Contract Between
Clifton B/E-Passaic
- and -
Clifton Admin Assn
* * *
07/01/2004 thru 06/30/2007

CategorySchool District

Contract Text Below


The Board of Education of the City of Clifton and the Clifton Administrators’ Association by majority vote of the members of both signatory organizations mutually covenant to abide by the following provisions which shall provide salary and fringe benefits as stipulated below to each Administrator in the Clifton Public Schools for the period from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2007.


The Board hereby recognizes the Clifton Administrators’ Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiations concerning the terms, grievances, and conditions of employment for all administrative personnel on the Elementary School Principal level and Elementary School Assistant Principal level, Middle School Vice Principal and Middle School Principal levels, High School Vice Principal and High School Principal levels.


A grievance is a claim by an employee, a group of employees, or by the Association, that a harm or injury has occurred by an interpretation, application or violation of this Agreement or policies of the Board, or by its administrative decisions which affect terms and conditions of employment. Any and all grievances must be filed at the proper initiating level within fifteen (15) days of the incident, occurrence, or happening of the event or circumstance(s) giving rise to the injury or harm.

A. Level I

1. Any employee who has a grievance shall discuss it first with the immediate Supervisor in an attempt to resolve the matter at that level.

2. If, as a result of the discussion, the matter is not resolved, the grievant shall file and set forth the grievance in writing with supporting reasons with the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall communicate a response to the grievant in writing with supporting reasons within six (6) school days.

B. Level II
    1. If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition at Level I, or if no decision has been rendered within six (6) school days after presentation of the grievance, a grievance may be filed in writing with the Clifton Administrators’ Association within six (6) school days. After receiving the written grievance, the Clifton Administrators’ Association shall refer it to the Superintendent of Schools within ten (10) school days if it is felt that the grievance has merit.
      2. If the Clifton Administrators’ Association determines that the grievance is without merit, it will so advise the grievant.
        C. Level III
            The appeal to the Superintendent must be made in writing with supporting reasons. The Superintendent or his/her designated representative shall arrive at a decision within ten (10) school days after receipt of the written appeal. The Superintendent shall communicate his/her decision in writing, along with reasons to the aggrieved person, and send a copy thereof to the Clifton Administrators’ Association. In the event it is not possible to arrive at a decision within ten (10) days, the Superintendent shall communicate his reasons in writing to the grievant and to the Clifton Administrators’ Association, indicating therein the expected date of decision.
        D. Level IV
            If the Clifton Administrators’ Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level III or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) school days after the grievance was delivered to the Superintendent, the Clifton Administrators’ Association may request the Superintendent to present the said grievance appeal to the Board of Education. The Superintendent shall then immediately forward the grievance to the Board of Education. The Board of Education or a committee therefrom shall hear the grievance in executive session and make a determination within twenty-one (21) school days from the date of its receipt and shall furnish its written findings to the Association within forty-eight (48) hours thereafter. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding as to all matters and disputes.

          A. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use the school and its facilities at all reasonable hours for conducting meetings so long as in doing so it does not interfere with or interrupt normal school activities subject to notification to the Superintendent at least three (3) school days in advance. For emergency meetings, twelve (12) hours notice shall be sufficient.
            B. The Association shall have the right to use school equipment at reasonable times when such equipment is not otherwise in use. Permission for the use of school equipment shall be obtained in advance from the appropriate Principal. All equipment must be used exclusively within the building for which such equipment is part of the inventory.

            A. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over successor Agreement in accordance with the applicable laws of the State of New Jersey in a good faith effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of the Administrators’ employment. Such negotiation shall begin after June 30th but no later than November 15th of the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which this Agreement expires, be reduced to writing, ratified and signed by the Association and adopted and signed by the Board.

              B. Meetings between the parties shall take place at a time and place mutually agreed upon. However, meetings may be deferred upon notice for appropriate cause.

            A. Personal Illness
              1. Fifteen (15) sick days with full pay are allowed 12-month Administrators during the school year, all of which may be accumulative. There is no limit to the number of sick days which may be accumulated.
                2. Twelve (12) sick days with full pay are allowed for 10-month Administrators during the school year, all of which may be accumulative. There is no limit to the number of sick days which may be accumulated.

                3. In the event that all sick days are used up, the Board may grant the Administrator additional time as provided for under Title 18A:30-6.

                B. Death
                    Four (4) consecutive school days, within seven (7) consecutive calendar days, following the date of each death without salary deduction shall be allowed for death of father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, child, grandfather, grandmother, grandchildren, father-in-law, and mother-in-law, and/or Family Member Resident.
                C. Jury Duty
                    Without salary deduction.
                D. Marriage

                    A maximum of five (5) school days during the year with a deduction of 1/200ths of the annual salary for each day.
                E. Maternity Leave
                    An Administrator who anticipates a maternity disability leave shall notify her immediate supervisor in writing of the anticipated commencement of the maternity as soon as the employee knows of it.
                1. In the case of pregnancy, the administrator shall inform the supervisor of the anticipated delivery date.
                  2. No later than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the anticipated delivery date, the administrator shall request a leave of absence while she is disabled, for which accumulated sick leave may be utilized. At the time of application, the administrator shall specify in writing the date upon which she wishes to commence leave and the date upon which she wishes to return to work after birth. The Board may require any administrator to produce a certificate from a physician in support of the requested leave dates. The physician’s certificate is subject to agreement by the Board’s physician. Where medical opinion is supportive of the leave dates requested, such leave shall be granted by the Board, except that the Board may change the requested date upon finding that the grant of a leave for the dates stipulated and medically confirmed would substantially interfere with the administration of the school.

                  3. The Board shall grant maternity disability leave without pay to any administrator upon request subject to the following stipulations and limitations

                            a. The Board may remove any pregnant administrator from her duties on the basis of pregnancy, only, for one of the following reasons:
                            i. Her performance substantially declines from the period preceding pregnancy.
                              ii. Her physical condition or capacity renders her incapable of performing her assigned duties, which shall be deemed to exist if (a) the pregnant administrator fails to produce a physician’s certificate that she is medically able to continue teaching; (b) the Board’s physician concludes that she is unable to continue teaching.
                      b. Upon return from a maternity disability leave of absence, the administrator shall be reinstated in her same position or a similar position for which she is certified.
                      c. The Board is under no compulsion to continue the employment of a non-tenured employee beyond the contracted period so long as the non-renewal of employment is not based solely upon a condition of pregnancy or childbirth.

                      d. The maternity disability leave period shall not be counted for tenure purposes.

                      e. Advancement on the Salary Guide shall be based upon the date of commencement of the leave of absence. The administrator will be granted a full Salary Guide step if she works more than ninety (90) school days. Working ninety (90) school days or less shall result in no advancement on the Salary Guide.

                      f. An administrator who makes application for a maternity disability leave shall also be subject to the provisions of Article VI: Administrator Absence, J., Disability Leave.

                      The Board reserves the right to regulate the commencement and termination dates of anticipated disability leaves in order to preserve educational continuity. When this occurs, an administrator who is placed on an involuntary unpaid leave shall be entitled to all sick leave and insurance benefits during the period of actual disability, according to the negotiated agreement and the rules of the insurance carrier. However, time spent on an unpaid leave shall not be counted for accrual of any benefits.

                  F. CHILD CARE LEAVES
                      1. Child care leave is available to eligible administrators either through the Family Leave Act or through the provisions of this article. An employee opting for statutory leave shall not be eligible for contractual leave.
                    2. Contractual childcare leave shall begin immediately upon: (a) the termination of the disability leave defined above, or (b) on September 1st or February 1st.

                    3. Contractual childcare leave shall terminate at the end of the school year in which the leave was granted. Extensions, or other adjustments to the duration of the leave, shall be at the full discretion of the Board.
                  4. An administrator desiring an unpaid leave shall apply no less than 90 calendar days before the anticipated delivery date of the infant. In the case of an adoption, notice shall be given to the administrator’s supervisor when application for the adoption is made. In cases of adoption, application shall be made for a specific leave period as soon as the administrator is informed of the custody date.

                    5. Contractual unpaid childcare leave is available to administrators who fulfill the requirements set out above. In the case of a Paternity Leave or Adoption Leave, application shall also be subject to the requirements of either 9 or 10 below. Approval of leave is conditioned upon adequate staffing as determined by the Board of Education. No request will be disapproved arbitrarily, discriminatorily or capriciously.

                    6. To be eligible for a salary increment and credit toward longevity payments and sabbaticals, an administrator must work at least 90 days in the school year that the leave commences or terminates.

                    7. An administrator on a voluntary unpaid leave of absence shall not be eligible to either receive or accrue benefits except as statutorily required. The Board shall, however, continue the administrator’s coverage in the district’s group health plans for a period of eight weeks, after which the employee may continue coverage at his own expense, in accordance with the rules of the insurance carrier.

                    8. To be eligible for a new child care leave, an administrator must have been actively employed in the district for the full academic year prior to the requested leave.

                    9. The Board shall grant an unpaid Paternity Child Care Leave ending at the end of the current school year, or, at the option of the administrator, the end of the following school year.
                  a. Both the administrator and his spouse certify in writing to the Board that the mother intends to return to her job as soon after birth as is medically feasible and that the father will be the child-rearing spouse.

                  b. Permission is requested of the Board at least 60 calendar days in advance of the date of expected birth.

                  c. Paternity child care leave shall be continued only if both the administrator and his/her spouse certify to the Board in writing 45 calendar days after birth that the mother has returned to her employment and that the father is the child rearing spouse.

                  d. Upon return from paternity childcare leave of absence the administrator shall be reinstated to his same position for which he is certified.

                  e. The Board is under no compulsion to continue the employment of a non-tenured employee beyond the contracted period so long as the non-renewal of the employment is not based solely upon child rearing leave. Paternity childcare leave shall not be counted for tenure purposes.

                  f. Advancement on the Salary Guide shall be based upon the date of commencement of the leave of absence. The administrator will be granted a full Salary Guide step if he/she works more than 90 days. Working 90 days or less shall result in no advancement on the Salary Guide.
                    10. Any administrator adopting a child four years of age or less shall be eligible to receive an adoption childcare leave until the end of the current school year, or, at the option of the administrator, the end of the following school year which shall commence upon his or her receiving de facto custody of said infant, or earlier if necessary in order to fulfill the requirements of the adoption. This leave will be granted if the administrator involved certifies in writing to the Board that he or she will be the child-rearing spouse and that the other spouse will continue employment during the leave.

                      The Board shall, upon request, grant leaves of absences without pay for one year to administrators with ten (10) or more years of service in Clifton according to the following provisions:
                  1. The leave will be for the purpose of seeking employment in a field other than teaching or administration.
                    2. Administrators shall be required to pay for their own fringe benefits at the group rate in effect during the time of leave. The Board shall bear no costs connected with the leave.

                    3. Administrators requesting leave shall advise the Board by letter no later than April 1st of the school year preceding the leave year.

                    4. Administrators on leave must inform the Superintendent of their intention to terminate employment or return to school not later than April 1st.

                    H. MILITARY - Without Deduction
                        Military leave related to annual active duty training shall be granted on an individual basis in accordance with existing New Jersey statutes. Administrators who are members of the Reserves or National Guard shall request their superior officer to allow them to fulfill the military requirements during the summer vacation.
                      I. ILLNESS IN FAMILY

                      1. Upon presentation of a physician’s letter stating need, a leave of absence for the purpose of caring for a sick member of the administrator’s immediate family or a family member resident of the administrator’s home is available through the Family Leave Act or through the provisions of this article. An employee opting for statutory leave (Family Leave Act) shall not be eligible for contractual leave.

                      2. A leave of absence without pay for up to one (1) calendar year shall be granted for the purpose of caring for a sick member of an administrator’s immediate family or a family member resident in the administrator’s home upon presentation of a physician’s letter stating such a need exists.
                      3. An additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Board. Upon return from an extended leave of absence, the administrator shall be reinstated in the same position or a similar position for which he/she is certified.

                      4. Any unpaid extended leave of absence shall not be counted for tenure purposes.

                      5. Advancement on the Salary Guide shall be based upon the date of commencement of the leave of absence. The 10-month administrator will be granted a full Salary Guide step if he/she works more than ninety (90) school days. Working ninety (90) days or less shall result in no advancement on the Salary Guide. The 12-month administrator will be granted a full Salary Guide step if he/she works more than one hundred twenty (120) days.

                      6. The Board is under no compulsion to continue the employment of a non-tenured employee beyond the contractual period so long as the non-renewal of employment is not based solely upon the unpaid extended leave of absence.

                      7. Advancement toward seniority shall not be interrupted by the administrator’s use of an extended leave of absence; seniority shall not accrue during an extended leave of absence and shall be determined in accordance with state regulations.

                      J. DISABILITY LEAVE (Including Maternity Leave Required for Medical Purposes)

                      1. Any administrator who experiences a disability arising out of, but not limited to surgery, hospital confinement, medical treatment, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, and/or recovery shall apply for and receive disability leave upon presentation of documentation from a medical doctor.

                      2. Disability leave shall be charged to accumulated sick leave, if any, of said administrator. If the accumulated sick leave is or has been exhausted, the disability leave shall be without pay, but with full insurance coverage as provided to all employed administrators under this Agreement at the expense of the Board for a period of up to one year.

                      3. If the administrator’s absence shall be the result of a personal injury caused by an accident or unprovoked assault arising out of and in the course of employment, such administrator shall be allowed disability leave with full pay for up to one calendar year. Such leave shall not be charged to sick leave. In accordance with NJSA 18A: 30-2.1, any amount of salary or wages paid or payable to the administrator under this subsection shall be reduced by the amount of any Workman’s Compensation award made to the administrator under this subsection for temporary disability pursuant to Title 34 of the N.J. Statutes.

                      K. PERSONAL REASONS

                      1. Employees shall be granted three (3) personal days per contract year by citing any of the following categories, which are acceptable reasons for taking personal leave. These personal days will be non-cumulative, except that personal leave days not used in any school year will be converted to sick leave days at the end of the year and added to the Administrator’s accumulation.

                      2. One or more of the following categories are eligible reasons for taking personal days.

                      a. Death (except as indicated in Paragraph B above.)

                      b. Illness (except personal illness as indicated in Paragraph A above).

                      c. Court Order
                    d. Religious Observances
                      e. Personal affairs of non-recreational nature and personal affairs or professional affairs, which might not be carried out after school hours or weekends. Conventions, excluding the NJEA convention, of all types are not approved. Exceptions shall be made subject to Board approval. Personal affairs of a non-recreational nature shall be defined as:
                                Attending to a private matter of a personal or family concern.
                          3. Whenever possible, notice of intention to utilize a personal day must be given in advance to the Superintendent’s office. If advance notice is not possible, the employee will notify the Superintendent’s office in writing of the fact that she/he has used a personal day after she/he has utilized that day.


                          A. Upon retirement, all current administrators as of June 30, 1998, shall be entitled to payment of thirty-four percent (34%) of accumulated sick leave with no cap.

                          Upon retirement, all new administrators appointed on or after July 1, 1998, shall be entitled to payment of thirty-four percent (34%) of a maximum of 200 accumulated sick days, i.e. 100% of 68 days.

                          There is no limit to the number of sick days that any administrator can accumulate, (as per Article VI, A).

                          B. The retirement allowance due an administrator may be paid in one of the following manners, as selected by the retirees:

                          1. The retirement allowance due an administrator for such leave shall be paid on a regular payroll basis as salary with all benefits until the accrued time is up (terminal leave).

                          2. The retirement allowance for such terminal leave shall be paid in a lump sum payment.

                          C. The formula for calculating the payment shall be:Benefit= Percentage
                          of accumulated sick days plus accumulated vacation time, times the annual salary at retirement divided by 200 days.
                      D. In the event of death, such benefits as may ensure to the decedent shall be paid using the same formula defined under “C” above to the decedent’s estate.

                      ARTICLE VIII: HEALTH INSURANCE

                      A. MEDICAL INSURANCE

                      The Board agrees to pay full premium for medical insurance available through the Board’s Health Insurance Provider for each employee and dependent(s) effective July 1, 1998, subject to the following conditions:

                      1. The deductible for the Indemnity Program for all employees regardless of the first date of employment shall be $400 for employee and $800 for dependent(s) coverage.

                      2. Employees whose first day of employment shall be on or after July 1, 1998 shall be enrolled in either employee or dependent Point of Service (POS).

                      3. If employees whose first day of employment is on or after July 1, 1998 select medical coverage other than the POS, available through the Board’s Health Insurance Provider, they shall pay for the difference in the cost of the premium between the POS and the program selected.

                      B. PRESCRIPTION INSURANCE

                      The Board shall pay the premium for prescription insurance for each employee and dependent(s), subject to the following conditions:

                      1) The co-pay for brand name prescriptions shall be $20.00;
                      2) The co-pay for generic prescriptions shall be $10.00;
                      3) The co-pay for mail-in prescriptions shall be $20.00 for brand name prescriptions and $10.00 for generic prescriptions.

                      C. DENTAL INSURANCE

                      The Board agrees to pay full premium for full family coverage for a dental plan, which includes the following elements:

                      (1) prevent and diagnostic – 100%
                      (2) basic services 80/20 co-pay
                      (3) prosthodontic benefits 50/50
                      (4) orthodontic benefits 50/50
                        The maximum amount of services excluding orthodontic shall be $1,800.00 per calendar year. Orthodontic benefits are subject to a $1,000.00 maximum per case, which is separate from the $1,800.00 maximum per year for other covered services.

                        D. The Board shall make every reasonable effort to continue to provide a group rate medical plan available to retirees.

                        E. Employees who voluntarily waive the insurance benefits set forth above will be paid 25% of the premium cost of the program(s) in which the employee is currently enrolled. Employees hired after the date of July 1, 2004 shall receive 25% of the premium cost of the lowest cost program(s). Payment will be made in two installments-January 31st and June 30th. Once an employee voluntarily waives insurance coverage, the employee may re-enroll upon proof of any of the life events as designated by the Department of Insurance. Employees hired after July 1st of any year who elect not to take insurance coverage(s) or employees who terminated employment prior to June 30th shall have the payment prorated based on the number of months the employee was employed.

                        ARTICLE IX: WORK YEAR

                        A. In the event that schools are closed because of inclement weather, all administrators are excused from reporting to work on that day.

                        B. Elementary Administrators, Middle School Administrators and the High School Administrators shall be excused with pay during Christmas, the winter and spring recess, as noted below.

                        Approval to be excused for the spring recess shall be granted by the Superintendent after verification that all personnel evaluations and recommendations for personnel under the authority of the administrator as required for the April meeting of the Board of Education have been received in proper order by the Superintendent.

                        C. Administrators called into work from vacation days are to be given compensatory time off.

                        D. The work year for all ten-month personnel shall be the work year as it applies to the teaching staff, the student calendar year plus 3 ½ days including professional development days, the day before and the day after the school calendar and an additional ten (10) full days. The Superintendent may schedule three (3) of the days immediately before and/or after the work year, as described above in this paragraph, and the Superintendent must approve in advance the scheduling of all of the ten (10) additional days. The scheduling of the seven (7) days not scheduled by the Superintendent shall be similar to the summer schedule of the 12 month administrators. The ten (10) additional days will be worked between the end of one school year defined as, the student calendar, plus 3 ½ days including professional development days, the day before and the day after the school calendar, and the beginning of the following school year.

                        The parties agree that $2,750 will be added to the base salary of the ten-month personnel commencing in 2005-06 as compensation for the additional days.

                        E. Administrators shall not schedule college courses, trips or activities between the closing of school and June 30th, in order to make themselves available, if individually or collectively requested by the Superintendent, or designee, to complete and/or correct end of the year reports within their position of responsibility.


                        A. The official school day hours for administrators are seven hours and forty-five minutes on regularly scheduled full days.

                        B. All principals and vice principals shall have the same dismissal time as the teaching staff on the last day of the school week but only if the building is secured for the day.

                        C. The summertime schedule for administrators shall be from 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. with one hour for lunch. The summer schedule will start July 1st and continue through August 31st.

                        D. When an administrator must utilize his or her vehicle out-of-district as part of regular school duties, mileage shall be reimbursed at the rate per mile established by the IRS effective July 1 for each school year.

                        E. Principals shall have the discretion of assigning staff within the building subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Schools.

                        F. Principals shall be directly involved in screening all professional and nonprofessional candidates for their building. When not on duty (i.e., summer vacation), the principal shall be invited to participate. In all instances, the final decision shall remain with the Superintendent of Schools.

                        ARTICLE XI: LUNCH PERIODS

                        A. All administrators are entitled to a duty free lunch period.

                        B. All Elementary School Principals shall be allowed to leave their respective buildings for lunch for a total of fifty minutes between 1:00 P.M. and 2:00 P.M.

                        ARTICLE XII: SABBATICAL

                        A. Professional personnel with seven (7) or more consecutive years of service in the Clifton School System will be eligible for a sabbatical leave. At the option of the individual, the leave will be granted for one (1) school year at fifty percent (50%) of full salary applicable to the school year in which the sabbatical leave is taken.

                        B. The maximum number of sabbaticals granted during any year will be one (1). If more than one (1) application is submitted, the selection will be made by the Board. The basis for selection will be a comprehensive application and not a competitive examination.

                        C. Any member of the administrative staff who is granted a sabbatical for additional study shall be required to abide by the following:

                        1. For an additional Master’s degree, Professional Certificate or Doctor’s degree, the employee shall be officially matriculated at an accredited college or university.

                        2. The employee on sabbatical leave will be enrolled as a full time student in a course of study. Courses taken through correspondence programs or any that are not fulfilled solely as a direct participant in a campus setting shall not be approved or acceptable.

                        3. Semester hour credits pursued must receive the prior approval of the Superintendent and shall be within the applicant’s major or minor fields or area of administrative responsibility and shall be acceptable in a college or university applying towards the matriculating degree.

                        D. The college or university selected for sabbatical must be approved by the Superintendent and must be accredited by one of the following associations:

                        New England ACSS Middle States ACSS
                        North Central ACSS Southern ACSS
                        Western ACSS Northwest ACSS

                        E. All employees who receive a sabbatical leave will contractually obligate themselves to the Clifton School System for a minimum of three (3) years of service immediately following termination of the sabbatical leave. However, emergencies may cancel out the obligation. Such emergencies are:
                            1. Distant transfer in excess of 100 miles of spouse causing employee resignation.

                            2. Illness or disability causing retirement in accordance with New Jersey Statutes governing such illness or disability.

                            3. Death.
                        F. Sabbatical leave applications must be submitted on or before December 1st of the school year prior to the desired sabbatical year.

                        G. Within ten (10) days of the completion of the first semester and ten (10) days of completion of the second semester, the applicant is to request a transcript to be submitted to the Board of Education.

                        H. Within ten (10) days of the commencement of the courses, the administrators on sabbatical will notify the Superintendent of the courses actually being taken by course title and catalog description.


                        Administrators who submit evidence of having completed a graduate study program on the Doctoral degree level or 6th Year Level in the field of Education by submission of the degree received and accompanying official transcript and description of courses pursued in acquiring such degree or 6th Year Level shall be placed on the appropriate Salary Guide on the first of September immediately subsequent to the submission to the Board of Education of such degree and 6th Year Level and approval by the Board showing that all requirements have been met prior to September 1st and subject further to the following stipulations:

                        A. All Doctoral and 6th Year Level course submissions must be approved by the Superintendent and earned at accredited colleges and universities recognized by the New Jersey State Department of Education and one of six recognized agencies, or any accrediting agency or college or university accepted by the aforementioned agencies. There are six (6) recognized regional accrediting agencies for colleges and universities: Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Northwest Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, and Western Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

                        Courses taken through correspondence programs or any courses that are not fulfilled solely as a direct participant in a campus setting shall not be approved or acceptable.

                        B. All administrators shall be eligible for placement on the 6th Year Level providing they acquire 30 graduate credits beyond a Master’s degree recognized by the Board of Education under the terms of this contract, fifteen (15) of which are in Administration and/or Supervision, and receive the prior approval of the Superintendent. A minimum course grade of “B” (3 on a 4 point scale) shall only be considered in determining placement of 6th Year Level.

                        C. A “pass” grade shall only be accepted for Salary Guide placement when the college or university certifies that only pass/fail grades for that particular course are used. No other designation shall be accepted for Salary Guide placement.

                        D. Administrators submitting a request for Salary Guide placement on the 6th Year Level in accordance with the terms of this section shall be placed on the 6th Year Level guide and be entitled to the additional emolument for completion of the number of course credits required for 6th Year Level Salary Guide placement.

                        E. The Clifton Board of Education will provide tuition reimbursement for graduate courses taken by vice-principals, principals and directors during each school year of this contract. Reimbursement shall be limited to $3,000.00 per eligible person per school year. Such courses must receive prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools or designee and be taken at a college or university accredited by the following accrediting associations: Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Western Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, and Northwest Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
                            Such courses must be in the administrator’s area of certification, required for an advanced degree or demonstrably related to the administrator’s job responsibilities.
                        F. Up to six (6) on-line credits shall be eligible provided they satisfy the requirements set forth in this Article and are part of an accredited program.

                          A. The Board shall pay for expenses incurred by an administrator attending one major education convention a year subject to the Superintendent’s approval.

                          B. The Board shall pay administrators for all required courses, seminars, and conventions as approved by the Superintendent of Schools. Additionally, administrators shall be reimbursed for all related expenses.

                          C. The Board shall be responsible to each administrator for up to $3,000.00 per year, for purchases of equipment, software, printed matter, media, materials, etc., or any other career enhancing item(s) or professional development experience(s) beneficial to the position including membership dues in the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association, and/or Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, upon approval of the Superintendent of Schools.

                          ARTICLE XV: VACATION DAYS

                          All 12-month administrators earn two vacation days’ credit each month employed during the year for a total of twenty-two (22) days a year which cannot be accumulated beyond the school year. These days are to be used at a time not to interfere with the school program subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Schools. All vice principals shall be designated as 12-month employees.

                          ARTICLE XVI: REPRESENTATION FEE

                          A. Purpose of Fee

                          If an administrator does not become a member of the Association during any membership year (i.e., from September 1st to the following August 31st) which is covered in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the employee’s per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representatives.

                          B. Notification and Amount of Fee

                          Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the Association to its own members for that membership year. The representation fee to be paid by non-members will be equal to 85% of that amount.

                          C. Payroll Deduction Schedule

                          The Board will deduct the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks paid to each employee on the aforesaid list during the remainder of the membership year in question. The deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid.

                          1. Ten (10) days after receipt of the aforesaid list by the Board; or

                          2. Thirty (30) days after the employee begins his or her employment in a bargaining unit position, unless the employee previously served in a bargaining unit position or was on layoff, in which event the deduction will begin with the first paycheck, paid ten (10) days after the resumption of the employee’s employment in a bargaining unit position, whichever is later.

                          ARTICLE XVII: SALARY GUIDE

                          ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL GUIDE

                          2004-2005* 2005-2006** 2006-2007
                          NEW GUIDE NEW GUIDE NEW GUIDE

                          Step 1 86,341 Step 1 92,700 Step 1 96,629
                          Step 2 87,441 Step 2 93,850 Step 2 97,729
                          Step 3 88,591 Step 3 95,000 Step 3 98,879
                          Step 4 89,737 Step 4 96,150 Step 4 100,029
                          Step 5 90,887 Step 5 97,296 Step 5 101,179
                          Step 6 94,214 Step 6 98,446 Step 6 102,325
                          Step 7 97,541 Step 7 101,773 Step 7 103,475
                          Step 8 100,869 Step 8 105,100 Step 8 106,802
                          Step 9 104,196 Step 9 108,428 Step 9 110,129
                          Step 10 107,523 Step 10 111,755 Step 10 113,457
                          Step 11 110,850 Step 11 115,082 Step 11 116,784
                          Step 12 115,344 Step 12 118,409 Step 12 120,111
                          Step 13 116,504 Step 13 122,903 Step 13 123,438
                          Step 14 119,012 Step 14 124,063 Step 14 127,932
                          Step 15 126,571 Step 15 129,092
                          Step 16 131,600


                          2004-2005* 2005-2006** 2006-2007
                          NEW GUIDE NEW GUIDE NEW GUIDE

                          Step 1 70,994 Step 1 78,100 Step 1 82,101
                          Step 2 73,189 Step 2 78,553 Step 2 83,129
                          Step 3 75,383 Step 3 80,748 Step 3 83,582
                          Step 4 77,578 Step 4 82,942 Step 4 85,777
                          Step 5 80,905 Step 5 85,137 Step 5 87,971
                          Step 6 84,232 Step 6 88,464 Step 6 90,166
                          Step 7 87,560 Step 7 91,791 Step 7 93,493
                          Step 8 90,887 Step 8 95,119 Step 8 96,820
                          Step 9 98,446 Step 9 100,148
                          Step 10 103,475

                          VICE PRINCIPAL GUIDE

                          2004-2005* 2005-2006 2006-2007
                          NEW GUIDE NEW GUIDE NEW GUIDE

                          Step 1 88,356 Step 1 92,065 Step 1 95,993
                          Step 2 89,505 Step 2 93,165 Step 2 97,094
                          Step 3 90,164 Step 3 94,422 Step 3 98,194
                          Step 4 90,655 Step 4 94,973 Step 4 99,451
                          Step 5 91,804 Step 5 95,464 Step 5 100,002
                          Step 6 95,132 Step 6 96,613 Step 6 100,493
                          Step 7 98,459 Step 7 .99,941 Step 7 101,642
                          Step 8 101,786 Step 8 103,268 Step 8 104,970
                          Step 9 105,113 Step 9 106,595 Step 9 108,297
                          Step 10 108,441 Step 10 109,922 Step 10 111,624
                          Step 11 111,768 Step 11 113,250 Step 11 114,951
                          Step 12 115,095 Step 12 116,577 Step 12 118,279
                          Step 13 118,423 Step 13 119,904 Step 13 121,606
                          Step 14 121,750 Step 14 123,232 Step 14 124,933
                          Step 15 126,559 Step 15 128,261
                          Step 16 131,588

                          MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL GUIDE

                          2004-2005* 2005-2006 2006-2007
                          NEW GUIDE NEW GUIDE NEW GUIDE

                          Step 1 98,398 Step 1 102,007 Step 1 105,936
                          Step 2 99,499 Step 2 103,157 Step 2 107,036
                          Step 3 100,830 Step 3 104,308 Step 3 108,186
                          Step 4 102,161 Step 4 105,639 Step 4 109,337
                          Step 5 103,503 Step 5 106,970 Step 5 110,668
                          Step 6 106,063 Step 6 108,312 Step 6 111,999
                          Step 7 108,624 Step 7 110,872 Step 7 113,341
                          Step 8 111,184 Step 8 113,433 Step 8 115,901
                          Step 9 113,744 Step 9 115,993 Step 9 118,462
                          Step 10 116,304 Step 10 118,553 Step 10 121,022
                          Step 11 118,865 Step 11 121,113 Step 11 123,582
                          Step 12 121,425 Step 12 123,674 Step 12 126,142
                          Step 13 123,985 Step 13 126,234 Step 13 128,703
                          Step 14 126,545 Step 14 128,794 Step 14 131,263
                          Step 15 131,354 Step 15 133,823
                          Step 16 136,383

                          HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL GUIDE

                          2004-2005* 2005-2006 2006-2007
                          NEW GUIDE NEW GUIDE NEW GUIDE

                          Step 1 108,069 Step 1 111,570 Step 1 115,499
                          Step 2 109,061 Step 2 112,720 Step 2 116,599
                          Step 3 110,403 Step 3 113,870 Step 3 117,749
                          Step 4 111,745 Step 4 115,212 Step 4 118,899
                          Step 5 113,087 Step 5 116,554 Step 5 120,241
                          Step 6 116,414 Step 6 117,896 Step 6 121,583
                          Step 7 119,741 Step 7 121,223 Step 7 122,925
                          Step 8 123,069 Step 8 124,550 Step 8 126,252
                          Step 9 126,396 Step 9 127,878 Step 9 129,579
                          Step 10 129,723 Step 10 131,205 Step 10 132,907
                          Step 11 133,050 Step 11 134,532 Step 11 136,234
                          Step 12 136,378 Step 12 137,859 Step 12 139,561
                          Step 13 139,705 Step 13 141,187 Step 13 142,888
                          Step 14 143,032 Step 14 144,514 Step 14 146,216
                          Step 15 147,841 Step 15 149,543
                          Step 16 152,870

                          *Staff moves one step from 2003-2004 except for those appointed to positions on or after 7/1/04. Off 1 goes to Step 12; Off 2 goes to Step 13, Off 3 goes to Step 14.

                          **$2,750 added to 10-month administrators’ base salary for 10 summer days before 4.5%.

                          ARTICLE XVIII: LONGEVITY

                          Effective July 1, 2001, employees with at least three years of administrative service shall receive longevity pursuant to the following schedule:

                          YEARS OF SERVICE AMOUNT

                          4-9 $1,500.00
                          10-14 $1,750.00
                              15+ $2,250.00
                          Longevity shall not be compounded. The longevity amount shall be added to the base salary as included on the administrator’s salary guide.

                          Longevity shall be paid in addition to base salary and shall be included for pension purposes.

                          In determining placement for years of service, other than administrative experience, personnel shall receive one (1) year of administrative credit for every three (3) years of service within the district. In addition, administrative years count one (1) for one (1) in determining placement.

                          ARTICLE XIX: GRADUATE DEGREE STIPEND

                          Any administrator that successfully earns a Ph.D. or an Ed.D. from an accredited program shall be entitled to a $3,500.00 stipend. Said stipend(s) shall be paid annually.

                          ARTICLE XX: PROFESSIONAL STIPEND

                          Any administrator that fills the following positions shall be entitled to a $3,500.00 stipend, which shall be paid as part of the administrator’s regular salary and shall be pensionable providing that the stipend is approved by the Division of Pensions:

                          Safety Patrol
                          Testing Assessment
                          World Language
                          Affirmative Action
                          Art & Music
                          Professional Development Coordinator
                          Home Instruction


                          The Elementary Summer School Principal shall receive a $6,500.00 stipend, which shall be paid as part of the Administrator’s regular salary and shall be pensionable providing that the stipend is approved by the Division of Pensions.

                          ARTICLE XXII: DURATION

                          The provisions of this Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2004 and shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2007.

                          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be signed by their proper corporate officers.

                          ATTEST: Date Clifton Board of Education

                          By: By:
                          Board Secretary Board President

                          ATTEST: Date: Clifton Administrators’ Association

                          By: By:
                          Association Secretary Association President

                          Clifton BE and Clifton Admin Assn 2004.pdf