July 2002 Teacher
Cresskill Education Association-Board of Education Agreement
Agreement made this first day of July 2002 between the Cresskill Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") of Lincoln Drive, Cresskill, New Jersey, and the Cresskill Education Association (hereinafter referred to as the "CEA") of Lincoln Drive, Cresskill, New Jersey.
Contents Page
ARTICLE I Recognition 1
II Definitions 2
III Duration of Contract 3
IV Rights of Parties 4
V Savings Clause 5
VI Personnel Files 6
VII Grievance Procedure 7,8
VIII Salaries 9
IX Sick Leave 10,11
X Personal/Notification Days 12
XI Absence Related to Death 13
XII Other Absences with Pay 14
XIII Reduction in Pay 15
XIV Other Absences Without Pay 16
XV Insurance Benefits 17,18
XVI Sabbatical Leave 19
XVII Placement and Advancement 20,21
XVIII Tuition Reimbursement 22,23
XIX School Year 24 XX In-Service Courses and Curriculum Development 25
XXI Part-Time Employees 26,27
XXII Extra Teaching/Supervisory Duties 28-29
XXIII Length of School Day 30
XXIV Meetings 31
XXV Stipends 32
XXVI Signature Page 33
A. Salary Guides
B. Stipends
· Basis for Stipend Compensation
· Initial Steps by Non-Athletic Activities
· Personnel Assigned to Non-Athletic Activities
· Initial Steps by Athletic Activities
· Personnel Assigned to Athletic Activities
The Cresskill Board of Education (Board) recognizes the Cresskill Education Association (CEA) as the representative for collective negotiations for all employees under contract in titles of teachers, counselors, custodians, secretaries, trainer, and library technology aide.
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1) Board means the Cresskill Board of Education, its members, officers and appointed agents.
2) CEA means the Cresskill Education Association, its officers and appointed agents.
3) Employee means a person or persons employed by the Board in the job categories defined in Article I.
4) Grievance is a claim by any employee or the CEA based upon the interpretation, application or violation of this agreement, Board policy or administrative decision that affects the employees terms and conditions of employment.
5) Grievant means an employee or the CEA making a claim.
6) Representative means a person or persons and/or a designated officer or agent of the CEA to represent the employee.
This agreement shall be effective for the period commencing July 1, 2002 and ending June 30, 2005.
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A) Nothing herein contained shall deny any employee and/or the Board of their rights under New Jersey State Education Laws and/or State Rules and Regulations.
B) Except as considered administratively inappropriate, implementation of the express written provision of this agreement and other terms of employment and working conditions of employees of this district shall remain consistent with prevailing practices in this district.
C) If the parties, under specific circumstances, modify a provision of this agreement, such modification shall not be deemed precedent for any further application of that provision.
D) Agency Shop Clause - Effective July 1, l984 the Board hereby grants to the CEA an agency shop. If an employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year (i.e., from September 1 to the following August 31) which is covered in whole or in part by this agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year to offset the costs of services rendered by the Association as majority representative. The representation fee to be paid by nonmembers will be equal to the maximum allowed by law.
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In the event that any portion of this agreement shall be found contrary to law, the remainder of the agreement shall continue in force for the period of the agreement.
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Employees shall have access to review their personnel files upon notification to the administration. Following a review, an employee may request and shall receive copies of any documents which have been placed in their files.
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Intent: It is the purpose of this procedure to secure, at the earliest administrative level, equitable resolution of differ-ences concerning the rights of parties, through procedures under which the grievant and the Board are afforded adequate opportunity to dispose of the grievance.
Level One: A grievant, within forty-five (45) working days of a grievable occurrence, may present and discuss the grievance with the building principal. The grievant and principal may mutually agree to extend the above time limit. The grievant shall have the right to represent himself or herself and/or designate a representative to present the grievance with or for him/her. Discussions between the principal and grievant and/or representative may be entirely informal. The principal shall within fourteen (14) working days inform the grievant in writing of his decision.
Level Two: If the grievance is not resolved at Level One, then within fourteen (14) working days of notification by the principal of his/her decision, the grievant will submit the grievance in writing to the superintendent or his/her designee. The superintendent or his/her designee shall, within fourteen (14) working days of the receipt of the grievance, meet with the grievant and/or his/her representative for the purpose of discussing the grievance. The superintendent or his/her designee shall, within fourteen (14) working days after the grievance meeting, issue in writing his/her decision with reasons to the grievant.
Level Three: If the grievance is not resolved at Level Two, then within seven (7) working days after receipt of the written decision of the superintendent or his/her designee or the expiration of the time limit for making such decision, the grievant or his/her representative may submit the grievance in writing to the Board, together with a copy of the decision of the superintendent or his/her designee. The Board shall, within fourteen (14) working days of the receipt of the grievance, meet with the grievant and/or his/her representative for the purpose of discussing the grievance. Such a meeting shall be arranged by the Superintendent or his/her designee at a time and place mutually agreeable to the grievant and/or his/her representative and the Board. The Board shall, within fourteen (l4) working days after the grievance meeting, issue its disposition with the reasons in writing to the grievant.
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Level Four: If the grievance has not been resolved at Level 3, then within fourteen (14) working days after receipt of the written decision of the Board, or the expiration of the time limits for making such decision, the grievant or his/her representative(s) may submit to the Board a written notice for appointment of an arbitrator who shall be empowered to review the grievance and to make findings and recommendations. Such arbitrator shall be selected directly by the parties from the Public Employment Relations Commission list of available arbitrators within twenty-one (21) working days of the Board's receipt of such written notice. The arbitrator's findings and recommendations shall be made within fourteen (14) working days after review of the case, but such findings and recommendations shall not bind any of the parties to the grievance.
Level Five: If the grievance is not resolved at Level Four, the grievant or his/her representative may, within fourteen (14) working days of receipt of the finding or recommendations of the arbitrator, request in writing a review of the grievance by the Board, together with the reasons for such request. The Board may, within fourteen (14) working days of the receipt of the findings or recommendations of the arbitrator, review the grievance upon its own motion, provided that written notice of such review, together with the reasons for the review, are furnished the grievant and/or his/her representative. The Board shall review the facts of the grievance and shall render its disposition in writing with reasons to the grievant or his/her representative within fourteen (14) working days after the completion of the review of the case.
Level Six: If the grievance is not resolved at Level Five, either party may pursue the grievance to the next appropriate authority as provided in Article IVA of this contract.
Employee salary guides for 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05 are attached as
Exhibits A, B, and C.
The dollar increase each year is set as follows:
2002-2003 - 3.5%
2003-2004 - 4.1%
2004-2005 - 4.2%
Normal increments as indicated on the salary guide(s) for employees will be granted each year for satisfactory performance if recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board.
A ten month employee must work at least five calendar months in a school year in order to be eligible for advancement to the next salary step at the start of the following school year.
A twelve month employee must work at least six calendar months in a school year in order to be eligible for advancement to the next salary step at the start of the following school year.
All clerical and secretarial positions are twelve (12) months unless otherwise designated at time of employment.
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1) Days Earned
Each employee shall be given sick leave credit of one day for each month's employment during the school year, i.e., ten (10) days if employed on a ten month basis (September 1 to June 30) and twelve (12) days if employed on a twelve month basis (July 1 to June 30).
An employee starting employment on or before the l5th of the month and employed for sixteen calendar days shall be allowed one day's credit for that month but no credit will be allowed for that month if employment begins after the l5th of the month.
2) Unused Sick Leave
Effective from July 1, 1954, an employee's annual unused sick leave credit will be cumulative from year to year without limit.
No employee shall lose or add to his/her previously accumulated unused days of sick leave by reason of having been granted a leave of absence by the Board. Unused accumulated sick leave credit is automatically dropped when an employee fails to return from such leave of absence and also when the employee's services are terminated for any other reason.
The Board shall, by October 1 of each school year, notify each employee of his/her accumulated sick leave credit.
Any employee who does not complete the contract year, and has used all the sick days will have his/her salary reduced at a per diem rate for each unearned sick day.
3) Use of Sick Leave
The sick leave credit accumulated as provided herein may be used by the employee at any time for the purpose for which such sick leave is intended.
If an employee uses sick leave benefits for reasons other than those for which sick leave is intended, such employee shall be subject to dismissal from further services.
Employees shall be allowed sick leave absence with full pay for the reasons and within the limits specified below. The number of days for such absences shall be deducted from the employee's annual and accumulated sick leave credit.
Personal illness or injury to the employee or his/her immediate family: i.e., husband, wife, child, mother, father, sister, brother, or any other relative, provided such other relative lives within the employee's immediate household. Any medical circumstances affecting relatives in addition to those listed here are to be granted at the discretion of the superintendent.
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A doctor's certificate may be required in the event of an extended absence. If a doctor's certificate is requested and is not furnished, an amount equivalent to the basic substitute's pay shall be deducted for the third day after the request is made and the succeeding days of absence.
4) Extended Sick Leave
In instances where an employee has exhausted his/her sick leave, the Board may on a case by case application, grant additional sick leave with either full or partial salary. The Board's decision to grant or not grant additional sick leave under this paragraph shall not be considered precedent for other applications.
5) Payment for Unused Sick Leave on Retirement
Employees will be compensated for unused sick leave under the following conditions:
· a minimum of 75 sick leave days must be accumulated.
· employee must be retiring. (TPAF or PERS)
· one year advanced notification in writing of intent to retire must be given
· credit for unused sick leave days during period of leave of absence is not granted
· retirement must occur June 30th
The compensation is based on the individual's average attendance for the prior three-year period compared to the average attendance of the entire staff of the district (including all CEA unit members) according to the following formula:
If the individual's average attendance is within 5 percentage points of the total staff attendance, the individual is credited with $85 per day, not to exceed $13,000. (The amount is not to exceed the daily rate during the final year of employment.) If the individual’s average attendance (absences) is greater than 5% of the total staff attendance, the rate will be as follows:
2002-2005 - $65 per day up to $13,000
The schedule for pay out in the event of retirement shall be as follows: Notification prior to September - payment made the following July, notification after September 1 - payment to be made in July of the following school year (i.e. - notification before September 1, 2002 results in pay out July of 2003; notification after September 1, 2002 results in pay out July of 2004).
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1. Personal days
Each employee shall be granted two days leave without the employee's giving a reason for the need to be absent. The employee shall notify the administration of the date of any such day at least five working days prior to that date except in the case of emergency.
Every effort will be made by the employee to consider the smooth continuity of education with regard to use of personal/notification days. The Association and its members recognize the intent of the use of personal/notification days and that these days may not be taken before or after a long weekend or holiday without the prior approval of the Superintendent. Again, every effort will be made by Association members to utilize these days in a professional manner.
2. Notification Days
An employee shall be granted one such day each school year if employed less than ten (10) years in the district. Two days shall be allowed each school year for employees of ten or more years of service in the district. The allowance under this article shall be in accordance with the terms of Section 3 below.
The employee shall notify the administration of the date of any such day at least five working days prior to that date except in cases where the exact date cannot be predetermined. If the absence is linked to a school holiday or weekend, a request for substantiation of reason for the absence may be made.
Absence will be allowed upon approval of the reason, in advance, by the Superintendent. Examples of reasons for which such days may be granted include: household emergency not related to illness or injury, legal consultations and legal ceremonies, graduations in the immediate family, birth of child, civic duty and subpoenas (other than school related).
Every effort will be made by the employee to consider the smooth continuity of education with regards to use of personal/notification days. The Association and its members recognize the intent of the use of personal/notification days and that these days may not be taken before or after a long weekend or holiday without the prior approval of the Superintendent. Again, every effort will be made by Association members to utilize these days in a professional manner.
3. Unused Personal/Notification Days
Unused personal/notification days shall be converted to available sick leave days on a 1:1 basis, in the following school year (no reimbursement). Unused fractional personal/notification days shall not be converted.
Proposed: 01/21/2004 Accepted: 01/26/2004
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In case of death in the immediate family as defined in this agreement, an employee may be absent for five (5) school days with no salary deduction. Such absence must occur within 14 days of the death. Any such absence in excess of five (5) school days would be taken without pay.
In case of death of a relative other than the immediate family as defined in this agreement in Article IX, Section 3, provided that any such absence exceeding two (2) consecutive school days shall be without pay.
The allowance under this article shall not be cumulative.
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Except as modified below, the following absences shall be allowed at full pay. Such allowance shall not be cumulative.
1) Absence of an employee due to quarantine either by the Health Office of the community in which the employee resides, or by direction of the school physician because of contagious disease in the employee's immediate household, but not because of personal illness, provided that proper evidence is submitted by the absent employee to the Superintendent through the principal's office.
2) Enforced absence of an employee by reason of a subpoena or legal process issued by a court, provided that the subpoena or other evidence of legal process is filed with the Superintendent through the principal's office, and provided further that the employee is not a party to the suit involved, i.e., indicting or being indicted, or suing or being sued. If the employee is a party to the suit, the basic substitute pay shall be deducted for a period of five (5) days; thereafter, the employee will receive no pay.
3) Absences that are for school purposes as recommended by the Principal and approved by the Superintendent.
4) In all instances, when a staff member is on leave, he/she is to file a written statement of intent to return or not return to the position for the spring semester no later than December 15 or for the fall semester no later than March 15 of the prior year.
In case of absence for reasons approved by the Superintendent but not covered elsewhere in this agreement, the basic substitute rate shall be deducted.
In the case of employees for whom no substitute is provided, any salary deductions shall be made on the basis of what a substitute would be paid.
In all cases not covered elsewhere in this agreement in which absences are taken without approval of the reason by the Superintendent, the deduction from the employee's pay for each day's absence shall be made on the basis of:
1/200th of the annual 10 month salary; or
1/240th of the annual 12 month salary.
The following leaves of absence, granted in accordance with this article, shall be without pay in all cases.
1) Paternity/maternity leave shall be granted for a period of up to the end of the school year in which the birth of the child or the placement of a child for adoption occurs. If the child is born February 1st to August 31st, a maternity leave shall be granted through January 31st following the child’s birth. This leave may be extended through the end of that school year at the discretion of the Superintendent and the Board of Education, upon a written explanation of the reason for the request. Such requests must be submitted to the Superintendent no later than June 1st. Consideration will be given to extenuating circumstances and continuity of instruction.
2) The Board may approve a request for leave of absence not to exceed twelve months upon the recommendation of the principal and the superintendent for the following:
A. Personal illness, injuries, or disability including medically certified rest and recuperation and/or
B. Educational and professional growth. Applications for educational and/or professional growth should be filed no later than November 15 for the spring semester or by February 1 for the following fall semester or for a full school year.
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1. Medical Insurance
A. For all personnel hired prior to July 1, 1996 and tenured personnel hired prior to July 1, 2002, the Board shall underwrite the cost of health insurance premiums for the employees and their eligible dependents in the Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield plan currently in effect for hospitalization, surgical and major medical or equivalent coverage) for the duration of this contract.
B. For all non-tenured personnel hired after July 1, 1996, but before July 1, 2002, the Board shall underwrite the cost of health insurance premiums for the non-tenured employee in the Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield plan currently in effect for hospitalization, surgical and major medical (or equivalent) for the duration of this contract. Dependent coverage will be made available to such non-tenured employees on a full contributory basis by the employee.
C. For all personnel hired on or after July 1, 2002, the Board shall provide single coverage in the Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO Plan. Dependent coverage in the Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO Plan (or equivalent) will be made available to such non-tenured employees on a full contributory basis by the employee.
D. When personnel hired on or after July 1, 2002 achieve tenure the Board shall underwrite the cost of coverage for the employee and their eligible dependents in the Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO Plan (or equivalent), for the remainder of this contract.
2. Dental Insurance
A. The Board shall underwrite the cost of dental insurance premiums (Delta Dental Plan-Delta Premier or equivalent), no deductible, including orthodontic services for all personnel hired prior to July 1, 1996 and their eligible dependents for the duration of this contract.
B. For all non-tenured personnel hired on or after July 1, 1996, the Board shall underwrite the cost of Delta Dental Plan-Delta Premier (or equivalent), no deductible, including orthodontic services for the employee, for the duration of this contract. Dependent coverage will be made available to such non-tenure personnel on a full contributory basis by the employee.
C. When personnel hired on or after July 1, 1996 achieve tenure, the Board shall underwrite the cost of coverage for the employee and their eligible dependents in the Delta Dental Plan-Delta Premiere (or equivalent), no deductible, including orthodontic services for the duration of this contract.
3. Optical Benefit
The Board shall underwrite the cost of one optical exam, or one pair of glasses or contact lenses per employee, up to $100 per contract year within a pool capped at $10,000 per year for all CEA members. Receipts must be submitted to the business office no later than June 15th of each school year the exam occurred. By the end of that school year, the Superintendent of Schools will review the number of CEA receipts filed with the business office to determine the prorated amount to be reimbursed to each participating employee from the $10,000 pool. (Should the $10,000 not be reached, each employee submitting receipts may receive up to a maximum of $150.) Such payment will be forwarded to the employee during the summer following the end of the school year.
4. Any change(s) in health or dental insurance plans as listed in items #1 and #2 above must be mutually agreed upon by the Board and the CEA.
Proposed: 01/21/2004
Accepted: 01/26/2004
7/1/02 18T
ARTICLE XVI - SABBATICAL LEAVE Any employee who has completed ten or more years in the teaching profession and at least seven years of continuous full time service in the Cresskill Schools, may, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, be granted a leave of absence by the Board of Education for one full year for study designed to enhance his/her effectiveness in the school system. Study shall be defined as a course or other plan approved by the Superintendent. Application for such leave shall be made prior to December 1 previous to the school year for which such absence is requested. Such application shall be made upon a regular form furnished by the Board and shall indicate a program, approved by the Superintendent and the Board, to be followed by the teacher during the period of leave.
Applicants shall agree to abide by all conditions established by the Board to govern such leaves of absence.
Applicant shall agree in writing before leaving on sabbatical to serve at least two full years in the Cresskill schools immediately following the leave. If the two full years is not served, the applicant shall reimburse the Board for the full amount received while on leave. The reimbursement shall be made within the school year of the date of resignation. This paragraph does not apply to an employee who is discharged as part of a reduction in force.
The salary granted to an employee on such leave shall be one-half of the salary to which he/she would be entitled if not on leave. From such half-salary shall be deducted monthly the regular deductions, based on full pay, for the Teacher's Pension Fund and other deductions authorized by the employee. Salary payments shall be made in accordance with the schedule for payment of salaries in the school system.
Not more than one employee shall be granted sabbatical leave for the same year unless the Superintendent recommends more than one. In granting such leaves of absence due consideration shall be given to seniority, the reasonable and equitable distribution of the applicants among the different schools and the possible benefits to the total school system.
If more than one employee applies for leave, selection shall be made on basis of seniority and the benefits to the school system. At all times the needs of the school system shall be paramount. The Superintendent shall make recommendations regarding this matter.
Employees on such leave may not associate for compensation with any person, persons, or organization during the school year, unless the Board approves such association as beneficial to this school system and only then upon the conditions prescribed by the Board.
Teachers on such leave shall make regular written reports to the Superintendent as he may require.
Teachers on such leave will be considered as in the employ of the Board and the time thus spent shall count as regular service toward retirement and for consideration in regard to salary adjustment.
Such leave of absence shall be without prejudice to the teacher's tenure rights.
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A maximum of twelve (12) years' credit for relevant prior experience may be allowed for newly employed employees. Of the twelve years, a maximum of four years' credit may be granted for service in the armed forces.
Employees who have taken approved graduate courses may be advanced by the Board to a salary guide above the one on at present providing that official notification of the acquisition of the required number of graduate credits or the completion of degree requirements have been presented to, and approved by the superintendent of schools ten (10) days prior to the first day of September or the first day of February.
Placement on the appropriate guide shall be based on meeting the following conditions:
A. Bachelor's Degree (BA or BS)
· a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree
B. Bachelor's Degree plus 20 (BA+20)
· BA or BS
· plus 20 graduate credits
If after three years on this guide a higher degree has not been acquired, the teacher's placement shall revert to the BA guide.)
C. Master's Degree (MA)
· a Master's degree
D. Master's in the Field (MAF)
· a Master's degree
· 21 of the total graduate credits must be in the field of certification and/or the one in which the person is assigned for the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 school years
· 24 of the total graduate credits must be in the field of certification and/or the one in which the person is assigned as of September, 2004.
E. Master's Degree plus 30 (MA+30)
· a Master's degree
· in addition to Master's degree, 30 graduate credits
F. Master's Degree in the Field plus 30 (MA30F)
· Master's degree
· in addition to Master's degree, 30 graduate credits
· 36 of the total graduate credits must be in the field of certification and/or the one in which the person is assigned.
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*G. Master's Degree in the Field plus 60 (MA60F)
· Master’s Degree
· in addition to Master's degree, 60 graduate credits
· 54 of the total graduate credits must be in the field of certification and/or the one in which the person is assigned.
H. Credit Hours
No more than one semester credit hour (undergraduate or graduate) may be earned for an academic experience of one week or less, irrespective of the number of contact hours in that period. (NJAC 9:1-1.1) The typical three credit hour course, for example, must meet over at least a three week period.
* Placement and advancement to the Master's Degree in the Field Plus 60 credits (MA60F) level is available to all employees hired prior to July 1, 1996. For all employees hired as of July 1, 1996, the MA60F advancement and placement level shall be replaced by an earned Doctorate Degree level.
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1. Personnel Hired Prior to July 1, 1996
The Board shall reimburse full-time employees for tuition incurred in the pursuit of approved graduate credits at an accredited institution of higher education subject to the following conditions. (Current non-tenured employees hired prior to July 1, 1996, shall also be covered under the current conditions for reimbursement.) No reimbursement or salary guide advancement will be given for courses or workshops taken specifically toward the CEU’s for certification maintenance. Teachers beginning a program toward advancement on the salary guide must submit a program proposal and description for review and approval by the Superintendent. Any courses not approved by the Superintendent will not be eligible for reimbursement.
A. The course must receive the prior approval of the Superintendent.
B. The employee shall take course(s) that relate to his/her responsibilities/ position in the Cresskill Schools and/or meet the needs of the district.
C. The work is successfully completed with a grade in each course of "B" or higher.
· An employee will be reimbursed for one grade of "C" provided that he has not been reimbursed for a grade of "C" in the prior two year period.
· Where a course is offered only on a pass-fail basis reimbursement will be made for a pass mark.
D. The tuition reimbursement pool shall have an $18,900 dollar cap for each school year.
E. Eligible employees will receive tuition reimbursement for 9 credits each year for approved courses toward MA level.
*F. Staff members shall be granted reimbursement at the per credit rate prevailing in the New Jersey State Colleges for successful completion of nine credits per contract year. For courses completed at non-New Jersey State Colleges, the reimbursement rate shall be 133-1/3% of the average rate per credit charged by William Paterson, Montclair State and Jersey City State.
G. By January 15th of each school year, the Superintendent of Schools will review the number of approved graduate courses that have been taken and successfully completed in summer sessions, the fall semester and the number of graduate course requests approved for the upcoming spring semester.
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1. Personnel Hired Prior to July 1, 1996 (continued)
* If tuition reimbursement for approved courses in the summer, fall and spring semesters is projected not to exceed the $18,900 cap, tuition reimbursement shall be paid under the formula outlined in item F above.
* If tuition reimbursement of courses approved in the summer, fall and spring semesters is projected to exceed the $18,900 cap, tuition reimbursement will be frozen until June 1st of that school year.
After all approved courses for the school year are completed, the total number of course credits taken will be divided into the $18,900 cap. Each employee will receive an equal dollar amount per credit for a maximum of nine credits per employee for approved courses for the school year.
2. Personnel Hired After July 1, 1996
Upon successful completion of tenure, all employees shall be eligible for the same tuition reimbursement as offered to other tenured employees as outlined in the BOE/CEA contract agreement in effect at that time.
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The number of working days for employees under this contract shall be one hundred eighty four (184) commencing in the year 2000-01, or at the time the state certification requirement for teachers to accrue 100 hours of Continuing Education Units (CEU) every five years commences. It is planned that three of these days shall be for in-service, with one focusing on programs that will meet 6 hours of the continuing education credits. At least 4 additional hours will be made available to staff each year of this contract toward meeting the 100 hours requirement. (In the event the state abandons the 100 hours requirement, the 184 staff days will end at the conclusion of this contract.)
Emergency days during the school year shall be added to the school year.
The Board at its sole discretion may establish a school calendar in excess of one hundred and eighty four (184) working days to provide for possible emergency days. Should the school calendar, after deducting actual emergency days, be more or less than one hundred and eighty-three working days, the Board will within 10 days after April l5 of the school year amend the school calendar to one hundred and eighty three working days for employees.
Employees may enroll in "in-service" courses offered and underwritten at the discretion of the Board. Such courses shall serve the education objectives of the Board, and shall be taught at the equivalent of graduate-level standing by instructors qualified to each them in a college or university. For each such course the subject matter, choice of instructor, the number of credits to be granted, the number and length of sessions, and the specific academic and attendance requirements shall be approved, in advance, by the superintendent and the Board. Employees who complete such courses may apply up to an accumulated total of six credits to their respective salary guides.
Regular attendance is required if in-service credits is to be granted. One absence will be allowed for any one-credit course, provided a make-up assignment is completed. In the event of an absence from a half-credit or quarter-credit course, credit will not be granted. Ten to fifteen hours of work constitutes a full credit.* Instructors are required to submit an attendance record and verification of credit earned.
2 hours to 4 hours = 1/4 credit ($ 50)
5-9 hours = 1/2 credit ($100)
10-15 hours = 1 credit ($150)
Reimbursement is an option in lieu of credits for summer courses only (offered by the district) provided the course has not been taken before or the credits will not be used to meet the 100 hours of CEU.
Professional staff members will participate in a planned in-service program and/or curriculum development project during each year of contract in accord with the needs of the district. The decisions regarding this work and assignments will be made by the superintendent.
Attendance at approved conferences may count toward the 100 hours of Professional Development.
Each part-time elementary school teacher's compensation and fringe benefits (hereinafter collectively referred to as remuneration) shall be paid on an hourly pro-rata basis against remuneration paid to full-time teachers.
Each part-time junior-senior high school teacher's compensation and fringe benefits (hereinafter collectively referred to as remuneration) shall be paid on a pro-rata basis against remuneration paid to full time teachers as outlined below:
A. Part-time teachers shall be hired for a percentage of the school day based on the class instructional needs of the school.
B. The total minutes of the junior-senior high school day (450 minutes) will be used as the basis for developing all part-time teacher work schedules.
The present practice of assigning full-time teacher schedules will be used for determining the percentage of the school day that will be assigned a part-time teacher; for example -
· Physical education assignments will be based on five and one-half (5-1/2) teaching periods.
· All other subject disciplines assignments will be based on five (5) teaching periods.
C. The percentage of the school day that the part-time teacher will be employed can be calculated by -
· placing the number of teaching periods assigned over the full-time teaching assignment in the respective discipline of instruction; for example
· physical education teacher 1/5.5, 2/5.5, 3/5.5
· other subject areas 1/5, 2/5, 3/5
· The appropriate fraction is then applied to the full-time equivalent of 450 minutes to determine the portion of the school day the part-time teacher will
be employed.
D. The present practice of assigning full-time teachers student supervision assignments will be used to assign part-time teachers student supervision assignments. This will be accomplished by applying the part-time teachers' percentage of employment to the subject area for which they are hired; for example -
· physical education teachers – five and one-half (5.5) teaching assignments -- one (1) period of student supervision duty
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· all other subject disciplines - five (5) teaching assignments -- one and one half (1 1/2) periods student supervision duty
Notwithstanding the provisions of the above paragraphs, full health and dental benefits shall be given to personnel who are employed at least 20 hours/week. Employees working less than 20 hours/week shall not be entitled to any health and dental benefits.
Fringe benefits shall include: sick leave days earned, unused sick leave, payment for unused sick leave on retirement, all as set forth in Article IX - Sick Leave; personal/notification days as set forth in Article X - Personal/Notification Days.
7/1/02 27T
A. The guidelines for determining assignments and compensation of additional classes in the Junior-Senior High School are as follows:
Teacher with an additional class for a semester:
1st Semester 2nd Semester
6 teaching periods 5 teaching periods
1 conference period 1 supervision period
1 supervision period 2 conference periods
8.3% of that teacher's salary per semester*
Teacher not taking an additional class for a semester:
1st Semester 2nd Semester
5 teaching periods 5 teaching periods
2 supervision periods 1 supervision period
1 conference period 2 conference periods
· 16.6% of the instructor's annual salary for a full year course
· 8.3% of the instructor's annual salary for a one semester course
B. The following procedures will be followed to enact the assigning of teachers to additional classes in the Junior-Senior High School:
1. Any additional classes will first be assigned to any part-time teachers in the area of the appropriate certification.
2. If, in any particular discipline (i.e. area of certification) there arises a need to cover additional courses that amount to a 1/2 time teacher or more in that discipline, every attempt will be made by the administration to secure a teacher to teach these classes.
3. If there arises a need for the present staff to cover additional classes, the principal and the area supervisor will then ask the staff member that they feel is best suited to teach a particular course.
4. If that teacher wishes not to teach an additional course, the principal and the area supervisor will then ask for volunteers who are certified to teach the additional course.
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*This will be determined by a CEA representative and the Secretary to the Board of Education on the first day of each new school year.
5. If more than one volunteer comes forward, the principal and the area supervisor shall select the person that they feel is best suited to teach that particular course.
6. If, in the end, the principal and the area supervisor are not able to identify someone who is willing to teach the additional course, a lottery of all qualified teachers will be conducted; and a teacher will then be required to teach the additional course.
7. If at all possible, no teacher shall be required to teach an additional class 2 years in a row. (That teacher will not be a part of the lottery selection process in the following year.)
8. No teacher will be asked or required, nor will any teacher be allowed to volunteer, to teach an additional class, if that assignment impacts on another teacher so as to jeopardize or reduce his/her position as a full-time or part-time teacher.
9. Any course for which there is no certification requirements, could be assigned, according to the determination of the principal, to a teacher in order to fill a teacher's schedule.
10. Every attempt will be made by the administration to equitably assign supervision/curriculum/in-service assignments.
11. Representatives of the CEA and the administration will continue to evaluate and review the implementation of these guidelines.
C. Reimbursement for coverage (elementary) -
If the covering of classes results in the teacher's not receiving five (5) prep periods per week, the teacher will be compensated $25 per prep period.
7/1/02 29T
Effective July 1, 1996, the following time schedule for staff and students in the district junior-senior high school and the district elementary schools will be in effect.
8:20 AM - teacher day begins
8:35 AM - student arrival
8:45 AM - classes begin
3:00 PM - end of student day
3:15 PM - end of teacher day
7:45 AM - teacher arrival
3:15 PM - end of teacher day
7/1/02 30T
The following meeting schedule will be followed by all professional staff members.
· The first Monday of each month - building principal
· The second Monday of each month - Cresskill Education Association
· The third Monday of each month - Superintendent of Schools or building principal or area supervisors
· The fourth Monday of each month - building principal or area supervisors
· Meetings to commence by 3:00 PM for the Junior/Senior High School 3:15 PM for the elementary schools.
· Meetings should be kept within a reasonable time frame.
· If a Monday is lost to a holiday or recess, the meeting shall be rescheduled for the next school day.
· If, by chance, there is a fifth Monday in any given month, building principals may utilize this time for appropriate school project planning.
· Members of the professional staff are to avoid taking graduate courses on Mondays that will interfere with professional staff meetings.
· Staff members that must take a particular graduate course on Mondays must have prior approval by their building principal and the Superintendent of Schools.
· Every effort will be made to schedule meetings that are necessary to the smooth operation of each school and district.
7/1/02 31T
Stipend Guide is attached as Exhibit B.
In those cases in which it is possible, the Board will notify by June 15 of each school year those persons assigned to stipend-bearing responsibilities to which they have been assigned for the following year.
7/1/02 32T
In witness hereof the parties have signed this agreement of the date first set forth herein in the Borough of Cresskill, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey.
_____________________________ by__________________________
Date President
_____________________________ ____________________________
Date Witness
_____________________________ by___________________________
Date President
_____________________________ ____________________________
Date Witness
7/1/02 33T
(Based on the 2002-05 agreement between the CEA and the BOE)
The general basis for determination of compensation is the schedule on Exhibit B, page 1, which is as follows:
This applies to both non-athletic and athletic stipended positions.
Year 1 - Initial Step
Year 2 - Initial Step + 5%
Year 3 - Initial Step + 10%
Year 4 - Initial Step + 15%
Initial steps were increased as follows:
2002-2003 - 3.5%
2003-2004 - 4.2%
2004-2005 - 0.0%
A person who has no prior experience in the position would be placed on the initial step. A person with one year's verified prior experience would be compensated in an amount equal to that of the initial step plus a 5% addition to that amount. With 2 years prior experience, compensation would be initial amount + 10%; for 3 years, it would be initial step amount + 15% above that.
1. Longevity is based on the number of consecutive years of service in the specific related activity within the Cresskill School District.
2. In order for a service to qualify for longevity, the majority of that service must be performed before or after school hours.
3. 10 years ... $200
15 years ... $400
20 years ... $600
25 years….$800