July l, 2012 - June 30, 2015
 | PREAMBLE | 1 |
10 | SALARIES | 23 |
 | TABLE OF CONTENTS, continued |  |
SCHEDULE A-1 | TEACHERS’ SALARY GUIDE – 2012-2013 | 48 |
SCHEDULE A-2 | TEACHERS’ SALARY GUIDE – 2013-2014 | 49 |
SCHEDULE A-3 | TEACHERS’ SALARY GUIDE – 2014-2015 | 50 |
SCHEDULE C | SECRETARIES’ SALARY GUIDES – 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015 | 63 |
SCHEDULE D | AIDES’ AND AUTISTIC PROGRAM AIDES’ SALARY GUIDES – 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015 | 64 |
SCHEDULE F | TRANSPORTATION DRIVERS’ SALARY GUIDES – 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015 | 66 |
This Agreement, entered into this July 1, 2012, by and between the Board of Education of the Bordentown Regional School District of New Jersey, hereinafter called the "Board," and the Bordentown Regional Education Association, hereinafter called the "Association," represents and incorporates the complete and final understanding and settlement by the parties of all bargainable issues which were or could have been the subject of negotiations.
A. The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for certified non-supervisory personnel employed by the Board under contract or on leave, including:
Classroom Teachers
Special Area Teachers including: music, art, physical education, home economics, family and consumer science, and industrial arts and technology
Compensatory Education and Title I Teachers
Teachers of Special Education
Speech Therapists
Child Study Team Members
Guidance Counselors
Athletic Trainer
Substance Abuse Coordinator
but excluding all supervisory personnel and all hourly rate employees.
The Board also recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for the following employees whether under contract or on leave:
Bus Aides
Instructional Aides
General Aides
Custodians and Maintenance Personnel
Bus Drivers
but excluding the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, the Secretary to the Superintendent, the Payroll Secretary, the Secretary to the Board Secretary/Business Administrator, and the CDA Administrative Assistant and Secretary.
B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "unit member," when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined. The particular terms and conditions of employment of the Athletic Trainer are described in the job description for that position adopted by the Board on July 1, 2003, and are not modified by this agreement except as specifically stated herein.
A. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor Agreement, in accordance with Chapter 303, Public Laws of l968, and as amended by Chapter l23, Public Laws of l974, in a good faith effort to reach agreement on matters concerning the terms and conditions of unit member employment. The parties shall hold their first negotiations session during the month of February of the calendar year in which the contract expires, at which they shall exchange proposals.
B. During negotiations, the Board and the Association shall present relevant data, exchange points of view and make proposals and counterproposals.
C. Neither party in any negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party. The parties mutually pledge that their representatives shall be clothed with all necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals and make counterproposals in the course of negotiations. The Board and the Association retain the right to review, ratify or reject the tentative agreements reached by their negotiations representatives.
D. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
A. Definitions
1. A "grievance" is a claim based upon an event or condition which affects the terms and conditions of employment of a unit member or group of unit members and/or the interpretation, meaning or application of any of the provisions of this Agreement.
2. An "aggrieved person" is the person or persons making the claim.
3. A "party-in-interest" is the person or persons making the claim and any person who might be required to take action or against whom action might be taken in order to resolve the claim.
B. Purpose
1. The purpose of this procedure is to resolve grievances, at the lowest possible level, which may, from time to time, arise concerning the terms and conditions of employment of unit members. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of any unit member having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with any appropriate member of the administration, and to have the grievance adjusted without intervention of the Association, provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with terms of this Agreement and that the Association has been given the opportunity to be present at such adjustment and to state its views.
3. The Association shall have an opportunity to file a grievance even when the aggrieved individual is unwilling to do so on his/her own.
C. Procedure
1. Since it is important grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level shall be a maximum, and every effort should be made to expedite the process. Failure by a grievant to process the grievance in a timely fashion shall constitute a waiver of the right to grieve on the matter in question. Failure by the Administration or the Board to respond to a grievance in a timely fashion at Level One, Two or Three shall permit the grievant to proceed to the next step in the procedure. The time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement. A grievance must be initiated in writing at Level One within twenty (20) school days of the point of grievance.
2. In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year, the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as it is practicable.
3. Level One
a. A unit member with a grievance shall first discuss it verbally; a teacher, secretary or aide with his/her principal; a custodian or maintenance person with the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds; a bus driver and aide on a bus with the Transportation Supervisor--with the objective of resolving the matter informally. The unit member may elect to have an Association representative present.
b. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level One (a), s/he may file the grievance in writing with the principal, or Business Administrator, in the case of custodians or maintenance personnel, bus drivers and bus aides within twenty (20) school days of the incident giving rise to the grievance, with the objective of resolving the matter by a written decision within five (5) school days after receipt of the written grievance.
4. Level Two
a. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of
his/her grievance at Level One, or if no decision has been
rendered within five (5) school days after written presentation of
the grievance, s/he may file the grievance, in writing, with the
Association within five (5) school days after the decision at Level
One or ten (l0) school days after the written grievance was
presented, whichever is sooner. Within five (5) school days after
receiving the written grievance, the Association should refer it to
the Superintendent of Schools if it determines that the grievance is
b. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition
of his/her grievance at Level Two (a), or if no decision has been
rendered within five (5) school days after presentation of the
grievance to the Association, s/he may file the grievance, in writing,
with the Superintendent.
5. Level Three
a. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of
his/her grievance by the Superintendent, or if no decision has been
rendered within ten (10) school days after the grievance was
delivered to the Superintendent, s/he may, within five (5) school days after a decision by the Superintendent or fifteen (l5) school days after the grievance was delivered to the Superintendent, whichever is sooner, request, in writing, that the Association submit the grievance to the Board.
b. This request shall be submitted through the Superintendent who
shall attach all related papers and forward the request to the Board.
c. The Board, or a committee thereof, shall review the grievance, and,
if requested, shall hold a hearing with the employee and other
interested parties in order to establish all the facts.
d. The Board will render a decision, in writing, to the aggrieved
person within thirty (30) calendar days.
6. Level Four
a. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level Three, or if no decision has been rendered within thirty (30) calendar days after the grievance was delivered to the Board, the aggrieved person may, within five (5) school days after a decision by the Board or thirty-five (35) calendar days after the grievance was delivered to the Board, whichever is sooner, request in writing that the Association submit its grievance to arbitration. If the Association determines that the grievance is meritorious, it may submit the grievance within fifteen (l5) school days after receipt of the grievance by the aggrieved.
b. Within ten (l0) school days after such agreement to submit the grievance to arbitration, the Board and the Association shall attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator and shall obtain a commitment from said arbitrator to serve. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator or to obtain such a commitment within the specified period, a request for a list of arbitrators will be made, on a rotating basis, to the American Arbitration Association and the Public Employment Relations Commission, by either party. The parties will be bound by the rules and procedures of the agency utilized for that grievance.
c. The arbitrator's decision shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the Board and the Association and shall be final and binding on the parties regarding grievances involving alleged violations of the express terms of this Agreement, and shall be advisory to the parties regarding grievances involving Board policy and administrative decisions affecting terms and conditions of employment.
d. The arbitrator shall limit him/herself to the issues submitted to him/her and shall consider nothing else. S/he can neither add nor subtract anything to or from the Agreement between the parties. The only grievances which may be arbitrated are those alleging that there has been a violation of the express, written terms of the locally negotiated Agreement. The arbitrator shall have only the power to interpret what the parties to the Agreement intended by the specific clause in the Agreement which is at issue. His/her recommendations on such an interpretation shall be binding on the parties.
D. Rights of Unit Members to Representation
Any unit member in interest may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by him/herself or, at his/her option, by a representative selected or approved by the Association.
E. Miscellaneous
l. Decisions rendered at Level One (b), Levels Two and Three of the grievance procedure shall be in writing setting forth the decision and the reasons therefore and shall be transmitted promptly to all parties.
2. All documents, records and communications between the grievant/Association and the Administration/Board dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed in a separate grievance file and shall not be kept in the personnel file of any of the participants and shall be made available to the Association representative upon request.
3. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties-in-interest and their designated or selected representatives, heretofore referred to in this Article.
4. The costs for the services of the arbitrator shall be equally shared by both parties to the Agreement, and any additional costs shall be paid solely by the party incurring such costs.
5. Forms for filing grievances, serving notices, taking appeals, making reports and recommendations and other necessary documents shall be prepared jointly by the Superintendent and the Association and given appropriate distribution so as to facilitate operation of the grievance procedure.
6. If a grievance affects a group or class of unit members, and it cannot be resolved by the appropriate principal, the grievance committee may submit such grievance, in writing, to the Superintendent directly; and the processing of such grievance shall be commenced at Level Two.
A. Pursuant to Chapter 303, Public Laws of l968, as amended by chapter l23 Public Laws of l974, the Board hereby agrees that every employee of the Board shall have the right freely to organize, join and support the Association and its affiliates for the purpose of engaging in collective negotiations and other concerted activities for mutual aid and protection. As a duly selected body exercising governmental power under color of the law of the State of New Jersey, the Board undertakes and agrees that it shall not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any unit member in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by Chapter 303, Public Laws of l968, or other laws of New Jersey or the Constitutions of New Jersey and the United States; that it shall not discriminate against any unit member with respect to hours, wages or any terms or conditions of employment by reason of his/her membership in the Association and its affiliates, his/her participation in any activities of the Association and its affiliates, collective negotiations with the Board, or his/her institution of any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this Agreement or otherwise with respect to any terms or conditions of employment.
An employee who chooses to arbitrate a grievance alleging a violation or misinterpretation of this clause shall be precluded from submitting the same grievance or complaint to any other legal forum. An employee who files a grievance or complaint in any other legal forum regarding the rights delineated in this paragraph shall be precluded from submitting the same grievance to arbitration.
B. No unit member shall be disciplined, reprimanded, reduced in rank or compensation or deprived of any professional advantage without just cause. Any such action asserted by the Board or any agent or representative thereof shall be subject to the grievance procedure herein set forth.
C. No unit member shall be prevented from wearing pins and other identification of membership in the Association or its affiliates if kept within bounds of good taste.
D. The teacher shall maintain the right and responsibility to determine grades and other evaluations of students within the grading policies of the Bordentown Regional School District. The administrator will show the teacher any changes made on the student's official records and indicate, in writing to the teacher, the reason for these changes. This is to be given to the teacher prior to the first day of the succeeding year.
E. Unit members shall not be required to drive students in the unit members' own vehicles.
F. Tenured secretaries and clerks and non-tenured, non-certified unit members shall be subject to reductions in force in accordance with their seniority within the District, including consecutive years of service in the Bordentown City, Bordentown Township or Bordentown Regional High School Districts, when in the judgment of the administration the performance of the affected employees is equal.
A. 1. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association, in response to mutually agreed upon reasonable requests from time to time, all available public information concerning the financial resources of the district, including but not limited to: annual financial reports and audits, register of certified personnel, tentative budgetary requirements and allocations, agendas and minutes of all Board meetings, census data, names of all unit members, and such other information that shall assist the Association in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs on behalf of the unit members.
2. A copy of the Board agenda for upcoming meetings and the Board minutes of the previous meeting will be made available electronically or sent by request to the President of the BREA and the Head Building Representatives. These will be sent prior to each meeting.
B. Whenever any unit members are mutually scheduled by both parties to participate during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, conferences or meetings, they shall suffer no loss in pay.
C. The Association, representatives of the Association, the New Jersey Education Association and the National Education Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property. Such transactions shall be
scheduled at reasonable times, to be approved by the Superintendent, provided in his judgment this shall not interfere with or interrupt school operations.
D. The Association shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment including computers, printers, duplicating equipment, calculating machines, and all types of audio-visual equipment, with the approval of the Superintendent, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use as determined by the Board.
E. The rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives, as set forth in this Article, shall be granted only to the Association as the exclusive representatives of the unit members, as defined in Article I, and to no other teacher association or union.
F. The Association shall have, in each school building, the exclusive use of a bulletin board in each faculty room and teachers' dining room. The Association shall also be assigned adequate space on the bulletin board in the general school office for Association notices. Copies of all materials to be posted on such bulletin boards shall be given to the building principal, if feasible, but no approval shall be required for materials to be posted in faculty rooms. His/her approval is required for materials to be posted in the general school office.
G. The Association shall have the option of reasonable use of the intra school mailboxes.
H. The Board may grant leave without pay to the president of the Association and/or the chairperson of the negotiating team as requested for transaction of Association business during their terms in office.
I. The Association shall have the right to purchase expendable office supplies and other materials from the Board at the price paid by the Board.
J. The Association shall have the right to have a representative present at any orientation program for new personnel covered by this Agreement. The Association representative shall be offered the opportunity to welcome the new personnel.
A. Management Rights
The Association recognizes that the Board has the responsibility and authority to manage and direct in behalf of the public all the operations and activities of the school district to the full extent authorized by Law. The exercise of these powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the Board and the adoption of such rules, regulations and policies as it may deem necessary shall be limited only by the specific and expressed terms of this Agreement.
B. Management Prerogative
The Association agrees and recognizes that the Board reserves to itself sole jurisdiction and right, in compliance with the laws of the State of New Jersey and the rulings of the State Commissioner of Education, to hire, assign, promote, transfer and direct employees covered by this Agreement or to take disciplinary action against said employees (up to and including discharge) for just cause, to direct school operations, and to take whatever other actions may be necessary to accomplish the mission of the school district except as may be specifically provided by the language of this Agreement.
A. The Board Staff Relations Committee, hereinafter referred to as the BSR Committee, shall consist of three (3) representatives appointed by the Board and five (5) representatives appointed by the Association. The Committee shall meet at least once every 60 days during the school year to explore and prepare action programs for recommendation to Board and/ or Administration for achieving satisfactory personnel policies and procedures which benefit children and unit members, e.g., teaching techniques, curriculum improvement, extracurricular programs, in-service testing, pupil testing and evaluation, philosophy and educational goals of the district, the academic calendar, teacher recruitment, research and experimentation, educational specifications for buildings, to discuss school problems and practices, and to plan an active role in the revision or development of district policy, and other related matters regarding the effective operation of the Bordentown Regional School District.
B. The BSR Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure and shall be chaired by the Superintendent who shall be responsible for the arrangement and conduct of meetings.
C. Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted to prevent the BSR Committee from consulting or adding to its number such additional teachers, professional advisors, parents, students, or other persons as the original members herein designated shall determine are desirable and appropriate for said purposes. Such additions shall be mutually agreed upon by both groups.
D. Nothing in A., B., or C. above shall be interpreted to negate present and/or future Board policy or Board prerogatives.
E. During the course of this contract, the following will be among issues discussed:
Formation of district-wide safety committee
A. Work Year
The in-school work year of certified staff employed on a ten-month basis shall be 186 days, 180 workdays of which shall be student school days.
B. 1. As professionals, teachers are expected to devote to their assignments the time necessary to meet their responsibilities but they shall not be required to "clock in or clock out" by hours and minutes, but merely to indicate their presence by checking off their names on a sheet maintained in the building administrator's offices.
2. On Fridays and on days preceding holidays or vacations, the teacher unit members' day shall end at the close of the pupils' day. On the above days, staff meetings will be held only in emergencies. Teacher unit members understand that they are to remain on Fridays if Parent Conferences or In-Service Programs are scheduled.
C. 1. A. Duty-Free Preparation time for Peter Muschal, Clara Barton, MacFarland Intermediate, Bordentown Regional Middle and Bordentown Regional High Schools
As of July 1, 2009 prep time at each of the schools in the school district shall be as follows:
Peter Muschal Elem. School and Clara Barton Elem. School (PMES/CBS):
35 minute prep daily
30 minute lunch daily
15 prep/planning minutes attached to lunch
80 minutes daily and 400 minutes weekly
MacFarland Intermediate School (MIS):
35 minute prep daily
30 minute lunch daily
15 prep/planning minutes attached to lunch
80 minutes daily and 400 minutes weekly
Bordentown Regional Middle School (BRMS):
90 minute prep three days a week
45 minute prep two days a week
30 minute lunch
Daily minutes differ but weekly 510 minutes
Bordentown Regional High School (BRHS):
80 minute prep five days a week
38 minute lunch
Daily minutes differ but weekly 590 minutes
The time resulting from such reduction of prep at BRMS and BRHS will be used for PLC, hall duty, and other assigned duties, but excludes contractually agreed to terms and conditions such as class coverage.
Under the eight-period day, high school teachers shall be assigned a six-period teaching load. Under the block scheduling organization, high school teachers shall be assigned a three-period teaching load per semester. The right to consent, however, is given to those teachers who voluntarily wish to exercise the option of accepting a greater teaching load. Teachers shall be compensated for this additional load on a pro rata salary basis. In addition, high school staff will be assigned to one non-teaching supervisory period per day. Other unit members may be assigned to non-teaching supervisory duties, except that such assignments must be in accord with the unassigned time and duty-free lunch period provided in C.1. above. Under the block scheduling organization, the duty assignment shall be during the open period adjacent to the lunch period.
3. Under the block scheduling organization, middle school teachers shall be assigned the equivalent of a three-period teaching load per semester. The right to consent, however, is given to those teachers who voluntarily wish to exercise the option of accepting a greater teaching load. Teachers shall be compensated for this additional load on a pro rata salary basis. In addition, middle school staff will be assigned to one non-teaching supervisory period per day. Other unit members may be assigned to non-teaching supervisory duties except that such assignments must be in accord with the unassigned time and duty-free lunch period provided in C. 1. above. Under block scheduling organization, the duty assignment shall be during the open period adjacent to the lunch period.
The parties agree that advisors and coaches will be provided relief of some duty time where needed to help students relative to college pursuits, such as meetings with college coaches and higher education personnel. The parties agreed to refer this matter to Board Staff in order to develop a Procedure for coaches and advisors to request this time.
4. Staff meetings called by the administration should take place after the normal workday and will be of no more than one hour in duration unless announced at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance. More than one such meeting per month may be required. If the meeting is to be longer than one hour, the approximate amount of additional time will be specified by the administrator.
D. 1. The normal in-school workday shall consist of not more than seven (7) hours, which shall include a duty-free lunch period as guaranteed under C. 1. above. This time does not include necessary time before and after the workday in accordance with paragraph D. 2. below.
In the High School, the advisory period will be a Collaborative Learning Period/Professional Learning Communities to be scheduled on alternating weeks (One week PLC and one alternate week CLP) with a maximum of two a month. Staff members will facilitate relevant and varying topics. This advisory period excludes contractually agreed-to terms and conditions such as class coverage and non-supervisory duties. A committee shall be set up consisting of two high school administrators and two High School BREA representatives chosen by the BREA to study the implementation of the advisory period after the conclusion of the 2012-2013 school year, with recommendations as to possible changes to it.
2. It is recognized that teachers as professional employees spend many hours in addition to the direct contact with students. They, as well as the Board, accept the responsibility for providing the highest quality educational program practicable for every boy and girl in the school district. This responsibility includes:
A Secretaries’ Work Year
1. The work year for all secretaries shall consist of twelve months, in accordance with the calendar as determined by the Board, with these exceptions: The work year for the general office secretaries at the High School, the Middle School, MacFarland Intermediate School and the High School Assistant Principal’s secretary shall be September 1 through June 30 in accordance with the above calendar.
2. On teacher in-service days or conference days, the district may provide job related training to secretaries.
B. Aides’ Work Year
1. The work year for all Aides shall consist of 184 days. Two of the four workdays shall be dedicated to professional development and the remaining two days shall be applied pursuant to paragraph D.4. of this article.
2. The work year for Instructional Aides assigned to the Autistic Children Program shall consist of 186 days. Four (4) of the six (6) work days shall be dedicated to professional development, and two (2) of the days shall be applied pursuant to paragraph D. 4. of this article.
3. The work hours of Autistic Children Program Aides shall be seven(7) hours per day, including a one half hour duty free lunch period.
4. Autistic Children Program Aides shall be entitled to one fifteen(15) minute break per day, to be scheduled by the teacher-in-charge and the Aide.
5. Autistic Children Program Aides must be the holders of a county substitute
certificate (60 college credits).
6. Additional training may be required and will be provided during the summer months at the per diem rate of pay.
7. Autistic Children Program Aides’ salary guide shall be 1.065 x the Aides’ salary guide.
C. Secretaries’ Work Hours
1. The work hours of secretaries shall be seven and one-half (7-1/2) hours per day, including a one-half (1/2) hour duty-free lunch. Overtime pay shall be provided at one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's hourly rate of pay [daily pay divided by seven (7)] for each hour over 40 per week. Secretaries who work on Memorial Day, Labor Day or July 4th shall receive two (2) hours pay for each hour worked.
2. Secretaries may leave at the same time as the students on the day before Thanksgiving, the day before winter recess and the day before the spring recess.
3. During July and August, secretaries will work thirty-three-and-three-quarters (33.75) hours per week, including a one-half (1/2) hour duty-free lunch, to be scheduled by the administration.
4. Secretaries shall be entitled to one fifteen (15) minute break per day, to be taken in the morning. Said break is to be scheduled with the appropriate administrator.
5. Secretaries shall not be required to clock in or out by hours and minutes, but merely to indicate their presence by checking off their names on a sheet maintained in the building administrator's office.
D. Aides’ Work Hours
1. The work hours of aides shall be six and one-half (6 ½) hours per day, including a one-half (½) hour duty-free lunch. Classroom Aides assigned to Block schedules or other Aides assigned to work a seven (7) hour workday, shall receive salary prorated to reflect the additional half hour (½) hour worked.
2. The duties of general aides shall be primarily cafeteria and playground duties and secondarily other duties as assigned by the building administrator.
3. Aides may leave at the same time as teachers on Fridays and all days before holidays or vacations.
4. Aides shall be entitled to one fifteen (15) minute break per day, to be scheduled by the teacher-in-charge and the aide.
5. On in-service half-days, aides are free to leave the building once all students are gone and administration has been notified. Aides must remain for duty on days parent conferences are scheduled and during those half days scheduled at the end of the work year. To meet the needs of the district, or upon agreement between the principal and the aide, days referred to in this provision may be switched or exchanged on a day-for-day basis. On teacher in-service days or conference days, the district may provide job-related training to aides pursuant to above.
5. Aides shall not be required to clock in or out by hours and minutes, but merely to indicate their presence by checking off their names on a sheet maintained in the building administrator’s office.
E. All non-certified staff will be required to provide thirty (30) days’ notice of leaving their employment. This requirement may be waived by the Board in emergent situations. The Board will give thirty (30) calendar days’ notice for a mid-year termination, except for a disciplinary termination.
F. Secretaries’ Vacation Days
b. 6-8 years of service............ 13 working days
c. 9-l5 years of service........... 16 working days
d. l6-l9 years of service.......... 18 working days
e. 20 years and over............... 21 working days
2. Vacation days are awarded as of July l of the year following initial contract. Vacation time earned in the first year will be prorated based on percentage of time worked. (e.g., someone hired in September would receive 75% of vacation days the first year.) Employees may accrue up to one year's worth of vacation as of June 30 of any year. The vacation allowance provided on July 1 of any year is any addition to the maximum accumulated as of June 30 of any year. Under certain circumstances, when vacation cannot be used (e.g., extended illness), there can be an extension of the timeframe for using accumulated vacation with the approval of the Superintendent.
G. In cases of a delayed opening due to inclement weather, the secretaries’ arrival time shall be adjusted pursuant to the time of the delayed opening (for example, if there is a two hour delayed opening, secretaries’ arrival time shall be two hours later than normal). In cases of a delayed opening due to any other reason, the secretaries’ arrival time shall be their normal arrival time.
Day Custodians 8 hours plus 1/2-hour lunch
Night Custodians 8 hours plus 1/2-hour dinner
Shift differential:
2012-2013: 32 cents per hour
2013-2014: 33 cents per hour
2014-2015: 34 cents per hour
Maintenance Custodians 8 hours plus 1/2-hour lunch
1. Contracted salary is for forty (40) hours per week - on guide negotiated with the Board of Education. Custodians will be paid on the 15th & 30th of the month, subject to Article 10, E. 1. and 2.
2. All overtime will be paid by the Board of Education at the rate of time and one-half, prorated on the salary of the individuals involved. Overtime shall be paid for all school or non-school functions when it is necessary for the employee to exceed forty (40) hours per week or over eight (8) hours per day. Double time will be paid for overtime for non-school-related groups if the group is billed for services by the Board of Education.
3. Double time will be paid for snow removal on Sunday and for work during a “state of emergency”. For this article, state of emergency is defined as (Declaration of a state of emergency by executive order as issued by the Governor of New Jersey wherein only those personnel providing essential services will be permitted on the roads.) On days that school is closed due to inclement weather (snow), custodial staff will be notified of the status of their workday and the district expectations (i.e., delayed opening and unit member arrival time). Unit members shall be able to leave following approval of the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, with pay, upon completion of snow removal.
4. Double time will be paid for overtime for non-school related groups if the Group is billed for services by the Board of Education.
5. When overtime is required and there are no volunteers, the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds shall assign the overtime on a rotating basis starting with the lowest qualified person according to the seniority list by building.
6. Overtime payments will be included in regular checks.
7. An employee called back to work at a time not contiguous to the regular workday schedule shall receive a minimum of three (3) hours' compensation. This article does not apply to scheduled building checks or when an employee is called back due to shift error.
C. All non-certified staff will be required to provide thirty (30) days’ notice of leaving their employment. This requirement may be waived by the Board in emergent situations. The Board will give thirty (30) calendar days’ notice for a mid-year termination, except for a disciplinary termination.
Each custodian will be permitted to have a thirty (30) minute lunch period. During the summer recess, the lunch period will be forty-five (45) minutes. The period is to be designated by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.
Each custodian will be permitted the following holidays:
New Year's (2 days) Memorial Day
Martin Luther King Day Independence Day
Presidents Day Labor Day
Good Friday Thanksgiving (2 days)
Easter Monday Christmas (2 days)
The school calendar will take preference in the event school is conducted during any of the holidays mentioned above. If school is open during a holiday, an alternative holiday will be given during the school year at the discretion of the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.
1. Vacations are provided for as follows, and must be scheduled and approved by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds and the Business Administrator.
a. l-5 years' service……………………………..11 working days
b. 6-8 years' service ……………………………l3 working days
c. 9-l5 years' service……………………………l6 working days
d. l6-l9 years' service……………………………l8 working days
e. 20 years and over…………………………….2l working days
A. The Board of Education will provide $200 for clothing to be purchased through the District. Arrangements shall be made through the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds for all clothing purchases. The employee is required to wear the District uniform during the school year. The employee will be issued $120 annually for work shoes. The employee is responsible to wear protective shoes daily all year. The shoes must meet safety standards established by the District.
The parties shall establish a joint safety committee to review and recommend
safety standards in the workplace.
B. Each custodian is required to have an annual physical examination and T.B. test. Examination may be taken at Board expense through the school physician, or at the employee's expense through his/her own physician.
C. Time clocks and cards will be provided to record hours worked.
D. Whenever custodians are employed to work at school or other activities, one custodian assigned must have a Black Seal Boiler license, when required by law.
E. The Board of Education will pay tuition and travel expenses for any custodian who desires to be licensed as a boiler man, through the Burlington County Vocational School. The employee must pay the license fee if s/he successfully completes the course. License is to be hung in the boiler room and renewed as needed.
Every custodian must obtain a boiler license by the end of the first full year of employment.
F. Each custodian shall have the right to review his/her personnel file and shall have the right to submit a written response to any derogatory material contained in the file. No material shall be placed in the file unless the employee has received a copy. No confidential files will be kept from the employee.
- Part-time employees shall be entitled to personal leave-time benefits prorated in accordance with their work schedules, but they must work a minimum of twenty-six (26) hours/week to get insurance benefits.
- Maintenance Equipment: The Board of Education, through the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, shall issue to each maintenance person the tools required for assigned work. These tools will be receipted by the maintenance person who shall be responsible for their care and protection. The District shall replace any such tools that are broken, upon receipt of the broken tool; and the maintenance person shall be responsible for any lost or stolen equipment. Tools must be made available for inspection upon request by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.
I. Supervision and Work Assignments:
1. All custodians will be assigned and supervised in their jobs by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, the Building Head Custodian and the Night Foreman, in that order. Duties to be performed by each custodian will be in accordance with Board of Education policies previously established.
2. Night custodians may be required to work days during school vacations. This will be determined by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.
3. Job descriptions will be available to employees and to the Association.
4. A listing of positions in the bargaining unit that become available in the District during the school year shall be posted in the main office of each school, and a copy shall be given to the Association. Such listing shall include the position title, location, and timeline for filling the position and salary range. No position shall be filled prior to the timeline for submission.
5. Unit members who desire to transfer to another building or assignment shall file with the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds a written statement of such desire. Such statement shall include the building and shift.
J. All non-certified staff will be required to give thirty (30) calendar days’ notice of leaving their employment. This requirement may be waived by the Board in emergent situations. The Board will give thirty (30) calendar days’ notice of a mid-contract termination, except for a disciplinary termination.
All Bordentown Regional Transportation employees covered by this agreement are directly supervised by the Transportation Supervisor.
1. The work year shall be 180 days – calendar to be based on school or district assignment. Two (2) additional workshop days each year may be scheduled by the Transportation Supervisor and will be paid at extra pay rate. One (1) of the additional workshop days will be the last Monday in August when drivers must report to work for the purpose of choosing runs for the year and for a mandatory wheelchair/lift training. Any driver or aide not attending on that day must use a sick, personal or family illness day. One (1) additional day may be scheduled as a workshop day with at least four (4) weeks’ notice to those required to attend.) Mandatory workshops will not be scheduled on holidays or holiday weekends.
2. Regular contracted workday shall be 4 hours/day for drivers; hours for aides on buses will be based on need. The schedule for aides will be assigned by the Transportation Supervisor. Aides may request a run, but the final decision is made by the Supervisor.
3. Drivers and aides on buses for summer work will be selected based on seniority from those requesting it. In case of emergency, other drivers may be called to fill in.
4. Any sick, personal or family illness days must be taken in at least half-day increments, regardless of total hours worked in the morning or afternoon.
1. The seniority list will be reviewed annually by the Supervisor and presented to the Association.
2. Upon the posting of each year’s school calendar, the Transportation Supervisor and the Unit Representative shall mutually agree upon the date when all contracted bus runs will be posted and bid on according to seniority. If a driver must be absent, it will be his/her responsibility to have another driver pick their desired run. If no pick arrangement or call out is made, the absent driver or drivers will be assigned the last remaining run or runs by the Transportation Supervisor. Openings after the beginning of the school year will be assigned by the Transportation Supervisor.
3. Drivers and aides are contracted by hours, not by routes. Routes are subject to change as conditions require. Drivers will need to do a trial run before the start of their contract as per the appropriate school calendar. Drivers will be paid at the extra pay rate shown on Schedule F for this time.
4. Drivers whose runs are not scheduled on a specific day shall, upon request, be called to substitute. These drivers shall be paid at the extra pay rate shown on Schedule F for this time. Days worked as a substitute do not count toward fulfillment of 180-day contract.
5. Drivers whose run is cancelled due to student absenteeism shall report for the regular workday and will be assigned work by the Transportation Supervisor. Days when the run is cancelled due to student absenteeism count toward the fulfillment of the 180-day contract. Drivers who do not report to work on these days must take a personal or other leave day.
6. In the event a trip or late run cannot be covered by the voluntary sign up, the last five (5) contracted drivers hired will be selected on a rotating basis to cover said trip/run. It will be the Transportation Supervisor’s responsibility to maintain the rotating work list.
7. Drivers must be familiar with and capable of safely driving all vehicles owned by the Transportation Department and must accept work using the vehicle assigned by the Transportation Supervisor.
8. Out of district drivers may not come off their contracted runs to do a field trip or athletic trips. Out of district drivers are all runs that transport students to a school in another district/town.
1. Report at least 15 minutes prior to scheduled departure time, allowing sufficient time to perform vehicle inspection, complete State mandated check list, fill out mileage sheets and be on time for contracted route. The pre-trip inspection time is part of the contracted four-hour day.
2. Sweep out bus on a daily basis. Drivers and aides are required to maintain cleanliness on the bus at all times.
3. Attend all meetings called by the State Department of Education (Transportation), County Superintendent Transportation Supervisor, Business Administrator or Superintendent.
4. Follow only those routes and stops approved by the Board of Education and County Superintendent of Schools.
5. Complete State mandated daily checklist neatly and completely front and back.
6. Any mechanical problem must be reported to the Mechanic immediately on an approved work order form and must correlate with the State mandated checklist.
7. All disciplinary problems must be reported, on a provided form, to the Transportation Office and the Building Principal or designee of the school which the student attends within 24 hours of the occurrence.
8. Any accident, regardless of how minor, involving a vehicle or a passenger on any vehicle, must be reported immediately to the Transportation Supervisor, followed by completion of a written accident report upon return to the Transportation yard. Forms are provided in the Transportation office. No bus directly involved in an accident is to be removed from an accident scene until an investigation is made by the proper police authorities and their permission is granted to move the bus.
9. Smoking is not permitted on the bus at any time. Eating and drinking are not permitted on the bus while transporting students. Cell phone use is prohibited when students are on the bus, except in the case of an emergency when the use of the radio would be inappropriate.
10. A daily transportation report will be kept on a form provided and will include miles and tenths for runs and the school(s) involved.
11. Fuel bus at one-half tank or as assigned.
12. Drivers and aides shall be responsible for checking to see that no children or articles are left on the bus.
1. A substitute driver can gain driver seniority at the rate of two (2) years of substitute driving work equaling one (1) year of seniority, provided the substitute has worked at least 90 days per year. The seniority is accrued when a regular contract is accepted. All years served as a bus driver will be directly accrued. Aides do not accrue driver seniority, but accrue seniority as aides at the same rate as a driver. Years served within the transportation department in a position which requires a bus driver’s license will accrue seniority at the rate of one (1) year = one (1) year of driving seniority. In all cases, initial placement on the guide at the time of employment will be at the discretion of the Board of Education.
2. The Board of Education shall repay all fees levied on drivers by the state for testing, upgrades, renewals, fingerprints (every four years) and license after a driver has been employed for sixty (60) days. A driver hired by the District holding the necessary credentials (licenses and endorsements) shall not be reimbursed until the time of renewal.
3. A physical examination shall be required of all new employees and every two years thereafter as required by law. Employees will have the option to have the physical done by the school physician, at Board expense, or they may choose a doctor of their choice and pay the applicable fee charged by their insurance carrier and will not be reimbursed by the Board for any charge or copayment involved. A T.B. test will be administered at the Board’s expense as required.
4. Thirty (30) calendar days’ termination notice is required by either party.
5. Any motor vehicle violation is the responsibility of the driver, and further action will be taken in accordance with Section B. All motor vehicle fines for incomplete/incorrect paperwork for which the driver is responsible will be assessed to the individual driver.
6. An aides’ seniority list will be established for mid-day, extra or summer work and shall have no bearing on regular contracted runs. This list shall apply only when all factors are viewed as equal in the eyes of the administration. The Transportation Supervisor and Business Administrator will have the right not to grant a mid-day, extra or summer run to an aide who chooses it from seniority and is not suited for the run.
7. Reduction in force will be accomplished on a seniority basis.
Up to three (3) days suspension without pay may be given to any driver for the following:
1. Speeding: All drivers are to follow the posted speed limit.
2. Failure to obey any other State or local traffic regulations in or out of the District.
3. Changing stops and/or routes previously approved by the Board of Education and County Superintendent without the express permission of the Board of Education.
4. Failure to renew license as required by State Statutes. Also, a failure to comply with any other directive from the Board of Education, Superintendent, and/or Business Administrator.
Each driver is eligible for up to a $200 allowance every three years at the beginning of the contract to be used for the purchase of outerwear. Outerwear shall be in school colors with samples provided by the Transportation Supervisor or the Business Administrator. Orders will be placed through the Business Administrator, and the district will be billed directly. Any employee ordering outerwear must wear it while on duty given appropriate weather conditions. Any employee hired after July 1 of the second year of the contract must wait until a new contract is negotiated in order to receive outerwear.
1. Drivers in training (for license and learning runs) will receive Federal minimum wage per hour during this period. Regular contracted drivers serving as new driver trainers will receive their regular contracted rate for all training runs.
2. Drivers for extra pay runs will be paid one (1) hour for any extra work which is cancelled after the bus driver’s arrival. If drivers/aides report to work as scheduled and school is cancelled or delayed upon their arrival, they will be paid one (1) hour contract rate pay.
3. On half-days when drivers and aides are required to return in addition to their AM/PM run, pay shall be at contracted hourly rate prorated for actual time worked, after a guaranteed minimum of (1/2) one-half hour. All time worked on half days counts toward the four hour requirement, and only time in excess of contracted four hours will be paid.
4. Extra pay shall be paid for all hours worked over and above four hours per day for runs other than contracted runs. Drivers will report at least fifteen (15) minutes early for High School, Middle School, Clara Barton, Peter Muschal, MacFarland and runs after school hours.
5. Drivers’ and aides’ regular contracted runs are scheduled for 180 days in accordance with the calendar of the school where the students on their run are transported. In the event that a conflicting calendar requires a driver to work in excess of 180 days, that driver and/or aide shall be paid their contracted rate for the actual time worked on additional days, with a minimum of one (1) hour paid.
6. Unpaid leave thirty (30) calendar days’ notice is required for an unpaid leave. An unpaid leave is considered an absence and not counted toward seniority when it exceeds ninety (90) days in a school year.
7. Any job vacated for ninety (90) days will be filled by a contracted employee.
8. If a regular contracted driver on an out-of-district approved bonus pay run is pulled off his/her run due to an administrative decision, said driver will not lose the bonus pay.
9. Contracted substitute drivers will be placed on the appropriate step of the salary guide.
10. Any member of the Transportation Department shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of his/her personnel file. After review, the member has the right to request removal and/or respond in writing to material contained therein, and such response shall be included in the file. Copies of material in a member's personnel file will be supplied within twenty-four (24) hours to the member concerned at the members on expense if requested in writing. The determination for retention of documents (other than the written answers referred to above) in personnel files resides with the Superintendent. A written answer shall be removed only when the material to which it is attached is removed.
A. Salary Guide Placement, Salary Guide Movement, and Direct Deposit
B. Salary Guides
C. The salaries of all secretaries covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule C, the salaries of all aides covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule D, all of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof.
D. The salaries of all custodians and maintenance personnel covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule E which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The salaries of all bus drivers covered by this Agreement are set forth Schedule F, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
E. Pay Periods
1. Unit members shall be paid on the 15th and 30th of each month. Paycheck distribution will be based on 20 equal pays for ten (10) month employees and 24 equal pays for twelve (12) month employees.
2. When a payday falls on or during a holiday or weekend, unit members shall receive their paychecks on the last previous working day. For the winter and spring recess, checks will be deposited for use on the preceding weekday if the 15th or 30th falls on a weekend.
F. Unit members on a l0-month contract shall receive their final paychecks on their last contracted working day in June.
G. Leave shall be granted for jury duty with compensation amounting to the difference between the income for jury duty and the regular salary. Unit members subpoenaed to appear in court shall not receive pay deduction, but shall have the time charged against their personal leave, except that if the court appearance involves testimony by the employee regarding actions taken in his or her official capacity as an employee of the District with regard to a pupil or parent, the time shall not be charged against the employee's personal leave.
H. The Board shall pay the full cost of expenses incurred in connection with any courses which an aide or secretary is required and/or requested by the Administration to take.
I. Following their initial contract, part-time teachers will receive a full incremental step raise for a full year of employment, and their new contract shall be prorated equivalent to the percentage of time worked.
Part-time employees' salaries shall be prorated according to hours worked per week.
J. Salary Column Advancement
1. Teachers will receive payments for graduate courses that have been completed with grade B, or better. (See Schedule A -- Graduate Credit Scale.)
2. Adjustments to the salaries of professional staff members for graduate credit advancement including the Masters step shall be made during the months of October and/or March and prorated to the prior month. Staff members will be required to present transcript evidence of successful completion of graduate work to the Superintendent during the months of
September and/or February.
3. Conference for the approval of graduate study can be requested with the Superintendent at any time. In general, the following graduate credits shall be approved:
a. Credits received while matriculated in a graduate program;
b. Credits received in the field of education;
c. Credits received which are in the same educational area as the instructor is teaching, e.g., history courses for history teachers;
d. Special dispensation may be given to those teachers taking undergraduate credits for specialized areas, e.g., modern math courses for teachers of mathematics.
4. At the time of application, new employees shall inform the Superintendent, in writing, of all graduate credits obtained prior to employment and the Superintendent shall make a recommendation to the Board which shall determine which credits may be utilized pursuant to J. 3. above.
5. Credits for course work taken prior to July l, 1982, while employed by the Bordentown Regional High School Board of Education for which tuition reimbursement was granted by the Board will not be counted toward the accrual of credit toward all the increments set out in Schedule A-- Graduate Credit Scale, but shall only count toward the Bachelor's + 30, Master's or Master's + 30 increments.
6. Employees shall be credited in the Bordentown Regional School District for all graduate courses for which they were credited in the Bordentown Township, Bordentown City or Bordentown Regional High School Districts prior to July 1, 1982, whether or not they meet the criteria discussed in J. 3. above.
K. Longevity
1. Longevity payment shall be granted to secretaries and aides after l5 years of service in the District, and additional longevity payment shall be granted to secretaries and aides after 20 years of service to this District, in addition to their regular base salary. This shall include years of service in Bordentown Regional High School District, Bordentown City School District and Bordentown Township School District.
2. Longevity payment shall be granted to staff on the teachers’ salary guide after 25 years of service in the District, in addition to their regular base salary.
3. Longevity payment shall be granted to custodians, maintenance and grounds after 10, 14, 18, and 25 years of service in the District, in addition to their regular base salary.
4. Longevity payment shall be granted to transportation drivers after 11, 15, 20, and 25 years of service in the District, in addition to their regular base salary.
5. Longevity payments are shown on each Salary Schedule.
L. Certified unit members employed by the Board for Summer School, Curriculum Research, or other capacities will be paid at the hourly rate of:
2012-2013: $34.50, or, for a 20 hour week: $691.00
2013-2014: $35.19, or, for a 20 hour week: $703.80
2014-2015: $35.89, or, for a 20 hour week: $717.88
M. Teachers assigned to Homebound Instruction and to College Board Tutoring will be paid at the hourly rate of:
2012-2013: $34.50
2013-2014: $35.19
2014-2015: $35.89
N. Teachers accepting assignments to do computer work or detention monitoring during non-school hours will be paid at the hourly rate of:
2012-2013: $27.60
2013-2014: $28.15
2014-2015: $28.72
O. Unit members assigned to any chaperone assignments will be paid at the event rate of:
2012-2013: $45.90
2013-2014: $46.82
2014-2015: $47.75
This refers to such events as dances.
1. Following is compensation for athletic events:
a. for ticket sellers, ½ of the event rate, or:
2012-2013: $22.95
2012-2013: $45.90
2012-2013: $55.90
2012-2013: $63.90
2013-2014: $65.18
2014-2015: $66.48
e. Yearly site manager/supervisor/athletic coordinator:
BRHS $10,000 Fall $2,750, Winter $4,500, Spring $2,750
BRMS $5,000 Fall $1,667, Winter $1,667, Spring $1,667
*Note: The only time that a double stipend is permissible is if there are three or four varsity events during that same day or evening. An example of this would be wrestling quad meets or a holiday basketball tournament, which might include four games. The stipend for those events would be double the stipend listed. There cannot be triple or quadruple stipends for events that occur during the same day or evening.
- Whenever a teacher is required to cover a class due to the unavailability of a substitute, such teacher shall be paid if the covering teacher loses his/her preparation time. The hourly rates of pay shall be $34.50 for 2012-2013, $35.19 for 2013-2014, and $35.89 for 2014-2015. Volunteers for class coverage will be solicited at the beginning of the school year, and the order of assignment to cover a class shall be as follows:
1st Volunteers who are certified to teach the subject matter of the class to be covered
2nd Non-volunteers who are certified to teach the subject matter of the class to be covered
3rd Volunteers who are not certified to teach the subject matter of the class to be covered
4th Non-volunteers who are not certified to teach the subject matter of the class to be covered
Q. Unit members required to travel between buildings in their personal cars shall be reimbursed at the State travel payment guideline rate, set annually.
R. The Athletic Trainer shall be paid as follows: 1.15 times the appropriate step on the B.A. column plus the appropriate graduate-credit adjustment.
S. On in-service days, the Superintendent/designee shall determine time allocated for nurses to prepare for the opening of school in order to meet NJDOE mandates and regulations as provided in NJAC 6A.
T. Runs for special education extended school year programs will be paid at regular contracted rate.
U. Extra pay will be paid on regularly scheduled paydays provided proper vouchers have been filed on time and these must be approved by the Transportation Supervisor and Business Administrator.
V. Drivers in training (for license and learning runs) will receive federal minimum wage per hour during this period. Regular contracted drivers serving as new driver trainers will receive their regular contracted rate for all training runs.
A. All unit members shall be given written notice of their salary schedules, class and/or subject assignments, building assignments and room assignments for the forthcoming year not later than August 1.
The Superintendent shall assign all newly appointed personnel to their specific positions within that subject area and/or grade level or work position for which the Board has appointed the unit members. The Superintendent shall give notice of assignments to new employees as soon as practicable, and except in cases of emergency, not later than August 15.
In the event that changes in such schedules, class and/or subject assignments, building assignments, or room assignments are proposed after August 15, the Association and any employee affected shall be notified promptly in writing.
A listing of all positions that become available in the District during the school year (July 1 through June 30) shall be posted in the faculty/staff/drivers’ rooms, a copy given to the Association, and posted on the District’s website. This includes teaching, administrative, and extracurricular activities.
B. Except in emergencies, all unit members shall be given written notice of their salary, and the position and building to which they are to be assigned for the forthcoming year, not later than August 1. In the event that changes in such schedule or building assignments are necessary after August 1, the Association and any employee affected shall be notified promptly in writing. All teachers notified about required room changes after August 15th will be given a $300.00 stipend to compensate for time associated with conducting relocation and preparing the room with short notice.
Aides shall be notified of intent to rehire before May 30.
C. Child Study Team and Guidance personnel shall be notified of summer employment no later than June 1.
D. Reduction in Force
1. On or before March 30 of each year, the Board will inform the Association of any anticipated reduction in unit member positions to be effective the following September. If a decision to reduce the work force becomes necessary at any other time during the year, the Board will inform the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such reduction.
2. The Association may submit concerns or alternative suggestions regarding the above to the Board through the Administration or via the Board/Staff Relations Committee.
3. Individuals recommended for dismissal or non-renewal due to a reduction in force shall be notified by the Superintendent at least ten (10) workdays in advance of the official Board action on same, or in case notice is not provided, the employee shall receive the equivalent number of days pay (i.e., 7 days notice is given, 3 days pay shall be paid.)
A. There will be a minimum of three (3) observations for each non-tenured staff member and a minimum of one (1) observation for each tenured staff member. Differentiated Evaluation is an optional technique and procedure that can be used.
B. A written report of the observation shall be distributed to the staff member involved by the appropriate administrator within five (5) working days of the formal observance.
C. Conference between the individual teaching staff member and the appropriate administrator shall be held within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the observation report; however, the conference date may be set by the administrator at the time of issuance of the observation report.
A minimum of twenty-four (24) hours shall be between receipt of the observation report and the observation conference.
D. There will be a minimum of five (5) calendar days between the observation conference and the next formal observation.
E. 1. Whenever the work performance of a teacher is monitored or observed, it shall be conducted openly. The use of eavesdropping, public address, audio, and similar surveillance devices shall be strictly prohibited.
2. A teacher shall be given a copy of any class visit or evaluation report prepared by his/her evaluators at least one day before any conference to discuss it. Discussion of any observation or visit shall be held privately. Evaluation reports shall be placed into the teacher's file or otherwise acted upon after the conference.
F. Any complaints made to any member of the Board or administration, if relied upon by the Board or administration for specific action regarding a teacher, shall be called to the attention of the teacher in writing.
- Any question or criticism by an administrator, Board member(s) or the Board in Toto, of a teacher and his/her instructional methodology shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, or at any other public gathering. Likewise, any criticism of a supervisor, administrator, Board member(s) or the Board in Toto shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, or at any other public gathering. The exception is that a teacher, administrator or Board member shall be free to speak openly at any conference concerning his/her child.
H. Whenever a teacher is required to appear before the Superintendent, Board or any committee thereof, concerning a discontinuation of that teacher in his/her office, position or employment, or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then s/he shall be given prior written notice of the intent of such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise him/her and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. Any suspension of a teacher pending charges shall be with pay.
I. No material derogatory to a unit member's conduct, service, character or personality shall be placed in his/her personnel file unless the unit member has had an opportunity to review the material. The unit member shall acknowledge that s/he has had the opportunity to review such material by affixing her/his signature to the copy to be filed with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. The unit member shall also have the right to submit a written answer to such material and his/her answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his/her designee and attached to the file copy. The determination for retention of documents (other than the written answers referred to in the preceding sentence) in personnel files resides with the Superintendent. A written answer shall be removed only when the material to which it is attached is removed.
J. Final evaluation of a unit member upon termination of his/her employment shall be concluded prior to severance and no documents and/or other material derogatory to the unit member's conduct, service, character or personality shall be placed in the personnel file of such employee after severance unless the employee has been notified of the intent to do so and has been given an opportunity to review the material. The unit member shall acknowledge that s/he has had the opportunity to review such material by affixing his/her signature to the copy to be filed or, if it is impossible for the teacher to review the actual copy to be filed, to a form supplied by the administration attesting to the fact that s/he has had an opportunity to review a copy of the materials to be filed, with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof.
The unit member shall also have the right to submit a written answer to such material and his/her answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his/her designee and attached to the file copy. The determination for retention of documents (other than the written answers referred to in the preceding sentence) in personnel files resides with the Superintendent. A written answer shall be removed only when the material to which it is attached is removed.
K. A teacher shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of his/her personnel file. After review, a teacher has the right to request removal and/or respond in writing to material contained therein, and such response shall be included in the file. Copies of a teacher's personnel folder material will be supplied within twenty-four (24) hours to the teacher concerned at the teacher's own expense if requested in writing. The determination for retention of documents (other than the written answers referred to above) in personnel files resides with the Superintendent. A written answer shall be removed only when the material to which it is attached is removed.
A. There will be a minimum of one (1) written evaluation per year of each secretary, aide, and custodian. A copy of the written evaluation shall be given to the employee within five (5) days of the evaluation conference. Employees have the right to attach a rebuttal to the written evaluation. Aides' evaluations will be co-authored by the Principal and the teacher.
B. Any question or criticism by a teacher, administrator, Board member(s) or the Board in Toto, of an employee will be made privately. Likewise, any criticism of a teacher, supervisor, administrator, Board member(s) or the Board in Toto shall be made privately. The exception is that an employee shall be free to speak openly at any conference concerning his/her child.
C. Whenever an employee is required to appear before the Superintendent, Board or any committee thereof, concerning a discontinuation of that employee in his/her office, position or employment, or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then s/he shall be given prior written notice of the intent of such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise him/her and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.
D. No material derogatory to a unit member's conduct, service, character or personality shall be placed in his/her personnel file unless the unit member has had an opportunity to review the material. The unit member shall acknowledge that s/he has had the opportunity to review such material by affixing his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. The unit member shall also have the right to submit a written answer to such material and his/her answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his designee and attached to the file copy. The determination for retention of documents (other than the written answers referred to in the preceding sentence) in personnel files resides with the Superintendent. A written answer shall be removed only when the material to which it is attached is removed.
E. Final evaluation of a unit member upon termination of his/her employment shall be concluded prior to severance and no documents and/or other material derogatory to the unit member's conduct, service, character or personality shall be placed in the personnel file of such employee after severance unless the employee has been notified of the intent to do so and has been given an opportunity to review the material. The unit member shall acknowledge that s/he has had the opportunity to review such material by affixing his/her signature to the copy to be filed or, if it is impossible for the employee to review the actual copy to be filed, to a form supplied by the administration attesting to the fact that the employee has had an opportunity to review a copy of the materials to be filed, with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. The unit member shall also have the right to submit a written answer to such material and his/her answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his designee and attached to the file copy. The determination for retention of documents (other than the written answers referred to in the preceding sentence) in personnel files resides with the Superintendent. A written answer shall be removed only when the material to which it is attached is removed.
F. An employee shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of his/her personnel file. After review, an employee has the right to request removal and/or respond in writing to material contained therein, and such response shall be included in the file. Copies of an employee's personnel folder material will be supplied within twenty-four (24) hours to the employee concerned at the employee's own expense if requested in writing. The determination for retention of documents (other than the written answers referred to above) in personnel files resides with the Superintendent. A written answer shall be removed only when the material to which it is attached is removed.
A. An appropriately furnished and air conditioned room shall be reserved for use as an employees' room and work area in each building. The users shall be expected to exercise reasonable care in maintaining the appearance and cleanliness of said room. It shall be regularly cleaned by the school's custodial staff.
B. Well-lighted and clean rest rooms, separate for each sex and separate from the students' rest rooms, shall be provided with keys furnished for each unit member, except in the Clara Barton School, where such facilities are not available.
C. The Board shall be responsible for providing the following:
1. Space in each classroom in which teachers may store instructional materials and supplies;
2. Vending machines in the rooms which become the responsibility of the Association;
3. A serviceable desk and chair for the use of each unit member; and
4. Free and adequate off-street, paved parking facilities, available on a building basis. The Board will request the appropriate municipal authorities to patrol such parking lots with police cars on a regular basis.
D. In order to permit freedom of access both during and after regular school hours, all teachers, upon request, may be given keys to the faculty room, teacher work area, and interior hallway gates of their base school.
E. In areas reserved for staff, there shall be available, for staff use only, computers, printers, and scanners, to be maintained in good working condition by the Board.
A. Sick leave is defined to mean the absence of any person from his/her post of duty because of personal disability due to illness or injury, or because of exclusion from school by the school district's medical authorities as a result of contagious disease, or by being quarantined for disease in the immediate household.
B. All certified unit members employed shall be entitled to twelve (12) cumulative sick leave days as of the first official day of said school year whether or not they report for duty on that day. Certified unit members employed for less than a full school year shall be entitled to sick leave in proportion to the time employed. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
C. All non-certified unit members employed on a twelve (12) month basis shall be entitled to thirteen (l3) days paid sick leave per year. Other non-certified unit members working less than twelve months shall receive twelve (l2) days paid sick leave per year. Sick leave for secretaries, custodians and maintenance personnel shall be effective as of July 1 of each year, and as of September l of each year for aides and bus drivers. Non-certified unit members employed for less than a full school year shall be entitled to sick leave in proportion to the time employed. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
D. All unit members who are employed less than full-time shall receive sick leave benefits at the same rate as the percent of employment. As an example, a teacher who is contracted to work half-time will be entitled to half of the sick leave days (6) which is 12 half-days.
E. Pay for Unused Sick Leave
1. Reimbursement is $40 per day for all bargaining unit members.
2. Unit members must have a bank of a minimum of twenty-five (25) days accrued to be eligible for reimbursement, and upon reaching eligibility, all days will qualify for payment.
3. At the option of the unit member, such payment may be divided into three (3) equal payments, with the first payment on the first July 15 after the retirement or leaving the system, the second payment on the next July 15, and the third payment on the third July 15.
a. If the reimbursement amount exceeds $6,000.00, such payment must be divided into three (3) equal payments, with the first payment on the first July 15th after retirement or leaving the system after ten (10) or more years of service in the district, the second payment on the next July 15th and the third payment on the third July 15th.
b. Beginning July 1, 2004, sick day payment is available for those retiring from the district or for those leaving the district after ten years of service.
c. Beginning with July 1, 2004, employees who leave the district will be eligible for the above if they leave the district with ten or more years of service in the district.
d.. Unit employees hired on or after July 1, 2012, will be eligible for the above if they meet the requirement under 2. above, have ten (10) or more years of service in the District, and retire under the terms of T.P.A.F. or P.E.R.S.
4. In the event of the death of a certified staff member, secretary, aide, custodian, bus driver and bus aide while under contract, the Board shall pay the employee's estate a sum for accumulated unused sick leave days in accordance with the above.
5. A bonus of $300 will be paid to each custodian and maintenance person and bus driver who has had no absences except for bereavement leave, vacation, one (1) personal leave day under paragraph A. 3. of this Article, and one (1) family illness day under paragraph A. 2. of this Article, in each contract year.
A. Unit members shall be entitled to the following temporary non-cumulative leaves of absence with full pay each school year:
l. Death in immediate family (up to five (5) days per occurrence). Immediate family shall mean spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, grandparent, mother/father-in-law, brother/sister-in-law, son/daughter-in-law, and other household members;
2. Illness in nuclear family (up to three (3) days maximum per year). Nuclear family shall mean parent, spouse, child, and household members.
3. Up to three (3) days personal leave maximum per year, or up to four (4) days for twelve (12) month secretaries:
a. Certified staff shall submit a request for approval to the Building Principal at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance; custodians and maintenance personnel shall submit a request for approval to the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance.
b. Will not be granted on days immediately preceding or following scheduled holidays. Also, will not be granted at a time when absence may seriously hinder the overall operation of the school, e.g., opening day, closing day, conference days, etc. An exception may be provided if the reason for the leave was an unforeseeable emergency, or if it is absolutely impossible to schedule the matter on another day. Such requests shall have the reasons for such leave stated and be subject to approval by the administration. Leave to attend the funeral of a person not in the immediate family shall be an acceptable reason under this section;
c. Approved "emergency" days may be granted with less than 24 hours notice, with reasons stated and approved, including the reason of death in other than the immediate family.
d. Unused personal days shall be converted for credit as sick leave under the provisions of Article 15 of this Agreement.
4. Visitation days, conferences, conventions, etc., may be granted upon written request with approval of the Building Principal.
5. Up to two (2) additional days may be allowed for certified staff, secretaries, and aides, less substitute pay, after the days allowed under A. 3. have been taken. This provision does not apply to custodians, maintenance, bus drivers or bus aides personnel. Days under this section may not be taken on consecutive work days with personal leave under paragraph A. 3. of this Article. An exception may be provided if the reason for the leave is an unforeseeable emergency, or if it is absolutely impossible to schedule the matter on another day. Requests for an exception under this section shall have the reasons for such leave stated and shall be subject to approval by the administration.
6. Provisions:
B. Leaves taken pursuant to Section A. above shall be in addition to any sick leave to which the unit member is entitled.
C. Unit members accompanying students on school trips or otherwise acting in a capacity representing the school at an educational function will not be considered absent.
A. The Board agrees that up to two (2) unit members designated by the Association shall, upon request, be granted a leave of absence without pay for one school calendar year for the purpose of engaging in activities of the Association or its affiliates, provided notice is received by June l preceding the said school year.
B. A leave of absence without pay for one or two school calendar years shall be granted to any certified unit member who joins the Peace Corps, VISTA, National Teacher Corps, or serves as an exchange teacher or overseas teacher, or is a full-time participant in or accepts a position at college or university programs, or accepts a Fulbright Scholarship, provided notice is received by June l preceding the said school year.
C. Military leave without pay shall be granted to any certified unit member who is inducted or enlists in any branch of the armed forces of the United States for the period of said induction or initial enlistment, pursuant to the requirements of Title 18A.
D. Maternity Leave
The Board shall grant maternity leave without pay to any unit member upon request subject to the following stipulations and limitations:
1. The Board may remove any pregnant unit member from her duties on any one of the following bases:
a. Her physical condition or capacity renders her incapable of performing her assigned duties, which shall be deemed to exist if:
b. Any other just cause that is found to exist in NJSA Title 18A.
2. The Board shall grant a leave of absence for medical reasons associated with pregnancy and birth to pregnant unit members on the same terms and conditions governing leaves of absence for other illnesses or medical disabilities, as set forth in NJSA Title 18A:30-1 et seq.
3. Any tenured or non-tenured unit member seeking such leave shall apply to the Board thirty (30) school days prior to the beginning of leave. At the time of application the unit member shall specify in writing the date on which she wishes to return to work after birth. The Board may require any teacher to produce a certificate from a physician in support of the requested leave date. The physician's certification is subject to agreement by the Board's physician. Where medical opinion is supportive of the leave dates requested, such leave shall be granted by the Board, except that the Board may change the requested dates upon finding that the grant of a leave for the dates stipulated and medically confirmed would substantially interfere with the administration of the school. Following the grant of such leave to any unit member, the commencement and termination dates thereof may be further extended or reduced for medical reasons upon application by the unit member to the Board. Such extension or reduction shall be granted by the Board for an additional reasonable period of time except that the Board may alter the requested dates upon finding that such extension or reduction would substantially interfere with the administration of the school and/or disrupt program, and provided that such date change is not medically contraindicated. The Board may require any unit member to produce a physician's certificate in support of the requested change and is subject to agreement by the Board's physician.
4. Upon return from a maternity leave of absence, the unit member shall be reinstated in her same position or a similar position for which she is certified.
5. The Board is under no compulsion to continue the employment of a non-tenured employee beyond the contracted period so long as the non-renewal of employment is not based solely upon a condition or pregnancy or childbirth.
6. Advancement on the salary guide shall be consistent with the terms of Article 10, A. 2. c. of this Agreement.
7. With respect to extension of leave, no such leave for a non-tenured unit member shall be extended beyond the end of the year in which the leave is to commence. For a tenured unit member, no such leave shall be extended beyond a period of 24 calendar months from the date on which said leave is to commence.
E. Any unit member adopting an infant child may receive similar leave which will commence upon his/her receiving de-facto custody of said infant, or earlier if necessary to fulfill the requirement for adoption.
F. A leave of absence without pay of up to one (1) year shall be granted for the purpose of caring for a sick member of the unit member's immediate family. Additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Board.
G. Leaves for Political Office
1. The Board shall grant a leave of absence without pay of one-half school year to a unit member to campaign for public office for him/herself or for another candidate. Such leaves shall be available to an individual no more than once in four years. Such leaves shall commence with the beginning of the school year and shall end in the month of January at a date determined by the Superintendent.
2. The Board shall grant a leave of absence of up to four full calendar years without pay to a unit member to serve in public office. Such leaves shall be renewable only once. Such leaves shall commence and end in the month of January at a date determined by the Superintendent.
H. All benefits to which a unit member was entitled at the time his/her leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave and credits toward sabbatical eligibility, shall be restored to him/her upon his/her return and s/he shall be assigned to the same position which s/he held at the time said leave commenced, if available or, if not, to a substantially equivalent position.
I. Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board for good reason and shall be equally available to males and females.
J. Upon return from leave granted pursuant to Section B or C of this Article, a unit member shall be considered as if s/he were actively employed by the Board during the leave and shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level s/he would have achieved if s/he had not been absent, provided, however, that time spent on said leave shall not count toward the fulfillment of the time requirements for acquiring tenure. A unit member shall not receive increment credit for the time spent on a leave granted pursuant to Section A, D, E, F, G, or I of this Article; nor shall such time count toward the fulfillment of the time requirements for acquiring tenure.
K. All leaves of absence shall be applied for and granted in writing. All leaves under this article, except disability leaves and military leaves, shall terminate at the end of the school year or at the end of a marking period.
L. It is the responsibility of the unit member who is on leave to notify, in writing, the Superintendent regarding his/her intent to return to teaching/working duties for the coming school year. This notice must be submitted by March l5 of the school year in which the leave is taken. The lack of said notice shall be considered as a resignation.
Employees planning to return at a marking period shall confirm their plans by notifying the Administration thirty (30) days prior to the return date.
A. A sabbatical leave may be granted to a teacher by the Board for study, including study in another area of specialization, for travel, or for other reasons of value to the school system, subject to the following conditions:
1. If there are sufficient qualified applicants, sabbatical leaves shall be granted to a maximum of four (4) teachers per year.
2. Requests for sabbatical leave must be received by the Superintendent, in writing in such form as may be mutually agreed upon by the Association and the Superintendent, no later than December 15, and action be taken on all such requests no later than January 30 of the school year preceding the school year for which the sabbatical leave is requested.
3. To be eligible, the teacher must have completed at least seven (7) full school years of service in the Bordentown Regional School District. This is understood to include all service in Bordentown City, Bordentown Regional, and Bordentown Township. This does not include time spent on any leaves granted under Article 15 of this Agreement.
4. A teacher on sabbatical leave (either for one half (1/2) of a school year or for a full school year) shall be paid by the Board at 50% of the salary rate which s/he would have received if s/he had remained on active duty.
5. Upon return from sabbatical leave, a teacher shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level which s/he would have achieved had s/he remained actively employed in the system during the period of his/her absence.
6. As a condition to accepting the sabbatical leave, the teacher hereby agrees to work for the District in whatever position assigned for a minimum of two (2) years immediately after the end of the leave. If this condition is not fulfilled, the teacher agrees that the District is entitled to the refund of all monies paid by the Board to the teacher during the leave.
7. At the end of the sabbatical leave, and no later than nine (9) weeks after returning to the teaching assignment, a written report will be submitted by the individual to the Board of Education through the proper channels. The contents of this report will include name and location of school, program or activity, length of the program, a description of the program or activity, an evaluation of what was accomplished and any other pertinent information of interest.
8. All regular deductions will be made on sabbatical leave pay.
A. The Board agrees to pay the full cost of tuition and other reasonable expenses incurred in connection with any courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions, or other such sessions which a certified unit member is required and/or requested by the administration to take.
B. The Board will provide for an annual tuition reimbursement of $50,000 for certified staff. Employees shall submit their requests to the Superintendent prior to registration. All requests are subject to the approval of the Superintendent. Approval will be granted for courses, which are:
a. part of a matriculated graduate program in education or in the subject area of their teaching assignment
b. graduate courses in subject matter relevant to the teacher's certification and/or teaching assignment
c. courses leading to certification in educational administration
Teachers will be reimbursed fifty percent (50%) of the cost of tuition for approved courses, but in no case more per credit than 50% of the per credit tuition charges in the graduate school program at The College of New Jersey.
Reimbursement will be in the month of June for courses which are completed in the fiscal year ending in that June. Should the reimbursement requests exceed the specified yearly total, each applicant will receive 50% reimbursement for three (3) credits or, if this cost exceeds the annual allowance, a prorated amount. If, after this payment is made, there are funds remaining, the next three credits per teacher will be reimbursed or, if this cost exceeds the annual allowance, a prorated amount will be reimbursed. A grade of "B" or better shall be attained for reimbursement.
Teachers accepting tuition reimbursement money from the district agree to remain employees of the district for the two (2) school years following the school year in which they received the reimbursement.
The reimbursement will be waived in the event of Social Security Disability, TPAF disability retirement, a medical condition that requires an end to a teaching career, loss of employment due to a RIF or non-renewal, or resignation due to the transfer of a spouse or domestic partner in his/her employment which requires relocation further than sixty (60) miles from Bordentown Regional School District. Time served in the military after receipt of the tuition payment counts toward the two (2) years return service obligation.
Failure to remain in the district for one (1) full school year after receipt of tuition reimbursement will require full repayment of the reimbursement in question. Leaving the district after one (1) full school year but before the completion of a second full school year after receipt of tuition reimbursement will require fifty percent (50%) repayment of the reimbursement in question.
Any money rebated to the school district under this paragraph will be added to the pool of money available for reimbursement in the year in which it is rebated.
A. The teacher shall receive a request to take a student teacher at least four (4) weeks prior to the student's introduction to the classroom.
B. Each cooperating teacher shall be provided with release time up to one (l) day with pay for attendance at regularly scheduled orientation and evaluation sessions sponsored by a student teacher's college or university.
C. The cooperating teacher and the student teacher shall assess the latter's readiness to assume teaching responsibilities. The cooperating teacher shall have authority to determine to what degree those responsibilities shall be assumed.
A. The Board shall reimburse unit members for any loss, damage or destruction of clothing or personal property on their person while on duty in the school, on the school premises, or on a school-sponsored activity, when such loss, damage or destruction occurs while such unit member is engaged in action necessary to protect him/herself from attack, to protect another person or property, to quell a disturbance threatening physical injury to others, or to obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects upon the person or within control of a pupil.
B. Cases of Assault
1. Unit members shall immediately report cases of assault suffered by them in connection with their employment to their Principal or other immediate superior.
2. Such notification shall be immediately forwarded to the Superintendent who shall comply with any reasonable request from the unit member for information in the possession of the Superintendent relating to the incident or the persons involved and who shall act in appropriate ways as liaison between the unit member, the police, and the courts.
A. Voluntary Dues Deduction
1. The Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of its unit members dues for the Bordentown Regional Education Association, the Burlington County Education Association, the New Jersey Education Association, or any one or any combination of such associations as said unit members individually and voluntarily authorize the Board to deduct. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 3l0, Public Laws of l967 (NJSA 52:l4-l5.9e) and under rules established by the State Department of Education. Said monies together with records of any corrections shall be transmitted to the treasurer of the Bordentown Regional Education Association by the 15th of each month following the pay period in which deductions were made. The Association treasurer shall disburse such monies to the appropriate association or associations. Unit member authorizations shall be in writing in the form set forth below:
Name _____________________________
Social Security No. ___________________
School Building _____________________District_____________________________
To: Disbursing Office _________________________Board of Education
I hereby request and authorize the above named disbursing officer to deduct from my earnings an amount sufficient to provide for the payment of those yearly membership dues as certified by the organizations indicated in equal monthly payments for all or part of the current school year and for succeeding school years. I understand that the disbursing officer will discontinue such deductions only if I file such notice of withdrawal as of the January l or July l next succeeding the date on which notice of withdrawal is filed. I also agree that upon termination of employment, the disbursing officer shall deduct any remaining amount due for that current school year. I hereby waive all right and claim for said monies so deducted and transmitted in accordance with this authorization, and relieve the governing body and all of its officers from any liability there from.
I designate the Bordentown Regional Education Association to receive dues and distribute according to the organization(s) indicated:
Bordentown Regional Education Association ___________________________________
Burlington County Education Association ___________________________________
New Jersey Education Association ___________________________________
National Education Association ___________________________________
2. Each of the associations named above shall certify to the Board, in writing, the current rate of its membership dues. Any association which change the rate of its membership dues shall give the Board written notice prior to the effective date of such change.
B. Representation Fee
1. The Board of Education of the Bordentown Regional School District recognizes the Bordentown Regional Education Association as the majority representative and agrees, according to the New Jersey Representation Fee Law, Chapter 477, P.L. l979, to deduct representation fees from non-member employees in the unit, and to forward to the majority representative the representation fee in lieu of dues for services rendered by the majority representative.
2. The representation fee in lieu of dues shall be in an amount equivalent to the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the majority representative to its own members less the cost of benefits financed through the dues, fees and assessments and available to or benefiting only its members. This representation fee shall be levied at 85% of the regular membership dues, fees and assessments.
3. The Bordentown Regional Education Association shall indemnify and hold the employer harmless against and from any and all claims, demands, suits, and any other forms of liability or costs, whatsoever, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs, paid to counsel of the employer's choice, that may arise out of, or by reason of any action taken or not taken by the employer in conformance with or in attempted conformance with the agency shop or representation fee provision. Furthermore, and in addition hereto, the Bordentown Regional Education Association guarantees that it will be responsible for any reimbursement to the employer of any costs or expenses arising from or by reason of any action taken or not taken by the employer in conformance with or in attempted conformance with the agency shop or representation fee provision.
C. Unit members will be notified in writing of any pay deductions made in keeping with the Board's policy. This notice with the reason for same will be provided the unit member whenever possible prior to the deduction being made, but no later than the issuance of the check, so that an opportunity to meet with the Administration to discuss the action will be possible, if desired.
D. Bargaining unit members may individually elect for any school year to have a stated amount of their monthly salary deducted from their pay and deposited to their credit at ABCO Federal Credit Union.
The Board shall provide the health care insurance protection designated below to all unit members working the required number of hours to be eligible.
A. The Board shall provide to eligible unit members and their dependents, at no cost to the employee, the State Employee Health Benefits Plan (SEHBP) insurance package without a free standing prescription plan. The Board will pay the full cost of all medical plans offered by the district.
B. The Board will provide for all employees represented by the Association the current dental coverage plan known as the Delta Dental Plan of New Jersey, Inc., or an equal coverage plan. Dependent coverage may be received at employee's expense.
C. For each unit member who remains in the employ of the Board for the full school year, the Board shall make payment of insurance premium to provide insurance coverage for the full twelve (l2) month period commencing July 1 and ending June 30. When necessary, payment of premiums in behalf of the unit member shall be made retroactively or prospectively to assure uninterrupted participation and coverage.
D. The Board shall provide to each unit member a description of the health care insurance coverage provided under this Article which includes a clear description of conditions and limits of coverage listed above as soon as they are available.
E. The Board may change the number of hours to be worked in order to be eligible for health insurance coverage under paragraph A. above to up to twenty-six (26) hours. Should the Board institute such a threshold for employee health insurance coverage, persons employed immediately prior to the change at less than twenty-six (26) hours and receiving such health insurance benefits shall continue to receive such benefits unless their work schedule is reduced to less than twenty (20) hours per week.
Bus drivers and aides who work on school buses and who are employed and receiving health care coverage as of July 1, 2009, shall continue to be eligible for coverage provided they continue to be employees in good standing and remain in the position held on July 1, 2009. Said employees are named in a sidebar agreed to by both parties.
F. The Board shall provide each unit member the opportunity for a pre-tax payroll deduction, under Chapter 125 of the IRS Code, up to the amount of the employee's contribution for the prescription drug plan premium and dependant dental coverage premium.
G. The Board recognizes same sex domestic partners as eligible dependents under the NJ Domestic Partnership Act, in accordance with Chapter 246, P.L. 2003. The Board will provide domestic partnership health benefits coverage to employees and their domestic partners as provided in the above paragraphs of this Article. These domestic partnerships must meet the requirements of the Domestic Partnership Act (Chapter 246 P.L. 2003), and a certificate of Domestic Partnership, obtained from the State of New Jersey, must be made available to the Board at the time of application for health insurance coverage.
Procedure for implementations: The Board will extend health insurance coverage to domestic partnerships by adopting the domestic partnership coverage resolution.
A. This Agreement constitutes Board policy for the term of said Agreement, and the Board shall carry out the commitments contained herein and give them full force and effect as Board policy.
B. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
C. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual unit member, heretofore or hereafter executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, during its duration, this Negotiated Agreement shall be controlling.
D. Within 30 days of its signing, the District will make the Agreement available on the District intranet and the District website. In addition, any unit member who requests a paper copy shall be provided one. The cost for printing such copies shall be shared equally between the Association and the Board.
E. The Board and the Association agree that there shall be no discrimination and that all practices, procedures, and policies of the school system shall clearly exemplify that there is no discrimination in the hiring, training, assignment, promotion, transfer, or discipline of unit members or in the application or administration of this Agreement on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, domicile, or marital status. An employee who chooses to arbitrate a grievance alleging a violation or misapplication of this clause shall be precluded from submitting the same grievance or complaint to any other legal forum. An employee who files a grievance or complaint in any other legal forum regarding the rights delineated in this Article shall be precluded from submitting the same dispute to arbitration.
F. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted and/or applied so as to eliminate, reduce or otherwise detract from any unit member benefit existing prior to its effective date. It is the intent of the parties that any such benefits existing in a building or buildings prior to this Agreement shall not be expanded beyond that building to unit members in any other building in the Bordentown Regional School District.
This Agreement is effective from July 1, 2012, and shall continue in effect through June 30, 2015. This Agreement shall not be extended orally and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Association have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective Presidents, attested to by their respective Secretaries, and their seals to be affixed thereto.
The Bordentown Regional School District Board of Education:
By: ____________________________________ Date:___________________
President, Board of Education
By: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________
Secretary, Board of Education
The Bordentown Regional Education Association:
By:____________________________________ Date:___________________
President, BREA
By:____________________________________ Date:___________________
Representative, BREA
As of July 1, 2012
Principal’s Secretary Secretary I Twelve Month
One Positions Secretary I Twelve Month
Others in this office are not represented by the Association
Three full time positions Secretary I Twelve Month
Main Office (1) Secretary I Twelve Month
Director Secretary I Twelve Month
Guidance Secretary I Twelve Month
Assistant Principal Secretary I Ten Month
Main Office Secretary I Twelve Month
Assistant Principal Secretary I Ten Month
Main Office Secretary I Twelve Month
Main Office Secretary I Twelve Month
Assistiant Principal Secretary I Twelve Month
Secretary to Director Secretary I Twelve Month
CENTRAL OFFICE: *Administrative Assistants to Superintendent; Administrative Assistants to Board Secretary/Business Administrator; Payroll Coordinator; Accounting Coordinator
CD/A: CD/A Secretary and Administrative Assistant
*Positions are subject to change
STEP | BA | BA+6 | BA+12 | BA+18 | BA+24 | BA+30 | MA | MA+6 | MA+12 | MA+18 | MA+24 | MA+30 | MA+36 |
12-13 | | 729 | 1070 | 1426 | 1782 | 2138 | 3053 | 3784 | 4122 | 4476 | 5188 | 5917 | 6611 |
1 | 50462 | 51191 | 51532 | 51888 | 52244 | 52600 | 53515 | 54246 | 54584 | 54938 | 55650 | 56379 | 57073 |
2 | 50962 | 51691 | 52032 | 52388 | 52744 | 53100 | 54015 | 54746 | 55084 | 55438 | 56150 | 56879 | 57573 |
3 | 51462 | 52191 | 52532 | 52888 | 53244 | 53600 | 54515 | 55246 | 55584 | 55938 | 56650 | 57379 | 58073 |
4 | 51962 | 52691 | 53032 | 53388 | 53744 | 54100 | 55015 | 55746 | 56084 | 56438 | 57150 | 57879 | 58573 |
5 | 53306 | 54035 | 54376 | 54732 | 55088 | 55444 | 56359 | 57090 | 57428 | 57782 | 58494 | 59223 | 59917 |
6 | 55322 | 56051 | 56392 | 56748 | 57104 | 57460 | 58375 | 59106 | 59444 | 59798 | 60510 | 61239 | 61933 |
7 | 56555 | 57284 | 57625 | 57981 | 58337 | 58693 | 59608 | 60339 | 60677 | 61031 | 61743 | 62472 | 63166 |
8 | 58234 | 58963 | 59304 | 59660 | 60016 | 60372 | 61287 | 62018 | 62356 | 62710 | 63422 | 64151 | 64845 |
9 | 59467 | 60196 | 60537 | 60893 | 61249 | 61605 | 62520 | 63251 | 63589 | 63943 | 64655 | 65384 | 66078 |
10 | 61258 | 61987 | 62328 | 62684 | 63040 | 63396 | 64311 | 65042 | 65380 | 65734 | 66446 | 67175 | 67869 |
11 | 62489 | 63218 | 63559 | 63915 | 64271 | 64627 | 65542 | 66273 | 66611 | 66965 | 67677 | 68406 | 69100 |
12 | 64619 | 65348 | 65689 | 66045 | 66401 | 66757 | 67672 | 68403 | 68741 | 69095 | 69807 | 70536 | 71230 |
13 | 66859 | 67588 | 67929 | 68285 | 68641 | 68997 | 69912 | 70643 | 70981 | 71335 | 72047 | 72776 | 73470 |
14 | 70049 | 70778 | 71119 | 71475 | 71831 | 72187 | 73102 | 73833 | 74171 | 74525 | 75237 | 75966 | 76660 |
15 | 72847 | 73576 | 73917 | 74273 | 74629 | 74985 | 75900 | 76631 | 76969 | 77323 | 78035 | 78764 | 79458 |
16 | 77682 | 78411 | 78752 | 79108 | 79464 | 79820 | 80735 | 81466 | 81804 | 82158 | 82870 | 83599 | 84293 |
Longevity: $1,428 after 25 years in the District.
STEP | BA | BA+6 | BA+12 | BA+18 | BA+24 | BA+30 | MA | MA+6 | MA+12 | MA+18 | MA+24 | MA+30 | MA+36 |
13-14 | | 729 | 1070 | 1426 | 1782 | 2138 | 3053 | 3784 | 4122 | 4476 | 5188 | 5917 | 6611 |
1 | 50762 | 51491 | 51832 | 52188 | 52544 | 52900 | 53815 | 54546 | 54884 | 55238 | 55950 | 56679 | 57373 |
2 | 51262 | 51991 | 52332 | 52688 | 53044 | 53400 | 54315 | 55046 | 55384 | 55738 | 56450 | 57179 | 57873 |
3 | 51762 | 52491 | 52832 | 53188 | 53544 | 53900 | 54815 | 55546 | 55884 | 56238 | 56950 | 57679 | 58373 |
4 | 52262 | 52991 | 53332 | 53688 | 54044 | 54400 | 55315 | 56046 | 56384 | 56738 | 57450 | 58179 | 58873 |
5 | 53306 | 54035 | 54376 | 54732 | 55088 | 55444 | 56359 | 57090 | 57428 | 57782 | 58494 | 59223 | 59917 |
6 | 55322 | 56051 | 56392 | 56748 | 57104 | 57460 | 58375 | 59106 | 59444 | 59798 | 60510 | 61239 | 61933 |
7 | 56555 | 57284 | 57625 | 57981 | 58337 | 58693 | 59608 | 60339 | 60677 | 61031 | 61743 | 62472 | 63166 |
8 | 58234 | 58963 | 59304 | 59660 | 60016 | 60372 | 61287 | 62018 | 62356 | 62710 | 63422 | 64151 | 64845 |
9 | 59467 | 60196 | 60537 | 60893 | 61249 | 61605 | 62520 | 63251 | 63589 | 63943 | 64655 | 65384 | 66078 |
10 | 61258 | 61987 | 62328 | 62684 | 63040 | 63396 | 64311 | 65042 | 65380 | 65734 | 66446 | 67175 | 67869 |
11 | 62489 | 63218 | 63559 | 63915 | 64271 | 64627 | 65542 | 66273 | 66611 | 66965 | 67677 | 68406 | 69100 |
12 | 64619 | 65348 | 65689 | 66045 | 66401 | 66757 | 67672 | 68403 | 68741 | 69095 | 69807 | 70536 | 71230 |
13 | 66859 | 67588 | 67929 | 68285 | 68641 | 68997 | 69912 | 70643 | 70981 | 71335 | 72047 | 72776 | 73470 |
14 | 70049 | 70778 | 71119 | 71475 | 71831 | 72187 | 73102 | 73833 | 74171 | 74525 | 75237 | 75966 | 76660 |
15 | 72847 | 73576 | 73917 | 74273 | 74629 | 74985 | 75900 | 76631 | 76969 | 77323 | 78035 | 78764 | 79458 |
16 | 78682 | 79411 | 79752 | 80108 | 80464 | 80820 | 81735 | 82466 | 82804 | 83158 | 83870 | 84599 | 85293 |
Longevity: $1,428 after 25 years in the District.SCHEDULE A 3 - TEACHERS’ SALARY GUIDE
STEP | BA | BA+6 | BA+12 | BA+18 | BA+24 | BA+30 | MA | MA+6 | MA+12 | MA+18 | MA+24 | MA+30 | MA+36 |
14-15 | | 729 | 1070 | 1426 | 1782 | 2138 | 3053 | 3784 | 4122 | 4476 | 5188 | 5917 | 6611 |
1 | 50982 | 51711 | 52052 | 52408 | 52764 | 53120 | 54035 | 54766 | 55104 | 55458 | 56170 | 56899 | 57593 |
2 | 51482 | 52211 | 52552 | 52908 | 53264 | 53620 | 54535 | 55266 | 55604 | 55958 | 56670 | 57399 | 58093 |
3 | 51982 | 52711 | 53052 | 53408 | 53764 | 54120 | 55035 | 55766 | 56104 | 56458 | 57170 | 57899 | 58593 |
4 | 52482 | 53211 | 53552 | 53908 | 54264 | 54620 | 55535 | 56266 | 56604 | 56958 | 57670 | 58399 | 59093 |
5 | 53526 | 54255 | 54596 | 54952 | 55308 | 55664 | 56579 | 57310 | 57648 | 58002 | 58714 | 59443 | 60137 |
6 | 55542 | 56271 | 56612 | 56968 | 57324 | 57680 | 58595 | 59326 | 59664 | 60018 | 60730 | 61459 | 62153 |
7 | 56775 | 57504 | 57845 | 58201 | 58557 | 58913 | 59828 | 60559 | 60897 | 61251 | 61963 | 62692 | 63386 |
8 | 58454 | 59183 | 59524 | 59880 | 60236 | 60592 | 61507 | 62238 | 62576 | 62930 | 63642 | 64371 | 65065 |
9 | 59687 | 60416 | 60757 | 61113 | 61469 | 61825 | 62740 | 63471 | 63809 | 64163 | 64875 | 65604 | 66298 |
10 | 61478 | 62207 | 62548 | 62904 | 63260 | 63616 | 64531 | 65262 | 65600 | 65954 | 66666 | 67395 | 68089 |
11 | 62709 | 63438 | 63779 | 64135 | 64491 | 64847 | 65762 | 66493 | 66831 | 67185 | 67897 | 68626 | 69320 |
12 | 64839 | 65568 | 65909 | 66265 | 66621 | 66977 | 67892 | 68623 | 68961 | 69315 | 70027 | 70756 | 71450 |
13 | 67079 | 67808 | 68149 | 68505 | 68861 | 69217 | 70132 | 70863 | 71201 | 71555 | 72267 | 72996 | 73690 |
14 | 70269 | 70998 | 71339 | 71695 | 72051 | 72407 | 73322 | 74053 | 74391 | 74745 | 75457 | 76186 | 76880 |
15 | 74532 | 75261 | 75602 | 75958 | 76314 | 76670 | 77585 | 78316 | 78654 | 79008 | 79720 | 80449 | 81143 |
16 | 79732 | 80461 | 80802 | 81158 | 81514 | 81870 | 82785 | 83516 | 83854 | 84208 | 84920 | 85649 | 86343 |
Longevity: $1,428 after 25 years in the District.
2012-2013 |
All stipends are calculated on $8,872 base with ten percent (10%) between steps. |
Entry level is negotiable for new staff, based on experience. There are two (2) years between steps; therefore it takes five (5) years to reach step 3. |
Add $150 longevity for each five (5) years in the same position after reaching the top level. |
Base 2012 – 2013: $8,872 |
RatioStep 1Step 2Step 3 |
BRHS Athletics |
Varsity Football Coach96$ 6,899 $ 7,665 $ 8,517 |
Assistant Football Coach (4)61 $ 4,384 $ 4,871 $ 5,412 |
Varsity Field Hockey Coach79 $ 5,677 $ 6,308 $ 7,009 |
Assistant Field Hockey Coach (1)54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Cross Country Coach66 $ 4,743 $ 5,270 $ 5,856 |
Cheerleading Coach (per season)49 $ 3,521 $ 3,913 $ 4,347 |
Boys Soccer Coach79 $ 5,677 $ 6,308 $ 7,009 |
Assistant Boys Soccer Coach (1)54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Girls Soccer Coach79 $ 5,677 $ 6,308 $ 7,009 |
Assistant Girls Soccer Coach (1)54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Boys Varsity Basketball Coach96 $ 6,899 $ 7,665 $ 8,517 |
Asst. Boys Basketball Coach (2)61 $ 4,384 $ 4,871 $ 5,412 |
Girls Varsity Basketball Coach96 $ 6,899 $ 7,665 $ 8,517 |
Asst. Girls Basketball Coach (2)61 $ 4,384 $ 4,871 $ 5,412 |
Head Wrestling Coach96 $ 6,899 $ 7,665 $ 8,517 |
Assistant Wrestling Coach (1)61 $ 4,384 $ 4,871 $ 5,412 |
Bowling Coach54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Assistant Bowling Coach (1)41 $ 2,946 $ 3,274 $ 3,638 |
Varsity Winter Track Coach79 $ 5,677 $ 6,308 $ 7,009 |
Assistant Winter Track Coach (1)54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Varsity Baseball Coach (2)79 $ 5,677 $ 6,308 $ 7,009 |
Assistant Baseball Coach 54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Varsity Softball Coach (2)79 $ 5,677 $ 6,308 $ 7,009 |
Assistant Softball Coach54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Boys Varsity Track Coach79 $ 5,677 $ 6,308 $ 7,009 |
Assistant Boys Track Coach (1)54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Girls Varsity Track Coach79 $ 5,677 $ 6,308 $ 7,009 |
Assistant Girls Track Coach (1)54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Summer Weight Trainer21 $ 1,509 $ 1,677 $ 1,863 |
Varsity Golf Coach41 $ 2,946 $ 3,274 $ 3,638 |
2012-2013 |
Base 2012 – 2013: $8,872 |
BRHS Club and Class SponsorsRatioStep 1Step 2Step 3 |
Senior Class Advisors (each person)25$ 1,797 $ 1,996 $ 2,218 |
Junior Class Advisors (each person)23 $ 1,653 $ 1,837 $ 2,041 |
Sophomore Class Advisors (each person)20 $ 1,437 $ 1,597 $ 1,774 |
Freshman Class Advisors (each person)20 $ 1,437 $ 1,597 $ 1,774 |
BRHS Activity Ratio Step 1 Step 2Step 3 |
Academic Coach - Debate/Mock Trial58$ 4,168 $ 4,631 $ 5,146 |
Academic Coach - Model Congress/UN58 $ 4,168 $ 4,631 $ 5,146 |
Activity Points Coordinator9 $ 647 $ 719 $ 798 |
Art Club Advisor12 $ 862 $ 958 $ 1,065 |
DECA Advisor17 $ 1,222 $ 1,357 $ 1,508 |
Environmental Club Advisor12 $ 862 $ 958 $ 1,065 |
FBLA Advisor17 $ 1,222 $ 1,357 $ 1,508 |
HANDS Advisor17 $ 1,222 $ 1,357 $ 1,508 |
Honor Society Advisor24 $ 1,725 $ 1,916 $ 2,129 |
Interact Advisor24 $ 1,725 $ 1,916 $ 2,129 |
Language Club Advisor12 $ 862 $ 958 $ 1,065 |
Math Club Advisor17 $ 1,222 $ 1,357 $ 1,508 |
Marching Band Director60 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 $ 5,323 |
Assistant Band Director29 $ 2,084 $ 2,316 $ 2,573 |
Band Front Advisor38 $ 2,731 $ 3,034 $ 3,371 |
Music Chorus Advisor 37 $ 2,659 $ 2,954 $ 3,283 |
Newspaper Advisor23 $ 1,653 $ 1,837 $ 2,041 |
Step Drill Team Advisor25 $ 1,797 $ 1,996 $ 2,218 |
Student Council Advisor38 $ 2,731 $ 3,034 $ 3,371 |
Technology Student Association Advisor12 $ 862 $ 958 $ 1,065 |
Theatre Business Manager23 $ 1,653 $ 1,837 $ 2,041 |
Theatre Director (*each fall/spring season)56 $ 4,024 $ 4,471 $ 4,968 |
*Theatre director stipend assumes at least two (2) productions each season |
Theatre Orchestra Director23$ 1,653 $ 1,837 $ 2,041 |
Theatre Vocal Director23 $ 1,653 $ 1,837 $ 2,041 |
Yearbook Advisor70 $ 5,030 $ 5,589 $ 6,210 |
Yearbook Business Advisor29 $ 2,084 $ 2,316 $ 2,573 |
2012-2013 |
Base 2012 – 2013: $8,872 |
Middle School AthleticsRatioStep 1Step 2Step 3 |
Field Hockey Coach54$ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Assistant Field Hockey Coach (1) n/a$1,640 |
Boys Soccer Coach54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Assistant Boys Soccer Coach (1) n/a$1,640 |
Girls Soccer Coach54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Assistant Girls Soccer Coach (1)n/a$1,640 |
Boys Basketball Coach61 $ 4,384 $ 4,871 $ 5,412 |
Assistant Boys Basketball Coach (1)n/a$1,640 |
Girls Basketball Coach61 $ 4,384 $ 4,871 $ 5,412 |
Assistant Girls Basketball Coach (1)n/a$1,640 |
Wrestling Coach61 $ 4,384 $ 4,871 $ 5,412 |
Assistant Wrestling Coach (1)n/a$1,640 |
Cheerleader Advisor - per season32 $ 2,300 $ 2,555 $ 2,839 |
Baseball Coach54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Assistant Baseball Coach (1)n/a$1,640 |
Softball Coach54 $ 3,881 $ 4,312 $ 4,791 |
Assistant Softball Coach (1)n/a$1,640 |
Middle School ActivitiesRatioStep 1Step 2Step 3 |
Auditorium Coordinator (BRMS)30$ 2,156 $ 2,395 $ 2,662 |
Drama Club Advisor **38 $ 2,731 $ 3,034 $ 3,371 |
** Drama club stipend requires at least two productions per year. |
Impact Club Advisor23$ 1,653 $ 1,837 $ 2,041 |
Intramural Coaches 17 $ 1,222 $ 1,357 $ 1,508 |
Newspaper Advisor18 $ 1,294 $ 1,437 $ 1,597 |
Outdoor Education Instruction *12 $ 862 $ 958 $ 1,065 |
* Stipend represents 100% or a five day trip. The actual stipend is based on the length of the trip. Each day equals 20% of the stipend. |
RAPS Coach/Advisor20$ 1,437 $ 1,597 $ 1,774 |
Student Council Advisor18 $ 1,294 $ 1,437 $ 1,597 |
Team FAD Advisor23 $ 1,653 $ 1,837 $ 2,041 |
Weightlifting Club Advisor17 $ 1,222 $ 1,357 $ 1,508 |
Woodworking Club Advisor18 $ 1,294 $ 1,437 $ 1,597 |
Yearbook Advisor18 $ 1,294 $ 1,437 $ 1,597 |
2012-2013 |
Base 2012 – 2013: $8,872 |
Elementary ActivityRatioStep 1Step 2Step 3 |
Audio Visual Club17 $ 1,222 $ 1,357 $ 1,508 |
Newspaper Advisor17 $ 1,222 $ 1,357 $ 1,508 |
Jersey Jumpers 10 $ 719 $ 798 $ 887 |
Student Council Advisor15 $ 1,021 $ 1,135 $ 1,261 |
2013-2014 |
|  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
Add $150 longevity for each five (5) years in the same position after reaching the top level. |  |  |  |  |
Base 2013-2014: $9,049 |  |  |  |  |
 | Ratio | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
BRHS Athletics | | | | |
Varsity Football Coach | 0.96 | $7,037 | $7,819 | $8,687 |
Assistant Football Coach (4) | 0.61 | $4,471 | $4,968 | $5,520 |
Varsity Field Hockey Coach | 0.79 | $5,791 | $6,434 | $7,149 |
Assistant Field Hockey Coach (1) | 0.54 | $3,958 | $4,398 | $4,887 |
Cross Country Coach | 0.66 | $4,838 | $5,375 | $5,973 |
Cheerleading Coach (per season) | 0.49 | $3,592 | $3,991 | $4,434 |
Boys Soccer Coach | 0.79 | $5,791 | $6,434 | $7,149 |
Assistant Boys Soccer Coach (1) | 0.54 | $3,958 | $4,398 | $4,887 |
Girls Soccer Coach | 0.79 | $5,791 | $6,434 | $7,149 |
Assistant Girls Soccer Coach (1) | 0.54 | $3,958 | $4,398 | $4,887 |
Boys Varsity Basketball Coach | 0.96 | $7,037 | $7,819 | $8,687 |
Asst. Boys Basketball Coach (2) | 0.61 | $4,471 | $4,968 | $5,520 |
Girls Varsity Basketball Coach | 0.96 | $7,037 | $7,819 | $8,687 |
Asst. Girls Basketball Coach (2) | 0.61 | $4,471 | $4,968 | $5,520 |
Head Wrestling Coach | 0.96 | $7,037 | $7,819 | $8,687 |
Assistant Wrestling Coach (1) | 0.61 | $4,471 | $4,968 | $5,520 |
Bowling Coach | 0.54 | $3,958 | $4,398 | $4,887 |
Assistant Bowling Coach (1) | 0.41 | $3,005 | $3,339 | $3,710 |
Varsity Winter Track Coach | 0.79 | $5,791 | $6,434 | $7,149 |
Assistant Winter Track Coach (1) | 0.54 | $3,958 | $4,398 | $4,887 |
Varsity Baseball Coach | 0.79 | $5,791 | $6,434 | $7,149 |
Assistant Baseball Coach (2) | 0.54 | $3,958 | $4,398 | $4,887 |
Varsity Softball Coach | 0.79 | $5,791 | $6,434 | $7,149 |
Assistant Softball Coach (2) | 0.54 | $3,958 | $4,398 | $4,887 |
Boys Varsity Track Coach | 0.79 | $5,791 | $6,434 | $7,149 |
Assistant Boys Track Coach (1) | 0.54 | $3,958 | $4,398 | $4,887 |
Girls Varsity Track Coach | 0.79 | $5,791 | $6,434 | $7,149 |
Assistant Girls Track Coach (1) | 0.54 | $3,958 | $4,398 | $4,887 |
Summer Weight Trainer | 0.21 | $1,539 | $1,710 | $1,900 |
Varsity Golf Coach | 0.41 | $3,005 | $3,339 | $3,710 |
2013-2014 |  |  |  |  |
Base 2013-2014: $9,049 |  |  |  |  |
BRHS Club and Class Sponsors | Ratio | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
Senior Class Advisors (each person) | 0.25 | $1,833 | $2,036 | $2,262 |
Junior Class Advisors (each person) | 0.23 | $1,686 | $1,873 | $2,081 |
Sophomore Class Advisors (each person) | 0.2 | $1,466 | $1,629 | $1,810 |
Freshman Class Advisors (each person) | 0.2 | $1,466 | $1,629 | $1,810 |
 |  |  |  |  |
BRHS Activity | Ratio | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
Academic Coach - Debate/Mock Trial | 0.58 | $4,251 | $4,724 | $5,249 |
Academic Coach - Model Congress/UN | 0.58 | $4,251 | $4,724 | $5,249 |
Activity Points Coordinator | 0.09 | $660 | $733 | $814 |
Art Club Advisor | 0.12 | $880 | $977 | $1,086 |
DECA Advisor | 0.17 | $1,246 | $1,385 | $1,538 |
Environmental Club Advisor | 0.12 | $880 | $977 | $1,086 |
FBLA Advisor | 0.17 | $1,246 | $1,385 | $1,538 |
HANDS Advisor | 0.17 | $1,246 | $1,385 | $1,538 |
Honor Society Advisor | 0.24 | $1,759 | $1,955 | $2,172 |
Interact Advisor | 0.24 | $1,759 | $1,955 | $2,172 |
Language Club Advisor | 0.12 | $880 | $977 | $1,086 |
Math Club Advisor | 0.17 | $1,246 | $1,385 | $1,538 |
Marching Band Director | 0.6 | $4,398 | $4,887 | $5,430 |
Assistant Band Director | 0.29 | $2,126 | $2,362 | $2,624 |
Band Front Advisor | 0.38 | $2,785 | $3,095 | $3,439 |
Music Chorus Advisor | 0.37 | $2,712 | $3,013 | $3,348 |
Newspaper Advisor | 0.23 | $1,686 | $1,873 | $2,081 |
Step Drill Team Advisor | 0.25 | $1,833 | $2,036 | $2,262 |
Student Council Advisor | 0.38 | $2,785 | $3,095 | $3,439 |
Tech Student Association Advisor | 0.12 | $880 | $977 | $1,086 |
Theatre Business Manager | 0.23 | $1,686 | $1,873 | $2,081 |
Theatre Director (*each fall/spring season) | 0.56 | $4,105 | $4,561 | $5,068 |
*Theatre director stipend assumes at least two (2) productions each season |  |  |  |  |
Theatre Orchestra Director | 0.23 | $1,686 | $1,873 | $2,081 |
Theatre Vocal Director | 0.23 | $1,686 | $1,873 | $2,081 |
Yearbook Advisor | 0.7 | $5,131 | $5,701 | $6,335 |
Yearbook Business Advisor | 0.29 | $2,126 | $2,362 | $2,624 |
2013-2014 |
Base 2013-2014: $9,049 |
RatioStep 1Step 2Step 3 |
Field Hockey Coach0.54$3,958 $4,398 $4,887 |
Assistant Field Hockey Coach (1) n/a$1,673 |
Boys Soccer Coach0.54$3,958 $4,398 $4,887 |
Assistant Boys Soccer Coach (1)n/a$1,673 |
Girls Soccer Coach0.54$3,958 $4,398 $4,887 |
Assistant Girls Soccer Coach (1)n/a$1,673 |
Boys Basketball Coach0.61$4,471 $4,968 $5,520 |
Assistant Boys Basketball Coach (1) n/a$1,673 |
Girls Basketball Coach0.61$4,471 $4,968 $5,520 |
Assistant Girls Basketball Coach (1)n/a$1,673 |
Wrestling Coach0.61$4,471 $4,968 $5,520 |
Assistant Wrestling Coach (1)n/a$1,673 |
Cheerleader Advisor - per season0.32$2,346 $2,606 $2,896 |
Baseball Coach0.54$3,958 $4,398 $4,887 |
Assistant Baseball Coach (1)n/a$1,673 |
Softball Coach0.54$3,958 $4,398 $4,887 |
Assistant Softball Coach (1)n/a$1,673 |
Middle School ActivitiesRatioStep 1Step 2Step 3 |
Auditorium Coordinator (BRMS)0.30$2,199 $2,443 $2,715 |
Drama Club Advisor **0.38$2,785 $3,095 $3,439 |
** Drama club stipend requires at least two productions per year. |
Impact Club Advisor0.23$1,686 $1,873 $2,081 |
Intramural Coaches 0.17$1,246 $1,385 $1,538 |
Newspaper Advisor0.18$1,319 $1,466 $1,629 |
Outdoor Education Instruction *0.12$880 $977 $1,086 |
* Stipend represents 100% or a five day trip. The actual stipend is based on the |
length of the trip. .Each day equals 20% of the stipend. |
RAPS Coach/Advisor0.20$1,466 $1,629 $1,810 |
Student Council Advisor0.18$1,319 $1,466 $1,629 |
Team FAD Advisor0.23$1,653 $1,837 $2,041 |
Weightlifting Club Advisor0.23$1,686 $1,873 $2,081 |
Woodworking Club Advisor0.18$1,319 $1,466 $1,629 |
Yearbook Advisor0.18$1,319 $1,466 $1,629 |
2013-2014 |
Base 2013-2014: $9,049 |
Elementary ActivityRatioStep 1Step 2Step 3 |
Audio Visual Club0.17$1,246 $1,385 $1,538 |
Newspaper Advisor0.17$1,246 $1,385 $1,538 |
Jersey Jumpers 0.10$733 $814 $905 |
Student Council Advisor0.15$1,100 $1,222 $1,357 |
2014-2015 |
|  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
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 |  |  |  |  |
Add $150 longevity for each five (5) years in the same position after reaching the top level. |  |  |  |  |
Base 2014-2015: $9,230 |  |  |  |  |
 | Ratio | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
BRHS Athletics | | | | |
Varsity Football Coach | 0.96 | $7,178 | $7,975 | $8,861 |
Assistant Football Coach (4) | 0.61 | $4,561 | $5,068 | $5,631 |
Varsity Field Hockey Coach | 0.79 | $5,907 | $6,563 | $7,292 |
Assistant Field Hockey Coach (1) | 0.54 | $4,037 | $4,486 | $4,984 |
Cross Country Coach | 0.66 | $4,935 | $5,483 | $6,092 |
Cheerleading Coach (per season) | 0.49 | $3,664 | $4,071 | $4,523 |
Boys Soccer Coach | 0.79 | $5,907 | $6,563 | $7,292 |
Assistant Boys Soccer Coach (1) | 0.54 | $4,037 | $4,486 | $4,984 |
Girls Soccer Coach | 0.79 | $5,907 | $6,563 | $7,292 |
Assistant Girls Soccer Coach (1) | 0.54 | $4,037 | $4,486 | $4,984 |
Boys Varsity Basketball Coach | 0.96 | $7,178 | $7,975 | $8,861 |
Asst. Boys Basketball Coach (2) | 0.61 | $4,561 | $5,068 | $5,631 |
Girls Varsity Basketball Coach | 0.96 | $7,178 | $7,975 | $8,861 |
Asst. Girls Basketball Coach (2) | 0.61 | $4,561 | $5,068 | $5,631 |
Head Wrestling Coach | 0.96 | $7,178 | $7,975 | $8,861 |
Assistant Wrestling Coach (1) | 0.61 | $4,561 | $5,068 | $5,631 |
Bowling Coach | 0.54 | $4,037 | $4,486 | $4,984 |
Assistant Bowling Coach (1) | 0.41 | $3,065 | $3,406 | $3,784 |
Varsity Winter Track Coach | 0.79 | $5,907 | $6,563 | $7,292 |
Assistant Winter Track Coach (1) | 0.54 | $4,037 | $4,486 | $4,984 |
Varsity Baseball Coach | 0.79 | $5,907 | $6,563 | $7,292 |
Assistant Baseball Coach (2) | 0.54 | $4,037 | $4,486 | $4,984 |
Varsity Softball Coach | 0.79 | $5,907 | $6,563 | $7,292 |
Assistant Softball Coach (2) | 0.54 | $4,037 | $4,486 | $4,984 |
Boys Varsity Track Coach | 0.79 | $5,907 | $6,563 | $7,292 |
Assistant Boys Track Coach (1) | 0.54 | $4,037 | $4,486 | $4,984 |
Girls Varsity Track Coach | 0.79 | $5,907 | $6,563 | $7,292 |
Assistant Girls Track Coach (1) | 0.54 | $4,037 | $4,486 | $4,984 |
Summer Weight Trainer | 0.21 | $1,570 | $1,745 | $1,938 |
Varsity Golf Coach | 0.41 | $3,065 | $3,406 | $3,784 |
2014-2015 |  |  |  |  |
Base 2014-2015: $9,230 |  |  |  |  |
BRHS Club and Class Sponsors | Ratio | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
Senior Class Advisors (each person) | 0.25 | $1,869 | $2,077 | $2,308 |
Junior Class Advisors (each person) | 0.23 | $1,720 | $1,911 | $2,123 |
Sophomore Class Advisors (each person) | 0.2 | $1,495 | $1,661 | $1,846 |
Freshman Class Advisors (each person) | 0.2 | $1,495 | $1,661 | $1,846 |
 |  |  |  |  |
BRHS Activity | Ratio | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |
Academic Coach - Debate/Mock Trial | 0.58 | $4,336 | $4,818 | $5,354 |
Academic Coach - Model Congress/UN | 0.58 | $4,336 | $4,818 | $5,354 |
Activity Points Coordinator | 0.09 | $673 | $748 | $831 |
Art Club Advisor | 0.12 | $897 | $997 | $1,108 |
DECA Advisor | 0.17 | $1,271 | $1,412 | $1,569 |
Environmental Club Advisor | 0.12 | $897 | $997 | $1,108 |
FBLA Advisor | 0.17 | $1,271 | $1,412 | $1,569 |
HANDS Advisor | 0.17 | $1,271 | $1,412 | $1,569 |
Honor Society Advisor | 0.24 | $1,794 | $1,994 | $2,215 |
Interact Advisor | 0.24 | $1,794 | $1,994 | $2,215 |
Language Club Advisor | 0.12 | $897 | $997 | $1,108 |
Math Club Advisor | 0.17 | $1,271 | $1,412 | $1,569 |
Marching Band Director | 0.6 | $4,486 | $4,984 | $5,538 |
Assistant Band Director | 0.29 | $2,168 | $2,409 | $2,677 |
Band Front Advisor | 0.38 | $2,841 | $3,157 | $3,508 |
Music Chorus Advisor | 0.37 | $2,766 | $3,074 | $3,415 |
Newspaper Advisor | 0.23 | $1,720 | $1,911 | $2,123 |
Step Drill Team Advisor | 0.25 | $1,869 | $2,077 | $2,308 |
Student Council Advisor | 0.38 | $2,841 | $3,157 | $3,508 |
Tech Student Association Advisor | 0.12 | $897 | $997 | $1,108 |
Theatre Business Manager | 0.23 | $1,720 | $1,911 | $2,123 |
Theatre Director (*each fall/spring season) | 0.56 | $4,187 | $4,652 | $5,169 |
*Theatre director stipend assumes at least two (2) productions each season |  |  |  |  |
Theatre Orchestra Director | 0.23 | $1,720 | $1,911 | $2,123 |
Theatre Vocal Director | 0.23 | $1,720 | $1,911 | $2,123 |
Yearbook Advisor | 0.7 | $5,234 | $5,815 | $6,461 |
Yearbook Business Advisor | 0.29 | $2,168 | $2,409 | $2,677 |
2014-2015 |
Base 2014-2015: $9,230 |
Middle School AthleticsRatioStep 1Step 2Step 3 |
Field Hockey Coach0.54$4,037 $4,486 $4,984 |
Assistant Field Hockey Coach (1) n/a$1,706 |
Boys Soccer Coach0.54$4,037 $4,486 $4,984 |
Assistant Boys Soccer Coach (1)n/a$1,706 |
Girls Soccer Coach0.54$4,037 $4,486 $4,984 |
Assistant Girls Soccer Coach (1)n/a$1,706 |
Boys Basketball Coach0.61$4,561 $5,068 $5,631 |
Assistant Boys Basketball Coach (1) n/a$1,706 |
Girls Basketball Coach0.61$4,561 $5,068 $5,631 |
Assistant Girls Basketball Coach (1)n/a$1,706 |
Wrestling Coach0.61$4,561 $5,068 $5,631 |
Assistant Wrestling Coach (1)n/a$1,706 |
Cheerleader Advisor - per season0.32$2,393 $2,658 $2,954 |
Baseball Coach0.54$4,037 $4,486 $4,984 |
Assistant Baseball Coach (1)n/a$1,706 |
Softball Coach0.54$4,037 $4,486 $4,984 |
Assistant Softball Coach (1)n/a$1,706 |
Middle School ActivitiesRatioStep 1Step 2Step 3 |
Auditorium Coordinator (BRMS)0.30$2,243 $2,492 $2,769 |
Drama Club Advisor **0.38$2,841 $3,157 $3,508 |
** Drama club stipend requires at least two productions per year. |
Impact Club Advisor0.23$1,720 $1,911 $2,123 |
Intramural Coaches 0.17$1,271 $1,412 $1,569 |
Newspaper Advisor0.18$1,346 $1,495 $1,661 |
Outdoor Education Instruction *0.12$897 $997 $1,108 |
* Stipend represents 100% or a five day trip. The actual stipend is based on the |
length of the trip. .Each day equals 20% of the stipend. |
RAPS Coach/Advisor0.20$1,495 $1,661 $1,846 |
Student Council Advisor0.18$1,346 $1,495 $1,661 |
Team FAD Advisor.23$1,686 $1.873 $2,031 |
Weightlifting Club Advisor0.23$1,720 $1,911 $2,123 |
Woodworking Club Advisor0.18$1,346 $1,495 $1,661 |
Yearbook Advisor0.18$1,346 $1,495 $1,661 |
2014-2015 |
Base 2014-2015: $9,230 |
Elementary ActivityRatioStep 1Step 2Step 3 |
Audio Visual Club0.17$1,271 $1,412 $1,569 |
Newspaper Advisor0.17$1,271 $1,412 $1,569 |
Jersey Jumpers 0.10$748 $831 $923 |
Student Council Advisor0.15$1,121 $1,246 $1,385 |
2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015
2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
12-13 |  |  |  | 13-14 |  |  |  | 14-15 |  |  |
1 | 40576 | 34165 |  | 1 | 41262 | 34742 |  | 1 | 42141 | 35483 |
2 | 40818 | 34369 |  | 2 | 41508 | 34949 |  | 2 | 42392 | 35694 |
3 | 41059 | 34571 |  | 3 | 41753 | 35156 |  | 3 | 42642 | 35904 |
4 | 41300 | 34775 |  | 4 | 41998 | 35363 |  | 4 | 42893 | 36116 |
5 | 41744 | 35149 |  | 5 | 42450 | 35743 |  | 5 | 43354 | 36504 |
6 | 42187 | 35522 |  | 6 | 42900 | 36122 |  | 6 | 43814 | 36891 |
7 | 42628 | 35893 |  | 7 | 43348 | 36499 |  | 7 | 44272 | 37277 |
8 | 43073 | 36267 |  | 8 | 43801 | 36880 |  | 8 | 44734 | 37666 |
9 | 44385 | 37372 |  | 9 | 45135 | 38004 |  | 9 | 46097 | 38814 |
10 | 46320 | 39002 |  | 10 | 47103 | 39661 |  | 10 | 48107 | 40506 |
11 | 48254 | 40629 |  | 11 | 49069 | 41316 |  | 11 | 50114 | 42196 |
12 | 50191 | 42261 |  | 12 | 51039 | 42975 |  | 12 | 52126 | 43890 |
2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015
2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
12-13 |  |  |  | 13-14 |  |  |  | 14-15 |  |  |
1 | 18717 | 19934 |  | 1 | 18895 | 20124 |  | 1 | 19109 | 20351 |
2 | 18819 | 20042 |  | 2 | 18997 | 20232 |  | 2 | 19212 | 20461 |
3 | 18920 | 20149 |  | 3 | 19099 | 20341 |  | 3 | 19315 | 20571 |
4 | 19021 | 20257 |  | 4 | 19201 | 20449 |  | 4 | 19418 | 20681 |
5 | 19519 | 20788 |  | 5 | 19704 | 20985 |  | 5 | 19927 | 21222 |
6 | 20016 | 21317 |  | 6 | 20206 | 21520 |  | 6 | 20434 | 21763 |
7 | 20515 | 21849 |  | 7 | 20710 | 22056 |  | 7 | 20944 | 22305 |
8 | 21013 | 22379 |  | 8 | 21213 | 22592 |  | 8 | 21453 | 22847 |
9 | 21668 | 23077 |  | 9 | 21874 | 23296 |  | 9 | 22121 | 23559 |
10 | 22324 | 23775 |  | 10 | 22536 | 24001 |  | 10 | 22791 | 24272 |
11 | 22982 | 24476 |  | 11 | 23200 | 24708 |  | 11 | 23462 | 24987 |
12 | 23974 | 25532 |  | 12 | 24202 | 25775 |  | 12 | 24475 | 26066 |
Longevity: $388 after 15 years
$414 after 20 years, for a total of $802
2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015
2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
12-13 |  |  |  |  | 13-14 |  |  |  |  | 14-15 |  |  |  |
1 | 32225 | 38807 | 40044 |  | 1 | 32473 | 39055 | 40302 |  | 1 | 32791 | 39373 | 40620 |
2 | 32729 | 39311 | 40548 |  | 2 | 32981 | 39563 | 40810 |  | 2 | 33304 | 39886 | 41133 |
3 | 33232 | 39814 | 41051 |  | 3 | 33488 | 40070 | 41317 |  | 3 | 33816 | 40398 | 41645 |
4 | 33736 | 40318 | 41555 |  | 4 | 33996 | 40578 | 41825 |  | 4 | 34329 | 40911 | 42158 |
5 | 34295 | 40877 | 42114 |  | 5 | 34559 | 41141 | 42388 |  | 5 | 34898 | 41480 | 42727 |
6 | 34874 | 41456 | 42693 |  | 6 | 35142 | 41724 | 42971 |  | 6 | 35487 | 42069 | 43316 |
7 | 35644 | 42226 | 43463 |  | 7 | 35919 | 42501 | 43748 |  | 7 | 36271 | 42853 | 44100 |
8 | 36423 | 43005 | 44242 |  | 8 | 36704 | 43286 | 44533 |  | 8 | 37063 | 43645 | 44892 |
9 | 37223 | 43805 | 45042 |  | 9 | 37510 | 44092 | 45339 |  | 9 | 37877 | 44459 | 45706 |
10 | 38109 | 44691 | 45928 |  | 10 | 38402 | 44984 | 46231 |  | 10 | 38778 | 45360 | 46607 |
11 | 39088 | 45670 | 46907 |  | 11 | 39389 | 45971 | 47218 |  | 11 | 39775 | 46357 | 47604 |
12 | 39627 | 46209 | 47446 |  | 12 | 39932 | 46514 | 47761 |  | 12 | 40323 | 46905 | 48152 |
13 | 40202 | 46784 | 48021 |  | 13 | 40512 | 47094 | 48341 |  | 13 | 40909 | 47491 | 48738 |
14 | 40759 | 47341 | 48578 |  | 14 | 41073 | 47655 | 48902 |  | 14 | 41476 | 48058 | 49305 |
15 | 41340 | 47922 | 49159 |  | 15 | 41658 | 48240 | 49487 |  | 15 | 42066 | 48648 | 49895 |
16 | 41876 | 48458 | 49695 |  | 16 | 42198 | 48780 | 50027 |  | 16 | 42768 | 49350 | 50597 |
17 | 42430 | 49012 | 50249 |  | 17 | 42757 | 49339 | 50586 |  | 17 | 43470 | 50052 | 51299 |
18 | 42985 | 49567 | 50804 |  | 18 | 43316 | 49898 | 51145 |  | 18 | 44172 | 50754 | 52001 |
19 | 43724 | 50306 | 51543 |  | 19 | 44274 | 50856 | 52103 |  | 19 | 44874 | 51456 | 52703 |
Longevity: $310 at 10, 14, 18, 25 years in District
Stipends: Night Foreman-$1,952; Black Seal-$928; Head Groundskeeper-$1,48566SCHEDULE F 1- TRANSPORTATION DRIVERS’ SALARY GUIDES
2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015
2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
12-13 |  |  | 13-14 |  |  | 14-15 |  |
1 | 15944 |  | 1 | 16269 |  | 1 | 16655 |
2 | 16046 |  | 2 | 16373 |  | 2 | 16761 |
3 | 16148 |  | 3 | 16477 |  | 3 | 16868 |
4 | 16250 |  | 4 | 16581 |  | 4 | 16974 |
5 | 16352 |  | 5 | 16685 |  | 5 | 17081 |
6 | 16488 |  | 6 | 16824 |  | 6 | 17223 |
7 | 16623 |  | 7 | 16962 |  | 7 | 17364 |
8 | 16759 |  | 8 | 17101 |  | 8 | 17506 |
9 | 16894 |  | 9 | 17239 |  | 9 | 17648 |
10 | 17030 |  | 10 | 17377 |  | 10 | 17789 |
11 | 17167 |  | 11 | 17517 |  | 11 | 17932 |
12 | 17301 |  | 12 | 17654 |  | 12 | 18073 |
EXTRA PAY: Includes substitutes, field trips, sports runs, mail run, garage and mid-days.
2012-2013: $17.29 2013-2014: $17.71 2014-2015: $18.20
LONGEVITY: $155 increment after 11, 15, 20 and 25 years of service in the district.
SPECIAL ED BONUS: Will be paid only for special Education runs without an aide as specified in an IEP.
2012-2013: $6.23 2013-2014: $6.38 2014-2015: $6.55