JULY 1, 2005
JUNE 30, 2008
Patrick J. Urciuoli, President
Richard Kovats, Vice President
Gilbert Grieder
Andrew Knapp
Rosemarie H. Lakawicz
Matthew Lee
Joseph Morgese
Alfred Marion, Jr.
Denise Roche
Dr. René Rovtar, Superintendent of Schools
Debra Naley-Minenna, Board Secretary
Patricia Buntzen, President
Susan Kempson, Vice President
Maryann Vermont, Secretary
Susan Gilliam, Treasurer
I Recognition 1
II Negotiation Procedure 2
III Grievance Procedure 2
IV Facilities 4
V Non-Teaching Duties 4
VI Insurance Protection 4
VII Professional Development & Educational Improvement 5
VIII Employment 6
IX Association Rights & Privileges 6
X Personal & Academic Freedom 7
XI Dues Deduction From Salary 7
XII Teacher Salary Guide Progression 7
XIII Association Conduct Relative to Bargaining Issues 8
XIV Leaves of Absence 8
XV Employee Rights 11
XVI Student-Teacher Ratio 11
XVII Mileage Reimbursement 11
XVIII Voluntary Transfers & Reassignments 12
XIX Tuition Reimbursement 12
XX Class Coverage 13
XXI Printing Agreement 13
XXII Athletic Coaches’ Longevity Guides 13
XXIII Non-Athletic Activity Guides - . see pages 26-28
XXIV Teacher Work Year 14
XXV Teacher Work Hours 14
XXVI Early Dismissal Days 14
XXVII Home Instruction 14
XXVIII Longevity Payment Policy 15
XXIX Unused Sick Days 15
XXX Office Personnel Work Hours 16
XXXI Office Personnel Vacations 16
XXXII Office Personnel Evaluation Criteria 16
XXXIII Office Personnel Overtime 16
XXXIV Secretarial Snow Days 16
XXXV Notification of Available Office Positions 17
XXXVI Leaving the Building During Lunch Period 17
XXXVII Separability 17
XXXVIII Representation Fee 17
XXXIX Mentoring 18
XL Duration of Contract 18
Teacher Salary Guide — 2005-2006 19
Teacher Salary Guide — 2006-2007 20
Teacher Salary Guide — 2007-2008 21
Secretarial Salary Guide — 2005-2008 22
Athletic Coaches’ Salary Guides — 2005-2006 23
Athletic Coaches’ Salary Guides — 2006-2007 24
Athletic Coaches’ Salary Guides — 2007-2008 25
Non-Athletic Activity Salary Guide — 2005-2006 26
Non-Athletic Activity Salary Guide — 2006-2007 27
Non-Athletic Activity Salary Guide — 2007-2008 28
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on this 14th day of November, 2005.
RECOGNITION The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiation concerning the terms and conditions of employment for the following personnel whether under contract, on leave, employed or to be employed by the Board, including:
Guidance Counselors
Nurses | Office Personnel
Technology Coordinator |
but excluding:
Business Admin.
Vice-Principals | Dir. of Student Support Services
Athletic Director
Confidential Secretaries |
Unless otherwise indicated hereinafter when used:
“Teachers” will refer to all professional employees represented by the Association.
“Office Personnel” will refer to all non-professional employees represented by the Association.
“Employees” will refer to all personnel represented by the Association.
Any new teaching staff or office personnel position created by the Board of Education shall be subject to negotiation as to its placement in this unit.
A. 1. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor Agreement in accordance with NJSA 34:13A-1 et seq, in a good-faith
effort to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and
conditions of employees’ employment and matters of mutual concern. Such negotiations shall begin at a mutually agreeable time, but no later than the date for the commencement of negotiations established by the Public Employment Relations Commission. Any agreement so negotiated shall apply to all employees included in the Recognition Article, be reduced to writing, and be submitted to the Board and the Association for ratification.
2. During negotiation, the Board and the Association shall present relevant data, exchange points of view, and make proposals and counter-
B. Neither party in any negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party. The parties mutually pledge that their representatives shall be clothed with all necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals and make counter-proposals in the course of negotiations, pending ratification by the Board and the Association.
C. Meetings may be canceled by mutual consent of the parties three (3)
days prior to a scheduled meeting.
D. All negotiation proposals of both parties shall be submitted not later than one week prior to the first scheduled bargaining session.
E. The Board agrees not to negotiate concerning certified employees in the negotiating unit as defined in Article I of the Agreement, with any
organization other than the Association for the duration of this
F. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly-executed by both parties.
1. A “grievance” is a claim based on an interpretation, application, or
alleged violation of the negotiated agreement, board policy, or
administrative decisions affecting terms and conditions of
2. An “aggrieved” person is the person or persons making the claim.
3. A “party in interest” is the person or persons making the claim and any person who might be required to take action or against whom action might be taken in order to resolve the claim.
1. The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible administrative level, equitable solutions to the problems which may from time to time arise affecting the welfare or working conditions of employees. Both parties agree that these proceedings shall be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of any employee having a grievance to proceed independently of this grievance procedure.
1. The initial submission of the grievance must be made no later than sixty (60) calendar days after the challenged event or after the time the employee should have known of the grievance. In all other cases, the grievance shall be untimely and the administration shall have no obligation to entertain the complaint. However, if the sixty (60) calendar day limitation shall expire during the summer months after the school year, then the sixty (60) calendar days will be extended to ninety (90) calendar days.
2. Any employee who has a grievance shall discuss it first with his Principal (or immediate supervisor or department head if applicable) in an attempt to resolve the matter informally at that level.
3. If, as a result of the discussion, the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the employee within five (5) school days, he shall set forth his complaint in writing to the Principal.
The written grievance shall include:
· the date of the action giving rise to the grievance
· the date the grievance was filed
· the nature of the grievance
· the specific provision(s) of the contract or board policy(s) allegedly violated
· the remedy being sought.
The Principal shall communicate his decision to the employee in writing within seven (7) school days of receipt of the written complaint7
4. The employee may appeal the Principal’s decision to the Superintendent of Schools. The appeal to the Superintendent must be made in writing and must set forth the grounds upon which the grievance is based. The Superintendent shall request a report on the grievance from the Principal, shall confer with the concerned parties and, upon request, with the employee or Principal separately. He shall attempt to resolve the matter as quickly as possible, but within a period not to exceed ten (10) school days. The Superintendent shall communicate his decisions in writing, along with the supporting reasons, to the employee and Principal.
5. If the grievance is not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction, he may request a review by the Board of Education. The request shall be submitted in writing through the Superintendent of Schools who shall attach all related papers and forward the request to the Board of Education. The Board, or committee thereof, shall review the grievance, hold a hearing with the employee, if requested, and render a decision in writing within thirty (30) calendar days.
6. Any grievance supported by the Association and not resolved to the satisfaction of the employee after review by the Board of Education, shall at the request of the Association be submitted to advisory arbitration agreeable to all parties.
FACILITIES The Board of Education agrees to continue to provide a separate, private dining area for the exclusive use of adult employees in the high school during the regular teacher lunch hour.
NON-TEACHING DUTIES A. The Board and Association recognize that a teacher’s primary responsibility is to teach and that his energies should, to the extent possible, be utilized to this end. The Board and Association recognize, however, that education takes place in areas other than the classroom and that this is a necessary part of a teacher’s responsibility.
B. Teachers shall not be required to drive students to activities which take place away from the school building.
The Board shall pay full premium for health-care insurance coverage for each eligible employee and his/her eligible dependents.
Effective July 1, 2000, the coverage provided for health care insurance for all employees in the Association shall be in either the Blue Card PPO or Horizon HMO program at the employee’s option. Employees may purchase coverage in a traditional indemnity program by contributing the difference between the cost of the Blue Card PPO, and the cost of the traditional indemnity program. (per Section 125 Premium Conversion Plan) Effective July 1, 2003, the office co-pay will be $10.00.
The insurance carrier shall be selected solely by the Board for the duration of this contract.
The Board shall continue the Dental Care Health Insurance Program provided for the 1996-99 contract year and shall pay the full premium for each employee and his/her eligible dependents.
The Dental Care Health Insurance Carrier shall be selected by the Board.
The Board shall provide Prescription Drug Benefits for each eligible employee member and his/her eligible dependents. Effective January 1, 2006 and for the remainder of this contract, prescription co-pays shall be $20 name brand, $10 generic, $5 mail-order. The prescription drug service/carrier shall be selected solely by the Board.
An employee who has other benefit coverage(s) may elect to discontinue their related benefit coverage(s) provided by the Butler Board of Education and receive payment reimbursement(s) as listed:
Medical $2,000.00
Prescription 600.00
Dental 180.00
The reimbursements shall be payable in two payments, one in December and one in June. (covered by Section 125 Premium Waiver Plan) The medical option is only available to the first 10 percent of the district employees who elect this option. If discontinuance of benefits is for less than one year, the reimbursement will be prorated. Re-enrollment in any coverage may occur during the annual open enrollment period or at any time there is a qualifying life status change.
EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT The Board recognizes that it shares with its professional staff responsibility for the upgrading and updating of employee performance and attitudes.
To help in carrying this out, the Board agrees to pay the cost of tuition and other reasonable expenses (including fees, meals, lodging, and/or transportation) incurred in connection with courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions or any other such session which an employee is required, in writing, by the Superintendent with Board approval, after mutual agreement, to take, except those courses which are required for certification by the State Department of Education.
The Board of Education agrees to cooperate with the Association in arranging in-service courses, workshops, conferences, and programs designed to improve the quality of instruction. In-service programs shall be conducted during the in-school work day if attendance is required. All such programs conducted after the employee’s work day or during the summer shall be voluntary.
Office personnel shall be entitled to one-half day (˝) per year for a secretarial workshop provided this workshop is in conjunction with a B.E.A. Professional Day.
EMPLOYMENT The employment and hiring of teachers will be left to the discretion of the administration, the Board and the Superintendent of Schools.
Full credit on the salary guide for previous teaching experience should be given.
Additional increments may be granted upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, when in the judgment of the Board, the best interest of the schools warrants such action.
Teachers shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year not later than May 15th.
All office personnel will be notified in writing of their employment status for the ensuing year no later than May 15th.
Terms of office personnel employment will be issued no later than June 1st to all office personnel.
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS & PRIVILEGES The Board agrees to furnish to the Association a register of faculty personnel and three (3) copies of the Minutes of all Board meetings.
Representatives of the Association, the New Jersey Education Association, and the National Education Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times, at the discretion of the Superintendent, provided that this shall not interrupt normal school operations.
The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at all reasonable hours for meetings with the approval of the Superintendent.
The Association shall have, in each school building, the exclusive use of a portion of a bulletin board in each faculty lounge or dining room. The Association shall also be assigned reasonable space on the bulletin board in the central office of each school for Association notices.
The Association shall have the right to use the inter-school mail facilities and school mail boxes as it deems necessary, and without the approval of building Principals or other members of the administration.
The Association may have the privilege to use school facilities and equipment, including typewriters, copy machines, fax, computer, calculating machine and all types of audio-visual at reasonable times when such equipment is not otherwise in use or needed as determined by the administration. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use, and for any repairs necessitated as a result thereof.
PERSONAL & ACADEMIC FREEDOM Employees shall be entitled to full rights of citizenship, and no religious or political activities of any employee or lack thereof, shall be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the professional employment of such employee, providing said activities do not violate any local, state, or federal law.
The Board acknowledges the fundamental need to protect teachers from any censorship or restraint which might interfere with their obligation to pursue truth in the performance of their teaching functions as long as their teaching is within the confines of the accepted philosophy and curriculum as prescribed by the Board.
DUES DEDUCTION FROM SALARY The Board agrees to deduct dues and/or supplemental contributions from the salaries of the employees for the Butler Education Association, the Morris County Council of Education Associations, the New Jersey Education Association or the National Education Association, or any one or any combination of such associations as said employees individually and voluntarily authorize the Board to deduct. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 310, Public Laws of 1967 (NJSA 52:14-15.9e) and under rules established by the State Department of Education. Said monies together with records of any corrections shall be transmitted by the Payroll Supervisor to NJEA, utilizing NJEA documents, by the 15th of each month following the monthly pay period in which deductions were made. Employee authorizations shall be in writing utilizing official NJEA forms.
Any withdrawal of a member from the Association will follow timelines and procedures as provided by NJEA.
A. Only those teachers who were eligible for payment on the BA+30, BA+46 and BA+60 columns prior to September 30, 1993, will continue to be eligible for payment on that salary column identified and grand-fathered as of September 30, 1993. After September 30, 1993, teachers may not advance or move within the three columns. When all teachers who are paid on the basis of BA+30, BA+46 or BA+60 credits have either progressed to an MA or higher column or have left the district, the column designations will be eliminated.
B. The Board of Education agrees to place a teacher on the next salary level with the appropriate salary increase effective September 1st, if the teacher earns the required number of credits to be eligible for that level prior to September 1st. It is understood that said teacher must submit to the Superintendent, prior to June 15th, notice that he/she intends to reach the next horizontal salary level by September 1st. The Board of Education Agrees to place a teacher on the next salary level with the appropriate salary increase, effective February 1st, if the teacher earns the required number of credits to be eligible for that level prior to February 1st. It is understood that said teacher must submit to the Superintendent, prior to September 15th, notice that he/she intends to reach the next horizontal salary level by February 1st.
C. Advancement on the salary guide will be in accordance with the negotiated agreement and salary guides. Only employees who perform satisfactorily and who are on payroll five (5) months or more during the school year will receive experience credit for the purpose of salary guide progression the following year.
TO BARGAINING ISSUES The Association shall not pursue any course of conduct by programs, discussions, the wearing of campaign items, or display signs in the bargaining issue of the Butler School System which shall interfere with or disrupt the orderly course of education or the teaching of prescribed courses in the Butler School System.
A. Sick Leave
1. Employees shall have ten (10) days sick leave per year, cumulative without limit, as specified in Title 18A. Employees employed for twelve (12) months shall have twelve (12) sick days. Employees initially hired after the first month of their work year shall be granted one day of sick leave per month remaining in the work year. All sick leave days shall be credited to the employee as of the first day of employment.
2. Employees shall be given a written accounting of accumulated sick leave no later than September 30th of each school year.
3. A physician’s certificate may be required for any employee for an illness following the third day, or at any time the Superintendent is not satisfied with the attendance of an employee.
4. Terms of the State Family Leave Act and the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act shall apply.
B. Child Care
B. 9
1. A leave of absence without pay for the birth or adoption of a child will be granted any tenure employee and may be granted any non-tenure employee in good standing.
2. The maximum period of time for any maternity leave shall be no longer than one (1) year from the next September 1st.
3. Terms of the State Family Leave Act and the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act shall apply.
C. Military
C. 9
Any employee who is drafted into the defense forces of the United States shall receive leave without pay. State and Federal laws shall be applied concerning reinstatement and accrued benefits of an employee in his position.
D. Death
D. 9
1. An employee may be absent from school without loss of pay for the days school is in session during a seven (7) calendar day period immediately following the death of a member of the immediate family (parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sister, brother, husband, wife, or any other member of the household living with the employee as a permanent member of the home).
2. Absence without loss of pay for one (1) day is allowed for death of a relative outside of the immediate family or of a close friend.
3. An employee may be absent from school without loss of pay for the days school is in session during a three (3) calendar day period immediately following the death of any of the following: present mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law.
E. Personal
E. 6
1. Employees will be allowed two (2) days per year without loss in pay for personal business which cannot be handled outside of school hours, such as court subpoena, title closing, marriage of a family member, and emergencies if approved by the Superintendent, and shall not be required to state the reason for taking these days other than that he is taking them under this section. Unused Personal days shall be added to accumulated sick leave days.
2. Employees will be required to state the reason for taking these days if:
a. The personal day is requested the day before or the day after a holiday or vacation.
b. The personal day is requested prior to September 15 or after June
3. Employees shall be allowed one additional day per year without loss in pay for personal business which shall require a statement of reason. This day shall not be added to accumulated sick leave days.
4. Three (3) days prior written request or notice is required in above paragraphs 1 through 3.
1. 10
F. Fulbright Scholarship
Butler teachers who are recipients of Fulbright Scholarships, shall, upon returning to the system, receive full credit on the salary guide for this experience.
G. Sabbatical
F. 10
1. One-year’s Sabbatical leave of absence to be spent in study or travel, or both, or any other reason approved by the Board, may be granted upon recommendation of the Superintendent at the Board’s discretion.
1. 10
a. Requests will be considered from teachers who have completed seven (7) years’ service in the Butler Public Schools.
b. Requests shall be made to the Superintendent on the proper form and shall delineate the plan of study or travel.
c. Seven (7) years must elapse between Sabbatical leaves of a particular teacher.
a. 11
2. Personnel granted a Sabbatical leave of absence will receive experience credit on the salary guide.
3. An Approved Sabbatical leave of absence shall carry a grant of one-half (˝) salary.
4. Sabbatical leaves of absence are subject to the following provisions:
a. Personnel who accept a Sabbatical leave of absence agree to return to the Butler Public Schools and to remain on the staff of the Butler Schools for three (3) years. Requests to be released from this obligation must include an offer to reimburse the Butler Board of Education according to this formula:
A person who requests a release for the entire three (3) years shall agree to repay the entire amount received from the Board during the Sabbatical leave. A person who completes one (1) year of service after the Sabbatical leave before requesting a release shall agree to repay two-thirds (2/3) of the total received during the Sabbatical leave. A person who serves two (2) years after returning from a Sabbatical leave before requesting a release shall agree to repay one-third (1/3) of the amount received during the Sabbatical leave.
b. Requests for Sabbatical leave must be made before March 1st of the year in which the leave is to take place.
c. Sabbatical leaves of absence shall begin September 1st and terminate June 30th.
d. The total number of teachers granted Sabbatical leave during one academic year may not exceed two (2).
e. During the period of the Sabbatical leave of absence, personnel may not engage in any remunerative employment without written permission from the Superintendent.
f. During the Sabbatical leave of absence, personnel will report to the Superintendent fully, in writing, (October 31, January 31, March 31, June 30, and at other times on request) concerning their progress in those activities for which leave was granted, and will report specifically any information gained during the leave which might be of value to the Butler Public Schools. The final report will include a summary of all experiences and conclusions drawn which have any bearing on the future performance of their duties and which suggest possible improvements for the Butler Public Schools.
a. 11
H. Good Cause
Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board for good reason.
A. No employee shall be prevented from wearing pins or other identification, within reason, of membership in the Association or its affiliates.
B. An employee is entitled to inspect any records or files relating to him/her by appointment and within normal working hours.
STUDENT-TEACHER RATIO Since the Board and the Association agree that in most cases good education can occur best when student/teacher ratio is low, the aim of the Butler Public Schools shall be to reduce, when feasible, any class when the number of pupils assigned to any room is larger than:
A. The capacity of teaching facilities, number of adequate teaching stations, and number of adequate pupil stations available in the room,
B. The appropriateness of the room to content of the course, methods of instruction to be employed, and prior preparation of teachers therefore,
C. The availability of equipment for adequate teacher demonstration and student use,
D. Any other conditions which adversely affect the health, safety, supervision, and learning of the pupils.
Final decision shall rest on the Board after consultation with the administration and the Association.
MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Employees who may be required to use their own automobiles in the performance of their duties and employees who are assigned to more than one school per day shall be reimbursed for all such travel at the rate per mile established by the Internal Revenue Service for all driving done after arrival at the first location at the beginning of their work day.
A. No later than June 1st of each year, the Superintendent shall post in all school buildings a list of the known vacancies which shall occur during the following school year. Applications for posted vacancies must be filed with the Superintendent no later than June 15th.
B. All new positions created, including but not limited to summer positions, part-time positions, programs funded by the Federal government, and other adjunct positions shall be posted by the Superintendent for at least five (5) days. All qualified employees shall be given five (5) days from the date of posting to make application for the positions. The Board agrees to give due weight to the professional background and attainments of all applicants and other relevant factors.
C. Teachers who desire a change in grade and/or subject assignment or who desire transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent. Such statement shall include the grade and/or subject to which the teacher desires to be transferred, in order of preference. Such requests for transfers and re-assignments for the following year, other than those specified in Paragraph A. above, shall be submitted not later than April 30th.
TUITION REIMBURSEMENT Any teacher possessing a valid teaching certificate who continues his professional growth through enrollment in graduate courses related to his professional responsibilities, and with the Superintendent’s approval, shall be reimbursed for his tuition upon submission of the proof that the courses have been successfully completed with a grade for its graduate program. Prior approval forms are to be submitted to the Superintendent’s office by June 15th for the summer semester course (or prior to the start of the course if the summer session commences prior to June 15th); by September 1st for fall semester courses; and by January 5th for spring semester course. In no case shall a form be submitted after the start of the course. A maximum of the Montclair State University rate shall be allowed per person per credit. Reimbursement shall be limited to a maximum of 9 credits per year. A grade of “A” or “B” will be eligible for 100% reimbursement, per the conditions above. No reimbursement will be made for any course in which the employee receives a grade below “B”.
For the 2005-2006 school year, the total amount of tuition reimbursement shall be limited to $50,000. In the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school years, the total amount of tuition reimbursement shall be limited to $60,000. in each year. Beginning with the summer 2006 semester, an aggregate amount of $20,000 will be set aside for each of the three semesters. This amount will be prorated among all of the teachers who have received approval from the superintendent for that semester. Teachers will receive a notice indicating the minimum amount of tuition they can expect to receive by July 1st for the summer semester, September 30th for the fall semester, and February 1st for the spring semester. Any unused funds will carry forward to the next semester, but will not exceed the total of $60,000 for the year.
If an employee leaves the district within 3 years after the completion of a course which is eligible for reimbursement for employment elsewhere in New Jersey, the employee must reimburse the Board 100% of the amount given in reimbursement. This shall be done within 30 days of notification of resignation.
CLASS COVERAGE It is agreed that the Association, recognizing its highest interest in the quality of the educational opportunities for children, and its concerns over the detrimental effect thereon, in the absence of the regular teacher, will provide a list of regular full-time teachers who could be available, at the request of the Principal, to substitute for the absent teachers during their non-instructional periods of the day, at the per period rate of twenty-two ($22) dollars.
PRINTING AGREEMENT The cost of printing this Agreement shall be borne equally by the Board of Education and the Association after agreement on format and quantity within sixty (60) days after the Agreement is signed. Errors in printing shall not become binding. Proof of all changes to the Agreement shall be shown by signatures of the negotiation chairs of both the BOE and the BEA to memoranda of agreement.
1. The following Longevity Payment Policy shall apply to Head Coaches of the same sport in Butler
After 6 years $400
After 12 years $800
After 18 years $1200
2. Longevity for Assistant Coaches shall be added at an amount equal to one half (˝) that of Head Coaches.
3. Head coaches who assume the additional responsibility of Assistant Coach shall receive one-half (˝) of the Assistant Coach pay. Assumption of additional responsibilities must be approved in advance by both the Superintendent and Board.
4. Free employee passes shall be issued for all home contests.
5. Summer Weight Room Monitor at $10 per hour. (max $1500)
See pages 26, 27 and 28.
TEACHER WORK YEAR The work year for employees shall consist of one hundred eighty-three (183) working days.
TEACHER WORK HOURS The Board and the Association recognize and agree that the teachers’ responsibility to their students and their profession generally entail the performance of duties and expenditure of time beyond the normal working day, but that teachers are entitled to regular time and work schedules which will be maintained to the extent possible throughout the school system, except in emergencies and instances of staffing exigencies.
Both parties agree to continue to work toward a resolution that will modify instructional contact time.
Staff work days are comprised of teaching, teaming, and duty assignments. In addition, staff will be afforded a continuous full class preparation time and a duty free lunch equal to students’ schedule in the school where they are assigned. Staff are required to attend one after-school faculty meeting each week.
The school day for professional employees is as follows:
 | Sign In/Out | Instructional Day |
Aaron Decker School | 8:00 a.m.-2:40 p.m. | 8:10 a.m.-2:20 p.m. |
Richard Butler School | 7:50 a.m.-2:45 p.m. | 8:00 a.m.-2:40 p.m. |
Butler High School | 7:50 a.m.-2:54 p.m. | 8:00 a.m.-2:44 p.m. |
The School Calendar shall include an early dismissal day for students and employees on the day prior to Thanksgiving and one the last day of school before Christmas vacation if the last school day is within two (2) days of Christmas Day.Aaron Decker School/Richard Butler School students shall have early dismissal on the last two (2) days of the school year.
HOME INSTRUCTION The hourly rate of pay for teachers providing home instruction shall be thirty-five dollars ($35) per hour.
LONGEVITY PAYMENT POLICY The following Longevity Payment policy shall apply to teachers and office personnel for service in the Butler Public Schools:
15 years | $952 |
20 years | $1,654 |
25 years | $2,430 |
30 years | $3,334 |
35 years | $4,362 |
40 years | $5,516 |
15 years | $552 |
20 years | $1,079 |
25 years | $1,681 |
30 years | $2,357 |
35 years | $3,111 |
40 years | $3,939 |
After reaching longevity eligibility, adjustment will be made at the start of the next school year.
UNUSED SICK DAYS Each employee who retires, after completion of fifteen or more years of service in the Butler Public Schools, shall be reimbursed for unused sick days at the following rate:
A. one (1) day’s pay for each five (5) unused sick days up to 100 days
B. one (1) day’s pay for each four (4) unused sick days between 101 and 300 days
C. one (1) day’s pay for each three (3) unused sick days from 301 to infinity.
A day’s pay shall be 1/200 of the contractual salary of an employee employed on a ten (10) month contract, or 1/240 of the contractual salary of an employee employed on a twelve (12) month contract, for the year prior to retirement.
The employee shall provide the Board of Education with a written notice of intention to retire at least twelve (12) months prior to the intended date of retirement.
Employees hired on or after October 1, 1999 shall be subject to the following conditions:
A cap of $10,000 per teacher shall be in effect.
A cap of $3,000 per secretary shall be in effect.ARTICLE XXX
OFFICE PERSONNEL WORK HOURS The work day for full-time secretarial staff is eight (8) hours, including a forty-five (45) minute lunch and two fifteen (15) minute breaks. The time for breaks shall be mutually agreed upon by the employee and the supervisor/principal and submitted to the Superintendent of Schools for approval.
Summer hours for staff shall exist from 7/1 to two (2) weeks before Labor Day of the contract year. Any extension of this time shall be at the Supervisors’ discretion.
OFFICE PERSONNEL VACATIONS The present vacation policy of the Board of Education shall remain in effect for the duration of this Agreement.For 12 month employees:
1 to 4 years — 10 days
5 years — 15 days
10 years — 20 days
-less than 1 year, prorated depending on months of service ARTICLE XXXII
OFFICE PERSONNEL EVALUATION CRITERIA Evaluation procedure of office personnel shall be conducted as per Board policy. Secretaries shall be entitled to a conference with their supervisor to discuss the evaluation.
OFFICE PERSONNEL OVERTIME Compensation shall be made for “overtime” provided such overtime is mandated by the administration and performed on school property.
SECRETARIAL SNOW DAYS When school is closed due to inclement weather secretaries do not have to come in unless a special request is made by the Superintendent or his designee. Compensatory time will be given. If requested and needed a school vehicle will be sent to pick up the secretary in the event of snow.
If the school district is closed due to unused snow days, secretaries will be expected to report to their regular work assignment, as long as an administrator is on duty in their respective buildings.
NOTIFICATION OF AVAILABLE OFFICE POSITIONS Notification shall be given for any openings for secretarial positions in the school district. Employees who wish to apply shall submit their application, in writing, to the Superintendent of Schools.
LEAVING THE BUILDING DURING LUNCH PERIOD It is understood and agreed that employees may leave the school premises during their duty-free lunch period, with permission from the building administrator in charge, who shall grant same, unless there is a valid reason for denial.
SEPARABILITY If any provision, or part of any provision, of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
REPRESENTATION FEE An eligible non-member of the Butler Education Association shall be required to pay a representation fee to the Association. Prior to the beginning of each school year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the representation fee to be paid by nonmembers. The representation fee will be established by the Association in accordance with NJSA 34:13A-5.4 and cannot exceed 85% of regular dues.
The Association shall indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses that may arise out of, or by reason of, any action taken or not taken by the employer in conformance with this provision.
The Association will establish a Demand and Return System that will provide non-members with a process by which to appeal the amount of the representation fee. Eligible non-members shall have the right to appeal the amount of the fee to the BEA within 10 days of official notification by the BEA of said charge. The Board shall be held harmless in any lawsuits arising from the representation fee.
1. Any teacher may be assigned to act as a mentor, however, the Board agrees to give first consideration to tenured teachers who express interest in such an assignment.
2. All vacancies for mentors shall be posted.
3. In selecting mentors, consideration will be given to assigning a mentor to a provisional teacher in the same discipline and/or the same school. Consideration will also be given to assigning a common planning period to the mentor and the provisional teacher.
4. Both the mentor and the provisional teacher shall be provided with policies of the Board concerning mentoring and the mentoring regulations adopted by the Department of Education.
5. Mentors will receive payment at the State proposed rate in a manner mutually agreeable to both mentor and provisional teacher by March 1st.
DURATION OF CONTRACT The duration of this contract shall coincide with the district’s fiscal year- July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2008 -
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective presidents, attested by their respective secretaries, and their corporate seals to be placed hereon, all on the day and year first written above.
By Patricia Buntzen, President
By Maryann Vermont, Secretary
By Patrick J. Urciuoli, President
By Debra Naley-Minenna, Secretary
The following salary guides shall be for the period from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2008.
STEP | BA | BA+20 | MA
(*BA+30) | MA+16
(*BA+46) | MA+30
(*BA+60) | MA+45MA+60 |
1 | 43,166 | 44,466 | 46,166 | 47,466 | 48,766 | 50,06651,566 |
2 | 43,666 | 44,966 | 46,666 | 47,966 | 49,266 | 50,56652,066 |
3 | 44,686 | 45,986 | 47,686 | 48,986 | 50,286 | 51,58653,086 |
4 | 45,886 | 47,186 | 48,886 | 50,186 | 51,486 | 52,78654,286 |
5 | 47,186 | 48,486 | 50,186 | 51,486 | 52,786 | 54,08655,586 |
6 | 48,586 | 49,886 | 51,586 | 52,886 | 54,186 | 55,48656,986 |
7 | 50,286 | 51,586 | 53,286 | 54,586 | 55,886 | 57,18658,686 |
8 | 52,786 | 54,086 | 55,786 | 57,086 | 58,386 | 59,68661,186 |
9 | 55,386 | 56,686 | 58,386 | 59,686 | 60,986 | 62,28663,786 |
10 | 58,732 | 60,032 | 61,732 | 63,032 | 64,332 | 65,63267,132 |
11 | 62,293 | 63,593 | 65,293 | 66,593 | 67,893 | 69,19370,693 |
12 | 65,522 | 66,822 | 68,522 | 69,822 | 71,122 | 72,42273,922 |
13 | 67,730 | 69,405 | 71,466 | 73,141 | 74,945 | 76,61978,304 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
*See Article XII Sec A
STEP | BA | BA+20 | MA
(*BA+30) | MA+16
(*BA+46) | MA+30
(*BA+60) | MA+45MA+60 |
1 | 44,785 | 46,085 | 47,785 | 49,085 | 50,385 | 51,68553,185 |
2 | 45,285 | 46,585 | 48,285 | 49,585 | 50,885 | 52,18553,685 |
3 | 46,285 | 47,585 | 49,285 | 50,585 | 51,885 | 53,18554,685 |
4 | 47,480 | 48,780 | 50,480 | 51,780 | 53,080 | 54,38055,880 |
5 | 48,780 | 50,080 | 51,780 | 53,080 | 54,380 | 55,68057,180 |
6 | 50,180 | 51,480 | 53,180 | 54,480 | 55,780 | 57,08058,580 |
7 | 51,880 | 53,180 | 54,880 | 56,180 | 57,480 | 58,78060,280 |
8 | 54,380 | 55,680 | 57,380 | 58,680 | 59,980 | 61,28062,780 |
9 | 56,980 | 58,280 | 59,980 | 61,280 | 62,580 | 63,88065,380 |
10 | 60,325 | 61,625 | 63,325 | 64,625 | 65,925 | 67,22568,725 |
11 | 63,885 | 65,185 | 66,885 | 68,185 | 69,485 | 70,78572,285 |
12 | 67,115 | 68,415 | 70,115 | 71,415 | 72,715 | 74,01575,515 |
13 | 69,355 | 71,030 | 73,090 | 74,765 | 76,570 | 78,24579,930 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
*See Article XII Sec A
STEP | BA | BA+20 | MA
(*BA+30) | MA+16
(*BA+46) | MA+30
(*BA+60 | MA+45MA+60 |
1 | 46,415 | 47,715 | 49,415 | 50,715 | 52,015 | 53,31554,815 |
2 | 46,915 | 48,215 | 49,915 | 51,215 | 52,515 | 53,81555,315 |
3 | 47,915 | 49,215 | 50,915 | 52,215 | 53,515 | 54,81556,315 |
4 | 49,110 | 50,410 | 52,110 | 53,410 | 54,710 | 56,01057,510 |
5 | 50,410 | 51,710 | 53,410 | 54,710 | 56,010 | 57,31058,810 |
6 | 51,810 | 53,110 | 54,810 | 56,110 | 57,410 | 58,71060,210 |
7 | 53,510 | 54,810 | 56,510 | 57,810 | 59,110 | 60,41061,910 |
8 | 56,010 | 57,310 | 59,010 | 60,310 | 61,610 | 62,91064,410 |
9 | 58,610 | 59,910 | 61,610 | 62,910 | 64,210 | 65,51067,010 |
10 | 61,955 | 63,255 | 64,955 | 66,255 | 67,555 | 68,85570,355 |
11 | 65,515 | 66,815 | 68,515 | 69,815 | 71,115 | 72,41573,915 |
12 | 68,745 | 70,045 | 71,745 | 73,045 | 74,345 | 75,64577,145 |
13 | 71,010 | 72,685 | 74,746 | 76,421 | 78,225 | 79,89981,584 |
*See Article XII Sec A
STEP | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 | 2007-2008 |
1 | 26,030 | 27,009 | 27,989 |
2 | 26,550 | 27,530 | 28,509 |
3 | 27,150 | 28,050 | 29,030 |
4 | 27,750 | 28,650 | 29,550 |
5 | 28,450 | 29,250 | 30,150 |
6 | 29,200 | 29,950 | 30,750 |
7 | 30,200 | 30,700 | 31,450 |
8 | 31,200 | 31,700 | 32,200 |
9 | 32,200 | 32,700 | 33,200 |
10 | 32,930 | 33,430 | 34,200 |
The secretarial staff member who was on Step 10 of the 2004-2005 salary guide will move to a new off guide step. The salary for this employee will be referred to as “Off Guide 1” and will be $33,930 in 2005-2006, $35,430 in 2006-2007, and $36,930 in 2007-2008.
The secretarial staff member who was previously on the off guide step in 2004-2005 will remain off guide. The salary for this employee will be referred to as “Off Guide 2” and will be $38,530 in 2005-2006, $40,030 in 2006-2007 and $41,530 in 2007-2008.
In the 2005-2006 school year, the number of steps on the 2004-2005 guide (ten) are reduced to 5:
· coaches on old step 1 move to new step 1
· coaches on old steps 2 & 3 move to new step 2
· coaches on old steps 4 & 5 move to new step 3
· coaches on old steps 6 & 7 move to new step 4
· coaches on old steps 8 & 9 move to new step 5
There will be no step advancement on the guide during the term of this contract.
2005-2006 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Basketball Head | 4027 | 4519 | 5094 | 5670 | 6203 |
Basketball Assistant | 2698 | 3081 | 3574 | 4067 | 4449 |
Baseball Head | 3480 | 3903 | 4396 | 4889 | 5349 |
Baseball Assistant | 2698 | 3081 | 3574 | 4067 | 4449 |
Bowling | 3089 | 3493 | 3985 | 4478 | 4899 |
Cross Country Head | 3089 | 3492 | 3986 | 4478 | 4899 |
Cross Country Assistant | 1798 | 2054 | 2383 | 2711 | 2966 |
Elementary Intramural | 861 | 1027 | 1274 | 1520 | 1663 |
Fencing | 861 | 1027 | 1274 | 1520 | 1663 |
Field Hockey Head | 3089 | 3492 | 3986 | 4478 | 4899 |
Field Hockey Assistant | 1798 | 2054 | 2383 | 2711 | 2966 |
Football Head | 4769 | 5340 | 5998 | 6655 | 7280 |
Football Assistant | 3050 | 3512 | 4067 | 4642 | 5079 |
Golf | 3089 | 3492 | 3986 | 4478 | 4899 |
Gymnastics Head | 3089 | 3492 | 3986 | 4478 | 4899 |
Gymnastics Assistant | 1798 | 2054 | 2383 | 2711 | 2966 |
Indoor Track Head | 3089 | 3493 | 3985 | 4478 | 4899 |
Indoor Track Assistant | 1603 | 1848 | 2178 | 2504 | 2740 |
Skiing | 1408 | 1644 | 1972 | 2301 | 2518 |
Soccer Head | 3089 | 3492 | 3986 | 4478 | 4899 |
Soccer Assistant | 1798 | 2054 | 2383 | 2711 | 2966 |
Softball Head | 3480 | 3903 | 4396 | 4889 | 5349 |
Softball Assistant | 2698 | 3081 | 3574 | 4067 | 4449 |
Track Head | 3480 | 3903 | 4396 | 4889 | 5349 |
Track Assistant | 2698 | 3081 | 3574 | 4067 | 4449 |
Wrestling Head | 4027 | 4519 | 5094 | 5670 | 6203 |
Wrestling Assistant | 2698 | 3081 | 3574 | 4067 | 4449 |
2006-2007 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Basketball Head | 4027 | 4519 | 5094 | 5670 | 6203 |
Basketball Assistant | 2698 | 3081 | 3574 | 4067 | 4449 |
Baseball Head | 3480 | 3903 | 4396 | 4889 | 5349 |
Baseball Assistant | 2698 | 3081 | 3574 | 4067 | 4449 |
Bowling | 3089 | 3493 | 3985 | 4478 | 4899 |
Cross Country Head | 3089 | 3492 | 3986 | 4478 | 4899 |
Cross Country Assistant | 1798 | 2054 | 2383 | 2711 | 2966 |
Elementary Intramural | 861 | 1027 | 1274 | 1520 | 1663 |
Fencing | 861 | 1027 | 1274 | 1520 | 1663 |
Field Hockey Head | 3089 | 3492 | 3986 | 4478 | 4899 |
Field Hockey Assistant | 1798 | 2054 | 2383 | 2711 | 2966 |
Football Head | 4769 | 5340 | 5998 | 6655 | 7280 |
Football Assistant | 3050 | 3512 | 4067 | 4642 | 5079 |
Golf | 3089 | 3492 | 3986 | 4478 | 4899 |
Gymnastics Head | 3089 | 3492 | 3986 | 4478 | 4899 |
Gymnastics Assistant | 1798 | 2054 | 2383 | 2711 | 2966 |
Indoor Track Head | 3089 | 3493 | 3985 | 4478 | 4899 |
Indoor Track Assistant | 1603 | 1848 | 2178 | 2504 | 2740 |
Skiing | 1408 | 1644 | 1972 | 2301 | 2518 |
Soccer Head | 3089 | 3492 | 3986 | 4478 | 4899 |
Soccer Assistant | 1798 | 2054 | 2383 | 2711 | 2966 |
Softball Head | 3480 | 3903 | 4396 | 4889 | 5349 |
Softball Assistant | 2698 | 3081 | 3574 | 4067 | 4449 |
Track Head | 3480 | 3903 | 4396 | 4889 | 5349 |
Track Assistant | 2698 | 3081 | 3574 | 4067 | 4449 |
Wrestling Head | 4027 | 4519 | 5094 | 5670 | 6203 |
Wrestling Assistant | 2698 | 3081 | 3574 | 4067 | 4449 |
2007-2008 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Basketball Head | 4108 | 4719 | 5294 | 5870 | 6403 |
Basketball Assistant | 2752 | 3181 | 3674 | 4167 | 4549 |
Baseball Head | 3550 | 4103 | 4596 | 5089 | 5549 |
Baseball Assistant | 2752 | 3181 | 3674 | 4167 | 4549 |
Bowling | 3151 | 3693 | 4185 | 4678 | 5099 |
Cross Country Head | 3151 | 3692 | 4186 | 4679 | 5099 |
Cross Country Assistant | 1834 | 2154 | 2483 | 2811 | 3166 |
Elementary Intramural | 878 | 1127 | 1374 | 1620 | 1763 |
Fencing | 878 | 1127 | 1374 | 1620 | 1763 |
Field Hockey Head | 3151 | 3692 | 4186 | 4679 | 5099 |
Field Hockey Assistant | 1834 | 2154 | 2483 | 2811 | 3166 |
Football Head | 4864 | 5540 | 6198 | 6855 | 7480 |
Football Assistant | 3111 | 3612 | 4167 | 4742 | 5179 |
Golf | 3151 | 3692 | 4186 | 4679 | 5099 |
Gymnastics Head | 3151 | 3692 | 4186 | 4679 | 5099 |
Gymnastics Assistant | 1834 | 2154 | 2483 | 2811 | 3166 |
Indoor Track Head | 3151 | 3692 | 4186 | 4679 | 5099 |
Indoor Track Assistant | 1635 | 1948 | 2278 | 2604 | 2840 |
Skiing | 1436 | 1744 | 2072 | 2401 | 2618 |
Soccer Head | 3151 | 3692 | 4186 | 4679 | 5099 |
Soccer Assistant | 1834 | 2154 | 2483 | 2811 | 3166 |
Softball Head | 3550 | 4103 | 4596 | 5089 | 5549 |
Softball Assistant | 2752 | 3181 | 3674 | 4167 | 4549 |
Track Head | 3550 | 4103 | 4596 | 5089 | 5549 |
Track Assistant | 2752 | 3181 | 3674 | 4167 | 4549 |
Wrestling Head | 4108 | 4719 | 5294 | 5870 | 6403 |
Wrestling Assistant | 2752 | 3181 | 3674 | 4167 | 4549 |
2005-2006 In the 2005-2006 school year, the number of steps on the 2004-2005 guide (eight) are reduced to 4:
· advisors on old step 1 move to new step 1
· advisors on old steps 2 & 3 move to new step 2
· advisors on old steps 4 & 5 move to new step 3
· advisors on old steps 6, 7 & 8 move to new step 4
There will be no step advancement on the guide during the term of this contract.
Activity | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
Band Director | 2865 | 3215 | 3535 | 3920 |
Assistant Band Director | 2310 | 2595 | 2840 | 3060 |
Percussion | 1440 | 1640 | 1870 | 2085 |
Senior Class Advisor | 1820 | 2075 | 2370 | 2615 |
Junior Class Advisor | 1720 | 1960 | 2260 | 2535 |
Conflict Resolution | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
DECA | 1815 | 2080 | 2395 | 2685 |
Drama | 810 | 915 | 1030 | 1340 |
Honor Society | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Jerseyman | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Junior Officials | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Key Club | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Math League | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
PEER | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Publications | 2190 | 2490 | 2820 | 3205 |
Science League | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Spring Musical | 1445 | 1645 | 1850 | 2205 |
Student Council | 2265 | 2570 | 2890 | 3285 |
Assistant Student Council | 1165 | 1320 | 1480 | 1640 |
RBS Student Council | 1295 | 1450 | 1605 | 1765 |
Stage Crew | 1690 | 1935 | 2215 | 2490 |
Vocal Music | 2490 | 2810 | 3135 | 3490 |
Yearbook | 2300 | 2570 | 2875 | 3210 |
Cheering - Basketball | 1010 | 1140 | 1300 | 1440 |
Cheering - Football | 1010 | 1140 | 1300 | 1440 |
Cheering – Wrestling | 1010 | 1140 | 1300 | 1440 |
Band Front | 1445 | 1645 | 1870 | 2085 |
Biology Club | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Sophomore Class Advisor | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Freshman Class Advisor | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Forensics | 1700 | 1935 | 2215 | 2490 |
Interact | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Chemistry League | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Activity | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
Band Director | 2865 | 3215 | 3535 | 3920 |
Assistant Band Director | 2310 | 2595 | 2840 | 3060 |
Percussion | 1440 | 1640 | 1870 | 2085 |
Senior Class Advisor | 1820 | 2075 | 2370 | 2615 |
Junior Class Advisor | 1720 | 1960 | 2260 | 2535 |
Conflict Resolution | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
DECA | 1815 | 2080 | 2395 | 2685 |
Drama | 810 | 915 | 1030 | 1340 |
Honor Society | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Jerseyman | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Junior Officials | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Key Club | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Math League | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
PEER | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Publications | 2190 | 2490 | 2820 | 3205 |
Science League | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Spring Musical | 1445 | 1645 | 1850 | 2205 |
Student Council | 2265 | 2570 | 2890 | 3285 |
Assistant Student Council | 1165 | 1320 | 1480 | 1640 |
RBS Student Council | 1295 | 1450 | 1605 | 1765 |
Stage Crew | 1690 | 1935 | 2215 | 2490 |
Vocal Music | 2490 | 2810 | 3135 | 3490 |
Yearbook | 2300 | 2570 | 2875 | 3210 |
Cheering - Basketball | 1010 | 1140 | 1300 | 1440 |
Cheering - Football | 1010 | 1140 | 1300 | 1440 |
Cheering – Wrestling | 1010 | 1140 | 1300 | 1440 |
Band Front | 1445 | 1645 | 1870 | 2085 |
Biology Club | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Sophomore Class Advisor | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Freshman Class Advisor | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Forensics | 1700 | 1935 | 2215 | 2490 |
Interact | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Chemistry League | 950 | 1080 | 1245 | 1615 |
Activity | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
Band Director | 2885 | 3230 | 3555 | 3940 |
Assistant Band Director | 2330 | 2605 | 2860 | 3080 |
Percussion | 1465 | 1665 | 1890 | 2105 |
Senior Class Advisor | 1840 | 2090 | 2390 | 2635 |
Junior Class Advisor | 1735 | 1980 | 2275 | 2555 |
Conflict Resolution | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1420 |
DECA | 1835 | 2100 | 2415 | 2705 |
Drama | 830 | 935 | 1050 | 1360 |
Honor Society | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1635 |
Jerseyman | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1635 |
Junior Officials | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1635 |
Key Club | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1635 |
Math League | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1635 |
PEER | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1635 |
Publications | 2205 | 2510 | 2840 | 3225 |
Science League | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1420 |
Spring Musical | 1465 | 1660 | 1870 | 2225 |
Student Council | 2280 | 2590 | 2910 | 3305 |
Assistant Student Council | 1185 | 1340 | 1500 | 1625 |
RBS Student Council | 1315 | 1470 | 1625 | 1780 |
Stage Crew | 1710 | 1955 | 2235 | 2505 |
Vocal Music | 2510 | 2830 | 3155 | 3510 |
Yearbook | 2320 | 2590 | 2925 | 3230 |
Cheering - Basketball | 1030 | 1160 | 1315 | 1460 |
Cheering - Football | 1030 | 1160 | 1315 | 1460 |
Cheering – Wrestling | 1030 | 1160 | 1315 | 1460 |
Band Front | 1465 | 1665 | 1890 | 2105 |
Biology Club | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1635 |
Sophomore Class Advisor | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1635 |
Freshman Class Advisor | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1635 |
Forensics | 1710 | 1955 | 2235 | 2505 |
Interact | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1635 |
Chemistry League | 970 | 1100 | 1265 | 1635 |