THIS MEMORANDUM AGREEMENT, made the 18th day of April, 2010 between the Board of Education of the Township of Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, hereinafter referred to as the "Board" and the following supervisory personnel:
The parties have met and negotiated certain agreements as follows:
A. 1. The term of the contract shall be from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2012.
2. The salary schedule for the fiscal years 2009-2010, 2010-2011 and 2011- 2012 will be as attached hereto as Schedule A.
3.a. The Board will provide the existing health and hospitalization insurance for each employee who wishes such coverage and for dependent coverage. The Board reserves the right to transfer the health and hospitalization insurance coverage to other insurance companies, but agrees that if this is done, the coverage shall be similar to or better than that presently existing. Caps on insurance costs, if any, will be those in effect for the Berkeley Heights Education Association for any given year.
3.b. Notwithstanding the language in 3a above, employees qualifying for medical benefits after July 1, 1994 may select either:
1. The POS coverage, for which the Board will pay the cost of as set forth in the contract with the Berkeley Heights Education Association in Article 18.01a.
2. The Traditional coverage, for which the board will pay the same amount as the cost of the POS coverage and the employee and the Board will each contribute 50% of the excess cost of the Traditional Plan over the POS Plan premiums for the selected category of coverage.
3. All staff members hired after June 30, 2006 will be given POS coverage free of charge. If they choose to select traditional coverage the entire (100%) differential cost will be paid by the employee.
3.c. The Board will provide the existing dental insurance for each employee and his/her dependents. The Board reserves the right to transfer the dental insurance coverage to another company, but agrees that if this is done, the coverage shall be similar or better than that presently existing. Caps on dental insurance costs, if any, will be those in effect for the Berkeley Heights Education Association for any given year.
3.d. Any member covered by this contract has the option to waive and surrender their rights to participate in the Board provided health/medical program on an annual basis. In return for this waiver the employee shall receive an annual allowance based on the number of employees as follows:
0-39 employees $2,500.00
40-44 3,000.00
45-49 3,500.00
50+ 4,000.00
3.e. Each staff member will be entitled to thirteen (13) days of sick leave annually. The unused portion of such leave, at the end of the school year, shall be cumulative.
4.a. Any supervisory personnel who leaves the district for full-service retirement, shall receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 1/9 of 1% of final annual salary for each unused sick day accumulated in his/her personal sick leave bank up to a maximum of 300 days. The maximum payout is capped at $15,000. In the event of death before retirement, the employee's beneficiary shall receive the lump sum payment described herein.
Full service retirement is defined as retirement at age fifty-five (55) or older with twenty-five (25) years or more of service or retirement at age sixty (60) or after.
4.b. Any of the three (3) personal days allocated to supervisory personnel during the fiscal year, that are not used during that year, will be transferred to the individual's accumulated sick days. Personal days may not be used in lieu of sick days during the year in which they are authorized. The maximum number of combined sick and personal days to be carried over in any given year is fifteen (15).
Years of Service Allowance
l-6 2 weeks
7-12 3 weeks
13 + 4 weeks
After employees complete 20 years of service in the district, they will receive one additional day of vacation per year for each year served, but not to exceed five (5) days (i.e. 21 years - 21 days; 22 years - 22 days; 23 years - 23 days; 24 years - 24 days; 25 years - 25 days; 26 years - 25 days).
Up to Five (5) days per year may be used at any time during the school year providing building coverage and overtime are not problems.
Supervisory personnel may accumulate up to thirty vacation days to be carried to the next fiscal year. Any vacation days not used by an employee over the thirty accumulated days shall be converted to sick days at the end of the fiscal year.
Employees shall be entitled to the following paid holidays:
Veterans Day New Years Day Good Friday
Columbus Day General Election Day Memorial Day
Thanksgiving Lincoln’s Birthday Independence Day
Christmas Washington’s Birthday Labor Day
Martin Luther King’s Birthday
1. Any time worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half. Approved time off, such as sick leave, personal leave or vacation leave, shall count towards the forty (40) hour requirement.
2. Overtime worked on Sundays and/or holidays when school is not in session shall be paid at double time.
D. TEMPORARY LEAVES, SICK DAYS ETC. AND UNIFORM ALLOWANCE As detailed in the contract between the Board and the Berkeley Heights Education Association Custodial and Maintenance Unit (Articles XV and XIX respectively) also apply to this contract.
1. Supervisory personnel shall be required to report to work for snow removal on “snow days” and will receive their regular day’s pay with no premium. Reporting to work for snow removal or emergency checks is mandatory.
2. If all snow days built into the school calendar are used and a supervisor reports to work for all snow removal days, a compensation day will be given to said employee. This compensation day will be taken during the summer at the discretion of the Supervisor of Building and Grounds with no additional overtime cost to the district.
Supervisory personnel shall follow required response procedure to alarm activities.
Newly hired supervisory personnel will be hired on a three month probationary period. During this period they will be paid the salary & stipend appropriate to their new position. At the end of the probationary period they will be offered a permanent position or placed back in their previous position at the step they held prior to promotion.
H. The parties hereto agree that the items listed above shall not be considered to establish the extent of negotiable items for any future contracts and the parties agree that future contracts shall be negotiated within the spirit and intent of Chapter 123 of the Public Laws of New Jersey, 1974
Attest: _______________________
Donna A. Felezzola, School Business Administrator/Board SecretarySCHEDULE A
 | Base Salary |  |  |
2009/2010 | $ 61,200 |  |  |
2010/2011 | $ 62,424 |  |  |
2011/2012 | $ 63,672 |  |  |
 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |
 | Stipend |  |  |
Night Supervisor Middle School | $ 2,000 |  |  |
Night Supervisor High School | $ 3,000 |  |  |
Elementary School Supervisor | $ 3,000 |  |  |
Middle School & Maintenance | $ 4,000 |  |  |
High School Supervisor | $ 5,000 |  |  |
 |  |  |  |
 | 2009/2010 | 2010/2011 | 2011/2012 |
 | Salary & Stipend | Salary & Stipend | Salary & Stipend |
MKM - Head Custodian | $ 72,981 | $ 73,856 | $ 74,565 |
Maintenance Supervisor | $ 73,981 | $ 74,856 | $ 75,565 |
WW - Head Custodian | $ 72,981 | $ 73,856 | $ 74,565 |
MP - Head Custodian | $ 64,200 | $ 65,424 | $ 66,672 |
GLHS - Night Supervisor | $ 64,200 | $ 65,424 | $ 66,672 |
COL - Head Custodian | $ 65,200 | $ 66,424 | $ 67,672 |
GLHS – Head Custodian | $ 66,200 | $ 67,424 | $ 68,672 |
TPH – Head Custodian | $ 64,200 | $ 65,424 | $ 66,672 |
COL – Night Supervisor | $ 63,200 | $ 64,424 | $ 65,672 |
Salaries for the head custodian at MKMECC and Woodruff and the maintenance supervisor are based on current personnel staying in the same position. If personnel are reassigned to different position, salaries will change appropriately.
A. Each employee remains on same step for 2009-2010, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012.
Employees will receive longevity payments as follows:
Completion of 10 years - $ 500 annual payment
Completion of 15 years - $1,000 annual payment
Completion of 20 years - $1,500 annual payment
The longevity payment to Anthony Abate shall remain at $4,940 and the longevity payment of $3,853 to Rick Quandt shall be frozen. |