HYPERLINK \l "_gjdgxs" \h ARTICLE I – RECOGNITION PAGEREF _gjdgxs \h 3
HYPERLINK \l "_2et92p0" \h ARTICLE V - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS PAGEREF _2et92p0 \h 9
HYPERLINK \l "_1t3h5sf" \h ARTICLE VIII - EMPLOYMENT PAGEREF _1t3h5sf \h 21
HYPERLINK \l "_4d34og8" \h ARTICLE IX - SALARIES PAGEREF _4d34og8 \h 22
HYPERLINK \l "_2jxsxqh" \h ARTICLE XVIII - INSURANCE PAGEREF _2jxsxqh \h 38
HYPERLINK \l "_7pdys5ynosfr" \h SCHEDULE A - TEACHER SALARY GUIDES PAGEREF _7pdys5ynosfr \h 44
HYPERLINK \l "_1ci93xb" \h SCHEDULE B - SECRETARIES PAGEREF _1ci93xb \h 50
HYPERLINK \l "_q3e5dz94ugh7" \h EXHIBIT A – PRESCRIPTION BASE PLAN DETAIL PAGEREF _q3e5dz94ugh7 \h 62
This agreement entered into this 12th day of June 2019, by and between the Board of Education of Burlington Township, Burlington, New Jersey, hereinafter called the "Board,"and the Burlington Township Education “Association,” hereinafter called the "Association".
WHEREAS: The Board has an obligation, pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Laws 1974 to negotiate with the Association as the representative of employees hereinafter designated with respect to the terms and conditions of employment, and
WHEREAS: the parties have reached certain understandings which they desire to confirm in this Agreement, be it
RESOLVED: in consideration of the following mutual covenants, it is hereby agreed as follows:
It is recognized that the professional preparation of teachers qualifies them to make significant contributions in (1) the discussion of educational policy and academic programs and (2) the general conduct of the educational affairs of the school district.
The Board, upon receipt of a certified membership list, hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative for collective negotiations concerning grievances and terms and conditions of employment for all certified and non-certified staff including: any members of the teaching staff, guidance counselors, academic coaches and student assistance coordinator(s), coaches, chaperones, advisors of extra-curricular activities, librarians, nurses and part-time nurses, RNs, and all other certified full-time 10 month employees who belong to the bargaining unit; also, all 10 & 12 month administrative secretaries, secretaries, clerks, paraprofessionals, instructional assistants, basic skills aides, and special education aides; but excluding principals, supervisors, guidance and child study team directors, and all others who do not belong to the bargaining unit.
The term "employees," when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all certified and non-certified employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined, and references to employee shall include both male and female employees.
The term "teachers," when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all professional employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined, and references to male teachers shall include female teachers.
The term “paraprofessionals,” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all paraprofessional, instructional assistant personnel, basic skills aides, special education aides, and exceptional special education aides represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined, and references to male paraprofessionals shall include female paraprofessionals.
The term "secretaries," when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all secretarial personnel listed above except when different positions are specifically mentioned.
The term “RNs,” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all RN personnel who hold an RN license and are not required by their job description to be certified as a school nurse.
The term “Academic Coaches,” when used hereinafter in this Agreement shall refer to all academic coaches represented by the Association.
The term “Student Assistance Coordinator,” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all Student Assistance Coordinators represented by the Association.
The Board and the Association recognize their responsibilities towards each other and the community for negotiating in good faith and seeking agreement on matters of mutual concern.
Nothing in this agreement shall be interpreted as hindering or preventing any individual or group of individuals from meeting publicly with the Board under the provisions of the Constitution of the State of New Jersey as outlined in Article I, Section 19, and as set forth in Chapter 123, New Jersey Public Laws of 1974.
The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations in accordance with Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974, in good faith effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of employees' employment. Such negotiations shall commence and continue as prescribed by PERC (Public Employment Relations Commission) rules. Any Agreement so negotiated shall apply to all employees, be reduced to writing, and approved by the Board and the Association.
Requests for Meetings
Parties will agree to a mutually convenient meeting date within seven days of the date of request.
Should the topic under discussion require more than one meeting, said new meeting date will be mutually determined before the adjournment of the meeting in session.
The Meetings
It shall be the obligation and the duty of the Board and Association representatives to evaluate the problems presented to the committee, to gather facts to provide for a complete understanding of these problems, to discuss and attempt to arrive at a solution in keeping with the philosophies of each organization, and to present conclusions and recommendations to the full Board of Education and the full membership of the Association.
The parties may call upon competent professional and lay representatives including members of the administrative and supervisory staff to consider matters under discussion and to make suggestions. Educational consultants may be used in the deliberations.
Facts, opinions, proposals and counter-proposals will be exchanged freely in an effort to reach mutual agreement.
This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
Any member of the Association shall have the right to appeal the application of this Agreement, policies, and administrative decisions affecting him through recognized administrative channels.
The primary purpose of the procedure set forth in this article is to secure at the lowest level possible, and as quickly as possible, equitable solutions to the problems of the parties.
Any employee shall have the right to begin grievance procedures and shall be assured freedom from restraint, interference, intimidation, coercion, discrimination or reprisal in presenting his claim.
The term "employee" may include an employee or a group of employees covered by this contract (See Recognition Clause) who are similarly affected by a grievance.
The term "days" when used in this Article shall mean calendar days.
The term "grievance" means any dispute or difference arising between any member of the Association and the Board as to the interpretation, application or operation of any provision of this Agreement. The term "grievance" and the procedure relative thereto shall not be deemed applicable in the case of the failure or refusal of the Board to renew the contract of a certified employee, except in cases of discipline; a problem for which a specific remedy is provided by law or contract; a situation upon which the Commissioner of Education has ruled or has the power to rule; the filling of a non-tenure position by a certified employee.
Neither shall the grievance procedure be invoked by any individual claiming tenure under the provisions of the N.J.S. 18A: 28-5 where charges have been brought against such individual pursuant to the provisions of the Tenure Employee's Hearing Act, N.J.S. 18A: 6-10 et seq. In such cases the procedure to be followed shall be that set forth in N.J.S.18A: 6-20 et seq.
An employee shall not have the right to refuse to follow an administrative directive or a Board policy on the grounds that he has instituted a grievance. In cases where the employee perceives or can prove that his/her safety is at stake, the employee shall make an appointment with the Superintendent, who will decide the issue.
Any employee shall have the right to present his own appeal or designate representatives of the Association or another person of his own choosing to appear with him or for him at any step in his appeal. When the situation arises, the Immediate Supervisor/Principal and the Superintendent shall have the same privilege of requesting the presence of another person.
The number of days indicated at each level is considered as a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. However, when mutually agreed upon, the time limits specified may be extended.
All grievances must be initiated at Level One within 30 calendar days after the employee knows or should have known of the alleged violation of this contract.
The employee with a complaint shall discuss the grievance with his immediate supervisor or Principal in an attempt to resolve the grievance informally.
Failure at any step to communicate the decision on a grievance within the specified time limits means the grievance shall proceed to the next level of the grievance procedure.
A grievance may be withdrawn at any point during the grievance procedure. The withdrawal of the grievance must be in writing to the Superintendent and shall be withdrawn without prejudice.
Grievances shall be submitted on the agreed upon grievance form, a copy of which is attached as Addendum 1.
Level OneIf, as a result of the discussion, the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the employee within four (4) calendar days, he shall set forth his grievance in writing to the Immediate Supervisor/Principal. The Immediate Supervisor and/or Principal shall communicate his decision to the employee in writing within seven
(7) calendar days of receipt of the written grievance.
Level One Alternate (Aides Only)
If the grievance is not resolved at Level One to the satisfaction of the aide, the grievance may be appealed to the Assistant Superintendent or designee within seven (7) calendar days. The appeal at Level One Alternate must be made in writing and must set forth the ground(s) upon which the grievance is based.
If the grievance is not resolved at Level One to the satisfaction of the employee, he may appeal the decision to the Superintendent of Schools within seven (7) calendar days. The appeal to the Superintendent must be made in writing and must set forth the grounds upon which the grievance is based.
The Superintendent shall request a report on the grievance from the previous level and shall confer with the concerned parties, and, upon request, with the employee or administrator separately. He shall attempt to resolve the grievance within a period not to exceed seven (7) calendar days from the receipt of the appeal. The Superintendent shall communicate his decision in writing, along with supporting reasons to the employee and the appropriate administrator.
Level Three
If after the Superintendent has communicated his written decision, the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the employee, he may appeal the Superintendent’s decision to the Board within fourteen (14) calendar days.
The appeal to the Board must be submitted in writing through the Superintendent who shall attach all related papers and forward the appeal to the Board.
Within fourteen (14) calendar days from receipt of the appeal by the Superintendent, the Board shall review the grievance and schedule a hearing, if requested by the employee.
If a hearing is not requested, the Board shall render a decision within seven (7) calendar days. If a hearing is requested, the Board shall render a decision within seven (7) calendar days of the date of the hearing.
Level Four
A grievance which remains unresolved to the satisfaction of the employee, after a decision has been rendered by the Board of Education may be submitted to arbitration within eight (8) calendar days following the Board's decision.
The request for an arbitrator shall be submitted to the Public Employment Relations Commission. PERC rules shall be followed in the selection of an arbitrator.
The arbitrator so selected shall confer with the representatives of The Board and the Association and hold hearings promptly and shall issue his decision not later than twenty (20) calendar days from the date of the close of the hearings or, if oral hearings have been waived, then from the date the final statements and proofs on the issues are submitted to him. The arbitrator's decision shall be in writing, and shall set forth his findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issue submitted. The arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any decision which requires the commission of an act prohibited by law or which is a violation of the terms of this Agreement. The decision of the arbitrator shall be submitted to the Board and the Association.
The cost for the services of the arbitrator, including per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, subsistence expenses and the cost of the hearing room shall be borne equally by the Board of Education and the Association.
Employee and Association - Any aggrieved person may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself, or, at his option, by a representative selected or approved by the Association. When an employee is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present as an observer.
Group Grievance - If, in the judgment of the Association, a grievance affects a group or class of employees working in separate buildings, the employees must advise their individual principals of the grievance, but may submit the grievance, in writing, directly to the Superintendent. If the group of employees work in one building, they will start the grievance procedure at Level One.
Group Grievance Alternate (Aides Only)
If in the judgment of the Association a grievance affects a group of aides working in separate buildings, the aides must advise their immediate supervisor, but may submit the grievance, in writing, directly to the Assistant Superintendent or designee.
Forms - Forms for filing grievances, serving notices, making appeals, making reports and recommendations and other necessary documents shall be prepared jointly by the Superintendent and the Association and given appropriate distribution so as to facilitate operation of the grievance procedure.
All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives, heretofore referred to in this Article.
In the event a grievance for a ten (10) month employee is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year, said grievance may be held in abeyance until the start of the next school year through mutual agreement between the parties unless it results in irreparable harm to the party filing the grievance. Within fifteen (15) days of the first day of the next school year, the grievance procedure time lines shall take effect.
The Association may distribute official information concerning Association business through the use of the employees' mailboxes, inter-school mail distributions, and a faculty bulletin board where such facilities exist.
The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings, the auditorium, and meeting rooms at all reasonable hours for meetings when such facilities are not otherwise in use. Such use shall require approval by the Superintendent.
The Association may have reasonable use of office equipment, excluding the FAX and administrative computers. The Association shall reimburse the Board of Education fifty dollars ($50.00) per year for costs related to the use of the copy and office equipment.
One Association officer may be granted one (1) day per year, if the officer is needed to appear with a representative of the Board of Education at a PERC hearing or any hearing before the administrative law judge, and is subject to the approval of the Superintendent. This day will only be granted to assist in the adjudication of "in-district problems" and there will be no penalty in using this day if there is a judicial delay.
Commencing in 2007-2008, the President of the Association will be assigned no duty period. If the President is at the elementary level, no before or after school duty will be assigned.
Association rights shall be in accordance with Chapter 123 Public Laws of 1974.
Evaluation of students - The teacher shall maintain the primary right and responsibility to determine grades and other evaluations of students within the grading policies of the Burlington Township School District, based upon his or her professional judgment of available criteria pertinent to any given subject area or activity to which he or she is responsible. If an administrator determines to change a grade, the teacher shall be notified in writing. The teacher shall have the right to appeal any proposed change in grade or evaluation to the principal.
Criticism of Employees - Any question or criticism by a supervisor, administrator, or Board member of an employee, shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, or other public gatherings.
Association Identification - No employee shall be prevented from wearing pins or other identification of membership in the Association or its affiliate if such identification is in good taste.
Whenever any employee is required to appear before the Superintendent or his or her designee, the Board or any committee member, representative or agent thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his office, position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, he shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise him during such meeting or interview. Any suspension of an employee shall be with pay until the Board acts and without pay for up to ninety (90) days when pay shall once again resume.
The permanent personnel file maintained in the Office of the Superintendent is available for employee inspection during the normal working hours. More than three reviews cannot be handled on a given work day unless the workload of administrative staff permits. An appointment with the Superintendent's secretary is expected. At the inspection, a representative of the central administrative office will be present; the employee may also bring a representative if he so desires.
Evaluation: (Certified Staff Only)
The supervisory staff shall complete all formal classroom observations by May 31st.
The year-end summary evaluation conferences shall be held on or before the sixth day prior to the last teacher work day.
The final copy of the summary evaluation shall be distributed to the teacher on or before the second day prior to the final day of the regular school year.
No unit member will be reprimanded, reduced in compensation or terminated without just cause. Any such action asserted by the Board or its agent shall be subject to the grievance procedure herein. The non-renewal of a non-tenured certificated staff member, a non-tenurable staff member, or a staff member holding a position in which tenure is not possible, shall be exempt from this provision.
Teacher In-school Work Year
Ten month personnel - The in-school work year for teachers employed on a ten month basis (other than new personnel, who may be required to attend a minimum of an additional one day of orientation), shall not exceed one hundred and eighty-four (184) full days plus two (2) half days to include:
a minimum of one (1) full day and one half (1/2) day for teacher in- service. The hours for a full day in-service shall be 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. with one (1) hour for lunch. The half day in-service [four (4) hours] shall be attached to a weekend. In-service days cannot be used for student contact or emergency closings.
one teacher half (1/2) day [three (3) hours] immediately following the students’ last day.
In addition to the above, each staff member will engage in four
[4] hours of self-directed professional development to complete mandated training.
Definition of in-school work year - The in-school work year shall include days when pupils are in attendance, in-service days, orientation days and any other days on which teacher attendance is required.
Teaching staff members shall report for up to four (4) evening assignments per school year at the following compensation rate found in Schedule G.
The nature of the evening assignment and the staff members that are required to attend shall be determined by the building principal of each school.
If one of the evening assignments is scheduled as graduation, the regular workday that day will be a shortened day.
Project Graduation Chaperones shall be excused from attendance at graduation exercises. These staff members shall receive the overnight stipend for attendance at Project Graduation.
On all other occasions when evening assignments are scheduled, the workday for staff shall be a full school day.
In order to provide for student safety and well-being, certificated staff members may agree to work beyond the end of the regular workday for the purpose of student supervision. Individuals shall be paid on a pro-rated basis computed on the detention rate on Schedule G herein. This after school supervisory assignment shall not exceed forty-five (45) minutes except in case of emergency.
The Principal shall seek volunteers from the teaching staff to perform these duties. In the event there are no volunteers, this duty shall be assigned to no more than twenty percent (20%) of the staff using the procedure outlined in Article VII:15.d(4).
Child Study Team Members may work up to twenty (20) days during the summer at their per diem rate. Such assignments shall be posted by the administration and applied for by the teaching staff member. Additional days may be added at the discretion of the Board.
Speech teachers may work up to twenty (20) days during the summer at their per diem rate. Such assignments shall be posted by the administration and applied for by the teaching staff member.
Guidance Counselors and Student Assistance Coordinators shall receive their per diem rate for any required work days during July and August.
Guidance Counselors and Student Assistance Coordinators at the High School and Middle School may each be required to work up to twenty (20) days following the end of the teacher work year in June and during the months of July and August. The number of available days shall be determined by the administration and posted by May 1st of each school year. Actual days of work will be pre-arranged between the Director of Guidance and each employee.
Employees shall be compensated at their per diem rate for the number of days worked. Their salary will be calculated by adding the total summer pay amount to their regular 10 month salary. Salary payments will then be made according to the regular 12 month pay schedule in the district beginning with the July 15 pay.
It is understood that should such additional work no longer be required, the employee is entitled only to the appropriate guide salary and the corresponding reduction in compensation shall not be subject to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-10.
Academic Coaches shall receive their per diem rate for any required work days during the end of June, or during July and August.
Academic Coaches may each be required to work up to twenty (20) days following the end of the teacher work year in June or during the months of July or August. The number of available days shall be determined by the Superintendent of Schools and posted before the end of the school year. Actual days of work will be pre- arranged between the Superintendent or his/her designee and each employee.
Employees shall be compensated by separate check issued pursuant to the presentation of a voucher for the work performed.
Teaching staff members employed for summer school shall be compensated at the following rates: Found in Schedule G.
Teachers employed for after-school in-service presentations shall be compensated at the rate in 8. above.
Nurses shall receive their per diem rate for any required work days during the end of June, or during July and August, when not in session, OTHER THAN THOSE HIRED TO STAFF EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR PROGRAMS, which will be compensated at the summer school rate for those hours worked.
The number of available days shall be determined by the Superintendent of Schools and posted before the end of the school year. Actual days of work will be pre-arranged between the Superintendent and his/her designee and each employee.
Employees shall be compensated by separate check issued pursuant to the presentation of a voucher for the work performed.
Paraprofessionals shall work a teacher work year, work day, and lunch schedule. Paraprofessionals will not be required to regularly attend faculty meetings. Paraprofessionals who are required to attend faculty meetings will be compensated at their hourly rate.
Secretary Work Year
All secretaries shall work the school calendar while school is in session. Twelve month secretaries shall have the following additional holidays during the summer: July 4th and Labor Day, with a half day before July 4th.
Basic Skills and Special Education Paraprofessional Work Year
The work year for ten month basic skills and special education personnel shall be the same as the work year for teaching staff members.
Basic skills aides are hired on an annual basis with funds received from Title I and Instructional Supplemental Aid. In the event that (1) funding is insufficient or (2) the program design is modified, the number of basic skills aides positions in the district will be adjusted accordingly.
The work year for part-time school nurses shall be the same as the work year for the teaching staff members.
If a part-time RN is required to attend a faculty meeting, he/she will be compensated at his/her hourly rate.
Emergency Closing - Teacher/secretary/aide attendance shall not be required whenever student attendance is not required. On days of a delayed opening, all unit member’s arrival time will be delayed for the same number of minutes as students. The unit member’s arrival time will be delayed from the unit member’s regular starting time. It is understood that any preparation periods lost due to a delayed opening will not be made up.
Perfect Attendance - Any employee with perfect attendance or near perfect attendance during a complete work year shall receive a bonus by July 31st. "Perfect attendance" is defined as performance at work for the entire work day and the entire work year as defined in Articles VI and VII. Attendance at approved in- service workshops and/or chaperoned field trips is counted as a regular work day. Service on jury duty or bereavement leave shall not be counted against an employee in the determination of perfect or near perfect attendance.
Teachers completing the time requirements of their contract shall be eligible for one of the following bonuses per year:
Perfect Attendance $250
More than zero days up to and including one day $200
More than one day up to and including two days $150
Twelve month secretaries completing the time requirements of their contract shall be eligible for one of the following bonuses per year:
Perfect Attendance $240More than zero days up to and including one day $180
More than one day up to an including two days $120
Ten month secretaries completing the time requirements of their contract shall be eligible for one of the following bonuses per year:
Perfect Attendance $200
More than zero days up to and including one day $150
More than one day up to and including two days $100
Ten month aides completing the time requirements of their contract shall be eligible for one of the following bonuses per year:
Perfect Attendance $150
More than zero days up to and including one day $125
More than one day up to an including two days $75
School Calendar - Prior to presentation of the school calendar to the Board of Education, the Superintendent shall consult with the Association Representative Council concerning the configuration of the calendar.
Teachers’, Paraprofessionals’, and Secretaries’ Day
Teachers’, Paraprofessionals’, and Secretaries’ day on all levels shall consist of 7 1/4 hours.
Effective 2003-2004, full-time Basic Skills, Special Education aides, and Exceptional Special Education Aides will have the same work day as teaching staff members. They will also have the same lunch, but will have no preparation time.
For all 12 month secretaries the work day shall be 7 hours excluding lunch when school is in session; and 6 hours excluding lunch when school is not in session.
For all other 10 month secretaries the work day shall be 6 1/4 hours excluding lunch when school is in session.
Teachers/Paraprofessionals shall report for duty no later than 15 minutes before the students’ day begins and shall be permitted to leave no sooner than 15 minutes after the students’ day ends.
On Fridays and days preceding holidays the 12 month secretary’s day will be 6 3/4 hours, excluding lunch. The 10 month secretary’s day will be 6 hours, excluding lunch.
The final two student days of the year will be four-hour days for students. Teacher/secretary work day is a regular schedule.
The Board will attempt to maintain class size which averages 25 in all grades K-12 except specified classes as defined by law.
High school teachers involved in the Intensive (Half Year Course) Block Schedule (IBS) will be assigned no more than three (3) eighty (80) minute class blocks (a maximum of 240 teaching minutes) per day, one (1) eighty (80) minute preparation period, one (1) forty (40) minute advisory period, and one (1) thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period. No IBS teacher will be assigned more than two (2) consecutive eighty (80) minute class blocks.
Whenever possible, IBS teachers shall not be scheduled for two consecutive eighty (80) minute class blocks followed immediately by an advisory period. Should such a situation occur, additional staff will be assigned to the advisory period. If an IBS teacher is assigned three (3) different core academic preparations in a semester, he shall not be assigned an advisory period during that semester. Preparations shall be limited to three (3) in one semester and two (2) in the other.
Middle and High School teachers in a regular eight (8) period day will normally be assigned five (5) classes, one (1) supervisory duty period, one (1) student lunch supervisory period of thirty (30) minutes or less, one (1) lunch period of thirty (30) minutes and one (1) preparation period. When necessary, teachers will be assigned to a 6th period in lieu of a supervisory period.
Middle and High School teachers shall not be assigned to teach more than three (3) consecutive periods except where scheduling difficulties prohibit.
Middle School and Elementary School Schedules
Should the Board of Education choose to implement the core schedule for 2008/2009 or thereafter, the middle school schedule proposed by the board will be included in the CBA.
Should the Board of Education determine to implement a TEAM approach to instruction, the following will apply to that grade level:
Team Teachers:
Each day – student contact no more than 248 minutes4 classes of 62 minutes each (248 minutes)
30 minutes duty free lunch
45 minute preparation period
45 minute supervisor duty 2 days of 6-day cycle
45 minute team preparation 4 days of 6-day cycle
Related Arts Teachers: Each day – 8 period day – Schedule as per Article VII: A.4.
Should the Board of Education determine NOT to implement a TEAM
approach to instruction – Schedule as per Article VII:A.4.
Should the Board of Education determine to implement the Middle School schedule for instruction for the seventh and eighth grades ONLY:
For the 6th Grade: The Board of Education reserves the right, at its discretion, to schedule the 6th grade pursuant to the scheduling practices for an elementary school within the Middle School setting.
Elementary teachers shall have a 35 minute duty free period for lunch. Elementary teachers will have 200 minutes of preparation per week as provided by the designated staff. This preparation time will be scheduled in 40 minute blocks during the student instructional day.
Every effort will be made to ensure that no elementary teacher (excluding part-time programs) is assigned more than one hundred sixty (160) minutes of continuous student contact time per day. On any day that more than one hundred sixty (160) minutes of consecutive student contact time is assigned, no supervisory duties will be assigned that day.
In the event that another certificated staff member takes over instruction in an elementary classroom, the regularly assigned teacher shall not be required to remain in the classroom.
At the elementary level only, Grades 1 through 6, whenever administratively possible, I.E.P., 504 and I & RS meetings will be scheduled to have the least negative impact on preparation time. If meetings for such purposes must be scheduled either before or after teacher work day at any grade level, staff members directed to participate shall be compensated at the Detention Hourly Rate in Schedule G for time spent outside the contractual workday.
Teachers may leave the building without requesting permission during their scheduled duty-free lunch period, but must sign out in the main office.
Building-based teachers may be required to remain after the end of the regular workday, without additional compensation for the purpose of attending building, faculty, or other professional meetings. There may be up to two forty-five (45) minute meetings per month, or one ninety minute meeting per month with two (2) weeks prior notice for the purpose of staff development, if needed. Such meetings shall begin no later than ten (10) minutes after the student dismissal time. New teachers in their first full year of employment in the District may be required to attend an additional two (2) meetings per month after the end of the regular workday, without additional compensation, of a duration of forty-five (45) minutes each, or one (1) additional meeting per month of a duration of ninety (90) minutes. Part-time teachers may be required to remain after the end of the workday or to return at the end of a regular workday for the purpose of attending building, faculty, or other professional meetings. Part-time teachers shall receive a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice of such required attendance. Part-time teachers shall be compensated at their hourly rate for their attendance at these meetings.
Meetings which take place after the regular in-school workday and which require attendance, shall not be called on Fridays or any day immediately preceding any holiday, or other day upon which teacher attendance is not required at school unless the principal or superintendent declares the meeting to be necessary for immediate resolution. Faculty meetings held on days of late openings due to inclement weather shall not exceed 30 minutes. It is agreed that faculty meetings will not be held on the third Thursday of the month, except in case of emergency.
It is desirable for each teacher to have an uninterrupted preparation period each day. The practice of using a regular teacher as a substitute, thereby may be instituted only in those cases where regular substitutes are not available. On occasions when teachers must substitute, they shall be paid at the rate found in Schedule G. Such coverage shall be arranged by the principal of the school in question and shall be distributed as equitably as possible among the teachers in said school.
IBS teachers in the high school shall not be assigned coverage of classes when a regular substitute is not available, except in cases of emergency. On occasions when an IBS teacher must substitute for another IBS teacher, an IBS teacher shall be assigned from the available staff on a rotating basis, and only be required to cover half of an eighty (80) minute class block. Coverage shall be arranged equitably by the principal. On occasions when an IBS teacher must substitute during his preparation period, he shall be paid at the rate found in Schedule G.
In those cases where regular substitutes are not available and two classes are to be combined for the day, or a major part thereof, the teacher in charge shall be paid an amount equal to that of a substitute's pay; if the class is divided between two or more other teachers, each teacher shall be paid an amount equal to 1/2 the rate of substitute's pay in addition to his regular salary.
Teachers who are not meeting with their normally assigned students for whatever reason, (e.g. practice teachers, class trips) shall be available in cases of emergency to substitute or supervise other students within their building at the discretion of the principal. There shall be no extra pay except when the substituting/supervision occurs during teachers' preparation or lunch periods.
Check-in procedure - Employees are expected to devote to their assignments, the time necessary to meet their responsibilities. Employees shall indicate their presence for duty by placing an initial in the appropriate "sign-in" roster.
The Board and Association agree that the athletic activities are listed in Schedule F and co-curricular activities are listed in Schedule G.
Co-Curricular activities include those activities or assignment not specified as part of the teaching and duty assignments scheduled in the regular work day, work week, work year.
Said activities and compensation are set forth in Schedule G.
Compensation for Newly Established Activities
Compensation for newly established co-curricular activities shall be negotiated at the Superintendent/Association Liaison meetings and are subject to Board approval.
Procedures for filling positions
All school based activities shall be posted in writing within the affected building by the principal.
All athletic and district-wide positions shall be posted throughout the district from the Superintendent’s Office.
Each notice shall contain a “cut-off” application date of not less than one work week and the person to whom the application letter is to be submitted.
The Board of Education agrees to develop and publish a list of specific qualifications.
Teachers interested in positions during the summer months should contact their principals for availability of positions.
If the above procedures fail to produce a qualified candidate from within the school district, the Board shall make an effort to employ a qualified candidate from outside the district.
If, in the principal’s judgment, an outside candidate could not successfully direct the activity, the principal shall recommend that a teaching staff member from within the district be assigned the activity. The method or procedure for assignment shall be developed by a building administrator/teacher committee in each building, discussed with the faculty of each building, and a final written ballot of all certified employees in the building shall determine the method to be used for the life of this contract.
It is understood that the compensation will include the chaperoning of all activities sponsored by the co-curricular activity. In the event the co- curricular activity requires overnight travel, the sponsor/chaperone will be compensated at the rate established in Schedule G.
After School Detention will be staffed by volunteers working one hour beyond the regular teacher workday. The Principal shall seek a volunteer(s) from the teaching staff to supervise the detention. In the event that there are no volunteers, detention shall be staffed using the same procedure as found in
14.d. (4) immediately above.
High School and Middle School Saturday Detention and after-school detention shall be paid hourly. After-school detention will take place four days per week with compensation designated in the Schedule G detention rate.
Middle School detention shall continue to be handled by adjusting the starting and ending time of a staff member’s workday. If this arrangement becomes unworkable during the duration of this contract, then the Principal shall seek volunteers as stated above and detention will take place two days per week with compensation designated in Schedule G.
Elementary school detention may take place up to two (2) days per week with compensation designated in Schedule G.
Student field trips shall be scheduled in consultation with the teachers participating in them. Written permission of the Superintendent must be obtained prior to a staff member arranging a field trip. For student overnight or weekend trips, teachers shall be compensated at the rate printed in Schedule G.
Aides' Day
Full Time Special Education Aides: shall be the same as for teaching staff members, exclusive of at least a thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period. This provides time for before and after school supervision.
Full Time Basic Skills Aides: shall be the same as for teaching staff members, exclusive of at least a thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period.
Part Time Basic Skills Aides: Three (3) hours of work shall be the minimum work day for part-time aides with a maximum of three and three quarter (3 and 3/4) hours, excluding lunch.
Playground/Cafeteria Duty: Aides who are assigned playground and cafeteria duty will be compensated at a rate shown in Schedule G.
Early Student Dismissal: In cases where students are dismissed early, the Assistant Superintendent or designee shall provide advanced notice if individual aides will be needed to work that afternoon. If so, they will be paid their normal rate. If not needed, aides shall be dismissed. There shall be no pay when aides are not working.
Placement on Salary Schedule
Adjustment to salary schedule - Credit for previous educational experience/industrial experience shall be jointly determined by the Superintendent and prospective employee.
Any ten month employee employed prior to February 1 of any school year shall be given full credit for one (1) year of service. Any twelve month employee employed prior to January 1 of any school year shall be given full credit for one (1) year of service.
The Superintendent may place new employees on the salary guide at his discretion. Military credit shall be granted pursuant to law. Up to three years of credit for service in the Peace Corps, VISTA, or the National Teacher Corps shall be granted. This shall be effective beginning with hires as of July 1, 2014. The foregoing language shall be applicable to individuals hired for a July 1, 2014 or thereafter start date with the district.
Previous Sick Leave Accumulation - Previously unused leave days shall be restored to all employees returning from a leave granted by the Board.
Notification of Contract and Salary - On or before May 15th of each year for certified staff and on or before May 30th of each year for non-certified staff, the Board shall provide each employee continuously employed either:a contract or a written letter of intent to reemploy for the succeeding year. The employee must respond in writing, by June 1st; or,
a written notice that such employment shall not be offered for the following year.
Any teacher, secretary or aide who receives a non-renewal notice may within five (5) days, meet with the Assistant Superintendent and Principal to discuss the reasons.
An employee may also request a meeting with the Superintendent of Schools, within five (5) days, following the meeting in a, above.
Following the two meetings, an employee may request written reasons for the non-renewal. Copies of the reasons shall be filed in the individual’s permanent file. In cases where the employee requests a hearing before the Board, the Board shall also receive copies.
Aides’ Reduction in Force - In the event of a reduction in force (R.I.F.), aides to be released shall be selected by the administration from a pool of the most recently hired (1/3rd) of the basic skills aides or from a pool of the most recently hired (1/3rd) of the special education aides, based upon the category where a reduction is needed.
Salary Schedules
The salaries of all teachers covered by this agreement are set forth in Schedule A which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
The salaries of all secretaries covered by this agreement are set forth in Schedule B which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
The salaries of all instructional assistants covered by this agreement are set forth in Schedule C which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
The salaries of all basic skills aides covered by this agreement are set forth in Schedule D which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
The salaries of all special education aides covered by this agreement are set forth in Schedule E which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Exceptional or Shadow Aides
An Exceptional Aide shall be a Classroom/One-on-One Aide/Shadow who assists with the daily life functions of a student with a physically handicapping condition per job description G2.1. Such assistance shall be defined as lifting the student in and out of a wheelchair and/or assistance with toileting.
The Director of Special Education shall be responsible for designating a Classroom/One-on-One Aide/Shadow as an “Exceptional Aide.”
Aides who fall under the definition of an “Exceptional Aide” shall receive a salary differential as follows:
If a paraprofessional not normally functioning as an “Exceptional Aide” is assigned to substitute for an absent “Exceptional Aide” for more than three (3) consecutive days, he/she will be paid an additional daily stipend based upon the foregoing differential. (formula: differential divided by 185 divided by 7.25 hours).
The salaries for athletic activities covered by this agreement are set forth in Schedule F and for co-curricular activities covered by this agreement are set forth in Schedule G, which are attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Employees shall be paid twice each month, the 15th & 30th, or if these days fall on a weekend or holiday, payday will be the last day worked prior to the 15th and 30th. Employees not enrolled in direct deposit shall have their paycheck available on the next school working day when the district is closed for emergent reasons on a regular pay day.
All 10 month employees may individually elect to have an amount of their monthly salary deducted from their pay for a summer payment plan. These funds shall be deposited with the employees’ Federal Credit Union.
Each 10 month employee shall receive his/her final pay three (3) working days after his/her last working day in June. Checks will be mailed home to individuals who do not have direct deposit.
Each 12 month employee shall receive his/her final pay on June 30th.
Direct deposit shall be provided for employee pay checks including the summer pay plan outlined in number 2. above. The Business Office will establish procedures for enrolling or terminating direct deposit participation.
Direct deposit for all ten (10) month instructional personnel may be suspended for the last paycheck of the school year and a paper check will be issued upon completion of all required end-of-the-year check out procedures. Unless an employee notifies the Business Administrator in writing to withdraw him/her from direct deposit, with the start of the next school year the employee will be automatically re-enrolled in direct deposit.
If an employee is terminating employment with the district, either during or at the end of the school/work year, direct deposit for his/her last check will be discontinued by the district. The last check will be issued upon completion of all required check out procedures.
Athletic Coaches will be paid on the following schedule:
Fall – September 30th, October 30th, December 15th
Winter – December 30th, January 30th, March 15th
Spring – March 30th, April 30th, June 15t
Overtime (Secretaries)
Overtime shall be paid at the rate of 1.5 times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all time worked in excess of the 40 hour week. For the purpose of determining the 40 hour work week, the following shall count as regular work days; holidays, paid vacation days, and other approved paid leaves. A 40 hour work week shall be defined from Sunday 0001 hours through Saturday, 2400.
When compensatory time is offered, in lieu of payment of overtime, it shall be granted at 1.5 times the compensatory time accumulated, if it is above the 40 hour work week.
Double Time (Secretaries)
Double Time shall be paid on Sunday or when a secretary is called into work on any of the holidays listed in this contract.
Date for notifying present employees - All teachers, secretaries, and aides shall be given written notice of their schedules, work, class and/or subject assignments, building assignments, and room assignments for the forthcoming year as soon as possible. If a change becomes necessary, the employee shall be notified as soon as possible.
All permanent openings to be filled will be posted throughout the district. If a regular position occurs when school is closed for the summer, the Superintendent will be responsible for orally notifying at least one officer of the Association. If officers cannot be contacted each will be mailed a posting. The Association leadership shall be responsible for notifying its interested membership. Employees interested in the opening should consult with their immediate Supervisor/Principal and write to the Superintendent expressing interest.
Schedules: Whenever possible, schedules of employees who are assigned to more than one school shall be arranged so that no such employee shall be required to engage in any unreasonable amount of inter-school travel. Such employees shall be notified of any changes in their schedules as soon as practicable.
Travel Reimbursement: Employee(s) required to use their personal auto for travel between schools during their work day shall be reimbursed at the state approved rate or the IRS rate if permitted by regulation.
Teachers assigned to more than one school (traveling teachers) who are required to attend additional parental evening meetings beyond those required by the home based school, shall be paid the amount stated in Article VI.A.3.a. for each additional evening parental meeting. The required evenings shall not exceed the scheduled parental evening meetings for each of the schools to which the teachers are assigned.
Traveling teachers will be provided with at least fifteen (15) minutes of travel time; with a minimum of 200 minutes of preparation time per week; each traveling teacher will be assigned an administrator to report to; and the building administrators will determine what faculty meeting the traveling teacher is to attend.
Filing Requests - Employees who desire a transfer to fill a position in the district may file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent. Such statement shall include the position(s) to which he desires to be transferred in order of preference. Such requests for transfers and reassignments for the following year shall be submitted no later than
Criteria - When a voluntary transfer or reassignment is necessary, an employee's area of competence, specific experience, needs of the district, recommendation of the principal, and other pertinent data shall be considered in determining which employee is to be transferred or reassigned.
Notice - Notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to employees as soon as is practicable, and except in cases of emergency, not later than August 15.
Criteria - When an involuntary transfer or reassignment is necessary, an employee's area of competence, specific experience, needs of the district, recommendation of the principal, and other pertinent data shall be considered in determining which employee is to be transferred or reassigned.
Meeting and Appeal - In cases where an employee is being considered for transfer to another school, the administration shall meet with the employee in order to discuss the proposed transfer. If recommended for transfer, the employee may request a meeting with the Superintendent to discuss the reasons for the transfer. The employee may have an association representative present at all meetings.
In cases where an employee is involuntarily transferred or involuntarily reassigned a new classroom after June 1st, in June, July or August, when school is not in session, the employee will be paid for up to [fifteen] 15 hours at their hourly rate, for the purpose of preparation and/or classroom organization.
Purpose: The purpose of this statement of policy is to establish uniformity and equality for all employees of the Burlington Township School District in the matter of sick leave and various other absences.
1. Sections of School Law from which this policy derives - 18A:30-1 to 18A:30-7 inclusive. Title 18A Education New Jersey
2. Certain portions of school law are quoted where applicable in sections of policy which follow.
Sick Leave (Absence Due to Illness or Injury)
Sick leave with full pay
In accordance with 18A:30-2, all 10 month employees of the district will be allowed 10 work days sick leave in any one school year. The unused portion of this leave shall be accumulative (18A:30-3). All 12 month employees will be allowed 12 work days sick leave in any one fiscal year. The unused portion of this leave shall be accumulative.
Teachers employed by the district by June 18, 1982 and all secretaries employed by the district by June 30, 1982, will grandfather all bonus sick days accumulated as of that date. In the future, if it is necessary for a teacher/secretary to use these bonus sick days, each day may be used only one time, and will not be renewed at the beginning of the next school year. If not used, the bonus sick days will be applied toward the sick leave benefit and will be payable upon retirement only.
All teachers hired and beginning service as of September 1, 1982, and all secretaries hired and beginning service as of July 1, 1982, will not accrue bonus sick days.
When absence is caused by injury incurred in the line of duty, the employee will be paid full salary for one calendar year, if necessary. This leave is not chargeable to annual sick leave. (18A:30-2.1)
Transfer of Sick Leave From Another District
Persons transferring from another district may transfer 1/2 their accumulative leave not to exceed 50 days. This leave must be transferred prior to the end of the first year of employment in this district.
Transfer of Sick Leave To Another District
Employees leaving the district employment may leave their sick leave intact for possible transfer to another district, or may, within two years, translate their days into cash settlement at the time of leaving. Each sick day can be used one time.
Employees who leave the district and do not use (a) above, and at some future date return to employment in the district, will be reinstated with all sick leave which is due him/her at the time of leaving.
Upon severance from the district for reasons other than dismissal, termination by the Board of Education, or non-renewal of contract, all accumulated unused sick leave shall be reimbursed. An employee whose position is abolished by a RIF will also be eligible under this provision.Employees severing employment (other than retiring) from the district with service in the Burlington Township Schools shall be eligible for the following reimbursement per sick day:
10 or more full years in Burl. Twp.
Teachers: $25.00/day
Secretaries and RN’s: $20.00/day
Full Time Aides: $14.00/day
Part Time Aides: $14.00/full day
Upon retiring from the district, an employee may “cash” in their unused sick leave.
Employees, taking advantage of this benefit, must meet one of the following criteria:
Upon the death of the employee while under contract, or
Upon retirement to immediate pension.
Retiring employees shall be eligible for the following dollars per sick day:
Less than 10 full 10 or more full years in Burl.Twp. years in Burl.Twp.
Teachers $20.00/day $35.00/day
Secretaries and RN’s $15.00/day $25.00/day
Full Time Aides $12.00/day $17.00/day
Part Time Aides $6.00/day $17.00/day
When sick leave extends for five or more consecutive school days, a doctor's certificate will be sent to the Secretary of the Board within three days of the employee's return to duty.
Sick Leave (With Pay Less Substitute's Pay)
When an employee exceeds his regular sick leave, the Board may pay the 10 month employee 1/200th of his annual salary minus his substitute's pay, and the 12 month employee 1/240th of his annual salary minus his substitute's pay, for an amount of time equal to the employee's total accumulated sick leave. (18A:30-6)
Employees may annually convert up to three (3) accumulated leave days and two (2) unused personal days to family illness. Maximum accumulated days shall be five (5).
New employees may convert at the beginning of their second year of employment, up to three (3) unused sick and two (2) unused personal days to family illness days. Thereafter, these employees may convert up to three (3) accumulated leave days and two (2) unused personal days annually to family illness days. Maximum accumulated days shall be five (5).
Family illness days may only be taken in full day or half-day increments.
Converted Additional Personal Days
Employees may annually convert up to two (2) accumulated leave days to additional personal days. Maximum accumulated days shall be two (2).
New employees may convert at the beginning of their second year of employment, up to two (2) unused sick to additional personal days. Thereafter, these employees may convert up to two (2) accumulated leave days annually to additional personal days. Maximum accumulated additional personal days shall be two (2).
Authorized Absence Other Than Sick Leave
Bereavement - Up to five (5) days at any one time in the event of the death of an employee's parent, spouse, child, grandchild, legal guardian, brother, sister, grandparent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, or any other member of the immediate household. Two (2) days will be granted for brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law. In case of bereavement leave, the unit member may be granted non-consecutive leave within thirty
(30) days of the death as approved by the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.
An employee subpoenaed by an official or department of government or by a court clerk (not an attorney) as a witness, will be granted the day's leave necessary to serve as a witness (not an observer), and the differential payment will be made between the employee's regular contracted salary and the court's per diem stipend. All subpoenaed employees must submit a copy of the subpoena prior to the approval of the leave.
Twelve Month Employees - Three (3) days will be authorized. One of these days must be used during June, July or August, when school is not in session.
Ten Month Employees - Two (2) days will be authorized.
All unused personal days will be transferred to sick days on June 30th of each year.
Staff members requesting this day must have approval by the Principal and Superintendent one calendar week prior to this day of absence, "except in cases of emergency based on the judgment of the Superintendent".
No more than 3% of the contractual teaching staff per building, and only one secretary, and one aide per building shall be granted such leave on any given day, except in cases of emergency as determined in consultation with and approval by the building Principal.
Since it is desirable to have all regular teaching personnel and secretaries on duty during the final 9 days of each school year, personal leave will not be approved for this period by the Superintendent except in cases of emergency.
Professional Improvement Day: Two (2) days will be granted for observation in other schools or attending a professional meeting. Destination must be stated in advance and record of attendance recorded on return through the Principal to the Superintendent. A request for such a day will include a statement of its educational relevance to the improvement of instruction in Burlington Township Schools. All requests for such absence must be approved in advance by the building Principal and/or the Superintendent.
With the permission of the Superintendent, the professional time provided herein may be used to attend professional growth experiences that may help the employee in partially meeting the State mandated 100 hour requirement.
The Board of Education agrees that it will comply with the requirements of the administrative code with regard to the 100 hours of professional development.
Athletic and Co-Curricular Activities: A pool of ten days will be established yearly. Coaches and/or advisors desiring to use time from this pool must see the Athletic Director or the Activities Director and present their request in writing. The Athletic Director will recommend approval to the building Principal and the Principal to the Superintendent. Strongest consideration will be given to less experienced coaches in any particular sport. The maximum Board of Education expenditure will be
Record Form: There will be kept, in the Board Secretary's office, a record sheet for each employee. This record will show a complete picture of the employee's absence for any given school year plus his accumulative sick leave.
These records are available to the employee upon request.
Each employee is responsible to check his records at the end of the year to see that it is correct. Employees shall be given a written account of accumulated sick leave days no later than October 30th of each school year.
Pay Deduction for Unauthorized Absence
10 month employees absent from school on days when school is open for reasons other than those stated in this policy will have 1/200th of their annual salary deducted and 12 month employees will have 1/240th of their annual salary deducted for each unauthorized day. (18:A:30-6)
Association - The Board agrees that up to one (1) employee designated by the Association shall, upon request, be granted a leave of absence without pay for up to one (1) year for the purposes of engaging in activities of the Association or its affiliates.
International and Federal Programs - A leave of absence without pay of up to one
year shall be granted to any teacher who joins the Peace Corps or serves as an exchange teacher or overseas teacher, and is a full-time participant in either of such programs.
Outside Teaching - A teacher on tenure shall be granted a leave of absence without pay for up to one (1) year to teach in an accredited college or university.
Military - Military leave shall be granted in accordance with state and federal regulations.
Disability Due to Pregnancy/Child Rearing Leave
It shall be optional for the employee to notify her immediate Supervisor/ Principal of her pregnancy as soon as it is medically confirmed. This will assist in the process of securing an adequate replacement.
The Board shall grant disability due to pregnancy leave and child-rearing leave upon written request of the employee. The combined leaves may not exceed two (2) years. While such leave is not required to be either contiguous to the birth of the child or a continuous two (2) years without interruption, a contractual child-rearing leave must conclude prior to the child’s fifth birthday. A full school year leave will run from September 1 to June 30 for 10 month employees and July 1 to June 30 for 12 month employees.
After the pregnancy is medically confirmed, the employee shall submit a statement from her personal physician setting forth the anticipated date of delivery and certification by the physician that the condition of the employee will not interfere with the full performance of her duties.
If a teacher cannot teach the entire first quarter of the school year, the leave must begin on September 1; and if the teacher desires to return to work the same school year, she may only return at the beginning of the second, third, or fourth quarter. Alternative return dates as proposed by the employee may be approved by the Superintendent based on district and/or student needs. The Superintendent’s decision is final and not subject to the grievance procedure herein.
When a teacher requests a leave, every effort should be made to leave at the end of a quarter and she must return only at the beginning of a quarter.
The employee must provide seventy-five (75) days advance written notice as to the exact date the leave is to begin or any request for an extension of the leave. In the same letter, the employee must identify the request date of return to work.
An employee who has been granted disability leave may request, in writing to the Superintendent, to use her sick leave for a period not to exceed one month prior to and one month following delivery. A statement from the employee’s personal physician certifying the exact date of the
employee’s disability must accompany this written request.
Any employee may request an adoption leave without pay for a period of up to one year. The employee will consult with his or her principal during the planning stages for the adoption. In order to meet the Board of Education requirements for educational continuity, employees are expected to give seventy-five (75) days advance written notice of the intended leave, except in cases where the adoption agency cannot provide notice of months lead time. In the latter case, the employee may begin their leave with less than two months’ notice. An employee must provide ninety (90) days’ notice of a request to extend such leave.
One hundred and eighty-five (185) shall be the number of days used as a denominator to determine a per diem rate when an employee takes a maternity leave during the school year.
Sabbatical - Sabbatical leaves without pay shall be granted by the Board to any tenured teacher. A teacher may only be granted one sabbatical leave in their career in the District. The sabbatical leave cannot be used to extend any other leave of absence provided for under this Contract.
Good Cause - Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board for good reason.
The number of leaves of absence to be granted under sections B, C, F, G herein shall not exceed three (3) in any one school year.
Employees on leave for the remainder of the school year must notify the Superintendent in writing:
By April 30th of their intention to return to work the following September 1.
For purposes of “educational continuity”, teachers on leave during a school year are encouraged to plan their return at the beginning of a marking period. With planning and previous written notice, teachers may return to work upon discharge by medical, military, or other authorities.
Upon return from leave granted pursuant to Section B, C, D, or F of this Article, an employee shall be considered as if he were actively employed by the Board during the leave and shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level he would have achieved if he had not been absent.
Ten month employees returning on a subsequent year from an official leave and who have worked 90 school days or more, will be placed on the next step of the salary guide. Those who have worked less than 90 days will return on the same salary step.
Twelve month employees returning on a subsequent year from an official leave and who have worked 110 work days or more, will be placed on the next step of the salary guide. Those who have worked less than 110 work days will return on the same salary step.
All benefits other than salary to which an employee was entitled at the time his approved leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave shall be restored to him upon his return and he shall be assigned to the same position which he held at the time said leave commenced if available, or to a position similar to which the employee held at the time the leave of absence was granted.
Vacation Policy for Twelve Month Employees
Employees with less than one full year of service may use a prorated amount of vacation time during the summer months, provided they have commenced work prior to April 1st. July 1st begins the new fiscal year and all employees will begin earning the following summer’s vacation.
At the end of the first year, the employee shall be entitled to ten (10) daysof vacation.
At the end of the fifth year, the employee shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days of vacation.
At the end of the tenth year, the employee shall be entitled to one (1) additional day per year, not to exceed twenty (20) days of vacation. Vacation is paid at the per diem rate of 1/240th.
Said vacations are to be taken during the months of June, July and August, except that not more than 5 consecutive days may be taken during the school year without the Superintendent's approval. This may not be supplemented by personal days, except in the case of an emergency when approved by the Superintendent of Schools.
Employees hired before July 1, 2016 shall be permitted to bank all existing vacation days accrued prior to June 30, 2019. These banked days may be utilized at the employee’s discretion and in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. In addition, employees may carry-over up to one (1) year of vacation leave to the following year for use in that year. Any unused vacation leave days which were accrued prior to June 30, 2019, at the time of retirement or separation from the District shall be reimbursed to the Employee at their current per diem rate calculated using 1/240th of their salary.
Employees hired after July 1, 2016 shall be permitted to carry-over up to one (1) year of vacation leave into the following year for use in that year. Any unused vacation leave days at the time of retirement or separation from the District shall be reimbursed to the Employee at their current per diem rate calculated using 1/240th of their salary.
Building Level Faculty Council
The Association shall select a Faculty Council for each school building which shall meet with the Principal at least five (5) times during the school year during the school day. Said council shall consist of not more than one (1) member for every ten (10) teachers in the school building, but shall, in no event, have less than three (3) members.
Areas for Faculty Council Consideration - Areas for consideration by the Council shall include, but not be limited to, school building level decisions regarding:
Administration of this Agreement
Facilitation of programs and recommendations of the Instructional Council hereafter established in ARTICLE XVI of this Agreement.
Revision and development of building policies and practices.
Meetings with Superintendent
The Association's representatives shall meet with the Superintendent at least once a month during the school year to review and discuss current school problems and practices and the administration of the Agreement. The Superintendent may invite the other administrative personnel to attend such meetings.
Purpose - By mutual agreement of the building Principals and the staff, an Instructional Council may be established. The purpose of the Council shall be to strengthen the educational program through recommendations, research, implementation, and evaluation by the Superintendent and the Association to best meet the needs of the students, the schools and the community.
The Board shall pay, with prior Board approval, full cost of tuition and other reasonable expenses incurred in connection with any courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions, or other such sessions which an employee is required and/or requested to take in writing by the Administration. Said employee shall also be compensated for all time spent in actual attendance at said sessions beyond his regular work day at the following hourly rates:
Such courses will not include those required for certification and licenses.
Such sessions will not include those items in Article VI A.3 such as the required number of P.T.A. meetings, or parents' night.
The Board shall provide a maximum pool of ninety thousand dollars ($90,000) for a course reimbursement program. Teachers and secretaries/assistants may submit courses from an approved college or university for reimbursement after completing their first year of teaching/work in the district. In order to qualify for reimbursement the following requirements shall be met.
Courses will be of a graduate or undergraduate level directly related to the employee's area of instruction, specialty or related field.
Courses in curriculum development or guidance may be used as an elective to supplement the general (or elective) needs of a teacher's graduate program. A complete guidance counselor preparation program cannot be funded under the provisions of this article.
Supervisory and administrative courses are not to be included except in the case of a department chairperson or cases previously approved by the Superintendent.
Tuition reimbursement requests must be submitted within thirty
(30) days of the employee’s receipt of the course grade. Failure to do so may result in a denial of reimbursement. The Superintendent reserves the right to waive the above requirement based upon extenuating circumstances. This decision of the Superintendent shall not be grievable beyond the Board of Education level.
Tuition for special non-credit granting courses or seminars offered by an accredited college or university may be approved by the Superintendent, or other seminars offered by non-colleges may be submitted to the Superintendent for consideration. In all cases, the course content must be directly related to the employee’s work assignment. To be eligible for reimbursement, the employee must obtain written permission from the Superintendent prior to enrolling in the course.
Proof of successful completion shall be provided no later than September 1st following the completion of the course.
By official statement from the college where time does not permit.
The Board shall pay tuition costs for graduate and/or undergraduate level courses taken during the July 1 through June 30 period. The maximum amount paid to any one (1) employee for courses taken during the aforementioned time period shall be up to the cost of nine (9) graduate credits for teachers and add up to the cost of nine (9) undergraduate/graduate credits for secretaries/paraprofessionals.
The pool of money in B. above shall be divided by the total number of course credits submitted for prior approval of the Superintendent for the period July 1 through June 30 of each academic year which are actually completed by the enrolled staff member. Proof of completion must be submitted to the Superintendent no later than September 1st of the academic year following the academic year during which the course was taken in compliance with the provisions of this Article. Individual employees shall be reimbursed based upon the number of approved and completed credits that they took times the per credit amount as determined by the formula herein. The amount of reimbursement for any one employee shall not exceed his/her actual tuition paid nor exceed the number of credits taken times the per credit reimbursement rate created by the within formula.
Employees shall receive reimbursement no later than October 31st of the academic year following the academic year during which the courses were taken, provided that the employee has returned to the employ of the Burlington Township Board of Education. An employee who does not return to the district for the ensuing academic year due to a job related permanent or temporary disability, a maternity or paternity leave under the contract language herein or pursuant to the F.L.A. or the F.M.L.A., or due to a Reduction-in-Force, shall be eligible for reimbursement for courses taken and approved.
The Board will pay, in advance, for tuition and fees for programs that are specifically approved by the Board for difficult to recruit and hire for positions requiring Teaching Certifications such as Physics (as one example). The Board will permit candidates for those positions to be hired into positions requiring those Teaching Certifications is enrolled in the NJCTL (New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning) Program prior to Board approval of their position. The candidate must maintain their status in good standing under the NJCTL Program. In the event that the Teaching Certification is not obtained within the timeline of the NJCTL Program, the Board may choose to not renew the candidate unless there is another position available for which the candidate is Certified. Tenure will not accrue until the Standard Certification is issued. If the employee leaves the District the employee will be required to reimburse the District based on the following schedule: if the employee chooses to leave after the first year of employment, the employee will reimburse 100% of the cost of the program paid by the District; after the second year of employment, the employee will reimburse 80% of the cost of the program paid by the District; after the third year of employment, the employee will reimburse 60% of the cost of the program paid by the District; after the fourth year of employment, the employee will reimburse 50% of the cost of the program paid by the District.
If the employee takes any leave that is not medical or required under any law, the employee will reimburse the District the cost of the NJCTL Program.
The tuition costs for the NJCTL Program will not reduce and/or impact the provision for Tuition Reimbursement contained in Article XVII.
Any Certificated, Tenured Staff Member who pursues an additional Teaching Certificate under the terms of this Article XVII.C. and is employed in a position requiring that Certificate shall retain all seniority and tenure rights.
Any Certificated, Non-Tenured Staff member who pursues an additional Teaching Certificate under the terms of this Article XVII.C. becomes employed in a position requiring that Certificate and whose employment is non-renewed or who shall request a transfer out of said position shall be provided an opportunity to return to their prior positions in the District at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools.
Healthcare: Effective July 1, 2014, the Patriot V Healthcare Plan and the New Base Prescription Plan referenced in “Exhibit A” (attached hereto) shall be the base plans offered by the Burlington Township Board of Education.
A1. The Board will provide 100% employee coverage and 100% family coverage in the N.J. School Employees Health Benefits Program or its equivalent, Medical-Surgical Plan of N.J. (Blue Shield Plan) or its equivalent; and major medical as provided by Prudential Insurance Company of America or its equivalent subject to the contributions provided under Tier IV of Chapter 78.
Effective January 1, 2004, the basic medical plan carrier shall be changed to AETNA.
As an alternative to A, above, the Board of Education will pay the maximum insurance premiums for one N.J.E.A. approved disability plan for which each individual member is eligible. The employee wishing to shift from the basic medical plan to one N.J.E.A. approved disability plan must advise the Secretary of the Board of Education. Any future change between the alternative plans may be arranged with the Board Secretary at any time.
The following modifications shall be made to the Patriot X health benefits plan, effective 60 days after ratification of these recommendations for settlement:
The annual deductibles for the Patriot X plan shall be $200 for single coverage and $400 for family coverage.
The Patriot X annual co-insurance limits shall be $1,200 for single and $2,000 for family coverage.
The Patriot X emergency room co-pay shall be $50.
For the 2007/2008 school year, those employees currently enrolled in the Patriot X plan will be offered an incentive of 50% of the premium difference to move to the Patriot V plan. Payment will be pro-rated based on the effective date of change.
For the 2008/2009 school year, those employees who were enrolled in the Patriot X plan in 2006/2007 and did not select the incentive in the 2007/2008 school year will be offered an incentive of 30% of the premium difference to move to the Patriot V plan. Newly hired employees who choose the Patriot X plan in2008/2009 will pay $200 per year towards the cost of the plan.
Beginning in the 2008/2009 school year, any employee who waives insurance coverage will receive a reimbursement equal to 25% of the cost of the plan premium(s). Effective July 1, 2018, the waiver for medical, prescription and dental insurance will be capped at $8,500 per eligible employee. The waiver amount for anyone hired after July 1, 2019 will be capped at $5,000. Payment will be made at the conclusion of the year.
Any employee who chooses the Patriot X plan will pay $200 per year towards the cost of the plan.
The Board will maintain a Section 125 Plan to allow deduction of employee health benefit premium contributions on a pre-tax basis.
A2. Effective July 1, 2017, the base plan changes will take effect: office copays will increase from $5 to $10 and Emergency room copays will increase from
Appropriate co-pay is applicable two times (2x) on each mail order prescription.
Only one member of a married couple, both of whom are employed by the Board of Education, shall be eligible for the prescription plan.
The Board of Education will provide the identical plan with the New Jersey Dental Service Plan as provided during the 1984 - 85 school year. The Board of Education will provide the New Jersey Dental Service Plan or an equivalent plan.
Purpose of Fee: In the event a unit member does not become a member of the Association during the time covered by this Agreement, the member will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association.
Amount of Fee: The representation fee in lieu of dues shall be an amount equivalent to regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the majority representative to its own members less the cost of benefits financed through the dues, fees and assessments and available to or benefiting only its members, but in no event shall such fees exceed 85% of the regular membership dues, fees and assessments.
Deduction and Transmission of Fee:
Notification - Once during each membership year covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, the Association will submit to the Board a list of those unit members who have not become members of the Association for the then current membership year. The Board will deduct from the salaries of such unit members, in accordance with paragraph 2 below, the full amount of the representation fee and promptly will transmit the amount so deducted to the Association.
Payroll Deduction Schedule - The Board will deduct the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks paid to each unit members on the aforesaid list during the remainder of the membership year in question. The deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid:
10 days after receipt of aforesaid list by the Board; or
30 days after the unit members begins his or her employment in a bargaining unit position, unless the teacher/secretary previously served in a bargaining unit position and continued in the employ of the Board in a non-bargaining unit position, or was on layoff, in which event the deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid 10 days after the resumption of the unit members employment in a bargaining unit position, whichever is later.
Termination of Employment - If a unit members who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his or her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said employee during the membership year in question.
Mechanics - Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the deduction of representation fees and the transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
Changes - The Association will notify the Board in writing of any changes in the list provided for in paragraph 2 above and/or the amount of the representation fee, and such changes will be reflected in any deductions made more than 10 days after the Board received said notice.
New Employees - On or about the last day of each month, beginning with the month this Agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the Association, a list of all unit members who began their employment in a bargaining unit position during the preceding 30 day period. The list will include names, job titles and dates of employment for all such unit members.
The Association shall indemnify and hold the employer harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses that may arise out of, or by reason of, any action taken or not taken by the employer in conformance with this article.
The Association may provide input to the Board of Education during the formulation of specifications prior to the submission to any prospective contractors.
At the time of the submission of specifications to bidders, the Association may provide how it can effectuate cost savings to the Board of Education.
The Agreement shall be presented to employees now employed or subsequently employed. The Agreement shall be printed within thirty (30) days of the Agreement being signed. The Board and the Association will share the cost of printing the Agreement.
Both parties shall agree to a mutual commitment to verbatim portions of the N.J. Statutes which apply to the operation of the schools, and further agree that alleged violations of said statutes which are not subject to arbitration shall be referred to the appropriate agency designated by the statute in the event of a dispute between the two parties.
The Board agrees that there shall be no discrimination, and that all practices, procedures, and policies of the school system shall clearly exemplify that there is no discrimination in the hiring, training, assignment, promotion, transfer, or discipline of employees or in the application or administration of this agreement.
If any provision of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
Any individual contract between the Board and an individual employee shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement during its duration.
Duration Period – the foregoing Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2019 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2024, subject to the Association’s right to negotiate over a successor Agreement as provided in ARTICLE II. This Agreement shall not be extended orally, and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated, unless it is extended in writing.
Status of incorporation – in witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective presidents, attested by the respective secretaries, and their corporate seals to be placed here on, all on the day and year first above written.
This Agreement constitutes Board Policy for the term of said Agreement.
Burlington Township Education Association
Burlington Township Board of Education
Schedule A - Salary Guide (Certified Staff)
A minimum of fifteen (15) hours of Superintendent approved “in-house” participation in staff in- service activities would count as one (1) credit for purposes of horizontal salary guide movement. No more than six (6) “in-house” credits can be applied towards movement from any one column to another column: e.g.: from BA+15 to BA+30. All “in-house” credits earned prior to an approved column movement, may not be reapplied for subsequent column movement.
BASE YEAR Burlington Township Teachers’ Guide 2018-2019
Salary Guide
 | Step | BA |
| PHD |  |
 | A |
| 61,516 |  |
 | B |
| 61,716 |  |
 | C |
| 61,926 |  |
 | D-E |
| 62,251 |  |
 | F |
| 62,451 |  |
 | G |
| 62,751 |  |
 | H |
| 63,032 |  |
 | I |
| 63,539 |  |
 | J |
| 67,538 |  |
 | K |
| 71,456 |  |
 | L |
| 76,451 |  |
 | M |
| 81,261 |  |
 | Career |
| 86,757 |  |
YEAR 1 Burlington Township Teachers’ Guide 2019-2020
Salary Guide
 | Step | BA |
| MA | MA+15 | MA+30 | MA+45 |
| PHD |  |
 | A | 54,000 | 54,714 | 55,479 | 57,570 | 58,335 | 59,676 | 60,288 | 60,900 | 61,716 |  |
 | B | 54,000 | 54,714 | 55,479 | 57,570 | 58,335 | 59,676 | 60,288 | 60,900 | 61,716 |  |
 | C | 54,210 | 54,924 | 55,689 | 57,780 | 58,545 | 59,886 | 60,498 | 61,110 | 61,926 |  |
 | D | 54,535 | 55,249 | 56,014 | 58,105 | 58,870 | 60,211 | 60,823 | 61,435 | 62,251 |  |
 | E-F | 57,120 | 57,834 | 58,599 | 60,690 | 61,455 | 62,796 | 63,408 | 64,020 | 64,836 |  |
 | G | 57,420 | 58,134 | 58,899 | 60,990 | 61,755 | 63,096 | 63,708 | 64,320 | 65,136 |  |
 | H | 57,701 | 58,415 | 59,180 | 61,271 | 62,036 | 63,377 | 63,989 | 64,601 | 65,417 |  |
 | I | 58,208 | 58,922 | 59,687 | 61,778 | 62,543 | 63,884 | 64,496 | 65,108 | 65,924 |  |
 | J | 59,822 | 60,536 | 61,301 | 63,392 | 64,157 | 65,498 | 66,110 | 66,722 | 67,538 |  |
 | K | 63,740 | 64,454 | 65,219 | 67,310 | 68,075 | 69,416 | 70,028 | 70,640 | 71,456 |  |
 | L | 68,735 | 69,449 | 70,214 | 72,305 | 73,070 | 74,411 | 75,023 | 75,635 | 76,451 |  |
 | M | 73,545 | 74,259 | 75,024 | 77,115 | 77,880 | 79,221 | 79,833 | 80,445 | 81,261 |  |
 | Career | 79,541 | 80,255 | 81,020 | 83,111 | 83,876 | 85,217 | 85,829 | 86,441 | 87,257 |  |
The following applies to the contract:
EXTENDED MASTERS with written verification from the university
A Masters Degree requiring 40-49 credits will receive an additional $300 bonus;
A Masters Degree requiring 50-59 credits will receive a $600 bonus; and
A Masters Degree requiring 60 credits or above will receive a $900 bonus
At the start of the employee’s twentieth (20th) year of service in Burlington Township (not including any experience credited at initial hire),
the employee shall receive an additional two thousand eight-hundred dollars ($2,800) in longevity.
At the start of the employee’s twenty-fifth (25th) year of service in Burlington Township (not including any experience credited at initial hire),
the employee shall receive an additional one-thousand three-hundred dollars ($1,300) in longevity, for a total of four thousand one-hundred ($4,100) in longevity.
YEAR 2 Burlington Township Teachers’ Guide 2020-2021
Salary Guide
 | Step | BA |
| MA |
| PHD |  |
 | A | 54,210 | 54,924 | 55,689 | 57,780 | 58,545 | 59,886 | 60,498 | 61,110 | 61,926 |  |
 | B | 54,210 | 54,924 | 55,689 | 57,780 | 58,545 | 59,886 | 60,498 | 61,110 | 61,926 |  |
 | C | 54,210 | 54,924 | 55,689 | 57,780 | 58,545 | 59,886 | 60,498 | 61,110 | 61,926 |  |
 | D | 54,535 | 55,249 | 56,014 | 58,105 | 58,870 | 60,211 | 60,823 | 61,435 | 62,251 |  |
 | E | 59,707 | 60,421 | 61,186 | 63,277 | 64,042 | 65,383 | 65,995 | 66,607 | 67,423 |  |
 | F-G | 60,007 | 60,721 | 61,486 | 63,577 | 64,342 | 65,683 | 66,295 | 66,907 | 67,723 |  |
 | H | 60,288 | 61,002 | 61,767 | 63,858 | 64,623 | 65,964 | 66,576 | 67,188 | 68,004 |  |
 | I | 60,788 | 61,502 | 62,267 | 64,358 | 65,123 | 66,464 | 67,076 | 67,688 | 68,504 |  |
 | J | 62,288 | 63,002 | 63,767 | 65,858 | 66,623 | 67,964 | 68,576 | 69,188 | 70004 |  |
 | K | 63,740 | 64,454 | 65,219 | 67,310 | 68,075 | 69,416 | 70,028 | 70,640 | 71456 |  |
 | L | 68,735 | 69,449 | 70,214 | 72,305 | 73,070 | 74,411 | 75,023 | 75,635 | 76,451 |  |
 | M | 73,545 | 74,259 | 75,024 | 77,115 | 77,880 | 79,221 | 79,833 | 80,445 | 81,261 |  |
 | Career | 80,041 | 80,755 | 81,520 | 83,611 | 84,376 | 85,717 | 86,329 | 86,941 | 87,757 |  |
YEAR 3 Burlington Township Teachers’ Guide 2021-2022
Salary Guide
 | Step | BA |
| PHD |  |
 | A | 54,535 | 55,249 | 56,014 | 58,105 | 58,870 | 60,211 | 60,823 | 61,435 | 62,251 |  |
 | B | 54,535 | 55,249 | 56,014 | 58,105 | 58,870 | 60,211 | 60,823 | 61,435 | 62,251 |  |
 | C | 54,535 | 55,249 | 56,014 | 58,105 | 58,870 | 60,211 | 60,823 | 61,435 | 62,251 |  |
 | D | 54,535 | 55,249 | 56,014 | 58,105 | 58,870 | 60,211 | 60,823 | 61,435 | 62,251 |  |
 | E | 62,763 | 63,477 | 64,242 | 66,333 | 67,098 | 68,439 | 69,051 | 69,663 | 70,479 |  |
 | F | 63,063 | 63,777 | 64,542 | 66,633 | 67,398 | 68,739 | 69,351 | 69,963 | 70,779 |  |
 | G-H | 63,344 | 64,058 | 64,823 | 66,914 | 67,679 | 69,020 | 69,632 | 70,244 | 71,060 |  |
 | I | 63,844 | 64,558 | 65,323 | 67,414 | 68,179 | 69,520 | 70,132 | 70,744 | 71,560 |  |
 | J | 65,344 | 66,058 | 66,823 | 68,914 | 69,679 | 71,020 | 71,632 | 72,244 | 73,060 |  |
 | K | 66,796 | 67,510 | 68,275 | 70,366 | 71,131 | 72,472 | 73,084 | 73,696 | 74,512 |  |
 | L | 68,735 | 69,449 | 70,214 | 72,305 | 73,070 | 74,411 | 75,023 | 75,635 | 76,451 |  |
 | M | 73,545 | 74,259 | 75,024 | 77,115 | 77,880 | 79,221 | 79,833 | 80,445 | 81,261 |  |
 | Career | 80,541 | 81,255 | 82,020 | 84,111 | 84,876 | 86,217 | 86,829 | 87,441 | 88,257 |  |
YEAR 4 Burlington Township Teachers’ Guide 2022-2023
Salary Guide
 | Step | BA |
| PHD |  |
 | A | 59,767 | 60,481 | 61,246 | 63,337 | 64,102 | 65,443 | 66,055 | 66,667 | 67,483 |  |
 | B | 59,767 | 60,481 | 61,246 | 63,337 | 64,102 | 65,443 | 66,055 | 66,667 | 67,483 |  |
 | C | 59,767 | 60,481 | 61,246 | 63,337 | 64,102 | 65,443 | 66,055 | 66,667 | 67,483 |  |
 | D | 60,600 | 61,314 | 62,079 | 64,170 | 64,935 | 66,276 | 66,888 | 67,500 | 68,316 |  |
 | E | 65,917 | 66,631 | 67,396 | 69,487 | 70,252 | 71,593 | 72,205 | 72,817 | 73,633 |  |
 | F | 66,217 | 66,931 | 67,696 | 69,787 | 70,552 | 71,893 | 72,505 | 73,117 | 73,933 |  |
 | G | 66,498 | 67,212 | 67,977 | 70,068 | 70,833 | 72,174 | 72,786 | 73,398 | 74,214 |  |
 | H-I | 66,998 | 67,712 | 68,477 | 70,568 | 71,333 | 72,674 | 73,286 | 73,898 | 74,714 |  |
 | J | 68,498 | 69,212 | 69,977 | 72,068 | 72,833 | 74,174 | 74,786 | 75,398 | 76,214 |  |
 | K | 69,950 | 70,664 | 71,429 | 73,520 | 74,285 | 75,626 | 76,238 | 76,850 | 77,666 |  |
 | L | 71,889 | 72,603 | 73,368 | 75,459 | 76,224 | 77,565 | 78,177 | 78,789 | 79,605 |  |
 | M | 73,545 | 74,259 | 75,024 | 77,115 | 77,880 | 79,221 | 79,833 | 80,445 | 81,261 |  |
 | Career | 81,041 | 81,755 | 82,520 | 84,611 | 85,376 | 86,717 | 87,329 | 87,941 | 88,757 |  |
YEAR 5 Burlington Township Teachers’ Guide 2023-2024
Salary Guide
 | Step | BA |
| PHD |  |
 | A | 64,000 | 64,714 | 65,479 | 67,570 | 68,335 | 69,676 | 70,288 | 70,900 | 71,716 |  |
 | B | 64,690 | 65,404 | 66,169 | 68,260 | 69,025 | 70,366 | 70,978 | 71,590 | 72,406 |  |
 | C | 65,380 | 66,094 | 66,859 | 68,950 | 69,715 | 71,056 | 71,668 | 72,280 | 73,096 |  |
 | D | 66,070 | 66,784 | 67,549 | 69,640 | 70,405 | 71,746 | 72,358 | 72,970 | 73,786 |  |
 | E | 66,070 | 66,784 | 67,549 | 69,640 | 70,405 | 71,746 | 72,358 | 72,970 | 73,786 |  |
 | F | 69,070 | 69,784 | 70,549 | 72,640 | 73,405 | 74,746 | 75,358 | 75,970 | 76,786 |  |
 | G | 69,350 | 70,064 | 70,829 | 72,920 | 73,685 | 75,026 | 75,638 | 76,250 | 77,066 |  |
 | H-I | 69,920 | 70,634 | 71,399 | 73,490 | 74,255 | 75,596 | 76,208 | 76,820 | 77,636 |  |
 | J | 71,275 | 71,989 | 72,754 | 74,845 | 75,610 | 76,951 | 77,563 | 78,175 | 78,991 |  |
 | K | 72,581 | 73,295 | 74,060 | 76,151 | 76,916 | 78,257 | 78,869 | 79,481 | 80,297 |  |
 | L | 73,365 | 74,079 | 74,844 | 76,935 | 77,700 | 79,041 | 79,653 | 80,265 | 81,081 |  |
 | M | 73,645 | 74,359 | 75,124 | 77,215 | 77,980 | 79,321 | 79,933 | 80,545 | 81,361 |  |
 | Career | 83,794 | 84,508 | 85,273 | 87,364 | 88,129 | 89,470 | 90,082 | 90,694 | 91,510 |  |
Certificated Members do NOT move in year 5 of this contract.
 | Base | (Year 1) | (Year 2) | (Year 3) | (Year 4) | (Year 5) |
 | 2018- 2019 | Step | 2019- 2020 | Step | 2020- 2021 | Step2021- 2022Step2022- 2023Step2023- 2024 |
 | Salaries |  | Salaries |  | Salaries | SalariesSalariesSalaries |
12 Month Secretary |  |  |  |  |  |  |
A-E | 32,819 | A | 33,239 | A | 33,860 | A34,900A36,400A49,000 |
F | 33,094 | B-F | 33,514 | B | 34,135 | B35,200B36,700B49,500 |
G | 33,285 | G | 33,705 | C-G | 34,326 | C35,500C37,000C50,100 |
H | 33,585 | H | 34,005 | H | 34,626 | D-H35,800D37,300D50,600 |
I | 34,440 | I | 34,860 | I | 35,481 | I35,986E-I37,600E51,100 |
J | 35,298 | J | 35,718 | J | 36,339 | J36,844J37,824F-J51,600 |
K | 38,914 | K | 39,334 | K | 39,955 | K40,460K41,440K52,100 |
L | 41,593 | L | 42,025 | L | 42,646 | L43,151L44,131L52,600 |
M | 45,078 | M | 45,498 | M | 46,119 | M46,624M47,604M53,100 |
N | 49,500 | N | 49,920 | N | 50,541 | N51,046N52,026N53,281 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Base | (Year 1) | (Year 2) | (Year 3) | (Year 4) | (Year 5) |
 | 2018- 2019 | Step | 2019- 2020 | Step | 2020- 2021 | Step2021- 2022Step2022- 2023Step2023- 2024 |
 | Salaries |  | Salaries |  | Salaries | SalariesSalariesSalaries |
12 Month Administrative Secretary |  |  |  |  |  |  |
A-E | 33,169 | A | 38,200 | A | 41,200 | A44,900A50,000A51,800 |
F | 33,469 | B-F | 38,500 | B | 41,500 | B45,200B50,300B51,800 |
G | 33,725 | G | 38,800 | C-G | 41,800 | C45,500C50,600C51,800 |
H | 34,025 | H | 39,100 | H | 42,100 | D-H45,800D50,900D52,100 |
I | 34,990 | I | 39,400 | I | 42,400 | I46,100E-I51,200E52,400 |
J | 35,808 | J | 39,700 | J | 42,700 | J46,400J51,500F-J52,700 |
K | 39,414 | K | 39,834 | K | 43,000 | K46,700K51,800K53,000 |
L | 42,087 | L | 42,507 | L | 43,128 | L47,000L52,100L53,300 |
M | 45,469 | M | 45,889 | M | 46,510 | M47,050M52,400M53,600 |
N | 50,000 | N | 50,420 | N | 51,041 | N51,546N52,526N53,781 |
LONGEVITY Secretaries:
At the start of the employee's twentieth (20th) year of service in Burlington Township (not including any experience credited at initial hire), the employee shall receive an additional one thousand dollars ($1,000) in longevity.
At the start of the employee's twenty-fifth (25th) year of service in Burlington Township (not including any experience credited at initial hire), the employee shall receive an additional three hundred fifty dollars ($350) in longevity, for a total of one thousand three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350) in longevity.
LONGEVITY Support Staff :
At the start of the employee's twentieth (20th) year of service in Burlington Township (not including any experience credited at initial hire), the employee shall receive an additional five hundred dollars ($500) in longevity.
At the start of the employee's twenty-fifth (25th) year of service in Burlington Township (not including any experience credited at initial hire), the employee shall receive an additional one hundred dollars ($100) in longevity, for a total of six hundred dollars ($600) in longevity.
 | Base | (Year 1) | (Year 2) | (Year 3) | (Year 4) | (Year 5) |
 | 2018- 2019 | Step | 2019- 2020 | Step | 2020- 2021 | Step2021- 2022Step2022- 2023Step2023- 2024 |
 | Salaries |  | Salaries |  | Salaries | SalariesSalariesSalaries |
Para |  |  |  |  |  |  |
A-G | 34,743 | A | 37,900 | A | 39,600 | A40,900A42,300A43,900 |
H | 35,038 | B-H | 38,100 | B | 39,800 | B41,100B42,500B44,100 |
I | 35,538 | I | 38,300 | C-I | 40,000 | C41,300C42,700C44,300 |
J | 36,038 | J | 38,500 | J | 40,200 | D-J41,500D42,900D44,500 |
K | 37,512 | K | 38,700 | K | 40,400 | K41,700E-K43,100E44,700 |
L | 38,354 | L | 38,774 | L | 40,600 | L41,900L43,300F-L44,900 |
M | 40,004 | M | 40,004 | M | 40,660 | M42,100M43,500M45,100 |
N | 41,705 | N | 41,705 | N | 41,705 | N42,210N43,610N45,210 |
O | 43,406 | O | 43,406 | O | 43,406 | O43,911O44,980O46,580 |
P | 45,149 | P | 45,569 | P | 46,190 | P46,695P47,675P48,930 |
 | Base | (Year 1) | (Year 2) | (Year 3) | (Year 4) | (Year 5) |
 | 2018- 2019 | Step | 2019- 2020 | Step | 2020- 2021 | Step2021- 2022Step2022- 2023Step2023- 2024 |
 | Salaries |  | Salaries |  | Salaries | SalariesSalariesSalaries |
RN |  |  |  |  |  |  |
A-G | 44,568 | A | 47,000 | A | 48,500 | A51,000A52,500A55,000 |
H | 45,458 | B-H | 48,000 | B | 49,000 | B51,700B53,500B56,000 |
I | 45,958 | I | 48,500 | C-I | 49,500 | C52,500C54,250C58,000 |
J | 48,156 | J | 49,500 | J | 50,500 | D-J53,700D55,000D59,000 |
K | 50,942 | K | 51,362 | K | 51,362 | K54,900E-K55,900E60,000 |
L | 53,520 | L | 53,520 | L | 53,520 | L55,500L57,400F-L61,000 |
M | 57,188 | M | 57,188 | M | 57,188 | M57,188M57,693M62,000 |
N | 58,675 | N | 58,675 | N | 58,675 | N58,675N59,180N63,000 |
O | 62,447 | O | 62,447 | O | 62,447 | O62,447O62,952O65,290 |
P | 65,543 | P | 65,963 | P | 65,963 | P66,584P67,089P69,324 |
 | Base | (Year 1) | (Year 2) | (Year 3) | (Year 4) | (Year 5) |
 | 2018- 2019 | Step | 2019- 2020 | Step | 2020- 2021 | Step2021- 2022Step2022- 2023Step2023- 2024 |
 | Salaries |  | Salaries |  | Salaries | SalariesSalariesSalaries |
IA |  |  |  |  |  |  |
A-D | 20,305 | A | 22,600 | A | 26,500 | A26,900A27,900A29,000 |
E | 20,505 | B-E | 22,800 | B | 26,700 | B27,100B28,100B29,300 |
F | 21,262 | F | 23,000 | C-F | 26,900 | C27,300C28,300C29,500 |
G | 21,507 | G | 23,200 | G | 27,100 | D-G27,500D28,500D29,700 |
H | 22,925 | H | 23,345 | H | 27,300 | H27,700E-H28,700E29,900 |
I | 26,310 | I | 26,730 | I | 27,351 | I27,856I28,836F-I30,091 |
 | Base | (Year 1) | (Year 2) | (Year 3) | (Year 4) | (Year 5) |
 | 2018- 2019 | Step | 2019- 2020 | Step | 2020- 2021 | Step2021- 2022Step2022- 2023Step2023- 2024 |
 | Salaries |  | Salaries |  | Salaries | SalariesSalariesSalaries |
Clerks |  |  |  |  |  |  |
A-G | 27,989 | A | 31,800 | A | 33,300 | A35,300A37,800A40,800 |
H | 28,319 | B-H | 32,100 | B | 33,600 | B35,600B38,100B41,100 |
I | 28,619 | I | 32,400 | C-I | 33,900 | C35,900C38,400C41,400 |
J | 28,919 | J | 32,700 | J | 34,200 | D-J36,200D38,700D41,700 |
K | 29,219 | K | 33,000 | K | 34,500 | K36,500E-K39,000E42,000 |
L | 30,021 | L | 33,300 | L | 34,800 | L36,800L39,300F-L42,300 |
M | 30,878 | M | 33,600 | M | 35,100 | M37,100M39,600M42,600 |
N | 31,906 | N | 33,900 | N | 35,400 | N37,400N39,900N42,900 |
O | 33,032 | O | 34,200 | O | 35,700 | O37,700O40,200O43,200 |
P | 33,688 | P | 34,500 | P | 36,000 | P38,000P40,500P43,500 |
 | Base | (Year 1) | (Year 2) | (Year 3) | (Year 4) | (Year 5) |
 | 2018- 2019 | Step | 2019- 2020 | Step | 2020- 2021 | Step2021- 2022Step2022- 2023Step2023- 2024 |
 | Salaries |  | Salaries |  | Salaries | SalariesSalariesSalaries |
Basic Skills Aides |  |  |  |  |  |  |
A-D | 14.97 | A | 15.66 | A | 16.51 | A17.26A18.04A18.85 |
E | 15.27 | B-E | 15.96 | B | 16.81 | B17.56B18.34B19.15 |
F | 15.77 | F | 16.46 | C-F | 17.31 | C18.06C18.84C19.65 |
G | 16.52 | G | 17.21 | G | 18.06 | D-G18.81D19.59D20.4 |
H | 17.47 | H | 18.16 | H | 19.01 | H19.76E-H20.54E21.35 |
I | 18.67 | I | 19.36 | I | 20.21 | I20.96I21.74F-I22.55 |
J | 20.12 | J | 20.81 | J | 21.66 | J22.41L23.19J24 |
K | 21.82 | K | 22.51 | K | 23.36 | K24.11K24.89K25.7 |
OG | 23.75 | OG | 24.44 | OG | 25.29 | OG26.04OG26.82OG27.63 |
 | Base | (Year 1) | (Year 2) | (Year 3) | (Year 4) | (Year 5) |
 | 2018- 2019 | Step | 2019- 2020 | Step | 2020- 2021 | Step2021- 2022Step2022- 2023Step2023- 2024 |
 | Salaries |  | Salaries |  | Salaries | SalariesSalariesSalaries |
Special Education Aides |  |  |  |  |  |  |
A-D | 14.89 | A | 15.52 | A | 16.17 | A16.86A17.56A18.29 |
E | 15.29 | B-E | 15.92 | B | 16.57 | B17.26B17.96B18.69 |
F | 15.69 | F | 16.32 | C-F | 16.97 | C17.66C18.36C19.09 |
G | 16.09 | G | 16.72 | G | 17.37 | D-G18.06D18.76D19.49 |
H | 16.49 | H | 17.12 | H | 17.77 | H18.46E-H19.16E19.89 |
I | 16.99 | I | 17.62 | I | 18.27 | I18.96I19.66F-I20.39 |
J | 17.76 | J | 18.39 | J | 19.04 | J19.73L20.43J21.16 |
K | 18.56 | K | 19.19 | K | 19.84 | K20.53K21.23K21.96 |
Schedule F - Curricular Guides |
Head Coaches2019- 20202020- 20212021- 20222022- 20232023- 2024 |
Football9,9309,97010,01010,05110,051 |
Basketball9,9309,97010,01010,05110,051 |
Wrestling9,9309,97010,01010,05110,051 |
Soccer8,1018,1418,1818,2228,222 |
Baseball8,1018,1418,1818,2228,222 |
Spring Track8,1018,1418,1818,2228,222 |
Softball8,1018,1418,1818,2228,222 |
Hockey8,1018,1418,1818,2228,222 |
Volleyball8,1018,1418,1818,2228,222 |
Cross Country5,6295,6695,7095,7505,750 |
Tennis5,6295,6695,7095,7505,750 |
Cheerleading5,6295,6695,7095,7505,750 |
Winter Track5,6295,6695,7095,7505,750 |
Bowling5,6295,6695,7095,7505,750 |
Golf5,6295,6695,7095,7505,750 |
Basketball (MS)7,4187,4587,4987,5397,539 |
Wrestling (MS)7,4187,4587,4987,5397,539 |
Soccer (MS)6,0476,0876,1276,1686,168 |
Baseball (MS)6,0476,0876,1276,1686,168 |
Track (MS)6,0476,0876,1276,1686,168 |
Softball (MS)6,0476,0876,1276,1686,168 |
Field Hockey (MS)6,0476,0876,1276,1686,168 |
Volleyball (MS)6,0476,0876,1276,1686,168 |
Cheerleading (MS)4,1934,2334,2734,3144,314 |
Assistant Coaches | 2019- 2020 | 2020- 2021 | 2021- 2022 | 2022- 2023 | 2023- 2024 |
Football | 6,963 | 7,003 | 7,043 | 7,084 | 7,084 |
Basketball | 6,963 | 7,003 | 7,043 | 7,084 | 7,084 |
Wrestling | 6,963 | 7,003 | 7,043 | 7,084 | 7,084 |
Soccer | 5,682 | 5,722 | 5,762 | 5,803 | 5,803 |
Baseball | 5,682 | 5,722 | 5,762 | 5,803 | 5,803 |
Spring Track | 5,682 | 5,722 | 5,762 | 5,803 | 5,803 |
Softball | 5,682 | 5,722 | 5,762 | 5,803 | 5,803 |
Hockey | 5,682 | 5,722 | 5,762 | 5,803 | 5,803 |
Cross Country | 4,727 | 4,767 | 4,807 | 4,848 | 4,848 |
Tennis | 4,727 | 4,767 | 4,807 | 4,848 | 4,848 |
Cheerleading | 4,727 | 4,767 | 4,807 | 4,848 | 4,848 |
Winter Track | 4,727 | 4,767 | 4,807 | 4,848 | 4,848 |
Bowling | 4,727 | 4,767 | 4,807 | 4,848 | 4,848 |
Volleyball | 5,643 | 5,683 | 5,723 | 5,764 | 5,764 |
Basketball (MS) | 5,193 | 5,233 | 5,273 | 5,314 | 5,314 |
Wrestling (MS) | 5,193 | 5,233 | 5,273 | 5,314 | 5,314 |
Soccer (MS) | 4,232 | 4,272 | 4,312 | 4,353 | 4,353 |
Baseball (MS) | 4,232 | 4,272 | 4,312 | 4,353 | 4,353 |
Track (MS) | 4,232 | 4,272 | 4,312 | 4,353 | 4,353 |
Softball (MS) | 4,232 | 4,272 | 4,312 | 4,353 | 4,353 |
Field Hockey (MS) | 4,232 | 4,272 | 4,312 | 4,353 | 4,353 |
Cheerleading (MS) | 3,516 | 3,556 | 3,596 | 3,637 | 3,637 |
Volleyball (MS) | 4,234 | 4,274 | 4,314 | 4,355 | 4,355 |
Longevity - Given for service to Burlington Twp. in a given sport either boys or girls |
Years of Service - Completed2019- 20202020- 20212021- 20222022- 20232023- 2024 |
5-7332372412453453 |
8-10478518558599599 |
11-13625665705746746 |
14-16777817857898898 |
17-199189589981,0391,039 |
20-221,0701,1101,1501,1911,191 |
23-251,2291,2691,3091,3501,350 |
Crowd Control Football, Soccer, Basketball (V&JV) | 54 | 54 | 55 | 55 | 55 |
Crowd Contral Freshman Basketball (one game) | 40 | 40 | 41 | 41 | 41 |
Chain Crew (football) | 54 | 54 | 55 | 55 | 55 |
Announcer (football) | 65 | 65 | 66 | 66 | 66 |
Scorekeeper/Announcer (basketball) | 54 | 54 | 55 | 55 | 55 |
Scorekeeper - Freshman basketball | 40 | 40 | 41 | 41 | 41 |
Clock Operator - Basketball (V&JV) | 65 | 65 | 66 | 66 | 66 |
Clock Operator (one game) | 45 | 45 | 46 | 46 | 46 |
Site Manager - (When admission is charged) | 68 | 68 | 69 | 69 | 69 |
Site Manager - (When no admission is charged) | 60 | 60 | 61 | 61 | 61 |
Money Manager Tickets | 68 | 68 | 69 | 69 | 69 |
Ticket Sales | 54 | 54 | 55 | 55 | 55 |
Staff Bus Driver - One Way | 66 | 66 | 67 | 67 | 67 |
Staff Bus Driver - Round Trip | 104 | 104 | 105 | 105 | 105 |
Snack Shack | 184 | 184 | 185 | 185 | 185 |
Weight Room | 36 | 36 | 37 | 37 | 37 |
Group I |  |  |  |  |  |
Class Advisors | 2,897 | 2,937 | 2,977 | 3,018 | 3,018 |
Group II |  |  |  |  |  |
HS/MS Club | 1,398 | 1,438 | 1,478 | 1,519 | 1,519 |
HS/MS Club Assistant | 1,177 | 1,217 | 1,257 | 1,298 | 1,298 |
Elementary Clubs | 1,108 | 1,148 | 1,188 | 1,229 | 1,229 |
Intramural MS | 1,398 | 1,438 | 1,478 | 1,519 | 1,519 |
Set Head | 1,398 | 1,438 | 1,478 | 1,519 | 1,519 |
Set Assistant | 1,177 | 1,217 | 1,257 | 1,298 | 1,298 |
Group III |  |  |  |  |  |
Chaperone - Under 3 hours | 87 | 87 | 88 | 88 | 88 |
Chaperone - Over 3 hours | 108 | 108 | 109 | 109 | 109 |
Chaperone - no school or over 6 hours | 129 | 129 | 130 | 130 | 130 |
Chaperone - overnight | 152 | 152 | 153 | 153 | 153 |
Detention - HS | 36 | 36 | 37 | 37 | 37 |
Detention - MS | 36 | 36 | 37 | 37 | 37 |
Detention - Elementary | 36 | 36 | 37 | 37 | 37 |
Evening Assignment | 91 | 91 | 92 | 92 | 92 |
Driver Education | 53 | 53 | 54 | 54 | 54 |
Home Instruction | 64 | 64 | 65 | 65 | 65 |
Professional Day | 33 | 33 | 34 | 34 | 34 |
Class Coverage | 64 | 64 | 65 | 65 | 65 |
Summer School Teacher | 36 | 36 | 37 | 37 | 37 |
Summer School Secretary/Aide | 21 | 21 | 22 | 22 | 22 |
Homework Hotline | 33 | 33 | 34 | 34 | 34 |
Curriculum Writing | 33 | 33 | 34 | 34 | 34 |
Staff Trainer - Teachers teaching Teachers | 36 | 36 | 37 | 37 | 37 |
Cafeteria / Lunch Aides | 17 | 17 | 18 | 18 | 18 |
SOS (tutoring) Young School | 36 | 36 | 37 | 37 | 37 |
Family Learning Series | 36 | 36 | 37 | 37 | 37 |
HS SAT Coach | 12,337 | 12,377 | 12,417 | 12,458 | 12,458 |
Web Master / Trainor | 3,839 | 3,879 | 3,919 | 3,960 | 3,960 |
Elementary Bus Duty | 1,794 | 1,834 | 1,874 | 1,915 | 1,915 |
Group IV (per year unless otherwise noted) |  |  |  |  |  |
Department Head | 1,542 | 1,582 | 1,622 | 1,663 | 1,663 |
Head Teacher | 5,928 | 6,008 | 6,088 | 6,170 | 6,170 |
Unit Coordinator | 2,551 | 2,591 | 2,631 | 2,672 | 2,672 |
Cluster Coordinator | 2,964 | 3,004 | 3,044 | 3,085 | 3,085 |
CPI Trainer | 2,964 | 3,004 | 3,044 | 3,085 | 3,085 |
Grade Level Chairperson | 2,551 | 2,591 | 2,631 | 2,672 | 2,672 |
Computer Trainer Elem. | 2,716 | 2,756 | 2,796 | 2,837 | 2,837 |
Athletic Trainer | 10,914 | 10,954 | 10,994 | 11,035 | 11,035 |
Assistant Athletic Director per semester | 10,539 | 10,579 | 10,619 | 10,660 | 10,660 |
Group V |  |  |  |  |  |
Falcon | 3,394 | 3,434 | 3,474 | 3,515 | 3,515 |
Falcon Crest | 1,274 | 1,314 | 1,354 | 1,395 | 1,395 |
News letter | 3,058 | 3,098 | 3,138 | 3,179 | 3,179 |
Newsletter Assistant | 1,783 | 1,823 | 1,863 | 1,904 | 1,904 |
Group VI |  |  |  |  |  |
School Store HS | 1,855 | 1,895 | 1,935 | 1,976 | 1,976 |
School Store MS | 1,441 | 1,481 | 1,521 | 1,562 | 1,562 |
Student Council HS | 3,469 | 3,509 | 3,549 | 3,590 | 3,590 |
Student Council MS | 2,125 | 2,165 | 2,205 | 2,246 | 2,246 |
Yearbook Business HS | 3,227 | 3,267 | 3,307 | 3,348 | 3,348 |
Yearbook Editor HS | 4,850 | 4,890 | 4,930 | 4,971 | 4,971 |
Yearbook Proofreader HS | 1,039 | 1,079 | 1,119 | 1,160 | 1,160 |
Yearbook Editor MS | 1,759 | 1,799 | 1,839 | 1,880 | 1,880 |
Yearbook Bus. MS | 1,306 | 1,346 | 1,386 | 1,427 | 1,427 |
Yearbook Photographer MS | 1,293 | 1,333 | 1,373 | 1,414 | 1,414 |
AVA Elementary | 1,681 | 1,721 | 1,761 | 1,802 | 1,802 |
AVA-MS | 3,268 | 3,308 | 3,348 | 3,389 | 3,389 |
Group VII |  |  |  |  |  |
Band HS | 6,102 | 6,142 | 6,182 | 6,223 | 6,223 |
Band MS | 1,810 | 1,850 | 1,890 | 1,931 | 1,931 |
Band MS Assistant | 1,142 | 1,182 | 1,222 | 1,263 | 1,263 |
Band HS Assistant | 3,632 | 3,672 | 3,712 | 3,753 | 3,753 |
Band Front HS | 3,904 | 3,944 | 3,984 | 4,025 | 4,025 |
Drum Line Assistant | 2,384 | 2,424 | 2,464 | 2,505 | 2,505 |
Percussion Assistant | 2,384 | 2,424 | 2,464 | 2,505 | 2,505 |
Jazz Band | 3,717 | 3,757 | 3,797 | 3,838 | 3,838 |
Chorus HS | 2,071 | 2,111 | 2,151 | 2,192 | 2,192 |
Chorus MS | 1,282 | 1,322 | 1,362 | 1,403 | 1,403 |
Play Director – HS (FALL ONLY) | 5,819 | 5,859 | 5,899 | 5,940 | 5,940 |
Play Associate – HS (FALL ONLY) | 3,567 | 3,607 | 3,647 | 3,688 | 3,688 |
Play Assistants – HS (FALL ONLY) | 1,827 | 1,867 | 1,907 | 1,948 | 1,948 |
Musical Director – HS (SPRING ONLY) | 6,951 | 6,991 | 7,031 | 7,072 | 7,072 |
Musical Associate - HS (SPRING ONLY) | 4,558 | 4,598 | 4,638 | 4,679 | 4,679 |
Musical Assistants - HS (SPRING ONLY) | 2,033 | 2,073 | 2,113 | 2,154 | 2,154 |
Show Choir Director – MS (FALL ONLY) | 3,870 | 3,910 | 3,950 | 3,991 | 3,991 |
Show Choir Associate – MS (FALL ONLY) | 2,889 | 2,929 | 2,969 | 3,010 | 3,010 |
Show Choir Assistants – MS (FALL ONLY) | 1,864 | 1,904 | 1,944 | 1,985 | 1,985 |
Show Choir Director – MS (SPRING ONLY) | 3,870 | 3,910 | 3,950 | 3,991 | 3,991 |
Show Choir Associate – MS (SPRING ONLY) | 2,889 | 2,929 | 2,969 | 3,010 | 3,010 |
Show Choir Assistants – MS (SPRING ONLY) | 1,864 | 1,904 | 1,944 | 1,985 | 1,985 |
