PHL_A #1871241 v3
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Local 4-380
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Table of Contents
ARTICLE 1 – RECOGNITION OF THE UNION…………………………………………………………………………………………..10
1.1 – Recognition of the Union………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
1.2 - Employees Covered by the Agreement…………………………………………………………………………….11
1.3 – Successorship Language………………………………………………………………………………………………….11
1.4 - Probationary Period………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
2.1 – Management Rights…………………………………………………………………………………………………….….12
2.2 – Foregoing statement of rights of management……………………………………………………………….12
2.3 – Supervisor Capacity…………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..13
2.4 – Non-Discrimination……………………………………………………………………………………………………......13
3.1 – Union Due Deductions…………………………………………………………………………………………………….14
3.2 – Withdrawal of Deduction Authorization………………………………………………………………………….14
3.3 – Authorization of Deductions…………………………………………………………………………………………...14
3.4 – Employer Non-Liability…………………………………………………………………………………………….……..14
3.5 – Agency Shop Recognition…………………………………………………………………………………………….….15
3.6 – Representation Fee for Non-Union Employees…………………………………………………………….….15
3.7 – Commencement of Representation Fees…………………………………………………………………….….15
3.8 – Annual Notification of Fees………………………………………………………………………………………….….15
3.9 – Calculation of Representation Fees……………………………………………………………………………...15
3.10 – Representation Fee Cost Exclusions……………………………………………………………………………...15
3.11 – Challenging Assessment of Representation Fee………………………………………………………….…15
4.1 – Strikes and Lockouts……………………………………………………………………………………………………….16
4.2 – Recognition of New Jersey State Law………..…………………………………………………………………….16
4.3 – No layoff Clause………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16
4.4 – Employer Rights in Case of Prohibited Acts……………………………………………………………………..16
5.1 – Definition of Grievance and Grievance Procedure………………………………………………………17,18
5.2 – Extension of Time Limits and Definition of Working Days………………………………………..………18
5.3 – Initiation of Grievance Regarding Discharge or Suspension…………………………………………..…18
5.4 – Scheduling Meetings…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..18
5.5 – Union Representatives Rights to Attend Grievance Meetings………………………………………….19
5.6 – Union Officials’ Right to Visit the Plant…………………………………………………………………………….19
6.1 – Definition of Pay Week…………………………………………………………………………………………….…..…20
6.2 – Definition of Work Day…………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…20
6.3 – Definition of Work Week…………………………………………………………………………………………………20
6.4 – Posting of Work Schedules……………………………………………………………………………………………...20
6.5 – Change of Shift, Shifts in Excess of 12 Hours……………………………………………………………………20
6.6 – Time Table for Notifying Employer of Absence………………………………………………………………..21
6.7 – Shift Trades……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..21
6.8 – Filling Positions on Second and Third Shifts……………………………………………………………..…….21
7.1 – Shift Differential Schedule……………………………………………………………………………………………….22
7.2 – Exclusion for Employee Requested Shift Changes…………………………………………………………...22
8.1 – Unpaid Meal Breaks and Meal Allowance Qualifications…………………………………………………23
9.1 – Call-In Pay & Technical Support…………………….………………………………………………………………...24
9.2 – Calculation of Call-In Pay Rate………………………………………………………………………………………...24
9.3 – Calculation of Technical Support Pay Rate.….……………….………………………………………………...24
10.1 – Qualifications of Reporting Pay…………………………………………………………………………………….25
10.2 – Guarantee of Work Day Pay………………………………………………………………………………………..…25
10.3 – Regarding Computation of Overtime……………………………………………………………………………..25
11.1 – Standby Employee’s Responsibilities……………………………………………………………………………..26
11.2 – Definition of Standby Period………………………………………………………………………………………….26
11.3 – Establishing a Standby Schedule…………………………………………………………………………………...26
11.4 – Calculation of Standby Payment/Failure to Comply……………………………………………………….26
11.5 – Trading Standby Days…………………………………………………………………………………………………….26
12.1 – Definition of Temporary Transfer/Equipment Operator Exclusion…………………………………27
12.2 – Development of Temporary Transfer List…………………………………………………………………..….27
12.3 – Pay Rate………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..27
12.4 – Job Assignments of 4 Hours or more……………………………………………………………………………..27
12.5 – Vacancies in Excess of 30 Consecutive Working Days…………………………………………………….27
12.6 – Shifts Involving Operators – Temporary Transfers as Operators…………………………………….27
12.7 – Assigning Shifts by Seniority and Interim Shift Breaker Position…………………………………….27
12.8 – Assignment of Non-Senior Employees –
Most Senior Not Assigned as Temporary Transfer.………….………………………………………………………27
12.9 – Temporary Transfers in Excess of 32 Regular Hours in a Work Week…………………………….27
13.1 – Notice of Training Program…………………………………………………………………………………………...28
13.2 – Basic Skills Test Requirement of Operating Positions…………………………………………………….28
13.3 – Employees Already Qualified for Operating Positions……………………………………………………28
13.4 – Use of Seniority When Selecting Candidates for Training………………………………………………28
13.5 – Training Periods and Job Specific Tests………………………………………………………………………….28
13.6 – Stipulations of Job Specific Tests…………………………………………………………………………………...28
13.7 – Reviewing Job Specific Test Results……………………………………………………………………………….28
13.8 – Training and Testing on New Equipment……………………………………………………………………….29
13.9 – Employees Written Agreement to Work In Trained Position………………………………………….29
13.10 – Economic or Promotional Opportunities and Seniority………………………………………………..29
13.11 – Training Period Pay Rate………………………………………………………………………………….………….29
13.12 – Establishment and Responsibilities of the Training Advisory Committee…………………….29
14.1 – Bereavement Leave………………………………………………………………………………………………...……30
14.2 – Military Leave………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..31
14.3 – Jury Duty……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….31
14.4 – Personal Leave…………………………………………………………………………………………………………,..…32
14.5 – Family and Medical Leave…………………………………………………………………………………………..…32
15.1 – Recognized Holidays…………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…33
15.2 – Observation of Holidays and Holidays Falling on a Weekend…………………………………………33
15.3 – Holiday Pay for Employees Not Required to Work……………………………………………..………….33
15.4 – Holiday Pay for Employees Required to Work…………………………………………………………..…..33
15.5 – Holidays Falling Within an Employees Vacation Period………………………………………………....33
15.6 – Failure to Report to Work Around a Holiday………………………………………………………………….33
15.7 – Recognition of Personal Days…………………………………………………………………………………………33
16.1 – Distribution of Vacation Time……………………………………………………………………………………..…34
16.2 – Scheduling of Vacation Time………………………………………………………………………………………...34
16.3 – Use of Additional Vacation Time Earned During a Calendar Year………………………………..…34
16.4 – Expiration of Vacation Time…………………………………………………………………………………………..34
16.5 – Calculation of Vacation Time…………………………………………………………………………………………34
16.6 – Accidents of Illnesses Occurring Prior to Scheduled Vacation Time……………………………….35
16.7 – Allowed Increments of Vacation Time……………………………………………………………………………35
16.8 – Vacation Time Compensation on Termination of Employment……………………………………..35
17.1 – Eligibility for Retirement Payment…………………………………………………………………………………36
17.2 – Calculation of Retirement Payment……………………………………………………………………………....36
18.1 – Definition of Lunch Periods and Compensations for Working Through Them………………..37
18.2 – Rest-Lunch Periods for Shifts Exceeding 10 hours………………………………………………………….37
18.3 – Clean-Up Times……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..37
18.4 – Clocking In and Out and Employees Working at Remote Locations……………………………..…37
19.1 – Management/Union Agreement to Recognize and Follow Safety Programs………………….38
19.2 – Establishment and Obligations of a Health and Safety Committee………………………………..38
19.3 – Management Obligation to Provide and Maintain a Safe Working Environment…………...38
19.4 – Employee Right to Refuse Unsafe Working Conditions or Environments……………………….38
19.5 – Employee Protections from Retaliation Related to Following Safety Protocols………………38
19.6 – Employee Agreement to Abide by Safety Manual & Inclusion of Drug & Alcohol Policy…39
19.7 – Resolution of Disputes…………………………………………………………………………………………………..39
19.8 – OSHA Language……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….39
19.8a – Facial Hair Policy………………………..……………………………………………………………………………….39
20.1 – Employer/Employee Non-Discrimination Agreement…………………………………………………….40
20.2 – Union Leaves of Absence……………………………………………………………………………………………….40
20.3 – Union Right to Personnel Records………………………………………………………………………………...40
20.4 – Bulletin Board Privileges and Stipulations……………………………………………………………………..40
20.5 – Union Officials’ Rights to Plant Access……………………………………………………………………………41
21.1 - Equitable Distribution and Recording of Overtime Hours………………………………………………42
21.2 – Recording of Overtime Hours Not Worked…………………………………………….……………………..42
21.3 – Overtime for Operators, Shift Breakers and Temporary Transfers………………………….…..…42
21.4 – Probationary Employees……………………………………………………………………………………………….43
21.5 – Equalization of Overtime Hours…………………………………………………………………………………….43
21.6- 6th and 7th Day Pay Rate………………………………………………….…………………………………………..….43
21.7 – Seniority and Overtime………………………………………………………………………………………………...43
21.8 – Plant Wide Overtime List….…………………………………………………………………………………………….43
22.1 – Usage of Sick Days………………………………………………………………………………………………………...44
22.2 – Accrual of Sick Days……………………………………………………………………………………………………….44
22.3 – Requirements for Physician’s Certificate……….……………………………………………………………...44
22.4 – Uses and Compensations for Unused Sick Days…………………………………………………………….44
22.5 – Occupational Illness or Injury………………………………………………………………………………….…….45
22.6 – Sick Leave Policy Violation………….…………………………………………………………………………….…45
22.7 – Sick Time Buy Back Option…….………………………………………………………………………………………45
23.1 – Recognition of Seniority………………………………………………………………………………………………..46
23.2 – Definition of Seniority……………………………………………………………………………………………………46
23.3 – Causes for Termination of Plant Seniority………………………………………………………………………46
23.4 – Reduction In Classification - Employees Hired Before 5/16/84……………………………….……..46
23.5 – Reduction In Classification For Employees Hired After 5/16/84..…………………………………..46
24.1 – Job Posting Procedure…………………………………………………………………………………………………..47
24.2 – Filing of Bid Positions………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..47
24.3 – Notification to Union of Job Posting Applications and Results……………………………………….47
24.4 – Trial Period…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….47
24.5 – When a Vacancy Exists and Abolishing Job Classifications……………………………….…………….47
24.6 – Vacancies in Excess of 28 Days………………………………………………………….………………..………...47
24.7 – Reduction In Work Force……………………………………………………………………………………………....48
25.1 – Probationary Employees…………………………………………………………………………………..……………49
25.2 – Notifying Union Committee of Layoffs…………………………………………………………..……………..49
25.3 – Permanent Layoffs In Accordance with Seniority / Qualifications……………………..…………..49
25.4 – Displacement From Job Classifications - Temporary Layoffs.…………………………..…………….49
25.5 – Recall Procedure………………………………………………………………………………….………….…………….50
25.6 – Filling Long-Term Openings During Temporary Layoffs………………………….……….……………..50
25.7 – Overtime Procedure During a Layoff………………………………………………………………..……………50
25.8 – Hiring During a Layoff………………………………………………………………………………………..............50
25.9 – Permanent Job Changes Due to Work Reductions…………………………….…………………….….…50
25.10 – Negotiating Committee……………………………………………………………………………..………………..50
25.11 – Eligibility, Calculation and Distribution of Separation Pay…………………….….………………….51
26.1 – Raises……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..52
26.2 – Eligibility for Payments Above Prevailing Wage Rates………….…………………………………….…52
26.3 – Automatic Wage Progression – Laborers & Post Probationary………………………………………52
26.4 – New Job Qualifications Bonus…………………………………………….….……………………………………..53
26.5 – Eligibility for One-Time Bonus Payments……………………………………………………………………....53
27.1 – Establishment and Notification of Work Rules……………………………………….……………………….54
27.2 – Legal Restrictions……………………………………………………………………………….……………………….…54
27.3 – New or Changed Job Classifications………………………………………….…………...........................54
27.4 – Rolling Discipline……………………………………………………………………………………………………………54
28.1 – Nondiscrimination & Complicity with the ADA………………………………………………………………..55
29.1 – Health Benefits, Waiting Periods, Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance, Dental,
Hearing Aid Coverage and Changing Insurance Administrators………............................…56
29.2 – Pension, PERS, Loans, and Contributory Death Benefits……………………………………………..…57
29.3 – Worker’s Compensation Insurance……………………………………………………………………………..…57
29.4 – Vision Care Reimbursement Plan…………………………………………………………………………..………57
29.5 – Tuition reimbursement………………………………………………………………………………………….…..….57
29.6 – Federal Insurance Contributions Act……………………………………………………………………………..58
29.7 – Unemployment Insurance…………………………………………………………………………………………….58
29.8 – Temporary and Long-Term Disability Insurance and Physicals……………………………………….58
29.9 – Physicals…………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………..58
29.10 – Banking of Vacation Time and Uses for Banked Time………………………………………………..…59
29.11 – Reimbursement For Licenses……………………………………………..……………………………………....59
29.12 – Deferred Compensation Plan………………………………………………………….…………………………..59
29.13 – Uniform and Boot Allowance……………………………………………………………………………………...59
29.14 – COBRA Protection……………………………………………………………………………………………………….60
29.15 – Retirement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...60
29.16 – Alternative Health coverage becomes unavailable……………………………………………………..60
29.17 – Travel for Training……………………………………………………………………………………………………….60
29.18 – CEU Scheduling…………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….61
30.1 – Notification of Outside Employment……………………………………………………………………………..62
30.2 – Conflict of Interest……………………………………………………………………………………………………..….62
30.3 – Primary Employment with GCUA…………………………………………………………………………………..62
30.4 – Simultaneous Duties………………………………………………..…………………………………………………...62
30.5 – Worker’s Compensation, Light Duty and Leaves of Absence……..…………………………………..62
30.6 – Local Government Ethics Law……………………………………………………………………………………..…62
31.1 – Effective Dates……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...63
31.2 – All Inclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..63
31.3 – Changes to Job Qualifications……………………………………………………………………………………..…63
31.4 – Right to Require Strict Performance…………………………………………….…………………………….….63
31.5 – Invalidities as a Result of Any Court or Competent Jurisdictions……………………………………63
31.6 – Inclusion of Exhibits A and B………………………………………………………………………………………….63
Contract duly executed – Signatures……………………………………………………………..64
THIS COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT made the 5th day of June 2023, between the GLOUCESTER COUNTY UTILITIES AUTHORITY (hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYER,”) and the UNITED STEEL, PAPER, FORESTRY, RUBBER, MANUFACTURING ENERGY, ALLIED INDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL-CIO-CLC (hereinafter referred to as the “UNION”), on its own behalf and on behalf of its Local Union No. 4-380.
WHEREAS, as a result of collective bargaining, an agreement intending to promote and improve industrial and economic relations between the Parties, concerning benefits, wages, hours of work, and working conditions of employment, now therefore be it agreed as follows:
1.1. The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining agency for all employees except supervisors, office personnel, and confidential employees.
1.2. Pursuant to a certification by the New Jersey Public Employees Relations Commission, dated December 4, 1974, as to results of a referendum on November 26, 1974, under the provisions of the New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act of 1968, the following Agreement is effective as to all employees in the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement.
1.3. This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assignees of the Parties and no provision, term, or obligation herein shall be affected, modified, altered, or changed in any respect by a change in the status of the ownership or management of either party.
1.4. During the first 90 calendar days of employment an employee is considered a probationary employee and the Employer may terminate his/her employment within that time without challenge by either the employee or the Union and without resort to the grievance procedure or any other hearing procedure. At its discretion, the Employer may extend the probationary period an additional 90 calendar days, with the concurrence of the Union.
2.1. The Employer retains, subject to, and only as modified by, provisions of this Agreement, the exclusive right to manage the Authority and to make any decisions affecting the Authority, whether or not specifically mentioned herein. These rights include, but are not limited to:
· Location of operations
· Types of equipment to be used
· Materials purchased or sold
· The type and/or nature of service or activity or facilities to be provided or delivered, added to, modified, or eliminated.
· The number of employees determined to be necessary for Authority wide staffing
· The number and type of sections, divisions, or departments needed by the Authority
· The number of employees assigned to each division or department
· The number of employees assigned to any particular work or job assignment
· To establish and or change job classifications. GCUA will meet with Union representatives in case of elimination of any job classification.
· To modify, change, or combine the job content of any job classification or classifications
· To establish the qualifications for any job classification
· To establish the means and methods of determining the qualifications for any job classification
· To determine when and where overtime shall be worked
· To establish and schedule working hours of employees, including establishing shifts
· To determine and establish the minimum reasonable work pace and performance levels for any employee and any job classification
· To determine the required safety devices and/or equipment required plant wide or job specific
· To discipline, suspend, demote, and/or discharge for just cause
· To establish training programs, their contents, duration and means of determining successful completion by employees
· To transfer, layoff and/or promote in accordance with applicable provisions of this Agreement
2.2. The foregoing statement of rights of management and of the Employer are not all inclusive, but indicate the type of matters or rights which belong to and are inherent in management and shall not be construed in any way to exclude other Employer functions not specifically enumerated.
2.3. Except in the laboratory, which will continue to function as in the past, supervisors shall act in a supervisory capacity, except that they may work for the purpose of instructing employees; to cover absent employees until a qualified replacement is obtained; to perform experimental work, testing, and starting up of new equipment; and in cases of emergencies. Supervisors shall do no work for the purpose of replacing the employees or depriving them of overtime. In the case of experimental work, the Employer will notify the Union, through officials where available, as to the nature of the experimental work prior to the start-up of the work. In the case of emergencies, any work performed by the supervisor must be recorded in the log book to the same extent as recorded by bargaining unit personnel.
2.4. The Employer agrees that these rights will not be used in violation of this Agreement or for the purpose of discriminating against or coercing any employee because of his/her lawful activities in or for the Union.
3.1. In accordance with the provisions of the Law, an employee may authorize, in writing to the Employer, the deduction of Union dues from his/her pay. Upon receiving said authorization, the Employer shall make the deduction from the first pay period following the second Tuesday of the month and forward these funds to the Union within ten days.
3.2. The employee may withdraw the above authorization by filing a notice of withdrawal with the Employer, which filing shall be effective to halt the deduction within 30 days following said filing.
3.3. The authorization for deductions is as follows:
TO: Gloucester County Utilities Authority
I certify that the United Steelworkers and its Local 4-380 is my designated collective bargaining representative. You are hereby authorized and directed to deduct from my earnings monthly, commencing with the first payroll period of each calendar month, an amount equivalent to dues and initiation fees as designated by and submitted to the International Secretary Treasurer.
This authorization and assignment is voluntarily made in consideration for the cost of representation and collective bargaining and is not contingent solely upon my present or future membership in the Union. This authorization and assignment shall remain in effect unless I file written notice of withdrawal with the Employer and the Union which would become effective within 30 days following said filing. This check off procedure shall be subject to any limitation required by law or regulation of any authorized governmental agency.
The Financial Secretary of Local 4-380, USW, is authorized to deposit this authorization with any Employer under contract with this Local and is further authorized to transfer this authorization to any other Employer under contract with Local 4-380 in the event that I change employment.
Social Security Number
3.4. The Union shall indemnify, defend, and save the Employer harmless against any and all claims, demands, or suits, or other forms of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of action taken by the Employer in reliance upon salary deduction authorization cards or by the representation fee information as furnished by the Union to the Employer, or in reliance upon the official notification on the letterhead of the Union and signed by the President of the Union, advising of such change in deduction.
3.5. The Employer agrees to an Agency Shop for its full-time permanent employees who have completed their probationary period.
3.6. The Employer agrees to deduct the representation fee from the earnings of those employees who elect not to become members of the Union and to transmit the fee to the Union.
3.7. The deduction shall commence for each employee who elects not to become a member of the Union during the month following written notice from the Union of the amount of the representation fee assessment.
3.8. At the onset of each membership year, the Union will notify the Employer in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fees, and assessments charged by the Union to its own members for that membership year.
3.9. The representation fee for services rendered by the Union shall be in an amount equal to the regular membership dues, initiation fees, and assessments of the Union, less the cost of benefits financed through the dues and available only to the members of the Union, but in no event shall the fee exceed 85% of the regular membership dues and assessments. The appropriate representation fee must be certified to the Board by the Union annually.
3.10. The sum representing the representation fee shall not reflect the cost of financial support of political causes of candidates, except to the extent that is necessary for the Union to engage in lobbying activity designed to foster its policy goals in collective negotiations and contract administration and to secure for the employees it represents advantages in wages, hours, and other conditions of employment which ordinarily cannot be secured through collective negotiations with the Employer.
3.11. The Union shall establish and maintain a procedure whereby an employee can challenge the assessment as computed by the Union. This appeal procedure shall in no way involve the Employer or require the Employer to take any action other than hold the fee in escrow pending resolution of the appeal. A copy of the demand and return system must be furnished to the Board prior to any deductions being made under this paragraph and annually thereafter.
4.1. The Union agrees that for the duration of this Agreement there shall be no strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns, or sick-outs as a result of a labor dispute and the Employer agrees that there shall be no lockouts. In the event of a breach of this provision by any member of the Union, the Union, through its representatives, will immediately take every reasonable active means to terminate such interference. It is further agreed that any member of the Union who engages in any of the above, having been notified to the contrary, shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
4.2. The parties recognize that, under New Jersey law, public employees have no right to strike.
4.3 There shall be no layoffs during the legal length of this contract dated
June 16, 2023 – June 17, 2026.
4.4 The Employer shall not be required to discuss or negotiate or hear or rule on any problem or grievance related to any strike or other work stoppage or slowdown until such time as such prohibited acts are discontinued.
5.1 The term grievance as used in this article shall mean a complaint by an employee against the Employer alleging failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement and/or concerning the meaning or application of any terms of this Agreement. The grievance shall proceed through each step of the grievance procedure, until resolved, as follows:
5.1a. NOTIFICATION TO MANAGEMENT - The employee, within fifteen (15) working days of the first knowledge of the alleged grievance, shall notify his/her supervisor by presenting the oral grievance. Upon notification, Management shall implement the following grievance procedure steps.
5.1b. STEP 1. EMPLOYEE-SUPERVISOR RESOLUTION PROCEDURE - Upon discussion, the employee, shop steward, and the supervisor shall make every reasonable effort to adjust the grievance within five (5) working days of the notification by the Union of the grievance.
5.1c. STEP 2. EMPLOYEE-MANAGER OF OPERATIONS RESOLUTION PROCEDURE - If the Step 1 answer does not resolve the grievance, then, within five (5) working days of the failure to resolve the grievance, the Union shall present the grievance, in writing, to the Manager of Operations. Upon receipt of the written grievance, the Manager of Operations shall have five (5) working days to schedule a meeting with the employee, immediate supervisor, and the shop steward. Within ten (10) working days of the meeting, the Manager of Operations will render a written decision to the Union.
5.1d. STEP 3. UNION-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RESOLUTION PROCEDURE - If the written decision in Step 2 above is not acceptable, or if the decision is not timely issued, then, within five (5) working days of this failure to resolve the grievance, the Union may present the written grievance to the Executive Director. Upon receipt of the grievance, the Executive Director will schedule a meeting, schedules permitting, within ten (10) working days by contacting the International Representative and they together will schedule the meeting at a mutually agreeable date and time, between the employee, steward, chief steward, local Union president and/or the International Representative. The Executive Director will, within ten (10) working days of the conclusion of the scheduled meeting, render a written decision to the grievance.
5.1e. STEP 4. UNION-BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION PROCEDURE - If the written decision of Step 3 is not timely received or not agreeable to the Union, then the Union may proceed to a hearing before the Board of Commissioners by submitting within thirty (30) working days thereafter, a written notice of request for a hearing of the grievance to the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners. A hearing, schedules permitting, shall be scheduled to be held within fourteen (14) working days of receipt of the written request. Within ten (10) working days of the date of the hearing, the Board of Commissioners shall provide a written reply to the grievance.
5.1f. ARBITRATION RESOLUTION PROCEDURE - Any grievance not amicably resolved by Step 3 or 4 above may be referred to arbitration by either party as a method of grievance resolution as follows:
5.1f.1. If, as a result of Step 3, written notification shall be given to the other party of the desire to arbitrate the unresolved grievance within thirty (30) working days of the conclusion of Step 3 of the Grievance Procedure.
5.1f.2. If, as a result of Step 4, written notification shall be given to the other party of the desire to arbitrate the unresolved grievance within thirty (30) working days of the conclusion of Step 4 of the Grievance Procedure.
5.1f.3. In the event the matter is taken to arbitration; it shall be referred to the American Arbitration Association for the selection of an impartial arbitrator and thereafter shall proceed in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.
5.lf.4. Each party shall bear its own expenses for the presentation of its case, including costs of any witnesses. The arbitrator’s fee shall be borne equally by the parties.
5.2 The time limits referred to within this Article may be extended by mutual consent of the appropriate Union and Management representatives. The reference to working days in this Article shall mean Monday through Friday and shall not include Saturdays, Sundays, or Holidays.
5.3 In the case that the subject matter of a grievance is either discharge or suspension of an employee, the grievance may be initiated in writing to the Executive Director.
5.4 Either the Union Grievance/Negotiation Committee or the Authority’s Management Committee may request that a meeting be scheduled at a mutually convenient day and time to consider matters with respect to safety, health, working conditions, and improvement of harmonious labor-management relations. The party requesting such meeting shall submit a written agenda at the time of the request. The other party, within three (3) days of the original request, may submit an agenda of issues for consideration. Within five (5) days of submission of the requesting party’s agenda, the parties will schedule a meeting at a mutually convenient day and time.
5.5 The appropriate shop steward, as well as the Chief Steward, shall have the right to be present at all steps of the Grievance Procedure. In the event that his/her presence thereat is during his/her scheduled working hours, the steward shall suffer no loss of pay.
5.6 Any duly accredited Union official may visit the plant after requesting permission from the Employer and such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.
6.1 For payroll purposes, the work week for all Gloucester County Utilities Authority employees shall be from Monday 12:01 a.m. to midnight the following Sunday.
6.1a All GCUA employees will be on a Bi-weekly pay schedule.
6.2 The work day for the Gloucester County Utilities Authority employees shall be the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at the time the employee is scheduled to report for work.
6.3 The normal work week shall consist of five (5) eight (8) hour days within the period from 12:01 a.m. Monday through Sunday midnight, the specific shifts to be scheduled as needed by the Employer. For continuous shift coverage scheduling order shall be to progress with the time clock as per operator’s schedule.
6.4 The posted work schedule shall be at least a one week schedule kept current by posting the schedule for each subsequent week at least by 4:00 p.m. on the first business day of the preceding week.
6.5 When an employee is scheduled to work hours other than those shown on the posted work schedule, a revised work schedule for those employees affected will be posted indicating the hours to be worked. An employee assigned to a revised work schedule will be paid four (4) hours additional at straight time plus applicable shift differential for the first shift worked on such revised work schedule unless at least forty-eight (48) hours’ notice has been given. The four (4) hours shall not be counted in computing overtime.
6.5b It is the policy of the Authority not to require employees to work in excess of twelve (12) consecutive hours, however that policy may be waived in either of the below listed situations.
6.5b1. In the event that the GCUA and the local 4-380 mutually agree to an alternate shift schedule that includes twelve (12) hour shifts which would provide for occasional OT of twelve (12) hours.
6.5b2. Recognizing that the Authority has a statutory responsibility to operate certain equipment or processes on a twenty-four (24) hour and three hundred and sixty five (365) day basis, in the event there is no coverage available by the call in of other qualified employees, the least senior qualified employee on duty may be required to work in excess of twelve (12) hours as well as the scheduling of Shift Breakers and Temporary Transfers and or in the event of emergency operation needs.
6.6b. Second (2nd) Shift - 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM
or 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM
or 4:00 PM to 12:00 PM
Two (2) hour notification
6.6c. Third (3rd) Shift - 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM
or 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM
or 12:00 PM to 8:00 AM
Two (2) hour notification
6.6d It is the employee’s requirement to arrive to work on time. The employee will have up to two (2) hours after the start of their shift to either appear to work or to notify the Employer.
6.7 Shift trades will be allowed under the following conditions:
6.7a. Prior approval by immediate supervisor;
6.7b. The trade does not result in added cost to the Employer, such as when overtime would result;
6.7c. The employee involved is qualified to work the job.
6.7d. Approval of shift trades shall not be unreasonably withheld.
6.8 Should the Authority determine it needs maintenance personnel, laboratory personnel, or laborers for work on a shift other than first shift, the Authority shall:
6.8a. Post the position by job classification and qualifications with identified hours of work.
6.8b. If more than one (1) bid is received, the most senior, qualified employee shall be awarded the shift assignment.
Should no employees bid, going from most senior person to the least senior person, on the shift availability, the Authority shall develop a weekly rotating schedule encompassing all employees qualified to perform the job. The least senior employee shall be the first employee assigned to the shift and the weekly rotation will continue based on seniority, least senior to most senior.
7.1 During the term of this agreement, shift differential shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule:
2nd Shift $2.00/hour
3rd Shift $2.00/hour
For the purposes of this agreement, shifts shall be identified as follows:
First (1st) Shift - 5:00 AM to 1:00 PM
or 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM
or 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
or 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Second (2nd) Shift - 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM
or 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM
or 4:00 PM to 12:00 PM
Third (3rd) Shift - 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM
or 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM
or 12:00 PM to 8:00 AM
An employee shall be paid the prevailing wage for the particular shift worked for all hours worked within that shift, except as noted in Section 7.2.
7.2 When operating conditions permit, and management and the employee agree, a change of working hours outside of the identified shift, requested by the employee, for the employee’s benefit, may be established. If this change in working hours would place the employee in a higher prevailing wage rate, the employee will not be eligible for the higher prevailing wage rate.
8.1 Upon completion of the tenth consecutive hour of work in any given day, an employee shall be entitled to a one-half hour meal break, without pay. He/she shall also be entitled to a meal allowance of $15.00 with payment thereafter being made by the employee submitting a petty cash voucher. He/she shall also be entitled to a meal allowance if he/she is required to return to work within two (2) hours after having worked a full eight (8) hour shifts. The petty cash (meal) voucher must be turned in to GCUA management within 2 weeks from the date of issuance or the voucher will not be honored by GCUA management.
9.1 When an employee is required to return to the plant to work outside of his/her regularly scheduled work hours, it shall be considered a call-in.
9.2 The minimum pay amount for any employee reporting to a call-in shall be four (4) hours at the appropriate rate. For the purpose of computing overtime hours, the entire four (4) hours shall be considered as time worked.
9.3 If an employee is called on the phone to supply technical support, the said employee will receive 2 hours pay at their straight time pay rate. If called again for the same issue the said employee will not receive (2) two additional hours unless said employee is called for a different technical issue then this employee will receive an additional (2) hours at their straight time rate pay. For the purpose of computing overtime hours, these hours shall not be considered as time worked.
10.1 When an employee is scheduled to report for work on a regularly scheduled work day and there is no work available, he/she shall receive four (4) hours straight time pay unless the Employer had given him/her at least two (2) hours prior notice not to report.
10.2 An employee who commences work on a regularly scheduled work day shall be guaranteed eight (8) hours pay at his/her straight time basic hourly rate unless the employee leaves by his/her own choice.
10.3 For the purpose of computing overtime hours, only the time actually worked shall be counted.
11.1 When an employee is scheduled for standby emergency work, that employee is expected to be available for work and able to be reached by telephone, either at his/her home, or at a telephone number which has been given to the supervisor on duty. The employee assigned to be on standby should be no more than one (1) hour driving distance from work unless he/she receives supervisory approval.
11.2 Standby period is defined as the time from when an employee’s regular shift ends to when his/her next regular shift begins.
11.3 The Employer may issue, on a periodic basis, a standby schedule assigning all GCUA personnel to standby status. Management will try to ensure that standby is not given to an employee with 2 or more days off during the stand by time management requests. Operational needs will dictate management’s decision.
11.4 Payment for a scheduled standby is four (4) hours straight time pay at the regular rate. The four (4) hours will not be considered time worked when computing overtime. If an employee cannot be reached during the time he/she is scheduled to be on standby, he/she will not receive payment and may be subject to disciplinary action, depending upon the circumstances surrounding his/her unavailability.
11.5 No employee may trade days without prior approval from his/her supervisor. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The employer may decline to authorize trades based on the overtime liability created by the trade.
12.1 A temporary transfer is defined as a transfer of an employee from his/her job classification to another job classification on a day-to-day basis as a result of the absence of another employee, transfer of another employee, or operational requirement. Any qualified union employee may be used for up to ½ hour per shift to push sludge without the need to call in an equipment operator.
12.2 The Employer shall develop and update a list of all employees qualified to work in one or more job classifications. This list shall contain the date of employee hire, permanent job classification, and other position(s) for which qualified. This list will provide guidance in offering employees temporary transfer assignments.
12.3 In the event that an employee is temporarily transferred to a different job classification, he/she shall be paid at the job rate or his/her regular straight time hourly rate, whichever is higher, for all time actually worked on the temporary assignment.
12.4 If the assignment is for four (4) hours or more, the employee shall receive the higher rate for all hours for his/hers eight (8) hour shift.
12.5 If, after thirty (30) consecutive working days, the vacancy still exists, then another employee will be transferred to fill that same position provided that the employee possesses the qualifications to perform the job.
12.6 In the case where the temporary transfer involves a Biological Operator, Sludge Processing Operator, or Incinerator Operator, an employee fully trained and qualified as a Shift Breaker (Exhibit X) shall be assigned as the temporary transfer.
12.7 In the case where two (2) or more employees are fully trained and qualified as a Shift Breaker or a transfer, the Authority shall assign by seniority preference in accordance with Article 23, Section In the case where an employee is in the bided position as a Shift Breaker and is out due to illness, or injury, then the employee who is temporarily transferred into the position of Shift Breaker will be considered the interim Shift Breaker for the purpose of scheduling and for overtime.
12.8 If, due to the demonstrable, non-routine operational needs of the Authority, the most senior employee is not assigned to the temporary transfer, he/she shall be paid the higher of his/her normal rate of pay or that of the temporary transfer job classification during the temporary transfer period.
12.9 If an employee is temporarily transferred into a job classification with a higher hourly rate, and works at least 32 regular (non-overtime) hours in a work week in that job classification, any additional hours thereafter actually worked during that workweek shall not be compensated at an hourly rate lower than the rate for that job classification, except any overtime worked shall be paid at the classification worked at during the overtime period.
13.1 In the event that the Employer determines it is necessary to train employees for the purpose of working as temporary transfers, a notice will be posted on the bulletin board for seven (7) calendar days, in accordance with Article 24, Vacancies and Job Bidding.
13.2 All existing Laborers or Utility Workers who have not been trained and/or certified as qualified for any other job classification who desire to enter a training program for Biological Operator, Sludge Processing Operator, or Incinerator Operator provided by the Authority will be required to achieve a minimum score of 70% on the Authority’s Basic Skills Test (BST), provided they meet the minimum qualifications for these positions.
13.3 All current employees not covered by Section 13.2 shall not be required to take the BST and will be eligible to enter the Authority-provided training program, provided they meet the minimum qualifications for the job title training program.
13.4 Seniority will prevail in selecting the number of employees qualified to enter the training program.
13.5 The training program consists of thirty (30) working days and may not interfere with operational needs. It should be completed in 45 working days. No shadowing is permitted. The trainee can request to be allowed to take the test any time after a ten-day training period if the employee and management mutually agree. At the end of the training period the employee(s), where specific training has been given, will be required to achieve a minimum score of 70% on the skills test specific to the job classification for which the employee has trained. Should the employee fail to achieve the minimum score required, the employee will be provided an additional ten (10) days of training then be administered the same job specific test. Failure to achieve the minimum score will deem the employee not minimally qualified for the job classification. The employee shall not be eligible to bid on entry into a training program for the same job classification for a period of 12 months. The failure to be minimally qualified for one specific job classification will not prevent the employee from bidding for training for another job classification.
13.6 Employees shall have up to 2 1/2 hours to complete the Job Specific Test (JST). The test shall be administered during the First shift and in an environment conducive to test taking.
13.7 The employee shall have the right to review the JST and the employee’s answers, as well as the correct answers, with a Shop Steward present, and be given the test results, whether passed or failed, within one week of completing the exam. The Union shall have the right to question and challenge any specific question(s) on the JST which is inappropriate or not job specific.
13.8 Section 13.5 shall not be construed to apply to training and testing on new equipment. Where training for new equipment is provided by the vendor, the length of training shall be as specified by the vendor. If training is provided by the Authority, it shall be one (1) day in length or as appropriate.
Upon completion of training, employees will be tested for overall proficiency (70%) on the piece of equipment. In cases of failure to meet proficiency standards (70%), the employee will be given an additional ten (10) days to train and an opportunity to re-test. Should an employee not meet the standard (70%) after retraining, the employee shall be given the opportunity to field test to demonstrate overall proficiency. The field test will be administered five (5) working days after the second proficiency test. Employees who fail the field test shall have the right to bump employees with less seniority in other departments or sections in accordance with Article 23.
13.9 The employee shall agree in writing that he/she will work as a temporary transfer in the job for which he/she has trained. In those instances where circumstances (including, but not limited to medical reasons and family obligations) prevent the employee from working as a temporary transfer; the employee shall notify the Authority in writing.
13.10 Internal or external departmental training programs that would qualify an existing permanent employee for an economic or promotional opportunity shall be offered first to the most senior employee(s) in that department. Temporary transfers or probationary employees shall not be eligible for these training programs.
13.11 During an employee training and evaluation period, the employee shall be paid a premium of $1.00 per hour, provided the premium does not exceed the rate of pay for the job classification for which the employee is being trained.
13.12 A Training Advisory Committee (TAC) will be established in the following manner:
The Training Advisory Committee will be a committee of six (6) members comprising the Manager of Operations, who will be the Committee Chairperson, Assistant Manager of Operations, a Supervisor directly involved with the training, the Chief Steward, a Craftsman or employee who currently holds that job title, and another employee selected by the Union who has already completed a training program.
The TAC will meet quarterly to evaluate the training program’s effectiveness.
Halfway through the training period the TAC will meet to review each trainee’s progress.
If a training problem has occurred, the Chairperson will inform the TAC about the problem and request their input and assistance.
The TAC Chairperson will coordinate, schedule, and facilitate all TAC meetings, and keep the TAC informed of all activities surrounding program updating and changes.
It is recognized that discipline is management’s responsibility, not the TAC’s.
14.1 Time off as provided in this Article shall be considered as time worked in determining overtime pay, except that FMLA time off after an employee has exhausted his or her accrued paid sick leave is not counted as hours worked for purposes of computing overtime.
Bereavement Leave: An employee shall be granted paid bereavement leave as follows:
RELATIVE Brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, spouse’s grandparents, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law
step-brother, step-sister | AMOUNT OF LEAVE
Three (3) days |
Spouse, child, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, step-mother, step-father
Aunt or Uncle | Five (5) days
One (1) Day –
4 occurrences during the length of this current contract. |
 |  |
The leave of absence shall begin the day following death and is contingent upon attendance at the funeral. If the distance involved makes it impractical to attend the funeral, the benefit shall be reduced to the time limit which the circumstances require.
14.2 Military Leave: A military leave of absence will be granted to employees who are absent from work because of service in the U.S. uniformed services in accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) as well as applicable State law. Advance notice of military service is required, unless military necessity prevents such notice or it is otherwise impossible or unreasonable. Notice should be given to the Executive Director as soon as practicable.
As required under New Jersey statute, N.J.S.A. 38:23-1, employees in the U.S. Armed Forces reserves, or the National Guard of a State other than New Jersey, will receive full pay while engaged in any period of federal active duty (including training time) for up to thirty (30) days per calendar year for training assignments (without regard to the amount of military pay received by the employee.) Such leave of absence shall be in addition to the regular vacation or other accrued leave allowed such officer or employee. Note that any leave of absence for such duty in excess of 30 work days shall be without pay but without loss of time.
With respect to employees who are members of New Jersey National Guard, as required under New Jersey statute, N.J.S.A. 38A:4-4, such employees will receive full pay while engaged in any period of state or Federal active duty (including training time) (without regard to the amount of military pay received by the employee), provided that paid leaves of absence for Federal active duty or active duty for training do not exceed ninety (90) work days in the aggregate in any one calendar year for training assignments Such leave of absence shall be in addition to the regular vacation or other accrued leave allowed such officer or employee. Note that any leave of absence for such duty in excess of 90 work days shall be without pay but without loss of time.
Continuation of health insurance benefits is available as required by USERRA based on the length of the leave and subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of the applicable plans for which the employee is otherwise eligible. Continuation of coverage may also be available under COBRA.
Benefit accruals, such as vacation, sick leave, or holiday benefits, will be suspended during military leaves in excess of 2 weeks and will resume upon the employee's return to active employment.
Employees on military leave for up to 30 days are required to return to work for the first regularly scheduled shift after the end of service, allowing reasonable travel time. Employees on longer military leave must apply for reinstatement in accordance with USERRA and all applicable state laws.
Employees returning from military leave will be returned to work in accordance with USERRA and/or applicable State law, whichever provides a greater benefit. They will be treated as though they were continuously employed for purposes of determining benefits based on length of service.
14.3 Jury Duty: Management recognizes that employees have a civic duty to serve as jurors when called. To this end, employees will receive their regular straight time rate of pay when serving on a jury on scheduled work days.
In order to receive full pay during jury service, employees will be required to present the certification of service provided by the Court to the Personnel Clerk or the office staff designated to do this job on any specific day by noon on Monday following each week of service. If this is not possible because of the juror’s schedule, notification to the Personnel Clerk by telephone will suffice until the physical certification can be produced.
Employees will also be required to turn over to the Employer any payment received from the Court for jury duty service. Failure to turn over jury duty pay will result in withholding of the Employee’s pay for the final week of jury duty service.
During the course of jury duty service, employees are required to notify their supervisor in advance and report to work on any day they do not have to report for jury duty. Employees must also report to work any day on which they are released from jury duty prior to noon.
Time served on jury duty shall be considered time worked for the computation of overtime.
14.4 Personal Leave: A leave of absence for personal reasons may be granted to an employee upon application to the Executive Director. The Executive Director will provide appropriate forms for leave of absence requests. The nature of the leave requested must be made known to the Operations Manager and Executive Director. Personal leaves will be granted based on the operational requirements of the plant. Any employee who takes an unauthorized leave of absence will be subject to disciplinary action which could lead to discharge.
14.5 Family and Medical Leave:
FMLA/NJFLA- All leave granted under the terms of the contract (paid and unpaid) leave will comply with and be subject to the policies of the Gloucester County Utilities Authority and all applicable law, wherever such provisions are applicable.
Holidays falling on a Saturday will be observed on the preceding Friday and holidays falling on a Sunday will be observed on the following Monday; provided that when December 24 and/or December 25 fall on Saturday and/or Sunday, the Employer and the Union shall mutually agree as to the day(s) of observation.
15.3 Any employee not required to work on a Holiday will be granted the day off with pay at his/her regular straight time rate. These hours will be considered as hours worked for the computation of overtime.
15.4 Any employee required to work on a Holiday will be paid at two-and-one-half times the appropriate hourly rate for all time worked, except that an employee who works less than eight hours on a Holiday will be paid eight hours holiday pay, plus time-and-one-half pay for those hours actually worked.
15.5 Should any of the above Holidays be observed within the vacation period of an employee covered by this Agreement, he/she will be granted an extra day immediately before or after the vacation.
15.6 An employee who is scheduled to work, but fails to report to work, on the last scheduled work day before the Holiday, the Holiday itself or the next scheduled work day after the Holiday shall not receive Holiday pay unless he/she offers medical documentation or offers the Employer an acceptable explanation for the absence within 24 hours of their return to work. A shift worker can wait to hand in their doctor’s note until they can hand it in to the next available supervisor on duty due to privacy concerns.
15.7 Personal Days: The Employee’s Birthday and the anniversary date of the Employee’s hire date are two (2) of four (4) personal days the employee will use during the calendar year. Personal days are calculated for overtime.
15.7a. Employees may take one (1) Personal Day during each year of the agreement at their discretion. Employees must submit schedule for (1) Personal Day during each year of the agreement by 3/31 to be used with approval of management. Employees working on first shift must notify the shift supervisor one (1) hour prior to the start of their scheduled shift. Employees working on second and third shifts must notify the shift supervisor two (2) hours prior to the start of their scheduled shifts.
16.1 Vacations are awarded on the basis of active continuous service from the employee’s date of hire, as follows:
Vacation time is to be used for calculation of overtime.
At least one (1) but less than five (5) years | Two (2) weeks |
At least five (5) but less than ten (10) years | Three (3) weeks |
At least ten (10) but less than fifteen (15) years
At least fifteen (15) years
* At least twenty (20) years of
GCUA employment for those
hired after June 2014
| Four (4) weeks
Five (5) weeks
Five (5) weeks |
16.2 The scheduling of vacations shall be subject to the approval of the Employer and shall be scheduled in a manner consistent with the operating needs of the Employer. As far as reasonably possible, vacations shall be granted in accordance with seniority.
16.3 During any given calendar year an Employee shall be entitled to the amount of vacation time as defined in Article 16, Section 1. Should an Employee’s anniversary of employment occur during any calendar year that would entitle the Employee to additional vacation, the newly earned vacation cannot be taken prior to the Employee’s anniversary date. Should the Employee’s anniversary date occur at a point in the calendar year that precludes the taking of vacation in that calendar year, the Employer and Employee will mutually agree on a schedule for taking the vacation.
16.4 Vacations must be completed by the end of the calendar year in which the vacation is due unless mutually agreed otherwise.
16.5 Vacation pay shall be calculated at the employee’s regular straight time hourly rate of pay times forty (40) hours per week for each week of vacation.
16.6 If prior to an employee commencing any week of his/her vacation, he/she becomes incapacitated due to sickness or accident, he/she shall notify the Employer of the incapacity as soon as possible. When such incapacity due to sickness or accident has been substantiated and, if the employee is entitled to benefits under the Employer’s Plan for Sickness and Accident Disability Benefits, he/she shall be placed on sick leave immediately and entitled to all benefits that would regularly apply. The vacation shall then be rescheduled for a later time. An employee may elect to take his/her vacation notwithstanding this paragraph.
16.7 Vacation days must be submitted by 3/31 of each year by seniority, after that it is first come first serve basis. Remaining days must be submitted by 10/1 of each year. Approved vacation days may be rescinded due to call outs and FMLA time due to Operational needs. (Unless paid vacation expenses can be proven for vacation days requested). If a vacation day request is denied and the employee calls out sick for that day, the employee must supply a Physicians note. Employees who work shift work must submit a vacation request by Thursday 12 PM noon for the following week. An employee may take ten (10) of his/her vacation days as single days or combinations thereof provided adequate notice is given and the scheduling can be done without interfering with plant operations. An employee with fifteen (15) or more years of continuous service may take three (3) weeks of his/her vacation in the same manner. The Employer may also grant vacation time off in increments of (10) ten one-half (1/2) days provided adequate notice is given and the scheduling can be done without interfering with plant operations.
16.8 On termination of employment for any reason except discharge for just cause or if the employee quits without two (2) weeks’ notice, an employee with six (6) months of continuous service since his/her last employment anniversary date shall receive pay for any vacation period which has accrued and not been taken up to the last day of employment. In determining proportionate vacation or vacation pay, an employee shall be deemed to have earned one twelfth (1/12) of his/her annual vacation for each full month of active service after his/her last employment anniversary date.
(a) The number of unused sick hours will be divided in half;
(b) The result in (a) will be multiplied by the value of the hourly pay rate for the employee at retirement;
(c) The resulting figure will constitute the payment, except that in no case shall the payment exceed what is New Jersey State Law.
18.1 Each employee shall be entitled to a one half (1/2) hour lunch period after the first four (4) hours of work, in lieu of two (2) fifteen (15) minute break periods, subject to the Employer’s requirements or emergencies.
Every effort will be made to avoid having an employee work through his/her lunch period. However, if an employee works through his/her lunch period with the permission of his/her supervisor, he/she may leave work with his/her supervisor’s permission for a time period equal to his/her lunch period. If the employee is not permitted to leave, the time equal to his/her lunch period will be credited towards the computation of overtime.
18.2 Any employee working more than ten (10) consecutive hours shall be entitled to a thirty (30) minute rest-lunch period. If the employee works straight through, he/she shall receive time and one half (1 1/2) compensation for this rest-lunch period.
18.3 Employees shall have the right to five (5) minutes clean-up time prior to their scheduled lunch period and fifteen (15) minutes clean-up time prior to the end of their scheduled shift.
18.4 Employees remaining on the treatment plant premises or who are assigned to work at locations remote from the treatment plant premises shall not be required to clock out at the beginning of their lunch period or clock in at the end of their lunch period. Employees leaving the treatment plant premises during their lunch period shall be required to clock out at the beginning of their lunch period and clock in at the end of their scheduled lunch period or when they return to the treatment plant premises, such as the case may be.
20.1 The Employer will not discriminate against any officer, representative or steward of the Union because of; or by reason of any lawful orderly action taken by him/her or them in good faith, under or pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement and the Employer agrees not to discriminate against or coerce any member of the bargaining unit because of his/her Union affiliation.
20.2 The Employer agrees to grant leaves of absence, without pay, to attend to Union business when requested by the Union. No more than two employees, not from the same department unless by mutual consent, shall be absent at any one time. Such leaves of absence shall not exceed a total of five (5) days per year and not more than three (3) consecutive days at any one time. In addition, the Employer shall grant a leave of absence, without pay, to one (1) employee per year for the purpose of attending the Union’s National Convention.
20.3 If, in the opinion of the Union, it is necessary to establish facts where the Employer and the Union are in disagreement concerning an employee’s grievance, the employee’s Personnel Record file shall be made available for inspection by such employee or accredited Union Representative upon at least twenty-four (24) hours’ prior written notice to the Executive Director. This prior notice period is deemed to refer to notice given during the period Monday through Friday.
20.4 Bulletin Board Privileges: The Employer shall supply a Bulletin Board in the lunchroom for the Union to post the following announcements: notice of Union recreation or social affairs; notice of Union elections and results; notice of Union appointments; notice of Union Meetings; union minutes of Joint Conference.
20.4a. all notices are to be signed by the Union President, Secretary or duly authorized representatives and there shall be no posting of any notices other than the above, except after such notice has been approved in writing by the Employer and the Union.
20.4b. The material posted by the Union shall be of noncontroversial nature.
20.4c. The Union shall not post any material on the Employer Bulletin Board.
20.5 The officers and Grievance Committee of the Local Union shall have access to the plant during any reasonable hours that the plant is operating in order to handle grievances or essential Union contract related business. The International Representative of the Union shall have access to the plant, upon request and making his/her presence known to a Management representative on entering the plant. For access to the working areas of the plant, the Employer reserves the right to have the Executive Director or a GCUA designee accompany the representative.
21.1 Insofar as practicable, the Employer will distribute all overtime work equitably within the classifications to employees qualified and available. All hours worked on overtime shall be recorded on the overtime list and be kept current.
21.2 All refusals to work overtime shall be charged on said overtime list for the number of hours offered or actually worked by the employee accepting the overtime offer. Employees with no voice mail or when a full voice mail response will be charged for overtime hours. An employee is called to work overtime and they are not home, the time not worked will be recorded on the overtime list, but the time will not be charged to the employee as time worked. However, such time will be used to substantiate that overtime is being distributed in as equitable a manner as practicable.
21.3 When distributing overtime (OT) to operators, start with least hours to most hours. When hours are equal, seniority prevails. If operator # 1 states he/she will work four (4) hours but refuses to work all eight (8) hours, continue to operator #2. Let #2 operator be aware that operator #1 will work four (4) of the hours. If operator #2 wants to work all eight (8) hours let #2 do so and issue operator #1 with a refusal for eight (8) hours. If operator #2 states that he/she will work four (4) hours then Operators #1 & #2 will split the eight (8) hours with operator #1 receiving an W-4 & R-4 on OT sheet and operator #2 receiving a W-4. If operator #2 refuses all eight (8) hours then mark the OT list accordingly and continue this same process for the remaining operators. If necessary go to the next inline Shift Breaker. If he/she states they will work all eight (8) hours, charge all the previous operators who refused to work all eight (8) hours with appropriate refusals on OT list. If shift breakers refuse, then move on to temporary transfers, by least to most OT on plant wide OT list. When issuing OT to equipment operators, ask employees within that classification first, by least to most OT. Then ask temporary transfers by least to most OT on plant wide OT list. Temporary Transfers and shift breakers shall be offered overtime only after all permanent employees qualified for the job classification for which the overtime is being offered. Temporary Transfers and shift breakers shall be offered overtime before probationary employees.
21.4 Probationary employees shall be offered overtime only after all permanent employees have been offered the opportunity to accept or refuse overtime.
21.5 At the conclusion of each calendar year, the number of hours worked will be compared and every reasonable effort will be made to equalize the hours worked within each classification.
21.6 Time and one half (1 1/2) shall be paid for the sixth (6th) day worked during the week and double time shall be paid for the seventh (7th) day worked during the week. The sixth (6th) day is defined as the first scheduled day off in the week that is worked and the seventh (7th) day is defined as the second scheduled day off in the week that is worked.
21.7 All overtime hours worked, notwithstanding classifications, shall be totaled on the plant wide overtime list.
21.8 If an employee works through his/her lunch break or clean-up period(s) at the request of the Authority, he/she shall be given the option of receiving in compensation time-and-one-half (1 1/2) pay or compensatory time equal to time-and-one-half for all time worked as such. Compensatory time must be taken in the same pay period as earned or employee will be paid at time-and-one-half (1 1/2) pay.
22.1 Sick days are granted by the Employer for use by the employee for illness and are not to be considered vacation days. Sick time will count as time worked for the computation of overtime.
22.2 During the first calendar year of employment, the employee will accrue one (1) sick day for every six (6) weeks of service. Thereafter an employee will accrue ten (10) days of sick leave for each year beginning the following January 1st.
22.3 Any absence of three (3) consecutive days or longer shall be substantiated by a Physician’s Certificate without request by the Employer. The Employer also requires a Physician’s Certificate for any sick day taken in excess of ten (10) non-certified sick days during any calendar year. The employee shall provide the required Certificate to his/her supervisor no later than twenty-four (24) hours following the employee’s return to work. Failure of the employee to provide the required certificate, in conformance with the above time frame, shall result in loss of pay for the day(s) not worked. A shift employee may wait to hand in their physician certificate until they can hand it in to an available supervisor on duty due to privacy concerns. In the event the employee has no sick time remaining, then other disciplinary action may be forthcoming.
22.4. Unused sick days may be carried over for future illnesses from year to year.
22.4a. When an employee resigns, he/she will be compensated for accrued sick leave at a rate equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of his/her current daily rate of pay. All rights to accrued sick leave are forfeited in the event of disciplinary discharge. When an employee retires, he/she will be compensated for accrued sick leave equal to fifty percent (50%) of his/her current daily rate of pay.
22.4b. If an employee is laid off, the employee may choose to be compensated for unused sick time at the rate of twenty-five percent (25%) of his/her current daily rate of pay.
22.4c. All stored sick time must be accompanied by a physician certificate or progressive disciplinary action will commence.
22.5 If an employee is absent from work due to an occupational illness or injury, the Employer will make up the difference between his/her Worker’s Compensation Benefits and full pay for a period not to exceed twenty-eight (28) work days in any calendar year. The above-mentioned payment will not be counted as sick days.
22.5a. To utilize this benefit, the Employer may require the employee to be examined by a physician selected by the Employer. Unless the physician specifies to the contrary, the employee shall report to the plant at 1:00 p.m., sign in, and then be excused for each day he/she receives full pay under this provision.
22.6 After an employee has exhausted all their sick time, progressive disciplinary action will commence on the first no pay day. All stored sick time must be accompanied by a Physician’s Certificate or progressive discipline will commence.
22.7 Sick Time buy back option is 1 sick day paid for every 3 sick days earned up to 5 paid sick days for the year.
23.1 The Employer and the Union affirm and agree that seniority is a principle of employment policy with Gloucester County Utilities Authority. This principle and policy give preference to a senior employee over a junior employee in cases of promotion; reduction in force; layoff and recall; and transfer of employees based upon the length of their continuous service.
23.1a Should the Employee ad Union agree to an Overtime Call-in procedure that would give an employee priority over another more senior employee, that procedure must be posted and kept current as employee positions change.
23.2 Plant seniority is defined as length of continuous service with the Gloucester County Utilities Authority. This principle of seniority shall be applied provided that the employee under consideration possesses the qualifications to perform the job in question. As used herein, the term qualification is intended to mean such factors relating to job performance as: skill and ability; job knowledge; and licenses where required.
23.3 Plant seniority shall terminate:
23.3a When the employee resigns.
23.3b. When the employee is discharged for just cause.
23.3c. Upon leave of absence (not caused by accident or illness) in excess of ninety (90) days unless extended by mutual agreement.
23.3d. Upon absence without leave in excess of four (4) consecutive working days without justifiable reason.
24.1 In the event of a job vacancy, the Employer shall post the same for seven (7) calendar days. The job posting will show group; job title; hours of work; minimum qualifications necessary; rate of pay; and the number of vacancies. Applications for the posted job must be submitted in writing, within the posted time limits, to the bidding employee’s immediate supervisor. This job posting procedure will be plant wide. The award of bid will be made within seven (7) calendar days.
24.2 Bid positions will be filled on the basis of seniority among employees bidding on the job who possess the minimum qualifications. If the qualifications of any two or more bidders are relatively equal, then the award shall be made on the basis of seniority. If there are no minimally qualified bidders, or no bids are received, the Employer may hire from outside the bargaining unit.
24.3 The Employer will give to the Chief Steward a list of the applicants for the job opening, including their seniority dates, and will advise the Union of its selection.
24.4 If at any time during the sixty (60) calendar day trial period the Employer determines that the employee lacks the necessary qualifications to do the job, the Employer has the right to return him/her to his/her previous job.
The employee will have thirty (30) days to decide if he/she wants the job or would like to return to his/her previous job with no loss of seniority or progression.
24.5 A vacancy shall exist when a new job classification is created or when an employee leaves a position for any reason, unless that position is abolished.
The Employer shall not, without consultation with the Union, abolish any job classification covered by this Agreement. The Employer may, at its discretion, choose not to fill the position and a vacancy will exist.
24.6 Vacancies of more than twenty-eight (28) days will be posted and the job bidding procedure followed, except when the vacancy is temporary due to vacations, illness, or other temporary absences from the Employer.
24.7 Reduction in Work Force: When it becomes necessary to reduce the number of employees, the senior employees shall bump employees with less seniority, provided that the bumping employees affected possess the minimum qualifications to perform the job. The rate of pay shall be the regular rate of pay for the job assumed.
25.1 In cases of layoff either temporary or permanent, all probationary employees shall be laid off first.
25.2 The Employer shall notify the Union Committee, in writing, at least two (2) weeks prior to any permanent layoffs. For temporary layoffs, anticipated to be thirty (30) calendar days or less in duration, the Employer shall notify the Union Committee, in writing, at least one (1) week prior to the anticipated layoff. Prior to the expiration of a thirty (30) day temporary layoff, all employees will be recalled in accordance with Section 5 below. Employees not recalled at this time will receive five (5) days’ pay at their base rate.
25.2a. In the event an employee has received notification of permanent layoff; i.e. more than thirty (30) calendar days, and is not laid off; the employee shall receive a minimum of two (2) weeks prior notice of the revised effective date of layoff. If such notice is not given the employees laid off, they shall be given forty (40) hours pay in lieu thereof.
25.2b. This notification shall not apply for any layoff (permanent or temporary) where work is not available due to circumstances beyond the control of the Employer (i.e. fire, labor dispute, equipment or power failure), which arose too suddenly to permit such notice. Nevertheless, such notice shall be given as soon as possible. The Union Committee shall be notified immediately of any recall.
25.3 In all cases of permanent layoff, same shall be in accordance with the employee’s plant wide seniority and minimum qualifications for the job. However, in case of doubt or disagreement, the employee will be given a reasonable time, or a hearing attended by the Union Committee and representatives of the Employer, to demonstrate his/her reasonable qualifications.
25.4 During temporary layoffs of thirty (30) calendar days or less, employees who have qualified in their current classification and are voluntarily or involuntarily displaced because of such layoff from their present classification to any classification will retain their current rate of pay or any new rate, whichever is greater.
25.5 Recall: Employees lay off, either temporary or permanent, shall be placed on a plant wide recall list and shall be recalled in inverse order of their layoff. Employees to be recalled from layoffs may be notified by telephone whenever deemed necessary by the Employer. However, the Employer will also notify the employee eligible for recall by certified letter, return receipt requested, to the employee’s last address on record with the Employer, stating the employee has five (5) calendar days to notify the Employer of his/her intent to return to work from the date the letter is received. Further, no senior employees will be bypassed for choice of available classifications and shift. Upon completion of total recall and all laid off employees are back to work; the recalled employees shall be moved back to the classification and shift held prior to the layoff. Failure to report back to work within ten (10) calendar days from the date of notification of recall, the employee shall be considered terminated.
25.6 Should a long-term opening develop during a temporary layoff for illness, vacation or leave of absence, the next senior employee will be recalled. For the purposes of this Section, long-term is defined as an absence the Employer can anticipate being a minimum of five (5) working days in duration.
25.7 All overtime requirements during any layoff shall be handled by the normal overtime procedure.
25.8 No new employee shall be hired by the Employer to a job covered by this contract until all laid off employees with seniority have been given the opportunity to return to work in accordance with Section 3 above.
25.9 When an employee is permanently moved to another job due to a layoff or other work reduction, he/she shall receive the rate of the job being performed. When a full shift has been curtailed and is resumed within six (6) months, such employees may select to be moved back to their previous jobs. When employees select not to move back, such jobs shall be posted in accordance with the appropriate Article.
25.10 For any period that an employee serves as an active member of the Negotiating Committee, his/her name shall be placed at the head of the plant seniority list solely for the purpose of layoff. Such employee, however, will be considered for promotion on the basis of his/her actual and regular position on the applicable seniority list.
25.11 The Employer will grant separation pay to employees who are laid off due to lack of work in accordance with the following schedule:
3 years but less than 5 years | 40 hours |
5 years but less than 10 years | 80 hours |
10 years or more | 120 hours |
25.11a. An employee’s plant seniority shall be used for the purpose of computing Separation Pay. Separation Pay shall be computed at the base rate and shall be made in one lump sum payment.
25.11b. In order to be eligible to receive Separation Pay, the employee must be laid off due to lack of work for thirty (30) consecutive days or longer.
25.11c. After becoming eligible to receive Separation Pay, an employee may select either of the following options:
26.1 Bargaining Unit employees shall receive the following increases effective June 17, 2023, employees shall receive an across-the-board increase of three and a half percent (3.5%); and effective June 17, 2024, employees shall receive an across-the-board increase of three and a quarter (3.25%); and effective June 17, 2025, employees shall receive an across-the-board increase of three and a quarter percent (3.25%).
26.2 Upon completion of a bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry, or another acceptable environmental sciences degree, or if a newly hired laboratory technician possesses an acceptable bachelor’s degree, said employee will receive $1,000 above the prevailing rate for Laboratory Technician.
Upon completion of a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, or a field related to instrumentation/electronics or if a newly hired Instrumentation/Electrician possesses an acceptable bachelor’s degree, said employee shall receive $500 above the prevailing wage rate for Instrumentation/Electrician.
Upon receipt of an electrical license, or if a newly hired Electrician possesses an acceptable license, said employee shall receive $500 above the prevailing rate for Electrician.
This shall apply to incumbent employees who possess said degree or license.
26.3 Automatic Wage Progression for Laborers will be based on the following schedule:
Level 1 - Hourly rate equivalent to that in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Level 2 - Successful completion of Introductory Wastewater Course must be completed prior to completion of the employee’s probation period for all employees hired on or after June 16, 2020.
Level 3 - Successful completion of Advanced Wastewater Course must be completed within 1 year of completing their probation period for all employees hired on or after June16, 2020 or employee will be terminated.
Level 4 - Receipt of S-l Wastewater Operator’s or C-l Collection Systems License.
Level 5 - Receipt of S-2 Wastewater Operator’s or C-2 Collection Systems License.
26.4 New entry level operator position: New employees hired after June 16, 2017 that gets trained into the following job classifications (Biological Operator, Sludge Dewatering Operator, and (Equipment Operator – hired after June 17, 2020 will receive a new entry level rate listed in Contract of said year.) After 3 years of equipment operating experience at the GCUA, employees affected will then go to the regular Equipment Operator hourly rate already established in the contract.
New entry level rate for new hires that will be trained in the Biological department, Sludge Dewatering department, and Incinerator department will start at the entry level rate listed in the contract (Exhibit A) at that said year. If, after (3) years of training and he/she has obtained an S-1, C-1 or higher license, he/she will move into the higher rate at the beginning of their fourth year.
All other wage provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
The above progression will take effect the pay period succeeding the week in which the Employer receives either the Certificate of Completion or a copy of the S-l, S-2, C-l, or C-2 License.
Laborers and any other employees working in Biological Operations hired after June 17, 2003 must obtain their S1 Wastewater Operator’s License within five (5) years after completion of the probationary period.
26.5 Employees shall be eligible to receive a one-time bonus payment according to the following schedule:
a) Successful completion of the
Introductory Wastewater Course $200
b) Successful completion of the
Advanced Wastewater Course - $400
c) Receipt of S-l Wastewater Operator’s or
C-l Collection Systems License - $600
d) Receipt of an S-2 Wastewater Operator’s or
C-2 Collection Systems License - $800
e) Receipt of an S-3 Wastewater Operator’s or
C-3 Collection Systems License - $1,000
f) Receipt of an S-4 Wastewater Operator’s or
C-4 Collection Systems License - $1,200
27.1 WORK RULES: The Union further recognizes the rights of the Employer to make and to alter, from time to time, the rules and regulations to be observed and complied with by the employees, which rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement. The Authority shall provide the Union with a ten (10) day written notification of proposed Work Rule revisions, new policy(s), policy change(s), or modification(s) in order to obtain the Union’s input. Rules and Policy(s) will be administered in as fair and equitable a manner as possible.
27.2 LEGAL RESTRICTIONS: In the event that any Federal, State, or Municipal legislation and/or any court of competent jurisdiction cause any portion of this Agreement to become invalid, it is agreed that all other portions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.
27.3 NEW OR CHANGED JOB: If a new job classification is established or there is a material change in an existing job classification, the rate of pay for the new or materially changed job classification shall be negotiable. If the Union disagrees with the rate of pay for the new job classification or materially changed job classification, it may process the matter in accordance with Article 5, Grievance Procedure, of this Agreement.
27.4 Disciplinary actions more than two (2) rolling years old will not be considered in any subsequent disciplinary action.
28.1 There will be no discrimination against any employee because of race, creed, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. There also will be no discrimination with regard to veteran or disability status. The Employer and the Union agree to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
All benefits which the Union employees are entitled to are listed in this contract and are as follows:
29.1 HEALTH BENEFITS – The Authority provides health benefit coverage to full time employees under the State Health Benefits Program (“SHBP”). Employees may elect coverage for themselves or their family members under different plans available under the SHBP – currently the ________________________ plans.
Employees are responsible for paying the premium share as set forth in Paragraph D below. The different plans offered by the Authority under the SHBP each offer a different level of benefits, with the premium set according to the plan level benefits. Employees seeking to reduce the amount of their premium share amount may elect from a lower cost plan. Additional information on the plans, including a schedule of benefits for each plan, is available from any employee in the Health Benefits Department.
In conjunction with the employee premium share as set forth herein, the Authority will pay the premium for the medical insurance outlined above for all full-time employees and eligible family members. Employees electing health benefits coverage shall be required to pay contributions based on a percentage of the cost of coverage as set forth in Section 39 of P.L. 2011, c. 78. Notwithstanding any expiration of Sections 39 to 44 four (4) years after the effective date of P.L. 2011, c. 78, the fully phased in applicable employee contribution rates set by Section 39 of P.L. 2011, c. 78 shall be considered part of this Agreement unless and until specifically modified by collective bargaining permitted by law. Any employee contribution shall be subject to any applicable contribution phase in periods set forth in Sections 40 to 44 of said public law.
Health benefits will commence once the employee completes the waiting period of sixty (60) consecutive days as an active employee or what the New Jersey state law dictates at the time the employee is hired.
Employees may choose either of the current Patriot V or Patriot X point of service plans. A $25,000 AD&D insurance policy is also provided for each employee as part of the benefit package. Dental insurance shall be provided by the Employer. An option of a flagship program is available to all GCUA employees. Employees will be reimbursed annually, upon presentation of paid receipts, $350 toward the purchase or replacement cost of hearing aids. Information regarding the individual policies and forms for filing claims are available from the personnel office.
The Employer reserves the right to change its insurance administrator so long as there is no change to the plan benefits. The Employer shall provide the Union thirty (30) days’ notice of any change in administrator.
29.2 PENSION - The GCUA is a member of the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) which is administered by the New Jersey Division of Pensions. Pension deductions from an employee’s pay shall be in accordance with rates established by the State of New Jersey through legislation and/or regulation, which may be amended from time to time. Along with retirement benefits the system allows employees to take out low interest loans after 40 months of membership.
Contributory Death Benefits (CDB) are mandatory for the first year of membership in PERS. This provides an insurance policy in the amount of three (3) times an employee’s base salary. If an employee elects to drop CDB, a policy in the amount of one-and-one-half (1 1/2) times his/her salary will remain in place.
29.3 WORKER’S COMPENSATION INSURANCE - The Employer provides Worker’s Compensation Insurance through the company insurance carrier. This insurance is designed to cover complete medical costs incurred due to job-related accidents or illnesses, and a wage benefit as required by law. In accordance with Article 22.5, the Employer will make up the difference between Worker’s Compensation Benefits and an employee’s full pay for a period not to exceed twenty-eight (28) work days in any calendar year. After twenty-eight (28) work days, the employee may choose to supplement his/her Worker’s Compensation Benefits up to the amount of his/her full pay with the use of his/her sick pay or vacation pay for so long as that pay is available.
29.4 VISION CARE REIMBURSEMENT PLAN - To the extent not covered by insurance, the Authority will reimburse employees up to $250/year/person for eye glasses, and/or contact lenses for themselves and their eligible dependents.
29.4a. - To the extent not covered by insurance, the Authority will reimburse employees up to $225 every other calendar year/person for safety eye glasses.
29.5 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT - The Management of GCUA wishes to support the efforts of all employees in furthering their education. To this end, reimbursement of tuition will be made to employees who take job-related courses and complete them with a passing grade. Courses must be approved by Management and requests for reimbursement filed with the Personnel Office.
29.6 FEDERAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS ACT - All employees are eligible for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). More commonly known as Social Security, it provides Social Security Retirement, Survivors’ Disability and Health Insurance Benefits. Mandatory payroll deductions, which are matched by the Employer, are made from the employee’s wages. The deduction rate and maximum contribution amount are subject to change each year.
29.7 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE - The GCUA is a member of the New Jersey State Unemployment Insurance System which provides compensation to persons who are without employment. Mandatory payroll deductions are made from the employee’s wages each week until the maximum set by the State is reached. Contributions are also made by the Employer on behalf of each employee in this program.
29.8 DISABILITY INSURANCE - Both temporary and long-term disability insurance are available to the employees of Gloucester County Utilities Authority.
29.8a Temporary Disability Insurance - The Employer is a member of the New Jersey State Temporary Disability Insurance Plan, which provides benefits to those who are out of work due to a non-job-related injury or illness. It is administered in the same manner as the Unemployment Insurance Program.
Employees who have exhausted their benefits under the New Jersey State Disability Program will be entitled to up to 13 weeks additional paid leave. Such paid leave shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as those which apply to NJTDI.
29.8b. Long-Term Disability Insurance - Employees shall have the option of enrolling in the GCUA’s long-term disability insurance plan at the employee’s expense at the appropriate group rate.
29.9. PHYSICALS - Each Truck Driver will be required to pass a yearly physical certifying his/her ability to drive safely. Incinerator Operators and Sludge Disposal Operators will receive expanded physicals in even years only (beginning in 1998). These physicals are voluntary. Anyone refusing to take a physical must sign a waiver form.
29.10. Banking of Vacation - An employee may, at his/her discretion place one (1) week per year of entitled vacation in a “bank”, up to a limit of eight (8) weeks, for the following uses:
29.10a. Retirement
29.10a1. An employee may elect to take banked vacation prior to the designated date of his/her retirement.
29.l0b. Major illness or accident. A major illness or accident is defined as an illness or accident that prevents an employee from working for more than thirty (30) days. Under this provision, an employee may elect to use banked vacation in the following manner:
29.10b.l. In the case of a work-related illness or injury covered by Worker’s Compensation, an employee may elect to use banked vacation in accordance with the provisions of Article 29.3.
29.10b.2. In the case of a non-work-related illness or accident, the employee may elect to use banked vacation to supplement Temporary Disability Benefits up to the amount of his/her full pay for as long as the banked vacation is available.
29.11 REIMBURSEMENT FOR LICENSES - The GCUA will reimburse all employees who hold current, New Jersey certified licenses related to the operation of the treatment plant or collection system, the cost of obtaining the license while employed by GCUA. Employee will pay for WEF dues and will be reimbursed by the GCUA with proof of payment (receipt).
29.12 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN - The GCUA offers a 457 deferred compensation plan through Mutual of America. Employees may join the plan during January or July of each year and have contributions to said plan deducted from their pay.
29.13 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE - Employees must utilize uniforms supplied by the Employer.
29.13a BOOT ALLOWANCE – Employees will annually be reimbursed $225.00 with receipt. Payment shall be made after the ensuing GCUA Board meeting upon receipt.
29.14 COBRA PROTECTION - Employees leaving the employment of the GCUA may be eligible to maintain certain health benefits provided by the GCUA at the employee’s expense. This protection is provided under Federal statute and information will be provided to the employee at the time of his/her separation.
29.15 RETIREMENT BENEFITS - Any employee retiring after June 17, 2000 who at the time of retirement is at least 55 years of age with at least 25 years of GCUA service or 62 years of age with at least 15 years of GCUA service shall be eligible for retiree health benefits. These benefits shall be provided to the eligible retiree and spouse of record at time of retirement only. If spouse of record at time of retirement should survive retiree, only he or she shall continue to receive benefits under this section.
The GCUA shall provide the following health benefits for eligible retirees: GCUA medical (excluding dental and vision care) and prescription plan coverage between ages 55-65; after age 65 or the age established by the Social Security Administration for Medicare eligibility, the GCUA shall provide medical (excluding dental and vision care) and prescription plan coverage as a supplement to Medicare.
· If travel time is in excess of two (2) hours, the employee shall receive a maximum of four (4) hours pay.
· If travel time is less than two (2) hours, the employee shall receive two (2) hours pay.
29.18 CEU SCHEDULING - Certain employees require CEU credits to maintain licenses applicable to their employment with GCUA. Such employees shall be permitted, once per calendar year, to switch schedules from a non-day shift to a day shift to accommodate a CEU course offered while they are on a non-day shift schedule. The single non-day shift that will be switched will be the shift which is contiguous with the day shift during which the employee will be attending the CEU course. Those employees possessing either an S-3, S-4, C-3, or C-4 license shall be permitted to change two (2) times per year. A certificate from the CEU course must be given to the GCUA as proof of attendance. Any employee who fails to provide said certificate will not be paid for that day nor reimbursed for that course. Any employee utilizing the above given day or days and fails to attend said course shall forfeit their day or days for that calendar year.
Employees seeking a shift switch to take advantage of this provision must give two weeks advance notice of their intent to take a day CEU course and their need for a schedule change.
30.1 Any employee who intends to engage in outside employment, shall submit written notification to the Director. The written notice shall identify the name and address of the employer (including self-employment) and the nature of such employment. This policy applies to current and future outside employment.
30.2 Outside employment is permitted unless there is a reasonable likelihood that the outside employment will create a conflict of interest with the employee’s activities at the GCUA.
30.3 An employee’s employment with the GCUA is their primary employment and employees will be expected to resolve any conflicts between their obligations to the GCUA and their outside employment in favor of GCUA.
30.4 No employee may be engaged in any outside employment simultaneously with his or her duties to GCUA.
30.5 No employee may engage in any outside employment when receiving Worker’s Compensation or while on light duty in their regular position or while on certain leaves of absence.
30.6 In addition, all outside employment is subject to the applicable provisions of the Local Government Ethics Law.
31.1 This Agreement shall become effective on June 17 2023, and shall be effective for three (3) years, through June 16, 2026.
31.2 It is understood in reaching this Agreement that the Authority and the Union have considered all matters subject to collective bargaining. This agreement contains the parties’ entire agreement including any and all practices and may be supplemented only by further written agreement between them.
31.3 It is further understood in reaching this Agreement that all employees permanently classified in a job classification are not required to meet the qualifications separately imposed by the Authority for any job classification after the effective date of this Agreement for the position they held as of June 17, 1994. It is understood that any employee who moves into a job classification different from the one he/she currently holds must meet the Authority’s qualifications for the job classification the employee is moving into.
31.4 The right of either party to require strict performance hereunder by the other party shall not be affected by any previous deviation from strict performance under the terms of this Agreement.
31.5 If any part or parts of this Agreement at any time shall be held invalid by any court or competent jurisdiction, such decisions shall not invalidate any other part or parts of this Agreement, it being the intention of the parties that all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
31.6 Exhibits A and B, attached hereto, are made a part hereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be duly executed as of the day and year first written above.
Tom Conway, International President
John Shinn, Secretary/Treasurer
Dave McCall, Vice-President, Administration
Kevin J. Mapp, Vice-President, Human Affairs
Howard Bruner, GCUA Board Chairman
James Sabetta, GCUA Board Vice-Chairman
John J. Vinci, Sr., Executive Director
Rocco Ficara, Assistant Executive Director
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Del Vitale, Director, District #4 Edward Bowman, Manager of Operations
Kenneth Gomeringer, Staff Representative
_____________________________________________ ______________________________________
Eddie Ratliff, President - USW LU 4-380 Granden Ledyard III
Terill Hargrove, Chief Steward - USW LU 4-380 Unit #3
Joseph Weber
JOB DESCRIPTION | 6/17/22 - 6/16/23 | 6/17/23 - 6/16/24 | 6/17/24 - 6/16/25 | 6/17/25 - 6/16/26 |
 | Current Rates | 3.50% Increase | 3.25% Increase | 3.25% Increase |
 | | | | |
| | | | |
Electrician | $41.10 | $42.54 | $43.92 | $45.35 |
Electrician - Licensed | $41.62 | $43.08 | $44.48 | $45.93 |
Assistant Instrumentation | $40.34 | $41.75 | $43.11 | $44.51 |
Instrumentation Electrician | $47.05 | $48.70 | $50.28 | $51.91 |
Instrumentation Electrician w/Degree | $48.02 | $49.70 | $51.32 | $52.99 |
Instrumentation Electrician/Programmer- | $50.35 | $52.11 | $53.80 | $55.55 |
Facilities Mechanic I | $38.34 | $39.68 | $40.97 | $42.30 |
Facilities Mechanic II | $41.14 | $42.58 | $43.96 | $45.39 |
Vehicle/Diesel Mechanic | $40.61 | $42.03 | $43.40 | $44.81 |
Lead Master Mechanic | N/A | $46.85 | $48.31 | $49.84 |
Master Mechanic | $43.33 | $44.85 | $46.31 | $47.82 |
Inventory Control Clerk | $32.51 | $33.65 | $34.74 | $35.87 |
Sr. Inventory Control Clerk - | $35.84 | $37.09 | $38.30 | $39.54 |
Incinerator Operator | $37.55 | $38.86 | $40.12 | $41.42 |
Sr. Incinerator Operator – B | $39.96 | $41.36 | $42.70 | $44.09 |
Sr. Incinerator Operator - A | $40.47 | $41.89 | $43.25 | $44.66 |
Biological Operator | $37.55 | $38.86 | $40.12 | $41.42 |
Sr. Biological Operator – B | $39.96 | $41.36 | $42.70 | $44.09 |
Sr. Biological Operator - A | $40.47 | $41.89 | $43.25 | $44.66 |
Sludge Processing Operator | $37.55 | $38.86 | $40.12 | $41.42 |
Sr. Sludge Processing Operator – B | $39.96 | $41.36 | $42.70 | $44.09 |
Sr. Sludge Processing Operator - A | $40.47 | $41.89 | $43.25 | $44.66 |
Entry Level Operator - | $31.87 | $32.99 | $34.06 | $35.17 |
Equipment Operator | $39.96 | $41.36 | $42.70 | $44.09 |
Equipment Operator - Senior - | $40.47 | $41.89 | $43.25 | $44.66 |
Entry Level Equipment Operator - | $31.87 | $32.99 | $34.06 | $35.17 |
Truck Driver | $36.98 | $38.27 | $39.51 | $40.79 |
Laboratory Technician - | $37.43 | $38.74 | $40.00 | $41.30 |
Laboratory Technician - Senior- | $38.86 | $40.22 | $41.53 | $42.88 |
Laborer-Level I - | $23.65 | $24.48 | $25.28 | $26.10 |
Laborer - Level II - | $24.15 | $25.00 | $25.81 | $26.65 |
Laborer - Level III - | $24.65 | $25.51 | $26.34 | $27.20 |
Laborer - Level IV | $25.13 | $26.01 | $26.86 | $27.73 |
Laborer - Level V | $25.64 | $26.54 | $27.40 | $28.29 |
Laborer - Level VI | $30.52 | $31.59 | $32.62 | $33.68 |
Septage Attendant | $24.64 | $25.50 | $26.33 | $27.19 |
Septage Attendant - Senior | $25.13 | $26.01 | $26.86 | $27.73 |
Utility Worker - | $32.50 | $33.64 | $34.73 | $35.86 |
Group Leader | $35.35 | $36.59 | $37.78 | $39.00 |
Group Leader - Senior | $38.71 | $40.06 | $41.36 | $42.70 |
Collection System Operator | $39.96 | $41.36 | $42.70 | $44.09 |
Collection System Operator- Senior | $40.47 | $41.89 | $43.25 | $44.66 |
Should management determine that there is a need to fill the Group Leader and or the Interim Collection System Operator position, management and the union will then sit down and come to a mutual agreement on the job description.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Maintains backup and master copies of all plant and systems software.
2. Makes programming changes and updates to GCUA software systems.
3. Troubleshoots and repairs all plant and systems computers.
4. Generates new computer graphics as required.
5. Also includes other duties and responsibilities as described and listed for Instrumentation/Electrician.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Maintenance Supervisor or in his/her absence to any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Troubleshoots all electrical, electronic, and instrumentation equipment.
2. Visually inspects all electrical, electronic, and instrumentation equipment to determine irregularities, malfunctions, deterioration, or obsolescence of equipment.
3. Inspects, maintains, calibrates and repairs lighting systems, electrical control equipment, panels, flow meters, and thermal metering equipment.
4. Must have adequate knowledge of approved methods, practices, code requirements, and safety standards.
5. Must have current knowledge of electrical and electronic operations and use of all mechanical and instrumentation within plant and systems.
6. Must have ability to interpret technical manuals, drawings, specs, layouts, blueprints, schematics, wiring diagrams, and codes.
7. Installs and calibrates new equipment using latest test and calibration equipment.
8. Keeps and maintains records on equipment in plant and systems.
9. prepares labor and material estimates.
10. Establishes and operates scheduled maintenance programs for plant and systems equipment.
11. Responsible for other personnel assigned to work with or assist in performing his/her duties.
12. Performs all other functions as assigned by Supervisor.
13. Must have ability to converse with engineers and salesmen on new types of electronic and instrumentation equipment.
14. Will be required to successfully demonstrate through written and operations testing, his/her knowledge and ability in the electrical/instrumentation field.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Maintenance Supervisor or, in his/her absence, to any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Troubleshoots all electrical, electronic, and instrumentation equipment.
2. Visually inspects all electrical, electronic, and instrumentation equipment to determine irregularities, malfunctions, deterioration, or obsolescence of equipment.
3. Inspects, maintains, calibrates and repairs lighting systems, electrical control equipment, panels, flow meters, and thermal metering equipment.
4. Must have adequate knowledge of approved methods, practices, code requirements, and safety standards.
5. Must have current knowledge of electrical and electronic operations and use of all mechanical and instrumentation within plant and systems.
6. Must have ability to interpret technical manuals, drawings, specs, layouts, blueprints, schematics, wiring diagrams, and codes.
7. Installs and calibrates new equipment using latest test and calibration equipment.
8. Keeps and maintains records on equipment in plant and systems.
9. prepares labor and material estimates.
10. Establishes and operates scheduled maintenance programs for plant and systems equipment.
11. Responsible for other personnel assigned to work with or assist in performing his/her duties.
12. Performs all other functions as assigned by Supervisor.
13. Must have ability to converse with engineers and salesmen on new types of electronic and instrumentation equipment.
14. Will be required to successfully demonstrate through written and operations testing, his/her knowledge and ability in the electrical/instrumentation field.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Maintenance Supervisor or, in his/her absence, to any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Troubleshoots all metering, sensing, and recording equipment.
2. Inspects all metering, sensing, and recording equipment to determine irregularities, malfunctions, deterioration, or obsolescence of equipment.
3. Responsible for informing Supervisor of needed spare and repair parts for all metering and recording equipment.
4. Responsible for on the job safety.
5. Must have adequate knowledge of all equipment he/she is responsible for maintaining.
6. Must have the ability to interpret technical manuals, drawings, specs, schematics, and wiring diagrams of metering, sensing, and recording equipment.
7. Must have the ability to calibrate new equipment using latest test and calibration equipment.
8. Keeps and maintains records on all equipment worked on.
9. Advises his/her Supervisor of progress on projects assigned.
10. Will be required to successfully demonstrate, through written and operational testing, his/her knowledge and ability in the field.
11. Performs all other job-related duties as assigned.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Instrumentation/Electrician and the Maintenance Supervisor or, in his/her absence, to any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Responsible to repair, maintain, and install all electrical equipment of the Authority.
2. Instructs other maintenance personnel and holidays as assigned.
3. Responsible to inform Supervisor of spare and repair parts needed for all electrical equipment.
4. Responsible for the operation of certain essential electrical equipment.
5. Responsible for on the job safety.
6. Must be available for emergencies on a 24-hour basis on his/her assigned days.
7. Advises his/her superiors of progress on projects assigned.
8. Responsible for proper installation of conduit and wiring.
9. Must have adequate knowledge of approved methods, practices, and code requirements.
10. Performs other duties as assigned.
11. Troubleshoot main switching gears and transformers.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Maintenance Supervisor on a daily basis and or, in his/her absence, to
any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. All preventive maintenance and diesel repair of trucks, including tire repair if required.
2. Repairs and maintains all GCUA vehicles, including sewer cleaning and construction type vehicles.
3. Repairs lawn mowers, steam cleaners, portable generators, portable pumping equipment and compressors.
4. Does minor body and fender repair.
5. Must keep work area and tools clean.
6. Responsible for replacing lost tools.
7. Must meet with Maintenance Supervisor on a daily basis to discuss major repairs, parts and equipment needed, and the condition of vehicles.
8. Will be required to adhere to all safety codes and regulations.
9. Notifies Maintenance Supervisor of vehicle abuse.
10. Performs other duties as assigned.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Maintenance Supervisor on a daily basis and or, in his/her absence, to
any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. All structural, plumbing, mechanical, and piping fabrications and repairs.
2. Assists the Maintenance Supervisor with the start-up and evaluation of all new equipment.
3. Performs general repairs to buildings, including carpentry, roofing and concrete repairs.
4. Sets rigging for handling heavy equipment.
5. Performs all major welding repairs.
6. Installs and repairs all stairways, railings, and gratings.
7. Responsible to visually inspect all equipment to determine irregularities, malfunctions, deteriorations, or obsolescence and to repair, maintain, install, and overhaul all mechanical equipment of the Authority's treatment facilities, pump stations, metering stations, etc.
8. Instructs other mechanics and laborers as assigned.
9. Responsible for reporting needed spare parts and equipment to the Inventory Control Clerk, in his/her absence, to the Maintenance Supervisor.
10. Performs maintenance on all vehicles.
11. Must be available for emergencies on a 24-hour basis on his/her assigned days.
12. Advises his/her Supervisor of progress on projects assigned.
13. Performs preventive maintenance as outlined in manufacturer's O&M Manuals or in accordance with the Supervisor's direction.
14. Implements safety procedures when working on equipment.
15. Responsible for minor electrical repairs and connecting and disconnecting electrical equipment.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Maintenance Supervisor and or in his/her absence, to the Assistant Operations Manager.
Will perform the same duties as a Master Mechanic and additionally be responsible for completing GCUA projects assigned to the Master Mechanic Group. You will oversee daily tasks performed by Master Mechanics and other Facility Mechanics to ensure that the project is completed on time and as designed. You will give instructions on proper procedures for completing GCUA projects and performing all required tasks.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Maintenance Supervisor, and or in his/her absence to other GCUA supervisors.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Responsible to visually inspect all equipment to determine irregularities, malfunctions, deterioration, or obsolescence of equipment and to repair, maintain, install, and overhaul all mechanical equipment of the Authority's treatment facilities, pump stations, etc.
2. Instructs other mechanics and laborers as assigned.
3. Responsible for reporting needed spare parts and equipment to the Inventory Control Clerk.
4. Performs maintenance on all vehicles.
5. Must be available for emergencies on a 24-hour basis on his/her assigned days.
6. Advises his/her Supervisor of progress on projects assigned.
7. Performs preventive maintenance as outlined in manufacturer's O&M Manuals or in accordance with the supervisor's direction.
8. Implements safety procedures when working on equipment.
9. Responsible for minor electrical repairs and connecting and disconnecting electrical equipment.
10. Responsible for all piping and other plumbing repairs as required.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor and or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Encompasses all duties and responsibilities of a Mechanic, but with instructions in methods and applications from a Mechanic, Instrumentation/Electrician or Supervisor until he/she has acquired the experience necessary to proceed on his/her own ability.
2. Performs other job-related duties as assigned
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor and or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Operates sewer equipment, such as a jet truck, sewer rodder, and other small mechanical equipment.
2. Operates a backhoe and other construction equipment used for excavating, clearing, and grubbing.
3. Must have wide knowledge of the care and safe operation of equipment, including cleaning, greasing, servicing, and making minor adjustments and repairs. Also must have knowledge of construction and maintenance operations and procedures.
4. Must have the ability to analyze problems associated with the operation of sewer and construction equipment. Must be able to carry out oral and written directions, to learn quickly from explanation and demonstration, and to operate all equipment in a skilled and safe manner.
5. Keeps records of work done, including minor adjustments and repairs to construction and sewer equipment.
6. Operates other vehicles, such as lugger and dump trucks, when required.
7. Assists in repairs of sewer and water lines.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor and or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Must be familiar with "Standard Methods" for the examination of water and wastewater.
2. Maintains a proper log of all tests performed.
3. Provides Laboratory Director with schedules for ordering chemicals, reagents, and equipment as required to maintain the laboratory.
4. Informs Shift Supervisor, Chemist, or Biologist of adverse or abrupt changes in the process.
5. Prepares solutions and is responsible for good housekeeping.
6. Must understand, or the academic background needed to understand, the chemistry and biology of the treatment process.
7. Works with limited supervision.
8. Must have the ability to utilize, maintain, and calibrate analytical instrumentation.
9. Performs other duties as assigned.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Laboratory Director, Chief Chemist, or Laboratory Biologist., and or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Responsible for the safe and proper operation of all sludge processing equipment, performing control tests and regulating polymer and sludge feed rates in order to obtain the driest cake, with an acceptable amount of solids in the filtrate, at the lowest possible chemical dosages.
2. Maintains legible and accurate records and assists in the preparation of operating reports.
3. Reports all equipment malfunctions and abnormalities to the Shift Supervisor.
4. Must keep a shift log detailing all shift activities.
5. Responsible for good housekeeping of assigned work area.
6. Must remain in assigned work area until relieved.
7. Monitors gauges, meters, seal water, vibration of all pertinent equipment.
8. Must be capable of taking any corrective actions necessary to maintain operational control.
9. Must adhere to all directives issued by the Manager of Operations or the Shift Supervisor.
10. Responsible for the operation of, and maintaining logbook for, the odor control scrubber system.
11. Performs other job related duties as assigned.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Same as Senior Sludge Process Operator, except, until fully trained and competent, he/she will require more supervision and instruction than a Senior Sludge Process Operator.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Operates all process equipment; performs basic laboratory control tests; regulates flows, valves, and any related equipment necessary to the control process.
2. Assists the Shift Supervisor.
3. Maintains proper legible records and assists in the preparation of operating reports.
4. Checks all equipment for proper operations and monitors all gauges, meters, and control panels.
5. Responsible for good housekeeping.
6. Must maintain proper communication with Shift Supervisor.
7. Must adhere to all safety standards and exhibit the ability to take corrective measures should a safety hazard occur.
8. Must report all equipment malfunctions and operational irregularities to the Shift Supervisor.
9. Must adhere to all directives issued by the Manager of Operations or Shift Supervisor.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Same as Senior Biological Operator, except, until fully trained and competent, he/she will require more supervision and instruction than a Senior Biological Operator.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Insures that truck is filled to capacity and properly sealed before departing for the landfill and that the truck is completely emptied and sealed before returning to the treatment plant.
2. Must comply with all motor vehicle regulations.
3. Will be required to work as a utility worker when there is no sludge or ash to be hauled.
4. Responsible for keeping assigned truck and containers cleaned and for changing flat tires.
5. Performs daily checks of tires, battery, oil, water, lights and brakes, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, including draining condensate from tanks.
6. Must work on holidays when required.
7. Will be required to clean up all truck spills in the plant and on the road.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the day shift Operations Supervisor and, in his/her absence, to the Operations Manager.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Must keep a detailed inventory of parts for equipment in plant and systems, also nuts and bolts, fittings, etc.
2. Must have the ability to interpret manuals, drawings, specs, layouts, and blueprints from which to order parts.
3. Must keep and maintain records on equipment in plant and systems.
4. Prepares labor and materials estimates.
5. Must have the ability to converse with salesmen on new types of products and, equipment.
6. Will work up price quotations and make up purchase requisitions for Maintenance Supervisor and Shift Supervisor.
7. Must have basic knowledge of pumps.
8. Must be able to type.
9. Must perform all other job-related functions assigned by the Maintenance Supervisor.
10. Responsible for all shipping and receiving for plant and systems.
11. Identifies and keeps records of all incoming parts.
12. Must have the aptitude to perform computerized inventory control.
13. Performs daily functions on computer which includes a continuous update of the maintenance department's "Spare Parts" and “Preventive Maintenance" programs.
14. Performs all the duties of the Purchasing Agent in his/her absence, with the exception of contracts and bidding procedures.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Inventory Control Supervisor and or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Must keep a detailed inventory of parts for equipment in plant and systems, also nuts and bolts, fittings, etc.
2. Must have the ability to interpret manuals, drawings, specs, layouts, and blueprints from which to order parts.
3. Must keep and maintain records on equipment in plant and systems.
4. Prepares labor and materials estimates.
5. Must have the ability to converse with salesmen on new types of products and equipment.
6. Will work up price quotations and make up purchase requisitions for Maintenance Supervisor and Shift Supervisor.
7. Must have basic knowledge of pumps.
8. Must be able to type.
9. Must perform all other job-related functions assigned by the Maintenance Supervisor.
10. Responsible for all shipping and receiving for plant and systems.
11. Identifies and keeps records of all incoming parts.
12. Must have the aptitude to learn computerized inventory control.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Maintenance Supervisor and, in his/her absence, to the Operations Manager.JOB DESCRIPTION
Duties and Responsibilities:
Encompass many of the manual tasks performed by the utility worker. However, a laborer shall not be required to perform the technical functions generally performed by a utility worker such as, meter reading, recording checkouts, or recognizing the process and pumping irregularities.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Does yard work; drives vehicles; maintains interceptors, pump stations, and metering stations; and does general housekeeping duties.
2. Provides general assistance to operators.
3. Should be able to recognize process irregularities and safety hazards and report same to Shift Operator.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Writes repair orders for all equipment malfunctions and report all incinerator abnormalities to the Shift Supervisor.
2. Keeps a shift log book detailing all shift activities.
3. Responsible for keeping the Incineration Building clean and for maintaining a safe working environment.
4. Must have adequate knowledge of the operation of the incinerator and understand the basic principles of combustion so that he/she can make operational changes to insure that the incinerator is kept running at maximum efficiency.
5. Must assist the Sludge Processing Operator when required to do so by the Shift Supervisor or when operational problems occur which require the assistance of another person.
6. Must adhere to all directives issued by the Manager of Operations or the Shift Supervisor.
7. Responsible for monitoring and controlling the grease thickening process and for controlling the feeding of grease to both incinerators.
Supervisory Control:
Works under the supervision of the Shift Supervisor from whom he/she will receive his/her general direction.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Will perform the same duties as a utility worker or laborer and, in addition, be responsible for the disbursement and for the accountability of all tools and material used by the plant utility men and laborers when performing their assigned tasks. He/she will also keep track of the different daily tasks being performed so as to insure that the tools and materials are available for the tasks assigned for that day. He/she will also be responsible for giving instructions in the proper procedures for using the tools and performing the tasks requiring the use of those tools.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Same as shift operator.
Supervisory Control:
Works under the supervision of the shift supervisor from whom he/she will receive his/her general direction.
The shift breaker will receive the lower level shift operator's rate of pay, unless he/she meets the job description qualifications of a senior operator, in which case he/she will receive the senior operator's rate of pay.JOB DESCRIPTION
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Writes repair orders for all equipment malfunctions and report all incinerator abnormalities to the Shift Supervisor.
2. Keeps a shift log book detailing all shift activities.
3. Responsible for keeping the Incineration Building clean and for maintaining a safe working environment.
4. Must have adequate knowledge of the operation of the incinerator and understand the basic principles of combustion so that he/she can make operational changes to insure that the incinerator is kept running at maximum efficiency.
5. Must assist the sludge processing operator when required to do so by the Shift Supervisor or when operational problems occur which require the assistance of another person.
6. Must adhere to all directives issued by the Manager of Operations or the Shift Supervisor.
7. Must be capable of troubleshooting operational problems relevant to the incinerator's performance and taking (necessary) corrective action to maintain good operational control.
8. Responsible for monitoring and controlling the grease thickening process and for controlling the feeding of grease to both incinerators.
Supervisory Control:
Works under the supervision of the Shift Supervisor from whom he/she will receive his/her general direction.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Assists the Systems Supervisor in his/her duties.
2. Keeps Supervisor appraised of ongoing conditions of pump and metering stations.
3. Prepares work orders for malfunctioning equipment.
4. Operates and inspects collection system valves, pumps, generators, HVAC systems, odor control systems, chemical feed systems, telemetry equipment, and other associated equipment.
5. Performs routine cleaning and housekeeping duties at all pump and metering stations, including wet wells and bar screens as required. This includes cleaning debris from pump volutes.
6. Monitors fuel levels for all generators.
7. Inspects all buildings and grounds for vandalism and needed repairs.
8. Inspects all manholes and interceptor lines and keeps records of the same.
9. Performs hydrogen sulfide tests and other tests as directed, and keeps accurate records of the same.
10. Assists interceptor rehabilitation crew when required.
11. Must adhere to confined space entry requirements.
12. Maintains responsibility for GCUA issued tools and equipment.
13. Must comply with all GCUA safety rules, including lock-out, tag-out procedures.
14. Must be able to work overtime when available and as required.
15. Performs other duties as assigned.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.
Duties and Responsibilities: Include, but not limited to:
1. Provides general assistance to operators.
2. Washes out holding tanks of rags, small deposits of grit, etc.
3. Inspects empty clean tank for structural or mechanical damage (day shift only).
4. Checks operation of odor control system every shift and records pressure gauge readings and enters in log book. Reports odor breakthrough of carbon bed to supervisor.
5. Decants water from grease, screenings, and grit containers every night (night shift only).
6. Cleans floors and flushes channels every shift.
7. Cleans bar screens as often as needed to prevent clogging.
8. Monitors any pumps operating on the shift so that they do not run dry.
9. Empties all sample containers that are more than 48 hours old (night shift only).
10. Responsible for delivering samples to the lab when directed to do so.
11. Checks all vehicles to insure that they have valid GCUA and NJDEP stickers. Notifies supervisor if any stickers are expired.
12. Insures that all GCUA manifest forms are completely and correctly filled out and signed.
13. Samples every incoming truckload of waste.
14. Responsible for keeping waste streams segregated in different holding tanks as directed.
15. Makes sure haulers clean up all spills. Notifies supervisor if they don't.
16. Responsible for good housekeeping of septage building, unloading pad, and all grounds around septage area.
17. Performs other duties as assigned.
Supervisory Control:
Works under the supervision of the shift supervisor from whom he/she will receive his/her general direction.
Supervisory Control:
Reports directly to the Facility Supervisor or, in their absence, any GCUA supervisor.