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JULY 1, 2007 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2010
 | PREAMBLE | 2 |
XI | SALARIES | 11 |
XV | SICK LEAVE | 14 |
 | SCHEDULE B | 22 |
 | TEACHERS' SALARY GUIDE: 2004-2005 | 23 |
 | TEACHERS' SALARY GUIDE: 2005-2006 | 24 |
 | TEACHERS' SALARY GUIDE: 2006-2007 | 25 |
2004-2005, 2005-2006,2006-2007 | 29 |
2004-2005, 2005-2006,2006-2007 | 30 |
This agreement is entered into this 1st day of July 2007, between the Eastampton Township Board of Education, hereinafter called the “Board”, and the Eastampton Township Education Association, hereinafter called the “Association”.
This agreement shall extend between the two parties from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2010.
A. The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for certified and non-certified personnel whether under contract, on leave, employed or to be employed by the Board.
Certified personnel included in this agreement:
Classroom Teachers
School Counselor(s)
Social Worker(s)
Speech Therapist
Non-certified personnel included in this agreement:
Secretaries, including Child Study Team Secretary
The positions of CST Supervisor, Secretary to the Superintendent, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, Custodial Night Supervisor, Payroll/Health Insurance clerk and Accounts Payable/Receivable clerk are excluded from the unit.
B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "employees" when used in this document shall refer to all the certified and non-certified employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as defined above.ARTICLE II - NEGOTIATION PROCEDURE
A. Except as this agreement shall hereinafter otherwise provide, all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the effective date of this agreement to employees covered by this agreement as established by the rules, regulations and/or policies of the Board in force on said date, shall continue to be so applicable during the term of this agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this agreement, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted and/or applied as to eliminate, reduce or otherwise detract from any employee benefit existing prior to its effective date.
B. This agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all matters, which were or could have been the subject of negotiation. During the term of this agreement, neither party shall be required to negotiate with respect to any matter whether or not covered by this agreement and whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both parties at the time they negotiated or executed this agreement.
A. Definitions
1. Informal disposition of a grievance - The parties recognize that the informal disposition of problems is often preferable to formalized proceedings. Therefore, members of the staff are encouraged by the Association and the Board to attempt to achieve informal disposition of their grievance.
2. Definition - A grievance shall mean a complaint by an employee that there has been a violation or misinterpretation of the provisions of this agreement, or that there has been a violation or misinterpretation of established board policy, that has altered the working conditions of the employee. As used in Article III, the term "employee" shall mean (a) an individual, (b) a group of employees having the same grievance.
B. Procedure
1. Any employee who decides that he/she has a grievance shall within twenty schools days from the time that he/she knew or should have known of the grievance discuss it with his/her immediate supervisor in an attempt to resolve the matter informally. An employee's failure to meet the twenty-day timeline for initialing a grievance as defined in this paragraph constitutes the forfeiture of the employee's right to continue the grievance process concerning the alleged matter. If as a result of the discussion, the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the employee within five school days of such discussion he/she shall set forth his/her grievance in writing to the principal, or if the grievance results from an action taken by a school official higher than the rank of principal, the grievant may set forth his/her grievance in writing to that official specifying:
a. The nature of the grievance;
b. The results of previous discussions;
c. That he/she is dissatisfied with the decision(s) previously rendered;
e. The contractual provision or board policy(ies) alleged to have been violated.
The principal or such official shall give his/her decision to the employee in writing within five school days of the receipt of the written grievance.
2. The employee may within ten school days of the receipt of the decision of the principal or other official appeal the decision to the chief school administrator in writing. The chief school administrator must respond in writing to the grievant within ten school days of the receipt of the written grievance.
3. If the grievance is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction, he/she may appeal within ten school days of the receipt of the chief school administrator's decision to the board of education. The request shall be submitted in writing through the chief school administrator who shall attach all related papers and forward the request to the board. The board, or a committee thereof, shall hold a hearing with the employee within twenty days of the receipt of the written grievance and render a decision within ten school days of the hearing.
4. In the event that a grievance shall not have been settled under the procedure above, and only if such grievance involves a claim or an infringement upon the provision of this agreement, the grievant may proceed directly to arbitration, which shall be advisory subject to the limitation of statute. However, no matter shall be considered a grievance subject to arbitration if it pertains to:
a. Any matter for which a method of review is prescribed by law or any rule or regulation of the State Commissioner of Education or any matter which according to the law is either beyond the scope of the Board's authority or limited to the action by the Board alone;
b. A complaint made by a non-tenured teacher, which arises by reason of his/her not being re-employed;
c. A complaint made by any certified personnel occasioned by the appointment to or lack of appointment to, retention in or lack of retention in any position for which tenure is either not possible or not required.
Arbitration shall be initiated by certified letter from the grievant bearing the written approval of the president of the Association to proceed and addressed to the chief school administrator. Such letter shall be mailed within twenty school days of the receipt of the written decision of the Board.
The grievant, or the person designated by the grievant to represent him/her in this phase of the grievance process, and the chief school administrator, or the person designated by the board to represent it in this same phase of the grievance process, shall promptly attempt to agree upon an engage an arbitrator. If either party determines that no purpose will be served by the attempting or the continuing to attempt to so agree, either party may submit the choice of the arbitrator to the Public Employment Relations Commission.
The arbitrator shall hear and decide only one grievance in each case. He/she shall be bound and comply with all the terms of this agreement. He/she shall have no power to add to, delete from or modify in any way any of the provisions of this agreement. The recommendation of the arbitrator shall be advisory. Fees and expenses of the arbitration shall be borne equally by both parties.
C. General Provisions
1. Any grievance not processed in accordance with the time limits specified herein shall be deemed relinquished by the grievant.
2. The failure of the administration at any step of this procedure to communicate a decision within the specified time limits shall permit the grievant to proceed promptly to the next step. The time limits specified at any step may be extended in any particular instance by the agreement of the chief school administrator or his/her designee with the grievant.
3. Copies of all written grievances, responses and notices shall be mailed to the Association. Meetings held under this procedure shall be conducted at a place, which will afford a fair and reasonable opportunity for all the proper persons to be present. Such persons are defined as the aggrieved, the appropriate Association and Board representatives, and witnesses.
4. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as compelling the Association to submit a grievance to arbitration.
5. No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by either party or any member of the administration against any participants in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
6. It is understood that employees shall, during and not withstanding the pendancy of any grievance, continue to observe all assignments and applicable rules and regulations of the Board until such grievance and any effect thereof shall have been fully determined.
7. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days established for each level of the process should be considered as a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite these timelines.
8. All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be kept in a separate grievance file.
9. The grievance form that is included as an attachment to this agreement will be utilized in the submission of a grievance by any employee represented by the Association
D. Rights of Employees to Representation - Any aggrieved party may be represented in all stages of the grievance procedure by himself/herself, or, at his/her option, with a representative. Any representative must present satisfactory written evidence of his/her authority to act with the grievant.
A. Whenever any employee is required to appear before any administrator or supervisor, Board, or any committee or member thereof concerning any matter which could be disciplinary in nature, said employee shall, except in the case of an emergency, be given at least 24 hours prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting(s) or interview(s) and shall be entitled to have a Representative(s) of the Association advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. This right shall not extend to normal meetings, for example, those called as part of the district’s evaluation procedure.
B. An employee shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of his/her personnel file. A request shall be made to the chief school administrator in writing, who shall schedule a review of the file with the employee within a reasonable period of time. Such review shall not include the employee's confidential references pertaining to the employee's initial employment.
C. Copies of all materials placed in the employee's file (except as noted under B. of this article) shall be given to the employee. An employee may supply written comments to any item placed within his/her personnel file within ten (10) days of receipt of the item by the employee. Such written comments shall be attached to the item.
D. No grade or evaluation of a student shall be changed without the knowledge of the teacher.
E. Principals shall provide forms to employees for reporting incidents of student violence and or vandalism to school buildings, teachers and/or their property. Employees shall follow established procedures using the forms for reporting such incidents. No reprimand shall be made against any school employee for filing such a report
F. Employees shall not be reprimanded or disciplined without just cause. Any employee disciplined and reprimanded, as defined in N.J.S.A. 34:13A-22, shall be eligible to appeal the imposition of said discipline or reprimand through the contractual grievance procedure, except, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:13A-29, the grievance, if unresolved, may be appealed to binding arbitration.
G. Any question or criticism by a supervisor, administrator, or Board member of an employee’s performance or instructional methodology shall, except in the case of an emergency, be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, co-workers, or members of the public.
A. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association in response to reasonable requests from time to time all available information which is in the public domain.
B. Whenever any representative of the Association or any employee participates during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, conferences or meetings, called at the request of the Board, he/she shall suffer no loss of pay.
C. The Association shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment including computers, printers, typewriters, copy machines, fax machines, other duplicating equipment, calculating machines, and all types of audiovisual equipment before and after school at the reasonable discretion of the building principal The Association shall pay the reasonable cost of all materials that are used.
D. The Association shall have the privilege of purchasing expendable office supplies and other materials from the Board at the price paid by the Board.
E. The Association shall have in each building the exclusive use of a bulletin board in the faculty lounge. Copies of all materials posted on the bulletin boards shall be given to the building principal, but no approval shall be required.
F. The Association shall have the privilege of using the inner-school mail facilities and school mail boxes as it deems necessary without the approval of the building principal or other members of the Association.
G. The Board will pay for the installation and one half of the base monthly charge of a private line for the use of employees in the faculty lounge in both the Elementary and the Middle School. The Association will pay for all other charges.
H. The rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives as set forth in this agreement shall be granted only to the Association as the exclusive representative of the employees, and to no other teacher organizations.
I. Representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property before and after school hours provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations. As a courtesy, the Association Representatives shall notify the principal of their presence in the building.
J. Association/Administration
In an effort to establish and maintain a positive communications climate, the parties have agreed to establish liaison committees at the building and district levels.
1. The Association shall select a Liaison Committee for each building which may meet every other month with the Principal to review and discuss local school issues and practices. The maximum number of committee members is five (5). An agenda will be provided to the Principal at least one week in advance of the meeting.
2. Representatives of the Association may meet with the Superintendent every other month during the school year to review and discuss current school issues and practices that have not been dealt with at the building level and the administration of this Agreement. The maximum number of committee members is three (3) from each building. An agenda will be provided to the Superintendent at least one week in advance of the meeting.
A. The establishment of a school calendar shall be at the discretion of the Board and will be subject to such changes as may be necessitated by emergencies.
B. Proposals from the Association to be considered by the Board for the development of the school calendar for the following school year must be received by the Board through the chief school administrator by January 1 of the previous school year.
A. 1. All employees shall indicate their presence for duty each day by signing the arrival/departure sheet designated for that purpose, which is located in the school's office.
2. The normal workday for teachers shall be seven (7) hours, thirty (30) minutes. No teacher will be required to report to work earlier than thirty minutes prior to the opening of school for the pupils' school day; all teachers shall be permitted to leave thirty minutes after the close of the pupils' school day except in the case of an emergency as declared by the administration. Teachers are expected to fulfill all professional obligations that fall outside of the normal workday with no additional compensation. Any entitlement to additional compensation for work performed outside the normal work day must be based on specific language in this Agreement (i.e. extra curricular activities (Article 7C), participation on committees (Article 19(B)(4)), or upon prior written approval of the Chief School Administrator.
3. On Friday and on the last day before holidays, teachers may leave immediately after the last bus.
B. 1. In an attempt to work with the faculty in a professional manner, there shall be nine (9) faculty meetings regularly scheduled throughout the school year, plus two (2) faculty meetings scheduled at the option of the administration. Attendance at all faculty meetings is mandatory. Meetings will begin promptly at 3:30 P.M. and will conclude when the agenda has been completed. Teachers who cannot attend faculty meetings will be held responsible for understanding and implementing appropriately any matters brought to resolution at that time.
2. Faculty meetings which take place after the regular in-school workday shall not be called on Fridays or on any day immediately preceding a holiday, or any other day when teacher attendance is not required at school, except in the case of an emergency declared by the administrator.
3. An Association representative may speak to the teachers at any meeting for fifteen minutes based upon the prior request of the Association.
4. The notice of an agenda for any meetings shall be given to the teachers involved three days prior to the meeting except in an emergency. Teachers shall have the opportunity to suggest items for the agenda.
C. Teacher participation in extracurricular activities, which may extend beyond the regularly scheduled school day, shall be compensated for according to the rate established in schedule B of this agreement. All extra curricular assignments will be posted pursuant to existing posting procedures for regular teaching assignments. As a courtesy, the Board will notify the Association of new extra-curricular positions as they are posted.
D. In-service days, when needed, will be scheduled upon the recommendation of the chief school administrator and approved by the Board. Those days which require the entire staff shall be scheduled during the normal school workday.
E. Teachers will receive one (1) preparation period per school day, five (5) preparation periods each school week. Additional preparation time for team teachers will be provided. In the assignment of preparation time for teachers, the administration shall make every available effort to ensure that such assignments are made as equitable as possible. Teachers shall not leave the building during their preparation or common planning periods without receiving permission from the building principal. If the principal is out of the building, notice to the office will be sufficient.
F. All classroom teachers, as well as art, music, and physical education specialists shall begin instruction on the first day for pupils and conclude instruction on the final day for pupils each school year.
G. In the event that a teacher is assigned a duty (e.g. emergency classroom coverage, substitute duties, in-service demonstrations, ...) by an administrator in lieu of his/her normal classroom assignment, he/she shall be paid $20 for every extra period/duty/assignment that he/she serves beginning with the fifth coverage of any period/duty/assignment that he/she provides within a school year.
When a teacher is asked to give up a preparation period in order to provide the aforementioned coverage, he/she shall receive compensation for each instance that is requested by an administrator. The rate per coverage is $20 for each instance that is requested by an administrator.
H. The teacher work year shall be one hundred eighty-six (186) days, in which there shall be one hundred eighty-one (181) instructional days. Teachers new to the Eastampton District can be required to work up to three (3) days prior to the first day for returning staff. These days may include days before September 1.
I. Teachers shall be required to attend Back to School Night and two other community/school based activities outside the regular school hours as part of their regular duties each year.
The Board and the administration are aware of the problems that arise with overcrowding. Every effort has and will be made to eliminate such situations.
A. Lunch duty and playground duty shall be considered part of the normal workload of teachers. All teachers in the bargaining unit shall perform these duties without additional compensation except as set forth in B. below. The building principal shall maintain a duty roster and make assignments as equitable as possible. The Board will hire four teacher aides to provide supportive assistance to the teachers in the cafeteria and on the playground at the Elementary and Middle Schools, subject to the following condition: The Board's ability to hire aides for this short period of time.
B. Effective September 2004, teachers who are assigned to lunch duty and playground duty in excess of 25 assignments per year shall be paid $15.00 for each additional assignment over 25. Effective September 2006, this shall increase to $20.00 for each additional assignment over 25. Payment shall be made in one payment at the close of the year.
C. Teachers shall not be required to transport students.
On or before May 15th of each year, Non-Tenured Staff shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year. Tenured Staff shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year on or before June 1st.
A. The salaries of all employees covered by this agreement will be set forth in the attached salary schedules.
B. 1. Teachers may elect to have ten percent of their monthly salary deducted from their pay. These funds shall be paid to the employees on the final day of June.
2. Salary payments to employees will be made on the 15th and 30th of each month, where possible.
3. When a pay period ends on or during a school holiday, vacation or weekend, employees shall receive their pay checks on the previous work day.
4. Teachers shall receive their final checks at the close of the last day of work in June.
5. Employees may elect to have direct deposit of their pay checks into either a savings account or a checking account. A maximum of two (2) accounts (total) may be designated. Employees may only change the account designation to another preference at the beginning of each school year.
6. The salary guides attached hereto for the 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007 school years and unit member placement thereon have been mutually developed by the parties.
C. The Board agrees to permit those covered by this agreement to belong to more than one tax sheltered annuity program.
D. In order to move to the next step on the salary guide, teaching staff members must work at least 94 work days (one half the teacher work year as set forth in Article VII(H) plus one day during the school year. Secretaries and Custodians must also work one half of their normal work year plus one day in order to advance to the next step on the applicable salary guide.
A list of the teachers' assignments and known vacancies shall be posted on the faculty bulletin boards in both schools not later than June 1st. All teachers will be given notices of their class or subject assignments, building assignments, and room assignments for the forthcoming year not later than the last day in May.
A. Voluntary Transfers and Reassignments
Teachers who desire a change in grade or subject assignment may file a written request to that effect with their building principal not later than May 15th.
B. Involuntary Transfers
1. Notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to teachers as soon as practical and, except in the case of an emergency, not later than June 1st.
2. In the event of an involuntary transfer or reassignment, the employee shall be informed in writing and have the opportunity to meet and discuss the matter with his/her principal or chief school administrator before the transfer occurs. The employee may, at his/her option, have an Association representative present at such meetings.
C. Teachers will be responsible for packing instructional materials to be relocated, but will not be responsible for moving such materials.
A. All vacancies shall be adequately publicized by the administration after the vacancy has been reviewed with the Board and a job description for the position determined. The Board will supply the Association with all necessary information concerning vacancies no later than ten (10) week days before the application period is closed.
B. An employee who desires to apply for an announced vacancy shall submit an application in writing to his/her building principal within the time line specified in the notice.
C. An employee who desires to apply for an anticipated vacancy, which may occur during the vacation period, shall submit his/her name to his/her building principal for the position/positions for which the applicant desires, along with an address where the employee can be contacted during the summer.
D. Opportunities for summer employment, whether full or part-time, will be posted in the respective faculty lounges at the time the advertisement is made to the general public.
A. Evaluation procedures shall be implemented in accordance with Board policy, established in consultation with tenure teaching staff members, and shall be subject to annual review by a subcommittee composed of administrative and faculty representatives. The purpose of the review is to consider and to recommend any changes deemed necessary.
B. All discussions related to job performance will be addressed privately between an administrator and the employee, when possible. The employee may, at his or her option, have an Association representative present at any disciplinary meeting.
A. Teachers employed on a ten-month contract shall be entitled to ten days of sick leave each school year. Employees on a twelve-month contract shall be entitled to twelve days of sick leave each school year. Eligibility for sick leave will commence on the first official day of said school year whether or not the employee reports for duty on that day. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit. The administration may request a written excuse on a day preceding or following a school holiday. An employee's refusal to provide a request by the administration for a physicians confirmation of illness within one week of the employee's return to duty will result in the automatic loss of credit by the employee for the sick leave in question.
B. An employee who terminates or retires, has completed fifteen years of service, is vested in the pension plan, and has completed ten years of service in the Eastampton School District will receive $27 per unused sick day with no maximum number of days.
Payment of unused sick leave shall be subject to the following schedule: If written notice of retirement/termination is submitted to the Board Secretary/School Business Administrator on or before January 31 of the school year of retirement/ termination, payment shall be made no later than July 31 of the very next school year. If written notice or retirement/termination is submitted to the Board Secretary/School Business Administrator after January 31, payment will be made no later than July 31 of the subsequent school year.
1. Three days leave of absence for personal business which requires absence during school hours.
A request for a personal day shall be made only when the nature of the business is such that it cannot possibly be taken care of during other than school hours.
The three (3) days are to be approved without the employee providing specific reasons; however, no personal days without reason may be used immediately before or after holidays and vacations, during the first or last two weeks of school.
Application to the building principal for personal leave shall be made at least three school days before taking such leave, except in the case of an emergency, as determined by the building principal.
Except in the case of an emergency, no personal leave will be agreed to on the day before or the day after a holiday or vacation.
The employee claiming that an emergency has occurred in this situation shall provide the Superintendent with a written statement outlining the nature of the emergency. Denials of an emergency day before or after a holiday shall not be grievable beyond the Board level.
After the fourth Monday in May, only two personal days per building for teachers and only one personal day per building for support employees will be permitted, except in the case of an emergency, as determined by the building principal. Approval shall be granted on a first come basis.
2. All employees unused personal days each year will be added to their accumulated sick days the next year.
3. Up to two professional days, with the approval of the building principal, for the purpose of visiting other schools or attending meetings for conferences of an educational nature, not inclusive of the NJEA Convention.
4. Time necessary for appearances in any legal proceeding connected with the employee's employment or with the school system if the employee is required to attend. An employee shall not be paid if the legal proceedings are the result of illegal Association activities or if legal action connected with the employee's employment is upheld. The definition of an employee's employment concerns only suspensions, dismissals, or a reduction in pay.
5. In the event of the death of an employee's spouse, child, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, parent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, grandparents, grandchild, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and any other member of the immediate household, up to three days will be granted. When adverse circumstances prevail, additional leave of up to two days may be granted by the building principal upon the request of the employee.
6. In the event of the death of an employee or a student in the district, the chief school administrator shall grant an appropriate number of employees sufficient time off to attend the funeral. The time and number of days shall be at the chief school administrator's discretion.
A. A military leave without pay shall be granted for the period of said induction or initial enlistment based upon a written request from an employee who is inducted into any branch of the armed forces of the United States.
B. Extended leaves of absence without pay may be granted to employees with three (3) or more years of service, at the discretion of the Board. During the period of such approved leave, the employee may maintain coverage in available insurance plans subject to employee reimbursement of premiums to the Board and subject to administrative rules concerning said reimbursement. Upon his/her return, an employee shall be entitled to all unused accumulated sick leave. No sick leave shall be earned during the leave of absence.
C. A request for a child-rearing leave may be granted by the Board for a period not to exceed one year. The Board may consider a timely request (by January 31) for a second year of leave. The employee must remain on leave for the full time granted by the Board. All leave must be completed within two (2) years' of the child's birth or adoption.
D. Sabbatical leave - A leave of absence for the purpose of participation in a graduate school program or a program or an activity deemed necessarily valuable to the district may be granted by the Board. Remuneration will be the difference between the applicant's normal salary and Step 1 of the B.A. salary scale. A faculty member who has been granted a sabbatical leave will continue receiving full health benefits during this period.
Covered employees shall be entitled to full rights of citizenship; no religious or political activities of any teacher, or the lack thereof, shall be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the professional employment of such employee, providing said activities do not violate any local, state or federal law.
A. The Board agrees to provide a filing cabinet in the classroom for each teacher's use.
B. 1. A committee(s) to discuss specific curriculum issues will be created as needed by the Board with input from the Association through the Administration. The forming of a committee may occur at any time throughout the school year, and will be formally approved by the Board at a regular public meeting.
2. The Association will be asked to nominate five (5) members to serve on the committee.
3. The goals and deadlines for each committee's work will be set by the Board.
5. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall chair each such committee.
C. The Board shall pay the full cost of tuition and other reasonable expenses incurred in connection with any courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions, or other such sessions which a teacher is required by the chief school administrator or his/her designee to take.
A. Health
1. The Board agrees to pay 100% of the cost of the premiums for the Horizon Blue Cross / Blue Shield of NJ - PPO health insurance plan coverage up to family coverage for all employees covered by the contract with the Association on an equal to or equivalent basis, as these programs are described in the plan of the insurance carrier under contract to the Board on July 1, 2002.
B. Prescription and Dental
1. The Board agrees to pay the cost of the premiums for prescription drugs and the dental plan up to family coverage for all employees covered by the contract with the Association according to the following schedule:
Prescription Insurance: Effective July 1, 2004, the Board shall implement a stand alone prescription plan with co-pays of $10 generic/$20 brand/$35 non- preferred brand with a two times (2x) co-pay on mail orders that provide a ninety day supply. Effective July 1, 2004, employees shall be obligated to pay 35% of the annual premium cost for this plan. Effective July 1, 2005, employees shall be obligated to pay 30% of the annual premium cost and effective July 1, 2006, employees shall be obligated to pay 25% of the annual premium cost.
Dental Insurance
Single 301.68
Parent / Child 513.72
Husband / Wife 513.72
Family 852.24
2. The dental program will continue as described in the present plan of the insurance carrier under contract to the Board, provided, however, there shall be a dental deductible for Class II and III procedures of twenty five dollars for single coverage and seventy five dollars for coverage more than single. The Board’s contribution to the cost of the dental plan is described in B.1. above.
3. Effective July 1, 2004, the prescription plan coverage shall be as described in Article XX (B)(1). The Board’s contribution to the cost of the prescription plan is described in (B)(1) above.
4. The Board will maintain a Section 125 Plan to allow deduction of employee prescription and dental premium contributions on a pre-tax basis.
C. To the extent that is allowable under law, a waiver of full medical coverage for the full year shall entitle a unit member to the following reimbursement:
1. Two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) if all the coverage, i.e., health insurance, prescription and dental are waived.
2. Two thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($2,250) if health insurance coverage and prescription insurance are waived.
3. Two hundred fifty dollars ($250) if dental coverage is waived.
4. Any of these waivers and reimbursements for health insurance, prescription and/or dental coverage shall be contingent upon the employee providing proof of having and maintaining, equivalent alternative coverage during all periods for which a waiver and reimbursement is sought, as well as the inclusion in the district's respective group policy of re-entry language acceptable to the Association and the Board.
A. The Board shall pay the full cost of tuition and other reasonable expenses incurred in connection with any graduate courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions, or other such sessions which a teacher is required by the chief school administrator or his/her designee to take.
B. The Board is willing to contribute toward the tuition for courses reasonably related to teachers' core subject areas or other extracurricular responsibilities. Courses, subject to the approval of the Board or its designee, must be taken at an accredited graduate school and will not be applicable towards the certification needed to maintain a position in the Eastampton School District. Provided a course has been pre-approved, the Board will compensate the teacher the tuition/credit hour cost according to the schedule defined in this agreement, upon receiving documentation that he/she has completed the course with a grade of "B" or better. The teacher must produce evidence of satisfactory completion of the course(s) and proof of the actual tuition paid by September 15 following the school year in which course(s) were taken. Reimbursement will be paid by September 30. In years where requests for the reimbursement exceed the annual maximum, monies shall be equally divided among the applicants but shall not exceed the actual tuition paid by the covered employee.
C. Per teacher tuition reimbursement that meets the criteria defined in paragraph B above will be as follows:
$1,200 2004-2005
$1,300 2005-2006
$1,400 2006-2007
The Board’s maximum liability under this provision shall be $8,000 in 2004-05, $10,000 in 2005-06 and $12,000 in 2006-07.
The parties agree that a teacher who leaves the employment of the District less than six (6) months after receipt of any tuition reimbursement by the Board must repay the Board that amount of money. Application forms for tuition reimbursement will contain an individual agreement to that effect.
A. Purpose
If an employee, covered by this agreement, does not become a member of the Association during any membership year, that person will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. This cost will offset the services rendered by the Association as the majority representative to the Board.
B. Notification
1. Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the unified membership dues to be assessed to its members for that year. The representation fee to be paid by non-members will equal 85% of that amount.
2. During each membership year, the Association will submit to the Board a list of those employees covered by this agreement who have not become members of the Association. The Board will deduct in equal installments from the salaries of those employees the full amount of the representation fee, and promptly transmit the amount to the Association.
3. When an employee is hired during the course of the year who would be covered by this agreement, the Board will provide written notification to the Association of that employee's name, position, and the date of employment within one week of that employee's official appointment at the public meeting of the Board. The Association will notify the Board in writing whether or not that employee falls into the category where the procedures as defined under "1" and "2" above must be implemented.
A. If any provision of this agreement or any application of this agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law; all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force or effect.
B. The Board and the Association agree that there shall be no discrimination; that all practices, procedures and policies of the school system shall clearly exemplify that there is no discrimination in the hiring, training, assignments, promotion, transfer or disciplining of teachers or in the application or the administration of this agreement on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status or participation as a representative of the Association.
A. This agreement shall be in continuous effect from July 1, 2007 until June 30, 2010.
B. In witness thereof, the authorized representatives of the Board and the Association affix their signatures.
________________________ __________
Secretary Date
______________________ __________
Secretary Date
 | 2007 / 2008 Teacher Salary Guide |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  | 600 | 1,200 | 2,400 3,600 |
 | Step | BA | BA 15 | BA 30 | MAMA 30 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 1 | 44,700 | 45,300 | 45,900 | 47,100 48,300 |
L | 2 | 45,700 | 46,300 | 46,900 | 48,100 49,300 |
K | 3 | 46,200 | 46,800 | 47,400 | 48,600 49,800 |
J | 4 | 46,700 | 47,300 | 47,900 | 49,100 50,300 |
I | 5 | 47,300 | 47,900 | 48,500 | 49,700 50,900 |
H | 6 | 47,600 | 48,200 | 48,800 | 50,000 51,200 |
G | 7 | 48,250 | 48,850 | 49,450 | 50,650 51,850 |
F | 8 | 49,300 | 49,900 | 50,500 | 51,700 52,900 |
E | 9 | 50,150 | 50,750 | 51,350 | 52,550 53,750 |
D | 10 | 53,000 | 53,600 | 54,200 | 55,400 56,600 |
C | 11 | 56,000 | 56,600 | 57,200 | 58,400 59,600 |
B | 12 | 59,000 | 59,600 | 60,200 | 61,400 62,600 |
| Career | 68,000 | 68,600 | 69,200 | 70,400 71,600 |
A |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Longevity: | After completing 15 years of consecutive service in Eastampton, add $1,650 to base salary. |  |  |  |
 |  | After completing 20 years of consecutive service in Eastampton, add $2,000 to base salary. |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 2008 / 2009 Teacher Salary Guide |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  | 600 | 1,200 | 2,400 3,600 |
 | Step | BA | BA 15 | BA 30 | MAMA 30 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 1 | 45,700 | 46,300 | 46,900 | 48,100 49,300 |
1 | 2 | 46,700 | 47,300 | 47,900 | 49,100 50,300 |
2 | 3 | 47,700 | 48,300 | 48,900 | 50,100 51,300 |
3 | 4 | 48,200 | 48,800 | 49,400 | 50,600 51,800 |
4 | 5 | 48,700 | 49,300 | 49,900 | 51,100 52,300 |
5 | 6 | 49,300 | 49,900 | 50,500 | 51,700 52,900 |
6 | 7 | 49,600 | 50,200 | 50,800 | 52,000 53,200 |
7 | 8 | 51,000 | 51,600 | 52,200 | 53,400 54,600 |
8 | 9 | 52,500 | 53,100 | 53,700 | 54,900 56,100 |
9 | 10 | 55,500 | 56,100 | 56,700 | 57,900 59,100 |
10 | 11 | 58,500 | 59,100 | 59,700 | 60,900 62,100 |
11 | 12 | 61,600 | 62,200 | 62,800 | 64,000 65,200 |
12 | 13 | 66,000 | 66,600 | 67,200 | 68,400 69,600 |
Career | Career | 69,500 | 70,100 | 70,700 | 71,900 73,100 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Longevity: | After completing 15 years of consecutive service in Eastampton, add $1,850 to base salary. |  |  |  |
 |  | After completing 20 years of consecutive service in Eastampton, add $2,500 to base salary. |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 2009 / 2010 Teacher Salary Guide |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  | 600 | 1,200 | 2,400 3,600 |
 | Step | BA | BA 15 | BA 30 | MAMA 30 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 1 | 46,500 | 47,100 | 47,700 | 48,900 50,100 |
1 | 2 | 47,500 | 48,100 | 48,700 | 49,900 51,100 |
2 | 3 | 48,500 | 49,100 | 49,700 | 50,900 52,100 |
3 | 4 | 49,500 | 50,100 | 50,700 | 51,900 53,100 |
4 | 5 | 50,000 | 50,600 | 51,200 | 52,400 53,600 |
5 | 6 | 50,750 | 51,350 | 51,950 | 53,150 54,350 |
6 | 7 | 51,750 | 52,350 | 52,950 | 54,150 55,350 |
7 | 8 | 52,750 | 53,350 | 53,950 | 55,150 56,350 |
8 | 9 | 54,500 | 55,100 | 55,700 | 56,900 58,100 |
9 | 10 | 56,500 | 57,100 | 57,700 | 58,900 60,100 |
10 | 11 | 60,000 | 60,600 | 61,200 | 62,400 63,600 |
11 | 12 | 63,500 | 64,100 | 64,700 | 65,900 67,100 |
12 | 13 | 67,250 | 67,850 | 68,450 | 69,650 70,850 |
13 | Career | 71,000 | 71,600 | 72,200 | 73,400 74,600 |
Career | Career | 71,000 | 71,600 | 72,200 | 73,400 74,600 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Longevity: | After completing 15 years of consecutive service in Eastampton, add $2,000 to base salary. |  |  |  |
 |  | After completing 20 years of consecutive service in Eastampton, add $3,000 to base salary. |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Eastampton Secretary Salary Guides |  |
 |  |
Step | 2007/20082008/20092009/2010 |
 |  |
K | 31,047 32,382 33,832 |
J | 32,073 33,485 34,935 |
I | 33,100 34,556 36,006 |
H | 34,126 35,628 37,078 |
G | 35,152 36,699 38,149 |
F | 36,179 37,771 39,221 |
E | 37,205 38,842 40,292 |
D | 38,232 39,914 41,364 |
C | 39,258 40,985 42,435 |
B | 40,284 42,040 43,490 |
A | 42,337 44,200 45,650 |
 |  |
Longevity |  |
 |  |
after 15 years | 1400 1,600 1,800 |
after 20 years | 1850 2,050 2,250 |
 |  |
 |  |
 |  |
 |  |
Eastampton Custodian Salary Guides |  |
 |  |
Step | 2007/20082008/20092009/2010 |
 |  |
N | 34,188 35,426 36,376 |
M | 34,706 35,962 36,912 |
L | 35,224 36,499 37,449 |
K | 36,260 37,573 38,523 |
J | 37,296 38,646 39,596 |
I | 38,332 39,720 40,670 |
H | 39,368 40,793 41,743 |
G | 40,404 41,867 42,817 |
F | 41,440 42,940 43,890 |
E | 42,476 44,014 44,964 |
D | 43,512 45,087 46,037 |
C | 44,548 46,161 47,111 |
B | 45,584 47,234 48,184 |
A | 46,102 47,785 49,235 |
 |  |
Longevity |  |
 |  |
after 15 years | 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 |
after 20 years | 1,650 1,850 2,050 2,250 |
The Board will pay $550 in 2004-05 and 2005-06 and $600 in 2006-07 for those custodians who have earned the Black Seal license.
Less than one year: 1 day per month to maximum of 10 days
1-5 years: 10 days
6-15 years: 15 days
at 16th year: 1 add’l day each year until a max of 20 days
An employee leaving the school system shall be paid for vacation time earned but not used. The amount paid shall be the regular rate of pay for each day of accumulated unused vacation time.
A maximum of 10 unused vacation days may be carried over with the approval of the Superintendent.
4. From the second year on, vacation time may be taken at the request of the custodian through the Building and Grounds supervisor to the business administrator at any time when the work load can be adjusted. Requests for vacation must be made at least five working days prior to the dates of the vacation.
New Year's Eve July 4th
New Year's Day Labor Day
Martin Luther King Day Columbus Day
Friday before President's Day Veterans' day
President's Day NJEA Convention (one Day)
Good Friday Thanksgiving Day
Easter Monday Day after Thanksgiving
Memorial Day Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
In the event that any of the above holidays falls on a scheduled school day, the employee shall work that day and receive a day off in lieu thereof as mutually agreed. If any of these holidays should fall on a Saturday, the custodian shall receive the preceding Friday off as the holiday. If any of these holidays should fall on a Sunday, the custodian shall receive the following Monday off as the holiday.
All custodial staff members employed on a twelve-month schedule shall be entitled to twelve sick leave days each school year. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
1. The work schedule and hourly work load for all custodians will be assigned by the Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, with the understanding that all custodians shall maintain the right to file a grievance using the appropriate procedures, in the event that there is a disagreement concerning the work load and the time necessary to complete assignments.
2. Custodians required to work when school has been cancelled due to extreme weather conditions shall be permitted to leave once the necessary work has been completed to make the school safe for normal operations.
1. All custodians who are called upon to perform duties beyond their normal forty hour week shall be reimbursed at the current overtime rate of time and one-half for each hour required to complete any or all such assigned tasks.
2. Any custodian who is asked to work on a holiday, e.g., Christmas Day, which would otherwise be a day off, or on a Sunday, will be compensated at a rate of double time for each hour worked.
The Board will pay up to $450 per year for clothing and work shoes upon receipts submitted to the school district. A committee from the custodial staff will make recommendations to the business administrator through the supervisor of buildings and grounds as to the style and color of the uniforms. The custodial staff will use a voucher system coordinated by the business administrator to purchase the established work attire. Custodians must wear steel-tipped safety shoes daily.
Listed as follows are the paid holidays:
Winter Recess Labor Day
Martin Luther King Day Columbus Day
President's Day Veterans' Day
Spring Recess NJEA Convention (one day)
Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day and the Friday following
Independence Day
In the event that any of the above holidays falls on a scheduled school day, the employee shall work that day and receive a day off in lieu thereof as mutually agreed.
All secretarial staff members employed on a twelve-month schedule will be entitled to twelve sick leave days each school year. Unused sick leave days will be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
Less than one year: 1 day per month to maximum of 10 days
1-5 years: 10 days
6-15 years: 15 days
at 16th year: 1 add’l day each year until a max of 20 days
An employee leaving the school system shall be paid for vacation time earned but not used. The amount paid shall be the regular rate of pay for each day of accumulated unused vacation time.
A maximum of 10 unused vacation days may be carried over with the approval of the Superintendent.
3. Secretaries must apply in writing to the building principal or chief school administrator in advance of using three or more consecutive vacation days. Application for single vacation days shall be in accordance with the procedure used for personal/emergency days.
1. Secretaries will work eight hours per day, including a forty five minute lunch break, throughout the twelve month school year, except that effective July 1, 2002 the secretaries’ work schedule for six work weeks beginning the first full week in July shall be 8:00 am to 3:00 pm including a half-hour lunch. During those times in summer when vacation schedules may result in an administrator not being present, the chief school administrator or his/her designee will ensure that an adult employee will be in each building during those times when otherwise a secretary would be alone, provided, no secretary is relieved from duty if an administrator or his/her designee is not in the building.
2. Secretaries who are called upon to perform duties beyond their normal forty hour week shall be paid at the current overtime rate of time and one-half for each hour required to complete any or all such assigned tasks. Any secretary asked to work on a holiday, e.g. Christmas Day, which would otherwise be a day off, or on a Sunday, will be compensated at a rate of double time for each hour worked. Twenty-four hours notice will be given to secretaries when required to work overtime, except in case of emergencies.
3. When the district's schools are closed on a regularly scheduled work day due to inclement weather, the secretarial staff is not required to report for work on that day.
4. On the last day before a holiday, secretaries may leave at 3:30 pm.
A secretary who takes a course or workshop at the request of the building principal, the chief school administrator, or the Board will be reimbursed for tuition or fees upon the completion of the course or workshop. In addition, such employee shall be reimbursed at the District mileage rate for the additional daily miles required for such course attendance.
Eastampton Township Custodian Salary Guides |
Step2004/20052005/20062006/2007 |
P29,000 |
O29,50031,000 |
N30,000 31,50033,000 |
M30,50032,00033,500 |
L31,50032,50034,000 |
K32,50033,50035,000 |
J33,50034,50036,000 |
I34,50035,50037,000 |
H35,50036,50038,000 |
G36,50037,50039,000 |
F37,50038,50040,000 |
E38,00039,50041,000 |
D38,500 40,00042,000 |
C39,00041,50043,000 |
B40,00042,00044,000 |
A41,00042,50044,500 |
Every Custodian moves one step each year through the guide. |
1 step per year is eliminated at the beginning of the guide. |
Eastampton Township Secretary Salary Guides |
Step2004/20052005/20062006/2007 |
K 25,50028,000 30,250 |
J 26,500 29,00031,250 |
I27,50030,00032,250 |
H28,50031,00033,250 |
G29,50032,00034,250 |
F30,50033,00035,250 |
E31,50034,00036,250 |
D32,50035,00037,250 |
C33,50036,00038,250 |
B35,00037,00039,250 |
A37,00039,00041,250 |
Each Secretary remains on step for the duration of the contract. |
current CST secretary placed on step B of the 2004/2005 salary guide.
current Middle School secretary placed at step D of the 2004/2005 salary guide.
current elementary School secretary placed at Step A of the 2004/2005 salary guide.
newly hired secretaries placed on a step at the time of hire and remain at that step for the duration of this contract. |
Name of Grievant: ____________________________ Date Filed: ________
Level One: Informal attempt at resolution
Level Two Principal
State Grievance:
Relief Sought:
____________________________________ ______________
Signature Date
Level Three: Chief School Administrator
Date received by the Chief School Administrator: ______________________
Disposition of the Chief School Administrator
Level Four: Board of Education
Position of Grievant or PR&R Committee
Date submitted to the Board of Education: ____________________________
Disposition of the Board of Education:
Level Five: Arbitration Date submitted ______
Please use the reverse side of this form if necessary. |