JULY 1, 2004 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2007
Article I Recognition Clause
Article II Grievance Procedure
Article III Negotiation of Successor Agreement
Article IV Board Rights Clause
Article V Rights of Employees to Representation
Article VI Staff Rights
Article VII Association Rights and Privileges
Article VIII Teaching Hours and Teaching Load
Article IX Non-Teaching Duties
Article X Teachers Facilities
Article XI Staff Salary Guide
Article XII Teacher Assignments
Article XIII Sick Leave
Article XIV Temporary Leaves of Absence
Article XV No Strike Clause
Article XVI Sabbatical Leave
Article XVII Representation Fee
Article XVIII Entire Agreement
Article XIV Duration of Agreement
Schedule A
Schedule B
1 This agreement entered into this 1st day of July, 2004, by and between the Board of
Education of the School District of the Borough of Clayton, hereinafter called “Board”
and the Clayton Education Association, hereinafter called “Association.”
The Board recognizes the Clayton Education Association as the exclusive and sole
representative for collective negotiations concerning terms and conditions of employment
for all contractual staff as defined in Article II – A.1.
A. Definitions
1. The term “staff” shall mean all certified professional employees of the
Board and shall include only personnel employed on a contractual basis as
teachers, guidance personnel, librarians, social workers, nurses, speech
correctionists, learning disabilities specialists, school psychologists,
occupational therapists, and technology coordinators.
2. A grievance is a claim by a staff member or the Association based upon
the interpretation application or violation of this agreement, policies or
administrative decisions affecting terms and conditions of employment.
B. The purpose of this procedure is to resolve differences concerning rights of parties
regarding terms and conditions of employment. Both parties agree that these
proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at
any level of the procedure.
C. Procedure for Processing a Grievance
1. The number of days indicated at each level should be considered a
maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. All
time limits must be adhered to unless a modification or extension to by the
Association and the Board. If the Board or administration does not adhere
to such time limits, the aggrieved may initiate action to the next step of
this procedure. If the aggrieved or the Association fails to adhere to such
time limits, the grievance shall be considered withdrawn. A grievance to
be considered under this procedure must be initiated by the aggrieved or
the association within thirty (30) consecutive days of its alleged
occurrence or from the time when the aggrieved or Association could
reasonably have known of its occurrence.
2. In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed
through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school
year and, if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school
year, w ill result in irreparable harm to a party in interest, the time limits
set forth herein may be reduced by mutual agreement so that the grievance
procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon
thereafter as is practicable.
A staff member with a complaint may file a grievance in writing with
his/her principal or immediate supervisor either directly or through the
Association’s designated representative. The principal or immediate
supervisor will meet with the staff member and/or the Association’s
designated representative with the objective of resolving the matter. After
hearing the complaint of the staff member, the principal or immediate
supervisor will respond in writing to the individual or the Association’s
designated representative, the Board President, the Association President
and the Superintendent or his/her designee.
If the staff member is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her
grievance at Level 1, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10)
school days after the grievance was delivered to the Principal or
immediate supervisor, the staff member may, within ten (10) school days
after a decision by the Principal or immediate supervisor, or twenty (20)
school days after the grievance was presented to the Principal or
immediate supervisor, whichever is less, file the grievance in writing with
the Superintendent or his/her designee, copy sent to the Board President,
stating (a) nature of the grievance, including what contract provision or
policy is being grieved, (b) results of previous discussion, (c) basis of
dissatisfaction with the decision, and (d) remedies sought. After hearing
the complaint of the staff member, the Superintendent will respond in
writing to the individual or the Association’s designated representative,
the Board President, and the Association President.
If the staff member is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her
grievance at Level Two, or if no decision has been rendered within ten
(10) school days after the grievance was delivered to the Superintendent or
his/her designee, the staff member may, within ten (10) school days after a
decision by the Superintendent or his/her designee, or twenty (20) school
days after the grievance was delivered to the Superintendent or his/her
designee, whichever is less, submit in writing to the Board President a
request for a hearing before the Board.
At the option of the Board, such hearing shall be held before the full Board or a
designated committee of the Board. Such hearing shall be held within twenty-five (25) school days of the request for a hearing. The staff member may submit written materials to the Board of the designated committee of the Board in support of his/her position at the time of his/her request for a hearing. The staff member shall serve any such written materials on all parties in interest.
The Board shall make a determination and notify the staff member in
writing within ten (10) school days of the conclusion of the hearing.
a. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the
grievance alleging a violation of a term or condition of
employment at Level Three, the Association may within ten (10)
school days after receiving written notification of the decision by
the Board or the Board Committee, as the case may be, or forty-five
(45) school days after the request for the hearing, notify the
Board that the grievance is being submitted to arbitration.
b. Within ten (10) school days after such written notice of submission
to arbitration, the Board and the Association shall attempt to agree
upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator and shall obtain a
commitment from said arbitrator to serve. If the parties are unable
to agree upon an arbitrator or to obtain such a commitment within
the specified period, a request for a list of arbitrators may be made
to the American Arbitration Association or the PERC by either
party. The parties shall then be bound by the rules and procedure
of the American Arbitration Association of PERC in the selection
of an arbitrator. The arbitrator shall limit him/herself to issues
submitted to him/her and shall consider nothing else. She/he can
add nothing to nor subtract anything from this agreement.
c. The arbitrator so selected shall confer with the representatives of
the Board and the Association and hold hearings promptly and
shall issue his/her decision not later than twenty (20) school days
from the date of the close of the hearings or, if oral hearings have
been waived, then from the date of final statements and proofs on
the issues are submitted to him/her. The arbitrator’s decision shall
be in writing and shall set forth his/her findings of fact, reasoning
and conclusions on the issues submitted. The arbitrator shall be
without power or authority to make any decision, which requires
the commission of an act prohibited by law or which is clearly
violative of the terms of this Agreement. The decision of the
arbitrator shall be submitted to the Board and the Association and
shall be final and binding on both parties.
d. The costs for the services of the arbiter, including per diem
expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, subsistence
expenses, and the cost of hearing rooms shall be borne by the
Association and the Board up to two incidents per year. Any other
expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring same.
e. Arbitration is to be scheduled after school hours.
Negotiating for the successor agreement shall commence on or before January 15.
Contract negotiations may be opened during the term of this Agreement by mutual
consent. This contract shall be in force for 2004-2005, 2005-2006, and 2006-2007.
The Board reserves the right to itself sole jurisdiction, authority, and responsibility over
matters of policy and retains the right, subject only to the limitations imposed by the
language of this agreement, NJSA 34:13A-1 et seq., and in accordance with applicable
laws and regulations (a) to direct employees of the school district; (b) to hire, promote,
transfer, assign, and retain employees in positions in the school district, and to suspend,
demote, discharge, or take other disciplinary action against employees; (c) to relieve
employees from duty because of lack of work or for other legitimate reasons; (d) to
maintain efficiency of the school district operations entrusted to them; (e) to determine
the methods, means, and personnel by which such operations are to be conducted; and (f)
to take whatever actions may be necessary to carry out the mission of the school district
in situations of emergency.
A. Whenever any staff member is required to appear before an administrator for the
purpose of formal disciplinary action, then he or she shall be given prior written
notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have 1
representative of his or her choosing present to advise him or her and represent
him or her during such meeting or interview. The administrator shall be provided
written notice as to the name and position of this representative except in cases of
emergency within (24) hours.
B. When any staff member is required to appear before the Board or any committee
thereof for the purpose of disciplinary action, he or she shall be given 2 weekdays
(Monday – Friday) prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or
interview and shall be entitled to 1 representative of his or her choosing present to
advise him or her and represent him or her during such meeting or interview. The
Board shall be provided with 24 hours written notice as to the name and position
of this representative except in cases of emergency. The outcome of the decision
must be in accordance with the CEA contract.
C. If, in the judgment of the Association, a grievance affects a group or class of
employees, the Association may submit such grievance in writing to the
Superintendent directly and the processing of such grievance shall be commenced
at Level Two. The Association may process such a grievance through all levels
of the grievance procedure even though the aggrieved person does not wish to do
so.5 D. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public
and shall include only the interested parties and their designated or selected
representatives, previously referred to in this ARTICLE.
A. Negative criticism of a staff member by a supervisor, administrator, or Board
Member, shall not be made in the presence of students, parents, other teachers, or
at other public gatherings unless public comment or discussion is requested by the
staff member or unless it is part of a court proceeding.
B. No criticism, or complaint of a staff member by a parent, student, or other person
can be used for evaluation purposes without the staff member’s knowledge and
without being given an opportunity to rebut or explain it.
C. The staff member shall determine grades within the grading policy of the Clayton
School District. The teacher shall be answerable to the administration and Board
of Education for the method of arriving at such grades and must be prepared to
show that they are not arbitrary and capricious.
D. Any staff member denied pay for any reason shall be notified in writing of such
denial 5 days prior to the issuing of the pay check containing the deduction.
E. Staff members shall receive the agenda of any staff meeting called by the
administration at least one (1) day prior to the meeting. Items may be added to
the agenda if necessary.
F. Staff members may leave the building five minutes after students are dismissed on
the day of “Back to School Night.”
G. Assault Upon an Employee
1. An employee shall immediately report any case of assault or battery upon
his/her person arising out of, or in connection with, his/her employment
duties. Such matters shall be immediately reported to the Principal or
immediate supervisor.
2. When absence arises out of or from such assault or injury, the employee
may be entitled to Worker’s Compensation.
H. No employee will be disciplined, reprimanded, reduced in rank or compensation
without just cause.
A. The Association may use school facilities and equipment including computers,
copying machines, and other duplicating equipment, calculating machines, and all
types of audio-visual equipment at reasonable times subject to the approval of the
Building Principal. Such equipment is to be used by the Association for Clayton
business only. All supplies used will be provided and paid for by the Association.
B. Profits from vending machines in the staff dining room belong to the Association.
If any additional vending machines are installed, they must be approved by the
Board of Education.
C. The Association shall be allocated meeting time on orientation day immediately
before the lunch break or at some other time acceptable to the Superintendent.
6 D. The Association may submit suggestions to the administration for in-service
programs by June 1. Every effort shall be made by the administration to schedule
at least one (1) Association suggestion for the coming school year.
E. The Superintendent shall be empowered by the Board to approve reasonable
release time for members of the Association Executive Committee to engage in
Association business which could not otherwise be completed outside of normal
school hours.
A. A teacher’s workday at all schools shall not exceed 7 hours and 10 minutes..
Professional meeting days will not exceed 15 minutes before or after the regular
school day. Said meetings cannot be called more than 4 times per month per
person. Forty-eight hours prior notice shall be given.)
1. On Fridays and days preceding holidays, staff may leave 5 minutes after
2. All staff members shall receive one (1) duty-free lunch period during
regularly scheduled lunch periods.
3. All teachers shall receive five (5) scheduled preparation periods per week
for instructional preparation except in cases of class coverage or
emergencies. If teachers are assigned class coverage, they shall be paid at
the rate of $20.00 for each coverage. Such payment shall be cumulative
and be paid in December and June of each school year.
4. Non-classroom teaching staff members will be given preparation time on
days when they teach. On non-teaching days they will be granted two
breaks equivalent to a prep period.
5. Every effort will be made to provide common planning time for those in class
support and regular classroom teachers who work together.
6. Teachers will be given three (3) school days after the end of each marking
period to finalize Power Grade entries.
B. The work year for all schools will not exceed 185 days. Said days shall be
inclusive of the NJEA convention. In-service days may not be prior to Labor Day
or after the last student class day.
C. Teachers new to the District will be available for an additional 30 hours beyond
the regular school year for the purpose of mentoring.
D. Teachers new to the District shall be provided with a complete orientation packet
which shall include a copy of the contract, benefits packet, and information on
Board-approved savings plans. This information shall be provided at the time of
signing the contract.
E. The Superintendent or Administrators with the approval of the Superintendent
may require (1) meeting per month of one hour duration at the close of the school
F. For each one hour in-service presentation in district, or requested by the district,
the teaching staff member will be reimbursed for two hours at the professional
rate of pay.
7 G. Every effort will be made to provide release time for teachers completing IEP’s,
writing curriculum, budget development, Basic Skills folders, scoring SRA and
DRA exams.
H. Staff who participate in instructional activities outside school hours (including but
not limited to bedside instruction, driver education, and library supervision) shall
be compensated at the rate of $30.00 per hour for year one; $32.00 per hour for
year two; and $34.00 per hour for year three of the contract. Payment rate for
non-staff personnel shall be at $22.00 per hour. The staff will have right of first
refusal. The approved amount in the grant will supercede the listed hourly rates.
A no-show on the part of the student shall diminish the compensation to a 1 hour
payment. This clause does not supercede payment for already contracted services
such as, but not limited to, co-curricular activities.
I. Staff who participate in non-instructional activities outside school hours
(including but not limited to crowd control, announcing, ticket selling, scoreboard
operation, timing, and field event assistance) shall be compensated $45.00 per
event or the advertised rate whichever is greater.
J. Teachers who are required to grade summer assignments will be compensated at
the hourly rate not to exceed 10 hours each.
K. A stipend will be provided for additional academic preparations beyond 3
different subjects per semester. Subjects are defined as offered academic courses
exclusive of physical education, art, music, shops, or other such “specials.”
Stipends shall be as follows: $1150 for 4th preparation; $1150 additional for 5th
preparation; etc.
L. A half-time teacher’s schedule will not exceed 3 hours and 35 minutes. This time
shall be consecutive.
M. Half-time teachers shall be compensated for attendance at meetings, conferences,
and workshops that occur outside their assigned teaching hours at a rate of $25.00
per hour. Attendance at said meetings, et al, shall be optional if outside of
assigned work period.
N. Teachers may be assigned up to 6 periods per day as needed. Those teachers may
be assigned one (1) duty period.
O. In the event of implementation of block scheduling, or any alternative plan that
includes a block, the Board agrees to negotiate the terms and conditions of
employment prior to implementation.
P. The Board agrees to renegotiate the terms and conditions of employment of the
ITV program.
Q. Non-instructional weekend and summer educational employment, requested and
approved by the administration, shall be compensated at the rate of $20.00 per
hour for year one; $22.00 per hour for year two; and $24.00 per hour for year
three of the contract.
R. Additional days worked beyond the 185 day contract, at the request of the
administration, shall be paid at a per diem rate.
Staff members shall not be required nor be approved to drive students to activities which
take place away from the school building in non-district owned or leased vehicles.
The Board and the Association agree that adequate facilities and materials shall be
provided. A joint committee of the Board and the Association shall develop
Policy to dictate such conditions.
A. The salaries of all staff members covered by this agreement shall be set forth in
Schedule A which is attached hereto and make a part hereof.
B. The compensation for staff members who are appointed by the Board for Co-
Curricular activities shall be paid the additional compensation as set forth in
Schedule B, which is attached hereto and make a part hereof.
All teachers to be re-employed for the forthcoming year shall receive their contracts by
May 30. Signed contracts are to be returned to the Superintendent’s Office no later than
15 school days after the receipt of the contract. If not returned by said date, the position
may be declared vacant. A list of known vacancies shall be posted in all school buildings
and e-mailed to staff no later than 15 days after contracts are returned. The administration
shall notify staff members of vacancies by posting such vacancies for 3 days while school
is in session on the bulletin board in the faculty room and by e-mailing staff and accept
applications from interested parties but should no applications be secured, the
administration shall have the right to assign a teacher to fill the position and
compensation (if any) shall be in accordance with that agreed upon by the Association
and the Board. Vacancies are defined to include teaching position, Co-Curricular
positions, homebound instruction, tutoring positions, and any other positions covered by
this Agreement.
A. The term “sick leave” is hereby defined to mean the absence from his or her post
of duty of any member because of personal disability due to illness or injury or
because he or she has been excluded from school by the District’s medical
authorities on account of a contagious disease or of being quarantined for such a
disease in his or her immediate household.
B. All staff members covered by this Agreement shall be allowed sick leave with full
pay for a minimum of 10 days. New employees will be given sick leave based on
a pro-rated basis for the balance of the school year.
C. Medical verification may be required according to existing Board policy.
D. If any staff member requires in any school year less than the specified number of
days of sick leave with pay allowed, all days of such minimum sick leave not
utilized that year shall be accumulative to be used for additional sick leave as
needed in subsequent years.9 E. Staff members shall be given a written accounting of accumulated sick leave days
no later than the opening day of each school year.
F. Teachers shall be paid for accumulated unused sick leave as follows:
1. Any teacher who retires according to the provisions of the TPAF in order
to receive immediate benefits as opposed to “deferred” benefits and has 15
continuous years of teaching service in the District shall be eligible for
payment for unused sick leave.
2. Teachers planning to retire must notify the Superintendent no later than
December 1 of the year preceding the effective date of the retirement in
order to receive prompt payment. Those who fail to comply with the
notification procedure described herein shall be required to wait for said
payment until such time as (1) the money is allocated in the next school
budget and (2) the instant budget becomes effective.
3. To qualify for payment, a retiring teacher must have a minimum of 25
4. Payment shall be based upon the following schedule provided, however,
the total amount paid to any teacher shall not exceed $15,000: 15+ years in
Clayton - one (1) day’s pay for every four (4) accumulated days
5. If a teacher who has notified the Board of his or her intent to retire in
accordance with the provisions set forth herein subsequently dies prior to
the effective date of his or her retirement, payment entitled under this
Article shall be paid to his or her estate.
A. All professionally certified staff members shall be entitled to the following
temporary non-accumulative leaves of absence each year:
1. Applications for leave under this Article must be made at least 4 days
before taking the leave (except in emergencies). The Superintendent shall
approve up to three (3) days personal time with pay. These days may be
taken without a reason. Additional leave may be granted at the discretion
of the Superintendent. Leave shall not be taken the day before or after a
holiday or long weekend without approval of the Superintendent.
2. Unused personal days shall be added to the accumulated sick days.
3. Should the Superintendent deem it necessary for additional leaves of
absence, the applicant shall receive the difference between the contractual
salary and the substitute’s pay. Leave must be requested in advance and
receive Superintendent’s approval.
4. Absence due to death in the immediate family shall be allowed with pay
up to a maximum of 5 days. Immediate family means husband, wife,
father, mother, child, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and
paternal/maternal grandparents of staff members and their spouses or any
person standing in loco parentis. Leave beyond five (5) days may be
approved by the Superintendent.
5. All deductions shall be based on 1/185 of yearly salary.
A. The Association covenants and agrees that during the term of this Agreement
neither the teacher organization nor any person acting in its behalf will cause,
authorize, or support, nor will any of its members take part in any strike or
walkout – i.e. the concerted failure to report for duty or willful absence from his
or her position or stoppage of work or abstinence in whole or in part from the full,
faithful, and proper performance of the employee’s duties of employment for any
purpose whatsoever. The Association may be held liable in damages for such
strikes or walkouts unless the Association, in writing, immediately disavows the
strike and notifies the strikers to return to work.
B. Nothing contained in the Agreement shall be construed to limit or restrict the
Board in its right to seek and obtain such judicial relief as it may be entitled to
have in law or in equity for injunction or damages or both in the event of such
breach by the Association or its members.
A. A sabbatical leave shall be granted to eligible professionally certified employees
for study or for other reasons of value to the school system upon recommendation
of the Superintendent of Schools and the approval of the Board subject to:
1. Requests for sabbatical leaves must be received by the Superintendent in
writing no later than December 1, and action will be taken on all such requests
no later than the first regularly scheduled meeting in March of such year
preceding the school year for which the sabbatical leave is requested.
2. The certified professional employee requesting a sabbatical leave must
have completed at least 9 full years of service in the Clayton School
District. In addition, the applicant must have evidenced continued
professional growth and teaching competency during his or her years of
service in the District. No more than one sabbatical leave will be granted
every two years district wide.
3. A certified professional employee on an approved sabbatical leave (either
for one-half of a school year or for a full school year) shall be paid by the
Board of Education at 50% of the salary rate which he or she would have
received if he or she had remained on active duty.
4. Upon return from a sabbatical leave, a teacher shall be placed on the salary
schedule at the level at which he or she would have achieved if he or she remained actively employed in the system during the period of the
sabbatical leave.
5. All monies or equal portions thereof, including the cost of medical benefits,
pension contribution, and tuition reimbursement paid to a person on sabbatical
leave shall be returned to the Board of Education within 60 days if the person
granted the sabbatical leave fails to remain in the employ of the Clayton Board of
Education for a period of 2 complete school years after the completion of the
sabbatical leave, except in case of physical and or mental incapacitation.
A. Purpose of Fee
If an employee does not become a member of the Association during any
membership year (i.e. from September 1 to the following August 31) which is
covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to
pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The
purpose of this fee will be to offset the employee’s per capita cost of services
rendered by the Association as majority representative.
B. Amount of Fee
Notification: Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association
will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues,
initiation fees, and assessments charged by the Association to its own members
for that membership year. Said fee shall conform to the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Public Employment Relations Commission.
C. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
1. Notification: Once during each membership year covered in whole or in
part by this Agreement, the Association will submit to the Board a list of
those employees who have not become members of the Association for the
then-current membership year. The Board will then deduct from the salaries of such employees, in accordance with paragraph 2 below, the full amount of the representation fee and promptly will transmit the amount to the Association.
2. Payroll Deduction Schedule: Upon annual written notification that the
Association has adopted and implemented a valid “demand and return
system,” the Board will deduct the representation fee in equal installments
as nearly as possible from the paychecks paid to each employee on the
aforesaid list during the remainder of the membership year in question.
The amount deducted for non-members shall be based upon the figures
contained in the statement provided said non-members prior to the start of
the dues year in accordance with NJAC 19:17-3.3(a)(1). The deduction
will begin with the first paycheck paid:
a. 10 days after receipt of the aforesaid list by the Board
b. 30 days after the employee begins his or her employment in a
bargaining unit position, unless the employee previously served in
a bargaining unit position and continued in the employ of the
Board in a non-bargaining unit position or was on layoff, in which
event the deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid 10
days after the resumption of the employee’s employment in a
bargaining unit position, whichever is later.
D. Termination of Employment: If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his or her employment with the Board before the
Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is
entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee
from the last paycheck paid to said employee during the membership year in
12 E. Mechanics: Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the
deduction of representation feels and the transmission of such fees to the
Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the
deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
F. Changes: The Association will notify the Board in writing of any changes in the
list provided for in Section C above and/or the amount of the representation fee,
and such changes will be reflected in any deductions made more than 10 days
after the Board received said notice. Deductions shall be made February and/or
June 15 for such changes.
G. New Employees: on or about the last day of each month, beginning with the
month this Agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the
Association a list of all employees who began their employment in a bargaining
unit position during the preceding 30 day period. The list will include names, job
titles, and date of employment for all such employees.
H. Indemnification: The Association shall indemnify and hold the Board harmless
against any and all claims, demands, suits, and other forms of liability including
liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses that may
arise out of or by reason of any action taken or not taken by the Board in
conformance with this provision.
This writing contains the entire Agreement between the parties hereto. It incorporates by
law the terms of NJSA 34:13A-1 et. seq. and NASA 19A:1 et seq. and all applicable
The language in the Agreement shall be effective July 1, 2004, and shall continue in
effect through June 30, 2007.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be signed by
the proper corporate officers and their corporate seal to be affixed hereto, the day and
year above written.
A. Schedule A shall be in force during the 2004-2005, 2005-2006, and 2006-2007
school years.
B. Salary Schedule
1. For teachers who hold a Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent, the salary
shall be as provided in the Salary Guide attached to and a part of this
2. For teachers who hold a Bachelor’s Degree and have earned 15 credits in
an approved Master’s Degree program into which the teacher has been
accepted, the salary shall be as provided in the Salary Guide.
3. For teachers who have earned a BA+30 in an approved Master’s Degree
program into which the teacher has been accepted, the salary shall be as
provided in the Salary Guide.
4. For teachers who have earned a Master’s Degree, the salary shall be as
provided in the Salary Guide.
5. For teachers who hold a Master’s Degree and have earned 15 credits after
receipt of that degree in accordance with Paragraph C, the salary shall be
as provided in the Salary Guide.
6. For teachers who hold a Master’s Degree and have earned 30 credits after
receipt of that degree, salary shall be as provided in the Salary Guide.
7. For teachers who hold a Doctorate Degree, the salary shall be as provided
under B.6 above (Master’s Degree and 30 credits) plus $1,000 per year.
C. Full time teachers shall receive full tuition and fee reimbursement for up to 6
credits, certified part time teachers shall receive a proportionate share for up to 6
credits in the field of education at a cost not to exceed Rutgers Graduate School
tuition schedule. Prior approval of the Superintendent is required. Upon
completion of the course, tuition reimbursement shall be paid within 45 days by
submitting a transcript and completed Board of Education voucher. In order to be
eligible, the staff member must be an employee of the District on the date
payment is made.
Courses taken prior to Clause B 3 above must be in an approved Master’s Degree
program in which the teacher has been accepted. All other courses must be in the
field of education. A teacher may elect to take up to nine (9) hours of graduate
study in the field of education or their assignment prior to matriculation into a
Master’s Program. Any teacher who leaves the district in less than two (2) years
from the completion of coursework, will reimburse the Board of Education no
more than one (1) year’s tuition cost.
A teacher who terminates employment in less than two (2) years from completion
of the coursework due to non-renewal, mutual agreement on voluntary
termination, or medical disability shall not be required to reimburse the tuition
D. Teachers hired under the Alternate Route Provision must reimburse the Board of
Education for all expenses incurred as a result of extra supervision if said teacher
fails to remain in the employ of the Clayton Public School District for a period of
one (1) full school year after the completion of their Alternate Route Certification.
E. The Board of Education will provide primary health care insurance benefits to
eligible employees equal to the Amerihealth Personal Choice as reflected within
the attached benefits chart. The benefits shall include full family coverage if such
coverage is applicable and selected.
1. Any staff member may choose a premium plan above the standard
offering and pay the difference in premiums.
2. Any staff member already covered by a health care insurance plan
(approved by the Association and the District as acceptable) shall be
offered the following in lieu of District-provided coverage:
Family $2500
Husband/Wife $2000
Parent/Child and/or children $1500
Single $1000
a. Payments as identified above shall be made in December and June.
b. In the event of lost coverage, the Board shall pay COBRA costs
until coverage can be resumed. (COBRA costs may not exceed the
premium cost of coverage offered by the Board.)
F. The Board will provide a full family prescription drug plan as follows:
$20/$10/ 1x Mod co-pay for each year of the contract.
G. The Board will provide each employee with either an individual or family dental
program at a maximum cost to the Board of $27.00 per month (individual),
$46.00 per month (coverage for two), or $78.00 per month (family). There will
be a 6% cap on increases to be covered by the Board. The policy deductible shall
be increased to reduce premiums, whichever is most economically beneficial to
the members of the Association.
1. There is a $40 deductible per patient per calendar year which is not
applicable to Preventive and Diagnostic Services. The Family maximum
aggregate deductible will be $120.
2. The maximum amount payable for the dental services provided an eligible
patient in any calendar year is $1000.
3. There will be a full-family orthodontic program provided on a 50/50 cost
basis with the Board and the employees.
16 H. Non-tenured full time staff members shall be eligible for single coverage health
insurance, dental insurance, and prescription drug plan. This shall apply to all
teachers hired beginning in the 1998-1999 school year. Full coverage will be
granted upon receipt of tenure.
I. New staff members may elect to pay the difference between single and family
J. The Board will provide for catastrophic illness coverage. If such coverage is
selected, the full cost shall be borne by the person making such a selection.
K. Staff members may expend seventy-five dollars ($75) per year for incidental
supplies payable within 30 days after presentation of written receipts. The
Teacher of the Year at each school may spend three hundred dollars ($300). Such
supplies or educational materials shall become the property of the Clayton Public
School District.
L. The salary guide increase shall be 5.2% in year one; 5.2% in year two; and 5.2%
in year three of the contract. The Association and the Board will mutually agree
upon the guide. The guides will not exceed the mutually agreed upon settlement.
M. Everyone will move one step per year for each year of the contract.
N. No new steps will be added.
O. Automatic payroll deductions will be deposited to financial institutions on the day
paychecks are scheduled to be issued.
P. Distribution of all monies is the responsibility of the Association and the Board.
A. Schedule B payments shall increase by 4% of total each year of the contract.
B. The Board retains the right to determine assignments to all Co-Curricular
CEA Proposal 7-13
Personal Choice
 | In
Network | Out of
Network |
Deductible Individual/Family | $0 | $300/$600 |
Out-of-Pocket Maximum Individual/Family | N/A | $2,000/$4,000 |
Lifetime Maximum | Unlimited | 1 Million |
Coinsurance | 100% | 70% |
PCP Office Visit | $10 | 70% |
Specialist Office Visit | $20 | 70% |
Maternity Care First OB Visit
Hospital | $10
100% | 70%
70% |
Pediatric Immunizations | 100% | 70% |
Routine Gym Exam/Pap | 100% | 70% |
Routine Mammography | 100% | 70% |
Inpatient Hospital | 100% | 70% |
Inpatient Hospital Days | 365 | 70 |
ER Copayment | $40 | $40 |
OP Laboratory | 100% | 70% |
OP Radiology | $20 | 70% |
OP Surgery | 100% | 70% |
Restorative Services | $20 | 70% |
Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapy | $15 (1-30); $25 (31-on) | 70% |
Cardiac Rehabilitation | $20 18 visits/year | 70% 18 visits/year |
Pulmonary Rehabilitation | $20 12 visits/year | 70% |
Respiratory Therapy | $20 | 70% |
Chemo/Radiation | 100% | 70% |
OP Private Duty Nurse | 100% 360 hours/year | 70% |
Skilled Nursing Facility | 100% 90 days/year | 70% |
DME and Prosthetics | $20 | 70% |
IP Psychiatric Days | 100% 30/year | 70% 20/year |
OP Psychiatric Visits | $20 30/year | 50% 20/year |
IP Serious Mental Illness | 100% | 70% |
OP Serious Mental Illness | $20 | 70% |
Drug Abuse – Detox
7 days/adm; 4/adm/life | 100% | 70% |
Drug Abuse – Rehab
30 days/year; 90 days/life | 100% | 70% |
Drug Abuse – OP/Partial
30 days/yr; 120 days/life | 100% | 70% |
Salary Guide
Step | BA | 810
BA+15 | 1,210
BA+30 | 2,010
MA | 2,510
MA+15 | 3,510
MA+30 |  |  |
1 | 35,695 | 36,505 | 36,905 | 37,705 | 38,205 | 39,205 | 1.024 |  |
2 | 36,195 | 37,005 | 37,405 | 38,205 | 38,705 | 39,705 | max | 1,800 |
3 | 36,695 | 37,505 | 37,905 | 38,705 | 39,205 | 40,205 |  | 5.200% |
4 | 37,195 | 38,005 | 38,405 | 39,205 | 39,705 | 40,705 |  |  |
5 | 37,695 | 38,505 | 38,905 | 39,705 | 40,205 | 41,205 |  |  |
6 | 38,441 | 39,251 | 39,651 | 40,451 | 40,951 | 41,951 |  |  |
7 | 39,904 | 40,714 | 41,114 | 41,914 | 42,414 | 43,414 |  |  |
8 | 41,369 | 42,179 | 42,579 | 43,379 | 43,879 | 44,879 |  |  |
9 | 42,841 | 43,651 | 44,051 | 44,851 | 45,351 | 46,351 |  |  |
10 | 44,317 | 45,127 | 45,527 | 46,327 | 46,827 | 47,827 |  |  |
11 | 45,794 | 46,604 | 47,004 | 47,804 | 48,304 | 49,304 |  |  |
12 | 47,582 | 48,392 | 48,792 | 49,592 | 50,092 | 51,092 |  |  |
13 | 50,148 | 50,958 | 51,358 | 52,158 | 52,658 | 53,658 |  |  |
14 | 52,245 | 53,055 | 53,455 | 54,255 | 58,755 | 59,755 |  |  |
15 | 56,245 | 57,055 | 57,445 | 58,255 | 58,755 | 59,755 |  |  |
16 | 61,805 | 62,615 | 63,015 | 63,815 | 64,315 | 65,315 |  |  |
Salary Guide
Step | BA | 820
BA+15 | 1,220
BA+30 | 2,020
MA | 2,520
MA+15 | 3,520
MA+30 |  |  |
1 | 37,234 | 38,054 | 38,454 | 39,254 | 39,754 | 40,754 | 1,02181 |  |
2 | 37,734 | 38,554 | 38,954 | 39,754 | 40,254 | 41,254 | max | 1,900 |
3 | 38,234 | 39,054 | 39,454 | 40,254 | 40,754 | 41,754 |  | 5.20% |
4 | 38,734 | 39,554 | 39,954 | 40,754 | 41,254 | 42,254 |  |  |
5 | 39,234 | 40,054 | 40,454 | 41,254 | 41,754 | 42,754 |  |  |
6 | 39,809 | 40,629 | 41,029 | 41,829 | 42,329 | 43,329 |  |  |
7 | 40,774 | 41,594 | 41,994 | 42,794 | 43,294 | 44,294 |  |  |
8 | 42,272 | 43,092 | 43,492 | 44,292 | 44,792 | 45,792 |  |  |
9 | 43,776 | 44,596 | 44,996 | 45,796 | 46,296 | 47,296 |  |  |
10 | 45,284 | 46,104 | 46,504 | 47,304 | 47,804 | 48,804 |  |  |
11 | 46,793 | 47,613 | 48,013 | 48,813 | 49,313 | 50,313 |  |  |
12 | 48,620 | 49,440 | 49,840 | 50,640 | 51,140 | 52,140 |  |  |
13 | 50,705 | 51,525 | 51,925 | 52,725 | 53,225 | 54,225 |  |  |
14 | 53,205 | 54,025 | 54,425 | 55,225 | 55,725 | 56,725 |  |  |
15 | 57,205 | 58,025 | 58,425 | 59,225 | 59,725 | 60,725 |  |  |
16 | 63,705 | 64,525 | 64,925 | 65,725 | 66,225 | 67,225 |  |  |
Salary Guide
Step | BA | 830
BA+15 | 1,230
BA+30 | 2,030 MA | 2,530
MA+15 | 3,550
MA+30 |  |  |
1 | 38,772 | 39,602 | 40,002 | 40,802 | 41,302 | 42,322 | 1.0200 |  |
2 | 39,272 | 40,102 | 40,502 | 41,302 | 41,802 | 42,822 | max | 2,000 |
3 | 39,772 | 40,602 | 41,002 | 41,802 | 42,302 | 43,322 |  |  |
4 | 40,272 | 41,102 | 41,502 | 42,302 | 42,802 | 43,822 |  |  |
5 | 40,772 | 41,602 | 42,002 | 42,802 | 43,302 | 44,322 |  |  |
6 | 41,272 | 42,102 | 42,502 | 43,302 | 43,802 | 44,822 |  |  |
7 | 41,772 | 42,602 | 43,002 | 43,802 | 44,302 | 45,322 |  |  |
8 | 43,117 | 43,947 | 44,347 | 45,147 | 45,647 | 46,667 |  |  |
9 | 44,651 | 45,481 | 45,881 | 46,681 | 47,181 | 48,201 |  |  |
10 | 46,189 | 47,019 | 47,419 | 48,219 | 48,719 | 49,739 |  |  |
11 | 47,729 | 48,559 | 48,959 | 49,759 | 50,259 | 51,279 |  |  |
12 | 49,592 | 50,422 | 50,822 | 51,622 | 52,122 | 53,142 |  |  |
13 | 51,719 | 52,549 | 52,949 | 53,749 | 54,249 | 55,269 |  |  |
14 | 55,205 | 56,035 | 56,435 | 57,235 | 57,735 | 58,755 |  |  |
15 | 60,105 | 60,935 | 61,335 | 62,135 | 62,635 | 63,655 |  |  |
16 | 65,705 | 66,535 | 66,935 | 67,735 | 68,235 | 69,255 |  |  |
SCHEDULE B 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007
Head Coach 6,069 6,159 6,256
Assistant Coach 3,742 3,832 3,929
Assistant Coach 3,742 3,832 3,929
Assistant Coach 3,742 3,832 3,929
Freshman Coach 3,558 3,648 3,745
Basketball Boys
Head Coach 4,891 4,981 5,078
Assistant Coach 3,226 3,316 3,413
Freshman Coach 3,048 3,138 3,235
7&8 Grade Coach 1,741 1,831 1,928
Head Coach 4,891 4,981 5,078
Assistant Coach 3,226 3,316 3,413
7&8 Grade Coach 1,741 1,831 1,928
Baseball Boys
Head Coach 4,528 4,618 4,715
Assistant Coach 2,962 3,052 3,149
Track Boys
Head Coach 4,528 4,618 4,715
Assistant Coach 2,962 3,052 3,149
Indoor Track
Head Coach 3,029 3,119 3,216
Track (MS)
Head Coach 1,741 1,831 1,928
Track Girls
Head Coach 4,528 4,618 4,715
Assistant Coach 2,962 3,052 3,149
Cross Country
Head Coach 3,029 3,119 3,216
Field Hockey
Head Coach 4,528 4,618 4,715
Assistant Coach 2,962 3,052 3,149
7&8 Grade Coach 1,741 1,831 1,928
22 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007
Basketball Girls
Head Coach 4,891 4,981 5,078
Assistant Coach 3,226 3,316 3,413
7&8 Grade Coach 1,741 1,831 1,928
Basketball 3,029 3,119 3,216
Football 3,029 3,119 3,216
Head Coach 4,528 4,618 4,715
Assistant Coach 2,962 3,052 3,149
Freshman Coach 2,785 2,875 2,972
Soccer – Boys
Head Coach 4,528 4,618 4,715
Assistant Coach 2,962 3,052 3,149
Soccer – Girls
Head Coach 4,528 4,618 4,715
Assistant Coach 2,962 3,052 3,149
Golf – High School
Head Coach 2,729 2,819 2,916
Band Director 4,271 4,361 4,458
Clipperettes 1,777 1,867 1,964
Weight Training 3,663 3,753 3,850
Class Advisors
Grade 12 1,777 1,867 1,964
Grade 11 1,777 1,867 1,964
Grade 10 1,777 1,867 1,964
Grade 9 1,777 1,867 1,964
Grade 8 1,777 1,867 1,964
Yearbook Advisor
High School Financial Advisor 3,116 3,206 3,303
Middle/High School Publications Advisor 1,617 1,707 1,804
Elementary School 1,722 1,812 1,909
23 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007
Student Council Advisor
High School 1,617 2,057 2,154
Middle School 1,617 1,707 1,804
Safety Patrol Advisor 1,617 1,707 1,804
Soccer – Middle School 1,617 1,707 1,804
Girls – High School 1,617 1,707 1,804
Bowling or Volley Ball 1,617 1,707 1,804
Public Relations Advisor
Head Advisor 1,617 1,707 1,804
Web Site Advisor/Web Master
Head Advisor 1,617 1,707 1,804
High School 1,777 1,867 1,964
Middle School 1,777 1,867 1,964
Producer/Director 3,736 3,826 3,923
Technical Director 2,078 2,168 2,265
Choreographer 1,660 1,750 1,847
Drama/Costumes/Makeup 1,660 1,750 1,847
Business Director 1,660 1,750 1,847
Sound/Light Coordinator 1,427 1,517 1,614
Clubs (13 Allowed)
Art Club – High School 1,280 1,370 1,467
Art Club – Elementary School 1,280 1,370 1,467
Business Club 1,160 1,250 1,347
Drama Club 1,160 1,250 1,347
Key Club 1,160 1,250 1,347
Odyssey of the Mind Club 1,160 1,250 1,347
SADD 1,160 1,250 1,347
Weightlifting 1,160 1,250 1,347
National Honor Society 1,160 1,250 1,347
Technology Club 1,160 1,250 1,347
Karate Club – Elementary School 1,160 1,250 1,347
SURE 1,160 1,250 1,347
World Languages 1,160 1,250 1,347
2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007
Elementary School Curriculum Chairs
Math 1,209 1,299 1,396
Science 1,209 1,299 1,396
Language Arts 1,209 1,299 1,396
Social Studies 1,209 1,299 1,396
Special Education 1,209 1,299 1,396
Special Areas 1,209 1,299 1,396
High School/Middle School Department Chairs
Language Arts 1,209 1,299 1,396
Fine and Performing Arts/World Lang. 1,209 1,299 1,396
Mathematics/Science 1,209 1,299 1,396
Social Studies and Practical Arts 1,209 1,299 1,396
Summer Music Program 2,909 2,999 3,096
Summer Band 1,540 1,630 1,727
Supplemental Vocal Music
High School Chorus 2,474 2,564 2,661
Middle School Chorus 1,540 1,630 1,727
Middle School Musical 1,540 1,630 1,727
Technology Coordinator 1,538 1,628 1,725
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