 47499 | 49969 | 52592 |
3 | 48967 | 51514 | 54218 |
4 | 50482 | 53107 | 55895 |
5 | 52043 | 54749 | 57624 |
6 | 53653 | 56443 | 59406 |
7 | 55312 | 58188 | 61243 |
8 | 56971 | 59934 | 63080 |
9 | 58681 | 61732 | 64973 |
10 | 60441 | 63584 | 66922 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 10.71 | 11.26 | 11.85 |
2 | 10.88 | 11.45 | 12.05 |
3 | 11.06 | 11.64 | 12.25 |
4 | 11.24 | 11.82 | 12.44 |
5 | 11.42 | 12.01 | 12.64 |
6 | 11.65 | 12.25 | 12.90 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 8.41 | 8.85 | 9.31 |
2 | 8.75 | 9.20 | 9.68 |
3 | 9.10 | 9.58 | 10.08 |
4 | 9.46 | 9.95 | 10.47 |
5 | 9.84 | 10.35 | 10.89 |
6 | 10.23 | 10.77 | 11.33 |
7 | 10.64 | 11.20 | 11.78 |
8 | 11.07 | 11.65 | 12.26 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 4445 | 4676 | 4921 |
2 | 4810 | 5060 | 5326 |
3 | 5146 | 5414 | 5698 |
4 | 5542 | 5831 | 6137 |
5 | 5907 | 6214 | 6540 |
6 | 6275 | 6601 | 6947 |
7 | 6639 | 6984 | 7351 |
8 | 7005 | 7369 | 7756 |
9 | 7372 | 7756 | 8163 |
10 | 7737 | 8139 | 8566 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 3351 | 3525 | 3710 |
2 | 3625 | 3814 | 4014 |
3 | 3900 | 4103 | 4318 |
4 | 4175 | 4392 | 4623 |
5 | 4450 | 4681 | 4927 |
6 | 4724 | 4970 | 5231 |
7 | 4998 | 5257 | 5534 |
8 | 5272 | 5546 | 5837 |
9 | 5547 | 5835 | 6141 |
10 | 5952 | 6261 | 6590 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 2890 | 3040 | 3200 |
2 | 3127 | 3289 | 3462 |
3 | 3365 | 3540 | 3725 |
4 | 3602 | 3790 | 3989 |
5 | 3840 | 4040 | 4252 |
6 | 4077 | 4289 | 4514 |
7 | 4316 | 4540 | 4778 |
8 | 4553 | 4790 | 5042 |
9 | 4791 | 5040 | 5305 |
10 | 5029 | 5291 | 5568 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 2667 | 2806 | 2953 |
2 | 2886 | 3036 | 3195 |
3 | 3106 | 3267 | 3439 |
4 | 3326 | 3499 | 3682 |
5 | 3545 | 3729 | 3925 |
6 | 3766 | 3962 | 4170 |
7 | 3984 | 4191 | 4411 |
8 | 4203 | 4421 | 4653 |
9 | 4424 | 4654 | 4898 |
10 | 4643 | 4884 | 5140 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 3778 | 3975 | 4183 |
2 | 4088 | 4301 | 4527 |
3 | 4401 | 4629 | 4872 |
4 | 4711 | 4956 | 5216 |
5 | 5021 | 5282 | 5559 |
6 | 5333 | 5610 | 5905 |
7 | 5645 | 5939 | 6250 |
8 | 5954 | 6264 | 6592 |
9 | 6266 | 6592 | 6938 |
10 | 6577 | 6919 | 7283 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 2833 | 2981 | 3137 |
2 | 3067 | 3227 | 3396 |
3 | 3301 | 3472 | 3655 |
4 | 3533 | 3717 | 3912 |
5 | 3767 | 3963 | 4171 |
6 | 4000 | 4208 | 4429 |
7 | 4233 | 4453 | 4687 |
8 | 4467 | 4699 | 4945 |
9 | 4700 | 4945 | 5204 |
10 | 4933 | 5189 | 5462 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 2408 | 2534 | 2667 |
2 | 2607 | 2743 | 2887 |
3 | 2806 | 2951 | 3106 |
4 | 3003 | 3159 | 3325 |
5 | 3202 | 3368 | 3545 |
6 | 3400 | 3577 | 3765 |
7 | 3598 | 3785 | 3984 |
8 | 3797 | 3994 | 4204 |
9 | 3995 | 4203 | 4424 |
10 | 4193 | 4411 | 4642 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 2267 | 2385 | 2510 |
2 | 2452 | 2580 | 2715 |
3 | 2641 | 2778 | 2924 |
4 | 2826 | 2973 | 3129 |
5 | 3013 | 3169 | 3336 |
6 | 3199 | 3365 | 3542 |
7 | 3386 | 3562 | 3749 |
8 | 3609 | 3796 | 3996 |
9 | 3759 | 3955 | 4163 |
10 | 3946 | 4151 | 4369 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 3778 | 3975 | 4183 |
2 | 4088 | 4301 | 4527 |
3 | 4401 | 4629 | 4872 |
4 | 4711 | 4956 | 5216 |
5 | 5021 | 5282 | 5559 |
6 | 5333 | 5610 | 5905 |
7 | 5645 | 5939 | 6250 |
8 | 5954 | 6264 | 6592 |
9 | 6266 | 6592 | 6938 |
10 | 6577 | 6919 | 7283 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 2833 | 2981 | 3137 |
2 | 3067 | 3227 | 3396 |
3 | 3301 | 3472 | 3655 |
4 | 2533 | 3717 | 3912 |
5 | 3767 | 3963 | 4171 |
6 | 4000 | 4208 | 4429 |
7 | 4233 | 4453 | 4687 |
8 | 4467 | 4699 | 4945 |
9 | 4700 | 4945 | 5204 |
10 | 4933 | 5189 | 5462 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 2408 | 2534 | 2667 |
2 | 2607 | 2743 | 2887 |
3 | 2607 | 2743 | 2887 |
4 | 2806 | 2951 | 3106 |
5 | 3003 | 3159 | 3325 |
6 | 3202 | 3368 | 3545 |
7 | 3400 | 3577 | 3765 |
8 | 3598 | 3785 | 3984 |
9 | 3797 | 3994 | 4204 |
10 | 3995 | 4203 | 4424 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 2267 | 2385 | 2510 |
2 | 2452 | 2580 | 2715 |
3 | 2641 | 2778 | 2924 |
4 | 2826 | 2973 | 3129 |
5 | 3013 | 3169 | 3336 |
6 | 3199 | 3365 | 3542 |
7 | 3386 | 3562 | 3749 |
8 | 3609 | 3796 | 3996 |
9 | 3759 | 3955 | 4163 |
10 | 3946 | 4151 | 4369 |
Per diem compensation, in addition to base stipend compensation, shall be made to all coaches of combined programs when either the girls or boys team participates in a full squad, dual competitions other than those competitions sponsored directly by the Burlington County Scholastic League, the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association or invitational relays or open competitions. Below are the per diem salary scales for the categories above listed. The per diem calculation factor is determined by taking the number of weekdays and Saturdays from the official opening of a season to the last date for the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association sponsored state championships. The per diem rate positions cannot be used if the full squad, dual competitions are greater that fifty (50 % ) of the seasons’s regular schedule.
STEP | 2004-2005 | PER DIEM | 2005-2006 | PER DIEM | 2006-2007 | PER DIEM |
1 | 3778 | 53.22 | 3975 | 55.98 | 4183 | 58.92 |
2 | 4088 | 57.58 | 4301 | 60.58 | 4527 | 63.76 |
3 | 4401 | 61.98 | 4629 | 65.20 | 4872 | 68.63 |
4 | 4711 | 66.35 | 4956 | 69.80 | 5216 | 73.46 |
5 | 5021 | 70.71 | 5282 | 74.39 | 5559 | 78.30 |
6 | 5333 | 75.11 | 5610 | 79.02 | 5905 | 83.16 |
7 | 5645 | 79.51 | 5939 | 83.64 | 6250 | 88.03 |
8 | 5954 | 83.86 | 6264 | 88.22 | 6592 | 92.85 |
9 | 6266 | 88.26 | 6592 | 92.84 | 6938 | 97.72 |
10 | 6577 | 92.64 | 6919 | 97.45 | 7283 | 102.57 |
Per diem compensation, in addition to base stipend compensation, shall be made to all coaches of combined programs when either the girls or boys team participates in a full squad, dual competitions other than those competitions sponsored directly by the Burlington County Scholastic League, the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association or invitational relays or open competitions. Below are the per diem salary scales for the categories above listed. The per diem calculation factor is determined by taking the number of weekdays and Saturdays from the official opening of a season to the last date for the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association sponsored state championships. The per diem rate positions cannot be used if the full squad, dual competitions are greater that fifty (50 % ) of the seasons’s regular schedule.
STEP | 2004-2005 | PER DIEM | 2005-2006 | PER DIEM | 2006-2007 | PER DIEM |
1 | 2833 | 39.91 | 2981 | 41.98 | 3137 | 44.19 |
2 | 3067 | 43.20 | 3227 | 45.44 | 3396 | 47.83 |
3 | 3301 | 46.49 | 3472 | 48.91 | 3655 | 51.47 |
4 | 3533 | 49.76 | 3717 | 52.35 | 3912 | 55.10 |
5 | 3767 | 53.05 | 3963 | 55.81 | 4171 | 58.74 |
6 | 4000 | 56.34 | 4208 | 59.27 | 4429 | 62.39 |
7 | 4233 | 59.62 | 4453 | 62.72 | 4687 | 66.01 |
8 | 4467 | 62.91 | 4699 | 66.18 | 4945 | 69.65 |
9 | 4700 | 66.20 | 4945 | 69.64 | 5204 | 73.30 |
10 | 4933 | 69.47 | 5189 | 73.09 | 5462 | 76.92 |
Per diem compensation, in addition to base stipend compensation, shall be made to all coaches of combined programs when either the girls or boys team participates in a full squad, dual competitions other than those competitions sponsored directly by the Burlington County Scholastic League, the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association or invitational relays or open competitions. Below are the per diem salary scales for the categories above listed. The per diem calculation factor is determined by taking the number of weekdays and Saturdays from the official opening of a season to the last date for the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association sponsored state championships. The per diem rate positions cannot be used if the full squad, dual competitions are greater that fifty (50 % ) of the seasons’s regular schedule.
STEP | 2004-2005 | PER DIEM | 2005-2006 | PER DIEM | 2006-2007 | PER DIEM |
1 | 2408 | 33.92 | 2534 | 35.69 | 2667 | 37.56 |
2 | 2607 | 36.72 | 2743 | 38.63 | 2887 | 40.66 |
3 | 2806 | 39.52 | 2951 | 41.57 | 3106 | 43.75 |
4 | 3003 | 42.30 | 3159 | 44.50 | 3325 | 46.83 |
5 | 3202 | 45.10 | 3368 | 47.44 | 3545 | 49.93 |
6 | 3400 | 47.89 | 3577 | 50.38 | 3765 | 53.03 |
7 | 3598 | 50.68 | 3785 | 53.31 | 3984 | 56.11 |
8 | 3797 | 53.47 | 3994 | 56.25 | 4204 | 59.21 |
9 | 3995 | 56.27 | 4203 | 59.20 | 4424 | 62.30 |
10 | 4193 | 59.05 | 4411 | 62.12 | 4642 | 65.39 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 4159 | 4159 | 4377 |
2 | 4503 | 4503 | 4739 |
3 | 4842 | 4842 | 5096 |
4 | 5186 | 5186 | 5458 |
5 | 5525 | 5525 | 5815 |
6 | 5870 | 5870 | 6178 |
7 | 6214 | 6214 | 6540 |
8 | 6556 | 6556 | 6900 |
9 | 6900 | 6900 | 7262 |
10 | 7236 | 7236 | 7616 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 3120 | 3120 | 3284 |
2 | 3378 | 3378 | 3555 |
3 | 3632 | 3632 | 3823 |
4 | 3890 | 3890 | 4094 |
5 | 4145 | 4145 | 4363 |
6 | 4403 | 4403 | 4634 |
7 | 4661 | 4661 | 4906 |
8 | 4918 | 4918 | 5176 |
9 | 5176 | 5176 | 5448 |
10 | 5428 | 5428 | 5713 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 1069 | 1120 | 1179 |
2 | 1156 | 1211 | 1275 |
3 | 1245 | 1305 | 1373 |
4 | 1332 | 1396 | 1469 |
5 | 1421 | 1489 | 1567 |
6 | 1508 | 1580 | 1663 |
7 | 1597 | 1673 | 1761 |
8 | 1684 | 1764 | 1857 |
9 | 1773 | 1858 | 1955 |
10 | 1859 | 1948 | 2050 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 988 | 1039 | 1094 |
2 | 1068 | 1124 | 1183 |
3 | 1150 | 1210 | 1273 |
4 | 1230 | 1294 | 1362 |
5 | 1310 | 1379 | 1451 |
6 | 1392 | 1465 | 1541 |
7 | 1473 | 1549 | 1631 |
8 | 1556 | 1636 | 1722 |
9 | 1636 | 1721 | 1812 |
10 | 1718 | 1807 | 1902 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 2224 | 2339 | 2462 |
2 | 2405 | 2530 | 2663 |
3 | 2588 | 2723 | 2866 |
4 | 2771 | 2915 | 3068 |
5 | 2954 | 3108 | 3271 |
6 | 3138 | 3302 | 3475 |
7 | 3321 | 3493 | 3677 |
8 | 3503 | 3685 | 3878 |
9 | 3686 | 3878 | 4081 |
10 | 3869 | 4071 | 4284 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 1889 | 1987 | 2091 |
2 | 2044 | 2150 | 2263 |
3 | 2201 | 2315 | 2437 |
4 | 2356 | 2478 | 2608 |
5 | 2510 | 2640 | 2779 |
6 | 2667 | 2806 | 2953 |
7 | 2822 | 2969 | 3125 |
8 | 2976 | 3131 | 3295 |
9 | 3132 | 3295 | 3468 |
10 | 3288 | 3459 | 3641 |
STEP | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 | 821 | 864 | 909 |
2 | 889 | 936 | 985 |
3 | 957 | 1007 | 1060 |
4 | 1026 | 1079 | 1135 |
5 | 1094 | 1150 | 1211 |
6 | 1160 | 1220 | 1284 |
7 | 1228 | 1292 | 1359 |
8 | 1296 | 1363 | 1435 |
9 | 1364 | 1435 | 1510 |
10 | 1432 | 1506 | 1585 |
Fall | October 15th | 100 % | October 15th | 50 % |
Winter | January 15th | 100 % | January 15th | 50 % |
Spring | May 1st | 100 % | May 1st | 50 % |
200 | After Ten (10) Years Service | 200 |
300 | After Fifteen (15) Years Service | 500 |
400 | After Nineteen (19) Years Service | 900 |
550 | After Twenty-Two (22) Years Service | 1450 |
400 | After Twenty-Four (24) Years Service | 1850 |
400 | After Twenty-Seven (27) Years Service | 2250 |
250 | After Ten (10) Years Service | 250 |
275 | After Fifteen (15) Years Service | 525 |
325 | After Twenty (20) Years Service | 850 |
375 | After Twenty-Five (25) Years Service | 1225 |
275 | After Five (5) Years Service | 275 |
325 | After Eight (8) Years Service | 600 |
575 | After Eleven (11) Years Service | 1175 |
425 | After Fourteen (14) Years Service | 1600 |
400 | After Seventeen (17) Years Service | 2000 |
500 | After Twenty (20) Years Service | 2500 |
POSITION | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
After Hour Chaperone | 50 | 55 | 60 |
Black Seal | 300 | 400 | 500 |
Clothing Allowance | 75 | 75 | 75 |
Shoe Allowance | 75 | 75 | 75 |
Head Custodian | 1300 | 1400 | 1500 |
Bus Driver Trip Rate | 13.04 | 13.72 | 14.44 |
POSITION | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Home Instruction | 33 | 35 | 37 |
Curriculum Development | 33 | 35 | 37 |
After School Detention | 33 | 35 | 37 |
Saturday Morning Detention | 33 | 35 | 37 |
Back To School Night | 60 | 65 | 70 |
After School Chaperone (Event) | 50 | 55 | 60 |
Extended Day Chaperone (Event) | 50 | 55 | 60 |
Class Cover | 17.16 | 18.05 | 19.00 |
CATEGORY | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Reimbursement Rate | 37 | 39 | 41 |
Annual Maximum | 9059 | 9530 | 10030 |
CATEGORY | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Reimbursement Rate | 45 | 47 | 49 |
Annual Maximum | 13819 | 14538 | 15301 |
CATEGORY | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Reimbursement Rate | 475 | 500 | 525 |
CATEGORY | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Reimbursement Rate - 12 Months | 300 | 325 | 350 |
Reimbursement Rate - 10 Months | 250 | 275 | 300 |
CATEGORY | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Annual Maximum | 90 | 95 | 100 |
PLAN | COVERAGE | NJ Referred | NJ Nonreferred |
Liberty | Deductible: Single/Family | N/A | $1000/$3000 |
Liberty | Coinsurance | N/A | 70% |
Liberty | Coinsurance Limit: Single/Family | N/A | $10000/$30000 |
Liberty | Lifetime Maximum Benefit | N/A | $500000 |
Liberty | Primary Care Office Per Visit | $5 copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | Primary Care Non-Office/Home Per Visit | $10 copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | Specialty Care Office Per Visit | $15 copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | Specialty Care Diagnostic Outpatient Testing | $15 copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | Specialty Care Physical, Occupational & Speech | $15 copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | SPU (Outpatient) Surgery | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | Hospitalization | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | Skilled Nursing Facility | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | Emergency Room (copay waived if admitted) | $35 copay | $35 copay |
Liberty | Home Care | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | Maternity First OB Visit | $5 copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | Maternity Hospital | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | Mental Health Inpatient | No copay
35 days | 70% after deductible
30 days |
Liberty | Mental Health Outpatient | $10 copay/visit
30 visits | 70% after deductible
30 visits |
Liberty | Substance Abuse Detoxification | No copay | 70% after deductible
7 days |
Liberty | Substance Abuse Inpatient Rehabilitation | No copay
30 days | 70% after deductible
30 days |
Liberty | Substance Abuse Outpatient Rehabilitation | $5 copay/visit
60 visits | 70% after deductible
30 visits |
Liberty | Preventive Care Routine Eye Exam
(per benefit schedule) | $5 copay | Not covered |
Liberty | Preventive Care Routine Physicals | $5 copay | See insurance certificate |
Liberty | Preventive Care Immunizations | $5 copay | See insurance certificate |
Liberty | Preventive Care Routine Mammography | $5 copay | Covered (state specific guidelines) |
Liberty | Preventive Care GYN Exam | $5 copay | Not covered |
Liberty | Preventive Care Pediatric Preventive Dental Exam | Not covered | Not covered |
Liberty | Chiropractic Care | $5 copay/visits
20 visits | 70% after deductible
$1000/year |
Liberty | Durable Medical Equipment | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Liberty | Max Out of Pocket (copay + coinsurance)
Single/Family | $1500/$3000 |  |
 |  |  |  |
PLAN | COVERAGE | NJ Referred | NJ Nonreferred |
Patriot V | Deductible: Single/Family | N/A | $100/$200 |
Patriot V | Coinsurance | N/A | 70% |
Patriot V | Coinsurance Limit: Single/Family | N/A | $2000/$4000 |
Patriot V | Lifetime Maximum Benefit | N/A | $1000000 |
Patriot V | Primary Care Office Per Visit | $5 copay | 70% after deductible |
Patriot V | Primary Care Non-Office/Home Per Visit | $10 copay | 70% after deductible |
Patriot V | Specialty Care Office Per Visit | $15 copay | 70% after deductible |
Patriot V | Specialty Care Diagnostic Outpatient Testing | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Patriot V | Specialty Care Physical, Occupational & Speech | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Patriot V | SPU (Outpatient) Surgery | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Patriot V | Hospitalization | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Patriot V | Skilled Nursing Facility | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Patriot V | Emergency Room (copay waived if admitted) | $25 copay | $25 copay |
Patriot V | Home Care | No copay | 70% after deductible
60 visits |
Patriot V | Maternity First OB Visit | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Patriot V | Maternity Hospital | No copay | 70% after deductible |
Patriot V | Mental Health Inpatient | No copay
35 days | 70% after deductible
60 days |
Patriot V | Mental Health Outpatient | $5 copay/visit
30 visits | 70% after deductible
30 visits |
Patriot V | Substance Abuse Detoxification | No copay | 70% after deductible
7 days |
Patriot V | Substance Abuse Inpatient Rehabilitation | No copay
30 days | 70% after deductible
30 days |
Patriot V | Substance Abuse Outpatient Rehabilitation | No copay/visit
60 visits | 70% after deductible
30 visits |
Patriot V | Preventive Care Routine Eye Exam
(per benefit schedule) | $5 copay | Not covered |
Patriot V | Preventive Care Routine Physicals | $5 copay | See insurance certificate |
Patriot V | Preventive Care Immunizations | $5 copay | See insurance certificate |
Patriot V | Preventive Care Routine Mammography | No copay | Covered (state specific guidelines) |
Patriot V | Preventive Care GYN Exam | $5 copay | Not covered |
Patriot V | Preventive Care Pediatric Preventive Dental Exam | $5 copay | Not covered |
Patriot V | Chiropractic Care | $5 copay/visits | 70% after deductible |
Patriot V | Prescription Lens Reimbursement | $100 every
24 months |  |
Patriot V | Durable Medical Equipment | No covered | 70% after deductible |
PLAN | COVERAGE | NJ Referred | NJ Nonreferred |
Patriot X | Deductible: Single/Family | N/A | $100/$200 |
Patriot X | Coinsurance | N/A | 80% |
Patriot X | Coinsurance Limit: Single/Family | N/A | $400/$1200 |
Patriot X | Lifetime Maximum Benefit | N/A | Unlimited |
Patriot X | Primary Care Office Per Visit | $10 copay | 80% after deductible |
Patriot X | Primary Care Non-Office/Home Per Visit | $15 copay | 80% after deductible |
Patriot X | Specialty Care Office Per Visit | $25 | 80% after deductible |
Patriot X | Specialty Care Diagnostic Outpatient Testing | $25 | 100% covered |
Patriot X | Specialty Care Physical, Occupational & Speech | $25 | 100% covered |
Patriot X | SPU (Outpatient) Surgery | No copay | 100% covered |
Patriot X | Hospitalization | No copay | 100% covered |
Patriot X | Skilled Nursing Facility | No copay | 100% covered |
Patriot X | Emergency Room (copay waived if admitted) | $35 copay | $35 copay |
Patriot X | Home Care | 100% | 100% covered |
Patriot X | Maternity First OB Visit | $15 copay | 80% after deductible |
Patriot X | Maternity Hospital | No copay | 100% covered |
Patriot X | Mental Health Inpatient | No copay
35 days | 0-3 days 100% covered
31-90 days
D & C |
Patriot X | Mental Health Outpatient | $25 copay/visits
20 visits | 80% after deductible |
Patriot X | Substance Abuse Detoxification | No copay | 100% coverage
7 days |
Patriot X | Substance Abuse Inpatient Rehabilitation | No copay
30 days | 100% coverage
30 days |
Patriot X | Substance Abuse Outpatient Rehabilitation | $15 copay/visits
60 visits | 80% after deductible
30 visits |
Patriot X | Preventive Care Routine Eye Exam
(per benefit schedule) | $15 copay | Not covered |
Patriot X | Preventive Care Routine Physicals | $10 copay | 100% (state specific guidelines) |
Patriot X | Preventive Care Immunizations | $10 copay | 100% (state specific guidelines) |
Patriot X | Preventive Care Routine Mammography | $15 copay | 100% (state specific guidelines) |
Patriot X | Preventive Care GYN Exam | $15 copay | 100% of UCR
up to $150 |
Patriot X | Preventive Care Pediatric Preventive Dental Exam | $15 copay | Not covered |
Patriot X | Chiropractic Care | $15 copay
20 visits | 80% after deductible |
Patriot X | Prescription Lens Reimbursement | $70 every
24 months | 80% after deductible |
Patriot X | Durable Medical Equipment | Not covered | 80% after deductible |
Prescription - All Coverages | Retail - Brand | 15 |
Prescription - All Coverages | Retail - Generic | 10 |
Prescription - All Coverages | Mail Order | 5 |
Before July 1, 2004 | On/Before February 1, 2004 | 2004-2005 |
Before July 1, 2004 | After February 1, 2004 | 2005-2006 |
Before July 1, 2005 | On/Before February 1, 2005 | 2005-2006 |
Before July 1, 2005 | After February 1, 2005 | 2006-2007 |
Before July 1, 2006 | On/Before February 1, 2006 | 2006-2006 |
Before July 1, 2005 | After February 1, 2006 | 2007-2008 |
[Read Directly Across A Horizontal Line To Track Advancement]
STEP |  | 2004-05
STEP |  | 2005-06
STEP |  | 2006-07
STEP | 2006-07
 |  |  |  |  |  | OLD | RENUMBER |
 |  |  |  | 1 | | 1-2 | 1 |
 |  | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | 2 |
1-2 | | 2-3 | | 3-4 | | 4-5 | 3 |
3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | 4 |
4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | 5 |
5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | 6 |
6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | 7 |
7 | | 8 | | 9 | | 10 | 8 |
8 | | 9 | | 10 | | 11 | 9 |
9 | | 10 | | 11 | | 12 | 10 |
10 | | 11 | | 12 | | 13 | 11 |
11 | | 12 | | 13 | | 14 | 12 |
12 | | 13 | | 14 | | 15 | 13 |
13 | | 14 | | 15 | | 16 | 14 |
14 | | 15 | | 16 | | 17 | 15 |
15 | | 16 | | 16 | | 17 | 15 |
16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 17 | 15 |
Schedule R Note: Years of credited teaching experience for each step is shown on Schedule S.
[As It Relates To Step Number On Salary Guide*]
2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 |
1-2 | 0-2 | 1 | 01010-1 |
3 | 3-4 | 2-3 | 1-32122 |
4 | 5-6 | 4 | 4-53-42-433-5 |
5 | 7-8 | 5 | 6-755-646-7 |
6 | 9-10 | 6 | 8-967-858-9 |
7 | 11 | 7 | 10-1179-10610-11 |
8 | 12 | 8 | 12811-12712-13 |
9 | 13 | 9 | 13913814 |
10 | 14 | 10 | 141014915 |
11 | 15 | 11 | 1511151016 |
12 | 16 | 12 | 1612161117 |
13 |  | 13 | 1713171218 |
14 |  | 14 | 14181319 |
15 | 17-18 | 15 | 151420 |
16 | 19+ | 16 | 18+1619+1521+ |
Schedule S Note: *The above simply shows credited teaching experience for each step. Refer to Schedule R to track advancement from one year to the next. Do not attempt to read across a horizontal line on this chart.
[Read Directly Across A Horizontal Line To Track Advancement]
STEP |  | 2004-05
STEP |  | 2005-06
STEP |  | 2006-07
 |  |  |  | 1 | | 1-2 |
1 | | 1-2 | | 2-3 | | 3-4 |
2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 |
3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 |
4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 |
5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 |
6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 |
 | | 8 | | 9 | | 10 |
7 | | 9 | | 10 | | 11 |
8 | | 10 | | 11 | | 12 |
9 | | 11 | | 12 | | 12 |
10 | | 11 | | 12 | | 12 |
[Read Directly Across A Horizontal Line To Track Advancement]
STEP |  | 2004-05
STEP |  | 2005-06
STEP |  | 2006-07
1 | | 1-2 | | 1-2 | | 1-2 |
2 | | 3 | | 3 | | 3 |
3 | | 4 | | 4 | | 4 |
4 | | 5 | | 5 | | 5 |
5 | | 6 | | 6 | | 6 |
6 | | 7 | | 7 | | 7 |
7 | | 8 | | 8 | | 8 |
8 | | 8 | | 8 | | 8 |
 |  |  |
William E. Berry, President |  | Susan M. Bassett, President |
 |  |  |
Newell W. Kehr, Chairperson
Personnel/Negotiations Committee |  | Theresa A. Mac Intosh, Chairperson
FTEA Negotiations Committee |
 |  |  |
Bruce M. Benedetti, Board Secretary |  | Christine M. Capen, FTEA Secretary |
DATE: |  | DATE: |