FTBoE/FTEA Agreement July 1, 2011– June 30, 2014
Frankford Township Board of Education
Frankford Township Education Association
July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2014
Schedule A Salaries 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43
Schedule B Extra Curricular Stipends 44
Schedule C Extra Stipends 45
In compliance with Chapter 303, laws of 1968, an amended Chapter 123 of 1974 the State of New Jersey, the Frankford Board of Education and the Frankford Township Education Association enter into this written agreement.
The Frankford Township Board of Education hereby recognizes the Frankford Township Education Association for purposes of negotiations as the representative of full-time and regular part-time teachers, para-professionals, and secretaries. The positions of superintendent, principal, vice-principal, board secretary/business administrator, confidential board secretaries (executive secretary to the superintendent, assistant board secretary, administrative assistant), bus drivers and custodians are specifically excluded from coverage of this Agreement.
A “grievance” shall be construed to be the interpretation, application or violation of policies, agreements, and administrative decisions affecting them.
An “aggrieved person” is the person or persons making the claim.
A “party of interest” is the person or persons making the claim and any person who might be required to take action or against whom action might be taken in order to resolve to claim.
Since it is desirable to all parties that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated should be considered as a maximum and every effort made to expedite the process. The time limits specified may, however, be changed by mutual agreement.
2. Level One
Any employee who has a grievance shall discuss it first with the Superintendent in an attempt to resolve the matter informally at that level.
If the aggrieved is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at level one
he/she shall file his/her grievance in writing with the Superintendent. The response to the written grievance shall be in writing and be given no later than five (5) school days after receiving the grievance.
No employee shall be disciplined without just cause. Whenever an employee is required to appear before any supervisor for disciplinary action, he/she shall have the right to written notification of the reason for said meeting and shall have the right to have a representative of the Association present.
Representatives of the Association, Sussex County Education Association, the New Jersey Education Association, and the National Education Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property, provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations, and subject to the approval of the Superintendent.
Any representative of the Association or any employee, who participates during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, conferences, or meetings initiated by the Board of Education or its representatives, shall suffer no loss in pay.
The Association may use school facilities and equipment at reasonable times within the school building, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use.
The Association shall have in the school building the use of a bulletin board in the faculty lounge. The Association may use the board in the Central Office for posting notices.
1. The salaries of all Association members are set forth in Schedule “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof, but subject to the other terms and provisions of this Agreement.
2. Payment for extracurricular activities is set forth in Schedule “B.”
3. Payment for extra stipends is set forth in Schedule “C.”
1. All employees shall be paid on a semi-monthly basis in equal payments on the 16th and the last day of the month except in cases where the employee agrees to a 10% deduction of annual salary held and payable in the months of July and August, deduction shall be deducted during the ten (10) month school year.
Employees may individually elect to have a percentage of their monthly salary deducted from their pay and placed in an interest-bearing account by the Board Secretary.
Employees may also individually elect to contribute to a Tax Sheltered Annuity. There will be a choice of up to 3 Tax Sheltered Annuities as approved by the Board.
3. Except in cases of emergency, when a payday falls on or during a holiday, vacation or weekend, employees may receive their paychecks on the last previous working day.
4. Employees may receive their final checks on the last working day in June or upon the completion of duties related to the end of the school year.
One increment shall be allowed for each year of military service up to a maximum of four (4) years.
To qualify for a Master’s degree, the graduate courses beyond the Bachelor’s degree must be pursued under a prior approved college program. Credit for graduate courses related to the BA+10, BA+20, MA+10, MA+20, MA+30 and MA+60 salary guides need not necessarily be limited to an approved college program leading to the next higher degree. Such courses, however, shall be related to the teacher’s area of work or for the general improvement of the quality of education in the school.
All graduate courses must have the prior approval of the Superintendent and the Board of Education.
Evaluation of and approval of courses will be considered by the Board in September and the teacher will notify the Board of any anticipated changes in salary the prior January 15. Any salary changes will be effective in September following successful completion of the courses by the teacher.
The Board, in accordance with Title 18A:29-14, reserves the right to withhold, for inefficiency or other good cause, the employment increment, or the adjustment increment, or both, of any member in any year by a majority vote of all the members of the Board of Education. It shall be the duty of the Board, within ten (10) days, to give written notice of such action, together with the reasons therefore, to the member concerned. The member may appeal from such action to the Commissioner under rules prescribed by him. It shall not be mandatory upon the Board of Education to pay any such denied increment in any future year as an adjustment increment.
F1. The Board may approve courses for the purpose of providing for Staff Development in-service programs. This would allow for movement on the salary guide of one graduate credit upon successful completion of 20 hours of approved inservice instruction. Participation by staff members in such courses shall be voluntary and shall have prior approval of the Superintendent.
Other workshops and training experiences may be considered by the Superintendent for inservice credit. It shall be the employee’s responsibility to record all such experiences with the Superintendent. Upon completion of 20 hours of such experience, the employee may, at the Superintendent’s recommendation and the Board’s approval, be granted one inservice credit. Programs of this type shall be during other than school hours.
F2. For para-professionals and secretaries F1 above applies and shall also include movement on the guide for undergraduate/graduate courses that are taken while employed by FTBoE.
“Highly Qualified” instructional Paraprofessionals shall be paid $100 above their salary each year.
For each multiple of 20 college credits, ex. 20, 40, up to a max of 60, or 150 in-service hours earned while employed by the FTBoE, para-professionals and secretaries shall be paid the additional amounts as shown on the Schedule A (of this agreement) salary guide.
Para-professionals and secretaries will notify the Board of any anticipated changes in salary the prior January 15. Any salary changes will be effective in September following successful completion of the courses by the Para-professionals and secretaries.
Board approved leaves of absence and reductions in force shall not count for the consecutive years, but shall not break service.
This additional salary will be added to the amount shown on the schedule “A” guide. This money will be shown off guide, but shall be reflective in pension.ARTICLE XI
A. 1. All teachers shall be given written notice whenever possible of their salary schedules, class and/or subject assignments, building assignments and room assignments for the forthcoming year by the end of the school year.
2. In the event that changes in such schedules, class and/or subject assignments, or room assignments are proposed after June closing, any teacher affected shall be notified promptly in writing.
3. Schedules for the following school year should be available to teachers before the close of the school year.
Family Leave
Unpaid family leave of absence will be available to employees according to provisions of CH.261 Laws of 1989 and (FMLA) Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 Title 29, Part 825 of the Code of Federal Regulation.
Unpaid leaves of absence are available, up to 12 weeks in any 24-month period to care for a newborn or adopted child, at any time within one year after the birth or adoption of the child, and to provide care for a seriously ill child, parent or spouse. An eligible employee may be entitled to leave on a consecutive, intermittent or reduced leave schedule depending on factors including the reason for the leave sought.
The Board of Education may require advance notice of a leave and may require that leave be supported by certification issued by a licensed health care provider. At its own expense, the Board may require the employee to obtain a second opinion.
Upon return from family leave, an employee is entitled to be restored to his/her previous position or to an equivalent position of like seniority, status, employment benefits, pay and other terms and conditions of employment.
During the leave, the Board will maintain health insurance coverage as if the employee had not taken the leave.
The purpose of the Council shall be to advise the Board through recommendations, based on research and evaluation, regarding matters of mutual interest relative to the educational program. These recommendations may include methods of implementation. The Council may consider, but not be limited to: advising the Board on such matters as curriculum improvement, teaching techniques, extra-curricular programs, in-service training, pupil testing and evaluation, philosophy and educational specifications for buildings and other matters of mutual interest regarding the effective operation of the Frankford Township School.
The Council shall consist of three (3) representatives appointed from the Board of Education and three (3) representatives selected from the Association.
The Council shall establish its own rules and procedures.
A. Health Insurance
The School Board shall continue to provide the Health Care Insurance Protection. The Board shall pay the full premium for each employee (and his/her family, if applicable). The insurance protection shall be equal to or better than the NJ State Health Benefits Plan.
Health benefits for part-time employees shall be according to guidelines of State Health Benefits Plan.
Temporary full time employees must be under contract for a minimum of five (5) months to qualify for health benefits.
Employees (and his/her family, if applicable) shall be entitled to board payment of the full premium within the Health Care Insurance Protection plan of the Frankford School District.
The office visit co-pay for the Health Insurance plan will be $10 for the duration of this agreement.
Pursuant to P.L.2010, c.2, employees who accept medical coverage provided by the school district shall pay 1.5 percent of his or her pensionable base salary via automatic payroll deductions.
It is further agreed that at the expiration of this contract, any subsequent increase in the cost of Health Benefits shall be considered as part of future contract consideration.
Opt Out Provision
The board will establish an approved section 125 plan and employees may opt out of the Health Insurance Plan for a set figure of $5,000 upon the completion of a medical Benefits Waiver Form. Payments will be made on a semi-annual basis, with 50% on December 31 & the balance on June 30.
As a result of a “lifechange” (birth, death, divorce, loss of primary medical benefits) an employee will have the opportunity to enter the medical plan provided by the board but will forfeit the compensation listed above. The employee must first inform the business Office of their situation. As a result of a “lifechange”, the employee may re-enroll in the medical benefits program at any time during the year.
An employee may re-enroll in the medical benefits program without having a “lifechange” during two (2) open enrollment periods.
Mid April and May with an effective date of July 1
Mid October and November with an effective date of January 1
An employee may opt out of the medical benefits program at any time during the year upon completion of the medical benefits waiver form and submission of this form and all copies of the employee’s current medical insurance cards. The amount of compensation that the employee would receive will be prorated depending upon when they waive their benefits.
B. Dental Insurance
The Board shall provide family dental care benefits for all employees under Delta Dental or equivalent provider. New hires will receive single dental coverage only for the first three years of employment. The benefits shall be as follows:
Deductible amount none
Class I – Preventive services 100%
Class II – Basic Services 85% (15% co-payment)
Class III – Major services 65% (35% co-payment)
Class IV – Orthodontia services 50% (50% co-payment)
Calendar Year maximum amount for Class I, II, III $1000
Lifetime maximum amount for Class IV $750
A teacher who has taught at Frankford Township School for at least four (4) full years may apply for a sabbatical leave of absence to pursue a program towards an advanced degree, or to pursue some specific program to bring improvement to his teaching knowledge and technique: Such program must be in the requestors field of teaching responsibilities, outlined in some detail, and an approval of the request will depend upon an evaluation of the probable benefit to the school of the program as outlined and deemed prudent by the Board of Education.
Requests for sabbatical leave must be received by the Superintendent, in writing, no later than December 1st and action must be taken on all such requests by February 1st, of the school year preceding the school year for which the sabbatical leave is requested.
A teacher with four (4) years or more of service at Frankford Township, but less than seven (7) years whose program has been approved, by the Board, may receive a leave without pay.
A teacher with service of seven (7) or more years at Frankford Township School, whose program has been approved by the Board may receive either the full salary to which he would normally be entitled for five (5) months, or one-half (1/2) of his salary for ten (10) months.
The recipient of such a grant shall also agree to return to work at Frankford Township School at the time courses are completed.
The recipient of such a grant shall sign an agreement to return to Frankford Township School for at least two years after the leave of absence. The agreement shall also specify that if the recipient does not return to Frankford Township School the full amount of the grant will be repaid to the school within two (2) years of the end of the leave. If only one (1) year is served after the leave, one-half (1/2) of the grant shall be repaid within the following year.
A recipient who has not fulfilled the agreed to conditions of the sabbatical will repay the total amount incurred by the Board within two (2) years of returning or upon separation from the Frankford Township School District except in the case of death or permanent disability.
All non-certified personnel, represented by the FTEA, on the payroll as of September 1, 1995 with more than three (3) years of service shall be granted seniority and ranked in category, pursuant to their years of service. Anyone with less than three (3) years of service as of September 1, 1995 shall accumulate years of service seniority from that date. Further, seniority shall be ranked in each category/title pursuant to accumulated years of service. The Board shall retain the right to reduce the number of positions in accordance with seniority.
B. Notice of recall to work shall be addressed to the employee’s last address appearing on the records of the School District, by certified mail, return receipt requested, and simultaneously by first class mail. Within fourteen (14) calendar days from receipt of such notice of recall, the employee shall notify the Superintendent, in writing, whether he/she desires to return to the work involved in the recall. If he/she fails to reply or if he/she indicates that he/she does not desire to return to such work, he/she shall forfeit all of his/her seniority and all rights to recall.
This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2011 and shall continue in effect through June 30, 2014.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Association has caused this Agreement to be signed by its President and Secretary after ratification by the members of the Association at a meeting duly called for that purpose, and the Board has caused this Agreement to be duly signed by its President and attested by its Secretary pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the Board this
This Agreement has been executed in duplicate, one copy to be retained by the Board and one copy to be retained by the Association, such duplicate original copy being permanently bound.
Board President
Schedule A – Salaries
Frankford Township Teachers Salary Guide
2011-2012 GUIDE
STEP | BA | BA+10 | BA+20 | MA | MA+10 | MA+20 | MA+30 | MA+60 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1-2 | 47,210 | 48,390 | 49,570 | 50,750 | 51,930 | 53,110 | 54,290 | 57,830 |
3 | 47,710 | 48,905 | 50,095 | 51,290 | 52,480 | 53,675 | 54,865 | 58,445 |
4 | 48,210 | 49,415 | 50,620 | 51,825 | 53,030 | 54,235 | 55,440 | 59,055 |
5 | 48,710 | 49,930 | 51,145 | 52,365 | 53,580 | 54,800 | 56,015 | 59,670 |
6 | 49,210 | 50,440 | 51,670 | 52,900 | 54,130 | 55,360 | 56,590 | 60,280 |
7 | 50,385 | 51,645 | 52,905 | 54,165 | 55,425 | 56,685 | 57,945 | 61,720 |
8 | 52,445 | 53,755 | 55,065 | 56,380 | 57,690 | 59,000 | 60,310 | 64,245 |
9 | 54,590 | 55,955 | 57,320 | 58,685 | 60,050 | 61,415 | 62,780 | 66,875 |
10 | 56,825 | 58,245 | 59,665 | 61,085 | 62,510 | 63,930 | 65,350 | 69,610 |
11 | 59,150 | 60,630 | 62,110 | 63,585 | 65,065 | 66,545 | 68,025 | 72,460 |
12 | 61,570 | 63,110 | 64,650 | 66,190 | 67,725 | 69,265 | 70,805 | 75,425 |
13 | 64,090 | 65,690 | 67,295 | 68,895 | 70,500 | 72,100 | 73,705 | 78,510 |
14 | 66,710 | 68,380 | 70,045 | 71,715 | 73,380 | 75,050 | 76,715 | 81,720 |
15 | 69,440 | 71,175 | 72,910 | 74,650 | 76,385 | 78,120 | 79,855 | 85,065 |
16 | 72,280 | 74,085 | 75,895 | 77,700 | 79,510 | 81,315 | 83,120 | 88,545 |
17 | 75,235 | 77,115 | 78,995 | 80,880 | 82,760 | 84,640 | 86,520 | 92,165 |
18 | 78,310 | 80,270 | 82,225 | 84,185 | 86,140 | 88,100 | 90,055 | 95,930 |
Schedule A – Salaries
Frankford Township Teachers Salary Guide
2012-2013 GUIDE
STEP | BA | BA+10 | BA+20 | MA | MA+10 | MA+20 | MA+30 | MA+60 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | 47,465 | 48,650 | 49,840 | 51,025 | 52,210 | 53,400 | 54,585 | 58,145 |
2-3 | 47,965 | 49,165 | 50,365 | 51,560 | 52,760 | 53,960 | 55,160 | 58,755 |
4 | 48,465 | 49,675 | 50,890 | 52,100 | 53,310 | 54,525 | 55,735 | 59,370 |
5 | 48,965 | 50,190 | 51,415 | 52,635 | 53,860 | 55,085 | 56,310 | 59,980 |
6 | 49,465 | 50,700 | 51,940 | 53,175 | 54,410 | 55,650 | 56,885 | 60,595 |
7 | 50,640 | 51,905 | 53,170 | 54,440 | 55,705 | 56,970 | 58,235 | 62,035 |
8 | 52,710 | 54,030 | 55,345 | 56,665 | 57,980 | 59,300 | 60,615 | 64,570 |
9 | 54,865 | 56,235 | 57,610 | 58,980 | 60,350 | 61,725 | 63,095 | 67,210 |
10 | 57,110 | 58,540 | 59,965 | 61,395 | 62,820 | 64,250 | 65,675 | 69,960 |
11 | 59,445 | 60,930 | 62,415 | 63,905 | 65,390 | 66,875 | 68,360 | 72,820 |
12 | 61,875 | 63,420 | 64,970 | 66,515 | 68,065 | 69,610 | 71,155 | 75,795 |
13 | 64,405 | 66,015 | 67,625 | 69,235 | 70,845 | 72,455 | 74,065 | 78,895 |
14 | 67,040 | 68,715 | 70,390 | 72,070 | 73,745 | 75,420 | 77,095 | 82,125 |
15 | 69,780 | 71,525 | 73,270 | 75,015 | 76,760 | 78,505 | 80,245 | 85,480 |
16 | 72,635 | 74,450 | 76,265 | 78,085 | 79,900 | 81,715 | 83,530 | 88,980 |
17 | 75,605 | 77,495 | 79,385 | 81,275 | 83,165 | 85,055 | 86,945 | 92,615 |
18 | 78,695 | 80,660 | 82,630 | 84,595 | 86,565 | 88,530 | 90,500 | 96,400 |  |
Schedule A – Salaries
Frankford Township Teachers Salary Guide
2013-2014 GUIDE
STEP | BA | BA+10 | BA+20 | MA | MA+10 | MA+20 | MA+30 | MA+60 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1-2 | 49,390 | 50,625 | 51,860 | 53,095 | 54,330 | 55,565 | 56,800 | 60,505 |
3-4 | 49,890 | 51,135 | 52,385 | 53,630 | 54,880 | 56,125 | 57,375 | 61,115 |
5 | 50,390 | 51,650 | 52,910 | 54,170 | 55,430 | 56,690 | 57,950 | 61,730 |
6 | 50,890 | 52,160 | 53,435 | 54,705 | 55,980 | 57,250 | 58,525 | 62,340 |
7 | 51,390 | 52,675 | 53,960 | 55,245 | 56,530 | 57,815 | 59,100 | 62,955 |
8 | 52,565 | 53,880 | 55,195 | 56,505 | 57,820 | 59,135 | 60,450 | 64,390 |
9 | 54,590 | 55,955 | 57,320 | 58,685 | 60,050 | 61,415 | 62,780 | 66,875 |
10 | 56,695 | 58,110 | 59,530 | 60,945 | 62,365 | 63,780 | 65,200 | 69,450 |
11 | 58,880 | 60,350 | 61,825 | 63,295 | 64,770 | 66,240 | 67,710 | 72,130 |
12 | 61,150 | 62,680 | 64,210 | 65,735 | 67,265 | 68,795 | 70,325 | 74,910 |
13 | 63,505 | 65,095 | 66,680 | 68,270 | 69,855 | 71,445 | 73,030 | 77,795 |
14 | 65,955 | 67,605 | 69,255 | 70,900 | 72,550 | 74,200 | 75,850 | 80,795 |
15 | 68,500 | 70,215 | 71,925 | 73,640 | 75,350 | 77,065 | 78,775 | 83,915 |
16 | 71,140 | 72,920 | 74,695 | 76,475 | 78,255 | 80,035 | 81,810 | 87,145 |
17 | 73,885 | 75,730 | 77,580 | 79,425 | 81,275 | 83,120 | 84,970 | 90,510 |
18 | 76,735 | 78,655 | 80,570 | 82,490 | 84,410 | 86,325 | 88,245 | 94,000 |
19 | 79,695 | 81,685 | 83,680 | 85,670 | 87,665 | 89,655 | 91,650 | 97,625 |
Schedule A – Salaries, continued2011-2012
Step | Paraprofessional | 20 credits | 40 credits | 60 credits |
1-2 | 20,718 | 20,893 | 21,068 | 21,243 |
3 | 20,918 | 21,093 | 21,268 | 21,443 |
4 | 21,118 | 21,293 | 21,468 | 21,643 |
5 | 21,318 | 21,493 | 21,668 | 21,843 |
6 | 21,523 | 21,698 | 21,873 | 22,048 |
7 | 22,023 | 22,198 | 22,373 | 22,548 |
8 | 22,523 | 22,698 | 22,873 | 23,048 |
9 | 23,493 | 23,668 | 23,843 | 24,018 |
10 | 24,653 | 24,828 | 25,003 | 25,178 |
11 | 25,913 | 26,088 | 26,263 | 26,438 |
12 | 27,273 | 27,448 | 27,623 | 27,798 |
Step | Paraprofessional | 20 credits | 40 credits | 60 credits |
1 | 20,827 | 21,007 | 21,187 | 21,367 |
2-3 | 21,027 | 21,207 | 21,387 | 21,567 |
4 | 21,227 | 21,407 | 21,587 | 21,767 |
5 | 21,427 | 21,607 | 21,787 | 21,967 |
6 | 21,632 | 21,812 | 21,992 | 22,172 |
7 | 22,132 | 22,312 | 22,492 | 22,672 |
8 | 22,632 | 22,812 | 22,992 | 23,172 |
9 | 23,602 | 23,782 | 23,962 | 24,142 |
10 | 24,762 | 24,942 | 25,122 | 25,302 |
11 | 26,022 | 26,202 | 26,382 | 26,562 |
12 | 27,382 | 27,562 | 27,742 | 27,922 |
Schedule A – Salaries, continued2013-2014
Step | Paraprofessional | 20 credits | 40 credits | 60 credits |
1-2 | 21,469 | 21,649 | 21,829 | 22,009 |
3-4 | 21,669 | 21,849 | 22,029 | 22,209 |
5 | 21,869 | 22,049 | 22,229 | 22,409 |
6 | 22,072 | 22,252 | 22,432 | 22,612 |
7 | 22,272 | 22,452 | 22,632 | 22,812 |
8 | 22,772 | 22,952 | 23,132 | 23,312 |
9 | 23,272 | 23,452 | 23,632 | 23,812 |
10 | 24,182 | 24,362 | 24,542 | 24,722 |
11 | 25,282 | 25,462 | 25,642 | 25,822 |
12 | 26,482 | 26,662 | 26,842 | 27,022 |
13 | 27,782 | 27,962 | 28,142 | 28,322 |
Schedule A – Salaries, continued2011-2012
Step | Sec. 10 month | 20 credits | 40 credits | 60 credits | Sec. 12 month | 20 credits | 40 credits | 60 credits |
1 |  |  |  |  | 34,588 | 34,698 | 34,808 | 34,918 |
2 |  |  |  |  | 35,238 | 35,348 | 35,458 | 35,568 |
3 |  |  |  |  | 35,888 | 35,998 | 36,108 | 36,218 |
4 |  |  |  |  | 36,538 | 36,648 | 36,758 | 36,868 |
5 |  |  |  |  | 37,188 | 37,298 | 37,408 | 37,518 |
6 |  |  |  |  | 37,838 | 37,948 | 38,058 | 38,168 |
7 |  |  |  |  | 38,488 | 38,598 | 38,708 | 38,818 |
8 |  |  |  |  | 39,138 | 39,248 | 39,358 | 39,468 |
9 |  |  |  |  | 39,788 | 39,898 | 40,008 | 40,118 |
10 |  |  |  |  | 40,438 | 40,548 | 40,658 | 40,768 |
Step | Sec. 10 month | 20 credits | 40 credits | 60 credits | Sec. 12 month | 20 credits | 40 credits | 60 credits |
1 |  |  |  |  | 35,377 | 35,487 | 35,597 | 35,707 |
2 |  |  |  |  | 36,027 | 36,137 | 36,247 | 36,357 |
3 |  |  |  |  | 36,677 | 36,787 | 36,897 | 37,007 |
4 |  |  |  |  | 37,327 | 37,437 | 37,547 | 37,657 |
5 |  |  |  |  | 37,977 | 38,087 | 38,197 | 38,307 |
6 |  |  |  |  | 38,627 | 38,737 | 38,847 | 38,957 |
7 |  |  |  |  | 39,277 | 39,387 | 39,497 | 39,607 |
8 |  |  |  |  | 39,927 | 40,037 | 40,147 | 40,257 |
9 |  |  |  |  | 40,577 | 40,687 | 40,797 | 40,907 |
10 |  |  |  |  | 41,227 | 41,337 | 41,447 | 41,557 |
Schedule A – Salaries, continued
Step | Sec. 10 month | 20 credits | 40 credits | 60 credits | Sec. 12 month | 20 credits | 40 credits | 60 credits |
1 |  |  |  |  | 36,181 | 36,291 | 36,401 | 36,511 |
2 |  |  |  |  | 36,831 | 36,941 | 37,051 | 37,161 |
3 |  |  |  |  | 37,481 | 37,591 | 37,701 | 37,811 |
4 |  |  |  |  | 38,131 | 38,241 | 38,351 | 38,461 |
5 |  |  |  |  | 38,781 | 38,891 | 39,001 | 39,111 |
6 |  |  |  |  | 39,431 | 39,541 | 39,651 | 39,761 |
7 |  |  |  |  | 40,081 | 40,191 | 40,301 | 40,411 |
8 |  |  |  |  | 40,731 | 40,841 | 40,951 | 41,061 |
9 |  |  |  |  | 41,381 | 41,491 | 41,601 | 41,711 |
10 |  |  |  |  | 42,031 | 42,141 | 42,251 | 42,361 |
Schedule B – Extra Curricular Stipends
2011-2012 |  |  |  | 2012-2013 |  |  |  |  |
Step | A | B | C | D | Step | A | B | CD |
1 | 1,284.92 | 1,026.77 | 770.97 | 512.80 | 1 | 1,307.41 | 1,044.74 | 784.46 521.77 |
2 | 1,465.72 | 1,178.64 | 793.15 | 536.16 | 2 | 1,491.37 | 1,199.27 | 807.03 545.54 |
3 | 1,641.20 | 1,357.37 | 818.84 | 559.53 | 3 | 1,669.92 | 1,381.12 | 833.17 569.33 |
4 | 1,819.91 | 1,540.75 | 845.71 | 588.73 | 4 | 1,851.76 | 1,567.71 | 860.51 599.03 |
5 | 2,001.00 | 1,720.62 | 871.42 | 613.26 | 5 | 2,036.01 | 1,750.73 | 886.67 623.99 |
6 | 2,179.72 | 1,898.19 | 897.11 | 638.96 | 6 | 2,217.86 | 1,931.41 | 912.81 650.14 |
10 | +770.97 | +770.97 | +770.97 | +381.98 | 10 | +784.46 | +784.46 | +784.46 +388.66 |
Top | 2,950.69 | 2,669.16 | 1,668.08 | 1,020.94 | Top | 3,002.33 | 2,715.87 | 1,697.27 1,038.81 |
2013-2014 |  |  |  |
Step | A | B | CD |
1 | 1,330.29 | 1,063.02 | 798.19 530.90 |
2 | 1,517.47 | 1,220.25 | 821.15 555.09 |
3 | 1,699.14 | 1,405.29 | 847.75 579.29 |
4 | 1,884.16 | 1,595.15 | 875.56 609.51 |
5 | 2,071.64 | 1,781.37 | 902.18 634.91 |
6 | 2,256.68 | 1,965.20 | 928.78 661.52 |
10 | +798.19 | +798.19 | +798.19 +395.47 |
Top | 3,054.87 | 2,763.39 | 1,726.97 1,056.98 |
Schedule C – Extra Stipends
| | 2011-2012 | 2012-2013 | 2013-2014 |
| | |  |  |
A. Art Fair Coordinator (per year) | | 221.25 | 225.12 | 229.06 |
| | | | |
B. Assistant Basic Skills Improvement Contact | | 2,035.00 | 2,070.61 | 2,106.85 |
Person (per year) | | | | |
| | | | |
C. Bedside/Tutoring Instruction (per hour) | | 50.88 | 51.77 | 52.67 |
| | | | |
D. Cafeteria Duty (per occurrence) | | 24.03 | 24.45 | 24.88 |
| | | | |
E. Chaperones (Dances, Concerts, Programs,
etc. approved by Superintendent) (per occurrence) | | 63.52 | 64.63 | 65.77 |
 | |  |  |  |
| | | | |
F. C.S.T./Student Personnel Coordinator | | 8,506.30 | 8,655.16 | 8,806.63 |
(non-administrative) (per year) | |  |  |  |
| |  |  |  |
G. Kindergarten, Pre-School & First Grade Teacher’s | | 45.79 | 46.59 | 47.40 |
(open house) (per hour) (max 4 Hrs) | |  |  |  |
| |  |  |  |
H. Outdoor Education Coordinator (per year) | | 279.81 | 284.71 | 289.69 |
| | | | |
I. Overnight Assignment’s (per night) | | 82.97 | 84.42 | 85.90 |
Overnight Assignment (Nurse) (per night) | | 186.08 | 189.34 | 192.65 |
| | | | |
J. School Fair Coordinator (per year) | | 221.25 | 225.12 | 229.06 |
| | | | |
K. Staff Development Instructor (per hour) | | 45.79 | 46.59 | 47.40 |
| | | | |
L. Summer School (per hour) | | 45.79 | 46.59 | 47.40 |
| | | | |
M. Testing Coordinator (Elementary) | | 1,017.50 | 1,035.31 | 1,053.42 |
| | | | |
N. Testing Coordinator (Middle School) | | 1,017.50 | 1,035.31 | 1,053.42 |
| | | | |
O. Audio-Video Coordinator (per year) | | 1,017.50 | 1,035.31 | 1,053.42 |
| | | | |
P. Eighth Grade Trip Coordinator | | 275.00 | 279.81 | 284.71 |