WTEA 2004-2007 Agreement - Page 1 of 1
Long Valley, NJ 07853
This Agreement entered into this 1st day of July 2004 by and between the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WASHINGTON, in the County of Morris, State of New Jersey, hereinafter called the “Board” and the WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, hereinafter called the “Association”.
The Board of Education of the Township of Washington, in the County of Morris, State of New Jersey, recognizes the Washington Township Education Association as the exclusive representative of the certified personnel and support staff (secretaries, custodians and food service employees) employed by the Board, for negotiations of salaries, terms and conditions of employment, pursuant to the provisions of Ch. 123, PL 1974, effective January 1975.
The Association recognizes the Board as the elected representatives of the people of Washington Township and as the employer of the certified personnel and support staff (secretaries, custodians and food service employees) of the Washington Township School District.
The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiation concerning grievance and terms and conditions of employment for all certified personnel and support staff (secretaries, custodians and food service employees) exclusive of supervisory support staff whether under contract or on leave.
Unless otherwise indicated, the term “teachers”, when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all certified professional employees represented by this Association in the negotiating unit as above defined. The term “support staff employees”, when used hereinafter in this agreement, shall refer to all support staff, including secretaries, custodians and food service employees represented by this Association in the negotiating unit above defined. The term “employee”, when used hereinafter in this Agreement, refers to all employees represented by this Association in the negotiating units as above defined. Any references to male teachers or support staff shall include female teachers or support staff, respectively.
A. The parties shall commence negotiations of a successor agreement not earlier than July 1, 2006 nor later than November 1, 2006, and said negotiations will be conducted in accordance with the law.
Negotiation Procedure Continued
B. Within seven days of notification, meetings shall be called upon the written request of either of the parties. Requests for meetings shall contain the reason for the request and shall be directed to the respective president or his/her designee. Meetings shall be scheduled so as to cause the least interference with school duties. Official summary minutes shall be kept of all meetings by a secretary mutually agreed upon and jointly reimbursed by both the Board and Association. A copy of all requests for meetings shall be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools.
C. The parties may call upon competent professional and lay representatives to consider matters under discussion and to make suggestions.
D. When agreement is reached and approved by the Association and the Board, it shall be reduced to writing and signed by the parties.
E. This agreement incorporates the entire understanding between the parties on all matters, which were, or could have been, subject of negotiation. During the terms of this Agreement, neither party shall be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter whether or not covered by this Agreement, and whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or executed this Agreement.
F. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing, approved and duly executed by both parties.
A. It is the sincere belief of the Board of Education that professional and harmonious relationships between Board and Staff are essential to a well-run school system. Therefore, it is the desire of this Board of Education that teacher or support staff grievances will be handled quickly and considerately.
1. Any teacher or support staff employee shall have the right to appeal the application of policies and administrative decisions affecting his/her terms and conditions of employment.
2. A teacher or support staff employee having a grievance may have any person or representative of his/her own choosing appear with him/her, or for him/her, at all levels of discussion concerning the grievance.
3. All grievances shall be given prompt attention and consideration and ample opportunity for discussion at all administrative levels.
4. Grievances shall be handled in the manner set forth in paragraph B of this Article, and filed on mutually agreed upon forms.
Grievance Procedure Continued
5. The following matters shall not be the basis of any grievance filed under the procedure outlined in this article:
a. Any matter for which a specific method or review is prescribed and expressly set forth by law, or any rule or regulation of the State Commissioner of Education; or
b. A complaint of probationary or non-tenure employee which arises by reason of his/her not being re-employed, except that such employee may exercise any of the prerogatives outlined in “B-1” through “5” below.
c. A complaint by any certified person occasioned by appointment to or lack of appointment to, retention in or lack of retention in any position for which tenure either is not possible or not required, except that such employee may exercise any of the prerogatives outlined in “B-1” through “5” below.
d. Any matter which according to law is either beyond the scope of Board authority, or limited by statute or decision to unilateral action by the Board alone, or is a managerial prerogative.
e. A complaint of any non-tenured employee that he/she has received an unfavorable supervisory report or that he/she has failed to receive a favorable supervisory report, except that such employee may exercise any of the prerogatives outlined in “B-1” through “5”.
1. In the first instance, the teacher’s or support staff employee’s complaint shall be submitted, in writing, to his/her immediate supervisor within fifteen (15) working or school days of the time the alleged situation first occurred. If the complaint is not settled within five (5) working days from the date received by the respective supervisor, it shall be referred to the person next in administrative responsibility. This referral must be submitted, in writing, within five (5) working or school days after the supervisor’s answer.
2. If the complaint is not settled by this supervisor to whom the second appeal is made within five (5) working or school days from the date received, the teacher or support staff employee may request that the complaint be referred to the Superintendent within five (5) working or school days.
3. If satisfaction is not obtained, the employee may, within five (5) working or school days, request that the Superintendent arrange for a hearing with the Board Personnel Committee and the Superintendent. A time for this hearing shall be arranged within seven (7) working days from the date received. Following the hearing, a response from the Chairperson of the Personnel Committee to the employee shall be made within seven (7) working days.
4. If the employee still has not received satisfaction through the procedure described in “3” above, he/she may, with full knowledge or his/her immediate supervisor and the Superintendent, arrange an appointment with the Board of Education for discussion at the next official Board meeting at which action can be taken.
a. Prior to the meeting with the Board of Education, the employee may request Association support. The executive officers of the Association shall prepare a statement for the employee indicating those actions the Association is prepared to take on his/her behalf. The employee shall have the prerogative to terminate at any step in this procedure.
5. The Board of Education, after hearing the employee’s grievance, shall give a decision within ten (10) working days of the employee’s meeting with the Board.
6. If the aggrieved is dissatisfied with the Board’s recommendation, he/she may request the selection of PERC within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the decision of the Board. The parties shall then be bound by the rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be submitted to the Board, the individual, and the Association, and
Grievance Procedure Continued
shall be final and binding on all parties.
7. The costs for the services of the Arbitrator, including but not limited to per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, and subsistence expenses, shall be borne equally by the two parties involved. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring the same.
8. The days referred to above in this section B shall be consecutive days during which the administrative offices of the school district are open.
A teacher or support staff employee will be allowed three (3) days for personal business, which cannot be transacted during contracted hours. The employee taking such leave will give the administration ample advance notification whenever possible. A personal day may not be used before/after a vacation/holiday period except under the following conditions:
1. Conditions
a. birth of own child or grandchild
b. immediate family weddings/grandchild
c. high school/college graduation of own child/grandchild
d. house closing
e. court appearance
f. family medical issue/illness
g. religious holidays of your faith
h. own child’s field trip
i. parent/teacher conference
j. at the discretion of the Superintendent (the above is not an all inclusive list)
Consecutive personal days will not be granted before/after a vacation/holiday period.
A sick day before or after a personal day during a vacation/holiday period will fall under Article IV B1.
Personal business leaves for teachers and support staff employees shall not be cumulative, except hereinafter set forth.
Unused personal days can be accumulated and added to the employee’s accumulated sick leave. Certified and support staff members can accumulate a maximum of three (3) days sick leave at the rate of one (1) day for each unused personal day.
1. A teacher or food service employee will be allowed ten (10) days leave of absence for illness per school year, with full pay. A secretary or custodian will be allowed twelve (12) days leave of absence for illness per school year, with full pay. Employees working less than the one full contract year will receive sick leave proportionate to the number of months of the contract period for that year. Any employee on child rearing/maternity leave or extended leave, as defined in Article IV section F, but not to include sick leave, shall receive sick leave proportionate to the number of months of active employment for that year. For special cases such as retirement, resignation, or transfer, but not limited to these, employees shall receive sick leave proportionate to the number of months employment for that year. Working under contract one (1) day in a month shall constitute a month of employment for the above calculations.
2. An employee using a sick day before or after a holiday or school vacation period will be contacted by the district, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., to verify the employee is home sick. A doctor’s note will be required if the employee cannot be reached.
The Superintendent may require a doctor’s note after three (3) days of absence.
All unused sick leave days are accumulated without limit from July 1, 1955, or date of employment, whichever comes later.
3. Upon retirement or resignation in good standing, after ten (10) consecutive years of employment in Washington Township Schools, reimbursement for unused sick leave shall be as set forth below. This payment is reduced by 5% if notification is not received by January 10th of the school year preceding the year in which payment is made. To avoid any penalty, the employee may elect to receive payment in the year following retirement
a. For days accumulated as of 6/30/89 and not subsequently used upon leaving the district in good standing, reimbursement shall be:
Teachers, Secretaries, Custodians
80% of unused sick days (no maximum) at the current substitute rate for that position
Food Service Employees
80% of unused sick days (no maximum) at $50 per day for anyone making over $50
per day, and the per diem rate for anyone making less than $50 per diem
b. For retirement in good standing as defined in PERS or TPAF, or death, reimbursement shall be for 90% of unused sick days as follows:
Teachers and Food Service Employees
Maximum of 182 days at current substitute rate for that position
Secretaries and Custodians
Maximum of 234 days at current substitute rate for that position
c. In determining the unused sick days in “a” above, sick days are used in the order (1) after 6/30/89, (2) accumulated up to 6/30/89
d. Reimbursement under “a” and “b” are mutually exclusive.
A teacher or support staff employee will be allowed leave of absence, for the purpose of bereavement, due to death in the immediate family (husband, wife, father, mother, child or other relative living with the family) for a period of three (3) days at full pay. At the discretion of the principal (for teachers) or immediate supervisor (for support staff employees), employees may be granted two (2) additional days. The leave of absence allowed for a close relative (brother, sister, in-law, grandparent, grandchild) not living with the family will be up to two (2) days; distant relative, one (1) day.
A leave of absence may be granted to one certified staff member designated by the building Principal for the purpose of bereavement for the parent of a current student.
There may be occasions when it is necessary for an employee to be absent on sick leave for greater periods of time than are covered by the annual sick leave plan. When a person’s required sick time exceeds his annual sick leave and accumulated sick leave, the Board may pay him/her each day’s salary less the pay of a substitute, if a substitute is employed, or the estimated cost of the employment of a substitute if none is employed, for such length of time as is determined by the Board in each individual case.
Upon request to the Superintendent, tenured certified staff and tenured support staff shall be granted a maternity/paternity/child rearing leave without pay to begin immediately following the birth, date of adoption, or period of disability.
Length/Date of Return
The maximum leave shall be two school years. The two-year period shall include the balance of the school year in which the leave was requested and the following year. The leave shall commence and terminate on the date requested by the employee subject to approval by the Board of Education.
Tenured certified staff must meet additional conditions:
All notifications to returning to work will be made, in writing, to the Superintendent and will follow the following guidelines:
Date of Birth of Child | Date of Return to Work | Notification Date |
After April 1 | First Marking Period | 90 days from the birth or August 1, whichever is sooner |
Between | First Marking Period | August 1 |
July l | Second Marking Period | October 15 |
and | Third Marking Period | December 15 |
April 1 | Fourth Marking Period | March 15 |
Maternity/Paternity/Child Rearing Leave Continued
Staff members who are out on maternity/paternity/child rearing leave must notify the Superintendent of Schools, in writing, by April 1 of their intention to return to work the following school year or extend their leave for another year.
The child rearing/maternity/paternity/child rearing leave granted pursuant to this section shall be concurrent with any family leave an employee may be entitled to pursuant to the Federal Family Leave Act and the New Jersey Family Leave Act.
Pursuant to the said Family Leave Acts, employees shall be entitled to receive medical insurance coverage during the term of their leave, for a period not to exceed the month of the end of active (contractual) employment and for the next three (3) months, at no cost to the employee.
A teacher shall inform the Principal, and the support staff employee shall inform their immediate supervisor, of the need for such leave as early as possible so as to conform to any insurance policy covering the employee.
Any tenured teacher or support staff employee with at least three (3) consecutive years of service in the district adopting a child shall receive similar leave which shall commence upon receiving de facto custody of said child, or earlier, if necessary, to fulfill the requirements for the adoption.
No teacher or support staff employee on maternity leave shall be denied the opportunity to substitute in the Washington Township School District on the condition that the substitution is in the area of certification or competence and with concurrence of the personal licensed physician of the employee on leave.
An extended personal leave may be granted to a teacher by the Board for study, including study in another area of specialization, for travel, or for other reasons of value to the school system. Extended personal leaves shall be granted to a maximum of two teachers at any one time, if they are qualified applicants.
Requests for extended leave must be received by the Superintendent, in writing, in such form as may be mutually agreed on by the Association and the Superintendent no later than February 1st, and action
must be taken on all such requests no later than April 1st of the school year preceding the school year for which the extended leave is requested.
A teacher must have completed at least four (4) consecutive years of service from date of employment to the date of commencement of the leave in the Washington Township School District in order to be eligible for a year’s leave of absence. This extended leave is granted without any financial remuneration.
Extended Leave Continued
Upon return from extended leave, a teacher shall be placed on the salary guide with no additional step for the leave year. Written notice of the desire to return to work must be made known to the Superintendent no later than February 1st prior to the return year.
Under the extended leave policy, a teacher shall be eligible for hospitalization and insurance benefits for the full year on a payment schedule currently used for COBRA. Granting this leave would provide protection of the employee’s tenure with accumulated sick leave to date with no additional days accumulated for the leave year.
1. Vacations
a. Vacation for 12-month secretaries hired after 6/30/92 shall be:
Two (2) weeks after 1 year
Three (3) weeks after 7 years
Four (4) weeks after 14 years
b. Vacation for 12-month secretaries hired prior to 6/30/92 shall be:
Two (2) weeks after 1 year
Three (3) weeks after 5 years
Four (4) weeks after 10 years
c. Up to 10 vacation days may be carried over for use in the succeeding year. Any unused vacation days in excess of the above shall be forfeited. Exceptions may be granted by the superintendent, in writing, at his/her sole discretion.
d. All vacation schedules must be approved by the secretary’s immediate supervisor. No approval will be arbitrarily withheld
e. Eligibility for vacation time will be figured from the date of hire in the district and not from the date hired as a secretary. Vacation time will be determined on consecutive time worked in the district. The appointment of an employee as a secretary will determine which section of Article IV Section G will apply to that employee concerning years worked to obtain vacation time.
2. Twelve-month secretaries have all school holidays off as listed on the school calendar for that year.
3. Twelve-month secretaries who were 10-month employees at the time of the change to twelve months may request July and August off.
1. Vacations
a. Vacation for custodians hired after 6/30/92 shall be:
Two (2) weeks after 1 year
Three (3) weeks after 7 years
Four (4) weeks after 14 years
b. Vacation for custodians hired before 6/30/92 shall be:
Two (2) weeks after 1 year
Three (3) weeks after 5 years
Four (4) weeks after 10 years
c. Up to 10 vacation days may be carried over for use in the succeeding year. Any unused vacation days in excess of the above shall be forfeited. Exceptions may be granted by the Superintendent, in writing, at his or her sole discretion.
d. All vacation schedules for custodians must be approved by the building principal. No approval will be arbitrarily withheld.
2. Holidays
a. Custodians shall receive the following holidays:
July 4th Christmas Day
Labor Day New Year’s Day
Thanksgiving Memorial Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Within 30 days of the Board of Education approving the annual school calendar, an additional six (6) holidays will be designated by the Board.
b. Unused snow days that become holidays on the school calendar will not be workdays for custodians.
The Board shall provide insurance coverage for all full-time employees and those working over 25 hours per week, and their families, according to the following. All employees as of June 30, 2001 will continue to have insurance coverage provided by the Board for working over 20 or more hours per week.
1. Blue Cross/Blue Shield Select (with the following riders) is the basic health care plan.
a. Modifications:
chiropractic, physical therapy, speech therapy - no limit
home health care - limited to 90 visits and a maximum payout of $4,500 per benefit period
skilled nursing (no co-pay, apply to deductible) - limited to 120 per benefit period
b. $200/$400 deductible when out of network.
c. Dependent maternity coverage to age 23.
d. 80/20 coverage out of network in all areas shall be 80/20 of first $2000.
e. Blue Cross/Blue Shield Vision Rider
Prescription plan coverage, including the following:
a. contraceptives
b. syringes
c. co-pay prescription as follows:
Effective July 1, 2004 all current employees shall pay the following prescription co-pay | $20 Brand | $10 generic | $10 mail order |
Effective July 1, 2004 all new employees whose first day of employment is after July 1, 2004 shall for the first three years of their employment pay the following prescription co-pay | $35 non-
preferred brand | $20 preferred brand | $10 generic |
At the conclusion of three years of employment, those employees whose first day of employment is after July 1, 2004 shall pay the following prescription co-pay | $20 Brand | $10 generic | $10 mail order |
2. Employees will have the option of choosing HMO Blue. The Board will pay the premium for HMO Blue up to the cost of the current basic health care plan. (Blue Select)
3. Dental: Delta Dental + HMO Option
1. Orthodontic maximum $1,500
2. Regular dental care maximum: 2004/2005 - $1,750 2005/2006 - $1,900 2006-2007 - $2,000
3. Dental coverage extended for dependent children to end of the year in which they become 23, regardless of college status
4. Non-participating Differential Rider
3. Coverage will be continuous until a replacement agreement is in effect.
4. Any employee who is a party to this agreement may waive medical and prescription insurance to which they may be eligible under this contract. Any employee who elects to waive medical and prescription insurance shall receive payment in two installments (December and January) each equal to 12 ½ percent for a total of 25% of the annual insurance premium for the waived health and prescription insurance.
Each teaching staff, secretary, and office clerk shall receive a per diem stipend (for up to two days maximum) for attendance at the NJEA and/or other professional conventions/conferences as listed below:
1. Professional conventions/conferences other than the NJEA Convention require written preapproval from the Superintendent and shall be those deemed by the Superintendent to be of significant benefit to the individual and the school system. The decision of the Superintendent shall be final.
2. Attendance at other professional conventions/conferences may take place during the summer and weekends.
3. Monies must be used only when a teacher is on personal time such as a personal day, weekend or during the summer
4. Payment for attendance at other professional conventions/conferences will not exceed the lesser of registration fees or per diem rate. The per diem stipend for NJEA convention shall be the following per diem amounts:
2004-2005 - $105 2005-2006 - $105 2006-2007 - $110
1. The CAP’s will be as follows:
2004-2005 Total CAP $19,000
NJEA limited to $12,840
Other professional conventions/conferences attended July 1 through December 31 limited to $3,080, January 1 through June 30 limited to $3,080
2005-2006 Total CAP $19,000
NJEA limited to $12,840
Other professional conventions/conferences attended July 1 through December 31 limited to $3080, January 1 through June 30 limited to $3,080
2006-2007 Total CAP $19,855
NJEA limited to $13,415
Other professional conventions/conferences attended July 1 through December 31 limited to $3,220, January 1 through June 30 limited to $3,220
Unused amounts in the first half of the school year may be used for additional reimbursement of other professional conventions/conferences attended in the second half of the school year. No unused moneys will be carried between school years.
NJEA and/or Other Conference Expenses, continued
6. Reimbursement for convention/conference expenses other than NJEA shall be by the date of application, on a first-come first-served basis, and shall be subject to the above caps. Application for reimbursement must be made in the same school year as the attendance of an approved convention.
Reimbursement for NJEA Convention expenses shall be prorated only for those with the same date of application as the last date with money remaining within the cap amounts.
A. Payment of the vertical increment shall be conditional upon the recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools that the employee’s performance has been satisfactory. The Board of Education reserves the right to withhold the vertical increment from any employee who does not receive such recommendation. Evaluation will be according to the procedure as set forth in the Board policy and consistent with existing statutes of the State of New Jersey.
B. To be eligible for a year’s credit on the salary guide, an employee must be under contract for 92 workdays in Washington Township.
C. Longevity is defined as the length of continuous service (i.e. service is not bridged with previously terminated employment within the Washington Township School District).
D. Teachers shall have the option of receiving their pay over a ten (10) or twelve (12) month period according to State Statutes.
E. Teachers shall receive their first paycheck of the school year on the first working Friday of the month of September.
F. Teachers’ Salary Guides (following three pages)
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Teacher Salary Guide |
2004/2005 |
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Years |
StepBABA+15MAMA+15MA+30MA+45MA+60PHD |
11$42,300$43,500$45,800$47,000$48,200$49,400$50,600$51,800 |
22$43,150$44,350$46,650$47,850$49,050$50,250$51,450$52,650 |
33$44,025$45,225$47,525$48,725$49,925$51,125$52,325$53,525 |
44$44,925$46,125$48,425$49,625$50,825$52,025$53,225$54,425 |
55$45,900$47,100$49,400$50,600$51,800$53,000$54,200$55,400 |
66$47,000$48,200$50,500$51,700$52,900$54,100$55,300$56,500 |
77$48,175$49,375$51,675$52,875$54,075$55,275$56,475$57,675 |
88$49,350$50,550$52,850$54,050$55,250$56,450$57,650$58,850 |
99$50,625$51,825$54,125$55,325$56,525$57,725$58,925$60,125 |
1010$51,725$52,925$55,225$56,425$57,625$58,825$60,025$61,225 |
1111$52,925$54,125$56,425$57,625$58,825$60,025$61,225$62,425 |
1212$54,150$55,350$57,650$58,850$60,050$61,250$62,450$63,650 |
1313$55,400$56,600$58,900$60,100$61,300$62,500$63,700$64,900 |
1414$56,850$58,050$60,350$61,550$62,750$63,950$65,150$66,350 |
1515$58,300$59,500$61,800$63,000$64,200$65,400$66,600$67,800 |
1616$60,200$61,400$63,700$64,900$66,100$67,300$68,500$69,700 |
1717$62,200$63,400$65,700$66,900$68,100$69,300$70,500$71,700 |
1818$64,250$65,450$67,750$68,950$70,150$71,350$72,550$73,750 |
1919$66,325$67,525$69,825$71,025$72,225$73,425$74,625$75,825 |
2020$68,300$69,500$71,800$73,000$74,200$75,400$76,600$77,800 |
2121$71,000$72,200$74,500$75,700$76,900$78,100$79,300$80,500 |
22+22$76,475$77,675$79,975$81,175$82,375$83,575$84,775$85,975 |
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Add $1,100 to BA + 15 step if BA + 30 was attained prior to 7/1/94 |
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Longevities |
$1,000 after 15 years |
$1,000 after 20 years |
$1,000 after 25 years |
$1,000 after 30 years |
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Grandfather 10 year longevity at $1,000 for those earned by 6/30/96 |
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Teacher Salary Guide |
2005/2006 |
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StepBABA+15MAMA+15MA+30MA+45MA+60PHD |
11$43,350$44,550$46,850$48,050$49,250$50,450$51,650$52,850 |
22$44,250$45,450$47,750$48,950$50,150$51,350$52,550$53,750 |
33$45,150$46,350$48,650$49,850$51,050$52,250$53,450$54,650 |
44$46,100$47,300$49,600$50,800$52,000$53,200$54,400$55,600 |
55$47,125$48,325$50,625$51,825$53,025$54,225$55,425$56,625 |
66$48,200$49,400$51,700$52,900$54,100$55,300$56,500$57,700 |
77$49,375$50,575$52,875$54,075$55,275$56,475$57,675$58,875 |
88$50,600$51,800$54,100$55,300$56,500$57,700$58,900$60,100 |
99$51,825$53,025$55,325$56,525$57,725$58,925$60,125$61,325 |
1010$53,175$54,375$56,675$57,875$59,075$60,275$61,475$62,675 |
1111$54,325$55,525$57,825$59,025$60,225$61,425$62,625$63,825 |
1212$55,600$56,800$59,100$60,300$61,500$62,700$63,900$65,100 |
1313$56,875$58,075$60,375$61,575$62,775$63,975$65,175$66,375 |
1414$58,200$59,400$61,700$62,900$64,100$65,300$66,500$67,700 |
1515$59,750$60,950$63,250$64,450$65,650$66,850$68,050$69,250 |
1616$61,450$62,650$64,950$66,150$67,350$68,550$69,750$70,950 |
1717$63,550$64,750$67,050$68,250$69,450$70,650$71,850$73,050 |
1818$65,800$67,000$69,300$70,500$71,700$72,900$74,100$75,300 |
1919$68,450$69,650$71,950$73,150$74,350$75,550$76,750$77,950 |
2020$71,125$72,325$74,625$75,825$77,025$78,225$79,425$80,625 |
2121$74,100$75,300$77,600$78,800$80,000$81,200$82,400$83,600 |
22+22$79,625$80,825$83,125$84,325$85,525$86,725$87,925$89,125 |
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Add $1,100 to BA + 15 step if BA + 30 was attained prior to 7/1/94 |
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Longevities |
$1,000 after 15 years |
$1,000 after 20 years |
$1,000 after 25 years |
$1,000 after 30 years |
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Grandfather 10 year longevity at $1,000 for those earned by 6/30/96 |
Teacher Salary Guide |
2006/2007 |
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Years |
StepBABA+15MAMA+15MA+30MA+45MA+60PHD |
11$44,450$45,650$47,950$49,150$50,350$51,550$52,750$53,950 |
22$45,400$46,600$48,900$50,100$51,300$52,500$53,700$54,900 |
33$46,350$47,550$49,850$51,050$52,250$53,450$54,650$55,850 |
44$47,400$48,600$50,900$52,100$53,300$54,500$55,700$56,900 |
55$48,425$49,625$51,925$53,125$54,325$55,525$56,725$57,925 |
66$49,500$50,700$53,000$54,200$55,400$56,600$57,800$59,000 |
77$50,675$51,875$54,175$55,375$56,575$57,775$58,975$60,175 |
88$51,925$53,125$55,425$56,625$57,825$59,025$60,225$61,425 |
99$53,225$54,425$56,725$57,925$59,125$60,325$61,525$62,725 |
1010$54,475$55,675$57,975$59,175$60,375$61,575$62,775$63,975 |
1111$55,825$57,025$59,325$60,525$61,725$62,925$64,125$65,325 |
1212$57,025$58,225$60,525$61,725$62,925$64,125$65,325$66,525 |
1313$58,375$59,575$61,875$63,075$64,275$65,475$66,675$67,875 |
1414$59,700$60,900$63,200$64,400$65,600$66,800$68,000$69,200 |
1515$61,200$62,400$64,700$65,900$67,100$68,300$69,500$70,700 |
1616$62,900$64,100$66,400$67,600$68,800$70,000$71,200$72,400 |
1717$65,000$66,200$68,500$69,700$70,900$72,100$73,300$74,500 |
1818$67,400$68,600$70,900$72,100$73,300$74,500$75,700$76,900 |
1919$70,750$71,950$74,250$75,450$76,650$77,850$79,050$80,250 |
2020$74,000$75,200$77,500$78,700$79,900$81,100$82,300$83,500 |
2121$77,100$78,300$80,600$81,800$83,000$84,200$85,400$86,600 |
22+22$82,825$84,025$86,325$87,525$88,725$89,925$91,125$92,325 |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Add $1,100 to BA + 15 step if BA + 30 was attained prior to 7/1/94 |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Longevities |
$1,000 after 15 years |
$1,000 after 20 years |
$1,000 after 25 years |
$1,000 after 30 years |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Grandfather 10 year longevity at $1,000 for those earned by 6/30/96 |
Secretarial Salary Guide |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
2004/20052005/20062006/2007 |
1$28,100$28,700$29,300 |
2$28,750$29,400$30,050 |
3$29,400$30,100$30,800 |
4$30,050$30,800$31,550 |
5$30,700$31,500$32,300 |
6$31,350$32,200$33,050 |
7$32,025$32,925$33,825 |
8$32,700$33,650$34,600 |
9$33,375$34,375$35,375 |
10$34,050$35,100$36,150 |
11$34,725$35,825$36,925 |
12$35,425$36,575$37,725 |
13$36,125$37,325$38,525 |
14$36,825$38,075$39,325 |
15$37,525$38,825$40,125 |
16$38,225$39,575$40,925 |
17$38,950$40,325$41,725 |
18$39,675$41,075$42,525 |
19$40,400$41,825$43,325 |
20$41,125$42,575$44,125 |
21$41,850$43,325$46,725 |
22$42,600$45,125 |
23$43,350 |
24$44,425 |
Off GuideAdd $2,000
to salaryAdd $2,000
to salaryAdd $2,000
to salary |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Longevities |
$350 after 15 years |
$475 after 20 years |
$500 after 25 years |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Grandfather 5 year longevity at $300 for those earned by 6/30/96 |
Grandfather 10 year longevity at $300 for those earned by 6/30/96 |
Grandfather any secretary on 15 year longevity at $400 |
Custodial Salary Guides
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Unlicensed | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | Licensed |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Step | 2004/2005 | 2005/2006
2006/2007 |
1 | $28,400 | $29,000$29,6001$29,000$29,600$30,200 |
2 | $29,050 | $29,700$30,3502$29,650$30,300$30,950 |
3 | $29,700 | $30,400$31,1003$30,300$31,000$31,700 |
4 | $30,350 | $31,100$31,8504$30,950$31,700$32,450 |
5 | $31,150 | $31,950$32,7505$31,750$32,550$33,350 |
6 | $31,950 | $32,750$33,6006$32,550$33,350$34,200 |
7 | $32,625 | $33,525$34,4257$33,225$34,125$35,025 |
8 | $33,300 | $34,250$35,2008$33,900$34,850$35,800 |
9 | $33,975 | $34,975$35,9759$34,575$35,575$36,575 |
10 | $34,675 | $35,725$36,77510$35,275$36,325$37,375 |
11 | $35,375 | $36,475$37,57511$35,975$37,075$38,175 |
12 | $36,100 | $37,250$38,40012$36,700$37,850$39,000 |
13 | $36,825 | $38,025$39,22513$37,425$38,625$39,825 |
14 | $37,575 | $38,825$40,07514$38,175$39,425$40,675 |
15 | $38,300 | $39,600$40,90015$38,900$40,200$41,500 |
16 | $39,050 | $40,400$41,75016$39,650$41,000$42,350 |
17 | $39,750 | $41,125$42,52517$40,350$41,725$43,125 |
18 | $40,475 | $41,850$43,25018$41,075$42,450$43,850 |
19 | $41,175 | $42,575$43,97519$41,775$43,175$44,575 |
20 | $41,825 | $43,225$44,77520$42,425$43,825$45,375 |
21 | $42,450 | $43,925$48,00021$43,050$44,525$48,600 |
22 | $43,050 | $47,00022$43,650$47,600 |
23 | $43,775 | 23$44,375 |
24 | $46,000 | 24$46,600 |
Off Guide | Add $2,075 to salary | Add $2,075 to salaryAdd $2,075
to salaryOff GuideAdd $2,075 to salaryAdd $2,075
to salaryAdd $2,075 to salary |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Longevities |
$350 after 15 years |
$475 after 20 years |
$500 after 25 years |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Grandfather 5 year longevity at $200 for those earned by 6/30/96 |
Grandfather 10 year longevity at $200 for those earned by 6/30/96 |
1. Salary Increases
Food Service employees employed prior to 7/1/98 shall receive the following increase to their base salaries:
2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007
4.5% 4.5% 4.5%
2. Contracted salaries are based on hourly pay, times the hours per day, times 180 days, divided into 20 equal pay periods.
3. Longevities
$350 after 15 years
$475 after 20 years
$500 after 25 years
Grandfather 5 year longevity at $225 for those earned by 6/30/98
Grandfather 10 year longevity at $425 for those earned by 6/30/98
Grandfather 15 year longevity at $500 for those previously earned
Longevity is defined as the length of continuous service (i.e. service is not bridged
with previously terminated employment within the Washington Township
School District), prorated on the number of hours worked.
The Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of its teachers and support staff employees, dues for the Washington Township Education Association, the Morris County Education Association, the New Jersey Education Association, and the National Education Association, or any one or any combination of such Associations as said teachers and support staff members individually and voluntarily authorize the Board to deduct. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 310, Public Laws of 1967 (NJSA 52:14-15.9e) and under rules established by the State Department of Education. Monies so deducted, together with records of any corrections, shall be transmitted to the Treasurer of the Washington Township Education Association by the 15th of each month following the monthly pay period in which deductions were made. The Association Treasurer shall disburse such monies to the appropriate Association or Associations. The Washington Township Education Association shall provide the Secretary of the Board of Education, by June 15th, an alphabetized list of members authorizing payroll deductions, indicating the monthly amount of each member’s deduction, based on ten equal monthly deductions.
Each teacher or support staff employee may individually elect to have a specific amount of his/her monthly salary deducted from his/her salary. All monies shall be placed with the Tri-County Federal Credit Union. Each employee may elect to participate by notifying the Board Secretary by June 15th of the preceding school year or by January 15th of the current school year to be effective July or February respectively. New employees in the Washington Township School system will have the opportunity to enroll during their first month of employment. Once enrolled, a member stays enrolled for the remainder of the school fiscal year and deductions shall continue at the stipulated rate unless notification to the Board Secretary is made by January 15th to be effective in February.
Each teacher or support staff employee may individually elect to have monies deducted each month to be used for the purpose of purchasing United States Savings Bonds. To participate in this plan, the employees will notify the Board Secretary, in writing, by June 15th of the preceding year. New employees in the Washington Township School system will have the opportunity to enroll during their first month of employment. Once enrolled, an employee remains enrolled for the full contract year and deductions shall continue at the stipulated rate.
Each teacher or support staff employee may elect to have monies placed into direct deposit to the bank of their choice. To participate, the employee must notify the Board Secretary, in writing, by June 15th of the preceding year. New employees in the Washington Township School system will have the opportunity to enroll during their first month of employment. An employee may enroll or change their direct deposit in January, to be effective February 1st.
Any employee covered by this agreement shall pay an agency fee pursuant to New Jersey Law NJSA 34:13a-5.5 et seq.
To be eligible to receive tuition reimbursement and/or course credits to quality for horizontal moves, the following applies:
1. The Board agrees to reimburse the cost of tuition for fully certified, full-time teachers, up to the following amounts per teacher, under the terms and agreements set forth below.
2004-2005 - $2,400 2005-2006 - $2,600 2006-2007 - $2,800
2. Courses taken by teachers in approved graduate programs leading to a Masters and/or Doctoral Degree, in a subject related to the teacher’s current certification(s), will be reimbursed and will qualify for horizontal advancement, except as provided under number 3 & 4 below, if approved by the Superintendent and the college advisor of graduate studies, where applicable. Specifically excluded are courses in administration and supervision.
3. Graduate courses in no more than one additional certification beyond the certification(s) possessed on July 1, 1990, for employees of record on that date, and date of hire for future employees, will be accepted for horizontal move. Specifically excluded are courses in administration and supervision.
4. Other graduate courses will be approved by the Superintendent for reimbursement and horizontal move if the courses are (a) related to the teacher’s assignment and (b) defined as knowledge and/or skills in the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (Visual and Performing Arts, Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, Language Arts Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and World Languages) that cover the subject matter they teach.
Courses in instructional strategies that support the curriculum and are directly related to the teaching assignment will also be approved for reimbursement and horizontal move. These may include courses in reading, computer/technology, English as a Second Language, special education and gifted & talented.
During their employment with the Washington Township Schools teachers will be entitled to accumulate up to twenty-four (24) graduate credits beyond the MA (a maximum of six (6) credits for each horizontal move) addressing the Cross-Content Workplace Readiness Standards. These credits will be approved for reimbursement and horizontal move. These twenty-four (24) credits may also include courses in guidance, career education, and classroom management.
5. Courses that do not meet the above criteria but might be beneficial to the district may be approved by the Superintendent for reimbursement but not horizontal move. All decisions by the Superintendent will be final.
Teacher Course Credits and Professional Growth and Development Days, Continued
6. To receive approval for graduate courses for horizontal move and reimbursement, certified staff members who do not teach must demonstrate that the courses are directly related to their assignment.
7. The Board shall allocate a sum not to exceed $75,000 for the 2004-2005 school year, $81,500 for the 2005-2006 school year and $85,200 for the 2006-2007 school year.
8. Reimbursement will only be made for courses in which a grade of “B” or better, or pass where applicable, is attained. This limitation also applies to horizontal advancement.
9. Once the funds available for tuition reimbursement are within $5,000 of being exhausted, the Superintendent shall notify the Association of the balance remaining. At this point, preference for reimbursement shall be given to those applicants who are within six (6) credits of horizontal movement. Thereafter, preference for the remaining funds shall be given in the order of the date the application is submitted to the Superintendent’s office. In the event of ties in the above categories, the balance shall be distributed equally in dollars per credit among the applicants.
10. A teacher leaving the Washington Township School District shall forfeit reimbursement of tuition for the term in which he/she leaves if it is prior to the end of the school year. Exceptions are a teacher who is on maternity leave and a non-tenured teacher whose contract was not renewed.
11. A teacher shall not receive reimbursement for such courses if he/she indicates, in writing, the intent to leave the district prior to the receipt of notice of official satisfactory completion of the courses.
12. Teachers new to the district are not eligible for reimbursement in their first year. The year will be calculated as a calendar year beginning with the date of hire/contract.
13. All credits for a salary increment shall be:
a. of graduate level and other than those needed for current job description
b. taken subsequent to the Bachelor’s Degree
c. credits for a bachelor’s + 15 may be applied towards Master’s level, once certified by the educational institution
d. all credits for levels beyond the Master’s must be credits not previously applied to the Master’s level
1. Any teacher anticipating horizontal movement in the succeeding school year to a higher salary scale must notify the Superintendent, in writing, prior to December 1st. Said teacher shall receive notification of receipt.
2. Horizontal moves shall be effective in September and February (prorated if paid in February).
1. Any courses approved in Washington Township and taken prior to July 1, 1980 will be accepted towards the teacher’s next horizontal move.
2. All certified staff who wish to matriculate for an advanced degree in supervision or administration, or who are already in such a program, must notify the Superintendent, in writing, by July 1, 1990, of their enrollment and subsequently provide proof. Those employees shall be reimbursed for course credits taken and those credits shall be accepted for a horizontal move for the duration of their program provided all other requirements in section A above are met. All others shall not be reimbursed or accepted for a horizontal move.
1. There will be two Professional Growth and Development days, per teacher, per year.
2. PGD days will be requested, in writing, at least two weeks in advance.
3. These days will be for workshops for one or two days duration that do not culminate in the awarding of graduate credits.
4. The workshops must be held during a teacher’s contractual year, September 1st through June 30th, and may include weekends.
5. Only the documented registration fees will be paid as follows:
2004-2005 - $195 2005-2006- $195 2006-2007 - $205
without a daily limit
6. PGD days will be screened for approval by a committee after which approval will come from the applicant’s immediate supervisor. In the event of a denial by the applicant’s immediate supervisor, an appeal can be made to the Superintendent whose decision as to approval or denial is final and binding.
7. Other professional days may be awarded by a supervisor to a teacher with the approval of the Superintendent. This approval will not detract from the number of days to which a teacher is entitled.
8. A maximum of three (3) teachers from the 5/6 building, three (3) teachers from the 7/8 building and three (3) teachers from each of the other buildings will be allowed PGD days on the same day if school is in session.
1. Full-time support staff employees will be reimbursed at the rate of 100% for workshops, courses or training, to a maximum of $500 per year (a year is defined as July 1st to June 30th) for a maximum of 2 days per year, per staff member.
2. Courses must be approved by the Superintendent of Schools as being appropriate and directly related to the employee’s job, duties, or position, and beneficial to the school system. No approval shall be unreasonably withheld.
All teachers may be called upon by administration to attend after-school meetings up to 18 hours with the following restrictions:
1. Maximum of two meetings a month
2. No meetings in June
3. Minimum of two weeks notice
4. Can’t be used for curriculum writing
5. Maximum meeting time 75 minutes (meeting time only)
6. Teachers with graduate courses or district extracurricular responsibilities are excused.
Meetings called by Administration are included.
A. Non-tenured teachers hired before September 30th:
1. On or before May 15th, the Board shall give to each non-tenured teacher continuously employed by it since the preceding September 30th, either:
a. A written offer of contract for employment for the next succeeding year. Said offer shall state salary step and department assignment (within the scope of the teacher’s certification.)
b. A written notice that such employment will not be offered.
2. If the teacher desires to accept such employment, he/she shall notify the Board of such acceptance, in writing, on or before June 15th. In the absence of such notice of acceptance, the written notice of contract shall be null and void.
Teacher Employment Continued
B. Non-tenured teachers hired after September 30th:
1. On or before June 1st, the Board shall give to each non-tenured teacher continuously employed by it, but hired after September 30th, either:
a. A written offer of a contract for employment for the next succeeding year. Said offer shall state salary step and department assignment (within the scope of the teacher’s certification).
b. A written notice that such employment will not be offered.
2. If the teacher desires to accept such employment, he/she shall notify the Board of such acceptance, in writing, on or before June 15th. In the absence of such notice of acceptance, the written notice of contract shall be null and void.
C. Tenured teachers:
1. On or before May 15th, the Board shall give to each tenured teacher, a written notice of salary step and grade or school assignment (within the scope of the teacher’s certification).
a. Teachers who desire a change in grade and/or subject assignment, or who desire to transfer to another building, may file a written statement of such desire by March 1st, through their Principal, to the Superintendent of Schools. Such statement shall include the grade and/or subject to which the teacher desires to be assigned, and the school or schools to which he/she desires to be transferred (in order of his/her preference).
D. In the event that changes in a teacher’s subject assignments are made during the summer or open positions are posted, the teachers affected shall be notified as soon as practical.
E. The teacher work year will be the student calendar (181 days) plus one-half in-service day. Effective July 1, 2005 there shall be one additional instructional day for a total of 182 days plus ½ in-service day. The day the professional staff reports back to school will be the one-half in-service day (3 ½ hours = 9:00 to 12:30 at Long Valley Middle School, 8:30 to 12:00 at Old Farmers, Flocktown Road and Kossmann Schools).
Non-tenured teachers will be required to report for up to two half-days or one full day of in-service before the start of school. These in-service days(s) will be held during the last full week of summer vacation immediately preceding the opening of school. Non-tenured teachers will also be required to have six (6) hours of in-service in addition to Article XII time during the school year.
All certified staff members are required to attend back to school nights (open house) and parent/teacher conferences. The following days will be early dismissal days: the day before Thanksgiving Day, the day before winter vacation, the last day of school.
F. The teacher work day is 7 hours at Long Valley Middle School and 6 hours 50 minutes at Old Farmers, Flocktown and Kossmann Schools. Every certified staff member is guaranteed five (5) preparation periods a week.
G. Tenured teachers must give, in writing, sixty (60) days notice of their intention to resign or retire.
H. The contract can be reopened to discuss the Professional Development Committee once the state statutes are known.
1. The Association will be provided a bulletin board in each school building.
2. The Association will be provided a room and two (2) telephones, one phone in the President’s room and one phone in the second Vice-President’s room.
3. The WTEA President will be released from bus and hallway duties.
4. The WTEA will be allowed to use staff mailboxes for Association business.
5. The Superintendent will grant the Association President release time on an “as needed” basis.
1. A teacher serving as a mentor shall be paid $550 for traditional route and $1,000 for alternate route for each year he/she serves as mentor, as per state funding. In the event the state ceases to fund the mentoring fee, the monies shall be paid by the provisional teacher.
2. In addition to preparation time provided to the regular teaching day, released time shall be provided by the district for the mentor and the provisional teacher to perform functions/ duties associated with the mentoring program.
1. No teacher shall have a student teacher under his/her supervision unless said teacher has obtained tenure stature.
2. Supervision by a teacher of a student teacher shall be voluntary. Teachers shall be polled on April 1st and November 1st for willingness to participate in the student teacher program.
At the time of hiring, the support staff person and Board will mutually agree on the placement on the guide and credited years of experience. No interpretation or application shall be made retroactively to employees hired prior to July 1, 1992.
1. Black Seal License
a. Tuition and cost of textbooks will be paid for custodial staff members seeking a Black Seal license.
b. Renewal fee of Black Seal license will be paid by the Board.
2. Mileage Allowance
a. Mileage allowance for the use of custodian’s personal truck in transporting school supplies and equipment will be reimbursed at $.49 per mile. All mileage must be approved, in advance, by either a central office administrator or the building principal involved. This allowance only covers transportation where a truck is necessary. Other mileage will be reimbursed at the current IRS rate for use of a personal vehicle.
3. Uniform/Shoe Allowances/rain gear
a. Safety shoes and uniforms costing no more than the following amounts per year will be purchased yearly from a manufacturer approved by the custodial supervisors and the Finance Committee.
2004-2005 - $265 2005-2006 - $275 2006-2007 - $285
b. All regular custodial employees are entitled to two uniforms after initial employment. One set of coveralls will be supplies no more frequently than every two years when the need is approved by the building supervisor.
c. Rain gear will be made available to custodians working outside and will be returned to the place of issue when not in use.
4. Triple-time Pay
a. Custodians working on the following holidays shall earn triple-time pay:
4th of July Christmas Day
Thanksgiving Day New Year’s Eve *
Christmas Eve * New Year’s Day
Easter Day
* Commencement of triple-time pay on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve shall be for work commencing after noon time, from the beginning of work assigned by the Superintendent of Schools.
5. Overtime Pay
a. Overtime pay is as follows:
Time and one-half after 40 hour
Time and one-half on Saturday
Double-time for Sunday work (if this is in addition to the custodian’s regular schedule)
b. All overtime must be approved by the building principal and the Superintendent of Schools.
c. All overtime will be assigned through monthly sign-up sheets.
d. Overtime after 48 hours in a week is voluntary and may not be assigned.
Support Staff (Custodial) Miscellaneous Continued
6. Shifts
a. The work week for day custodians shall be 40 hours inclusive of two 15-minute breaks per day but exclusive of no more than 1 hour per day for lunch. Scheduling of lunch and shifts shall be on a building and individual basis as determined by the employee’s supervisor.
b. The night shift will work an 8 hour shift with a half-hour of this time for dinner.
7. Emergency Call-in
Emergency call-in for custodians shall be for a minimum of two (2) hours when not associated with the individual’s work period.
8. Snow Days
Custodians shall report on snow days upon call from the Superintendent of Schools after he/she has determined that safety is not compromised.
9. First-Aid Instruction
First-aid instruction for custodians may be provided up to 4 hours of instruction, per person, per year, to be held during the work day
1. Overtime Pay
Time and one half after 37 ½ hours in one week as approved by the employee’s supervisor and the Superintendent of Schools.
1. Mileage Allowance
Will be provided at the rates and conditions under Article XVI B.2 above
2. Uniform and Shoe Allowance
a. A yearly allowance, per staff member, will be provided towards the purchase of uniforms and shoes as follows:
2004-2005 - $200 2005-2006 - $210 2006-2007 - $220
b. Shoes and uniforms will be ordered from manufacturers approved by the cafeteria representatives and the Finance Committee
Seniority and job security for secretaries and custodians shall be as follows:
1. School district seniority is defined as total accumulated time a regularly employed support staff members serves in the school district, whether continuous or interrupted for good cause, in the collective bargaining unit covered by this agreement.
2. In cases where more than one staff member has the same number of years of experience, seniority shall be determined according to the initial contract date.
3. Seniority shall be terminated only in the event of dismissal .
4. In the event of any reduction in force (RIF), district-wide seniority shall apply. The Board shall retain the right to reduce the number of positions when done in good faith and for good cause.
5. In the event of any promotional positions, district seniority shall apply if skill ability and fitness are equal.
1. All vacancies intended to be filled by promotion or hire will be posted for at least ten workdays. Applications from current employees should be submitted through their immediate supervisor to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.
2. The posting noted in “1” above will include a brief outline of the desired qualifications, location of the position, and annual salary of the position.
3. Employees in the district who apply for a position and are subsequently hired for that position may be given credit for previous years of directly related experience in the district for setting their starting salary.
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ARTICLE XVI - STIPENDED POSITIONS | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
Level 1 | Sports *
Off Guide Increases | Steps 1-5
Step 6-10
Steps 11+ | $2,550
4.25% | $2,675
4.5% | $2,800
4.5% |
includes: Intramurals (one hour per week, for one year), Team Leader, Class Advisor, Student Council , Computer Club, Yearbook | Steps 1-5
Steps 6-10
Steps 11 + | $1,900
$2,250 | $1,975
$2,350 | $2,075
$2,450 |
Head Teacher Unit Coordinator
CST Leader Intramurals Director
Lunchroom Playground | Steps 1-5
Steps 6-10
Steps 11 + | $1,250
$2,000 | $1,300
$2,090 | $1,350
$2,180 |
Class Coverage
All Chaperones (includes Skiing)
Weekend Activities
Night Duty (3.5 hours each)
Overnight | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | $27.50
$300 | $27.50
$300 | $28.75
$313 |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | SUMMER PAY RATE | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | $34.50 | $36 | $37.75 |
* ADDENDUM: The three teachers holding six positions are grand fathered as per the previous agreement (on file in the Board office as an attachment to the original signed copy of this contract). Add increases to the off guide staff when the on-guide positions get increases.
1. Listed Article XVI positions will be advertised as vacancies annually within the school district.
2. Any newly created or newly vacated positions listed below will be filled according to the following procedures:
a. Preference will be given to the certified staff who have the most years experience in the position.
b. Next, preference will be given to the certified staff who have seniority in the district
c. If no qualified applicant is found, then out-of-district certified staff will be considered.
d. If no out-of-district certified staff is found, certified staff may be assigned to the position on an annual basis for a maximum of one year.
The positions include only the following: sports, dance, all after school clubs including intramurals, class advisor, student council, yearbook, intramural director.
All Interscholastic Sports | NA | 35 hours | Hours must include try-outs, practices, and all scheduled games, tournaments, and seeding meetings. |
Cheerleading Clinic (Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.) | 10 | 25 hours | clinic, tryouts, December practices/games. |
Cheerleading (Jan. Feb.) | 10 | 25 hours | January, February practices/games |
Modern Dance 5 | 15 | 35 hours | practices, Non-cut. No performances. |
Modern Dance 6 | 15 | 35 hours | practices. Non-cut. No performances. |
Modern Dance 7 | 15 | 35 hours | practices and 1 performance. Club membership 32. |
Modern Dance 8 | 15 | 35 hours | practices a 1 performance. Club membership 32. |
5-6 Art Club | 10 | 25 hours | after school meetings. |
7-8 Art Club | 10 | 25 hours | after school meetings. |
5-6 Art Workshop | 10 | 25 hours | after school meetings. |
7-8 Art Workshop | 10 | 25 hours | after school meetings. |
Blue Band | 20 | 25 hours | before/after school rehearsals. |
Gold Band | 20 | 25 hours | before/after school rehearsals. |
Orchestra | 15 | 25 hours | before/after school rehearsals. |
Stage Band | 10 | 25 hours | before/after school rehearsals and performances |
5th & 6th Grade Chorus | NA | 25 hours | before/after school rehearsals. |
5th & 6th Chorus Club | NA | 25 hours | before/after school rehearsals and participation in spring concert |
7th & 8th Grade Chorus | NA | 25 hours | before/after school rehearsals |
7th & 8th Chorus Club | NA | 25 hours | before/after school rehearsals and participation in spring concert |
5-6 Computer Club | 10 | 25 hours | after school meetings |
7-8 Computer Club | 10 | 25 hours | after school meetings |
5-6 Drama Club | 20 | 25 hours | after school meetings, dress rehearsals, and evening performances |
7-8 Drama Club | 20 | 25 hours | after school meetings, dress rehearsals, and evening performances |
5-6 Instrumental Ensemble | 10 | 25 hours | before/after school rehearsals and performances |
7-8 Instrumental Ensemble | 10 | 25 hours | before/after school rehearsals, and performances |
Panther Press | 10 | 25 hours | after school meetings and publication of 3 issues of school paper |
Yearbook | 10 | 25 hours | after school meetings and publication of yearbook |
Student Council | NA | 25 hours | during and after school meetings and chaperoning student council sponsored activities. Club membership 48. |
Terms and Conditions Continued
Literary Magazine Club | NA | 25 hours | meetings after school and publication of literary magazine |
5-8 Library Club | 10 a week | 25 hours | before/after school, use of personal preparation time and/or lunch. |
Friends and Buddies Club | 10 | 25 hours | before/after school (13), use of personal preparation time and/or lunch (12) |
Banana Splits | NA | 25 hours | after school meeting |
Intramurals | 10 | 7 hours | 7 sessions after school on designated days as position requires |
Interscholastic Sports
1. Seeding meetings will count as 2 hours
2. Hours begin when coach becomes responsible for the team.
3. Administration will provide PM homeroom coverage for all away and early dismissal games
Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties to this Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provision(s) of this Agreement, either party shall do so by telegram, registered letter, or personal letter at the following addresses:
1. If by Association, to the President of the Washington Township Board of Education
2. If by Board, to the President of the Washington Township Education Association
Both parties shall submit copies to the Board Secretary and the Superintendent of Schools at 53 West Mill Road, Long Valley, NJ 07853.
______________________________ ______________________________
James Harmon David Weidemoyer
Chief Negotiator Chief Negotiator
______________________________ ______________________________
Richard Reilly Barbara Falk
Board President WTEA President
Cade Warrener
Lee Lagomarsino
Dominic Giordano
Roseann Lehmann