P.O. BOX 790
TELEPHONE: 1-201-896-4100
Preamble 1
Article 1 – Recognition 1
Article 2 – Dues and Agency Shop 2
Article 3 – Union Activities and Responsibilities 2
Article 4 – Bulletin Board 3
Article 5 – Discrimination 3
Article 6 – Management Rights 3
Article 7 – Seniority 4
Article 8 – Loss of Seniority 5
Article 9 – Working Schedules, Premiums, Overtime 6
Article 10 – Meal Allowance 8
Article 11 – Miscellaneous Allowance 8
Article 12 – Military Leave 9
Article 13 – Jury Duty 9
Article 14 – Leaves of Absence 9
Article 15 – vACATIONS 10
Article 16 – HOLIDAYS 13
Article 19 – WAGES 14
Article 26 – NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT 18
Article 28 – SEVERABILITY 19
This Agreement made this ____ day of ________, 200__, between THE SOMERSET RARITAN VALLEY SEWERAGE AUTHORITY, a body politic and corporate, organized under the Sewerage Authorities Law, Chapter 138, Pamphlet Laws of 1946, State of New Jersey, having its principal office at Polhemus Lane, Bridgewater, New Jersey, hereinafter referred to as “Authority”; and the UTILITY WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, on behalf of Local Union #423, hereinafter referred to as the “Union” and the employees of the Authority who are now or may hereafter become members of said Local.
WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of the parties hereto to promote and improve the harmonious and economic relations between the employer and its employees to provide at all times adequate and uninterrupted service in the territory and communities which it serves.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto in accordance with the following covenants, conditions, and agreements, mutually agree to and with each other as follows:
(1) The Authority recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative for the purpose of Collective Bargaining with respect to wages, hours of employment and other conditions of employment of all employees in the Unit certified by the State of New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commissions in Docket RO-624 on June 13, 1973, and more particularly within the provisions of the New Jersey Employer’ Employee Relations Act, Chapter 303, Laws of 1968, more generally referred to as R.S. 34:13A-1 et seq.
All operating, maintenance and clerical employees employed by The Somerset Raritan Valley Sewerage Authority, but excluding all Professional, Confidential, Craft, and Supervisory Employees as defined in the Act, and all other employees of the Authority not specifically included herein.
(2) The term “employee” as used in this Agreement shall mean all employees, except temporary employees, within the certified unit described in Section (1) of this Article.
(3) References to either gender shall be interpreted to mean both genders.
(1) The Authority agrees to deduct dues monthly from earned wages of each employee who has furnished the Authority with written authorization to do so and to remit the same directly to the Union. Such deductions shall be of such amounts of monthly dues as are certified from time to time by the Local Union.
(2) The Union will furnish the Authority a written statement of the dues and initiation fees to be deducted.
(3) The Authority shall deduct a representation fee from the wages of each employee who is a member of the bargaining unit but who is not a member of the Union.
These deductions shall commence ninety (90) days after the beginning of employment in the unit or within ten (10) days after canceling their membership in the Union.
The amount of said representation fee shall be 85% of the regular membership dues, fees and assessments in the effect and charged by the Union to its members.
The Authority shall remit the amounts deducted to the Union in a similar manner to which it remits regular dues, fees and assessments of members of the Union.
(4) The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Authority harmless against any liability, cause of action, or claims of loss, whatsoever arising as a result of any deductions made under this Article.
(1) The Union agrees that its officers and members will comply with the Authority’s Rules and Regulations relating to Safety, Economy, Continuity of Service, and Efficiency in Service to the Public.
(2) Union Officers or Stewards, with or without a National Representative of the Union, shall be allowed, after obtaining permission from the Authority, to visit the Authority Plant at reasonable hours in connection with the proper handling of legitimate Union business. However, such visitation shall not interfere with the normal operation of the Authority business.
(1) The Authority shall provide Bulletin Boards for posting notices to its employees and agrees that the Union may use such Bulletin Boards for notices addressed to its members, after such notices have been submitted to and approved by the Executive Director or other designated representative of the Authority.
(1) It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto that neither party shall in any way discriminate against an employee because of race, creed, color, sex, age or national origin.
(1) None of the terms of this Agreement shall interfere with the rights of the Authority in carrying out its duties and functions in accordance with applicable law, rules and regulations to:
(a) Carry out the Statutory mandate and goals pursuant to Sewerage Authorities Law, Chapter 138, and the utilization of Authority personnel method and means in the most appropriate and effective manner possible.
(b) Management of employees of the Authority, including, but not limited to hiring, promoting, transferring, assigning or retaining employees in positions within the Authority, and in that regard to establish reasonable working rules.
(c) Suspend, demote, discharge or take other appropriate disciplinary action against any employee for just cause; or to lay off employees in the event of lack of work or under conditions where continuation of such work would be ineffective and nonproductive.
(d) Utilize the services of a contractor when, in the sole judgment of the Authority, such services would be more efficient.
(2) If the Union claims that the Authority exercised any of the foregoing rights in an unjust manner, such claims shall be subject to the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure contained herein.
(1) It is hereby agreed to recognize, to the extent possible, the principle of seniority in all cases of transfer, promotions, layoffs, and recalls. In all cases, however, the ability to perform the work in a satisfactory manner within the discretion of the Authority will be a factor in designating the employee to be affected. Such ability to perform, may, at the option of the Authority, be based upon testing procedures to be from time to time established and carried out by the Authority. Should the Union feel that tests are discriminatory, it shall have the right to file a grievance pursuant to Article 23.
(2) It is understood that the Authority has the exclusive right to terminate any employees who are on a temporary basis or on a ninety day probationary basis, without recourse to any of the provisions within this Agreement.
(3) The seniority of an employee is defined as the length of continuous service with the Authority, commencing with the date of hire. It is agreed management cannot accrue seniority for a union position; and the present union employees are grandfathered through December 31, 1985.
(4) The Union shall have the right to question under the Grievance Procedure, the Authority’s application of the seniority rule in all cases except that of promotion to Supervisory positions, in which cases the judgment of the Authority is conclusive and final.
(5) The seniority of an employee in a particular job classification shall be defined as the length of continuous service within that classification from the first date the employee is designated in the particular classification by the Authority.
(6) In the event of layoffs, the persons with the lowest trade within the job classification will be laid off first, regardless of Authority seniority. Employees with higher Authority seniority in one classification will have the right to bump if they qualify as employees in another classification. The last employees to be laid off shall be the first to be recalled, in accordance with seniority in their job classification, if an employee fails to report for work within two (2) weeks after notification by Certified Mail, return receipt, has been sent to his last known address on file with the Authority, and similar notice at the same time to be sent to the Union that a position is open, said employee shall forfeit all seniority rights.
(7) When promotions to a higher grade or transfer to another or newly created classification occur, a notice of vacancy shall be posted at all places accessible to employees affected and shall remain posted for a period of seven (7) days within which time applicants eligible and desiring to fill such vacancies shall apply in writing to the Official of the Authority to be designated in the notice. Such notice shall set forth the title of the job to be filled, normal hours of work, normal days of relief, the rate of pay, and outline of duties.
Within thirty (30) days after expiration of the posting period, the Authority shall notify the successful applicant in writing, advising him of his acceptance, shall also notify the Local Union Chairman, and shall assign the accepted applicant to such vacancy or newly created classification. Consideration for such promotion or transfer shall be based on seniority and ability to perform the work. If an employee, after a thirty (30) day trial period, is not qualified, the Authority may remove him and transfer him to his former position. The Authority then shall have the right to fill such vacancies with the next senior qualified applicant. The thirty (30) day trial period shall mean thirty (30) actual work days; time off for any reason (excused or otherwise) shall not be counted as part of the trial period.
(8) The Authority shall prepare and forward to the Union a list of all its employees showing thereon seniority in service with the Authority and duration of time in each job classification. The seniority list shall be updated when necessary and shall be posted on Union Bulletin Boards showing the employees, names, classifications and seniority dates.
(1) Seniority shall be lost by an employee for the following reasons:
(a) Voluntary quitting. Failure without just cause to report back for work no later than the beginning of the next work week following the conclusion or termination of a leave of absence shall be deemed and constitute voluntary quitting.
(b) Discharge for Cause.
(c) Failure to report for work within two (2) weeks when called back after layoffs after receipt of telegram and/or Certified Letter, unless that failure is mutually agreed between the parties to be excusable.
It is understood that if an employee fails to report for work after the Authority has sent notice to him to do so the Authority may give such work to another employee who is Junior on the Seniority list, or if there is no Junior employee available, the Authority may hire a new employee, and such Junior or new employee shall have the right to continue in such jobs for two (2) weeks, at which time he may be replaced by the Senior employee unless the latter’s seniority has been terminated.
(d) Failure to be called back to work for a period of twelve months after a layoff, unless a greater period of time to be established by agreement between the parties.
(e) An employee who leaves for any reason to accept jobs in non-bargaining unit occupations will cease accruing union seniority after six (6) months in said new occupation. Should employee subsequently return to the bargaining unit, his prior union seniority will be reinstated within thirty (30) days.
(1) Working Schedule: The normal work week of all bargaining unit employees, except clerical and shift workers, will consist of five (5) days of eight (8) hours each. Work will commence at 8:00 a.m. and terminate at 4:00 p.m., with one half-hour paid staggered lunch period and two (2) ten (10) minute rest periods and one fifteen (15) minute cleanup period. Schedules of regular assignments will be posted in advance, and will be changed only when it is necessary for the maintenance of essential service or in case of emergency. If an employee is called to work on his scheduled day off, he will not be instructed to take another day off. The normal work week of clerical employees will consist of five (5) days of eight hours (8) each. Work for clerical employees will commence at 8:00 a.m. and terminate at 5:00 p.m. The Authority may require some clerical employees to work staggered hours so that there is coverage in the office between the hours set forth above and provided that no clerical employee shall be required to work longer than eight (8) hours in any one day without overtime pursuant to the terms of paragraph (5) of this Article. There shall be one half hour paid staggered lunch period and two ten minutes rest periods. Schedules of regular assignments will be posted in advance, and will be changed only when it is necessary for the maintenance of essential service or in case of an emergency. If an employee is called to work on his scheduled day off, he will not be instructed to take another day off.
(2) Sunday Premium: An employee scheduled to work on Sunday shall be paid his regular hourly rate plus a premium of fifty (50) percent of his regular hourly rate for each scheduled hour on Sunday.
(3) Shift Differential: A premium of one dollar ($1.00) per hour will be paid for work performed between 4:00 p.m. to 12 Midnight. A premium of one dollar and five cents ($1.05) per hour will be paid for work performed between 12 Midnight and 8:00 a.m. No differential will apply to day work beginning at 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The aforementioned differentials will increase during the life of this agreement as follows: Effective January 1, 2005, an increase of ten ($.10) cents per hour to one dollar and ten cents ($1.10) cents per hour and one dollar and fifteen cents ($1.15) per hour respectively.
(4) Overtime Compensation: Employees subject to this Agreement shall receive time and one-half for all work that does not occur within their regularly scheduled work day or work week.
(5) Call Outs: Any employee who is called back to work after having completed his regular scheduled shift shall be paid for a minimum of four (4) hours work at the rate of time and one-half regardless of how much work time below four (4) hours is actually put in by said employee. Any period in excess of four (4) hours shall continue to be paid at the rate of time and one-half. The Authority reserves the right to require the called-out employee to work any or all of the entire call-out period.
(6) Pay Day: Employees will be paid during working hours on Thursday.
(7) Temporary Assignments: When an employee of a lower occupational classification is temporarily assigned to perform work of a higher occupational classification for which he or she is qualified, such employee will receive temporary assignment pay for all hours worked equal to that of the classification to which he or she is assigned.
(8) There shall be no pyramiding of overtime or premium pay.
(9) Stand-by pay for maintenance - one hour for every eight hours.
(10) If an employee who was hired prior to January 1, 1995 received any part of his/her wastewater treatment license, he/she will continue to be paid additional compensation at the rate of fifty ($.50) cents per hour. This benefit shall also apply to any employee who was enrolled in the appropriate course for such a license during and prior to 1995. Employees hired on or after January 1, 1995 and all other employees who were not being paid for licenses or enrolled in the appropriate courses for them during and prior to 1995 shall only be paid for licenses on the following basis: Operators, Floaters and Helpers in the Liquids Division shall be paid five hundred ($500.00) dollars per year, on a prorated basis, for one (1) S-class license only, payable in a lump sum on or before January 15th following the year in which it is earned.
(11) Shiftworkers: The work schedule for Operators and Helpers will remain a seven (7) day work schedule comprised of five or more eight (8) hour days in a given work week (pay period). Overtime will be paid for the sixth (6th) or seventh (7th) day in a work week (pay period) or, pursuant to paragraph (4), for work in excess of eight (8) hours in a day. Premium pay at time and one-half (1 1/2) will be paid on Sunday, pursuant to paragraph (2). There shall be no pyramiding pursuant to paragraph (8). Pay will be in accordance with paragraph (12).
(12) All employees will be paid each week for actual hours worked each pay period. Payroll errors in the amount of one hundred ($100.00) dollars or more will be rectified by separate check issued at the time the error is discovered (subject to verification). Payroll errors in the amount of less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars will be rectified in the next regular paycheck (subject to verification) unless caused by the Authority. In that case, the error will be rectified by separate check upon discovery and verification.
(1) During the term of the contract from January 1, 2003, and continuing through December 31, 2004, an employee shall receive the sum of six dollars and fifty cents ($6.50) for meals when an employee works two (2) hours beyond his regular quitting time, and at four (4) hour intervals thereafter; said monies shall be included in the regular weekly pay check and shall be identified on the pay stub. Effective on January 1, 2005, the meal allowance shall increase by $1.00 to a total of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50).
(2) Employees who are called from home for emergency work shall be entitled to this meal allowance after four (4) hours of work and at four (4) hour intervals thereafter.
(1) The Authority shall provide suitable clothing without cost to all operations employees and laboratory employees, including improved winter gear which clothing must be worn by said personnel during all periods of work performance.
(2) The Authority shall furnish safety glasses without cost to all employees who may be required by rule or regulation of the Authority to wear the same.
(3) The Authority shall be responsible for the maximum amount of one hundred sixty-five dollars ($165.00) in total for the years 2003 and 2004 for the cost of safety shoes and the same must be worn by all operations personnel during all periods of work performance. There shall be no limit on the number of pairs of shoes, but the total reimbursement for all pairs shall not exceed one hundred sixty-five ($165.00) each year (2003-2004).
This amount shall increase to one hundred seventy-five ($175.00) dollars per year effective January 1, 2005 and to two hundred ($200.00) dollars effective January 1, 2006.
(4) The Authority shall be responsible for providing seven (7) towels twice per week per operating employee. Soiled towels will be turned in to operating supervisory personnel for commercial laundering.
(1) Any employee serving on Annual Mandatory Training who is subject to annual training, will receive the difference between his Reserve Pay and his base
(2) The period of time spent on Annual Mandatory Training will not be deducted from vacation time permitted.
(3) If the total vacation and Annual Mandatory Training exceeds one month, the Authority may request the employee to accept in lieu of time off as vacation, compensation pay at the rate of double time and one-half for any amount in excess.
(4) The one employee who took military leave in calendar year 1998 shall be “grandfathered” under prior practice; i.e., he shall be entitled to the difference between his Reserve Pay and regular earnings for Military Reserve Duty, the time spent on annual Reserve Training will not be deducted from his vacation time permitted, and if his total vacation and Reserve Duty exceeds one month, the Authority may request him to accept in lieu of time off as vacation, compensation pay at the rate of double time and one-half for any amount in excess.
(1) Any employee serving on Jury Duty will receive the difference between his Jury fees and his regular earnings.
(2) If an employee is required to serve on jury duty, such employee shall be required to notify the Executive Director in advance and report for their regularly assigned work on the calendar day immediately following their final discharge from jury duty. If discharged from jury duty prior to the end of a work day, employees shall report for work for the duration of the work day.
(1) The supervisor on duty must be notified of all absences for any reason as early as possible so that he may plan his operations for the day. In no case will the notice be made less than two (2) hours prior to the beginning of the employee’s shift, when possible to do so.
(2)(a) Employees will be entitled to one (1) sick day per month of service during their first calendar year of employment, and twelve (12) days per calendar year thereafter.
(b) In addition to sick leave, employees will be entitled to three (3) personal days per year, which may be taken upon forty-eight (48) hours advance notice to the employee’s supervisor, except in cases of emergency.
(3) Employees will be entitled to accumulate up to twelve (12) unused sick days per year. Unused personal days shall not accrue.
(4) An employee shall be paid the difference between his insurance coverage (as an employee of the Authority) and his total base pay, for the number of working days equal to his accumulated leave.
(5)(a) An employee can be compensated in cash for any or all of the twelve (12) annual sick days that are unused. Any days not used and not cashed in may accumulate in the employee’s unused sick leave bank. The cash value of the days cashed in will be paid by January 15 of the year following which the days were accumulated and will be paid on a one-for-one basis.
(b) An employee may withdraw unused leave bank days only after exhausting all sick leave entitlement in the calendar year in which the withdrawal becomes necessary due to illness. The Authority reserves the right to require a Doctor’s note in these instances without regard to the number of days. Withdrawal of leave bank days for reasons other than illness must be approved at the sole discretion of the Authority.
(c) After three (3) days of illness, the employee must provide a Doctor’s note upon return to work. The Authority reserves the right to require such a note sooner if it suspects a pattern of absence or abuse of sick leave. The Authority agrees to articulate the nature of the pattern or suspected abuse.
(d) The unused leave banks of all employees shall be frozen as of December 31, 1995. Upon termination of employment, except in cases of discharge for just cause, employees will be paid current cash value for those banked days. Beginning with all days banked on or after January 1, 1996, employees will be paid at the rate of one day’s pay for every two days banked, to a maximum of $15,000. The same exclusion for discharge for just cause shall apply.
(6) It is specifically understood that in addition to banked time referred to above, an employee who leaves for any reason or is terminated for any reason during the year shall be entitled only to the sick and/or personal leave earned on a pro-rated basis, depending upon the number of days the employee has actually worked in that year.
(1) Each permanent full-time employee hired on or before December 1, 1990 who has had the length of continuous employment specified below shall be entitled to the working time set forth below, as a vacation with pay at employee’s regular hourly rate of pay as of the week immediately prior to the start of such vacation.
After one (1) year of continuous service, a maximum of ten (10) days vacation, but at the option of the employee five (5) days of such vacation may be taken after six (6) months of continuous service. After five (5) years of continued service - fifteen (15) days vacation; after ten (10) years of continued service - twenty (20) days vacation; after fifteen (15) years of continued service - twenty-five (25) days vacation; after twenty (20) years of continued service - thirty (30) days vacation.
(2) For each permanent full-time employee hired after December 1, 1990 who has had the length of continuous employment specified below shall be entitled to the working time set forth below, as a vacation with pay at employee’s regular hourly rate of pay as of the week immediately prior to the start of such vacation.
After one (1) year of continuous service, a maximum of ten (10) days vacation, but at the option of the employee five (5) days of such vacation may be taken after six (6) months of continuous service. After five (5) years of continued service - fifteen (15) days vacation; after ten (10) years of continued service - twenty (20) days vacation; thereafter upon completion of each of two (2) full years of additional continuous service, such employee shall be awarded one additional vacation day up to a maximum of twenty-five vacation days.
(3) Between January 1 and March 1 in each year the Authority shall post a vacation sign-up sheet, during which all members of the unit shall indicate their individual preferences.
(4) In the event of a conflict, vacations shall be awarded on the basis of seniority.
(5) Where an employee is unable to complete his/her vacation schedule due to work priority of the Authority, that employee may carry forward up to fifty (50%) percent of the time denied for use in the following year.
(6) The Authority shall have the option of allowing employees to carry forward more than fifty (50%) percent of the time denied for use or making payment for such time.
It is understood that vacation time is earned only after the completion of the requisite number of full years’ paid service. Any time taken prior to the completion of such full year’s service is “borrowed” and shall be paid back by payroll deduction, or other means, should the employee leave the employ of the Authority or be terminated for any reason other than retirement prior to the completion of such service.
If a recognized holiday falls within a vacation period, the employee will be permitted an additional day off.
(7) Any employee who, at the request of the Authority, works any part of his vacation, will be compensated at the employee’s regular rate plus time and one-half for each hour worked.
(8) At the termination of employment other than discharge for Cause, employees who have qualified for vacation time and have not received said vacation will receive pay in lieu of same on a prorated basis.
(9)(a) The use of single vacation days in accordance with the following schedule will be allowed if five (5) working days notice is provided and approval of the supervisor is obtained. Such approval will not be unreasonably denied.
(b) Single vacation days may be granted according to the following schedule:
An employee having 10 vacation days would have up to 2 days available for single day use.
An employee having 15 vacation days would have up to 4 days available for single day use.
An employee having 20 vacation days would have up to 5 days available for single day use.
An employee having 25 vacation days would have up to 10 days available for single day use.
(10) Employees who choose to take vacation during a seven (7) day work week may opt for five (5) days vacation and two (2) days off without pay, or seven (7) days vacation with seven (7) days pay. They will be charged with the use of either five (5) or seven (7) days accordingly.
(11) The following examples clarify the vacation entitlements by example:
Example: 1. If an employee is hired on April 1, 1997, he or she must complete one year of continuous employment to be entitled to ten (10) days of vacation, i.e., come April 1, 1998, that employee has earned the ten (10) days of vacation and is entitled to take it in the year 1998, however, he or she has the option to take five (5) days after completing six (6) months in that event on April 1st only five (5) days may be taken.
Example: 2. On January 1, 1999, pursuant to Section (3) on page 13, the individual mentioned above is required to sign up for his or her 1999 (10) day vacation preference by March 1st. This procedure continues from year to year thereafter until April 1st of the year 2002 the completion of his or her five (5) years of continued service, which entitles that individual to fifteen (15) days in the calendar year 2002.
Example: 3. Pursuant to Section (3), page 13, again this individual is required to sign up for his or her fifteen (15) day vacation preference between January 1st and March 1st even though the fifth year anniversary does not occur until April 1st of that year. This Section recognized the Authority’s administering needs for vacation scheduling as early in the year as possible yet permits employees to take vacation days prior to the completion of the continuous service as time “borrowed” and is required to be paid back should the employee leave the employ of the Authority or be terminated for any reason other than retirement prior to the completion of such service.
_______________Hired April 1, 1997______________
1st year-April 1st 98 (10) days – 2nd year – April 1, 1999 (10) days – 3rd year – April 1st 00 (10) days
4th year – April 1, 01 ten (10) days – 5th year – April 1st 02 (15) days
(1) Fourteen (14) paid Holidays will be observed. They are: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Washington’s Birthday, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, General Election Day, Thanksgiving, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas.
(2) When a specified Holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the Friday immediately before the Holiday. When a specified Holiday falls on a Sunday, it shall be observed on the Monday immediately following the Holiday.
(3) Eight hours pay at the employee’s straight time hourly rate will be given to employees for the above Holidays, or any others by executive announcement, provided they work as scheduled their last scheduled day preceding the Holiday and the first scheduled day following the Holiday unless the failure to work the scheduled day is due to (1) Death in the Immediate Family, (2) Jury Duty or Court Proceedings, or (3) Authorized Personal Leave of Absence or Illness.
(4) If an employee is required to work on any holiday, he shall receive, in addition to any holiday pay to which he may be entitled, pay at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) for the first eight (8) hours worked on the holiday, and pay at the rate of double (2) time for all hours worked on the holiday over eight (8).
(1) Except in cases of extreme bona fide emergencies or for training purposes, Supervisors or other non-bargaining unit employees will not perform work which is normally performed by employees within the certified bargaining unit.
(2) Because of the public importance and the critical nature of the functions being carried out, it shall be within the sole discretion of the Authority as to what constitutes in each case an extreme bona fide emergency, subject to the Union’s rights under the Grievance and Arbitration Section as contained herein.
(1) The Authority agrees to distribute overtime assignments and maintain records as to hours worked and hours refused by its employees and will endeavor to equalize overtime hours uniformly within Departments.
(2) The Authority’s need for and right to require reasonable amounts of overtime are recognized.
(1) The rates of pay for each job classification are set forth in Appendix “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is specifically agreed that while salary increases are retroactive to January 1, 2003, retroactivity shall only apply to base salaries.
(1) The outline of duties for each job classification are set forth in Appendix “B” attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Authority reserves the right to change such duties in its discretion upon notice to the Union and the employees affected.
(1) All full-time employees will be enrolled in the New Jersey Health Benefits Plan. The Authority will pay the premiums for the employee and/or his family for 2003 and 2004, except that effective January 1, 2005, the employee shall pay three (3%) percent of the premiums for dependent coverage for the Plan they have chosen. Effective January 1, 2006, this contribution shall increase to five (5%) percent. Said plan would be improved if any changes are agreed to by the legislation of the State of New Jersey. Details of the plan are covered in your “Hospitalization Booklet.” Notwithstanding the above, it is agreed that provided that it is legally permissible, the Authority shall pay no more than the cost of “New Jersey Plus” coverage or its equivalent for any individual and/or family. Should an employee elect to be covered under any plan that is more expensive than the New Jersey Plus plan or its equivalent, then the employee shall pay the difference by payroll deduction. In the event that it is not legally permissible for the Authority to require such contributions, then such contributions will not be required until such time as it does become legally permissible. The Authority shall have the right to change carriers so long as similar benefits are maintained.
(2) The Authority shall investigate and arrange for a Section 125 Plan as soon as practicable, so that the premium contributions by the employees can be made on a pre-tax basis.
(3) In case of temporary disability incurred during and in the course of employ by the Authority, the employee will receive the difference between his regular hourly earnings and coverage under Worker’s Compensation or other insurance, carried fully or partially the Authority in conjunction with the employee. This shall continue for a period of three (3) months.
(4) The Authority agrees to enroll in the New Jersey State Temporary Disability Insurance Plan effective January 1, 2000. Employees and the Authority agree to share the premiums equally in accordance with state regulations unless such regulations mandate otherwise and also agree to follow other plan regulations.
(5) All full-time employees will be enrolled in the UNUM Group Insurance Plan (Long Term Disability). The plan shall provide a benefit of 60% of base salary up to a maximum of $3,500 per month. Plan goes in to effect 180 days after disability. Benefits payable to age 65. Employees will contribute 52.71 percent of the weekly premium payroll deduction. The Authority shall pay 47.29 percent of the weekly premium per member per week. Should premiums increase, the employee and the Authority shall each increase their share of the premiums by the percentage increase. .
(6) All full-time employees will be enrolled in the Public Employees Retirement System. Contributions to this plan will be made jointly by the Authority and the employee, with the exception of contributory Life Insurance, which cost shall be the responsibility of the individual employee. Any amount for Contributory Life Insurance paid by the Authority during 1999 for Contributory Life Insurance will be deducted from the employees’ retroactive pay. Details are covered in your “Pension Booklet.” All employees will be retired in accordance with the directive of the Public Employees Retirement System. The Authority will pay for the medical benefits of all eligible present/future pensioners of the Authority and their dependents, including surviving spouses. (Adopted by SRVSA on May 19, 1986.)
(7) All full time employees will be enrolled in the State Health Benefits Plan Dental Program in lieu of the current program as soon as practicable. The employees shall have the option to choose the optional plan of their choice in accordance with the plan’s requirements and/or regulations. The Authority shall be responsible for paying the entire premium cost for the employee and/or family so long as the employee enrolls in the Dental Plan Organization (“DPO”). If an employee chooses the Dental Expense Program (“DEP”), the employee will pay the difference between the DPO premium and the DEP premium by payroll deduction, to the maximum extent permitted by the State Health Benefit Plan’s requirements and/or regulations.
Should the employee’s election, the Plan’s requirements and/or regulations result in the Authority’s total expenses for premiums being higher than the total expense that would have resulted if all employees chose the DPO option, then the Authority and the Union agree to reopen this Agreement for the purpose of negotiating over recoupment of such overages going back to when it first incurred them.
(8) The Authority shall not be responsible for a vision plan. The Union shall have the right to enroll the members of the bargaining unit in the VSP Vision Plan on a voluntary basis. The Union understands and agrees that this must be done in accordance with VSP’s guidelines, minimums and other regulations, and that the Authority assumes no liability for a vision plan.
(9) The Authority will provide a five dollar ($5.00) Co-Pay Prescription Plan for employee and/or family.
(10) Under current NJ Statutes, the employer is required and will pay pension deductions at the full rate for members receiving workers’ compensation.
(1) Employees will be considered full time after a probationary period of three (3) months has been satisfactorily concluded. This period may be extended an additional three (3) months upon mutual agreement between the parties.
A. In the event that any difference arises between the Authority and the Union or between the Authority and any of its employees affected by this Agreement and concerning the interpretation, application or compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, such differences shall be deemed to be a Grievance. There shall be no suspension of work by either party on account of a Grievance, and an earnest effort shall be made to settle Grievances at an early date. The procedures for settlement of Grievances shall be as follows:
(1) The aggrieved employee shall discuss the Grievance with his Union Steward and file it in writing within ten (10) working days after the Grievance arises with his supervisor. Within ten (10) working days of receipt, the supervisor shall answer the Grievance in writing.
(2) If no satisfactory resolution is reached at step one, then the Union may present the Grievance in writing on an official Grievance form to the Executive Director within five (5) working days of receipt from the supervisor. The Executive Director shall discuss the matter with the Union within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Grievance, and shall have ten (10) working days from the date of the discussion to answer the Grievance in writing.
(3) If no satisfactory resolution is reached at step two, then the Union may present the written Grievance to the Authority’s Personnel Committee within ten (10) working days from receipt from the Executive Director. The Personnel Committee shall discuss the matter with the Union within fifteen (15) working days from receipt of the Grievance, and shall have thirty (30) working days from the date of the discussion to answer the Grievance in writing.
(4) If no satisfactory resolution of the Grievance is reached at step three, then the Union (and only the Union) may submit the matter to binding arbitration to the New Jersey State Board of Mediation through its rules within thirty (30) days from receipt of the answer of the Personnel Committee; the matter for selecting an arbitrator shall be in accordance with the New Jersey State Board of Mediation Rules. The expense of such arbitration shall be borne equally by the Authority and the Union.
(5) In the event that any dispute arises which involves the interpretation or construction of this Agreement, rather than a grievance of a single employee, step one may be omitted.
(6) Any Grievance which is not filed or moved to the next step within the above time limits shall be considered null and void. Time limits may only be extended by the mutual written agreement of the Authority and the Union.
A. All members of the bargaining unit shall be entitled to three (3) consecutive working days of bereavement leave per year at no loss in regular pay to attend the funeral of a member of their immediate family.
B. Immediate family shall be defined as follows: employee’s father, mother, spouse, child, sister or brother.
C. In addition to the leave granted pursuant to Paragraph “A,” members of the bargaining unit shall be entitled to one (1) working day of bereavement leave at no loss in regular pay to attend the funeral of the employee’s mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent or grandchild.
D. The Executive Director reserves the right to require reasonable proof of death and/or relationship.
E. All days hereunder must be taken between the date of the death and the day after the funeral.
A. At the discretion of the Executive Director, and with the approval of the Authority Board, any employee may be granted a leave of absence without pay. The Authority shall have the sole discretion in matters of leaves of absence and each decision made shall be on its own merits. In no event shall the decision whether or not to grant a leave be precedential as to any other decision regarding a leave.
B. An employee on leave of absence without pay, except as provided by law, does not accrue vacation leave, sick leave, or any other benefits. No payments will be made to the pension system or health plan during this leave of absence, however, unless the employee agrees to bear the costs and the health plan and pension system allows it.
C. A leave of absence shall not exceed ninety (90) days in length, after which it may be reconsidered and any requested extension may either be granted or denied.
D. Employees are required to notify the Executive Director of the anticipated date of return, as soon as such date is known to the employee. Failure to return on such date without notice shall be considered a voluntary resignation.
(1) In furtherance of harmonious relations among employees, the Management and the Public, it is mutually agreed by the parties hereto that there shall be no lockout, strike, work stoppage or intentional slowdown during the term of this Agreement, and it is agreed that all matters of dispute shall be settled by the Grievance and Arbitration procedure, as herein provided. However, there shall be no liability on the part of the Union for any strike, work stoppage or intentional slowdown is not authorized by the Union.
It shall be the duty of the duly authorized officers of the local Union, or National Representative, within twenty-four (24) hours after notification by the Authority to cause to be posted in prominent places within the Office or Plant of the Authority, a notice that the strike, work stoppage or intentional slowdown was not authorized by the local Union and directing all employees to return to their respective jobs promptly or cease any action which may adversely effect any operation of the Authority. The Authority shall have the right to discipline any employee or employees engaged in any unauthorized strike, work stoppage, or intentional slowdown, subject to the Union’s right to present a grievance as outlined in this Agreement.
(1) This Agreement is a contract for a period of five (5) years including 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and terminating on December 31, 2007.
(2) In the absence of written notice given at least sixty (60) days prior to expiration date by either party to the other of the intention to change or terminate, this Agreement shall automatically be renewed for a period of another year, and from year to year thereafter, until such time as sixty days, notice is given prior to the annual expiration date.
If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phase of this Agreement shall be declared invalid for any reason whatsoever, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Agreement which shall remain in full force and effect; and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are hereby declared to be severable.
(1) This document constitutes the sole and complete agreement between the parties and embodies all the terms and conditions governing the employment of employees. The parties acknowledge that they have had opportunity to present and discuss proposals on any subject which is or (may be) subject to collective negotiations.
(2) This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which shall together constitute but one instrument, which may be sufficiently evidenced by any counterpart.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have set their hands and affixed their seals, the day and year first written above.
___________________________ BY:____________________________
Glen D. Petrauski Dix R.M. Fetzer
Executive Director Chairman
LOCAL #423
___________________________ __________________________
David Alaburda Joseph Francis
Secretary, Local #423 Chairman, Local #423
Kevin Maloney
President, Local #423
John Devlin
National Representative
 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 |
 | Hourly Rate
3.25% | Hourly Rate
3.25% | Hourly Rate
3.5% | Hourly Rate
3.75% | Hourly
3.75% |
Classification |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Liquid Treatment Division |  |  |  |  |  |
Working Leader | 27.64 | 28.54 | 29.54 | 30.64 | 31.79 |
Licensed Operator | 25.21 | 26.01 | 26.90 | 27.89 | 28.92 |
Shift Operator | 24.71 | 25.51 | 26.40 | 27.39 | 28.42 |
Helper | 22.36 | 23.09 | 23.90 | 24.80 | 25.73 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Solid Treatment Division |  |  |  |  |  |
Licensed Operator | 25.21 | 26.01 | 26.90 | 27.89 | 28.92 |
Shift Operator | 24.71 | 25.51 | 26.40 | 27.39 | 28.42 |
Helper | 22.36 | 23.09 | 23.90 | 24.80 | 25.73 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Maintenance Division |  |  |  |  |  |
Working Leader | 27.65 | 28.55 | 29.55 | 30.66 | 31.81 |
Maintenance Mechanic | 26.97 | 27.85 | 28.82 | 29.90 | 31.02 |
Assistant | 22.36 | 23.09 | 23.90 | 24.80 | 25.73 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Custodial Division |  |  |  |  |  |
Custodian | 22.36 | 23.09 | 23.90 | 24.80 | 25.73 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Instrumentation Division |  |  |  |  |  |
Instrumentation Working Leader | 31.89 | 32.93 | 34.08 | 35.36 | 36.69 |
Instrumentation Mechanic | 26.97 | 27.85 | 28.82 | 29.90 | 31.02 |
Instrumentation Apprentice* |  |  |  |  |  |
Level 1 | 22.36 | 23.09 | 23.90 | 24.80 | 25.73 |
Level 2 | 23.51 | 24.27 | 25.12 | 26.07 | 27.04 |
Level 3 | 24.66 | 25.46 | 26.35 | 27.34 | 28.36 |
Level 4 | 25.82 | 26.66 | 27.60 | 28.63 | 29.70 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
* Instrumentation Apprentice moves to next level upon completion of courses and submission of transcript.
Laboratory Division |  |  |  |  |  |
Laboratory Assistant |  |  |  |  |  |
6 months | 19.11 | 19.73 | 20.42 | 21.19 | 21.98 |
12 months | 20.19 | 20.84 | 21.57 | 22.38 | 23.22 |
18 months | 21.31 | 22.00 | 22.77 | 23.63 | 24.52 |
24 months | 22.36 | 23.09 | 23.90 | 24.80 | 25.73 |
Laboratory Technician | 23.61 | 24.38 | 25.23 | 26.18 | 27.16 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Employee who has reached the maximum step in the Laboratory Assistant automatic progression of twenty-four months must remain an additional thirty-six months before receiving the position of Laboratory Technician, which is a single rated job classification.
Floater | 22.36 | 23.09 | 23.90 | 24.80 | 25.73 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
New Employee (Seventy-Five (75%) percent of regular rate)
Full charge Bookkeeper | 25.48 | 26.31 | 27.23 | 28.25 | 29.31 |
Secretary/Accounts Payable Clerk | 19.91 | 20.55 | 21.27 | 22.07 | 22.90 |
Inventory Control Clerk | 24.05 | 24.83 | 25.70 | 26.66 | 27.66 |
Electrician | 28.87 | 29.81 | 30.85 | 32.01 | 33.21 |
Operations Assistant | 22.36 | 23.09 | 23.90 | 24.80 | 25.73 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Job Description: | Full Charge Bookkeeper |
 |  |
Qualifications: | 1. Minimum High School Graduate
2. Good basic business and communications skills as well as a full understanding of basic Accounting concepts in relation to Fund Accounting.
3. Good basic computer skills in the use of Accounting software.
4. Ability to read, write, speak and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
 |  |
Report to: | Office Manager |
 |  |
Job Goal: | To perform, for the Authority, Bookkeeping/Accounting functions including, but not limited to, processing of Accounts Payable checks, Accounts Receivables billing, preparation of timely deposits of all cash received, transfer of funds between banks and accounts as needed to cover checks issued, bank reconciliations, monthly journal entries and balancing of books through the monthly trial balance. |
 |  |
Performance Duties | 1. Prepare Accounts Receivable billing for customers and members on a monthly basis and enter the figures in the General Ledger through a General Journal entry.
2. Deposit cash received at the appropriate bank in accordance with the 1958 Bond Resolution and the Resolution regarding Cash Flow and enter Cash Receipts on a weekly basis through a General Journal entry.
3. Make General Journal entries on a monthly basis for Payroll, Interest on bank accounts and other entries provided by Auditors as needed to keep the Authority’s General Ledger current.
4. Transfer cash between accounts as needed to cover monthly expenditures.
5. Enter Accounts Payable vouchers for payment and prepare checks in time for monthly board meetings.
6. Prepare bank reconciliations on a monthly basis.
7. Work in conjunction with the Auditors as needed to enable them to prepare our semi-yearly audit reports.
8. Assist in preparing monthly budget reports for board meetings as needed.
9. Prepare payroll, from the calculation of the time cards through the generation of the checks and reports, on the computerized payroll system as needed.
10. Receives Quotations on investments and submits same to the Executive Director.
11. Handles other duties, in addition to those itemized above, as may be designated by the Office Manager.
12. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies and procedures.
 |  |
Job Description: | Secretary/Accounts Payable Clerk |
 |  |
Qualifications: | 1. Minimum High School graduate.
2. Good basic business and communication skills.
3. Good basic computer skills including word processing.
4. Ability to read, write, speak and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
 |  |
Reports to: | Office Manager |
 |  |
Job Goal: | To provide support services to the Plant Supervisors and additional support services to the “Administrative Office as needed. To maintain the confidentiality of the position as regards Authority business. |
 |  |
Performance Duties: | 1. Handle all typing for plant supervisors (i.e. Ed Roan, Anthony Parronchi, Ken Bowden) as needed with the exception of DMR and Sludge Reports.
2. Handle all paperwork and typing for the Facility Engineer with the exception of any paperwork generated after the SRVSA meeting relating to sewer extensions.
3. Handle paperwork generated in relation to the bid process including notices, mailing of the bids, setting the date for the opening etc., through to completion as needed.
4. Order all supplies for the Administrative Office as requested by personal and approved by the Office Manager.
5. Enter all Purchase Requisitions into the Accounting program and produces Purchase Orders for the Authority on a daily basis. Follows up on receipt of merchandise, obtains appropriate signatures, signed vouchers for payment and invoices then remits the paperwork to the Full Change Bookkeeper for payment.
6. Work in conjunction with the Inventory Control Officer to maintain a complete computer record of the perpetual inventory of all furniture and equipment for the Authority in the appropriate format as required by the State of New Jersey. Reports on this project are to be prepared monthly, including a printout of the current inventory, and submitted to the Office Manager and the Inventory Control Officer.
7. Enter and maintains data in the computer for the Preventive and Required Maintenance Program.
8. Act as backup to the Administrative Office in areas of typing, filing, copying and answering phones as needed.
9. Handle other duties, in addition to those itemized above, as may be designated by the Office Manager.
10. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies and procedures.
 |  |
Job Description: | Custodian |
 |  |
Qualifications: | 1. High School graduate or equivalent.
2. Ability to read, write, speak and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position.
3. Must have a valid N.J. Drivers License with a safe driving record.
4. Must have the ability to operate electrical buffing machines, lawn mowers (walk-behind and riding); read, understand, and comply with written instructions and labels on cleaning agents.
5. The position requires climbing of ladders, scaffolding and the lifting of a minimum of fifty (50) pounds.
6. The ability to follow verbal and written instructions. |
 |  |
Reports to: | Chief Operator/Assistant Chief Operators |
 |  |
Job Goal: | The responsibility for good housekeeping of all buildings and grounds under the general supervision of the Chief Operator/Assistant Chief Operators. |
 |  |
Performance Duties: | 1. The duties a re to be accomplished in the following buildings:
Administration, Laboratory, Incinerator and 600
a. Clean bathrooms and replenish toiletries.
b. Disinfect toilets and bathroom floors once per week.
c. Vacuum all carpeted floors twice weekly or as needed.
d. Empty and clean wastebaskets daily or as needed.
e. Clean walls and windowsills.
f. Clean conference table and polish.
g. Dust furniture, desks, copier.
h. Wash all windows once per month inside and weather permitting, outside.
i. Sweep non-carpeted floors twice per week, wash once per week or as needed.
j. Wax tiled floors once per month.
k. Clean and disinfect all shower stall floors and walls once per month.
2. Grounds Keeping Duties:
Warm Weather:
a. Mow grass, fertilize, and irrigate.
b. Level gravel covered areas.
c. Weeding.
d. Prune bushes.
e. Trim Trees.
f. Plant and maintain flower beds.
g. Sweep walkways.
h. Perform minor maintenance on landscaping equipment.
Cold Weather:
a. Shovel and clean snow from walkways around office building.
b. Spread de-icer as needed.
3. Raise and lower U.S. Flag.
4. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies, and procedures.
5. Possess ability to work on own initiative with a minimum of supervision.
6. Will prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by supervision.
7. Perform other duties as assigned by supervision. |
 |  |
Job Description: | Electrician |
 |  |
Qualifications | 1. High School Graduate or Trade School Graduate.
2. Minimum 5 years experience of Industrial Electrician.
3. N.J. Electrical license.
4. Able to read, write, speak, and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position.
5. Ability to be self-motivated.
6. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators. |
 |  |
Reports to: | Maintenance Superintendent |
 |  |
Job Goal: | Repairs, Maintains, and Installs Electrical Systems and equipment for the SRVSA. Works with voltages up to and including 13KV. |
 |  |
Performance Duties: | 1. Performs preventive and corrective maintenance task on all electrical and electronic equipment installed throughout the wastewater treatment plan and interceptor system, including incineration.
2. Cleans, lubricates, and repairs electrical switchboards, control panels, starters and motors. Replaces and rebuilds fuses. Repairs, replaces, and installs lighting fixtures.
3. Tests and troubleshoots electric generating systems, distribution systems, process control and metering systems.
4. Installs and sets-up equipment.
5. Assists in maintaining maintenance records.
6. Maintains electro-pneumatic control devices and process control systems.
7. Interprets technical manuals, writing and schematic drawings and blueprints.
8. Ability to communication and maintain a working relationship with fellow employees
9. Follow oral and written instructions and be able to plan his/her daily responsibilities effectively and efficiently.
10. Must possess valid N.J. Drivers License and good driving record.
11. Perform housekeeping of his/her work area.
12. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies, and procedures.
13. Possess ability to work on own initiative with a minimum of supervision.
14. Perform other duties as assigned by the Maintenance Superintendent and Plant Superintendent.
15. Will prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by a Supervisor. |
 |  |
Job Description: | Instrumentation (Mechanic) |
 |  |
Qualifications: | 1. High School Graduate or Trade School Graduate.
2. Minimum 5 years experience as Instrument Technician or Electronics Technician.
3. Possess Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship for Instrument Mechanic as issued by U.S. Dept. of Labor.
4. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators.
5. Ability to read, write, speak, and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
 |  |
Reports to: | Instrumentation Working Leader |
 |  |
Job Goal: | Repairs, Maintains, Installs, and Calibrates Instruments Systems and Instrumentation Equipment for the SRVSA. |
 |  |
Performance Duties: | 1. Under the supervision of the Instrumentation Working Leader, will perform tasks of a complex technical nature.
2. Performs preventative and corrective maintenance and calibration of all Instrument Systems and Instrumentation equipment installed throughout the wastewater treatment plant, interceptor system, solids handling and disposal systems.
3. Possess ability to work on own initiative, with a minimum of supervision.
4. Maintain preventive and corrective maintenance records and complete and forward calibration records on all interceptor and process flowmeters monthly to the Superintendent.
5. Be able to install instrumentation systems as needed.
6. Will instruct and train other personnel in Instrumentation duties.
7. Interprets technical manuals, wiring, and schematic drawings and blueprints.
8. Ability to communicate and maintain a working relationship with fellow employees.
9. Follow oral and written instructions and be able to plan his/her work day effectively and efficiently.
10. Perform housekeeping of work area.
11. Must possess a valid N.J. Drivers License and a safe driving record.
12. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies, and procedures.
13. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervision.
14. Will prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by a Supervisor. |
 |  |
Job Description: | Instrumentation Working Leader |
 |  |
Qualifications: | 1. High School Graduate or Trade School Graduate.
2. Minimum 10 years experience as Instrument Technician or Electronics Technician, and possess a Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship for Instrument Mechanic as issued by the U.S. Department of Labor.
3. Possess Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship for Instrument Mechanic as issued by U.S. Dept. of Labor.
4. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators.
5. Ability to read, write, speak, and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
 |  |
Reports to: | Plant Superintendent |
 |  |
Job Goal: | Maintains an efficient, orderly, functional Instrument Department capable of repairing, maintaining, installing, and calibrating Instrument Systems and all Instrumentation Equipment of the SRVSA. |
 |  |
Performance Duties: | 1.Under the supervision of the Superintendent, will perform tasks of a complex technical nature.
2. Performs preventive and corrective maintenance and calibration of all Instrument Systems and Instrumentation Equipment installed throughout the wastewater treatment plant, interceptor system, and solids handling and disposal systems.
3. Maintain preventive and corrective maintenance records and complete and forward calibration records on all interceptor and process flowmeters monthly to the Superintendent.
4. Be able to install instrumentation systems as needed.
5. Will instruct and train other personnel in Instrumentation duties.
6. Interprets technical manuals, wiring, and schematic drawings and blueprints.
7. Ability to communicate and maintain a working relationship with fellow employees.
8. Follow oral and written instructions and be able to plan his/her work day effectively and efficiently.
9. Supervises subordinate instrumentation employees.
10. Perform housekeeping of work area.
11. Must possess a valid N.J. Drivers License and a good driving record.
12. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies, and procedures.
13. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervision.
14. Will prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by a Supervisor. |
Job Description: | Instrument Apprentice |
 |  |
Qualifications: | 1. High School Graduate or Trade School Graduate.
2. Basic knowledge of the principals of mechanics, electricity, and electronics.
3. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators.
4. Ability to read, write, speak and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
 |  |
Reports to: | Instrumentation Mechanic |
 |  |
Job Goal: | Repairs, Maintains, Installs, and Calibrates Instrument Systems and Instrumentation Equipment for the SRVSA. |
 |  |
Performance Duties: | 1. Under the direction of the Instrument mechanic, will perform tasks of a complex technical nature.
2. Assists the Instrumentation mechanic in performing all duties related to Instrumentation.
3. Successfully complete four years of Apprenticeship training under an approved U.S. Dept. of Labor Apprenticeship program.
4. Possess the ability to work on own initiative with a minimum of supervision.
5. Maintain preventive and corrective maintenance records.
6. Be able to install instrumentation systems as needed commensurate with expected level of training and experience.
7. Interpret technical mounds, wiring, and schematic drawings and blueprints.
8. Ability to communicate and maintain a working relationship with fellow employees.
9. Perform housekeeping of work area.
10. Possess a valid N.J. Drivers License and a safe driving record.
11. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies, and procedures.
12. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervision.
13. Will prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by a Supervisor. |
Job Description: | Inventory Control Clerk |
 |  |
Qualifications: | 1. High School Graduate or equivalent.
2. Must have good communication skills.
3. Must have computer skills.
4. Must have mechanical aptitude.
5. Must have a valid N.J. Drivers License and a safe driving record.
6. Ability to read, write, speak and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
 |  |
Reports to: | Maintenance Superintendent |
 |  |
Job Goal: | Provide inventory control services for the Maintenance Department specifically, and the Authority in general. |
 |  |
Performance Duties: | 1. Understand the inventory control system utilized by The Authority including its operation and purpose.
2. Responsible for ordering, receiving, stocking, recording and distributing materials, parts, supplies, equipment and tools.
3. Responsible for maintaining inventory amount as required and designated by the Maintenance Superintendent in order to meet Preventative and Corrective Maintenance demands.
4. Record and retrieve maintenance data and information using the Authority’s maintenance and inventory control computer system.
5. Maintain up-to-date hard copy of all SRVSA equipment, tools, location of equipment, including repairs and history of equipment.
6. Maintain an up-to-date file on all equipment to include manufactures O and M manuals and blueprints.
7. Maintain stock room in a clean and orderly fashion with parts and shelves clearly marked.
8. Perform annual inventory and reconcile w/computerized inventory.
9. Perform other duties as assigned by the Maintenance Superintendent, or Plant Superintendent.
10. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies, and procedures.
11. Will prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by a Supervisor. |
Job Description: | Lab Assistant/Technician |
 |  |
Qualifications: | 1. A good knowledge of the principals of qualitative and quantitative chemistry, mathematics, and biology.
2. A good knowledge of laboratory techniques, equipment, terminology and procedures.
3. The ability to perform standardized tests quickly and accurately and analyze and interpret results.
4. The ability to understand and execute oral and written instructions and the ability to record test results.
5. The ability to keep accurate records and prepare analytical results.
6. The ability to work independently and as a team member.
7. An Association Degree is a related field (physical, chemical, biological or environmental science) and/or High School Graduate or equivalent with extensive laboratory experience.
8. Ability to read, write, speak, and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
 |  |
Reports to: | Lab Supervisor |
 |  |
Job Goal: | Laboratory Technician efficiently performs the laboratory work described below. The work requires initiative in adapting a variety of standard tests, treatments, and equipment to obtain desired results. |
 |  |
Performance Data: | 1. Performs chemical, bacteriological and physical tests and analyses of raw wastewater, partially treated, treated wastewater and by-products to determine efficiency of plant processes and ensure that plant effluent meets all regulatory requirements.
2. Aids in preparing standard operating procedures for the various laboratory tasks.
3. Assembles Data, maintains records, and prepares daily reports.
4. Informs supervisor when supplies are needed so that they may be requisitioned in a timely manner.
5. Prepares chemical and bacteriological media reagents and test solutions used in laboratory.
6. Inspects, adjusts, tests, calibrates, and performs minor repairs to laboratory and field equipment and apparatus.
7. Performs all Laboratory QA/QC tasks as required by regulation.
8. Sets up and operates laboratory and field test equipment and maintains logs and records.
9. Prepares and sets up pollution field testing equipment (e.g.: Automatic Wastewater Sampler). Field testing is set up at all the SRVSA Industrial User Sites.
10. Collects samples and sets up equipment at locations on the SRVSA treatment plant site.
11. Performs other duties as assigned by supervision.
12. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies, and procedures. |
 |  |
Job Description: | Operator-Liquid Treatment Division |
 |  |
Qualifications: | 1. Must be a high school graduate or equivalent.
2. A minimum of three (3) years Wastewater experience continuous.
3. Have a complete understanding of all wastewater treatment equipment and have the ability to operate and evaluate the performance of the Wastewater Systems.
4. Have and exhibit a thorough knowledge of all Authority equipment and processes.
5. Have a complete understanding of Wastewater Theory and Operations.
6. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators.
7. Ability to read, write, speak, and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
 |  |
Reports to: | Chief Operator/Assistant Chief Operator |
 |  |
Job Goal: | The Operator is responsible for the operation of the Liquid Treatment Facilities including, but not limited to, the Raw Sewerage Pumping Station, Preliminary, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Systems, Chlorination and Dechlorination Facilities, Thickening Tanks, Blending Tank, Sludge and Septage Receiving Facilities, and the cleaning of the Dispersion Dam. The Operator’s work is performed under the supervision of the Chief Operator and/or the Assistant Chief Operator. |
 |  |
Performance Duties: | 1. The day to day operation and performance of the facilities identified above, as well as, all associated equipment required for the operation and control of the process.
2. Perform “minor” maintenance to all equipment as outlined above.
3. Monitor all process equipment, gauges, meters and control devices.
4. Operate valves and gates as necessary to maintain and control the proper operation of the facility.
5. Stopping and starting of pumps, motors, and equipment as required.
6. Maintain and record all necessary daily logs, records, and readings and prepare reports as directed.
7. Sample and perform various operating and process tests as it pertains to the operations of the facility.
8. Housekeeping of all the previous mentioned facilities and grounds.
9. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies and procedures.
10. Know and understand Discharge Permit limits.
11. Train and instruct Helpers and Floaters on the proper use and operation of all Wastewater Facilities.
12. Follow oral and written instructions and be able to plan and coordinate the daily responsibilities with fellow employees.
13. Will prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by a Supervisor.
14. Perform any tasks as assigned by his/her Supervisor. |
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Job Description: | Helper – Liquid Treatment Division |
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Qualifications: | 1. Must be a high school graduate or equivalent.
2. A minimum of one (1) year of wastewater experience.
3..A complete understanding of all wastewater treatment equipment.
4. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained beating apparatus and respirators.
5. Ability to read, write, speak and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
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Reports to: | The Helper’s work is performed under the supervision of his Operator unless given other assignments by the Chief Operator and/or Assistant Chief Operator. |
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Job Goal: | The Helper is responsible for the operation of the Liquid Treatment Facilities including but not limited to the Raw Sewage Pumping Station, Preliminary, Primary, Secondary, and Teriary Systems, Chlorination and Dechlorination Facilities, Thickening Tanks, Blending Tank, Sludge and Septage Receiving Facilities and cleaning of the Dispersion Dam, and all associated equipment and systems. |
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Performance Duties: | 1. The day to day operation and performance of the facilities identified above, as well as, all associated equipment required for the operation and control of the process.
2. Perform “minor” maintenance to all equipment as outlined above.
3. Monitor all process equipment, gauges, meters and control devices.
4. Operate valves and gates as necessary to maintain and control the proper operation of the facility.
5. Stopping and starting of pumps, motors, and equipment as required.
6. Maintain and record all necessary daily logs, records, and readings and prepare reports as directed.
7. Sample and perform various operating and process tests as it pertains to the operations of the facility.
8. Housekeeping of all the previous mentioned facilities and grounds.
9. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies, and procedures.
10. Know and understand Discharge Permit lmits.
11. Follow oral and written instructions and be able to plan and coordinate the daily responsibilities with fellow employees.
12. Will prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by a Supervisor.
13. Perform any tasks as assigned by Supervision. |
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Job Description: | Floater |
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Qualifications: | 1. Must be a high school graduate or equivalent.
2. Have the ability to learn and understand wastewater processes and theories.
3. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators.
4. Ability to read, write, speak and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
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Reports to: | The Floater’s work is performed under the direction of his Operator and/or the Chief Operator or Assistant Chief Operator. |
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Job Goal: | This entry level position assists the Operator and Helper in their duties and responsibilities as directed. |
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Performance Duties: | 1. Follow oral and written instructions.
2. Understand and follow the Authority rules, regulations, safety policies and procedures.
3. Required to be punctual, reliable, and willing to perform his or her tasks requested of him or her as it falls within job responsibilities. The Floater’s position will require the employee to “float” between departments to fill in for vacations, leaves of absence or illness as directed to do so by the supervisor.
4. Expected to learn wastewater processes and theories.
5. Will prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by a Supervisor.
6. Perform any tasks as assigned by a Supervisor.
7. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies and procedures. |
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Job Description: | Maintenance Working Leader |
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Qualifications: | 1. High School Graduate or equivalent GED.
2. Must have a minimum of ten (10) years experience, seven (7) of which must include the repair, installation, and maintenance of large, complex machinery and equipment such as associated with a wastewater treatment facility.
3. Past supervisory experience is desirable.
4. Knowledge of hydraulic systems, diesel and gasoline engines is required.
5. Must possess skills in welding, brazing, pipefitting, rigging, and machine shop.
6. Must be able to read complex blueprints, diagrams, schematics, and be experienced with precision instruments such as calibers, and micrometers.
7. Must have a valid NJ Drivers License with a safe driving record.
8. Ability to read, write, speak, and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position.
9. Have experience with and ability to use standard shop equipment and tools is required.
10. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators.
11. Must have ability to recognize equipment problems and effect their repair.
12. Ability to be self-motivated. |
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Reports to: | Maintenance Superintendent |
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Job Goal: | Responsible for the repair, maintenance, and installation of mechanical equipment and vehicles of the Authority. The Working Leader coordinates the daily activities of the mechanics and mechanic assistants with the Maintenance Superintendent. |
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Performance Duties: | 1.Through communication with the Maintenance Superintendent or his designee, coordinate scheduling of installation, maintenance, and repair of all mechanical equipment of the Authority, liquid department, solid department, laboratory, all infrastructure, vehicles, and maintenance of grounds.
2. Coordinate activities of all mechanics and mechanic assistants and electrician.
3. Assist in implementing the Authorities Inventory Control Program and Preventive Maintenance Program.
4. Ensure the continuous operation of essential equipment necessary for the operation of the wastewater treatment facility.
5. Coordinate and/or conduct field and classroom training for personnel on proper operation and maintenance of equipment necessary for the performance of their duties.
6. Maintain all work areas and workshop in a clean and safe condition.
7. Responsible for all piping and plumbing repairs, as required.
8. Assist in the implementation of the Authority’s Safety Program.
9. Practice all safety precautions relating to the position.
10. Become familiar with manufacturer’s equipment manuals and their requirements as they pertain to installation and maintenance.
11. Assists the Maintenance Superintendent in establishing work priorities.
12. Prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by Supervision.
13. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor.
14. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies, and procedures. |
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Job Description: | Maintenance Mechanic Assistant |
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Qualifications: | 1. High School Graduate or equivalent GED
2. Must have the ability to use standard common shop tools, equipment, and be able to operate Authority vehicles.
3. Must have experience in the use of operation and maintenance manuals, blueprints, and schematics.
4. Must have a valid NJ Drivers License and a safe driving record.
5. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators.
6. Ability to read, write, speak and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position.
7. Ability to work with minimum of supervision. |
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Reports to: | Maintenance Superintendent and Maintenance Working Leader |
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Job Goals: | Assist maintenance mechanics in repair, maintenance, and installation of all Authority mechanical equipment, vehicles, and buildings and grounds. |
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Performance Duties: | 1. Must comply with Maintenance Supervisor, Maintenance Working Leader, or their designee as to instructions and assigned daily tasks.
2. Must maintain a good working relationship with other employees.
3. Assist in implementing the Authority’s Preventive Maintenance Program and Inventory Control Program.
4. Change oil and/or grease in all equipment and lubricate all equipment.
5. Adjust packing in valves and pumps, along with repacking valves and pumps.
6. Maintain grounds using ground maintenance equipment.
7. Performs miscellaneous work that does not require a mechanic.
8. Prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by Supervision.
9. Maintain all work areas and workshop in a clean and safe condition.
10. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies, and procedures.
11. Perform other tasks as assigned by Supervision. |
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Job Description: | Maintenance Mechanic |
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Qualifications: | 1. High School Graduate or equivalent GED.
2. Must have minimum of five (5) years experience or three years experience as a Maintenance Mechanic Assistant which must include the repair, installation, and maintenance of large, complex machinery and equipment such as associated with a wastewater treatment facility.
3. Must have the ability to use standard shop tools, equipment, and be able to operate Authority equipment.
4. Must be able to read blueprints, schematics, and diagrams and have the ability to use calipers and micrometers.
5. Must have knowledge of hydraulic systems, diesel and gasoline engines.
6. Must possess skills in welding, brazing, pipefitting, rigging, and machine shop.
7. Must have a valid N.J. Driver’s License with a safe driving record.
8. Ability to read, write, speak and understand English sufficiently enough to perform the duties of the position.
9. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators.
10. Must have the ability to recognize equipment problems and effect their repair.
11. Ability to work with minimum supervision. |
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Reports to: | Maintenance Superintendent and Maintenance Working Leader. |
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Job Goal: | Responsible for repair, maintenance, and installation of all Authority mechanical equipment and vehicles; all building and grounds. |
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Performance Duties: | 1. Thorough communication with the Maintenance Superintendent or his designee, coordinate scheduling of installation, maintenance and repair of all mechanical equipment of the Authority, liquid department, solid department, laboratory, all infrastructure, vehicles, and maintenance of grounds.
2. Must maintain a good working relationship with other employees.
3. Assist in implementing the Authority’s Preventive Maintenance Program and Inventory Control Program.
4. Ensure the continuous operation of all essential equipment necessary for the operation of the entire wastewater treatment facility.
5. Maintain all work areas and workshop in a clean and safe condition.
6. Responsible for all piping and plumbing repairs, as required.
7. Assist in the implementation of the Authority’s Safety Program.
8. Practice all safety precautions relating to the position.
9. Become familiar with manufacturer’s equipment manuals and their requirements as they pertain to installation and maintenance.
10. Assist the Maintenance Superintendent and/or Maintenance Working Leader in training of other personnel in operation and maintenance necessary for the performance of their duties.
11. After completion of assigned tasks, report to Maintenance Working Leader or Maintenance Superintendent for further assigned tasks.
12. Prepare surfaces for painting and paint as assigned by Supervision.
13. Perform other tasks as assigned by Superintendent.
14. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies and procedures. |
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Job Description: | Operations Assistant |
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Qualifications: | 1. High School Graduate or GED Equivalent.
2. Ability to understand verbal and written instructions in English.
3. Experience in wastewater treatment preferred.
4. Ability to employ effective and efficient administrative and accounting procedures with regards to plant operations records.
5. Ability to prepare and present both verbally and in writing reports on area of responsibilities.
6. Ability to understand wastewater treatment plant processes.
7. Ability to communicate, support and maintain a working relationship with fellow employees.
8. Ability to read, write, speak and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
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Reports To: | Plant Superintendent or Chief Operators |
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Job Goal: | Maintain and monitor effectively all procedures and guidelines for the receipt of septage and outside sludges. In addition, carry out directives and projects issued by the Plant Superintendent and/or Chief Operators. |
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Performance Duties: | 1. Will review all septage and sludge manifest forms for completeness prior to dumping.
2. Will maintain a daily record of all gallons and pounds of septage and sludges received at the Authority.
3. Daily reconcile all manifest forms with the daily record of septage and sludges gallons and pounds, and daily reconcile with hauler sign-in book.
4. Compute total of gallons and pounds for each hauler at the end of each month. Prepare and submit a report to the Plant Superintendent on the totals on or before the 3rd day of the month for the previous month.
5. Submit to the Accounting Department, on or before the 3rd day of each month, a cover sheet indicating the totals of gallons and pounds for each hauler, the rate to bill at for each hauler, and the billing address for each hauler. In addition, investigate and resolve any discrepancy determined by the Accounting Department.
6. Maintain an accurate file on all septage and sludge haulers, and customers. This file will contain Sludge Quality Assurance Reports (SQAR’s) monthly and yearly gallons, pounds and all customer history.
7. Monitor customer records to insure that sludge customer’s SQAR’s are current and received as per their reporting frequency required by regulation.
8. Ensure that all septage and sludge haulers and customers adhere to all Authority requirements, rules, and regulations including safety regulations.
9. Ensure that proper sampling of each septage and sludge load occurs and samples are delivered to the Authority Laboratory within Laboratory guidelines.
10. Perform any duties as assigned by the Plant Superintendent or Chief Operators.
11. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies, and procedures. |
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Job Description: | Operator – Solid Treatment Division |
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Qualifications: | 1. Must be a high school graduate or equivalent.
2. Know the basic principals of incineration process, combustion and fluidzation.
3. Know the NJDEP air Emissions Permit operating requirements.
4. A minimum of three (3) years experience in Incinerator Operations.
5. Have a complete understanding of all Incinerator systems and equipment and have the ability to start-up and shutdown all Incinerator equipment. Have the ability to operate the Incinerator and dewatering equipment and evaluate the performance of the Incinerator System.
6. Know Plant safety program, emergency procedures, indentify plant hazards and operating equipment safety procedures.
7. Ability to read, write, speak, and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position.
8. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators. |
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Reports to: | The Operator’s work is performed under the Supervision of the Chief Operator and/or the Assistant Chief Operator. |
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Job Goal: | The Operator is responsible for the operation of the Solid Treatment Facilities including, but not limited to, both 12’ and 16’ Fluidized Bed Incinerator and supporting equipment, Feed Sludge Pumps, Polymer Building, Polymer tanks and pumps, Cake Bin, Belt Filter Presses, Schwing Pumps, Sodium Hydroxide system, Dry Ash system and tanks, incinerator C.E.M. air monitoring equipment. |
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Performance Duties: | 1. The day to day operation and performance of the facilities identified above, as well as, all associated equipment requiring the operation and control of the process.
2. Perform “minor” maintenance to all equipment as outlined above.
3. Monitor all process equipment, gauges, meters and control devices.
4. Operate valves and gates as necessary to maintain and control proper operation of the facility
5. Stopping and starting of pumps, motors, and equipment as required.
6. Maintain and record all necessary daily logs, record readings and prepare reports as directed.
7. Follow oral and written instructions and be able to plan and coordinate the daily responsibilities with fellow employees.
8. Take all samples and record sample records.
9. Perform housekeeping of all previously mentioned facilities, and equipment.
10. Observe variations in operating conditions and interpreting meter and instrument reading to make adjustments to the process to maintain permit compliance and to optimize process operation.
11. Operate belt filter presses and achieve a optimum cake dryness.
12. Comply with SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies and procedures.
13. Know and understand NJDEP Air Emission Permit operating requirement.
14. Train and instruct Helpers and Floaters on the proper use and operation of all incineration facilities and processes.
15. Will prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by a Supervisor.
16. Perform any tasks as assigned by a Supervisor. |
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Job Description: | Helper – Solid Treatment Division |
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Qualification: | 1. Must be a high school graduate or equivalent.
2. Have the ability to learn and understand incineration processes and theories.
3. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators.
4. Ability to read, write, speak and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
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Reports to: | The Helper’s work is performed under the supervision of his Operator unless given assignments by the Chief Operator and/or Assistant Chief Operator. |
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Job Goals: | The Helper is responsible for the operation of the Solid Treatment Facilities including, but not limited to, both 12’ and 16’ Fluidize Bed Incinerators and supporting equipment, Feed Sludge Pumps, Polymer Building, Polymer Tanks and pumps, Cake Bin, Belt Filter Presses, Schwing Pumps, Sodium Hydroxide system, Dry Ash system and tanks, Incinerator C.E.M. air monitoring equipment. |
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Performance Duties: | 1. Follow oral and written instructions.
2. Assist the Solid Treatment Operator with the successful operation of the Incinerator and carrying out his responsibilities including “minor” maintenance to all equipment outlined above.
3. Coordinate work assignments with the operator.
4. Take all required samples and maintain sample records.
5. Observe variations in operating conditions of incinerator, Belt Filter Presses and all operating equipment.
6. Make batches of polymer or other chemicals when required.
7. Take measurements of Blend Tank, oil, polymer and sodium hydroxide tanks.
8. Ability to know and understand NJDEP Air Emission Permit operating requirements.
9. Ability to know and understand Plant safety program, emergency procedures, Plant layout, identify plant hazards and operating equipment safety procedures.
10. Perform housekeeping tasks where needed for safety and general appearance of work areas, lunchroom, offices and bathrooms in incinerator building.
11. Will prepare surfaces to paint and paint as assigned by a Supervisor.
12. Perform any tasks as assigned by a Supervisor.
13. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies and procedures. |
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Job Description: | Floater |
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Qualifications: | 1. High School Graduate or equivalent.
2. Have the ability to learn and understand wastewater processes and theories.
3. Position requires the climbing of ladders and scaffolding; working on walkways over open and full tanks; working in confined spaces; wearing of self-contained breathing apparatus and respirators.
4. Ability to read, write, speak, and understand English sufficiently to perform the duties of the position. |
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Reports to: | His/Her Operator and/or Chief Operator or Assistant Chief Operator. |
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Job Goal: | This entry level position assists the Operator and Helper in their duties and responsibilities. Responsible for the operation of the Liquid and Solid Treatment Facilities, all associated equipment and systems, including Sludge and Septage Receiving Facilities and cleaning of the Dispersion Dome. |
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Performance Duties: | 1. Follow oral and written instructions.
2. Comply with all SRVSA rules, regulations, safety policies and procedures.
3. Expected to be punctual, reliable, and willing to perform tasks required by supervision.
4. Will be required to work between departments to fill in for vacations, leaves of absence, or illnesses as directed by Supervision.
5. Expected to learn wastewater processes and theories including sludge dewatering and incineration.
6. Will prepare surfaces for painting and will paint as assigned by supervision.
7. Perform any tasks as assigned by a supervisor. |
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