Township of Morris
Morris County, New Jersey
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters,
Local No. 469
January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2005
Article No. Page No.
Preamble 1
Article 1 - Recognition 1
Article II - Management & Employee Rights 1
Article III - Grievance Procedure 2
Article IV - Seniority 4
Article V - Union Representatives 4
Article VI - Hours of Work 5
Article VII - Holidays 7
Article VIII – Vacations 8
Article IX - Health Benefits, Prescription and Dental Plan 10
Article X - Leaves of Absence 11
Article XI - Rates of Pay and Compensation 13
Article XII - Union Bulletin Board 15
Article XIII - Work Rules 15
Article XIV – Deductions from Pay 15
Article XV - Separability and Savings 16
Article XVI - Full Bargained Provisions 16
Article XVII - Probationary Period 16
Article XVIII - Disciplinary Action 16
Article XIX - Work Uniforms 17
Article XX - Term and Renewal 18
Article XXI - Agency Shop 18
Article XXII – Application of Benefits 18
Article XXIII – Nondiscrimination 19
Schedule A A-1
Schedule B B-1
Schedule C C-1
This agreement, made and entered into this 16th day of June, 2004, by and between the Township of Morris, a municipal corporation in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey (hereinafter referred to as the “Township”) with offices at the Municipal Building, 50 Woodland Avenue, Morris Township, New Jersey 07961-7603, as ‘Public Employer’, and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 469, 3500 Highway 35, Suite 7 Hazelet, New Jersey 07730 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Union’) as ‘Public Employee Representative’, is the final and complete understanding between the Township and the Union of all bargainable issues and as such will serve to promote and maintain a harmonious relationship between the Township and those of its employees who are subject to this agreement, in order that more efficient and progressive public service may be rendered.
RECOGNITION In accordance with ‘Certification of Representation of the Public Employment Relations Commission dated October 2, 1996. Docket No. RO-97-12, The Township of Morris, Morris County, New Jersey recognizes the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local No. 866, now known as Local No. 469, as the exclusive bargaining representative for all employees covered in the aforementioned Certification i.e.; All blue collared employees employed by Morris Township, including employees of the Departments of Recreation, Roads, Sanitation, Sewer and the Building Maintenance title.
Excluding all other employees of the Township, including clerical employees, managerial executives, Confidential Employees, Police, craft and professional employees, supervisors within the meaning of the Act, and all others.
A. In order to effectively administer the affairs of the Township and to properly serve the public, the Township hereby reserves and retains unto itself, as public employer, all the powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by law prior to the signing of this Agreement. Without limitation of the foregoing, management’s prerogative include the following rights:
1. To manage and administer the affairs and operations of the Township;
2. To direct its working forces and operations;
3. To hire, promote, transfer and assign employees;
4. To demote, suspend, discharge and otherwise take disciplinary action against employees;
5. To take necessary action in emergencies;
6. To determine standard of selection for employment;
7. To determine standards of performance of employees;
8. To evaluate employee performance;
9. To maintain the efficiency of its operations including the right to reduce staff and lay employees off;
10. To determine and implement the technology of performing work;
11. To determine the methods, means, and personnel by which the Township’s operations are to be conducted;
12. To determine the content of job classification and descriptions; and
13. To promulgate, from time to time, rules and regulations which are not inconsistent or contrary to this agreement, which may affect the orderly and efficient administration of the Township.1
The listing of the foregoing rights are not intended to be nor shall they be restrictive of or a waiver of any of the rights of management not listed herein whether or not such rights have been exercised by the Township in the past.
B. The Township's use and enjoyment of its powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities, the adoption of its policies and practices or the promulgation of rules and regulations in furtherance thereof, and the exercise of discretion pursuant thereto shall be limited only by the terms of this Agreement, unless expressly modified by terms of this Agreement, and to the extent same conform to laws of New Jersey and of the United States.
C. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall operate to deny to, or restrict, the Township in the exercise of its right, responsibilities and authority pursuant to the laws of this state or of the United States.
D. Further, nothing herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as he may have under any applicable federal or state law or regulation. The rights granted to the employees hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere. Employees shall be entitled to full rights of citizenship, and no religious or political activities of any Employee, or the lack thereof, shall be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the employment of such employee, providing such activities do not violate any local, state or federal law.
No reprisal of any kind shall be taken by the Township or any member of the Administration against any party interest, any representative, any member of the Union, or any other participant. in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
Section 1: Definitions
A. Grievance - A grievance is any alleged violation of terms and conditions of employment as set forth in this Agreement or any dispute with regard to the agreement's meaning or application.
B. Immediate Superior - An employee's immediate superior is the person to whom the aggrieved employee is directly responsible under the prevailing 'Table of Organization.
Section 2: Purpose
The purposes of the grievance procedure is to secure an equitable solution to the problems affecting employees arising under this Agreement.
The parties agree that disputes shall be resolved at the lowest possible administrative level. Thus, the parties shall encourage the informal resolution of disputes by discussion of comp1aints between an individual and his immediate superior, and, only in the event that such discussion fails to produce a satisfactory adjustment of the complaint shall it be reduced to writing and submitted as a grievance.
Section 3: Procedure
A. An aggrieved employee must file his grievance in writing with his immediate superior within five (5) working days of the occurrence of the matter complained of, or within five (5) working days after he (the grievant) would have reasonably been expected to know of its occurrence. Failure to act within said time period shall constitute an abandonment of the grievance.
STEP 1: Once timely filed, the aggrieved employee, Union Shop Steward and the employee's immediate supervisor shall discuss the grievance. If the grievance is not resolved satisfactorily or if no resolution is made within three (3) workdays by the immediate supervisor, the grievance may be appealed to Step 2.
STEP 2: In the event there is not a satisfactory resolution of the grievance at Step 1 or an answer given within the time provided, the aggrieved employee with the Union Shop Steward, may present his grievance to the Township Grievance Committee within seven (7) work days thereafter. This Committee shall be comprised of the Township Administrator and two persons appointed by the Township Committee. Upon receipt of the grievance, this Committee shall investigate the grievance and shall render a decision thereon within ten (10) workdays.
STEP 3: In the event there is not a satisfactory resolution of the grievance at Step 2 or a decision rendered by the Township Grievance Committee within the time allowed, the aggrieved employee, together with his Union Business Representative, Union Shop Steward and legal counsel, may appeal to the Township Committee, in writing within ten (10) work days thereafter, by use of a mutually approved grievance form.
If the grievant, in his appeal to the Township Committee, does not request a hearing, the Township Committee may consider the appeal on the written record submitted to it or the Township Committee may, on its own, conduct a hearing; or it may request the submission of additional written material. Where additional written materials are requested by the Township Committee, copies thereof shall be given to the aggrieved employee who shall have the right to reply thereon. Where the grievant requests, in writing, a hearing before the Township Committee, a hearing shall be held within thirty (30) work days from the date of the receipt of the written request. The Employee, together with his Union Business Representative, Union Shop Steward and his legal counsel, may be present at the hearing and shall be afforded an opportunity to present evidence and require the appearance of witnesses – if such witnesses are employees of the Township – to appear and testify on behalf of the grievant. The Township shall fully cooperate with the grievant, his Union Business Representative, Union Shop Steward and legal counsel, with respect to (a) the production of any documents relevant to the issue at hand; and (b) the production of employee witnesses. The Township Committee shall render its written decision within thirty (30) days from the date of the hearing, unless the parties mutually agree in writing to extend the period in that particular instance.
STEP 4: If no satisfactory settlement can be agreed upon at Step 3, the matter may be referred by either party to the New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission (P.E.R.C.) for arbitration. After P.E.R.C. submits a list of arbitrators to the Union and the Township, they shall reply with their preferred selection no later then five (5) workdays after receipt of such list.
The Arbitrator shall not have authority to amend or modify this agreement or establish new terms or conditions under this agreement. The Arbitrator shall determine any question of arbitrability.
A mutual settlement of the grievance pursuant to the procedure set forth herein and/or a decision of the Arbitrator will be final and binding on all parties and employees involved.
The expense of the Arbitrator selected or appointed shall be borne equally by the Township and the Union.
The Union, or its authorized representative or legal counsel, shall have the right to examine the time sheets and any other records pertaining tot eh computation of compensation of any individual or individuals whose pay is in dispute or records pertaining to a specific grievance.
3 The procedure set forth herein may be invoked only by an authorized representative of the Employer or the Union.
If the Employer fails to comply with the award of the Arbitrator or with the procedures under this Article, the Union shall have the right to take all legal and economic action to enforce compliance.
A. Seniority, which is defined as continuous employment with Township from date of last hire, will be a factor in an employee work history, which will be given due consideration by the Township in promotion and/or advancement to higher rated positions within the terms and conditions of this agreement.
B. All vacancies or newly created bargaining unit positions shall be posted. Qualifications and Seniority shall be significant factors and shall be taken into consideration in filling such vacancies and new positions. Seniority shall prevail in all matters where a preference of selection two or more equally qualified employees.
C. In the event that at any time or times it becomes necessary, in the opinion of the Township to reduce the number of employees, qualifications and seniority shall be a significant among employees and each given equal weight in determining employees to be laid off. Therefore, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of seniority taking into consideration qualifications and shall be returned In the order of seniority taking into consideration qualifications. Employees who are to be laid off shall be given at least twenty (20) working days' advance written notice by the Township. The employee on lay off has recall rights for a period of two years.
D. The most senior employees shall be given preference, during the period of January 1 through March 31, in the selection of vacations, provided there is no interference with the normal in of the Township.
E. The opportunity for training and educational advancement within the unit or for upgrades of position shall be based upon seniority and qualifications.
A. The Business Manager or Business Representative of the Union may, on no more than six occasions per year, enter the Township facilities or premises at reasonable hours for the purpose of observing working conditions. Such Union representative may also enter the Township facilities or premises at reasonable hours for the purpose of assisting in the adjustment of grievances and discussing with Township representatives the necessary business required to maintain a working relationship between the parties and their charges. When the Union decides to have its representative enter the Township facilities or premises, it will request such permission from the appropriate Township representatives and such permission will not be unreasonably withheld, provided there shall be no interference with the normal operations of the business of the Township Government nor meetings held on Township time or property.
B. Four Shop Stewards may be appointed to represent the Union in the Union’s business and dealings with the Township. The authority of Shop Stewards sc designated by the Union shall be limited to, and shall not exceed, the following duties and activities:
4 (1) The investigation and presentation of grievances in accordance with the provisions of this agreement;
(2) The collection of dues when authorized by appropriate local Union action;
(3) The transmission of such messages and information which originate with, and are authorized by the local Union or its officers, provided that such messages and information:
a) Have been reduced to writing or
b) If not reduced to writing, are of a routine nature and do not involve work stoppages, slowdowns, refusal to handle goods or any other interference with the Township’s business.
Shop Stewards shall be permitted to investigate, present and process grievances on or off the property of the Township, without loss of time or pay. Such time spent in handling grievances, shall be considered working hours in computing daily and/or weekly overtime.
The Shop Steward shall be from the following departments: Two from Roads and Sanitation, one from Recreation, and one from Sewer. The Union shall provide in writing the names of said steward to the Township and without written notice of change no other individual shall be recognized by the Township. Departmental stewards shall have top seniority in their respective departments, as to layoffs only.
C. Upon notification to and approval by the appropriate supervisor, the privilege of the steward to leave his work at a reasonable time during working hours without loss of pay is extended with the explicit understanding that the time will be reasonable, and will be devoted solely purposes of investigating, processing and presenting grievances, without loss of pay, provided same does not unduly interfere with the normal working operations of the Employer.
D. The Township will notify the Union, in writing, of all promotions, demotions, transfers, suspensions and discharges of any employee covered by this agreement. The Township will also notify the Union, in writing, of any plan to layoff any employee covered by this agreement. The Township will also provide the Union with an updated list of covered employees showing the employee's name, address, job classification, telephone number, and Social Security number. The Union be also notified of any additions and/or deletions in the payroll of covered employees as occur.
A. The basic workweek shall be forty (40) hours per week, eight (8) hours per day I five (5)
consecutive days per week Monday through Friday, for employees covered under this Agreement, except for those hired after the date of execution of this agreement.
B. The regular hours of the work week shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., for Roads, Sewer and Recreation personnel and 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for Sanitation and Recycling personnel with an unpaid one-half hour lunch period, unless otherwise designated by the Department Head in an emergency situation. In addition to the unpaid one-half hour lunch period each work day, the Township shall also allow, at its discretion time-wise, thirty (30) minutes of paid break time during each work day.
C. During the first two weeks of leaf season (during daylight savings time), the Superintendent has the discretion to start the road department crews at 7 AM (rather than 6 AM), if necessary. If the shift starts at 7 AM, an hour will be added to the shift.
A. Overtime – The Union recognizes the Township's need for and right to require reasonable amounts of overtime. The schedule for working such overtime shall be established by the Township.
1. All employees, except as otherwise provided herein, shall be paid time and one half their hourly rate of pay for the job classification of work to be performed for each hour of duty beyond the normal tour of duty. After an employee works one-half (1/2) hour of overtime, he shall receive overtime pay in one-half hour Increments for each one-half (1/2) hour worked. In computing time worked for overtime eligibility, all approved leave time will be included, with the exception of "leave without pay."
2. Overtime, as set forth above, shall be paid when an employee who is eligible to receive it is required to work in excess of a completed tour of duty or on a regularly scheduled day off or on an official holiday.
Any eligible employee shall be paid compensation at the overtime rate when authorized to work beyond his regular tour of duty by his department head or the Township Administrator. All efforts shall be made to give as much prior notice, as reasonably possible, or pending unscheduled overtime.
3. As an alternative to the mandatory payment of overtime provide herein, an employee may elect to receive one and one-half (1 ½) hours of compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay for each hour of overtime worked. The accumulated compensatory time shall not exceed fifty six hours in a calendar year. Once used, within a calendar year, no further hours may be accumulated to replace the expended compensatory time. The Township, however, agrees not to require or in any way solicit any employee to take time off to compensate for time worked in excess of eight (8) hours in a work day or forty (40) hours in a work week.
All such accumulated compensatory time off shall be used by the employee by no later than December 31st of each year. All unused compensatory time as of December 31st of each year shall be paid to the employee upon request at the current rate of salary.
All requests for time off under this provision must be submitted on prescribed forms for the approval of the Department Head at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance and will be granted only when to do so would not disrupt normal operations.
It is understood that the request for compensatory time off will not, create a need for overtime payment.
B. Minimum Guarantee - An employee called out to work outside of his normal working hours shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at overtime rate of pay. If an employee is called in to work two hours or less before his normal starting time, this time worked shall be considered as part of his normal starting time and this time worked shall be considered as part of his normal work day and shall not be covered under this provision.
The provisions of paragraph "A. Overtime", of this Article shall, however, not apply to those employees who have voluntarily chosen to accept seasonal or additional employment by the Township in addition to their normal regular year-round employment by the Township.
In the distribution of overtime work, preference over temporary or seasonal employees shall be given to permanent full time employees. Overtime shall be offered and equally distributed to the extent possible among the employees capable of performing the work to be completed, using a
6 rotational system similar to that currently in use at the Sewer Department. Opportunity to work overtime shall be rotated with the intention to achieve equalization. The initial list shall be kept by seniority with Shop Stewards at the top of each unit for the first rotation. Regular employees assigned to any project during the normal working hours shall stay on for any overtime attributable to that shift.
The overtime provisions of this Article shall apply only to permanent full-time employees.
C. Recording Overtime, Maintaining A Current List of Overtime Actually Worked or Offered
The method of recording an employee’s overtime will be as follows:
1. The Overtime employee physically worked.
2. The Overtime employee refused.
3. The Overtime employee was too ill to work.
4. When the employee is unable to be reached.
The Union will maintain a current list of overtime actually worked, together with overtime charges in accordance with Section B of this Article. All available employees shall make every effort to work emergency overtime when requested, unless otherwise excused by the Township.
C. Meal Allowances for Working Non-Scheduled Overtime
$12.00 | $7.00 | $7.00 |
A. The following twelve (12) days are designated as official holidays. In January of each year an annual list shall be published indicating the dates on which each holiday will be celebrated.
New Year’s Day | Memorial Day | Veteran’s Day |
Lincoln’s Birthday | Independence Day | Thanksgiving Day |
Washington’s Birthday | Labor Day | Day After Thanksgiving |
Good Friday | Columbus Day | Christmas Day |
B. Employees who are scheduled to work on the recognized holiday noted in this Article
Shall be entitled to receive the regular straight time pay to which such employees would be entitled had they not worked on said holiday, and shall, in addition, be paid at the rate of one and a half times their hourly rate for the actual hours they worked on said holiday; provided, however, that anyone working on January 1st or December 25th or Thanksgiving Day shall receive double time for the hours actually worked on said holiday.
C. Employees who are normally scheduled to work a work week other than normal Monday through Friday work week shall receive the same holiday benefits do all other employees.
7 D. To be entitled to a holiday, an employee must have worked on the day preceding and the day following the holiday (as defined in Paragraph A above) unless he is absent on authorized leave with pay. Authorized leave with pay shall include:
Vacation Leave
Personal Leave
Bereavement Leave
Authorized Sick Leave
E. If any of the designated holidays fall go a Saturday, it shall be celebrated on the preceding Friday. If any of the designated holidays should fall on a Sunday, it shall be celebrated on the following Monday. Should an official holiday be observed during an employee's vacation, that employee shall be entitled to an additional vacation day. Should an official holiday occur while an employee is on sick leave, that employee shall not have the holiday charged his or her sick or vacation leave time.
A. All employees shall be granted the following annual leave for vacation purposes, with pay, in and for each calendar year, except as otherwise provided:
Length of Service | Vacation Days |
 |  |
Completion of six months but less than one year | Five (5) days |
From 1st anniversary to 5th anniversary | Ten (10) days |
From 5th anniversary to 12th anniversary | Fifteen (15) days |
From 12th anniversary to 17th anniversary | Twenty (20) days |
From 17th anniversary to 22nd anniversary | Twenty-Five (25) days |
After 22nd anniversary | Thirty (30) days |
Vacation time shall be accumulated when earned.
B. Where in any calendar year the vacation or any part thereof !snot granted by reason of the pressure of business, such vacation periods or parts thereof not granted shall accumulate and shall be granted prior to June 30th of the next succeeding year only. No annual vacation leave shall be taken without permission of the department head or the Township Administrator. The Township Committee shall be the sole judge as to whether or not the pressure of business warrants deferment of vacation, after recommendation of the Township Administrator and Department Head.
C. A vacation leave which an employee does not take of his or her own volition during any calendar year may be held over and taken prior to June 30 of the following calendar year and, if not so taken, shall expire and shall not accumulate. The scheduling of this vacation must be approved by the Department Head.
D. If any official holiday as listed In this agreement occurs during an employee's vacation,
the employee shall be entitled to an additional day in lieu of the holiday.
E. Annual vacation leave will be prorated for employees who voluntarily resign, retire who are terminated from, employment for cause. Full annual vacation leave will be granted to employees who are terminated by the Township due to reduction in work force.
F. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding death occurs In an employee’s immediate family, or the Employee is disabled or sick during the vacation period, the remaining vacation time shall be
8 canceled or rescheduled at the Employee’s request. The Employee shall submit proof to the Township substantiating the death, illness or disability.
G. General Vacation Rules
(1) Vacations may be taken at any time between January 1 and December 31, subject to the convenience of the department head.
(2) Vacations may begin on any working day. Vacations may be taken in increments of one (1) day or more with a minimum of one week prior notification to the department head.
(3) A schedule of regular vacation shall be approved by each department head.
(4) Employees may request vacation salary one (1) month in advance for the period they will be away. Approved schedules of regular vacation shall constitute approval of payment of vacation salary in advance, which shall be payable no sooner than the regular payday preceding the vacation period.
H. Deferred Vacations
(1) Reasons for Deferment
(a) The governing body may, by resolution, grant deferments of vacation tot eh following year to:
(i) Take advantage of an unusual recreational opportunity (such as an extended trip) or for special personal projects, provided that at least one (1) full week is deferred and the total resultant vacation in the following year does not exceed eight (8) weeks.
(ii) Enable an employee to take the balance of vacation unavoidably postponed by disability. Any portion of the vacation which can be taken during the current year should be taken.
(b) The intent of the vacation plan is for employees to take their full vacation in each calendar year. Any employee’s request for deferment of vacation must be in writing to the department head.
(2) Deferments may not be made for more than one (1) year.
I. Vacation involving Disability
(1) Vacations may not be granted to employees who are on disability.
(2) Requests to take vacation on the part of employees who are working short hours following a period of disability, shall be approved on an individual basis and solely at the discretion f the Township.
(3) Employees on disability must be approved for a return to duty on a fulltime basis before vacations are granted. They may, however, start on vacation immediately following a return to work, if the use of vacation is approved.
J. Vacation and Resignation
(1) Once an employee has announced plans to resign, vacation shall be approved only on an individual basis and solely at the discretion of the Township.
(2) Vacation days are not permitted to be taken within three (3) days of an effective date of resignation.
(3) Any vacation taken in excess of vacation earned shall be deducted from the employee’s final paycheck.
K. Payment in Lieu of Regular Vacation
(1) Any fulltime, regular employee who resigns or is separated from employment with six (6) or more successive month’s service will receive payment in lieu of unused vacation days.
(2) In cases where disability results in retirement on account of disability, payment in lieu of vacation will be allowed.
(3) In cases of death, either in active service or while on disability, payment in lieu of vacation is allowed. Payment in lieu of vacation will be for the full amount of unused days for which the employee would have been entitled during the year in which the last day of active service preceding death occurred.
(4) In cases where an employee resigns while on leave of absence, payment in lieu of unused vacation may be allowed.
A. Hospital and medical-surgical insurance, including major medical, prescription and dental insurance plan, wi!1 be provided by the Township for all employees and all eligible dependents., subject to this agreement in accordance with current Township policy. For new hires, the health benefits will be provided within sixty (60) days of employment; the dental insurance plan will be provided after ninety (90) days of employment; and the prescription plan will be provided after one hundred eighty (180) days of employment. Coverage is provided under the New Jersey Health Benefits Program.
1. The township agrees to maintain existing hospitalization, insurance, dental plan and a prescription plan with a $10.00 co-payment per prescription for name brands, a $5.00 co-payment for generic brands, and no co-pay for mail ordered prescriptions and applicable pension benefits for employees during the term of this Agreement, subject to the provisions of this Article below.
2. Each employee shall share equally with the Towns to wit: a 50% employee contribution – in the annual premium increase above the 1991 annual premium rates for dental and prescription medication coverage.
3. The provided prescription benefit plan will include an option for the employee to elect dependent coverage for the prescription plan providing the same level of benefit as provided the employee.
4. It is understood and agreed that any increase in the dental plan and/or prescription plan premiums charged by the authorized carrier(s) shall be borne equally by the employee and the Township each year of this agreement.
5. The Township reserves the right to change insurance carriers during the life of this contract, if the level of coverage is not diminished.
10 6. The Township agrees to reimburse any member of the Union the cost of repairs or replacement of eyeglasses or contact lenses damaged or lost on the job. Such damage or loss must be reported to the Department Heard. Said member shall present, to the Department Head, a receipt for all repairs or purchases of glasses or contact lenses.
A. Jury Duty.
If any municipal employee is legally selected for jury duty, every effort shall be made to enable such employee to serve as juror. The department heads shall use every reasonable endeavor to aid said employee in performing jury duty. Each employee shall be paid for time served as a juror in such amount as will compensate the employee for any loss sustained; i.e., that amount which is the difference between the amount of employee’s salary and juror’s compensation.
B. Military leave.
Any employee who is a member of the National Guard or Naval Militia or of a reserve component of any of the Armed Forces of the United States, who is required to undergo annual field training or annual active duty for training, shall be granted a leave of absence with pay for the period of such training, not to exceed two (2) weeks. Such leave shall be in addition to his regular vacation leave. All of the above is subject to state statutes.
C. Leave of Absence Without Pay.
Leave of absence without pay may be requested by any employee who shall submit, in writing, all facts bearing on the request to his department head, who shall append his recommendation and forward the request to the Township Administrator for recommendation and for consideration by the Township Committee. Each case will be considered on its merits and without establishing a precedent.
1. Leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Township Committee for a period not exceeding one (1) year to any employee or officer of the Township:
a) Who is temporarily or physically incapacitated.
b) To attend school or to engage in a course of study designed to increase his usefulness on his or her return to service.
c) In time of emergency or preparation for national defense (e.g., National Guard, Reserves, etc.).
d) For any reason considered good by the Township Committee.
D. Personal Day.
1. Each employee shall be entitled to two (2) workdays of personal leave a year with pay. Such leave shall not be cumulative from year to year. It is not the intent of personal time to either extend weekends, extend vacation or be taken for personal rest and relaxation purposes. Employees are only required to notify the Employer by telephone not less than seventy-two (72) hours in advance, when such notice is possible, when utilizing personal days. Personal Days may be granted only when to do so would not disrupt the normal operations of the several departments; provided, however, that the Township may not unreasonably withhold its consent to permit the employee to take such personal time.
2. Personal days may not be used in conjunction with vacation or other leave. Personal days shall not be taken on a day immediately prior to or on the day after a vacation day or after a
11 sick day. For purposes of this section, attendance at a required training program shall be considered a workday.
3. A new employee must have a minimum of six (6) months service credit before he/she is eligible for this benefit.
E. Bereavement Leave.
1. All full-time employees of the Township shall be granted a bereavement leave up to three (3) days, with pay, upon the death of any member of his family. The term ‘member of his family’ is defined as follows: father or stepfather, mother or stepmother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, spouse, child, foster child, grandmother, grandfather, grandmother-in-law, grandfather-in-law or grandchild.
2. Prior to absence from duty, if possible, or not later than noon of the first day of absence, an employee shall make application for bereavement leave tot eh Department Head, stating specifically the relationship between the deceased and the employee and the date (s) upon which the absence is requested. However, the last day off shall be the day of the funeral.
3. In addition to the above, a one-day bereavement leave with pay is granted to the employee to attend the funeral of an uncle, aunt, nephew, niece or cousin of first degree of the employee or his/her spouse. Prior approval from the Department Head is required for such one-day bereavement leave. If requested, proof must be furnished to the Department Head as to the relationship and death of the person involved.
f. Sick Leave and Terminal Leave.
1. ‘Sick Leave’ is defined as the absence from duty of an employee because of illness, accident, exposure to contagious diseases and attendance upon members of his or her immediate family because of illness requiring the care and attendance of such officer or employee. A certificate of a reputable physician in attendance upon any employee, or members of his or her immediate family, may be required as proof of need of a leave of absence.
2. (a) Sick leave with pay, in addition to annual vacation, shall be one (1) day leave for each month of service plus three (3) additional days in July (15 days per year). If any employee requires none or only a portion of his or her allowable sick leave for any calendar year, the amount of such leave not taken shall accumulate to his or her credit from year to year, and he or she shall be entitled to such accumulated sick leave with pay as and when needed. Accumulated sick leave pay shall not be paid upon retirement, except as provided in paragraph F(7) herein.
(b) An employee shall be required to notify his supervisor that he s sick no later than the start of the normal workday of his absence.
3. Each Department Head will maintain record cards for each employee upon which he will record the total sick leave. All absences will be maintained upon these cards, and all sick leave earned and consumed or used for each completed continuous service year will be shown on this record.
4. Employees having exhausted all of their sick leave will not receive any further sick leave or compensations in lieu thereof until same has been accumulated and earned by the employees by subsequent employment.
5. Where employees have left the Township’s employ and subsequently were re-employed, the last date of re-employment is to be used as employee’s service date with the Township.
12 6. Township reserves the right to have any employee reported or reporting as ill or sick to be examined by a physician designated by the Township. The Township may require any employee who has been off duty for a continuous period of three (3) workdays, or more than ten (10) workdays in a twelve month period, to furnish the Township with a physician's certificate that the employee is physically fit and able to resume his duties. In addition, the Township shall also have the right to have a have such employee examined physically by a physician of its own choice. Such examination shall be at the cost and expense of the Township and on Township time, and shall establish whether the Employee is capable of performing his normal duties and that his return will not jeopardize the health of other Employees.
7. Accumulated, unused sick leave is not reimbursed, except to eligible employees of the Township of Morris who retire or resign from the Township's service under honorable conditions after fifteen (15) years of service or who die while a Township employee. The rate of reimbursement is forty percent (40%) of one day’s pay (at the current wage rate) for up to a maximum of two hundred and fifty (250) accumulated sick days. This provision, however, shall only be applicable to those employees employed by the Township prior to January 1, 1996. As to any employee hired after January 1, 1996, accumulated, unused sick leave is not reimbursed, except to eligible employees of the Township of Morris who retire or resign from the Township’s service under honorable conditions after fifteen (15) years of service or who die while a Township employee; and, the rate of reimbursement for such employees hired after January 1, 1996 who so qualify, shall be forty percent (40%) of one day’s pay (at the current wage rate) for up to a maximum of two hundred and fifty (250) accumulated sick days, provided however, that in no event shall the value of such accumulated sick time exceed $15,000.00. Employees hired after January 1, 1998 who so qualify, shall be forty percent (40%) of one day’s pay (at current wage rate) for up to a maximum of two hundred and fifty (250) accumulated sick days, provided however, that in no event shall the value of such accumulated sick time exceed $10,000.
G. Sick Leave Disability
1. Whenever any employee of the Township on a full-time basis is disabled through injury or illness as a result of arising out of his/her employment, as evidenced by a certificate of a reputable physician, he or she shall be granted, in addition to his or her annual sick leave with pay or any accumulations thereof, a leave of absence with pay for a period of thirty (30) days, or so much thereof as may be required. If at the end of such thirty-day period he or she is not able to return to duty , the Township Committee may extend such disability leave for and additional like period either with full pay or part pay, as it may determine, but no longer than a total of twelve (12) months with full pay. Certificates of continuing disability shall be filed at the end of each thirty (30) days by a reputable physician.
2. Any employee on sick leave with pay and receiving his normal compensation who, in addition, qualifies for payments under worker's compensation weekly benefits shall, during the period he/she is receiving such weekly benefits, be entitled only to that portion of his/her regular salary which, with the worker's compensation payments, equals his/her normal salary.
A. Each employee will be classified in accordance with the skills used and shall be paid not less than the minimum nor more than the maximum rate of pay for each job title in accordance with the job titles listed and rates of pay for 2003, 2004, and 2005, set forth in Schedule 'A' which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. Each employee rate of pay as shown on Schedule 'A" for a job classification shall be determined by the Township. All rates of pay and compensation, except for entry levels, shall, for 2003, be increased by three and eight-five
13 hundredths percent (3.85%) over the employee’s 2002 rate of pay and compensation. For 2004, all rates of pay and compensation shall be increased by three and eight-five hundredths (3.85%) over the employees 2003 rate of pay and compensation. For 2005, all rates of pay and compensation shall be increased by three and eight-five hundredths (3.85%) over the employee’s 2004 rate of pay and compensation. All rates of pay and compensation shall be paid to the employees retroactively to January 1, 2003.
All employees hired prior to January 1,1998 will be classified in accordance with the skills used and shall be paid at not less than the minimum rate of pay for each job title in accordance with the job classification and shall progress to the maximum hourly rate after completion of four (4) years of service.
All employees hired between January 1, 1998 and December 31, 2000 will be classified in accordance with the skills used and shall be paid at not less than the minimum rate of pay for each job title in accordance with the job classification and shall progress to the maximum hourly rate after completion of seven (7) years of service.
All employees hired after January 1, 2001 will be classified in accordance with the skills used and shall be paid at not less than the minimum rate of pay for each job title in accordance with the job classification and shall progress to the maximum hourly rate after completion eight (8) years of service.
B. Compensation for Stand-By
1. Sewer Department stand-by pay shall be governed by current Township policy, (see schedule ' A' attached).
C. Special Licenses - The Township shall pay the fee for the granting or renewal of any special licenses, except drivers' licenses, which an employee is required by law to have in the performance of the duties and responsibilities specified in his job classification or description.
D. If testing an employee's ability to qualify on certain equipment, and the testing is administered by Township outside personnel, it shall be done on Township time.
E. Employees operating a backhoe for trenching or major roadway excavating shall receive an uprate of ninety (90) cents per hour. Employees operating grader maintainers, backhoes or front end loaders shall receive an uprate of sixty (60) cents per hour over and above the driver's rate of pay for eight (8) hours, if he is assigned as an equipment operator for more than four (4) hours in any work day.
F. Mechanics that qualify as Certified Master Mechanics and Welders that qualify as Certified Welders per the provision of Schedule 'B' shall receive an uprate differential of sixty (60) cents per hour above their regular hourly rate of pay.
G. Operator helpers at sewer treatment plants that qualify per the provisions of Schedule 'C' shall receive Grade Differentials over and above their regular hourly rate listed in Schedule 'A'.
H. Operators of the Jet Vac and TV Inspection Truck, who work for the Sewer Department and whose rate of pay already exceeds that of other employees within the Union, shall receive an uprate differential of sixteen ($0.16) cents per hour above their regular hourly rate of pay. Employees of the Recreation and Road and Sanitation Departments, who operate this equipment, shall receive an uprate differential of fifty Gents ($0.50) per hour above their regular hourly rate of pay.
I. In the event that a tree trimmer or tree trimmer helper is not available for emergency callout, a driver who can safely operate three trimming equipment shall be paid at the rate of pay for tree trimmer helper for performing tree trimming duties during the emergency period. For non-emergency work during the normal workday, the employee will be paid the uprate differential f he is assigned as a tree trimmer or tree trimmer helper for more than four (4) hours in one workday.
As hereinafter provided, the Township shall permit the Union reasonable use of bulletin board of 2’x3’ located in the work area at the Township Garage for the posting of notices concerning Union businesses and activities, provided any such notices shall not contain derogatory, defamatory, salacious, inflammatory or anonymous material. Posting by the Union on such bulletin board shall be confined to official business of the Union. The Union agrees that there shall be no distribution of handbills or other Union material on Township time or property except for the notices which have been posted on the aforesaid bulletin board.
The Township may adopt and post or otherwise disseminate such rules and regulations as it may desire, provided that (a) the Union receive a written coy of such rules and regulations within five (5) days of such adoption; (b) the same are not contrary to this Agreement; and (c) further provided that the Union shall have the right to grieve with reference to the same within five (5) days after it receives same from the Township.
A. The Township agrees to deduct from the pay of its employees subject to this Agreement dues, assessments and fees for the Union. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.9(s) as amended. Said moneys together with records of any corrections shall be transmitted to the Union office by the fifteenth (15th) of each month following the monthly pay period in which deductions were made and shall be accompanied by a list showing the names of all employees for whom the deductions were made.
B. If during the life of this Agreement there shall be any change in the rate of membership dues, the Union shall furnish to the Township written notice prior to the effective date of such change.
C. The Union will provide the necessary check-off authorization form and deliver the signed forms to the Township Treasurer. The Union shall indemnify, defend and save the Township harmless against any and all claims. Demand, suits or other forms of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of action taken by the Township in reliance upon pay deduction authorization cards submitted by the Union to the Township.
D. The Union’s entitlement to the representation fee shall continue beyond the termination date of this Agreement so long as the Union remains the majority representative of the employees in the unit, provided that no modification is made in this provision by a successor agreement between the Union and the Township.
If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held invalid by operation of the law or by a Court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction, such provisions shall be inoperative, but all other provisions shall not be affected thereby and shall continue in full force and effect.
This Agreement represents and incorporates the complete and final understanding and settlement by the parties on all bargainable issues which were or could have been the subject of negotiations. During the term of this Agreement, neither party will be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter, whether or not covered by this Agreement, and whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or signed this Agreement, unless herein specified. This Agreement, shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties, except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
All employees hired during the term of this Agreement shall serve a probationary period of one-hundred and twenty (120) calendar days. During this probationary period, the Township reserves the right to reprimand, terminate or otherwise discipline a probationary employee for any reason. An employee so reprimanded, terminated or otherwise disciplined, shall not have recourse though the grievance procedure set forth in this Agreement. This time period may be extended by an additional sixty (60) days upon the mutual consent of the parties. There shall be no responsibility for re-employment of probationary employees if they are discharged during this probationary period. After successful completion of their probationary period, the said new employee will be placed on the seniority list retroactive to the first day of work.
Any employee covered by this Agreement shall be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to, oral or written reprimand, suspension form work with or without pay, reduction in grade or dismissal, as determined by the Township Committee in each case, according to the nature of the infraction of rules, regulations, orders, policies of the Township, or for any of the following causes:
(1) The consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs while on duty or reporting to work in an unfit condition.
(2) Insubordination or willful disobedience of orders or other serious breach of discipline.
(3) Indecent, profane or harsh language.
(4) Disrespect to a superior employee or to a citizen of the Township.
(5) Absence without leave.
(6) Immorality, indecency, or lewdness.
(7) Incapacity to perform work, either due to mental or physical disability.
(8) Conviction of any criminal act or offense.
(9) Conduct unbecoming an employee in the public service.
(10) Failure to report for work as assigned or emergency duty when property notified. 16 (11) Reckless or careless operation of Township owned trucks, vehicles or other equipment.
(12) Fighting on the job.
(13) Refusal or failure to perform assigned duties.
(14) Intentional damage to or misuse of Township property, including waste to Township supplies.
(15) Making a false report in connection with an accident or other work incident required to be reported to the employee’s supervisor.
(16) Theft of property belonging to the Township of Morris, its employees, or citizens.
(17) Failure to properly account for or return property entrusted to the employee.
(18) Excessive or chronic absenteeism.
(19) Drinking alcoholic beverages, use of illegal drugs or possession of same, on or off Township premises during work hours.
(20) Falsification of employment application.
(21) Neglect of duty.
(22) Tardiness or leaving work without permission or before quitting time.
(23) Incompetency or insufficiency.
(24) Unauthorized use of Township property.
(25) Or other sufficient causes.
(26) Any violation of the terms and conditions of employment as set forth in this Agreement.
The foregoing rights of the Township are in addition to any rights conferred by State statute or local ordinance upon the Township as a public employer. Notice of discharge, suspension or other disciplinary action shall be served upon the Union at the same time it is served upon the employees involved. The Township agrees that, in the case of discharge or suspension, it will furnish the Union with a hearing, if requested, within three (3) working days of any such discharge or suspension. In the event that an employee feels that he has been discharged or suspended unjustly said employee, or the Union, shall have the right to file a grievance, which must be in writing, with the Township within two (2) working days from the time of discharge or suspension. Said grievance shall be initiated at the third step of the grievance procedure as herein provided above. If no grievance is filed within the time period specified, then said discharge or suspension shall be deemed to be absolute unless such time period is extended by mutual agreement of the parties.
Any disciplinary proceedings against employees as contemplated by this provision, shall be conducted In accordance with Township Ordinance, and subject to the grievance procedure.
Should it be proven that an injustice has been done a discharged or suspended employee, he shall be fully reinstated in his position and compensated at his usual rate bf pay for lost work opportunity.
The Township shall provide the following:
(1) Five (5) sets of work uniforms per year;
(2) Four (4) tee shirts per year and protective clothing per current practice;
(3) Two (2) additional sets of uniforms shall be furnished to each mechanic each year;
(4) Each employee shall be furnished regular and insulated work gloves per year on a replacement basis as needed.
(5) One (1) Pair of Insulated safety boots and one (1) pair of regular safety boots, which total cost shall not exceed $230, Red Wing #2245, #2233 (uninsulated), and Red Wing #4412, #4414 (insulated) or approved equivalent.
17 (6) In addition to the uniforms, employees of the Sewer Department shall have protective clothing in the form of coveralls furnished and maintained by the Township;
(7) One (1) pair of coveralls or one (1) heavy jacket which total cost shall not exceed $75. 00 once each calendar year to be replaced only if needed.
The above shall be furnished on or about June 30th of each year.
Work uniforms, work shoes, and protective clothing shall be ordered for all new employees
the completion of their probationary period.
No employee shall be permitted to work without proper safety shoes.
Employees that are furnished uniforms shall wear them at all times when on duty.
This Agreement shall be in full force and effect as of January 1, 2003, and shall remain in effect to and including December 31, 2005 and shall continue to remain in full force and effect beyond that stated expiration date set forth herein until a successor agreement is executed and becomes effective.
A. Pursuant to the provisions of the New Jersey employer - Employee Relations Act, as amended, all employees in this negotiating unit who are not now or subsequently elect not to be members of the Union or who hereafter may be employed and who, after the probationary period of employment choose not to become members of the Union shall have deducted from their pay on a monthly basis a fair share representation fee in lieu dues equivalent to eighty five percent (85%) of the dues charged by the Union to its members.
B. In addition, there shall be deducted such amounts as represent eighty-five per-cent (.85%) initiation fees charged by the Union to its members. Such deductions shall be made on the same basis and for the same period as are made from members, and all such deductions shall be paid over by the Employer to the Union at the same time and On the same basis as such payment is made to the Union for member's deductions.
C. The Union shall establish and maintain at all times a demand and return system as provided by N.J.S.A. 34:13A-5.5c and 5.6, and membership to the Union shall be available to all employees in the unit on an equal basis at all times. In the event the Union fails to maintain such system, or if membership is not so available, the Employer shall immediately cease making said deductions, upon proper notification.
D. The Union shall indemnify, defend and hold the Township harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that shall arise out of agency fee deductions by the Township for the Union which the Township has remitted to the Union and reliance by the Employer on any representation made by the Union with respect to this Article.
The provisions of this Agreement shall not apply to any employee who has left the employ of the Township of Morris prior to the date of signing of this Agreement by all parties. However, the salary provisions shall retroactively apply from January 1, 2003, through the date of retirement or disability of any employee prior to the date of signing of the Agreement. The estate of a deceased employee who dies prior to the date of signing of the Agreement shall receive the employee’s salary adjustment retroactively from January 1, 2003, to the employee's last date of employment.
Neither the Township nor the Union shall violate any applicable law pertaining to discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, physical handicap, being a veteran, or national origin.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto caused these presents to be signed by their proper corporate officers and sealed by their proper corporate seals on the day and year first above written.
Attested or Witnessed by:

Secretary - Treasurer

19 For Employees hired prior to 1/1/98
Spread over 4 years International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local No. 469
Schedule A (1)
 |  | 2003 |  |  | 2004 |  |  | 2005 |  |
ROADS AND SANITATION |  | 3.85% |  |  | 3.85% |  |  | 3.85% |  |
Drivers | $20.65 | to | $23.86 | $21.44 | to | $24.78 | $22.27 | to | $25.74 |
Collectors | $20.65 | to | $23.86 | $21.44 | to | $24.78 | $22.27 | to | $25.74 |
Laborers | $20.33 | to | $23.45 | $21.12 | to | $24.35 | $21.93 | to | $25.29 |
Mechanic | $23.97 | to | $30.50 | $24.89 | to | $31.68 | $25.85 | to | $32.89 |
Assistant Mechanic | $20.74 | to | $25.58 | $21.54 | to | $26.56 | $22.37 | to | $27.59 |
Mechanic’s Helper | $19.54 | to | $23.86 | $20.30 | to | $24.78 | $21.08 | to | $25.74 |
Tree Trimmer |  | $27.41 |  |  | $28.46 |  |  | $29.56 |  |
Tree Trimmer’s Helper |  | $24.88 |  |  | $25.84 |  |  | $26.84 |  |
Upgrade Differentials: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Certified Mechanic |  | $0.60/hr |  |  | $0.60/hr |  |  | $0.60/hr |  |
Heavy Equipment Operator | $0.60/hr | to | $0.90/hr | $0.60/hr | to | $0.90/hr | $0.60/hr | to | $0.90/hr |
Pesticide |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |
PARKS |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Driver/Operator | $20.65 | to | $23.86 | $21.44 | to | $24.78 | $22.27 | to | $25.74 |
Laborers | $20.33 | to | $23.45 | $21.12 | to | $24.35 | $21.93 | to | $25.29 |
ADMINISTRATIVE |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Building Maintenance Man |  | $19.19 |  |  | $19.93 |  |  | $20.70 |  |
SEWER UTILITY |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Operator’s Helper | $21.09 | to | $24.31 | $21.90 | to | $25.25 | $22.75 | to | $26.22 |
Operator’s Helper/Laboratory Technician | $21.47 | to | $24.73 | $22.29 | to | $25.68 | $22.75 | to | $26.67 |
Operator’s Helper/Assistant Laboratory Tech | $21.26 | to | $24.50 | $22.08 | to | $25.44 | $22.93 | to | $26.42 |
Operator’s Helper/Mechanic | $21.47 | to | $24.73 | $22.29 | to | $25.68 | $23.15 | to | $26.67 |
Operator’s Helper/Assistant Mechanic | $21.26 | to | $24.50 | $22.08 | to | $25.44 | $22.93 | to | $26.42 |
Grade Differentials: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
License S-1 (Grade 1) |  | $0.40/hr |  |  | $0.040/hr |  |  | $0.40/hr |  |
License S-2 (Grade 2) |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |
License S-3 (Grade 3) |  | $1.10/hr |  |  | $1.10/hr |  |  | $1.10/hr |  |
License S-4 (Grade 4) |  | $1.50/hr |  |  | $1.50/hr |  |  | $1.50/hr |  |
License S-1 |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |
License S-2 |  | $0.35/hr |  |  | $0.35/hr |  |  | $0.35/hr |  |
License S-3 |  | $0.50/hr |  |  | $0.50/hr |  |  | $0.50/hr |  |
License S-4 |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |
Jet Vac Operator and TV Insp. Truck Op |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Upgrade Differentials |  | $0.16/hr |  |  | $0.16/hr |  |  | $0.16/hr |  |
Night Standby |  | $27.25/night |  |  | $28.30/night |  |  | $29.39/night |  |
For Employees hired prior to 1/1/98
Spread over 4 years International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local No. 469
Schedule A (2)
 |  | 2003 |  |  | 2004 |  |  | 2005 |  |
ROADS AND SANITATION |  | 3.85% |  |  | 3.85% |  |  | 3.85% |  |
Drivers | $17.28 | to | $23.86 | $17.95 | to | $24.78 | $18.64 | to | $25.74 |
Collectors | $17.28 | to | $23.86 | $17.95 | to | $24.78 | $18.64 | to | $25.74 |
Laborers | $14.98 | to | $23.45 | $15.55 | to | $24.35 | $16.15 | to | $25.29 |
Mechanic | $18.42 | to | $30.50 | $19.13 | to | $31.68 | $19.87 | to | $32.89 |
Assistant Mechanic | $16.12 | to | $25.58 | $16.74 | to | $26.56 | $17.38 | to | $27.59 |
Mechanic’s Helper | $14.98 | to | $23.86 | $15.55 | to | $24.78 | $16.15 | to | $25.74 |
Tree Trimmer | $18.42 | to | $27.41 | $19.13 | to | $28.46 | $19.87 | to | $29.56 |
Tree Trimmer’s Helper | $16.12 | to | $24.88 | $16.74 | to | $25.84 | $17.38 | to | $26.84 |
Upgrade Differentials: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Certified Mechanic |  | $0.60/hr |  |  | $0.60/hr |  |  | $0.60/hr |  |
Heavy Equipment Operator | $0.60/hr | to | $0.90/hr | $0.60/hr | to | $0.90/hr | $0.60/hr | to | $0.90/hr |
Pesticide |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |
PARKS |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Driver/Operator | $17.28 | to | $23.86 | $17.95 | to | $24.78 | $18.64 | to | $25.74 |
Laborers | $14.98 | to | $23.45 | $15.55 | to | $24.35 | $16.15 | to | $25.29 |
ADMINISTRATIVE |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Building Maintenance Man | $11.52 | to | $19.19 | $11.96 | to | $19.93 | $12.42 | to | $20.70 |
SEWER UTILITY |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Operator’s Helper | $14.98 | to | $24.31 | $15.55 | to | $25.25 | $16.15 | to | $26.22 |
Operator’s Helper/Laboratory Technician | $18.42 | to | $24.73 | $19.13 | to | $25.68 | $19.87 | to | $26.67 |
Operator’s Helper/Assistant Laboratory Tech | $16.70 | to | $24.50 | $17.34 | to | $25.44 | $18.01 | to | $26.42 |
Operator’s Helper/Mechanic | $19.58 | to | $24.73 | $20.33 | to | $25.68 | $21.11 | to | $26.67 |
Operator’s Helper/Assistant Mechanic | $17.28 | to | $24.50 | $17.95 | to | $25.44 | $18.64 | to | $26.42 |
Grade Differentials: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
License S-1 (Grade 1) |  | $0.40/hr |  |  | $0.040/hr |  |  | $0.40/hr |  |
License S-2 (Grade 2) |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |
License S-3 (Grade 3) |  | $1.10/hr |  |  | $1.10/hr |  |  | $1.10/hr |  |
License S-4 (Grade 4) |  | $1.50/hr |  |  | $1.50/hr |  |  | $1.50/hr |  |
License S-1 |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |
License S-2 |  | $0.35/hr |  |  | $0.35/hr |  |  | $0.35/hr |  |
License S-3 |  | $0.50/hr |  |  | $0.50/hr |  |  | $0.50/hr |  |
License S-4 |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |
Jet Vac Operator and TV Insp. Truck Op |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Upgrade Differentials |  | $0.16/hr |  |  | $0.16/hr |  |  | $0.16/hr |  |
Night Standby |  | $27.25/night |  |  | $28.30/night |  |  | $29.39/night |  |
For Employees hired prior to 1/1/98
Spread over 4 years International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local No. 469
Schedule A (3)
 |  | 2003 |  |  | 2004 |  |  | 2005 |  |
ROADS AND SANITATION |  | 3.85% |  |  | 3.85% |  |  | 3.85% |  |
Drivers | $17.28 | to | $23.86 | $17.95 | to | $24.78 | $18.64 | to | $25.74 |
Collectors | $17.28 | to | $23.86 | $17.95 | to | $24.78 | $18.64 | to | $25.74 |
Laborers | $14.98 | to | $23.45 | $15.55 | to | $24.35 | $16.15 | to | $25.29 |
Mechanic | $18.42 | to | $30.50 | $19.13 | to | $31.68 | $19.87 | to | $32.89 |
Assistant Mechanic | $16.12 | to | $25.58 | $16.74 | to | $26.56 | $17.38 | to | $27.59 |
Mechanic’s Helper | $14.98 | to | $23.86 | $15.55 | to | $24.78 | $16.15 | to | $25.74 |
Tree Trimmer | $18.42 | to | $27.41 | $19.13 | to | $28.46 | $19.87 | to | $29.56 |
Tree Trimmer’s Helper | $16.12 | to | $24.88 | $16.74 | to | $25.84 | $17.38 | to | $26.84 |
Upgrade Differentials: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Certified Mechanic |  | $0.60/hr |  |  | $0.60/hr |  |  | $0.60/hr |  |
Heavy Equipment Operator | $0.60/hr | to | $0.90/hr | $0.60/hr | to | $0.90/hr | $0.60/hr | to | $0.90/hr |
Pesticide |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |
PARKS |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Driver/Operator | $17.28 | to | $23.86 | $17.95 | to | $24.78 | $18.64 | to | $25.74 |
Laborers | $14.98 | to | $23.45 | $15.55 | to | $24.35 | $16.15 | to | $25.29 |
ADMINISTRATIVE |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Building Maintenance Man | $11.52 | to | $19.19 | $11.96 | to | $19.93 | $12.42 | to | $20.70 |
SEWER UTILITY |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Operator’s Helper | $14.98 | to | $24.31 | $15.55 | to | $25.25 | $16.15 | to | $26.22 |
Operator’s Helper/Laboratory Technician | $18.42 | to | $24.73 | $19.13 | to | $25.68 | $19.87 | to | $26.67 |
Operator’s Helper/Assistant Laboratory Tech | $16.70 | to | $24.50 | $17.34 | to | $25.44 | $18.01 | to | $26.42 |
Operator’s Helper/Mechanic | $19.58 | to | $24.73 | $20.33 | to | $25.68 | $21.11 | to | $26.67 |
Operator’s Helper/Assistant Mechanic | $17.28 | to | $24.50 | $17.95 | to | $25.44 | $18.64 | to | $26.42 |
Grade Differentials: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
License S-1 (Grade 1) |  | $0.40/hr |  |  | $0.040/hr |  |  | $0.40/hr |  |
License S-2 (Grade 2) |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |
License S-3 (Grade 3) |  | $1.10/hr |  |  | $1.10/hr |  |  | $1.10/hr |  |
License S-4 (Grade 4) |  | $1.50/hr |  |  | $1.50/hr |  |  | $1.50/hr |  |
License S-1 |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |  | $0.25/hr |  |
License S-2 |  | $0.35/hr |  |  | $0.35/hr |  |  | $0.35/hr |  |
License S-3 |  | $0.50/hr |  |  | $0.50/hr |  |  | $0.50/hr |  |
License S-4 |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |  | $0.75/hr |  |
Jet Vac Operator and TV Insp. Truck Op |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Upgrade Differentials |  | $0.16/hr |  |  | $0.16/hr |  |  | $0.16/hr |  |
Night Standby |  | $27.25/night |  |  | $28.30/night |  |  | $29.39/night |  |
The necessary qualifications of a Certified Master Mechanic are as follows:
(1) Master Truck Certification
Certification by the National Institute of Automotive Services
Excellence (ASE)1 in the following Heavy Duty Truck Specialty areas:
a. Drive Train
b. Brakes
c. Suspension & Steering
d. Electrical Systems
e. Diesel Engines
(2) Master Automobile Technician Certification
Certification by the National Institute of Automotive Services
Excellence (ASE)2 in the following Heavy Duty Truck Specialty arrears:
a. Engine Repair
b. Automotive Transmission/Transaxle
c. Manual Drive Train & Axles
d. Suspension and Steering
e. Brakes
f. Electrical systems
g. Heating and Air Conditioning
h. Engine Performance
(3) In addition to §§ 1 and 2, the individual must have a minimum of ten (10) years acceptable experience as a mechanic.
(4) Welder Certification
To be eligible to receive an uprate differential, the welder must have a minimum of five (5) years experience and possess a certificate from a testing laboratory indicating that he has successfully passed a welding test acceptable to the Roads and Sanitation Superintendent.
1 Certifications from institutions other that the ASE can be substituted if
deemed equivalent by the Superintendent of Roads and Sanitation.
2 Certifications from institutions other that the ASE can be substituted if
deemed equivalent by the Superintendent of Roads and Sanitation.
OPERATOR HELPER |  | H.S. Diploma or equivalent |
OPERATOR HELPER, GRADE 1 |  | H.S. Diploma or equivalent, 1 year operating experience in Wastewater Treatment, Completion of Introductory Course in Wastewater Treatment, Holds S-1 License. |
OPERATOR HELPER, GRADE 2 |  | H.S. Diploma or equivalent, 3 years operating experience in Wastewater Treatment, Completion of Introductory course in Wastewater Treatment, Holds S-2 License. |
OPERATOR HELPER, GRADE 3 |  | H.S. Diploma or equivalent, 6 years operating experience in Wastewater Treatment, Completion of Introductory Course in Wastewater Treatment, Holds, S-3 License. |
OPERATOR HELPER, GRADE 4 |  | H.S. Diploma or equivalent, 10 years operating experience in Wastewater Treatment, Completion of Introductory Course in Wastewater Treatment, Holds, S-4 License. |
OPERATOR HELPER/MECHANIC |  | Must have 5 years experience in Plant Mechanical Maintenance, Basic Knowledge of Electrical, Plumbing, Fabrication and Pump Repair. Must possess a CDL – Class B license, with Tanker Endorsement. |
ASSISTANT MECHANIC |  | Must have 2 years experience in Plant Mechanical Maintenance, Basic Knowledge of Electrical, Plumbing, Fabrication and Pump Repair. Must be able to work under direct supervision of Operator Helper/Mechanic and fill-in in his absence. Must possess a CDL-Class B license, with Tanker Endorsement. |
LABORATORY TECHNICIAN |  | Must have 1 year of experience in Laboratory Training in Bacteriology and Chemistry [N.J.A.C. 7.18-2.70(1-3)] or have had 3 years laboratory experience performing Compliance Analysis in category or categories for which N.J.D.E.P. Certification is required, and demonstrate the ability of complying with the testing, analytical and quality control requirements [N.J.A.C. 1: 18-2.78(-iii)]. |
TECHNICIAN |  | 2 years experience in Laboratory Training under the direct supervision of the Laboratory Technician, demonstrate ability to perform required testing, take over duties of Lab Technician in his/her absence. |
OPERATOR |  | H.S. Diploma or equivalent, 2 years experience in Wastewater Treatment and collection systems; works under the direct supervision of the maintenance supervisor. Must possess a CDL – Class B license, with Tanker Endorsement. |
C-2 |