Table of Contents
Article I Recognition 1
Article II Negotiation Procedure 1
Article III Grievance Procedure 2
Article IV Administrator Rights 6
Article V Leaves of Absence 8
Article VI Sabbatical Leave 10
Article VII Work Year 10
Article VIII School Calendar 12
Article IX Benefits 12
Article X Miscellaneous Provisions 13
Article XI Salary 14
Article XII Duration 15
Appendix A Salary Guide 16
A. Unit Membership
In accordance with NJSA 34:13A-1 et seq., the Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiation concerning the terms and conditions of employment for all:
Principals, Assistant Principals and Directors
whether under contract, on leave, on a per diem basis, employed by the Board.
B. Definition
Unless otherwise indicated, the term “administrator” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all professional employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined.
A. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor agreement. Negotiations shall begin no later than November 1st preceding the expiration of this Agreement.
1 2007-2008 Administrative Salary Guide Principal Assistant Principal
Step | Salary |  | Step | Salary |
1 | 106,200 |  | 1 | 95,000 |
2 | 107,713 |  | 2 | 96,340 |
3 | 109,240 |  | 3 | 37,700 |
4 | 110,793 |  | 4 | 99,082 |
5 | 112,369 |  | 5 | 100,484 |
6 | 113,965 |  | 6 | 101,903 |
7 | 115,584 |  | 7 | 103,344 |
8 | 117,223 |  | 8 | 104,807 |
9 | 118,884 |  | 9 | 106,292 |
10 | 120,573 |  | 10 | 107,797 |
11 | 122,285 |  | 11 | 109,327 |
12 | 124,023 |  | 12 | 110,879 |
13 | 125,790 |  | 13 | 112,454 |
14 | 127,582 |  | 14 | 114,050 |
15 | 129,401 |  | 15 | 115,672 |
16 | 131,248 |  | 16 | 117,315 |
17 | 133,122 |  | 17 | 118,984 |
18 | 135,020 |  | 18 | 120,674 |
19 | 136,949 |  | 19 | 122,387 |
20 | 138,904 |  | 20 | 124,124 |
L | 139,356 |  | L | 124,627 |
An administrator in possession of an earned doctorate will receive a salary $2,000 above step.
18 2006-2007 Administrative Salary Guide Principal Assistant Principal
Step | Salary |  | Step | Salary |
1 | 103,820 |  | 1 | 92,860 |
2 | 105,292 |  | 2 | 94,170 |
3 | 106,788 |  | 3 | 95,501 |
4 | 108,307 |  | 4 | 96,852 |
5 | 109,846 |  | 5 | 98,220 |
6 | 111,406 |  | 6 | 99,609 |
7 | 112,986 |  | 7 | 101,019 |
8 | 114,587 |  | 8 | 102,450 |
9 | 116,215 |  | 9 | 103,901 |
10 | 117,865 |  | 10 | 105,375 |
11 | 119,540 |  | 11 | 106,871 |
12 | 121,243 |  | 12 | 108,389 |
13 | 122,971 |  | 13 | 109,928 |
14 | 124,724 |  | 14 | 111,491 |
15 | 126,504 |  | 15 | 113,075 |
16 | 128,310 |  | 16 | 114,683 |
17 | 130,140 |  | 17 | 116,312 |
18 | 131,999 |  | 18 | 117,963 |
19 | 133,883 |  | 19 | 119,638 |
L | 134,319 |  | L | 120,122 |
An administrator in possession of an earned doctorate will receive a salary $2,000 above step.
17 B. Maintaining Current Benefits
Except as this Agreement shall hereinafter otherwise provide, all benefits applicable on the effective date of this Agreement shall continue to be so applicable during the term of this Agreement.
C. Modification
1. Understanding of Parties
This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all matters, which were or could have been the subject of negotiation. During the term of this Agreement, neither party shall be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter whether or not covered by this Agreement and whether or not within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or executed this Agreement.
This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
A. Definition
The term “grievance” means a complaint or claim that there has been an improper application, interpretation or violation of any term or provision of this contract or administrative decision affecting a member or group of members.
2 B. Procedure
1. A grievance may be filed by an individual member, a group of members, or by the Association, either in its own name or as the representative of a group or class whose individual signatures shall not be necessary. Any grievance must be lodged at the proper initiating level within fifteen (15) calendar days of the knowledge of the event.
2. Nothing contained in this procedure shall prevent any member of the bargaining unit from discussing any complaint with any member of the administration in an attempt to have the complaint resolved informally provided the resolution of the complaint does not conflict with the terms of the Agreement.
3. Level One – Superintendent
The grievant, who shall have the right to have a representative present, shall meet with the Superintendent and present the grievance in writing specifying:
A. The nature of the grievance;
B. The nature and extent of the injury, loss, or inconvenience: the specific sections of this Agreement alleged to have been violated;
C. The relief sought.
The Superintendent shall respond in writing within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting.
3 Appendix A:
2005-2006 Administrative Salary Guide Principal Assistant Principal
Step | Salary |  | Step | Salary |
1 | 101,000 |  | 1 | 90,330 |
2 | 102,435 |  | 2 | 91,608 |
3 | 103,892 |  | 3 | 92,904 |
4 | 105,368 |  | 4 | 94,216 |
5 | 106,864 |  | 5 | 95,548 |
6 | 108,380 |  | 6 | 96,901 |
7 | 109,916 |  | 7 | 98,273 |
8 | 111,477 |  | 8 | 99,665 |
9 | 113,060 |  | 9 | 101,079 |
10 | 114,667 |  | 10 | 102,514 |
11 | 116,300 |  | 11 | 103,970 |
12 | 117,958 |  | 12 | 105,447 |
13 | 119,640 |  | 13 | 106,950 |
14 | 121,347 |  | 14 | 108,465 |
15 | 123,079 |  | 15 | 110,008 |
16 | 124,835 |  | 16 | 111,570 |
17 | 126,618 |  | 17 | 113,154 |
18 | 128,425 |  | 18 | 114,761 |
L | 128,843 |  | L | 115,225 |
An administrator in possession of an earned doctorate will receive a salary $2,000 above step.
A. The salary provision of this Agreement shall be effective July 1, 2005. The Agreement shall continue in effect until June 30, 2008 and from year to year thereafter unless either party notifies the other of its intent to reopen negotiations in accordance with the provision of Article II.
B. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective presidents and secretaries on the 30th day of June 2005.
Board of Education
President Secretary
Administrators Association
President Secretary
15 4. Level Two – Board of Education
If the aggrieved is dissatisfied with the decision at the Superintendent’s Level, the aggrieved may request, within seven (7) workdays of receipt of the Superintendent’s decision, that the Board schedule an Executive Session at the next Board meeting to hear the grievance. The grievant and his representative shall present the grievance, as specified above, to the Board. The Board shall have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the executive Session to render its decision.
5. Level Three – Arbitration
If both the aggrieved and the Association are dissatisfied with the decision at the Board Level, the Association may, within ten (10) workdays of receipt of the Board’s decision, submit the grievance to the American Arbitration Association for adjudication. The parties shall then be bound by the rules and procedures of the A.A.A..
The arbitrator shall be without power to modify, add to, delete from, or later the provisions of this Agreement. The arbitrator’s jurisdiction shall be limited to issues involving the violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of a specific section or sections of this Agreement. The arbitrator’s decision shall be binding.
The unsuccessful party shall pay the arbitrator’s fee and expenses. Determination of which party is unsuccessful shall be at the sole discretion of the arbitrator.
4 6. Right to Representation
Rights of administrators to representation shall be as follows:
Any grievant may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself, or, at his option, by (a) representative(s) and/or an attorney selected and approved by the Association.
When a grievant is not represented by the Association in the processing of a grievance, the Association shall, at the time of submission of the grievance to the Superintendent or at any later level, be notified that the grievance is in process, and have the right to be present and present its position in writing at all hearing session held concerning the grievance and shall receive a copy of all decisions rendered.
The Board and the Association shall assure the individual freedom from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal in presenting his appeal with respect to his/her personal grievances.
7. Separate Grievance File
All documents, communications, and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall not be kept in the personnel file of any of the participants.
A. The annual salaries of all administrators shall be those indicated in Appendix A.
B. The annual salary of all administrators initially employed after the effective date of this Agreement shall be set at the sole discretion of the Board for the duration of the individual employee’s first employment contract. After the expiration of the first employment contract the employee’s salary will be determined by the collective bargaining process and included in Appendix A.
14 E. Disability Insurance - Each administrator is entitled to receive up to $150 per month towards the purchase of a Board approved Disability Insurance Plan, or to be reimbursed for the actual cost of a privately owned plan to a maximum of $150 per month during his/her period of employment. Administrators who decline the entitlement for disability insurance shall be entitled to increase their sick leave conversion maximum by $100 per month for each month of declination during the term of the contract to an absolute maximum of $28,600. This paragraph shall not be assumed to be part of any agreement beyond June 30, 2008.
A. Dues will be paid by the Board of Education for each administrator’s membership in the County, State and National association for Secondary school principals.
B. All members of the Association shall be reimbursed at the rate established by the Internal Revenue Service when required to use their own automobiles in the performance of their duties.
C. Administrators shall be reimbursed for the cost of personal property damaged or destroyed while being worn on the school premises.
D. The process for evaluating DVAA members as implemented by their immediate supervisors shall comport with NJSA and NJAC requirements and Board policy.
13 8. Meetings and Hearing
No meeting or hearing conducted under this procedure shall be public. The only parties in attendance shall be the parties in interest and the designation or selected representatives contemplated in this article.
A. Rights and Protection in Representation
Pursuant to NJSA 34:13A-1 et seq., the Board hereby agrees that every employee of the Board shall have the right freely to organize, join, and support the Association for the purpose of engaging in collective negotiations and other concerted activities for mutual aid and protection. The Board agrees that is shall not discriminate against any administrator with respect to hours, wages, or any terms or conditions of employment by reason of his/her membership in the Association, his/her participation in any activities of the Association, collective negotiations with the Board, or his/her institution of any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this Agreement or otherwise with respect to any terms or conditions of employment.
B. Statutory Savings Clause
The rights granted to administrators hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.
6 C. Just Cause Provision
No administrator shall be reprimanded without just cause. Any such action asserted by the Board, or any agent or representative thereof, shall be subject to the grievance procedure and the limitations as set forth in Article III.
D. Required Meetings or Hearings
Whenever any administrator is required to appear before the Board, or any committee or member thereof concerning any matter that could result in the termination of employment of that administrator, he shall be given prior notice (which will be in written form) of the reasons for such meeting or interview and may have (a) representative(s) of the Association, a representative of the N.J.P.S.A. and/or attorney present to advise him and represent him during such meeting or interview. Any suspension shall be with pay until formal determination by the Board of Education.
The Association shall have the right to be present to protect the interests, not only of the individual involved, but also of the organizations as the bargaining representative exclusively recognized.
Representatives of this Association shall participate in the formation of the school calendar prior to its being adopted by the Board of Education.
A. Tuition Reimbursement - Administrators shall be entitled to at least the same tuition reimbursement that is granted to employees in any other bargaining unit within the District.
B. Health Care Coverage – Administrators shall be entitled to at least the same health care insurance coverage as is provided to employees in any other bargaining unit within the District.
C. Vision Care Coverage – The Board shall provide vision care coverage for all eligible employees who elect to enroll and their families where appropriate. Employees who elect to enroll in the vision insurance plan shall pay fifty dollars ($50.00) per year toward the cost of the premium.
D. Dental Coverage – The Board will provide each employee eligible for insurance coverage, who elects to enroll, a 100-50-50 with orthodontic dental plan. The Board will extend the plan to family coverage where appropriate. During the term of this agreement (2005 – 2008) the employee’s contribution toward the cost of dependent coverage shall not exceed the following amounts:
Husband/wife $50 per year
Parent/child $50 per year
Family $50 per year
12 The scheduling of vacation time shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent.
B. Separation from Service
A member who dies before his contract period is completed shall have per diem payment for his accrued vacation days given to his estate. A member who resigns or retires during the contract year shall receive a per diem cash payment for his accrued vacation days.
C. Inclement Weather
In the event the district is closed due to inclement weather, it is within the Superintendent’s discretion to require Administrators to come to school. Should the administrator choose not to come in, he/she may use a vacation or personal day. The Superintendent will call the Administrators by 11:00 a.m. of the inclement weather day to notify the employees as to whether they are required to come to school.
D. Personal Leave Days
Members of the Association shall be entitled to three (3) non-accumulative days leave of absence for personal, business, household or family matters which require absence on a workday.
A. Sick Leave
1. Accumulative
All 12-month administrators shall be entitled to twelve (12) days sick leave per year. Unused days of sick leave shall be accumulated from year to year.
2. Sick Leave Conversion
Any administrator who retires shall be entitled to sick leave conversion according to the following scale:
Days Rate per Day
1-50 $25
51-100 $75
101-150 $125
151-200 $175
over 200 $200
to a maximum of $25,000
B. Leaves
Administrators shall be entitled to leave of absence with pay for purposes of death in the family, other bereavements, personal reasons, legal reasons, professional conferences, illness in the family, and other good cause in amounts that are mutually agreeable between the Administrator and the Superintendent.
8 In the event that an administrator and the Superintendent cannot reach agreement on the number of days required, the administrator shall be entitled to take the necessary number of leave days and the Board will make a determination as to whether the days will be with or without pay. In no event shall the number of days to which the Administrator is entitled be less than the number of days specified for each type of leave in the Contract between the Board and the Teacher’s Association.
C. Return from Leave
1. Salary
Upon return from leave granted by the Board, an administrator shall be considered as if he were actively employed by the Board during the leave and shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level he would have achieved if he had not been absent if and only if he was actively employed for more than six (6) months, in the immediately previous twelve (12) month period.
2. Benefits
All benefits to which an administrator was entitled at the time his leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave and credits toward sabbatical eligibility, shall be restored to him upon his return, and he shall be assigned to the same position which he held at the time said leave commenced, if available or, if not, to a substantially equivalent position.
9 3. Extensions and Renewals
All extensions or renewals of leaves shall be applied for and granted in writing.
Upon request the Board will consider requests for sabbatical leave under terms and conditions developed by the Board.
A. Work Year
The work year shall be from July 1 to June 30th to coincide with the teacher’s and school master schedule. Administrators will cover the office during the Christmas and Easter vacations.
Twelve-month administrators shall be entitled to twenty-five (25) vacation days per year to be accrued at the rate of 1/12th of that entitlement per month. Should those days be used or cashed in upon retirement or resignation before the total entitlement for the year has been accrued, the total accrual shall be 1/12th of the total entitlement multiplied by the number of months employed beginning on July 1 of the current school year, rounded off to the nearest whole number. An entire month must have been completed in order to be used in the calculation. At no time shall the total used or cashed in exceed the maximum entitlement. An administrator may bank a maximum of ten (10) days vacation for use during the next school year.