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A. This Agreement will be effective from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 between the Board of Education of the Borough of Haddonfield, hereinafter referred to as the “Board” and the Haddonfield Education Association, hereinafter referred to as the “Association.” Either party must give written notice, not later than November 1 of any changes desired in the Agreement commencing July 1. The party giving written notice of any changes desired in this Agreement will at the same time present such proposals, as far as practicable, in the language and form of the specific contract provisions which it proposes for inclusion in the Agreement to effect changes.
B. Negotiations will commence in accordance with the timetable established by the New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission.
C. If any part of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, then the remainder of the Agreement continues to be valid.
A. The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representatives in a unit, which includes the following:
ABA Therapists
Athletic Trainer
Bus Drivers
Child Study Team Members
Computer Technicians
Computer Specialists
Custodial, Grounds, and Maintenance Employees
Educational Assistants
Occupational Therapist
Physical Therapists
Extracurricular Positions
But excluding:
Athletic Director
Board of Education Central Office Staff
Network Administrator
Other non-contractual employees
Principals and Assistant Principals
Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent
B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “employee” when used in this Agreement will refer to all employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit.
C. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “teacher” when used in this Agreement will refer to all employees who are required to hold appropriate certificates issued by the State Board of Examiners.
D. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “support staff” when used in this Agreement will refer to those employees who are not required to hold appropriate certificates issued by the State Board of Examiners.
E. References to males will include females, and references to females will include males.
A. Except as otherwise expressly limited by the provisions of this Agreement, the Board will retain sole jurisdiction and authority over matters of policy and will retain the right, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, to:
1. Take whatever actions may be necessary to carry out the mission of the school district.
2. Determine the methods, means, and personnel by which such operations are conducted.
3. Maintain the efficiency of the school district operations entrusted to them.
4. Direct employees of the school district.
5. Hire, promote, transfer, assign, and retain employees in positions within the school district.
6. Relieve employees from duties because of incompetency or for other legitimate reasons.
7. Suspend, demote, discharge or take other disciplinary action against employees.
8. Exercise all of its rights regarding nonrenewal of non-tenured employees to the fullest extent permitted by law, any provisions in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding.
A. Neither party hereto will press any proposal to change, modify or add to the provisions of this Agreement, except in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article VI entitled “Negotiation of Successor Agreement.” The foregoing is not intended to prevent the Association or the Board, under proper circumstances, from requesting the other to consider a modification of an effective provision of this Agreement. In such cases, the party making such request will be afforded a reasonable opportunity to present and discuss the reasons for such request. The party to whom such request is made will have the right to refuse such request, and rely upon the provisions of this Agreement during its term.
B. In the event that no formal requests are submitted in the course of the school year, the parties will meet informally once a year. These meetings are not intended to bypass the first paragraph of this Article or the grievance procedure.
Whenever any notice is required to be given by either party of this Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provision(s) of this Agreement, either party will do so at the following address:
A. If by Association to the Board at:
One Lincoln Avenue
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
B. If by Board to the Association at:
The Haddonfield School address of both co-presidents, or by email to both co-presidents.
A. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations for a successor Agreement in accordance with N.J.S.A. 34:13A in a good faith effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning terms and conditions of employment for its employees. Such negotiations will begin in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Public Employment Relations Commission. Any Agreement negotiated will be reduced to writing and signed by the Board and the Association upon ratification by the Association and adoption by the Board.
B. Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate during working hours regarding grievances or negotiations, they will suffer no loss in pay.
C. Neither party in any negotiations will have any control over the selection of the negotiation representatives of the other party.
The Board and the Association will not discriminate against any person because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, domicile, ancestry, marital status, domestic partnership status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, disability or atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait of any individual, because of liability for service in the armed forces of the United States, domicile, or membership or non-membership in the Association.
A. Association Dues:
1. In accordance with the N.J.S.A. 52:14-15 9e, an employee may authorize, in writing to the Board, the deduction of Association dues from his/her pay. Upon receiving such authorization, the Board will make the deduction from the first monthly pay and transmit the sum deducted directly to NJEA within ten (10) days thereafter.
2. The employee may withdraw the above authorization by filing notice of withdrawal with the Board, which filing will be effective to halt deductions as of January 1 or
July 1, whichever comes first after the filing.
B. Representation Fee
1. The Association will submit to the Board, prior to November 1, a list of those full-time employees who have not become members of the Association for the current membership year. The Board will deduct from the salaries of such employees the amount of the representation fee which will be an amount not in excess of eighty-five (85) percent of those dues which amount will be certified by the Association to the Board, and promptly transmit the amount so deducted to the Association.
2. If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his or her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under the Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to the employee during the membership year in question.
3. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the deduction of representation fee and the transmission of such fees to the Association will be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
4. On or about the last day of each month, the Board will submit to the Association a list of all employees who began their employment during the preceding thirty (30) day period. This list will include names, job titles, and date of employment for all such employees.
C. Tax Sheltered Annuities (IRC Section 403(b) plans)
1. Employees may choose from the Board Approved list of tax sheltered annuity programs.
2. Before a plan is added, there must be at least 10 participants for that plan.
3. It will be understood by the employees that no person, including the Association Custodian, the Board, or its members, will be liable for any loss or for any breach of fiduciary duty which results from the employee’s choice of a particular plan and/or the employee’s exercise of control over the investments selected.
4. Money withheld for TSA funds will be deposited twice a month.
A. Within thirty (30) days of the signing of this Agreement, the Association and the Board will produce a revised copy of the Agreement with all agreed upon changes.
B. Within ten (10) days of the production of this signed Agreement and ratified/approved by Association and Board, it will be posted on the District’s website.
C. Uniforms - The Board will provide up to $300 per employee per year for the purchase of custodial, grounds, and maintenance uniforms (three sets of uniforms and one jacket). Color, style, and wording on the uniform and jacket are to be determined by the Board. All custodial, grounds, and maintenance staff are required to wear uniforms.
Part-time employees are eligible to receive two uniforms, but no jacket; unless the part-time person’s regular assignment is to the grounds crew, in which case a jacket will be provided.
A. Whenever any employee is required to appear before the Superintendent, the Board, a Board committee, or Board member concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her office, position or employment, salary, or any increments pertaining thereto, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview, and will be entitled to have a person of his/her own choosing present to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.
B. Any tenure charge filed against a tenured staff member for either: 1) incapacity, unbecoming conduct or other just cause; or 2) inefficiency, shall proceed in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:6-10 through N.J.S.A. 18A:6-25, and the New Jersey Administrative Code, N.J.A.C. 6A:3-5.1 et seq.
C. Pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974, the Board and the Association hereby agree that every employee will have the right to freely organize, join, and support the Association and its affiliates.
Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee rights he/she may have under New Jersey School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations.
A. Except as this Agreement will otherwise provide, all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the signing date of this Agreement to employees covered by this Agreement as established by the rules, regulations and/or policies of the Board in force on said date, will continue to be so applicable during the term of this Agreement.
B. This Agreement will not be modified, in whole or in part, by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by said parties.
In consideration of this Agreement, the Board and the Association will refrain from actions normally associated with the terms “sanctions” or “strikes.”
A. Representatives of the Association and the New Jersey Education Association will be permitted entry to school property at reasonable times for the purpose of necessary Association activities, provided that they will not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations. In the event that the representative involved is also an employee of the Board, release from his/her regularly assigned duties will be permitted so long as it will not interfere with the orderly operation of the school district. Release will be without pay unless said release is agreed to by a supervisor or the administration. No work involving the internal operation of the Association will be performed by Board employees during working hours.
B. The Association and its representatives will have the right to use school buildings in accordance with Section A, above, at reasonable hours for meetings. The Association will submit a “Use of Property Request” form through the Superintendent’s office in advance. Approval will be granted provided that there are no conflicts with the school schedules, and provided that it does not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations.
C. The Association will have the right to use school facilities and equipment including, computers, emails, servers, fax machines, mailboxes, telephones and duplicating equipment at reasonable times when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association will pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use, as well as, the cost of repairs made necessary by such use.
D. The rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives, as set forth in this Agreement, will be granted only to the Association as the exclusive representative of the employees and to no other organization representing any portion of the unit or potential member of the unit.
E. The Board understands the necessity of a reasonable amount of release time for Association business, and the Association understands the necessity to maintain instructional time. With that in mind, designated officers or representatives of the Association may schedule release time on an as-needed basis with the mutual agreement of the appropriate administrator.
F. Up to one hour of release time to attend an Association informational meeting will be provided once a year to all support staff members as long as substitute coverage is not needed for the hour meeting.
A. Complaints: An employee with a complaint will first discuss it with his/her immediate superior, with the objective of resolving the matter informally. If the complaint is not settled within seven (7) calendar days, and involves a matter subject to the Grievance Procedure, it should be reduced to writing, and considered a grievance subject to the grievance provisions of this Agreement.
B. Definition: Grievance: A grievance is a dispute or difference between the Board and the Association, or the employees represented by it, with respect to the interpretation, application, or violation of this Agreement and administrative decisions affecting the employees.
C. The purpose of this procedure is to secure at the lowest possible level equitable solutions to problems that may arise affecting employees. Both parties agree that proceedings will be kept informal and confidential at every level of the procedure.
D. Time Limits
1. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level should be considered a maximum, and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement.
2. All grievances will be presented as soon as possible after the occurrence, but in no event later than twenty-one (21) calendar days. Grievances not following this process will not be considered by the party to whom presented.
3. All grievances will be presented at Level One in writing on grievance forms provided for that purpose, and will set forth the provisions of this Agreement, Board policy, or administrative decisions upon which the grievance is based.
4. Grievance decisions, and any appeals to a higher level of the grievance procedure, will be in writing on grievance forms.
5. In the event a grievance is filed that cannot be processed through all steps of this grievance procedure by the end of the school year, and, if left unresolved, could in the opinion of the Association or the Board, result in irreparable harm, the time limits set forth will, at the request of either party, be reduced as much as practicable, so that the grievance procedure may be completed by the end of the school year; however, the party upon whom the request is made will have the right to reply within the time limits in this Agreement.
E. Procedure
1. Level One:
a. Within seven (7) calendar days after a grievance is submitted by the Association, it will be discussed in a meeting between the Association’s Professional Rights and Responsibilities representative for that building and the immediate supervisor.
b. If the grievance is not settled within twenty-one (21) calendar days after it is discussed in the meeting with the immediate supervisor, the Association may appeal it to Level Two within seven (7) calendar days after the decision at Level One, or twenty-eight (28) calendar days after the grievance was submitted for discussion, whichever is sooner.
2. Level Two:
a. A grievance submitted to Level Two will be discussed within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the grievance form by the Chairman of the Association’s Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee, and the Superintendent of Schools, or his designee.
b. If the grievance is not settled within fourteen (14) calendar days after it is discussed with the Superintendent or his designee, the Association may appeal it to Level Three within fourteen (14) calendar days after the decision at Level Two, or twenty-eight (28) calendar days after the grievance was presented in discussion at this step, whichever is sooner.
3. Level Three:
a. A grievance submitted to Level Three will be discussed within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the grievance form by a committee appointed by the President of the Association and a committee appointed by the President of the Board. The respective committees will include the Chairman of the Association’s Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee and the Superintendent of Schools.
b. A decision will be made by the Board within fourteen (14) calendar days after the grievance was discussed at this step.
4. Level Four:
a. If the grievance is not resolved at Level Three, then a grievance with respect to the interpretation or application of provisions of this Agreement may, within twenty-one (21) calendar days following a decision at Level Three, be submitted to binding arbitration under the voluntary arbitration rules of the Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC).
b. If, in the opinion of either party, the grievance submitted is not arbitrable under the terms of this Agreement, then the arbitrator will first rule if the grievance is arbitrable, and if it is not, will dismiss it.
c. The arbitrator will not have the jurisdiction or authority to add to, detract from, or alter in any way the provisions of the Agreement.
d. In the event of arbitration, the costs of the arbitrator’s services will be equally shared by each of the parties.
F. Areas and Subjects Excluded From Arbitration
1. Matters where a method of review is prescribed by law, or by any rules or regulations of the State Commissioner of Education or the State Board of Education.
2. Matters where the Board is without authority to act.
G. General Guidelines
1. No employee will be disciplined, reprimanded, or reduced in compensation without just cause.
2. All documents, communications, and records dealing with the grievance will be filed in a separate grievance file, and will not be kept in the personnel file of any of the participants.
3. No reprisals of any kind will be taken by the Board, or by any member of the administration, against any party of interest, any representative, any member or the Association, or any other participant in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
A. Teachers
1. Except in unusual circumstances requiring later assignment, notice of assignment to teachers whose employment has continued from the prior year normally will be given by the second week in August. Such notice will include class and/or subject, building and room. Such notice will not preclude a change in assignment of a teacher.
2. Non-tenure Employee Offer of Assignment
a. The state code will determine the date the Board is required to notify employees of the offer of a contract for employment. At that time, the Board will give to each non-tenured employee continuously employed by it since the preceding September 30 either:
(1) A written offer of a contract for employment for the next school year, providing for at least the same terms and conditions of employment, but with such increases in salary as may be required by law, or policies of the Board; or
(2) Notice that the employee will not be offered a contract for employment for the next school year.
b. Should the Board fail to give to any non-tenured employee either an offer of contract for employment for the next year, or a notice that such employment will not be offered, all within the time and in the manner provided by statute, then the Board will be deemed to have offered to that employee continued employment for the next school year based upon the same terms and conditions, but with such increases in salary as may be required by law or policies of the Board.
c. If the employee desires to accept such employment he/she will notify the Board of such acceptance, in writing, on or before June 1, in which event such employment will continue as provided for herein. In the absence of such notice of acceptance, the provisions of this article will no longer be applicable.
B. Support Staff
1. The state code will determine the date the Board is required to notify employees of the offer of a contract for employment.
2. Upon receiving a notice of nonrenewal, the employee may request a meeting with his/her immediate supervisor to discuss nonrenewal. Said meeting will be held within a reasonable period of time.
C. Bus Drivers
1. Bus Driver Route Assignments
a. The district shall maintain seniority; one list for bus drivers who work academic/special education runs and one seniority list for bus drivers who work athletic and field trip runs.
i. Academic/special education run assignments: Prior to the beginning of each school year, administration shall provide a list of available runs to drivers who will choose their preferred runs based on seniority, within the limits of their work schedule. If a student in need of transportation has special needs, documented in an IEP, which affect assignments of bus routes, administration may use this need to assign runs in an order other than seniority.
ii. Athletic and filed trip assignments: Each month, administration shall provide a list of available runs to drivers. Drivers will inform administration of their availability during the available dates and times and their preferred runs. The Athletic Director will use this information to assign runs based on the seniority list, within the limits of their work schedule. After athletic/field trip drivers have been assigned routes according to this process, any remaining unassigned routes may be offered to academic/special education drivers in seniority order.
iii. When rescheduling on short notice is necessary, the Athletic Director may use discretion in finding a replacement for a bus driver’s route.
b. Drivers asked to take buses for inspections or repairs will be paid at the same rate and under the same conditions as a regular route assignment.
c. If a run is cancelled within 45 minutes of the two hour block’s assigned start time, a driver will be paid for the full two hour block.
2. Work Day
a. During the work day, drivers may be assigned to work multiple blocks of time, and multiple assigned runs may occur within each block of time.
i. The first block of the day will include a 30 minute pre-trip safety check.
ii. Drivers will be paid for a minimum of two hours for each block of time. Additional time beyond two hours will be paid on a pro-rata basis at the driver’s hourly rate rounded up to the nearest fifteen-minute increment.
b. If a driver is unable to work an assigned route for illness or for personal reasons, the driver will contract the administration immediately.
c. Drivers will submit timesheets every two weeks that reflect the two hour blocks described in Section 2 above.
d. The district shall provide at least three (3) hours of paid training to all new drivers upon their hiring (including, but not limited to training on safety, bullying, harassment, school discipline procedures, special education, etc.)
A. Postings
1. The Superintendent will post all notices of vacancies, including extracurricular, co-curricular, and coaching positions, in the Chief School Administrator’s office and each building. Notices will be posted in designated areas of all school buildings as soon as they become available.
2. The Superintendent will furnish notice of vacancies to the Association President within five (5) calendar days of the position becoming available.
B. Teachers
1. Within the thirty (30) day period prior to October 1, and again within the thirty (30) day period prior to April 1, a teacher may file with the Superintendent up to two requests for promotion, transfer or reassignment. These requests will be in accordance with rules established by the Superintendent.
2. A teacher may file with the Superintendent a request for transfer, reassignment or promotion for openings which may occur during the summer recess. The Superintendent will review any requests, which are in his/her files prior to recommending a promotion or reassignment to the Board to fill an opening during the summer recess. Nothing herein will limit the Superintendent in his recommendations to the Board.
3. Normally, in cases of transfer or reassignment, the teacher’s agreement will be obtained, but the Board will not be limited in its right to promote or reassign teachers in the school system.
4. In the unusual circumstances when the teacher’s consent cannot be obtained, any involuntary transfer or reassignment may be reviewed and considered through Level Three of the grievance procedure. Teachers will be given a minimum of one week’s notice prior to reassignment.
5. For the purpose of this Agreement, “transfer” means a move to a new building; “Reassignment” means a change in job title, change in grade level within the same building or a change in subject area taught; “Promotion” will refer to positions outside the bargaining unit.
6. In the event of a transfer to a new building, teachers will be paid for two (2) seven-hour days so that they can complete their classroom relocation. Payment will be at the current hourly curriculum rate.
C. Support Staff
1. When a job vacancy occurs, employees in that category, or employees in a higher category, may desire a transfer to another school, or in the case of custodial and maintenance, to another work shift. Those who have filed a written request for a transfer with the Superintendent will be given first consideration for transfer, provided that the employee who makes the request has the requisite qualifications and ability to perform the job satisfactorily. In the event the requested transfer is not approved, a written explanation will be given within fourteen (14) calendar days.
2. Requests, where honored, will be on the basis of senior employee being given preference. However, the Board may select an individual with less seniority if in the good faith judgment of the Superintendent, the less senior person is better qualified. Transfers will not be arbitrarily or capriciously made.
A. Teachers
1. Notice of an involuntary transfer will be given to the teacher as soon as practicable. A list of open positions in the school district will be made available to any teacher being involuntarily transferred. That teacher may request a position or positions to which he/she desires to be reassigned. A teacher being involuntarily transferred will not suffer reduction in seniority or total compensation, including pensionable compensation.
2. Except in the case of an emergency, a teacher being transferred involuntarily will have, at the teacher’s request, the right to a conference with his/her principal or administrator in charge, and the Superintendent or his/her designee prior to the effective date of the transfer.
3. A teacher that involuntarily transfers to a different classroom within the same or a new building or has to pack up and unpack the content of a classroom will be entitled to compensation at the curriculum rate for time outside of the contractual day that is reasonably expended by the teacher on any such transfer. All requests for such payment must receive prior approval from the building principal. An elementary school principal has initial authority to approve requests for up to 10 hours, per relocation and other principals have authority to approve requests of up to 3 hours. All requests that are expected to exceed these amounts must be approved in advance by the Superintendent. Additional compensation is not provided for any work done during the contractual day.
B. Support Staff
1. No job vacancy will be filled by involuntary transfer or reassignment if there is a qualified volunteer available to fill the position, providing that the Board’s work force requirements permit said volunteer to be transferred or reassigned.
2. In the event there is no qualified volunteer to accept the reassignment, then the Board will fill the position by transferring or reassigning the most junior qualified employee. However, the Board may transfer an individual with more seniority if in good faith judgment of the Superintendent, such transfer will better serve the needs of the School District.
3. Written notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment will be given to employees at least seven (7) calendar days prior thereto.
4. Custodial/Maintenance/Grounds:
a. In the event there is a temporary requirement, as determined by a supervisor or the
Superintendent, for a reassignment to a lead person, the qualified senior volunteer will be given the temporary assignment.
b. In the event there is no qualified senior volunteer available, the most qualified employee will be assigned to the temporary lead position.
c. The employee shall be compensated for the reassignment with a stipend of four (4) dollars per day.
A. Subject to Article 18 entitled “Involuntary Transfers,” a permanent job opening in the bargaining unit will be posted on appropriate bulletin boards for a period of ten (10) calendar days, and emailed to eligible employees with the Board having the right to temporarily fill the job until the permanent employee is hired, or reassigned. Permanent employees may apply for such job openings. A copy of the opening will be furnished to the Co-Presidents of the Association.
B. In filling permanent job vacancies within the bargaining unit, the Board will first consider filling vacancies by promoting the senior employee from the next lower-rated job title who has the requisite qualifications and ability to perform the work. Where two (2) or more employees possess the requisite qualifications and ability to perform the work, the employee with seniority in the bargaining unit will be promoted. However, the Board may select an individual with less seniority if in the good faith judgment of the Superintendent, the less senior person is better qualified.
All teachers will be evaluated and written reports of such evaluations will be filed with the Superintendent of Schools.
A. General Procedures
1. Open Evaluation: All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a teacher will be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher. The use of eavesdropping, tape recorders, cameras, and other electronic devices will not be used in observation of the teacher’s performance without the permission of the teacher. This in no way prohibits the Board from using such devices for security purposes.
2. Evaluation by Supervisors: Only certificated supervisory personnel may conduct evaluative observations and complete evaluation reports. Supervisory personnel will meet with the teacher who has been observed. If conflicting reports by the supervisory personnel cannot be resolved, they will be settled by the Superintendent.
3. Copies of Evaluations: A teacher will be given a copy of any class visit or evaluation report prepared by his/her evaluators. No report will be submitted to the Superintendent, placed in the teacher’s file, or otherwise acted upon without prior conference with the teacher.
a. No teacher will be required to sign a blank or incomplete evaluation form.
b. A teacher’s signature on an evaluation form will show that he/she has received a copy of it, but does not necessarily show that he/she is in agreement with it.
4. Conferences:
a. If a teacher is dissatisfied with an interim evaluation (i.e. classroom observation and/or anecdotal record), the teacher, within fourteen (14) calendar days after receiving the report, may request a review of the evaluation by the supervisor’s immediate superior.
b. If a teacher is dissatisfied with his/her final evaluation, the teacher will, upon submitting a request within fourteen (14) calendar days after receiving a copy of the final evaluation, be granted a conference with the supervisor’s immediate superior.
5. Final Evaluation: Each teacher will receive a written summary of his/her performance for the year in June, prior to the close of school. This evaluation will be a summary of previous evaluations, and will evaluate the teacher’s performance in relation to his/her teaching duties both in and outside of the classroom. In general, no information should appear in the end of year evaluation that has not appeared in some previously written evaluation or in a conference between the teacher and his/her supervisors. Final summative evaluations will be made in accordance with law.
B. Evaluation Procedures
1. Written reports will be prepared by the teacher’s supervisor for all announced evaluative observations.
2. Parental complaints or other complaints that may have a bearing on the evaluation of a teacher should be brought to the attention of the teacher by his/her supervisor or principal, and investigated before any action is taken.
3. A teacher may request additional classroom observations.
4. Supervisors will schedule observations and attempt to coordinate so that back-to-back observations of a teacher’s performance are avoided.
5. Teacher evaluations will conform to the requirements of current state and federal statutes.
C. Personnel Records
1. An employee will have the right, upon request, to review the contents of his/her personnel file during normal business hours. An employee will be entitled to have a representative of the Association accompany him/her.
2. Derogatory Material:
a. An employee will be notified of derogatory material.
b. An employee will acknowledge having seen the derogatory material by initialing it before it is placed in his/her personnel file. If the employee refuses to initial the derogatory material, the time and date of the refusal will be noted on the material by the supervisor before it is placed in the employee’s personnel file. Before derogatory material may be placed in an employee’s file, it must be investigated by his/her supervisor or principal.
c. An employee may within twenty-one (21) calendar days prepare a written response and have it attached to the derogatory material.
Support staff will be evaluated by their immediate supervisors at least once annually, to be followed in each instance by a written evaluation report and by a conference between the employee and his/her immediate supervisor, for the purpose of identifying any deficiencies, extending assistance for their correction, and for recognizing accomplishments.
A. General Procedures
1. Open Evaluation: All monitoring or observation of the work performance of an employee will be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the employee. The use of eavesdropping, tape recorders, cameras, and other electronic devices will not be used in observation of an employee’s performance without the permission of the employee. This in no way prohibits the Board from using such devices for security purposes.
2. Copies of Evaluation: Support personnel will be given a copy of his/her evaluation report prepared by his/her evaluators at least one (1) day before any conference to discuss it. No such report will be submitted to the central office, placed in the employee’s file, or otherwise, acted upon without prior conference with the employee. No employee will be required to sign a blank or incomplete evaluation form.
3. Evaluation Format: Evaluation reports will be presented to each employee in accordance with the following procedures:
a. Reports will be addressed to the employee.
b. Reports will include a narrative summary listing the strengths, commendations, areas recommended for continued growth, and specific suggestions for improving areas where a weakness has been identified.
4. The employee will review the evaluation report. The employee’s signature indicates receipt of the report and does not necessarily indicate agreement or disagreement with the report.
B. Personnel Records
1. An employee will have the right, upon request, to review the contents of his/her personnel file during normal business hours. An employee will be entitled to have a representative of the Association accompany him/her.
2. Derogatory Material:
a. An employee will be notified of derogatory material.
b. An employee will acknowledge having seen the derogatory material by initialing it before it is placed in his/her personnel file. If the employee refuses to initial the derogatory material, the time and date of the refusal will be noted on the material by the supervisor before it is placed in the employee’s personnel file. Before derogatory material may be placed in an employee’s file, it must be investigated by his/her supervisor or principal.
c. An employee may within twenty-one (21) calendar days prepare a written response and have it attached to the derogatory material.
A. Teachers will maintain the primary right and responsibility to determine grades and other evaluations of students within the grading policies of the District, based upon his/her professional judgment of available criteria pertinent to any given subject area or activity to which he/she is responsible. No grade or evaluation will be changed without the notification of the teacher. The person making the change will initial and date the change.
B. When parent conferences are held in the elementary and middle schools at the end of the first marking period, there will be two half-days and two nights of scheduled conferences. The half-day conferences will be scheduled during the regular workday, when students are not in attendance, and the evening conferences scheduled for two consecutive hours ending by 8:00 p.m. On the day after the first evening conference and the day of the second evening conference, teachers will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.
C. Teachers will not be compelled to participate in overnight trips.
D. Any teacher who covers a class as a substitute teacher will receive twenty (20) dollars per class. This situation also applies to elementary school teachers who during preparation times cover a class/es which cannot be rescheduled. Attempts will be made by the special subject area teacher to reschedule the missed class/es.
E. Scheduled library time will be 45 minutes once per six-day cycle for grades one to five
F. In the event of a significant increase in the use of a sixth period assignment, the Superintendent will discuss with the Association leadership when appropriate.
G. Elementary school teaching staff will be provided with either release time or payment at the curriculum rate for the grading, scoring, and record-keeping associated with fall and spring district-wide assessments such as district writing assessment, benchmark reading assessments, Words Their Way assessments, Everyday Math Assessments, etc.
An employee with a regular assignment will be eligible for tuition expenses in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Courses for which tuition refund is requested by an applicant must be in his/her area of responsibility or closely related to his/her work as determined and recommended by his/her supervisor or coordinator, principal and Superintendent.
2. Each course reimbursement proposal will have written approval by the Superintendent prior to registration.
3. Courses must be offered for credit by an accredited post-secondary educational institution.
4. During the regular school year, a maximum of three (3) college credits per semester are eligible for approval; during the summer, a maximum of nine (9) college credits are eligible for approval.
5. An employee under contract to the Board is eligible to apply under these provisions provided he/she has completed at least one (1) semester of service in the Haddonfield School System immediately prior to registration.
6. Approved tuition expense will be reimbursed up to the following maximum amounts per fiscal year.
a. $700 for undergraduate
b. $1,500 for graduate
c. $2,500 for graduate work in connection with an approved matriculated graduate degree program; i.e., Masters or Doctorate.
d. The total reimbursement for all members of the bargaining unit is limited to $35,000 per fiscal year. A maximum of 50% of the total reimbursement funds may be used by the end of August, 25% of the total funds may be used by the end of December, and the remaining 25% may be used by the end of June. If the annual cap on reimbursement is reached and an employee would otherwise be eligible to receive tuition reimbursement that fiscal year, the applicant will be given priority at the beginning of the subsequent fiscal year.
e. To the extent any course from an accredited educational institution is sponsored by the Board, tuition for this course will be charged towards the total tuition benefits available under 6(b), but costs for each such course will not be deducted from the individual tuition allowance as listed in a, b, c.
f. All tuition reimbursements shall be consistent with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
7. To receive reimbursement for successful completion of the approved course work, an official transcript verifying a grade of “B” or better and a receipt or copy of the cancelled check will be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools. Payment of tuition reimbursements will be made within forty (40) days, upon submission by the employee to the Central Office of the appropriate billing and grade information.
8. The beneficiary of tuition reimbursement agrees to return to the Haddonfield Public Schools for one full year. If the beneficiary of the tuition reimbursement leaves before completion of one full school year following the year in which the course was taken after receiving approval for tuition reimbursement, he/she will be obligated to reimburse the Board for the tuition reimbursement received during that year.
9. The decision of the Superintendent will be final with respect to the approval of courses for which reimbursement is requested, and for the number of credits eligible for approval.
10. Part-time staff will receive a prorated tuition reimbursement corresponding to the amount of time worked in relation to a full-time employee.
11. In the event that the State mandates continuing and/or additional course work to maintain certification, both parties agree to reopen language in Article 23 A.6.c.
12. The Business Office will provide an accounting of unused tuition reimbursement for the prior fiscal year by December 1st of the next fiscal year.
B. The Board will provide professional development programs for employees in all job categories. Such programs will be cooperatively planned to meet district needs and priorities, determined in consultation with the Association. When employee attendance is required by the Board, professional development programs will be conducted during the regular workday. The Board also will make available to teaching staff materials to assist them with their State and Federal required professional development responsibilities. Such State and Federal professional development shall be completed on an employee’s own time.
C. The Board may require teachers new to the District to participate in a three-day orientation program no more than one week prior to the beginning of the school year. One hour of one orientation day will be made available for the Association to make a presentation.
D. Mentoring costs for first-year certificated staff will be paid for by the district.
E. Newly hired EAs will receive district training either in the summer before school year begins or within 30 days of being hired. If an EA would like to attend a workshop(s) on a district professional development day, he or she may apply to his or her supervisor for a paid day (or a prorated day) at his or her normal pay rate to attend that workshop(s).
F. The parties agree that two of the days that were designated as half-instruction/half-professional development days will be converted to full instructional days. Staff will be required to perform four hours of self-design professional development that is approved by the superintendent.
A. The Liaison Committee will be a link between the employees and the Board. It will be
comprised of up to six (6) members from the Association and up to six (6) members of the BOE/administration. All Association members will be selected by the Co-Presidents of the Association. Participants will be concerned with the development, interpretation, and the implementation of policy. It is recognized that the Board has the ultimate responsibility for the adoption of policy, and the Liaison Committee is advisory in nature. The Liaison Committee is also a sounding board for issues and concerns of both the Association and the Board.
The Liaison Committee will maintain a written record of all supplemental agreements reached by the Board and the Association. A copy of agreements reached in Liaison Committee that are of general application will be distributed to the Board and Association.
B. Meetings will be held monthly or as agreed to by the Co-Presidents of the Association and the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent of Schools and the Co-Presidents of the Association will jointly confer to determine the agenda of committee meetings and the times when the committee will meet. The dates of the Liaison meetings for the year will be set by the Superintendent and the Association Co-Presidents at the first meeting in September.
C. The Liaison Committee will operate under meeting management rules similar to the Principals’ Advisory Committees. Prior to the conclusion of each meeting, an agenda will be set for the next meeting; however, if important matters arise between meetings, the Superintendent and the Association President may agree to supplement the agenda. Minutes of each meeting will be distributed to all members.
Each twelve-month (12) employee will be entitled to twelve (12) sick leave days per year. Each ten-month (10) employee will be entitled to ten (10) sick leave days per year, with unused days accumulated from year to year without limit. Each employee will receive written or electronic notice of the number of sick days he/she has accumulated no later than September 15 of each school year.
Each employee may receive the following noncumulative leaves of absence, in addition to sick leave, with pay each year. Employees working fewer than nine months during a contract year and/or fewer than five days per week will be eligible for a prorated portion of the personal leave benefit.
A. Up to a total of three (3) days leave per contract year will be granted for personal business. Personal days unused as of the end of the work day on June 30 will at the employee’s option, be credited either as sick leave days or paid out at a rate of $60 per day.
1. Personal leave shall be limited to legal, family or personal matters which necessitate the employee’s absence. If the Personal leave request would extend a scheduled school holiday or break, each day will be charged as two days. The Superintendent may, in his/her discretion, grant a waiver from the “two days for one day” provision.
2. Application for approval of leave of absence will usually be made five (5) days in advance by the employee to the Superintendent through the employee’s administrator. In an emergency, a personal day application may be completed upon return to work. The Board will permit days for absence for personal business to be taken without describing the details of the reason, but with requirements to complete the “Request for Temporary Leave” form.
3. Twelve-month (12) employees who use two (2) or fewer personal days will be granted a total of four (4) personal days in the following contract year. However, if an employee receives a payout for unused personal days (Article 26, Section A), those days will be considered used and they will not receive a fourth personal day the following contract year.
B. In the event of a death of an employee’s spouse or child, up to ten (10) paid days of
leave of absence will be granted.
C. In the event of the death of an employee’s immediate family member other than a spouse or
child, as described in Section D-1 below, the employee will be allowed a leave of absence
of five (5) paid days. One (1) day a year will be granted in the event of the death of an
employee’s friend or relative outside the employee’s immediate family as defined below.
Any request for extension of the leave of absence will be considered by the Superintendent
of Schools considering the circumstances.
D. Serious Illness in Immediate Family: Any day for serious illness in the immediate family unused as of the end of the work day on June 30 will, at the employee’s option, be credited either as sick leave days or paid out at a rate of $60 per day. In the event of serious illness in the employee’s immediate family, as defined below, the employee will be allowed a leave of up to three (3) paid days per year. Any request for extension of the leave of absence will be considered by the Superintendent considering the circumstances.
1. Definition of “Immediate Family”: “Immediate Family” will include spouse, partner, child, grandchild, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent of employee or spouse, or any member of the employee’s immediate household.
E. Disability/Childbirth Leave
1. An employee who becomes disabled due to injury, illness, childbirth, or pregnancy will notify the Superintendent as soon as possible after the reason for the disability becomes known, and report the period of time it is estimated that the employee will be unable to perform his/her duties due to the disability.
2. The Board may request that an employee on disability leave provide the Board with medical certification from the employee’s treating physician. Also, if the Board elects, it may ask the employee to be examined by a physician of his/her choosing.
3. Whenever possible, the Board will be notified at least six (6) weeks prior to the commencement of the leave and will be informed of the date of return to active status.
4. All leaves of absence due to disability (injury, illness, pregnancy, childbirth) will conform to the requirements of current state and federal statutes.
F. Extended Unpaid Leaves of Absence
1. The employee will make written application for leave, stating the date on which the leave is to begin and the estimated date on which leave is to terminate.
2. Unpaid leaves of absence will conform to the requirements of current state and federal statutes and regulations.
3. When a leave has been granted, the Board cannot guarantee upon return to work that the employee will be assigned to the same building, class, room, or grade the employee was assigned before the leave.
4. Unused accumulated sick leave and personal days will be restored to the employee upon return from leave of absence. Sick/personal days, continuous service credit for tenure, and other purposes will not accrue during leave of absence.
5. The Board will not be required to continue the leave of absence of the non-tenured employee beyond the school year for which he/she was hired, or to offer tenure, or a new contract to a non-tenured employee.
6. Return from an unpaid leave of absence will typically occur at the beginning of a marking period. The Board may at its discretion grant requests for alternate return dates.
G. Sabbatical Leave: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, sabbatical leave for graduate level study may be granted to any certified member of the staff by the Board subject to the following conditions:
1. The Board will make available a maximum of one (1) sabbatical leave, district-wide, no more frequently than every other year, to eligible certified staff subject to these conditions:
2. If more than one teacher applies for sabbatical leave in a given year, sabbaticals will be granted based on seniority in the district.
3. Requests for sabbatical leave must be received by the Superintendent in writing, in such form as may be required by him/her. Requests must be received by the Superintendent by October 31 of the fiscal year preceding the school year for which the sabbatical leave is requested.
4. Notification of applicant selected will be given to applicants by March 15th of the fiscal year preceding the school year in which the sabbatical leave is requested.
5. The applicant must have completed at least nine (9) consecutive contract years of service in the Haddonfield Public Schools.
6. Payment for sabbatical leave of half the annual contracted salary will be granted for a full year’s leave approved graduate study.
7. The beneficiary will agree to return to the Haddonfield Public Schools for two (2) full years of employment on appropriate salary scale following the leave. If the benefactor of the sabbatical leave does not fulfill his/her return agreement to the Haddonfield Public Schools, he/she is obligated to reimburse the Board for the salary received during the sabbatical leave. Employees who leave the district before completing the two years of service will reimburse 50% of the amount they received while on sabbatical. To the extent permitted by law, the employee will not lose service credit for pension purposes.
8. The teacher on sabbatical leave will receive pension benefits based on the salary received during the sabbatical leave.
9. To the extent feasible, with due regard for the interest of the school program, teachers
returning to work after a sabbatical leave will be offered the same or similar position.
10. Before any teacher becomes entitled to a second sabbatical leave, eligible teachers who have never received sabbatical leave will be given preference.
11. Approval by the Board will be contingent upon securing a certified employee qualified to assume the applicant’s duties while on leave.
12. A teacher on an approved sabbatical leave will not engage in any form of work, other than the work in which he/she is engaged at the time of his/her request for sabbatical, or except in extenuating circumstances as approved by the Superintendent.
13. A full-time teacher on sabbatical leave is entitled to full medical and insurance coverage, but will remain responsible for their share of the premium.
14. Upon return from sabbatical leave a teacher will be placed on the salary schedule at the level which he/she would have achieved if he/she remained actively employed in the system.
H. Military Leave
1. To the extent required by law, military leave without pay will be granted to any employee who is inducted or enlists in any branch of the armed forces of the U.S.A. for the period of said induction or initial enlistment. All rights and benefits accrued will be protected under the N.J. Statutes 18A:6-33 and 18A:29-11. These laws are titled “Tenure, Pension and Other Employment Rights in Military and Naval Services.” (N.J.S.A. 18A:29-11)
2. To the extent required by law, any employee who is a member of the organized State Militia will be entitled to a leave of absence not to exceed ninety (90) days per year. An employee will not suffer loss of pay or seniority during the time in which he/she is engaged in militia duty ordered by the Governor of the State of New Jersey.
I. Childrearing Leave/Natural Childbirth/Adoption
1. An employee with fewer than three (3) years of working experience in the Haddonfield School District will be granted a child-rearing leave, without pay, for the remainder of the current school year in which the child is born or adopted. The Board reserves the right to deny the request for such leave in situations where a non-tenured teacher gives birth or adopts a child during the summer vacation period.
2. An employee with more than three (3) years of consecutive experience in the Haddonfield School District will be granted a child-rearing leave, without pay, for the remainder of the current school year in which the child is born or adopted, and may request up to one (1) additional school year immediately thereafter. Commencing in September 2018 and continuing thereafter, child-rearing leave will be available to employees with more than four (4) years of consecutive experience in the Haddonfield School District. The employee must indicate the length of leave when the initial request is made. A teacher’s return to work will be decided in accordance to the parameters of the Family Medical Leave Act and the New Jersey Family Leave Act. An earlier return will be allowed at the discretion of the Superintendent.
3. Nothing in the above language, Section I-2, will prevent an employee with more than four (4) years of consecutive experience, and the Board agreeing that the employee may return on other than the beginning of the school year.
4. In order to receive such a leave under Sections I-1 or I-2 above, the employee must apply in writing at least ninety (90) days before its commencement. In the case of adoption, since the date of custody cannot be predicted in all cases, notice will be given in writing at least ninety (90) days prior to the anticipated date of custody, if possible, and if not, as soon as practicable.
5. No teacher on childrearing leave will, on the basis of the leave, be denied the opportunity to substitute in the Haddonfield School District in his or her area of certification or competence.
6. Leave under the N.J. Family Leave Act and the federal Family Medical Leave Act will be deemed to be included within the contractual childrearing leave of up to the statutory limit of twelve (12) weeks.
J. Jury Duty: An employee summoned for jury duty will give notice thereof to his/her building principal as soon as possible after receiving the summons. During the term of duty, he/she will be paid his/her regular pay, and will turn over all pay received for jury duty to the Board.
K. Other Leaves of Absences: Other extended leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board on the recommendation of the Superintendent. All benefits, including unused accumulated sick leave, will be restored to the employee upon his or her return. If an employee works at least 105 work days in the school year, the employee will advance on the salary guide for the next school year. If the employee works fewer than 105 days, the employee will not advance on the salary guide for the next school year. If a twelve-month employee works at least 145 work days in the school year, the employee will advance on the salary guide for the next school year. If the employee works fewer than 145 days, the employee will not advance on the salary guide for the next school year.
L. Extensions and Renewals: Extensions or renewals of leaves of absence may be granted by the Board consistent with the law or its discretion.
A. Guides: The salary guides for teachers and support staff covered by this agreement are set forth in Schedules “A” through “I” which are attached. It is the intent of both parties to maintain the structure of the salary guides in future negotiations with increment levels between steps to be maintained on a level that is reasonably proportional to the increment levels between steps in the 2007-2010 salary guides.
1. Teachers who complete degree requirements or credits which change their salary status during the spring or summer will be placed on the appropriate level of the salary guide in September. Teachers who complete degree requirements or credits which change their salary status during the fall semester will be placed on the appropriate level of the salary guide in February of that year.
a. No change in salary status will be granted unless the credits claimed by the teacher are credits for graduate or approved courses confirmed by a properly credited college or university, or approved by the Superintendent.
b. All new employees will be hired at a full step on the appropriate salary guide. The Superintendent will consult with the Association before selecting the initial place on the salary guide for new bargaining unit job titles, and will accord due consideration to the Association’s comments, but the final decision will be made by the Board.
2. Employees will be paid in equal installments twice a month, on the 15th of the month and the last day of the month. The final paycheck in June for 10 month employees will be paid on the last scheduled workday.
3. When a payday falls on or during a school holiday, vacation or weekend, employees will receive their paychecks on the last previous working day.
B. Summer Vacation Curriculum Planning: A teacher who is assigned to develop curriculum, including workshops required for implementing the curriculum during the summer vacation period, will be paid on the basis of the number of hours worked as determined by the Superintendent. Compensation will be at the rate of hourly curriculum rate.
C. Home Teaching, Bedside, and Supplemental Instruction Pay: A teacher who performs home teaching, bedside, or supplemental instruction will be paid at the hourly curriculum rate.
D. Extra Pay for School Sponsored Athletic and Nonathletic Activities
1. An employee who performs an assignment on Schedule “B” will receive an extra payment based on the level established for the position as listed on Schedule “B.”
2. The stipends for activities will be paid in two (2) equal payments made on the payday closest to December 15, June 15, or the second payday immediately following the conclusion of the activity.
3. Employees who are authorized and perform chaperoning duties for a school sponsored event occurring outside of their regular workday will receive forty ($40) dollars.
E. Interscholastic and Intramural Coaches’ Salaries
1. Approval by the Athletic Director is necessary prior to payment.
2. Interscholastic coaches will be paid per Schedule “C.”
3. Interscholastic coaches pay schedule: Coaches will be paid in two equal installments on the payday closest to the following dates:
High School Middle School
Fall Sports - 10/15 - 12/15 10/15 - 11/15
Winter Sports- 1/15 - 3/15 1/30 - 2/30
Spring Sports - 4/15 - 6/15 4/30 - 5/30
or the second payday immediately following the conclusion of the activity.
4. Intramural coaches will be paid on the second payday immediately following the conclusion of the activity.
F. Membership in Curricular Related Associations: The Board will pay employee membership fees, when the membership is required for student participation in approved curricular related activities
G. Payment for Unused Sick Leave
1. Payment for unused sick days will be made within 60 days of the date of retirement according to the following schedule:
Fewer than 15 years $35
15-19 years $45
20 or more years $50
2. Retirement is defined as terminating employment and applying for monthly pension payments from T.P.A.F. or P.E.R.S. when applicable.
3. Upon death of the employee, all accumulated sick and personal day revenue will go the estate of the deceased.
4. Payment for unused sick leave will be capped at $15,000 with the following exception: employees whose accumulated sick leave exceeds $15,000 as of the signing date of the contract (February 2015) will be grandfathered at that higher rate.
H. In the event of an emergency closing, after schools have officially opened for the day, employees who have reported for work and are dismissed will be paid for the entire workday.
I. Overtime Pay: Authorized overtime hours, submitted to an employee’s immediate supervisor, will be paid within three (3) weeks of submission.
J. Holiday Pay for Maintenance/Custodial/Grounds Staff
1. In the event that a holiday, as listed in Article 32 entitled “Work Year,” falls on a day when school is open, scheduled maintenance/custodial/grounds employees will be required to work at their regular rate of pay with the holiday being added to their vacation time.
2. In the event that a maintenance/custodial/grounds employee works on an observed holiday as listed in the Article 32, entitled “Work Year,” and schools are closed, he/she will receive pay at one and one half (1 ½ ) times the straight time rate in addition to his/her regular pay.
3. In order to be eligible for holiday pay, a twelve (12) month maintenance/custodial/grounds employee must work the last regularly scheduled work day before the holiday, and the first regularly scheduled work day after the holiday, unless absent for a justifiable reason.
K. Longevity Pay
# of yrs. completed | Amount |
15 – 19 years | $750 |
20 – 24 years | $1,825 |
25 – 29 years | $2,550 |
30 + years | $2,925 |
2. Educational Assistants:
# of yrs. completed | Amount |
7 – 14 years | $300 |
15 – 19 years | $575 |
20 – 24 years | $850 |
3. Other Support Staff:
# of yrs. completed | Amount |
15 – 19 years | $850 |
20 – 24 years | $1,650 |
25 – 29 years | $1,900 |
L. Longevity Guidelines
1. Longevity service credit begins at initial date of employment in the Haddonfield School District in a regular assignment. Total years of service are counted towards longevity credit. Continuous service in the district is not required.
2. Employees who become eligible for longevity credit during the contract year will receive longevity salary adjustment at the beginning of the next contract year.
3. Employment of more than one-half year with initial employment date prior to February 1 for ten-month employees and January 1 for employees with a contract of more than ten months in any school year counts as one year’s service credit. Initial date of employment for 12-month employees will be used to determine if more than one-half year of service has been earned during the first year of employment.
4. Unpaid leave of absences do not count towards total years of service.
5. Regular part-time employees are eligible for longevity pay. Longevity pay will be prorated based on the employee’s contract.
M. Snow Removal Pay - $25 additional payment for employees who work on snow removal during a district-wide school closing.
N. Teacher Mentor Assignment, Stipends, and Reimbursement Procedures
Mentor teachers are to be provided for each new teacher in the district. Teachers interested in serving as a mentor should complete an application and submit to their building principal by May 1 in order to be considered as a mentor for the following school year. Employees will not be assigned as a mentor if there are qualified applicants. If an employee is involuntarily assigned to a mentoring position, he or she will not be involuntarily assigned again until all other qualified employees have been assigned.
A teacher will serve as a mentor to only one provisional teacher at a time. The building principal should normally schedule the provisional teacher and the mentor with similar planning periods to facilitate communication between the mentor and provisional teacher. The Board will provide training for all teachers who serve as mentors, and training will normally be scheduled during the regular teacher workday. If training is required outside of the normal workday, the teacher will be compensated at the hourly curriculum rate, and normal reimbursement for travel costs, if training is provided out of the district.
O. High School Curriculum and Department Facilitators: High School Curriculum and Department Facilitators shall be chosen by the Superintendent as needed and will receive an additional stipend of $2,576 per year. The amount will be prorated during periods of unpaid leave. Facilitators will be paid curriculum rate for up to 35 hours of summer work with prior approval of the building principal.
P. Mileage Reimbursement: An employee who, with advance approval of the Superintendent, uses his/her automobile in the performance of duties will be reimbursed at the approved rate pursuant to the New Jersey Mileage Rate.
Q. Employee Tuition Student Discount
Employees covered by this contract and not living in Haddonfield may enroll their children as tuition students at 25% of the regular tuition rate if the receiving principal determines that an appropriate program and classroom space are available, and the student’s academic and conduct records are acceptable. The student must also meet the district’s admission criteria and be approved by the Superintendent.
R. Unused Sick Leave at Retirement
Retiring members will receive payment for unused sick leave no later than 60 days after their effective date of retirement.
S. Educational Assistant Class Coverage
Any Educational Assistant who covers a class as a substitute will receive fifteen (15) dollars per class.
T. CST Work Outside of Work Day
Child Study Team members who are 10-month employees will receive an additional $4,000 annual stipend for the writing of reports, which stipend will be paid in installments of $2,000 and $2,000. The amount will be pro-rated during periods of unpaid leave.
A. The Board will provide a policy of insurance for basic hospitalization, surgical and major medical insurance for employees and dependents. The employee’s contribution will be that designated by New Jersey statute.
The employee’s contribution will be deducted from his/her monthly salary. The above coverage will be provided for each employee and his/her dependents for whom the employee will apply, and who are eligible for such coverage. The Board reserves the right to seek comparable coverage at a reduced cost that is mutually acceptable to the Board and the Association.
Pursuant to the School Employees Health Benefit Plan (“Plan”) and N.J.A.C. 17:9-3.5, if an employee has a spouse or other family member who is also eligible for coverage under the Plan, the prohibition against double coverage under the Plan shall apply. Further, the waiver incentive provisions of Paragraph E in this Article are not available to any employee who is covered as a dependent under another eligible Plan member’s coverage.
B. The Board will provide a dental plan that includes a DMO option and a benefits schedule of 100-80-75 percent of usual and customary fees for the current contract code up to a maximum of fifteen hundred (1,500) dollars per year.
C. The Board, pursuant to a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, will set up a Flexible Benefits Spending Account (FSA) for each employee.
1. The district’s annual contribution will be six hundred (600) dollars per employee to be used in accordance with the terms of Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. The Board will pay all administrative costs associated with setting up and managing the plan and each employee’s FSA.
2. Any moneys in the district’s flexible spending account which remain at the end of the plan year will revert in their entirety to the district.
3. The parties agree that if a statute or regulation prohibits the Board from contributing more than $500 to eligible employees’ flexible spending accounts, then the contractual amount for the FSA will be $500 and the Board will pay each eligible employee a $100 off-guide payment.
D. Employees working more than 25 hours per week and employed by the Board as of January 1, 1996 will be eligible for medical benefits listed above, as long as they continue in a regular assignment that averages 25 hours or more per week. All others, except those listed in #1 to #4 below, will be eligible for benefits when employed more than 32 hours per week.
1. Benefits will be given to Child Study Team members who work 30 hours per week, which is 80% of full-time.
2. Benefits will be given to elementary teachers who work 28.7 hours, including a prorated lunch, in a five-day week.
3. Benefits will be given to Middle School and High School staff who have 3.75 hours of student contact time per day and accept a contract for 30 hours or more per five-day week.
4. Benefits will be given to Middle School and High School staff if they have a contract for 30 hours or more per five-day week.
E. Incentives
1. Employees who certify that they have duplicate health coverage will have the option to withdraw from coverage provided by the Board, and be entitled to a taxable cash payment according to the chart below (E(3)). This cash payment will be in the form of a stipend payable on the last day of the yearly benefit period or on a prorated basis at termination of employment. Employees will have the option of applying any or all of the money to their individual Flexible Benefits Spending Account. In accordance with IRS rules, this election must be made at the beginning of the plan year during the annual open enrollment period.
2. Employees who have a change in status described by the plan as a qualifying life event (e.g., marriage or divorce of a covered employee, birth or adoption of a covered employee’s child, death of a spouse or child of a covered employee, or loss of group insurance by a covered employee’s spouse) will be entitled to reenroll in the health plan during the plan year, provided the employee gives the Board notice of change in status within 30 days of the change. Otherwise, all elections for the cash option will be in effect for the entire twelve (12) month benefit period. A return to the benefits plan for reasons other than one of the detailed status changes is subject to the terms and conditions of the plan’s carrier.
F. Health Benefits Committee: The parties agree to form a committee to study Health Benefits. The Committee shall be composed of a maximum of five members from the Haddonfield School District (which will include members of the BOE and the administrative team), and a maximum of five members of the HEA. Either party may also include an external consultant. The goal of the Committee is to examine alternatives to mitigate the rising cost of healthcare in the District. This Committee will discuss different plans, structures and coverages.
The parties will create a mutually agreed upon meeting schedule commencing within 90 days of the ratification of this agreement. The parties further agree that the committee shall make written recommendations to the BOE and the HEA regarding possible future health benefit changes.
3. Other Health Plan Incentives
Any employee who elects to change his/her health plan status as indicated herein will be paid as follows:
Husband/Wife | to | Single | $1,000 |
Family | to | Parent/Child | $1,200 |
Family | to | Husband/Wife | $1,000 |
Family | to | Single | $2,000 |
Parent/Child | to | Single | $1,000 |
Husband/Wife | to | None | $2,000 |
Parent/Child | to | None | $1,800 |
Single | to
to | None
None | $2,500
$1000 |
A. Reduction in Staff refers to those instances where the Board of Education takes action resulting in a decrease in the total number of employees within the school system. Dismissals resulting from a reduction in staff will be made in accordance with law and will not be based on an employee being in a protected category of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, domicile, ancestry, marital status, domestic partnership status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, disability or atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait of any individual, because of liability for service in the armed forces of the United States or for reason of residence or political action.
B. The Board will give the Association prior written notice, and the right for consultation, before any reduction in staff is implemented. Written notice will be given to the Co-President of the Associations ninety (90) days prior to the implementation of any reduction in staff and will include specifically the number of affected employees. As soon as possible, when the names of the affected employees are known, this information will be given to the Co-Presidents of the Association. Every effort will be made by the Board to place the affected employees within the school system, where vacancies exist, and where teachers are properly certified. The Board will issue a seniority list by January 15 of each year. This list will be organized by service in the District and by certification.
C. The Board will give consideration to the use of attrition to accomplish any reduction in staffing, within the time designated by the Board, to accomplish reduction in staffing.
D. Certified Teaching Staff Dismissals:
1. Dismissals of tenured teachers will be based on reverse seniority, and the standards established by the Commissioner of Education in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:28-10 and Sections H. 1. and 2. of this Article.
2. Non-tenured teachers will be laid off before tenured teachers to the extent required by law.
E. Recall of Certified Teaching Staff
1. If a tenured teacher is dismissed as a result of a reduction in staff, the teacher will be placed on a preferred eligibility list for reemployment in order of seniority. The Board, in filling teacher vacancies, will comply with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:28-12.
2. Any non-tenured teacher dismissed by reason of a reduction in staff will be placed on a list kept by the Superintendent, and will be considered in filling future vacancies in which the teacher is properly certified.
F. Curriculum Change: If any element of the present curriculum is changed so that the program is offered outside the normal school day or on a separate tuition basis, the Board will offer employment first to the existing members of the teaching staff who are properly certified for such program before employment is offered to any person outside of the school system teaching staff.
G. Disputes: Disputes with regard to reduction in staffing will be subject to consideration in the grievance procedure through Level Three, but will not be subject to consideration in the grievance procedure at Level Four.
H. Support Staff Dismissals and Seniority
1. Seniority for the purpose of this Article will be based upon an employee’s continuous length of service with the Board.
2. In the event that two (2) employees commence their employment on the same date, their respective seniority will be determined by who was hired first.
3. No tenured secretarial/clerical staff will be laid off before non-tenured secretarial/clerical staff in that category.
4. The Board will maintain a seniority list of employees, copies of which will be furnished to the Association. The Board will promptly advise the Association’s President of any changes in the seniority list.
5. An employee’s seniority will cease, and his/her employee status will terminate, for any of the following reasons:
a. Resignation or retirement
b. Discharge for cause
c. Continuous lay off for period exceeding six (6) months.
d. Failure of laid off employee to report for work
(1) On the date specified in written notice of recall mailed seven (7) or more calendar days prior to date; or
(2) Within three (3) working days after date specified in written notice of recall mailed fewer than seven (7) calendar days prior to date, unless the employee has a justifiable excuse for his/her failure to return to work. The Board will give careful consideration to an employee’s reasons which may have caused a delay in his/her return to work. Written notice of recall to work will be sent by the Board by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the employee’s last known address as shown on the Board’s personnel records.
e. Failure to report to work for a period of three (3) consecutive scheduled working days without notification to the Board of a justifiable excuse for such absence.
f. Failure to report back to work immediately upon expiration of vacation, leave of absence, or any renewal thereof unless return to work is excused by the Board.
I. Support Staff Probationary Employment
1. All educational assistants and custodial/maintenance employees will be considered as probationary employees for the first sixty (60) calendar days of their employment. Probationary employees may be disciplined or terminated at any time during their probationary period at the sole discretion of the Board without recourse to the provisions of the grievance procedure of this Agreement.
2. Upon completion of the probationary period, the employee’s seniority will be the date of employment.
J. Support Staff Reduction in Force
1. When circumstances necessitate a reduction in staff, the Board will take the following appropriate steps:
a. The Board will first consider for layoff the employees with the least seniority in the job titles affected.
b. Employees considered for layoff will first be considered for filling any existing vacancy in another job title of the same level, provided they have the requisite qualifications and ability to perform the work. If no vacancy exists, the employee will have the right to displace, in his/her level, an employee with less seniority in the job title that the employee has the requisite qualifications and ability to perform the work, and likewise in successive lower grades. An employee not placed under these provisions will be laid off. These provisions will also apply to displaced employees.
K. Support Staff Recall and Change in Hours
In making decisions about assignments for Support Staff, including recall and changes in hours, factors that will be considered include length of service of the available personnel qualifications for the particular assignment, and the ability to perform the work. The Board may select an individual with less seniority if in the good faith judgment of the Superintendent, the less senior person is better qualified.
A. Certified staff resigning from a position will provide the Board with thirty (30) days
advance written notice.
B. Employment of support staff can be terminated by either the employee or the Board upon
thirty (30) days advance written notice.
A. Educational Assistants
1. Each educational assistant who works six (6) or more hours per day will receive an unpaid one-half (½) hour lunch period. The Administration will endeavor to make the luncheon period uninterrupted. If the Administration is forced to interrupt an educational assistant’s lunch period, equal compensatory time will be given to be taken the same day.
2. Time worked beyond the normal work day assignment will be compensated at the educational assistant’s regular rate up to thirty-six and one-quarter (36¼) hours per week, and at one and one-half (1½) times the educational assistant’s regular rate for the time worked beyond thirty-six and one-quarter (36¼) hours. The educational assistant may request equal compensatory time in place of the hourly wage rate. The method of compensation will be determined by the educational assistant filling out the appropriate time sheet and having it signed by the educational assistant’s immediate supervisor.
3. The full-time workday will consist of seven (7) hours per day exclusive of a one half-hour duty-free lunch period. All EAs will be scheduled by their respective supervisor. On Fridays and workdays preceding a holiday, staff may leave at the end of the student day.
B. Secretaries/Clerks
1. The workday will consist of eight and one quarter (8¼) hours inclusive of a sixty (60) minute duty free lunch period. All secretaries/clerks will be scheduled by their respective supervisor.
2. Immediately upon the closing of school for students in June, until school opening in September, the normal workday will consist of seven (7) hours, inclusive of a sixty (60) minute duty free lunch period.
3. Overtime will be defined as working in excess of thirty-six and one-quarter (36¼) hours per week, provided however, that in those weeks that include Labor Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and Memorial Day, overtime will be paid to any secretarial employee when the employee works more than 30 hours. Compensation for administratively approved overtime will be either one and one half (1½) times the employee’s regular rate or equal compensatory time. The method of compensation will be determined by the secretary/clerk by filling out the appropriate time sheet and having it signed by the employee’s immediate supervisor.
4. Secretarial and clerical staff whose employment has continued for three (3) consecutive academic years, together with employment at the beginning of the next succeeding academic year, an academic year being the period between the time when school opens in the district after the general summer vacation and the beginning of the next succeeding summer vacation, will be provided tenure under the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:17-2.
5. During the pupil school year, the principal has the option to release secretaries/clerks up to thirty (30) minutes prior to the normal closing time on Fridays, and on any full school day prior to a school vacation closing.
C. Maintenance/Custodians/Grounds Staff
1. Subject to current practice regarding second shift overtime, each employee who works in excess of forty (40) hours per week will receive pay for such excess time at one and one-half (1½) times his/her regular hourly rate.
2. Reasonable amount of overtime is part of the expected workload. The scheduling and distribution of overtime will be performed equitably on a rotating basis, as far as circumstances permit, among full-time employees in accordance with the needs of the District as per the following:
a. General overtime will be scheduled and distributed in descending order from most senior employee to least senior employee in accordance with a posted general seniority list that includes the names of all full-time employees of the Maintenance/Custodial/Grounds Department. (“General Overtime” refers to overtime that does not require specific license/ certification to perform the overtime task including, but not limited to electrical, plumbing, asbestos, pesticide application, HVAC, etc.) If an employee declines, cannot be reached, or is otherwise not available for a specific overtime assignment, the assignment and subsequent assignments will be offered to the next employee on the list, and so on in descending order, until an assignment has been offered to every employee on the list, at which time the list will start again with the most senior employee.
b. Qualified overtime will be scheduled and distributed in descending order from most senior employee to least senior employee in accordance with a posted qualified seniority list that includes the names of only those full-time employees who hold specific licenses/certifications to perform an overtime task including, but not limited to electrical, plumbing, asbestos, pesticide application, HVAC, etc. If an employee declines, cannot be reached, or is otherwise not available for a specific overtime assignment, the assignment and subsequent assignments will be offered to the next employee on the list, and so on in descending order, until an assignment has been offered to every employee on the list, at which time the list will start again with the most senior employee.
c. If an employee is available on-site to perform an overtime assignment (either qualified or general), and the employee who is next on the list is not on-site, then the District may utilize the employee who is on site to perform the assignment, and this assignment will be charged against his or her turn on the list.
d. If an emergency situation arises that requires overtime, and in the good faith judgment of the Supervisor requires an immediate response and the employee who is next on the list cannot be reached, then the District may utilize another qualified employee who is immediately available, and this assignment will be charged against his or her turn on the list.
e. In the event that any employee is not offered his or her turn on the list as the result of an error or oversight, the employee will be offered an additional turn on the list as compensation for such error.
f. The Supervisor will administer and coordinate the overtime schedule and distribution. The Supervisor will maintain an up-to-date Overtime Log that will reflect a listing of overtime worked by all department employees and a listing of overtime declined by all department employees. Any full-time maintenance/custodial/ grounds employee or Association Officer may review the Overtime Log, upon request to the Supervisor.
3. In the event an employee is called back to work after the completion of his/her regular work schedule, he/she will receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay at his/her overtime rate: one and one-half (1½) times his/her regular hourly rate.
a. The exception to the above is when an employee is called in to work within four (4) hours before, and worked through to the assigned shift. Such an employee is to be paid for the time worked at one and one-half (1½) times the regular rate.
D. All Staff
1. Each support staff employee, whose scheduled work week consists of thirty-six and one-quarter (36¼) hours or more, will have two (2) break periods per day of fifteen (15) minutes each, one to be taken in the first half of the work day and the other in the second half. The time for taking said breaks will be scheduled by the employee’s respective supervisor. The supervisor will endeavor to consider the employee’s preferences in scheduling breaks.
2. The Board will retain the sole jurisdiction and authority over matters of policy and will retain the right in accordance with applicable laws and regulations to create new shift times and/or days as may be required to meet the needs of the District. Forty-eight hours’ notice will be given for shift changes.
3. All staff who have a lunch period scheduled will have an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. However, the Association recognizes that some issues of an emergency nature may need to be addressed during lunch period.
4. Every effort will be made to provide teachers with a daily preparation period during which the teachers will not be assigned to any other regular duties or responsibilities. This will not be construed to require the employment of additional staff.
5. Preparation time: Elementary Teachers – Preparation time for full-time elementary school teachers shall include the following specials when these programs are offered: library, art, music, choir, gym, health, and foreign language.
E. Certificated Staff
For high school and middle school certificated staff, the full workday will consist of 7 hours and 30 minutes per day inclusive of a duty-free lunch time. For elementary school certificated staff, the workday will consist of 7 hours and 10 minutes inclusive of a duty-free lunch period. On Fridays and the workdays preceding a holiday, staff may leave at the end of the student day. A teacher who is at least 0.5 FTE will be scheduled for one daily prep period of at least 30 consecutive minutes during the student day.
A. Ten-month employees (except Educational Assistants and ABAs) will have 188 actual working days. One of the 188 days is to be used during the summer vacation for classroom/class preparation.
B. Nurses will receive 20 hours per building per year of summer pay at the curriculum rate.
C. Librarians will receive 7 hours of summer pay at the curriculum rate.
D. During the pupil school year, all secretaries, clerks, computer specialists, and computer technicians will work the same number of days as those worked by the teaching staff, and will be entitled to the same holidays as the teaching staff.
E. Twelve (12) month secretarial/clerical employees will be entitled to the following holidays during the summer break:
Fourth of July
Labor Day
F. Twelve-month maintenance/custodial/grounds employees will be entitled to the following paid holidays:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King’s Birthday
Presidents’ Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Memorial Day
NJEA Convention – 2 Day*
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve Day
*In the event maintenance work must be done on either of the convention days, employees who are required to work will be given a floating holiday to be taken at a date that is mutually agreed upon with his/her supervisor.
G. In the event that a holiday falls on a Saturday, it will be celebrated on the preceding workday, and in the event it falls on a Sunday, it will be celebrated on the following Monday. If school is in session on that Monday, it will be celebrated on the preceding workday. This applies to twelve (12) month employees during the summer.
H. Work Year and Work Week – Athletic Trainer
1. Monday through Saturday, beginning the first day of football practice to one week after the last day of spring sports (regardless of the last day for teachers). Hours of availability will vary week to week depending on scheduled games and/or scrimmages.
The certified Athletic Trainer will be available for all home games and scrimmages, as well as all varsity football games (home and away) and most practices. They will attend tournament competitions, unless a conflict arises (Athletic Director to be consulted).
If the Athletic Trainer is required to work on a Sunday, he/she will be given a floating holiday to be taken on a date mutually agreed upon by the Athletic Trainer and Supervisor.
2. Sick/Personal Leave: The Athletic Trainer will be granted 13 sick days and 5 personal days each school year.
A. Twelve (12) month employees will be entitled to the following vacations:
1. Upon completion of one (1) year of employment - 10 days vacation.
2. Upon completion of five (5) years employment - 15 days vacation.
8th year - 16 days vacation
10th year - 17 days vacation
11th year - 18 days vacation
12th year - 20 days vacation
3. Less than one (1) year of employment, one (1) day per month, not to exceed nine (9) days.
4. Employees who regularly are scheduled to work fewer than five (5) days per week will receive vacation on a prorated basis.
5. Vacation carry-over of no more than five (5) days, and current employees must use accumulated days in excess of five days by the end of June of the current year.
B. Vacation eligibility will be determined as of July 1 of each year, based on continuous service.
C. Vacation scheduling will be coordinated with the needs of the Board. However, requests will not be unreasonably denied.
D. Earned vacation will be paid according to the proportion of full months worked to the total contract year, unless proper notice has not been given, or the employee is terminated for cause.
E. Employees who previously served the District as educational assistants will receive one (1) year’s vacation service credit for each two (2) years of continuous service immediately prior to employment as a clerk or secretary.
F. Employees who previously served the District as 10-month clerk typists or 10-month secretaries and are awarded a 12-month contract will receive one (1) vacation day per month, not to exceed ten (10) days for the previous months worked under the 10-month contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers and representatives.
By: ________________________________
Adam Sangillo, Board President
By ____________________________
Michael Catalano, Board Secretary
By: ________________________________
Rachel Gould, Co-President
By: ________________________________
Sean Sweeney, Co-President
By: ____________________________
Schedule “B” 2017 - 2020
LEVEL | 2020-21 |
1 | $4,268 |
2 | $3,556 |
3 | $3,021 |
4 | $2,843 |
5 | $2,134 |
6 | $1,776 |
7 | $1,605 |
8 | $1,422 |
9 | $1,064 |
10 | $891 |
11 | $415 |
C-Hourly Rate $40.00 each year
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Other stipends |  |  |  |  |  |
Affirmative Action |  |  |  |  |  | $257.56 |
Master Schedule Design Assistant (HS) |  |  |  | $3,090.68 |
Reading Recovery Teacher-Leader in training |  |  | $3,090.68 |
Student Information Specialist |  |  |  |  | $10,302.25 |
Schedule “B”
Academic Challenge 6
Affirmative Action Team……see chart on prior page Anti-Bias Club Moderator 7
Anytown Advisor 7
Art Club Advisor (Middle School) 10
Audio Visual Coordinator
High School 4
Middle School 8
Auditorium Supervisor 5
Authentic Assessment Seminar Leaders C
B.A.D.D. 7
Book Club Advisor (Middle School) 10
Celebrate Diversity Club Advisor (Middle School) 10
Character Education C
Cheerleader & Dance Club Advisor (Middle School) 10
Chemical Hygiene Officer C
Chess Club Advisor (H.S.) & (M.S.) 10
Class Activities Coordinator 10
Class Advisor
Senior 1
Junior 3
Sophomore 5
Freshman 5
Classic Movie Club (Middle School) 10
Club Extreme Advisor (Middle School) 10
Computer Club Advisor 10
Contemporary Affairs 11
Cooperative Learning Instructor C
Current Events Club Advisor (Middle School) 10
Curriculum Council 11
Dance Club (Middle School) 10
DECA Club Advisor 8
Drama Productions (High School)
Fall Drama Director 4
Fall Assistant Director 10
Fall Drama Producer 7
One-Act Director 10
One-Acts/Madrigal Producer 10
Spring Musical Director 2
Spring Musical Assistant Director 9
Spring Musical Producer 6
Spring Musical Orchestra Director 3
Choral Director – Pit 3
Pit Musicians (3 positions) 7
Piano Accompanist 10
Choreographer 3
Costumer 4
Set Construction Supervisor 2
Set Construction Assistant Supervisor 3
Stage Crew Manager 7
Drama Productions (Middle School)
Fall Director 8
Fall Assistant Director 9
Spring Musical Director 5
Spring Musical Assistant Director 7
Spring Musical Music Director 8
Elementary School Drama Director 10
Environmental Club (High School) 8
Environmental Club (Middle School) 10
Exchange Program Coordinator 6
Facilitators (Middle School)
Math 9
Science 9
Fiction and Fantasy Writing Club Advisor (M.S.) 10 (Paid by HMS Activity Fund)
Fight Against Drugs (F.A.D.) Team Advisor 8
Forensic Team Advisor 4
French Club (Middle School) 10
German Club (Middle School) 10
GESA Program Trainers C
Guitar Club Advisor 10
Heifer International Club (Middle School) 10
History Club Moderator (Middle School) 10
Haddonfield High Youth Service Advisor (Health Club) 9
Improv Theater Club (Middle School) 10
Interact Club Advisor 5
International Club
Coordinator 5
Spanish Chapter 10
German Chapter 10
French Chapter 10
Latin Chapter 10
Knitting Club Advisor 10
Leo Club Advisor 7
Leadership Club 10
Master Schedule Design Assistant (High School) see chart on prior page
Mathematics Facilitator 9 (plus 10 summer work days)
MECA Club Advisor 8
Mentors for:
Experienced Fully Certified Teacher 11
Fully Certified with Advanced Standing 1st Year Teacher 10
Alternate Route 1st Year Teacher 9
Mock Trial Team Coordinator 6
Model UN Advisor 8
Morning Book Club Advisor 10
Music Activities
Elementary (3 positions) 10
Middle School (6th only) 11
Middle School Junior (7th and 8th) 10
High School 4
Concert Band
Elementary (3 positions) 10
Middle School 9
High School 6
Marching Band (High School)
Director 1
Assistant 5
Band Front (Color Guard-Fall) 5
Color Guard Assistant 5
Winter Guard
Director C
Middle School 3
High School 3
String Instructor
Elementary and High School 8
Jazz Band Director
Middle School 9
High School 4
Music Performance Program Director 4
Madrigal Director 8
High School Band Camp Per Diem
National Honor Society Advisor 3
Odyssey of the Mind Advisor (2 pos.) 7
Operation Smile 8
Peer Leader Director 2
Peer Leader Advisors – High School (5 positions) 4
Peer Leader Program Advisor – Middle School (Gr. 8) 4
Peer Leader Initiative (NJ) - Middle School (Gr. 7) 4
Peer Mediation Coordinators (2 at each elementary school) 6
Peer Partnership Advisor (Peer Pal) 8
Peer Tutor Advisor 7
Principal’s Advisory Committee (P.A.C.) 11
Special Education Advisory Committee 11
Professional Development Committee Chair 8
Professional Development Committee 9
Bulldawg Bulletin
Editorial Advisor 1
Business Manager 10
School Newspaper 10
Shield (High School Yearbook)
Editorial Advisor 1
Business Advisor 5
Synapse 6
Publications Editor 6
Yearbook (Middle School – 2 positions) 5
Elementary Publications (1 position at each elementary school)
Yearbook/Literary Magazine 11
Middle School Student Newspaper Advisor 5
REACH Advisor 5
Reading Recovery Teacher Leader In-Training see chart on prior page
Rebel II 6th Grade Advisor 4
Safety Patrol Advisors (3 Elementary positions) 6
School Store Advisor (Elementary) 11
Scholarship Fund Treasurer (High School) C
Science Olympiad Club (Middle School) 10
Scientific Newsletter Club Advisor (Middle School) 10
S.E.E.D. 11
Spanish Club (Middle School) 10
Special Olympics Coordinator 2
Student Activity Account Treasurer 1
(*With release time of homeroom and one teaching or duty period)
Student Activity Account Treasurer 1A
(1A=add’l stipend of $690 approved 12/11/03
Student Activity Fund Treasurer 8
Student Council Advisor
Elementary Schools 11
Middle School 6
High School 1
Student Information Specialist see chart on prior page
Student Support Club Advisor 11
Team Leaders 4
Video Technician 6
Walking Club (Middle School-Spring) 10
Webmaster Club Advisor 10
Winter Running Club Advisor (2) (Middle School) 10
World Aids Alliance Chapter Advisor 8
Writing Club Advisor-Fiction (Middle School) 10
YEAH (Youth Educating About Homophobia) Advisors 7
Young Astronaut Program Coordinator (Elementary – 1 position at each school) 11Haddonfield Public Schools
Schedule “C”
2020 – 2021
 | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
GROUP I |  |  |  |  |
Football |  |  |  |  |
Head Coach | $5,527 | $6,445 | $7,368 | $8,384 |
Asst. Coach | $3,317 | $3,867 | $4,421 | $5,031 |
 |  |  |  |  |
GROUP II |  |  |  |  |
Basketball/Wrestling |  |  |  |  |
Head Coach | $4,912 | $5,837 | $6,754 | $7,737 |
Asst Coach | $2,946 | $3,502 | $4,053 | $4,641 |
 |  |  |  |  |
GROUP III |  |  |  |  |
Baseball/Hockey/Softball/Soccer/Track/Swimming (Head Combined) |  |  |  |  |
Head Coach | $3,686 | $4,606 | $5,599 | $6,410 |
Asst Coach | $2,212 | $2,764 | $3,361 | $3,773 |
 |  |  |  |  |
GROUP IV |  |  |  |  |
XCountry/Tennis/Winter Track/Golf/Diving/Swimming (Boys & Girls Assistants) |  |  |  |  |
Head Coach | $3,075 | $3,690 | $4,460 | $5,001 |
Asst Coach | $1,846 | $2,215 | $2,675 | $3,001 |
 |  |  |  |  |
OTHER |  |  |  |  |
Cheerleading |  |  |  |  |
Fall Head Coach | $972 | $1,295 | $1,621 | $2,052 |
Fall Asst Coach | $630 | $843 | $1,052 | $1,338 |
Winter Head Coach | $1,457 | $1,780 | $2,104 | $2,560 |
Winter Asst Coach | $948 | $1,158 | $1,368 | $1,670 |
Intramural | $1,229 | $1,321 |  |  |
All Head Coaches | $2,480 | $2,623 | $2,762 | $3,127 |
All Asst. Coaches | $1,489 | $1,573 | $1,657 | $1,876 |
Fall | $3,007 | $3,502 | $4,053 | $4,641 |
Winter | $1,805 | $2,101 | $2,431 | $2,786 |
Spring | $3,007 | $3,502 | $4,053 | $4,641 |
Extended Season Playoff Game Pay: Payment will be $254.80 per week and/or $50.95 per day for partial weeks of extended season play for teams where six or more players are involved in playoff games. Coaches need to consult with the Athletic Director prior to playoffs concerning the rules for payment eligibility.
Haddonfield Public Schools
Schedule “C”
 | 2020-2021 |
GROUP I |  |
Football |  |
Head Coach | $9,243 |
Asst. Coach | $5,546 |
 |  |
Basketball/Wrestling |  |
Head Coach | $8,529 |
Asst. Coach | $5,117 |
 |  |
Basketball/Hockey/Softball/Soccer/Track/Swimming (Head Combined) |  |
Head Coach | $7,067 |
Asst. Coach | $4,160 |
 |  |
XCountry/Tennis/Winter Track/Golf/Diving/Swimming (Boys & Girls Assistants) |  |
Head Coach | $5,515 |
Asst. Coach | $3,309 |
 |  |
OTHER |  |
Cheerleading |  |
Fall Head Coach | $2,262 |
Fall Asst. Coach | $1,474 |
Winter Head Coach | $2,822 |
 |  |
Intramural |  |
All Head Coaches | $3,447 |
All Asst. Coaches | $2,067 |
 |  |
Fall | $5,117 |
Winter | $3,071 |
Spring | $5,117 |
 |  |
Extended Season Playoff Game Pay: Payment will be $254.80 per week and/or $50.95 per day for partial weeks of extended season play for teams where six or more players are involved in playoff games. Coaches need to consult with the Athletic Director prior to playoffs concerning the rules for payment eligibility.
Schedule “D”
2020-2021 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Salary Guide |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Step | BA | BA+15 | BA+30 | BA+45 | MA | MA+15 | MA+30 | MA+45 | MA+60 | DOCT |
1 | 54,422 | 55,230 | 56,038 | 56,846 | 57,654 | 58,462 | 59,270 | 60,078 | 60,886 | 61,694 |
2 | 55,022 | 55,830 | 56,638 | 57,446 | 58,254 | 59,062 | 59,870 | 60,678 | 61,486 | 62,294 |
3 | 55,622 | 56,430 | 57,238 | 58,046 | 58,854 | 59,662 | 60,470 | 612,278 | 62,086 | 62,894 |
4 | 56,222 | 57,030 | 57,838 | 58,646 | 59,454 | 60,262 | 61,070 | 61,878 | 62,686 | 63,494 |
5 | 56,777 | 57,585 | 58,393 | 59,201 | 60,009 | 60,817 | 61,625 | 62,433 | 63,241 | 64,049 |
6 | 57,422 | 58,230 | 59,038 | 59,846 | 60,654 | 61,462 | 62,270 | 63,078 | 63,886 | 64,694 |
7 | 58,372 | 59,180 | 59,988 | 60,796 | 61,604 | 62,412 | 63,220 | 64,028 | 64,836 | 65,644 |
8 | 59,473 | 60,281 | 61,089 | 61,897 | 62,705 | 63,513 | 64,321 | 65,129 | 65,937 | 66,745 |
9 | 61,282 | 62,090 | 62,898 | 63,706 | 64,514 | 65,322 | 66,130 | 66,938 | 67,746 | 68,554 |
10 | 64,299 | 65,107 | 65,915 | 66,723 | 67,531 | 68,339 | 69,147 | 69,955 | 70,763 | 71,571 |
11 | 68,305 | 69,113 | 69,921 | 70,729 | 71,537 | 72,345 | 73,153 | 73,961 | 74,769 | 75,577 |
12 | 72,568 | 73,376 | 74,184 | 74,992 | 75,800 | 76,608 | 77,416 | 78,225 | 79,032 | 79,840 |
13 | 77,257 | 78,065 | 78,873 | 79,681 | 80,489 | 81,297 | 82,105 | 82,913 | 83,721 | 84,529 |
14 | 82,552 | 83,360 | 84,168 | 84,976 | 85,784 | 86,592 | 87,400 | 88,208 | 89,016 | 89,824 |
15 | 88,217 | 89,025 | 89,833 | 90,641 | 91,449 | 92,257 | 93,065 | 93,873 | 94,681 | 95,489 |
Schedule “E”
2020-2021 |  |  |  |
Salary Guide |  |  |  |
Step | Salary | Elem/CST | HS/MS |
1 | 53,309 | 54,159 | 54,359 |
2 | 53,941 | 54,791 | 54,991 |
3 | 54,841 | 55,691 | 55,891 |
4 | 56,041 | 56,891 | 57,091 |
5 | 56,841 | 57,691 | 57,891 |
6 | 57,966 | 58,816 | 59,016 |
7 | 58,916 | 59,766 | 59,966 |
8 | 60,637 | 61,487 | 61,687 |
9 | 62,057 | 62,907 | 63,107 |
Employees with less than six (6) months in the district shall remain at the same step on the salary guide.
When a clerk-typist is promoted to a secretarial position, the employee shall be placed no higher than one (1) step below their current standing on the Clerk-Typist Scale on the Secretarial Scale. (i.e., If they are on step 7 of the Clerk-Typist Scale, they could not be any higher than step 6 on the Secretarial Scale.)
Full-time support staff earning college credits after July 1, 1993 shall have their annual salary increased by the following amounts:
15 credits - $100
30 credits - $200
Schedule “F”
2020-2021 |
Step |
1$36,824 |
2$37,124 |
3$37,439 |
4$37,770 |
5$38,117 |
6$38,486 |
7$40,375 |
Employees with less than six (6) months in the district shall remain at the same step on the salary guide.
When a clerk-typist is promoted to a secretarial position, the employee shall be placed no higher than one (1) step below their current standing on the Clerk-Typist Scale on the Secretarial Scale. (i.e., if they are on step 7 of the Clerk-Typist Scale, they could not be any higher than step 6 on the Secretarial Scale.)
Full-time support staff earning college credits after July 1, 1993 shall have their annual salary increased by the following amounts:
15 credits - $100
30 credits - $200
Schedule “G”
(Salary based on 7 hours for 181 days)
2020-21 |  |  |
Salary Guide |  |  |
Step | EA | EAA |
1 | 13,628 | 14,128 |
2 | 13,778 | 14,278 |
3 | 13,937 | 14,437 |
4 | 14,137 | 14,637 |
5 | 14,440 | 14,940 |
6 | 14,847 | 15,347 |
7 | 15,105 | 15,605 |
8 | 16,266 | 16,766 |
9 | 17,428 | 17,928 |
10 | 18,742 | 19,242 |
10A | 19,777 | 20,277 |
11 | 20,712 | 21,212 |
11A | 21,988 | 22,488 |
11B | 23,265 | 23,765 |
12 | 26,151 | 26,651 |
* Additional Assignments:
* Computer Lab *Library *Special Education with IEP responsibilities, assigned by the principal
Certified Substitute Additional Annual Salary: $800
Longevity for full-time Educational Assistants (more than 32 hours per week)
· Seven years service with the district = $300 Fifteen years service with the district = $575 Twenty years service with the district = $850
Prorata Calculations: The annual salary and stipends will be prorated for the number of hours per day and the number of days per year for each position. The full annual salary is based on 7 hours per day for 181 days.
Schedule “H”
2020-21 |  |  |  |  |
Salary Guide |  |  |  |  |
Step | Salary | 1
License | 2
Licenses | 3
Licenses |
1 | 61,313 | 62,013 | 62,713 | 63,413 |
2 | 61,812 | 62,512 | 63,212 | 63,912 |
3 | 62,313 | 63,013 | 63,713 | 64,413 |
4 | 62,814 | 63,514 | 64,214 | 64,914 |
5 | 63,313 | 64,013 | 64,713 | 65,413 |
6 | 63,813 | 64,513 | 65,213 | 65,913 |
7 | 64,813 | 65,513 | 66,213 | 66,913 |
8 | 65,813 | 66,513 | 67,213 | 67,913 |
9 | 66,813 | 67,513 | 68,213 | 68,913 |
10 | 67,813 | 68,513 | 69,213 | 69,913 |
11 | 68,813 | 69,513 | 70,213 | 70,913 |
12 | 70,313 | 71,013 | 71,713 | 72,413 |
Schedule “I”
2020-21 |  |  |  |
Salary Guide |  |  |  |
Step | Cust | Grounds | Lead |
1 | 36,319 | 42,943 | 45,973 |
2 | 36,819 | 43,443 | 46,473 |
3 | 37,319 | 43,943 | 46,973 |
4 | 37,819 | 44,653 | 47,473 |
5 | 38,319 | 45,443 | 47,973 |
6 | 38,896 | 46,193 | 48,587 |
7 | 39,614 | 46,943 | 49,200 |
8 | 41,212 | 47,743 | 49,814 |
9 | 42,810 | 49,243 | 50,620 |
10 | 44,408 | 51,243 | 51,427 |
11 | 46,006 | 53,243 | 52,234 |
12 | 47,604 | 55,243 | 53,041 |
Schedule “J”
Step/Year2020-2021 |
1$45,973 |
2$46,473 |
3$46,973 |
4$47,473 |
5$47,973 |
6$48,587 |
7$49,200 |
8$49,814 |
9$50,427 |
10$51,041 |
11$52,227 |
12$53,041 |
Custodians, maintenance employees are eligible for black seal boiler and other licenses as listed below. Computer technicians are also eligible for an addition to base pay for up to three (3) licenses per employee.
Each license will be paid at $700 each with a limit of up to three (3) licenses per employee. This limit includes a boiler license and up to two (2) others. Other licenses include the following:
Freon - up to 5 employees
Pesticide - up to 5 employees
Asbestos Removal - up to 5 employees
Electrician - up to 2 employees
Boiler - no limit on the number of employees who qualify.
Full-time support staff earning college credits after July 1, 1993 shall have their annual salary increased by the following amounts:
15 credits - $100
30 credits - $200
Schedule “K”
19/20 | Year 1
20/21 |
$26.83 | $27.70 |
Schedule “L”
Step/Year | 2021-2022 |
1 | $ 22,888 |
2 | $ 23,388 |
3 | $ 24,388 |
4 | $ 25,388 |
5 | $ 26,725 |
6 | $ 28,061 |
7 | $ 30,348 |
Adoption, Leave of Absence 24
Agreement, Duration of 2
Agreement, Reproduction & Distribution of 5
Annuities, Tax Sheltered 5
Arbitration, Grievances 7
Assignments, Educational Assistants 34
Assignments, Employees 10
Association Dues 4, 5
Association Membership List 5
Association Release Time 6
Association Rights & Privileges 6-7
Association Uses of District Buildings & Equipment 7
Associations, Pay for membership in Curriculum Related 26
Athletic & nonathletic Extra Pay 26, 41-48
Attrition, Reduction in Staff 31
Bedside, Home Teaching, Supplemental Instruction Pay 26
Board, Responsibilities of 3
Breaks, Secretaries/Clerks, Maintenance/Custodial & Full Time EAs 36
Bus Driver Salary Scales 58
Changing Agreement, Rules for 3
Chaperone Pay 26
Child Rearing/Natural Childbirth/Adoption Leave of Absence 24
Childbirth Leave of Absence 24
Class Coverage Pay 17
Breaks 36
Holidays 25, 37
Lunch 34
Overtime 35
Tenure 35
Vacation Days 38
Work Hours 34
Work Year 37
Coaches Guides 47-48
Coach Salaries, Interscholastic & Intramural 26
Pay Schedule 26
Complaints & Grievance Procedure 7
Computer Technician Salary Scales 55
Contract, Nonrenewal/Renewal of Employee 10
Coverage Pay, Class 17
Curriculum Change, Reduction in Staff 32
Curriculum Facilitators 28
Curriculum Planning Pay 25
Curriculum Related Membership Associations, Reimbursement for 26
Breaks 36
Holiday Pay 27
Holidays 37-38
Overtime 35-36
Salary Scales 55-57
Second Shift Overtime 36
Uniforms 5
Vacation Days 37-38
Work Hours 35
Work Year 37-38
Working NJEA Convention Days 38
Dental Plan 29
Disability/Maternity Leave 21
Dismissal of Certified Teaching Staff (Reduction in Staff) 31-32
Dismissal, Support Staff 32
Distribution & Reproduction of Agreement 5
Dues, Association 4, 5
Duration of Agreement 2
Educational Assistants
Assignments 34
Lunch Period 34
Overtime 34
Salary Scale 53
Seniority, Recall, Change in Hours 34
Work Hours 34
Employee Assignments 10
Employee Rights 6
Evaluations, Support Staff 16
Evaluations, Teacher 14-16
Extended Unpaid Leave of Absence 25
Extra Pay for School Sponsored Athletic & Nonathletic Activities 26, 41-46
Facilitators, Curriculum 28-29
Flexible Spending 30
General Savings Clause 6
Grievance & Complaints Procedure 7
Grounds Salary Scales 56-57
Holidays for Maintenance/Custodial, Secretaries/Clerks 37-38
Holiday Pay for Maintenance/Custodial Staff 27
Home Teaching, Bedside, Supplemental Instruction Pay 26
Immediate Family, Definition 21
Incentives for Dropping Medical Coverage (Duplicate Coverage) 30
Insurance, Medical 29
Interscholastic & Intramural Coaches Salaries (other than salary guide) 26
Involuntary Transfers 13
Jury Duty 24
Leave of Absence 20-21
Child Rearing/Natural Childbirth/Adoption 24
Death 20-21
Disability/Maternity 21
Extended Unpaid 22
Extensions or Renewals 25
Jury Duty 24
Military 23
Personal 20
Sabbatical 22
Serious Illness 21
Unpaid 22
Liaison Committee 20
Longevity Guidelines 28
Longevity Pay 27
Lunch Period, Educational Assistants 34
Lunch Period, Maintenance/Custodial 36
Lunch Period, Secretaries/Clerks 36
Lunch Period, Teachers 36
Breaks 36
Holiday Pay 27
Holidays 37-38
Overtime 35
Salary Scales 55-57
Second Shift Overtime 35
Uniforms 5
Work Hours 35
Work Year 37-38
Working NJEA Convention Days 38
Maternity Leave 21
Medical Insurance 29-31
Dental Plan 29
Flexible Spending 29-30
Incentive for Dropping Coverage (Duplicate Coverage) 30
Reenrollment 30
Members, List of Association 5
Membership Pay, Reimbursement for Curriculum Related Associations 26
Mentoring Assignments, Stipends, Reimbursement Procedures 28
Mileage Reimbursement 28- 29
Military Leave 23
Miscellaneous Provisions 5
Natural Childbirth Leave of Absence 24
Negotiation of Successor Agreement 4
NJEA Convention Days (Custodial/Maintenance) 38
No Sanctions 6
Nonathletic Activities Guide 41
Nondiscrimination 4
Nonrenewal of Non-Tenured Staff 10
Nonrenewal of Support Staff 10
Non-tenured Employee Offer of Assignment 10
Notice 4
Notification of Reduction in Staff 31
Overtime Log, Maintenance 36
Overtime Pay 34 -35
Educational Assistants 34
Maintenance/Custodial 35
Secretaries/Clerks 34
Pay 25
Athletic & Nonathletic Activities, School Sponsored 26
Chaperone 26
Class Coverage 17
Classroom, Relocation 12
Course Work 18
Curriculum Facilitators 28
Curriculum Planning 25
Emergency Closing 27
Holiday Pay for Maintenance/Custodial Staff 27
Home Teaching, Bedside, Supplemental Instruction 26
Interscholastic & Intramural Coaches Salaries 26
Longevity 27- 28
Membership in Curricular Related Associations 26
Mileage Reimbursement 29
Overtime 34-35
Salaries, Interscholastic & Intramural 26
Salary Guide Credit 25
Salary Guides 47-59
Sick Days, Unused 26
Snow Removal 28
Stipends, Pay Schedule 26
Transfer/Reassignment 12- 14
Teacher Mentor Assignments, Stipends & Reimbursement Procedures 28
Personal Leave of Absence 20- 21
Personnel Records, Support Staff 15
Personnel Records, Teachers 15
Postings 12
Preamble and Duration of Agreement 2
Prep Periods 37
Probationary Employment, Support Staff 33
Promotions, Custodial/Maintenance 14
Promotions, Voluntary & Involuntary Transfers, Reassignments 12-14
Reassignments, Promotions, Voluntary & Involuntary Transfers 12-14
Recall of Certified Teaching Staff 32
Recall of Support Staff 33-34
Recognition 2
Reduction in Staff 31
Attrition 31
Certified Teaching Staff Dismissals 32
Curriculum Change 32
Disputes 32
EA Seniority, Recall Change in Hours 33-34
Notification 31
Recall of Certified Teaching Staff 32
Recall of Educational Assistants 34
Recall of Support Staff 34
Support Staff 34
Support Staff Dismissal & Seniority 32
Support Staff Probationary Employment 33
Support Staff Reduction in Force 33
Reenrollment in Medical Coverage 30
Reimbursement for Mentoring 28
Reimbursement for Mileage 29
Reimbursement for Tuition (Course Work) 18-19
Release Time, Association 7
Renewal/Nonrenewal of Staff Contracts 10
Representation 4
Representation Fee (Association Dues) 5
Reproduction & Distribution of Agreement 5
Request to Transfer 12
Resignation & Termination Notice 34
Responsibilities, Teacher 17
Rights, Employee 6
Rights & Privileges, Association 6, 7
Rights & Responsibilities of Board 3
Rules for Making Changes 3
Sabbatical Leave 22-23
Salary Guide Degree Credit 25
Salary Guides 47-59
Sanctions/Strikes 6
Savings Clause 6
Schedule D - Teacher Salary Scale – 2020-2021 50
Schedule B 41
Extra Pay for Nonathletic Activities 26, 42-46
Nonathletic Activities Guide 42-46
Schedule C - Coaches Guide – 2020-2021 47
Schedule E – Secretary Salary Scales 51
Schedule F – Clerk Typist Salary Scales 52
Schedule G – Educational Assistant Salary Scales 53
Schedule I - Custodial/Grounds 56
Schedule J - Lead Custodian/Grounds 57
Schedule H - Skilled Maintenance & Computer Technicians 55
Schedule K – Bus Driver Salary Scales 58
Schedule L – ABA Therapist Salary Scales 59
School Sponsored Athletic & Nonathletic Activities, Extra Pay 26
Second Shift Overtime, Maintenance/Custodial 35
Breaks 36
Holidays 37-38
Lunch Period 34
Overtime 35
Tenure 35
Vacation Days 38-39
Work Hours 34
Work Year 37-38
Secretary Salary Scales 50
Seniority, Support Staff 32
Sick Days, Unused Payment for 26
Sick Leave 20
Signature Page 40
Snow Removal Pay 28
Staff Development 18-19
Staff Dismissals 31-34
Staff Reductions 31
Statutory Savings Clause 6
Stipends, Pay Schedule 28
Strikes/Sanctions 6
Supplemental Instruction, Bedside, Home Teaching Pay 26
Support Staff
Assignments 12-13
Breaks 36
Dismissals 32
Evaluations 16
Personnel Records 17
Probation 33
Recall 33-34
Reduction in Force 33
Salary Scale 51-59
Seniority 32
Transfers 12-13
Vacation Days 38-39
Work Hours 34
Work Year 37
Tax Sheltered Annuities 5
Assignments 10
Evaluations 14-15
Lunch Period 36
Mentoring Assignment of 28
Personnel Records 15
Prep Periods 37
Reduction in Force 31-32
Responsibilities 17
Salary Scales 50
Tenure of Secretaries/Clerks 35
Termination & Resignation Notice 34
Transfers, Involuntary 13
Pay for 13
Transfers, Support Staff 13
Transfers (Voluntary), Reassignments & Promotions 12
Tuition Reimbursement (Course Work) 18-19
Tuition Students (Staff’s Children) 29
Uniforms 5
Unused Sick Days, Payment for 26
Use of District Building & Equipment by Association 7
Vacations 38-39
Carry-Over 39
Voluntary Transfers, Reassignments & Promotions 12-13
Work Hours 34
Educational Assistants 34
Maintenance/Custodial Staff 35
Secretaries/Clerks 34
Work Year 37-38