For the Period July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2014
Table of Contents HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185165"Preamble PAGEREF _Toc369185165 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185166"Article I: Recognition PAGEREF _Toc369185166 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185167"Article II: Negotiation of Successor Agreement PAGEREF _Toc369185167 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185168"Article III: Grievance Procedure PAGEREF _Toc369185168 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185169"Article IV: Employee Rights PAGEREF _Toc369185169 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185170"Article V: Teacher Work Year PAGEREF _Toc369185170 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185171"Article VI: Teaching Hours, Teaching Load, and Preparation Time PAGEREF _Toc369185171 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185172"Article VII: Salaries PAGEREF _Toc369185172 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185173"Article VIII: Teacher Assignment PAGEREF _Toc369185173 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185174"Article IX: Promotions and Vacancies PAGEREF _Toc369185174 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185176"Article X: Teacher Evaluation PAGEREF _Toc369185176 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185177"Article XI: Temporary Leaves of Absence PAGEREF _Toc369185177 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185178"Death in the Family PAGEREF _Toc369185178 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185179"Sick Leave - Summer School PAGEREF _Toc369185179 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185180"Emergency Sick Leave PAGEREF _Toc369185180 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185181"Personal Leave Days PAGEREF _Toc369185181 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185182"Family Illness Days PAGEREF _Toc369185182 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185183"Article XII: Extended Leaves of Absence PAGEREF _Toc369185183 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185184"Article XIII: Sabbatical Leave PAGEREF _Toc369185184 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185185"Article XIV: Fringe Benefits PAGEREF _Toc369185185 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185186"Article XV: Representation Fee PAGEREF _Toc369185186 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185187"Article XVI: Deductions from Salary PAGEREF _Toc369185187 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185188"Article XVII: Miscellaneous Provisions PAGEREF _Toc369185188 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185189"Non-Discrimination PAGEREF _Toc369185189 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185190"Savings Clause PAGEREF _Toc369185190 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185191"Separability PAGEREF _Toc369185191 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185192"Compliance between Contracts PAGEREF _Toc369185192 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185193"Notice PAGEREF _Toc369185193 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185194"Professional Development PAGEREF _Toc369185194 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185195"Continuing Education Unit Language PAGEREF _Toc369185195 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185196"Tuition Reimbursement PAGEREF _Toc369185196 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185197"Mentoring PAGEREF _Toc369185197 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185198"Release Time for Association President PAGEREF _Toc369185198 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185199"Movement on the Salary Guide PAGEREF _Toc369185199 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185200"Article XVIII: Duration of Agreement PAGEREF _Toc369185200 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185201"Schedule A: Teacher Salary Guide Phase I: 9/1/2011-1/31/2013 PAGEREF _Toc369185201 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185202"Schedule B: Teacher Salary Guide Phase II: 2/1/2013-6/30/2014 PAGEREF _Toc369185202 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185203"Schedule C: Longevity - Teachers PAGEREF _Toc369185203 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185204"Schedule D: Salaried Non-Teaching Assignments (Certified) PAGEREF _Toc369185204 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185210"Schedule E: Non-Certified Personnel Special Working Conditions PAGEREF _Toc369185210 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185211"Schedule E: Non-Certified Salary Guides PAGEREF _Toc369185211 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185212"Secretary Salary Guide PAGEREF _Toc369185212 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185213"Paraprofessional Salary Guide PAGEREF _Toc369185213 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185214"Media Assistant Salary Guide PAGEREF _Toc369185214 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185215"Part-Time Nurse’s Aide PAGEREF _Toc369185215 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185216"Schedule F: 2 year-Certified Support Staff: Educational Interpreter Endorsement Special Working Conditions PAGEREF _Toc369185216 \h 2
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369185217"Schedule F: 2-Year Certified Educational Interpreter Salary Guide PAGEREF _Toc369185217 \h 2
This Agreement is entered into by and between the Board of Education of Jackson, the Township of Jackson, New Jersey, hereinafter called the “Board”, and the Jackson Education Association, hereinafter called the “Association”.
OT/PT Therapists
Extended Kindergarten Child Care Program
2-Year Certified Support Staff
Educational Interpreter
Non-Certified Staff
School Secretaries
School Media Assistants
Paraprofessionals (including Para monitors)
Paraprofessional Interpreters for the Deaf
Certified Occupation Therapy Assistants (COTAS)
Extended Kindergarten Child Care Program
But Excluding
Assistant Superintendent
Board Secretary
Vice Principals
Directors (certified)
Coordinators (certified)
Supervisors (certified)
All Secretarial/Clerical Staff employed to work for the Central Office including
Secretaries in Transportation
Grant Employees (not otherwise employed by district)
Lunchroom Assistants
Per Diem Substitutes
All personnel represented by any other labor organizations
Definition of Employee
Unless otherwise indicated, the term “Employees” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined. The term teacher “applies” to certificated personnel listed above.
References to male employees include female employees and conversely.
References to “a husband and wife”, and/or “spouse” shall include civil union partner or domestic partner.
Article II
Negotiation of Successor Agreement
The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor agreement in accordance with NJSA 34:13A-1 et seq., (Chapter 123 Public Laws of 1974) in a good-faith effort to reach agreement on matters concerning the terms and conditions of employment. The parties agree to exchange contract proposals through the Superintendent of Schools in accordance with the negotiation schedule established by PERC. Any agreement so negotiated shall apply to all employees, be reduced to writing, be signed by the Board and the Association.
This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all matters which were or could have been the subject of negotiation. During the term of this Agreement, neither party shall be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter whether or not covered by this Agreement nor whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or executed this Agreement.
This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the Parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
Article III
Grievance Procedure
- It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that a grievance shall be defined as any dispute arising over the interpretation or application of any particular terms of this Agreement entered into between the Jackson Township Board of Education and the Jackson Education Association.
- It is understood and agreed between the parties that Steps One (1) through Three (3) may be utilized concerning any dispute arising over the interpretation, application and violation of policy or administrative decision affecting an employee.
- Any employee represented by the Association having such a grievance is under obligation to follow proper procedures in an attempt to satisfy his grievance and in doing so, he shall be assured freedom from prejudicial action, restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal in presenting his grievance.
- “Days” when used herein shall mean days when school is in session unless otherwise indicated. Failure by the Board or any Representative of the Board to meet the deadlines established in the grievance procedure shall allow the grievance to be automatically moved to the next level. Failure by the Association to meet the deadlines established in the grievance procedure shall cause the grievance to be waived.
- Upon request by the aggrieved, the Supervisor, at Steps One (1) and Two (2) of this procedure, may hold a hearing at which the aggrieved may have an opportunity to orally support the written grievance.
Any employee having a grievance must first present his complaint, in writing, to the principal and the Association within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the occurrences of the grievance specifying:
the nature of the grievance
the nature and extent of the injury
loss or inconvenience
the result of the previous discussions
the relief sought
The principal shall then communicate his decision to the employee and the Association, in writing, within ten (10) days of the receipt of the written grievance.
If, within five (5) days after receipt of the decision at Step One, the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his grievance or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) days after presenting the written grievance at Step One, the Association shall refer it to the Superintendent of Schools, in writing, specifying the individual’s dissatisfaction with the decision previously rendered. The Superintendent of Schools shall attempt to resolve the matter as quickly as possible but within a period not to exceed ten (10) days. The Superintendent of Schools shall communicate his decision, in writing, to the employee, the principal, and the Association.
If the grievance is not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction, he, no later than ten (10) days after receipt of the Superintendent’s decision, or if no decision has been rendered within eleven (11) days after presenting the grievance to the Superintendent, may request a review by the Board of Education. The request shall be submitted, in writing, through the Superintendent of Schools who, within five (5) days, shall attach all related papers and forward the request to the Board of Education. The Board, or a committee thereof, shall review the grievance and shall, if requested, hold a hearing with the employee and render a decision, in writing, to the employee, and the Association, within thirty (30) calendar days of transmittal of the grievance to the Board.
If the decision of the Board does not resolve the grievance to the satisfaction of the employee and the employee wishes review by a third party, he shall file a request, in writing, within ten (10) days that the Association submit the grievance to Arbitration. If the Association determines that the grievance is meritorious, it may file a request for arbitration with the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the request from the aggrieved. The rules and procedures of PERC shall be used in selecting the arbitrator, conducting hearings and transmitting awards.
The arbitrator shall limit himself to the issues submitted to him as well as the definition of grievance contained herein and shall consider nothing else. He can add nothing to nor subtract anything from the agreement between the parties or any policy of the Board of Education. The decision of the said arbitrator in connection with the said grievance as defined above shall be final and binding upon both parties for the duration of this agreement
The arbitrator shall also decide, in rendering a decision, which party has prevailed in the processing of the grievance. The party determined not to have prevailed shall pay two-thirds (2/3) of the arbitrator’s full and reasonable expenses. The party determined to have prevailed by the arbitrator shall pay one-third (1/3) of the arbitrator’s full and reasonable expenses.
Employee Representation
Any employee presenting such a grievance may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself or at his option by a representative selected or approved by the Association.
Group Grievance
- Grievance affecting a group or class of employees limited to one (1) building will be initiated at the building principal level; those involving more than one (1) building will be initiated at the Superintendent’s level by the Association.
- Group grievances will identify the approximate number of grievants and/or will identify the class of individuals (i.e., all second grade teachers, all high school teachers, all teachers assigned to a specified duty, all paraprofessionals, media specialists, secretaries, etc.).
Personnel Records
All documents, communications, and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed separately from the personnel files of the participants.
Exception to Time Limits
When a grievance is submitted on or after June first, time limits shall constitute weekdays, so that the matter may be resolved before the close of the school term or as soon as possible thereafter.
Article IV
Employee Rights
Statutory Savings Clause
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as he may have under New Jersey School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to employees hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.
Evaluation of Students
The teacher will be given written notice if any administrator causes a student’s assigned grade to be changed. Notice will be sent or given to the teacher within seven (7) days of the grade change.
Association Identification
No employee shall be prevented from wearing lapel pins as identification of membership in the Association or its affiliates.
Just Cause
No employee shall be reprimanded or disciplined without being progressive in nature and just cause. Grievances involving reprimands or discipline shall not be arbitrable, if the dispute replaces or is inconsistent with an alternate statutory appeal procedure applicable to employees under tenure.
Required Meetings or Hearings
Whenever any employee is required to appear before the Superintendent’s Office concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his office, position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining hereto, then he shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise him and represent him during such meeting or interview.
Notification of Accumulation
Employees shall be given a written accounting of accumulated sick leave days no later than September thirtieth of each school year.
The Board has a right to assign Teaching and Non-Teaching duties. However, proposed new rules or modification of existing rules governing working conditions shall be negotiated pursuant to NJSA 34:13A-1 et seq. teaching duties shall be consistent with the individual’s area(s) of certifications.
Employees shall not be required to use their personal car for transporting students.
Whenever possible, meetings between Association representatives and administrators will be scheduled in advance and the Party requesting the meeting will give advance written notice including the reason for such meeting.
Jury Duty
Employees keep mileage and reimburse the Board for jury pay.
Any suspension of an employee pending charges shall be with pay.
No employee shall be reprimanded in the presence of a student, member of the public or other member of the district’s staff by any administrator without justifiable, substantive reasons.
Article V
Teacher Work Year
Ten-Month Personnel
The in-school work year for teachers employed on a ten (10) month basis shall be one hundred eighty-four (184) days other than new personnel who may be required to attend one (1) additional day of orientation.
Definition of In-School Work Year
The in-school work year shall include days when pupils are in attendance, orientation days, and any other days on which teacher attendance is required.
Per Diem Calculation
When a teacher has used all accumulated leaves available, he will be docked one (1) divided by (days agreed to work) for each day of continued absences.
Inclement Weather
Employees’ attendance shall not be required whenever student attendance is not required due to inclement weather.
Article VI
Teaching Hours, Teaching Load, and Preparation Time
Teacher Day
Check in Procedure
As professionals, teachers are expected to devote to their assignments the time necessary to meet their responsibilities, but they shall not be required to “clock in or clock out” by hours and minutes.
Length of the Day
The teachers’ in-school workday shall not exceed the following number of continuous hours, except on parent conference days that fall on single session days (days of approximately four (4) hours):
High Schools | Seven and one-quarter hours (7 ¼ hours) |
Middle Schools | Seven and one-quarter hours (7 ¼ hours)
Six and three-quarter hours (6 ¾ hours) if a sixth grade school |
Elementary Schools | Six and three-quarter hours (6 ¾ hours) |
On Fridays and days preceding school holidays, the teachers’ in-school work day shall end at the close of the student day only if all assigned duties have been completed in a satisfactory manner. This attendance exception shall not apply if extenuating circumstances occur on such Fridays or days preceding school holidays which, in the judgment of the building administrator, requires teacher attendance, (i.e., emergencies, etc).
The end of the workday for teachers who teach in more than one (1) school shall be the closing time of the school that began their day.
Summer School
The teacher in-school workday shall not exceed four (4) hours and thirty (30) minutes of which four (4) hours will be instructional time.
Teaching Load
High Schools
The daily maximum teaching load in the high school shall be six (6) teaching periods and shall not exceed 4 hours, 40 minutes of instructional contact per day. Assignment to a supervised study period or non-compensated extra-curricular activity during school hours shall be considered a teaching period for the purpose of this Article.
Middle Schools
The daily maximum teaching load in the middle school shall be six (6) teaching periods and shall not exceed 4 hours, 48 minutes of instructional contact per day. Assignment to a supervised study period or non-compensated extra-curricular activity during school hours shall be considered a teaching period for the purpose of this Article.
Elementary Schools
The daily teaching load in the elementary schools shall not exceed five hours, 48 minutes of instructional contact.
Continuous Teaching in Secondary Schools
Secondary teachers shall not be required to teach continuously for a full period more than three (3) periods nor more than two (2) double periods where double periods are used, where possible.
Continuous Teaching in Elementary Schools
Where possible, elementary teachers shall not be required to teach continuously for more than two hours, 50 minutes.
Lunch Periods
Grade Level and Other
Teachers shall have a daily duty-free lunch period at least equal to the duration of students’ lunch period.
Leaving the Building
Employees may leave the building during their scheduled duty-free lunch periods provided each employee indicates his/her departure by placing a check mark in the appropriate column of the faculty “sign-out” roster. Employees shall also place a check in the appropriate column of the “sign-in” roster upon their return from lunch.
Elementary Lunch Room Duty
Teachers are entitled to two duty-free periods per day. Any additional unscheduled time may be assigned at the discretion of the Administration. A rotating schedule shall be developed by the Administration to ensure that no one staff member is constantly being utilized.
Faculty and Other
Teachers may be required to arrive before or remain after the normal work day for a total of two (2) hours per month for required meetings; such meetings shall not be held on more than two (2) days per month. Morning and afternoon meetings will not be required on the same day for the same teachers.
Professional Development Meetings:
Elementary teachers may be required to arrive before or remain after the normal workday for a total of 40 minutes additional per month for required professional development; such meetings shall not be held on more than 2 days per month not to exceed the total of 40 minutes. Morning and afternoon meetings will not be required on the same day for the same teachers.
Prior to/or After Holidays and Weekends
Meetings which take place after the regular student day and which require attendance shall not be called on Fridays or on any day immediately preceding any holiday, or other day on which teacher attendance is not required at school except in the case of an emergency. Meetings held before school shall not be held on Mondays or any day immediately following a holiday.
Notice and Agenda
The notice or agenda for any meeting shall be given to the teachers involved at least two (2) days prior to the meetings, except in an emergency. Teachers shall have the opportunity to suggest items for this agenda. The agenda can be added to or deleted from prior to the meeting.
Teachers may be required to attend up to two (2) evening meetings per year without a shortened work day for school related functions such as back-to-school night, recitals, and parent-teacher meetings. Required evening assignments will be made (in writing or posted) two (2) weeks in advance. None of these meetings shall require a teacher to be present more than three (3) hours.
All child study team members’ workday will be of equal duration to the teacher’s day in the school to which they are normally assigned. If child study team members are required by administration to attend before or after school meetings, they shall be compensated on an hourly basis as per Schedule E., Tutorial and Bedside Instruction. In lieu of payment on an hourly basis, the administrator (in his discretion) may provide compensatory time. There will be no night meetings on Friday or before holidays unless scheduled by the child study team involved in the meeting. Compensatory time will be equal to the meeting time. Mileage will be reimbursed.
Preparation Time
High School Teachers shall, in addition to their lunch period, have a daily preparation time at least the length of one regular student period, during which they shall not be assigned to any other duties. The aforementioned statement shall apply to full session days only.
Middle School Teachers shall, in addition to their lunch period, have a daily preparation time at least the length of one regular student period, during which they shall not be assigned to any other duties. The aforementioned statement shall apply to full session days only.
Teachers who volunteer for class coverage during an assigned professional period shall be compensated at the prevailing tutorial rate (per period).
Elementary Teachers shall, in addition to their lunch period, have a daily preparation time at least the length of one regular student period, during which they shall not be assigned to any other duties. If a classroom teacher loses professional released time as the direct result of the inability of the Board to provide substitute coverage for the full day absence of an art, music, physical education, librarian, computer teacher or any other teacher specialist said classroom teacher shall be reimbursed at the prevailing per hours (per period) tutorial rate. Any loss of released time because of field trips for elementary teachers does not qualify for reimbursement. Such professional released time shall constitute a period of at least thirty (30) consecutive minutes. Further, it is agreed by the parties that they will attempt to establish a mutually acceptable “pool system” for preparation coverage.
During the time provided in Section E. 1, 2 and 3 above, teachers shall be available for: Conference with child study team members, teacher evaluation conference, and parent conferences.
Emergency Substitution
The practice of using a regular teacher as a substitute, thereby depriving him of his preparation period, is undesirable and shall be discouraged. Any such assignments shall be restricted to emergency situations only.
Class Size
The Board agrees to continue its efforts to keep class size at an acceptable number, as determined by the Board, dictated by the financial condition of the District, the building facilities available, the availability of qualified teachers, and the best interest of the District as being administratively feasible. It is agreed that the recommendations of the State Department of Education concerning class size shall be considered.
Salary Schedule
The salaries for all employees covered by the Agreement are set forth in Schedules, which are attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Extra-Curricular Schedules
Stipends for all extra-curricular positions are set forth in Schedule E, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Coach Schedules
Stipends for all extra-curricular positions are set forth in Schedule E, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Tutorial and Bedside Instructors
Summer School
Saturday School
Saturday school instructors will be paid $226 per day in 2011-2014.
Enrichment Teacher-Before or After School and Basic Skills Teacher-Before or After School
Enrichment and Basic Skills Teachers, for two hours per week will be paid $4689 per school year for the duration of this Agreement.
Notification of Contract and Salary
All certified employees shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year no later than May 15.
Method of Payment
Employees who may be required to use their own automobiles in the performance of their duties shall be reimbursed for all such travel at the NJ OMB rate.
Vouchers for amounts in excess of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be submitted to the Principal for transmittal to the Board Secretary. Expenses in amounts less than ten dollars ($10.00) will be accumulated by the individual and submitted, as above, when the accumulated amounts exceed ten dollars ($10.00) or at the end of the school year, whichever is sooner. Vouchers shall be paid within forty-five (45) calendar days from the date of submission.
Guidance Counselors and Child Study Team Rate of Pay
Guidance counselors and members of the Child Study Team will work the same number of days as teachers. Any additional days from September 1st to June 30th will be paid at their per diem rate as determined by their salary. From July 1st until August 31st , the rate of pay will be at the summer school rate.
To be eligible for placement in the appropriate column of the salary guide higher than BA level, advanced degrees and additional credits must be earned at a duly authorized institution of higher education, as defined in New Jersey education statutes and regulations. Additional credits may so be earned through the district in-house credit program.
Article VIII
Teacher Assignment
Date for Presently Employed Teachers
All teachers shall be given a tentative written notice of their class and/or subject assignments, building assignments and room assignments for the forthcoming year not later than June 15, or one (1) week prior to the close of school, whichever is sooner.
In the event that changes in such schedules, class, and/or subject assignments, building assignments, or room assignments are proposed after June 15th , the teacher affected shall be notified promptly, in writing.
Teachers notified during the summer months, between the end of the school year to August 31, of an involuntary transfer out of the building in which they worked will be compensated $100 for the time spent in district packing, unpacking, and preparing their classrooms.
Article IX
Promotions and Vacancies
- Promotional vacancies to be posted shall include positions paying a salary differential and/or positions on the administrative or supervisory levels.
- Other vacancies to be posted shall include:
Extra-curricular positions for which a stipend is paid, except where the incumbent is to be re-appointed
Resource Room
Compensatory Education
Reading Specialist
Media Specialist
Chapter One Teacher
Learning Consultant
Child Study Team
Guidance Counselors
Vacancies in all positions which occur during the school year and which are to be continued during the next subsequent year.
- Extra and Co-Curricular Positions
Extra and co-curricular positions will be posted district-wide, and all teachers shall be eligible to apply for said positions.
Posting Procedure
- A notice of promotional vacancies as defined in this article shall be posted in each school for a period of not less than seven (7) business days prior to the final date for submission of applications.
- A copy of such postings shall be forwarded to the Association office at the time of posting, including vacancies which occur when school is not in session.
- On or before June first (1) of each year, a listing of known vacancies for the following school year shall be posted in each school and a copy forwarded to the Association office.
- Position postings shall clearly set forth the qualifications, duties and rate of compensation for the position.
- Candidates shall submit applications, online when possible, including resume if requested, to the Director of Personnel in accordance with specified time limits, which shall be acknowledged in writing.
Promotions and Vacancies
Openings in the following positions which occur during the school year will be posted in accordance with the provisions of Section B. 1 above; Resource room, compensatory education, speech, reading, media, Chapter I, L.C., child study team and guidance counselors. All other vacancies occurring during the school year will be reposted in June for September 1st filling.
Article X
Teacher Evaluation
General Criteria
Open Evaluation
All formal observation of the work performance of an employee shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the employee.
Evaluation by Certified Supervisors
Copies of Evaluation
Employees shall be given a copy of any class visit or evaluation report prepared by his evaluator at least one day before any final conference to discuss it. No such report shall be submitted to the central office, placed in the employee’s file or otherwise acted upon without prior conference with the teacher. No employee shall be required to sign a blank or incomplete evaluation form.
Personnel Records
All employees shall have the right, by appointment, to review the contents of their personnel file and to receive copies at Board expense of any documents contained therein. All employees shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association accompany them during such review.
Derogatory Material
Employees shall be given copies of all items to be placed in their file. The employee shall acknowledge that he has had the opportunity to see such material by affixing his signature to the copy to be filed with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicated agreement with the contents thereof. The employee shall also have the right to submit a written answer to such material and his answer shall be attached to the file copy.
Article XI
Temporary Leaves of Absence
Types of Leave
Death in the Family
Employees shall be granted up to five (5) days per occurrence in the event of death of an employee’s spouse, child, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, parent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren and any other members of the family unit living in the same household. Employees shall be granted up to two (2) days per occurrence in the event of death of an employee’s relative outside the employees’ immediate family as defined above. Additional days may be granted for special circumstances per Superintendent’s approval. The above days may not be split when school is closed for four (4) or more consecutive days. Employees may defer one or more days to attend memorial services.
Sick Leave - Summer School
All summer school personnel shall be granted one non-accumulative sick day per six-week session.
Emergency Sick Leave
When an emergency arises whereby an employee is required to use sick days beyond his accumulated limit, it is understood and agreed between the parties that the Board, at its sole discretion, may, and if it so desires, provide additional sick days. Other leaves of absence with pay may be granted by the Board for good reason.
Personal Leave Days
All full time employees are permitted three (3) days’ absence with pay, per year for personal reasons.
Personal days will be defined as those days an employee will be absent during the school year, in which personal matters cannot be taken care of other than on school time (ie., house closing, drivers license, etc.). All requests for personal days must be submitted to the building principal for approval five (5) days in advance. Five (5) days’ prior notification to the building principal will be waived only in emergency situations by the building principal, with the approval of the Superintendent’s Office. Reasons for emergency absences must be stated. Reasons must be given when applying for a personal day to be taken on a Monday or Friday; on the day before or after a holiday; and after a person has used up his total accumulated sick days. Personal days may be used for Religious days.
Family Illness Days
For absence due to the serious illness of any relative in the employee’s immediate family or a relative for whom one is responsible, employees shall be entitled to use their three personal days as family illness days each year. In the case of a serious family illness for an extended period of time, with medical documentation, the superintendent or his designee may allow an additional five (5) banked personal days to care for an immediate family member per year. Immediate family shall be considered to be the employee’s spouse, child, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, parent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren and any other members of the family unit living in the same household.
Article XII
Extended Leaves of Absence
Illness in Family
A leave of absence without pay up to one year shall be granted for the purpose of caring for a sick member of the employee’s immediate family. Additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Board.
Good Cause
Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board for good reason at the discretion of the Board.
Return from Leave (Benefits)
All benefits to which an employee was entitled at the time his leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave and credits toward sabbatical eligibility, shall be restored to him upon his return.
Extension and Renewals
All extensions, or renewals, of leaves shall be applied for, in writing when possible prior to Board approved return date, and shall be granted or denied in writing. Should there be a change in the return date if returning early notify Director of Personnel when possible prior to Board approved date of return.
Article XIII
Sabbatical Leave
Application of Leave
Application of intent for sabbatical leave shall be made through the Principal to the Superintendent of Schools on or before November 1st of any year. Final date for submitting application shall be May first, which application must have been preceded by an application of intent, submitted on or before November 1st. If approved, such leave shall officially begin at the beginning of the school year in accordance with the official school calendar. The Superintendent is to be kept informed of status, monthly.
Application shall include a formal sabbatical leave request, and shall also include a program or itinerary to be followed by the professional during the period of the leave.
As a condition prerequisite to the granting of a leave, the professional shall agree to continue in the service of the Jackson School System for a period of at least two (2) years after the expiration of the sabbatical leave.
If a teacher fails to continue in service after such leave is granted, such teacher shall repay to Jackson Township Board of Education a sum of money bearing the same ratio to the amount of salary received while on leave that the unperformed part of the two (2) subsequent years of service bears to the full two (2) years, unless such professional is incapacitated, has been discharged, or has been released for good and sufficient reason by the Board of Education from this obligation.
The salary granted to a teacher on sabbatical leave shall be one-half (1/2) of the salary to which he or she would be entitled if not on leave, less the regular deductions required by law, the Teacher’s Pension Fund, and other deductions authorized by the professional. Salary shall be paid in accordance with the general time schedule for payment of salaries in the Jackson School System.
Outside Employment
During the period of sabbatical leave of absence, personnel may not engage in any remunerative employment unless such employment is a continuation of a previously held part-time job or is associated with the college or university program of learning being taken as part of the sabbatical.
Status of Tenure and Pension
The period of sabbatical leave shall count toward retirement in accordance with the rules of the Division of Pensions. Tenure rights shall not be impaired and the professional shall advance the usual step on the salary guide.
At the expiration of sabbatical leave, the professional shall be reinstated as a full-time employee in the area for which the professional is properly certified.
Final Report
The professional will submit a final written report to the Superintendent of Schools which will be reprinted and distributed to the Board of Education. The report will relate the ideas gained, and subsequent benefits expected therefore, and will be submitted not later than ninety (90) days after the beginning of the school year immediately following the sabbatical leave.
Number of Leaves Authorized
Not more than two percent (2%) of the personnel eligible under this policy may be granted sabbatical leave for the same year. In granting such leaves of absence, due consideration shall be given to reasonable and equitable distribution of the applicants among the different schools and departments.
In the event more than two percent (2%) of the eligible personnel of the system shall apply, applications for study, independent research and/or problem observation leaves will be given preferential treatment. At all times, the needs of the school system as a whole shall be paramount.
Sabbatical Leaves Are Designed For:
- Professional Improvement
- Improved professional competence so as to benefit the general efficiency of the school system.
Any teacher, administrator or professional special services personnel, who has completed seven (7) or more years of full-time continuous satisfactory service in the Jackson Township School System may be granted a leave of absence for one (I) year upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, and with the approval of the Board of Education. Such leave shall be understood to include one or more of the following activities.
- Study in an accredited institution of learning.
- Independent research and/or observation of problems connected with the schools or within the professional’s area of responsibility.
- Any other program approved by the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education. The Board will consider approving a reasonable request for travel if it is educationally oriented and the complete itinerary is presented to be approved by the Superintendent and the Board of Education, such leave not to be granted until after the fifteenth (15th) year of service.
Article XIV
Fringe Benefits
1. The Board shall provide 100 % of the coverage plans, up to and including full family coverage, for NJ Blue Cross/Blue Shield/Rider J/Prevailing Fee Plan (UCR) and Major Medical Insurance, and shall be subject to change only at the discretion of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Yearly and lifetime maximum benefits shall be $ 100,000 yearly and unlimited lifetime.
2. When both a husband and wife from the same household are employed by the Board, the Board will self-insure one (1) spouse and provide for coordinated family plan benefits up to an annual cost that does not exceed the annual family plan premium cost.
3. The dependent coverage to age 23 rider shall be included in the insurance program.
4. The BC/BS mandatory second opinion program for elective surgery shall be effective July 1, 1990.
The Board will pay the cost of the enrolled plans, up to and including full family coverage for one (1) family member per household for New Jersey Dental Service Plan, Inc. When both a husband and wife from the same household are employed by the Board, the Board will self-insure that spouse and/or dependents of an enrollee in the Dental Plan by paying to any claimant spouse and/or dependent the amount that would have been received had both the enrolled employee and his/her spouse been enrolled for full family coverage of dental insurance. The basic portion of the dental insurance program shall be an 80%-20% plan. The maximum benefit for orthodontics shall be $ 1000 per year. Effective July 2005, the employee will pay a $25.00/$75.00 deductible which is not applicable to preventive and diagnostic procedures($25.00 single/$75.00 family).
Employees may elect to enroll in an HMO Program. Effective 2007-2008, the co-payment for a doctor visit shall be $15. Employer contribution to equal health benefit premium per employee. Further, parties will agree to limit the district in participating in only two (2) HMO Programs.(HEALTHWAYS and MEDIGROUP).
The Board will pay the premium cost for prescription insurance up to and including full family coverage for one (1) family member per household. Effective March 2006, all payments for prescriptions shall be established at the rate of $20.00 co-pay for contraceptives and name brand drugs, $ 10.00 co-pay for generic drugs. The same rates apply for prescriptions obtained through the plan’s mail order service. Effective July 2007, co-payments for prescriptions shall be established as $22.00 for brand name drugs, $ 12.00 for generic drugs, and the same for prescriptions obtained through the mail order service plan.
1. The Board will provide employee-only medical insurance coverage to all paraprofessionals hired on or after July 1, 2012 who are regularly employed for at least 30 hours per week. Such paraprofessionals shall have the option to purchase at their expense dependent, spouse or family coverage at the District premium rate. Paraprofessionals hired prior to July 1, 2012 shall remain eligible for full-family coverage at District expense, subject to the contribution requirements of P.L. 2011 c. 78.
2. Paraprofessionals who were receiving medical insurance coverage at the time of separation from employment due to a reduction in force and who are re-hired from the recall list prior to January 1, 2014 will also be provided up to full-family coverage where applicable at District expense, subject to the contribution requirement of P.L. 2011 c. 78.
3. Any such paraprofessionals recalled on or after January 1, 2014 shall receive employee-only coverage in the same manner as paraprofessionals hired on or after July 1, 2012. Any para-professional receiving full family medical insurance coverage who is laid off during the term of this Agreement shall be entitled to receive full family medical insurance coverage upon recall by the Board to employment pursuant to recall list seniority.
An employee may elect to waive any and all of his insurance coverage. If such a waiver is exercised, the employee shall receive a cash payment agreed upon by the parties which is equal to thirty-four (34%) percent of the savings (of the 2004-2005 premiums) which accrue to the Board as a result of the waiver. This amount will remain the same for the life of the contract. This provision will remain inactive pending clarification of language as to open re-entrance of said employee to the benefits in A. 1., 2., 3., and 4 above at no penalty to the employee.
“The parties agree that the provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (PL99-272) shall be enforced as required,”
For the period of this contract, the Board specifically agrees that persons who retire from the Jackson School District and who are eligible to receive pension payments from either the N.J.T.P.A.F. or the N.J.P.E.R.S. shall be entitled to retain medical insurance coverage at the appropriate group rates, plus the allowable administrative fee, provided that:
- The appropriate monthly fee is received in the Board Office on or before the twentieth (20th) day of the month proceeding the month of coverage (i.e., June 20th for July coverage).
- Requested program coverage is the same as the coverage being provided at the time of retirement.
- Monthly payments are received in check form made payable to the Jackson Township Board of Education.
- All other legal and/or administrative requirements are satisfied as may be necessary for the implementation of this program.
Employees who retire from the School District and qualify for a pension from either the New Jersey Teachers Pension and Annuity Fund or the New Jersey Public Employee Retirement System shall be entitled to convert unused accumulated sick leave days, and effective January 1, 1988, unused personal leave days accumulated from September 1, 1987, and each year thereafter to severance pay in accordance with the following rules:
- The Board must receive written notice of the employees’ intent to retire at least sixty (60) days prior to the retirement date, except in cases of emergency.
- Days accumulated shall be compensated upon retirement at the rate of $90 per day for Teachers and $65 per day for Support Staff. Total payment shall be capped in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph 3 of this section.
- Any employee who is eligible to receive more than $15,000 in severance pay as of June 30, 2012, shall continue to be eligible for the full amount of such severance upon retirement. All other employees shall be subject to the $15,000 limit; provided, however, that in the event legislation is adopted which mandates a lesser cap, the provisions of such legislation shall immediately govern the terms of such severance.
- If the employee notifies the Board 6 months prior to date of retirement, payout of unused accumulated days will be in either an immediate total sum or the option of paid out over 2 years.
- If the employee notifies the Board after the 6 months prior to date of retirement, payout of unused accumulated days will be paid out over 2 years.
- Timelines may be suspended in the case special circumstances pending Superintendent approval.
- Accumulated personal leave days may only be used for conversion to severance pay.
- Above retirement benefits shall also be applicable to employees’ beneficiaries in the event that an employee has been employed in the district for a minimum of fifteen (15) years prior to said employee’s death.
Employee Assistance Program
The Board may provide a comprehensive Employee Assistance Program for all staff. The provisions of the EAP program will be worked out by the Assistant Superintendent.
Article XV
Representation Fee
The Association shall, on or before September 30, deliver to the Board a written statement containing the following:
- A statement that the Association has determined the amount of representation fee in accordance with the formulated requirements of NJSA 34:13A-5.4.
- A statement that the Association has established a “demand and return system” in accordance with requirements of NJSA 34:13A-5.4.
- A statement establishing the amount of yearly representation fees to be deducted from the salaries of each non-member. Such representation fee shall not exceed eighty-five percent (85%) of the regular membership dues, fees and assessments.
- A list of all employees who have failed to arrange to become members of the Association and a request that the representation fee of such non-members be deducted in accordance with the Agreement.
Beginning with the first full pay period in November, the Board will commence deductions from salaries of such non-members as defined in Subsection A. 4 above, in accordance with Section C below, of the full amount of the representation fee and will promptly transmit the amount so deducted to the Association.
Payroll Deduction Schedule
The Board will deduct the representation fee, in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks paid to each employee on the aforesaid list, during the remainder of the membership year. The deductions will begin with the first paycheck:
- in November, or
- thirty (30) days after the employee begins his/her employment in a bargaining unit position or was on lay-off, in which event, the deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid ten (10) days after the resumption of the employee’s employment in a bargaining unit position, whichever is later. The mechanics for deduction of representation fees and the transmission of such fees due to the Association, as nearly as possible, shall be the same as those used for the deduction of regular membership to the Association.
On or about the last day of each month, beginning with the month this Agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the Association, a list of all employees who began or ended their employment in a bargaining unit position during the preceding thirty (30) day period. The list will include names, job titles, and dates of employment for all such employees.
The Association hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and save harmless the Board from any claim, suit, or action of any nature whatsoever which may be brought at law or equity, or before any administrative agency with regard to or arising from the deduction from the salaries of any employee of any sum of money as a representation fee under the provisions of this Agreement. In addition, the Board shall be required to make available any and all public records necessary for such defense.
Article XVI
Deductions from Salary
Association Payroll Dues Deduction
The Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of its employees dues from the Jackson Education Association, the Ocean County Education Association, the New Jersey Education Association and the National Education Association as said employees individually and voluntarily authorize the Board to deduct.
Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 233 N.J. Public Laws of 1969 (NJSA 52:14-15.9e) and under rules established by the State Department of Education. Said monies, together with current records of any corrections, shall be transmitted to such person as may from time to time be designated by the Jackson Education Association by the fifteenth of each month following the monthly pay period in which deductions were made. The person designated shall disburse such monies to the appropriate association or associations.
Each of the associations named above shall certify to the Board, in writing, the current rate of its membership dues. Any association, which shall change the rate of its membership dues, shall give the Board written notice prior to the effective date of such change.
Direct Salary Deduction Plans
All employees covered by this Agreement shall have the option of having any percentage deducted from each payroll to be administered by any New Jersey bank.
Tax-sheltered Annuities and/or Savings Bonds
Arrangements can be made by all employees through the Board office to obtain tax-sheltered annuities and/or government saving bonds.
Save Harmless
The Association agrees to indemnify, defend and save the Board harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that shall rise out of or by reason of action taken by the Board in reliance upon payroll deductions authorized in accordance with the above provisions and transmitted by the Board to the appropriate agency.
Article XVII
Miscellaneous Provisions
The Board and the Association agree that there shall be no discrimination in the hiring, training, assignment, promotion, transfer, or discipline of employees or in the application or administration of this Agreement on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex domicile, marital status or sexual orientation.
Savings Clause
Except as this Agreement shall otherwise provide, all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the effective date of this Agreement to employees covered by this Agreement as established by the rules, regulations and/or policies of the Board, administrative procedures and practices in force on said date, shall continue to be so applicable during the terms of this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted and/or applied so as to eliminate, reduce nor otherwise detract from any employee benefit existing prior to its effective date.
If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
Compliance between individual Contract and Master Agreement
Any individual contracts between the Board and an individual employee heretofore or hereafter executed shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this agreement. If an individual contact contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement, during its duration, shall be controlling.
Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties of this Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provision(s) of this Agreement, either party shall do so by telegram or registered letter at the following addresses:
- If by Association, to Board at Board office
- If by Board, to Association at home address of current Association President.
Professional Development
Effective July 1, 1999, a joint committee shall be established. Serving on the committee shall be teachers appointed by the Association President and administrators appointed by the Superintendent. The committee shall meet and monitor development of the State mandate on continuing education. Upon any impact on terms and conditions of the contract from the State continuing education mandates, the committee shall refer the issue(s) to the parties for expeditious negotiations.
The Local Professional Development Committee members shall be given release time during the school day to complete duties assigned to them by statute and/or regulation. If meetings are scheduled outside of the regular workday, the committee members shall be compensated at the negotiated tutorial rate.
Continuing Education Unit Language
Ten (10) workshop hours will be required for each earned one (1) Continuing Education credit.
For every ten (10) Continuing Education Unit Credits earned through workshop development programs the employee will receive $250 added to their base pay each year.
For certified staff for every ten (10) Continuing Education Unit Credits earned, the employee will receive an additional $250 increment added to their base pay not to exceed $1000.
Staff members who participate in workshops offered outside the Jackson School District and paid for by the district may be required to present a summary presentation as part of the ongoing professional development program offered in district.
The monies provided for Continuing Education Unit Credits will not include the pursuit of a degree or graduate or post graduate degree or certificate for which the district provides tuition reimbursement and advancement on the salary guide.
For non-certified staff for every ten (10) Continuing Education Unit credits earned, two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) will be paid to the staff member. This money will be added to the staff member’s salary each year and will not exceed $500.
These monies will be provided once annually on September 1 based on the earned units by June 30 of the previous year. If the deadline is missed the monies will be applied the following year with no retroactive monies to be included. It is the employee’s responsibility to make this request with supporting documentation to the Department of Human Resources prior to July 1 of the previous year.
Tuition Reimbursement
The Board shall establish a fund to reimburse teachers for the tuition costs of graduate credits subject to the following conditions:
Eligibility for tuition reimbursement shall be in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:6-8.5, including but not limited to the requirement that the credits shall be part of a degree program related to the teacher’s current or future job responsibilities.
The degree program and specific courses must be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools or his designee for approval prior to the beginning of the course and reimbursement shall be subject to such approval.
The teacher must successfully complete the course with a grade of B or better in order to be eligible for reimbursement.
Reimbursement shall be contingent upon the teacher continuing to work for the school district for at least one (1) year following reimbursement for up to twelve (12) credits; for at least two (2) years following reimbursement for up to twenty-four (24) credits: and for three (3) years following reimbursement for the completion of a degree program. Any teacher who voluntarily resigns employment from the Jackson School District prior to that time shall be required to refund to the school district monies paid for tuition reimbursement.
The Board shall provide $59,227 per school year during the term of this Agreement for tuition reimbursement pursuant to this program. The parties shall jointly develop and approve standards and procedures governing the distribution of these funds.
In addition to the tuition reimbursement program described above, the Board shall establish a fund to reimburse teaching staff members for all tuition and costs for courses taken at the request of the school district administration to meet the school district’s needs. The Board shall provide $59,227 per school year during the term of this Agreement to fund this program. All courses and degree programs pursuant to this program shall be subject to the advance approval of the Superintendent of Schools or his designee. Reimbursement shall be contingent upon the teacher continuing to work for the school district for at least one (1) year following reimbursement for up to twelve (12) credits; for at least two (2) years following reimbursement for up to twenty-four (24) credits: and for three (3) years following reimbursement for the completion of a degree program. Any teacher who voluntarily resigns employment from the Jackson School District prior to that time shall be required to refund to the school district monies paid for tuition reimbursement. Those who voluntarily leave employment with the school district prior to these time limits shall be required to refund the reimbursements received.
This program is designed pursuant to the requirements of the State of New Jersey.
The Role of the Mentor is defined in the Board approved District Mentoring Plan.
Qualifications of Mentors are outlined in the District Mentoring Plan.
Selection of Mentoring Teachers shall occur in the following manner:
All applicants for the position of Mentor shall apply in writing each year. Applications shall be submitted to the district’s Director of Human Resources who shall forward the applications to the district Mentoring Committee.
The Mentoring Committee shall make recommendations to the Building Principals on both mentor candidates and pairings. Each Building Principal shall make recommendations on mentor candidates and pairings to the Superintendent of Schools, who shall, in turn, make his/her recommendations to the Board of Education.
In choosing candidates for mentor positions, preference should be given to candidates who did not serve as mentors in the previous school year, provided that the exercise for this preference does not result in the exclusion of a more highly qualified candidate.
No teacher shall be assigned to serve as a mentor to more than one provisional, alternate route or student teacher at the same time, if possible.
Release Time for Association President
Effective September 1, 2009, the Board shall provide full-time release to the Association President on condition that the salary of the Association President shall be borne equally (50% each) between the Board of Education and the NJEA. If the NJEA at any time ceases to fund their portion of salary obligation, the release time without loss of compensation shall be at the rate of five ½ days per week. A half-day shall not exceed three (3) periods or two (2) double periods per day.
Movement on the Salary Guide
When a member of the professional staff acquires a Masters Degree or a Doctorate conferred by a college or university whose courses are acceptable to the New Jersey Board of Education, or acquires thirty (30) credits beyond the Bachelors Degree or thirty (30) credits beyond the Masters Degree, the member shall be placed on the proper column of the salary guide. The Superintendent of Schools will recommend this adjustment to the Board of Education when the employee presents final proof of such degree. Movement to the new column shall take place 60 days after Board approval with retroactivity to date of submission of appropriate paperwork. Informal transcript is acceptable to begin timeline for placement.
Article XVIII
Duration of Agreement
Duration Period
This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2011 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2014, subject to the Association’s right to negotiate over a successor agreement as provided in Article II. This Agreement shall not be extended orally, and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated, unless it is extended in writing.
Status of Incorporation
In witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective presidents, attested by their respective secretaries, on the day of October, 2013.
_________________________ _________________________
President President
_________________________ ________________________
Secretary Secretary
Schedule A
Teacher Salary Guide
Phase I: September 1, 2011 – January 31, 2013
STEP | B.A. | B.A.+30 | MA. | M.A.+30 | Doc |
1 | 49,332 | 50,632 | 51,932 | 53,732 | 55,732 |
2 | 49,532 | 50,832 | 52,132 | 53,932 | 55,932 |
3 | 49,973 | 51,273 | 52,573 | 54,373 | 56,373 |
4 | 51,112 | 52,412 | 53,712 | 55,512 | 57,512 |
5 | 52,393 | 53,693 | 54,993 | 56,793 | 58,793 |
6 | 52,993 | 54,293 | 55,593 | 57,393 | 59,393 |
7 | 53,639 | 54,939 | 56,239 | 58,039 | 60,039 |
8 | 54,432 | 55,732 | 57,032 | 58,832 | 60,832 |
9 | 55,981 | 57,281 | 58,581 | 60,381 | 62,381 |
10 | 57,850 | 59,150 | 60,450 | 62,250 | 64,250 |
11 | 63,208 | 64,508 | 65,808 | 67,608 | 69,608 |
12 | 66,875 | 68,175 | 69,475 | 71,275 | 73,275 |
13 | 69,875 | 71,175 | 72,475 | 74,275 | 76,275 |
14 | 74,579 | 75,879 | 77,179 | 78,979 | 80,979 |
15 | 79,282 | 80,582 | 81,882 | 83,682 | 85,682 |
All eligible staff on-guide shall advance one step in each phase of the contract.
Once you reach the top step of the guide, you will remain on that step through the life of the contract.
If you are currently on the last step of the guide, you will remain on that step through the life of the contract.
Off-guide salaries increase by $1,380.
Schedule B
Teacher Salary Guide
Phase II: February 1, 2013- June 30, 2014
STEP | B.A. | B.A.+30 | M.A. | M.A.+30 | Doc |
1 | 50,132 | 51,432 | 52,732 | 54,532 | 56,532 |
2 | 50,332 | 51,632 | 52,932 | 54,732 | 56,732 |
3 | 50,532 | 51,832 | 53,132 | 54,932 | 56,932 |
4 | 51,112 | 52,412 | 53,712 | 55,512 | 57,512 |
5 | 52,393 | 53,693 | 54,993 | 56,793 | 58,793 |
6 | 53,393 | 54,693 | 55,993 | 57,793 | 59,793 |
7 | 53,993 | 55,293 | 56,593 | 58,393 | 60,393 |
8 | 54,639 | 55,939 | 57,239 | 59,039 | 61,039 |
9 | 55,981 | 57,281 | 58,581 | 60,381 | 62,381 |
10 | 57,850 | 59,150 | 60,450 | 62,250 | 64,250 |
11 | 63,208 | 64,508 | 65,808 | 67,608 | 69,608 |
12 | 66,875 | 68,175 | 69,475 | 71,275 | 73,275 |
13 | 69,875 | 71,175 | 72,475 | 74,275 | 76,275 |
14 | 75,179 | 76,479 | 77,779 | 79,579 | 81,579 |
15 | 80,482 | 81,782 | 83,082 | 84,882 | 86,882 |
All eligible staff on-guide shall advance one step in each phase of the contract.
Once you reach the top step of the guide, you will remain on that step through the life of the contract.
If you are currently on the last step of the guide, you will remain on that step through the life of the contract.
Off-guide salaries increase by $1,200.
Schedule C
Longevity - Teachers
Teachers, after completing the indicated years of active employment in the school district, shall receive the following longevity payments above their step on the salary guide:
17 years | $1,500 |
20 years | $2,000 |
25 years | $2,500 |
30 years | $3,000 |
35 years | $3,500 |
Longevity payments shall be based on consecutive years of service. Resignations effective on July 1st , 1987, and thereafter, shall be considered a break in service. Time spent on approved leaves of absence shall be credited in accordance with Board Policy 4152 for purposes of this Article.
Longevity payment shall be made a part of the teacher’s regular monthly pay.
Schedule D
Salaried Non-Teaching Assignments
(Certified Only)
Location | Extra Curricular | Position Level |
High School | Academic Decathlon Advisor | A |
High School | Academic Team Advisor | A |
High School | Art Club Advisor | A |
High School | Art Club National Honor Society Advisor | A |
High School | Band, Jazz Ensemble Director | B |
High School | Band, Spirit Pep Assistant Director | C |
High School | Band, Spirit Pep Director | D |
High School | Chess Club Advisor | A |
High School | Choral Accompanist Concert | B |
High School | Choral Accompanist Musical | A |
High School | Chorus Advisor | B |
High School | Color Guard Advisor | B |
High School | Coordinator Medical Services | D |
High School | Color Guard Instructor | B |
High School | Costumer | B |
High School | District Printing Coordinator | B |
High School | Drama Club Advisor | B |
High School | Drill Team Advisor | B |
High School | FBLA Advisor | B |
High School | Freshman Class Advisor | B |
High School | Graphics Club Advisor | B |
High School | HOSA Advisor | B |
High School | Interact Club Advisor | A |
High School | Journal Advisor (Jaguar & Lion) | B |
High School | Junior Class Advisor | B |
High School | Key Club Advisor | A |
High School | Literacy Magazine Advisor | B |
High School | Locker Coordinator | A |
High School | Marching Band Assistant Director | C |
High School | Marching Band Director | D |
High School | Math League Advisor | A |
High School | National Honor Society Advisor | A |
High School | Pep Club Advisor | A |
High School | Percussion Advisor | A |
High School | Percussion Ensemble Director | B |
High School | Pom Pom Advisor | A |
High School | Radio Club Advisor | A |
High School | School Supplies Advisor | B |
High School | School Musical Assistant Director | A |
High School | School Musical Assistant Production Manager | B |
High School | School Musical Conductor | B |
High School | School Musical Director | D |
High School | School Musical Production Manager | C |
High School | School Musical Tech | A |
High School | School Musical Vocal Director | B |
High School | Science League Advisor | A |
High School | Senior Class Advisor | B |
High School | Set Builder | B |
High School | Set Designer | B |
High School | Show Designer | B |
High School | Sophomore Class Advisor | B |
High School | Spectrum Club Advisor | A |
High School | Student Council Advisor | C |
High School | Student Human Relation Advisor | A |
High School | Technology Club Advisor | A |
High School | Tri-M Club Advisor | A |
High School | Winter Indoor Color Guard Assistant Director | B |
High School | Winter Indoor Color Guard Director | B |
High School | Woodwind Choir Director | B |
High School | World Language Club Advisor | A |
High School | Yearbook Advisor | C |
High School | Yearbook Assistant Advisor | A |
 |  |  |
Middle School | Bookstore Advisor | A |
Middle School | Builder’s Club Advisor | A |
Middle School | Color Guard Director | C |
Middle School | Drama Club Advisor | B |
Middle School | FBLA Advisor | B |
Middle School | Locker Coordinator | A |
Middle School | Marching Band Assistant Director | B |
Middle School | Marching Band Spirit Director | C |
Middle School | Math League Advisor | A |
Middle School | National Junior Honor Society Advisor | A |
Middle School | Newspaper Advisor | A |
Middle School | School Supplies Advisor | A |
Middle School | Student Activities Advisor | B |
Middle School | Student Council Advisor | A |
Middle School | Yearbook Advisor | A |
 |  |  |
Elementary School | Lunchroom Duty | B |
Extra-Curricular Salary Guide
STEP | A | B | C | D |
1 | $2,627 | $3,124 | $4,238 | $5,519 |
2 | $2,653 | $3,155 | $4,281 | $5,575 |
3 | $2,680 | $3,186 | $4,323 | $5,630 |
4 | $2,707 | $3,218 | $4,366 | $5,687 |
5 | $2,835 | $3,390 | $4,532 | $5,898 |
Additional Stipend
Senior Class Advisor $507
Junior Class Advisor $292
Elementary Safety Patrol Advisor $989
Adventure Bound Advisor $6,328
Adventure Bound Assistant Coordinator $5,125
Coaches Salary Guide
High School
 | Head Coach | Assistant Coach |
1 | 7,234 | 5,106 |
2 | 7,307 | 5,158 |
3 | 7,379 | 5,209 |
4 | 7,453 | 5,262 |
5 | 7,765 | 5,495 |
6 | 8,055 | 5,802 |
Coaches Salary Guide
High School
Soccer/Swimming/Spring Track/Baseball/Softball/Lacrosse/Field Hockey/Ice Hockey/Cross Country/Volleyball/Gymnastics
 | Head Coach | Assistant Coach |
1 | 5,963 | 3,662 |
2 | 6,023 | 3,699 |
3 | 6,083 | 3,736 |
4 | 6,144 | 3,783 |
5 | 6,376 | 3,890 |
6 | 6,607 | 4,197 |
Coaches Salary Guide
High School
Tennis/Winter Track/Cheerleading/Golf/Bowling
 | Head Coach | Assistant Coach |
1 | 3,890 | 3,529 |
2 | 3,928 | 3,564 |
3 | 3,968 | 3,599 |
4 | 4,007 | 3,636 |
5 | 4,123 | 3,751 |
6 | 4,357 | 4,020 |
Weight Lifting
 | 1 | 6,214 |
Coaches Salary Guide
Middle School
 | Head Coach | Assistant Coach |
1 | 4,510 | 4,375 |
2 | 4,555 | 4,419 |
3 | 4,601 | 4,463 |
4 | 4,647 | 4,508 |
5 | 4,740 |  |
6 | 5,057 |  |
Coaches Salary Guide
Middle School
Track/Cross Country Field Hockey/Soccer/Cheerleading/Baseball/Football/Softball
 | Head Coach | Assistant Coach |
1 | 3,520 | 3,370 |
2 | 3,555 | 3,403 |
3 | 3,591 | 3,437 |
4 | 3,627 | 3,472 |
5 | 3,862 | 3,708 |
6 | 4,199 |  |
Equipment Manager
Schedule E
Non-Certified Personnel
Special Working Conditions
Summer hours for secretarial and clerical personnel will be six (6) hours per day, starting the first Monday after the close of school up to, but excluding, the last full week prior to the opening of school, which shall include a one-half (1/2) hour lunch.
Summer hours may also include a four (4) day flexible schedule of seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours per day which shall include a one-half (1/2) hour lunch as developed between the parties and subject to approval of the building principal.
The school year work day for secretaries shall be eight (8) hours per day including lunch. The secretaries’ work day will end one-half (1/2) hour after the teacher’s work day on the last day of school prior to Thanksgiving recess, Christmas recess and Spring Break recess, pending an emergency.
School Secretary and Position of Media Assistant - High School Levels 12-month contract - July1st to June 30th (follow teacher’s calendar during student year and legal holidays off during balance of year).
- Two weeks vacation
- Three weeks vacation after five years
- Four weeks vacation after twelve years
No vacation shall be permitted during the calendar week (M-F) before the opening day of school, the calendar week (M-F) containing the opening day of school or the calendar week (M-F) containing the last day of school, unless the supervisor has determined that one or more of these weeks is/are not critical week(s) for the functioning of that Supervisor’s department/school.
Employees will be able to carry over five (5) vacation days at the per diem rate when they were earned, pending Board approval.
Secretary Vacation Buy Back
The Board agrees to buy back a maximum of ten (10) vacation days annually, at the member’s request, at the member’s current rate of pay. JEA members may elect to sell back vacation time during the first pay date in July and/or during the first pay date in January, but cannot exceed a total of ten (10) days per year. The JEA member must inform the Personnel department of their intent to sell vacation days in writing, a minimum of two weeks prior to the appropriate pay date.
Lunch periods will be the same as the teachers with a minimum of thirty (30) minutes.
Overtime Pay
Secretaries will be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times their hourly rate for all work in excess of forty (40) hours per week. Paid sick days, personal days, or holidays will be included in the forty (40) hours. All overtime must have prior approval of the Superintendent’s Office. It shall not be the secretary’s responsibility to obtain approval for overtime from the Superintendent’s office.
Secretaries called into work on the days when the schools are closed due to inclement weather shall receive their regular pay for the day plus one and one-half (1 1/2) times their hourly rate for all hours worked.
Secretaries, media specialists and paraprofessionals shall benefit from free attendance at the Jackson Community School Continuing Education courses on a stand-by basis, once and if, the course sought is fully funded for the instructor’s fee by standard enrollment of other students. A fee for instructional materials in such courses may be charged to any such employee exercising these limited free-attendance rights.
Secretaries will have a central call-in service for absentees.
Media Assistant and Paraprofessional Interpreter for the Deaf Work Year
The work year for Media Assistants and Paraprofessional Interpreters for the Deaf employed for ten (10) months shall be the same as that of a teacher.
- After completing ten (10) years of service in Jackson - an increment of $ 1,000; after fifteen (15) years of service, $1,250; after twenty (20) years of service, $1,500.
- Longevity payments will be made a part of the secretary’s regular monthly pay.
- The above longevity schedule will apply to Secretaries, Media Assistants and Paraprofessionals.
- It is agreed by the JEA and the Board of Education that the work year for paraprofessionals, during the life of this Agreement, shall be 182 days to include the first day in September for staff only, and one in-Service day. The yearly salary for Paraprofessionals shall be calculated at 182 times 6.75 hours, plus two (2) additional hours for Back-To-School Night.
- The length of the workday for each Paraprofessional will be determined by the Board. In the event a Paraprofessional workday is shortened due to inclement weather after the Paraprofessional has reported for duty, the Paraprofessional will be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hours’ work.
- Paraprofessionals shall be notified of re-employment as soon as possible after student placement has been accomplished. In any case, every effort will be made to notify Paraprofessionals no later than July 15 annually.
- Layoff of a Paraprofessional
Commencing with employees hired, as of September 1st 1993, Paraprofessionals shall achieve layoff seniority rights only after three consecutive years of employment within a four-year period. Employees hired prior to September 1st , 1993 shall retain seniority rights from their original date of hiring.
As of September 1st , 1993, there shall be no categorical division of seniority rights by job title for Paraprofessionals, except for the title of Paraprofessional Interpreter for the Deaf.
Seniority shall terminate when an employee resigns or is discharged. Seniority shall not accrue during unpaid leaves of absence in excess of twenty (20) workdays or when the employee is laid off.
In the event of a layoff during the school year, the individual(s) in the position being eliminated will be laid off without considering seniority.
The Board will maintain a recall list for paraprofessionals whose employment is eliminated as a result of a reduction in force. For any layoffs occurring after July 1, 2012, the list will be in effect for a period of two years from the date of the layoff and shall expire at the conclusion of the two year period. Paraprofessionals with seniority who are on layoff will be offered the next available position provided the opening occurs within two years of the date of layoff. At the end of the two year period the list will expire and paraprofessionals on the list shall have no further recall rights. While on the recall list, a paraprofessional with seniority who is on layoff shall be permitted to bump a less senior employee on September 1st immediately following layoff.
- The Board shall reimburse Paraprofessionals employed prior to July 1, 2002 for the cost of obtaining education credits necessary to meet certification requirements. Only those Paraprofessionals assigned to positions for which certification requirements have been established are eligible for reimbursement under this program.
- The Board agrees that it will not privatize paraprofessional unit positions during the term of this Agreement.
Seniority Rights for Secretaries
Paraprofessional Interpreters for the Deaf Preparation Time
Paraprofessional Interpreters for the Deaf shall have one (1) forty minute preparation period per day.
Support staff shall receive an additional pay differential each school year for their education. Support staff holding 60 credits and/or an Associate’s Degree shall receive $500 added to their base pay, annually.
Continuing Education Unit Language
Ten (10) workshop hours will be required for each earned one (1) Continuing Education credit.
Staff members who participate in workshops offered outside the Jackson School District and paid for by the district may be required to present a summary presentation as part of the ongoing professional development program offered in district.
For non-certified staff for every ten (10) Continuing Education Unit credits earned, two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) will be paid to the staff member. This money will be added to the staff member’s salary each year and will not exceed $500.
These monies will be provided once annually on September 1st based on the earned units by June 30th of the previous year. If the deadline is missed the monies will be applied the following year with no retroactive monies to be included. It is the employee’s responsibility to make this request with supporting documentation to the Department of Human Resources prior to July 1st of the previous year.
Para monitors
The Board must provide uniforms and uniforms must be made available on site. The Board agrees to purchase for each employee for each year of the contract the following:
These uniforms are to be worn during working hours.
Schedule E
Non-Certified Salary Guides
Secretary Salary Guide
Phase I: July 1, 2011 – December 31, 2012
Step | Salary |
1-2 | 32,575 |
3 | 32,775 |
4 | 32,975 |
5 | 33,175 |
6 | 33,375 |
7 | 33,575 |
8 | 34,896 |
9 | 36,428 |
10 | 38,206 |
11 | 40,440 |
12 | 41,916 |
13 | 43,999 |
14 | 44,989 |
15 | 46,098 |
16 | 51,656 |
17 | 57,213 |
Phase II: January 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Step | Salary |
1-2 | 33,770 |
3 | 33,970 |
4 | 34,170 |
5 | 34,370 |
6 | 34,570 |
7 | 34,770 |
8 | 36,091 |
9 | 37,623 |
10 | 39,401 |
11 | 41,635 |
12 | 43,111 |
13 | 45,194 |
14 | 46,184 |
15 | 47,293 |
16 | 52,851 |
17 | 58,408 |
Once you reach the top step of the guide, you will remain on that step through the life of the contract.
If you are currently on the last step of the guide you will remain on that step through the life of the contract.
High School Principal Secretary - shall be paid an additional annual salary amount according to the following experience schedule (in position):
YEARS | 2011-2014 |
1-4 Years | $2,111 |
5-10 Years | $3,880 |
Over 10 Years | $6,359 |
Paraprofessional Salary Guide
Phase I: September 1, 2011 – January 31, 2013
Step | Salary |
1 | 25,530 |
2 | 25,730 |
3 | 25,930 |
4 | 26,130 |
5 | 26,313 |
6 | 26,504 |
7 | 26,725 |
8 | 26,973 |
9 | 27,207 |
Paraprofessional Salary Guide
Phase II: February 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Step | Salary |
1 | 26,323 |
2 | 26,523 |
3 | 26,723 |
4 | 26,923 |
5 | 27,106 |
6 | 27,297 |
7 | 27,518 |
8 | 27,766 |
9 | 28,000 |
All eligible staff on-guide shall advance one step in each phase of the contract.
One you reach the top step of the guide, you will remain on that step through the life of the contract
If you are currently on the last step of the guide you will remain on that step through the life of the contract
Off-guide salaries increase by $668 in Phase I and by $793 in Phase II
Media Assistant Salary Guide
STEP | Phase I:
September 1, 2011-January 31, 2013 | Phase II:
February 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 |
1 | 31,327 | 32,298 |
2 | 31,533 | 32,511 |
3 | 31,739 | 32,723 |
4 | 31,946 | 32,936 |
Once you reach the top step of the guide, you will remain on that step through the life of the contract.
If you are currently on the last step of the guide you will remain on that step through the life of the contract.
Off-guide salaries increase by $1,151 in Phase I and by $1,187 in Phase II.
Part-Time Nurse’s Aide
AIDE: | September 1, 2011-January 31, 2013 | February 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 |
1. | $20.90/hour | $21.62/hour |
2. |  | $21.37/hour |  |
Schedule F 2-year Certified Support Staff: Educational Interpreter Endorsement Special Working Conditions
A. Educational Interpreter Work Day & Year
1. The work year for Interpreters employed for ten (10) months shall be the same as that of a teacher.
2. Interpreters shall have one (1) forty minute preparation period per day.
3. Interpreters shall be notified of re-employment as soon as possible after student placement has been accomplished. In any case, every effort will be made to notify interpreters no later than July 15 annually.
4. Lunch periods will be the same as the teachers with a minimum of thirty (30) minutes.
5. Interpreters will have a central call-in service for absentees.
B. Overtime Pay
Interpreters will submit vouchers to supervisor for overtime pay for work outside contractual day, to include afterschool and summer events. Rate of pay shall be an hourly rate based on salary. All overtime must have prior approval of the Superintendent's Office. It shall not be the interpreter's responsibility to obtain approval for overtime from the Superintendent's office, but the supervisor’s responsibility.
C. Longevity
1. After completing ten (10) years of service in Jackson - an increment of $ 1,000; after fifteen (15) years of service, $1,250; after twenty (20) years of service, $1,500.
2. Longevity payments will be made a part of the Interpreter's regular monthly pay.
3. The above longevity schedule will apply to Interpreters.
D. Educational Advancement
1. Interpreters shall benefit from free attendance at the Jackson Community School Continuing Education courses on a stand-by basis, once and if, the course sought is fully funded for the instructor's fee by standard enrollment of other students. A fee for instructional materials in such courses may be charged to any such employee exercising these limited free-attendance rights.
2. The Board shall reimburse Interpreters employed prior to July 1, 2002 for the cost of obtaining education credits necessary to meet certification requirements. Only those interpreters assigned to positions for which certification requirements have been established are eligible for reimbursement under this program.
3. Support staff shall receive an additional pay differential each school year for their education. Support staff holding 60 credits and/or an Associate's Degree shall receive $500 added to their base pay, annually.
E. Layoff of an Interpreter
1. Interpreters shall achieve layoff seniority rights only after three (3) consecutive years of employment.
2. As of September 1st, 1993, there shall be no categorical division of seniority rights by job title for Paraprofessionals, except for the title of Educational Interpreters.
3. Seniority shall terminate when an employee resigns or is discharged. Seniority shall not accrue during unpaid leaves of absence in excess of twenty (20) workdays or when the employee is laid off.
4. In the event of a layoff during the school year, the individual(s) in the position being eliminated will be laid off without considering seniority.
5. The Board will maintain a recall list for Educational Interpreters whose employment is eliminated as a result of a reduction in force. For any layoffs occurring after July 1, 2012, the list will be in effect for a period of two years from the date of the layoff and shall expire at the conclusion of the two year period. Educational Interpreters with seniority who are on layoff will be offered the next available position provided the opening occurs within two years of the date of layoff. At the end of the two year period the list will expire and Educational Interpreters on the list shall have no further recall rights. While on the recall list, an Educational Interpreter with seniority who is on layoff shall be permitted to bump a less senior employee on September 1st immediately following layoff.
F. Continuing Education Unit Language
1. Ten (10) workshop hours will be required for each earned one (1) Continuing Education credit.
2. Staff members who participate in workshops offered outside the Jackson School District and paid for by the district may be required to present a summary presentation as part of the ongoing professional development program offered in district.
3. For 2 year-certified staff for every ten (10) Continuing Education Unit credits earned, two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) will be paid to the staff member. This money will be added to the staff member's salary each year and will not exceed $500.
4. These monies will be provided once annually on September 1st based on the earned units by June 30th of the previous year. If the deadline is missed the monies will be applied the following year with no retroactive monies to be included. It is the employee's responsibility to make this request with supporting documentation to the Department of Human Resources prior to July 1st of the previous year.
Schedule F
2-Year Certified Educational Interpreter Salary Guide
Phase I: September 1, 2011 – January 31, 2013
Step | A | B |
1 | 33,678 | 36,571 |
2 | 33,884 | 36,777 |
3 | 34,090 | 36,983 |
4 | 34,296 | 37,189 |
5 | 34,666 | 37,559 |
6 | 35,062 | 37,955 |
7 | 35,445 | 38,337 |
8 | 35,827 | 38,719 |
9 | 36,464 | 39,357 |
10 | 36,955 | 39,848 |
11 | 37,466 | 40,357 |
12 | 37,976 | 40,868 |
13 | 38,742 | 41,634 |
Phase II: February 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Step | A | B |
1 | 34,722 | 37,704 |
2 | 34,934 | 37,917 |
3 | 35,147 | 38,129 |
4 | 35,359 | 38,342 |
5 | 35,741 | 38,724 |
6 | 36,149 | 39,132 |
7 | 36,544 | 39,525 |
8 | 36,938 | 39,920 |
9 | 37,595 | 40,577 |
10 | 38,101 | 41,083 |
11 | 38,627 | 41,609 |
12 | 39,153 | 42,135 |
13 | 39,943 | 42,924 |
All eligible staff on-guide shall advance one step in each phase of the contract.
Once you reach the top step of the guide, you will remain on that step through the life of the contract.
If you are currently on the last step of the guide you will remain on that step through the life of the contract.
Off-guide salaries increase by $668 in Phase I and by $793 in Phase II