Between The
And The
JULY 1, 2006
JUNE 30, 2009
ARTICLE I - PREAMBLE ........................................ 1
ARTICLE II - PROCEDURE ...................................... 3
ARTICLE III - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ........................... 4
ARTICLE IV - SALARIES ....................................... 9
ARTICLE V - INSURANCE PROTECTION ............................ 15
ARTICLE VI - TUITION AID .................................... 21
ARTICLE VIII - SICK LEAVE BUYBACK .......................... 26
ARTICLE IX - EMPLOYEES RIGHTS ............................... 30
ARTICLE X - WORKDAY, WORKLOAD & WORK YEAR ................... 35
ARTICLE XI - VACANCIES AND TRANSFERS ........................ 38
ARTICLE XII - VACATIONS AND HOLIDAYS ........................ 39
ARTICLE XIII - SABBATICAL LEAVE ............................. 42
ARTICLE XV - SEVERABILITY ................................... 47
ARTICLE XVI - BOARD'S RIGHTS ................................ 48
ARTICLE XVII - REPRESENTATION FEE ........................... 49
ARTICLE XVIII - DURATION OF AGREEMENT ....................... 52
SALARY GUIDES/PAYMENTSCHEDULES............................... 53
A. Recognition
1. The Evesham Township Board of Education has recognized the Evesham Township Education Association as the representative for negotiations concerning terms and conditions of employment for all Evesham Township School District personnel specifically named in Section A.2. below within the scope of N.J.S.A. 34:13A-1 et seq. known as the New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act, and as modified and interpreted by the Public Employers Relations Commission through its Rules and Regulations.
2. That recognition agreement between the Evesham Township Board of Education and the Evesham Township Education Association will include teachers, speech/language specialists, media specialists, guidance counselors, school psychologists, learning disabilities teacher-consultants, social workers, nurses, classroom aides, health aides, library clerks, teacher assistants, secretaries, bus drivers, bus mechanics, maintenance personnel, custodial personnel, food service personnel, and grounds personnel, but will exclude all administrators and supervisors.
B. Definitions
1. As used hereinafter, the term "employee" shall apply to all members of the bargaining unit.
2. As used hereinafter, the term "teacher" shall apply to teachers, speech/language specialists, media specialists, guidance counselors, school psychologists, learning disability teacher-consultants, social workers and nurses.
As used hereinafter, the term "paraprofessional employee" shall apply to classroom aides, health aides, library clerks and teacher assistants.
4. As used hereinafter, the term "support staff employee" shall apply to bus drivers, bus mechanics, maintenance personnel, custodial personnel, food service personnel, and grounds personnel.
5. As used hereinafter, the term "custodian" shall apply to non-supervisory custodians and grounds personnel.
6. As used hereinafter, the term "food service personnel" shall apply to all cafeteria workers and helpers, but shall not include dishwashers and/or cook-managers.
7. As used hereafter, the term “interpreter” shall apply to interpreters.
8. As used hereinafter, the term "secretaries" shall include: school secretaries, central office secretaries, switchboard/receptionist, secretary to the Child Study Team, and bookkeepers, in the Evesham Township Public Schools, but exclude:
a. Superintendent's secretary
b. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum secretaries
c. Secretaries to the Assistant Superintendent for Business/Board Secretary
d. Secretaries to Director of Personnel
9. As used hereinafter, the term "non-teacher" shall apply to all paraprofessional employees and all support staff employees.
10. As used hereinafter, the term "probationary employee" shall apply to (1) any support staff who is employed less than or equal to sixty (60) calendar days from the date the employee actually commences working or (2) any paraprofessional employee who is employed less than or equal to sixty (60) calendar days from the date he/she actually commences working. During this probationary period, said employees may be disciplined or discharged at the sole discretion of the Board, and such decision shall not be subject to the provisions of the grievance procedure. Moreover, during the first (1st) sixty (60) calendar days of their actual employment, probationary support staff employees shall neither receive nor accrue "insurance protection" benefits as provided in Article V.
The Evesham Township Education Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association) and the Evesham Township Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the Board) hereby agree that the procedures listed below will be adhered to during all negotiations between the Association and the Board.
A. Negotiations shall begin in accordance with the law. Any agreement that is negotiated shall apply to all personnel as covered in the Preamble, be reduced to writing, and be presented to the Association and the Board for adoption.
B. Neither party in any negotiation shall have any control over the selection of the negotiation representatives of the other party.
1. The maximum number of representatives on Association and Board negotiating teams shall be equal. This number shall be mutually agreed upon at the first negotiating session.
2. Either party may bring in legal and/or professional advisors, having given forty-eight (48) hours notice.
3. The parties mutually pledge that their representatives shall be clothed with all necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals, and make counterproposals in the course of negotiations.
C. Negotiations
1. All public financial records shall be available to the Association for inspection no later than December 15 of each year.
2. The parties shall meet at least once every two weeks until the negotiation agreement is reached, unless other arrangements have been mutually agreed upon.
3. Negotiation sessions are not to last more than three (3) hours unless mutually agreed upon.
D. The Association and the Board agree that any attempt to coerce, to dominate, to censor or to penalize any participant in the negotiations shall be recognized as a breach of good faith.
A. Definitions
1. A grievance is a claim by any employee and/or group of employees desiring to appeal the application or violation of policies, administrative decisions, and the negotiated agreement affecting them.
2. The term "grievance" and the procedure related thereto shall not be deemed applicable in the following instances:
a. The failure or refusal of the Board to renew a contract of a non-tenure employee.
b. All things that are by law beyond the scope of the Board's authority or are limited to this Board alone.
3. All days herein shall be construed to mean school/work days.
4. The term grievant shall mean the employee and/or group of employees filing a grievance.
B. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of any employee having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with an appropriate member of the administration, and having the grievance adjusted without intervention of the Association, provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with terms of this Agreement.
C. It is understood that employees shall, during and notwithstanding the pendency of any grievance, continue to observe all assignments and applicable rules and regulations of the Board until such grievance and any effect thereof shall have been fully determined.
D. Except for group grievances which shall be initiated by the Association at the Superintendent's level, any employee who has a grievance shall discuss it first with his principal (or immediate supervisor, if applicable) in an attempt to resolve the matter informally at that level.
E. Procedures
Report to the immediate principal or supervisor:
a. A grievance, to be considered under the procedure, must be initiated by the employee within twenty-five (25) school/work days of its occurrence.
b. The request for a meeting does not have to be made in writing.
c. The employee(s) may be represented at this meeting with a person of his/her own choosing.
d. The employee(s) shall set forth the grievance in writing to the principal or supervisor, specifying;
(1) the nature of the grievance and the date of its occurrence;
(2) the nature and extent of the injury, loss or inconvenience;
(3) the contractual or other basis of the grievance;
(4) the remedy sought.
e. The principal or supervisor shall communicate his decision to the grievant in writing within five (5) school/work days of receipt of the written grievance.
f. If the grievance is not successfully resolved at the meeting, the employee(s) must wait at least two days before proceeding with the complaint to the superintendent of schools.
2. To meet with the superintendent:
a. If the grievant is dissatisfied with the resolution of the grievance by the principal or immediate supervisor, he may, not later than twenty-five (25) school/work days after receipt of the decision of the principal or immediate supervisor, forward the written grievance statement to the superintendent and request a meeting.
b. If the employee(s) wishes to have representation present at this meeting, the name of the individual and/or the organization must be presented in writing to the superintendent.
- Within twenty (20) school/work days of his receipt of the grievance, the superintendent shall meet with the grievant and communicate his decision in writing to the grievant and the immediate principal or supervisor.
3. If the grievance is not resolved to the grievant's satisfaction, not later than five (5) school/work days after receipt of the superintendent's decision, the grievant may request a review by the Board of Education. The request shall be submitted in writing through the Superintendent of Schools, with a copy to the Secretary of the Board of Education. The Board shall review the grievance and shall hold a hearing with the grievant and render a decision in writing within twenty-five (25) school/work days of receipt of the grievance by the Board Secretary. During the hearing, the grievant shall have a right to be represented by counsel of his/her choosing and shall have the right to examine and cross-examine witnesses and to produce witnesses. The board shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the hearing of the grievant's representative.
4. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding for all non-tenure grievances. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding for all teacher and secretarial personnel grievances except as otherwise provided hereinbelow:
a. Those from which there is an established appeals procedure through an appropriate governmental agency or court.
b. Those which concern themselves with the application or violation of the terms and conditions of employment as specified in writing in the negotiated agreement and for which there is no appeals procedure as set forth above.
5. If the teacher or secretary is dissatisfied with the decision of the Board and if the grievance pertains to a violation of the terms and conditions of employment as specified in writing in this agreement between the Board and the Association, the Association may request the appointment of an arbitrator, such request to be made known to the superintendent no later than ten (10) school/work days after the decision, in writing, of the Board.
- Said arbitration shall be final and binding and shall be conducted under the rules of the American Arbitration Association.
b. The arbitrator shall limit himself to the issues submitted to him and shall consider nothing else. He can add nothing to, nor subtract anything from, the Agreement between the parties or any policy of the Board of Education. Only the Board, the Association, and the aggrieved shall be given copies of the arbitrator’s opinion and award.
This shall be accomplished within thirty (30) school/work days of the completion of the arbitrator’s hearing.
c. The Board and the Association shall assure the individual freedom from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal in presenting his appeal with respect to his personal grievance.
d. No meeting or hearing conducted under this procedure shall be public. The only parties in attendance shall be the parties in interest and the designated or selected representatives contemplated in this article.
e. The costs for the services of the arbitrator, including the per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, subsistence expenses and the cost of the hearing room shall be borne equally by the Board and Association. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring same.
F. In the event a grievance, if filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps of this grievance procedure by the end of the school year and if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year, could result in irreparable harm to a party in interest, the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
G. The number of days indicated at each level shall be considered as a maximum; however, the time limits specified may be extended by mutual agreement. Failure of the grievant to meet the next step within the specified time limit shall be deemed a withdrawal of the grievance. Failure of the Board to meet the next step within the specified time limit shall automatically advance the grievance to the next grievance level; however, if the grievance is non-arbitrable, and there is no next level, then failure of the Board to meet
the next step within the specified time limit shall permit the dispute to be submitted to the Public Employment Relations Commission.
A. Teachers
1. The salaries of the teachers covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedules A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
2. Payment for extracurricular activities shall be made in accordance with Schedule J-1 which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The timeline for payment for extracurricular activities shall be in accordance with Schedule J-2.
3. Middle School Guidance Counselors shall receive a salary differential of $800.00.
4. Team Leaders shall receive a salary differential of $1,331.00.
5. Plus 30 horizontal movement on the salary guides shall be defined as graduate credits earned after the degree is awarded.
6. Notwithstanding the experience levels set forth in Schedules A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1, B-2 and B-3 nothing contained in this Agreement shall restrict or prevent the Board from exercising its statutory right to determine initial placement on the salary guide in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:29-9.
- Child Study Team Members
- Each of the above personnel’s work year shall include the school calendar for ten month certificated personnel plus twenty work days during the summer recess. Salary to be computed according to 1.10 ratio of the proper place on the appropriate teacher guide for the work year defined herein. Such base salary shall be paid in 26 pay periods.
- For the work performed outside the work year as defined above, the affected employee shall be compensated at 1/200th of his/her salary on Schedule A, for each day he/she appears for work as determined by the Superintendent or his designee. Such additional day shall be extended service and be voluntary.
- Summer schedules shall be developed by the Supervisor after consultation with the Child Study Team member.
Unit members’ schedules will provide for four (4) weeks off during July and/or August.
- If the Board changes the structure of the eleven (11) month teams to a ten (10)month team, the members of the staff who previously worked a 10-month contract would be given the option to change, based on seniority.
C. Paraprofessional Employees
1. The salaries of the paraprofessional employees covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedules C-1, C-2 and C-3 attached hereto and made a part thereof.
2. Paraprofessional employees shall receive average paychecks based upon the total number of hours they are scheduled to work during the school year, divided by the number of paychecks in that school year. Adjustments will be made in each pay period if necessary. This procedure is not, however, to be interpreted as meaning that said paraprofessional employees are salaried. These adjustments will reflect any addition or deletion to normal hours in the prior weeks.
D. Support Staff
1. The salaries of support staff employees covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedules D-1, D-2 and D-3 for maintenance personnel, bus mechanics, custodians and grounds; Schedules E-1, E-2 and E-3 for secretarial personnel; Schedules F-1, F-2 and F-3 for interpreters; Schedules G-1, G-2 and G-3 for food service personnel; Schedule H-1 for bus drivers attached hereto and made a part hereof.
2. Bus Drivers
- During the school year, bus drivers shall receive average paychecks based upon the total number of hours they are scheduled to work during the school year, divided by the number of paychecks in that school year. Adjustments will be made in each pay period if necessary. This procedure is not, however, to be interpreted as meaning that said bus drivers are salaried. These adjustments will reflect any addition or deletion to normal hours in the prior weeks.
In the summer hours, bus drivers will be paid based on the summer hourly rates and their previous time slip.
b. Bus drivers shall be paid their contracted, hourly rate for all regularly scheduled runs up to and including forty (40) hours per work week. Drivers shall be paid one and one-half (1½) times their hourly rate for any runs in excess of forty (40) hours per work week.
c. Bus drivers shall be paid the applicable regular rate for each hour of work pertaining to the following assignments: Late runs, inspections, extra half-day runs, in-service meetings and meetings called by coordinator (required attendance), required training sessions, "test runs" of new routes, field trips, kindergarten substitutes, shuttles, bus repairs, St. Joan substitutes. Kindergarten runs and shuttle runs shall be a guaranteed one (1) hour minimum.
3. Bus Mechanics and Maintenance Personnel
a. Bus mechanics and maintenance personnel shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times their regular hourly rate for all times worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. For purposes of calculating overtime, paid sick days and paid holidays shall count as regular work days.
b. When a bus mechanic and/or maintenance personnel employee is requested to return to work, he/she shall be compensated two (2) hours at regular time if the call back is not contiguous to his/her regular workday. All "actual" time worked during a "call back" shall be calculated at the end of each work week and credited toward overtime.
c. Maintenance/custodial personnel shall be required to obtain a Black Seal license within one year of employment or they shall be discharged. Provided however, a maintenance/custodial employee that has failed to obtain a Black Seal license within one year of employment shall be given a second year to obtain a Black Seal license if: (1) the employee has taken and failed the Black Seal test within the first year of employment; and (2) the employee, after receiving notice that he/she failed the Black Seal test, has enrolled and attended in good faith an educational program that will assist him/her in passing the Black Seal test. If, after two years of employment, the employee still has not received a Black Seal license, employment shall be terminated. This provision shall not be subject to the grievance procedure set forth in this Agreement.
4. Custodians/Groundspersons
a. Custodians/groundspersons shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times their regular hourly rate for all authorized time worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. For the purpose of calculating overtime, paid sick days and paid holidays shall count as regular work days.
b. Overtime work will be allocated based on a listing
of custodians/groundspersons by school and by alphabet. The overtime work will be offered using this list and if a custodian/groundsperson is called and is not available, his name will be moved to the bottom of the list. If no custodian/groundsperson volunteers to work, the supervisor shall assign a custodian/groundsperson based upon his ability to do the job.
5. Food Service Employees
a. Food Service Employees shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times their regular hourly rate for all authorized time worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. For the purpose of calculating overtime, paid sick days and paid holidays shall count as regular work days. Food Service Employees shall be paid a per diem of $8.00 for temporary assignment to the manager's duties. This per diem shall be paid in addition to the employee's regular rate of pay.
b. A uniform allowance of one hundred sixty-five dollars ($165) per contract year shall be granted to all Food Service Employees in accordance with the provisions set forth below: Permanent employees shall receive payment during the month of September; probationary employees shall receive payment upon satisfactory completion of the requisite probationary period provided said probationary period is completed prior to the last day of school for students.
For purposes of this provision, it is understood that the Board reserves the right, upon prior notice, to request receipts or other written verification of uniform expenditures.
c. Food Service Helpers shall receive average paychecks based upon the total number of hours they are scheduled to work during the school year, divided by the number of paychecks in that school year. Adjustments will be made in each pay period if necessary. This procedure is not, however, to be interpreted as meaning the said food service helpers are salaried. These adjustments will reflect any addition or deletion to normal hours in the prior week.
E. The salaries of secretarial personnel covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedules E-1, E-2 and E-3 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
1. All twelve (12) month bookkeepers will be paid $2,000 over the twelve (12) month secretaries scale and $2,500 after five (5) years with the district.
2. All ten (10) month secretaries shall be paid 10/12 (.833) of the appropriate twelve (12) month scale.
Upon approval of the building principal, middle school secretaries may be employed for up to twenty (20) days per summer in their regularly assigned buildings and positions. Pay will be at 1/200th of the secretary’s annual 10-month salary. Any other summer work will be at the appropriate substitute rate.
Upon approval of the building principal, middle school clerk typists may be employed for up to twenty (20) days per summer in their regularly assigned buildings and positions. Pay will be at the hourly rate of the clerk typist’s annual 10-month rate. Any other summer work will be at the appropriate substitute rate.
F. Employees
1. Employees who are authorized in writing to use their own automobiles in the performance of their duties and employees who are assigned to more than one school per day shall be reimbursed for all such travel at the I.R.S. rate effective on July 1 immediately following the I.R.S. publication of rate for all authorized driving done after arrival at the first location at the beginning of the work day.
2. Paychecks will be issued on alternate Fridays.
A. Except as set forth in paragraph B on page 18 all employees shall receive insurance protection as follows:
1. Teachers and Secretaries
a. The Board will provide a family health plan and offer the option of selecting a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance plan, each with primary care physician office visit co-pays of ten (10) dollars.
b. The Board shall provide, on a co-pay basis with the teacher and secretary, prescription, optical and dental insurance plans for teachers and secretaries, their spouses, and dependent children. The Board shall pay seventy-five percent (75%) of each premium and the teacher and/or secretary shall contribute twenty-five percent (25%).
2. Paraprofessional Employees
a. The Board will provide a family health plan and offer the option of selecting a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance plan, each with primary care physician office visit co-pays of ten (10) dollars to classroom aides, health aides, library clerks and teacher assistants who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week.
b. Library clerks hired before 7/1/03 and regularly scheduled to work at least twenty-five (25) hours per week but less than thirty (30) hours per week shall receive 75% paid health plan.
c. The Board shall provide, on a co-pay basis with the paraprofessional employee, their spouses, and dependent children prescription, optical and dental insurance plans for classroom aides, health aides, library clerks and teacher assistants who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week. The Board shall pay seventy-five percent (75%) of each premium and the eligible paraprofessional employee shall contribute twenty-five percent (25%).
3. Bus Mechanics, Custodians, and Maintenance Personnel
a. The Board will provide a family health plan and offer the option of selecting a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance plan, each with primary care physician office visit co-pays of ten (10) dollars to bus mechanics, custodians and maintenance personnel who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week.
b. In the event of a serious illness or accident, a bus mechanic, custodian and/or maintenance personnel employee who completely utilizes his/her entire sick leave entitlement (including all accumulated sick days) as a result of said incident shall be permitted to utilize his current vacation entitlement to extend his/her sick leave. If the nature of the illness or accident is such that the individual, in all probability, will eventually return to work, he/she also shall be permitted, if necessary, to use his/her vacation entitlement for the next school year in order to extend his/her sick leave. During this "extended sick leave" the individual shall continue to receive his/her insurance benefits at Board expense.
Thereafter, if an individual is still unable to return to work as a result of his/her accident or illness, the Board shall continue to provide hospitalization and major medical coverage as described in subsection 3a. hereinabove for one (1) additional month following the expiration of the individual's last day of vacation.
It is understood, however, that this benefit shall not apply unless/until the individual has completed at least one (1) full year plus one (1) day of continuous employment in the district and his/her personnel record shows an average sick leave usage of less than five (5) days per year for three-fourths (3/4) of his/her years in the district as of the day said accident or illness occurred. If the individual has been continuously employed by the district for more than one (1) year plus one (1) day but less than four (4) full years, individual circumstances shall be considered.
c. The board shall provide, on a co-pay basis with the bus mechanic, custodian, and/or maintenance personnel employee, prescription, optical and dental insurance plans for bus mechanics, custodians, and maintenance personnel who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week, their spouses, and dependent children. The Board shall pay seventy-five percent (75%) of each premium and the eligible bus mechanic, custodian, and/or maintenance personnel employee shall contribute twenty-five percent (25%).
4. Bus Drivers
a. The Board will provide a family health plan and offer the option of selecting a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance plan, each with primary care physician office visit co-pays of ten (10) dollars for all contracted full-time bus drivers.
b. The Board shall provide, on a co-pay basis with the bus driver, a prescription insurance plan for full-time bus drivers, their spouses, and dependent children. The Board shall pay seventy-five percent (75%) of the premium and the eligible bus driver shall contribute twenty-five percent (25%). Optical and dental insurance plans shall be available at full cost to a bus driver.
5. Food Service Personnel
a. The Board will provide a family health plan and offer the option of selecting a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance plan, each with primary care physician office visit co-pays of ten (10) dollars to food service personnel who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week.
b. The Board shall provide, on a co-pay basis with the food service personnel, prescription, optical and dental insurance plans for food service personnel who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week, their spouses, and dependent children. The Board shall pay seventy-five percent (75%) of each premium and the eligible food service personnel employee shall contribute twenty-five percent (25%).
6. Procedures
a. The Board and the Association will mutually agree upon any changes in the company(s) and/or insurance plan(s). Application for this coverage must be made by the eligible employee. (The Board and Association agree to minimize duplication of any medical coverage by spouse.)
1. The Traditional Insurance plan option will not be offered to any employee after June 30, 2006 with the following exception: employees enrolled in the Traditional plan as of June 30, 2006 may elect to be grandfathered in the Traditional plan until they choose another insurance plan or retire (with the understanding that the Traditional plan will no longer be an option.)
b. Eligible employees shall be entitled to insurance protection as provided herein upon completing and submitting the Annual Request for Insurance Protection Form in accordance with administrative procedures. Said form shall include the marital status of the eligible employee, the specific plan or plans desired, and shall be signed by the eligible employees authorizing the Board of Education to withhold a twenty-five percent (25%) contribution for the specific plan or plans selected.
c. Employees eligible for the prescription insurance plan and who select such coverage shall pay $15.00 for brand name prescriptions, $10.00 for generic prescriptions and $5.00 for mail in prescriptions.
d. No eligible employee shall be required to participate in any plan.
e. The Board will make available to all eligible retired employees the same health care coverages as provided in paragraph A on page 15, as appropriate, providing the retirees shall pay the cost of such coverage as billed and so long as it is of no cost to the Board.
B. 1. For employees in their first and second years of insurance eligibility, the Board will pay the full premium for a family coverage, Personal Choice 320 Plan or equivalent, or the full premium for a single coverage of any other major medical plan. The Board
will also pay 75% of the single premium for prescription, dental, and vision coverage for eligible employees. The employee may pay for enhanced coverage. Upon the first (1st) day of the third (3rd) year of insurance eligibility, the Board shall be responsible for the full coverage as paid for other unit employees as set forth in Paragraph A on page 15.
Employees hired to substitute for the full year starting in September (10 month) or July (12 month) or any employees hired into a permanent vacancy at any time of the year who are subsequently non-renewed, shall receive credit for time worked toward the two years of single health insurance coverage if the employees are rehired within eighteen (18) months of the last date worked pursuant to the non-renewal.
3. The Board will pay fifty percent (50%) of the payment for an income protection plan designated by the Association up to a maximum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) for all full time teachers, parapro-fessionals, bus mechanics, custodians, maintenance, bus drivers, food service personnel, and secretaries per contract year. Application for this coverage must be made by the individual.
C. Insurance Coverage Opt Out Plan
1. Each year the Board shall provide appropriate forms to all employees.
2. Employees who elect to waive coverage pursuant to this plan, i.e., opt out of medical or dental, shall be entitled to receive payment as follows:
(1) Family Coverage to No Coverage $2,000
(2) Family Coverage to Single Coverage $1,000
(1) Family Coverage to No Coverage $300.00
(2) Family Coverage to Single Coverage $150.00
Payment of monies shall be made in two equal installments, the first in the second pay in December and the second in the second pay in June of the school year.
Employees must waive or opt out of such insurance coverage for a full year to be eligible for such payment. The opt out period shall be July 1 to June 30.
Employees who have no other comprehensive insurance coverage shall not be permitted to participate in this plan.
Employees who have initially opted out may not reenter the plan until open enrollment of the following year, i.e., July 1. Employees, however, may re-enroll without lapse in coverage due to the occurrence of a life event, terminating the other coverage. “Life event” shall cover change of status due to death, divorce, separation of employment, retirement, or unemployment of spouse. Should the employment status of such employee change, there shall be pro-rata payment based upon the time elapsed in the plan. In the event such separation of employment is due to death, his/her estate shall receive such pro-rata payment. Should an employee resign, he/she shall receive pro-rata payment.
Employees eligible for Medicare pursuant to the applicable Medicare provisions shall not be eligible to opt out under this plan.
Bus drivers are not eligible for the dental opt out.
This money is taxable income and will be treated as such.
This plan is subject to Section 125 of the IRS regulations.
A. Teachers
1. Teachers shall be reimbursed for tuition, registration fees, and books up to a maximum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) per teacher per school year according to the formula set forth herein below:
"A" = one hundred percent (100%)
"B" = seventy-five percent (75%)
"C" = fifty percent (50%)
All courses shall be subject to the prior approval of the assistant superintendent. Teachers may request the superintendent to reconsider approval of a course for which approval was denied, if such request is made in writing within six weeks of the date when approval was denied.
Guidelines for course approval are indicated below:
a. Courses taken while matriculating in a regular graduate program in the subject area and/or area of certification in which the instructor is teaching (see d for exceptions), or
b. Courses taken at the graduate level that are in the subject area and/or area of certification which the instructor is teaching (see d for exceptions), or
c. Courses taken at the graduate level which are in a specialized area and are of a meaningful benefit to the students and/or the school district, or
d. Video or distance learning courses that meet the following program criteria:
Be a graduate level course affiliated with an accredited college or university.
Provide a collegial study group structure as a requirement for participation.
Include conferencing and interaction with a college or university faculty mentor either in person or by phone.
A list of approved institutions will be on record in the Administration Building (Marygrove is the only one approved at the inception of this contract (July 1, 2006).)
3. Only credits earned at institutions accredited by a national or regional accreditation commission such as, but not limited to, The Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, shall be recognized.
B. Paraprofessional Employees
1. Paraprofessional employees shall be reimbursed for the cost of tuition for college courses up to a maximum of four hundred dollars ($400) per paraprofessional employee per contract year according to the formula set forth herein below:
"A" = one hundred percent (100%)
"B" = seventy-five percent (75%)
"C" = fifty percent (50%)
2. Said courses must be either (1) in the field of education or (2) of a meaningful benefit to the students and the school district and, in either case, approved in advance by the superintendent or his designee. Moreover, no more than one (1) course shall be reimbursed during either the fall or spring semesters.
3. Only credits earned at institutions accredited by a national or regional accreditation commission such as, but not limited to, The Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, shall be recognized.
4. The board shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of tuition for paraprofessional employees who are required by the Board or Superintendent to take courses or programs of study.
C. Support Staff Employees
1. Maintenance personnel shall be reimbursed fifty percent (50%) of tuition for courses which lead to certification as electrician, plumber, carpenter, mason provided that (1) all courses are approved in advance by the superintendent or his designee and (2) the support staff employee must be actively employed at the time said reimbursement occurs.
2. The Board shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of tuition for support staff employees who are required by the Board or Superintendent to take courses or programs of study.
D. Secretaries
Tuition reimbursement will be considered for courses or workshops that help develop secretarial or bookkeeping skills which may be offered from time to time, with prior approval of the Superintendent or his designee.
E. Employees
1. The Board shall reimburse up to $75,000 for tuition aid each year under this Article. If the total tuition aid exceeds the amount specified herein, the total amount available will be distributed proportionately.
2. Appropriate proof must be presented to the superintendent sixty (60) days after receipt of the transcript (i.e. official college notification of grades). This information includes a receipt and a grade report of C or higher.
3. Reimbursement will be made no later than the November 30th immediately following submission of proof, unless mutually agreed upon by the Board and Association. The employee must be employed as of September 1 of the following year in order to qualify for tuition reimbursement.
4. Lane changes on the salary guide shall occur on March 1 and November 1 of each year. Submission of paperwork is due one month prior to these dates.
Each employee shall be entitled to the following leaves of absence with full pay each school year:
A. All teachers and paraprofessional employees shall be entitled to sick leaves as specified by state law. Sick leave is to be used for personal illness. It is not to be used for family illness. Child Study Team members shall receive one day of sick leave for each month of their contract. Steadily employed members of the support staff shall be entitled sick leave as follows: twelve (12) month support staff employees shall receive twelve (12) days per year, eleven (11) month support staff employees shall receive eleven (11) days per year and ten (10) month support staff employees shall receive ten (10) days per year. Said days shall be credited as of July 1. A new employee whose contract is effective after July 1 shall receive one (1) day of sick leave for each remaining month of the contract period and such days shall be credited upon his/her initial employment. All employees shall be given an accounting of accumulated sick leave days prior to commencement of assigned duties each academic year.
B. A maximum of four (4) days in any one year for teachers, paraprofessionals, secretaries, bus drivers, maintenance staff, custodians and food service personnel shall be allowed for personal business with full pay under the following conditions:
- Personal business leaves will be granted only for personal emergencies and urgent personal business which cannot be transacted outside employment hours.
2. Requests for personal business leaves will be given to the superintendent or his/her designee at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the leave day requested. In the case of emergencies, the employee will submit the request as soon as possible.
3. Two of the four personal business days, in a given year, may be taken as Emergency Family Personal Days with no advanced notice needed.
4. No personal business leaves shall be approved preceding or following a holiday or holiday weekend, unless in the case of an emergency, at which time the employee shall give the reason for the absence.
5. For employees who begin employment February 1 or thereafter, this leave shall be limited to one day.
6. All unused personal days shall be accumulated as sick leave.
C. Employees shall be entitled to the following temporary non-accumulative leaves of absence with full pay each school year because of deaths in the family:
1. Death in the immediate family
a. Employees may be absent from school or work site without loss of pay for a period not to exceed five (5) days.
b. Definition: Immediate family is construed to mean parents, spouse, child, sister, brother, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, other persons residing in the household.
2. Death of a near relative
a. Employees may be absent from school or work site without loss of pay for the period of two (2) days, including the day of the funeral, because of the death of a near relative.
b. Definition: A near relative shall be construed to mean an uncle, aunt, niece or nephew.ARTICLE VIII
1. A teacher with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of teaching service in the district shall be paid for his/her accumulated sick leave in accordance with the conditions set forth herein below:
a. The teacher actually retires in accordance with the provisions of TPAF; however, a teacher who opts to "defer benefits" under TPAF shall not qualify for this benefit;
b. The teacher must have a minimum of fifty (50) accumulated sick days;
c. The teacher must notify in writing the Board of Education by December 1 of the calendar year preceding the effective date of retirement. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a delay of payment until such time that (1) the Board allocates the money in its next annual budget and (2) said budget becomes effective.;
d. The rate of reimbursement shall depend upon the teacher's actual number of accumulated sick days: $30 per day for all days up to seventy-five (75); $60 per day for all days seventy-six (76) through one hundred fifty (150); $75 for all days beyond one hundred fifty (150);
e. Pursuant to the formula set forth in 1.d., the individual maximum payment shall be $8,000.00.
2. A secretary or switchboard/receptionist with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of service in the district shall be paid for his/her accumulated sick leave in accordance with the conditions set forth herein below:
a. The secretary actually retires in accordance with the provisions of PERS; however, a secretary who opts to "defer benefits" under PERS shall not qualify for this benefit;
b. The secretary must have a minimum of fifty (50) accumulated sick days;
c. The secretary must notify in writing the Board of Education by December 1 of the calendar year
preceding the effective date of retirement. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a delay of payment until such time that (1) the Board allocates the money in its next annual budget and (2) said budget becomes effective;
d. The rate of reimbursement shall depend upon the secretary's actual number of accumulated sick days: $25 per day for all days up to seventy-five (75); $40 per day for all days seventy-six (76) through one hundred fifty (150); and $50 for all days beyond one hundred fifty (150);
e. Pursuant to the formula set forth in 2.d., the individual maximum payment shall be $5,000.00.
- A paraprofessional/food service worker with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of service in the district shall be paid for his/her accumulated sick leave in accordance with the conditions set forth herein below:
- The paraprofessional/food service worker actually retires in accordance with the provisions of PERS; however, a paraprofessional/food service worker who opts to “defer benefits” under PERS shall not qualify for this benefit:
- The paraprofessional/food service worker must have a minimum of fifty (50) accumulated sick days;
- The paraprofessional/food service worker must notify in writing the Board of Education by December 1 of the calendar year preceding the effective date of retirement. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a delay of payment until such time that (1) the Board allocates the money in its next annual budget and (2) said budget becomes effective;
- The rate of reimbursement shall depend upon the paraprofessional/food service worker’s actual number of accumulated sick days: $15 per day for all days up to seventy-five (75); $30 per day for all days seventy-six (76) through one hundred fifty (150); and $40 for all days beyond one hundred fifty (150);
- Pursuant to the formula set forth in 3.d., the individual maximum payment shall be $2,000.00.
- A bus driver with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of service in the district shall be paid for his/her accumulated sick leave in accordance with the conditions set forth herein below:
- The bus driver actually retires in accordance with the provisions of PERS; however, a bus driver who opts to “defer benefits” under PERS shall not qualify for this benefit:
- The bus driver must have a minimum of fifty (50) accumulated sick days;
- The bus driver must notify in writing the Board of Education by December 1 of the calendar year preceding the effective date of retirement. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a delay of payment until such time that (1) the Board allocates the money in its next annual budget and (2) said budget becomes effective;
- The rate of reimbursement shall depend upon the bus driver’s actual number of accumulated sick days: $15 per day for all days up to seventy-five (75); $30 per day for all days seventy-six (76) through one hundred fifty (150); and $40 for all days beyond one hundred fifty (150);
- Pursuant to the formula set forth in 4.d., the individual maximum payment shall be $2,400.00.
- A custodian, bus mechanic, maintenance personnel and groundsperson with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of service in the district shall be paid for his/her accumulated sick leave in accordance with the conditions set forth hereinbelow:
a. The custodian, bus mechanic and maintenance personnel and groundsperson actually retires in accordance with the provisions of PERS; however, a custodian/mechanic who opts to “defer benefits” under PERS shall not qualify for this benefit:
- The custodian, bus mechanic, maintenance personnel and groundsperson must have a minimum of fifty (50) accumulated sick days;
- The custodian, bus mechanic and maintenance personnel and groundsperson must notify in writing the Board of Education by December 1 of the calendar year preceding the effective date of retirement. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a delay of payment until such time
that (1) the Board allocates the money in its next annual budget and (2) said budget becomes effective;
- The rate of reimbursement shall depend upon the custodian’s, bus mechanic’s, maintenance and grounds personnel’s actual number of accumulated sick days: $20 per day for all days up to seventy-five (75); $30 per day for all days seventy-six (76) through one hundred fifty (150); and $40 for all days beyond one hundred fifty (150);
- Pursuant to the formula set forth in 5.d., the individual maximum payment shall be $3,500.00.
A. Employees
1. Individual Contract: Any individual contract between the Board and an employee heretofore or hereafter executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with the agreement, this agreement, during its duration, shall be controlling.
2. Bulletin Boards: The Association shall be provided a bulletin board in every employees' lounge for the exclusive use of the Association.
B. Teachers
1. Criticism of Teachers: Any question or criticism by a supervisor, administrator or Board member of a teacher and his or her methodology, shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, or other public gatherings.
C. Paraprofessional Employees
1. Criticism of Paraprofessional Employees: Any question or criticism by a supervisor, administrator, Board member or teacher of a paraprofessional employee and his or her performance shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, or other public gatherings.
2. New paraprofessional employees shall be hired on a sixty (60) day probationary period before being issued an employment contract.
3. Seniority based upon continuous years of service in the district according to job classification shall be used in cases of layoff or recall. Upon recall, paraprofessional employees shall be restored to the seniority level and salary step consistent with their level and step prior to layoff.
4. The Board may approve a request for a leave of absence without pay of up to one year for any reason deemed appropriate by the superintendent or his/her designee. A similar position shall be available for the paraprofessional employee upon termination of the leave.
D. Support Staff
1. Seniority based upon continuous years of service in the district according to job classification shall be used in cases of layoff or recall provided, however, that the employee possesses the requisite training, skills and ability to satisfactorily perform the job duties and responsibilities as determined by the superintendent. Upon recall, support staff employees shall be restored to a similar position at the seniority level and salary step consistent with their level and step prior to layoff.
2. The Board may approve a request for a leave of absence without pay of up to one year for any reason deemed appropriate by the superintendent or his/her designee. A similar position shall be available for the support staff employee upon termination of the leave.
3. Employment may be terminated by either party on two (2) weeks written notice and with a written statement of reasons. This provision shall not apply to probationary employees.
4. Bus Drivers
a. Field trips and other bus driver assignments shall be divided equally on a seniority basis in a cycle rotation until the list is exhausted. In the event no driver is willing to accept the field trip/other assignment, the driver whose name is at the top of the eligibility list may be required to make the trip.
b. When bus drivers are assigned to a driving situation deemed to be "difficult" by the Superintendent of Schools or his designee, at least two (2) buses or one (1) extra driver may be assigned.
c. Seniority shall be the basis for choosing bus runs, with kindergarten runs chosen first.
5. Custodians, Bus Mechanics, Maintenance Personnel and Groundsperson
a. Maintenance personnel and bus mechanics are required to be tidy in their personal dress. Uniforms, if provided by the Board, are required to be worn during the workday and at such other times when the employee is required to work
overtime. In addition, custodians, bus mechanics and maintenance personnel, except probationary employees, shall receive one pair of work boots/"safety shoes" ($75) per contract year. If, however, said probationary employees satisfactorily complete the sixty (60) day probationary period, they shall also be entitled to the above benefit in the first year of their employment provided that a minimum of six months (183 days) remain from the completion of their probationary period until the end of the current contract year.
E. Secretaries
1. Whenever any secretary is required to appear for a hearing before the Superintendent, the Board or any committee thereof, concerning the continuation of that secretary in the respective office, position or employment, or the salary thereto, they shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of their choosing present to advise and represent them during such meeting or interview.
2. No secretarial employee shall be reprimanded or criticized in the presence of students, parents or other members of the public.
3. When a position which pays a higher rate and which encompasses a higher level of responsibility within a secretarial job classification becomes vacant, notice of such vacancy shall be made available to the Association to allow prospective applicants to apply. Secretarial employees may apply for such position in writing subject to the same procedures and standards as any other applicant. The Board's decision whether to hire such employee shall be at its discretion and shall not be the subject of a grievance procedure.
4. Any secretarial employee who is resigning from their position shall give a minimum of two (2) weeks notice.
5. Secretarial employees shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year no later than May 15th.
6. Seniority Provisions
- In the event a secretarial employee must be laid off, said layoff will be made on the basis of district-wide seniority, insofar as the
secretarial employee(s) making the seniority claim possesses the necessary job skills and qualifications to perform in the position being claimed. Seniority shall be defined as continuous employment in the Evesham Township School District.
b. In the event a secretarial vacancy occurs, laid off employees shall be entitled to recall in order of seniority so long as the employee making the recall claim possesses the skills and qualifications to fill the vacant position.
c. No new secretarial employee may be hired while a secretary who meets job skills and qualification requirements is still on layoff.
d. When secretaries are recalled to work, they shall be restored in the appropriate step of the salary scale receiving credit for all time served in Evesham. All accumulated sick time and all other benefits said secretarial employee has at time of layoff shall be restored in their entirety upon the return of the secretary.
e. Seniority shall not be accumulated during the period of layoff or approved leave of absence. Upon recall or return from approved leave of absence, employees shall have their accumulated seniority to the date of layoff or commencement of approved leave of absence.
f. Procedure for Recall:
(1) Tenured secretaries on layoff shall be considered as awaiting recall.
(2) Tenured secretaries on layoff shall be recalled in reverse order of layoff when vacancies occur.
(3) While tenured secretaries are on layoff there will be no new hires for unit positions unless:
(a) No tenured secretary on layoff is certified to fill the vacant position.
(b) All certificated tenure secretaries on layoff decline the offer to fill the vacancy.
(c) No tenured secretaries on layoff request the vacant position within thirty (30) days from the time of the notice of its availability.
(d) To decline job offer will result in a removal from the recall list.
(4) Secretaries on layoff shall retain recall rights for two (2) years.
(g) A list establishing the order of recall according to the above standards shall be drawn by the Board.
F. Any non-renewed employee may request a meeting, in writing, with the Board of Education. This meeting will take place in closed session within 60 days of the notice to non-renew or the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
A. Teachers
1. The teacher workday is seven (7) hours and one (1) minute. The daily starting and ending times shall be determined by the Superintendent and set forth in the Faculty Manual for each individual school. The student day is as follows:
a. Middle School – Six (6) hours and 37 minutes
b. Elementary School – Six (6) hours and 24 minutes
c. Kindergarten – Five (5) hours and 12 minutes (Two sessions of two (2) hours and 36 minutes each.)
2. In addition to classroom teachers’ assigned instructional times, their daily workday includes the following:
a. Lunch Periods
(1) Middle School – 49 minutes
(2) Elementary School – 44 minutes
(3) Kindergarten – 44 minutes
b. Preparation Times
Middle School – 49 minutes per day
Elementary School – 220 minutes per five day week
Kindergarten – 260 minutes per five day week
Other Middle School Scheduled Time – Classroom Teachers
Daily five (5) minutes homeroom
Average of three (3) team planning times within six (6) day cycle of 49 minutes each, over the course of the year (90 per year)
Average of three (3) independent study times within six (6) day cycle of 49 minutes each, over the course of the year (90 per year)
Special area teachers’ workday is as follows:
a. Lunch Period - Middle School - 49 minutes
Elementary School - 44 minutes
b. Preparation Period - Middle School - 49 minutes
Elementary School - 220 minutes per five (5) day week
c. Middle School - Up to 30 instructional periods per five (5) day week
Elementary School - Up to 26 instructional periods per five (5) day week
Teachers may be assigned to any teaching or duty assignment which is consistent with the teaching certificate. For example, duty assignments may include, but are not limited to, lunch duty, hall monitoring, in-school suspensions and library supervision.
5. Teacher Work Year
The teacher work year shall be set at 187 days, three of which are reserved for emergency closing days. If these days are not needed for closing, they shall not be work days.
6. Teachers will be required to conduct one (1) evening parent-teacher conference in each school year. Said conferences shall not be scheduled for more than three (3) hours per evening, but teachers will be permitted to leave once all evening conference obligations have been fulfilled. On the day of such conferences, teachers will be released following a four (4) hour student school day. Evening conferences will be scheduled on a day preceding the scheduling of full day conferences, if so scheduled.
7. Special education teachers will be given release time during the spring in-service day to write IEP’s, if they so desire. This process will be evaluated on a yearly basis.
B. Bus Drivers
1. Bus drivers will work a minimum of four (4) hours per day and a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days per year. The time will include cleaning time, checking tires and brakes, and fueling his/her own vehicle.
C. Bus Mechanics, Custodians, and Maintenance Personnel
1. The workday for full-time mechanics and maintenance employees shall consist of eight and one-half (8½) consecutive hours, Monday through Friday, including one (1) thirty (30) minutes lunch period, and two (2) ten (10) minute break periods.
D. Secretaries
1. All full time secretaries shall work seven and one-half (7½) hours per day which includes one-half (½) hour lunch period. Hours shall be set by the Board of Education.
2. All full time secretaries shall work seven and one-half (7½) hours per day, which includes one-half (½) hour lunch period, and four (4) hours on Friday as summer hours beginning the Monday following the closing of school and continuing until the first day teachers return in September. Hours shall be set by the Board of Education.
3. Overtime is defined to mean any mutually agreed upon time to be spent at one's regularly assigned duties either before or after regular daily work hours or on days other than those in the regular work week or work year. Overtime shall be rounded to the next one-half (½) hour. Overtime shall be compensated regular time except that the portion worked over eight (8) hours per day or over forty (40) hours a week shall be paid at time and one-half (1-1/2).
The time plus one-half rate, when applicable, shall be computed by dividing the annual salary by the number of weeks in the work year, dividing the result by the number of hours in the work week, and multiplying the latter result by one and one-half. At the option of the employee, overtime may be taken as compensatory leave, hour for hour, only at such time as shall be approved by the employee's immediate supervisor.
A. Employee
1. Vacancies
a. All promotional vacancies affecting unit members shall be posted in faculty rooms or appropriate work locations as soon as practicable.
b. Employees who desire to apply for vacancies must file a written statement of application with the Superintendent or his/her designee within five (5) workdays of the posting of the vacancy.
2. Transfers
a. Employees who desire a transfer of assignment, location and/or shift must file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent or his/her designee no later than April 30th.
b. Protection Against Transfer: No employee will be transferred because of participation in negotiations.
A. Paraprofessional Employees
1. Paraprofessional employees shall be paid for one hundred eighty (180) pupil school days, plus one (1) orientation day. Paraprofessional employees may, at the discretion of the building principal, be paid to work on in-service days. Paraprofessional employees shall be paid for seven (7) legal holidays and a maximum of two (2) snow days which actually occur.
B. Bus Drivers
1. Bus drivers will work the calendar year required for their assigned school with the base pay being one hundred eighty-two (182) days. Bus drivers will be paid for Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, and one (1) in-service day, by voucher, as determined by the superintendent or his designee. Any driver working more than one hundred eighty (180) days will be paid at his/her regular hourly rate for the actual hours worked those days.
C. Bus Mechanics, Custodians/Grounds, and Maintenance Personnel
1. Bus mechanics, custodians/grounds, and maintenance personnel shall receive the following paid holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve. Bus mechanics, custodians/grounds, and maintenance personnel shall also receive the following additional paid holidays when school is closed for students - i.e., Presidents' Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Veterans Day. In the event that school is not closed on any or all of the above "additional holidays", no compensatory time shall be granted.
Bus mechanics, custodians/grounds, maintenance personnel and groundspeople shall not work on Jewish holidays and Easter Monday if schools are not in session on those days.
2. All bus mechanics, custodians/grounds, and maintenance personnel shall be entitled to vacations with pay according to the schedule set forth below. (Rates of
accrual will be effective with completion of full fiscal years, not anniversary dates.)
Two (2) weeks - After one year of employment. (Prorated for employees who have not completed one full year of employment by June 30th.)
Three (3) weeks - After five years of employment. After ten (10) years, one additional day for every year of employment until a maximum of four (4) weeks is reached.
D. Secretaries
1. All secretaries shall be entitled to paid holidays coinciding with the days during the school year upon which the schools of the Evesham Township School District are closed for the purpose of observing such holidays pursuant to the "school calendar" adopted by the administrating body of the said school district. It is understood and agreed that secretaries will work during the summer, the period from September 1 to the start of school and from the end of school to June 30 as part of the regular work year. Twelve (12) month secretaries working in the administration building may be required to work during winter and spring vacation and during periods the school is closed for weather conditions but they shall be entitled to compensatory leave for such service. During periods the schools are closed due to weather conditions, if a secretary is required to work, said secretary shall be entitled to transportation to and from school, at said secretary's request.
2. All twelve (12) month secretaries shall be entitled to vacations with pay according to the schedule set forth below. (Rates of accrual will be effective with completion of full fiscal years, not anniversary dates.)
Two (2) weeks - After one year of employment. (Prorated for employees who have not completed one full year of employment by June 30th.)
Three (3) weeks - After five years of employment. After ten (10) years, one additional day for every year of employment until a maximum of four (4) weeks is reached.
All ten (10) month secretaries hired before July 1, 1993, shall be entitled to vacations with pay according to the schedule set forth below:
Eight (8) days - After one year of employment. (Prorated for employees who have not completed one full year of employment by June 30th.)
Ten (10) month secretaries hired before July 1, 1993, shall mutually schedule the eight (8) vacation days with their immediate supervisor with approval not to be unreasonably withheld. Any vacation days not actually taken shall be paid on a prorated basis.
Ten (10) month secretaries hired on or after July 1, 1993, shall not be eligible for eight (8) vacation days.
3. Ten (10) month secretaries hired before July 1, 1993, who are hired in the eleven (11) month secretary category, will retain their eight (8) vacation days per year.
A. The main purpose of sabbatical leave shall be for a teacher's professional advancement or educational travel.
1. Professional Advancement:
a. A teacher who submits a program of study for a sabbatical leave shall undertake a full program. For purposes of this Article, "full program" shall be defined as follows:
(1) sixteen (16) hours undergraduate study per semester, or
(2) twelve (12) hours graduate study per semester, or
(3) the equivalent thereof.
The program submitted shall be designed to increase the teacher's understanding of educational psychology, improve the facility in teaching technique, or broaden experience in special subject fields.
b. At the beginning of each semester, the teacher must submit evidence of registration in an approved college or university. (This evidence may be submitted in the form of a letter from the registrar of the school, or the registration card from the school.)
c. At the end of each six week period, the teacher granted sabbatical leave must submit to the School Board through the Office of the Superintendent a written statement affirming that the employee is still in attendance at school.
d. At the conclusion of each semester, the teacher granted sabbatical leave shall produce evidence of the work completed during the semester.
2. Educational Travel:
a. A teacher who desires to travel must submit a complete statement of the proposed itinerary. Acceptable travel is defined as travel in foreign countries or travel that will enrich the teacher's experience and understanding of other people and other cultures.
b. Each month during the leave of absence, the teacher shall submit to the School Board through the Office of the Superintendent of Schools a letter showing the progress of his or her travel up to that period of time, or any change in itinerary.
c. Visit and observe an average of one school a month during sabbatical leave. If possible, observe in a minimum of two (2) different classrooms in each school. Observe for a minimum of one (1) hour in each room.
d. Visit places of educational interest, make notes and gather material that will give a broader educational background. Submit a list of these places.
e. At the conclusion of the leave of absence, a written report shall be submitted to the Board of Education through the Office of the Superintendent of Schools giving in detail a description of the travel and experience during the leave of absence.
B. A teacher shall be granted a sabbatical leave of absence after seven years of employment in the Evesham Township School District.
- Sabbatical leave shall be granted at the discretion of the Board, based upon program value, to no more than one teacher within the district using the following schedule:
2006/2007 Sabbatical granted
2007/2008 No sabbatical
2008/2009 Sabbatical granted
Unless the parties otherwise agree, a sabbatical will not be granted for the 2009/2010 school years.
D. Application for Sabbatical Leave
1. Must be made no later than January 1, preceding the school year for intended leave.
2. Must have a detailed written statement attached to application giving the purpose of the leave, plan of the activity to be pursued, and anticipated value of the experience to the individual in improving his/her professional competency and ability to serve the system.
- The sabbatical leave time period is one contractual year, September through June.
F. Reimbursement will be as follows:
1. Reimbursement will be granted at the rate equal to fifty percent of the salary the teacher would have received if he/she remained on duty.
2. Payment or reimbursement to be made in accordance with regular payroll dates.
G. While on leave, the teacher shall not engage in gainful employment except by written agreement with the Board. Scholarships and fellowships do not constitute gainful employment.
H. Sabbatical leave time shall be recognized for the purposes of salary increment and pension eligibility.
I. General conditions governing sabbatical leave are:
1. Five contractual teaching years must have passed since the first sabbatical for a teacher to become eligible for another.
2. The teacher shall agree in writing to return to his/her position (or a comparable one) in the school system for a period of at least two years following the completion of his/her leave. In the event the teacher does not return, he/she shall reimburse the Board of Education for the amount of money received for sabbatical leave.
A. Employees
1. Disability/maternity leave shall refer to a leave of absence during which an employee is unable for medical reasons to come to work. It shall be treated as sick leave and subject to all the requirements of such leave. When an employee either before or after delivery of a child, is deemed to be physically able to return to work, such leave shall end.
Normal disability time is considered up to four weeks prior to the birth and four to six weeks after the birth of a child. The determination of whether or not an employee is physically able to return to work will be by her own doctor. The Board may, however, require that she be examined by a doctor of its choice. In the event the two doctors disagree, then they shall, if possible, choose a third doctor whose opinion shall be binding; and, in the event that no agreement can be reached as to the third doctor, then application will be made for an appointment to the Burlington County Medical Society. In any event, said third doctor's opinion shall be binding.
2. Family leave may be taken under the N.J. Family Leave Act and/or the Federal Family Leave Act, if the employee has worked the qualifying number of hours. Family leave may not exceed a total of twelve (12) weeks and includes benefits, but does not include pay except as stated in 18A (Workers Comp).
B. Teachers
Childrearing leave shall refer to a leave of absence without pay to allow a teacher to be with a new child by birth, adoption or marriage. It shall be granted only in conformity to the provisions which follow:
1. Childrearing leave shall be granted to teachers holding tenure under the Tenure Act. Non-tenured teachers will be granted leave to the end of the then current school year.
2. Notice of intention to take a childrearing leave must be made within sixty (60) days prior to the time that leave is scheduled to begin.
- The leave shall commence on the date requested or such earlier date when the teacher cannot or requests not to continue working.
- At the time of giving the notice of intention for childrearing leave, the teacher shall elect to have the leave extended either for the remainder of the year in which it is commenced and/or for the following year as well, in either case terminating on September 1.
5. No pay, sick leave, insurance benefits or other financial contribution shall be made to a teacher during childrearing leave, except as may be required by the New Jersey Family Leave Act or the Federal Medical and Family Leave Law.
6. In the event that a teacher's pregnancy terminates prior to the expiration of the leave which has been granted, or prior to the inception of the leave which may have been requested, said teacher may apply for early reinstatement by filing a written request therefore with the superintendent accompanied by a physician's certification that she is medically able to resume or continue to perform her duties. The Board shall grant such a request if it has not contractually obligated itself to employ a replacement for the teacher in question during the period for which leave had been originally requested or granted and if such request can be fulfilled without substantially interfering with the effective administration of the educational program to which the teacher in question was assigned and seeks to be reinstated.
7. After the granting of childrearing leave to any teacher, the Board will give reasonable consideration to a request from the teacher for either the extension or reduction of the period of leave so granted. Only one extension will be granted per leave. However, an extension will not be considered if requested within 60 days of the original ending date of the childrearing leave. Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by the Board of Education on a case-by-case basis.
8. The Board of Education and the superintendent do not guarantee the assignment of teachers the same buildings or same assignment they held prior to the leave of absence.ARTICLE XV
A. If any provision of the agreement or any application of this agreement to any employee is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or application shall continue in full force and effect.
A. The parties hereby recognize the rights of the Board, in conformance with the laws of the State of New Jersey and rulings of the State Board of Education, as well as the Board's reserved rights. Said rights must be exercised in a manner consistent with the terms of this Agreement.
A. Purpose of Fee
If an employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year (i.e., from September 1 to the following August 31) which is covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the employee's per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative.
B. Amount of Fee
1. Notification
Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the Association to its own members for the membership year. Said fee shall conform to the rules and regulations promulgated by the Public Employment Relations Commission.
2. The representation fee shall be set at eighty-five percent (85%), the maximum allowed by law, which offsets the costs of the majority representative relative to negotiations, grievances, contract maintenance and other activities of employee representation.
C. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
1. Notification
Once during each membership year covered in whole or in part by this agreement, the Association will submit to the Board a list of those employees who have not become members of the Association for the then current membership year. The Board will then deduct from the salaries of such employees, in accordance with paragraph 2 below, the full amount of the representation fee and promptly will transmit the amount to the Association.
2. Payroll Deduction Schedule
Upon annual written notification that the Association has adopted and implemented a "demand and return
system" pursuant to PERC and applicable Federal and State laws/regulations, the Board will deduct the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks paid to each employee on the aforesaid list during the remainder of the membership year in question. The deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid:
(a) twenty (20) days after receipt of the aforesaid list by the Board; or
(b) sixty (60) days after the employee begins his or her employment in a bargaining unit position, unless the employee previously served in a bargaining unit position and continued in the employ of the Board in a non-bargaining unit position or was on layoff, in which event the deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid twenty (20) days after the resumption of the employee's employment in a bargaining unit position, whichever is later.
D. Termination of Employment
If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his or her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said employee during the membership year in question.
E. Mechanics
Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the deductions of representation fees and the transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
F. Changes
The Association will notify the Board in writing of any changes in the list provided for in section C above and/or the amount of the representation fee, and such changes will be reflected in any deductions made more than thirty (30) days after the Board received said notice. Deductions shall be made February 1 and/or June 15 for such changes.
G. New Employees
On or about the last day of each month, beginning with the month this Agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the Association, a list of all employees who began their employment in a bargaining unit position during the preceding 30 day period. The list will include names, job titles, and dates of employment for all such employees. Said deductions shall be pro rata for the remainder of the membership year effective sixty (60) days after the employee's initial date of employment provided that a minimum of ninety (90) days exists between the day the employee began his/her employment and the end of the current membership year (June 30).
H. Indemnification
The Association shall defend, indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses, that may arise out of, or by reason of any action taken or not taken by the Board in conformance with this provision.
This Agreement shall become effective as of July 1, 2006, and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2009.
In witness thereof, the Association has caused this Agreement to be signed by its President and Secretary, and the Board has caused this Agreement to be signed by its President, attested by its Secretary and its corporate seal to be placed hereon.
__________________________ ____________________________
Secretary President
__________________________ ____________________________Secretary President
September 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 42,242 | 44,142 | 46,642 | 48,042 | 50,542 |
2 | 42,500 | 44,400 | 46,900 | 48,300 | 50,800 |
3 | 42,757 | 44,657 | 47,157 | 48,557 | 51,057 |
4 | 43,015 | 44,915 | 47,415 | 48,815 | 51,315 |
5 | 43,273 | 45,173 | 47,673 | 49,073 | 51,573 |
6 | 43,530 | 45,430 | 47,930 | 49,330 | 51,830 |
7 | 44,560 | 46,460 | 48,960 | 50,360 | 52,860 |
8 | 45,591 | 47,491 | 49,991 | 51,391 | 53,891 |
9 | 46,621 | 48,521 | 51,021 | 52,421 | 54,921 |
10 | 47,651 | 49,551 | 52,051 | 53,451 | 55,951 |
11 | 48,939 | 50,839 | 53,339 | 54,739 | 57,239 |
12 | 49,970 | 51,870 | 54,370 | 55,770 | 58,270 |
13 | 51,515 | 53,415 | 55,915 | 57,315 | 59,815 |
14 | 54,091 | 55,991 | 58,491 | 59,891 | 62,391 |
15 | 57,954 | 59,854 | 62,354 | 63,754 | 66,254 |
16 | 62,848 | 64,748 | 67,248 | 68,648 | 71,148 |
17 | 73,151 | 75,051 | 77,551 | 78,951 | 81,451 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
September 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 43,549 | 45,499 | 48,149 | 49,549 | 52,149 |
2 | 43,749 | 45,699 | 48,349 | 49,749 | 52,349 |
3 | 44,015 | 45,965 | 48,615 | 50,015 | 52,615 |
4 | 44,280 | 46,230 | 48,880 | 50,280 | 52,880 |
5 | 44,545 | 46,495 | 49,145 | 50,545 | 53,145 |
6 | 44,810 | 46,760 | 49,410 | 50,810 | 53,410 |
7 | 45,871 | 47,821 | 50,471 | 51,871 | 54,471 |
8 | 46,931 | 48,881 | 51,531 | 52,931 | 55,531 |
9 | 47,992 | 49,942 | 52,592 | 53,992 | 56,592 |
10 | 49,052 | 51,002 | 53,652 | 55,052 | 57,652 |
11 | 50,378 | 52,328 | 54,978 | 56,378 | 58,978 |
12 | 51,439 | 53,389 | 56,039 | 57,439 | 60,039 |
13 | 53,030 | 54,980 | 57,630 | 59,030 | 61,630 |
14 | 55,681 | 57,631 | 60,281 | 61,681 | 64,281 |
15 | 59,658 | 61,608 | 64,258 | 65,658 | 68,258 |
16 | 64,696 | 66,646 | 69,296 | 70,696 | 73,296 |
17 | 75,302 | 77,252 | 79,902 | 81,302 | 83,902 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
September 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 44,742 | 46,742 | 49,742 | 51,242 | 54,742 |
2 | 44,942 | 46,942 | 49,942 | 51,442 | 54,942 |
3 | 45,142 | 47,142 | 50,142 | 51,642 | 55,142 |
4 | 45,342 | 47,342 | 50,342 | 51,842 | 55,342 |
5 | 45,614 | 47,614 | 50,614 | 52,114 | 55,614 |
6 | 45,885 | 47,885 | 50,885 | 52,385 | 55,885 |
7 | 46,971 | 48,971 | 51,971 | 53,471 | 56,971 |
8 | 48,057 | 50,057 | 53,057 | 54,557 | 58,057 |
9 | 49,144 | 51,144 | 54,144 | 55,644 | 59,144 |
10 | 50,230 | 52,230 | 55,230 | 56,730 | 60,230 |
11 | 51,587 | 53,587 | 56,587 | 58,087 | 61,587 |
12 | 52,673 | 54,673 | 57,673 | 59,173 | 62,673 |
13 | 54,302 | 56,302 | 59,302 | 60,802 | 64,302 |
14 | 57,017 | 59,017 | 62,017 | 63,517 | 67,017 |
15 | 61,090 | 63,090 | 66,090 | 67,590 | 71,090 |
16 | 66,249 | 68,249 | 71,249 | 72,749 | 76,249 |
17 | 77,109 | 79,109 | 82,109 | 83,609 | 87,109 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 46,467 | 48,557 | 51,307 | 52,847 | 55,597 |
2 | 46,750 | 48,840 | 51,590 | 53,130 | 55,880 |
3 | 47,033 | 49,123 | 51,873 | 53,413 | 56,163 |
4 | 47,317 | 49,407 | 52,157 | 53,697 | 56,447 |
5 | 47,600 | 49,690 | 52,440 | 53,980 | 56,730 |
6 | 47,883 | 49,973 | 52,723 | 54,263 | 57,013 |
7 | 49,017 | 51,107 | 53,857 | 55,397 | 58,147 |
8 | 50,150 | 52,240 | 54,990 | 56,530 | 59,280 |
9 | 51,283 | 53,373 | 56,123 | 57,663 | 60,413 |
10 | 52,417 | 54,507 | 57,257 | 58,797 | 61,547 |
11 | 53,833 | 55,923 | 58,673 | 60,213 | 62,963 |
12 | 54,967 | 57,057 | 59,807 | 61,347 | 64,097 |
13 | 56,667 | 58,757 | 61,507 | 63,047 | 65,797 |
14 | 59,500 | 61,590 | 64,340 | 65,880 | 68,630 |
15 | 63,750 | 65,840 | 68,590 | 70,130 | 72,880 |
16 | 69,133 | 71,223 | 73,973 | 75,513 | 78,263 |
17 | 80,466 | 82,556 | 85,306 | 86,846 | 89,596 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 47,904 | 50,049 | 52,964 | 54,504 | 57,364 |
2 | 48,124 | 50,269 | 53,184 | 54,724 | 57,584 |
3 | 48,416 | 50,561 | 53,476 | 55,016 | 57,876 |
4 | 48,708 | 50,853 | 53,768 | 55,308 | 58,168 |
5 | 48,999 | 51,144 | 54,059 | 55,599 | 58,459 |
6 | 49,291 | 51,436 | 54,351 | 55,891 | 58,751 |
7 | 50,458 | 52,603 | 55,518 | 57,058 | 59,918 |
8 | 51,624 | 53,769 | 56,684 | 58,224 | 61,084 |
9 | 52,791 | 54,936 | 57,851 | 59,391 | 62,251 |
10 | 53,958 | 56,103 | 59,018 | 60,558 | 63,418 |
11 | 55,416 | 57,561 | 60,476 | 62,016 | 64,876 |
12 | 56,583 | 58,728 | 61,643 | 63,183 | 66,043 |
13 | 58,332 | 60,477 | 63,392 | 64,932 | 67,792 |
14 | 61,249 | 63,394 | 66,309 | 67,849 | 70,709 |
15 | 65,624 | 67,769 | 70,684 | 72,224 | 75,084 |
16 | 71,166 | 73,311 | 76,226 | 77,766 | 80,626 |
17 | 82,832 | 84,977 | 87,892 | 89,432 | 92,292 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 49,217 | 51,417 | 54,717 | 56,367 | 60,217 |
2 | 49,437 | 51,637 | 54,937 | 56,587 | 60,437 |
3 | 49,657 | 51,857 | 55,157 | 56,807 | 60,657 |
4 | 49,877 | 52,077 | 55,377 | 57,027 | 60,877 |
5 | 50,175 | 52,375 | 55,675 | 57,325 | 61,175 |
6 | 50,474 | 52,674 | 55,974 | 57,624 | 61,474 |
7 | 51,669 | 53,869 | 57,169 | 58,819 | 62,669 |
8 | 52,863 | 55,063 | 58,363 | 60,013 | 63,863 |
9 | 54,058 | 56,258 | 59,558 | 61,208 | 65,058 |
10 | 55,253 | 57,453 | 60,753 | 62,403 | 66,253 |
11 | 56,746 | 58,946 | 62,246 | 63,896 | 67,746 |
12 | 57,941 | 60,141 | 63,441 | 65,091 | 68,941 |
13 | 59,732 | 61,932 | 65,232 | 66,882 | 70,732 |
14 | 62,719 | 64,919 | 68,219 | 69,869 | 73,719 |
15 | 67,199 | 69,399 | 72,699 | 74,349 | 78,199 |
16 | 72,874 | 75,074 | 78,374 | 80,024 | 83,874 |
17 | 84,820 | 87,020 | 90,320 | 91,970 | 95,820 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
1 | 12.00 | 20.97 | 12.00 |
2 | 12.21 | 21.22 | 12.21 |
3 | 12.42 | 21.48 | 12.42 |
4 | 12.65 | 21.75 | 12.65 |
5 | 12.90 | 22.01 | 12.90 |
6 | 13.15 | 22.26 | 13.15 |
7 | 13.40 | 22.52 | 13.40 |
8 | 13.65 | 22.79 | 13.65 |
9 | 13.90 | 23.04 | 13.90 |
10 | 14.15 | 23.31 | 14.15 |
11 | 14.40 | 23.56 | 14.40 |
12 | 14.64 | 23.82 | 14.64 |
13 | 14.90 | 24.08 | 14.90 |
14 | 15.15 | 24.34 | 15.15 |
15 | 15.44 | 24.60 | 15.44 |
16 | 16.50 | 25.08 | 16.50 |
Teaching assistants and classroom aides who have a valid New Jersey teaching certificate shall receive an additional fifty cents ($.50) per hour worked.
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 12.47 | 21.75 | 12.47 |
2 | 12.57 | 21.85 | 12.57 |
3 | 12.78 | 22.11 | 12.78 |
4 | 13.02 | 22.39 | 13.02 |
5 | 13.28 | 22.65 | 13.28 |
6 | 13.53 | 22.92 | 13.53 |
7 | 13.80 | 23.18 | 13.80 |
8 | 14.05 | 23.46 | 14.05 |
9 | 14.31 | 23.71 | 14.31 |
10 | 14.56 | 23.99 | 14.56 |
11 | 14.83 | 24.26 | 14.83 |
12 | 15.07 | 24.52 | 15.07 |
13 | 15.34 | 24.79 | 15.34 |
14 | 15.59 | 25.05 | 15.59 |
15 | 15.90 | 25.33 | 15.90 |
16 | 16.98 | 25.81 | 16.98 |
Teaching assistants and classroom aides who have a valid New Jersey teaching certificate shall receive an additional fifty cents ($.50) per hour worked.
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 12.89 | 22.44 | 12.89 |
2 | 12.99 | 22.54 | 12.99 |
3 | 13.09 | 22.64 | 13.09 |
4 | 13.34 | 22.93 | 13.34 |
5 | 13.60 | 23.20 | 13.60 |
6 | 13.86 | 23.47 | 13.86 |
7 | 14.13 | 23.74 | 14.13 |
8 | 14.39 | 24.02 | 14.39 |
9 | 14.65 | 24.28 | 14.65 |
10 | 14.91 | 24.57 | 14.91 |
11 | 15.18 | 24.84 | 15.18 |
12 | 15.43 | 25.11 | 15.43 |
13 | 15.70 | 25.38 | 15.70 |
14 | 15.96 | 25.65 | 15.96 |
15 | 16.68 | 26.04 | 16.68 |
16 | 17.39 | 26.43 | 17.39 |
Teaching assistants and classroom aides who have a valid New Jersey teaching certificate shall receive an additional fifty cents ($.50) per hour worked.
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 41,520 | 25,778 | 10.77 |
2 | 41,791 | 26,358 | 11.01 |
3 | 42,046 | 27,039 | 11.19 |
4 | 42,355 | 27,656 | 11.58 |
5 | 42,733 | 28,325 | 11.79 |
6 | 43,111 | 28,994 | 12.00 |
7 | 43,490 | 29,663 | 12.23 |
8 | 43,867 | 30,332 | 12.46 |
9 | 44,244 | 31,002 | 13.38 |
10 | 44,623 | 31,670 | 13.61 |
11 | 45,001 | 32,340 | 13.84 |
12 | 45,379 | 33,010 | 14.06 |
13 | 45,756 | 33,679 |  |
14 | 46,134 | 34,348 |  |
15 | 46,511 | 35,017 |  |
16 | 47,404 | 35,533 |  |
17 |  | 36,048 |  |
18 |  | 36,563 |  |
19 |  | 37,079 |  |
20 |  | 41,181 |  |
LONGEVITY $200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 42,820 | 26,933 | 11.24 |
2 | 43,020 | 27,133 | 11.34 |
3 | 43,282 | 27,834 | 11.52 |
4 | 43,600 | 28,469 | 11.92 |
5 | 43,989 | 29,158 | 12.13 |
6 | 44,378 | 29,846 | 12.36 |
7 | 44,769 | 30,535 | 12.59 |
8 | 45,157 | 31,224 | 12.82 |
9 | 45,545 | 31,913 | 13.78 |
10 | 45,935 | 32,602 | 14.01 |
11 | 46,324 | 33,291 | 14.24 |
12 | 46,713 | 33,980 | 14.48 |
13 | 47,101 | 34,670 |  |
14 | 47,490 | 35,358 |  |
15 | 47,878 | 36,046 |  |
16 | 48,798 | 36,578 |  |
17 |  | 37,108 |  |
18 |  | 37,638 |  |
19 |  | 38,170 |  |
20 |  | 42,392 |  |
LONGEVITY $200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 43,920 | 28,102 | 11.59 |
2 | 44,120 | 28,302 | 11.69 |
3 | 44,320 | 28,502 | 11.79 |
4 | 44,646 | 29,153 | 12.21 |
5 | 45,045 | 29,858 | 12.42 |
6 | 45,443 | 30,562 | 12.65 |
7 | 45,843 | 31,268 | 12.89 |
8 | 46,241 | 31,973 | 13.13 |
9 | 46,638 | 32,679 | 14.11 |
10 | 47,038 | 33,384 | 14.35 |
11 | 47,436 | 34,090 | 14.59 |
12 | 47,834 | 34,796 | 14.82 |
13 | 48,231 | 35,502 |  |
14 | 48,630 | 36,207 |  |
15 | 49,027 | 37,418 |  |
16 | 49,969 | 38,629 |  |
17 |  | 39,840 |  |
18 |  | 41,051 |  |
19 |  | 42,262 |  |
20 |  | 43,409 |  |
LONGEVITY $200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
STEP | 12
MONTH | 11
MONTH | 10
1 | 26,376 | 24,186 | 21,979 |
2 | 26,633 | 24,423 | 22,193 |
3 | 26,891 | 24,659 | 22,408 |
4 | 27,148 | 24,895 | 22,623 |
5 | 27,406 | 25,131 | 22,837 |
6 | 27,664 | 25,367 | 23,052 |
7 | 27,921 | 25,604 | 23,267 |
8 | 28,694 | 26,312 | 23,911 |
9 | 29,724 | 27,257 | 24,769 |
10 | 30,754 | 28,202 | 25,628 |
11 | 31,785 | 29,147 | 26,486 |
12 | 33,330 | 30,564 | 27,774 |
13 | 34,876 | 31,981 | 29,062 |
14 | 36,421 | 33,398 | 30,350 |
15 | 38,482 | 35,288 | 32,067 |
16 | 42,196 | 38,694 | 35,162 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
STEP | 12
MONTH | 11
MONTH | 10
1 | 27,216 | 24,957 | 22,679 |
2 | 27,416 | 25,141 | 22,846 |
3 | 27,681 | 25,384 | 23,067 |
4 | 27,947 | 25,627 | 23,288 |
5 | 28,212 | 25,870 | 23,509 |
6 | 28,477 | 26,113 | 23,730 |
7 | 28,742 | 26,356 | 23,951 |
8 | 29,537 | 27,086 | 24,614 |
9 | 30,598 | 28,058 | 25,497 |
10 | 31,659 | 29,031 | 26,381 |
11 | 32,719 | 30,004 | 27,265 |
12 | 34,310 | 31,462 | 28,591 |
13 | 35,901 | 32,921 | 29,916 |
14 | 37,492 | 34,380 | 31,242 |
15 | 39,613 | 36,325 | 33,010 |
16 | 43,436 | 39,831 | 36,196 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
STEP | 12
MONTH | 11
MONTH | 10
1 | 27,946 | 25,626 | 23,287 |
2 | 28,146 | 25,810 | 23,454 |
3 | 28,346 | 25,993 | 23,621 |
4 | 28,617 | 26,242 | 23,847 |
5 | 28,889 | 26,491 | 24,073 |
6 | 29,160 | 26,740 | 24,299 |
7 | 29,432 | 26,989 | 24,526 |
8 | 30,246 | 27,736 | 25,204 |
9 | 31,332 | 28,732 | 26,109 |
10 | 32,418 | 29,728 | 27,014 |
11 | 33,504 | 30,724 | 27,919 |
12 | 35,134 | 32,217 | 29,277 |
13 | 36,763 | 33,711 | 30,634 |
14 | 39,358 | 36,091 | 32,797 |
15 | 41,953 | 38,471 | 34,959 |
16 | 44,479 | 40,787 | 37,064 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 28.40 | 20.73 |
2 | 28.95 | 21.13 |
3 | 29.52 | 21.55 |
4 | 30.08 | 21.96 |
5 | 30.92 | 22.57 |
6 | 31.75 | 23.18 |
7 | 32.59 | 23.79 |
8 | 33.43 | 24.41 |
9 | 34.27 | 25.02 |
10 | 35.10 | 25.62 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 29.23 | 21.34 |
2 | 29.80 | 21.76 |
3 | 30.39 | 22.18 |
4 | 30.97 | 22.61 |
5 | 31.83 | 23.23 |
6 | 32.69 | 23.86 |
7 | 33.55 | 24.49 |
8 | 34.42 | 25.12 |
9 | 35.28 | 25.75 |
10 | 36.13 | 26.38 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 29.93 | 21.94 |
2 | 30.52 | 22.37 |
3 | 31.12 | 22.81 |
4 | 31.71 | 23.25 |
5 | 32.59 | 23.89 |
6 | 33.47 | 24.53 |
7 | 34.35 | 25.18 |
8 | 35.24 | 25.83 |
9 | 36.12 | 26.48 |
10 | 37.00 | 27.12 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 10,746 | 9.32 |
2 | 11,004 | 9.48 |
3 | 11,261 | 9.62 |
4 | 11,531 | 9.81 |
5 | 11,791 | 10.05 |
6 | 12,051 | 10.29 |
7 | 12,311 | 10.53 |
8 | 12,570 | 10.77 |
9 | 12,829 | 11.01 |
10 | 13,089 | 11.25 |
11 | 13,349 | 11.50 |
12 | 13,608 | 11.75 |
13 | 13,868 | 11.98 |
14 | 14,127 | 12.21 |
15 | 14,387 | 12.46 |
16 | 14,647 | 12.81 |
17 | 15,165 | 13.34 |
18 | 16,742 | 13.69 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 11,127 | 9.66 |
2 | 11,327 | 9.76 |
3 | 11,592 | 9.91 |
4 | 11,870 | 10.10 |
5 | 12,137 | 10.34 |
6 | 12,406 | 10.60 |
7 | 12,673 | 10.84 |
8 | 12,939 | 11.08 |
9 | 13,206 | 11.34 |
10 | 13,474 | 11.58 |
11 | 13,741 | 11.84 |
12 | 14,008 | 12.09 |
13 | 14,276 | 12.33 |
14 | 14,543 | 12.57 |
15 | 14,810 | 12.82 |
16 | 15,077 | 13.18 |
17 | 15,611 | 13.73 |
18 | 17,235 | 14.10 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 11,470 | 9.94 |
2 | 11,670 | 10.04 |
3 | 11,870 | 10.14 |
4 | 12,155 | 10.34 |
5 | 12,429 | 10.59 |
6 | 12,703 | 10.85 |
7 | 12,977 | 11.10 |
8 | 13,250 | 11.35 |
9 | 13,523 | 11.61 |
10 | 13,797 | 11.86 |
11 | 14,071 | 12.18 |
12 | 14,344 | 12.50 |
13 | 14,618 | 12.82 |
14 | 14,892 | 13.14 |
15 | 15,166 | 13.46 |
16 | 15,439 | 13.78 |
17 | 15,985 | 14.10 |
18 | 17,648 | 14.43 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
STEP | 2006-2007 | 2007-2008 | 2008-2009 |
 |  |  |  |
A | 15.75 | 15.75 | 15.75 |
B | 16.80 | 16.80 | 16.80 |
C | 17.85 | 17.85 | 17.85 |
1 | 18.90 | 18.90 | 18.90 |
2 | 19.71 | 20.26 | 20.87 |
3 | 19.97 | 20.52 | 21.13 |
4 | 20.37 | 20.92 | 21.53 |
5 | 20.61 | 21.16 | 21.77 |
6 | 20.84 | 21.39 | 22.00 |
7 | 21.10 | 21.65 | 22.26 |
8 | 21.36 | 21.91 | 22.52 |
9 | 21.60 | 22.15 | 22.76 |
10 | 21.85 | 22.40 | 23.01 |
11 | 22.10 | 22.65 | 23.26 |
12 | 22.35 | 22.90 | 23.51 |
13 | 22.59 | 23.14 | 23.75 |
14 | 22.82 | 23.37 | 23.98 |
15 | 23.33 | 23.88 | 24.49 |
16 | 23.57 | 24.12 | 24.73 |
17 | 24.16 | 24.71 | 25.32 |
18 | 24.52 | 25.07 | 25.68 |
LONGEVITY $200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th
Payment in total shall be made in December.SCHEDULE J-1
2006-2009 The following regulations shall be used for extra class activities:
1. All after school activities must be approved by the school principal, superintendent and the Board.
2. All after school activities may be created or stopped by the Board at any time during the school year, and the Board may limit the time or dollars spent on certain activities. After the school activity has been approved and the Board decides to stop the activity, the teacher will be paid for the amount of time s/he spent on the activity before abolishment, but no less than fifteen percent (15%) of the total amount of hours to which have been agree.
3. For approved activities, individuals, as needed, will be issued contracts at the following rates:
(62 or more hours; per sport)
(less than 62 hours; per sport)
(per activity; per building) Director Asst.
Drama 2030 1015 1200
Student Council 2030 1015 1200
Band 2030 1015 1200
Orchestra 2030 1015 1200
Jazz Band 2030 1015
Chorus (per chorus) 2030 1015 1400
Yearbook 2030 1015 1200
Cheerleading 2030 1015
Safety Patrol - - 600 (25 hrs.)
Newspaper (per issue) 1200 600 -
3 issues max. – additional issues with supt. approval
Basketball (boys) 3425 2305
Basketball (girls) 3425 2305
Wrestling 3425 2305
Soccer (boys) 2825 1915
Soccer (girls) 2825 1915
Cross Country 2825 1915
Softball (boys) 2825 1915
Softball (girls) 2825 1915
Track (boys) 2825 1915
Track (girls) 2825 1915
Baseball (boys) 2825 1915
Field Hockey 2825 1915
Lacrosse 2825 1915
Professional services shall include but not be limited to: curriculum writing, conducting workshops and in-services, compulsory attendance at more than one Back to School Night, summer employment. Professional services shall exclude other separately contracted summer work (i.e. Metamorphosis Program, CAPPS, CST casework) or any other previously contracted work that was paid at a higher rate. Cafeteria duty for middle school teachers on their lunch or prep time will be paid at the approved club rate.
Payment for extracurricular activities shall be made in accordance with the following schedule:
December payment:
Field Hockey Full stipend
Soccer (boys) Full stipend
Soccer (girls) Full stipend
Cross Country Full stipend
Newspaper Full per issue stipend
Drama Half stipend
Student Council Half stipend
Band Half stipend
Orchestra Half stipend
Chorus Half stipend
Yearbook Half stipend
Safety Patrol Half stipend
Jazz Band Half stipend
Board approved clubs/hourly activities Hours submitted
March payment:
Basketball (boys) Full stipend
Basketball (girls) Full stipend
Wrestling Full stipend
Cheerleading Full stipend
Newspaper Full per issue stipend
June payment:
Softball (boys) Full stipend
Softball (girls) Full stipend
Track (boys) Full stipend
Track (girls) Full stipend
Baseball (boys) Full stipend
Lacrosse Full stipend
Newspaper Full per issue stipend
Drama Half stipend
Student Council Half stipend
Band Half stipend
Orchestra Half stipend
Chorus Half stipend
Yearbook Half stipend
Safety Patrol Half stipend
Jazz Band Half stipend
Board approved clubs/hourly activities Hours submitted within respective
time periods:
Professional services Payment in June, July, August, January and May
Between The
And The
JULY 1, 2006
JUNE 30, 2009
ARTICLE I - PREAMBLE ........................................ 1
ARTICLE II - PROCEDURE ...................................... 3
ARTICLE III - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ........................... 4
ARTICLE IV - SALARIES ....................................... 9
ARTICLE V - INSURANCE PROTECTION ............................ 15
ARTICLE VI - TUITION AID .................................... 21
ARTICLE VIII - SICK LEAVE BUYBACK .......................... 26
ARTICLE IX - EMPLOYEES RIGHTS ............................... 30
ARTICLE X - WORKDAY, WORKLOAD & WORK YEAR ................... 35
ARTICLE XI - VACANCIES AND TRANSFERS ........................ 38
ARTICLE XII - VACATIONS AND HOLIDAYS ........................ 39
ARTICLE XIII - SABBATICAL LEAVE ............................. 42
ARTICLE XV - SEVERABILITY ................................... 47
ARTICLE XVI - BOARD'S RIGHTS ................................ 48
ARTICLE XVII - REPRESENTATION FEE ........................... 49
ARTICLE XVIII - DURATION OF AGREEMENT ....................... 52
SALARY GUIDES/PAYMENTSCHEDULES............................... 53
A. Recognition
1. The Evesham Township Board of Education has recognized the Evesham Township Education Association as the representative for negotiations concerning terms and conditions of employment for all Evesham Township School District personnel specifically named in Section A.2. below within the scope of N.J.S.A. 34:13A-1 et seq. known as the New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act, and as modified and interpreted by the Public Employers Relations Commission through its Rules and Regulations.
2. That recognition agreement between the Evesham Township Board of Education and the Evesham Township Education Association will include teachers, speech/language specialists, media specialists, guidance counselors, school psychologists, learning disabilities teacher-consultants, social workers, nurses, classroom aides, health aides, library clerks, teacher assistants, secretaries, bus drivers, bus mechanics, maintenance personnel, custodial personnel, food service personnel, and grounds personnel, but will exclude all administrators and supervisors.
B. Definitions
1. As used hereinafter, the term "employee" shall apply to all members of the bargaining unit.
2. As used hereinafter, the term "teacher" shall apply to teachers, speech/language specialists, media specialists, guidance counselors, school psychologists, learning disability teacher-consultants, social workers and nurses.
3. As used hereinafter, the term "paraprofessional employee" shall apply to classroom aides, health aides, library clerks and teacher assistants.
4. As used hereinafter, the term "support staff employee" shall apply to bus drivers, bus mechanics, maintenance personnel, custodial personnel, food service personnel, and grounds personnel.
5. As used hereinafter, the term "custodian" shall apply to non-supervisory custodians and grounds personnel.
6. As used hereinafter, the term "food service personnel" shall apply to all cafeteria workers and helpers, but shall not include dishwashers and/or cook-managers.
7. As used hereafter, the term “interpreter” shall apply to interpreters.
8. As used hereinafter, the term "secretaries" shall include: school secretaries, central office secretaries, switchboard/receptionist, secretary to the Child Study Team, and bookkeepers, in the Evesham Township Public Schools, but exclude:
a. Superintendent's secretary
b. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum secretaries
c. Secretaries to the Assistant Superintendent for Business/Board Secretary
d. Secretaries to Director of Personnel
9. As used hereinafter, the term "non-teacher" shall apply to all paraprofessional employees and all support staff employees.
10. As used hereinafter, the term "probationary employee" shall apply to (1) any support staff who is employed less than or equal to sixty (60) calendar days from the date the employee actually commences working or (2) any paraprofessional employee who is employed less than or equal to sixty (60) calendar days from the date he/she actually commences working. During this probationary period, said employees may be disciplined or discharged at the sole discretion of the Board, and such decision shall not be subject to the provisions of the grievance procedure. Moreover, during the first (1st) sixty (60) calendar days of their actual employment, probationary support staff employees shall neither receive nor accrue "insurance protection" benefits as provided in Article V.
The Evesham Township Education Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association) and the Evesham Township Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the Board) hereby agree that the procedures listed below will be adhered to during all negotiations between the Association and the Board.
A. Negotiations shall begin in accordance with the law. Any agreement that is negotiated shall apply to all personnel as covered in the Preamble, be reduced to writing, and be presented to the Association and the Board for adoption.
B. Neither party in any negotiation shall have any control over the selection of the negotiation representatives of the other party.
1. The maximum number of representatives on Association and Board negotiating teams shall be equal. This number shall be mutually agreed upon at the first negotiating session.
2. Either party may bring in legal and/or professional advisors, having given forty-eight (48) hours notice.
3. The parties mutually pledge that their representatives shall be clothed with all necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals, and make counterproposals in the course of negotiations.
C. Negotiations
1. All public financial records shall be available to the Association for inspection no later than December 15 of each year.
2. The parties shall meet at least once every two weeks until the negotiation agreement is reached, unless other arrangements have been mutually agreed upon.
3. Negotiation sessions are not to last more than three (3) hours unless mutually agreed upon.
D. The Association and the Board agree that any attempt to coerce, to dominate, to censor or to penalize any participant in the negotiations shall be recognized as a breach of good faith.
A. Definitions
1. A grievance is a claim by any employee and/or group of employees desiring to appeal the application or violation of policies, administrative decisions, and the negotiated agreement affecting them.
2. The term "grievance" and the procedure related thereto shall not be deemed applicable in the following instances:
a. The failure or refusal of the Board to renew a contract of a non-tenure employee.
b. All things that are by law beyond the scope of the Board's authority or are limited to this Board alone.
3. All days herein shall be construed to mean school/work days.
4. The term grievant shall mean the employee and/or group of employees filing a grievance.
B. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of any employee having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with an appropriate member of the administration, and having the grievance adjusted without intervention of the Association, provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with terms of this Agreement.
C. It is understood that employees shall, during and notwithstanding the pendency of any grievance, continue to observe all assignments and applicable rules and regulations of the Board until such grievance and any effect thereof shall have been fully determined.
D. Except for group grievances which shall be initiated by the Association at the Superintendent's level, any employee who has a grievance shall discuss it first with his principal (or immediate supervisor, if applicable) in an attempt to resolve the matter informally at that level.
E. Procedures
1. Report to the immediate principal or supervisor:
a. A grievance, to be considered under the procedure, must be initiated by the employee within twenty-five (25) school/work days of its occurrence.
b. The request for a meeting does not have to be made in writing.
c. The employee(s) may be represented at this meeting with a person of his/her own choosing.
d. The employee(s) shall set forth the grievance in writing to the principal or supervisor, specifying;
(1) the nature of the grievance and the date of its occurrence;
(2) the nature and extent of the injury, loss or inconvenience;
(3) the contractual or other basis of the grievance;
(4) the remedy sought.
e. The principal or supervisor shall communicate his decision to the grievant in writing within five (5) school/work days of receipt of the written grievance.
f. If the grievance is not successfully resolved at the meeting, the employee(s) must wait at least two days before proceeding with the complaint to the superintendent of schools.
2. To meet with the superintendent:
a. If the grievant is dissatisfied with the resolution of the grievance by the principal or immediate supervisor, he may, not later than twenty-five (25) school/work days after receipt of the decision of the principal or immediate supervisor, forward the written grievance statement to the superintendent and request a meeting.
b. If the employee(s) wishes to have representation present at this meeting, the name of the individual and/or the organization must be presented in writing to the superintendent.
c. Within twenty (20) school/work days of his receipt of the grievance, the superintendent shall meet with the grievant and communicate his decision in writing to the grievant and the immediate principal or supervisor.
3. If the grievance is not resolved to the grievant's satisfaction, not later than five (5) school/work days after receipt of the superintendent's decision, the grievant may request a review by the Board of Education. The request shall be submitted in writing through the Superintendent of Schools, with a copy to the Secretary of the Board of Education. The Board shall review the grievance and shall hold a hearing with the grievant and render a decision in writing within twenty-five (25) school/work days of receipt of the grievance by the Board Secretary. During the hearing, the grievant shall have a right to be represented by counsel of his/her choosing and shall have the right to examine and cross-examine witnesses and to produce witnesses. The board shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the hearing of the grievant's representative.
4. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding for all non-tenure grievances. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding for all teacher and secretarial personnel grievances except as otherwise provided hereinbelow:
a. Those from which there is an established appeals procedure through an appropriate governmental agency or court.
b. Those which concern themselves with the application or violation of the terms and conditions of employment as specified in writing in the negotiated agreement and for which there is no appeals procedure as set forth above.
5. If the teacher or secretary is dissatisfied with the decision of the Board and if the grievance pertains to a violation of the terms and conditions of employment as specified in writing in this agreement between the Board and the Association, the Association may request the appointment of an arbitrator, such request to be made known to the superintendent no later than ten (10) school/work days after the decision, in writing, of the Board.
a. Said arbitration shall be final and binding and shall be conducted under the rules of the American Arbitration Association.
b. The arbitrator shall limit himself to the issues submitted to him and shall consider nothing else. He can add nothing to, nor subtract anything from, the Agreement between the parties or any policy of the Board of Education. Only the Board, the Association, and the aggrieved shall be given copies of the arbitrator’s opinion and award.
This shall be accomplished within thirty (30) school/work days of the completion of the arbitrator’s hearing.
c. The Board and the Association shall assure the individual freedom from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal in presenting his appeal with respect to his personal grievance.
d. No meeting or hearing conducted under this procedure shall be public. The only parties in attendance shall be the parties in interest and the designated or selected representatives contemplated in this article.
e. The costs for the services of the arbitrator, including the per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, subsistence expenses and the cost of the hearing room shall be borne equally by the Board and Association. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring same.
F. In the event a grievance, if filed at such time that it cannot be processed through all the steps of this grievance procedure by the end of the school year and if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year, could result in irreparable harm to a party in interest, the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school year or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
G. The number of days indicated at each level shall be considered as a maximum; however, the time limits specified may be extended by mutual agreement. Failure of the grievant to meet the next step within the specified time limit shall be deemed a withdrawal of the grievance. Failure of the Board to meet the next step within the specified time limit shall automatically advance the grievance to the next grievance level; however, if the grievance is non-arbitrable, and there is no next level, then failure of the Board to meet
the next step within the specified time limit shall permit the dispute to be submitted to the Public Employment Relations Commission.
A. Teachers
1. The salaries of the teachers covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedules A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
2. Payment for extracurricular activities shall be made in accordance with Schedule J-1 which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The timeline for payment for extracurricular activities shall be in accordance with Schedule J-2.
3. Middle School Guidance Counselors shall receive a salary differential of $800.00.
4. Team Leaders shall receive a salary differential of $1,331.00.
5. Plus 30 horizontal movement on the salary guides shall be defined as graduate credits earned after the degree is awarded.
6. Notwithstanding the experience levels set forth in Schedules A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1, B-2 and B-3 nothing contained in this Agreement shall restrict or prevent the Board from exercising its statutory right to determine initial placement on the salary guide in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:29-9.
B. Child Study Team Members
1. Each of the above personnel’s work year shall include the school calendar for ten month certificated personnel plus twenty work days during the summer recess. Salary to be computed according to 1.10 ratio of the proper place on the appropriate teacher guide for the work year defined herein. Such base salary shall be paid in 26 pay periods.
2. For the work performed outside the work year as defined above, the affected employee shall be compensated at 1/200th of his/her salary on Schedule A, for each day he/she appears for work as determined by the Superintendent or his designee. Such additional day shall be extended service and be voluntary.
3. Summer schedules shall be developed by the Supervisor after consultation with the Child Study Team member.
Unit members’ schedules will provide for four (4) weeks off during July and/or August.
4. If the Board changes the structure of the eleven (11) month teams to a ten (10)month team, the members of the staff who previously worked a 10-month contract would be given the option to change, based on seniority.
C. Paraprofessional Employees
1. The salaries of the paraprofessional employees covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedules C-1, C-2 and C-3 attached hereto and made a part thereof.
2. Paraprofessional employees shall receive average paychecks based upon the total number of hours they are scheduled to work during the school year, divided by the number of paychecks in that school year. Adjustments will be made in each pay period if necessary. This procedure is not, however, to be interpreted as meaning that said paraprofessional employees are salaried. These adjustments will reflect any addition or deletion to normal hours in the prior weeks.
D. Support Staff
1. The salaries of support staff employees covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedules D-1, D-2 and D-3 for maintenance personnel, bus mechanics, custodians and grounds; Schedules E-1, E-2 and E-3 for secretarial personnel; Schedules F-1, F-2 and F-3 for interpreters; Schedules G-1, G-2 and G-3 for food service personnel; Schedule H-1 for bus drivers attached hereto and made a part hereof.
2. Bus Drivers
a. During the school year, bus drivers shall receive average paychecks based upon the total number of hours they are scheduled to work during the school year, divided by the number of paychecks in that school year. Adjustments will be made in each pay period if necessary. This procedure is not, however, to be interpreted as meaning that said bus drivers are salaried. These adjustments will reflect any addition or deletion to normal hours in the prior weeks.
In the summer hours, bus drivers will be paid based on the summer hourly rates and their previous time slip.
b. Bus drivers shall be paid their contracted, hourly rate for all regularly scheduled runs up to and including forty (40) hours per work week. Drivers shall be paid one and one-half (1½) times their hourly rate for any runs in excess of forty (40) hours per work week.
c. Bus drivers shall be paid the applicable regular rate for each hour of work pertaining to the following assignments: Late runs, inspections, extra half-day runs, in-service meetings and meetings called by coordinator (required attendance), required training sessions, "test runs" of new routes, field trips, kindergarten substitutes, shuttles, bus repairs, St. Joan substitutes. Kindergarten runs and shuttle runs shall be a guaranteed one (1) hour minimum.
3. Bus Mechanics and Maintenance Personnel
a. Bus mechanics and maintenance personnel shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times their regular hourly rate for all times worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. For purposes of calculating overtime, paid sick days and paid holidays shall count as regular work days.
b. When a bus mechanic and/or maintenance personnel employee is requested to return to work, he/she shall be compensated two (2) hours at regular time if the call back is not contiguous to his/her regular workday. All "actual" time worked during a "call back" shall be calculated at the end of each work week and credited toward overtime.
c. Maintenance/custodial personnel shall be required to obtain a Black Seal license within one year of employment or they shall be discharged. Provided however, a maintenance/custodial employee that has failed to obtain a Black Seal license within one year of employment shall be given a second year to obtain a Black Seal license if: (1) the employee has taken and failed the Black Seal test within the first year of employment; and (2) the employee, after receiving notice that he/she failed the Black Seal test, has enrolled and attended in good faith an educational program that will assist him/her in passing the Black Seal test. If, after two years of employment, the employee still has not received a Black Seal license, employment shall be terminated. This provision shall not be subject to the grievance procedure set forth in this Agreement.
4. Custodians/Groundspersons
a. Custodians/groundspersons shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times their regular hourly rate for all authorized time worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. For the purpose of calculating overtime, paid sick days and paid holidays shall count as regular work days.
b. Overtime work will be allocated based on a listing
of custodians/groundspersons by school and by alphabet. The overtime work will be offered using this list and if a custodian/groundsperson is called and is not available, his name will be moved to the bottom of the list. If no custodian/groundsperson volunteers to work, the supervisor shall assign a custodian/groundsperson based upon his ability to do the job.
5. Food Service Employees
a. Food Service Employees shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times their regular hourly rate for all authorized time worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. For the purpose of calculating overtime, paid sick days and paid holidays shall count as regular work days. Food Service Employees shall be paid a per diem of $8.00 for temporary assignment to the manager's duties. This per diem shall be paid in addition to the employee's regular rate of pay.
b. A uniform allowance of one hundred sixty-five dollars ($165) per contract year shall be granted to all Food Service Employees in accordance with the provisions set forth below: Permanent employees shall receive payment during the month of September; probationary employees shall receive payment upon satisfactory completion of the requisite probationary period provided said probationary period is completed prior to the last day of school for students.
For purposes of this provision, it is understood that the Board reserves the right, upon prior notice, to request receipts or other written verification of uniform expenditures.
c. Food Service Helpers shall receive average paychecks based upon the total number of hours they are scheduled to work during the school year, divided by the number of paychecks in that school year. Adjustments will be made in each pay period if necessary. This procedure is not, however, to be interpreted as meaning the said food service helpers are salaried. These adjustments will reflect any addition or deletion to normal hours in the prior week.
E. The salaries of secretarial personnel covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedules E-1, E-2 and E-3 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
1. All twelve (12) month bookkeepers will be paid $2,000 over the twelve (12) month secretaries scale and $2,500 after five (5) years with the district.
2. All ten (10) month secretaries shall be paid 10/12 (.833) of the appropriate twelve (12) month scale.
3. Upon approval of the building principal, middle school secretaries may be employed for up to twenty (20) days per summer in their regularly assigned buildings and positions. Pay will be at 1/200th of the secretary’s annual 10-month salary. Any other summer work will be at the appropriate substitute rate.
Upon approval of the building principal, middle school clerk typists may be employed for up to twenty (20) days per summer in their regularly assigned buildings and positions. Pay will be at the hourly rate of the clerk typist’s annual 10-month rate. Any other summer work will be at the appropriate substitute rate.
F. Employees
1. Employees who are authorized in writing to use their own automobiles in the performance of their duties and employees who are assigned to more than one school per day shall be reimbursed for all such travel at the I.R.S. rate effective on July 1 immediately following the I.R.S. publication of rate for all authorized driving done after arrival at the first location at the beginning of the work day.
2. Paychecks will be issued on alternate Fridays.
A. Except as set forth in paragraph B on page 18 all employees shall receive insurance protection as follows:
1. Teachers and Secretaries
a. The Board will provide a family health plan and offer the option of selecting a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance plan, each with primary care physician office visit co-pays of ten (10) dollars.
b. The Board shall provide, on a co-pay basis with the teacher and secretary, prescription, optical and dental insurance plans for teachers and secretaries, their spouses, and dependent children. The Board shall pay seventy-five percent (75%) of each premium and the teacher and/or secretary shall contribute twenty-five percent (25%).
2. Paraprofessional Employees
a. The Board will provide a family health plan and offer the option of selecting a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance plan, each with primary care physician office visit co-pays of ten (10) dollars to classroom aides, health aides, library clerks and teacher assistants who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week.
b. Library clerks hired before 7/1/03 and regularly scheduled to work at least twenty-five (25) hours per week but less than thirty (30) hours per week shall receive 75% paid health plan.
c. The Board shall provide, on a co-pay basis with the paraprofessional employee, their spouses, and dependent children prescription, optical and dental insurance plans for classroom aides, health aides, library clerks and teacher assistants who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week. The Board shall pay seventy-five percent (75%) of each premium and the eligible paraprofessional employee shall contribute twenty-five percent (25%).
3. Bus Mechanics, Custodians, and Maintenance Personnel
a. The Board will provide a family health plan and offer the option of selecting a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance plan, each with primary care physician office visit co-pays of ten (10) dollars to bus mechanics, custodians and maintenance personnel who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week.
b. In the event of a serious illness or accident, a bus mechanic, custodian and/or maintenance personnel employee who completely utilizes his/her entire sick leave entitlement (including all accumulated sick days) as a result of said incident shall be permitted to utilize his current vacation entitlement to extend his/her sick leave. If the nature of the illness or accident is such that the individual, in all probability, will eventually return to work, he/she also shall be permitted, if necessary, to use his/her vacation entitlement for the next school year in order to extend his/her sick leave. During this "extended sick leave" the individual shall continue to receive his/her insurance benefits at Board expense.
Thereafter, if an individual is still unable to return to work as a result of his/her accident or illness, the Board shall continue to provide hospitalization and major medical coverage as described in subsection 3a. hereinabove for one (1) additional month following the expiration of the individual's last day of vacation.
It is understood, however, that this benefit shall not apply unless/until the individual has completed at least one (1) full year plus one (1) day of continuous employment in the district and his/her personnel record shows an average sick leave usage of less than five (5) days per year for three-fourths (3/4) of his/her years in the district as of the day said accident or illness occurred. If the individual has been continuously employed by the district for more than one (1) year plus one (1) day but less than four (4) full years, individual circumstances shall be considered.
c. The board shall provide, on a co-pay basis with the bus mechanic, custodian, and/or maintenance personnel employee, prescription, optical and dental insurance plans for bus mechanics, custodians, and maintenance personnel who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week, their spouses, and dependent children. The Board shall pay seventy-five percent (75%) of each premium and the eligible bus mechanic, custodian, and/or maintenance personnel employee shall contribute twenty-five percent (25%).
4. Bus Drivers
a. The Board will provide a family health plan and offer the option of selecting a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance plan, each with primary care physician office visit co-pays of ten (10) dollars for all contracted full-time bus drivers.
b. The Board shall provide, on a co-pay basis with the bus driver, a prescription insurance plan for full-time bus drivers, their spouses, and dependent children. The Board shall pay seventy-five percent (75%) of the premium and the eligible bus driver shall contribute twenty-five percent (25%). Optical and dental insurance plans shall be available at full cost to a bus driver.
5. Food Service Personnel
a. The Board will provide a family health plan and offer the option of selecting a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance plan, each with primary care physician office visit co-pays of ten (10) dollars to food service personnel who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week.
b. The Board shall provide, on a co-pay basis with the food service personnel, prescription, optical and dental insurance plans for food service personnel who are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week, their spouses, and dependent children. The Board shall pay seventy-five percent (75%) of each premium and the eligible food service personnel employee shall contribute twenty-five percent (25%).
6. Procedures
a. The Board and the Association will mutually agree upon any changes in the company(s) and/or insurance plan(s). Application for this coverage must be made by the eligible employee. (The Board and Association agree to minimize duplication of any medical coverage by spouse.)
1. The Traditional Insurance plan option will not be offered to any employee after June 30, 2006 with the following exception: employees enrolled in the Traditional plan as of June 30, 2006 may elect to be grandfathered in the Traditional plan until they choose another insurance plan or retire (with the understanding that the Traditional plan will no longer be an option.)
b. Eligible employees shall be entitled to insurance protection as provided herein upon completing and submitting the Annual Request for Insurance Protection Form in accordance with administrative procedures. Said form shall include the marital status of the eligible employee, the specific plan or plans desired, and shall be signed by the eligible employees authorizing the Board of Education to withhold a twenty-five percent (25%) contribution for the specific plan or plans selected.
c. Employees eligible for the prescription insurance plan and who select such coverage shall pay $15.00 for brand name prescriptions, $10.00 for generic prescriptions and $5.00 for mail in prescriptions.
d. No eligible employee shall be required to participate in any plan.
e. The Board will make available to all eligible retired employees the same health care coverages as provided in paragraph A on page 15, as appropriate, providing the retirees shall pay the cost of such coverage as billed and so long as it is of no cost to the Board.
B. 1. For employees in their first and second years of insurance eligibility, the Board will pay the full premium for a family coverage, Personal Choice 320 Plan or equivalent, or the full premium for a single coverage of any other major medical plan. The Board
will also pay 75% of the single premium for prescription, dental, and vision coverage for eligible employees. The employee may pay for enhanced coverage. Upon the first (1st) day of the third (3rd) year of insurance eligibility, the Board shall be responsible for the full coverage as paid for other unit employees as set forth in Paragraph A on page 15.
2. Employees hired to substitute for the full year starting in September (10 month) or July (12 month) or any employees hired into a permanent vacancy at any time of the year who are subsequently non-renewed, shall receive credit for time worked toward the two years of single health insurance coverage if the employees are rehired within eighteen (18) months of the last date worked pursuant to the non-renewal.
3. The Board will pay fifty percent (50%) of the payment for an income protection plan designated by the Association up to a maximum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) for all full time teachers, parapro-fessionals, bus mechanics, custodians, maintenance, bus drivers, food service personnel, and secretaries per contract year. Application for this coverage must be made by the individual.
C. Insurance Coverage Opt Out Plan
1. Each year the Board shall provide appropriate forms to all employees.
2. Employees who elect to waive coverage pursuant to this plan, i.e., opt out of medical or dental, shall be entitled to receive payment as follows:
a. Medical
(1) Family Coverage to No Coverage $2,000
(2) Family Coverage to Single Coverage $1,000
b. Dental
(1) Family Coverage to No Coverage $300.00
(2) Family Coverage to Single Coverage $150.00
3. Payment of monies shall be made in two equal installments, the first in the second pay in December and the second in the second pay in June of the school year.
4. Employees must waive or opt out of such insurance coverage for a full year to be eligible for such payment. The opt out period shall be July 1 to June 30.
5. Employees who have no other comprehensive insurance coverage shall not be permitted to participate in this plan.
6. Employees who have initially opted out may not reenter the plan until open enrollment of the following year, i.e., July 1. Employees, however, may re-enroll without lapse in coverage due to the occurrence of a life event, terminating the other coverage. “Life event” shall cover change of status due to death, divorce, separation of employment, retirement, or unemployment of spouse. Should the employment status of such employee change, there shall be pro-rata payment based upon the time elapsed in the plan. In the event such separation of employment is due to death, his/her estate shall receive such pro-rata payment. Should an employee resign, he/she shall receive pro-rata payment.
7. Employees eligible for Medicare pursuant to the applicable Medicare provisions shall not be eligible to opt out under this plan.
8. Bus drivers are not eligible for the dental opt out.
9. This money is taxable income and will be treated as such.
10. This plan is subject to Section 125 of the IRS regulations.
A. Teachers
1. Teachers shall be reimbursed for tuition, registration fees, and books up to a maximum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) per teacher per school year according to the formula set forth herein below:
"A" = one hundred percent (100%)
"B" = seventy-five percent (75%)
"C" = fifty percent (50%)
2. All courses shall be subject to the prior approval of the assistant superintendent. Teachers may request the superintendent to reconsider approval of a course for which approval was denied, if such request is made in writing within six weeks of the date when approval was denied.
Guidelines for course approval are indicated below:
a. Courses taken while matriculating in a regular graduate program in the subject area and/or area of certification in which the instructor is teaching (see d for exceptions), or
b. Courses taken at the graduate level that are in the subject area and/or area of certification which the instructor is teaching (see d for exceptions), or
c. Courses taken at the graduate level which are in a specialized area and are of a meaningful benefit to the students and/or the school district, or
d. Video or distance learning courses that meet the following program criteria:
i. Be a graduate level course affiliated with an accredited college or university.
ii. Provide a collegial study group structure as a requirement for participation.
iii. Include conferencing and interaction with a college or university faculty mentor either in person or by phone.
iv. A list of approved institutions will be on record in the Administration Building (Marygrove is the only one approved at the inception of this contract (July 1, 2006).)
3. Only credits earned at institutions accredited by a national or regional accreditation commission such as, but not limited to, The Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, shall be recognized.
B. Paraprofessional Employees
1. Paraprofessional employees shall be reimbursed for the cost of tuition for college courses up to a maximum of four hundred dollars ($400) per paraprofessional employee per contract year according to the formula set forth herein below:
"A" = one hundred percent (100%)
"B" = seventy-five percent (75%)
"C" = fifty percent (50%)
2. Said courses must be either (1) in the field of education or (2) of a meaningful benefit to the students and the school district and, in either case, approved in advance by the superintendent or his designee. Moreover, no more than one (1) course shall be reimbursed during either the fall or spring semesters.
3. Only credits earned at institutions accredited by a national or regional accreditation commission such as, but not limited to, The Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, shall be recognized.
4. The board shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of tuition for paraprofessional employees who are required by the Board or Superintendent to take courses or programs of study.
C. Support Staff Employees
1. Maintenance personnel shall be reimbursed fifty percent (50%) of tuition for courses which lead to certification as electrician, plumber, carpenter, mason provided that (1) all courses are approved in advance by the superintendent or his designee and (2) the support staff employee must be actively employed at the time said reimbursement occurs.
2. The Board shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of tuition for support staff employees who are required by the Board or Superintendent to take courses or programs of study.
D. Secretaries
Tuition reimbursement will be considered for courses or workshops that help develop secretarial or bookkeeping skills which may be offered from time to time, with prior approval of the Superintendent or his designee.
E. Employees
1. The Board shall reimburse up to $75,000 for tuition aid each year under this Article. If the total tuition aid exceeds the amount specified herein, the total amount available will be distributed proportionately.
2. Appropriate proof must be presented to the superintendent sixty (60) days after receipt of the transcript (i.e. official college notification of grades). This information includes a receipt and a grade report of C or higher.
3. Reimbursement will be made no later than the November 30th immediately following submission of proof, unless mutually agreed upon by the Board and Association. The employee must be employed as of September 1 of the following year in order to qualify for tuition reimbursement.
4. Lane changes on the salary guide shall occur on March 1 and November 1 of each year. Submission of paperwork is due one month prior to these dates.
Each employee shall be entitled to the following leaves of absence with full pay each school year:
A. All teachers and paraprofessional employees shall be entitled to sick leaves as specified by state law. Sick leave is to be used for personal illness. It is not to be used for family illness. Child Study Team members shall receive one day of sick leave for each month of their contract. Steadily employed members of the support staff shall be entitled sick leave as follows: twelve (12) month support staff employees shall receive twelve (12) days per year, eleven (11) month support staff employees shall receive eleven (11) days per year and ten (10) month support staff employees shall receive ten (10) days per year. Said days shall be credited as of July 1. A new employee whose contract is effective after July 1 shall receive one (1) day of sick leave for each remaining month of the contract period and such days shall be credited upon his/her initial employment. All employees shall be given an accounting of accumulated sick leave days prior to commencement of assigned duties each academic year.
B. A maximum of four (4) days in any one year for teachers, paraprofessionals, secretaries, bus drivers, maintenance staff, custodians and food service personnel shall be allowed for personal business with full pay under the following conditions:
1. Personal business leaves will be granted only for personal emergencies and urgent personal business which cannot be transacted outside employment hours.
2. Requests for personal business leaves will be given to the superintendent or his/her designee at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the leave day requested. In the case of emergencies, the employee will submit the request as soon as possible.
3. Two of the four personal business days, in a given year, may be taken as Emergency Family Personal Days with no advanced notice needed.
4. No personal business leaves shall be approved preceding or following a holiday or holiday weekend, unless in the case of an emergency, at which time the employee shall give the reason for the absence.
5. For employees who begin employment February 1 or thereafter, this leave shall be limited to one day.
6. All unused personal days shall be accumulated as sick leave.
C. Employees shall be entitled to the following temporary non-accumulative leaves of absence with full pay each school year because of deaths in the family:
1. Death in the immediate family
a. Employees may be absent from school or work site without loss of pay for a period not to exceed five (5) days.
b. Definition: Immediate family is construed to mean parents, spouse, child, sister, brother, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, other persons residing in the household.
2. Death of a near relative
a. Employees may be absent from school or work site without loss of pay for the period of two (2) days, including the day of the funeral, because of the death of a near relative.
b. Definition: A near relative shall be construed to mean an uncle, aunt, niece or nephew.
1. A teacher with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of teaching service in the district shall be paid for his/her accumulated sick leave in accordance with the conditions set forth herein below:
a. The teacher actually retires in accordance with the provisions of TPAF; however, a teacher who opts to "defer benefits" under TPAF shall not qualify for this benefit;
b. The teacher must have a minimum of fifty (50) accumulated sick days;
c. The teacher must notify in writing the Board of Education by December 1 of the calendar year preceding the effective date of retirement. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a delay of payment until such time that (1) the Board allocates the money in its next annual budget and (2) said budget becomes effective.;
d. The rate of reimbursement shall depend upon the teacher's actual number of accumulated sick days: $30 per day for all days up to seventy-five (75); $60 per day for all days seventy-six (76) through one hundred fifty (150); $75 for all days beyond one hundred fifty (150);
e. Pursuant to the formula set forth in 1.d., the individual maximum payment shall be $8,000.00.
2. A secretary or switchboard/receptionist with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of service in the district shall be paid for his/her accumulated sick leave in accordance with the conditions set forth herein below:
a. The secretary actually retires in accordance with the provisions of PERS; however, a secretary who opts to "defer benefits" under PERS shall not qualify for this benefit;
b. The secretary must have a minimum of fifty (50) accumulated sick days;
c. The secretary must notify in writing the Board of Education by December 1 of the calendar year
preceding the effective date of retirement. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a delay of payment until such time that (1) the Board allocates the money in its next annual budget and (2) said budget becomes effective;
d. The rate of reimbursement shall depend upon the secretary's actual number of accumulated sick days: $25 per day for all days up to seventy-five (75); $40 per day for all days seventy-six (76) through one hundred fifty (150); and $50 for all days beyond one hundred fifty (150);
e. Pursuant to the formula set forth in 2.d., the individual maximum payment shall be $5,000.00.
3. A paraprofessional/food service worker with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of service in the district shall be paid for his/her accumulated sick leave in accordance with the conditions set forth herein below:
a. The paraprofessional/food service worker actually retires in accordance with the provisions of PERS; however, a paraprofessional/food service worker who opts to “defer benefits” under PERS shall not qualify for this benefit:
b. The paraprofessional/food service worker must have a minimum of fifty (50) accumulated sick days;
c. The paraprofessional/food service worker must notify in writing the Board of Education by December 1 of the calendar year preceding the effective date of retirement. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a delay of payment until such time that (1) the Board allocates the money in its next annual budget and (2) said budget becomes effective;
d. The rate of reimbursement shall depend upon the paraprofessional/food service worker’s actual number of accumulated sick days: $15 per day for all days up to seventy-five (75); $30 per day for all days seventy-six (76) through one hundred fifty (150); and $40 for all days beyond one hundred fifty (150);
e. Pursuant to the formula set forth in 3.d., the individual maximum payment shall be $2,000.00.
4. A bus driver with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of service in the district shall be paid for his/her accumulated sick leave in accordance with the conditions set forth herein below:
a. The bus driver actually retires in accordance with the provisions of PERS; however, a bus driver who opts to “defer benefits” under PERS shall not qualify for this benefit:
b. The bus driver must have a minimum of fifty (50) accumulated sick days;
c. The bus driver must notify in writing the Board of Education by December 1 of the calendar year preceding the effective date of retirement. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a delay of payment until such time that (1) the Board allocates the money in its next annual budget and (2) said budget becomes effective;
d. The rate of reimbursement shall depend upon the bus driver’s actual number of accumulated sick days: $15 per day for all days up to seventy-five (75); $30 per day for all days seventy-six (76) through one hundred fifty (150); and $40 for all days beyond one hundred fifty (150);
e. Pursuant to the formula set forth in 4.d., the individual maximum payment shall be $2,400.00.
5. A custodian, bus mechanic, maintenance personnel and groundsperson with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of service in the district shall be paid for his/her accumulated sick leave in accordance with the conditions set forth hereinbelow:
a. The custodian, bus mechanic and maintenance personnel and groundsperson actually retires in accordance with the provisions of PERS; however, a custodian/mechanic who opts to “defer benefits” under PERS shall not qualify for this benefit:
b. The custodian, bus mechanic, maintenance personnel and groundsperson must have a minimum of fifty (50) accumulated sick days;
c. The custodian, bus mechanic and maintenance personnel and groundsperson must notify in writing the Board of Education by December 1 of the calendar year preceding the effective date of retirement. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a delay of payment until such time
that (1) the Board allocates the money in its next annual budget and (2) said budget becomes effective;
d. The rate of reimbursement shall depend upon the custodian’s, bus mechanic’s, maintenance and grounds personnel’s actual number of accumulated sick days: $20 per day for all days up to seventy-five (75); $30 per day for all days seventy-six (76) through one hundred fifty (150); and $40 for all days beyond one hundred fifty (150);
e. Pursuant to the formula set forth in 5.d., the individual maximum payment shall be $3,500.00.
A. Employees
1. Individual Contract: Any individual contract between the Board and an employee heretofore or hereafter executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with the agreement, this agreement, during its duration, shall be controlling.
2. Bulletin Boards: The Association shall be provided a bulletin board in every employees' lounge for the exclusive use of the Association.
B. Teachers
1. Criticism of Teachers: Any question or criticism by a supervisor, administrator or Board member of a teacher and his or her methodology, shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, or other public gatherings.
C. Paraprofessional Employees
1. Criticism of Paraprofessional Employees: Any question or criticism by a supervisor, administrator, Board member or teacher of a paraprofessional employee and his or her performance shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, or other public gatherings.
2. New paraprofessional employees shall be hired on a sixty (60) day probationary period before being issued an employment contract.
3. Seniority based upon continuous years of service in the district according to job classification shall be used in cases of layoff or recall. Upon recall, paraprofessional employees shall be restored to the seniority level and salary step consistent with their level and step prior to layoff.
4. The Board may approve a request for a leave of absence without pay of up to one year for any reason deemed appropriate by the superintendent or his/her designee. A similar position shall be available for the paraprofessional employee upon termination of the leave.
D. Support Staff
1. Seniority based upon continuous years of service in the district according to job classification shall be used in cases of layoff or recall provided, however, that the employee possesses the requisite training, skills and ability to satisfactorily perform the job duties and responsibilities as determined by the superintendent. Upon recall, support staff employees shall be restored to a similar position at the seniority level and salary step consistent with their level and step prior to layoff.
2. The Board may approve a request for a leave of absence without pay of up to one year for any reason deemed appropriate by the superintendent or his/her designee. A similar position shall be available for the support staff employee upon termination of the leave.
3. Employment may be terminated by either party on two (2) weeks written notice and with a written statement of reasons. This provision shall not apply to probationary employees.
4. Bus Drivers
a. Field trips and other bus driver assignments shall be divided equally on a seniority basis in a cycle rotation until the list is exhausted. In the event no driver is willing to accept the field trip/other assignment, the driver whose name is at the top of the eligibility list may be required to make the trip.
b. When bus drivers are assigned to a driving situation deemed to be "difficult" by the Superintendent of Schools or his designee, at least two (2) buses or one (1) extra driver may be assigned.
c. Seniority shall be the basis for choosing bus runs, with kindergarten runs chosen first.
5. Custodians, Bus Mechanics, Maintenance Personnel and Groundsperson
a. Maintenance personnel and bus mechanics are required to be tidy in their personal dress. Uniforms, if provided by the Board, are required to be worn during the workday and at such other times when the employee is required to work
overtime. In addition, custodians, bus mechanics and maintenance personnel, except probationary employees, shall receive one pair of work boots/"safety shoes" ($75) per contract year. If, however, said probationary employees satisfactorily complete the sixty (60) day probationary period, they shall also be entitled to the above benefit in the first year of their employment provided that a minimum of six months (183 days) remain from the completion of their probationary period until the end of the current contract year.
E. Secretaries
1. Whenever any secretary is required to appear for a hearing before the Superintendent, the Board or any committee thereof, concerning the continuation of that secretary in the respective office, position or employment, or the salary thereto, they shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of their choosing present to advise and represent them during such meeting or interview.
2. No secretarial employee shall be reprimanded or criticized in the presence of students, parents or other members of the public.
3. When a position which pays a higher rate and which encompasses a higher level of responsibility within a secretarial job classification becomes vacant, notice of such vacancy shall be made available to the Association to allow prospective applicants to apply. Secretarial employees may apply for such position in writing subject to the same procedures and standards as any other applicant. The Board's decision whether to hire such employee shall be at its discretion and shall not be the subject of a grievance procedure.
4. Any secretarial employee who is resigning from their position shall give a minimum of two (2) weeks notice.
5. Secretarial employees shall be notified of their contract and salary status for the ensuing year no later than May 15th.
6. Seniority Provisions
a. In the event a secretarial employee must be laid off, said layoff will be made on the basis of district-wide seniority, insofar as the
secretarial employee(s) making the seniority claim possesses the necessary job skills and qualifications to perform in the position being claimed. Seniority shall be defined as continuous employment in the Evesham Township School District.
b. In the event a secretarial vacancy occurs, laid off employees shall be entitled to recall in order of seniority so long as the employee making the recall claim possesses the skills and qualifications to fill the vacant position.
c. No new secretarial employee may be hired while a secretary who meets job skills and qualification requirements is still on layoff.
d. When secretaries are recalled to work, they shall be restored in the appropriate step of the salary scale receiving credit for all time served in Evesham. All accumulated sick time and all other benefits said secretarial employee has at time of layoff shall be restored in their entirety upon the return of the secretary.
e. Seniority shall not be accumulated during the period of layoff or approved leave of absence. Upon recall or return from approved leave of absence, employees shall have their accumulated seniority to the date of layoff or commencement of approved leave of absence.
f. Procedure for Recall:
(1) Tenured secretaries on layoff shall be considered as awaiting recall.
(2) Tenured secretaries on layoff shall be recalled in reverse order of layoff when vacancies occur.
(3) While tenured secretaries are on layoff there will be no new hires for unit positions unless:
(a) No tenured secretary on layoff is certified to fill the vacant position.
(b) All certificated tenure secretaries on layoff decline the offer to fill the vacancy.
(c) No tenured secretaries on layoff request the vacant position within thirty (30) days from the time of the notice of its availability.
(d) To decline job offer will result in a removal from the recall list.
(4) Secretaries on layoff shall retain recall rights for two (2) years.
(g) A list establishing the order of recall according to the above standards shall be drawn by the Board.
F. Any non-renewed employee may request a meeting, in writing, with the Board of Education. This meeting will take place in closed session within 60 days of the notice to non-renew or the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
A. Teachers
1. The teacher workday is seven (7) hours and one (1) minute. The daily starting and ending times shall be determined by the Superintendent and set forth in the Faculty Manual for each individual school. The student day is as follows:
a. Middle School – Six (6) hours and 37 minutes
b. Elementary School – Six (6) hours and 24 minutes
c. Kindergarten – Five (5) hours and 12 minutes (Two sessions of two (2) hours and 36 minutes each.)
2. In addition to classroom teachers’ assigned instructional times, their daily workday includes the following:
a. Lunch Periods
(1) Middle School – 49 minutes
(2) Elementary School – 44 minutes
(3) Kindergarten – 44 minutes
b. Preparation Times
(1) Middle School – 49 minutes per day
(2) Elementary School – 220 minutes per five day week
(3) Kindergarten – 260 minutes per five day week
c. Other Middle School Scheduled Time – Classroom Teachers
(1) Daily five (5) minutes homeroom
(2) Average of three (3) team planning times within six (6) day cycle of 49 minutes each, over the course of the year (90 per year)
(3) Average of three (3) independent study times within six (6) day cycle of 49 minutes each, over the course of the year (90 per year)
3. Special area teachers’ workday is as follows:
a. Lunch Period - Middle School - 49 minutes
Elementary School - 44 minutes
b. Preparation Period - Middle School - 49 minutes
Elementary School - 220 minutes per five (5) day week
c. Middle School - Up to 30 instructional periods per five (5) day week
Elementary School - Up to 26 instructional periods per five (5) day week
4. Teachers may be assigned to any teaching or duty assignment which is consistent with the teaching certificate. For example, duty assignments may include, but are not limited to, lunch duty, hall monitoring, in-school suspensions and library supervision.
5. Teacher Work Year
The teacher work year shall be set at 187 days, three of which are reserved for emergency closing days. If these days are not needed for closing, they shall not be work days.
6. Teachers will be required to conduct one (1) evening parent-teacher conference in each school year. Said conferences shall not be scheduled for more than three (3) hours per evening, but teachers will be permitted to leave once all evening conference obligations have been fulfilled. On the day of such conferences, teachers will be released following a four (4) hour student school day. Evening conferences will be scheduled on a day preceding the scheduling of full day conferences, if so scheduled.
7. Special education teachers will be given release time during the spring in-service day to write IEP’s, if they so desire. This process will be evaluated on a yearly basis.
B. Bus Drivers
1. Bus drivers will work a minimum of four (4) hours per day and a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days per year. The time will include cleaning time, checking tires and brakes, and fueling his/her own vehicle.
C. Bus Mechanics, Custodians, and Maintenance Personnel
1. The workday for full-time mechanics and maintenance employees shall consist of eight and one-half (8½) consecutive hours, Monday through Friday, including one (1) thirty (30) minutes lunch period, and two (2) ten (10) minute break periods.
D. Secretaries
1. All full time secretaries shall work seven and one-half (7½) hours per day which includes one-half (½) hour lunch period. Hours shall be set by the Board of Education.
2. All full time secretaries shall work seven and one-half (7½) hours per day, which includes one-half (½) hour lunch period, and four (4) hours on Friday as summer hours beginning the Monday following the closing of school and continuing until the first day teachers return in September. Hours shall be set by the Board of Education.
3. Overtime is defined to mean any mutually agreed upon time to be spent at one's regularly assigned duties either before or after regular daily work hours or on days other than those in the regular work week or work year. Overtime shall be rounded to the next one-half (½) hour. Overtime shall be compensated regular time except that the portion worked over eight (8) hours per day or over forty (40) hours a week shall be paid at time and one-half (1-1/2).
The time plus one-half rate, when applicable, shall be computed by dividing the annual salary by the number of weeks in the work year, dividing the result by the number of hours in the work week, and multiplying the latter result by one and one-half. At the option of the employee, overtime may be taken as compensatory leave, hour for hour, only at such time as shall be approved by the employee's immediate supervisor.
A. Employee
1. Vacancies
a. All promotional vacancies affecting unit members shall be posted in faculty rooms or appropriate work locations as soon as practicable.
b. Employees who desire to apply for vacancies must file a written statement of application with the Superintendent or his/her designee within five (5) workdays of the posting of the vacancy.
2. Transfers
a. Employees who desire a transfer of assignment, location and/or shift must file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent or his/her designee no later than April 30th.
b. Protection Against Transfer: No employee will be transferred because of participation in negotiations.
A. Paraprofessional Employees
1. Paraprofessional employees shall be paid for one hundred eighty (180) pupil school days, plus one (1) orientation day. Paraprofessional employees may, at the discretion of the building principal, be paid to work on in-service days. Paraprofessional employees shall be paid for seven (7) legal holidays and a maximum of two (2) snow days which actually occur.
B. Bus Drivers
1. Bus drivers will work the calendar year required for their assigned school with the base pay being one hundred eighty-two (182) days. Bus drivers will be paid for Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, and one (1) in-service day, by voucher, as determined by the superintendent or his designee. Any driver working more than one hundred eighty (180) days will be paid at his/her regular hourly rate for the actual hours worked those days.
C. Bus Mechanics, Custodians/Grounds, and Maintenance Personnel
1. Bus mechanics, custodians/grounds, and maintenance personnel shall receive the following paid holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve. Bus mechanics, custodians/grounds, and maintenance personnel shall also receive the following additional paid holidays when school is closed for students - i.e., Presidents' Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Veterans Day. In the event that school is not closed on any or all of the above "additional holidays", no compensatory time shall be granted.
Bus mechanics, custodians/grounds, maintenance personnel and groundspeople shall not work on Jewish holidays and Easter Monday if schools are not in session on those days.
2. All bus mechanics, custodians/grounds, and maintenance personnel shall be entitled to vacations with pay according to the schedule set forth below. (Rates of
accrual will be effective with completion of full fiscal years, not anniversary dates.)
Two (2) weeks - After one year of employment. (Prorated for employees who have not completed one full year of employment by June 30th.)
Three (3) weeks - After five years of employment. After ten (10) years, one additional day for every year of employment until a maximum of four (4) weeks is reached.
D. Secretaries
1. All secretaries shall be entitled to paid holidays coinciding with the days during the school year upon which the schools of the Evesham Township School District are closed for the purpose of observing such holidays pursuant to the "school calendar" adopted by the administrating body of the said school district. It is understood and agreed that secretaries will work during the summer, the period from September 1 to the start of school and from the end of school to June 30 as part of the regular work year. Twelve (12) month secretaries working in the administration building may be required to work during winter and spring vacation and during periods the school is closed for weather conditions but they shall be entitled to compensatory leave for such service. During periods the schools are closed due to weather conditions, if a secretary is required to work, said secretary shall be entitled to transportation to and from school, at said secretary's request.
2. All twelve (12) month secretaries shall be entitled to vacations with pay according to the schedule set forth below. (Rates of accrual will be effective with completion of full fiscal years, not anniversary dates.)
Two (2) weeks - After one year of employment. (Prorated for employees who have not completed one full year of employment by June 30th.)
Three (3) weeks - After five years of employment. After ten (10) years, one additional day for every year of employment until a maximum of four (4) weeks is reached.
All ten (10) month secretaries hired before July 1, 1993, shall be entitled to vacations with pay according to the schedule set forth below:
Eight (8) days - After one year of employment. (Prorated for employees who have not completed one full year of employment by June 30th.)
Ten (10) month secretaries hired before July 1, 1993, shall mutually schedule the eight (8) vacation days with their immediate supervisor with approval not to be unreasonably withheld. Any vacation days not actually taken shall be paid on a prorated basis.
Ten (10) month secretaries hired on or after July 1, 1993, shall not be eligible for eight (8) vacation days.
3. Ten (10) month secretaries hired before July 1, 1993, who are hired in the eleven (11) month secretary category, will retain their eight (8) vacation days per year.
A. The main purpose of sabbatical leave shall be for a teacher's professional advancement or educational travel.
1. Professional Advancement:
a. A teacher who submits a program of study for a sabbatical leave shall undertake a full program. For purposes of this Article, "full program" shall be defined as follows:
(1) sixteen (16) hours undergraduate study per semester, or
(2) twelve (12) hours graduate study per semester, or
(3) the equivalent thereof.
The program submitted shall be designed to increase the teacher's understanding of educational psychology, improve the facility in teaching technique, or broaden experience in special subject fields.
b. At the beginning of each semester, the teacher must submit evidence of registration in an approved college or university. (This evidence may be submitted in the form of a letter from the registrar of the school, or the registration card from the school.)
c. At the end of each six week period, the teacher granted sabbatical leave must submit to the School Board through the Office of the Superintendent a written statement affirming that the employee is still in attendance at school.
d. At the conclusion of each semester, the teacher granted sabbatical leave shall produce evidence of the work completed during the semester.
2. Educational Travel:
a. A teacher who desires to travel must submit a complete statement of the proposed itinerary. Acceptable travel is defined as travel in foreign countries or travel that will enrich the teacher's experience and understanding of other people and other cultures.
b. Each month during the leave of absence, the teacher shall submit to the School Board through the Office of the Superintendent of Schools a letter showing the progress of his or her travel up to that period of time, or any change in itinerary.
c. Visit and observe an average of one school a month during sabbatical leave. If possible, observe in a minimum of two (2) different classrooms in each school. Observe for a minimum of one (1) hour in each room.
d. Visit places of educational interest, make notes and gather material that will give a broader educational background. Submit a list of these places.
e. At the conclusion of the leave of absence, a written report shall be submitted to the Board of Education through the Office of the Superintendent of Schools giving in detail a description of the travel and experience during the leave of absence.
B. A teacher shall be granted a sabbatical leave of absence after seven years of employment in the Evesham Township School District.
C. Sabbatical leave shall be granted at the discretion of the Board, based upon program value, to no more than one teacher within the district using the following schedule:
2006/2007 Sabbatical granted
2007/2008 No sabbatical
2008/2009 Sabbatical granted
Unless the parties otherwise agree, a sabbatical will not be granted for the 2009/2010 school years.
D. Application for Sabbatical Leave
1. Must be made no later than January 1, preceding the school year for intended leave.
2. Must have a detailed written statement attached to application giving the purpose of the leave, plan of the activity to be pursued, and anticipated value of the experience to the individual in improving his/her professional competency and ability to serve the system.
E. The sabbatical leave time period is one contractual year, September through June.
F. Reimbursement will be as follows:
1. Reimbursement will be granted at the rate equal to fifty percent of the salary the teacher would have received if he/she remained on duty.
2. Payment or reimbursement to be made in accordance with regular payroll dates.
G. While on leave, the teacher shall not engage in gainful employment except by written agreement with the Board. Scholarships and fellowships do not constitute gainful employment.
H. Sabbatical leave time shall be recognized for the purposes of salary increment and pension eligibility.
I. General conditions governing sabbatical leave are:
1. Five contractual teaching years must have passed since the first sabbatical for a teacher to become eligible for another.
2. The teacher shall agree in writing to return to his/her position (or a comparable one) in the school system for a period of at least two years following the completion of his/her leave. In the event the teacher does not return, he/she shall reimburse the Board of Education for the amount of money received for sabbatical leave.
A. Employees
1. Disability/maternity leave shall refer to a leave of absence during which an employee is unable for medical reasons to come to work. It shall be treated as sick leave and subject to all the requirements of such leave. When an employee either before or after delivery of a child, is deemed to be physically able to return to work, such leave shall end.
Normal disability time is considered up to four weeks prior to the birth and four to six weeks after the birth of a child. The determination of whether or not an employee is physically able to return to work will be by her own doctor. The Board may, however, require that she be examined by a doctor of its choice. In the event the two doctors disagree, then they shall, if possible, choose a third doctor whose opinion shall be binding; and, in the event that no agreement can be reached as to the third doctor, then application will be made for an appointment to the Burlington County Medical Society. In any event, said third doctor's opinion shall be binding.
2. Family leave may be taken under the N.J. Family Leave Act and/or the Federal Family Leave Act, if the employee has worked the qualifying number of hours. Family leave may not exceed a total of twelve (12) weeks and includes benefits, but does not include pay except as stated in 18A (Workers Comp).
B. Teachers
Childrearing leave shall refer to a leave of absence without pay to allow a teacher to be with a new child by birth, adoption or marriage. It shall be granted only in conformity to the provisions which follow:
1. Childrearing leave shall be granted to teachers holding tenure under the Tenure Act. Non-tenured teachers will be granted leave to the end of the then current school year.
2. Notice of intention to take a childrearing leave must be made within sixty (60) days prior to the time that leave is scheduled to begin.
3. The leave shall commence on the date requested or such earlier date when the teacher cannot or requests not to continue working.
4. At the time of giving the notice of intention for childrearing leave, the teacher shall elect to have the leave extended either for the remainder of the year in which it is commenced and/or for the following year as well, in either case terminating on September 1.
5. No pay, sick leave, insurance benefits or other financial contribution shall be made to a teacher during childrearing leave, except as may be required by the New Jersey Family Leave Act or the Federal Medical and Family Leave Law.
6. In the event that a teacher's pregnancy terminates prior to the expiration of the leave which has been granted, or prior to the inception of the leave which may have been requested, said teacher may apply for early reinstatement by filing a written request therefore with the superintendent accompanied by a physician's certification that she is medically able to resume or continue to perform her duties. The Board shall grant such a request if it has not contractually obligated itself to employ a replacement for the teacher in question during the period for which leave had been originally requested or granted and if such request can be fulfilled without substantially interfering with the effective administration of the educational program to which the teacher in question was assigned and seeks to be reinstated.
7. After the granting of childrearing leave to any teacher, the Board will give reasonable consideration to a request from the teacher for either the extension or reduction of the period of leave so granted. Only one extension will be granted per leave. However, an extension will not be considered if requested within 60 days of the original ending date of the childrearing leave. Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by the Board of Education on a case-by-case basis.
8. The Board of Education and the superintendent do not guarantee the assignment of teachers the same buildings or same assignment they held prior to the leave of absence.
A. If any provision of the agreement or any application of this agreement to any employee is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or application shall continue in full force and effect.
A. The parties hereby recognize the rights of the Board, in conformance with the laws of the State of New Jersey and rulings of the State Board of Education, as well as the Board's reserved rights. Said rights must be exercised in a manner consistent with the terms of this Agreement.
A. Purpose of Fee
If an employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year (i.e., from September 1 to the following August 31) which is covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the employee's per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative.
B. Amount of Fee
1. Notification
Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the Association to its own members for the membership year. Said fee shall conform to the rules and regulations promulgated by the Public Employment Relations Commission.
2. The representation fee shall be set at eighty-five percent (85%), the maximum allowed by law, which offsets the costs of the majority representative relative to negotiations, grievances, contract maintenance and other activities of employee representation.
C. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
1. Notification
Once during each membership year covered in whole or in part by this agreement, the Association will submit to the Board a list of those employees who have not become members of the Association for the then current membership year. The Board will then deduct from the salaries of such employees, in accordance with paragraph 2 below, the full amount of the representation fee and promptly will transmit the amount to the Association.
2. Payroll Deduction Schedule
Upon annual written notification that the Association has adopted and implemented a "demand and return
system" pursuant to PERC and applicable Federal and State laws/regulations, the Board will deduct the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks paid to each employee on the aforesaid list during the remainder of the membership year in question. The deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid:
(a) twenty (20) days after receipt of the aforesaid list by the Board; or
(b) sixty (60) days after the employee begins his or her employment in a bargaining unit position, unless the employee previously served in a bargaining unit position and continued in the employ of the Board in a non-bargaining unit position or was on layoff, in which event the deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid twenty (20) days after the resumption of the employee's employment in a bargaining unit position, whichever is later.
D. Termination of Employment
If an employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his or her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said employee during the membership year in question.
E. Mechanics
Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the deductions of representation fees and the transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
F. Changes
The Association will notify the Board in writing of any changes in the list provided for in section C above and/or the amount of the representation fee, and such changes will be reflected in any deductions made more than thirty (30) days after the Board received said notice. Deductions shall be made February 1 and/or June 15 for such changes.
G. New Employees
On or about the last day of each month, beginning with the month this Agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the Association, a list of all employees who began their employment in a bargaining unit position during the preceding 30 day period. The list will include names, job titles, and dates of employment for all such employees. Said deductions shall be pro rata for the remainder of the membership year effective sixty (60) days after the employee's initial date of employment provided that a minimum of ninety (90) days exists between the day the employee began his/her employment and the end of the current membership year (June 30).
H. Indemnification
The Association shall defend, indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses, that may arise out of, or by reason of any action taken or not taken by the Board in conformance with this provision.
This Agreement shall become effective as of July 1, 2006, and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2009.
In witness thereof, the Association has caused this Agreement to be signed by its President and Secretary, and the Board has caused this Agreement to be signed by its President, attested by its Secretary and its corporate seal to be placed hereon.
__________________________ ____________________________
Secretary President
__________________________ ____________________________Secretary President
September 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 42,242 | 44,142 | 46,642 | 48,042 | 50,542 |
2 | 42,500 | 44,400 | 46,900 | 48,300 | 50,800 |
3 | 42,757 | 44,657 | 47,157 | 48,557 | 51,057 |
4 | 43,015 | 44,915 | 47,415 | 48,815 | 51,315 |
5 | 43,273 | 45,173 | 47,673 | 49,073 | 51,573 |
6 | 43,530 | 45,430 | 47,930 | 49,330 | 51,830 |
7 | 44,560 | 46,460 | 48,960 | 50,360 | 52,860 |
8 | 45,591 | 47,491 | 49,991 | 51,391 | 53,891 |
9 | 46,621 | 48,521 | 51,021 | 52,421 | 54,921 |
10 | 47,651 | 49,551 | 52,051 | 53,451 | 55,951 |
11 | 48,939 | 50,839 | 53,339 | 54,739 | 57,239 |
12 | 49,970 | 51,870 | 54,370 | 55,770 | 58,270 |
13 | 51,515 | 53,415 | 55,915 | 57,315 | 59,815 |
14 | 54,091 | 55,991 | 58,491 | 59,891 | 62,391 |
15 | 57,954 | 59,854 | 62,354 | 63,754 | 66,254 |
16 | 62,848 | 64,748 | 67,248 | 68,648 | 71,148 |
17 | 73,151 | 75,051 | 77,551 | 78,951 | 81,451 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
September 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 43,549 | 45,499 | 48,149 | 49,549 | 52,149 |
2 | 43,749 | 45,699 | 48,349 | 49,749 | 52,349 |
3 | 44,015 | 45,965 | 48,615 | 50,015 | 52,615 |
4 | 44,280 | 46,230 | 48,880 | 50,280 | 52,880 |
5 | 44,545 | 46,495 | 49,145 | 50,545 | 53,145 |
6 | 44,810 | 46,760 | 49,410 | 50,810 | 53,410 |
7 | 45,871 | 47,821 | 50,471 | 51,871 | 54,471 |
8 | 46,931 | 48,881 | 51,531 | 52,931 | 55,531 |
9 | 47,992 | 49,942 | 52,592 | 53,992 | 56,592 |
10 | 49,052 | 51,002 | 53,652 | 55,052 | 57,652 |
11 | 50,378 | 52,328 | 54,978 | 56,378 | 58,978 |
12 | 51,439 | 53,389 | 56,039 | 57,439 | 60,039 |
13 | 53,030 | 54,980 | 57,630 | 59,030 | 61,630 |
14 | 55,681 | 57,631 | 60,281 | 61,681 | 64,281 |
15 | 59,658 | 61,608 | 64,258 | 65,658 | 68,258 |
16 | 64,696 | 66,646 | 69,296 | 70,696 | 73,296 |
17 | 75,302 | 77,252 | 79,902 | 81,302 | 83,902 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
September 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 44,742 | 46,742 | 49,742 | 51,242 | 54,742 |
2 | 44,942 | 46,942 | 49,942 | 51,442 | 54,942 |
3 | 45,142 | 47,142 | 50,142 | 51,642 | 55,142 |
4 | 45,342 | 47,342 | 50,342 | 51,842 | 55,342 |
5 | 45,614 | 47,614 | 50,614 | 52,114 | 55,614 |
6 | 45,885 | 47,885 | 50,885 | 52,385 | 55,885 |
7 | 46,971 | 48,971 | 51,971 | 53,471 | 56,971 |
8 | 48,057 | 50,057 | 53,057 | 54,557 | 58,057 |
9 | 49,144 | 51,144 | 54,144 | 55,644 | 59,144 |
10 | 50,230 | 52,230 | 55,230 | 56,730 | 60,230 |
11 | 51,587 | 53,587 | 56,587 | 58,087 | 61,587 |
12 | 52,673 | 54,673 | 57,673 | 59,173 | 62,673 |
13 | 54,302 | 56,302 | 59,302 | 60,802 | 64,302 |
14 | 57,017 | 59,017 | 62,017 | 63,517 | 67,017 |
15 | 61,090 | 63,090 | 66,090 | 67,590 | 71,090 |
16 | 66,249 | 68,249 | 71,249 | 72,749 | 76,249 |
17 | 77,109 | 79,109 | 82,109 | 83,609 | 87,109 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 46,467 | 48,557 | 51,307 | 52,847 | 55,597 |
2 | 46,750 | 48,840 | 51,590 | 53,130 | 55,880 |
3 | 47,033 | 49,123 | 51,873 | 53,413 | 56,163 |
4 | 47,317 | 49,407 | 52,157 | 53,697 | 56,447 |
5 | 47,600 | 49,690 | 52,440 | 53,980 | 56,730 |
6 | 47,883 | 49,973 | 52,723 | 54,263 | 57,013 |
7 | 49,017 | 51,107 | 53,857 | 55,397 | 58,147 |
8 | 50,150 | 52,240 | 54,990 | 56,530 | 59,280 |
9 | 51,283 | 53,373 | 56,123 | 57,663 | 60,413 |
10 | 52,417 | 54,507 | 57,257 | 58,797 | 61,547 |
11 | 53,833 | 55,923 | 58,673 | 60,213 | 62,963 |
12 | 54,967 | 57,057 | 59,807 | 61,347 | 64,097 |
13 | 56,667 | 58,757 | 61,507 | 63,047 | 65,797 |
14 | 59,500 | 61,590 | 64,340 | 65,880 | 68,630 |
15 | 63,750 | 65,840 | 68,590 | 70,130 | 72,880 |
16 | 69,133 | 71,223 | 73,973 | 75,513 | 78,263 |
17 | 80,466 | 82,556 | 85,306 | 86,846 | 89,596 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 47,904 | 50,049 | 52,964 | 54,504 | 57,364 |
2 | 48,124 | 50,269 | 53,184 | 54,724 | 57,584 |
3 | 48,416 | 50,561 | 53,476 | 55,016 | 57,876 |
4 | 48,708 | 50,853 | 53,768 | 55,308 | 58,168 |
5 | 48,999 | 51,144 | 54,059 | 55,599 | 58,459 |
6 | 49,291 | 51,436 | 54,351 | 55,891 | 58,751 |
7 | 50,458 | 52,603 | 55,518 | 57,058 | 59,918 |
8 | 51,624 | 53,769 | 56,684 | 58,224 | 61,084 |
9 | 52,791 | 54,936 | 57,851 | 59,391 | 62,251 |
10 | 53,958 | 56,103 | 59,018 | 60,558 | 63,418 |
11 | 55,416 | 57,561 | 60,476 | 62,016 | 64,876 |
12 | 56,583 | 58,728 | 61,643 | 63,183 | 66,043 |
13 | 58,332 | 60,477 | 63,392 | 64,932 | 67,792 |
14 | 61,249 | 63,394 | 66,309 | 67,849 | 70,709 |
15 | 65,624 | 67,769 | 70,684 | 72,224 | 75,084 |
16 | 71,166 | 73,311 | 76,226 | 77,766 | 80,626 |
17 | 82,832 | 84,977 | 87,892 | 89,432 | 92,292 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 | PHD |
1 | 49,217 | 51,417 | 54,717 | 56,367 | 60,217 |
2 | 49,437 | 51,637 | 54,937 | 56,587 | 60,437 |
3 | 49,657 | 51,857 | 55,157 | 56,807 | 60,657 |
4 | 49,877 | 52,077 | 55,377 | 57,027 | 60,877 |
5 | 50,175 | 52,375 | 55,675 | 57,325 | 61,175 |
6 | 50,474 | 52,674 | 55,974 | 57,624 | 61,474 |
7 | 51,669 | 53,869 | 57,169 | 58,819 | 62,669 |
8 | 52,863 | 55,063 | 58,363 | 60,013 | 63,863 |
9 | 54,058 | 56,258 | 59,558 | 61,208 | 65,058 |
10 | 55,253 | 57,453 | 60,753 | 62,403 | 66,253 |
11 | 56,746 | 58,946 | 62,246 | 63,896 | 67,746 |
12 | 57,941 | 60,141 | 63,441 | 65,091 | 68,941 |
13 | 59,732 | 61,932 | 65,232 | 66,882 | 70,732 |
14 | 62,719 | 64,919 | 68,219 | 69,869 | 73,719 |
15 | 67,199 | 69,399 | 72,699 | 74,349 | 78,199 |
16 | 72,874 | 75,074 | 78,374 | 80,024 | 83,874 |
17 | 84,820 | 87,020 | 90,320 | 91,970 | 95,820 |
$555 - Years 16 through 20 of service to the district
$805 - Years 21 through 25 of service to the district
$1605 - Years 26 through 30 of service to the district
$3000 - Years 31 or more of service to the district
Longevity credit will be given on the first of September following a full school year of uninterrupted employment.
1 | 12.00 | 20.97 | 12.00 |
2 | 12.21 | 21.22 | 12.21 |
3 | 12.42 | 21.48 | 12.42 |
4 | 12.65 | 21.75 | 12.65 |
5 | 12.90 | 22.01 | 12.90 |
6 | 13.15 | 22.26 | 13.15 |
7 | 13.40 | 22.52 | 13.40 |
8 | 13.65 | 22.79 | 13.65 |
9 | 13.90 | 23.04 | 13.90 |
10 | 14.15 | 23.31 | 14.15 |
11 | 14.40 | 23.56 | 14.40 |
12 | 14.64 | 23.82 | 14.64 |
13 | 14.90 | 24.08 | 14.90 |
14 | 15.15 | 24.34 | 15.15 |
15 | 15.44 | 24.60 | 15.44 |
16 | 16.50 | 25.08 | 16.50 |
Teaching assistants and classroom aides who have a valid New Jersey teaching certificate shall receive an additional fifty cents ($.50) per hour worked.
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 12.47 | 21.75 | 12.47 |
2 | 12.57 | 21.85 | 12.57 |
3 | 12.78 | 22.11 | 12.78 |
4 | 13.02 | 22.39 | 13.02 |
5 | 13.28 | 22.65 | 13.28 |
6 | 13.53 | 22.92 | 13.53 |
7 | 13.80 | 23.18 | 13.80 |
8 | 14.05 | 23.46 | 14.05 |
9 | 14.31 | 23.71 | 14.31 |
10 | 14.56 | 23.99 | 14.56 |
11 | 14.83 | 24.26 | 14.83 |
12 | 15.07 | 24.52 | 15.07 |
13 | 15.34 | 24.79 | 15.34 |
14 | 15.59 | 25.05 | 15.59 |
15 | 15.90 | 25.33 | 15.90 |
16 | 16.98 | 25.81 | 16.98 |
Teaching assistants and classroom aides who have a valid New Jersey teaching certificate shall receive an additional fifty cents ($.50) per hour worked.
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 12.89 | 22.44 | 12.89 |
2 | 12.99 | 22.54 | 12.99 |
3 | 13.09 | 22.64 | 13.09 |
4 | 13.34 | 22.93 | 13.34 |
5 | 13.60 | 23.20 | 13.60 |
6 | 13.86 | 23.47 | 13.86 |
7 | 14.13 | 23.74 | 14.13 |
8 | 14.39 | 24.02 | 14.39 |
9 | 14.65 | 24.28 | 14.65 |
10 | 14.91 | 24.57 | 14.91 |
11 | 15.18 | 24.84 | 15.18 |
12 | 15.43 | 25.11 | 15.43 |
13 | 15.70 | 25.38 | 15.70 |
14 | 15.96 | 25.65 | 15.96 |
15 | 16.68 | 26.04 | 16.68 |
16 | 17.39 | 26.43 | 17.39 |
Teaching assistants and classroom aides who have a valid New Jersey teaching certificate shall receive an additional fifty cents ($.50) per hour worked.
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 41,520 | 25,778 | 10.77 |
2 | 41,791 | 26,358 | 11.01 |
3 | 42,046 | 27,039 | 11.19 |
4 | 42,355 | 27,656 | 11.58 |
5 | 42,733 | 28,325 | 11.79 |
6 | 43,111 | 28,994 | 12.00 |
7 | 43,490 | 29,663 | 12.23 |
8 | 43,867 | 30,332 | 12.46 |
9 | 44,244 | 31,002 | 13.38 |
10 | 44,623 | 31,670 | 13.61 |
11 | 45,001 | 32,340 | 13.84 |
12 | 45,379 | 33,010 | 14.06 |
13 | 45,756 | 33,679 |  |
14 | 46,134 | 34,348 |  |
15 | 46,511 | 35,017 |  |
16 | 47,404 | 35,533 |  |
17 |  | 36,048 |  |
18 |  | 36,563 |  |
19 |  | 37,079 |  |
20 |  | 41,181 |  |
LONGEVITY $200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 42,820 | 26,933 | 11.24 |
2 | 43,020 | 27,133 | 11.34 |
3 | 43,282 | 27,834 | 11.52 |
4 | 43,600 | 28,469 | 11.92 |
5 | 43,989 | 29,158 | 12.13 |
6 | 44,378 | 29,846 | 12.36 |
7 | 44,769 | 30,535 | 12.59 |
8 | 45,157 | 31,224 | 12.82 |
9 | 45,545 | 31,913 | 13.78 |
10 | 45,935 | 32,602 | 14.01 |
11 | 46,324 | 33,291 | 14.24 |
12 | 46,713 | 33,980 | 14.48 |
13 | 47,101 | 34,670 |  |
14 | 47,490 | 35,358 |  |
15 | 47,878 | 36,046 |  |
16 | 48,798 | 36,578 |  |
17 |  | 37,108 |  |
18 |  | 37,638 |  |
19 |  | 38,170 |  |
20 |  | 42,392 |  |
LONGEVITY $200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 43,920 | 28,102 | 11.59 |
2 | 44,120 | 28,302 | 11.69 |
3 | 44,320 | 28,502 | 11.79 |
4 | 44,646 | 29,153 | 12.21 |
5 | 45,045 | 29,858 | 12.42 |
6 | 45,443 | 30,562 | 12.65 |
7 | 45,843 | 31,268 | 12.89 |
8 | 46,241 | 31,973 | 13.13 |
9 | 46,638 | 32,679 | 14.11 |
10 | 47,038 | 33,384 | 14.35 |
11 | 47,436 | 34,090 | 14.59 |
12 | 47,834 | 34,796 | 14.82 |
13 | 48,231 | 35,502 |  |
14 | 48,630 | 36,207 |  |
15 | 49,027 | 37,418 |  |
16 | 49,969 | 38,629 |  |
17 |  | 39,840 |  |
18 |  | 41,051 |  |
19 |  | 42,262 |  |
20 |  | 43,409 |  |
LONGEVITY $200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
STEP | 12
MONTH | 11
MONTH | 10
1 | 26,376 | 24,186 | 21,979 |
2 | 26,633 | 24,423 | 22,193 |
3 | 26,891 | 24,659 | 22,408 |
4 | 27,148 | 24,895 | 22,623 |
5 | 27,406 | 25,131 | 22,837 |
6 | 27,664 | 25,367 | 23,052 |
7 | 27,921 | 25,604 | 23,267 |
8 | 28,694 | 26,312 | 23,911 |
9 | 29,724 | 27,257 | 24,769 |
10 | 30,754 | 28,202 | 25,628 |
11 | 31,785 | 29,147 | 26,486 |
12 | 33,330 | 30,564 | 27,774 |
13 | 34,876 | 31,981 | 29,062 |
14 | 36,421 | 33,398 | 30,350 |
15 | 38,482 | 35,288 | 32,067 |
16 | 42,196 | 38,694 | 35,162 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
STEP | 12
MONTH | 11
MONTH | 10
1 | 27,216 | 24,957 | 22,679 |
2 | 27,416 | 25,141 | 22,846 |
3 | 27,681 | 25,384 | 23,067 |
4 | 27,947 | 25,627 | 23,288 |
5 | 28,212 | 25,870 | 23,509 |
6 | 28,477 | 26,113 | 23,730 |
7 | 28,742 | 26,356 | 23,951 |
8 | 29,537 | 27,086 | 24,614 |
9 | 30,598 | 28,058 | 25,497 |
10 | 31,659 | 29,031 | 26,381 |
11 | 32,719 | 30,004 | 27,265 |
12 | 34,310 | 31,462 | 28,591 |
13 | 35,901 | 32,921 | 29,916 |
14 | 37,492 | 34,380 | 31,242 |
15 | 39,613 | 36,325 | 33,010 |
16 | 43,436 | 39,831 | 36,196 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
STEP | 12
MONTH | 11
MONTH | 10
1 | 27,946 | 25,626 | 23,287 |
2 | 28,146 | 25,810 | 23,454 |
3 | 28,346 | 25,993 | 23,621 |
4 | 28,617 | 26,242 | 23,847 |
5 | 28,889 | 26,491 | 24,073 |
6 | 29,160 | 26,740 | 24,299 |
7 | 29,432 | 26,989 | 24,526 |
8 | 30,246 | 27,736 | 25,204 |
9 | 31,332 | 28,732 | 26,109 |
10 | 32,418 | 29,728 | 27,014 |
11 | 33,504 | 30,724 | 27,919 |
12 | 35,134 | 32,217 | 29,277 |
13 | 36,763 | 33,711 | 30,634 |
14 | 39,358 | 36,091 | 32,797 |
15 | 41,953 | 38,471 | 34,959 |
16 | 44,479 | 40,787 | 37,064 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 28.40 | 20.73 |
2 | 28.95 | 21.13 |
3 | 29.52 | 21.55 |
4 | 30.08 | 21.96 |
5 | 30.92 | 22.57 |
6 | 31.75 | 23.18 |
7 | 32.59 | 23.79 |
8 | 33.43 | 24.41 |
9 | 34.27 | 25.02 |
10 | 35.10 | 25.62 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 29.23 | 21.34 |
2 | 29.80 | 21.76 |
3 | 30.39 | 22.18 |
4 | 30.97 | 22.61 |
5 | 31.83 | 23.23 |
6 | 32.69 | 23.86 |
7 | 33.55 | 24.49 |
8 | 34.42 | 25.12 |
9 | 35.28 | 25.75 |
10 | 36.13 | 26.38 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 29.93 | 21.94 |
2 | 30.52 | 22.37 |
3 | 31.12 | 22.81 |
4 | 31.71 | 23.25 |
5 | 32.59 | 23.89 |
6 | 33.47 | 24.53 |
7 | 34.35 | 25.18 |
8 | 35.24 | 25.83 |
9 | 36.12 | 26.48 |
10 | 37.00 | 27.12 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 10,746 | 9.32 |
2 | 11,004 | 9.48 |
3 | 11,261 | 9.62 |
4 | 11,531 | 9.81 |
5 | 11,791 | 10.05 |
6 | 12,051 | 10.29 |
7 | 12,311 | 10.53 |
8 | 12,570 | 10.77 |
9 | 12,829 | 11.01 |
10 | 13,089 | 11.25 |
11 | 13,349 | 11.50 |
12 | 13,608 | 11.75 |
13 | 13,868 | 11.98 |
14 | 14,127 | 12.21 |
15 | 14,387 | 12.46 |
16 | 14,647 | 12.81 |
17 | 15,165 | 13.34 |
18 | 16,742 | 13.69 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 11,127 | 9.66 |
2 | 11,327 | 9.76 |
3 | 11,592 | 9.91 |
4 | 11,870 | 10.10 |
5 | 12,137 | 10.34 |
6 | 12,406 | 10.60 |
7 | 12,673 | 10.84 |
8 | 12,939 | 11.08 |
9 | 13,206 | 11.34 |
10 | 13,474 | 11.58 |
11 | 13,741 | 11.84 |
12 | 14,008 | 12.09 |
13 | 14,276 | 12.33 |
14 | 14,543 | 12.57 |
15 | 14,810 | 12.82 |
16 | 15,077 | 13.18 |
17 | 15,611 | 13.73 |
18 | 17,235 | 14.10 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
1 | 11,470 | 9.94 |
2 | 11,670 | 10.04 |
3 | 11,870 | 10.14 |
4 | 12,155 | 10.34 |
5 | 12,429 | 10.59 |
6 | 12,703 | 10.85 |
7 | 12,977 | 11.10 |
8 | 13,250 | 11.35 |
9 | 13,523 | 11.61 |
10 | 13,797 | 11.86 |
11 | 14,071 | 12.18 |
12 | 14,344 | 12.50 |
13 | 14,618 | 12.82 |
14 | 14,892 | 13.14 |
15 | 15,166 | 13.46 |
16 | 15,439 | 13.78 |
17 | 15,985 | 14.10 |
18 | 17,648 | 14.43 |
$200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th year
Payment in total shall be made in December.
STEP | 2006-2007 | 2007-2008 | 2008-2009 |
 |  |  |  |
A | 15.75 | 15.75 | 15.75 |
B | 16.80 | 16.80 | 16.80 |
C | 17.85 | 17.85 | 17.85 |
1 | 18.90 | 18.90 | 18.90 |
2 | 19.71 | 20.26 | 20.87 |
3 | 19.97 | 20.52 | 21.13 |
4 | 20.37 | 20.92 | 21.53 |
5 | 20.61 | 21.16 | 21.77 |
6 | 20.84 | 21.39 | 22.00 |
7 | 21.10 | 21.65 | 22.26 |
8 | 21.36 | 21.91 | 22.52 |
9 | 21.60 | 22.15 | 22.76 |
10 | 21.85 | 22.40 | 23.01 |
11 | 22.10 | 22.65 | 23.26 |
12 | 22.35 | 22.90 | 23.51 |
13 | 22.59 | 23.14 | 23.75 |
14 | 22.82 | 23.37 | 23.98 |
15 | 23.33 | 23.88 | 24.49 |
16 | 23.57 | 24.12 | 24.73 |
17 | 24.16 | 24.71 | 25.32 |
18 | 24.52 | 25.07 | 25.68 |
LONGEVITY $200 at the beginning of the 10th year
$400 at the beginning of the 15th year
$600 at the beginning of the 20th
Payment in total shall be made in December.
2006-2009 The following regulations shall be used for extra class activities:
1. All after school activities must be approved by the school principal, superintendent and the Board.
2. All after school activities may be created or stopped by the Board at any time during the school year, and the Board may limit the time or dollars spent on certain activities. After the school activity has been approved and the Board decides to stop the activity, the teacher will be paid for the amount of time s/he spent on the activity before abolishment, but no less than fifteen percent (15%) of the total amount of hours to which have been agree.
3. For approved activities, individuals, as needed, will be issued contracts at the following rates:
(62 or more hours; per sport)
(less than 62 hours; per sport)
(per activity; per building) Director Asst.
Drama 2030 1015 1200
Student Council 2030 1015 1200
Band 2030 1015 1200
Orchestra 2030 1015 1200
Jazz Band 2030 1015
Chorus (per chorus) 2030 1015 1400
Yearbook 2030 1015 1200
Cheerleading 2030 1015
Safety Patrol - - 600 (25 hrs.)
Newspaper (per issue) 1200 600 -
3 issues max. – additional issues with supt. approval
Basketball (boys) 3425 2305
Basketball (girls) 3425 2305
Wrestling 3425 2305
Soccer (boys) 2825 1915
Soccer (girls) 2825 1915
Cross Country 2825 1915
Softball (boys) 2825 1915
Softball (girls) 2825 1915
Track (boys) 2825 1915
Track (girls) 2825 1915
Baseball (boys) 2825 1915
Field Hockey 2825 1915
Lacrosse 2825 1915
Professional services shall include but not be limited to: curriculum writing, conducting workshops and in-services, compulsory attendance at more than one Back to School Night, summer employment. Professional services shall exclude other separately contracted summer work (i.e. Metamorphosis Program, CAPPS, CST casework) or any other previously contracted work that was paid at a higher rate. Cafeteria duty for middle school teachers on their lunch or prep time will be paid at the approved club rate.
Payment for extracurricular activities shall be made in accordance with the following schedule:
December payment:
Field Hockey Full stipend
Soccer (boys) Full stipend
Soccer (girls) Full stipend
Cross Country Full stipend
Newspaper Full per issue stipend
Drama Half stipend
Student Council Half stipend
Band Half stipend
Orchestra Half stipend
Chorus Half stipend
Yearbook Half stipend
Safety Patrol Half stipend
Jazz Band Half stipend
Board approved clubs/hourly activities Hours submitted
March payment:
Basketball (boys) Full stipend
Basketball (girls) Full stipend
Wrestling Full stipend
Cheerleading Full stipend
Newspaper Full per issue stipend
June payment:
Softball (boys) Full stipend
Softball (girls) Full stipend
Track (boys) Full stipend
Track (girls) Full stipend
Baseball (boys) Full stipend
Lacrosse Full stipend
Newspaper Full per issue stipend
Drama Half stipend
Student Council Half stipend
Band Half stipend
Orchestra Half stipend
Chorus Half stipend
Yearbook Half stipend
Safety Patrol Half stipend
Jazz Band Half stipend
Board approved clubs/hourly activities Hours submitted within respective
time periods:
Professional services Payment in June, July, August, January and May