2003-04, 2004-05, AND 2005-06
The Board and the Association recognize and declare that providing a quality education for the children of the Caldwell-West Caldwell School District is their mutual aim and that the character of such education depends predominantly upon the quality and morale of the teaching service.
The Board and the Association have an obligation, pursuant to Chapter 123 of the Public Laws of 1974, to negotiate as representatives of their respective groups with respect to the terms and conditions of employment.
A. |
The Board recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive representative
for collective negotiations with respect to terms and conditions of employment
of certificated personnel under contract or on leave, but limited to:
 | Teachers
Learning Disabilities Consultants
Guidance Counselors
Social Workers
Speech Therapists
Supplemental Teachers who work a half-day or more
Coordinators of Elementary Art and
Industrial Cooperative Education. |
B. | The Board recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive Representative for
collective negotiations with respect to terms and conditions of employment of
non-certificated personnel under contract or on leave, but limited to Athletic Trainer. |
C.Unless otherwise indicated, the term "teachers" when used hereinafter in this
Agreement, shall refer to all professional employees represented by the Association
in the negotiating unit as above defined, and references to male teachers shall include
female teachers.
The Board will, upon signed authorization of the teacher involved, deduct from the teacher's pay, dues payable by him to the local, county, state and national associations during the period provided for in the Agreement.
A Representation Fee of 85% has been agreed to by the Parties. The Association will provide a listing to the Board of non-Association members, within a reasonable period of time after the commencement of the 2003-04; 2004-05; and 2005-06 school years.
The Association will indemnify the Board against all costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred in any employee claim, litigation or action against the Board arising from implementation of this Article.
The Board will transmit in timely fashion, in accordance with the present procedure for payroll deductions, monies due the Association under this Article.
A. | DEFINITION |  |  |
A "grievance" is an appeal by a teacher based upon the interpretation, application or violation of policies, agreements or administrative decisions affecting that teacher.
The Association may file a class action grievance as long as the grievance is signed by at least one of the offended parties on behalf of the group or class.
Grievances pertaining to Association rights may be initiated by a representative of the Association.
A non-tenured teacher may process grievances in accordance with this procedure, except his Administrators' judgments of his competence as a teacher, which may be appealed to the Superintendent of Schools.
Administrative decisions specifically pertaining to curriculum matters, instructional materials or equipment may not be appealed.
A teacher shall have the right to present his own appeal or designate another person or representative of his own choosing to appear with him at any step in his appeal. When a teacher is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present at the Board of Education Hearing and any step beyond, and to state its views.
 | 1. |
The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest
possible level, equitable solutions to the problems which
may from time-to-time arise affecting the terms and
conditions of employment of teachers. Both Parties agree
that these proceedings will be kept as informal and
confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure. |  |  |
2.Nothing here in contained shall be construed as limiting
the right of any teacher having a grievance to discuss the
matter informally with the appropriate member of the
Administration, and having the grievance adjusted without
the intervention of the Association, provided the
adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of this
 | 1. |
The teacher may discuss informally his grievance with the
Immediate Supervisor in an attempt to secure an equitable
solution to the problem within five (5) days of the
alleged grievance. |
2.The teacher shall appeal in writing using Grievance Forms,
copies of which are included herein, within fifteen (15)
school days of the alleged grievance, or within fifteen
(15) school days of the teacher’s knowledge of the alleged
grievance, in sequence to the Supervisor, where
applicable, Principal, and Superintendent of Schools. The
teacher shall inform the Association at any step. A copy
of the written grievance and responses shall be forwarded
to the Association at each step of the grievance procedure.
 | 3. | The employee's request to the Board of Education for a
hearing shall be submitted in writing through the
designated representative(s) of the Association to the
Superintendent of Schools, and shall include a statement
of the nature of the appeal and a detailed account of all
the facts upon which the appeal is based. |
4.There shall be a period of not more than ten (10) school
days in each appeal sequence as outlined above. The number
of days may be extended by mutual agreement.
 | 5. | Failure at any step of this procedure to communicate the
decision on a grievance within the specified time limits
shall permit the grievant to proceed to the next step. |
 | Failure at any step of this procedure to appeal a grievance to the next step within
the specified time limits shall be deemed to be a waiver of further appeal of the decision. |
 |  |
 | 6. | Any and all teacher grievants shall, during and not with standing
the pendency of any grievance, continue to observe all assignments
and applicable rules and regulations of the Board until such grievance
and any effect thereof shall have been duly determined. |
D. | When the case is heard by the Board of Education, an opportunity shall be given
to present any relevant and material evidence and a full discussion shall take place.
The Board of Education shall at said hearing, or by independent investigation, seek
to secure all evidence pertinent to the appeal. Copies of the said proceedings shall be distributed to the employee and his representatives. The Board of Education will forward, through the Superintendent of Schools, a written response to the teacher within ten (10)
school days following the hearing. |
E.In cases in which a grievance pertains to a matter or specific terms and conditions
of employment in the written agreement between the Board and the Association,
and if the decision of the Board does not resolve the grievance to the satisfaction
of the teacher grievant, and if the Association determines that the grievance is meritorious,
the Association may submit a written notice for arbitration to the Board through the
Superintendent within fifteen (15) days after receipt by the teacher grievant of
the Board's decision. However, the Board's decision shall be final and finding in
all cases, as follows:
 | (1) |
Any matter which refers in particular to those laws that confer
specific powers on Boards of Education that may not be
abrogated nor set aside by agreement.
|  |  |
(2)A complaint of a non-tenure teacher which arises by reason of
his not being re-employed: or
 | (3) | A complaint by any certificated personnel occasioned by
appointment to or lack of appointment to, retention in or lack
of retention, any position for which tenure either is not possible
or not required. |
(4)Any matter which according to law is either beyond the scope
of Board authority or limited to unilateral action by the Board alone.
 | (5) | Any matter of written agreement between the Board and
Association which pertains to school calendar, evaluation of teachers,
organization of positions, or matters that specifically pertain to curriculum,
instructional material and equipment. |
 | Within the ten (10) school days after the written notice of submission to arbitration,
the Board and the Association shall select a mutually acceptable arbitrator and
obtain a commitment from said arbitrator to serve. If the Parties are unable to agree
upon an arbitrator or to obtain such a commitment within the specified period, a
request for a list of arbitrators may be made to the New Jersey Public Employment
Relations Commission by either Party. The Parties shall then be bound by the
selection of an arbitrator. |
 | (1) | The arbitrator so selected shall confer with the
representatives of the Board and the Association and hold
hearings promptly and shall issue his decision not later
than twenty (20) days from the date of the hearing. The
arbitrator's recommendations shall be in writing and shall
set forth his findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions
on the issues submitted. |
(2)The arbitrator shall limit himself to the issues submitted
to him and shall consider nothing else. He can add nothing
to, nor subtract anything from the Agreement between the
Parties, or any policy of the Board of Education. The
recommendations of the arbitrator shall be binding on the
| (3) | The cost for the services of the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the Board
and the Association. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the Party
incurring same. |
(4)In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed
through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school
year and, if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year,
could result in harm to a party in interest, the time-limits set forth herein shall be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the
school year or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
 | (5) | No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by the Board or Administration, or the Association, or any teacher, against any party in interest, or any other participant
in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation. |
(6)All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed in a separate grievance file and shall not be kept in the
personnel file of any of the participants.
 | (7) | All necessary forms pertinent to the grievance procedure shall be prepared jointly by the Superintendent of Schools and the Association and given appropriate distribution so as to facilitate operation of the grievance procedure. |
(8)All meetings and hearings under this procedure up through the Board of Education hearing shall be conducted in private and shall include only such
parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives.
 | (9) | Copies of decisions reached at the Superintendent and Board level will be sent to the Association. |
Whenever any teacher is required to appear before the Board or any committee thereof on any matter which would adversely affect the continuation of that teacher in his office, position, or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, such teacher shall be given notice in accordance with New Jersey Statutes 18A:25-7.
A. | The school calendar shall be established for the term of this Agreement by the Superintendent in consultation with the Association and with the approval of the Board of Education. |
B.The school calendar for the 2003-04 school year shall be set forth in Schedule C and shall be revised for the 2004-05 and 2005-06 school years.
C. | Effective with the l990-91 school year, one additional day shall be scheduled for all members of the Bargaining Unit for purposes of Staff Development. Such day shall not be prior to Labor Day. |
The annual school calendar designates the workdays and vacation periods for teachers. |
A. | Each teacher in active employment shall be placed on the proper step of the salary
schedule as of the beginning of the 2003-04 school year and the 2004-05 and 2005-06
school years in accordance with salary guides mutually agreed to by the Board and the Association (see Appendix A). This Contract shall be in effect for the school years 2003-04,
2004-05, and 2005-06. |
Prior related skills and/or experience, including up to four years of military service, are creditable in establishing the initial position of new teachers on the salary guide.
 | Subject to the exercise of the Board's retained right to withhold salary increments, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:29-14, teachers shall be entitled to receive annual salary increments as provided in the salary guide until the maximum salary for the position has
been attained. |
 | All teachers are paid semi-monthly on approximately the 15th and the last day of the
month. Annually, the Secretary Business Administrator will prepare a calendar of
scheduled paydays for the fiscal year, running from September 1 of the one year
June 30 of the following year. Paychecks will be delivered to employees on these
scheduled pay days. |
 | Teachers shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year as
close to May 1 as possible. In order for the non-tenure teacher contract to be valid,
each teacher shall return the contract notification to the Superintendent within three
weeks of mailing notification. The Superintendent may extend the due date. |
 | The Board of Education encourages teachers to continue their professional training
through matriculation in advanced degree programs and/or enrollment in specific
courses, which in the judgment of the Administration will serve to advance a teacher's performance in the classrooms of the local District. |
Effective July 1,1999, salary guide credit shall be limited to six (6) credits per year plus one additional equivalency credit for in-service course work for all teachers who are at or beyond the attainment of the first Master’s degree. Accumulated credits beyond the seven allowable salary credits earned in any one year may not be carried forward for credit in subsequent years. All courses for salary guide credit must be approved by the Superintendent.
The following guidelines will serve as a basis for granting salary guide credit for approved teachers' training:
1.In general, any course or courses taken as part of a program in which the teacher is matriculating toward an advanced degree within the field of education will be accepted
without further explanation because the attainment of an advanced degree is a
recognizable professional goal.
2. | A course or courses taken to meet requirements for certification in New Jersey do not
qualify for salary guide credit unless the courses for certification are included in a
matriculated program for an advanced degree. |
3.Under certain conditions, it is understandable that a teacher may wish to pursue work
in courses outside that teacher's present major teaching field, such as a degree program,
which may add to the teacher's background and consequently tend to enhance the
contribution the teacher can make to the School District. Such courses, therefore,
when taken in connection with a degree program, may be allotted normal salary guide
credit if advanced application is made and approved by the teacher's Building Principal
with final approval secured by the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent of the
complete contemplated program of study before first registration for any course is
completed. Substitution of courses, as may be required because of registration and
scheduling difficulties, will be permitted without advance Superintendent’s or Assistant Superintendent’s approval provided the substitution is approved by the degree granting institution for substitute credit toward the degree being sought.
4. | A teacher may wish to enroll in a specific course in an approved college or university
when such course is not part of a degree program. Salary guide credit will be allotted
upon successful completion of the course only if advanced application is made and
approved by his Building Principal with final approval secured by the Superintendent
or Assistant Superintendent before registration in the course is completed. The relevance
of the proposed course to the improvement of teacher effectiveness will be a major factor
in determining salary credit approval. |
5. | Graduate credits for application beyond the Master’s Column may be earned in a
non-matriculated program, submitted to and approved by the Superintendent prior
to the start of the program. Courses must be those offered by an accredited institution,
approved by the Superintendent and acceptable for graduate credits. Courses must
require regular scheduled attendance for advanced study over at least one term, semester,
summer session, or intersession. |
6. | A weekend course may, at the discretion of the Superintendent, be approved for tuition reimbursement and/or salary guide credit provided that the course meets over a full term
or semester. |
7.From time-to-time, the Board of Education may offer in-service teacher education programs
on an elective or required basis. Salary credit for teachers participation in such programs
will be determined in advance and awarded only upon successful completion of the work.
8. | When a teacher achieves a higher training level on the guide at mid-year, his salary will be adjusted to that level for the remainder of the year provided an official transcript has been submitted to the Superintendent's office by no later than February 15. |
1. Attainment of an approved Master’s degree is required within nine (9) years of date of first employment for advancement on the teacher salary guide. For extenuating circumstances, the Superintendent may grant additional time, on a case-by-case basis, for completion of first Master’s degree requirement. However, in no cases may authorize additional time for completion of degree requirements extends beyond two additional contract years. Failure to attain an approved Master’s degree, in accordance with this provision, will limit salary increases to one hundred dollars ($100) annually until attainment of Master’s degree qualification.
2. Attainment of District Competency Certification from the Superintendent in the third year of employment in curriculum areas specified by the Superintendent shall be on requirement to receive tenure but will not be a guarantee of tenure appointment.
 | Equivalency credits towards the salary guide shall be granted by the Superintendent
of Schools for in-service training experience sponsored by the Board of Education up
to a maximum of three (3) credits for satisfactory completion of each approved training program. |
The number of credits allowed shall be determined prior to enrollment in such courses.
Equivalency credits towards the salary guide shall be granted by the Superintendent
of Schools for educational travel experience under the following conditions:
 | 1. | The maximum amount of credit which can be obtained in this category
shall be the equivalent of six (6) semester hours of post graduate training. |  |  |
2.The Superintendent of Schools shall determine the number of semester
hours equivalent any particular travel experience is worth.
 | 3. | To aid the Superintendent of Schools in making the above decision,
the teacher desiring such equivalency credit shall submit, at least
thirty (30) days before departure, a brief outline of the extent of the
proposed travel and the educational values to the teacher. |
4.After completion of the travel experience, the teacher shall submit to
the Superintendent of Schools a brief summary of the trip and its value.
All employees of the Caldwell-West Caldwell School District are expected to report on time for work on every work day designated by the official school calendar. All personnel are expected to notify the proper person or persons as soon as it is known that they will be absent from or late to their designated duties.
A. | Each employee covered by this Agreement shall be allowed twelve (12) days absence
in any school year for personal illness without deduction of pay. The number of unused
days in any year shall accumulate from year to year so long as employment is continuous. |  |  |  |
Upon request filed three (3) school days in advance on the prescribed application form (emergencies excepted), a maximum of two (2) days in any one school year of unused
sick leave entitlement may be granted by the Superintendent without deduction of pay
to any employee covered by this Agreement for personal matters that are of such
pressing and immediate importance that they cannot be performed after employment hours.
Effective with the 2003-04 school year, if two (2) days are not used for personal leave,
one (1) of the days from the employee’s accumulated unused days may be used in the succeeding year as a personal leave day. In no event shall an employee use more than
three (3) personal leave days in any one school year.
Confidentiality of reasons for such request will be respected if the form processed
so indicates that the teacher wishes the reason to remain confidential. The Board
of Education re-affirms the importance and need for confidentiality between
employee and Supervisor.
B. | The purpose of personal illness benefits is solely to provide relief in case of personal
sickness, personal accident, and quarantine. |
C.The Superintendent of Schools or Secretary-Business Manager may request certification
by a properly licensed doctor for consecutive illness if absence exceeds five (5) days
or more.
D. | Teachers will be notified on or about September 15, of each year of this agreement,
of their accumulated personal illness days which notification shall include the
twelve (12) days of personal illness allowed annually. |
An absence, not to exceed five (5) working days in each instance, shall be allowed without loss of pay by the Superintendent in case of death in the immediate family. In general, immediate family shall be defined as mother, father, wife, husband, son, daughter, brother, sister, or member of the employee's household, and such other person as may have a close family relationship to the employee and is approved by the Superintendent as falling within this category.
A.Upon application to the Superintendent, up to two (2) days of any school year
may be granted for two (2) officers of the Association to attend conferences or
conventions of county, state, and national affiliated organizations. The Association
will pay the cost of the substitute teachers employed for said Association officers
during the time of their absences.
B. | Up to two (2) days, with pay, may be granted by the Superintendent for the purpose
of visiting other schools or attending meetings or conferences of an educational nature. |
A.A teacher may apply for a leave of absence with or without pay. The leave shall be
granted only by the Board of Education. The leave will be considered only upon
written application to the Superintendent of Schools setting forth the reasons for
which the leave is sought. When an application for leave is filed, the Superintendent
of Schools will promptly submit a recommendation to the Board of Education
approving or disapproving the application and setting forth:
 | (1) |
The results of his investigation of the facts set forth in the application;
|  |  |
(2)The number of other members of the school staff on leave;
| (3) | The reasons for his/her approval or disapproval of the application and
a copy of these reasons forwarded to the applicant; |
(4)All benefits to which a teacher was entitled at the time his/her leave
of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave,
shall be restored to him/her upon his/her return.
A teacher may apply for a sabbatical leave of absence for a full contract year or half a contract year. Sabbatical leaves may be granted to a maximum of two percent of teachers at any one time. If granted for a full year, the applicant will receive one-half of his yearly contract salary. If granted for a half-year, the applicant will receive one-quarter of his yearly contract salary while on leave. Upon returning to duty for the remaining one-half year, he will receive one-half of his yearly contract salary paid in semi-monthly installments. Leave shall be granted only by the Board of Education.
-12- Sabbatical leave may be granted for the purpose of study, travel, or educational activities that will enhance the professional improvement of the teacher and benefit the school system.
Leave will be considered only upon written application to the Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools setting forth the reasons for which the leave is sought and the use to which the leave is to be put. The applicant for leave shall agree in the application (a) to submit a written report upon termination of the leave showing the educational activities in which the applicant participated and their relationship to the work of the schools; (b) to render two (2) years service to the school system after completion of leave unless prevented by illness or excused by the Board of Education.
Such a leave of absence shall in no way be considered a termination or breach of contract of continuous employment. All tenure rights belonging to the applicant at the time the application is approved shall be retained, and the period of such leave shall be continued as regular service for purpose of retirement. Contributions to the New Jersey Pension and Annuity Fund shall be continued by the Board of Education, and the appropriate amount deducted from the salary due the applicant. A staff member on sabbatical leave of absence shall be eligible for the normal salary increment upon the presentation of adequate written reports at the end of the leave.
A. | All leaves shall be granted in accordance with applicable State and Federal laws
and decisions of the Commissioner of Education. Any aspects of this Article not
in compliance with State and Federal laws and decisions of the Commissioner
of Education shall not be enforced. |  |  |  |
A pregnant teacher shall, as soon as possible during the second trimester, notify the Superintendent of Schools through her Building Principal or Immediate Supervisor
indicating the tentative birth date. Arrangements will then be made for the
teacher's leave of absence.
A maternity leave of absence shall begin and be for a period of time designated by the
Superintendent of Schools in consultation with the teacher and with the written approval of the teacher's physician.
Any teacher who has been granted a maternity leave shall, before she is permitted to return to active duty, undergo examination by a physician of her choice certifying that she is able to perform her duties in a proper manner, which certification shall be forwarded to the Board of Education physician to review. Following any difference of medical opinion between the Board's physician and the teacher's physician, the two physicians shall mutually select a third physician who shall review and decide the matter.
-13- In the event of a miscarriage, still birth, or other unfortunate event, the teacher shall have the right to return to work. If the teacher on leave has been replaced by a person under contract, sixty (60) days notice must be given to the Board of Education.
B. | Any teacher adopting a pre-school age child may receive similar leave which shall
commence upon receiving de facto custody of said child or earlier, if necessary, to
fulfill the requirements of the adoption. |
C.Maternity/child care leave shall be granted for a period of up to the end of the
academic year in which the child was born. An additional academic year shall
be granted upon the request of a tenured teacher.
D. | Anyone who accepts maternity/child care leave in any given year is given credit
on the salary guide for a full year upon returning to the district provided that person
has completed more than 50% of the teaching days for the academic year in which
the leave was taken. |
E.A male teacher may be granted two (2) days paid absence at the time his wife gives
birth to a child or a child is adopted.
Full coverage (New Jersey State Medical Health Plan) for medical/surgical, major medical,
and Rider J, or its equivalent by mutual agreement, is provided at Board of Education expense. |
Dental insurance coverage will be 100% preventative and diagnostic plan for family coverage.
A. | Representatives of the Association, the New Jersey Education Association, National
Education Association, and the Essex County Education Association shall be permitted
to transact official Association business on school property, use school buildings and equipment, use interschool mail facilities and mail boxes, and a school faculty bulletin
board provided this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations. The Association shall pay the cost of materials and supplies incidental to such use. |
B. | The Board shall cooperate with the President of the Association during his term in office to provide such time for Association duties as can be provided without expense to the Board provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt his normal school teaching responsibilities. |
| The Board of Education will distribute those sections of the Policy Manual that effect terms and conditions of employment mutually agreed upon by the Association and the Superintendent by the opening day of school. |
D.The President of the Association shall meet with the Superintendent prior to the beginning of the school year to establish a schedule of time for regular meetings of the Association in order that conflicts with other meetings called by the Superintendent or his Administrators may be minimized. To the extent possible, regular meetings of the Association are to be scheduled for Thursday afternoons.
E. | A representative of the Association may speak to teachers during scheduled faculty meetings. Arrangement for inclusion on the meeting agenda shall be made through
the Building Principal. |
Pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974, the Board hereby agrees that employees shall have the right freely to organize for the purpose of engaging in collective negotiations in accordance with said statute. As a duly selected body exercising governmental power under the laws of the State of New Jersey, the Board undertakes and agrees that it shall not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any employee in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974, or other laws of New Jersey or the Constitution of New Jersey and the United States; that it shall not discriminate against any employee by reason of his membership in the Association and its affiliates, his lawful participation in any activities of the Association and its affiliates, collective negotiations with the Board, or his institutions of any grievance, complaint, or proceeding as provided by this Agreement between the Association and the Board.
Both Parties recognize the desirability of continuous and uninterrupted discharge of responsibilities to the institutional program of the school during the school year and the avoidance of disputes which threaten to interfere with such operation.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to diminish or remove from the Board the authority vested in it by the New Jersey Statutes Title 18A.
The Board states that it will agree with and follow the law with respect to the protection of individuals and the pursuit of academic freedom by teachers.
Teachers are to receive periodic evaluation of performance in accordance with the procedure for evaluation as authorized by the Board and contained in the Administrative Regulations and posted on all teacher bulletin boards. In accordance with Title 18A:29-14 Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey, the Board retains the right to withhold increments.
A. | Teachers are to receive a periodic evaluation of their performance in accordance with procedure for evaluation hereafter set forth: |
 | 1 | Non-tenured teachers shall be observed through classroom visitations a
minimum of three (3) times during each school year. At least one such
observation shall be with reasonable prior notification. |
2. | The minimum number of observations for teachers hired after
November 1 shall be determined by the Board on a pro-rata basis. |
3.Tenured teachers shall be observed through classroom visitation
at least once during each school year.
4. | Criteria for evaluations shall be established by the Board. |
5.An observation shall be conducted by a certified supervisor and shall
encompass a period of time equal to the major portion of a period or,
in the alternative, a complete lesson. Observations for annual teacher evaluations are to be completed by June 1 unless extenuating circumstances require otherwise.
6. | A post-observation conference shall be held within five (5) school days
of the classroom visitation. |
7.Teachers are to receive copies of evaluation reports at the time of their
post-observation conference. The teacher shall sign the report to
acknowledge receipt. Signing the evaluation report will be evidence
that the teacher read the report and not indicate agreement with or
approval of the evaluation. No evaluation report shall be submitted
to the Central Office, placed in the teacher's file, or otherwise acted
upon without notification to the teacher nor will any teacher be asked
to sign a blank form.
8. | Teachers shall have the right to submit, within ten (10) school days,
a written disclaimer of an evaluation. A copy of such disclaimer
shall be attached to each party's copy of the evaluation report. |
9.The Supervisor signing the evaluation as observer shall be the person
writing the observation report.
A teacher may be suspended with or without pay pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-8.3,6-14 and 25-6.
A. | Grover Cleveland Middle School 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
James Caldwell High School 7:55 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Elementary Schools 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. |  |  |
 | Beginning with the 1992-93 school year, pupil instruction time for elementary
teachers shall be increased by twenty (20) minutes per day.
Effective July 1, 1998, elementary preparation time for classroom teachers
shall be as follows: |
 | Grade K 240 minutes per week |
 | Grade 1 170 minutes per week
Grade 2 175 minutes per week
Grade 3 175 minutes per week
Grade 4 180 minutes per week
Grade 5 190 minutes per week |
 | To the extent administratively possible, preparation periods shall be scheduled
on the basis of one per day. |
Classroom teachers shall provide in-class instruction in the event a specialist
is not available as scheduled to provide instruction during a teacher's scheduled
preparation period. To the extent possible, the Board shall provide specialist
 | Teachers assigned to more than one building are to keep the hours of work of
the building to which they are assigned that day. |
Teachers who do not report directly to a building should maintain the following
hours of work: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
 | As professionals, teachers are expected to devote to their assignments the time
necessary to meet their responsibilities. The teacher will be in his classroom
prior to the arrival of his students and shall be available to help students after
student dismissal. |
 | Teachers will have a daily duty-free lunch period of at least one-half (1/2) hour
or for a period of time equal to the students' lunch period where such lunch period
is less than one-half (1/2) hour. |
Elementary teachers shall have a forty-five (45) minutes, duty-free lunch period.
The faculties in each elementary school will assist each Building Principal in the
development of lunch hour schedules.
C. | Except in unusual circumstances, teacher meetings held after regular classes are
dismissed are to be scheduled to begin fifteen (15) minutes after student dismissal.
Such meetings will normally be scheduled for not more than ninety (90) minutes
(1-1/2 hours) duration. Except in cases of emergency, no teacher meetings will be
scheduled for Fridays. |
D.On Fridays or days preceding holidays or vacation, the teacher's day shall end fifteen (15) minutes after the end of the pupil day.
E. | Elementary teachers shall be available for a maximum of two (2) days and four (4)
evenings per school year for parent-teacher conferences. Conferences shall be held
for a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes duration. Conference days shall not be scheduled consecutively. Afternoon and evening conferences shall not be scheduled on the same day,
and the teachers must only be present for the amount of conference slots necessary to
comply with this Agreement. On all afternoon conference days, students shall be
dismissed at 1:00 p.m. Afternoon conferences shall then be scheduled from 1:45 p.m.
through 4:45 p.m. Evening conferences shall be scheduled from 6:30 p.m. through
9:30 p.m. Dismissal time for teachers on those days shall be the same as the children's. |  |  |
 | There will be three (3) evening parent-teacher conferences in the fall at the middle
school, not to be scheduled consecutively. Spring conferences will be scheduled
on need or request by parent, teacher, or principal. |
During weeks when evening parent conferences are scheduled, no other after
school meetings shall be scheduled for elementary teachers. This provision
shall not be effective in cases of emergency which require meetings with teachers.
High school teachers shall be available for parent-teacher conferences upon request
at a mutually agreeable time.
F. | Effective July 1, 1998, full-time high school teachers of English shall be assigned
fifty (50) teaching modules per week and shall, in addition, be assigned five (5)
duty modules per week. Assignments for all other full-time teachers shall be based
upon the general practice established over the past five (5) years in the high school.
High school teachers, other than teachers of English, shall have assigned duty time
of seven (7) mods per week effective July 1, 1998 and eight (8) mods per week
effective July 1, 1999. For high school level courses scheduled for times prior to
and subsequent to the regular hours of the high school day, qualified teachers may
volunteer to teach such courses as part of their normal work day assignment.
In the absence of qualified volunteers, the Administration may assign teachers to
these classes. Teachers who volunteer for or are assigned such classes shall not be
required to be at work more than the usual total continuous hours of the high school
day as set forth above. |
G.Teaching assignments in the middle school shall be based on the general practice
established over the past five (5) years in the middle school.
All professional staff positions shall be posted in all school buildings as they become known. Notification of position vacancy shall specify position title, duties, qualifications, and the procedure and dates for making application. A copy of each posted notification of position vacancy shall be sent to the Association.
A. | Assignment shall be made at the discretion of the Administration and shall normally
be within the teacher’s area of competency, teaching certificate, or major field of study. |
B.Effective July 1, 1998, a teacher who is assigned to travel between two (2) or more
buildings shall be compensated at the rate of 31 cents per mile. Payment shall be made
in two equal installments payable in November and April.
Should any provision of this Contract be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby.
The Parties confirm that the Board of Education has and retains the right to make
reduction-in-force pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:28-9 et seq. and do hereby agree to the
provisions of the Article applicable to tenured and certificated teachers as set forth
in Article I of this Agreement.
 | The holder of a provisional certificate shall be entitled to seniority rights but not
over the holder of a standard certificate. The holder of an emergency certificate
shall not be entitled to seniority rights but, when he becomes the holder
of a provisional or standard certificate, the years of employment in the District
under the emergency certificate shall count toward seniority under the provisional
or standard certificate, as the case may be. |
 | To the extent not inconsistent with Title 18A:28-9 et seq. and the regulations of the Commissioner of Education, the Parties agree that, for the purpose of this Agreement, "Seniority" shall mean the period of consecutive employment by the employee |
in the District, including experience in the District in the position from which
he was dismissed by reason of the reduction-in-force.
 | Not more than one (1) year of employment may be counted toward seniority
in any one academic or calendar year. Whenever a person shall hold employment simultaneously in two (2) or more categories, seniority shall be counted in the
category in which he spends the greatest percentages of his time. If the percentage
of time spent in two or more categories shall be equal, the person shall be permitted
to elect in which category his seniority shall be counted. Notwithstanding the
provisions of this section, the seniority of a Principal who teaches shall be
counted in the appropriate Principal's category. |
 | An employee dismissed by reason of a reduction-in-force shall be entitled to be
placed and to remain upon a preferred eligible list in order of seniority for
re-employment whenever a vacancy occurs in the position from which such
employee was dismissed; such employee shall be re-employed by the Board
if and when such vacancy occurs. |
 | Notice of Recall to teachers to which this Article is applicable shall be given
to those teachers on the preferred eligible list by letter to last known address in
order of seniority within a reasonable time (not more than fifteen (15) days) after
such vacancy occurs. Such teachers shall have a reasonable period of time
(but not to exceed thirty (30) days after receiving notice) in which to give the
Board notice of intent to return to the position. |
1. | In the event such teacher shall fail to respond to the notice from the Board
or if the teacher gives notice of non-return to the position, the teacher shall
forfeit all seniority rights. |
2.Seniority shall not be accumulated during the period following dismissal by
reason of reduction-in-force but upon reemployment pursuant to the terms
of this Article, such employee shall have accumulated seniority to the date
of such dismissal reinstated.
 | Whenever a teacher to which this Article is applicable is notified that his/her particular employment shall be abolished in a category, he/she shall be given employment in the
category to which he/she is entitled by seniority. |  |  |
If the teacher shall have insufficient seniority for employment in the same category,
he/she shall revert to the category in which he/she held employment in the District
prior to his/her employment in the same category and shall be placed and remain
upon the preferred eligible list of the category from which he/she reverted until a
vacancy shall occur in such category to which his/her seniority entitled him.
If a teacher to which this Article is applicable has insufficient seniority in the category
to which he/she shall revert, he/she shall, in like manner, revert to the next category
in which he/she held employment in the District immediately prior to his/her
employment in the category to which he/she shall have reverted, and shall be
placed and remain upon the preferred eligible list of the next preceding category,
and so forth, until he/she shall have been employed or placed upon all the
preferred eligible lists of the categories in which he/she formerly held
employment in the School District.
When the teacher is officially notified in writing by the Superintendent of
Schools of the reduction-in-force as a result of Board action, the Association
will also be sent notification at the same time.
2. | A teacher shall have the right, upon request, to see the contents of his/her
personnel file. A teacher shall be entitled to have a representative
of the Association accompany him/her during such review.
No material derogatory to a teacher's conduct, service, character or personality
shall be placed in his/her personnel file unless the teacher has had an opportunity
to see the material. The teacher shall acknowledge that he/she has had the opportunity
to see such material by affixing his signature to the copy to be filed with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents
thereof. The teacher shall also have the right to submit a written answer to such material
and his/her answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his/her designee and
attached to the file copy. |
3.The Board of Education agrees to protect the confidentiality of personal references, confidential academic credentials, and other similar privileged and confidential documents.
While a teacher has primary responsibility for grading students, an appropriate school authority may revise the grade after the proposed grade change has been discussed with the teacher involved. If the grade should be changed over the teacher's dissent, the student's permanent record shall indicate who made the change. If the teacher does not agree with the grade change, the teacher may then appeal to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall notify the teacher of his/her decision.
Teachers may voluntarily contribute one-tenth of their contracted salary per month to be placed in a Board of Education account to be held until the last pay period in June, at which time one check shall be issued to the recipient equal to the individual’s own contributions. Any interest accrued shall revert entirely to the Board of Education.
The Board of Education agrees to reimburse teachers up the first Master’s degree for tuition cost for courses up to a maximum of nine (9) credits per year, one course per semester or two per summer. In the special circumstance where course scheduling changes beyond the teacher's control would prevent the teacher from completing his/her degree program, the teacher may appeal to the Superintendent of Schools for approval to grant waiver of the three (3) credits per term limitation.
Effective July 1, 1999, maximum annual tuition reimbursement after the first Master’s degree shall be nine (9) credits but with applicable salary guide credit limited to six (6) credits per year. Such limitation of applicable salary credit shall apply whether tuition cost is paid by the Board or the teacher. Effective July 1, 1999, salary guide credit shall be limited to six (6) credits per year for all teachers who are at or beyond the attainment of the first Master’s degree. Accumulated credits beyond the six allowance salary credits earned in any one year may not be carried forward for credit in subsequent years. All courses for salary guide credit must be approved by the Superintendent.
Reimbursement for graduate courses shall be at the course tuition rate of institution attended up to the Rutgers University per credit tuition rate.
All courses must have prior approval of the Superintendent and be in the area of the teacher's classroom instruction or assignment and must be successfully completed for reimbursement. Courses in administrative subjects may be approved. ARTICLE XXXI - SUMMER WORK
Pay for summer work shall be as follows:
Performance of regular duties – 1/200 per diem
(above excludes Board approved Summer School programs)
Presenters of Board approved workshops -- $200 per day
High School Department Coordinators -- $125 per day
Curriculum work -- $125 per day
Child Study Team and Guidance Counselors, authorized to perform regular duties during summer period, are to have option of taking accepted compensatory days during the school year for equal number of days worked during the summer. At time of assignment, the teacher shall indicate his/her choice of compensation of compensatory days option to be taken during the current school year.
Effective July 1, 1997, reimbursement of unused accumulated sick leave at Teachers Pension and Annuity Fund Retirement at the rate of $60.00 per day, for all days accumulated. This shall apply to retirement from active teaching. Deferred retirement is not eligible.
To qualify for payment, retirement must be effective at year-end (June 30) with notification prior to February 15.
Advanced notification requirement shall be waived in case of certified illness or documented emergency.
Except as this Agreement shall provide, all proposed new rules and modifications of new rules governing working conditions shall be negotiated with the Association before they are adopted, except as this Agreement may otherwise provide.
This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2003, and shall continue in effect through June 30, 2006, as the official representatives of the parties hereby attest:
Sue Callaghan Frances Chase
Angelo Maglio Ronald P. Skopak
2003-2004 SCHOOL YEAR
STEP | BA | BA+16 | MA | MA+16 | MA+32 | DOC |
A | $34,520 | $36,020 | $38,620 | $40,270 | $41,120 | $41,920 |
B | $35,215 | $36,770 | $39,520 | $41,070 | $42,190 | $43,220 |
1 | $36,240 | $37,880 | $40,680 | $42,530 | $43,640 | $44,700 |
2 | $37,700 | $39,395 | $42,460 | $43,990 | $45,100 | $46,160 |
3 | $39,180 | $40,925 | $44,150 | $45,575 | $46,685 | $47,745 |
4 | $40,640 | $42,440 | $45,820 | $47,140 | $48,300 | $49,360 |
5 | $42,100 | $43,950 | $47,380 | $48,805 | $50,100 | $51,155 |
6 | $43,560 | $45,460 | $49,470 | $50,580 | $51,925 | $52,980 |
7 | $45,120 | $47,075 | $51,135 | $52,350 | $53,875 | $54,935 |
8 | $46,660 | $48,660 | $52,770 | $54,090 | $55,725 | $56,780 |
9 | $48,195 | $50,250 | $54,515 | $55,935 | $57,590 | $58,645 |
10 | $49,880 | $51,885 | $56,250 | $57,775 | $59,485 | $60,670 |
11 | $51,570 | $53,515 | $58,090 | $59,610 | $61,400 | $62,815 |
12 | $53,360 | $55,250 | $59,925 | $61,445 | $63,335 | $64,965 |
13 | $55,250 | $57,190 | $61,755 | $63,380 | $65,305 | $67,315 |
14 | $57,190 | $59,125 | $63,635 | $65,310 | $67,315 | $69,660 |
Teachers above Step 14 on any column are considered off guide and receive their 2002-03 salary plus:
Column | Off Guide Increase |
BA & BA + 16 | $2,800 |
MA & MA + 16 | $3,135 |
MA + 32 & DOC | $3,550 |
2004-2005 SCHOOL YEAR
STEP | BA | BA+16 | MA | MA+16 | MA+32 | DOC |
A | $35,000 | $37,500 | $39,850 | $41,500 | $42,300 | $42,950 |
B | $36,400 | $38,000 | $40,700 | $42,450 | $43,150 | $44,175 |
1 | $37,100 | $38,750 | $41,650 | $43,300 | $44,475 | $45,550 |
2 | $38,175 | $39,905 | $42,855 | $44,805 | $45,975 | $47,090 |
3 | $39,675 | $41,460 | $44,690 | $46,300 | $47,470 | $48,585 |
4 | $41,195 | $43,030 | $46,425 | $47,925 | $49,090 | $50,205 |
5 | $42,690 | $44,585 | $48,135 | $49,525 | $50,740 | $51,855 |
6 | $44,185 | $46,125 | $49,730 | $51,225 | $52,585 | $53,690 |
7 | $45,675 | $47,665 | $51,875 | $53,035 | $54,450 | $55,555 |
8 | $47,265 | $49,315 | $53,570 | $54,840 | $56,440 | $57,550 |
9 | $48,830 | $50,925 | $55,230 | $56,610 | $58,325 | $59,425 |
10 | $50,390 | $52,540 | $57,000 | $58,485 | $60,220 | $61,320 |
11 | $52,110 | $54,200 | $58,760 | $60,355 | $62,140 | $63,380 |
12 | $53,820 | $55,850 | $60,625 | $62,210 | $64,080 | $65,555 |
13 | $55,635 | $57,605 | $62,480 | $64,065 | $66,035 | $67,735 |
14 | $57,550 | $59,570 | $64,325 | $66,020 | $68,025 | $70,120 |
Teachers above Step 14 on any column are considered off guide and receive their 2003-04 salary plus:
Column | Off Guide Increase |
BA & BA + 16 | $3,130 |
MA & MA + 16 | $3,380 |
MA + 32 & DOC | $3,610 |
2005-2006 SCHOOL YEAR
STEP | BA | BA+16 | MA | MA+16 | MA+32 | DOC |
A | $36,020 | $38,020 | $41,120 | $42,770 | $43,500 | $44,020 |
B | $36,820 | $39,420 | $42,020 | $43,820 | $44,295 | $45,320 |
1 | $38,320 | $40,020 | $42,920 | $44,795 | $45,545 | $46,595 |
2 | $39,070 | $40,845 | $43,920 | $45,645 | $46,920 | $48,045 |
3 | $40,195 | $42,040 | $45,145 | $47,200 | $48,430 | $49,605 |
4 | $41,755 | $43,635 | $47,030 | $48,725 | $49,955 | $51,130 |
5 | $43,315 | $45,245 | $48,810 | $50,390 | $51,615 | $52,785 |
6 | $44,840 | $46,835 | $50,560 | $52,020 | $53,295 | $54,465 |
7 | $46,370 | $48,405 | $52,185 | $53,755 | $55,180 | $56,340 |
8 | $47,885 | $49,970 | $54,385 | $55,600 | $57,085 | $58,240 |
9 | $49,505 | $51,650 | $56,105 | $57,420 | $59,110 | $60,275 |
10 | $51,095 | $53,285 | $57,790 | $59,235 | $61,025 | $62,180 |
11 | $52,675 | $54,925 | $59,585 | $61,055 | $62,950 | $64,100 |
12 | $54,420 | $56,605 | $61,365 | $63,030 | $64,895 | $66,190 |
13 | $56,155 | $58,270 | $63,250 | $64,905 | $66,855 | $68,395 |
14 | $57,990 | $60,045 | $65,125 | $66,775 | $68,850 | $70,600 |
Teachers above Step 14 on any column are considered off guide and receive their 2004-05 salary plus:
Column | Off Guide Increase |
BA & BA + 16 | $3,140 |
MA & MA + 16 | $3,420 |
MA + 32 & DOC | $3,795 |
2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06
 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 |
Hourly Rate: | $30.42 | $31.64 | $32.90 |
 |  |  |  |
Van Driver Round Trip (Athletic Events) | $96.60 | $97.34 | $101.24 |
Outdoor Education | $158.34 | $164.67 | $171.26 |
Music Lessons/Accompanist | Hourly Rate |
Chaperones (Dance or Other) | Hourly Rate |
Library Supervisor | Hourly Rate |
Weight Room Supervisor | Hourly Rate |
Aerobics/Weight Lifting | Hourly Rate |
Bowling | Hourly Rate |
Tennis Club | Hourly Rate |
Assembly Programs – Grover Cleveland Middle School | Hourly Rate |
Sport | Position | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Football: | Head | $8,507 | $8,779 | $9,050 |
 | Assistant | $5,922 | $6,111 | $6,300 |
 | Equipment Manager | $2,463 | $2,541 | $2,620 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Cross Country: | Head | $6,326 | $6,528 | $6,730 |
 | Assistant | $4,446 | $4,588 | $4,730 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Boys Soccer: | Head | $6,674 | $6,887 | $7,100 |
 | Assistant | $4,653 | $4,802 | $4,950 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Girls Soccer: | Head | $6,674 | $6,887 | $7,100 |
 | Assistant | $4,653 | $4,802 | $4,950 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Tennis: | Head | $5,452 | $5,626 | $5,800 |
 | Assistant | $3,807 | $3,929 | $4,050 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Girls Volleyball: | Head | $6,674 | $6,887 | $7,100 |
 | Assistant | $4,653 | $4,802 | $4,950 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Fall Cheering: | Varsity | $3,784 | $3,904 | $4,025 |
 | Junior Varsity | $2,421 | $2,498 | $2,575 |
 | Frosh | $1,840 | $1,890 | $1,957 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Boys Basketball: | Head | $7,708 | $7,954 | $8,200 |
 | Assistant | $5,452 | $5,626 | $5,800 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Girls Basketball: | Head | $7,708 | $7,954 | $8,200 |
 | Assistant | $5,452 | $5,626 | $5,800 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Wrestling: | Head | $7,708 | $7,954 | $8,200 |
 | Assistant | $5,452 | $5,626 | $5,800 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Bowling: | Head | $2,759 | $2,847 | $2,936 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Winter Track: | Head | $6,326 | $6,528 | $6,730 |
 | Assistant | $4,446 | $4,588 | $4,730 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Swimming: | Head | $6,326 | $6,528 | $6,730 |
 | Assistant | $4,446 | $4,588 | $4,730 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Winter Cheering: | Head | $4,601 | $4,748 | $4,895 |
 | Assistant | $2,425 | $2,503 | $2,580 |
Sport | Position | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Baseball: | Head | $6,674 | $6,887 | $7,100 |
 | Assistant | $4,653 | $4,802 | $4,950 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Softball: | Head | $6,674 | $6,887 | $7,100 |
 | Assistant | $4,653 | $4,802 | $4,950 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Tennis: | Head | $5,452 | $5,626 | $5,800 |
 | Assistant | $3,807 | $3,929 | $4,050 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Golf: | Head | $3,873 | $3,996 | $4,120 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Spring Track: | Head | $6,674 | $6,887 | $7,100 |
 | Coordinator | $5,687 | $5,869 | $6,050 |
 | Assistant | $4,653 | $4,802 | $4,950 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Lacrosse: | Head | $6,674 | $6,887 | $7,100 |
 | Assistant | $4,653 | $4,802 | $4,950 |
Sport | Position | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Football: | Head | $8,827 | $9,108 | $9,390 |
 | Assistant | $6,143 | $6,339 | $6,535 |
 | Equipment Manager | $2,557 | $2,638 | $2,720 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Cross Country: | Head | $6,580 | $6,790 | $7,000 |
 | Assistant | $4,620 | $4,768 | $4,915 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Boys Soccer: | Head | $6,928 | $7,149 | $7,370 |
 | Assistant | $4,827 | $4,981 | $5,135 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Girls Soccer: | Head | $6,928 | $7,149 | $7,370 |
 | Assistant | $4,827 | $4,981 | $5,135 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Tennis: | Head | $5,659 | $5,839 | $6,020 |
 | Assistant | $3,948 | $4,074 | $4,200 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Girls Volleyball: | Head | $6,928 | $7,149 | $7,370 |
 | Assistant | $4,827 | $4,981 | $5,135 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Fall Cheering: | Varsity | $3,925 | $4,050 | $4,175 |
 | Junior Varsity | $2,510 | $2,590 | $2,670 |
 | Frosh | $1,908 | $1,969 | $2,030 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Boys Basketball: | Head | $7,990 | $8,245 | $8,500 |
 | Assistant | $5,659 | $5,839 | $6,020 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Girls Basketball: | Head | $7,990 | $8,245 | $8,500 |
 | Assistant | $5,659 | $5,839 | $6,020 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Wrestling: | Head | $7,990 | $8,245 | $8,500 |
 | Assistant | $5,659 | $5,839 | $6,020 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Bowling: | Head | $2,858 | $2,949 | $3,040 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Winter Track: | Head | $6,580 | $6,790 | $7,000 |
 | Assistant | $4,620 | $4,768 | $4,915 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Swimming: | Head | $6,580 | $6,790 | $7,000 |
 | Assistant | $4,620 | $4,768 | $4,915 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Winter Cheering: | Head | $4,790 | $4,928 | $5,080 |
 | Assistant | $2,515 | $2,595 | $2,675 |
Sport | Position | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Baseball: | Head | $6,928 | $7,149 | $7,370 |
 | Assistant | $4,827 | $4,981 | $5,135 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Softball: | Head | $6,928 | $7,149 | $7,370 |
 | Assistant | $4,827 | $4,981 | $5,135 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Tennis: | Head | $5,659 | $5,839 | $6,020 |
 | Assistant | $3,948 | $4,074 | $4,200 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Golf: | Head | $4,019 | $4,147 | $4,275 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Spring Track: | Head | $6,928 | $7,149 | $7,370 |
 | Coordinator | $5,903 | $6,092 | $6,280 |
 | Assistant | $4,827 | $4,981 | $5,135 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Lacrosse: | Head | $6,928 | $7,149 | $7,370 |
 | Assistant | $4,827 | $4,981 | $5,135 |
Sport | Position | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Football: | Head | $9,180 | $9,473 | $9,766 |
 | Assistant | $6,388 | $6,592 | $6,796 |
 | Equipment Manager | $2,658 | $2,743 | $2,828 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Cross Country: | Head | $6,843 | $7,062 | $7,280 |
 | Assistant | $4,805 | $4,959 | $5,112 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Boys Soccer: | Head | $7,205 | $7,435 | $7,665 |
 | Assistant | $5,020 | $5,180 | $5,340 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Girls Soccer: | Head | $7,205 | $7,435 | $7,665 |
 | Assistant | $5,020 | $5,180 | $5,340 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Tennis: | Head | $5,885 | $6,073 | $6,261 |
 | Assistant | $4,106 | $4,237 | $4,368 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Girls Volleyball: | Head | $7,205 | $7,435 | $7,665 |
 | Assistant | $5,020 | $5,180 | $5,340 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Fall Cheering: | Varsity | $4,081 | $4,212 | $4,342 |
 | Junior Varsity | $2,610 | $2,694 | $2,777 |
 | Frosh | $1,984 | $2,048 | $2,111 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Boys Basketball: | Head | $8,310 | $8,575 | $8,840 |
 | Assistant | $5,885 | $6,073 | $6,261 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Girls Basketball: | Head | $8,310 | $8,575 | $8,840 |
 | Assistant | $5,885 | $6,073 | $6,261 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Wrestling: | Head | $8,310 | $8,575 | $8,840 |
 | Assistant | $5,885 | $6,073 | $6,261 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Bowling: | Head | $2,972 | $3,067 | $3,162 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Winter Track: | Head | $6,843 | $7,062 | $7,280 |
 | Assistant | $4,805 | $4,959 | $5,112 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Swimming: | Head | $6,843 | $7,062 | $7,280 |
 | Assistant | $4,805 | $4,959 | $5,112 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Winter Cheering: | Head | $4,966 | $5,125 | $5,283 |
 | Assistant | $2,615 | $2,699 | $2,782 |
Sport | Position | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Baseball: | Head | $7,205 | $7,435 | $7,665 |
 | Assistant | $5,020 | $5,180 | $5,340 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Softball: | Head | $7,205 | $7,435 | $7,665 |
 | Assistant | $5,020 | $5,180 | $5,340 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Tennis: | Head | $5,885 | $6,073 | $6,261 |
 | Assistant | $4,106 | $4,237 | $4,368 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Golf: | Head | $4,179 | $4,313 | $4,446 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Spring Track: | Head | $7,205 | $7,435 | $7,665 |
 | Coordinator | $6,139 | $6,335 | $6,531 |
 | Assistant | $5,020 | $5,180 | $5,340 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Lacrosse: | Head | $7,205 | $7,435 | $7,665 |
 | Assistant | $5,020 | $5,180 | $5,340 |
James Caldwell High School
Position | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
Department Coordinator |  |  | $4,200 |
Class Advisors (12) | $4,282 | $4,419 | $4,600 |
Class Advisors (11) | $4,282 | $4,419 | $4,600 |
Class Advisors (10) | $3,262 | $3,366 | $3,500 |
Class Advisor (9) | $3,262 | $3,366 | $3,500 |
Nursing Coordinator | $1,926 | $1,987 | $2,100 |
Environmental Club | $1,580 | $1,625 | $1,675 |
Subject/Career Clubs | $1,340 | $1,360 | $1,400 |
Key Club | $3,666 | $3,670 | $3,750 |
Yearbook | $5,044 | $5,205 | $5,360 |
Marching Unit Advisor | $3,439 | $3,549 | $3,700 |
Madrigal Singers | $1,640 | $1,693 | $1,745 |
Project Help | $2,021 | $2,086 | $2,250 |
Student Council | $2,029 | $2,170 | $2,235 |
Women of Note | $1,527 | $1,576 | $1,650 |
Retro Men | $1,527 | $1,576 | $1,650 |
Music Ensembles | $1,527 | $1,576 | $1,624 |
Pep Band Director | $3,693 | $3,875 | $3,975 |
School Production | $4,559 | $4,705 | $4,850 |
Set Productions | $1,368 | $1,411 | $1,500 |
Science and Technology | $1,260 | $1,275 | $1,300 |
Chemistry Olympics | $1,260 | $1,275 | $1,300 |
Detention Supervisor | $2,580 | $2,600 | $2,700 |
Mock Trial | $1,580 | $1,625 | $1,675 |
Literary Magazine | $2,112 | $2,179 | $2,250 |
Newspaper | $5,044 | $5,205 | $5,360 |
National Honor Society | $1,995 | $2,008 | $2,070 |
Jazz Band | $1,642 | $1,695 | $1,750 |
Orchestral Director | $2,151 | $2,219 | $2,290 |
Choral Director | $2,151 | $2,219 | $2,290 |
Page 2
Grover Cleveland Middle School
Position | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
Team Leaders | $6,400 | $6,600 | $6,800 |
Subject/Career Clubs | $1,340 | $1,360 | $1,400 |
Yearbook | $3,435 | $3,545 | $3,655 |
Builders Club | $1,580 | $1,625 | $1,675 |
Newspaper | $3,240 | $3,290 | $3,360 |
Dance Coordinator | $930 | $945 | $960 |
Detention Supervisor | $2,580 | $2,600 | $2,700 |
Set Production | $1,368 | $1,411 | $1,500 |
Student Council | $2,029 | $2,170 | $2,235 |
Con Brio Players | $1,527 | $1,576 | $1,650 |
Jazz Band | $1,642 | $1,695 | $1,750 |
AV Coordinator | $2,957 | $3,052 | $3,145 |
School Production | $2,425 | $2,503 | $2,600 |
Child Study Team | $2,048 | $2,113 | $2,179 |
James Caldwell High School
Position | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
Department Coordinator |  |  | $4,350 |
Class Advisors (12) | $4,418 | $4,559 | $4,700 |
Class Advisors (11) | $4,418 | $4,559 | $4,700 |
Class Advisors (10) | $3,384 | $3,492 | $3,600 |
Class Advisor (9) | $3,384 | $3,492 | $3,600 |
Nursing Coordinator | $2,049 | $2,115 | $2,180 |
Environmental Club | $1,636 | $1,688 | $1,740 |
Subject/Career Clubs | $1,363 | $1,407 | $1,450 |
Key Club | $3,596 | $3,710 | $3,825 |
Yearbook | $5,217 | $5,384 | $5,550 |
Marching Unit Advisor | $3,549 | $3,662 | $3,775 |
Madrigal Singers | $1,692 | $1,746 | $1,800 |
Project Help | $2,256 | $2,328 | $2,400 |
Student Council | $2,162 | $2,231 | $2,300 |
Women of Note | $1,607 | $1,659 | $1,710 |
Retro Men | $1,607 | $1,659 | $1,710 |
Music Ensembles | $1,579 | $1,630 | $1,680 |
Pep Band Director | $3,807 | $3,929 | $4,050 |
School Production | $4,700 | $4,850 | $5,000 |
Set Productions | $1,457 | $1,504 | $1,550 |
Science and Technology | $1,269 | $1,310 | $1,350 |
Chemistry Olympics | $1,269 | $1,310 | $1,350 |
Detention Supervisor | $2,632 | $2,716 | $2,800 |
Mock Trial | $1,636 | $1,688 | $1,740 |
Literary Magazine | $2,209 | $2,280 | $2,350 |
Newspaper | $5,217 | $5,384 | $5,550 |
National Honor Society | $1,974 | $2,037 | $2,100 |
Jazz Band | $1,711 | $1,765 | $1,820 |
Orchestral Director | $2,237 | $2,308 | $2,380 |
Choral Director | $2,237 | $2,308 | $2,380 |
Page 2
Grover Cleveland Middle School
Position | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
Team Leaders | $6,486 | $6,693 | $6,900 |
Subject/Career Clubs | $1,363 | $1,407 | $1,450 |
Yearbook | $3,572 | $3,686 | $3,800 |
Builders Club | $1,636 | $1,688 | $1,740 |
Newspaper | $3,252 | $3,356 | $3,460 |
Dance Coordinator | $931 | $960 | $990 |
Detention Supervisor | $2,632 | $2,716 | $2,800 |
Set Production | $1,457 | $1,504 | $1,550 |
Student Council | $2,162 | $2,231 | $2,300 |
Con Brio Players | $1,607 | $1,659 | $1,710 |
Jazz Band | $1,711 | $1,765 | $1,820 |
AV Coordinator | $3,055 | $3,153 | $3,250 |
School Production | $2,538 | $2,619 | $2,700 |
Child Study Team | $2,134 | $2,202 | $2,270 |
James Caldwell High School
Position | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
Department Coordinator |  |  | $4,550 |
Class Advisors (12) | $4,578 | $4,724 | $4,870 |
Class Advisors (11) | $4,578 | $4,724 | $4,870 |
Class Advisors (10) | $3,511 | $3,623 | $3,735 |
Class Advisor (9) | $3,511 | $3,623 | $3,735 |
Nursing Coordinator | $2,124 | $2,192 | $2,260 |
Environmental Club | $1,739 | $1,795 | $1,850 |
Subject/Career Clubs | $1,410 | $1,455 | $1,500 |
Key Club | $3,666 | $3,783 | $3,900 |
Yearbook | $5,396 | $5,568 | $5,740 |
Marching Unit Advisor | $3,666 | $3,783 | $3,900 |
Madrigal Singers | $1,786 | $1,843 | $1,900 |
Project Help | $2,444 | $2,522 | $2,600 |
Student Council | $2,237 | $2,309 | $2,380 |
Women of Note | $1,692 | $1,746 | $1,800 |
Retro Men | $1,692 | $1,746 | $1,800 |
Music Ensembles | $1,645 | $1,698 | $1,750 |
Pep Band Director | $3,939 | $4,064 | $4,190 |
School Production | $4,865 | $5,020 | $5,175 |
Set Productions | $1,504 | $1,552 | $1,600 |
Science and Technology | $1,316 | $1,358 | $1,400 |
Chemistry Olympics | $1,316 | $1,358 | $1,400 |
Detention Supervisor | $2,726 | $2,813 | $2,900 |
Mock Trial | $1,739 | $1,795 | $1,850 |
Literary Magazine | $2,303 | $2,377 | $2,450 |
Newspaper | $5,396 | $5,568 | $5,740 |
National Honor Society | $2,021 | $2,086 | $2,150 |
Jazz Band | $1,786 | $1,843 | $1,900 |
Orchestral Director | $2,317 | $2,391 | $2,465 |
Choral Director | $2,317 | $2,391 | $2,465 |
Page 2
Grover Cleveland Middle School
Position | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
Team Leaders | $6,674 | $6,887 | $7,100 |
Subject/Career Clubs | $1,410 | $1,455 | $1,500 |
Yearbook | $3,713 | $3,832 | $3,950 |
Builders Club | $1,739 | $1,795 | $1,850 |
Newspaper | $3,365 | $3,473 | $3,580 |
Dance Coordinator | $963 | $994 | $1,025 |
Detention Supervisor | $2,726 | $2,813 | $2,900 |
Set Production | $1,504 | $1,552 | $1,600 |
Student Council | $2,237 | $2,309 | $2,380 |
Con Brio Players | $1,692 | $1,746 | $1,800 |
Jazz Band | $1,786 | $1,843 | $1,900 |
AV Coordinator | $3,158 | $3,259 | $3,360 |
School Production | $2,820 | $2,910 | $3,000 |
Child Study Team | $2,209 | $2,280 | $2,350 |