by and between
JULY 1, 2002 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2005
15 LEAVES 20
This Agreement entered into this first day of July, 2002, by and between the Board of Education of the Central Regional High School District of the County of Ocean, New Jersey, hereinafter called the "Board" and the Central Regional Education Association, hereinafter called the "Association", as follows:
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any teacher such rights as he/she may have under New Jersey School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to teachers hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.
A. The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining
agent for the purpose of collective negotiations concerning terms and conditions of
employment for all regularly employed, full or part time, certified or non-certified,
personnel designated as follows: a) classroom teachers, b) guidance counselors, c) child study team members, d) nurses, e) librarians, f) department heads, g) office secretarial or clerical staff, h) custodians, maintenance, security, and grounds, i) classroom and educational aides, j) supply clerks, k) television studio production assistant, l) athletic trainer m) media specialist.
The following shall be excluded from the above recognition: confidential secretaries, board office and superintendent's office, all supervisory and administrative assistants, building principals, vice principals, coordinators, assistant superintendents, business managers, athletic directors, transportation coordinators, supervisor of buildings and grounds.
B. Unless otherwise Indicated, the terms Association Member, when used hereinafter, shall refer to all the unit designees as listed above. All references to male shall include female designations.
C. The Articles and specific designation as Teacher, Secretary, Custodian, shall be listed
separately above each provision, and it shall be understood by the parties that the
specific inclusion of language specifications within each of the designated areas shall list the category of each of the units to whom it pertains.
A. The Association shall submit its proposal for negotiations through the office of the
Superintendent no later than the December 1st preceding the expiration date of the
contract. The Board will review this proposal and will present its proposal to the
Association within ten (10) school days after receipt of the Association proposal.
B. The parties agree to meet at reasonable times in a good faith effort to reach mutually
acceptable terms and conditions of employment in accordance with the New Jersey
Employer-Employee Relations Act. Any variation from this procedure shall be by mutual
written agreement of both parties.
C. The Board shall make available to the Association upon reasonable specific' request,
all information which is a matter of public record and is pertinent to the negotiations
D. Except as this Agreement shall hereinafter otherwise provide, proposed new rules or
modifications of existing rules governing workers' conditions shall be negotiated with
the majority representative before they are established.
The Board agrees not to negotiate concerning said employees in the negotiating unit
as defined in ARTICLE 1 of this Agreement, with any organization other than the
Association for the duration of this Agreement.
F. Except as this Agreement shall hereinafter otherwise provide, all terms and conditions
of employment applicable on the effective date of this Agreement to employees covered by this Agreement as established by the rules, regulations and/or policies of the Board in force on said date, shall continue to be so applicable during the term of this Agreement.
A. Definitions
1. A "grievance" shall mean a complaint by employee(s) or representative(s) of employee(s) arising out of an alleged misapplication, misinterpretation or violation of the terms of this Agreement or administrative decisions or practices rendered thereunder.
2. An "aggrieved person" is the person/persons or the Association making the claim.
3. A "party in interest" is the person or persons making the claim and any person
who might be required to take action or against whom action might be taken in
order to resolve the claim.
B. Purpose
1. The purpose of this procedure is to secure at the lowest possible level, solutions to the grievances which may from time to time arise. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of any Member
having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with any appropriate member of the Administration or line supervisor, and having the grievance adjusted without intervention of the Association, provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement.
C. Procedure
1. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the
number of days indicated at each level is considered as a maximum and every
effort shall be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified may,
however, be extended by mutual agreement.
2. In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed
through all the steps of this grievance procedure by the end of the school year, and, if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year, could result in irreparable harm to a party in interest, the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
3. A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated in writing
by the employee within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of the actual happening which gives rise to the grievance.
4. Level One
When a grievance occurs, personnel covered by this Agreement shall file a written notice of said grievance with the building principal or, at District level positions, the appropriate supervisor, either directly or through the Association's designated representative. Within twelve (12) school days of receipt of said written notice of grievance, the building principal or District level supervisor or appropriate supervisor shall consider said grievance and shall issue a written opinion.
5. Level Two
a. If an aggrieved person(s) is not satisfied with the opinion issued by the
building principal or District level supervisor, the Association may, within
forty-five (45) school days after receipt of the opinion issued at Level One, refer
the written grievance to the Superintendent of Schools, who shall hold a
hearing. Such demand for a hearing shall be in writing and shall include the
position of the Association and shall include all available relevant evidence in
support thereof.
b. Within six (6) school days after receipt of the position of the Association, the
Superintendent of Schools shall schedule and hold a hearing for the purpose of
allowing the Association to submit appropriate evidence.
c. Within six (6) school days after the conclusion of the hearing, the
Superintendent of Schools shall issue a decision, in writing, setting forth his
findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issues submitted to him.
6. Level Three
a. If the decision rendered by the Superintendent is adverse to the aggrieved,
the Association may, within six (6) school days after the Superintendent has
rendered such adverse decision, or within ten (10) school days after the position
of the Association was received by the Superintendent, appeal, in writing, to the
b. The Board shall consider the appeal and may, within ten (10) school days
after receipt of such appeal, hold a hearing. If a hearing is held, the Board shall
issue a decision, in writing, within ten (10) school days after the conclusion of
such hearing or next scheduled Board Meeting but not to exceed fifteen (15)
c. If the Board determines that a hearing is not warranted or necessary, it shall
nevertheless, issue a decision, in writing, within ten (10) school days after the
receipt of the appeal from the Association.
d. Such appeal shall, in all cases, be confined solely to the issue or issues and
evidence submitted in support thereof to the Superintendent and shall provide the
specific basis of disagreement and evidence in support thereof.
e. If new evidence is obtained In support of such grievance after the hearing at
Level Three, the Association shall notify the Superintendent, in writing, at which
time the grievance shall return to Level Three. It is understood that no penalty
shall accrue to the Association because of the failure of any administrative officer
to render information properly requested by the Association and which the
Association is entitled to receive.
7. Level Four
a. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at
Level Three, the aggrieved may within five (5) school days of the Board's
decision, request in writing that the Association submit his/her grievance to
arbitration. If the Association determines that the grievance is meritorious, it may
submit the grievance to arbitration within fifteen (15) school days after receipt of a
request by the aggrieved person.
b. Within ten (10) school days after written notice of submission to arbitration, the
Association shall request a listing of arbitrators from the American Arbitration
Association and/or the Public Employment Relation Commission. The parties
shall then be bound by the rules of either Commission on the selection of an
c. The arbitrator shall confer with the representatives of the Board and the
Association and hold hearings promptly. Said hearing shall in all cases be confined
solely to the issue or issues and evidence submitted in support thereof to the
Board. The arbitrator shall limit himself/herself to the interpretation and application
of the express terms of this Agreement. He/she shall have no authority to add to,
detract from, alter, amend, or modify any provision of this Agreement or impose on
any party hereto a limitation or obligation not provided for in this Agreement.
d. The arbitrator shall issue his/her recommendation not later than thirty (30) days
from the date of the close of statements and proofs on the issues that were
submitted to him/her. The arbitrator's recommendation shall set forth his/her
findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issues is submitted. The
arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any recommendation which
requires the commission of an act prohibited by law or which is in violation of the
terms of this Agreement.
e. The award of the arbitrator on the merits of any grievance within his/her
jurisdiction and authority, as provided in this Agreement, shall be final and binding
on the aggrieved employees, the Association and the Board.
f. All fees of the arbitrator, including but not limited to necessary travel expenses,
fees for transcripts and payments to witnesses, of any arbitration proceedings shall
be borne by the parties equally, except that each shall pay the fees of its own
8. Grievances arising over alleged violations of Board policy or Administrative
decisions shall be subject to the grievance procedure through Level Three.
D. Rights of Members to Representation
1. Any aggrieved person may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself/herself, or any person of his/her own choosing, including a representative selected or approved by the Association. When a member is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present and to state its views at all stages of the grievance procedure.
2. No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by either party to this Agreement or the
Administration against any party in interest, any building representative, any
administrator, any member of the Association or any other participant in the
grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
E. Miscellaneous
1. If, in the judgment of the Association, a grievance affects a group or class of
persons, the Association may submit such grievance in writing to the
Superintendent directly and the processing of such grievance shall be
commenced at Level Two. The Association may process a grievance despite an
intention of abandonment by a specifically aggrieved person.
2. Forms for filing grievances, serving notices, making reports and recommendations, and other necessary documents shall be prepared jointly by the Superintendent and the Association with Board approval, and given appropriate distribution so as to facilitate operation of the grievance procedure.
3. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public
and shall include only such parties in interest and their designated. or selected
4. Notwithstanding the pendency of any grievance, all personnel covered by this
Agreement shall continue to perform all duties and assignments.
5. Failure by the aggrieved or the Association to process a grievance in accordance with the time schedule as set forth in this Article shall constitute an abandonment of the grievance and render it null and void. Failure of the Board to process a grievance in accordance with the time schedules as set forth in this Article shall permit the aggrieved to automatically proceed to the next level. Any waiver of this provision must be in writing and acknowledged by both parties.
6. The Association agrees to process all grievances solely through the grievance
A. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association in response to reasonable request from
time to time, specific available information in the public domain, including any information which may be necessary for the Association to process any grievance or complaint.
B. Whenever any representative of the Association or any member is mutually scheduled
by the parties to participate during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, conference or meetings, he/she shall suffer no loss of pay.
C. Representatives of the Association, the New Jersey Education Association, and the
National Education Association shall be permitted to transact official Association
business on school property with appropriate prior administrative approval and provided
that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations. Such approval
shall not be unreasonably withheld.
D. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use the school buildings
at all reasonable hours for meetings. The principal of the building in question shall be
notified at least two (2) school days in advance of the time and place of all such meetings, and his/her approval shall be required. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
E. The Association shall have the right to have its qualified personnel use school facilities
and equipment, including typewriters, mimeographing machines, other - duplicating
equipment, calculating machines, and all types of audiovisual equipment at reasonable
times, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the
actual cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use, and shall be responsible
for any of the equipment. This right shall not extend to the Office of the Board Secretary or the Office of Superintendent of Schools.
F. The Association shall have, in each school building, the exclusive use of a bulletin board in each lounge to be maintained by the Association. The Association- shall also be assigned available space on the bulletin board In the central office for Association'
meeting notices. Copies of all materials to be posted on such bulletin boards shall be
given to the building principal, but no posting approval shall be required.
G. The Association shall have the right to use the inter-school mail facilities and school mail boxes on Association business without the approval of building principals or other
members of the administration; however, a copy of any and all materials so distributed
must be simultaneously sent to building principals. The Association is not responsible
for individuals using mail boxes without the Association’s knowledge.
H. All orientation programs for new staff shall provide a time at the end of the compulsory
part of the program where the Association officers will be introduced and will be
permitted to conduct an Association orientation program.
I. The rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives as set forth in
ARTICLE 4 of this Agreement shall be granted only to the Association as the
exclusive representative of the members covered by this Agreement under
Recognition ARTICLE.
A. Except as herein limited by the terms of the Agreement, the Board of Education reserves the right in all respects to manage its business, operations, and affairs; to establish wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment; and to change, combine, establish or discontinue jobs or operations. The Board's not exercising any right hereby reserved to it, or its exercising any right in a particular way, shall not be deemed a waiver or any such right or preclude the Board from exercising its authority in some other way not in conflict with the express terms of this Agreement.
B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict terms and
conditions of employment which are presently in effect.
A. The following designations shall be applicable to all staff and members of
1. The Board and the Association agree that there shall be no discrimination, as herein defined, and that all practices, procedures and policies of the school system clearly exemplify that there is no discrimination in the hiring, training, assignment, promotion, transfer or discipline of members, or in the application or administration of this Agreement, on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, domicile or marital status.
2. All members of this unit shall be placed on his or her proper step of the
applicable guide schedule no later than the beginning of each school year
based on the appropriate category or classification.
3. Previously accumulated unused sick leave days shall be restored to a
member of this unit upon returning from any Board approved leave.
B. Custodian, Maintenance, Security and Grounds Personnel
1 . All custodial, maintenance, security and grounds personnel shall have a
probation period of nine (9) months commencing on the first day of employment.
2. The probation period shall be for only nine (9) months and if the
probation period is successfully completed, then all time shall be
credited toward seniority and longevity purposes.
3. During probation a minimum of three (3) evaluations shall be conducted of the probationary employee by the designated supervisor.
4. All twelve (12) month custodian, maintenance, security and/or
grounds hired on or before April 1st shall receive credit for that year
on their appropriate guide.
5. Custodial and maintenance staff shall be given by the District fourteen (14)
calendar days notice of dismissal and at the Board's option may either be
required to continue to work for such period or receive payment for such time
in lieu of actual service.
6. A minimum notification of at least fourteen (14) days notice must be
submitted to the Board of Education of the individual's intention to resign his or
her position.
7. All twelve (12) month custodial, maintenance, and grounds personnel shall have
their contracts effective July 1st and expire on June 30th on the next successive
C. Secretarial, Clerical Staff, Supply Clerks and others
1. AlI ten (10) month personnel employed prior to February 1st of any school year shall be given full credit for one (1) year of service toward the next increment step for the following school year.
2. All twelve (12) month secretarial staff, clerical staff, and supply clerks
hired on or before April 1st shall receive credit for that year on the appropriate guide.
D. Professional Staff
Teachers - Consideration for increment change shall not take place unless the teacher shall be employed prior to February 1st in the preceding school year.
E. Notification of Employment
All professional staff and non-instructional members of the C.R.E.A. shall receive notification of employment and salary status for the ensuing school year on or before the ensuing school year as provided in N.J.S.A. 18A:27-10 (Revised).
F. Methods of Payments
1. All twelve (12) month clerical, custodial, maintenance, grounds personnel
employed shall be paid in twenty-four (24) semi-monthly installments.
2. All ten (10) month professional and non-professional staff employed shall be paid in twenty (20) semi-monthly installments, effective September 1st to June 30th.
3. All pay days for all members of the C.R.E.A. shall be on the 15th and 30th of
each month. In the event a pay day falls on or during a holiday, vacation,
or weekend, the pay check will be received on the last previous workday.
Exceptions shall be with administrative approval.
G. 1 . Effective July 1, 1993, there shall be a reduction-in-force procedure for
a. Any secretary or clerk shall be laid-off in the order of seniority after she/he has
completed three (3) years continuous service to the District. Paid leave time and
unpaid leave time do not break continuity but also do not count toward the three (3)
year continuous service, requirement. A voluntary quit breaks service.
b. For the purposes of this section, seniority is earned in each separate category of
(1) clerk and/or 2) Secretary/ Principal's secretary (unit positions). Time worked in
category 2) counts towards seniority in category 1) Time worked in category 1)
counts towards seniority in category 2) if the employee works in category 2) at the
time of a reduction-in-force.
c. In the event of a reduction-in-force in a category, any unit employee with less than
three (3) years of service in a category must be laid off before any unit employee with
(3) year of service.
d. In the event that there are not a sufficient number of employees with less than
three (3) years of seniority in a category to accommodate the reduction-in-force,
employees in the category shall be laid off in inverse order of seniority.
e. Any employee who has been reduced in force and who has three (3) years of
continuous service in accordance with G. 1. shall be placed on a recall list for three
(3) years and shall be offered:
1. the next open clerk position in the unit, if all service before the reduction-in--force
was a clerk; or
2. the next open clerk or secretary/principal's secretary position in the unit, if
service before the reduction-in-force included service as a secretary/principal's
Employees must advise the District's Business office of any address change. Rejection of an open position under e.1) shall result in removal from the recall list. Rejection of an open clerk position under e. 2. shall not result in removal from the recall list.
A. All teachers shall be given their class and/or subject tentative assignments for the
forthcoming school year within five (5) school days after assignment scheduling has
been completed, but not later than five (5) calendar days before the last day the
teachers are required to report to school.
B. In the event that changes in such classes and/or subject assignments are proposed after the end of the previous school year, any teacher affected shall be notified promptly in writing, and upon the written request of the teacher, the changes may be reviewed between the building principal or his designee and/or the Superintendent, with the teacher affected insofar as is practicable to arrange such meeting.
C. In order to assure that pupils are taught by teachers working within their area of
competence, teachers shall not be assigned outside the scope of their teaching
certificates and/or their major or minor fields of study except in emergency. Assignments shall be made at the discretion of the Administration and within the area of teacher competency, teaching certification, or their major or minor fields of study.
D. Teachers, as professionals, are expected to devote to their assignment the time
necessary to meet their contractual responsibility as follows:
1 . Sign in, Siqn out
a. Teachers shall indicate their presence for duty in the a.m. by placing their names or initials on the appropriate "sign-in" document. No teacher will “sign-in” another teacher.
b. They shall indicate their departure by the same method in the p.m. using the appropriate "sign-out" document.
2. Teachers will provide services to support and participate in activity (club)
sponsorships and tutorial services as required for good educational programming
before or after regular school hours, on a volunteer basis.
3. Not including C.R.E.A. meetings, teachers may be required to report before or remain after the regular work day, without additional compensation for the purpose of attending faculty or other professional meetings two (2) days per month. Emergency meetings may be called by the Administration.
a. Such meetings will begin no later than fifteen (15) minutes after the student dismissal time, and shall run no more than sixty (60) minutes.
b. Teachers are required to be on time for said meetings.
c. Departmental meetings shall begin at an agreed upon starting time.
d. Teachers shall have an opportunity to discuss matters of school
4. Teachers participating in field trips which extend beyond the teacher's work day,
as well as overnight and weekend trips, shall be voluntary.
5. When there is a parent-teacher conference night, a Back-to-School Night or
the Multi-Cultural Fair and teachers are required to attend. An early dismissal
day will be scheduled before a holiday at the sole discretion of the Board of
E. Teachers holding a provisional certification shall be required to attend one (1) additional meeting per month for the purpose of mentoring.
A. Professional Teaching Staff Members
1. The length of the school day will be seven (7) hours inclusive of arrival and
dismissal except as provided within this Agreement.
2. Personnel covered hereunder shall report not later than fifteen (15) minutes
prior to student reporting time and shall leave not earlier than ten (10)
minutes after dismissal time.
3. The workload shall not consist of more than twenty-five (25) teaching
periods per week. Any teaching staff member who is required to teach more
than twenty-five (25) periods per week shall be compensated at a rate set
forth in APPENDIX G of this Agreement.
4. The workload for the following categories of personnel for the contract year
a. Department Chairpersons- Four (4) periods per day
b. Association President: No duty periods during the duration of this contract
c. Staff Development Leader: Three (3) teaching periods per day - no duty
d. Staff Trainers: Four (4) teaching periods per day - no duty period.
5. Teachers may be assigned to double duty in reverse order of seniority after volunteers have been sought and not found. Said duty is restricted to hall duty no more than two teachers per period shall be affected. Compensation shall be equivalent to the 6th period stipend as outlined in Appendix G. No teacher already assigned to a sixth teaching period may be assigned the double duty unless they volunteer.
6. The Technology Coordinator will be allowed a flexible schedule but the total
hours worked per week shall not be diminished.
B. Classroom Teachers
1. Each classroom teacher shall be guaranteed-one (1) full preparation period and
2. All professional staff covered hereunder shall have a duty-free lunch period. The time of the period shall be the same as that provided to the students.
3. Homeroom assignments or their equivalent shall not be considered a duty assignment or teaching period. Such assignments shall not extend the length of the school day.
4. Study hall periods shall be considered as duty periods pursuant to District
5. Workshops for the purpose of performing necessary curriculum related functions
will be held at the call of the department chairperson or curriculum supervisor.
6. In the event a teacher is assigned a class coverage by the District principal thus
depriving him/her of his/her preparation period, he/she shall be remunerated
pursuant to the specification contained in APPENDIX G which is attached to this
7. It shall be understood that the District shall utilize volunteers before assigning
staff to class coverage. The rate shall be the same for volunteers or assigned
8. a. The Board of Education reserves the right to schedule certain classes in the middle
school prior to the start of the regular school day. The teacher assigned to this
class schedule will be permitted to leave prior to the regular dismissal time in the
middle school.
The Board and its representative will not take action affecting major teaching
assignments of teachers later than thirty (30) days prior to school opening date,
except in case of emergency.
b. Any new modifications in ARTICLE 8 shall be made known to the Association
before any implementation in conformance to ARTICLE 2, Section D.
C. Office, Clerical and Secretarial Staff
1. The work day for clerical and secretarial staff shall consist of eight (8) hours including a sixty (60) minute lunch hour.
2. Break time - Scheduling of break time shall be determined by the unit member's
immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor may have the prerogative to
schedule the break either in one (1) continuous period or two (2) periods, total
break time not to exceed thirty (30) minutes.
3. New Shift Schedule – Effective in 2002 a new schedule shall be developed for
one individual in the custodial department specifying a blend of the first shift and
second shift (12 p.m. to 8: p.m.). Compensation for the shift shall reflect 5/8 of
the 5% differential (3.125%). Such differential will be in addition to the
employee’s salary per guide.
D. Custodial, Maintenance, Security and Grounds
1. Employees covered by this Agreement shall work a minimum of five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour days with one-half (1/2) hour for lunch with two (2) consecutive days off.
2. Shift Schedule - Effective in 1990, a three (3) shift schedule shall be developed specifying a morning shift (7 a.m. to 3 p.m.), an afternoon shift (3 p.m. to 11 p.m.), and a midnight shift (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.) for custodial and maintenance personnel.
Compensation for the afternoon and evening shift shall be - 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. - 5% of employee salary per guide - 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. -10% of employee salary per guide
All shift differentials will be in addition to the employee's salary per guide.
3. Effective upon mutual ratification of the 2002-2005 Agreement, inter-shift, second
and third shift custodians will be asked each year if they want to volunteer to
work on the first shift (morning shift) for the summer schedule. If such a
custodian moves to the morning shift, he/she shall retain the shift differential. If
there are not sufficient volunteers to meet operational needs, the District may
bring in temporary employees for summer weeks. This agreement shall expire at
the close of business on August 31, 2005.
4. Employees covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to two (2) fifteen (15)
minute coffee breaks each day, which shall become standardized upon mutual
agreement by the employees and their immediate superior.
5. Emergency Call Out - Custodian or maintenance person called out, for any
reason, back to school on any emergency situation, then the above named shall
be paid for four (4) hours regardless of actual time worked at time and one-half (I 1/2).
E. All Other Members
All other members of the C.R.E.A. not enumerated above shall work their schedules as set forth within their respective categories. All unit members shall be given their respective breaks and a duty free lunch as per practice of the District.
F. Summer Hours
1. Ten (10) month professional staff shall work summer school or curriculum related projects as available within the District.
Summer school hours shall be set by the District and salary shall be as set forth in APPENDIX G.
2. Placement on the District summer school guide shall be based on years of
experience in the District's summer school program.
3. Curriculum projects or designated assignments shall be determined by the
Superintendent and approved by the District. The hourly scale shall not exceed
one hundred (100) hours or four (4) weeks of work.
G. Eleven (11) Month Professional Staff
1. All eleven (11) month staff and C.S.T. members shall work their regular seven (7) hours during the regular summer months (July and August).
2. Eleven (11) month employees shall follow the ten (10) month teacher employment
from September to June. Any work for either July or August shall be completed
in twenty (20) work days as assigned by the Principal and the individual shall
receive as salary 1/10th of his/her base salary.
H. Secretarial and Clerical
Summer work hours shall commence two (2) days after the close of school in June and terminate five (5) days before the opening of school in September. The hours shall be a total of six and one-half (6 1/2) hours including a ten (10) minute break and a twenty (20) minute lunch.
A. Custodian, Maintenance, Security, and Grounds
1. Overtime shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee regular hourly rate of pay for all time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in any work week.
2. For the purpose of determining the forty (40) hours, the following shall count as
regular work days: holidays, paid sick leave days, and other temporary leave days
as specified in this Agreement.
3. All overtime shall be approved before utilization and shall be voluntary. In the
event no volunteers are available, then the District shall assign overtime to the appropriate category in reverse order of seniority.
4. All overtime affecting the above-named in (A) shall be rotated and based an
seniority. After three (3) mandatory overtime assignments the employee
affected shall have the right to request removal from the inverted seniority
selection allowing for rotation through the entire list.
5. Any individual who signs up for overtime and refuses the overtime when on the
overtime list shall be automatically placed on the bottom of the list.
6. Overtime shall only apply to the rank and file membership.
7. Overtime as listed above shall not apply to any emergency as declared by the
B. Secretarial
1. Office personnel shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2)
the employee’s hourly rate for all time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in the work week.
2. For the purpose of determining the overtime, the following shall count as regular work days: holidays, paid sick days, and other approved leave days.
3. All overtime shall be approved in advance by the Building Principal.
C. Custodial, Maintenance, Grounds
Overtime shall be paid by separate check. The time card(s) associated with the check shall be copied and supplied to the employee at the time the check is Issued.
The following Article shall be applicable for secretarial and custodial, maintenance unit category personnel only.
A. Custodial, Maintenance, Security and Grounds
The above category of members shall be entitled to the following paid holidays plus two (2) additional paid holidays to be designated by the Superintendent of Schools prior to
the start of each contract year:
July 4th New Year's Eve
Labor Day New Year's Day
Thanksgiving Martin Luther King Day
Day after Thanksgiving President's Day
Christmas Good Friday
Day after Christmas Memorial Day
In the event that a paid holiday conflicts with the established school calendar, the calendar shall prevail and a schedule shall be established to grant a paid holiday other than the one(s) conflicting with the school calendar.
B. Secretarial
The Superintendent shall have the right to call employees into work during the Christmas recess and Easter recess. Employees shall be called in on a rotating basis by seniority for a maximum of two (2) continuous days each school year. Implementation of the holiday work schedule is contingent upon having a building supervisor present at the school complex.
A. Each building nurse shall be given up to a maximum of five (5) days compensatory time
for work performed during the summer months for student physicals. The maximum of
five (5) days shall be for days not compensated at the per diem rate. All compensatory
time which shall be utilized under this section must be with the approval of the
Superintendent and consistent with the needs of the District.
B. District Staff
1 . All vacation leave shall be earned before being used.
2. Vacation leave shall be pro-rated through date of employment to June 30th.
3. Vacation leave shall be granted after one (1) completed school year on guide.
4. All custodians shall have their vacation approved on seniority bid basis through
the office of the Supervisor of Building and Grounds.
5. Secretaries shall have their vacation schedule approved by their immediate
supervisor subject to the approval of the respective building principal. Vacations
will not be approved five (5) school days prior to the opening of school for students.
6. Any exception to the above shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent
7. Upon separation, an employee must request (in writing) payment for all earned
and unused vacation leave.
C. Schedule - Secretaries
I. Vacation is earned from the first day of work and shall be pro-rated from first day of
work to the end of school year. (Note: Above changes only memorialize practices
now being utilized - apply only to new personnel now being hired.) Vacation times
shall be scheduled to coordinate with the work schedule and shall be subject to
the approval of the building principal. Such approval shall not be arbitrarily
withheld. In the event of a conflict, seniority will prevail.
2. Employees shall be eligible for vacations on the following basis:
a. All ten (10) month employees hired on or before February 1, 1985, shall
receive one (1) week vacation. Vacation days to accumulate as earned
during the year. Ten (10) month employees shall accrue one-half (1 /2
day per month for a total of five (5) days per year.
b. All ten (10) month employees hired after February 1, 1985, shall not be
entitled to vacation benefits.
Twelve (12) month employment
1. 1-3 completed years on guide in the school district--two (2) weeks vacation
2. 4-9 completed years on guide in the school district--three (3) weeks
3. 10 completed years on guide in the school district and beyond--four (4)
weeks vacation.
3. Secretarial: Workshops
All office personnel shall be required to work on the two (2) scheduled
professional workshop days.
D. Custodial, Maintenance, Security, and Grounds Schedule
1. All regular employees covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to vacation with full pay pursuant to the following schedule:
a. 1-3 completed years on guide in the school district --two (2) weeks.
b. 4-9 completed years on guide of consecutive employment in the school district--three (3) weeks.
c. 10 or more completed years on guide in the school district--four (4) weeks.
2. Vacation scheduling shall be mutually agreed between the employee and
appropriate administrative agent of the Board. Seniority in the school district
shall be the basis on which any conflict concerning vacation scheduling is
a. Vacation Scheduling Notification – “All vacation requests shall be submitted
to the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds for approval no less than five
(5) working days prior to start of vacation.”
3. All vacation shall be utilized by employees covered by this Agreement either in
the fiscal year that it accrues or within the fiscal year immediately following.
E. All Other Non-Professional Staff
The existing vacation schedule and practice for the members of this group shall remain as is for the duration of this Agreement.
A. Professional Staff
AlI ten (10) or twelve (12) month professional staff shall be notified of a school closing pursuant to their building regulations or practice. The above shall include delayed openings pursuant to established District policy.
B. Custodial, Maintenance, Security and Grounds
Whenever the District is closed due to a declared emergency, all custodial, maintenance, security and grounds personnel schedules or shifts may be canceled and the following procedure shall be implemented.
All personnel shall report as required by the District head of building and grounds or his designee. The aim of the procedure shall be to have the District open for operation as soon as possible.
Any person who is required to report under this procedure and does not report for work shall be docked for the time in question pending review of each case by the supervisor of building and grounds.
C. Secretarial, Clerical Staff, and Supply Clerks
On those days when school(s) are not in session on account of inclement weather, office personnel shall make every reasonable effort to report to work if and when possible.
A. Ten (10) Month Professional Staff --Teaching Aides
The in-school work year of the above-mentioned employed on a ten (10) month basis, other than new personnel who may be requested to attend an additional one (1) day of orientation, shall not exceed 188 days.
B. Eleven (11) Month Professional Staff
The in-school work year of an eleven (11) month teacher shall be the work year of a ten (10) month teacher plus twenty (20) work days as assigned by the Building Principal.
C. The in-school work year shall include days when pupils are in attendance, orientation
days and any other days on which attendance is required.
D. Secretarial - Clerical
The twelve (12) month work year for secretaries shall be from July 1st to June 30th unless designated as a ten (10) month position.
E. Custodial, Maintenance, Security and Grounds
The school year for the above shall be from July 1st to June 30th of the ensuing year.
A. Professional Staff: Secretaries
Professional staff members must use the following procedure to report their unavailability for work, except in cases of emergency:
Professional Staff Members must notify the appropriate personnel of their unavailability to work as soon as possible, but in no event shall such notification take place subsequent to 90 minutes before the start of school on the day of such absence. The building principal shall notify staff members of the phone number to call to report their unavailability to work.
B. Custodian, Maintenance, Security and Grounds
Custodians, maintenance, security and grounds shall contact their supervisor and/or the supervisor of building and grounds pursuant to the terms outlined In their administrative procedure.
A. Professional Staff
1. Professional staff employed on a ten (10) month basis shalI be awarded ten (10)
sick leave days, Professional staff employed on an eleven (11) month basis shall
be awarded eleven (11) sick leave days. Said sick leave days shall be added to
previously accumulated sick leave while in the employ of the Board of Education
with no maximum limit. Sick leave is hereby defined in accordance with applicable
provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:30-1 et seq.
2. Professional staff who are absent due to personal disability as a result of illness
or injury shall be entitled to full pay for each of such absences up to the number
of days accumulated.
B. Custodial, Maintenance, Security and Grounds
Employees covered by this Agreement shall be awarded twelve (12) sick leave days for the fiscal year to be added to previously accumulated sick leave while in the employ of the Board with no maximum limit. Sick limit is hereby defined in accordance with applicable provisions of N.J.S.A. Title 18A.
C. Clerical/Secretarial
1. Employees shall be allowed the following leave due to personal illness:
a. 12 month full time employee: 12 days per year
b. 10 month full time employee: 10 days per year.
2. The unused days of sick leave each year shall be cumulative.
D. All Units
A doctor's certification of such illness or injury may be required upon return from leave, however, in a case when such leave exceeds three (3) consecutive work days a doctor's certification shall be required.
E. Death in the Immediate Family - All Units
1. All full time staff shall be allowed up to five (5) days without loss of pay at the time of death in the immediate family. The immediate family shall include father, mother, spouse, child, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparent, grandchild or a relative living as a member of the
of death in the immediate family. The immediate family shall include father, mother, spouse, child, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, or a relative living as a member of the immediate household.
2. Up to two (2) days without loss of pay shall be allowed all full time staff at the time of
death of a spouse’s grandparent.
F. Personal Business
1. Three (3) days shall be allowed each year for personal business that cannot be conducted outside of school hours. Personal day request shall be reviewed by the building principal and submitted to the Superintendent three (3) school days prior to the requested personal day. Personal Days must be approved in advance by the Superintendent. Personal business shall include observance of religious holidays, court subpoena, marriage in the immediate family, personal business that can only be conducted during school hours or emergencies not included in the above. Staff not wishing their reasons to be known, may indicate so on the request form, and have the right to disclose the reasons directly to the Superintendent for his consideration. All confidences shall be maintained.
2. No personal days will be permitted on the day immediately preceding and the day
immediately following school calendar holidays. Extreme cases will be excepted,
providing the request is specific and/or emergency in nature and may be granted
only with the direct and express approval of the Superintendent.
3. Any unused personal days will be converted to one (1) sick leave day and added
to the staffs sick leave account at the beginning of the next contract year.
G. Professional Days - Professional/Secretarial Only
The Superintendent may authorize absences of employees for professional purpose, not to exceed five (5) school days in any school year. The employee shall make application for the authorization of such absence at least ten (10) days in advance to its proposed occurrence. The decision to authorize such absence in each instance shall be based upon the length of service, previous record of absence, and the purpose of the absence. Additional absence for professional purposes may be granted on a specific authorization of the Superintendent.
H. Any staff member starting employment after the beginning of the fiscal year for twelve
(12) month employees, after September 1st for ten (10) month employees, shalI receive a pro rata of sick leave and personal day credit based upon the length of the
employment contract.
A definition of the duties and responsibilities of all teachers pertaining to student discipline shall be reduced to writing by the Superintendent and presented to each teacher at the start of each school year.
It is agreed that in connection with collective negotiations, grievances or the institution of complaints or other proceedings, Board members, administrators, and teachers will act in compliance with ethical standards of their profession and position and will specifically:
1. Refrain from exploiting any personal or professional relationships with students or student groups.
2. Seek to provide equal educational opportunities for all children regardless of
ability, race, creed, or location of residence.
3. Support and protect school personnel in the performance of their duties.
4. Recognize that a profession must accept responsibility for the conduct of its
members in the performance of their duties and understand that each person's
conduct may reflect upon the person's profession or group.
5. Participate and conduct themselves in a responsible manner in the development
and implementation of policies affecting education when called upon to perform
these duties.
6. Keep inviolate the trust under which confidential information is exchanged.
A. Professional Staff Only
1. The Board and Association seek to educate young people in the democratic
tradition, to foster a recognition of individual freedom and social responsibility, to
Inspire meaningful awareness of and respect for the Constitution and the Bill of
Rights, and to instill appreciation of the value of individual personality.
2. Academic freedom shall be guaranteed to teachers and, no special limitations shall be placed on study, investigation, presenting and interpreting facts and Ideas concerning man, human society and physical and biological world and other branches of learning, subject only to accepted standards of moral, legal, ethical and educational responsibility and specific policies of the Board.
3. Freedom of individual conscience, association and expression will be encouraged
and fairness in procedure will be observed both to safeguard the legitimate
interests of the schools and to exhibit by appropriate examples the basic
objectives of a democratic society.
4. The Board and the Association agree that it is the responsibility of the teacher to
present all sides and issues of controversial subjects.
5. a. The teacher has the responsibility to determine grades of his/her
students based upon his/her professional judgment and in accordance with
available criteria pertinent to any given subject area or activity for which
he/she is responsible. In the event that a teacher's Building Principal desires
to alter or change a grade, a conference between the teacher and his/her
superior shall be held to determine the validity of such alteration or change. If
after the conference the Principal changes a grade, he/she must certify that
the change was made without the teacher's approval, if such be the case, by
affixing his/her signature to the permanent record card.
b. No member shall be formally disciplined or formally reprimanded,
reduced in rank or compensation without just cause. Any such action
asserted by the Board, or any agent or representative thereof, shall be
subject to the grievance procedure herein set forth. Withholding of
increments or other similar statutory penalty shall not be subject to the
grievance procedure if precluded by law.
c. Whenever any member is required to appear before the Board or any
committee or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely
affect the continuation of that member in his/her office, position or
employment, or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then he/she
shall be given prior written notice of the reason(s) for such meeting or
interview and shall be entitled to have no more than three (3) representatives
of his/her choosing present to advise him/her and represent him/her during
such meeting or interview.
d. No member shall be prevented from wearing pins or other identification of
membership in the Association or its affiliates.
e. Any suspension of a member by the Superintendent shall be with pay until
formal action is taken by the Board of Education.
A. Anticipated Disability Leave
1. Any staff member who anticipates undergoing a state of disability such as, but not limited to: surgery, hospital confinement, medical treatment, pregnancy, etc., may apply for a leave of absence based upon anticipated disability in accordance with provisions hereinafter set forth, in which instance such leave of absence may be chargeable to the sick leave account of said teacher. All teachers covered by this Agreement anticipating a state of disability shall notify the Superintendent through their principal of the condition expected to result in disability as soon as the condition which may result in disability is known or within a reasonable time thereafter. A conference between the teacher so affected and the Superintendent/Building Principal/Supervisor shall take place within sixty (60) days of said notification for the purpose of discussing specific dates and arrangements pursuant thereto.
2. A staff member who desires to continue in the performance of his/her duties
during a period expected to lead to a state of disability shall be permitted to do
so provided said teacher produces a statement by his or her physician stating
that said teacher is physically capable of continuing to perform his/her duties
and further stating up to what date, in the opinion of said physician, the teacher
is capable of performing said duties.
3. In no event shall the Board be obligated to permit a staff member anticipating a
state of disability to continue in the performance of his/her duties where the
performance of said teacher has substantially declined from that performance
demonstrated by said staff member at the time immediately prior to the time when notification was given or should have been given of the state of anticipated disability.
4. The staff member requesting a leave under the provisions of this Section shall
specify in writing the date on which he/she wishes to commence said leave and
the date on which he/she wishes to return to employment following recovery from
said disability.
5. The Board shall have the right to require any staff member who has been on a
disability leave and who desires to return to his/her duties by a fixed date
following recovery from disability to produce a certificate from his/her physician
stating that he/she is capable of resuming his/her duties.
6. Whenever, in the opinion of the Board, the dates of the commencement of an
anticipated disability leave and/or the dates for the resumption of duties would
substantially interfere with the administration of the school or with the education of
the children, the requested dates may be changed by the Board, if in the
opinion of the teacher's physician such change shall be without medical hazard
to the staff member.
7. A staff member who has undergone hospital confinement shall be expected to
resume his/her duties within a reasonable length of time.
8. Where disability leaves have been approved, the commencement or termination
dates thereof may be further extended or reduced for confirmed medical reasons
upon application by the teacher to the Board. All extensions of such leave shall in
any event be subject to the provisions of the N.J.S.A. Title 18A: 30-1 et. seq. and
specifically N.J.S.A. 18A: 3-6 and 18A: 30-7.
9. These provisions shall not be deemed to impose on the Board any obligation to
grant or extend a leave of absence of any non-tenured staff member beyond the
end of the contract school year in which the leave is obtained.
B. Child Rearing Leave
1. In a case where a staff member or spouse gives birth to a child or in a case of a
de facto adoption, said teacher shall have the right to apply for a leave without
pay or any other benefits provided for in this Agreement.
2. In a case where both husband and wife teach in the school system, only one of
said persons may be entitled to apply for such leave.
3. Said leave shall be granted by the Board for a period of time as may be mutually'
agreed. In the absence of application for child rearing leave, the conditions
pursuant to emergency disability leave shall prevail and control.
4. Applications for child rearing leave must be filed at least three (3) months before
the anticipated birth of the child or custody date in the case of an adoption,
where possible. Failure to give notification as prescribed may result in loss of
child rearing leave privileges.
5. Extensions beyond the one (1) year stipulations may be made at the sole
discretion of the Board upon application by the staff member at least three (3)
months in advance of the expiration of one (1) year period. Failure to give
notification as prescribed may result in loss of child rearing leave privileges.
6. Wherever possible, the Administration shall attempt to assign a teacher to the
same position he/she held at the time said leave commenced. If a teacher who
has been granted a child rearing leave is permitted to return to the system at
any time other than those stipulated herein, such teacher may be assigned to
any position decided by the Superintendent so long as such assignment is within
the certification held by said staff member.
7. The dates for the commencement and termination of child rearing leaves shall be
in all cases subject to and based upon a finding and determination by the Board
that such leaves will not substantially interfere with the administration of the
school or with the education of the pupils.
C. Other Leave Without Pay
1. The Board upon recommendation of the Superintendent may grant a leave of
absence without pay or any other benefits provided for in this Agreement to any
tenured staff member for a period of one (1) school year for good and sufficient
2. Application for such leave shall be made to the Superintendent at least three
(3) months before the end of the school year preceding the school year for
which the leave is being sought. Exceptions may be made at the discretion
of the Superintendent in cases of emergency.
3. Leave for the purpose of study for a career outside of education, and/or for
employment outside of education, shall not be considered good and sufficient
D. Sabbatical Leave - Professional Staff Only
I. Sabbatical leaves for certified personnel of the Central Regional School District,
which Includes classroom teachers, guidance counselors, librarians, child study,
team and nurses, may be granted for one (1) full year at one-half (1/2) pay, or for one-half (1/2) year at full pay. To qualify for consideration for a sabbatical leave, a teacher shall have taught at least seven (7) years consecutive in the Central Regional District.
2. Sabbatical leave may be granted for one of the following reasons:
a. for formal study at an accredited college or university.
b. for research work under the guidance of a competent personnel.
c. for foreign or domestic travel as a required part of a. or b.
3. The study, research or travel plans for the year must be submitted along with a
formal application to the Superintendent not later than February 1st of the year
prior to the commencement of the proposed leave for approval. After due consideration of the applications, the Superintendent shall present each request to the Board with his recommendation of acceptance or rejection. Each teacher involved may be invited by the Superintendent to be present at the Board meeting when his program comes up for consideration. The decision of the Board shall be final.
4. An employee granted a sabbatical leave for study, research or travel shall be
required to serve the Central Regional School System for two (2) years upon
return. To further protect the Board against a teachers failure to return to the
school, the teacher shall execute a non-interest bearing note to be paid back in
twenty (20) installments, beginning October 1 of the year that the teacher should have returned and continuing for the next twenty-two (22) months, excluding July and August. During such payment there shall be added to each payment an amount to cover interest so that the effective rate of interest the Board receives will be four percent (4%) on the unpaid balance, effective January 1st of the year the sabbatical leave was actually used. If the teacher is unable to return by reason of his/her own action, he/she shall have the option of paying the note in full with no interest prior to September 1st of the school year that he would have returned to his former position. In the event of death, no repayment will be required. In the event of incapacitating illness, the date of return or repayment of the note shall be deferred until the teacher is able to return to work.
5. During the sabbatical leave, the teacher shall not be allowed to hold any full-time
position. However, this shall not be construed to deny any teacher the right to
fellowships, scholarships, grant-in-aid or other scholastic stipends.
6. Teachers on sabbatical leave shall file progress reports with the Superintendent
sometime during the first half and upon completion of the leave to substantiate
that the program criteria are being met.
7. Not more than two per cent (2%) of certified personnel as defined in D. 1 above
shall be eligible for a sabbatical leave in any given school year.
8. Leave for the purpose of study for a career outside of education, and/or for
employment outside of education shall not be considered good and sufficient
E. Extended Leave of Absence Stipulations
1. A teacher on leave shall report to the Superintendent on or before April 15th of
the year, his/her intentions with respect to resuming regular teaching duties at the start of the following school year. Failure to comply with this stipulation may be construed as a resignation.
2. During a leave, the professional staff member will not be eligible for credit on the
salary guide, or for pension and annuity, or any other benefits provided in this
Agreement (except for sabbatical leave).
A. Professional Staff Evaluation
I. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a teacher shall be
conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher and no electronic
devices shall be used for observation purposes or evaluation purposes without
the consent of the teacher.
2. Teachers shall be evaluated in the classroom or work stations for the purpose of
child study team members, guidance counselors, nurses, librarians, by persons
certified by the New Jersey State Board of Examiners to supervise instruction.
3. A teacher shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of his/her
personnel file and to receive copies, at his/her expense, of any documents
contained herein. A teacher shall be entitled to have a representative of the
Association accompany him/her during such review. This right of review shall not
apply to the employee's initial application for employment and letters of reference
from prior employers. The teacher will sign a receipt acknowledging the file
review and noting any exceptions to the file content.
4. Except as above, no material derogatory to a teacher's conduct, service,
character or personality, shall be placed in his/her personnel file unless the
teacher has had an opportunity to review such material. The teacher must
acknowledge such review within five (5) work days by affixing his/her signature to
the copy to be filed, with the express understanding that such signature in no
way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. The teacher shall also have
the right to submit a written answer to such material and his/her answer shall be
reviewed by the Superintendent or his/her designee and attached to the file
5. Although the Board agrees to protect the confidentiality of personnel references,
academic credentials and other similar documents, it shall not establish any
separate personnel file which is not available for the teacher's inspection.
6. Copies of all correspondence to a teacher may be made part of his/her
personnel file. Any material made part of the file shall be subject to the
provisions of this ARTICLE.
7. Any complaints including hearsay and/or anonymous letters regarding a teacher
made to any member of the administration by any parent, student, or other person
which are used In any manner in evaluating a teacher shall be promptly
investigated and called to the attention of the teacher. The teacher shall be
given an opportunity to respond to and/or rebut such complaint, and shall have
the right to be represented by the Association at any meetings or conferences
regarding such complaint.
8. Definitions
a. "Teaching Staff Member" shall mean and refer to all teachers, child study
team, personnel, and such other employees as are In position ' s which
require them to hold appropriate certificates issued by the State Board of
b. "Observation" shall mean a visitation to the classroom or designated work
station for child study team members, guidance counselors, librarians, or nurses,
by a member of the administration or supervisory staff for the purpose of
observing a teaching staff member's performance of the instructional process or
assignment within his/her area of certification.
c. "Evaluation" shall mean a written evaluation prepared by a member of the
administrative or supervisory staff who visited the classroom or designated
work station for the purpose of observing a teaching staff member's performance
of the instructional processor assignment within his/her area of certification.
d. "Annual Evaluation" shall mean an annual, written summary of each
teaching staff member's total performance as an employee of the school
district and shall include all previous observations and evaluations.
9. Tenured teaching staff members shall be observed and evaluated at least once
per academic year. Non-tenured teaching staff members shall be observed and
evaluated not less than three (3) times per academic year. Such observations
and evaluations shall be reasonably spaced throughout the school year, at least
two (2) observations to be completed by the end of the first semester.
10. Each teaching staff member shall be observed and evaluated on the basis of
specific, minimum criteria as promulgated by the administration.
11. Each observation and evaluation performed in accordance with this policy shall
be followed, within a reasonable period of time, but in no instance by more than
fifteen (15) days, by a conference between the administrative/ supervisory staff
member who has made the observation and written evaluation and the teaching
staff member. Both parties to such a conference will sign the written evaluation
report and retain a copy for his/her records. The teaching staff member shall
have the right to submit his/her written disclaimer of such evaluation within ten
(10) days following the conference.
12. In addition to those observations, and evaluations herein before described, the
administrative/supervisory staff member shall prepare an annual written
evaluation of the total performance of every teaching staff member as an
employee of the Board of Education, and in accordance with the administrative
B. Evaluation of School Office Personnel
1. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of school office personnel
shall be conducted openly and with the full knowledge of the employees.
2. School office personnel shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents
of his/her personnel file and to receive copies, at his/her expense, of any
documents contained therein. This right of review shall not apply to the
employee's initial application for employment and letters of reference from prior
3. The Board reserves the right to protect the confidentiality of personal references,
academic credentials and other similar documents, but shall not establish any
separate personnel file which Is not available for the employee's inspection.
4. Any complaints regarding the conduct or work performance made to any member
of the administration by any teacher, parent, student or other person which is
used in any manner in evaluating a school office personnel, shall be promptly
investigated and called to the attention of said employee.
5. Either the evaluator or the person evaluated may request a formal conference
following the presentation of a written evaluation. The employee upon request
shall affix his/her signature to said written evaluation as an indication that the
written evaluation has been presented to him/her before entrance Into the
personnel file. An employee so evaluated shall have the right to append to the
evaluation comments pertinent to the evaluation.
C. Custodial, Maintenance, Security and Grounds
An evaluation of each of the above areas shall be conducted by the supervisor of building and grounds in conformance to the outlines contained above.
D. Staff Personnel Files
All material which an administrator or supervisor intends to have placed in a staff member's personnel file of a negative nature shall be handled in the following manner-
a. The correspondence shall indicate in the lower hand corner -Copy: Personnel File.
b. The staff member shall be provided a second copy of the memo. This copy must be signed and returned to the writer at the time the correspondence is reviewed.
c. The following statement will be included on the copy for file:
Name Date
The Agreement with the C.R.E.A. requires that the file copy be signed. The affixing of the signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents of the correspondence. The staff member has the right to submit a written answer to the material. The answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his designee and attached to the file copy.
The Association agrees that it will not engage in any job action, sanction activities, or other types of boycotts, nor will it condone such activities on the part of its membership providing that the Board of Education conducts no lockouts or unfair practices during the term of this Agreement.
The Association and District Administration shall meet at various times to discuss mutual
concerns of both parties.
The composition of the parties can be modified to include as many parties of interest
necessary to enable each side to come to a conclusion on any matter regarding any facet of
the school operation and program.
These liaison meetings are designed to continue working relationships between the parties on
school and employee matters.
Each party involved shall keep all confidences as exchanged.
A. Deductions
1. The Board agrees to make deductions in Association salaries for professional
dues pursuant to Chapter 310 of the Laws of 1967 (N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.9) and as an
Agency Shop Fee pursuant to Chapter 477, P.L. 1979, at the rate of 85% of the
professional dues. The Board- agrees to make such transfer of funds to the Treasurer
of the N.J.E.A. so as to accomplish the intent of the law.
2. The Association shall certify to the Board, in writing, the current rate of its
membership dues. Any Association which shall change the rate of its membership
dues shall give the Board written notice prior to the effective date of such change.
3. Additional authorization for dues deduction may be received after August 1st, under
rules established by the State Department of Education.
4. The filing of notice of a teachers withdrawal shall be prior to December 1st and
become effective to hold deductions as of January 1st next succeeding the date
on which notice of withdrawal is filed.
B. The Association will indemnify, defend and hold safe harmless the Board against any
and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of action taken by the Board in reliance upon salary deduction authorization cards submitted by the Association to the Board when the Board submits tangible evidence that the monies were in fact submitted to and accepted by the Association as its authorized representative.
C. The Board of Education agrees to the permission of a set deduction of funds as
indicated by individual Association members, said funds to be deposited directly in the
Mon0c Federal Teachers' Credit Union. Effective with the 1996-1999 Agreement, there
shall be greater availability of direct deposit to member accounts other than Mon-Oc.
A. The District shall provide at no expense to the members represented by the Association
a full hospital and surgical plan coverage as provided under Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
1 . Coverage shall be at full family coverage including dependent children until age 23, major medical coverage, optical payment and dental with orthodontics rider.
2. The prescription plan shall be as follows:
a. Effective January 1, 2000, the co-pay will be $15.00 for a brand name
prescription when there is no generic available. The co-pay will be $15.00 plus
the difference in cost between the brand name and the generic when the
employee purchases a brand name prescription when a generic is available. The
generic co-pay shall be $10.00. The mail order co-pay shall be $0.
3. Each member shall be entitled with his or her spouse and dependent children to a
physical examination once in every twenty-four (24) month period.
4. Effective January 1, 1995, the major medical deductible shall be $200/$400.
5. Effective upon mutual ratification of the 1993-1996 Agreement, new unit
employees hired after the date of ratification shall be covered by single insurance
(if otherwise eligible) for the first two (2) years of employment. Employees may
buy-in to other enrollment levels during this period under rules promulgated by the
6. Effective upon mutual ratification of the 1996-1999 Agreement, a Mandatory
Second Surgical Opinion rider shall be added to the coverage.
7. Effective upon mutual ratification of the 1996-1999 Agreement, the employee's
co-insurance share shall be 20% of $2,500 after meeting the deductible.
B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict the Board in making sole
determination of the carrier(s) provided it can demonstrate to the Association. that any
change in carrier(s) results in no reduction In benefits and services.
The parties agree that they have fully bargained and agreed upon all terms and conditions of employment and this Agreement represents and incorporates the complete and final
understanding and settlement by the parties of all bargainable issues which were or could have been the subject of negotiations.
A. Professional Staff
1. All vacancies in existing or newly created positions and all openings for positions
in Federal programs shall be posted by the Board. The Association President will
at the same time receive a copy of the said notice. Applications may be obtained
from the Superintendent's office and interviews will be arranged.
2. Consideration will be given all qualified personnel in the employ of the Board, who
apply in writing, when a position of promotion becomes available.
B. All Staff Personnel
1. All promotional positions, which shall include positions paying a salary differential or those on the administrative or supervisory level, shall be conspicuously posted at least fifteen (15) calendar days before the final date when applications must be submitted for consideration.
2. Employees covered by this Agreement who desire a transfer to another building
or shift may file a written statement of such desire to the Superintendent.
3. Seniority in the employ of the school district shall be given due consideration with
respect to transfers and promotional opportunities.
C. Transfers
1. All vacancies in existing or newly created positions and all openings for positions in Federal programs shall be posted by the Board. The Association President will at the same time receive a copy of the said notice. Applications may be obtained from the Superintendent's office and interviews will be arranged.
2. Consideration will be given all qualified personnel in the employ of the Board, who
apply in writing, when a position of promotion becomes available. The personal
qualifications, eligibility, dedication and seniority in the school district will be
given proper weight in cases of such application. If two candidates are equally
qualified, preference will be given to the person in the Board employ; subject,
however, to the limitations of affirmative action plans and any other Federal,
State, or local laws, regulations or guidelines.
3. Those persons desiring promotional consideration, transfer from one building to
another, a coaching or extra curricular position, in the absence of a vacancy or
in the event a vacancy may occur when school is not in session, must make
their desires known, in writing, to the Superintendent. It is the responsibility of
the would-be-candidate to make known his whereabouts for contact purposes in
the event a vacancy occurs when school is not in session. The administration will
advise any candidate for promotion, transfer, coaching or extra curricular
position of any vacancy which occurs while school is not in session. It is
understood that no obligation, beyond noticing candidates, attaches to the
Board of Education by virtue of this provision contained herein.
4. Promotion is defined as that which results in an increase in salary or extra compensation and wherein such new duties extend beyond that normally associated with the position previously held.
5. Teachers wishing to participate in home tutoring shall submit their names for
inclusion in a master list from which home tutors shall be selected. Home
tutoring assignment shall be equitably distributed and paid in accordance with
the appropriate schedule.
6. A transfer is hereby defined as a schedule change from one building to another.
A. Professional Staff, Secretaries/Clerks and Educational Aides
1. The Board shall, through budgeting procedures, make reasonable appropriations
for staff to take advantage of workshops, seminars, conferences.
2. The Board agrees to pay the reasonable expenses incurred by staff members who
attend such sessions upon express prior administrative approval in the following
a. Professional Day application submission with endorsement of the immediate supervisor.
b. Filing of statement of anticipated expenses and cover with a requisition
endorsed by the department chairman or immediate supervisor.
3. Transportation to and from such activities will:
a. Require the application for and use of a school vehicle through the
b. In the absence of a school vehicle, the Board will reimburse the driver the
current amount per mile being reimbursed by the Board when using his
own vehicle.
4. The Board, through the Superintendent, reserves the right to deny attendance at
a given conference, seminar, etc. if:
a. The value of such a conference is questioned by the department chairman
b. Budgetary funds for such activities are not available.
c. The absence of a person for a period of time is deemed a hardship to the
total staff of the school operation.
d. If sufficient time has not been allowed between application and the
session date.
5. The Board of Education agrees to pay full cost of tuition and other reasonable
expenses incurred in connection with any courses, workshops, seminars,
conferences, in-service training sessions or other such sessions which a staff
member is expressly required and/or requested by the Administration to attend.
6. Aides shall be allowed to attend professional in-service with professional staff;
however, no compensation will be given for those hours in attendance. The aides
will be credited with professional development hours.
7. Beginning July 1, 2003, professional staff will be reimbursed for up to a maximum
of $750.00 per school year (July 1 to June 30) for course completion at an
accredited institution for which a B- or better is obtained.
B. Custodial, Maintenance, Security, and Grounds
1. Educational Incentive Program: The purpose of the Educational Incentive
Program is to encourage salary advancement through specialized job related
a. The Board reserves the right to approve all courses selected prior to the
employee beginning the course of study.
b. Application should be made to the District's Board Secretary. The
approved request is then forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools for
presentation to the Board of Education.
c. Upon receipt of written certification of satisfactory completion, the
employee would be entitled to a two hundred dollar ($200.00) annual
d. The employee would be eligible for a maximum of three (3) two hundred
dollar ($200.00) increments advancements for a total not to exceed six
hundred dollars ($600.00) from this program.
e. Expenses connected with the course of study - tuition or textbooks –
shall be reimbursed by the Board subsequent to certification of
successful completion of the course of study.
f. Black Seal reimbursement is limited to the tuition charged by the Ocean
County Vocational School.
2. In addition to the annual contracted salary, the designated employees with the
responsibility for boiler operation and maintenance and holding a Black Seal
certification and license shall be compensated at a rate set forth in APPENDIX G
of this Agreement. Current custodians and maintenance personnel who do not
possess a Black Seal license are encouraged to obtain one as soon as possible.
Custodians and maintenance personnel hired on or after the ratification of the
1993-1996 Agreement must either possess a Black Seal license at the time of hire
or obtain one within one (1) year of that date. Non-compliance shall be a basis
for termination.
Maintenance/Custodial employees shall remain on the entry level of the guides until the
Black Seal License is attained.
A. The Board agrees to purchase for each employee for each year of this contract the
1 . Two (2) summer uniforms (pants and shirts).
2. Two (2) winter uniforms (pants and shirts).
These uniforms are to be worn during working hours.
B. The Board agrees to purchase a maximum of three (3) sets of foul weather gear
consisting of pants and jackets. This gear will be stored in the office of the line
C. The Board agrees to purchase a maximum of three (3) windbreakers for use by the
District's security personnel. The jackets will be stored in the office of the line supervisor at the end of each shift.
D. Summer uniforms provided prior to Memorial Day; winter uniforms provided prior to
E. Any uniform or maintenance equipment when torn or ripped shall be turned in to the
supervisor of building and grounds for replacement.
F. All foul weather gear shall be issued when needed to the personnel assigned. This
equipment shall remain the property of the District.
G. It shall be understood that all custodial, maintenance, security and grounds shall be
required to wear the appropriate uniform as provided by the District under the
supervision of the building and grounds supervisor.
A. Staff
The annual salary for professional, clerical, secretarial, custodial, and maintenance staff shall be set forth in APPENDIXES A, B, and C (annexed hereto and made a part thereof).
B. Longevity Secretaries and Professional Staff
1. Longevity Schedule for Secretaries and Supply Clerks
For completion of the following consecutive years of service with the school district:
after 3rd year $200 on base
after 6th year $200 on base
after 9th year $300 on base
after 12thyear $300 on base
after 15th year $300 on base
after 20th year $400 on base
for a total of $1700 after the 20th year.
2. Longevity Schedule for Professional Staff
For completion of the following- consecutive years of service with the school
after 15 years $1,000
after 20 years $1,500
after 25 years $2,500
after 30 years $3,000
Employees covered under this contract shall be eligible for retirement credit for unused sick days, contingent upon the following conditions:
1. Said employee must have at least ten (10) consecutive years of service with the
2. Said employee must give written notice to the Superintendent of Schools of his/her request for retirement setting forth the requested date of retirement and his/her claim for credit for unused sick days. Said written notice must be received no later than October 31st preceding the June retiring date.
3. The effective date for written notice may be waived in case of an emergency,
with approval of the Superintendent of Schools and at the sole discretion of the
Board of Education.
4. Said employee's compensation shall be based on one-half (1/2) of the sick day's
pay at the time of retirement and for every accumulated unused sick day in
excess of thirty (30) days.
5. If the employee dies subsequent to providing notice of his/her intent to retire, but
prior to his/her retirement, the accumulated and unused sick days shall be paid
to said employee’s estate.
A. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee
or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application
shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all
other provisions, or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
B. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual teacher, heretofore or
hereafter executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of
this Agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with the
Agreement, this Agreement during its duration shall be controlling.
C. The Board and the Association agree that there shall be no discrimination, as herein
defined, and that all practices, procedures and policies of the school system shall clearly exemplify that there is no discrimination in the hiring, training, assignment, promotion, transfer or discipline of teachers, or in the application or administration of this Agreement, on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, domicile or marital status.
D. Copies of this Agreement shall be printed at the shared expense of the Board and
Association within thirty (30) days after the Agreement is signed. They will be presented by the Association to all teachers now employed, hereafter employed or considered for employment by the Board. The Board will be given sufficient copies to accommodate its members and related personnel.
E. Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties to this Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, either party shall do so by telegram or registered letter at the following address:
1 . If by the Association to Board, at:
Forest Hills Parkway Bayville, New Jersey 08721 c/o Superintendent of Schools
2. If by the Board to Association President at his/her place of employment.
F. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an
instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
A. This Agreement shall take effect July 1, 2002 and shall continue in full force and effect
through June 30, 2005, subject to the Association's right to negotiate over a successor
Agreement as provided in ARTICLE 2 of this Agreement. This Agreement shall not be
extended orally and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated.
B. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be-signed
by the respective president, attested by their respective secretaries, and their corporate
seals are to be placed hereon, all on the day and year written below:
President: President:
Secretary: Secretary:
Date: Date:
STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 MA MA+15 MA+30 PhD
1 32000 32500 33000 33800 34500 35000 35700
2 33000 33500 34000 34800 35500 36000 36700
3 35400 35900 36400 37200 37900 38400 39100
4 37800 38300 38800 39600 40300 40800 41500
5 40600 41100 41600 42400 43100 43600 44300
6 43600 44100 44600 45400 46100 46600 47300
7 46600 47100 47600 48400 49100 49600 50300
8 49600 50100 50600 51400 52100 52600 53300
9 52600 53100 53600 54400 55100 55600 56300
10 55600 56100 56600 57400 58100 58600 59300
11 58600 59100 59600 60400 61100 61600 62300
12 61600 62100 62600 63400 64100 64600 65300
Professional staff previously on Step 12 or above, shall add 2207 to their base salary for the 2002-2003 school year.
STEP BA BA+1 5 BA+30 MA MA+l5 MA+30 PhD
1-2 33100 33600 34100 34900 35600 36100 36800
3 35500 36000 36500 37300 38000 38500 39200
4 37900 38400 38900 39700 40900 40900 41600
5 40900 41400 41900 42700 43400 43900 44600
6 43900 44400 44900 45700 46400 46900 47600
7 46900 47400 47900 48700 49400 49900 50600
8 49900 50400 50900 51700 52400 52900 53600
9 52900 53400 53900 54700 55400 55900 56600
10 55900 56400 56900 57700 58400 58900 59600
11 58900 59400 59900 60700 61400 61900 62600
12 61900 62400 62900 63700 64400 64900 65600
Professional staff previously on Step 12 or above, shall add 2100 to their base salary for the 2003-2004 school year.
STEP BA BA+15 BA+30 MA MA+15 MA+30 PhD
1 33100 33600 34100 34900 35600 36100 36800
2-3 35500 36000 36500 37300 38000 38500 39200
4 37900 38400 38900 39700 40400 40900 41600
5 40900 41400 41900 42700 43400 43900 44600
6 43900 44400 44900 45700 46400 46900 47600
7 46900 47400 47900 48700 49400 49900 50600
8 49900 50400 50900 51700 52400 52900 53600
9 52900 53400 53900 54700 55400 55900 56600
10 55900 56400 56900 57700 58400 58900 59600
11 58900 59400 59900 60700 61400 61900 62600
12 61900 62400 62900 63700 64400 64900 65600
Professional staff previously on Step 12 or above shall add 2000 to their base salary for the 2004-2005 school year.
LEVEL 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005
A 20700 20700 20700
B 21500 21700 21700
C 22700 22500 22700
D 23700 23850 23500
E 25600 24850 24950
F 26400 26750 25950
G 27000 27550 27850
H 28000 28150 28650
I 28900 29310 29250
J 29800 30210 30650
K 35500 31210 31550
L 36825 32550
M 38250
Step 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005
1 22904 23480 24054
2 24543.8 24481 25055
3 25543.8 26121 26056
4 26543.8 27121 27695
5 27543.8 28121 28695
6 28543.8 29121 29695
7 29543.8 30121 30695
8 30543.8 31121 31695
9 31543.8 32121 32695
10 32543.8 33121 33695
11 33543.8 34121 34695
12 34543.8 35121 35695
13 35543.8 36121 36695
14 36543.8 37121 37695
15 37543.8 38121 38695
16 38543.8 39121 39695
17 39543.8 40121 40695
18 41121 41695
19 42695
New Steps
Step 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005
1 19500 19900 20600
2 19900 20300 21000
3 20300 20700 21400
4 20700 21100 21800
5 21100 21500 22300
6 21600 22000 22800
7 22100 22500 23400
8 22700 23100 24000
9 23300 23700 24700
10 24000 24400 25500
11 24800 25200 26300
12 25600 26000 27100
13 26400 26800 28000
14 27200 27600
15 28320 28600
16 29200 29650
17 30200 30600
18 31200 31600
Special note to clerks hired before July 1, 2004:
The guides agreed to by CREA and the Board shall reflect a guide compression. Clerks on step in the contract year 2003-2004 shall move the same numbered step in the contract year 2004-2005 noted as new step. There shall be a pay increase with this new step. APPENDIX CCUSTODIAL GUIDE FOR CREA
Step 2002-2003 Step 2003-2004
ENTRY 18000 Entry 18000
1 19923 1 19923
2 21023 2 21008
3 23223 3 22108
4 24523 4 24308
5 25223 5 25608
6 28073 6 26308
7 28823 7 29158
8 30273 8 29908
9 32023 9 31358
10 35322 10 33108
11 36408
Step 2004-2005
ENTRY 18000
1 19923
2 21008
3 22092
4 23192
5 25392
6 26692
7 27392
8 30242
9 30992
10 32442
11 34192
12 37492
Step 2002-2003 Step 2003-2004
1 24232 1 24863
2 24932 2 25563
3 25632 3 26263
4 26332 4 26963
5 27032 5 27663
6 27832 6 28463
7 28632 7 29263
8 29332 8 29963
9 29932 9 30563
10 30832 10 31463
11 31642 11 32273
12 32332 12 32963
13 33032 13 33663
14 33932 14 34563
15 34732 15 35363
16 35532 16 36163
Step 2004-2005
1 25722
2 26422
3 27122
4 27822
5 28522
6 29322
7 30122
8 30822
9 31422
10 32322
11 33132
12 33822
13 34522
14 35422
15 36222
16 37022 APPENDIX D
Coaches Guide Step 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005
A- Head 1 5160 5155 5370
2 5360 5455 5570
3 5660 5755 5870
4 6060 6155 6270
5 6760 6860 6970
A - Assistant 1 3612 3608 3759
2 3752 3818 3899
3 3962 4028 4109
4 4242 4308 4389
5 4732 4802 4879
B- Head 1 4386 4382 4565
2 4556 4637 4735
3 4811 4892 4990
4 5151 5232 5320
5 5746 5831 5915
B- Assistant 1 3070 3067 3195
2 3189 3245 3314
3 3368 3424 3492
4 3606 3662 3730
5 4022 4082 4147
C- Head 1 3612 3608 3759
2 3752 3818 3899
3 3962 4028 4109
4 4242 4308 4380
5 4732 4802 4870
C - Assistant 1 2528 2525 2631
2 2626 2672 2729
3 2773 2819 2876
4 2969 3015 3072
5 3312 3361 3415
Coaches Guide Step 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005
D-MS 1 2838 2835 2953
2 2948 3000 3063
3 3113 3165 3228
4 3333 3185 3440
5 3718 3773 3825
Key: Effective with 1997-1998
A - Basketball, Football and Wrestling
B - Baseball, Field Hockey, Soccer, Softball, Spring Track and Swimming
C- Bowling, Cross Country, Golf, Gymnastics, Tennis and Winter Track
D - All Middle School Sports
Step 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005
A- Head Coach 1 3050 3135 3165
2 3150 3235 3265
3 3250 3335 3365
4 3350 3435 3465
5 3550 3645 3665
B - Assistant 1 2135 2195 2214
Varsity 2 2205 2265 2285
Coach 3 2275 2335 2355
4 2345 2405 2425
5 2485 2545 2656
C - Middle 1 1830 1881 1899
School 2 1890 1941 1959
Coach 3 1950 2001 2019
4 2010 2050 2079
5 2130 2181 2150
2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005
Acting Director 2313 2417 2521
Musical Director 2008 2098 2188
Business Manager 1691 1767 1843
Orchestra 1691 1767 1843
Choreographer 1503 1571 1639
Costume Design 828 865 902
Stage-Art 1186 1239 1292
Set Builder 1186 1239 1292
AVA and Lighting 441 461 481
Middle School Advisors
Band Director 2783 2908 3033
7th Grade Class 1468 1534 1600
8th Grade Class 1597 1669 1740
Student Council 2096 2190 2284
Honor Society 1937 2024 2111
Pep Club 1063 1111 1159
Newspaper 2008 2098 2188
Mini Year Book 1597 1669 1740
Olympics 1626 1699 1772
High School Advisors
Band Director 3441 3596 3750
Band Front/indoor Guard 3317 3466 3615
Chorus Director 2501 2613 2726
9th Grade Class 1562 1632 1702
10th Grade Class 1937 2024 2111
11 th Grade Class 1937 2024 2111
12th Grade Class 2471 2583 2694
Student Congress 2349 2454 2560
Yearbook - Publication 3055 3192 3329
Yearbook - Business 3055 3192 3329
Eagles Voice 2471 2583 2694
Looking Glass 1614 1687 1760
Legal Eagles 2724 2847 2969
Legal Eagles - Assistant 1562 1632 1702
Peer Leader 2877 3007 3136
Peer Leader - Assistant 2471 2583 2694
Honor Society 2067 2160 2252
Interact 2008 2098 2188
2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005
S.A.D.D. 2008 2098 2188
Key Club 2008 2098 2188
Pep Club 1438 1503 1567
Drama Club 2220 2320 2419
Drama Club Assistant 1033 1080 1126
Math Club 1655 1730 1804
Science Club 1655 1730 1804
Chem Club 1655 1730 1804
Physics Club 1655 1730 1804
C. R. N. 1374 1436 1498
O.C.E.A.N. 692 723 755
Conflict Resolution
Coordinator 2877 3007 3136
2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005
TV Studio Assistant 41,299. 43,157. 45,013.
(all others) -- per hour
Step #1 $12.10 $12.70 $13.30
Step #2 $12.35 $12.95 $13.55
Step #3 $12.60 $13.20 $13.80
Step #1 3745. 3305. 3570.
Step #2 3918. 3570. 3735.
Step #3 4170. 4358. 4545.
Class Coverage $26.00 p/h $27.00 p/h $28.00 p/h
Detention (OFFICE) $26.00 p/h $27.00 p/h $28.00 p/h
Detention (SAT.) $30.00 p/h $31.00 p/h $32.00 p/h
Home Bound $33.50 $35.00 $36.50
Instruction + mileage + mileage + mileage
Driver Instructor -- per
student $113.00 $118.00 $123.00
Department Head $2266.00 $2368.00 $2470.00
Curriculum Work $27.00 p/h $28.00 p/h $29.00 p/h
6th Period Coverage $4,437.00 $4,637.00 $4,836.00
Head Custodian $3682.00 $3,848.00 $4,013.00
Grounds Foreman $3682.00 $3,848.00 $4,013.00
Maintenance Foreman $6409.00 $6,698.00 $6,986.00
Black Seal $440.00 $460.00 $480.00