CONTRACT JULY 1, 2004 - JUNE 30, 2007
A G R E E M E N T Between
ARTICLE I Recognition 1
ARTICLE II Negotiation Procedure 1
ARTICLE III Grievance Procedure 1-3
ARTICLE IV Association Rights and Privileges 3-4
ARTICLE V Management Rights 5
ARTICLE VI Term of Employment 5
ARTICLE VII School Calendar 5
ARTICLE VIII Leaves of Absence 6-7
ARTICLE IX Vacations 8
ARTICLE X Salaries 8
ARTICLE XI Insurance and Fringe Benefits 9-10
ARTICLE XII Professional Development 10
ARTICLE XIII Evaluations 11
ARTICLE XIV Miscellaneous Provisions 12
ARTICLE XV Duration of Agreement 12
ARTICLE XVI Compensation for Additional Duties 13
Signature Page 14
SCHEDULE A Salary Guide (PSA Members 6/30/04) 15
SCHEDULE B Salary Guide (Members hired after 6/30/04) 16-17
A. Pursuant to the N.J.S.A. 34:13A-1 et.seq., the Collingswood Board of Education hereby recognizes that Collingswood Principals Association is the exclusive representative for the purpose of collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for the personnel employed: all Principals, all Assistant Principals, Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Director of Special Education, Director of Guidance, Director of Secondary Student Projects, and all Supervisors of Instruction.
B. Unless otherwise indicated the term "administrator" when used hereafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the negotiations unit as above described.
C. In the event that the Board establishes new positions in job titles which the Association believes should be included in the negotiations unit, the Association may initiate discussions with the Superintendent or his designee. If the parties agree to the inclusion of new titles, such agreements shall be memorialized in writing. If no agreement is reached, the Association may initiate a recognition or unit clarification proceeding before P.E.R.C.
A. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations for a successor agreement pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:13A-5.1 et seq. Negotiations shall begin not later than December 1st of the year preceding the termination of the contract.
B. Neither party to the negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiations representative of the other party.
C. This agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
A. A grievance shall mean a complaint by an administrator (1) that there has been as to him/her a violation, misrepresentation or inequitable application of any of the provisions of the within Agreement; or (2) that he/she has been treated unfairly or inequitably by reason of any act or condition which is contrary to the established policy or practice governing or effecting administrators; provided, however, that the term "grievance" and the procedure relative thereto as hereafter set forth shall not apply to the following matters:
1. Matters for which a method of review is prescribed either by law or by any rule or regulation of the State Commissioner of Education;
2. In matters where the Board is without authority to act;
3. Any matter which according to law, is exclusively within the discretion of the Board;
4. A complaint of a non-tenured administrator which arises by reason of his not being re-employed;
5. A complaint by an administrator arising from the appointment to or lack of appointment to, retention in or lack of retention in, any position for which tenure is either not possible or not required.
B. (1) All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall only include the principal parties involved and their legal and/or professional consultants. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level are maximum. Failure of the grievant to meet the next step within the specific time limit should be deemed as a waiver of future appeal. Time limits may be extended by mutual consent of the parties and shall be extended at the request of either party during a school vacation.
(2) If, in the judgment of the P.S.A., a grievance affects an employee or a class of employees, the P.S.A. must submit such grievances in writing to the Superintendent directly and the processing of such grievances shall be commenced at level 2. The P.S.A. may process an individual person's grievance even though the aggrieved person does not wish to do so.
(3) All employees including the grievant, are required to follow administrative directives and Board policies regardless of the pendency of any grievance until such grievance is properly determined.
(4) Any administrator who presents a grievance is entitled to be represented by a person designated by the Association or by a representative of his own choosing. In the event that the grievant chooses not to have any representation or chooses a private representative rather than one provided by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present and to participate in all proceedings related to the grievance. The Association shall be provided with copies of all grievances initiated and all responses made to such grievances.
Step 1: An administrator with a grievance shall first discuss it with his/her immediate supervisor directly with the objective of resolving the matter informally.
Step 2: If the aggrieved administrator is not satisfied with the resolution of his grievance after discussion with his/her immediate supervisor as provided above, the aggrieved administrator may file a grievance in writing with the Superintendent of Schools within ten (10) working days following the informal discussion with the immediate supervisor. The written grievance should specify the following:
1. The nature and date of the alleged occurrence in reasonable detail;
2. The nature and extent of injury, loss or inconvenience;
3. The remedy which the employee seeks;
4. The results of prior informal discussions;
5. In notice of appeal, the dissatisfaction with the decision previously rendered;
6. In notice of appeal, whether or not the grievant desires a hearing;
The Superintendent of Schools shall, if hearing has been requested, conduct a hearing within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the written grievance and shall render his decision in writing within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the grievance. In the event that a hearing is not requested, the Superintendent of Schools shall render his decision within thirty (30) days of the written grievance.
Step 3: If the aggrieved administrator is not satisfied with the disposition rendered by the Superintendent of Schools, or if no decision has been rendered within thirty (30) days after the grievance was filed, the aggrieved administrator may file a request in writing for review of the grievance by the Board Of Education. The Board of Education shall review the grievance and shall conduct a hearing in connection with said grievance. The Board of Education shall render its decision on the grievance in writing within thirty (30) days after its receipt of the grievance or, if the hearing is conducted, within thirty (30) days following the date of the hearing. The decision of the Board of Education shall be final on all grievances.
The Board agrees to furnish the Association in response to requests from time to time all available information concerning the financial resources of the District including, but not limited to: annual financial reports and audits, register of certified personnel, tentative budgetary requirements, all allocations, agendas and minutes of all Board meetings, census data, names and addresses of all employees and such other information that shall assist the Association in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs on behalf of the employees, together with the information which may be necessary for the Association to process any grievance or complaint.
Representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all times outside the scheduled pupil day, provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations.
The Association shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment, including computers, Xerox or other similar equipment, calculating machines and all types of audiovisual equipment at reasonable times, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials, supplies and equipment incident to such use.
The rights and privileges of the Association and its members as set forth in this Agreement shall be granted only to the Association as the exclusive representative of the employees, as defined in the unit and to no other organization.
Pursuant to Chapter 12, Public Laws of 1974, the Board and Association hereby agree that every employee of the Board shall have the right to freely organize, join, and support the Association for the purpose of engaging in collective negotiations or refrain therefrom. The Board and Association agree that they shall not directly or indirectly discourage, deprive, or coerce any rights conferred by Chapter 12, Public Laws of New Jersey.
No employee shall be disciplined, reduced in rank or compensation or deprived of any professional advantage without just cause. Any such action asserted by the Board shall be subject to the grievance procedure. Anything herein to the contrary not withstanding, neither just cause nor the grievance procedure shall apply to the non-renewal of employment of a non-tenured employee or to the withholding of increment based upon performance.
Any complaint must be made in writing. The employee shall be given the opportunity to respond and/or rebut such complaint and shall have the right to be represented at any meeting regarding such complaint.
1. A notice of vacancy in an administrative position shall be posted in each building and a copy sent to the Association. The notice of vacancy shall set forth the position, qualifications, duties and rate of compensation.
2. The Association shall be notified of the identity of the person selected for the position.
The Board reserves to itself sole jurisdiction and right, in compliance with the laws of the State of New Jersey and rulings of the Commissioner of Education, to:
a. Direct employees of the School District;
b. Hire, promote, transfer, assign, retain and discharge employees;
c. Relieve employees from duty because of lack of work or other legitimate reasons;
d. Direct the methods, means, and personnel by which such operations are to be conducted; and
e. Take whatever action as may be necessary to accomplish the mission of the School District.
The exercise of the rights set forth in this Article shall be consistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
The contract year for all twelve (12) month administrators shall be from July 1st to June 30th of the following year.
Input to the school calendar shall be solicited from representatives of the Collingswood Principals Association prior to its being adopted by the Board of Education.
A. Sick Leave:
(1) All twelve month administrators shall be entitled to twelve (12) sick leave days each school year. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year.
(2) Sick leave is defined to mean absence because of personal disability due to illness or injury, or because of exclusion from school on account of contagious disease or quarantine for such disease.
B. Administrators shall be eligible for payment of unused sick leave upon retirement or leaving the district's employ at the following rate:
Effective July 1, 2004: $65.75 per day;
Effective July 1, 2005: $70.00 per day;
Effective July 1, 2006: $74.50 per day.
Maximum number of compensable days is 120.
Employees must be retiring or leaving the district's employ with a minimum of fifteen (15) years experience in the Collingswood School District.
Under terms of this agreement the Board of Education agrees to allow a maximum of two (2) members to initiate a retirement contract that will include an increase in salary based upon accumulated vacation days (maximum of twenty (20) in any given year) and sick days for reimbursement not to exceed the legal percentage increase over the previous year's salary.
In the event an administrator shall die during the course of employment, the administrator's estate shall be paid for earned unused vacation time and for all unused accumulated sick leave according to the compensation rates established by this article.
C. Administrators may use up to three (3) days leave of absence without loss of pay per year for personal business which requires absence during working hours. Written application for such leave shall be made to the Superintendent of Schools at least two (2) days before taking such leave, except in case of emergencies. All unused personal days shall be "rolled over" and added to the administrator's accrued sick leave on an annual basis.
D. Administrators may receive up to five (5) days of leave per occurrence, without loss of pay in the event of the death or serious illness in the immediate family. For the purposes of this section, "immediate family" is defined to include spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister and corresponding in-laws.
E. Administrators may receive up to three (3) days of personal leave per year without loss of pay for death or serious illness in the family. For the purposes of this section "the family" is defined as all relatives other than the "immediate family".
6. F. Administrators may make application to the Board of Education through the Superintendent of Schools for paid or unpaid additional leave; decisions on such leave to be made in the sole discretion of the Board.
1. The Board of education shall grant leaves of absence for medical reasons associated with pregnancy and birth to pregnant administrators with pay, on the same terms and conditions governing leaves of absence for other illness or medical disabilities, as set forth in N.J.S.A. 18A:30-1, et. seq.
2. It is recognized that an employee's maternity leave application involves both a disability and child care phase. The disability phase is that period of time both pre-natal and post-natal during which a physician certifies inability to work. The child-care phase is that period of time selected by the employee in accordance with (b.) below, which follows the disability phase during which time the employee voluntarily suspends her career to care for the newborn child.
a. Disability Phase. Any tenured or non-tenured employee seeking a leave of absence on the basis of medical reasons associated with pregnancy or birth shall apply to the Board of Education. At the time of the application, which shall be made upon sixty (60) days notice to the Board, the employee shall specify in writing the date on which she wishes to return to work after the birth except in the case of stillbirth, in which case, the employee may elect to return to work at an earlier date. The Board shall request any employee to produce a certificate from a physician in support of the requested leave dates. Where medical opinion is supportive of the leave dates requested, such request shall be granted by the Board. The physician's certification is subject to agreement by the Board's physician.
b. Child-care phase. Where the requested leave dates are beyond the period of disability associated with pregnancy, and is for child-care purposes, as defined above, the tenured employee shall be granted at her discretion a leave for (1) the balance of the school year in which the birth occurred, or (2) the balance of the school year in which the birth occurred and the entire following school year. Administrators must notify the Superintendent of the requested leave dates sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of the leave and are not permitted to change the duration of the leave after notice is given.
3. Any tenured administrator adopting a child may receive the unpaid childcare leave under the same terms as set forth above. However such administrators shall not be eligible for the disability phase.
4. An Administrator returning from maternity leave shall retain all benefits accumulated prior to the leave.
Twelve (12) month administrators shall be entitled to twenty (20) vacation days annually. Vacations for association members shall be taken within the contract year with the Superintendent's approval. Ten (10) days of which may be taken during the summer with the remaining ten (10) days to be used during the academic year at the Superintendent' discretion.
In addition to the above described vacation time, Administrators shall not be required to work during Winter and Spring recesses and, further, shall not be required to work on holidays established by the school's calendar. These additional days off are understood to be in accordance with established practice in the school district.
The intent of Article IX of the Agreement is to provide Principals the opportunity to use their vacation days during the school year when it has not been possible to use all vacation time during the summer months.
The days to be used would be mutually agreed upon by the Superintendent and the administrator. If such an agreement cannot be reached the administrator would be entitled to seek relief through the personnel committee of the Board of Education.
For the purpose of this article, each administrator in the unit shall be permitted to "carry" a maximum of ten (10) vacation days as of the start of any given school year. Any exceptions to this rule must be justified in writing to the Personnel Committee of the Board of Education.
A member who dies before his contract period is completed shall have payment for his earned vacation days given to his designated beneficiary. A member who resigns or retired during the contract year shall receive payment for his earned vacation days based on the per diem salary of his current year of employment.
A. Salaries will be determined through negotiations between the Board of Education and the Association.
B. Persons covered by this agreement shall be paid in accordance with the 2004-2005 through 2006-2007 Salary Guides which is attached hereto and made a part there of. (Schedule A)
C. An Administrator assigned to the Saturday enrichment program shall be compensated for duty at the established rate subject to program renewal in accordance with practice.
D. Longevity will only apply to those PSA members receiving this benefit as of 2003-2004. This $200.00 will not be increased during the life of this contract.
E. The Board shall provide a $3,500 incentive in 2004-2005; $4,000 incentive in 2005-2006, and $4,500 incentive in 2006-2007 per year for an earned doctorate.
F. The parties agree that any principal assigned two elementary schools shall not be assigned summer school.8. ARTICLE XI INSURANCE AND FRINGE BENEFITS
A. The Board shall have the right to provide health insurance benefits under a carrier selected by the Board after consultation with the P.S.A. provided that there is no reduction of benefits from the current levels of benefits provided by the N.J. State Health Benefits Program. Prior to ratification of the Agreement, the Board Secretary and the Association President shall sign off on a listing of N.J.S.H.B. level of benefits which shall serve as a benchmark for any further references.
1. As of July 2001, each employee will contribute by payroll deduction an amount equal to 2% of the employee’s annual health insurance premium. The payment will be deducted over 10 months (September through June).
2. The employee will not be held responsible for mishandling of funds, penalties, or service charges through this premium only contribution plan.
3. The PSA will be given written notification of premium rates prior to September 1 of each year for notification to its members.
4. Any available options under IRS Section 125 regulations will be mutually agreed upon by both the PSA and BOE. In the event that an employee utilizes any of the mutually agreed upon options, any charge for these options will be collected monthly through payroll deductions. The Board will bear no cost related to an employee’s selection of an option.
5. Any unused funds remaining in these plans shall be refunded to the plan as per IRS regulations.
6. After consultation with the PSA, all medical benefits will reflect current levels and rates as negotiated with the CEA.
B. If an employee declines insurance protection by the Board and provides proof of coverage in another plan, the employee will be paid an amount equal to 30% of the cost of the declined insurance protection according to the following schedule – ½ paid January, ½ paid June 30.
C. All employees of the Board are covered by a Policy of Insurance under the New Jersey Laws regarding Workers' Compensation. It is essential that any employee suffering injury while carrying out his duties notify the school within 24 hours of such injury, however minor.
D. The Board of Education shall provide employee and dependent coverage prescription plan with a co-pay provision equal to that of the CEA.
E. The Board of Education shall continue to provide a full family dental insurance plan from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2007. F. The total cost to the Board of Education for prescription and dental plans provided above shall not exceed the rates in effect on June 30, 2007.
G. Administrators who are required to use their own automobiles in the performance of work related duties shall be compensated at the I.R.S. approved rate per mile for such use.
H. The Board shall upon written authorization of an Administrator make payroll deductions for the Purpose of tax-sheltered annuities. The Board reserves the authority to limit the number of annuity plans for which deductions may be made on behalf of members of the bargaining unit.
A. The professional development allotment shall be $2,200.00 per administrator for each year of the contract.
B. Under the provisions of this article, each administrator is eligible for professional development benefits up to the maximum individual amount established above in (A) for the following professional activities: graduate tuition, professional conferences, and professional conventions and fees, travel, books, housing costs incurred therein. Reimbursement shall be limited to the annual amount established above in section A. In addition, these funds may be used for the purchase of computer hardware/software to assist the administrative process with the approval of the Superintendent. It is understood that all hardware/software will remain the property of the Board of Education. All requests under this article shall be approved in advance by the Superintendent.
C. Other Provisions
1. Administrators applying for tuition reimbursement shall be bound to the procedures established in the BOE-CEA contract. All courses under this provision must be approved in advance by the Superintendent.
2. Dues to the State Principals Association will be reimbursed at the full rate.
The Board of Education and the Superintendent shall subscribe to the principle that an administrator has the right to full knowledge regarding the judgment of his superiors respecting the effectiveness of his performance and that, further, he is entitled to receive such recommendations that will assist him in increasing the effectiveness of his performance.
1. Each administrator shall be provided with copies of all written evaluations.
2. A conference shall be arranged between the evaluator and the administrator as soon as possible after receipt of the written evaluation by the administrator, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:3-1.21.
3. Each administrator shall sign all copies of each written evaluation attesting to the fact that the contents of the evaluation are known to him. No written evaluation may become part of an administrator's personnel file without the administrator's signature.
4. Each administrator shall have the right of a rebuttal statement permanently attached to his personnel records.
Each administrator shall have access to his total personnel records. He shall have the right to request deletion of any items contained therein.
Each administrator shall receive written notice by April 30th of each year, whether or not the Superintendent intends to recommend a renewal of contract for the ensuing year.
No complaint shall be the basis of an unfavorable evaluation or disciplinary action, nor shall a record of any complaint be made part of an administrator's personnel file unless the administrator has been formally notified of the existence of the complaint and given full opportunity to respond.
The Board of Education shall not discuss at a public meeting a complaint against an administrator if said discussion could result in a possible imposition of penalty or discipline without adequate prior notice to the administrator.
A. Any notice to be given to any of the parties pursuant to the terms of this agreement shall be given as follows:
TO THE BOARD: Superintendent of Schools, Collingswood Board of Education,
200 Lees Avenue, Collingswood, New Jersey.
B. If any provision of this agreement or any application of this agreement to any administrator or group of administrators is held to be contrary to law, then such provisions or applications shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
C. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual administrator, hereafter executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with this agreement, this agreement shall control during its duration.
D. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as he may have under New Jersey School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to employees hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.
E. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.9(e), the Board shall, upon receipt of written authorization from an administrator, make regular payroll deductions for membership dues in the Collingswood Principals Association and its affiliate organizations. The Association shall certify in writing to the Board Secretary the correct amount to be deducted.
A. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by the both parties.
B. This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2004 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2007.
A. An administrator who is assigned to fill a vacant administrative position for an extended period of time (more than three (3) months) while continuing to perform the duties of his/her original position shall be entitled to additional compensation. The amount and form of the additional compensation, such as additional salary and/or compensatory time off, shall be the subject of negotiations between the Board and the Association in each individual case. In the event that negotiations are concluded after the administrator has filled the additional position over three (3) months, compensation shall be retroactive to the date of the additional assignment.
B. The term "Vacancy" as used in this Article shall mean a position formally established in the school district's Table of Organization which is temporarily unoccupied due to the incumbent's resignation, long-term illness, death, or other reason. Consequently, this Article shall not apply in the case of Reduction-in-Force in which an administrative position is abolished and some or all of its duties reassigned to other positions.
Collingswood Board of Education Collingswood Principals/Supervisors
by:_______________________________ by:_____________________________
Craig Knaup, President Joseph A. Sambuco, President/Chairperson
by:_______________________________ by:_____________________________
Catherine Nolan John McMullin, Negotiations Team Member
Business Adm./Board Secretary
Mary Bezanis, Negotiations Team Member
Date:___________________________ Date:___________________________
SCHEDULE A – Members as of June 30, 2004
 |  |  | 2004-05 |  | 2005-06 |  | 2006-07 |  |
 | C. Earling |  | 102,610 |  | 108,046 |  | 113,097 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Karen Principato |  | 80,329 |  | 86,159 |  | 93,066 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Thomas Sheridan |  | 84,440 |  | 88,967 |  | 93,066 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Joseph Gurcsik |  | 86,988 |  | 94,965 |  | 104,021 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Maria Heckendorn |  | 91,835 |  | 96,407 |  | 100,976 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Mary Bezanis |  | 90,744 |  | 96,617 |  | 103,369 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Edward Hill(Prin/AthDir)
(+200 – ’94) |  | 92,650
200 |  | 97,470
200 |  | 103,369
200 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | John McMullin
Doctorate |  | 87,008
3,500 |  | 93,188
4,000 |  | 99,369
4,500 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Joseph Sambuco
(+200 – ’93) |  | 93,770
200 |  | 98,772
200 |  | 103,369
200 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Thomas Santo |  | 84,102 |  | 93,297 |  | 103,369 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Richard Jarnecki
(+200 –’98) |  | 79,741
200 |  | 85,525
200 |  | 92,388
200 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Carol Winkie |  | 84,009 |  | 88,514 |  | 92,388 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | T. Anderson
Doctorate |  | 91,835
3,500 |  | 96,407
4,000 |  | 100,976
4,500 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Mary Jane Gretzula
Doctorate |  | 90,510
3,500 |  | 95,864
4,000 |  | 100,976
4,500 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Elizabeth Reilly |  | 81,616 |  | 86,563 |  | 92,388 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Longevity $ 200 for those already receiving longevity as of 2003-04
Doctorate $3,500—2004-05; $4,000—2005-06; $4,500—2006-07
SCHEDULE B – Members Hired after June 30, 2004
High School Principal
Step 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
1 $ 94,610 $ 96,610 $ 98,610
2 $ 97,610 $100,760 $102,890
3 $100,610 $103,955 $107,309
4 $101,610 $107,150 $110,712
5 $102,610 $108,046 $113,097
Middle School Principal
Step 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
1 $ 82,988 $ 84,988 $ 86,988
2 $ 85,988 $ 88,382 $ 90,512
3 $ 86,988 $ 91,577 $ 94,127
4 $ 89,488 $ 94,965 $ 97,530
5 $ 91,711 $ 97,672 $104,021
Assistant Principal
Step 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
1 $ 76,329 $ 78,329 $ 80,329
2 $ 79,329 $ 81,290 $ 83,420
3 $ 80,329 $ 84,485 $ 86,574
4 $ 83,329 $ 86,159 $ 89,977
5 $ 84,440 $ 88,967 $ 93,066
Elementary School Principal
Step 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
1 $ 87,008 $ 89,008 $ 91,008
2 $ 89,508 $ 93,188 $ 94,794
3 $ 92,270 $ 95,326 $ 99,369
4 $ 93,270 $ 98,268 $101,522
5 $ 93,770 $ 98,772 $103,369
SCHEDULE B - Continued
Step 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
1 $ 83,835 $ 85,835 $ 87,835
2 $ 86,835 $ 89,284 $ 91,414
3 $ 89,835 $ 92,479 $ 95,088
4 $ 90,835 $ 95,674 $ 98,490
5 $ 91,835 $ 96,407 $100,976
Step 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
1 $ 75,329 $ 77,329 $ 79,329
2 $ 78,829 $ 80,225 $ 82,355
3 $ 82,329 $ 83,953 $ 85,440
4 $ 83,329 $ 87,680 $ 89,410
5 $ 84,009 $ 88,514 $ 92,388