July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2006
October 27, 2003
December 18, 2003
December 22, 2003
In compliance with and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974, State of New Jersey, this Agreement is made and executed this 22nd day of December, 2003 between the Board of Education of Collingswood, Camden County, New Jersey, (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") and the Collingswood Education Association, (hereinafter referred to as the "Association.")
WHEREAS, the Board and the Association recognize and declare that providing a quality education for the children of the Collingswood School District is their mutual aim, and
WHEREAS, the Board has an obligation, pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Laws 1974 to negotiate with the Association as their representative of employees hereinafter designated with respect to the terms and conditions of employment, and
WHEREAS, the parties having reached certain understandings, desire to confirm this Agreement as follows:
A. The Board hereby recognizes the Collingswood Education Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiations concerning grievances and terms and conditions of employment for all personnel whether under contract, on leave, on a per diem basis, employed or to be employed by the Board, excluding substitutes and summer school personnel and including only the following:
Classroom Teachers Librarians
Nurses Reading Teachers
Guidance Counselors Social Workers
School Instructional Assistants Learning Disability Teacher/Consultant
Speech Teacher Athletic Trainer
Attendance Officer District Computer Coordinator
Office Service Personnel (Excluding confidential secretaries to the Superintendent, confidential secretary to the Board Secretary/Business Administrator.)
Extra Duty Personnel:
1. Athletic
2. Non-Athletic
3. Department Coordinators; Head Teachers; District Coordinators;
Substitute Teacher Coordinator
B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "Employees" when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined, and references to male employees shall include female employees.
A. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a Successor Agreement in accordance with Chapter 123, Public Laws 1974, in good faith effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of employee employment. Any agreement so negotiated shall apply to all employees, be reduced to writing, be signed by the Board and the Association and be adopted by the Board.
B. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
C. Neither party in any negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party.
D. During negotiations, the Board and the Association shall present data, exchange points of view, and make proposals and counter proposals, as required by law.
Each employee of the school district shall be responsible, through established administrative channels, to the Board of Education.
Both parties agree it is their intention to secure, at the lowest possible level, an equitable solution to the
problems which may arise affecting employees. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure. The parties also agree that the Grievant shall be assured of freedom from coercion.
A "grievance" is a claim by an employee or a group of employees of the Association based upon the interpretation, application, or alleged violation of this Agreement, Board policies, or administrative decisions affecting an employee or group of employees.
The "Grievance" shall specify:
1. The nature and date of the alleged occurrence in reasonable detail.
2. The nature and extent of any injury, loss, or inconvenience.
3. The results of previous informal discussions.
4. The dissatisfaction with decisions previously rendered.
5. Expected relief or corrective action or alternatives thereof. The Chairperson of the Personnel Committee is to receive an informational copy of all "grievances" at the same time as the original is being processed.
A grievance to be considered under this Agreement must be initiated within thirty (30) days on which the grievant knew or should have known of the circumstances giving rise to the claim.2
Level 1
Any problem will initially be discussed with the administrator or building principal, who will endeavor to resolve the problem promptly. Should the administrator or building principal be unable to resolve the question to the satisfaction of all concerned within seven (7) school days, the problem will be reduced to writing and submitted to the CEA Grievance Committee for evaluation. Should the Committee recommend, within seven (7) school days, further processing, the problem shall be submitted to the administrator or building principal in the form of a grievance. If the Committee does not recommend further processing, the remaining steps of the procedure must be followed, if the grievant chooses to pursue the problem.
Level 2
The administrator or building principal will submit within seven (7) school days, to the Superintendent, the report submitted in Level 1, along with the administrator's or building principal's written report including all action taken to date. The Superintendent shall meet with the Association within five (5) school days. The Superintendent may involve those parties in the meeting deemed necessary in the settlement of the "grievance." The Superintendent will render a decision within seven (7) school days following the meeting.
Level 3
Should the results of Level 2 be unacceptable to the grievant, the grievant will present the grievance to the Personnel Committee of the Board, via the Association's Grievance Committee within seven (7) school days. The Personnel Committee shall render a decision within fifteen (15) school days.
Level 4
Should the result of Level 3 be unacceptable, the grievant will file the grievance with the Board of Education Secretary within five (5) school days. The Board shall render its decision within thirty (30) school days to the Board Secretary.
Level 5
If the Grievant is dissatisfied with the Level 4 disposition and only if the grievance is based upon an alleged violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the express provisions of this Agreement, the grievant may initiate a demand for arbitration within ten (10) school days of the receipt of the Level 4 disposition.
(a) The parties may designate an arbitrator by agreement or utilize the procedures of the Public
Employment Relations Commission for the selection of an arbitrator.
(b) The arbitrator of a grievance under this Agreement shall be limited to the issues submitted and shall
consider nothing else. The arbitrator shall not have the right to add to, subtract from, or modify this
Agreement in any manner whatsoever. The arbitrator's determination shall be binding on both parties.
(c) The parties shall share equally in the payment of the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. All other
costs connected with the grievance shall be borne by the parties by which they were incurred.
(d) The award of the arbitrator on grievances arising out of the interpretation, application, or performance
of this Agreement shall be final and binding on both parties if rendered pursuant to the rules prescribed by the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC).
(e) The parties agree that any deadline listed above may be extended by mutual consent.
A. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level are maximum. Failure of the grievant to meet the next step within the specific time limit should be deemed a waiver of further appeal. Failure of the representatives of the Board to meet the specific time limit of a given level shall be deemed a waiver of that level. The time limit may be extended in the event a "grievance" is filed over an extended holiday and/or summer recess. Said extension is to be developed by mutual agreement of parties involved at a specific level.
B. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only the principal, parties involved, their legal and/or professional consultants. Witnesses relevant to the solution of the grievance may be summoned into the hearing room and remain only for the duration of their testimony.
C. If, in the judgment of the CEA, a grievance affects a group or class of employees, the CEA may submit such grievances in writing to the Superintendent directly and the processing of such grievance shall be commenced at Level 2. The CEA may process any individual person's grievance even though the aggrieved person does not wish to do so.
D. All employees, including grievant, are required to follow administrative directives and Board policies under the direction of the Superintendent and administration regardless of the pendency of any grievance until such grievance is properly determined. The CEA accepts in good faith Levels 1 through 5 as the solution of professional problems.
E. In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year, and is left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year and could result in the harm to a party in interest, the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced by mutual consent, so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted as soon as possible.
A. Rights and Protection in Representation
Pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Laws 1974, the Board hereby agrees that every employee of the Board shall have the right freely to organize, join and support the Association and its affiliates for the purpose of engaging in collective negotiations and other legal concerted activities for mutual aid and protection. As a duly selected body, exercising governmental power under the laws of the State of New Jersey, the Board undertakes and agrees that it shall not directly nor indirectly discourage nor deprive nor coerce any employee in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by Chapter 123, Public Laws 1974, or other laws of New Jersey or the Constitution of New Jersey and the United States; that is, shall not discriminate against any employee with respect to hours, wages, or any terms or conditions of employment by reason of his membership in the Association and its affiliates, collective negotiations with the Board, or his institution of any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this Agreement or otherwise with respect to any terms or conditions of employment.
B. Statutory Savings Clause
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as he may have under New Jersey School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to employees hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.
C. Required Meetings or Hearings
Whenever any employee is required to appear before the Superintendent, Board, or any Committee or member thereof, concerning any matter which could adversely affect the terms and conditions of that employee's employment, then he shall be given prior notice (which will be in written form) of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise him and represent him during such meeting or interview. The Board shall act on any suspension of an employee within two weeks of said suspension. If, during the course of a conversation between a supervisor or any other administrator and an employee, facts emerge which may affect the employee's employment adversely, the employee shall have the ability to terminate the conversation for the purpose of obtaining representation before continuing the discussion. This shall not apply to conversations regarding evaluations.
D. Just Cause Provision
No employee shall be disciplined, reduced in rank or compensation or deprived of any professional advantage without just cause. Any such action asserted by the Board, or any agent or representative thereof, shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
E. Student Evaluation and Promotions
1. Evaluation of Students
The teacher shall maintain the primary right and responsibility to determine grades and other evaluations of students within the grading policies of the Collingswood School District based upon professional judgment of available criteria pertinent to any given subject area or activity for which he is responsible. No grade or evaluation shall be changed without consultation with the teacher. If a grade is changed without teacher approval, the building principal must countersign and validate the change.
2. Social Promotion Clause
If for any reason a student is placed on a grade level which he has not earned by passing his subjects and receiving a normal promotion, the person or persons placing this youngster on this higher level must place on record a statement telling why said pupil was moved up to the next level, and sign that statement leaving no doubt where the accountability rests for the move. The Principal and/or Director of Special Services must then countersign and validate such promotions.
F. Complaint Procedure
Step 1 Criticism of Employees
Any questions of criticism by a supervisor, administrator, or Board member of any employee of his discharge of duties, shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, or at other public gatherings. In the event a complaint is brought by a member of the public to any administrator or supervisor of the Collingswood School District concerning an employee and such complaint is deemed potentially serious enough to impact on the affected employee's employment, the affected employee shall be notified immediately. The employee shall have the right to review the complaint and all relevant material concerning the complaint.
Step 2
By mutual agreement of all parties, a meeting shall be held among the complainant, employee and
supervisor. The employee retains the right to be represented by the CEA, if he desires.
Step 3
Any complaint unresolved by Step 2 may be submitted, in writing, by the complainant or the employee to the building principal or counterpart supervisor, who shall forthwith forward a copy to the Superintendent or his designee and the complainant. Upon receipt of the written complaint, the Superintendent or his designee shall confer with the parties. In no case shall the Superintendent or his designee take any action against the employee unless the complainant is prepared to produce evidence to substantiate the complaint.
Step 4
If the Superintendent or his designee is unable to resolve a complaint to the satisfaction of all parties
concerned at the request of the complainant or the employee, he shall forward the results of his investigation along with his recommendation, in writing, to the Board Personnel Committee and a copy to all parties concerned.
Step 5
Any complaint unresolved under Step 4 may be submitted by the employee to the grievance procedure as set forth in ARTICLE III of this Agreement and may commence at Level 3.
G. Personnel Records
The employee's official personnel file in the central office shall be the official record. The employee shall be notified in writing of anything entered into his official personnel file. The employee retains the right to review his personnel file annually and to petition to remove any unwarranted documents from his file. Such petition to remove documents may be submitted to the grievance procedure.
A. The school calendar for any particular year shall be presented to the Association for appraisal and suggestion by about January 31 of the preceding year and before its adoption by the Board. Adoption by the Board will be by March 30 of the preceding year. After adoption by the Board, should an emergency occur during the school year as to the need for additional school days to meet state legal requirements, the Board shall confer with the Association as to when these days will be made up before making a final decision.
B. The school calendar for the next year shall be as set forth in writing. Student days in excess of 183 days shall be considered for emergency closing days, and if not used, shall be deducted as determined by the Board after consulting with the Association. In the event additional emergency days are needed, the necessary days will be made up as determined by the Board after consulting with the Association. The working calendar, as applied to teachers, shall consist of three days in excess of the students' calendar for the purpose of orientation, in-service programs, and other necessary activities. Of the 186 days, one day shall be designated for the opening of school, two days shall be designated for staff development and one half day shall be designated for the purpose of staff articulation. For the end of year closing of school, all elementary schools will have four single days before the last day of school and secondary will have three single session days exclusive of the final exam days.
C. The working calendar, as applied to the Attendance Officer, shall consist of four half days and one full day prior to the first day of school and one full work day immediately following the last day of school.
The working calendar as applied to 10 month office personnel shall be September 1 through June 30.
The working calendar as applied to 12 month office personnel shall be July 1 through June 30.
The working calendar as applied to school instructional assistants shall be the same as the teacher with whom they work.
A. As professionals, teachers are expected to devote to their assignment the time necessary to meet their responsibilities. Employees shall indicate their presence for duty by placing a check mark in the appropriate column of the faculty "sign in and sign out" roster. Employees shall advise the building administrator of any absence from the building during their professional day, according to the addendum to the calendar specifying the pupils' day.
Elementary Day (pupils) Secondary Day (pupils)
Regular Day Regular Day
A.M. 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 7:50 a.m. to 2:33 p.m.
P.M. 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Single Session Day Single Session Day
Grades K-6 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 7:50 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Delayed Opening Delayed Opening
Grades K-6 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 9:28 a.m. to 2:33 p.m.
B. All elementary teachers shall be required to report for duty 15 minutes before the pupils' school day, and shall be permitted to leave 30 minutes after the close of the pupils' school day, provided all supervisory responsibilities have been completed. Middle and secondary teachers shall be required to report for duty fifteen (15) minutes (7:35 a.m.) before the opening of the pupils' school day, and shall be permitted to leave seventeen (17) minutes (2:50 p.m.) after the close of the pupils' school day, provided all supervisory responsibilities have been completed. On single session and in-service days, the normal working hours for all teachers will be the same as the respective workday. On Friday, or days preceding a holiday or vacation, as per the adopted school calendar, the teachers' day shall end at the close of the pupils' day.
C. All secondary staff members, grades 7 through 12, shall have a duty free lunch period which is no less in duration than that of secondary students.
D. Elementary Conferences
1. Elementary school conferences may be held at the time of the Fall and Spring report periods. Teachers shall be assigned to a maximum of three afternoon conference days and one evening conference. No evening conference shall be scheduled on the same day as any afternoon conference.
2. On afternoon conference days, elementary teachers shall receive a duty free forty-five (45) minute lunch period and a fifteen (15) minute duty free preparation period. Afternoon conferences shall be scheduled from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. On afternoon conference days, no teacher shall be permitted to leave the school building before 3:30 p.m.
3. On evening conference days, students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Teachers shall be permitted to conclude their day at 1:30 p.m. Evening conferences shall be scheduled from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Teachers shall arrive and depart for evening conferences as individual schedules require.
E. Elementary school faculty meeting shall normally be limited to one per month, not to exceed sixty (60) minutes in length.
F. All elementary teachers shall have six (6), 30 minute preparatory times per week.
G. Elementary teachers shall have a forty-five (45) minute duty free and responsibility free lunch period. Elementary teachers shall have a fifteen (15) minute period either immediately preceding or following the lunch period, for professional responsibilities and/or preparation. Additional duty may be assigned after the end of the instructional day that shall not exceed ten minutes each. No more than one (1) employee per school shall be assigned on a rotating basis for not more than four (4) weeks of duty per employee per year.
H. Lunchtime Supervision
1. The Board shall have the right to assign a teacher or teachers to the position of lunchroom supervisor at each elementary school, to be responsible for the supervision and planning of student activities at the lunch period. Instructional Assistants shall be available to assist in the supervision of students. The supervisor shall not be responsible for collecting or counting of money or for serving food.
2. Lunch-time supervision shall be an extra duty payment assignment compensated at the following rates: $23.86 for 2003-2004, $25.41 for 2004-2005, $27.06 for 2005-2006.
3. Assignment for lunch-time supervision position shall be made on the following basis:
(a) It shall first be posted for in-district volunteers.
(b) If no in-district volunteers are available, the assignment may be offered to a certified person not employed by the District.
(c) If no volunteers are available, the duty may be involuntarily assigned to teachers in the school where the vacancy exists. Involuntary assignments shall be limited to one half hour for each of two teachers per day and shall be rotated among the school's teaching staff.
4. Compensation for lunch time supervisor's duty is in recognition of the loss of lunchtime and/or duty free preparation time.
I. Detention: Teachers assigned to detention may leave school at the end of the teaching day, as stipulated in the contract.
J. Teacher Innovation: Teachers willing to initiate or to participate in school related programs without reimbursement will not obligate themselves or their staff to the continuation or expansion of those programs, or the Board to retroactive pay.
K. Teachers assigned grades 7 through 12 shall have the following workload:
1. Teachers shall be assigned a maximum of six instructional and/or duty periods per day except as otherwise provided herein.
2. A maximum of two teachers in the high school and one teacher in the middle school per department as well as all physical education, industrial arts, special education, fine arts, basic skills, and ESL instructors shall be assigned a maximum of six daily instructional periods.
3. Those teachers assigned six daily instructional periods shall not be assigned a homeroom except that beginning September 1, 1993, one teacher in the high school and one teacher in the middle school who teach six periods shall be required to cover a homeroom. No individual shall have a homeroom and teach six periods more than once every four years. In the event that the student population increases, additional six period teachers shall be assigned a homeroom at the rate of one teacher for every 25 additional students in the middle school or in the high school. For purposes of this section, the schools shall be treated as separate entities.
4. The regular high school student day shall consist of a homeroom of 15 minutes; eight instructional periods of 41 minutes each; a lunch period of 24 minutes; and four minutes passing time between homeroom, each instructional period and lunch.
5. The regular middle school student day shall consist of a homeroom of 15 minutes; eight instructional
periods of 42 minutes each; a lunch period of 25 minutes; and three minutes passing time between homeroom, each instructional period and lunch.
6. Changes in the student schedule shall not result in any increase with respect to teacher instructional time or duty time, nor shall any such changes result in any decrease in teacher duty free time.
7. The middle school and high school teacher day shall not exceed seven hours and 15 minutes.
8. A duty period shall be defined as having the same total number of minutes as contained in a normal instructional period. For example, in the event that a high school teacher is assigned a duty during a 24 minute lunch period, the administration shall have the ability to assign 17 more minutes of duty at some other time during the student day. Additional duty assigned prior to the start of the instructional day and after the end of the instructional day shall not exceed ten minutes each. Teachers assigned pupil supervision before or after the student day shall be assigned on a rotating basis, not more than one month at a time for not more than two months per year.
9. There shall be one faculty meeting held per month which shall run from 2:45 to 3:30 p.m.
10. There shall be one supervisor/department meeting per month which shall run from 2:40 to 3:15 p.m.
11. Secondary teachers shall have a maximum of three (3) subject preparations for Math, English, Social Studies and Science where possible.
12. Principals shall work with the faculty through a liaison committee to develop flexible exam and assembly schedules. These schedules shall observe contractual requirements on length of workday and lunch periods. These schedules, for exam days, shall include a fifty-five (55) minute lunch.
L. Elementary Staggered Schedule
Elementary Music and Art teachers may be assigned to a staggered schedule by which they may be required either to start earlier and finish earlier or start later and finish later than the regular schedule. No teacher shall be required to report for work more than 30 minutes before the regular school day nor to work more than 30 minutes after the regular end of the school day. Teachers on staggered schedules shall have the same workload as teachers on the regular schedule.
M. Additional Duties for Middle School and High School
Effective January 29, 1996, the Board shall have the right to schedule teachers for an additional eighteen (18) periods per day, ninety (90) periods per week over the fall 1995 practice for both the High School and Middle School combined. These additional duty assignments shall be filled on a voluntary basis first. In the absence of sufficient volunteers the Board may assign those additional duties involuntarily. Any teacher involuntarily assigned to a duty shall have the duty assigned in their building. Any teacher involuntarily assigned will not be assigned more than one (1) duty per week. Involuntary assignments will be made on an equitable basis. Such additional duty assignments will be paid at the rate of $11.93 for 2003-2004, $12.70 for 2004-2005, $13.53 for 2005-2006 to be paid by voucher not less than once per semester. For purposes of this section, a lunch period will be considered a full duty period.
N. Athletic Trainer
The Athletic Trainer may be subject to working a staggered schedule equivalent to 37 ½ hour week. Schedule to be determined and approved by the Director of Athletics, High School Principal, and Superintendent. Starting time shall be no earlier than Period 7-8 when school is in session with no more than two scheduled teaching periods. Compensation for this time shall be based upon the teachers’ salary guide. Compensation for all other time shall be paid in accordance with Extra Duty Pay, which stipend shall be paid in accordance with EDP procedures.
O. Attendance Officer
The Attendance Officer shall work the regular contractual workday but shall also be available to attend court appearances and make home visitations outside of the regular workday on an as needed basis.
P. Halloween
When Halloween falls on a school day and there is a 2:00 p.m. dismissal, the elementary teacher day will end at the normal dismissal time for the respective day. Only emergency administrative meetings may be scheduled on that day. When Halloween falls on a weekend day, to accommodate afternoon programs, lunch will occur from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Q. Special Subject Teachers - Elementary
1. Special Subject Teachers include physical education, art, music, library, speech, resource room, BSIP, and PEP.
2. Special Subject Teachers required to travel between schools during their teaching day will be allotted at least 15 minutes of travel time, exclusive of prep time and lunch.
3. The Administration will schedule Special Subject Teachers for no more than 50 - thirty minute class periods per week, EXCEPT the speech teacher.
4. The speech instructor will have no less than 4 - thirty minute preparation periods per week.
5. Part time Special Subject Teachers will have their schedule adjusted accordingly.
R. Nurse
Nurses required to travel between buildings will be reimbursed at the IRS reimbursement rate.
S. Librarian
1. Librarians shall have a duty free lunch period which is no less in duration than that of the students.
2. Librarians shall have one duty free preparation period per day.
T. Curriculum/Committee Work
Staff may be paid for approved summer curriculum work or other committee assignments while working in school or at home under procedures established by administration.
A. Full-time office service personnel shall work a 35 hour week. Half-time office service personnel shall work a 17 1/2 hour week as scheduled by respective supervisors.
B. The work year for school instructional assistants shall be the same as for teachers. The working day for school instructional assistants shall be the same as for the teachers to whom they are assigned.
C. Summer hours to be adjusted due to schedule changes resulting from summer school, custodian summer hours, and the possibility of a secretary being alone in a school building. Total working hours to remain the same.
D. Office service personnel and instructional assistants are to be included in the dismissal of a particular building due to an emergency in that building, such as fire, flooding, heat failure, power failure, or inclement weather, after such time as the children have been safely evacuated; provided, however, that office service personnel may be required to remain on duty until all students are safely accounted for.E. Employees in the unit will not be required to report for work on such days the schools are closed for weather conditions.
F. All employees shall be entitled to one fifteen (15) minute break per morning and one fifteen (15) minute break per afternoon each day. Time to be determined by supervisor. Break time shall not be accumulative and may not be voluntarily waived for the purpose of accumulating additional compensatory time except under special circumstances and with the prior approval of the immediate supervisor.
G. All employees in the unit will check in and check out.
H. All employees in the unit will notify immediate supervisor when leaving the building for an emergency during working hours.
I. On working days preceding holidays in the school calendar, all office service personnel shall be permitted to leave at the close of the teacher day. Office service personnel shall be permitted to leave at 3:00 p.m. before NJEA Convention days and on the last school day of the year. In addition, office service personnel shall be permitted to leave at 3:00 p.m. on the workday preceding July 4.
A. The Board agrees to employ only fully certified teachers holding standard certificates issued by the New Jersey State Board of Examiners for each teaching assignment, unless certified by the County Superintendent.
B. 1. Each teacher shall be placed on his proper step of the salary schedule as to the beginning of the school year in accordance with paragraph (2) following.
2. Credit up to the full step of any salary level on the Teacher Salary Schedule shall be given for previous outside teaching experience in a duly accredited school upon initial employment in accordance with the provisions of Schedule A. Additional credit not to exceed four (4) years of honorable military experience or alternative service required by the Selective Service System may be given upon initial employment. Additional credit not to exceed three (3) additional years may be given for mathematics, science and foreign language upon initial employment. Additional credit may be given for all experience from related industry, year for year, upon initial employment. Additional credit may be given for all experience from private or parochial schools, year for year, upon initial employment.
3. All prior credit shall be for a full year service only, from September 1 through June 30. Personnel employed initially in Collingswood must be employed by January 1st of the school year to receive credit for a full year's experience.
C. Teachers with previous teaching experience in the Collingswood School District shall, upon returning to the system, receive full credit on the salary schedule for all outside teaching experience in a duly accredited school, military experience, or alternative civilian service required by the Selective Service System. Such teachers who have not been engaged in other teaching shall, upon return to the system, be restored to the next position on the salary schedule above that at which they left.
D. All office service personnel hired to fill vacancies, other than transfer of employees within the District, shall be given six (6) months credit for each year school experience, maximum of three (3) years will be credited.ARTICLE IX - SALARIES
A. 1. The salaries of all teachers covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule 1.1, which is hereto attached and made a part thereof.
2. The salaries of all office service personnel and instructional assistants are covered in this Agreement
as set forth in Schedules 1.2 and 1.3.
3. The salary of the attendance officer is covered in this Agreement as set forth in Schedules 1.4.
4. Guidance Counselors and Child Study Team members who are employed in the summer shall be paid their individual per diem rates.
B. 1. Employees employed on a twelve (12) month basis will be paid in twenty-four (24) equal semi-monthly installments.
2. Employees employed on a ten (10) month basis will be paid in twenty (20) equal semi-monthly installments.
3. Ten month employees who submit written authorization in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:29-3 may
participate in a "summer payment plan" under which ten (10%) percent of the monthly salary will be deducted from the pay, deposited in an account established for that purpose by the Board of Education, and remitted to the employee on July 1, with accrued interest. Provided however, that twelve-month employees who have utilized this program prior to July 1, 1985, may continue to participate.
4. When payday falls on or during a school holiday, vacation, or weekend, employees shall receive their paychecks on the last previous working day.
5. The Board shall provide payroll deductions to employees for supplemental annuities programs which shall be forwarded to carriers selected by the Association. There shall be a maximum of five carriers with a minimum of 10 participants per carrier.
6. The Board shall provide enrollment in a credit union for all employees.
7. Direct deposit to an employee designated bank account shall be mandatory for payment of all compensation through the districts payroll system. Exceptions shall be handled on a case by case basis with the cooperation of the CEA and BOE.
C. Office Service Personnel and Instructional Assistants Overtime and Compensatory Time
Office service personnel and instructional assistants who work beyond the regular contractual hours shall be compensated for such additional time worked at the regular hourly rate or be given compensatory time off on an hour for hour basis (and on a time-and-a-half basis after forty (40) hours) subject to the following procedures:
1. Only overtime authorized in writing by the immediate supervisor will be eligible for overtime compensation or compensatory time off.
2. Employees who voluntarily report for work before the scheduled starting time or voluntarily waive lunch or coffee breaks shall not be eligible for overtime compensation or compensatory time off for such additional time worked.3. The option to be compensated for overtime work or to receive compensatory time off shall be the employees. The option shall be exercised at the time the overtime work is assigned by the immediate supervisor. Failure to exercise the option shall result in the time being treated as compensatory time.
4. Compensatory time off shall be taken only with the approval of the immediate supervisor. Applications for the use of compensatory time off shall be made at least five (5) working days prior to the date on which it is to be taken except in cases of emergency.
5. Compensatory time off shall not be taken immediately before or after weekends or scheduled holidays unless approved at least seven (7) working days in advance by the immediate supervisor.
6. The immediate supervisor shall not unreasonably withhold approval for use of compensatory time but approval may be withheld for, among other reasons, the reason that work requirements or absences for other reasons dictate that the requested date for compensatory time would result in the inconvenience of the system. Upon request, the supervisor shall state his reasons for rejecting a request for compensatory time in writing.
A. 1. Except in the case of an emergency, all elementary teachers shall be given written notice of their tentative class / subject / grade level assignments, and teachers in grades 7 - 12 shall be given written notice of their tentative course / class assignments preferably by the last day of school but no later than June 30.
2. Except in the case of an emergency, all teachers shall be given written notice of their actual class / course / subject / building / department / room assignments for the forthcoming year by August 15.
3. In the event that changes in such schedules, class and/or subject assignments, building assignments, or room assignments are proposed after August 15, the teacher affected shall be notified promptly in writing.
B. In order to assure that pupils are taught by teachers working within their areas of competence, teachers shall not be assigned outside the scope of their teaching certificates.
C. Notice of all open positions during the academic year shall be posted on the Internet as they occur and all faculty bulletin boards by the Superintendent of Schools for a period of ten (10) school days before an appointment is made. Said notice shall be posted five (5) school days in advance of notice to the public.
A. When a position becomes vacant, notice of said vacancy shall be given to the Association and shall be posted on the bulletin board at the central office of each school. Said notice shall be posted at a reasonable time in advance of contemplated action so as to give prospective applicants a reasonable opportunity to apply. Said notice to include duties, qualifications, and salary range for the position. All applicants to receive acknowledgment of applications. If vacancies occur during the summer, the Association is to be notified by mail.
B. Employees of the unit desiring to apply for such positions shall submit applications in writing within the time limit specified in the notice.
C. The Board agrees that applications of employees of the unit shall be given consideration; provided, however, that the final decision on all appointments rests in the sole discretion of the Board of Education.
D. Applicants not selected shall be given written notice thereof.
E. If any employee changes position, and as a result, moves from one classification to another, he shall move laterally across the guide.
A. 1. Employees who desire a change in assignment or who desire to transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent. Such statement shall include the grade and/or assignment to which the employee desires to be assigned and the school or schools to which he desires to be transferred, in order of preference.
2. In summer, notices of vacancies will be sent only to those persons who have a written request for consideration on file. These notices shall be sent Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested. Copies shall also be sent to the CEA secretary in the same manner.
3. As soon as practicable, the Superintendent shall post in each school and deliver to the Association, a system-wide schedule showing the names of all employees who have been reassigned or transferred and the nature of such reassignment or transfer.
B. 1. In the determination of requests for voluntary reassignment and/or transfers, the wishes of the individual employee shall be considered to the extent that the transfer does not conflict with the instructional requirements and the best interests of the school system.
2. The employee requesting transfer shall be granted an interview with the respective principal and/or department head.
3. If the employee's request for a transfer has been denied, he will be given a written statement of this fact.
C. 1. Criteria for non-certified personnel will be seniority in the District and evaluation.
2. Evaluation of non-certified personnel will be in accordance with the Agreement of March 3, 1981.
1. Use of Voluntary Requests
In case of involuntary transfers or reassignments, the Board may consider a volunteer to fill said position.
2. Notice
Except in case of emergency, notice of any involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to employees no later than 30 days prior to the opening of school.
3. Criteria
When an involuntary transfer or reassignment is necessary, a teacher's/employee's length of service in the Collingswood School District, area of competence, major or minor field of study, length of service in the particular school building, state and/or federal laws, rules and regulations shall be considered in determining which teacher/employee is to be transferred or reassigned.
4. Meeting and Appeal
An involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be made only after a meeting between the employee involved and the building principal or administrator, at which time the employee shall be notified of the reason. Therefore, in the event that the employee objects to the transfer or reassignment at this meeting, upon request of the employee, the Superintendent shall meet with him. The employee may, at his option, have Association representative(s) present at such meeting. The Board decision on transfers shall be final.
5. Priority in Reassignment
A list of open positions in the school district shall be made available to all employees being involuntarily transferred or reassigned. Such employees may request the positions in order of the preference in which they desire to be transferred. An employee being involuntarily transferred or reassigned shall be retained in an equivalent position, (i.e., that which does not involve reduction in employment or total compensation).
B. Reduction in Force
Prior to the implementation of a reduction in force, the Board will;
1. Grant the CEA an opportunity to present a report relative to the educational impact of a reduction.
2. Grant the CEA an opportunity to discuss the implementation of the reduction in force statutes as stated in Title 18A of the New Jersey School Law.3. The Board of Education shall maintain a reduction in force seniority list as required by the New Jersey Administrative Code. The Superintendent and the Association President shall meet annually to review the accuracy of the seniority list. Discrepancies shall be mutually resolved. The Association shall be provided with a copy of the seniority list after review.
C. Instructional Assistants - Reduction in Force
1. In case of a reduction in force, Instructional Assistants will be laid off in the inverse order of seniority (last hired, first RIFfed) with the exception of those assistants providing one on one assistance. The Association shall be notified and consulted prior to any reduction in force. All instructional assistants shall be placed on the seniority list.
2. The Superintendent and the Association President shall meet annually to review the accuracy of the seniority list. Discrepancies shall be mutually resolved. The Association shall be provided with a copy of the seniority list after review.
D. Office Services Personnel - Reduction in Force
1. In case of a reduction in force, tenured office services personnel will be laid of in the inverse order of seniority (last hired, first RIFfed). Any reassignments from within the tenured group necessitated by the reduction in force will be done at the Board's discretion, and the Board may require a minimum skills test and probationary period for the transfers requested.
2. The Superintendent and the Association President shall meet annually to review the accuracy of the seniority list. Discrepancies shall be mutually resolved. The Association shall be provided with a copy of the seniority list after review.
3. Those office services personnel that do not meet the minimum skills qualifications will be placed back into the office services personnel pool.
A. Tenured Teacher Observation Procedure
1. All tenured teachers shall be observed through classroom visitations by a certified supervisor, appointed by the Board, at least once in each school year.
2. On or before the first calendar day of each school year, each teacher shall be given the name(s) of the administrator(s) who may observe his/her classroom during the course of that school year.
3. All monitoring and observation of the work performance of a teacher shall be conducted openly with the full knowledge of the teacher. The use of eavesdropping, public address, cameras, audio systems, and similar surveillance devices shall be strictly prohibited.
4. A teaching staff member may initiate or request an observation. This request may include a pre-observation conference and a pre-scheduled appointed observation time. This then shall be followed by a post-observation/evaluation conference.
5. All observations are to be followed by a written observation report and by a conference between the teacher and his immediate supervisor. The supervisor will provide the teacher with his written observation report and the observation conference shall be submitted to the teacher and completed within fifteen (15) days.
6. The teacher shall have the right to attach a written "rebuttal" or "reply" to any observation report or
annual summary evaluation.
7. All teacher Observation/Evaluation Record Forms submitted to teachers, who shall have the opportunity of a written response, shall be signed and returned to the office of the principal within 15 days following the conference and any rebuttal, reply or disclaimer shall be attached to each copy of the evaluation report.
8. Observations shall be defined as a visitation to an assigned work station by a certified supervisor for the purpose of formally collecting data on the performance of a teaching staff member's assigned duties and responsibilities and of a "duration appropriate to same." Unless mutually agreed upon, the period between observations shall be at least three (3) days.
9. A supervisory observation and conference shall be conducted annually. Staff members who are experiencing difficulties in fulfilling their responsibilities will be evaluated, as necessary, in order to help them overcome their deficiencies.
10. Teaching staff members may request other appropriate certified supervisors/administrators to participate in their observation process.
B. Evaluation of Tenured Teachers
1. Annual summary evaluation reports shall be presented to each teacher by the evaluator in accordance with the following procedures:
(a) Such reports shall be issued in the name of the evaluator and based on a compilation of reports and observations by any or all supervisory personnel who come into contact with the teacher in a supervisory capacity or who have been requested to evaluate by the teacher.
(b) Such reports shall be addressed to the teacher.
(c) All Teacher Evaluation Record Forms submitted to teachers shall be signed and returned to the office of the principal within a period of three (3) days from the date received.
2. An annual summary conference between the evaluator and the teaching staff member shall be held before the annual summary evaluation report is filed. The conference shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) Review of the performance of the teaching staff member based upon the job description.
(b) Review of the teaching staff member's progress toward the objectives of the individual professional improvement plan developed at the previous annual conference.
(c) Review of available indicators of pupil progress and growth toward the program objectives.
(d) Review of the annual written performance report and the signing of said report within five (5) working days of the review.
(e) An evaluation or observation, as required by law, shall be followed within a "reasonable period of time", by a conference between the staff member and the evaluator. In no instance shall the allowed time elapsed be more than fifteen (15) days.
C. Evaluation and Observation of Non-Tenured Teachers
1. Non-tenured teachers shall be observed at least three (3) times in each school year, and be provided with a written observation report, on each observation. The procedures for observation, observation reports, post-observation conferences and annual evaluations shall otherwise be the same as for tenured teaching staff members.
D. Evaluation of Non-Certified Staff
On a yearly basis, appropriately certified supervisory/administrative personnel shall conduct at least two (2) evaluations of all non-tenured, non-certified employees. These evaluations will be due on December 31 and March 31 of the school year. All tenured, non-certified employees shall receive one (1) written evaluation per year, which shall be conducted by an appropriately certified member of the supervisory/administrative staff. This annual evaluation shall be completed on or before March 31 of the school year.
E. Observation/Evaluation Forms
1. All observation and evaluation reports shall be prepared on standard Board-approved forms.
2. All observation and evaluation forms shall provide for narrative explanation of the employee's specific strengths and weaknesses.
3. Specific recommendations as to measures which the employee might take to improve his performance in each of the areas wherein weaknesses have been indicated shall be made.
4. In the event that a change in the standard observation and evaluation forms is contemplated, the Association shall be given sufficient advance notice to permit full consultation between the Board and the Association concerning the content of the new forms.
F. Personnel Records
1. Personnel records are available to all staff, upon written request, under the guidelines of Title 18A and its Rules and Regulations pertaining to same. The employee shall have the right, upon written request, to review the contents of his personnel file and to receive copies of any documents contained therein at the employee's expense.
2. Any document placed in the employee personnel file shall be forwarded to the employee prior to placement in his file.
G. Professional Improvement Plans
1. Individual improvement plans must be developed cooperatively by the supervisor and the teaching staff member and should be limited in scope. They should focus on the most important areas of professional growth.
2. When no significant areas of weakness are identified, the improvement plan should be used to provide general guidance for voluntary professional development.
3. Whenever possible, these improvement plans should focus on in-service programs which use local resources in order to assure easy access to the required assistance and enhance its relevance to the needs of the staff.
4. The improvement plans should provide a basis for focusing the evaluation and assistance efforts of the supervisor in the subsequent year. There should be a clear and logical link between the identified weakness and the remedy recommended.
H. EDP Evaluations
All athletic and non-athletic extra duty pay position holders shall be evaluated at least one time during the course of the activity. Evaluations for these appointed positions shall be provided within 30 days of the end of the activity.
A. All ten month employees shall be entitled to ten (10) days of paid sick leave, and all twelve month employees shall be entitled to twelve (12) days of paid sick leave each school year as of the first official day of said school year, whether or not they report for duty on that day. Unused sick leave shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
B. Employees shall be given a written accounting of accumulated sick leave days no later than September 15th of each year.
C. Where a ten month employee has used, during any year, the sick leave allowed by this policy and all accumulated sick leave allowed under the provisions of this policy, full deduction one two-hundredth (1/200) of the annual salary will be made for each day's absence, unless waived by vote of the Board.
D. Twelve month employees shall be deducted one two-hundred fortieth (1/240) of the annual salary.
E. Upon retirement from the District, as certified by the Division of Pensions, the Board shall pay the retiring employee retirement pay for the accumulated sick leave days accrued while in the employment of the Collingswood School District. Payment shall be made in accordance with the following conditions for those employees who retire:
1. Maximum payment for each accumulated unused sick day shall be $35.78 per day for 2003-2004, $38.10 per day for 2004-2005, and $40.58 per day for 2005-2006 up to 120 days per employee.
2. Maximum possible number of sick days accrued shall be 120 days per employee.
3. An employee must be retiring with a minimum of fifteen (15) years experience in the Collingswood School District.
4. This particular plan shall have a monetary cap of $29,809 for 2003-2004, $31,747 for 2004-2005, and $33,810 for 2005-2006. In the event that these funds are exceeded for any year, the amounts will be prorated among the eligible employees for the particular year.
5. Employees shall give written notice of intention to retire by January 1 of the retirement year in order for staff members to receive payment by the first pay period in July of that year. Notice not received by January 1st will result in a delay of payment until the second July following retirement. Staff members may opt to defer payment up to one (1) year after retirement. The retirement school year determines the proportional share of the monetary cap, if applicable.
F. On any occasion of absence, employees shall be required to telephone the individual responsible for calling substitutes and identify the reason for such absence as being sick leave, personal leave or family leave. Within 24 hours following return to duty, such reason may be amended in writing.
Employees shall be entitled to the following temporary non-accumulated leaves of absence, with full pay, each school year.
1. Two (2) days leave of absence for personal, legal, business, household, or family matters which require absence during school hours. Application to the employee's principal or other immediate superior for personal leave shall be made at least two (2) days before taking such leave (except in the case of an emergency) and the applicant for such leave shall not be required to state the reason for taking such leave other than that he is taking it under this section. Personal leave days not used by the conclusion of a school year shall be credited to the employee's accumulated sick leave.
2. Up to two (2) days for the purpose of visiting other schools or attending meetings or conferences of an educational nature with approval of the Superintendent.
3. Time necessary for appearances in any legal proceeding connected with the employee's employment or with the school system, with approval from the Superintendent but not in cases involving Board-Employee disputes.17
4. Up to eight (8) days are set aside for use under the following circumstances with no deduction of pay:
a. Up to five (5) days to be used for death or serious illness of spouse, child, parent, brother or sister, grandparent, grandchild, and corresponding in-laws.
b. Up to three (3) days for death of all others not listed in paragraph 4a, with no more than one (1) day to be used for each occurrence.
c. Up to three (3) days for adoption of a child to be used for legal matters and family adjustments related to the adoption.
5. Additional days may be granted by the Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent.
6. On any occasion of absence, employees shall be required to telephone the individual responsible for calling substitutes and identify the reason for such absence as being sick leave, personal leave or family leave. Within 24 hours following return to duty, such reason may be amended in writing.
A. Military Leave
Military leave without pay shall be granted to any employee who is inducted or enlists in any branch of the armed forces of the United States for the period of said induction or initial enlistment. Additionally, any employee whose spouse is so inducted or enlists and who wishes to join him for the period of special training and preparation for duty overseas in combat zones shall be granted a leave of absence if requested.
Employees shall be granted military leave with pay when required to report for temporary active duty pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30:23-1. It is agreed and understood that an employee shall make every effort to schedule such duty when school is not in session.
B. Maternity Leave
1. The Board of Education shall grant leaves of absence for medical reasons associated with pregnancy and birth to pregnant employees with pay, on the same terms and conditions governing leaves of absence for other illness or medical disabilities, as set forth in N.J.S.A. 18A:30-1 et seq.
2. It is recognized that an employee's maternity leave application involves both a disability and child care phase. The disability phase is that period of time both pre-natal and post-natal during which a physician certifies inability to work. The child-care phase is that period of time selected by the employee in accordance with B.(2)(b) below, which follows the disability phase during which time the employee voluntarily suspends her teaching career to care for the newborn child.
(a) Disability Phase. Any tenured or non-tenured employee seeking a leave of absence on the basis of medical reasons associated with pregnancy or birth shall apply to the Board of Education. At the time of the application, which shall be made upon sixty (60) days notice to the Board, the employee shall specify in writing the date on which she wishes to return to work after the birth, except in the cases of stillbirth, in which case, the employee may elect to return to work at an earlier date. The Board shall request any employee to produce a certificate from a physician in support of the requested leave dates. Where medical opinion is supportive of the leave dates requested, such request shall be granted by the Board. The physician's certification is subject to agreement by the Board's physician.
(b) Child Care Phase. Where the requested leave dates are beyond the period of disability associated with pregnancy and is for child-care purposes, as defined above, the tenured employee shall be granted at her discretion a leave for (1) the balance of the school year in which the birth occurred or (2) the balance of the school year in which the birth occurred and the entire following school year, or (3) the balance of the school year in which the birth occurred and the first semester of the succeeding school year. Teachers on maternity leave desiring to switch from option (2)(a) to option (2)(b) shall notify the Superintendent by June 30 of the year in which the maternity leave was taken. Any further extension of child-care leave shall be discretionary with the Board of Education.
The Board need not grant or extend the leave of absence of any non-tenured teacher beyond the end of the contract school year in which leave is obtained.
3. No tenured or non-tenured teacher shall be barred from returning to work after the birth of her child solely on the ground that there has not been a stated or prescribed lapse of time between that birth and the desired date of return, provided sixty (60) days notice is given except as is provided herein. Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to preclude the Board from requiring any teacher after the birth of her child to produce a certificate from her physician showing that she is physically capable of resuming her duties. The physician's certification is subject to agreement by the Board physician.
4. A teacher returning from pregnancy leave of absence shall be entitled to all benefits to which teachers returning from other types of sick or disability leave would be entitled. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to require the Board to grant tenure or to offer a new contract for a new school year to any non-tenured employee who would not have been otherwise offered such a contract. The granting of a leave to any non-tenured employee shall not limit the discretionary authority of the Board with respect to re-employment or the granting of tenure.
5. Paragraphs B.1 and B.4 shall also apply to all other tenured employees represented by the Association under the terms and conditions of this contract of employment.
6. Any tenured employee adopting an infant child may receive similar leave which shall commence upon receiving de facto custody of said infant, or earlier if necessary to fulfill the requirements for the adoption.
7. No employee on maternity leave shall, on the basis of said leave, be denied the appointment to substitute in the Collingswood School District in the area of certification or competence.
C. Other Leaves - Other leaves of absence with pay may be granted by the Board for good reason.
D. General Provisions
1. Upon return from military service, an employee who has been on active duty shall be considered as if he was actively employed by the Board during the leave and shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level he would have achieved if he had not been absent. An employee shall not receive tenure or increment credits for time spent on leave granted pursuant to Section B. or C. of this Article; provided, however, that an employee who works a minimum of 90 days in a school year in which leave is taken shall be entitled to an increment that year.
2. All benefits to which an employee was entitled at the time his leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave, shall be restored to him upon his return.
3. All extensions or renewals or leaves shall be applied for in writing.
4. No employee on an unpaid leave of absence shall be entitled to the use of sick leave.
All twelve month office service personnel shall be entitled to a vacation with pay as follows:
6 months continuous service 5 days 11 months continuous service 9 days
7 months continuous service 5 days 12 months continuous service 10 days
8 months continuous service 6 days 60 months continuous service 15 days
9 months continuous service 7 days 120 months continuous service 20 days
10 months continuous service 8 days
B. Holidays
1. All ten and twelve month employees shall be entitled to paid holidays coinciding with the days during the school year upon which the schools of the Collingswood School District are closed for the purpose of observing such holidays and other days, pursuant to the school calendar, adopted by the administrative body of the said District. Compensatory time to be given to any employee covering the Administrative Office during the Christmas holidays. When the Board eliminates one of the following paid holidays for 12 or 10 month office service personnel (Labor Day, Thanksgiving, The Day after Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King’s Birthday, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, July 4th) due to a calendar change to the school year (not including snow make-up days), the 12 month employee shall be compensated for the day(s) as extra vacation day(s) in that contractual year and the 10 month employee shall be compensated as a compensatory day. (The compensatory day will be at the discretion of the superintendent.)
As a means of improving instructional practices and of maintaining an experienced and well qualified staff, the Collingswood Board of Education institutes this policy for payment of all tuition.
All employees in or above the second year at Collingswood shall be entitled to reimbursement of all tuition costs for approved courses, provided that the total cost of such reimbursement to the District does not exceed the amount on Step 1 BA - Salary Guide 1.1 of the corresponding year. If the amount claimed by the eligible employees in any particular year exceeds the cost to the District as indicated above, then the amount of monies available shall be prorated among the employees claiming such reimbursement.
In order that this amount may be allocated in a fair and efficient manner, the Board shall establish a review committee consisting of the President of the Collingswood Education Association or his designee, and the Superintendent of schools or his designee. The committee shall meet as required to approve applications for participation in the program. This committee shall allocate the funds available so as to achieve the greatest efficiency from the program. After the review committee has approved the applications, a list of candidates and courses requested shall be presented to the Board in executive session for confirmation. For a teacher, study under this program shall specifically be limited to the teaching field of the applicant. The teaching field shall mean either the subject matter field or allied areas. For an employee, reimbursement for non-credit courses and for workshops conducted outside regular school hours may be granted from the Professional Development Fund, if in the sole discretion of the Superintendent, the proposed program will be of benefit to the school district.
Applications must be filed prior to the date below:
Summer sessions July 1
Fall sessions October 1
Spring sessions February 1
Payment for approved work will be made upon presentation of receipted bills and evidence of successful completion of the course and continuing employment in the District during the following school year. Since it is the intention of this policy to improve the instruction in the Collingswood Public Schools, staff members who may terminate their relationship with the school district for any reason, prior to the payment of the appropriate funds, will not receive reimbursement, except in the case of reduction in force.
All applications shall be made in writing on the form provided. Such applications shall state in detail the aims and other information required.
Payment for approved work will be made upon presentation of receipted bills, evidence of successful completion of the course, and continuing employment in the District during the following school year.
A. The Board shall have the right to provide health insurance benefits through a carrier selected by the Board after consultation with the Association provided that there is no reduction of benefits from the levels of benefits provided by the N.J. State Health Benefits Program during the 1995-96 school year. The Board shall pay the full premium for each employee and one hundred percent (100%) for each employee dependent coverage. Prior to ratification of this Agreement, the Board Secretary and the Association President shall sign off on a listing of N.J.S.H.B. level of benefits which shall serve as a benchmark for any future references. Changes to the level of benefits shall include:
Patriot V – Specialist co-pay from $5 to $15
Outpatient mental health to $25 co-pay/30 visits
ER co-pay from $25 to $50
Patriot X – Specialist co-pay from $15 to $25
ER co-pay from $35 to $50
B. Washington National Income Protection Insurance shall continue to be offered to persons for whom it was previously paid by the Board, but it will no longer be offered as an option to any other new personnel.
C. All employees of the Board are covered by a policy of Insurance under the New Jersey Laws regarding Workers' Compensation. It is essential that any employee suffering injury while carrying out his duties notify the school within 24 hours of such injury, however minor.
D. The Board of Education shall provide an employee and dependent coverage prescription plan with a $10.00 (Generic), $15.00 (Name Brand), $5.00 (Mail) co-pay provision.
E. The Board of Education shall continue to provide a full family dental insurance plan from July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2006.
F. The total cost to the Board of Education for prescription and dental plans provided above shall not exceed the rates in effect on June 30, 2006.
G. Insurance Protection
1. As of July 2000, each employee will annually contribute by payroll deduction an amount equal to 2% of the employee’s annual health insurance premium. The payment will be deducted over the employee’s contractual year (10 month / 12 month). This contribution will be deposited into a third party account called the “Cafeteria Plan” (administered by a third party) to be used for payment toward the cost of maintaining the employee’s health insurance.
2. The employee will not be held responsible for mishandling of funds, penalties, or service charges through this premium only contribution plan.
3. The CEA will be given written notification of premium rates prior to September 1 of each year for notification to its members.
4. Any available options under IRS Section 125 regulations will be mutually agreed upon by both the CEA and BOE. In the event that an employee utilizes any of the mutually agreed upon options, any charge for these options will be collected monthly through payroll deductions. The Board will bear no cost related to an employee’s selection of an option.
5. Any unused funds remaining in these plans shall be refunded to the plan as per IRS regulations.
H. If an employee declines insurance protection by the board and provides proof of coverage in another plan, the employee will be paid an amount equal to 15% of the cost of the declined insurance protection according to the following schedule - ½ paid January 1, ½ paid June 30. An additional 15% of said insurance costs to be distributed to each individual member’s cafeteria account to the extent permitted by IRS regulations.
21 I. Auto Damage Fund
The Board shall provide a maximum of $597.00 in 2003-2004, $636.00 in 2004-2005, and $677.00 in 2005-2006 to be paid at the end of the school year on a proportionate basis for any employees' automobiles damaged while on the school premises. Reimbursements shall only be made where written reports of damage had been submitted and confirmed by building administration.
A. Extra Duty Pay contracts will be issued, where possible, with teaching contracts for the succeeding school year.
B. All salaries and increments for extra duty contract positions shall be paid in accordance with the salary guides and schedules established for athletic (1010 account), non-athletic (1010 account), and extra compensation areas (213 account) which are attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement as schedules S.A.1 and S.N.A.1. Under no circumstances shall any individual be paid an amount greater or less than prescribed by the contractual guide.
C. The Board of Education reserves the right to eliminate any and all extra duty pay contracts as necessary. Provided, however, that should the Board eliminate any extra duty pay positions, after a contract for that position has been issued, the employee awarded the contract shall receive twenty-five (25%) percent of the contract amount.ARTICLE XXII - ASSOCIATION PRIVILEGES A. Use of Facilities
Subject to the Superintendent's approval, the Association shall have the right to use the equipment and facilities of the school district at reasonable times when such equipment and facilities are not in use. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials, service, and supplies, incident to such use, and for any repairs for replacements necessitated as a result thereof.
B. Use of Buildings
The Association and its representatives shall have the right to meet in school buildings provided that the meeting places are not otherwise scheduled for use. The Association shall pay reasonable costs for maintenance when such costs are incurred.
The provisions of this Article shall be null and void during the periods of job action against the Board of Education.
1. Secretarial representatives to CEA Executive Council will be permitted to leave school at 3:45 p.m. to attend the monthly meeting of the CEA Council. No more than two representatives will be permitted to attend these meetings.
2. All secretarial and instructional assistant personnel shall be released to attend the General meeting in September and will be permitted to leave school at the close of the teacher day (3:30 p.m.) in order to attend the annual business meeting of the CEA in June.
C. Policy Book
Copies of all Board policies shall be maintained in the office of each building principal. All staff members shall be guaranteed access to these documents.
A. If any provisions of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue to full force and effect.
B. Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties to this Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provisions(s) of this Agreement, either party shall do so by telegram or certified letter to the following addresses:
1. If by the Association, to the Board at 200 Lees Avenue, Collingswood, New Jersey 08108.
2. If by the Board, to the Association President at the Collingswood School System and at his home address.
C. Except, as this Agreement shall otherwise provide, all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the effective date of this Agreement to employees covered by this Agreement as established by the Administrative procedures and practices in force on said date shall continue to be so applicable during the terms of this Agreement.
A. Purpose of Fee
If an employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year during the duration of the term of the most current contract, which is covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for the membership year or part thereof. The purpose of this fee is to offset the employee's per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative. Any public employee who pays a representation fee in lieu of dues shall have the right to demand and receive from the majority representative under proceedings established and maintained in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 477, P.L. 1979 N.J.S.A. the return of any part of that fee paid which represents the employee's pro-rata share of expenditures by the majority representative that is either in aid of activities or cause of a partisan political or ideological nature only incidentally related to the terms and conditions of employment or applied toward the cost of any other benefits available only to members of the bargaining unit.
B. Amount of Fee
Prior to the beginning of each membership CALENDAR year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation and assessments charged by the Association to its own members for the membership year. The representation fee to be paid by non-members shall not exceed 85% of said dues, fees and assessments.
C. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
Once during each membership year, covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, the Association will submit to the Board a list of those employees who have not become members of the Association for the then current membership year. The Board will deduct from the salaries of such employees in accordance with paragraph 2 below, the pro-rata amount of the representation fee and promptly will transmit the amount so designated to the Association. First, the Association must establish and maintain a statutory Demand and Return System, the existence and continual maintenance of which shall be certified by the Association to the Board.
2. Payroll Deduction Schedule
The Board will deduct the full or pro-rata representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paycheck paid to each employee on the aforesaid list during the remainder of the membership year in question. The deductions will begin as quickly as administratively possible.
(a) After receipt of the aforesaid list by the Board; but not sooner than 30 days following the beginning of the employee's employment.
(b) Where the employees previously served in a bargaining unit position and continued in the employ of the Board in a non-bargaining unit position or was on layoff in which event the deduction will begin with the first paycheck paid 10 days after the resumption of the employee's employment in a bargaining unit position, whichever is later.
3. Termination of Employment
If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said employee during the membership year in questions, provided the Association is similarly treated.
D. Mechanics
1. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the deduction of the representation fee and the transmission of such fees to the Association will be, as nearly as possible, the same as those used for deduction and transmission of the regular membership dues to the Association.
2. Changes in the list provided for in paragraph C.1. will be in accordance with the present Automatic Payroll Deduction of dues.
E. New Employees/Members of the Bargaining Unit
1. On or about the last day of each month, beginning with the month this Agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the Association a list of all employees who began their employment in a bargaining unit position during the preceding 30 day period. The list will include names, job titles, and dates of employment for all such employees.
2. The date of beginning employment will have said to begin on the effective date when the employee is placed on the payroll as the permanent employee.
F. Notice and Information
1. The Board shall give the Association, within 30 days of the receipt of a written claim, demand, suit, or other form of notice, whereunder employer will demand indemnification as hereunder provided, notice of said claim, demand, suit, or otherwise and provide to it, copies of documents evidencing the same.
2. The Union shall indemnify and hold harmless the employer against any and all claims related thereto, that may arise out of the inclusion of this ARTICLE in this contract, its interpretation or its administration and implementation by the union or the employee, including legal fees and the cost of defense and damages.
3. The Board agrees to cooperate fully with the Association in gathering evidence, securing witnesses, and in all other aspects of said defense in accordance with the law, Rules of the Court and the Canon of Ethics.
1. The Calendar year versus School Year - the C.E.A. operates under the Calendar year principle.
2. Clarification of the date of Permanent Employment: An employee hired in September of a given year will pay the full representation fee.
3. An employee hired in any following month will pay a pro-rata amount of the representation fee based on ten (10) monthly deductions.
4. A permanent employee is defined as someone who is issued a permanent contract.
A. Printing Agreement
Copies of this Agreement shall be reproduced at the expense of the Board and the Association in the usual format within 30 days after the Agreement is signed. The Agreement shall be presented to all employees now employed, hereinafter employed, or considered for employment by the Board.
B. Access to Classroom and Work Stations
Employees shall have access to their classrooms or workstations a minimum of five (5) working days prior to September 1, unless repairs and renovations render accessibility to assigned rooms impractical.
C. C.E.A. Administration Committee
The parties shall establish a joint C.E.A. and Administration Committee to review and develop the strategy for maintaining and upgrading professional standards consistent with monitoring guidelines. Inasmuch as confidential information such as staff attendance may be discussed, strict compliance with all statutory and contractual protections is mandatory. All recommendations of this Committee shall be advisory only.
This Agreement shall be effective from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2006 and until such time thereafter as a successor Agreement is negotiated pursuant to Article II. During the term of this Agreement and until a successor Agreement is in force, proposed new rules and modifications of existing rules governing working conditions shall be negotiated between the Board and the Association before they are established.
In witness whereof the Board of Education has caused this Agreement to be signed by its president, attested by its secretary and its corporate seal to be placed hereon, and the Collingswood Education Association has caused this Agreement to be signed by its president and secretary, all on the day and year written below.
By ______Robert Barikian Date
C.E.A. President
By ______John Riley Date
By ____W. Craig Knaup Date
C.B.O.E. President
By ____Harry E. Schwartzer Date
This agreement was ratified by the Collingswood Education Association on December 18, 2003 and the Collingswood Board of Education on December 22, 2003.
Salary Guide 1.1: Instructional Staff
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
| | | | | |
1 | 36500 | 37250 | 38250 | 39100 | 40500 |
2 | 37000 | 37750 | 38750 | 39600 | 41000 |
3 | 37500 | 38250 | 39250 | 40100 | 41500 |
4 | 37500 | 38250 | 39250 | 40100 | 41500 |
5 | 39020 | 39770 | 40770 | 41620 | 43020 |
6 | 39020 | 39770 | 40770 | 41620 | 43020 |
7 8 9 10 | 40020 | 40770 | 41770 | 42620 | 44020 |
11 | 41200 | 41950 | 42950 | 43800 | 45200 |
12 | 43400 | 44150 | 45150 | 46000 | 47400 |
13 | 43400 | 44150 | 45150 | 46000 | 47400 |
14 | 45500 | 46250 | 47250 | 48100 | 49500 |
15 | 45500 | 46250 | 47250 | 48100 | 49500 |
16 | 47600 | 48350 | 49350 | 50200 | 51600 |
17 | 51300 | 52050 | 53050 | 53900 | 55300 |
18 | 54700 | 55450 | 56450 | 57300 | 58700 |
19 | 59700 | 60450 | 61450 | 62300 | 63700 |
20 | 62385 | 63135 | 64135 | 64985 | 66385 |
21 | 64900 | 65650 | 66650 | 67500 | 68900 |
21+ | 64900 | 65650 | 66650 | 67500 | 68900 |
21+ | 64900 | 65650 | 66650 | 67500 | 68900 |
21+ | 64900 | 65650 | 66650 | 67500 | 68900 |
Longevity: 10 years - $300.00
20 years - $500.00
Salary Guide 1.1: Instructional Staff
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
| | | | | |
1 | 39050 | 40250 | 41050 | 42050 | 43550 |
2 | 39550 | 40750 | 41550 | 42550 | 44050 |
3 | 40050 | 41250 | 42050 | 43050 | 44550 |
4 | 41020 | 42220 | 43020 | 44020 | 45520 |
5 | 41020 | 42220 | 43020 | 44020 | 45520 |
6 | 42020 | 43220 | 44020 | 45020 | 46520 |
7 | 42020 | 43220 | 44020 | 45020 | 46520 |
8 9 10 11 | 43020 | 44220 | 45020 | 46020 | 47520 |
12 | 45200 | 46400 | 47200 | 48200 | 49700 |
13 | 47800 | 49000 | 49800 | 50800 | 52300 |
14 | 47800 | 49000 | 49800 | 50800 | 52300 |
15 | 50100 | 51300 | 52100 | 53100 | 54600 |
16 | 50100 | 51300 | 52100 | 53100 | 54600 |
17 | 52200 | 53400 | 54200 | 55200 | 56700 |
18 | 56100 | 57300 | 58100 | 59100 | 60600 |
19 | 60300 | 61500 | 62300 | 63300 | 64800 |
20 | 64000 | 65200 | 66000 | 67000 | 68500 |
21 | 67100 | 68300 | 69100 | 70100 | 71600 |
22+ | 67100 | 68300 | 69100 | 70100 | 71600 |
22+ | 67100 | 68300 | 69100 | 70100 | 71600 |
22+ | 67100 | 68300 | 69100 | 70100 | 71600 |
22+ | 67100 | 68300 | 69100 | 70100 | 71600 |
Longevity: 10 years - $ 500.00
20 years - $1,000.00
Salary Guide 1.1: Instructional Staff
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
| | | | | |
1 | 41220 | 42420 | 43220 | 44220 | 45720 |
2 | 41720 | 42920 | 43720 | 44720 | 46220 |
3 | 42200 | 43400 | 44200 | 45200 | 46700 |
4 | 42720 | 43920 | 44720 | 45720 | 47220 |
5 | 43550 | 44750 | 45550 | 46550 | 48050 |
6 | 43550 | 44750 | 45550 | 46550 | 48050 |
7 | 45250 | 46450 | 47250 | 48250 | 49750 |
8 | 45250 | 46450 | 47250 | 48250 | 49750 |
9 10 11 12 | 47200 | 48400 | 49200 | 50200 | 51700 |
13 | 51000 | 52200 | 53000 | 54000 | 55500 |
14 | 54000 | 55200 | 56000 | 57000 | 58500 |
15 | 54000 | 55200 | 56000 | 57000 | 58500 |
16 | 56000 | 57200 | 58000 | 59000 | 60500 |
17 | 56000 | 57200 | 58000 | 59000 | 60500 |
18 | 58000 | 59200 | 60000 | 61000 | 62500 |
19 | 62200 | 63400 | 64200 | 65200 | 66700 |
20 | 65500 | 66700 | 67500 | 68500 | 70000 |
21 | 70000 | 71200 | 72000 | 73000 | 74500 |
22 | 70000 | 71200 | 72000 | 73000 | 74500 |
23+ | 70000 | 71200 | 72000 | 73000 | 74500 |
23+ | 70000 | 71200 | 72000 | 73000 | 74500 |
23+ | 70000 | 71200 | 72000 | 73000 | 74500 |
23+ | 70000 | 71200 | 72000 | 73000 | 74500 |
Longevity: 10 years - $ 500.00
20 years - $1,000.00
Salary Guide 1.2: Secretaries 2003-2004
1 | 18250 | 21900 |
2 | 18400 | 22080 |
3 | 18700 | 22440 |
4 | 19000 | 22800 |
5 | 19700 | 23640 |
6 | 19700 | 23640 |
7 | 19700 | 23640 |
8 | 19700 | 23640 |
9 | 20700 | 24840 |
10 | 20700 | 24840 |
11 | 21800 | 26160 |
12 | 23400 | 28080 |
13 | 23400 | 28080 |
14 | 26900 | 32280 |
15 | 28100 | 33720 |
16 | 28100 | 33720 |
17 | 29300 | 35160 |
18+ | 29300 | 35160 |
Longevity: 10 years - $300.00
20 years - $500.00
| | |
1 | 19000 | 22800 |
2 | 19300 | 23160 |
3 | 19600 | 23520 |
4 | 19900 | 23880 |
5 | 20600 | 24720 |
6 | 21600 | 25920 |
7 | 21600 | 25920 |
8 | 21600 | 25920 |
9 | 21600 | 25920 |
10 | 22700 | 27240 |
11 | 22700 | 27240 |
12 | 24400 | 29280 |
13 | 27500 | 33000 |
14 | 27500 | 33000 |
15 | 29000 | 34800 |
16 | 30150 | 36180 |
17 | 30150 | 36180 |
18+ | 30150 | 36180 |
Longevity: 10 years - $ 500.00
20 years - $1,000.00
1 | 20600 | 24720 |
2 | 20800 | 24960 |
3 | 21000 | 25200 |
4 | 21100 | 25320 |
5 | 21800 | 26160 |
6 | 22900 | 27480 |
7 | 24000 | 28800 |
8 | 24000 | 28800 |
9 | 24000 | 28800 |
10 | 24000 | 28800 |
11 | 25400 | 30480 |
12 | 25400 | 30480 |
13 | 29000 | 34800 |
14 | 30100 | 36120 |
15 | 30100 | 36120 |
16 | 31350 | 37620 |
17 | 31350 | 37620 |
18+ | 31350 | 37620 |
18+ | 31350 | 37620 |
18+ | 31350 | 37620 |
18+ | 31350 | 37620 |
18+ | 31350 | 37620 |
Longevity: 10 years - $ 500.00
20 years - $1,000.00
Salary Guide 1.3: Instructional Assistants
STEP | |
1 | 15300 |
2 | 15600 |
3 | 15900 |
4 | 15900 |
5 | 16500 |
6 | 16500 |
7 | 16500 |
8 | 16500 |
9 | 17250 |
10 | 18300 |
11 | 18300 |
12 | 20800 |
13 | 20800 |
14 | 24300 |
15 | 24300 |
16 | 24300 |
17 | 24300 |
10 yrs - $300.00
20 yrs - $500.00
STEP | |
1 | 15550 |
2 | 15850 |
3 | 16210 |
4 | 16850 |
5 | 16850 |
6 | 17750 |
7 | 17750 |
8 | 17750 |
9 | 17750 |
10 | 18500 |
11 | 19500 |
12 | 19500 |
13 | 24800 |
14 | 24800 |
15 | 24800 |
16 | 24800 |
17 | 24800 |
18 | 24800 |
10 yrs - $ 500.00
20 yrs - $1,000.00
STEP | |
1 | 15950 |
2 | 16150 |
3 | 16450 |
4 | 17090 |
5 | 18040 |
6 | 18040 |
7 | 19000 |
8 | 19000 |
9 | 19000 |
10 | 19000 |
11 | 20000 |
12 | 25400 |
13 | 25400 |
14 | 25400 |
15 | 25400 |
16 | 25400 |
17 | 25400 |
18 | 25400 |
19 | 25400 |
10 yrs - $ 500.00
20 yrs - $1,000.00
Attendance Officer
STEP |  |
1 | 19814 |
2 | 20413 |
3 | 21013 |
4 | 21718 |
5 | 22422 |
6 | 23142 |
7 | 24423 |
8 | 25704 |
9 | 27000 |
10+ | 27000 |
10 yrs - $300.00
20 yrs - $500.00
STEP |  |
1 | 21102 |
2 | 21740 |
3 | 22379 |
4 | 23130 |
5 | 23879 |
6 | 24646 |
7 | 26011 |
8 | 27375 |
9 | 28500 |
10 | 28500 |
11+ | 28500 |
10 yrs - $ 500.00
20 yrs - $1,000.00
STEP |  |
1 | 22474 |
2 | 23153 |
3 | 23834 |
4 | 24633 |
5 | 25431 |
6 | 26248 |
7 | 27702 |
8 | 29154 |
9 | 30200 |
10 | 30200 |
11 | 30200 |
12+ | 30200 |
Schedule S.N.A.: Non-Athletic Activities Stipends
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
HIGH SCHOOL |  | 2003-04 |  | 2004-05 |  | 2005-06 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
SENIOR CLASS ADVISOR |  | $3,578 |  | $3,810 |  | $4,058 |
JUNIOR CLASS ADVISOR |  | $2,087 |  | $2,223 |  | $2,367 |
SOPHOMORE CLASS ADVISOR |  | $1,362 |  | $1,451 |  | $1,545 |
FRESHMAN CLASS ADVISOR |  | $1,193 |  | $1,270 |  | $1,353 |
HS STUDENT COUNCIL |  | $2,981 |  | $3,174 |  | $3,381 |
HS NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY |  | $1,534 |  | $1,634 |  | $1,740 |
HS NEWSPAPER |  | $2,385 |  | $2,540 |  | $2,705 |
HS YEARBOOK - PRODUCTION |  | $3,578 |  | $3,810 |  | $4,058 |
HS YEARBOOK - BUSINESS |  | $2,087 |  | $2,223 |  | $2,367 |
DISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION |  | $1,490 |  | $1,587 |  | $1,690 |
CHORAL MUSIC |  | $2,683 |  | $2,857 |  | $3,043 |
ORCHESTRA/BAND DIRECTOR |  | $4,013 |  | $4,274 |  | $4,552 |
ASSISTANT BAND DIRECTOR |  | $2,683 |  | $2,857 |  | $3,043 |
BAND COLOR GUARD |  | $2,087 |  | $2,223 |  | $2,367 |
INDOOR PERCUSSION / JAZZ BAND |  | $1,490 |  | $1,587 |  | $1,690 |
JUNIOR CLASS PLAY |  | $2,087 |  | $2,223 |  | $2,367 |
SENIOR PLAY - DIRECTOR |  | $2,981 |  | $3,174 |  | $3,381 |
SENIOR PLAY - INSTRUMENTAL |  | $1,490 |  | $1,587 |  | $1,690 |
SENIOR PLAY - VOCAL |  | $1,193 |  | $1,270 |  | $1,353 |
SENIOR PLAY - CHOREOGRAPHER |  | $ 762 |  | $ 812 |  | $ 864 |
SHOW PRODUCER |  | $2,087 |  | $2,223 |  | $2,367 |
VARIETY SHOW |  | $1,534 |  | $1,634 |  | $1,740 |
PROPS |  | $1,013 |  | $1,079 |  | $1,149 |
STAGE CREW |  | $1,193 |  | $1,270 |  | $1,353 |
HS AUDIO VISUAL AIDES |  | $2,087 |  | $2,223 |  | $2,367 |
HS COMMENCEMENT SPEAKERS |  | $1,028 |  | $1,095 |  | $1,166 |
HS GIFTED & TALENTED ENGLISH |  | $1,193 |  | $1,270 |  | $1,353 |
HS GIFTED & TALENTED MATH |  | $1,193 |  | $1,270 |  | $1,353 |
HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE |  | $ 948 |  | $1,009 |  | $1,075 |
INTERACT CLUB |  | $1,490 |  | $1,587 |  | $1,690 |
KNOWLEDGE BOWL |  | $ 948 |  | $1,009 |  | $1,075 |
FRENCH CLUB |  | $ 420 |  | $ 447 |  | $ 476 |
GERMAN CLUB |  | $ 420 |  | $ 447 |  | $ 476 |
LATIN CLUB |  | $ 420 |  | $ 447 |  | $ 476 |
SPANISH CLUB |  | $ 420 |  | $ 447 |  | $ 476 |
HS PEER TUTORING |  | $1,534 |  | $1,634 |  | $1,740 |
SADD ADVISOR |  | $ 710 |  | $ 756 |  | $ 806 |
SAT PREP |  | $ 895 |  | $ 953 |  | $1,015 |
STEPPERS CLUB |  | $ 710 |  | $ 756 |  | $ 806 |
WCHS - TV ADVISOR |  | $2,087 |  | $2,223 |  | $2,367 |
HS – AM DETENTION |  | $2,276 |  | $2,424 |  | $2,581 |
HS – PM DETENTION |  | $4,543 |  | $4,838 |  | $5,153 |
Schedule S.N.A.1: Non-Athletic Activities Stipends
MIDDLE SCHOOL |  | 2003-04 |  | 2004-05 |  | 2005-06 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
MS MUSICAL |  | $1,958 |  | $2,085 |  | $2,221 |
MS ASSISTANT MUSIC DIRECTOR |  | $ 870 |  | $ 927 |  | $ 987 |
MS SOUND & STAGE |  | $2,981 |  | $3,174 |  | $3,381 |
MS AUDIO VISUAL AIDES |  | $2,087 |  | $2,223 |  | $2,367 |
MS STUDENT COUNCIL |  | $1,958 |  | $2,085 |  | $2,221 |
MS NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY |  | $1,490 |  | $1,587 |  | $1,690 |
MS NEWSPAPER |  | $2,385 |  | $2,540 |  | $2,705 |
MS YEARBOOK - ADVISOR |  | $2,087 |  | $2,223 |  | $2,367 |
MS COMPUTER DROP IN |  | $1,490 |  | $1,587 |  | $1,690 |
MS GIFTED & TALENTED – ENGLISH |  | $1,193 |  | $1,270 |  | $1,353 |
MS GIFTED & TALENTED – MATH |  | $1,193 |  | $1,270 |  | $1,353 |
LOCAL MOTION |  | $ 895 |  | $ 953 |  | $1,015 |
MS MAGAZINE CAMPAIGN |  | $ 761 |  | $ 811 |  | $ 863 |
MS SPEAKERS COACH |  | $1,325 |  | $1,411 |  | $1,503 |
MS – PM DETENTION |  | $4,543 |  | $4,838 |  | $5,153 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS |  | 2003-04 |  | 2004-05 |  | 2005-06 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
SAFETY PATROL (5 schools) |  | $1,908 |  | $2,032 |  | $2,164 |
PEER MEDIATION (5 schools) |  | $ 420 |  | $ 447 |  | $ 476 |
Schedule S.A.1: Athletic Activities Stipends
|  | 2003-04 |  | 2004-05 |  | 2005-06 |
HEAD FOOTBALL |  | $7,268 |  | $7,741 |  | $8,244 |
ASSISTANT FOOTBALL |  | $4,682 |  | $4,986 |  | $5,310 |
HEAD HOCKEY |  | $5,169 |  | $5,505 |  | $5,862 |
ASSISTANT HOCKEY |  | $3,652 |  | $3,889 |  | $4,142 |
7/8 HOCKEY |  | $2,829 |  | $3,013 |  | $3,209 |
HEAD SOCCER - BOYS |  | $5,169 |  | $5,505 |  | $5,862 |
HEAD SOCCER - GIRLS |  | $5,169 |  | $5,505 |  | $5,862 |
ASSISTANT SOCCER - BOYS |  | $3,652 |  | $3,889 |  | $4,142 |
ASSISTANT SOCCER - GIRLS |  | $3,652 |  | $3,889 |  | $4,142 |
7/8 SOCCER - BOYS |  | $2,829 |  | $3,013 |  | $3,209 |
7/8 SOCCER - GIRLS |  | $2,829 |  | $3,013 |  | $3,209 |
CROSS COUNTRY |  | $3,890 |  | $4,143 |  | $4,412 |
CHEERLEADER - FALL |  | $3,638 |  | $3,874 |  | $4,126 |
TENNIS - FALL |  | $4,066 |  | $4,330 |  | $4,612 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
HEAD BASKETBALL - BOYS |  | $6,285 |  | $6,693 |  | $7,128 |
HEAD BASKETBALL - GIRLS |  | $6,285 |  | $6,693 |  | $7,128 |
ASSISTANT BASKETBALL - BOYS |  | $4,167 |  | $4,438 |  | $4,726 |
ASSISTANT BASKETBALL - GIRLS |  | $4,167 |  | $4,438 |  | $4,726 |
7/8 BASKETBALL - BOYS |  | $2,829 |  | $3,013 |  | $3,209 |
7/8 BASKETBALL - GIRLS |  | $2,829 |  | $3,013 |  | $3,209 |
HEAD WRESTLING |  | $6,285 |  | $6,693 |  | $7,128 |
ASSISTANT WRESTLING |  | $4,167 |  | $4,438 |  | $4,726 |
7/8 WRESTLING |  | $2,829 |  | $3,013 |  | $3,209 |
BOWLING |  | $3,890 |  | $4,143 |  | $4,412 |
INDOOR TRACK |  | $3,992 |  | $4,251 |  | $4,528 |
CHEERLEADER - WINTER |  | $3,638 |  | $3,874 |  | $4,126 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
HEAD BASEBALL |  | $5,169 |  | $5,505 |  | $5,862 |
ASSISTANT BASEBALL |  | $3,652 |  | $3,889 |  | $4,142 |
HEAD LACROSSE |  | $5,169 |  | $5,505 |  | $5,862 |
ASSISTANT LACROSSE |  | $3,652 |  | $3,889 |  | $4,142 |
7/8 LACROSSE |  | $2,829 |  | $3,013 |  | $3,209 |
HEAD SOFTBALL |  | $5,169 |  | $5,505 |  | $5,862 |
ASSISTANT SOFTBALL |  | $3,652 |  | $3,889 |  | $4,142 |
HEAD TRACK - BOYS |  | $5,169 |  | $5,505 |  | $5,862 |
HEAD TRACK - GIRLS |  | $5,169 |  | $5,505 |  | $5,862 |
ASSISTANT TRACK - BOYS |  | $3,652 |  | $3,889 |  | $4,142 |
ASSISTANT TRACK - GIRLS |  | $3,652 |  | $3,889 |  | $4,142 |
7/8 TRACK |  | $2,829 |  | $3,013 |  | $3,209 |
GOLF |  | $3,264 |  | $3,476 |  | $3,702 |
VOLLEYBALL |  | $5,169 |  | $5,505 |  | $5,862 |
TENNIS - SPRING |  | $4,066 |  | $4,330 |  | $4,612 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
WEIGHTLIFTING - FALL |  | $1,566 |  | $1,667 |  | $1,776 |
WEIGHTLIFTING - WINTER |  | $1,566 |  | $1,667 |  | $1,776 |
WEIGHTLIFTING - SPRING |  | $1,566 |  | $1,667 |  | $1,776 |
ATHLETIC TRAINER – FALL |  | $2,591 |  | $2,759 |  | $2,938 |
ATHLETIC TRAINER – WINTER |  | $2,591 |  | $2,759 |  | $2,938 |
ATHLETIC TRAINER – SPRING |  | $1,484 |  | $1,580 |  | $1,683 |