Personnel Exhibit #3
Printed: 5/29/01
Article I Recognition---------------------------------------------6
A. Unit
B. Unit Consolidation
C. Definition of Employee
Article II Negotiation of Successor Agreement--------------6
A. Schedule
B. Information Requests
C. Meeting Limits
D. Exclusive Representation
E. Completed Agreement
F. Impasse
Article III Principles of Agreement---(A-D)-------------------7
E. Management Prerogative
F. Severability Clause
G. Parameters of Agreement
H. Modification
I. Duration of Agreement
Article IV Association-College Relationship------------------7
A. Association Membership
B. Public Records
C. Paid Release Time
D. Association Business
E. Use of College Equipment and Facilities
F. Bulletin Boards
G. Board Rights
Article V Grievance Procedure----------------------------------8
A. Definitions
B. Purpose
C. Procedures
D. Rights of Employees to Representation
E. Miscellaneous
Article VI Vacation/Personal Leave----------------------------11
A. Scheduling Leave
B. Vacation/Personal Leave Accrual
C. Mid-Year Appointments and Exits
D. Utilization Limits
E. Part-time Employees
F. Payment for Unused Vacation/Personal Leave Upon
Separation from Employment
Article VII Holidays-------------------------------------------------11
A. Schedule of Holidays
B. Additional Holidays
C. Holiday Work
D. Part-time Employees
Article VIII Work Schedule----------------------------------------12
A. Normal Work Week
B. Other Work Week Patterns
C. Meal Reimbursement
D. Breaks
E. Overtime
F. Compensatory Time
G. Sunday Work
H. Emergencies
I. Snow and Ice Days
J. Summer Hours
Article IX Working Conditions - Safety and Welfare-------14
A. Equipment
B. Minimum Temperature
C. Maximum Temperature
D. Assault
D. Uniforms
Article X Leaves of Absence With Pay------------------------15
A. Military Leave
B. Bereavement Leave
C. Jury Leave
D. College Temporary Disability Program
Article XI Leaves of Absence Without Pay-------------------17
A. Regulation and Definition
B. Eligibility and Duration of Leaves of Absence Without Pay
C. Vacation Payout and Accrual While on Leave
D. Seniority
E. Pension Plan, Health Insurance, and Group Life Insurance
F. Outside Employment
G. Exceeding a Leave of Absence Without Pay
H. Medical Examination
I. Return to Work Prior to Expiration of Leave of Absence
Without Pay
J. Procedures for Requesting Leave of Absence
Article XII Sick Leave---------------------------------- ------------18
A. Sick Leave Accrual
B. Medical Verification
C. Exhausted Sick Leave
D. Reimbursement for Unused Sick Leave
Article XIII Insurance Benefits-------------------------------------19
A. Health Insurance - Employees
B. Health Insurance - Dependents
C. Health Insurance Carrier
D. Major Medical Deductible Reimbursement
E. Dental Insurance
F. Optical Expense Reimbursement
G. Benefit Option Program
H. Dental/Optical Coordination of Benefits
Article XIV Retirement Benefits------------------------------------20
Article XV Education Benefits--------------------------------------20
A. Employee Tuition Waiver
B. Dependent Tuition Waiver
C. Ocean County College International Education Courses
D. Tuition Reimbursement (Other Institutions)
E. Development and Training Funds
F. Interest-Free Loans
Article XVI Salaries---------------------------------------------------22
A. Salary
B. Wage/Salary Placement Ranges
C. Salary Increase Eligibility
D. Withholding Salary Increases
E. Method of Payment
F. Longevity Awards
G. Perdiem Calculation/Hourly Wage Calculation
H. Boiler Operator License Stipend
I. Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Stipend
J. Substitute Shift Sergeant Pay
K. Pay Adjustments for Added Duties
Article XVII Employment Procedures-----------------------------24
A. Job Description
B. In-Grade Advancement
C. Dismissal of Employees
D. Severance Pay
E. Resignation
F. Vacancy Postings
G. Job Reclassification
H. Employee Evaluation
I. Personnel Files
J. Non-Discrimination
K. Job Transfers
L. Layoffs
M. Progressive Discipline
Article XVIII Deduction of Dues from Salaries--------------------28
Article XIX Miscellaneous Provisions------------------------------28
A. Credit Union
B. Job Actions
C. Printing of the Agreement
D. Release Time
Article XX Agreement Ratification (Signatures)----------------29
Appendix A Uniform Allowance------------------------------------30
Appendix B Progressive Discipline Procedures------------------31
Appendix C Wage/Salary Placement Ranges--------------------33
Appendix D Grievance Form----------------------------------------34
Appendix E Job Title List--------------------------------------------35
NOTE: New or changed language in the Agreement is underlined.
In accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Employment Relations Act, the Board of Trustees of Ocean County College recognizes the Supportive Staff Association of Ocean County College as the sole and exclusive representative for collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for the following unit:
A. Unit: The unit shall include all full-time and part-time employees in the job classifications of secretarial/clerical staff, custodians, craftsworkers, groundsworkers, Health & Physical Education (HPE) attendants, and security guards currently employed or hereafter employed by the College, in accordance with the P.E.R.C. Certifications dated April 23, 1973 and November 27, 1973.
B. Unit Consolidation: Effective July 1, 1992, the two units formerly known as (1) Secretarial/Clerical and (2) Physical Plant shall be combined into one Association as defined in Section A above.
C. Definition of Employee: Unless otherwise indicated, the term "employee", when used hereinafter in this Agreement shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined. Reservists shall not be considered "employees" under this contract.
Negotiation of Successor Agreement
A. Schedule: Not earlier than September 15, 2005 nor later than December 15, 2005 the College and Association agree to negotiate over a successor agreement in accordance with the procedure set forth herein, in good faith effort on both sides to reach agreement concerning salaries, conditions of employment and other matters which are not reserved to the Board as a management prerogative or which is not prohibited by law. Any agreement so negotiated shall apply to all members of the negotiating unit and shall be reduced to writing and signed by all the parties. Negotiations shall commence with a meeting at a mutually satisfactory place within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of mutual proposals by the College and the Association, unless the parties agree to an extension of time described herein.
B. Information Requests: Each party shall promptly make available to the other, upon request, information within its possession which is not privileged under the law and which is reasonable and necessary to the subjects under negotiation.
C. Meeting Limits: Members of the bargaining unit will not be scheduled by the parties hereto to participate during working hours in negotiation meetings, except as mutually agreed by both parties to this Agreement.
D. Exclusive Representation: The College agrees not to negotiate concerning said employees' negotiation unit, as defined in Article I of this Agreement, with any organization other than the Association for the duration of this Agreement.
E. Completed Agreement: During the term of this Agreement, neither party shall be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter, whether or not covered by this Agreement and whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or executed this Agreement.
F. Impasse: If agreement cannot be reached between the Association and the Board of Trustees, either party has the right to declare an impasse and request mediation procedures through the Division of Public Employment Relations Commission.
Principles of Agreement
This Agreement, is made by and between the SUPPORTIVE STAFF ASSOCIATION OF OCEAN COUNTY COLLEGE, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Association," and the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF OCEAN COUNTY COLLEGE, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "College":
A. This Agreement is negotiated in order to establish for its term the terms and conditions of employment for all members of the staff employed in the classifications set forth in Article I-A.
B. The College and the Association recognize the importance of orderly, just and expeditious resolution of disputes which may arise as to the proper interpretation or implementation of this Agreement.
C. The College and the Association accept the provisions of this Agreement as commitments which they will cooperatively and in good faith honor, support, and seek to fulfill.
D. The provisions of this Agreement will constitute a binding obligation of the parties for the duration hereof, or until changed by mutual consent in writing.
E. Management Prerogative: Any rights or privileges not expressly given to employees or the Association in this Agreement are hereby expressly reserved by the College as a management prerogative.
F. Severability Clause: If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees or to the employer is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
G. Parameters of Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties and there are no representations, warranties, covenants, or other undertakings, other than expressly set forth herein, and the College and the Association are hereby bound to the extent of this Agreement and to any mandatory laws applicable to the employee-employer relationship between the parties. If any sections of the Agreement which have been deleted due to changes in the law, are determined to be mandatory topics of negotiations, either party shall have the right to open negotiations in those limited areas.
H. Modification: This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties, except by an instrument in writing duly executed by the parties. Any waiver by either party to any part of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other part of this Agreement.
I. Duration of Agreement: This Agreement shall be in effect from May 29, 2001 through June 30, 2006, unless the Association and the College mutually agree in writing to an extension or modification of its duration.
Association-College Relationship
A. Association Membership: The College and Association agree that there shall be no discrimination, interference or coercion by either party against any employee because of his/her membership in the Association or because of his/her refusal to join the Association. The Association further agrees that it shall not unlawfully coerce employees into membership.
B. Public Records: The Board agrees to make available to the Association all public records for their review that are relevant to a matter contained in this Agreement. It is understood that the Board does not have an obligation to provide reports or data not public records as defined in the "Open Public Meeting Act" of New Jersey.
C. Paid Release Time: Whenever any representative of the Association or any employee is mutually scheduled by the parties to participate during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, conferences or meetings with the Board or its representative, he shall suffer no loss in pay. Nothing herein shall require the Board or the College to schedule such meetings during working hours.
D. Association Business: Representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on College property at times and places to be determined in accordance with prevailing College policy, procedures and regulations. It is understood that all meetings of the Association shall be held so as not to interfere with or interrupt normal College operations. The request for scheduling of all meetings shall be made through the designated College scheduling office and the Vice President of Human Resources.
E. Use of College Equipment and Facilities: The Association shall have the right to use College equipment such as typewriters, computers and printers, calculating machines, and photocopying machines at reasonable times when such equipment is not otherwise in use as determined by the College or its representatives. Prior to such use, a written request may be required by the College or its representative. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all material and supplies incidental to such use. The Association shall have the right to use the inter-College mail system for appropriate Association business.
F. Bulletin Boards: The College shall supply reasonable access to two (2) bulletin boards for the posting of Association notices. Prior to posting, a copy of said notice shall be furnished to the Vice President of Human Resources. Notices shall pertain and be limited to the announcing of meetings and other Association business. Bulletin boards shall not be used for improper or inappropriate statements.
G. Board Rights: The College retains all existing rights insofar as its relationship with the employees of the Association is concerned, except as these are limited by the specific terms of this Agreement.
Grievance Procedure
A. Definitions:
1. Grievance: A "grievance" is a complaint by a member of the bargaining unit that there has been a misinterpretation or misapplication of the terms of this Agreement and/or College policy as per the Supreme Court West Windsor decision, which misinterpretation or misapplication directly affects said grievant.
2. Aggrieved Person: An "aggrieved person" is the person or persons or the Association making the claim.
3. Party in Interest: A "party in interest" is the person or persons making the claim, including the College or the Association.
B. Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to secure at the lowest possible level, equitable solutions to the problems which may from time to time arise affecting employees and the employer. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
C. Procedures:
1. Time Limits: The number of days indicated at each level shall be considered as a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limit specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement.
2. Level 1 - Immediate Supervisor: An employee with a grievance shall first discuss it with his/her immediate supervisor, with the objective of resolving the matter informally. A representative of the Association may be present at this level. Within fifteen (15) workdays after the grievant knew or should have known of the events or conditions on which the grievance is based, a grievance shall be submitted in writing (Appendix D) to the supervisor who is the Director of the Department or the Director's designated representative, by the grievant through an Association representative. A copy of the grievance must also be submitted to the Association by the grievant-employee. Within ten (10) workdays thereafter a written reply shall be given by the supervisor or designated representative to the grievant with a copy to the Association.
3. Level 2 - Vice President of Human Resources: If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level 1, or no decision has been rendered within five (5) work days after the presentation of the grievance, he/she may file the grievance in writing with the Association within five (5) work days after the decision at Level 1, or ten (10) work days after the grievance was presented, whichever is sooner. Within five (5) work days after receiving the written grievance, the Association shall submit the grievance in writing (Appendix D, plus all attachments) to the Vice President of Human Resources. The Vice President of Human Resources shall render a written decision within fifteen (15) work days of receipt of the grievance.
4. Level 3 - President of College: If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level 2, or if no decision has been rendered within fifteen (15) work days after the presentation of the grievance, he/she may file the grievance in writing with the Association within five (5) work days after the decision at Level 2, or twenty (20) work days after the grievance was presented, whichever is sooner. Within five (5) work days after receiving the written grievance, the Association shall submit the grievance in writing (Appendix D, plus all attachments) to the President of the College or his designee. The President or his designee shall then render a written decision within fifteen (15) work days of receipt of the grievance.
5. Level 4 - Board of Trustees: If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level 3, or if no decision has been rendered within fifteen (15) work days after the presentation of the grievance, the Association may decide to file the grievance (Appendix D, plus all attachments) with the Board of Trustees for action. The Board of Trustees shall appoint a subcommittee of its members to hear the grievance. The Board Committee shall be represented by counsel and have such members of the administration present as it deems appropriate. The Grievance Hearing shall occur within twenty (20) workdays of the filing date at the Board step. The Board Grievance Committee shall make a recommendation to the full Board of Trustees at the next regularly scheduled meeting following the grievance hearing. The decision of the Board of Trustees shall be communicated, in writing, to the Association not more than five (5) workdays following the Board meeting.
6. Level 5 - Binding Arbitration for Grievances of Terms of this Agreement:
(a) If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level 4, or if no decision has been rendered within twenty (20) work days after the grievance was delivered to the Board of Trustees of the College, he/she may within five (5) work days after a decision was delivered to the Board of Trustees, whichever is sooner, request arbitration. If the Association in its discretion determines that the grievance is meritorious, it may submit the grievance on behalf of the individual to arbitration within fifteen (15) work days after receipt of request by the aggrieved person.
(b) Within ten (10) work days after such written notice of submission to arbitration, the College and the Association shall attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator and shall obtain a commitment from said arbitrator to serve. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator or to obtain such a commitment within the specified period, a request for a list of arbitrators may be made to the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) by either party. The parties shall then be bound by the rules and procedures of the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) in the selection of an arbitrator.
(c) The arbitrator so selected shall confer with the representatives of the College and the Association and hold hearings promptly, and shall issue his/her decision not later than twenty (20) days from the date of the closing of the hearings, or if oral hearings have been waived, then from the date the final statements and proofs on the issues are submitted to him/her. The arbitrator's decision shall be in writing and shall set forth his/her findings of fact, reasoning, and conclusion as to the issues submitted. The arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any decision which requires the commission of an act prohibited by law, or which is violative of the terms of this Agreement. The decision of the arbitrator shall be submitted to the Board and the Association and shall be final and binding to the parties.
(d) In the event the arbitrability of a grievance is at issue between the parties, jurisdiction to resolve the issue shall rest solely with the arbitrator selected in accordance with the provisions herein, which decision shall be final and binding on both parties.
(e) The cost for the services of the arbitrator including per diem expenses if any, and actual necessary travel subsistence expenses and the cost of the hearing room shall be borne equally by the College and the Association. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring same.
7. Level 6 - Advisory Arbitration for College Policy Grievances:
The parties agree that the grievance definition shall be expanded to include policy grievances as per the Supreme Court West Windsor decision. The parties further agree that policy grievances shall have a final step and terminate in Advisory Arbitration.
Note: The grievance procedure for College policy grievance shall follow the same time table as established for grievances which may end in Binding Arbitration.
D. Rights of Employees to Representation:
1. Employee Choice: Any supportive staff may be represented at any level of the Grievance Procedure by himself/herself or at his/her option by an Association Representative.
2. Reprisals: No reprisal of any kind shall be taken by the College or by any member of the administration, or by the Association or by any employee, against any party in interest, any representative, any member of the College or the Association, or any other participant in a grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
3. Disciplinary Conference: If any employee is brought up on charges, no suspension or discharge shall be put into effect without a meeting between the Vice President of Human Resources and/or his/her representative and two (2) appropriate representatives of the Association. This provision does not apply to situations requiring immediate action because of the nature of the offense, but every effort will be made to provide such a meeting.
E. Miscellaneous:
1. Written Decisions: All decisions rendered above Level 1 of the Grievance Procedure shall be in writing setting forth the decision and the reasons therefore, and shall be transmitted promptly to all parties in interest and to the Association.
2. Private Meetings: All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives, heretofore referred in this Article.
3. Association Grievance: If, in the judgment of the Association, a grievance affects a class or group of employees, the Association may submit such grievance in writing to the Vice President of Human Resources directly and the processing of such grievance shall be commenced at Level 2. The Association may process such a grievance through all levels of the Grievance Procedure even though the aggrieved person does not wish to do so.
4. Separate Grievance File: Upon completion of the final step of a grievance process, including court action if used by either party, which resolves an issue in favor of the grievant, communications and records dealing with the processing of that grievance shall be filed in a separate grievance file and shall not be kept in the personnel file of any of the participants.
Vacation/Personal Leave
A. Scheduling Leave: Vacation/Personal Leave shall be scheduled in consonance with the work schedule of the department and shall be subject to the advance approval of the employee's supervisor. Choice of Vacation/Personal Leave, within each department shall be picked by employees in seniority order.
B. Vacation/Personal Leave Accrual: Vacation/Personal Leave shall be earned according to employment service at the following rates:
First through Third Year: thirteen (13) days per year.
Fourth through Sixth Year: eighteen (18) days per year.
Seventh Year and over: twenty-three (23) days per year.
The full scheduled amount of Vacation/Personal Leave shall be posted to each employee's account each July 1st.
C. Mid-Year Appointments and Exits: Employees who begin work mid-year shall receive a prorated share of the scheduled amount of Vacation/Personal Leave. Employees who separate from employment with the College mid-year shall have their Vacation/Personal Leave balance reduced by a prorated share of the annual total. A prorated share of the amounts listed above shall be posted on the anniversary years.
D. Utilization Limits: Vacation/Personal Leave may not be taken in advance of being posted. Vacation/Personal Leave shall not be taken during probationary periods. Vacation/Personal Leave must be taken within eighteen (18) months of the date on which it was posted. If a holiday falls during the leave period, the holiday does not count as a Vacation/Personal day.
E. Part-time Employees: Part-time Secretarial/Clerical employees who work at least 910 hours per year shall earn a prorated share of Vacation/Personal Leave, in accordance with the accrual rates set forth in Section B above. Part-time custodians, craftsworkers, groundsworkers, HPE attendants, and security guards who work at least 1040 hours per year shall earn a prorated share of Vacation/Personal Leave, in accordance with the accrual rates set forth in Section B above.
F. Payment for Unused Vacation/Personal Leave Upon Separation from Employment: Upon separation from employment after more than one year of service, the employee is entitled to payment for earned but unused Vacation/Personal Leave within the limitations prescribed herein.
A. Schedule of Holidays: Holidays allowed and paid for are:
New Year's Day Thanksgiving
Good Friday Friday after Thanksgiving
Memorial Day Christmas
July 4 Day before or after Christmas
Labor Day Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday
B. Additional Holidays: The College hereby guarantees to each employee four (4) days of holiday in addition to the days set forth hereinabove. The precise dates shall be determined by the College. If at the discretion of the College the Christmas-New Year break is provided and five discretionary holidays are necessary for that purpose, a fifth discretionary holiday will be added for that particular year.
C. Holiday Work: In the event a holiday falls on a day during which the College administration deems it necessary to continue a support service, a percentage of employees may be scheduled to work. When employees work on days designated to be holidays, such employees shall be paid in accordance with the following guidelines:
Holiday Pay: Full-time employees shall be paid straight time holiday pay, in accordance with the designated holidays of Article VII.
1. Employees who work on a holiday shall be paid one and one-half (1 1/2) times their regular rate of pay for each hour worked in addition to straight time holiday pay which equals two and one half (2 1/2) times rate of pay.
2. In order to be eligible for holiday pay, an employee must be actively employed at the time of the holiday and must have worked his/her regularly scheduled workday before and after the holiday, unless such absence is authorized by the appropriate Vice President (in the absence of the appropriate Vice President, the Vice President of Human Resources).
D. Part-time Employees: Part-time employees shall receive pay for a holiday if it falls on a normally scheduled workday. If a holiday falls on a day when he/she is normally not scheduled to work, the part-time employee shall not
receive payment for the holiday.
E. Full-Time Employees With Nontraditional Workschedules (other than Monday through Friday) – In the event an employee’s nontraditional work schedule results in a reduction of the holidays set forth in Section A above, the supervisor shall provide an alternate day off, to be scheduled within sixty (60) days. Alternate days off shall not be provided for employees who are paid for working on a holiday.
Work Schedule
A. Normal Work Week:
1. Secretarial/Clerical Employees: The normal work week for all full-time Secretarial/Clerical employees shall be thirty-five (35) hours weekly, five (5) consecutive days a week, with one hour for lunch daily. Depending upon the employee's particular department, he/she may be required to work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Other hours of work to meet the particular requirements of a department may be mutually scheduled by the College and the employee upon the recommendation of the Department Supervisor and the approval of the College Human Resources Office. Secretarial/Clerical employees who work between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. shall receive shift differential per hour worked, in addition to his/her scheduled rate of pay, in accordance with the following schedule:
July 1, 2000 = $.24 per hour July 1, 2003 = $.45 per hour
July 1, 2001 = $.24 per hour July 1, 2004 = $.60 per hour
July 1, 2002 = $.35 per hour July 1, 2005 = $.65 per hour
2. Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, and HPE Attendants: The normal work period for full-time
Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, and HPE Attendants shall be eight (8) hours per day, five (5) consecutive days, with two (2) days off for a total of forty (40) work hours per a given five (5) day period. Full-time employees working night shifts (any shift which extends beyond 6 p.m.) shall work seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours per day for five (5) consecutive days with two (2) consecutive days off for a total of thirty-seven and one-half (37 1/2) work hours per week. Meal periods shall be given to each of said employees which during each seven and one-half (7 1/2) hour work period, shall be one-half (1/2) hour in length. The College shall pay for said meal period which shall be part of the normal seven and one-half (7 1/2) hour work schedule. Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, and HPE Attendants who work between 6:00 p.m and 6:00 a.m. shall receive shift differential per hour worked, in addition to his/her scheduled rate of pay, in accordance with the following schedule:
July 1, 2000 = $.24 per hour July 1, 2003 = $.45 per hour
July 1, 2001 = $.24 per hour July 1, 2004 = $.60 per hour
July 1, 2002 = $.35 per hour July 1, 2005 = $.65 per hour
3. Security Guards: The normal work period for full-time Security Guards shall be eight (8) hours per day, five (5) consecutive days with two (2) consecutive days off for a total of forty (40) work hours per a given five (5) day period. Meal periods shall be given to each of said employees during each eight (8) hour work period which shall be one-half (1/2) hour in length at a time and place to be designated by the supervisor. The College shall pay for said meal period and shall be part of the normal eight (8) hour workday. Security Guards who work between 6:00 p.m and 6:00 a.m. shall receive shift differential per hour worked, in addition to his/her scheduled rate of pay, in accordance with the following schedule:
July 1, 2000 = $.53 per hour July 1, 2003 = $.57 per hour
July 1, 2001 = $.53 per hour July 1, 2004 = $.60 per hour
July 1, 2002 = $.55 per hour July 1, 2005 = $.65 per hour
B. Other Work Week Patterns: The normal work week for present full-time employees, as noted above, does not negate the right of the College to establish other work week patterns for either vacant or newly budgeted positions. Such additional work week patterns shall provide at least thirty-five (35) hours per week with one (1) hour for lunch/dinner daily for Secretarial/Clerical jobs or at least forty (40) hours per week with one-half (1/2) hour for lunch/dinner daily for Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, and Security Guards.
C. Meal Reimbursement: If a day employee must work evenings, he/she will be allowed up to two (2) unpaid hours off between his/her day and evening schedule as a dinner period. Those employees who work a regular day shift and who work the evening registration shall be entitled to reimbursement for an evening meal, not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15) per meal. Support Staff shall submit an itemized receipt which verifies the expenditure to the Accounting Department for meal reimbursement.
D. Breaks: Two (2) uninterrupted periods of not more than fifteen (15) minutes shall be available to employees. The times shall be mutually agreed to by the employee and his/her supervisor.
E. Overtime: Overtime shall be paid in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act.
1. Overtime Calculation: Overtime will be remunerated at the rate of one and one half (1 1/2) times the hourly salary for all hours worked over forty (40) hours in a single workweek. For overtime hours worked from thirty-six (36) through forty (40) hours, compensation will be at the hourly rate of pay. . Overtime will be adjusted upward to the nearest half hour at the end of each pay period. Overtime shall be computed to include (1) Holidays, (2) Vacation/Personal Days, (3) Sick Days, (4) Bereavement Days
2. Call Back Pay: Any employee who is called back to the college in to work after/before their regular scheduled shift will be paid a minimum of four hours at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times his/her base hourly rate. Any employee who is called back to the college to work on regular days off, vacation/personal days, sick days, holidays and bereavement days, will be paid a minimum of four hours at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times his/her base hourly rate.
3. Overtime Assignments: All overtime and compensatory time shall be authorized in advance by the appropriate Vice President or an administrator designated by the Vice President. Overtime shall be posted and offered to supportive staff on a rotational seniority basis within each respective department. When overtime work is to be done, the specific skills and the number of employees required to perform such work shall be as determined by the appropriate Vice President or the Vice President's designated representative. When overtime work shall require a number of workers exceeding the number of employees officially holding the specific classification comprising such determined skills, the offer of overtime work shall be made on a broad-base, rotational/seniority basis to those other employees who possess a known and acceptable level of competency in the required job skills, as determined by the appropriate Vice President or the Vice President's designated representative.
F. Compensatory Time: In the event the employee and the immediate supervisor mutually agree, compensatory time may be allowed in lieu of salary. Compensatory time shall be computed at one and one-half (1 1/2) hours for each hour of overtime worked. Compensatory time shall be utilized within a sixty (60) day period after it is earned, with written consent of the supervisor. If the needs of the College preclude the employee's utilization of the compensatory time within the aforesaid sixty (60) day period, the College, in its discretion, shall either pay the appropriate overtime or provide the earned compensatory time regardless of whether it is beyond the 60 day period. In the event Secretarial/Clerical employees elect to receive comp time for hours worked between thirty-six (36) and forty (40) hours per week, he/she shall receive one and one-half (1 1/2) hour of comp time for each hour worked.
G. Sunday Work: Employees who are required to work outside their regular work schedule, on a "Sunday", shall receive double their regular rate of pay for work performed on that day. Those employees whose work schedule normally includes Sunday, shall be paid their regular rate of pay for work performed on that day. However, if required to work on the second day of their normally scheduled two consecutive days off, such employees shall be paid at double their regular rate of pay for hours worked on that day.
H. Emergencies: Employees working their normal shift receive straight time payment. Employees required to work beyond their shift receive double time payment for such extra work. When all other college employees are excused (sent home or are not required to report for work initially), Physical Plant employees who are required to work their regular shift shall be paid two and one-half (2 1/2) times his/her regular rate of pay for hours worked. If placed on standby, the employee shall be paid at a minimum of two (2) hours straight time. In the event a Building Maintenance Worker/Custodian is assigned to remove snow beyond areas around buildings for which custodians are normally responsible, he/she shall receive one and one-half (1 1/2) times his/her regular rate of pay for the actual time engaged in such activity.
I. Snow and Ice Days: If classes are cancelled due to excessively hazardous roads in the area of the College, the College will notify employees whether or not they will be required to report to work, in accordance with departmental procedures.
J. Summer Hours: The College, at its discretion, may grant reductions in work hours during the summer months as done in prior years without prejudice.
Working Conditions - Safety & Welfare
A. Equipment: Appropriate and adequate equipment shall be provided to all employees covered by this Agreement, properly maintained to fulfill their respective job functions as defined by the College.
B. Minimum Temperatures: Employees shall not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions, or to perform tasks which unreasonably endanger their health, safety, or well-being, nor shall they be required to work in rooms with temperatures below sixty-three (63) degrees Fahrenheit, unless conditions beyond the control of the College require the maintenance of the heating system below sixty-three (63) degrees Fahrenheit.
C. Maximum Temperatures: Employees shall not be required to work in rooms with temperatures above eighty-five (85) degrees Fahrenheit, as measured in the center of the room and said condition has persisted for more than one hour. In such instances, the College may exercise its normal management authority and reassign affected employees to a different work area. These provisions concerning temperature in working areas shall not be operable if mechanical failure or mandates of energy conservation make adherence impracticable.
D. Assault: In any case involving an assault by or upon an employee, the College shall be guided by appropriate law concerning said attack. An employee suffering an assault shall immediately report cases of assault in connection with their employment to their immediate supervisor. Such notification shall be immediately forwarded to the Vice President of Human Resources who shall comply with any reasonable request from the employee for information in the possession of the supervisor relating to the incident.
E. Uniforms: Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, Security Guards, and Mailroom/Stock Clerks shall receive within thirty days of employment (contingent upon availability of supplies) the uniforms designated in Appendix A of the Agreement. All employees for whom uniforms are provided shall be required to be in complete uniforms during all working hours. Employees shall receive uniform replacements when the employee turns in the worn or unserviceable uniform to the Director of Facilities, Engineering and Operations. Employees in receipt of uniforms described in Appendix A of the Agreement shall provide reasonable maintenance of their uniforms, which shall include washing, cleaning, pressing, and mending, etc. The annual clothing maintenance allowance shall be made payable to each employee in equal installments not later than July 31st and January 31st of each budget year. Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, and Mailroom workers shall purchase steel-toed safety shoes when their shoes are worn or unserviceable. Physical Plant employees shall turn in his/her old shoes and proof of purchase of new shoes to the Associate Director of Physical Plant. Mailroom employees shall turn in his/her old shoes and proof of purchase of new shoes to the Chief Financial Officer. The College shall reimburse the employee for the itemized cost of the shoes. Every effort shall be made to provide reimbursement within two weeks of the receipt of proof of purchase. Effective July 1, 1999, the clothing maintenance allowance shall be one hundred thirty-one dollars ($131) per year and the shoe reimbursement allowance shall be eighty-four dollars ($84) per year. Effective July 1, 2002, the clothing maintenance allowance shall be one hundred forty dollars ($140) per year and the shoe reimbursement allowance shall be ninety dollars ($90) per year.
Leaves of Absence With Pay
A. Military Leave: Members of the Reserve or National Guard are allowed two (2) weeks of paid leave annually to attend training. This is in addition to other leaves set forth in this Agreement.
B. Bereavement Leave: In the case of a death in the employee's immediate family (spouse, children, parents, parents-in-law, brothers, brothers-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandparents, grandparents-in-law, and grandchildren) paid bereavement leave not to exceed four (4) days will be granted.
C. Jury Leave: Jury leave for jury duty is paid leave in the amount of the difference between a normal day's wages and that paid by the court for duty. Normally the payment by the court will be significantly less than the employee's wages. The employee may receive his/her normal salary for the period by surrendering his/her endorsed court jury check to the Human Resources Department.
D. College Temporary Disability Program: The College shall provide, at no expense to the employee, a temporary disability income plan for employees of the College who are absent from work due to prolonged serious illness/injury. This program is offered as a substitute for participation in the New Jersey Temporary Disability program which is permissible by law. In no instance shall the benefit or terms of the College program be less than that of the New Jersey Temporary Disability program.
1. Eligibility for Temporary Disability:
a. To be eligible for College Temporary Disability an employee must meet the same wage earnings qualifications as required for the New Jersey Temporary Disability program.
b. The employee must have exhausted all accumulated sick leave. The employee may elect to use accumulated vacation/personal leave or compensation time in order to stay in a full pay status for as long as possible.
c. The employee must submit a medical certification which specifies the illness/injury that prevents the employee from being able to perform his/her duties. The medical certification must also specify the approximate length of time the physician expects the employee to be disabled. The College reserves the right to require the employee to be examined by a College appointed physician at Board expense.
2. Calculation of Disability Income: The disability income benefit shall be calculated in accordance with the prevailing method used by the New Jersey Temporary Disability program and the College Temporary Disability method set forth below. The employee shall select in writing the method of payment he/she chooses to be paid by.
Employment at O.C.C. Disability Payment
1st through 3rd year 40% of hourly wage or base salary
Fourth year 45% of hourly wage or base salary
5th year and more 50% of hourly wage or base salary
The disability benefit shall be prorated for part-time employees. Disability benefits shall not be paid during any time frame in which the employee is not contracted/scheduled to work.
3. Duration of Disability Payments: Benefit payment shall commence on the next regularly scheduled payday following approval by the President of the application for Temporary Disability. The College shall make every effort to begin approved disability payments not later than thirty days following the beginning of the disability, provided all required medical verifications are received.
a. If the employee elects the State method of payment, the duration of payments shall be in accordance with the prevailing state program.
b. If the employee elects the College method of payment, the duration of payments shall be limited to an aggregate maximum of fifty-two (52) weeks, commencing with the initial date of disability. If the disability is related to a Workers' Compensation claim, time in Workers Compensation shall be inclusive to the aggregate maximum for College Temporary Disability.
c. If an employee recovers from disability for which benefits have been received and again becomes disabled within one hundred and four (104) weeks of the initial date of disability, the later disability shall be considered a continuation and shall be counted against the fifty-two (52) week aggregate maximum. If the later disability is due to an unrelated cause it shall be considered a new disability.
d. Disability payments shall cease when the employee returns to work, the employee leaves employment with the College, the employee qualifies for permanent disability under the New Jersey Division of Pensions or the disability benefit is exhausted. The employee must submit medical verification of his/her ability to return to work, prior to returning to work.
4. Coordination of Benefits: The College Temporary Disability income shall be reduced by an amount equal to income received by the employee for: (a) any other avenue of pay by the College, (b) any income received through a state or federal disability program, (c) Workers Compensation, or (d) income associated with any rehabilitation efforts.
5. Procedures: Disabled employees must file a request for Temporary Disability. Forms are available in the Human Resources Department. Every effort to process the request as rapidly as possible shall be made as soon as proper medical verification(s) are received. The Human Resources Department shall provide information on the prevailing New Jersey Temporary Disability program and written calculation of the benefit options available to the employee. The Vice President of Human Resources shall provide the employee with a written disposition of the President's decision. The President's decision shall be final and not subject to the grievance procedure contained in this Agreement.
Leaves of Absence Without Pay
A. Regulation and Definition: Leave of absence without pay may be granted to non-probationary employees for the following reasons: personal, child care, maternity, and military. An employee returning from a leave of absence as defined herein will be assigned to his/her former position or an available position of like compensation, for which the individual is qualified. Leaves of Absence require approval of the President and the Board of Trustees.
B. Eligibility and Duration of Leaves of Absence Without Pay:
Maximum Duration Maximum Duration
of Including
Type/Eligibility Initial Leave Extensions
Unable to work because 6 months 1 year
of personal reasons.
Child Care
Following birth of a 12 months (none)
child or following adoption of
a child under age 6.
Maternity Disability
Upon a female member's Under conditions of a female
request, with a physician's member's biological maternity,
verification. any sick leave time accrued
may be initially applied and exhausted.
Selective Service Period of 4 years
induction or called up Active Duty plus additional
as a Reserve or National time required by
Guard member. law, if any, plus 90
days release from duty.
C. Vacation Payout and Accrual While on Leave: Employees may be paid for accrued vacation leave time at the beginning of an unpaid leave of absence. No vacation, sick, or personal leave time will be accrued during an unpaid leave of absence.
D. Seniority: In the event the leave of absence without pay is taken by the employee, seniority based upon length of service will continue to accumulate during this period.
E. Pension Plan, Health Insurance, and Group Life Insurance: When an employee is granted a leave of absence, there are distinct pension plan, life insurance and health insurance implications. Many of these implications vary with (a) the reason for leave of absence, (b) the duration of leave of absence, (c) the pension program enrollment. All matters relative to these programs and specific arrangements for the continuation of these benefits shall be in conformity with New Jersey Statutes and shall have been made with the Personnel Office prior to the leave of absence.
F. Outside Employment: When an employee takes a leave of absence and it is learned that he/she is employed elsewhere, such discovery will be cause for termination of employment unless specifically approved in writing by the College in advance of the leave.
G. Exceeding a Leave of Absence Without Pay: Failure to report for work at the conclusion of a leave of absence or granted extension(s), will be considered grounds for termination of employment, which shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
H. Medical Examination: Upon the return of an employee from a leave of absence without pay, the College may require without cost to the staff member, that a physician(s) of its choosing and expense, may examine the staff member before returning the member to active employment. A staff member returning from medical leave of absence must provide a statement from the member's physician releasing the member to return to work.
I. Return to Work Prior to Expiration of Leave of Absence Without Pay: The return to work of an employee prior to the expiration of a leave of absence will be at the option of the College.
J. Procedures for Requesting Leave of Absence: Requests for leaves of absence without pay will be made and processed in accordance with official College policy and procedure on the subject.
Sick Leave
A. Sick Leave Accrual: Sick Leave for full-time employees shall accrue at the rate of thirteen (13) days per year. Part-time Secretarial/Clerical employees, who work at least 910 hours per year, shall earn a prorated share of the sick leave annual accrual. Part-time Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, and Security Guards who work at least 1040 hours per year, shall earn a prorated share of sick leave annual accrual. Annual sick leave shall be posted to each employee's account on July 1st. Supportive Staff entering or leaving employment with the College mid-year shall have their sick leave balance appropriately prorated. Probationary employees may utilize sick leave. The unused portion of sick leave is cumulative with no limit to the number of days that can be accrued. Sick leave is not earned during periods of leave of absence without pay of one month or longer. Sick leave is only available to persons for health reasons.
B. Medical Verification: When an employee takes sick days, the College, at its discretion, may require that employee validate sick leave taken by presenting the written statement of employee's physician, or in the discretion of the College, the employee may be required to present himself/herself to a physician to be selected by and paid for by the College, before being permitted to return to work. The appropriate supervisor shall issue a written warning when a pattern of sick leave utilization on Fridays and Mondays has been established, and if that pattern continues, the College may require the employee to consult a doctor at College expense. Supervisors shall have the responsibility of documenting said absences.
C. Exhausted Sick Leave: An employee who expects that his/her absence due to illness will continue beyond his/her accumulated sick leave may request a leave of absence without pay. If this request for leave of absence is approved by the College, the employee may continue health benefits insurance for a limited period of time by arranging for prepayment of premiums to the College in accordance with New Jersey Statutes.
D. Reimbursement for Unused Sick Leave: Employees in good standing, who have fifteen (15) or more years of continuous service at Ocean County College, and leave employment with the college, shall be eligible to receive payment for up to fifty percent (50%) of his/her accrued unused sick leave, up to the maximum limits set forth below. Employees who are terminated for cause by the Board of Trustees, or are separated from the college in lieu of termination, shall not be eligible for reimbursement of unused sick leave. In the event a person is re-employed by the college, sick leave which has been previously reimbursed shall not be reinstated. All reimbursements shall be calculated at the employee's perdiem, effective on the last date of employment, and in accordance with Article XVI, Section G.
7/1/00 – 6/30/01, Maximum Sick Leave Reimbursement = $7,960.
7/1/01 – 6/30/02, Maximum Sick Leave Reimbursement = $8,167.
7/1/02 – 6/30/03, Maximum Sick Leave Reimbursement = $8,667.
7/1/03 – 6/30/04, Maximum Sick Leave Reimbursement = $9,167.
7/1/04 – 6/30/05, Maximum Sick Leave Reimbursement = $9,667.
7/1/05 – 6/30/06, Maximum Sick Leave Reimbursement = $10,167
Insurance Benefits
A. Health Insurance - Employees: The Board of Trustees shall provide fully paid health insurance (traditional plan) for all Secretarial/Clerical employees who work at least 910 hours per year and for all Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, and Security Guards who work at least 1040 hours per year. Employees who elect an H.M.O. or a P.P.O. shall be subject to payroll deductions for premiums which exceed the cost of the Traditional State Health Plan.
B. Health Insurance - Dependents: The Board of Trustees shall provide fully paid health insurance (traditional plan) for the eligible dependents of Secretarial/Clerical employees, Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, and Security Guards who qualify for health insurance benefits, in accordance with "A" above. Employees who elect an H.M.O. or a P.P.O. shall be subject to payroll deductions for premiums for their dependents which exceed the cost of the Traditional State Health Plan.
C. Health Insurance Carrier: Health care coverage is currently provided by the Board of Trustees through the N.J. State Health Benefit Program for Public Employees. Supportive Staff employees enrolled in this program are subject to all rules and regulations promulgated by the N.J. Division of Pensions, State Health Benefit Section. In the event the Board of Trustees changes the health insurance carrier, the level(s) of coverage within the new program shall not be less than the coverage in effect, as of June 30, 1992. Association representatives shall participate in the selection process for any new carrier, over which the Board has control.
D. Major Medical Deductible Reimbursement: The Board will reimburse the employee for up to $100 paid by the employee toward his or her Major Medical deductible. Payment shall be made in the following manner:
1. Upon presentation to the Human Resources Department by the employee of his or her statement from the Major Medical carrier specifying that the $100 deductible has been met, the full $100 will be reimbursed at that time.
2. Should the $100 deductible not be reached, the employee may be reimbursed for that portion of the deductible he or she has met upon submission of proper documentation from the Major Medical carrier at the end of the calendar year.
3. No duplicate payment shall be made for expenses incurred in October, November, and December of any given year.
4. The Board of Trustees shall provide for payment of the deductible for the dependent unit in the same manner as payment is provided for the single employee. Partial charges against the dependent unit may be combined to reach the maximum deductible reimbursement of one hundred dollars ($100).
5. Employees shall have until January 31st of each calendar year to submit reimbursement claims for the preceding year. Claims submitted subsequent to January 31st shall be honored only if it is clear that the delay was caused by the medical provider or the insurance company.
E. Dental Insurance: Secretarial/Clerical employees who work at least 910 hours per year, and Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, and Security Guards who work at least 1040 hours per year shall be eligible for dental insurance. The Board will continue to provide full premium coverage for the employee portion of the dental plan. In addition, effective 7/1/85, the Board shall provide for the coverage of the dental premium for dependents to the extent necessary up to and including $27.62 per month for the life of the contract. Employee coverage shall be mandatory for all employees, but each member may choose any plan offered by the insurance carrier. Rimbursement for dependent dental premiums or uncovered dental expenses shall be in accordance with the terms of Section G., below.
F. Optical Expense Reimbursement: Secretarial/Clerical employees who work at least 910 hours per year, and Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, and Security Guards who work at least 1040 hours per year shall be eligible for Optical Expense Reimbursement. The Board shall reimburse eligible employees for eye exams and/or optical lenses/frames. Reimbursement shall be made to the employee promptly upon submission of proof of payment of the expenses incurred by the employee or eligible dependents. Reimbursement shall be in accordance with the terms of Section G., below. Eligibility for dependents shall be determined the same as Health Insurance dependent eligibility is determined.
G. Benefit Option Program: Secretarial/Clerical employees who work at least 910 hours per year, and Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, and Security Guards who work at least 1040 hours per year shall be eligible for the Benefit Option Program. The Board shall budget sufficient funds per budget year, per eligible supportive staff employee. These funds shall be used to support/supplement any or all of the following options: reimbursement of dependent dental premium cost, reimbursement for uncovered dental expenses, and reimbursement for optical care expenses. Employees who choose to utilize these funds to cover reimbursement for dependent dental premium costs shall submit a written request to the Human Resources Department each April to cover the subsequent premium year. Employees who utilize these funds for reimbursement of uncovered dental expenses shall submit an insurance claim report which verifies claim rejection to the Human Resources Department for reimbursement. In no instance shall the total reimbursements exceed the maximum per budget year, per employee, as follows: 7/1/00 = $575, 7/1/01 = $600, 7/1/02 = $625, 7/1/03 = $650, 7/1/04 = $675, 7/1/05 = $700.
H. Dental/Optical Coordination of Benefits: In the event dental or eye-care claims are submitted to Personnel which are covered under the health insurance plan, Personnel shall require the employee to first submit the claim to the health insurance carrier for payment and verification before any reimbursement is made through the College program.
ARTICLE XIV - Retirement Benefits
Statutes and regulations governing retirement program benefits and other programs and features contained under such statutes and regulations shall be provided to any employee covered by this Agreement under the eligibility rules as contained in referenced statutes and regulations.
Education Benefits
A. Employee Tuition Waiver: Secretarial/Clerical employees who work at least 910 hours per year, and Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, and Security Guards who work at least 1040 hours per year shall
be eligible for Education Benefits. Eligible Supportive Staff employees shall be permitted free tuition and fees for courses offered by Ocean County College up to an aggregate maximum of twelve (12) credit hours for coursework taken during the academic terms, beginning with each Fall Semester and ending with the following Spring Semester. Eligible employees may waive an aggregate maximum of eleven (11) credits for coursework taken during the academic terms beginning with the First Five-Week Summer Session and ending with the following Summer Post Session. Excluded from the waiver of fees described herein shall be direct cost associated with Community Education courses and Credit by Examination. Supportive Staff may register for Community Education courses on a space available basis, providing the minimum paid enrollment for the course has been satisfied.
B. Dependent Tuition Waiver: An eligible Supportive Staff employee's dependents shall be granted free tuition and fees, as defined above, for courses offered by Ocean County College. Dependents of eligible employee's may register for Community Education courses on a space available basis, providing the minimum paid enrollment of the course has been satisfied. "Employee dependent" shall be defined in accordance with the prevailing definition used by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service to determine dependent status.
C. Ocean County College International Education Courses: Supportive staff must submit application to participate in Ocean County College International Education courses for themselves, or for their dependents in the same manner that applications for tuition waivers are submitted.
1. Supportive Staff shall be responsible for all direct per capita costs associated with International Education courses. Employees will not be responsible for overhead, administrative expenses, coordinator salaries, and similar OCC indirect expenses.
2. For all International Education courses, properly enrolled and approved supportive staff and dependents shall initially pay all tuition, college/student fees, and lab charges. After the course(s) is/are completed and after all direct per capita expenditures have been accurately identified by OCC, the College will refund to the employee the difference between these direct expenditures and payments previously made to OCC by the employee. It is understood by both parties, that the amount refunded is subject to wide fluctuations due to: currency exchange rates, country and college attended, course of study, lodging, transportation, meals, tickets to performances, required foreign insurances, and all other items for which OCC must make payment.
3. The amount of the potential refund described above shall be reduced by the amount of any other form of payment made to the employee by OCC such as, but not limited to, professional development funds, travel reimbursements, and scholarships.
D. Tuition Reimbursement (Other Institutions): Secretarial/Clerical employees who work at least 910 hours per year, and Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, and Security Guards who work at least 1040 hours per year shall be eligible for Tuition Reimbursement for courses taken at other regionally accredited institutions of higher education.
1. Eligible Supportive Staff employees shall receive tuition reimbursement, up to the prevailing Rutgers undergraduate tuition rate, for undergraduate courses taken by the employee at accredited colleges. Eligible Supportive Staff employees shall receive tuition reimbursement, up to the prevailing Rutgers graduate tuition rate, for graduate courses taken by the employee at accredited colleges.
2. Coursework which is reasonably related to the area in which the employee renders service to the College must have the prior approval of the immediate supervisor and appropriate Vice President and the College President. Coursework eligible for reimbursement shall not exceed 12 credits per academic year. Employees shall be reimbursed within thirty (30) working days upon submitting proof of tuition payment and proof of having received credit for course completion at the institution they are attending.
E. Development and Training Funds: The College shall annually budget five thousand dollars ($5000) for group development and training workshops. The workshops shall be planned each year by a committee of four employees appointed by the Supportive Staff Association and the Director of Personnel Services. Funding will be tentatively divided evenly between clerical employees and physical plant employees. However, the Committee may decide to plan events for the whole group. Unexpended Development and Training Funds shall not be carried forward from one budget year to another.
1. Employees who qualify for tuition reimbursement, as defined in "D" above may apply for unexpended Development and Training Funds on June 1st of each budget year. Reimbursement for tuition costs which exceeded the prevailing Rutgers tuition rate(s) or for textbooks associated with approved coursework, or the Thomas Edison State College Annual Enrollment Fee shall be awarded on a prorata basis to those who have made application by June 1st.
F. Interest-free Loans: Employees may secure an interest-free loan against his/her current annualized wages for the purpose of pursuing additional undergraduate/graduate study. Employees must submit evidence with the loan application that he/she is registered for undergraduate/graduate study in a regionally accredited institution of higher education to be eligible to receive an interest-free loan. A maximum of five percent (5%) of the employee's annualized wages may be owed at any one time. Such advances may be made only during the period when the employee is actively employed and shall be limited to two such advances during a budget year. The total amount advanced shall be repaid by equal wage/salary deductions over the balance of the budget year in which the loan occurs. Upon discontinuation of active employment, any unpaid portion of a loan shall become immediately due and payable, and shall be deducted in full from his/her pay.
A. Salary: Supportive Staff shall receive increases to his/her individual base wage, in accordance with the following schedule:
7/1/00: The 6/30/00 wage of each employee shall be increased by three and one-half percent (3.5%).
7/1/01: The 6/30/01 wage of each employee shall be increased by three and one-half percent (3.5%). After calculation of the +3.5% increase, all individuals with an hourly wage of less than thirteen dollars ($13.00) per hour shall receive an additional adjustment of plus one and one-half percent (1.5%).
7/1/02: The 6/30/02 wage of each employee shall be increased by four and one quarter percent (4.25%). All individuals who received the additional adjustment of +1.5% on 7/1/01, shall receive an increase of four and three quarters (4.75%) to his/her 6/30/02 wage, instead of the 4.25% indicated above.
7/1/03: The 6/30/03 wage of each employee shall be increased by four and one quarter percent (4.25%).
7/1/04: The 6/30/04 wage of each employee shall be increased by four and one quarter percent (4.25%).
7/1/05: The 6/30/05 wage of each employee shall be increased by four percent (4.0%).
B. Wage/Salary Placement Ranges: All newly hired Supportive Staff employees shall be employed within the prevailing minimum wage/salary for their job classification, in accordance with Appendix C.
C. Salary Increase Eligibility: To be eligible for the annual salary increase, an employee must be employed prior to May 1st of the year in which the increase is scheduled.
D. Withholding Salary Increases: The College may withhold, for ineffectiveness or other good cause, the salary adjustment of any employee. Notice of the intention to so withhold an adjustment shall be given in writing to the affected employee, with reasons, at least thirty days (30) prior to the action. The employee may appeal such action through the grievance procedure provided in this Agreement.
E. Method of Payment: Effective July 1, 1983, a one-week pay deferral shall be instituted. Employees are paid bi-weekly and checks are issued to each employee every other Friday. If a payday falls on a holiday, the employee shall be paid the previous day. If an employee is absent on a payday, he/she may authorize a representative to pick up his/her paycheck. This representative must have written authorization from the employee. An absent employee may also request that the check be mailed, if the absence is expected to be of a prolonged nature. When going on vacation, the employee may request and receive his/her check on the last working day before the vacation begins. Such requests must be made through the supervisor to the Payroll Office at least three (3) weeks before the vacation. Employees who resign or who are discharged shall receive their pay no later than the regular payday following the date of their termination, providing that the employee has satisfactorily completed the termination clearance procedure. If a normal payday falls on a holiday, checks shall be issued on the previous day.
F. Longevity Awards: Ocean County College recognizes the value of having employees who are committed to long-term service. Ocean County College shall provide longevity awards, in accordance with the procedure set forth below:
1. Supportive Staff employees shall receive a Longevity Award upon the fifth (5th), tenth (10th), fifteenth (15th), twentieth (20th), twenty-fifth (25th), thirtieth (30th), thirty-fifth (35th), and fortieth (40th) anniversary date of employment at Ocean County College.
2. Longevity Awards are increases to the existing base salary/wage of the employee. Full-time employees shall have five hundred dollars ($500.00) added to his/her then annual base salary. Part-time Secretarial/Clerical employees shall have twenty-seven cents ($.27) added to his/her then current hourly wage. Part-time Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, and Security Guards shall have twenty-four cents ($.24) added to his/her then current hourly wage. The increase in longevity awards, effective July 1, 1992, shall be prospective only.
3. For the purpose of Longevity, time employed in Reserve, and/or other intermittent employment positions shall not be considered. Employees who hold two or more positions at the College shall accrue Longevity separately for each job.
G. Equivalent Annual Base Calculation: Annual base salary shall be calculated by multiplying the hourly wage by 1820 hours for Secretarial/Clerical employees and by 2080 hours for Custodians, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, HPE Attendants, and Security Guards.
H. Boiler Operator License Stipend: Employees who are hired into positions which require a boiler operator's license shall be employed at a rate of pay which is $215.00 above the entry level wage/salary placement in effect at the time of hire. Individuals must maintain a valid New Jersey Black Seal Low Pressure Boiler Operator's License to qualify for this stipend.
I. Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Stipend: Employees who are hired into positions which require a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) shall be employed at a rate of pay which is $215.00 above the entry level wage/salary placement in effect at the time of hire. Individuals must maintain a valid New Jersey Commercial Driver's License (CDL) to qualify for this stipend.
J. Substitute Shift Sergeant Pay: Security Officers, who are assigned to provide substitute coverage for a Shift Sergeant, shall be compensated at a rate of pay higher than his/her current wage rate, for each hour worked as a substitute Shift Sergeant. Effective July 1, 1999, the Substitute Shift Sergeant rate of Pay shall be twenty-seven cents ($.27) per hour worked. The Substitute Shift Sergeant pay shall be as follows: 7/1/02 = $.35 per hour, 7/1/03 = $.45 per hour, 7/1/04 = $.60 per hour, 7/1/05 = $.65 per hour.
K. Pay Adjustments for Added Duties: Occasionally, it becomes necessary to assign additional responsibility to an employee, either on a temporary or a permanent basis. When this occurs the area Vice President and the Vice President of Human Resources shall evaluate the impact of the additional responsibility. Issues of consideration shall include, (a) additional duties added to the employee's responsibility, (b) responsibilities for which the employee is relieved, (c) comparative compensation information, and (d) any other information which is deemed relevant. Pay adjustments shall not occur for coverage of employees who are on approved vacation/sick leave, except as set forth in Article XVI, Section J above. The area Vice President and the Vice President of Human Resources shall submit a recommendation for a pay adjustment, based on the evaluation, to the President for his/her consideration. The Vice President of Human Resources shall notify the supervisor and the employee regarding the disposition of the President's decision. This section shall supersede Board Policy/Procedure #3311.
Employment Procedures
A. Job Description: There shall be on file in the Personnel Office a comprehensive job description of each Supportive Staff position. Any major change in the assigned duties or responsibilities of any Supportive Staff position shall be made known to the Association. On the first day of employment each employee shall be given a copy of his/her job description.
B. In-Grade Advancement: The College shall annually budget sufficient monies to fund In-Grade Advancements for ten percent (10%) of the total number of Supportive Staff. Unexpended In-Grade Advancement funding shall not be carried forward from one fiscal year to another. Supportive Staff shall be eligible for In-Grade Advancement not more than every third (3rd) year of their employment with the College. Supportive Staff who are approved, in accordance with the procedures set forth below, shall receive a five percent (5%) increase to their annual base wage/salary.
1. Eligibility: To be considered eligible for an In-Grade Advancement, Supportive Staff shall have:
a. Completed three (3) years of service in their current position without having received an In-Grade Advancement or Job Reclassification.
b. Received "above average" or "outstanding" annual evaluations (numerically averaged) for the three years immediately preceding application.
c. An official Personnel File free of any disciplinary actions for the three years immediately preceding application.
2. Procedures: Not later than April 30th each year, Supportive Staff interested in being considered for an In-Grade Advancement shall submit to the Dean of Personnel an application and all supportive documents which he/she wishes the Screening Committee to consider.
a. By May 15th of each year, the Vice President of Human Resources shall convene the In-Grade Advancement Screening Committee to judge the applications received.
b. The Screening Committee shall be composed of the Vice President of Human Resources as Chairperson, a Supportive Staff representative from each of the four divisions, and one clerical and one plant representative each shall be appointed by the Supportive Staff.
3. Criteria: The In-Grade Advancement Committee shall judge all applications in accordance with the following criteria:
a. Threshold Criteria: The Vice President of Human Resources shall certify that the candidate meets the "eligibility" criteria cited in "A" above.
b. Recommendations: The candidate shall submit not more than four (4) recommendations which he/she wants the Screening Committee to consider.
c. Service Documentation: The candidate shall submit all evidence which demonstrates excellence in service to students and/or service to the College Community.
d. Growth and Training: The candidate shall submit all evidence of his/her participation in Growth/Training opportunities during the three years immediately preceding applications. Graduation from a degree or certificate program shall be considered very positively by the screening Committee.
e. Productivity/Efficiency: The candidate shall submit all evidence which demonstrates intra/inter departmental improvements which he/she has been
responsible for and any other such evidence of productivity/efficiency as he/she wants considered by the Screening Committee.
4. The In-Grade Advancement Screening Committee shall recommend to the President by June 1st of each year those candidates most worthy of an In-Grade Advancement.
5. The President shall submit his recommendations to the Board of Trustees during June of each year for awards to be effective on July 1st. The Vice President of Human Resources shall notify all candidates of the final outcome of their applications.
6. Candidates who are not successful, may apply again in any following year, in accordance with the procedures outlined above.
C. Dismissal of Employees: A two (2) week notice of employment termination shall be given by the College. Dismissal without notice may result from the following causes: neglect of duty, incompetency, absence from work without proper notification, dishonesty, improper conduct, contempt or failure to obey legitimate directions of a department head, and discourteous treatment of students, other personnel or visitors. Any new employee may be dismissed without cause during the first three (3) months of employment.
D. Severance Pay: A person who has been employed for at least one year and whose employment is terminated by the College will be paid severance pay in the amount equal to two (2) weeks salary. A person who has been employed beyond the three (3) month probationary period and whose employment is terminated by the College prior to completing one full year, will be paid in an amount equal to one week's salary. Severance pay will not be paid to any person, (a) whose employment is terminated during the first three (3) months of employment, (b) who voluntarily resigns his/her position, and (c) who is dismissed for cause.
E. Resignation: Any employee who is resigning from his/her position shall give two (2) weeks written notice to his/her immediate supervisor. Earned vacation shall be paid according to the proportion of full months worked to the total contract year, unless proper notice has not been given and in such event, no vacation pay shall be due and payable.
F. Vacancy Postings: When a vacancy occurs or a new position is created within the bargaining unit, the College shall distribute to major departments and internally post a notice on the Personnel Bulletin Board for five (5) working days. Further, the President of the Association shall receive a copy of this notice. However, failure to supply said notice to the President of the Association shall not be a grievable matter. Said notice shall set forth the job classification, duties and requirements, date of starting and starting salary. Employees desiring consideration shall make application to the person designated in the notice within the specified time period of said posting. Each employee-applicant not selected shall, upon request, receive a written explanation from the Vice President of Human Resources.
G. Job Reclassification: Ocean County College recognizes that job responsibilities may increase over time to the extent that a higher job classification is justified. Supportive Staff Association job reclassifications shall be limited to the pay grades represented within this bargaining unit only.
1. Procedures/Eligibility:
a. The immediate supervisor may submit a recommendation to reclassify a job to the area Vice President and the Vice President of Human Resources.
b. Complete documentation to support the criteria cited below shall be prepared by the immediate supervisor, including a proposed job description.
c. Candidates for job reclassification shall be considered by Senior Staff for approval.
d. Recommendations approved by the President shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees. Upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the employee shall be reclassified and receive a base salary/wage increase of not less than three percent (3%) nor greater than five percent (5%) to his/her then current base salary/wage or a raise to the adopted minimum of the new classification (whichever is greater) including retroactive pay, if approved. The decision of the President regarding the percent of increase shall not be subject to the grievance procedure of this Agreement.
e. Employees shall not be eligible to receive a job reclassification in the same budget year that they receive an In-Grade Advancement.
f. The Vice President of Human Resources shall communicate the final disposition, including reasons, of all recommendations to the appropriate parties, in writing.
2. Criteria for Job Reclassification: The following criteria shall be used by Senior Staff in assessing candidates for job reclassification:
a. Evidence of substantial increases in job responsibility must be submitted to justify a job reclassification. This must be evidence of new or additional responsibility. Re-alignment of duties within a department shall not be considered sufficient to justify a reclassification.
b. New responsibility must be in addition to existing responsibility. Job responsibilities shall also be examined to identify responsibilities which have been removed from the employee's overall duties.
c. The overall responsibility of the employee must be comparable to the responsibility of those employees in the proposed higher job classification. This shall be considered the most important criteria.
d. A comparative analysis of the proposed job classification shall be considered. This analysis shall be provided by the Human Resources Department.
e. When the job reclassification analysis is completed, the overall employment record of each candidate shall be reviewed. Wage/salary increases shall be withheld for any candidate for whom the employment record discloses evidence of concurrent performance problems or deficiencies.
H. Employee Evaluation: Evaluation of employees in this unit shall be made by his/her appropriate department head at least once a year. A copy of this evaluation shall be given to the employee and discussed with him/her. If the evaluation is unfavorable, a subsequent evaluation shall be made within one month of the discussion with said appropriate department head. Said second evaluation shall also be made by the department head. In the event a change of evaluation of an employee is placed in the employee's personnel file subsequent to his/her termination, the College shall notify in writing said employee at his/her last known address. The evaluation form shall provide an opportunity for the employee to make comments thereon.
I. Personnel Files: An employee's personnel records shall be made available for inspection by the individual employee within a reasonable amount of time, upon request by the employee. The employee shall have the right to examine all documents in his/her file except outside confidential recommendations. He/she may have reproduced anything in his/her file except those items stated above, official transcripts, and anything prohibited by law. A copy of all internal evaluation reports and recommendations concerning the employee's competence shall be included in this file. An employee who exercises his/her right to examine his/her file, may be accompanied if he/she wishes, by a representative of the Association. All evaluations, recommendations, etc. in an employee's file must be signed by the issuing authority. An employee must be notified whenever any negative material regarding his/her health or performance is placed in his/her folder. An employee's file shall be made available during the processing of any grievance.
J. Non-discrimination: Ocean County College and the Association agree to cooperate in continuing to maintain the policies and practices which prevent discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or marital status, and further to affirmatively cooperate in the implementation of Presidential Executive Order No. 11246 as amended, its regulations and other lawful requirements intended to prevent any such discrimination.
K. Job Transfers: When a vacancy occurs employees shall have the right to apply for a transfer through the Human Resources Department. The Department Administrator and the area Vice President shall consider all relevant factors regarding the transfer candidates. The area Vice President shall have the absolute discretion to approve or reject such request. In the event the position is not filled internally, it shall be advertised externally.
L. Layoffs: The College retains within its sole and absolute discretion the right to lay off employees. Seniority shall be defined as the employee's length of continuous service beginning with his/her last date of hire. The College shall provide a minimum sixty (60) days notice of layoff to any employee to be affected. In the event of a layoff, the least senior member in the affected job classification of the unit shall be laid off first. Recall from layoffs shall be accomplished in the inverse order of the layoff. When an employee is being recalled, said employee shall be so notified by certified mail direct to the address of the employee, as stated in the College records to return to work and he/she shall be allowed ten (10) workdays in which to report to work after such notice is sent before any loss of seniority occurs. Employees on layoff shall be recalled to work prior to the College hiring new employees for the job classifications opened by the layoffs. Employees shall be eligible for recall during layoff for a period not to exceed eighteen (18) months. Seniority shall cease upon voluntary termination, discharge for just cause, lapse of the eighteen (18) month period or failure to return to work when recalled within the time period set forth herein.
M. Progressive Discipline: Ocean County College follows a four-step corrective, discipline procedure consisting of:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Written Reprimand
3. Suspension or Wage/Salary Reduction
4. Termination
The application of this policy shall be consistent and in accordance with the specific procedures set forth in Appendix B.
Deduction of Dues from Salaries
A. Employee members may request dues deductions pursuant to New Jersey State Law for the dues of the following organizations: S.S.A.O.C.C. (known as the "Association"), the Ocean County Education Association, the New Jersey Education Association, and the National Education Association. Such authorizations shall continue in effect until formally revoked in writing by the employee and copies thereof delivered to the Association and the Board.
B. Payment of such dues as may be deducted from salaries shall be made payable to the Treasurer of the Association within fifteen (15) days of the end of the month for which dues have been deducted.
Miscellaneous Provisions
A. Credit Union: The College shall provide an opportunity for payroll savings deductions in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:11-26 "Compensation of Persons holding Public Office or Employment: Deductions." All deductions shall be remitted monthly in the name of the employee in accordance with details arranged by the College and the Mon-Oc Public Employees Federal Credit Union.
B. Job Actions: There shall be no strikes, picketing, slow downs, job actions or other concerted refusal by any employee or group of employees or the Association to render full and complete service to the College. A violation of this clause by an employee or group of employees shall be considered grounds for immediate dismissal and if necessary, appropriate legal action by the College. Further, there shall be no lockout by the College. This clause shall remain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement, notwithstanding any change in the law to the contrary.
C. Printing of The Agreement: During the first week of employment each newly hired employee shall be presented with a copy of the current Agreement between the College and the Association. Failure to so receive a copy of the Agreement shall not be used as a basis for a grievance against the College or for a claim of ignorance of working conditions. The College shall bear all costs and responsibility for printing a newly ratified Agreement, in acceptable form within 30 days of such ratification. The College shall deliver to the President of the Association sufficient copies of the printed Agreement for Association distribution to all employees represented by the Association.
D. Release Time: The Supportive Staff Association President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall each be provided one (1) hour of paid release time, every other week, to conduct Association business. The scheduling of release time shall be by mutual agreement between each officer and his/her immediate supervisor.
ARTICLE XX Agreement Ratification
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, and the President and Secretary of the Association. This Agreement shall initially be executed by the Association after receipt of a certified Resolution of the Association along with an agreement executed by the President and Secretary of the Association, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, upon proper Resolution of the entire Board of Trustees shall likewise execute said Agreement.
By: By:
William T. Hiering, Sr John F. Foytlin
Chairperson President
Board of Trustees Supportive Staff Association
By: By:
Eva J. Smithers Kathleen T. Langenbacher
Secretary First Vice President
Board of Trustees Supportive Staff Association
By: By:
Jon H. Larson Anne T. Lansing
President Second Vice President
Supportive Staff Association
By: By:
Robert Seymour Janice R. Shaffer
Vice President of Human Resources Secretary
Supportive Staff Association
Dawn M. LeCompte
Supportive Staff Association
(date approved by Board) (date approved by Association)
Custodian, Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, Security, Mailroom Workers, and HPE Attendants:
5 winter shirts
5 summer shirts
5 medium weight pants
1 pair of steel-toed uniform shoes
1 pair of sneakers (HPE Attendants only)
1 jacket (with zip-out lining) *
Security Personnel shall also receive:
2 uniform ties
1 Blazer
1 hat (summer)
1 hat (winter)
1 sweater
1 raincoat and hat
The Central Receiving Stock Clerk shall receive hats of the same type issued to security personnel.
Craftsworkers, Groundsworkers, Mailroom Workers, and HPE Attendants shall each be issued:
1 Rain Suit (3 piece)
1 pair of Overshoes (boots)
Sufficient numbers of foul weather gear, in sizes of small, medium, and large shall be available for use by custodians who are required to work outdoors during inclement weather.
A replacement of a worn or unserviceable part of a uniform shall be issued to the employee when the item is turned over to the Director of Facilities, Engineering, and Operations.
* Carhartt or equivalent
A. NOTIFICATION: When an action of an employee appears to be a violation of College Policy/Procedures, the immediate supervisor shall initiate an investigation. The supervisor shall inform the employee, in writing, of the apparent violations and provide opportunity for the employee to respond. The employee may have a Supportive Staff Association representative present, if he/she chooses.
B. INVESTIGATION: The supervisor should conduct an appropriate investigation to learn exactly what happened, keeping notes as to precisely what was said by each person questioned during the investigation. The following kinds of information should be collected:
1. What happened?
2. Who was involved?
3. When did it happen? (Times, dates)
4. Where did it happen?
5. Why did it happen?
6. Is this action habitual or is it an isolated incident?
7. What is the employee's past overall record?
8. Are there any mitigating circumstances?
9. Is the incident governed in any manner by a current Board policy or procedure? If yes, was the employee aware of the policy/procedure which has been allegedly violated?
10. Was the incident a malicious act, the result of negligence, accidental, or a performance error?
11. How serious is the alleged violation?
12. How were similar violations handled in the past?
13. What is the employee's reaction to the investigation?
C. DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Each case shall be considered individually, based on the facts and circumstances involved. In the event the investigation does not support the allegation, the supervisor shall inform the employee, in writing, of this finding. Should the investigation support the allegation of a violation, disciplinary action shall be taken. The burden of justifying a disciplinary recommendation rests with the administration. If disciplinary action is to be effective, the supervisor shall:
1. Consider the employee's length of service and past conduct record,
2. Be consistent and even-handed,
3. Overlook no offense(s),
4. Emphasize correction of the problem, rather than punishment of the individual,
5. Insure that the employee has the opportunity to maintain his/her self-respect,
6. Increase disciplinary recommendations progressively, if the problem persists, and
7. Recognize changes in behavior which result in the employee becoming more effective.
1. Verbal Warning: When the employee is to be given a verbal warning, the supervisor shall confer with the employee, present the facts, and allow the employee to respond to them. The employee is entitled to representation at this meeting. Every verbal warning should include a notice to the employee that continued violations will result in further disciplinary action. Following the issuance of a verbal warning, the supervisor shall document the nature of the violation(s) including time, date, and location of both the offense and the disciplinary conference, by way of memorandum to the employee. This documentation is to be retained by the supervisor (confidentially) and the employee for future reference. No documentation is to be sent to the Human Resources Department.
2. Written Reprimand: The employee may be given a written reprimand for a second offense or if the seriousness of the violation warrants more than a verbal warning. The written reprimand shall clearly state that violation of College policy/procedure cannot be allowed to continue and shall state the material facts of the case, nature of the offense, date, time, and location of the violation and a record of conference(s) held. Documentation of prior verbal warning(s) shall be attached to the written reprimand. The employee shall be provided an original copy of the written reprimand and all attachments. A copy of the written reprimand and all attachments shall be transmitted confidentially to the area Vice President and to the Vice President of Human Resources for inclusion in the employee's personnel file.
3. Disciplinary Suspension of Wage/Salary Reduction: The employee may be given a suspension for a third violation that occurs within a period of twelve months from the date of the most recent written reprimand or if the seriousness of the violation warrants more than a written reprimand. A suspension may be for no less than three working days and no more than ten working days, depending on the seriousness of the violation. The supervisor shall write a recommendation for suspension which includes a history of all past violations and a history of the supervisory efforts to correct the problem. A detailed documentation of the facts related to the violation shall be attached. Copies of the recommendation for suspension shall be confidentially transmitted to the employee, the area Vice President, the Vice President of Human Resources, and the President. The President shall decide if the recommendation for suspension shall be transmitted to the Board of Trustees for consideration. At the discretion of the President, a recommendation to reduce the wage/salary of the employee for a period not to exceed one year may be advanced to the Board of Trustees.
4. Termination: In the event efforts at corrective discipline fail, the final disciplinary action shall be termination from employment. When a supervisor believes termination is appropriate, he/she shall confer with the area Vice President and the Vice President of Human Resources. Complete documentation of the case shall be prepared by the supervisor. A conference with the employee and all appropriate individuals shall be initiated by the Vice President of Human Resources to present the facts of the case and the Recommendation for Termination. The employee shall be provided the opportunity to respond and shall be provided such other due process opportunities as may be appropriate.
E. ACCELERATED CORRECTIVE DISCIPLINE: Depending on the gravity of the offense, the disciplinary process may be accelerated to any advanced step. The cumulative effect of many kinds of disciplinary problems may justify accelerated discipline.
The ranges set forth shall apply only to the hiring of new employees. Any new employee may be granted salary credit within the placement range for previous related experience. The Board of Trustees retains the exclusive right to place newly hired supportive staff within the current placement range. Placement within the hiring range shall not be subject to the grievance/arbitration provisions of this Agreement.
Effective July 1, 1999, the entry level hiring range for each pay grade shall be as follows:
Pay Grade I Approximate annual = $16000 to $18000
35 hpw jobs $8.80 per hour $9.90
40 hpw jobs $7.69 per hour $8.65
Pay Grade II Approximate annual = $15000 to $17000
35 hpw jobs $8.25 per hour $9.35
40 hpw jobs $7.21 per hour $8.17
Pay Grade III Approximate annual = $14000 to $16000
35 hpw jobs $7.70 per hour $8.80
40 hpw jobs $6.73 per hour $7.69
Effective July 1, 2001, the entry level hiring range for each hourly rate per pay grade shall be as follows:
Pay Grade One Pay Grade Two Pay Grade Three
Min - Max Min - Max Min - Max
7/1/01 $8.80 - $9.90 $8.25 - $9.35 $7.70 - $8.80
7/1/02 $9.34 - $10.44 $8.79 - $9.89 $8.24 - $9.34
7/1/03 $9.89 - $10.99 $9.34 - $10.44 $8.79 - $9.89
7/1/04 $10.44 - $11.54 $9.89 - $10.99 $9.34 - $10.44
7/1/05 $10.99 - $12.09 $10.44 - $11.54 $9.89 - $10.99
Grievance Form
Name of Grievant(s): Title:
Grievance Statement:
(Attach additional pages, as necessary.)
Identify all Articles and Sections of the Agreement, and/or every Board Policy,
which has allegedly been violated:
State the complete remedy being sought:
Date the grievant first became aware of the grievance conditions:
Level 1 - Date grievance filed with supervisor:
Level 1 - Date of supervisor's response: (attach copy)
Level 2 - Date grievance filed with Vice President of Human Resources:
Level 2 - Date of Vice President of Human Resources's response: (attach copy)
Level 3 - Date grievance filed with President:
Level 3 - Date of President's response: (attach copy)
Level 4 - Date grievance filed with Board:
Level 4 - Date of Board's response: (attach copy)
Level 5 - Date Association files for Arbitration: (attach copy)
This form shall be completed at each step by the Association and re-submitted at the next step, with all documents from previous steps attached.
Pay Grade I.
Active Titles Inactive Titles
Administrative Assistant I Craftsworker I - Auto Mechanic
Automotive Mechanic Craftsworker I - Carpenter
Building Maintenance Worker/Custodian I Craftsworker I – HVAC Mechanic
Craftsworker I - Building Mechanic Craftsworker I - Electrician
Craftsworker I - General Mechanic HPE Athletic Attendant I
Craftsworker I - Painter HPE Athletica Field Attendant I
Craftsworker I – Plumber Principal Clerk Typesetter
Groundsworker/Institutional Repairworker I Principal Mail & Stock Clerk
Principal Cashier/Buyer Security Guard I
Principal Bookkeeper Security Officer I
Principal Medical Receptionist
Sales/Stock Assistant I
Secretary I
Security Shift Sergeant
Pay Grade II.
Administrative Assistant II Craftsworker II – Auto Mechanic
Building Maintenance Worker - Custodian II Craftsworker II – Building Mechanic
Cashier/Sales Assistant II Craftsworker II - Carpenter
Cashier/Stock Assistant II Craftsworker II - Electrician
Fine Arts Studio Assistant Craftsworker II – General Mechanic
HPE Athletic Attendant II - Gymnasium Craftsworker II - Painter
HPE Athletic Field Attendant II Craftsworker II – Plumber
Periodicals/Media Circulation Assistant II Control Clerk
Records/Sales Assistant II Groundsworker/Instititional Repairworker II
Secretary II Security Guard II
Senior Bookkeeper Senior Textbook Clerk
Security Officer II Shipping/Receiving Stock Clerk
Pay Grade III.
Administrative Assistant III Autocad Clerk
Box Office Assistant Building/Grounds Apprentice III
Cashier Cashier/Stock Clerk
Central Receiving Stock Assistant III Groundsworker/Institutional Repairworker III
Library Circulation Assistant II Mail/Stock Clerk
Media Distribution Assistant III Print Production Clerk
Media Production Assistant III Print Graphic Production Assistant
Shipping/Receiving Stock Assistant III Senior Media Circulation Clerk
Switchboard Operator/Receptionist Senior Stock Clerk
Pay Grade IV.
Clerk Typist IV
Data Entry Clerk IV
Vending Machine Clerk IV
end end end