Page No.
Preamble 3
Article I - Recognition 3
Article II - Negotiation Procedure 4
Article III - Grievance Procedure 4
Article IV - Employee Rights 7
Article V - Association Rights and Privileges 7
Article VI - School Calendar 8
Article VII - Working Hours and Load 8
Article VIII - Secretaries and Clerks vacation Schedule 10
Article IX - Salaries 10
Article X - Employee Assignment 11
Article XI - Voluntary Transfers and Reassignments 12
Article XII - Involuntary Transfers and Reductions in Force 12
Article XIII - Vacancies 12
Article XIV - Employee Evaluations 12
Article XV - Sick Leave 13
Article XVI - Temporary Leave of Absence 14
Article XVII - Extended Leave of Absence 15
Article XVIII - Child Rearing Leave/Pregnancy Sick Leave 16
Article XIX - Professional development and Educational 18 Improvement
Article XX - Insurance Protection 19
Article XXI - Association Administration Liaison 20
Article XXII - Payment for Unused Sick Leave 21
Article XXIII - Representation Fee 21
Article XXIV - Miscellaneous Provisions 23
Article XXV - Duration of Agreement 23
Schedule A - Teacher Salary Schedule
2004-05 24
2005-06 25
2006-07 26
Schedule B - Acting Department Chairpersons 27
Schedule C - Co-Curricular 2004-05 28
2005-06 29
2006-07 30
Schedule D - Athletics
2005-06 33
2006-07 35
Schedule E -Secretary/Clerical Salary Schedule
2004-05 37
2005-06 37
2006-07 38
Schedule F - Full Time Aides 39
Schedule G - Audio-Visual Aide 39
Schedule H - Hourly Rates of Pay 39
Schedule I - Elementary Teacher-In-Charge 40
Appendix B - Dental Plan 41
Appendix C - Prescription Drug Plan 42PREAMBLE
This Agreement is entered into this 1st day of July, 2004, by and between the Board of Education in Haddon Township, New Jersey, hereinafter called the "Board," and the Haddon Township Education Association, hereinafter called the "Association." The duration of this Agreement will be as in ARTICLE XXV.
A. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 303 of the Laws of 1968 and Chapter 123 of the New Jersey Public Laws of 1974, the Haddon Township Board of Education hereby recognizes the Haddon Township Education Association as the majority representative and as exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiations concerning terms and conditions of employment for all certificated personnel under contract or on leave, now employed or as hereafter may be employed by the Board as follows:
1. All certified personnel, including:
All Teachers Nurses Librarians Guidance Counselors Child Study Team Members Athletic Trainers
2. The following non-certified personnel are included:
High School, Elementary and Maintenance Department Secretaries, full-time Aides, including the Audio/visual Aide(s) and the High School Student Support Aide
3. The following personnel are excluded:
Guidance Directors
Supervisor of Curriculum/Instruction
Assistant Principals
Assistant Superintendent/Board Secretary
Superintendent of Schools
Supervisor of Community Activities
Central Office Secretaries
Supervisor of Computer Services
Supervisor of Special Services/Psychologist
Supervisor of Athletics & Student Activities
Department Chairpersons
Administrative Assistants
B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "teachers", when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all certified employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined and references to male teachers shall include female teachers.
C. Words used in the singular shall include words in the plural when the text so requires.
D. The term "employee(s)" as used in this Agreement refers only to bargaining unit members.
A. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 303, Public Laws 1968 and Chapter 123 of the New Jersey Public Laws of 1974, the parties agree to commence collective negotiations on a successor agreement promptly after October 1st of the calendar year, preceding the year in which this Agreement expires. The parties may commence negotiations earlier.
B. Neither party in any negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party.
C. This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all matters which were or could have been the subject of negotiation. During the term of this Agreement, neither party shall be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter whether or not covered by this Agreement, and whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or executed this Agreement.
D. Subject to the provision of Chapter 303, Public Laws of New Jersey and Chapter 123 of the New Jersey Public Laws of 1974, the Board agrees not to negotiate concerning said employees in the negotiating unit as defined in ARTICLE I of this Agreement, with any organization other than the Association for the duration of this Agreement.
E. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
A "grievance" shall mean a complaint by an employee or by the Association that there has been a personal loss or injury because of a violation, misinterpretation or inequitable application of Board policy, this Agreement or an administrative decision concerning terms and conditions of employment. A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated by the employee or the Association within thirty (30) school days from the time when the employee knew or should know of its occurrence.
B. Procedure
1. a. Failure at any step of this procedure to communicate the decision on a grievance within the specified time limits shall permit the aggrieved employee or the Association to proceed to the next step. Failure at any step of this procedure to appeal a grievance to the next step within the specified time limits shall be deemed to be acceptance of the decision rendered at that step.
b. It is understood that employees shall, during and notwithstanding the pendency of any grievance, continue to observe all assignments and applicable rules and regulations of the Board until such grievance has been fully determined.
2. Any employee or representative of the Association who has a grievance shall discuss it first with his principal (or immediate superior or department head, if applicable) in an attempt to resolve the matter informally at that level.
3. If, as a result of this discussion, the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the employee or the Association within ten(10) school days, the grievance shall be set forth in writing to the principal specifying:
a. The nature of the grievance.
b. The nature and extent of the injury, loss or inconvenience.
c. The results of previous discussions.
d. His dissatisfaction with decisions previously rendered and the relief sought. The principal shall communicate his decision to the teacher and the Association in writing within ten (10) school days of receipt of the written grievance.
4. a. The employee or the Association, no later than ten (10) school days after receipt of the principal's decision may appeal the principal's decision to the Superintendent of Schools. The appeal to the Superintendent must be made in writing reciting the matter submitted to the principal, as specified below, and his or her dissatisfaction with decisions previously rendered. The Superintendent shall attempt to resolve the matter as quickly as possible, but within a period not to exceed ten (10) school days. The Superintendent shall communicate his decision in writing to the employee, the Association, and the principal. Beyond this level, a grievance will not be processed if it applies to:
1) Any matter for which a method of review is prescribed by law.
2) Any rule or regulation of the State Commissioner of Education.
3) Any matter which according to law is beyond the scope of Board authority; or
4) A complaint by any certificated personnel occasioned by appointment to, or lack of appointment to, retention in, or lack of retention in any position for which tenure is either not possible or not required.
b. A complaint of a non-tenure teacher which arises by reason of his not being re-employed shall be grievable through the use of the grievance procedure, but shall not be arbitrable.
5. If the grievance is not resolved to the employee's or the Association's satisfaction no later than ten (10) school days after receipt of the Superintendent's decision, he or the Association may request a review by the Board of Education. The request shall be submitted in writing through the Superintendent of Schools who shall attach all related papers and forward the request to the Board of Education. The Board, or a committee thereof, shall review the grievance and shall hold a hearing with the teacher and Association representative and render a decision in writing within thirty-five (35) calendar days of receipt of the grievance by the Board.
6. If the decision of the Board does not resolve the grievance to the satisfaction of the employee or the Association, the Association may request arbitration of the grievance by notifying the Board through the Superintendent within ten (10) school days of receipt of the Board's decision.
7. a. The following procedure will be used to secure the services of an arbitrator:
1) A joint request will be made to the American Arbitration Association to submit a roster of persons qualified to function as an arbitrator in the dispute in question.
2) If the parties are unable to determine a mutually satisfactory arbitrator from the submitted list, they will request the American Arbitration Association to submit a second roster of names.
3) If the parties are unable to determine, within ten (10) school days of the initial request for arbitration, a mutually satisfactory arbitrator from the second submitted list, the American Arbitration Association may be requested by either party to designate an arbitrator.
b. The Arbitrator shall limit himself to the issues submitted to him and shall consider nothing else. He can add nothing to, nor subtract anything from the Agreement between the parties or any policy of the Board of Education. The recommendations of the arbitrator shall be advisory. Only the Board and the aggrieved and his representative shall be given copies of the arbitrator's report of findings and recommendations. This shall be accomplished within thirty (30) days of the completion of the arbitrator's hearings.
C. Rights of Employees to Representation
1. Any aggrieved person may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself, or at his option, by a representative selected or approved by the Association.
2. When an employee is not represented by the Association in the processing of a grievance, the Association shall at the time of submission of the grievance to the Superintendent or any later level, be notified that the grievance is in process, have the right to be present, and present its position in writing at all hearing sessions held concerning the grievance and shall receive a copy of all decisions rendered.
3. The Board and the Association shall assure the individual freedom from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal in presenting his appeal with respect to his personal grievance.
4. A grievance which affects a number of employees may at the option of those employees be filed as a single grievance on their behalf.
D. Costs
1. Each party will bear the total cost incurred by themselves.
2. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator are the only costs, which will be shared by the two parties, and such costs will be shared equally.
3. If time is lost by an employee due to arbitration proceedings necessitating the retention of a substitute, the Board of Education will pay only the cost of the substitute. The time lost by the employee must either be without pay or charged to personal time.
A. No employee shall be disciplined without just cause. Any such action asserted by the Board, or any agent or representative thereof, shall be subject to the grievance procedure herein set forth.
B. Whenever any employee is required to appear before the Board or any committee thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his office, position, or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then he shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise him and represent him during such meeting or interview.
C. If an employee is publicly disciplined or criticized in the presence of students, parents, or other public gatherings, the employee or the Association may request a meeting with the Superintendent, who shall investigate the facts of the case with all parties concerned and report, in writing, to the employee and the Association.
A. Representatives of the Association, the New Jersey Education Association, and the National Education Association may be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at reasonable times provided that permission has been granted by the building principal or his designee.
B. The Association and its representatives may have the right to use school buildings at reasonable hours for meetings provided permission has been granted by the Superintendent or his designee.
C. The Association may use the school mailboxes in a reasonable manner.
D. The rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives as set forth in the Agreement shall be granted only to the Association as the exclusive representative of the bargaining unit and to no other organization.
E. All members shall have release time at 3:15 PM to attend the Haddon Township Education Association regularly scheduled general meeting. No loss in pay shall result from attendance at such meetings.
F. Children of employees who reside outside of the district may attend Haddon Township schools free of tuition, provided that the child has not been removed from other schools for disciplinary reasons. Transportation must be provided by the employee. The Superintendent retains the right to determine which elementary school students of staff members will attend in accordance with Board policy.
G. The association president or his designee shall be entitled to up to four (4) hours per month release time to attend to association business, including, but not limited to; school visitations, workshops, meetings and other business which cannot reasonably be conducted at other times. Hours shall not accrue from month to month. Whenever possible, the association will give the administration five (5) days notice in advance of release time.
A. Prior to December first of each school year the Association shall meet with the Superintendent and submit to the Superintendent its recommendations for the calendar for the forthcoming school year.
A. 1. For the term of this contract the teacher work day shall be seven (7) hours and fifteen (15) minutes in the high school and middle school and seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes in the elementary schools unless there is a delayed opening or early dismissal.
2. Staff may be required, if necessary, to attend two (2) faculty or curriculum meetings per month for a duration not to exceed one hour after the normal pupil dismissal time. Other staff meetings shall be scheduled in accordance with past practice. Attendance for any period beyond thirty (30) minutes after the normal pupil dismissal time will be voluntary on the part of the teacher.
3. The principal/Supervisor of Curriculum will prepare specific written agendas for each meeting and have them distributed to each school involved at least one day in advance of the meeting.
B. 1. The teacher work year shall include, in addition to the regular school calendar for students, one workshop day prior to the opening of school in September and two in-service days to be scheduled during the year. The beginning and ending times for a full day workshop or in-service will be set by the administration and shall not exceed a seven (7) hour and fifteen (15) minute work day. Said day shall begin no earlier than 8:00 AM and end no later than 3:15 PM.
2. Beginning with the 2004-05 school year, teachers are required to attend two (2) evening conferences in addition to Back to School Night. These evening conferences shall not exceed two (2) hours each. The days following the evening conferences will begin with a two hour delayed opening for the high school teachers; the elementary teachers will have a 12:30 PM dismissal on the day of the conference. On the days of evening conferences and Back to School Night, all teachers are permitted to leave at the student dismissal time.
C. 1. a. The daily teaching load in the middle and senior high school shall be six (6) teaching periods or their equivalent. Assignment to a supervised study period, conference period, non-compensated extracurricular activity during school hours, cafeteria duty or similar activities, shall be considered a teaching period for the purpose of this Article. Unless otherwise provided in this agreement, teachers at the high school are to be present for seven hours and fifteen minutes per day when school is in session with the exception of days when there is an early dismissal or delayed opening.
b. Secondary school teachers shall have the equivalent of at least one (1) unassigned preparation period per day.
2. a. The daily teaching load in the elementary schools shall be established in accordance with past practice.
b. Elementary school teachers shall have free use of time during which a specialist is teaching their class.
c. Elementary teachers shall be guaranteed preparation time for a total of 180 minutes per week with a minimum of 30 minutes per day.
d. Elementary preparation time that is missed for the following reasons will be made up with early release time:
- Standardized testing
- Administratively initiated in-service; including curriculum meetings
- Game day
- Field day (K-3 only)
- Tour of high school (fifth grade & special education)
- Assemblies (i.e. concerts, plays, PTA programs)
- Child study team conferences
e. All Elementary school teachers shall be entitled to leave school at the same time when the school hours are shortened prior to holidays, recesses, and at the end of the year, as indicated on the school calendar
f. PreK and Kindergarten teachers will have the same working and lunch hours as other elementary teachers. The time of arrival and dismissal or PreK and Kindergarten students will be at the discretion of the administration.
3. a. All teachers shall have a duty-free lunch period of at least the length of the student's lunch period.
b. All secretaries and full-time aides shall have a lunch period of one hour.
D. Every teacher has a responsibility of assisting students when they require or request help; of conferring with parents about pupil progress or problems; of consulting with colleagues, supervisors, or administrators on professional matters; and of seeking to improve professional competence and classroom skills. The teacher carries the responsibility of professional responsiveness throughout his waking hours.
E. Teachers who perform summer curriculum or elementary peer mediation work will be compensated at the rate of $31.50 per hour for the 2004-05 school year, $33.00 per hour for the 2005-06 school year and $34.50 per hour for the 2006-07 school year.
A. Twelve-month secretaries shall be granted vacation time according to the following schedule:
Years Worked Weeks of Vacation
Less than one year of service One week (pro-rated based on number of months served)
One to four years Two weeks
Five or more years Three weeks
Ten or more years Three weeks and one day
Thirteen or more years Three weeks and two days
Fourteen and more years Three weeks and three days
Fifteen or more years Four weeks
A. 1. The salary schedule and rates of special compensation of teachers covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule "A" through Schedule "I" which are attached hereto and made a part thereof.
2. Salary adjustments from column to column will be made effective as of September 1 and February 1 of each year, if transcripts for additional successfully completed courses are filed no later than sixty (60) days after the respective dates.
B. 1. Employees may individually elect to have ten (10) percent of their monthly salary deducted from their pay. These funds shall be paid to the teacher on the final payday in June, or in two equal payments on July 15 and August 15 as the teacher elects.
2. When a payday falls on or during a school holiday, vacation or weekend, employees shall receive their paychecks on the last previous working day.
3. Teachers shall receive their final checks on the last working day, in June, provided they have completed all necessary assignments.
4. The schedule of paydays shall be distributed to all teachers during or before the first week of school.
5. A teacher who selects the option of summer payment shall have this option continued once selected, until notification of his wish to discontinue is presented to the Board Secretary in writing. Such notice of discontinuance must be received on or before July 1 for it to be effective for the following academic year.
6. Salaries paid under schedules C and D shall be paid by separate checks three times each year, November 30, March 15, and June 15. Teachers who are assigned yearlong extra-curricular activities shall receive the appropriate stipend in three equal installments. Coaches and seasonal activity advisors shall be paid one half of their stipend in the middle of their season and the remainder at the end of the season.
7. All employees shall be given the option of a credit union deduction in each pay period. The Board and its employees shall have no liability regarding the deduction and transmission of funds provided the established procedures are followed.
C. A teacher-in-charge of each of the elementary schools shall receive additional compensation in accordance with Schedule I.
D. Compensation for Acting Department Chairpersons shall be paid per the attached Schedule B.
E. Compensation for extracurricular activities shall be paid per the attached Schedule C for non-athletic activities and Schedule D for athletic activities.
F. The athletic trainer shall be compensated at the rate of $100 per event for tri-meets, multi-team events and tournaments, with prior approval of the superintendent. The Board shall also pay the trainer’s national and state dues and shall reimburse up to $100 per workshop toward the fulfillment of the eight hour over three year Continuing Education requirement.
G. Employees who are required to use their automobile on school business shall be reimbursed at the current I.R.S. rate for mileage reimbursement.
H. The Board shall conduct a desk audit, at its expense, for all B schedule secretaries. All positions rated for the A schedule as a result of the audit shall be moved to the A guide at the Board’s expense.
A. Employees shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year in accordance with statutory timetable requirements.
B. All teachers shall be given written notice of their tentative assignments for class, subject and building no later than June 1. Such assignments are subject to individual changes in the event of material changes in circumstances or emergencies. The teachers affected by such a change shall be notified promptly and in writing.
C. In response to reasonable request by the Association, the Superintendent will supply to the Association information regarding the certification and degrees held of newly employed teachers.
A. Employees who desire a change in working assignment or who desire to transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent not later than April 1 of the academic year preceding the academic year for which the change is desired. Such statement shall include the assignment to which the employee desires to be assigned and the location of school to which he desires to be transferred in the order of preference. Employees who are unsuccessful in having their transfer or reassignment honored shall indicate in writing to the Superintendent each year if they continue to desire a change.
A. In the event of an involuntary transfer or reassignment, the employee shall have the right to a conference with the Superintendent. The employee may, at his option, have an Association representative present at such meeting.
B. If a reduction in force is being considered the Board shall notify and consult with the Association as soon as practicable but not less than thirty (30) days before the layoff is to take place.
C. Any reduction in force shall be carried out in accordance with Title 18A, New Jersey Statutes Annotated, and Title 6, New Jersey Administrative Code, after due notification to the Association.
A. Notice of vacancies shall be given to the president of the Association and shall be posted in the central office of each school. Notices shall be posted at a reasonable time in advance of contemplated action in order to give the prospective applicants a reasonable opportunity to apply, except in case of an emergency. Notice shall contain the qualifications for the position, the salary range and the deadline for application.
B. Notices of vacancies, which occur during the summer, will be mailed to the Association President.
C. Bargaining unit members shall be given consideration for all vacancies for which they apply.
A. While the primary focus of the staff evaluation system is to encourage professional growth, staff evaluation requires all employees to meet certain established performance expectations. This process should be continuous and constructive and should take place in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. The process is a cooperative effort on the part of the supervisor and the employee. Taking this into account, the procedure shall be as follows:
1. An employee shall have the right to see his evaluation reports and shall receive a copy of all evaluation reports.
2. If derogatory reports and materials are to be retained for other than investigative purposes, the employee shall receive a copy of the reports or letters, and given the opportunity to file a written answer to such material. This answer will be placed along with the derogatory material in the employee's file. If the material is not to be retained, it shall be destroyed by the Superintendent immediately.
3. a. Observations should contain as many clearly stated suggestions for employee improvement as it is possible to make.
b. If observations indicate an employee's performance is unsatisfactory, in the subjective judgment of the administration, a total of not less than five observations shall be made by the Superintendent, principal, and/or department head before final evaluation of the employee is made.
c. Evidence of undesirable traits or practices shall be stated in writing on the observation sheet and a copy of this observation sheet shall be made available to the employee. The observation sheet will be based on all factors to be considered when judging the employee's ability to perform his duties.
4. a. Contract renewals for any employee in the first three (3) years of his experience in Haddon Township shall be based on the recommendation of the Administration. Extreme care will be exercised to give everyone adequate opportunities to benefit from guidance or in-service training before a final decision is made to dismiss the employee.
b. All dismissal notices will be given in accordance with statutory timetable requirements.
A. All ten-month employees shall be entitled to ten (10) days sick leave and all twelve-month employees shall be entitled to twelve (12) days sick leave each school year, as of the first day of the school year. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no limit.
B. 1. When a tenured teacher has used all current and accumulated sick leave, he may be entitled to up to twenty (20) additional days for extended illness, at salary less the pay of a substitute. This number of days may be extended by vote of the Board of Education. Extended illness shall be defined as illness which requires hospital or home confinement for more than five (5) days under the care of a physician and as certified by him.
2. Beyond twenty (20) days or further limitation established by the Board, deductions will then be made at the rate of 1/200 of the contract salary per working day.
C. 1. Any employee completing a regular school calendar year
without using any of his sick, personal or family illness days shall be compensated with a $100.00 savings bond.
A. Employees shall be entitled to the following temporary leaves of absence with full pay. Applications to the Superintendent, through the building principal for the desired leave, shall be made at least one day before the date of such leave. This one day limit may be waived by the Superintendent in case of emergency.
1. Personal
Three (3) days leave of absence for personal business matters which require absence during the school hours.
a. Regulations Regarding the Approval of Personal Leave Applications by the Superintendent
1) Personal leave shall be approved when said leave is necessary to fulfill legal or other important personal responsibilities which cannot possibly be scheduled during after school hours, or on days that school is not in session.
2) Personal leave will not be approved for recreational purposes, extending vacations, accompanying spouse on business or vacation, supplementing income from second job, or for frivolous activities.
3) Personal leave shall not be approved on the day before or the day after school closings, recesses, or vacation periods, except with prior Superintendent approval.
4) One of the three personal days may be taken without prior permission of the Superintendent, but shall require at least one day prior written notice in order to secure a substitute. Such days may not be taken on the day before or after school closings, recesses, or vacation periods in accordance with the provisions of A.1.a.3. above.
5) No personal leave time may be taken during the month of June. Exceptions to this provision may be made at the discretion of the Superintendent.
6) All unused personal days shall be carried over and credited to unused accumulated sick leave for future use.
2. School Business
Time absent from normal duties when absence is for professional reasons, with the prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools.
3. Death
a. Up to five (5) days for death in the "immediate family" including wife or husband, son or daughter, mother or father, sister or brother, or any other relative residing in the same household as that of the employee.
b. Up to three (3) days for death in the "family" including father-in-law, mother-in-law, or any other relative not residing in the same household. Up to an additional two (2) days will be allowed if significant travel distance is involved.
4. Other
Other leaves of absence with pay may be granted by the Board of Education upon recommendation of the Superintendent.
B. 1. Leaves taken pursuant to Section A above shall be in addition to any sick leave to which the employee is entitled.
2. Up to three (3) additional days per school year with the maximum deduction equal to the amount paid to a substitute employee, if one is employed for absence, as stated in Section A. 3. above.
3. Up to one (1) day per year shall be granted to all employees
with pay to care for a sick member of the immediate family (defined for
this article as mother, father, a non-emancipated child under the age of
18, or any relative living in the same household as the employee.)
A. A leave of absence without pay of up to one (1) year may be granted to any tenured teacher who joins the Peace Corps, VISTA, or serves as an exchange teacher or overseas teacher, and is a full-time participant in either of such programs, or accepts a Fulbright Scholarship with Board approval.
B. A teacher on tenure may be granted a leave of absence without pay for up to one (1) year to teach in an accredited college or university.
C. Military leave without pay shall be granted to any employee who is inducted or enlists in any branch of the armed forces of the United States for the period of said induction or initial enlistment.
D. Any tenured employee who experiences a disability arising out of but not limited to surgery, hospital confinement, medical treatment, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, and/or recovery shall notify the Superintendent and receive disability leave upon presentation of documentation from a medical doctor.
1. The Board shall grant a disability leave for the certified period of disability and this leave shall be charged to accumulated sick leave of said employee. If the accumulated sick leave has been exhausted, disability leave shall be without pay, and health insurance coverage shall be in accordance with the provisions of the plan in effect for all employees and shall be at the employee's expense. This leave shall not exceed one (1) year.
E. Any employee with tenure adopting an infant child may receive leave similar to maternity leave that shall commence upon his/her receiving de facto custody of said infant, or earlier if necessary to fulfill the requirements for the adoption.
F. A leave of absence without pay of up to one (1) year may be granted for the purpose of caring for a sick member of a tenured employee's immediate family. Additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Board.
G. Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board in its discretion.
H. 1. Upon return from leave granted pursuant to Section A, B, or C, of this ARTICLE, an employee shall be considered as if he were actively employed by the Board during the leave and shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level he would have achieved if he had not been absent, provided, however, that the time spent on said leaves shall not count toward the fulfillment of the time requirements for acquiring tenure. An employee shall not receive increment credit for time spent on unpaid leave granted pursuant to Section D, E, or F, of this ARTICLE, nor shall such time count toward the fulfillment of the time requirements for acquiring tenure.
2. All benefits to which an employee was entitled at the time his leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave and credits toward the guide, shall be restored to him upon his return, and he shall be assigned to the same position which he held at the time said leave commenced, if available.
I. All extensions or renewals of leaves shall be applied for in writing prior to April 1st, preceding the school year, and if granted, shall be in writing.
J. All notices of intention to return from leave or to resign from position while on leave shall be requested in writing on or before April 1st preceding the school year.
A. Any employee who becomes pregnant shall be entitled to use sick leave pursuant to the provisions of the negotiated Agreement for pregnancy-related illness or disability and/or, take an unpaid maternity leave, subject to the procedure set forth below.
B. General Procedures
1. Any employee who becomes pregnant shall notify the Principal and the Superintendent of Schools in writing within five (5) months of the pregnancy. Such notification shall state the anticipated delivery date.
2. After the fifth month of pregnancy, the employee shall furnish the Principal and the Superintendent with a certificate from the attending obstetrician or gynecologist stating that she is physically capable of performing the duties of her position, and shall continue to provide periodic certification of her continuing fitness to perform her duties.
3. A finding by the Principal that the employee's pregnancy interferes with the performance of her duties shall be documented in writing and referred through the Superintendent, to the Board of Education. The Board shall review such documentation and shall, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, make a determination as to the ability of the employee to continue.
4. After childbirth, the employee may return to work upon submission of a report from her obstetrician or gynecologist, stating that she is medically fit to perform all the duties of her position. The employee shall keep the Superintendent informed, in writing, of the intended date of return if she does not intend to apply for extended leave of absence.
5. A finding by the Principal that the effect of an employee's condition after return from childbirth interferes with the performance of her duties shall be documented in writing and referred through the Superintendent, to the Board of Education. The Board shall review such documentation and shall, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, make a determination as to the ability of the employee to continue to work.
6. The Board of Education reserves the right to require any teaching staff member to submit to a medical examination by a physician selected by the Board of Education. The Board will assume, without further medical certification, in ordinary circumstances, that a pregnant employee is disabled from work one month before the anticipated date of childbirth, and continues to be disabled for six weeks after her pregnancy is terminated.
C. Pregnancy Sick Leave
1. An employee is entitled to use sick leave for pregnancy-related illness or disability.
2. Use of sick leave for pregnancy-related illness or disability shall be governed by the provisions of the negotiated Agreement applying to sick leave.
3. The Board paid provision for up to twenty (20) additional days for extended illness, at salary, less the pay of a substitute, shall not apply to requests for pregnancy sick leave by tenure employees.
4. No employee on child rearing leave or any other type of unpaid extended leave is entitled to the use of sick leave.
D. Leave of Absence
1. Any employee who becomes pregnant and fails to provide the medical certification required pursuant to Section B. 2, above, shall be placed on unpaid disability leave immediately.
2. An unpaid disability leave may be granted at any time during pregnancy upon presentation of a certificate from an obstetrician or gynecologist stating that such disability leave is vital to the employee's health, upon at least sixty (60) days prior notice to the Superintendent of Schools. Such request for leave shall state for what length of time such leave is requested.
3. An employee shall be permitted to return from disability leave upon satisfying certification requirements set forth in Section B. 4, above, provided that no determination of unfitness is made in accordance with Section B. 5, above.
4. An employee who exhausts her sick leave for pregnancy-related illness or disability may at that time be granted an unpaid disability leave of absence.
5. Request for extended leave for child rearing shall be made in writing on or before April 1st preceding the school year for which such request is made.
6. Extended leave for child rearing may be granted to tenured employees without pay for up to one (1) year in addition to the year in which the leave begins. Extended leave for child rearing may be granted to non-tenured employees without pay for up to the end of the school year in which the leave occurs. Return from extended leave shall occur on September 1.
7. All notices of intention to return from leave or to resign from position while on leave shall be requested in writing on or before April 1st preceding the school year.
A. Reimbursement of Courses
1. The Haddon Township Board of Education will reimburse teachers for college tuition subject to the following conditions:
a. Reimbursement shall be at one hundred percent (100%) of the Rowan University of New Jersey in-state rate.
b. Each teacher is eligible for reimbursement for up to twelve (12) credits per contract year.
c. The Board's obligation to this benefit shall not exceed $35,900 in 2004-05, $37,700 in 2005-06, and $39,480 in 2006-07.
d. The Superintendent must pre-approve courses to be taken and the courses must be in a related area. In order to receive reimbursement the Superintendent must give approval to the application for reimbursement.
e. A grade of "B" or better or "Pass" in "Pass/Fail" courses is required for reimbursement.
f. Employees who resign prior to September 1 of the previous year shall forfeit tuition reimbursement.
B. The Board agrees to continue the following for the duration of this contract:
1. To give credit on the salary guide for all graduate courses completed with a "B" or passing grade.
2. To give credit on the salary guide for certain undergraduate courses which enable the teacher to improve his professional background. These courses must have prior approval by the Superintendent.
3. To give credit on the salary guide for certain seminars, in-service training sessions, and other noncredit courses taken in college or other special institutions which enable the teacher to improve his professional background. These programs must have prior approval by the Superintendent.
C. A sabbatical leave without pay shall be granted to a tenure teacher by the Board for study, including study in another area of specialization, for travel, or for other reasons of value to the school system. Sabbatical leave shall be granted subject to the following conditions:
1. Such leaves shall be limited to two (2) teachers per school year.
2. Application for such leave must be received by the Superintendent, in writing, on or before April 1 in the year preceding the school year for which the sabbatical leave is requested.
3. Sabbatical leave shall be for either one-half year or one year.
4. Upon return from sabbatical leave, a teacher shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level that he would have achieved had he remained actively employed in the system during the period of his/her absence.
A. The Board agrees to provide health insurance, including family coverage where applicable, to all employees. The plan shall be equal to or better than the AmeriHealth Preferred Provider plan in effect on 7/1/2004, known as the base plan. Employees who choose a plan that is more expensive than the base plan shall pay the difference in the monthly premium.
Effective March 1, 1994, the Board's monthly contribution shall equal and not exceed the monthly rates then and thereafter in effect for the health plan then in place.
B. The Board will provide family dental insurance to all employees. The level of benefits will be equal to or better than the level of benefits in effect on 6/30/91. A summary of the table of benefits is attached to and made a part of this agreement as Appendix B.
C. The Board will provide family prescription insurance to all employees. The co-pay per prescription will be $20.00/$5.00 (Brand Name/Generic) for both pharmacy and mail order. A summary of the benefits is attached to and made a part of this agreement as Appendix C.
D. The parties agree to establish a Section 125 (I.R.S. Code) plan for the purpose of making available a cash option.
1. An employee otherwise entitled to full family health insurance coverage shall have the option to withdraw from such coverage and to be paid a sum equal to one-third of the family premium coverage for each year that the withdrawal remains in effect. All withdrawals from health insurance coverage shall be for a minimum of one year corresponding to the benefits period established by this carrier. The cash payment shall be in the form of a stipend payable on the last day of the benefit period.
2. Notwithstanding the above, employees who have a change in status (e.g. termination of employment, divorce (copy of decree required), legal separation (copy of decree required), death (copy of certificate required), group contract/policy terminated, military discharge (from DD214 required), which causes them to lose coverage elsewhere shall be entitled to re-enroll in the health plan during the plan year provided the employee gives the Board notice of the change in status within 60 days of the event causing the change. Otherwise, all elections for a cash option shall be in effect, for the entire twelve (12) month benefit period. The Board's obligation for the cash option shall be prorated for those employees subject to a change in status.
3. Return to the benefits plan for reasons other than change of status is subject to the terms of the carrier.
4. The parties agree the cash option provision shall be rescinded if there is any tax liability (state or federal) to employees who continue to choose the benefits.
E. Should the Board decide to change insurance carriers, the Board agrees to provide coverage which is equal to the coverage which is in force at the time of the change. The Association shall have the right to examine any change in carriers prior to the Board's decision to change the carrier.
F. During the term of this contract, the Board shall establish a fund for the reimbursement of employees whose vehicles are damaged through vandalism or accidents not caused by the employee on school grounds. The amount of this fund shall be $692.00 in the 2004-05 school year, $727.00 in the 2005-06 school year, and $762.00 in the 2006-07 school year. The fund shall be used only to reimburse the insurance deductible. The employee shall file a report with the principal within 24 hours of the incident and shall provide the principal with all pertinent information regarding possible suspects. The fund shall not be accumulative from year to year and shall not be replenished, if claims exceed the established amount. Claims will be settled at the end of the year with an Association representative and the school business administrator settling accumulated claims.
A. The association shall establish a liaison committee that shall normally meet on a monthly basis, or as needed, with the Superintendent to review and discuss school district problems and practices.
A. Effective July 1, 1994, and for the term of this contract, any employee who retires according to the provisions of the T.P.A.F. or P.E.R.S. in order to receive immediate benefits and not merely "deferred retirement" and has fifteen (15) or more years of service in the Haddon Township School District shall be eligible for payment for unused sick leave.
B. To be eligible for the payment, an employee must notify the Board of the intention to retire at least seven (7) full months prior to the effective day of the
retirement to be eligible for the bonus to be paid on July 1. If the employee notifies the Board after December 1, it will result in payment of the bonus the following year on July 1.
C. Sick days eligible for reimbursement shall be those days which were accumulated in the Haddon Township School District up to a maximum of 185 days when an employee retires. To qualify an employee shall have a minimum of 25 accumulated days.
D. For the 2004-05 school year the amount shall be computed for teachers at the rate of $39.60 per day and for secretaries at the rate of $26.10 per day for each accumulated unused sick day. The total amount paid to any one teacher shall not exceed $7,326.00 and the total amount paid to any one secretary shall not exceed $4,829.00. For the 2005-06 school year the amount shall be computed for teachers at the rate of $41.60 per day and for secretaries at the rate of $27.40 per day for each accumulated unused sick day. The total amount paid to any one teacher shall not exceed $7,696.00 and the total amount paid to any one secretary shall not exceed $5,069.00. For the 2006-07 school year the amount shall be computed for teachers at the rate of $43.60 per day and for secretaries at the rate of $28.70 per day for each accumulated unused sick day. The total amount paid to any one teacher shall not exceed $8,066.00 and the total amount paid to any one secretary shall not exceed $5,310.00.
E. In the event an employee dies while employed by Haddon Township Board of Education and the employee has met the conditions in "A" above, the employee's estate shall receive accumulated sick time as outlined in Sections C and D of this Article. To be eligible to receive this payment, the Superintendent must have received from the employee written notification of intent to retire. Said notification must be received no later than April 1 of the year in which the employee intends to retire.
A. Purpose of Fee: If an employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year (i.e. September 1 to the following August 31)which is covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the employee’s per capita cost of service rendered by the Association as majority representative.
B. Amount of Fee/Notification: Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessment charged by the Association to its own members for that membership year. The representation fee to be paid by non-members will be determined by the Association in accordance with the law and not exceed 85% of the active membership fee.
C. Deduction and Transmission of Fee:
a. Notification – On or about the 15th of September of each year, the Board will submit to the Association a list of all employees in the bargaining unit. On or about January 1 of each year, the Association shall notify the Board of Education as to the names of those employees who are required to pay the representation fee.
b. Payroll Deduction Schedule: The Board will deduct from the salaries of the employees referred to in Section C-1 the full amount of the yearly representation fee in equal installments beginning with the first paycheck in February.
c. Termination of Employment: If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his or her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said employee during the membership year in question.
d. Mechanics: Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
e. Changes: The Association will notify the Board in writing of any changes in the list provided for in Paragraph 1 above and/or the amount of the representation fee, and such changes will be reflected in any deductions made more than 10 days after the Board received said notice.
f. New Employees: On or about the last day of each month, beginning with the month this agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the Association a list of all employees who began their employment in a bargaining unit position during the preceding 30-day period. The list will include names, social security numbers, job titles, dates of employment and places of assignment for all such employees. The Board will also notify the Association of any change in the status of an employee regarding transfer, leave of absence, return from leave, retirement, resignation, separation from employment or death.
g. Indemnification – The Association shall indemnify and hold harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits, and other forms of liability, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses, that may arise out of , or by reason of any action taken or not taken by the employer in conformance with this provision.
A. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
B. The Board of Education agrees that for the duration of this Agreement, there shall be no change in Board policies regarding wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment as set forth in this Agreement without negotiations with the Association.
C. Copies of the Agreement shall be duplicated at the expense of the Board within thirty (30) days after the Agreement is signed and presented to all employees now employed or hereafter employed by the Board.
D. Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties to the Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provision(s) of this Agreement, either party shall do so by written notice.
A. The provisions of this Agreement shall be effective July 1, 2004, and shall continue and remain in full force and effect to and including June 30, 2007, when it shall expire unless an extension is agreed to by both parties and expressed in writing prior to such date.
B. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective presidents, attested by their respective secretaries, and their corporate seals to be placed hereon, all on the day and year first above written.
___________________________ ________________________
President of the Association President of the Board
___________________________ ________________________
Secretary for the Association Secretary for the Board
Years | Step | BA | BA 15 | BA 30 | MA | MA 15 | MA 30 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | A | 39,108 | 40,708 | 41,808 | 43,108 | 44,508 | 45,958 |
2 | B | 39,308 | 40,908 | 42,008 | 43,308 | 44,708 | 46,158 |
3 | C | 39,508 | 41,108 | 42,208 | 43,508 | 44,908 | 46,358 |
4 | D | 39,822 | 41,422 | 42,522 | 43,822 | 45,222 | 46,672 |
5 | E | 40,661 | 42,261 | 43,361 | 44,661 | 46,061 | 47,511 |
6 | F | 41,501 | 43,101 | 44,201 | 45,501 | 46,901 | 48,351 |
7 | G | 42,341 | 43,941 | 45,041 | 46,341 | 47,741 | 49,191 |
8 | H | 43,181 | 44,781 | 45,881 | 47,181 | 48,581 | 50,031 |
9 | I | 44,014 | 45,614 | 46,714 | 48,014 | 49,414 | 50,864 |
10 | J | 45,272 | 46,872 | 47,972 | 49,272 | 50,672 | 52,122 |
11 | K | 46,477 | 48,077 | 49,177 | 50,477 | 51,877 | 53,327 |
12 | L | 47,682 | 49,282 | 50,382 | 51,682 | 53,082 | 54,532 |
13 | M | 49,550 | 51,150 | 52,250 | 53,550 | 54,950 | 56,400 |
14 | N | 52,450 | 54,050 | 55,150 | 56,450 | 57,850 | 59,300 |
15-16 | O | 56,950 | 58,550 | 59,650 | 60,950 | 62,350 | 63,800 |
17-20 | P | 63,250 | 64,850 | 65,950 | 67,250 | 68,650 | 70,100 |
Longevity | PL | 67,150 | 68,750 | 69,850 | 71,150 | 72,550 | 74,000 |
Longevity shall be paid after 20 years of credited service.
Credited service shall be defined as the number of years teaching experience in Haddon Township plus the number of years of military service or other experience for which salary guide credit was given at the time of initial appointment.
Years | Step | BA | BA 15 | BA 30 | MA | MA 15 | MA 30 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | A | 40,099 | 41,799 | 42,899 | 44,199 | 45,599 | 47,099 |
2 | B | 40,299 | 41,999 | 43,099 | 44,399 | 45,799 | 47,299 |
3 | C | 40,499 | 42,199 | 43,299 | 44,599 | 45,999 | 47,499 |
4 | D | 40,699 | 42,399 | 43,499 | 44,799 | 46,199 | 47,699 |
5 | E | 41,555 | 43,255 | 44,355 | 45,655 | 47,055 | 48,555 |
6 | F | 42,414 | 44,114 | 45,214 | 46,514 | 47,914 | 49,414 |
7 | G | 43,272 | 44,792 | 46,072 | 47,372 | 48,772 | 50,272 |
8 | H | 44,131 | 45,831 | 46,931 | 48,231 | 49,631 | 51,131 |
9 | I | 44,982 | 46,682 | 47,782 | 49,082 | 50,482 | 51,982 |
10 | J | 46,268 | 47,968 | 49,068 | 50,368 | 51,768 | 53,268 |
11 | K | 47,499 | 49,199 | 50,299 | 51,599 | 52,999 | 54,499 |
12 | L | 48,731 | 50,431 | 51,531 | 52,831 | 54,231 | 55,731 |
13 | M | 51,600 | 53,300 | 54,400 | 55,700 | 57,100 | 58,600 |
14 | N | 54,500 | 56,200 | 57,300 | 58,600 | 60,000 | 61,500 |
15 | O | 60,000 | 61,700 | 62,800 | 64,100 | 65,500 | 67,000 |
16-20 | P | 65,500 | 67,200 | 68,300 | 69,600 | 71,000 | 72,500 |
Longevity | PL | 69,500 | 71,200 | 72,300 | 73,600 | 75,000 | 76,500 |
Longevity shall be paid after 20 years of credited service.
Credited service shall be defined as the number of years teaching experience in Haddon Township plus the number of years of military service or other experience for which salary guide credit was given at the time of initial appointment.
Years | Step | BA | BA 15 | BA 30 | MA | MA 15 | MA 30 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | A | 42,082 | 43,836 | 44,971 | 46,313 | 47,758 | 49,306 |
2 | B | 42,282 | 44,036 | 45,171 | 46,513 | 47,958 | 49,506 |
3 | C | 42,482 | 44,236 | 45,371 | 46,713 | 48,158 | 49,706 |
4 | D | 42,682 | 44,436 | 45,571 | 46,913 | 48,358 | 49,906 |
5 | E | 42,882 | 44,636 | 45,771 | 47,113 | 48,558 | 50,106 |
6 | F | 43,678 | 45,522 | 46,657 | 47,999 | 49,444 | 50,991 |
7 | G | 44,654 | 46,408 | 47,543 | 48,885 | 50,329 | 51,877 |
8 | H | 45,540 | 47,294 | 48,429 | 49,771 | 51,215 | 52,763 |
9 | I | 46,419 | 48,173 | 49,308 | 50,650 | 52,094 | 53,642 |
10 | J | 47,745 | 49,499 | 50,634 | 51,976 | 53,421 | 54,968 |
11 | K | 49,016 | 50,770 | 51,905 | 53,247 | 54,692 | 56,239 |
12 | L | 50,287 | 52,041 | 53,176 | 54,518 | 55,963 | 57,510 |
13 | M | 53,248 | 55,002 | 56,137 | 57,479 | 58,923 | 60,471 |
14 | N | 56,240 | 57,994 | 59,130 | 60,471 | 61,916 | 63,464 |
15 | O | 61,916 | 63,670 | 64,805 | 66,147 | 67,591 | 69,139 |
16-20 | P | 67,591 | 69,346 | 70,481 | 71,822 | 73,267 | 74,815 |
Longevity | PL | 71,591 | 73,346 | 74,481 | 75,822 | 77,267 | 78,815 |
Longevity shall be paid after 20 years of credited service.
Credited service shall be defined as the number of years teaching experience in Haddon Township plus the number of years of military service or other experience for which salary guide credit was given at the time of initial appointment.
A. Acting Department Chairpersons shall receive a stipend.
B. The teaching load of each Acting Department chairperson shall be arranged in accordance with current practice, taking into account the duties related to that department.
C. Acting Department Chairpersons shall be paid their appropriate step on the teaching guide plus a stipend as stated below.
D. Acting Department Chairpersons shall be paid as follows:
Base salary - appropriate step on teacher's guide:
Plus - stipend per the following schedule:
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Step 1 $3,211 Step 1 $3,371 Step 1 $3,531
Step 2 $3,404 Step 2 $3,574 Step 2 $3,744
E. All Acting Department Chairpersons shall begin on the appropriate first step of the schedule in D above.
 |  | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
HS Yearbook |  | 3830 | 4225 | 4700 |
HS Yearbook Business |  | 1240 | 1370 | 1560 |
Newspaper |  | 2880 | 3280 | 3450 |
Yearbook, MS |  | 1240 | 1370 | 1560 |
Scribbler |  | 494 | 537 | 579 |
Stud. Council - HS | 2950 | 3280 | 3530 |  |
Stud. Council - MS | 1300 | 1400 | 1500 |  |
Stud. Council – Elem. (5) | 531 | 585 | 638 |  |
NHS |  | 805 | 910 | 1020 |
Class Advisor 6th |  | 800 | 875 | 925 |
Class Advisor 7th | 824 | 893 | 957 |  |
Class Advisor 8th | 1000 | 1110 | 1210 |  |
Class Advisor 9th | 957 | 1063 | 1169 |  |
Class Advisor 10th | 1116 | 1222 | 1329 |  |
Class Advisors 11th (2) | 1488 | 1647 | 1807 |  |
Class Advisors 12th (2) | 2310 | 2580 | 2850 |  |
Safety - Elementary (6) | 1375 | 1500 | 1630 |  |
Misc. Club Sponsors (28) | 500 | 542 | 585 |  |
Personal Ach. Card | 957 | 1063 | 1169 |  |
Knowledge Bowl (2) | 500 | 542 | 585 |  |
Independent Study | 903 | 1010 | 1116 |  |
Fall Cheerleading | 2657 | 2975 | 3275 |  |
Winter Cheerlead. | 2657 | 2975 | 3275 |  |
7/8 Cheerleading | 1116 | 1222 | 1329 |  |
Marching Band | 4750 | 5250 | 5800 |  |
Marching Band Assistant | 2390 | 2630 | 2880 |  |
Color Guard/Twirlers | 2232 | 2445 | 2657 |  |
Drama Director | 2390 | 2630 | 2880 |  |
Vocal | Director | 2390 | 2630 | 2880 |
Orchestra Director | 2390 | 2630 | 2880 |  |
Business Manager | 1222 | 1355 | 1488 |  |
Scenery/Props (Musical) | 1116 | 1222 | 1329 |  |
Fall Play Director | 1966 | 2126 | 2498 |  |
Scenery/Props (Fall Play) | 1036 | 1143 | 1249 |  |
One Act Plays (7) | 526 | 569 | 611 |  |
Orchestra |  | 2390 | 2630 | 2880 |
Stage Band/Jazz Ensemble | 1222 | 1329 | 1435 |  |
Madrigals |  | 2390 | 2630 | 2880 |
Stage Crew |  | 957 | 1063 | 1169 |
MS Musical |  |  |  |  |
Drama |  | 1,170 | 1,280 | 1,400 |
Vocal |  | 1,170 | 1,280 | 1,400 |
Scenery/Props | 525 | 595 | 645 |  |
Piano Accompanist | 2232 | 2498 | 2763 |  |
Elementary |  |  |  |  |
String Orchestra | 1065 | 1170 | 1280 |  |
Beginning Band | 1065 | 1170 | 1280 |  |
Advanced Band | 1065 | 1170 | 1280 |  |
Chorus |  | 1065 | 1170 | 1280 |
Cross Age Mentors - Lead | 606 | 648 | 691 |  |
Cross Age Mentors | 500 | 542 | 585 |  |
Independent Study Preceptors | 112 | 122 | 133 |  |
(per marking period) |  |  |  |  |
 |  | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
HS Yearbook |  | 4,022 | 4,436 | 4,935 |
HS Yearbook, Business |  | 1,302 | 1,439 | 1,638 |
Newspaper |  | 3,024 | 3,444 | 3,623 |
Yearbook, MS |  | 1,302 | 1,439 | 1,638 |
Scribbler |  | 519 | 564 | 608 |
Stud. Council – HS | 3,098 | 3,444 | 3,707 |  |
Stud. Council – MS | 1,365 | 1,470 | 1,575 |  |
Stud. Council – Elem. (5) | 558 | 614 | 670 |  |
NHS |  | 845 | 956 | 1,071 |
Class Advisor 6th |  | 830 | 900 | 975 |
Class Advisor 7th | 865 | 937 | 1,004 |  |
Class Advisor 8th | 1,050 | 1,166 | 1,271 |  |
Class Advisor 9th | 1,004 | 1,116 | 1,228 |  |
Class Advisor 10th | 1,172 | 1,283 | 1,395 |  |
Class Advisors 11th (2) | 1,562 | 1,730 | 1,897 |  |
Class Advisors 12th (2) | 2,426 | 2,709 | 2,993 |  |
Safety - Elementary (6) | 1,444 | 1,575 | 1,712 |  |
Misc. Club Sponsors (28) | 525 | 569 | 614 |  |
Personal Ach. Card | 1,004 | 1,116 | 1,228 |  |
Knowledge Bowl (2) | 525 | 569 | 614 |  |
Independent Study | 949 | 1,060 | 1,172 |  |
Fall Cheerleading | 2,790 | 3,124 | 3,439 |  |
Winter Cheerlead. | 2,790 | 3,124 | 3,439 |  |
7/8 Cheerleading | 1,172 | 1,283 | 1,395 |  |
Marching Band | 4,988 | 5,513 | 6,090 |  |
Marching Band Assistant | 2,510 | 2,762 | 3,024 |  |
Color Guard/Twirlers | 2,344 | 2,567 | 2,790 |  |
Drama Director | 2,510 | 2,762 | 3,024 |  |
Vocal | Director | 2,510 | 2,762 | 3,024 |
Orchestra Director | 2,510 | 2,762 | 3,024 |  |
Business Manager | 1,283 | 1,423 | 1,562 |  |
Scenery/Props (Musical) | 1,172 | 1,283 | 1,395 |  |
Fall Play Director | 2,065 | 2,232 | 2,623 |  |
Scenery/Props (Fall Play) | 1,088 | 1,200 | 1,311 |  |
One Act Plays (6) | 552 | 597 | 642 |  |
Orchestra |  | 2,510 | 2,762 | 3,024 |
Stage Band/Jazz Ensemble | 1,283 | 1,395 | 1,507 |  |
Madrigals |  | 2,510 | 2,762 | 3,024 |
Stage Crew |  | 1,004 | 1,116 | 1,228 |
MS Musical |  |  |  |  |
Drama |  | 1,210 | 1,310 | 1,450 |
Vocal |  | 1,210 | 1,310 | 1,450 |
Scenery Props | 525 | 620 | 665 |  |
Piano Accompanist | 2,344 | 2,623 | 2,902 |  |
Elementary |  |  |  |  |
String Orchestra | 1,118 | 1,229 | 1,344 |  |
Beginning Band | 1,118 | 1,229 | 1,344 |  |
Advanced Band | 1,118 | 1,229 | 1,344 |  |
Chorus |  | 1,118 | 1,229 | 1,344 |
Cross Age Mentors - Lead | 636 | 681 | 725 |  |
Cross Age Mentors | 525 | 569 | 614 |  |
Independent Study Preceptors | 117 | 128 | 140 |  |
(per marking period) |  |  |  |  |
 |  | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
HS Yearbook |  | 4,213 | 4,647 | 5,170 |
HS Yearbook Business |  | 1,364 | 1,507 | 1,716 |
Newspaper |  | 3,168 | 3,608 | 3,795 |
Yearbook MS | 1,364 | 1,507 | 1,716 |  |
Scribbler |  | 544 | 590 | 637 |
Stud. Council - HS | 3,245 | 3,608 | 3,885 |  |
Stud. Council – MS | 1,430 | 1,540 | 1,650 |  |
Stud. Council - Elementary (5) | 585 | 643 | 701 |  |
NHS |  | 885 | 1,001 | 1,122 |
Class Advisor 6th |  | 860 | 930 | 1010 |
Class Advisor 7th | 906 | 982 | 1,052 |  |
Class Advisor 8th | 1,100 | 1,221 | 1,331 |  |
Class Advisor 9th | 1,052 | 1,169 | 1,286 |  |
Class Advisor 10th | 1,227 | 1,344 | 1,461 |  |
Class Advisors 11th (2) | 1,637 | 1,812 | 1,987 |  |
Class Advisors 12th (2) | 2,541 | 2,838 | 3,135 |  |
Safety - Elementary (6) | 1,512 | 1,650 | 1,793 |  |
Misc. Club Sponsors (28) | 549 | 596 | 643 |  |
Personal Ach. Card | 1,052 | 1,169 | 1,286 |  |
Knowledge Bowl (2) | 549 | 596 | 643 |  |
Independent Study | 994 | 1,111 | 1,227 |  |
Fall Cheerleading | 2,923 | 3,272 | 3,602 |  |
Winter Cheerlead. | 2,923 | 3,272 | 3,602 |  |
7/8 Cheerleading | 1,227 | 1,344 | 1,461 |  |
Marching Band | 5,224 | 5,774 | 6,379 |  |
Marching Band Assistant | 2,629 | 2,893 | 3,170 |  |
Color Guard/Twirlers | 2,455 | 2,689 | 2,925 |  |
Drama Director | 2,629 | 2,893 | 3,170 |  |
Vocal | Director | 2,629 | 2,893 | 3,170 |
Orchestra Director | 2,629 | 2,893 | 3,170 |  |
Business Manager | 1,344 | 1,491 | 1,637 |  |
Scenery/Props (Musical) | 1,227 | 1,344 | 1,461 |  |
Fall Play Director | 2,163 | 2,338 | 2,747 |  |
Scenery/Props (Fall Play) | 1,140 | 1,257 | 1,374 |  |
One Act Plays (7) | 579 | 625 | 672 |  |
Orchestra |  | 2,629 | 2,893 | 3,170 |
Stage Band/Jazz Ensemble | 1,344 | 1,461 | 1,578 |  |
Madrigals |  | 2,629 | 2,893 | 3,170 |
Stage Crew |  | 1,052 | 1,169 | 1,286 |
MS Musical |  |  |  |  |
Drama |  | 1,240 | 1,340 | 1,480 |
Vocal |  | 1,240 | 1,340 | 1,480 |
Scenery/Props | 565 | 640 | 705 |  |
Piano Accompanist | 2,455 | 2,747 | 3,039 |  |
Elementary |  |  |  |  |
String Orchestra | 1,171 | 1,287 | 1,408 |  |
Beginning Band | 1,171 | 1,287 | 1,408 |  |
Advanced Band | 1,171 | 1,287 | 1,408 |  |
Chorus |  | 1,171 | 1,287 | 1,408 |
Cross Age Mentors – Lead | 666 | 713 | 760 |  |
Cross Age Mentors | 549 | 596 | 643 |  |
Independent Study Preceptors | 123 | 134 | 146 |  |
(per marking period) |  |  |  |  |
 |  | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
 |  |  |  |  |
FALL SPORTS |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
Head Football |  | 6,455 | 7,300 | 8,000 |
Ass't football, L1 (3) | 4,001 | 4,508 | 5,015 |  |
Ass't football, L2 (2) | 3,228 | 3,655 | 4,001 |  |
Head Boys CC |  | 4,340 | 4,760 | 5,260 |
Head Girls CC |  | 4,340 | 4,760 | 5,260 |
Ass't CC (7/8) |  | 2,430 | 2,700 | 3,020 |
Head Boys Soccer | 4,340 | 4,760 | 5,260 |  |
Ass't Boys Soccer L1 | 2,934 | 3,281 | 3,601 |  |
7/8 Soccer L2 |  | 2,430 | 2,700 | 3,020 |
Head Girls Soccer | 4,340 | 4,760 | 5,260 |  |
Ass't Girls Soccer L1 | 2,934 | 3,281 | 3,601 |  |
Assistant Soccer (7/8) L2 | 2,430 | 2,700 | 3,020 |  |
Girls Tennis |  | 4,340 | 4,760 | 5,260 |
Ass't Girls Tennis | 2,934 | 3,281 | 3,601 |  |
Head Hockey |  | 4,340 | 4,760 | 5,260 |
Ass't Hockey L1 (2) | 2,934 | 3,281 | 3,601 |  |
Assistant Hockey (7/8) L2 | 2,430 | 2,700 | 3,020 |  |
Weight Program -Co-ed (3) | 576 | 640 | 694 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
WINTER SPORTS |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
Head Boys Bask. | 5,523 | 6,356 | 7,007 |  |
Ass't Boys Bask. L1 | 3,720 | 4,126 | 4,637 |  |
Ass't Boys Bask. L2 | 3,220 | 3,595 | 3,939 |  |
Ass't Boys Bask. L3 | 2,709 | 3,043 | 3,517 |  |
Head Wrestling | 5,523 | 6,356 | 7,007 |  |
Ass't Wrestling L1 | 3,720 | 4,126 | 4,637 |  |
Ass't Wrestling L2 | 3,220 | 3,595 | 3,939 |  |
Ass't Wrestling L3 | 2,709 | 3,043 | 3,517 |  |
Head Swimming | 3,720 | 4,126 | 4,637 |  |
Ass't Swimming |  | 2,774 | 3,121 | 3,441 |
Head Girls Bask. | 5,523 | 6,356 | 7,007 |  |
Ass't Girls Bask L1 | 3,720 | 4,126 | 4,637 |  |
Ass't Girls Bask L2 | 3,220 | 3,595 | 3,939 |  |
Ass't Girls Bask L3 | 2,709 | 3,043 | 3,517 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
SPRING SPORTS |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
Head Baseball |  | 4,641 | 5,202 | 5,735 |
Ass't baseball L1 | 3,121 | 3,441 | 3,815 |  |
Ass't baseball L2 | 2,534 | 2,774 | 3,068 |  |
Head Track Boys | 4,641 | 5,202 | 5,735 |  |
Head Track Girls | 4,641 | 5,202 | 5,735 |  |
Ass't Track L1 (4) | 3,121 | 3,441 | 3,815 |  |
Assistant Track (7/8) L2 | 1,574 | 1,734 | 1,921 |  |
Golf |  | 3,121 | 3,441 | 3,815 |
Head Softball |  | 4,641 | 5,202 | 5,735 |
Ass't Softball L1 | 3,121 | 3,441 | 3,815 |  |
Ass't Softball L2 | 2,534 | 2,774 | 3,068 |  |
Boys Tennis |  | 4,641 | 5,202 | 5,735 |
Ass't Boys Tennis | 3,121 | 3,441 | 3,815 |  |
Trainer |  | 7,030 | 7,550 | 8,100 |
MS Intramurals |  | 500 | 542 | 585 |
Coaches with more than eight (8) consecutive years of experience in the same position |  |  |  |  |
within the same sport shall be paid a longevity bonus of 3% of their coaching salary. |  |  |  |  |
 |  | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
 |  |  |  |  |
FALL SPORTS |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
Head Football |  | 6,778 | 7,665 | 8,400 |
Ass't football, L1 (3) | 4,201 | 4,734 | 5,266 |  |
Ass't football, L2 (2) | 3,389 | 3,837 | 4,201 |  |
Head Boys CC |  | 4,557 | 4,998 | 5,523 |
Head Girls CC |  | 4,557 | 4,998 | 5,523 |
Ass't CC (7/8) |  | 2,552 | 2,835 | 3,171 |
Head Boys Soccer | 4,557 | 4,998 | 5,523 |  |
Ass't Boys Soccer L1 | 3,081 | 3,445 | 3,781 |  |
7/8 Soccer L2 |  | 2,552 | 2,835 | 3,171 |
Head Girls Soccer | 4,557 | 4,998 | 5,523 |  |
Ass't Girls Soccer L1 | 3,081 | 3,445 | 3,781 |  |
Assistant Soccer (7/8) L2 | 2,552 | 2,835 | 3,171 |  |
Girls Tennis |  | 4,557 | 4,998 | 5,523 |
Ass't Girls Tennis | 3,081 | 3,445 | 3,781 |  |
Head Hockey |  | 4,557 | 4,998 | 5,523 |
Ass't Hockey L1 (2) | 3,081 | 3,445 | 3,781 |  |
Assistant Hockey (7/8) L2 | 2,552 | 2,835 | 3,171 |  |
Weight Program -Co-ed (3) | 605 | 672 | 728 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
WINTER SPORTS |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
Head Boys Bask. | 5,799 | 6,674 | 7,358 |  |
Ass't Boys Bask. L1 | 3,906 | 4,333 | 4,869 |  |
Ass't Boys Bask. L2 | 3,381 | 3,775 | 4,136 |  |
Ass't Boys Bask. L3 | 2,845 | 3,195 | 3,693 |  |
Head Wrestling | 5,799 | 6,674 | 7,358 |  |
Ass't Wrestling L1 | 3,906 | 4,333 | 4,869 |  |
Ass't Wrestling L2 | 3,381 | 3,775 | 4,136 |  |
Ass't Wrestling L3 | 2,845 | 3,195 | 3,693 |  |
Head Swimming | 3,906 | 4,333 | 4,869 |  |
Ass't Swimming |  | 2,913 | 3,277 | 3,613 |
Head Girls Bask. | 5,799 | 6,674 | 7,358 |  |
Ass't Girls Bask L1 | 3,906 | 4,333 | 4,869 |  |
Ass't Girls Bask L2 | 3,381 | 3,775 | 4,136 |  |
Ass't Girls Bask L3 | 2,845 | 3,195 | 3,693 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
SPRING SPORTS |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
Head Baseball |  | 4,874 | 5,462 | 6,022 |
Ass't baseball L1 | 3,277 | 3,613 | 4,005 |  |
Ass't baseball L2 | 2,661 | 2,913 | 3,221 |  |
Head Track Boys | 4,874 | 5,462 | 6,022 |  |
Head Track Girls | 4,874 | 5,462 | 6,022 |  |
Ass't Track L1 (4) | 3,277 | 3,613 | 4,005 |  |
Assistant Track (7/8) L2 | 1,653 | 1,821 | 2,017 |  |
Golf |  | 3,277 | 3,613 | 4,005 |
Head Softball |  | 4,874 | 5,462 | 6,022 |
Ass't Softball L1 | 3,277 | 3,613 | 4,005 |  |
Ass't Softball L2 | 2,661 | 2,913 | 3,221 |  |
Boys Tennis |  | 4,874 | 5,462 | 6,022 |
Ass't Boys Tennis | 3,277 | 3,613 | 4,005 |  |
Trainer |  | 7,382 | 7,928 | 8,505 |
MS Intramurals |  | 525 | 569 | 614 |
Coaches with more than eight (8) consecutive years of experience in the same position |  |  |  |  |
within the same sport shall be paid a longevity bonus of 3% of their coaching salary. |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  | |
 |  | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
 |  |  |  |  |
FALL SPORTS |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
Head Football |  | 7,100 | 8,029 | 8,799 |
Ass't football, L1 (3) | 4,401 | 4,958 | 5,516 |  |
Ass't football, L2 (2) | 3,550 | 4,019 | 4,401 |  |
Head Boys CC |  | 4,773 | 5,235 | 5,785 |
Head Girls CC |  | 4,773 | 5,235 | 5,785 |
Ass't CC (7/8) |  | 2,673 | 2,970 | 3,322 |
Head Boys Soccer | 4,773 | 5,235 | 5,785 |  |
Ass't Boys Soccer L1 | 3,227 | 3,609 | 3,961 |  |
7/8 Soccer L2 |  | 2,673 | 2,970 | 3,322 |
Head Girls Soccer | 4,773 | 5,235 | 5,785 |  |
Ass't Girls Soccer L1 | 3,227 | 3,609 | 3,961 |  |
Assistant Soccer (7/8) L2 | 2,673 | 2,970 | 3,322 |  |
Girls Tennis |  | 4,773 | 5,235 | 5,785 |
Ass't Girls Tennis | 3,227 | 3,609 | 3,961 |  |
Head Hockey |  | 4,773 | 5,235 | 5,785 |
Ass't Hockey L1 (2) | 3,227 | 3,609 | 3,961 |  |
Assistant Hockey (7/8) L2 | 2,673 | 2,970 | 3,322 |  |
Weight Program -Co-ed (3) | 634 | 704 | 763 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
WINTER SPORTS |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
Head Boys Bask. | 6,074 | 6,991 | 7,707 |  |
Ass't Boys Bask. L1 | 4,091 | 4,538 | 5,100 |  |
Ass't Boys Bask. L2 | 3,541 | 3,954 | 4,332 |  |
Ass't Boys Bask. L3 | 2,980 | 3,347 | 3,868 |  |
Head Wrestling | 6,074 | 6,991 | 7,707 |  |
Ass't Wrestling L1 | 4,091 | 4,538 | 5,100 |  |
Ass't Wrestling L2 | 3,541 | 3,954 | 4,332 |  |
Ass't Wrestling L3 | 2,980 | 3,347 | 3,868 |  |
Head Swimming | 4,091 | 4,538 | 5,100 |  |
Ass't Swimming |  | 3,051 | 3,433 | 3,785 |
Head Girls Bask. | 6,074 | 6,991 | 7,707 |  |
Ass't Girls Bask L1 | 4,091 | 4,538 | 5,100 |  |
Ass't Girls Bask L2 | 3,541 | 3,954 | 4,332 |  |
Ass't Girls Bask L3 | 2,980 | 3,347 | 3,868 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
SPRING SPORTS |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
Head Baseball |  | 5,105 | 5,721 | 6,308 |
Ass't baseball L1 | 3,433 | 3,785 | 4,196 |  |
Ass't baseball L2 | 2,787 | 3,051 | 3,374 |  |
Head Track Boys | 5,105 | 5,721 | 6,308 |  |
Head Track Girls | 5,105 | 5,721 | 6,308 |  |
Ass't Track L1 (4) | 3,433 | 3,785 | 4,196 |  |
Assistant Track (7/8) L2 | 1,731 | 1,907 | 2,112 |  |
Golf |  | 3,433 | 3,785 | 4,196 |
Head Softball |  | 5,105 | 5,721 | 6,308 |
Ass't Softball L1 | 3,433 | 3,785 | 4,196 |  |
Ass't Softball L2 | 2,787 | 3,051 | 3,374 |  |
Boys Tennis |  | 5,105 | 5,721 | 6,308 |
Ass't Boys Tennis | 3,433 | 3,785 | 4,196 |  |
Trainer |  | 7,732 | 8,304 | 8,909 |
MS Intramurals |  | 549 | 596 | 643 |
Coaches with more than eight (8) consecutive years of experience in the same position |  |  |  |  |
within the same sport shall be paid a longevity bonus of 3% of their coaching salary. |  |  |  |  |
Years | Step | Schedule A | Schedule B | Schedule A |
 |  | (12 mo.) | (12 mo.) | (10.5 mo.) |
 |  |  |  |  |
1 | A | 23193 | 20793 | 20294 |
2 | B | 23793 | 20993 | 20819 |
3 | C | 24393 | 21193 | 21344 |
4 | D | 25493 | 21393 | 22306 |
5 | E | 26603 | 21603 | 23278 |
6 | F | 27756 | 22756 | 24287 |
7 | G | 28915 | 24015 | 25301 |
8 | H | 30178 | 25378 | 26406 |
9 | I | 32251 | 26951 | 28220 |
10 | J | 36348 | 29048 | 31805 |
11-20 | K | 39480 | 31880 | 34545 |
21 | KL | 40880 | 33080 | 35770 |
Years | Step | Schedule A | Schedule B | Schedule A |
 |  | (12 mo.) | (12 mo.) | (10.5 mo.) |
 |  |  |  |  |
1 | A | 23857 | 21457 | 20875 |
2 | B | 24457 | 21657 | 21400 |
3 | C | 25057 | 21857 | 21925 |
4 | D | 26157 | 22057 | 22887 |
5 | E | 27257 | 22257 | 23850 |
6 | F | 28446 | 23446 | 24890 |
7 | G | 29642 | 24742 | 25937 |
8 | H | 30947 | 26147 | 27079 |
9 | I | 33068 | 27768 | 28935 |
10 | J | 37228 | 29928 | 32575 |
11-20 | K | 40446 | 32846 | 35390 |
21 | KL | 41946 | 34146 | 36703 |
Years | Step | Schedule A | Schedule B | Schedule A |
 |  | (12 mo.) | (12 mo.) | (10.5 mo.) |
 |  |  |  |  |
1 | A | 25631 | 23231 | 22427 |
2 | B | 26231 | 23431 | 22952 |
3 | C | 26831 | 23631 | 23477 |
4 | D | 27931 | 23831 | 24440 |
5 | E | 29031 | 24031 | 25402 |
6 | F | 29231 | 24231 | 25577 |
7 | G | 30471 | 25571 | 26662 |
8 | H | 31823 | 27023 | 27845 |
9 | I | 33998 | 28698 | 29748 |
10 | J | 38231 | 30931 | 33452 |
11-20 | K | 41546 | 33946 | 36353 |
21 | KL | 43146 | 35346 | 37753 |
 | 2004-05 |  | 2005-06 |  | 2006-07 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
A | 21220 |  | 22892 |  | 24178 |
B | 21420 |  | 23092 |  | 24378 |
C | 21620 |  | 23292 |  | 24578 |
D | 21820 |  | 23492 |  | 24778 |
E | 23197 |  | 23692 |  | 24978 |
F | 23833 |  | 24341 |  | 25178 |
G | 24892 |  | 25422 |  | 26342 |
H | 26057 |  | 26612 |  | 27506 |
I | 27141 |  | 27719 |  | 28673 |
MAXIMUM $1000 payable per person, per calendar year with Orthdontia limited to an additional $800 per person, over 5 consecutive years.
BENEFITS Class I - Diagnostic and general Plan pays 90% of Reasonable and Customary charges for
a. Examinations
b. Emergency treatments
c. X-rays and lab tests
d. Teeth cleaning - prophylaxis
e. Fluoride treatments
f. Space maintainers
Class II - Plan pays 60% of Reasonable and Customary charges for:
a. Anesthesia
b. Restorative - fillings, recementing of inlays and crowns; crowns, inlays and gold restorations will be provided when teeth cannot be restored with other materials.
c. Endodontics - pulp capping and root canal therapy.
d. Periodontics - gum disease treatment & surgery
e. Prosthodontics - maintenance of dentures & bridges
f. Oral surgery and extractions
Class III - Plan pays 50% of Reasonable and Customary charges for:
a. Gold and porcelain inlays
b. Gold foil restorations
c. Crowns - capping of teeth (as part of bridge)
d. Prosthodontics - making and installing the bridges and dentures
e. Orthodontia - braces on teeth (children only)
CHILDREN Dependent children covered to the end of the calendar year in which they turn 23, living in a normal parent/child relationship.
DENTAL CAPITATION Will be made available if the carrier is able OPTION to benefit as part of overall dental program.
Note: Benefits retroactive to the first day of the month following ratification.
ADMINISTERED BY: Paid Prescriptions, Inc.
INSURED BY: AmeriHealth, Inc.
DEDUCTIBLE: $20.00 (Name Brand)/$5.00(Generic) for both pharmacy and Mail Order)
ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES: Excluded, unless prescribed to treat a medical condition.
GENERIC DRUGS: Deductible reduced to $5.00 if prescription filled with Generic Drugs.
MAIL ORDER BENEFIT: Supplies of up to 90 days are available through a mail order arrangement.
DEPENDENT CHILDREN: Dependent children covered to the end of the calendar year in which they turn 23, living in a normal parent/child relationship.
LIMITATION: No payment will be made for expenses incurred for:
* immunization agents, biological sera, blood or blood plasma;
* experimental drugs labeled "Caution- limited by Federal Law to investigational use";
* medication which is taken or administered, in whole or in part, at the place where it is dispensed or while a person is a patient in an institution which operates or allows to be operated, on its premises a facility for dispensing pharmaceuticals;
* any refill dispensed more than one year from the date of a physician's order;
* more than a 34 day supply or more than 100 unit doses, whichever is greater when dispensed in any one prescription order. See mail order benefit above;
* any medication which may be obtained without charge through any public program, other than Medicaid. |